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lord_n baron_n sir_n thomas_n 12,246 5 7.9519 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28196 A treatise of the nobilitie of the realme collected out of the body of the common law, with mention of such statutes as are incident hereunto, upon a debate of the Barony of Aburgavenny : with a table of the heads contained in this treatise.; Magazine of honour Bird, William, 17th cent. 1642 (1642) Wing B2956; ESTC R18509 58,218 162

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honour_n give_v in_o respect_n of_o wisdom_n and_o virtue_n of_o he_o on_o who_o it_o be_v first_o bestow_v be_v not_o only_o a_o due_a reverence_n of_o he_o etc._n etc._n while_o he_o live_v but_o also_o a_o memorable_a reward_n thereof_o to_o his_o posterity_n see_v tully_n sextio_fw-la cicero_n pro_fw-la sextio_fw-la therefore_o this_o kind_n of_o honour_n be_v patrimonial_a if_o infamy_n of_o the_o ancestor_n be_v a_o blot_n to_o posterity_n as_o for_o it_o the_o law_n do_v corrupt_v the_o blood_n for_o the_o offence_n of_o the_o ancestor_n reason_n will_v that_o the_o honour_n due_a to_o the_o ancestor_n shall_v be_v likewise_o honour_n to_o the_o posterity_n for_o contrary_n do_v carry_v their_o contrary_n in_o reason_n for_o determination_n whereof_o it_o be_v to_o be_v note_v that_o diversity_n of_o reason_n have_v breed_v diversity_n of_o opinion_n some_o think_v it_o be_v not_o descendable_a unless_o the_o heir_n be_v likewise_o call_v by_o writ_n and_o that_o than_o its_o a_o inheritance_n but_o this_o be_v repugnant_a to_o the_o nature_n of_o a_o descent_n which_o common_o carry_v the_o patrimony_n descendable_a by_o act_n in_o law_n upon_o the_o death_n of_o the_o ancestor_n to_o the_o heir_n or_o not_o at_o all_o wherefore_o divers_a precedent_n prove_v that_o this_o do_v descend_v and_o there_o need_v not_o any_o word_n of_o heir_n in_o the_o writ_n of_o summons_n only_o there_o be_v a_o speech_n of_o a_o special_a writ_n sometime_o direct_v to_o sir_n henry_n bromflet_n 6._o testae_fw-la rege_fw-la apud_fw-la west_n 24_o jun._n 27._o h_o 6._o when_o he_o be_v call_v lo._n vescy_n by_o h._n 8._o in_o 27._o year_n of_o his_o reign_n wherein_o there_o be_v these_o word_n insert_v volumus_fw-la tamen_fw-la vos_fw-la &_o haeredes_fw-la vestros_fw-la masculos_fw-la de_fw-la corpore_fw-la vestro_fw-la legitime_fw-la exeuntes_fw-la barones_n de_fw-la vescye_n wherefore_o it_o be_v ever_o true_a that_o the_o heir_n of_o such_o a_o baron_n when_o he_o be_v call_v to_o the_o parliament_n that_o his_o descent_n of_o honour_n be_v thereby_o establish_v and_o approve_v by_o the_o gracious_a judgement_n of_o our_o sovereign_n so_o it_o be_v also_o true_a that_o if_o it_o shall_v stand_v with_o her_o highness_n pleasure_n that_o such_o heir_n shall_v not_o be_v summon_v at_o all_o for_o none_o come_v to_o so_o high_a a_o council_n except_o he_o be_v call_v then_o that_o nobility_n be_v much_o impair_v and_o in_o manner_n extinguish_v in_o the_o censure_n of_o all_o man_n for_o that_o it_o have_v no_o other_o original_n but_o by_o writ_n of_o summons_n for_o the_o which_o in_o the_o judgement_n of_o the_o supreme_a sovereign_n he_o be_v seclude_v and_o thus_o much_o as_o concern_v the_o first_o article_n or_o point_n touch_v the_o descent_n in_o general_a of_o this_o kind_n of_o barony_n as_o for_o the_o second_o principal_a point_n point_n the_o second_o point_n whether_o the_o barony_n by_o writ_n may_v descend_v to_o the_o heir_n male_a it_o shall_v not_o be_v amiss_o likewise_o to_o view_v the_o reason_n of_o each_o part_n that_o by_o the_o conflict_n of_o argument_n the_o truth_n may_v the_o better_o be_v discern_v those_o which_o do_v maintain_v the_o affirmative_a part_n do_v reason_n after_o this_o manner_n part_n ratio_fw-la 1._o on_o the_o affirmative_a part_n in_o reason_n the_o sex_n of_o the_o heir_n female_a ought_v not_o more_o to_o bar_v she_o of_o the_o dignity_n than_o the_o nonage_n of_o the_o heir_n male_a ought_v to_o bar_v he_o although_o during_o his_o nonage_n he_o be_v not_o able_a to_o do_v the_o service_n but_o as_o the_o service_n of_o the_o one_o be_v forbear_v for_o the_o time_n so_o the_o sex_n of_o the_o other_o may_v at_o all_o time_n be_v supply_v by_o the_o maturity_n and_o sufficiency_n of_o her_o husband_n 2._o ratio_fw-la 2._o office_n of_o honour_n which_o do_v much_o import_v the_o public_a weal_n be_v possess_v by_o inheritance_n to_o descend_v to_o the_o heir_n female_a if_o there_o be_v no_o niece_n heir_n male_a as_o the_o office_n of_o high_a constable_n of_o england_n which_o descend_v unto_o the_o daughter_n of_o humphrey_n de_fw-fr bohun_n earl_n of_o hereford_n and_o essex_n as_o afore_o declare_v the_o office_n of_o lord_n steward_n descend_v unto_o blanch_n daughter_n of_o henry_n earl_n of_o lancaster_n in_o who_o right_a john_n of_o gaunt_n her_o husband_n enjoy_v the_o same_o the_o like_a may_v be_v say_v of_o the_o office_n of_o earl_n martial_n which_o descend_v by_o a_o heir_n female_a unto_o the_o house_n of_o norfolk_n all_o which_o office_n be_v as_o unfit_a to_o be_v exercise_v by_o a_o woman_n as_o it_o be_v unfit_a for_o a_o woman_n to_o be_v summon_v to_o the_o parliament_n as_o a_o baron_n by_o writ_n and_o yet_o notwithstanding_o the_o law_n do_v allow_v the_o husband_n of_o such_o a_o woman_n to_o exercise_v the_o office_n of_o the_o one_o and_o therefore_o by_o the_o same_o congruity_n of_o reason_n such_o husband_n be_v likewise_o by_o law_n enable_v to_o perform_v the_o other_o 3._o ratio_fw-la 3._o many_o noble_a house_n in_o england_n do_v support_v and_o lawful_o bear_v the_o dignity_n of_o baronage_n unto_o they_o descend_v by_o woman_n 8._o renatus_n cap._n nus_fw-la de_fw-fr dom_n cap._n h._n 7._o &_o 8._o of_o the_o which_o many_o be_v by_o writ_n moreover_o in_o france_n the_o dignity_n to_o be_v a_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n as_o opimus_fw-la by_o many_o example_n prove_v descend_v to_o the_o heir_n female_a for_o want_v of_o heir_n male_a the_o dignity_n of_o nobility_n descend_v likewise_o in_o spain_n unto_o the_o female_a for_o want_v of_o heir_n male_a which_o custom_n not_o be_v only_a currant_n in_o our_o neighbour_n country_n but_o with_o we_o in_o a_o evident_a proof_n in_o the_o case_n in_o question_n negate_fw-la ratio_fw-la 1._o on_o the_o negate_fw-la the_o adverse_a part_n object_n that_o the_o write_v of_o summons_n etc._n etc._n by_o which_o the_o baron_n have_v his_o original_n be_v to_o call_v he_o to_o be_v one_o of_o the_o member_n of_o that_o right_n high_a assemby_a of_o parliament_n there_o to_o determine_v life_n and_o member_n plea_n and_o right_n of_o land_n etc._n etc._n but_o these_o thing_n be_v convenient_a only_o for_o the_o quality_n of_o man_n not_o to_o the_o other_o sex_n ergo_fw-la it_o not_o to_o descend_v to_o the_o heir_n female_a 2._o ratio_fw-la 2._o if_o it_o be_v answer_v that_o such_o heir_n female_a be_v unfit_a in_o she_o own_o person_n yet_o may_v she_o marry_v one_o fufficient_o able_a to_o excecute_v the_o same_o this_o answer_n will_v neither_o satisfy_v nor_o salve_v the_o inconvenience_n for_o admit_v she_o be_v at_o age_n at_o the_o death_n of_o her_o ancestor_n unmarried_a be_v in_o her_o own_o choice_n the_o great_a cause_n of_o the_o realm_n shall_v be_v subject_a to_o her_o will_n in_o the_o choice_n of_o her_o husband_n which_o be_v inconvenient_a ratio_fw-la 3_o three_o if_o such_o husband_n be_v summon_v the_o writ_n shall_v make_v meantion_n thereof_o for_o otherwise_o it_o may_v be_v take_v that_o he_o be_v choose_v in_o his_o own_o person_n and_o not_o in_o her_o right_n but_o such_o a_o summons_n wherein_o the_o wife_n be_v mention_v be_v never_o see_v and_o if_o by_o a_o general_a write_v without_o mention_v his_o wife_n he_o be_v thereby_o make_v baron_n in_o his_o own_o right_n obser_n 1_o have_v hear_v the_o argument_n on_o both_o side_n place_n do_v now_o require_v that_o we_o shall_v interpose_v opinion_n to_o compound_v this_o controversy_n this_o question_n be_v somewhat_o perplex_v by_o different_a precedent_n for_o some_o precedent_n prove_v that_o barony_n by_o writ_n have_v descend_v to_o heir_n female_n who_o husband_n have_v be_v call_v to_o the_o parliament_n whether_o in_o their_o own_o or_o wife_n right_o it_o matter_n not_o but_o sure_o it_o be_v that_o such_o marriage_n give_v occasion_n to_o the_o summons_n and_o such_o husband_n and_o their_o posterity_n bear_v the_o dignity_n of_o the_o wife_n ancestor_n for_o by_o this_o controversy_n we_o purpose_v not_o to_o question_v the_o right_n of_o such_o noble_a house_n obser_n 2_o second_o we_o must_v acknowledge_v that_o the_o qu._n be_v to_o summon_v to_o the_o parliament_n who_o she_o please_v and_o therefore_o whereas_o rodulph_n lord_n cromell_n be_v a_o baron_n by_o writ_n die_v have_v two_o coheire_n cromwell_n barony_n of_o cromwell_n eliz._n marry_v to_o sir_n thomas_n nevil_n and_o joan_n the_o young_a to_o sir_n humphrey_n bourchier_n the_o say_a sir_n humphrey_n be_v call_v to_o the_o parliament_n as_o lord_n cromwell_n and_o not_o sir_n thomas_n nevil_n who_o have_v marry_v the_o elder_a sister_n obser_n 3_o that_o if_o a_o baron_n by_o writ_n die_v his_o daughter_n sister_n or_o other_o collateral_a heir_n female_a be_v his_o heir_n and_o that_o no_o collateral_a heir_n male_a can_v challenge_v the_o say_a barony_n by_o any_o ancient_a intayle_v or_o otherwise_o such_o claim_n by_o the_o heir_n female_a have_v heretofore_o be_v allow_v by_o the_o late_a right_n honourable_a commissioner_n in_o the_o office_n of_o the_o early_a marshal_n signify_v to_o the_o queen_n as_o upon_o the_o petition_n of_o the_o sister_n and_o heir_n of_o gregory_n late_a lord_n dacres_n decease_a may_v appear_v in_o who_o pedigree_n it_o appear_v that_o thomas_n lord_n
likewise_o the_o say_v first_o rule_n touch_v the_o nobility_n of_o woman_n marry_v unto_o person_n ignoable_a do_v fail_v where_o they_o inherit_v those_o dignity_n for_o if_o a_o dukedom_n earldom_n or_o barony_n descend_v unto_o any_o woman_n who_o take_v a_o ignoble_a man_n to_o husband_n that_o husband_n shall_v not_o debase_v the_o wife_n have_v such_o dignity_n descend_v but_o rather_o he_o in_o her_o right_n shall_v bear_v the_o title_n of_o such_o dignity_n especial_o if_o he_o be_v entitle_v by_o the_o courtesy_n object_n 3_o a_o three_o object_n be_v this_o it_o be_v say_v that_o by_o the_o law_n of_o chivalry_n exercise_v within_o the_o realm_n if_o a_o baron_n be_v create_v a_o earl_n etc._n etc._n that_o the_o heir_n apparent_a of_o such_o earl_n etc._n etc._n shall_v after_o such_o creation_n of_o his_o father_n bear_v the_o title_n of_o the_o barony_n etc._n etc._n but_o this_o be_v not_o usual_a by_o the_o course_n of_o the_o common_a law_n therefore_o the_o descent_n of_o such_o dignity_n not_o to_o be_v guide_v by_o the_o common_a law_n the_o common_a law_n do_v not_o disallow_v any_o such_o usage_n resolu_fw-la resolu_fw-la for_o it_o be_v the_o custom_n of_o the_o realm_n be_v the_o law_n of_o the_o realm_n howbeit_o the_o common_a law_n do_v put_v a_o difference_n between_o such_o heir_n apparent_a as_o carry_v those_o title_n lawful_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o usage_n and_o such_o other_o as_o have_v they_o by_o creation_n or_o otherwise_o for_o such_o heir_n apparent_a be_v no_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n as_o those_o by_o creation_n or_o such_o as_o have_v the_o earldom_n &c_n &c_n upon_o descent_n after_o the_o death_n of_o his_o ancestor_n and_o therefore_o as_o when_o the_o lord_n hen._n howard_n earl_n of_o surry_n son_n &_o heir_n apparent_a to_o thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n nativity_n a_o earl_n by_o nativity_n be_v attaint_v his_o trial_n be_v by_o jury_n of_o knight_n and_o gentleman_n not_o by_o baron_n etc._n etc._n for_o that_o he_o be_v a_o earl_n by_o nativity_n which_o in_o respect_n of_o trial_n the_o law_n do_v not_o allow_v the_o like_a trial_n chance_v to_o the_o lord_n grace_n who_o 33._o h._n 8._o be_v in_o b._n k._n arraign_v of_o treason_n and_o appoint_v to_o be_v try_v by_o a_o jury_n of_o knight_n and_o gentleman_n and_o not_o by_o peer_n causa_fw-la qua_fw-la supra_fw-la but_o he_o confess_v the_o indictment_n and_o the_o jury_n be_v dismiss_v yet_o such_o shall_v hold_v precedency_n of_o place_n at_o court_n and_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o their_o sovereign_n as_o be_v usual_a in_o that_o behalf_n obje_fw-fr 4_o it_o be_v object_v fourthly_a that_o by_o the_o common_a law_n a_o man_n may_v not_o be_v call_v lord_n of_o that_o he_o have_v not_o but_o by_o the_o law_n of_o chivalry_n a_o man_n may_v be_v create_v earl_n of_o a_o county_n have_v no_o land_n therein_o therefore_o differ_v resol_n 1_o it_o be_v true_a that_o some_o particular_n of_o ordinary_a proceed_n in_o the_o law_n do_v differ_v from_o other_o proceed_n concern_v chivalry_n and_o yet_o their_o difference_n be_v no_o other_o then_o as_o one_o hand_n do_v differ_v from_o another_o both_o be_v hand_n and_o both_o of_o one_o body_n that_o part_n of_o the_o law_n which_o conceme_v purporty_fw-la do_v not_o allow_v a_o man_n to_o be_v call_v lord_n of_o that_o wherein_o he_o be_v no_o way_n owner_n in_o demesne_fw-la or_o seignory_n but_o when_o you_o draw_v the_o law_n to_o the_o consideration_n of_o dignity_n the_o whole_a resolution_n must_v rest_v upon_o the_o patent_n of_o creation_n danby_n earl_n pour_fw-fr autre_fw-fr vie_fw-fr 31._o h_o 6.29_o pur_fw-it danby_n wherein_o the_o name_n be_v appoint_v at_o the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o sovereign_n for_o one_o may_v be_v earl_n during_o the_o life_n of_o another_o if_o the_o creation_n be_v so_o but_o i_o answer_v further_o that_o it_o be_v not_o true_a that_o every_o earl_n must_v be_v earl_n of_o a_o place_n nor_o every_o earl_n of_o a_o place_n earl_n of_o a_o county_n nor_o that_o every_o earl_n of_o a_o county_n have_v nothing_o in_o that_o county_n whereby_o he_o be_v earl_n for_o the_o better_a manifestation_n consider_v that_o original_o within_o this_o realm_n earldom_n of_o county_n in_o the_o ancient_a english_a saxon_n governor_n be_v not_o only_a dignity_n of_o honour_n but_o also_o office_n of_o justice_n 5._o vea_n leg_n edgar_z regis_fw-la de_fw-fr consil_n lamb._n 80._o n._n 5._o for_o that_o they_o do_v further_o the_o administration_n of_o justice_n in_o the_o county_n whereof_o they_o be_v earl_n or_o alderman_n they_o likewise_o have_v their_o deputy_n under_o they_o the_o sheriff_n a_o officer_n yet_o contain_v the_o name_n of_o his_o substitution_n in_o latin_a vicecome_v 107._o camden_n 107._o these_o earl_n in_o recompense_n of_o their_o travail_n receive_v a_o salary_n name_n by_o the_o three_o penny_n of_o the_o profit_n of_o the_o say_a county_n which_o continue_v long_o after_o the_o conquest_n and_o be_v insert_v as_o a_o princely_a benevolence_n in_o the_o patent_n of_o creation_n as_o by_o divers_a ancient_a charter_n may_v appear_v which_o afterward_o be_v turn_v into_o pension_n 2._o h_o 3_o dedit_fw-la haber●o_fw-la de_fw-la burgo_fw-it 40_o pro_fw-la 3._o deno_fw-la com._n cant._n the_o quoeund_n creavit_fw-la commit_v habend_v sibi_fw-la &_o haer_v de_fw-fr corpore_fw-la marger_n vaeor_fw-la alexand._n reg_fw-la scotiae_fw-la 13._o h_o 3._o in_o turr_v lond._n 33_o h._n 6.29.6_o h._n 8._o dy._n 2._o for_o the_o better_a maintenace_n of_o that_o honour_n and_o as_o appear_v by_o a_o book_n case_n upon_o the_o plead_n of_o the_o patent_n whereby_o h._n 6._o create_v that_o worthy_a knight_n sir_n john_n talbot_z earl_n of_o shrewsbury_n which_o pension_n be_v so_o annex_v unto_o their_o dignity_n as_o that_o by_o any_o mean_n of_o alienation_n it_o can_v be_v sever_v and_o therefore_o in_o respect_n of_o such_o pension_n which_o be_v the_o three_o part_n of_o the_o profit_n of_o the_o county_n or_o other_o sum_n in_o lieu_n thereof_o some_o have_v not_o without_o probability_n imagine_v quod_fw-la comites_fw-la nominabant_fw-la capiend_n fisco_fw-la regis_fw-la socij_fw-la &_o comites_fw-la fido_fw-it participes_fw-la essent_fw-la lamberd_v etc._n etc._n of_o the_o single_a ear._n and_o not_o palentine_n with_o engl_n there_o have_v be_v principal_o two_o kind_n but_o every_o one_o of_o they_o again_o subdivide_v into_o several_a branch_n for_o either_o they_o take_v their_o name_n of_o a_o place_n or_o hold_v their_o title_n without_o any_o place_n those_o that_o take_v their_o name_n of_o a_o place_n be_v of_o two_o kind_n for_o either_o the_o same_o place_n be_v a_o county_n which_o be_v most_o usual_a or_o else_o some_o other_o place_n and_o no_o county_n as_o a_o town_n castle_n or_o honour_n etc._n etc._n of_o which_o late_a sort_n some_o be_v more_o ancient_a have_v their_o original_n even_o from_o the_o conquest_n or_o short_o after_o as_o the_o earldom_n of_o richmond_n in_o yorkshire_n clarence_z in_o suff._n arundel_n in_o essex_n all_o which_o have_v their_o original_n in_o the_o time_n of_o the_o conqueror_n by_o donation_n of_o those_o castle_n etc._n etc._n the_o earldom_n of_o bath_n temp_n h._n 7._o &_o h._n 8._o erect_v in_o the_o family_n where_o now_o it_o remain_v and_o the_o earldom_n of_o bridgewater_n whereof_o sir_n giles_n dawbeney_n be_v create_v earl_n temp_n h._n 7._o earldom_n which_o have_v their_o title_n without_o any_o place_n be_v likewise_o of_o two_o kind_n either_o in_o respect_n of_o office_n as_o be_v the_o earl_n martial_n for_o it_o be_v grant_v in_o this_o or_o the_o like_a manner_n officium_fw-la comit._n marescal_n '_o angl_n '_o with_o further_a word_n vizt_v a.b._n etc._n etc._n comit._n marescallum_n angl._n creamus_fw-la ordinamus_fw-la etc._n etc._n by_o which_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o very_a office_n be_v a_o earldom_n birth_n earl_n by_o birth_n the_o second_o sort_n be_v earl_n by_o birth_n and_o so_o be_v all_o the_o son_n of_o the_o king_n of_o england_n if_o they_o have_v none_o other_o dignity_n bestow_v upon_o they_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v say_v that_o john_n afterward_o king_n of_o england_n in_o the_o life-time_n of_o his_o father_n h._n 2._o be_v call_v count_n sans_fw-fr terre_fw-fr before_o he_o be_v affy_v unto_o alice_n the_o daughter_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o morton_n in_o france_n object_n 5_o a_o five_o object_n be_v this_o the_o law_n of_o chivalry_n proceed_v not_o in_o the_o accomplishment_n of_o a_o combat_n in_o such_o manner_n as_o be_v perform_v by_o the_o course_n of_o the_o common_a law_n either_o in_o the_o writ_n of_o right_n by_o champion_n or_o in_o the_o appeal_v by_o person_n therefore_o the_o manage_n of_o the_o cause_n in_o chivalry_n be_v not_o in_o the_o common_a law_n especial_o 6._o 37._o h._n
the_o say_v millicent_n be_v allot_v the_o castle_n of_o totnes_n in_o devon_n etc._n etc._n eyton_n in_o the_o county_n of_o bedford_n and_o farringworth_n etc._n etc._n with_o divers_a other_o land_n the_o say_v john_n come_v to_o full_a age_n aberg_n the_o first_o john_n hastings_n baton_n of_o aberg_n 11._o e._n 1._o and_o do_v his_o homage_n and_o have_v his_o livery_n as_o appear_v by_o record_n but_o by_o the_o same_o record_n appear_v that_o the_o barony_n of_o hastings_n be_v never_o redeem_v according_a to_o the_o edict_n kellenworth_n but_o grant_v to_o peter_n de_fw-fr sabandia_n 6._o claus_n 11._o e._n 1._o mem._n 6._o as_o aforesaid_a this_o john_n do_v lawful_o bear_v the_o title_n of_o lord_n abergavenny_n by_o this_o partition_n the_o say_v john_n be_v one_o of_o the_o competitor_n for_o the_o crown_n of_o scotland_n with_o the_o rest_n submit_v himself_o 19_o e._n 1._o to_o the_o determination_n of_o the_o say_a king_n as_o supreme_a lord_n of_o scotland_n which_o commission_n be_v frame_v in_o these_o word_n a_o tout_fw-fr crus_fw-la scanr_n in_o magno_fw-la rot._n scanr_n etc._n etc._n florence_n comit._n de_fw-fr holland_n robert_n de_fw-fr bruse_n seigneur_fw-fr de_fw-fr vasdaum_n io._n balliol_n seigneur_fw-fr de_fw-fr badenaw_n patrick_n de_fw-fr dumbar_n comite_fw-la de_fw-fr la_fw-fr march_n ja._n the_o vascye_n pur_fw-mi son_n pier_n nich_n the_o soul_n gulielm_n de_fw-fr rosse_n salus_fw-la en_fw-fr dieu_fw-fr cum_fw-la nous_fw-fr entendomus_fw-la daver_n droit_fw-fr en_fw-fr roylme_n de_fw-fr escoce_fw-mi &_o cel_z duel_n jure_v challenger_n &_o avover_n devant_fw-fr ceoque_fw-la pluis_fw-it de_fw-it pover_fw-mi jurisdiction_n &_o reason_n eist_n de_fw-fr trier_n nostre_fw-fr droit_fw-fr et_fw-fr le_fw-fr noble_a prince_n seig._n edward_n etc._n etc._n nous_fw-fr syant_fw-fr inform_v per_fw-la bo_z &_o sufficient_a reasonque_fw-fr a_fw-fr luy_fw-fr come_v aver_v droit_fw-fr sovereign_a sunr_n sen_fw-mi du_fw-fr dit_fw-fr roylme_n de_fw-fr escoce_fw-mi &_o la_fw-fr conusance_fw-fr d'oyer_fw-fr trier_n &_o determine_v nostre_fw-fr droit_fw-fr nous_fw-fr ne_fw-fr nostre_fw-fr volunt_fw-la sans_fw-fr nul_fw-fr manner_n de_fw-fr force_fw-fr ou_fw-fr distress_n de_fw-fr droit_fw-fr devant_fw-fr luy_fw-fr come_v sovereign_a sunr_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr terre_fw-fr etc._n etc._n l'an_n de_fw-fr grace_n 1291._o there_o be_v another_o like_a writing_n whereby_o these_o competitor_n do_v yield_v some_o of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o scotland_n unto_o the_o say_v e._n 1._o until_o he_o shall_v determine_v the_o controversy_n after_o the_o sentence_n give_v by_o e._n 1._o for_o john_n balliol_n who_o afterward_o adhere_v to_o the_o french_a against_o england_n whereupon_o ed._n 1._o prosecute_a war_n against_o scotland_n the_o pope_n intermeddle_v a_o parliament_n be_v proclaim_v to_o be_v hold_v at_o lincoln_n 29._o e._n 1._o where_o it_o wass_v agree_v that_o the_o king_n shall_v write_v to_o the_o pope_n touch_v his_o right_n to_o that_o crown_n and_o the_o wrong_n offer_v he_o and_o that_o the_o nobility_n shall_v write_v that_o they_o neither_o can_v nor_o aught_o to_o suffer_v nota_fw-la nota_fw-la that_o the_o king_n of_o england_n shall_v refer_v the_o same_o to_o the_o pope_n sentence_n they_o subscribe_v their_o name_n and_o title_n of_o honour_n among_o which_o be_v the_o say_a john_n hastings_n name_n in_o this_o manner_n johannes_n dominus_fw-la de_fw-fr aburgavenny_n in_o 16._o e._n 1._o the_o king_n purpose_v to_o go_v to_o france_n dor_n exit_fw-la rot._n mal_fw-fr 17._o e_o 1._o in_o dor_n charge_v the_o lord_n marcher_n of_o wales_n to_o be_v resident_a upon_o their_o barony_n fear_v the_o invasion_n of_o the_o welsh_a and_o anno_fw-la 17._o in_o the_o rebellion_n of_o rise_n ap_fw-mi meredocke_n the_o king_n be_v in_o france_n direct_v his_o writ_n unto_o the_o say_v marcher_n under_o the_o test_n edmundi_fw-la fratris_fw-la svi_fw-la and_o among_o other_o the_o baron_n there_o name_v as_o ed._n de_fw-fr mortimer_n roger_n mortimer_n pet._n corbet_n roger_n le_fw-fr strange_n fulk_n fitzwarren_a galfrid_n de_fw-fr canmyl_n william_n mortimer_n guy_n de_fw-fr brian_n john_n de_fw-fr hastings_n ra._n de_fw-fr tony_n william_n de_fw-fr bruse_n john_n tregouse_n bogok_v nevil_n ric._n fiz-allen_n &_o io._n fitz-reginald_n and_o all_o baron_n marcher_n again_o 20._o e._n 1._o when_o therer_n be_v a_o great_a quarrel_n between_o gilbert_n de_fw-fr clare_n scacar_n 20._o e._n 1.14_o in_o recept_n scacar_n earl_n of_o gloucester_n and_o hereford_n and_o humphrey_n de_fw-fr bohum_n late_a e._n of_o hereford_n and_o essex_n whereupon_o murder_n etc._n etc._n have_v be_v commit_v in_o their_o land_n in_o brecnocke_n a_o commission_n be_v award_v to_o the_o bishop_n of_o ely_n william_n de_fw-fr valence_n the_o king_n uncle_n io._n de_fw-fr mettingham_n one_o of_o the_o judge_n and_o unto_o robert_n de_fw-fr hereford_n to_o hear_v and_o determine_v the_o same_o in_o which_o commission_n the_o say_a john_n hastings_n be_v one_o in_o which_o the_o commissioner_n will_v have_v have_v the_o say_v baron_n to_o have_v be_v swear_v to_o make_v presentment_n thereof_o which_o they_o refuse_v stand_v upon_o their_o privilege_n and_o therefore_o the_o enquest_n be_v empanel_v of_o other_o p._n 23._o e._n 1._o the_o say_v john_n be_v summon_v ot_fw-mi the_o parliament_n 1._o som._n parliamen_n anno_fw-la 24._o e._n 1._o som._n parl._n a._n 35._o e._n 1._o which_o be_v to_o be_v hold_v the_o sunday_n next_o after_o the_o feast_n of_o st._n martin_n as_o also_o to_o a_o parliament_n at_o carlisle_n 35._o e._n 1._o it_o will_v be_v object_v that_o john_n his_o father_n be_v summon_v in_o 49._o h._n 3._o and_o therefore_o in_o regard_n thereof_o and_o not_o in_o respect_n of_o this_o barony_n be_v this_o john_n summon_v it_o be_v true_a that_o henry_n hastings_n be_v summon_v it_o 49._o h_o 3._o he_o be_v captain_n of_o the_o cast_v of_o killingworth_n respon_n respon_n and_o hold_v it_o against_o the_o king_n and_o behead_v the_o king_n messenger_n send_v unto_o he_o for_o the_o which_o fact_n be_v the_o say_a imprisonment_n before_o speak_v of_o holens_fw-la ed._n kenel_n act_n 34._o cron._n holens_fw-la and_o the_o barony_n of_o hastings_n descend_v not_o to_o the_o say_v john_n therefore_o in_o the_o letter_n to_o the_o pope_n and_o in_o his_o claim_n to_o scotland_n he_o write_v himself_o johannes_n hastings_n etc._n etc._n and_o not_o dominus_fw-la hastings_n which_o if_o that_o title_n have_v belong_v to_o he_o he_o have_v express_v it_o object_n 2_o that_o he_o use_v the_o title_n of_o dominus_fw-la abergav_n as_o dominus_fw-la proprietarius_fw-la and_o not_o as_o dominus_fw-la honorarius_fw-la the_o same_o may_v be_v say_v of_o the_o other_o competitor_n and_o the_o letter_n to_o the_o pope_n which_o be_v ridiculous_a in_o the_o summons_n 23._o e._n 1._o ●e_n be_v name_v io._n hastings_n mil._n and_o not_o johannes_n dominus_fw-la hastings_n therefore_o respon_n respon_n etc._n etc._n object_n 3_o they_o use_v not_o then_o to_o express_v the_o place_n except_o for_o distinction_n now_o to_o the_o descent_n this_o jolin_n die_v descent_n continuance_n of_o the_o descent_n 6._o e._n 2._o have_v issue_n john_n who_o die_v 18_o e._n 2._o and_o in_o the_o diem_fw-la eligit_fw-la extremum_fw-la he_o be_v style_v johannes_n hastings_n dominus_fw-la de_fw-fr abergav_n and_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n tempore_fw-la e._n 3._o he_o die_v 12._o e._n 3._o have_v issue_n john_n his_o heir_n 2._o exit_fw-la bundle_n esc_n 18._o e._n 2._o earl_n of_o pembroke_n and_o lord_n of_o abergav_n who_o die_v 49._o e._n 3._o have_v issue_n john_n earl_n of_o pembroke_n etc._n etc._n who_o die_v by_o reason_n of_o a_o wound_n receive_v at_o a_o just_a at_o woodstock_n about_o 13._o r._n 2._o he_o be_v the_o last_o of_o that_o name_n baron_n of_o aburgavenny_n the_o family_n of_o beauchampe_n lord_n aburgavenny_n after_o the_o death_n of_o the_o say_v john_n aberg_n peauchamp_n lord_n of_o aberg_n reginald_n grace_n lord_n richyn_n son_n of_o elizabeth_n sister_n of_o the_o say_v john_n the_o great_a grandfather_n of_o he_o that_o last_o die_v claim_v this_o barony_n and_o thereof_o have_v livery_n and_o thereupon_o grow_v a_o contention_n concern_v the_o bear_n of_o the_o arm_n of_o hastings_n without_o difference_n between_o the_o lo._n grace_n of_o the_o whole_a blood_n and_z sir_n edward_z hastings_z of_o the_o half_a blood_n which_o be_v adjudge_v for_o the_o lord_n grace_n in_o the_o earl_n marshal_n court_n a_o like_a contention_n be_v between_o the_o lord_n grace_n and_o william_n beauchampe_n three_o son_n of_o thomas_n the_o elder_a earl_n of_o warwick_n who_o claim_v this_o barony_n against_o the_o say_a lord_n grace_n by_o virtue_n of_o a_o entail_v from_o the_o say_v john_n the_o elder_a which_o prove_v and_o upon_o composition_n the_o say_a reginald_n 15._o r._n 2._o levy_a a_o fine_a to_o prox_n m._n 15._o r._n 2_o &_o recordat_fw-la term._n h._n prox_n etc._n etc._n whereby_o he_o acknowledge_v the_o right_n of_o the_o say_a castle_n to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o say_v william_n beauchampe_n as_o by_o a_o old_a msss_n remain_v with_o the_o earl_n of_o kent_n may_v appear_v book_n vid._n the_o earl_n of_o kent_n book_n as_o also_o by_o a_o partition_n of_o the_o say_a land_n finis_fw-la
a_o treatise_n of_o the_o nobility_n of_o the_o realm_n collect_v out_o of_o the_o body_n of_o the_o common_a law_n with_o mention_n of_o such_o statute_n as_o be_v incidet_fw-la hereunto_o upon_o a_o debate_n of_o the_o barony_n of_o aburgavenny_n with_o a_o table_n of_o the_o head_n contain_v in_o this_o treatise_n london_n print_v by_o a.n._n for_o mathow_n walbanke_n and_o richard_n best_o and_o be_v to_o be_v sell_v at_o their_o shop_n at_o grays-inn_n gate_n 1642._o the_o table_n of_o baron_n page_n 3_o the_o definition_n and_o description_n of_o a_o baron_n page_n 37_o of_o the_o name_n baron_fw-fr page_n 40_o the_o antiquity_n of_o the_o dignity_n of_o baron_n and_o the_o use_n of_o the_o name_n page_n 43_o if_o a_o baron_n by_o tenure_n grant_v the_o honour_n hold_v by_o barony_n whether_o shall_v the_o grantee_n have_v the_o dignity_n or_o otherwise_o page_n 68_o certain_a case_n wherein_o a_o baron_n have_v no_o privilege_n page_n 127_o noblitie_n and_o lord_n in_o reputation_n only_a page_n 131_o noble_a woman_n page_n 132_o honourable_a woman_n of_o three_o sort_n ibid._n lady_n in_o reputation_n page_n 140_o the_o hypothesis_n or_o particular_a question_n page_n 143_o the_o barony_n of_o aburgavenny_n a_o barony_n by_o tenure_n and_o a_o ancient_a honour_n page_n 145_o the_o line_n of_o the_o hastings_n owner_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o and_o baron_n of_o aburgavenny_n page_n 149_o the_o descent_n page_n 156_o the_o family_n of_o beauchampe_n l._n aburgavenny_n ibid._n a_o treatise_n of_o the_o nobility_n of_o the_o realm_n according_a to_o the_o law_n question_n whether_o the_o barony_n of_o aburgavenny_n with_o the_o title_n and_o dignity_n be_v descend_v unto_o the_o lady_n be_v the_o daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o the_o honourable_a hen._n nevil_n the_o late_a baron_n of_o aburgavenny_n or_o unto_o the_o special_a heir_n male_a unto_o who_o the_o castle_n of_o aburg_n be_v ancient_o the_o head_n of_o hat_n barony_n be_v descend_v wherein_o be_v three_o thing_n considerable_a 1._o first_o this_o general_a thesis_n whether_o within_o the_o realm_n of_o england_n there_o be_v any_o barony_n by_o tenure_n and_o whether_o baronia_n sit_v dignitas_fw-la annexa_fw-la ●odo_fw-la vizt_v whether_o the_o heir_n male_a ha●ing_v the_o castle_n hold_v per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la shall_v have_v the_o title_n or_o the_o heir_n general_a which_o have_v not_o the_o castle_n 2._o the_o second_o be_v hypothesis_n whether_o by_o former_a precedent_n it_o may_v be_v show_v that_o this_o barony_n of_o aburg_n have_v be_v guide_v by_o the_o lawful_a descent_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o aburgavenny_n or_o whether_o the_o same_o have_v go_v to_o the_o heir_n general_n sunder_v from_o the_o castle_n 3._o the_o three_o be_v that_o it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v doubt_v whether_o the_o dignity_n of_o baron_n may_v descend_v to_o the_o heir_n female_a for_o where_o such_o castle_n &_o be_v hold_v per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la and_o do_v descend_v unto_o the_o heir_n female_a there_o likewise_o the_o title_n etc._n etc._n as_o in_o many_o noble_a house_n of_o this_o realm_n be_v most_o evident_a but_o the_o question_n be_v whether_o the_o title_n of_o baron_n or_o baronesse_n may_v descend_v to_o the_o heir_n female_a whereas_o that_o fee_n hold_v by_o barony_n be_v descend_v to_o the_o heir_n male_a or_o no_o and_o whether_o the_o fee_n to_o support_v the_o dignity_n may_v be_v sever_v from_o the_o dignity_n a_o treatise_n of_o the_o baron_n of_o this_o realm_n it_o be_v true_a of_o ulpian_n publicè_fw-la interest_n quod_fw-la ordinum_fw-la familiarumque_fw-la solva_fw-la sit_fw-la 6._o lib._n o_o sed_fw-la si_fw-la f._n de_fw-fr ventre_fw-fr inspiciend_n baldwin_n in_o la_fw-fr sacraledge_n divinis_fw-la rescript_n ante_fw-la nobilit_fw-la cap._n 6._o which_o due_o consider_v be_v cause_n that_o the_o special_a heir_n male_a of_o the_o late_a baron_n decease_v without_o any_o affection_n of_o honour_n or_o humour_n of_o ambition_n desire_v to_o make_v know_v what_o thing_n former_a time_n observe_v he_o have_v now_o find_v to_o have_v be_v consider_v in_o such_o like_a query_n nevertheless_o with_o all_o humility_n and_o loyal_a duty_n he_o submit_v himself_o to_o the_o princely_a pleasure_n of_o the_o queen_n most_o excellent_a majesty_n ●n_v who_o be_v the_o fountain_n of_o all_o nobility_n and_o unto_o the_o censure_n of_o the_o right_n honourable_a the_o earl_n martial_n of_o england_n unto_o who_o the_o jurisdiction_n and_o cognisance_n of_o the_o same_o cause_n by_o office_n appertain_v but_o before_o proof_n be_v produce_v determine_v 1._o by_o what_o law_n this_o quer._n be_v to_o be_v determine_v it_o shall_v not_o be_v amiss_o to_o consider_v two_o principal_a thing_n what_o manner_n of_o proof_n in_o these_o cause_n be_v most_o pregnant_a and_o by_o what_o law_n this_o controversy_n may_v best_o be_v determine_v 3._o b●renies_v 2._o touch_v the_o state_n ofour_n b●renies_v some_o thing_n be_v requisite_a to_o be_v deliver_v before_o in_o general_a manner_n touch_v the_o state_n of_o the_o barony_n within_o the_o realm_n whereby_o the_o querie_n in_o hand_n may_v be_v the_o better_o apprehend_v and_o receive_v the_o more_o easy_a resolution_n as_o touch_v the_o first_o it_o be_v to_o be_v observe_v that_o the_o dignity_n of_o a_o baron_n and_o that_o name_v give_v to_o a_o degree_n of_o nobility_n be_v not_o usual_a any_o where_n until_o near_o the_o declination_n of_o the_o rom._n monarchy_n and_o therefore_o those_o part_n of_o the_o civil_a law_n which_o contain_v the_o ancient_a roman_a law_n do_v afford_v small_a proof_n of_o the_o decide_n of_o this_o kind_n of_o controversy_n otherwise_o then_o prechance_v now_o and_o then_o there_o be_v insert_v some_o general_a sentence_n or_o axiom_n of_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n which_o may_v be_v particular_o apply_v as_o the_o occasion_n serve_v therefore_o in_o those_o time_n upon_o the_o sundry_a invasion_n of_o those_o northern_a people_n vandal_n goth_n vandal_n which_o hasten_v the_o ruin_n of_o the_o roman_a estate_n when_o tenor_n and_o it_o which_o they_o call_v feuda_n have_v their_o first_o original_n divers_a new_a dignity_n of_o nobility_n be_v devise_v and_o draw_v from_o the_o service_n of_o the_o field_n whereof_o some_o of_o they_o former_o have_v be_v but_o name_n of_o office_n as_o may_v appear_v in_o the_o second_o book_n de_fw-fr feudis_fw-la in_o the_o title_n quis_fw-la dicatur_fw-la dux_fw-la marchio_n etc._n etc._n he_o that_o will_v not_o have_v the_o controversy_n move_v within_o the_o realm_n concern_v this_o kind_n of_o dignity_n to_o be_v deterine_v by_o the_o common_a law_n and_o yet_o will_v that_o the_o common_a custom_n of_o our_o country_n shall_v direct_v the_o same_o speak_v in_o my_o understanding_n contrary_a thing_n for_o it_o be_v a_o general_a maxim_n 59_o 7._o h._n 6._o martin_n 9_o ed._n 4._o &_o 38_o h._n 8._o custom_n b._n 59_o that_o the_o common_a custom_n of_o the_o realm_n be_v the_o common_a law_n of_o the_o realm_n therefore_o to_o affirm_v that_o the_o common_a usage_n of_o the_o country_n shall_v direct_v the_o controversy_n and_o to_o deny_v that_o the_o common_a law_n shall_v determine_v it_o be_v contrary_a to_o itself_o that_o the_o common_a law_n do_v determine_v this_o kind_n of_o controversy_n it_o can_v seem_v strange_a to_o he_o that_o consider_v the_o general_a division_n whereby_o the_o say_a law_n be_v distribute_v into_o part_n jure_fw-la bracton_n lib._n 1._o cap_n 5._o &_o 2_o de_fw-fr justo_fw-la &_o jure_fw-la est_fw-la autem_fw-la jus_o publicum_fw-la &_o jus_o privatum_fw-la jus_fw-la publicum_fw-la bracton_n dispose_v it_o est_z jus_o quod_fw-la ad_fw-la statum_fw-la reipub._n pertinet_fw-la &_o consistit_fw-la in_o sacris_fw-la sacerdotibus_fw-la &_o magistris_fw-la other_o give_v a_o more_o large_a scope_n to_o this_o division_n civil_a joachimus_fw-la hosp_n de_fw-fr juris_fw-la arte_fw-la lib._n 2._o de_fw-la rebus_fw-la humanis_fw-la sive_fw-la de_fw-fr jur_fw-fr '_o civil_a distribute_v jus_o publicum_fw-la into_o three_o part_n into_o jus_n civil_a jus_o fecile_v &_o jus_o questortum_fw-la the_o first_o part_n jus_o civil_a though_o it_o be_v the_o general_a name_n of_o the_o whole_a law_n yet_o in_o this_o division_n thy_o doe_n understand_v thereby_o that_o part_n of_o the_o law_n wherein_o consideration_n of_o many_o thing_n be_v have_v tend_v chief_o to_o the_o public_a good_a and_o wherein_o person_n of_o man_n be_v consider_v diverse_o dividumtur_fw-la quinque_fw-la formae_fw-la modis_fw-la pro_fw-la loco_fw-la pro_fw-la facultate_fw-la pro_fw-la ordine_fw-la pro_fw-la jure_fw-la pro_fw-la dignitate_fw-la under_o that_o division_n which_o be_v in_o respect_n of_o order_n all_o degree_n of_o person_n noble_a and_o ignoble_a be_v comprehend_v and_o under_o the_o division_n in_o regard_n of_o dignity_n the_o prince_n magistrate_n ordine_fw-la pro_fw-la ordine_fw-la officer_n of_o all_o kind_n be_v contain_v dignitate_fw-la pro_fw-la dignitate_fw-la the_o consideration_n therefore_o of_o
ancient_a saxon_a testament_n of_o one_o arfrie_n a_o earl_n which_o be_v bring_v to_o light_n by_o master_n lambert_n in_o the_o description_n of_o mephem_n in_o the_o preambulation_n of_o kent_n in_o those_o time_n the_o thanis_n be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n deem_v noble_a and_o hold_v one_o and_o the_o same_o dignity_n as_o the_o baron_n do_v the_o word_n thanis_n be_v usual_a in_o that_o sense_n not_o only_o among_o our_o english_a saxon_n but_o also_o with_o the_o scot_n and_o dane_n as_o concern_v the_o scots_a hector_n poet_n write_v malcolmum_fw-la regem_fw-la titulo_fw-la comitatum_fw-la honestasse_fw-la and_o as_o touch_v the_o dane_n the_o thanis_n among_o they_o be_v yet_o in_o use_n as_o liberi_fw-la domini_fw-la such_o as_o be_v the_o baron_n by_o this_o it_o may_v appear_v that_o the_o name_n of_o baron_n be_v not_o usual_a among_o the_o ancient_a english_a saxon_n for_o that_o in_o the_o subscription_n unto_o the_o grant_n of_o king_n whereunto_o with_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o x_o be_v subscribe_v the_o name_n of_o all_o noble_a personage_n as_o well_o temporal_a as_o spiritual_a the_o say_a word_n baron_n can_v be_v hear_v of_o but_o in_o a_o ancient_a charter_n make_v in_o the_o name_n of_o zolpher_n sometime_o king_n of_o mercia_n unto_o the_o church_n of_o peter-borough_n have_v these_o word_n praecipimus_fw-la quod_fw-la predict_v monast_n &_o dona_fw-la sva_fw-la sint_fw-la habenda_fw-la etc._n etc._n ab_fw-la omni_fw-la diminutione_n &_o exact_a comitum_fw-la etc._n etc._n likewise_o to_o this_o effect_n have_v i_o see_v in_o a_o old_a book_n belong_v to_o the_o monast_n of_o west_n edg._n rex_fw-la concilio_fw-la habito_fw-la infra_fw-la basilicum_fw-la westm_n presidente_fw-la eo_fw-la cum_fw-la filio_fw-la svo_fw-la edw._n &_o dunstano_fw-la archiepiscopo_fw-la &_o universis_fw-la episc_n &_o baronibus_fw-la suis_fw-la dictan_fw-mi ecclesiam_fw-la de_fw-la westm._fw-la renovavit_fw-la nevertheless_o the_o name_n of_o baron_n be_v not_o much_o use_v within_o the_o realm_n until_o the_o norman_a conquest_n after_o which_o it_o grow_v very_o frequent_a in_o which_o time_n the_o notable_a case_n etc._n etc._n of_o the_o realm_n be_v debate_v before_o he_o and_o his_o baron_n and_o by_o they_o adjudge_v as_o by_o divers_a monument_n extant_a may_v appear_v canterbury_n doomsday_n in_o canterbury_n whereof_o one_o be_v in_o this_o manner_n in_o the_o record_n of_o doomsday_n 3.6_o 21._o e._n 3.6_o quidam_fw-la preposit_n brumanus_n eo_fw-la tempore_fw-la r._n edw._n coepit_fw-la consuet_n de_fw-fr extraneis_fw-la mercatoribus_fw-la etc._n etc._n also_o 21._o ed._n 1._o do_v set_v forth_o by_o exemplification_n a_o act_n of_o parliament_n make_v in_o a_o cause_n between_o the_o abbot_n of_o saint_n edmondsbury_n and_o arfast_n sometime_o bishop_n of_o thetford_n which_o see_v be_v afterward_o translate_v by_o herbert_n to_o norwich_n concern_v the_o visitation_n of_o the_o say_a monastery_n which_o parliament_n be_v hold_v by_o the_o say_a king_n the_o archbishop_z of_o cant_n berkshire_n berkshire_n and_o all_o other_o the_o bishop_n earl_n etc._n etc._n appear_v moreover_o in_o the_o record_n of_o doomsday_n in_o the_o description_n of_o donesh_n be_v declare_v that_o at_o the_o time_n of_o the_o say_a record_n there_o be_v at_o warham_n of_o certain_a baron_n land_n twenty_o house_n stand_v and_o seventy_o destroy_v by_o which_o appear_v that_o both_o name_n and_o dignity_n of_o a_o baron_n be_v sufficient_o know_v in_o the_o time_n of_o the_o conquest_n and_o as_o touch_v the_o use_n of_o the_o name_n the_o word_n baron_n seem_v to_o be_v frequent_v among_o the_o norman_a conqu_n of_o this_o realm_n in_o lieu_n of_o the_o word_n thane_n among_o the_o saxon_n for_o as_o they_o in_o a_o large_a signification_n do_v sometime_o use_v the_o same_o to_o the_o sense_n etc._n etc._n of_o a_o free_a man_n bear_v of_o free_a parentage_n etc._n etc._n and_o so_o do_v the_o norman_n use_v it_o and_o therefore_o call_v their_o free_a citizen_n of_o their_o best_a esteem_a city_n and_o burgess_n etc._n etc._n by_o the_o name_n of_o baron_n 272._o bracton_n 272._o and_o therefore_o the_o citizen_n of_o london_n be_v call_v baron_n lond._n in_o divers_a ancient_a monument_n of_o who_o also_o bracton_n write_v per_fw-la barones_n lond._n etc._n etc._n so_o also_o there_o be_v diverse_a charter_n wherein_o mention_n be_v make_v of_o such_o like_a baron_n as_o the_o baron_n of_o warw._n in_o doomsday_n and_o in_o our_o time_n the_o burgess_n of_o the_o five_o port_n be_v call_v baron_n and_o divers_a of_o the_o nobility_n of_o baron_n as_o well_o spiritual_a as_o temporal_a do_v in_o ancient_a time_n set_v in_o the_o exchequer_n in_o judicature_n moreover_o as_o our_o saxon_n have_v two_o kind_n of_o thanis_n exchequer_n fleta_n lib._n 2._o cap._n 24._o the_o judge_n of_o that_o court_n have_v be_v from_o ancient_a time_n and_o yet_o be_v call_v baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n the_o like_a have_v be_v observe_v of_o baron_n among_o the_o norman_a conqu_n for_o the_o king_n of_o this_o realm_n have_v have_v their_o immediate_a baron_n be_v the_o peer_n of_o this_o realm_n so_o certain_a other_o nobleman_n especial_o the_o earl_n palatine_n and_o earl_n marcher_n who_o county_n have_v confine_v upon_o the_o coast_n of_o the_o enemy_n have_v have_v under_o they_o a_o kind_n of_o baron_n as_o namely_o under_o the_o county_n palatine_n of_o chester_n be_v these_o baron_n the_o baron_n of_o hatton_n monbatte_n mulbanke_n shipbrooke_n malpas_n masy_n kingderston_n stockport_n etc._n etc._n the_o earldom_n of_o pembroke_n be_v first_o erect_v by_o arnulphus_n mountgomery_n camois_n 7_o h._n 6.35_o 17._o e._n 3._o inter_fw-la placita_fw-la 18._o e._n 2._o assis_n 30._o camois_n that_o conquer_v some_o part_n of_o the_o county_n and_o therefore_o the_o earl_n thereof_o be_v a_o earl_n marcher_n have_v also_o under_o he_o his_o baron_n for_o it_o appear_v by_o the_o parliament_n roll_n 18._o e._n 3._o that_o the_o barony_n of_o haverford_n cammois_n rochie_n and_o castlegoton_n be_v ancient_o belong_v to_o the_o jurisdiction_n of_o the_o earldom_n of_o pembroke_n and_o have_v their_o chancery_n and_o scal_n as_o other_o baron_n upon_o the_o march_v use_v to_o have_v hereof_o also_o it_o follow_v not_o only_o in_o this_o realm_n but_o also_o elsewhere_o that_o earl_n have_v under_o they_o such_o as_o they_o call_v their_o baron_n who_o hold_v under_o they_o land_n in_o knight_n service_n and_o in_o the_o defence_n of_o their_o lord_n and_o therefore_o in_o the_o register_n of_o the_o monast_n of_o saint_n james_n of_o northampton_n it_o be_v find_v that_o simon_n ea._n of_o northampton_n do_v get_v and_o confirm_v unto_o the_o say_a abbey_n omnia_fw-la dona_fw-la etc._n etc._n quae_fw-la barones_n svi_fw-la etc._n etc._n infra_fw-la burgum_fw-la &_o extra_fw-la north._n illis_fw-la dederunt_fw-la many_o old_a charter_n also_o be_v extant_a whereby_o it_o appear_v which_o now_o time_n have_v wear_v out_o of_o memory_n and_o yet_o the_o knowledge_n thereof_o serve_v to_o good_a purpose_n namely_o to_o reconcile_v the_o different_a opinion_n of_o some_o man_n concern_v the_o law_n 122._o 20._o e._n 3._o ass_n 122._o for_o 20._o e._n 3._o thorpe_n hold_v opinion_n that_o none_o can_v hold_v per_fw-mi baron_fw-fr but_o of_o the_o king_n only_o and_o that_o no_o subject_n can_v alien_n his_o land_n to_o another_o to_o hold_v of_o such_o alienor_fw-la per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la which_o some_o sergeant_n deny_v to_o the_o which_o opinion_n of_o sergeant_n wilby_n and_o other_o judge_n agree_v 7._o 2._o e._n 3._o ass_n 124._o prerog_n cap_n 7._o add_v further_o that_o before_o the_o statute_n of_o prerog_n regis_fw-la those_o that_o hold_v per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la may_v alien_n some_o parcel_n thereof_o to_o be_v hold_v by_o other_o since_o which_o be_v evident_a say_v he_o in_o this_o that_o the_o ancient_a barony_n do_v consist_v most_o of_o service_n which_o begin_v by_o occasion_n of_o such_o suit_n as_o aforesaid_a the_o assertion_n of_o both_o the_o say_a judge_n be_v good_a law_n for_o none_o can_v hold_v per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la but_o of_o the_o k._n qu._n etc._n etc._n monarch_n of_o the_o realm_n and_o again_o it_o be_v true_a that_o in_o some_o kind_n of_o feme_fw-fr a_o man_n may_v hold_v per_fw-mi baron_fw-fr of_o a_o subject_n but_o diversis_fw-la respect_n ergo_fw-la distinguendun_v est_fw-la none_o can_v hold_v per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la as_o a_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n and_o in_o course_n of_o perfect_a nobility_n but_o of_o the_o crown_n only_o for_o of_o this_o bar._n bracton_n understand_v when_o he_o say_v it_o be_v the_o strength_n of_o the_o realm_n and_o these_o baron_n according_a to_o the_o law_n senderl_n be_v these_o capitanei_fw-la or_o valvasor_n majores_fw-la there_o speak_v of_o for_o qui_fw-la a_o principe_fw-la vel_fw-la ab_fw-la aliqua_fw-la potestate_fw-la de_fw-la plebe_fw-la aliquare_fw-la per_fw-la feudum_fw-la &_o vestitus_fw-la 10_o lib_fw-la 2._o feudall_n do_fw-mi
10_o be_v capitane_n we_o appellatur_fw-la qui_fw-la proprie_fw-la valvasor_n majores_fw-la olim_fw-la appellabantur_fw-la and_o of_o the_o question_n arise_v concern_v these_o barony_n the_o monarch_n of_o the_o realm_n or_o the_o judge_n for_o that_o those_o baron_n be_v immediate_a à_fw-la rege_fw-la in_o feudali_fw-la as_o for_o other_o they_o be_v baron_n ex_fw-la similitudine_fw-la and_o therefore_o those_o which_o in_o the_o say_a law_n feudall_a be_v call_v valvasore_n &_o valvasini_n for_o the_o word_n be_v these_o 8._o bract._n lib._n 1._o cap._n 8._o qui_fw-la vero_fw-la a_o capitaneis_fw-la antiquitus_fw-la beneficium_fw-la tenent_fw-la valvasores_fw-la sunt_fw-la qui_fw-la autem_fw-la a_o valvasorib_n s_o feudum_fw-la quod_fw-la a_o capitaneis_fw-la habebatur_fw-la similiter_fw-la acceperint_fw-la valvasini_n id_fw-la est_fw-la valicas_fw-la minores_fw-la appellantur_fw-la the_o use_n of_o this_o division_n within_o england_n have_v be_v in_o no_o other_o manner_n than_o this_o the_o valv_n majores_fw-la may_v be_v understand_v to_o be_v our_o baron_n and_o peer_n for_o in_o such_o manner_n the_o interpreter_n of_o the_o law_n feudall_n have_v express_v the_o same_o the_o second_o sort_n be_v the_o valv_n proprie_fw-la of_o which_o degree_n bracton_n also_o speak_v sunt_fw-la &_o alij_fw-la qui_fw-la dicuntur_fw-la valvasores_fw-la magni_fw-la dignitat_fw-la valvasor_n melus_fw-la dici_fw-la poterit_fw-la quia_fw-la vas_fw-la sortitum_fw-la ad_fw-la valetudinem_fw-la howbeit_o the_o civilian_n do_v give_v another_o etymology_n in_o this_o manner_n valvasor_n quasi_fw-la ad_fw-la valvas_fw-la stantes_fw-la 115._o shand_n lexico_fw-la in_o verb_n valve_v pet._n greg._n lib._n 6._o ca._n 11.13_o e._n 3._o shall_fw-mi 115._o id_fw-la est_fw-la tanquam_fw-la ad_fw-la valvas_fw-la tentorij_fw-la dum_fw-la sunt_fw-la in_o bello_fw-la excubantes_fw-la ad_fw-la quamlibet_fw-la injuriam_fw-la propulsandam_fw-la and_o of_o these_o valvasi_fw-la which_o be_v proper_o the_o valvasi_fw-la indeed_o mention_n be_v make_v 13._o e._n 3._o for_o they_o may_v be_v empanel_v in_o a_o jury_n among_o the_o knight_n where_o a_o baron_n be_v party_n the_o three_o sort_n call_v valvasini_n inspecial_a name_n we_o have_v not_o in_o use_n nevertheless_o they_o be_v in_o nature_n the_o same_o that_o we_o call_v lord_n and_o proprietor_n of_o manor_n who_o also_o in_o respect_n of_o their_o tenant_n be_v oftentimes_o in_o ancient_a remembrance_n call_v baron_n but_o abusive_a and_o their_o court_n courtbaron_n for_o of_o these_o glanvill_n speak_v 64._o glan_n lib._n 8._o cap._n 10._o fol_z 64._o praeterea_fw-la record_n habeant_fw-la minores_fw-la cur._n de_fw-fr his_fw-la quae_fw-la in_o eye_n facta_fw-la sunt_fw-la etc._n etc._n hence_o it_o be_v that_o these_o divers_a degree_n have_v be_v observe_v in_o foreign_a country_n by_o the_o french_a constitution_n it_o be_v ordain_v that_o si_fw-mi quis_fw-la aut_fw-la vicecom_v aut_fw-la baro_n voluerit_fw-la fieri_fw-la comes_fw-la necessarium_fw-la ducunt_fw-la eum_fw-la habere_fw-la in_o sva_fw-la ditione_n 4._o baronias_n &_o tres_fw-la castella_fw-la quarum_fw-la quaelibet_fw-la habeat_fw-la saltem_fw-la 10._o 1579_o pet._n ger._n in_o lib._n 6._o cap_n 9_o exit_fw-la edito_fw-la regis_fw-la gall_n 17._o angl._n 1579_o nobiles_fw-la sibi_fw-la subdit_fw-la os_fw-la qui_fw-la eum_fw-la comitari_fw-la possunt_fw-la again_o in_o tit_n commit_v nullus_fw-la transeat_fw-la nisi_fw-la habeat_fw-la 2._o baroneas_o &_o 3_o castellanea_n aut_fw-la saltem_fw-la i._o baroniam_fw-la &_o 6._o castellanea_n unitas_fw-la &_o nomine_fw-la feudi_fw-la possessat_fw-la &_o investitas_fw-la a_o rege_fw-la sub_fw-la uno_fw-la titulo_fw-la alosto_n jac_fw-la mercant_fw-la fland._n 16._o cap_n 1_o de_fw-fr alosto_n in_o flanders_n which_o be_v a_o earldom_n of_o regal_a constitution_n there_o be_v in_o ancient_a time_n a_o earldom_n the_o ea._n whereof_o be_v entitle_v comes_n alestanus_n the_o earl_n of_o elston_n who_o although_o his_o jurisdiction_n be_v particular_a to_o himself_o from_o the_o emperor_n yet_o have_v he_o under_o he_o five_o baron_n the_o memory_n of_o which_o do_v remain_v it_o have_v be_v heretofore_o a_o common_a receive_v opinion_n that_o every_o earldom_n in_o time_n pass_v have_v under_o it_o ten_o baron_n and_o every_o baron_n seven_o knight_n fee_n hold_v of_o he_o and_o some_o be_v of_o opinion_n that_o those_o which_o have_v fourteen_o knight_n fee_n be_v usual_o baron_n but_o of_o that_o more_o hereafter_o it_o rest_v now_o for_o the_o more_o explanation_n of_o the_o use_n of_o the_o name_n baron_fw-fr that_o we_o call_v to_o remembrance_n that_o which_o be_v before_o speak_v that_o the_o custom_n of_o our_o country_n be_v that_o if_o a_o baron_n be_v create_v a_o earl_n the_o elder_a son_n of_o the_o say_a earl_n in_o the_o life_n of_o his_o l'ather_n take_v upon_o he_o the_o title_n of_o the_o barony_n although_o he_o want_v the_o privilege_n belong_v to_o a_o baron_n last_o that_o be_v not_o to_o be_v omit_v that_o by_o the_o general_a name_n of_o the_o baron_n of_o the_o realm_n we_o do_v understand_v the_o whole_a body_n of_o the_o nobility_n and_o hence_o it_o be_v that_o the_o civil_a war_n concern_v the_o liberty_n grant_v in_o the_o great_a charter_n both_o in_o the_o time_n of_o king_n john_n and_o h._n 3._o prosecute_v by_o the_o whole_a nobility_n some_o few_o except_v be_v call_v the_o baron_n war_n thus_o much_o of_o their_o antiquity_n etc._n etc._n have_v before_o show_v the_o several_a use_n of_o the_o word_n baron_fw-fr name_n the_o true_a use_n of_o the_o name_n we_o be_v now_o to_o adhere_v only_o to_o the_o proper_a signification_n thereof_o whereby_o there_o be_v denote_v to_o we_o a_o honourable_a personage_n next_o under_o the_o viscount_n and_o therefore_o we_o be_v to_o set_v forth_o a_o division_n baron_n honourable_a be_v of_o three_o kind_n baron_n 3._o kind_n of_o baron_n by_o tenure_n by_o writ_n by_o creation_n or_o patent_n as_o for_o the_o baron_n by_o prescription_n they_o be_v all_o one_o with_o the_o baron_n by_o tenure_n or_o those_o who_o ancient_o and_o time_n out_o of_o mind_n have_v be_v call_v to_o the_o parliament_n by_o writ_n and_o otherwise_o none_o baron_n by_o tenure_n be_v those_o which_o do_v any_o honour_n kind_n baron_n by_o tenure_n 2._o kind_n etc._n etc._n as_o the_o head_n of_o their_o barony_n per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la which_o be_v call_v grand_a serjeanty_n these_o be_v of_o two_o sort_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a the_o baron_n spiritual_a per_fw-la tenure_n spiritual_a spiritual_a be_v and_o be_v those_o ecclesiastical_a person_n which_o hold_v the_o principal_a part_n of_o their_o spiritual_a live_a per_fw-la baron_fw-fr and_o such_o be_v also_o of_o two_o kind_n first_o the_o archbishop_n and_o bishop_n of_o this_o realm_n who_o do_v hold_v the_o principal_a part_n of_o their_o temporalty_n per_fw-la baron_fw-fr second_o such_o abbot_n prior_n etc._n etc._n which_o be_v extinguish_v by_o come_v to_o the_o crown_n by_o the_o statute_n baron_n temporal_a be_v such_o as_o hold_v the_o chief_a part_n of_o their_o possession_n temporal_a temporal_a as_o some_o honour_n castle_n etc._n etc._n per_fw-la bar._n of_o the_o crown_n all_o which_o honourable_a baron_n of_o hold_v their_o barony_n of_o the_o crown_n be_v in_o ancient_a time_n in_o respect_n of_o these_o their_o tenor_n call_v by_o the_o monarch_n of_o this_o realm_n to_o assist_v he_o in_o counsel_n in_o parliament_n but_o first_o it_o shall_v be_v requisite_a to_o prove_v every_o part_n of_o the_o division_n namely_o of_o baron_n by_o tenure_n and_o first_o of_o spiritual_a it_o be_v evident_a that_o the_o archbishop_n and_o bishop_n of_o the_o realm_n in_o the_o saxon_a day_n as_o well_o during_o the_o time_n that_o it_o be_v divide_v into_o divers_a kingdom_n as_o also_o after_o the_o unite_n of_o they_o into_o one_o monarchy_n be_v call_v to_o the_o parliament_n not_o so_o much_o in_o respect_n of_o their_o tenure_n for_o it_o be_v then_o by_o frankalmoigne_n but_o especial_o for_o that_o law_n be_v then_o most_o commendable_a when_o they_o be_v ground_v upon_o the_o law_n of_o god_n 492._o hist_o inguelf_n ab._n de_fw-fr croland_n in_o subscrip_n chartre_fw-fr bertofli_n regis_fw-la fol._n 490_o ibid._n 492._o and_o therefore_o our_o wise_a ancestor_n call_v to_o their_o general_a counsel_n or_o wittenaymot_n or_o court_n of_o wise_a man_n as_o they_o call_v it_o those_o principal_a person_n of_o their_o clergy_n which_o by_o their_o profession_n etc._n etc._n may_v advise_v they_o to_o frame_v their_o life_n answerable_o etc._n etc._n nevertheless_o short_o after_o the_o norman_a conquest_n the_o conqueror_n alter_v tenor_n be_v before_o frankalm_n not_o without_o some_o complaint_n and_o grief_n of_o the_o clergy_n of_o which_o matth._n paris_n thus_o write_v an._n 1070._o which_o prove_v that_o bishop_n than_o hold_v per_fw-la baroniam_fw-la 6._o matt._n paris_n fol_z 6._o in_o the_o constitution_n hold_v at_o clarindon_n tempore_fw-la h._n 2._o anno_fw-la 1164._o which_v constitution_n certain_a recapitulation_n of_o the_o prerogative_n of_o the_o king_n and_o his_o people_n
make_v alienation_n without_o licence_n 10._o 50._o e._n 3_o c._n 10._o he_o be_v only_o to_o make_v a_o fine_a by_o the_o statute_n for_o authority_n glanvill_n say_v 1._o mag._n char._n cap_n 31._o glanv_n l._n 7._o cap._n 1._o notandum_fw-la est_fw-la quod_fw-la nec_fw-la episcopus_fw-la nec_fw-la abbas_n quia_fw-la corum_fw-la baroniae_fw-la sunt_fw-la de_fw-la eleemosina_fw-la regis_fw-la non_fw-la possunt_fw-la de_fw-fr dominicis_fw-la suis_fw-la aliquam_fw-la partem_fw-la dare_v ad_fw-la remanenciam_fw-la sine_fw-la assensu_fw-la &_o consensu_fw-la domini_fw-la regis_fw-la in_o 20._o e._n 3._o certain_a land_n be_v parcel_n of_o the_o barony_n of_o brenbur_n be_v alien_v by_o w._n de_fw-fr bruce_n 224._o 20._o ass_n 1_o 8_o 20_o e._n 3._o ass_n 122._o &_o 224._o the_o baron_n thereof_o without_o licence_n and_o in_o the_o argument_n of_o a_o case_n concern_v the_o same_o greene_n say_v that_o parcel_n of_o a_o barony_n etc._n etc._n hold_v