Philarguromastix, or, The arraignment of covetousnesse, and ambition, in our great and greedy cormorants that retard and hinder reformation, (all whose reaches, are at riches) that make gold their god, and commodity the stern of their consciences, that hold everything lawful, if it be gainful, that prefer a little base pelf, before God, and their own salvations, that being fatted with Gods blessings, do spurn at his precepts : dedicated to all corrupt cunning, and cruel [bracket] governours, polititians ... : together with the lively, and lovely characters, of [bracket] justice, thankfulnesse ... : being a subject very seasonable, for these atheistical, and self-seeking times / by Junius Florilegus.
Younge, Richard.
Wing Y172; ESTC R39194