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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46599 James the Second, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to all and singular archbishops, archdeacons, deans, and their officials parsons, vicars, curates, and all other spiritual persons ... England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II); James II, King of England, 1633-1701. 1688 (1688) Wing J388A; ESTC R223699 4,094 1

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said Parsons Vicars and Curates are to send the said Moneys together with the said Briefs unto their respective Archdeacons Or if the Parish be exempt to the Archdeacon within the compass of whose Archdeaconry the said Parish lies And the said several Archdeacons into the Chamber of Our City of London as herein after is declared and directed And for the better performance of this so pious and charitable a VVork the said Parsons Vicars and Curates respectively are required where conveniently they may to accompany the Church-wardens in Asking and Receiving the Contributions or procure some other of the chief of the Inhabitants in the said Parishes respectively to do the same AND Our futher VVill and Pleasure is and VVe do hereby for the better Advancement of these Our pious Intentions VVill Require and Command the Bishops and all other Dignitaries of the Church That they make their Contributions distinctly to be returned in the several Provinces to the respective Archbishops of the same And also that all Our loving Subjects of this Kingdom of what Dignity Degree or Quality soever may manifest their Zeal in so good a VVork VVe do Recommend it to all Heads and Governors of Colleges and Halls in both Our Universities and also to the Iudges and Officers of all and every Our respective Courts at Westminster and the Professors of the Law both Common and Civil and to all Students of the several Inns of Court and Chancery by their several Bodies and Societies That they and every of them will Contribute their free and charitable Benevolence herein AND LASTLY Our VVill and Pleasure is That the Churchwardens of every Parish where these Our Letters Patents shall be read do Collect the Charity of each Parishioner in manner aforesaid and do pay the same within ten days unto the Parson Vicar or Curate of their respective Parishes which said Parson Vicar or Curate shall within ten days next after the Receipt of the said Money make return thereof together with the printed Briefs to his respective Archdeacon as aforesaid And where there is no Incumbent the Collector or Collectors shall pay the said Money to the respective Archdeacon And that the Archdeacons of the several Archdeaconries do likewise return the said Collections within twenty days next following into the Chamber of Our City of London From whence VVe do hereby Authorise Nominate and Appoint the most Reverend Father in God the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord of High Chancelor of England the Lord President of Our Council the Lord Privy Seal the Duke of Ormond the Duke of Beaufort the Lord Chamberlain the Earl of Huntington the Earl of Peterborough the Earl of Bridgwater the Earl of Craven the Earl of Berkley the Earl of Nottingham the Earl of Middleton the Lord Vicount Fauconberge the Right Reverend Fathers in God the Bishop of Durham the Bishop of Winchester the Bishop of Ely the Bishop of Glocester the Bishop of Rochester and the Bishop of Peterborough the Lord Preston the Lord Dartmouth the Lord Godolphin the Chancelor of the Exchequer the Lord Chief Iustice Wright the Lord Chief Iustice Herbert the Lord Chief Baron Atkyns Sir Job Charleton Our Attorney General and Our Sollicitor General the Lord Mayor of London for the time being Sir William Turner Sir William Prichard Sir Robert Geffery Sir John Holt Sir William Gostling Sir Peter Vandeput Sir John Mathews Sir John Tate Recorder Sir Jonathan Raymond Sir Thomas Kensey Sir William Ashurst Sir John Bauden Sir John Isles Sir Bartholomew Shore Sir Basil Firebrace Sir John Parsons Sir Thomas Fitch John Jeffreys Esq Charles Duncombe Esq Alderman Kiffin Alderman St. Amand the Dean of St. Pauls the Dean of Canterbury the Dean of Norwich the Dean of Peterborough the Dean of Windsor the Dean of Worcester the Dean of St. Asaph Dr. Jeffreys Dr. Tenison Dr. Sherlock Dr. Scott Dr. Dove Dr. Cave Dr. Horden Sir Thomas Exton Dr. Raines Dr. Edisbury Samuel Pepys William Bridgman and William Blaithwaite Esquires and Thomas Firman Gent. and they or any five or more of them are to dispose and distribute the Money which shall be Collected by Virtue hereof in such manner as may best answer those Ends for which these Letters Patents were intended AND VVe do hereby Direct and Command That the said several Archdeacons shall and do make Returns unto the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury of what Sums they have received at the time when they shall pay the same into the Chamber of Our City of London And that their respective Accompts be stared in VVords at length and not in Figures only and subscribed with their own Hands Any Law Statute Act Ordinance or Provision heretofore made to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding IN WITNESS whereof VVe have caused these Our Letters to be made Patents and to continue for one whole Year from the Date hereof and no longer WITNESS Our Self at Westminster the One and thirtieth day of January in the third Year of Our Reign FALL GOD SAVE THE KING In the Savoy Printed by THOMAS NEWCOMB One of His MAJESTIES Printers 1687 / 8.