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The Truest and most reall relation of the apprehension of three most notorious rebels in Ireland brought to the Parliament in England viz : the Lord Magwire, Collonel Read cosin germin to Tyrone, Captain Mac Mallion brother to Philomy O Neale : the relation being truly taken from their own mouthes word for word as followeth : with the true decription how they were first taken neer Dublin apprehended by Captain Smith and now by him detained till the further censure of the Parliament : also the manner of their examination before a committee of both Houses in the courts of wards : and from thence committed to the tower there to remain until further tryall : also news from York with His Majesties propostions to the Lords there.
Wing T3133; ESTC R16892
the_o true_a and_o most_o real_a relation_n of_o the_o apprehension_n of_o three_o most_o notorious_a rebel_n in_o ireland_n bring_v to_o the_o parliament_n in_o england_n viz._n the_o lord_n magwire_n colonel_n read_n cousin_n germin_n to_o tyrone_n captain_n mac_n mallion_n brother_n to_o philomy_n o_o neale_n the_o relation_n be_v true_o take_v from_o their_o own_o mouth_n word_n for_o word_n as_o follow_v with_o the_o true_a description_n how_o they_o be_v first_o take_v near_o dublin_n apprehend_v by_o captain_n smith_n and_o now_o by_o he_o detain_v till_o the_o further_a censure_n of_o the_o parliament_n also_o the_o manner_n of_o their_o examination_n before_o a_o committee_n of_o both_o house_n in_o the_o court_n of_o ward_n and_o from_o thence_o commit_v to_o the_o tower_n there_o to_o remain_v until_o further_a trial_n also_o news_n from_o york_n with_o his_o majesty_n proposition_n to_o the_o lord_n there_o london_n print_v by_o true_a intelligence_n for_o tho._n powell_n 1642._o the_o true_a and_o most_o real_a relation_n of_o the_o apprehension_n of_o three_o most_o notorious_a rebel_n in_o ireland_n bring_v to_o the_o parliament_n in_o england_n long_a have_v the_o insolency_n of_o the_o traitorous_a rebel_n in_o ireland_n exult_v over_o the_o conscience_n liberty_n and_o estate_n of_o the_o protestant_n contemn_v not_o only_o the_o royal_a government_n of_o the_o fundamental_a constitution_n and_o law_n of_o the_o kingdom_n but_o also_o deny_v to_o subscribe_v to_o the_o direction_n and_o authority_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n and_o as_o they_o have_v break_v into_o open_a rebellion_n so_o they_o have_v continue_v the_o same_o in_o a_o most_o unnatural_a and_o inhuman_a manner_n but_o most_o especial_o their_o tyranny_n have_v extend_v against_o those_o who_o have_v be_v unfeigned_a professor_n of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n not_o spare_v either_o sex_n age_n degree_n or_o any_o nature_n whatsoever_o or_o of_o what_o estate_n soever_o and_o it_o have_v please_v almighty_a god_n to_o curb_v in_o their_o rebellion_n and_o add_v a_o period_n to_o their_o nefarious_a intention_n for_o the_o protestant_n have_v now_o gain_v a_o more_o victorious_a renown_n and_o have_v reobtain_v many_o castle_n and_o town_n there_o in_o ireland_n and_o have_v repel_v their_o force_n extreme_o ballinekill_n kilcullin_n the_o castle_n of_o dort_n drogheda_n clegham_n knockardnegurrah_n with_o many_o other_o castle_n and_o town_n have_v be_v late_o relieve_v by_o the_o english_a whereupon_o the_o rebel_n be_v high_o exasperate_v do_v congregate_v themselves_o in_o manner_n of_o a_o council_n and_o in_o their_o convocation_n do_v concur_v how_o they_o may_v by_o their_o continue_a consultation_n there_o take_v overcome_v the_o country_n either_o by_o some_o sudden_a and_o unexpected_a stratagem_n or_o else_o by_o the_o policy_n and_o strength_n of_o they_o all_o conjoin_v together_o wherefore_o they_o meet_v near_o dublin_n and_o there_o they_o intend_v to_o execute_v their_o cogitation_n and_o resolution_n express_v before_o where_o there_o be_v diverse_a rebel_n meet_v but_o the_o english_a resist_v and_o oppose_v they_o and_o take_v in_o that_o skirmish_n three_o most_o notorious_a rebel_n and_o be_v apprehend_v be_v consequent_o bring_v to_o the_o parliament_n in_o england_n now_o illustrious_o assemble_v at_o westminster_n their_o examination_n be_v before_o a_o committee_n of_o both_o house_n in_o the_o court_n of_o ward_n the_o true_a and_o real_a intelligence_n and_o description_n whereof_o be_v as_o follow_v the_o fifteen_o day_n of_o this_o present_a month_n certain_a rebel_n come_v march_v towards_o athy_n but_o when_o they_o perceive_v that_o the_o lord_n lieutenant_n troop_n sir_n patrick_n wyme_v and_o sir_n thomas_n lucas_n with_o the_o assistance_n of_o captain_n armstrong_n general_n quartermaster_n of_o the_o horse_n do_v oppose_v they_o be_v before_o discover_v and_o march_v strong_o with_o their_o complete_a force_n against_o they_o they_o begin_v to_o revolt_v and_o decline_v from_o their_o former_a intention_n and_o so_o turn_v immediate_o towards_o the_o city_n of_o dublin_n where_o they_o have_v conclude_v by_o the_o general_a council_n of_o war_n take_v before_o among_o they_o to_o meet_v there_o be_v in_o the_o say_a company_n the_o lord_n viscount_n mountgarret_n the_o baron_n of_o dunboine_n the_o earl_n of_o care_n the_o earl_n of_o catherlagh_n the_o lord_n baron_n of_o loghmeh_n the_o lord_n magwire_n with_o most_o of_o the_o archrebel_n in_o the_o county_n of_o arkloo_n wickloo_o manahene_n etc._n etc._n here_o they_o be_v assemble_v near_o dublin_n in_o a_o great_a army_n it_o be_v the_o great_a company_n and_o force_n that_o ever_o the_o rebel_n have_v together_o but_o the_o earl_n of_o ormond_n the_o lord_n poor_a earl_n of_o valentia_n the_o lord_n brabaron_n earl_n of_o east_n meath_n the_o lord_n thomond_n the_o lord_n lieutenant_n troop_n sir_n patrick_n wyme_v sir_n thomas_n lucas_n and_o captain_n armstrong_n most_o valiant_o and_o with_o courageous_a magnanimity_n resist_v they_o and_o after_o some_o volley_n of_o shot_n give_v and_o the_o english_a follow_v they_o also_o very_o close_o in_o so_o much_o that_o they_o be_v compel_v to_o fly_v but_o many_o of_o they_o be_v slay_v in_o the_o pursuit_n and_o diverse_a take_a prisoner_n among_o who_o there_o be_v three_o notorious_a rebel_n take_v viz._n the_o lord_n magwire_n colonel_n read_n cousin_n germane_a to_o tyrone_n captain_n mac_n mallion_n brother-in-law_n to_o philomy_n o_o neale_n and_o conduct_v from_o thence_o near_o dublin_n with_o a_o very_a strong_a watch_n and_o guard_n to_o the_o parliament_n in_o england_n that_o they_o may_v receive_v whatsoever_o verdict_n of_o censure_n they_o in_o their_o discreet_a and_o deliberate_a judgement_n shall_v think_v expedâent_a they_o be_v bring_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o holborn_n by_o captain_n smith_n and_o other_o and_o there_o they_o be_v imprison_v have_v a_o strong_a watch_n with_o certain_a constable_n to_o detain_v they_o secure_o lest_o peradventure_o they_o shall_v escape_v they_o be_v bring_v last_o monday_n before_o a_o committee_n of_o both_o house_n sit_v in_o the_o court_n of_o ward_n where_o when_o they_o first_o oppear_v at_o their_o examination_n before_o the_o committee_n they_o answer_v that_o they_o be_v recusant_n and_o be_v bear_v and_o bring_v up_o in_o the_o same_o religion_n which_o the_o catholic_a church_n of_o rome_n profess_v they_o be_v also_o resolve_v to_o live_v and_o die_v in_o the_o maintenance_n thereof_o renounce_v whatsoever_o shall_v be_v in_o opposition_n to_o the_o same_o and_o that_o though_o they_o may_v be_v suppose_v to_o be_v rebel_n and_o so_o repute_v yet_o they_o do_v nothing_o as_o they_o strong_o do_v asseverate_a but_o what_o the_o lawfulness_n of_o their_o conscience_n do_v suggest_v unto_o they_o whereupon_o it_o be_v order_v by_o the_o house_n that_o they_o shall_v be_v commit_v to_o strong_a custody_n till_o the_o further_a censure_n of_o the_o house_n news_n from_o york_n with_o his_o majesty_n proposition_n to_o the_o lord_n there_o sir_n i_o conceive_v my_o lord_n of_o linssey_n be_v admiral_n of_o england_n and_o the_o lord_n of_o ormond_n lord_n lieutenant_n of_o ireland_n the_o king_n have_v this_o day_n make_v divers_a proposition_n to_o the_o lord_n here_o as_o first_o to_o have_v the_o declaration_n of_o both_o house_n of_o the_o nine_o of_o may_n to_o be_v disavow_v second_o to_o have_v justice_n in_o hull_z business_n three_o to_o have_v the_o militia_n declare_v to_o be_v his_o right_n four_o to_o have_v tumult_n punish_v five_o to_o have_v the_o parliament_n adjourn_v to_o oxford_n winchester_n york_n coventry_n bristol_n nottingham_n or_o any_o of_o those_o place_n where_o his_o majesty_n shall_v command_v and_o other_o thing_n which_o i_o have_v not_o leisure_n to_o add_v tomorrow_o they_o meet_v again_o and_o i_o believe_v the_o main_a question_n will_v be_v whether_o a_o declaration_n shall_v be_v make_v here_o or_o the_o lord_n to_o agree_v here_o and_o vote_n in_o the_o house_n and_o in_o what_o equipage_n to_o go_v our_o court_n increase_v daily_a and_o we_o believe_v notwithstanding_o the_o offer_n of_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o pound_n by_o the_o common_a council_n that_o the_o king_n may_v have_v as_o much_o money_n from_o the_o citizen_n as_o they_o and_o i_o believe_v here_o be_v ground_n for_o such_o a_o conceit_n here_o be_v no_o possibility_n of_o the_o king_n sudden_a remove_n hence_o though_o some_o think_v he_o may_v step_v hence_o to_o lincoln_n for_o three_o or_o four_o day_n to_o settle_v that_o country_n but_o i_o be_o not_o of_o that_o opinion_n finis_fw-la