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A09564 The catalogue of the chancellors of England, the lord keepers of the Great Seale: and the lord treasurers of England With a collection of divers that have been masters of the Rolles. By I.P. Summerset herald. Philipot, John, 1589?-1645. 1636 (1636) STC 19846; ESTC S114645 67,021 176

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Yorke was upon New-yeares day in Anno dom 1555 being the third yeare of the raigne of Queene Mary advanced to the honorable dignity of Chancellorship But Queene Mary deceasing on the 17 day of November in Anno dom 1558 and the sixt yeare of her governement this Heath upon the placing of Queene Elizabeth upon the throne of the English governement was remooved from his Office and Master Bacon advanced Nicholas Bacon Esquire Atturney of the Court of Wardes was made Knight and Lord Keeper of the great seale the 22 of December in Anno dom 1558 being the first yeare of Queene Elizabeth Which name of Lord Keeper he still kept during his life and the time of his Office In whose time there was an Act of Parliament established to make the power of the Keeper of the great seale equall with the authority of the Chancellor This man continued in this office and worthily executed the same being a man of rare wit and deepe experience during the time of his life which continued untill the 20 of February in Anno dom 1578. after the Accompt of England being the one and twentith yeare of Queene Elizabeth which place this man kept eighteene yeares Thomas Bromlie the generall Sollicitor of Queene Elizabeth a Councellor of the Law and one of the Inner Temple was advanced to the dignity of Lord Chancellor on the 25 day of Aprill in Anno dom 1579 being in Anno 21 Elizabeth Sir Christopher Hatton being Vice-chamberlaine to Queene Elizabeth was constituted Lord Chancellor of England and Keeper of the graat seale upon Sunday the 29. day of Aprill in the 29 yeare of the said Queenes raigne Anno dom 1587. John Puckring Serjant at law was made Knight and sworne of the privy Councell at Greenewich upon Sunday the 28. day of May in the 34. yeare of Queene Elizabeth and at the same time was made Lord Keeper of the great seale of England Sir Thomas Egerton Knight being Master of the Rolles had the great seale of England delivered unto him at Greenewich and sworne of the Privy Councell upon the 6 of May 1596 being in the 38. of Queene Elizabeth and so continued in both those places till the first yeare of King James who created him Baron of Elsmere at Hampton Court 21 Iuly 1603 and made him Lord Chancellor and lastly created him into the dignity of Vicount Brackley the 7. day of November 1616 but severed the place of Master of the Rolles which was given to Edward Bruce Lord Kinlosse Sr. Francis Bacon Knight Atturney generall to King Iames and at the same time of the Privy Councell second sonne of Sr. Nicholas Bacon sometime Lord Keeper of the great seale upon the 7 of March 1616 in the 14 yeare of King James a few dayes before the death of the former Lord Chancellor had the great seale committed to him and being created a Baron by the title of Lord Verulam at Wansted the 12 of July 1617 was made Lord Chancellor the 4 of January following and made Vicount of St. Alban the 20 of Ianuary 1620. Vpon the removall of the Lord Chancellor Bacon who was displaced by the Parliament in Lent the 18 yeare of King Iames. The keeping of the great Seale was committed to Henry vicount Mandevile Lord President of the Councell Lodowicke Duke of Richmond and Lenox Lord Steward of the Kings house William Earle of Pembroke Lord Chamberlaine of the Kings house and Sir Iulius Caesar Knight Master of the Rols who continued the custody thereof till July following John Williams Doctor of Divinity Deane of Westminster and one of the Privy Counsell and after that consecrated Bishop of Lincolne was made Lord keeper of the great seale of England the 10 day of Iuly in the 19 yeare of King James Sir Thomas Coventry Knight eldest sonne to Sr. Thomas Coventry Knight one of the Iustices of the Common pleas being the Kings Atturney Generall was made Lord keeper of the great seale of England the first day of November in the first yeare of King Charles and Created Baron Coventry of Allesborough in the County of Worcester the 10 of Aprill in the 4 yeare of King Charles whose exempler vertues in the execution of this great office to the honour of his Majestie and the generall good of the Kingdome I cannot mention without due Attributes and fearing as I justly may that I shall rather shew mine owne defects than be able to set them forth in due characters I shall with much security discharge my selfe in this kinde by reciting the preamble of his Majesties Letters Patents for Creating his Lordship into the dignity of a Baron and Peere of this Realme Rex c. Archiepiscopis Ducibus c. ad quos praesentes literae provenerint Salutem Officio curae Regali nihil magis arbitramur convenire quam virtutum praemia viris illustribus ●itè disponere ac illos Honoribus attollere qui de Rege Republicâ optimè meruerunt Perspicimus enim Coronam nostram Regiam quam plurimum honorari locupletari cum viros cordatos Consilio prudentiâ virtutibus illustres ac praesertim in administrandâ Justicia strenuos insignes ad Honoris dignitatis gradus vocamus erigimus Nos igitur in personâ praedilecti per quam fidelis Consiliarij nostri Thomae Coventry Militis Custodis Magni Sigilli nostri Angliae gratissima dignissima servitia quae idem Consiliarius noster tam praecharissimo Patri nostro Jacobo Regi beatae memoriae per multos annos quam nobis ab ipsis Regni nostri primis auspicijs fidelissimè prudentissimè praestitit impendit indiesque impendere non desistit Nec non circumspèctionem prudentiam strenuitatem dexteritatem integritatem industriam constantiam fidelitatem ipsius Thomae Coventry Militis erga nos Coronam nostrā Animo benigno Regali intimè r●colentes pro gratiae nostrae erga praefatum Consiliarium pignore Nec non virtutum benemeritorum ejusdem encomio posteris suis relinquendum ipsum in Procerum hujus Regni nostri Angliae numerum ascribendum decrevimus Sciatis itaque quod nos de gratia nostrâ speciali ac ex certâ scientia mero motu nostris praefatum Thomam Coventry Militem ad statum gradum dignitatem Honorem Baronis Coventry de Alesborough in Comitatu nostro Wigorniensi ereximus perficimus creavimus Jpsumque Thomam Coventry Militem Baronem Coventry de Alesborough praedicta tenore praesentium erigimus perficimus creamus Jn cujus rei c. T. R. apud Westm decimo die Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Caroli quarto per ipsum Regem FINIS Custodes Rotulorum 23. Ed. 1. ADAM de Osgodby Clerke 10. Ed. 2. William Ayremyne after Keeper of the great Seale 17. Ed. 2. Richard de Ayremyne 20. Ed. 2. Henry de Clyffe Clerke after keeper of the great Seale died the 7 of King Edward the third 7. Ed. 3.
Earle of Arundell and Surrey was advanced to the office of the Lord Treasurership of England in An. Do. 1413. being the 1. yeare of the raigne of the most victorious Prince King Henry the fifth in which office it seemeth that hee continued the 1 2 and 3. of Henry the fifth He in the yeare 140● being the seventh yeare of Henry the fourth on the next day of the feast of Saint Katherine married Beatrice the naturall daughter of the King of Portugall by whom hee had no Issue but left his sisters his heires and dyed in An. Dom. 1416. being in the third yeare of Henry the fift and was buried in the Colledge at Arundell Sir Roger Leche whom some call but not rightly as I suppose Sir Philip Lech being brother unto the said Sir Roger was Treasurer of England in Michaelmas and Easter tearme in the fourth yeare of Henry the fift being An. Dom. 1416. He was at the seidge of Rone with this King Henry in the sixt yeare of his raigne being also Treasurer for the warres in that voyage Henry Lord Fitzhugh was advanced to the office of the Lord Treasurership of England in the fift yeare of Henry the fift being in An. Dom. 1417. in which office hee continued as I gather untill the death of the said King Henry the fift which happened in August in An. Dom. 1422 Iohn Stafford Clerke was made Lord Treasurer of England in the first yeare of King Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1422. in which office hee continued in Michelmas tearme in the fourth yeare of Henry the sixt falling in An. Dom. 1425. hee was chosen Bishop of Bath in the third yeare of Henry the sixt in An. Dom. 1424. he was Chanceller of England and removed to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury of whom is mention made in my discourse of the Chancellers of England and touching whom I will for this time onely set down here what Matthew Paris writeth of him in the life of Henry Chichely an Archbishop of Canterbury Archiepiscopus saith he in An. Dom. 1424. Cantuariensis 12. Octob. clerum in ecclesia Paulina convocavit in ea Henricus Beauford Winton episcopus regni Cancellarius Iohannes Stafford Bathoniensis electus episcopus regni thesaurarius ad bellum Gallicum opem a clero petivit interposita paucorum dierum deliberatione Wilhelmus Linwood officialis curiae Cantuariensis de arcubus hoc responsum ab inferiori clero Synodo acceptum episcopis declaravit non posse penes cleri procuratores potestatem subsidium concedendi Nam cum in dicta Synodo in singulis diocaesibus constituti essent clerus de solutionibus consentiendi licentiam expresse ademit quia tantis tributis diu pendendis ad magnam inopiam egestatem devenit Itaque Cancellarius a superiori Synodo ad inferiorem transiens longa diserta oratione ac regis jam minoris necessitate ac de instanti in Gallia bello egit ac ne quicquam suasit Walter Lord Hungerford Knight of the garter the sonne of Sir Thomas Hungerford Knight was made Lord Treasurer of England in the fourth yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1425. in which office hee contynued about sixe yeares untill some part of Michaelmas terme in the tenth of Henry the sixt falling in An. Dom. 1431. Hee was also one of the Counsell to the said King of whom is Mention made by Matthew Parker in the life of Henry Chicheley Archbishop of Canterbury in these words Proximo anno which was about An. Dom. 1425 synodus sub eodem archiepiscopo 15. Aprilis inchoata est Qua Iohanne Kempo Eboracensi archiepiscopo Waltero Hungerfordo Milite Regijs consiliarijs ille cancellario hoc thesaurario regni regis nomine postulantibus regi decimam concessit Ac eisdem his petentibus triennio post in recenti Synodo media decima regi a clero data est This Lord Treasurer married Katherine the daughter and heire of Thomas Peverell Knight by whom he had issue Walter Lord Hungerford of Hatchberry Knight of the garter that dyed without issue Sir Robert Lord Hungerford of Hatchberry Edmund Hungerford Knight that died without issue Margaret married to Sir Walter Rodney Knight and Elizabeth married to Phillip Courtney Knight which Robert Lord Hungerford and Margaret his wife Iohn Cheiney of Pim Esquire Iohn Mervin Esquire and others did by the Kings licence granted unto them in the 11. yeare of King Edward the fourth build the hospitall of Hatchberry in Wiltshire Iohn Lord Scroope of Vpsall and Masham made Lord Treasurer in the tenth yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1431. in which office hee continued untill some part of the 12. yeare of the said King as I for this time doe gather Of whom thus writeth Matthew Parker in the life of Henry Chichley Archbishop of Canterbury touching a Synod holden in An. Dom. 1430. at what time of the Clergie hee saith that Iohannes Stafford episcopus Bathoniensis Cancellarius c. D. Scroope Thesaurarius regni nec non Wilhelmus Lindwood custos privati sigilli pro rege subsidium postularunt mediam decimam tandem aegre impetrarunt Raphe Lord Cromwell the sonne of Raph Cromwell Lord of Tatershall possessed the place of Lord Treasurer of England in Easter tearme of the 12. yeare of the after deposed King Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1434. and so continued in that office about tenne yeares following as I suppose in An. Do. 1444. This man being knight was created Lord Cromwell by the said Henry the sixt and was lineally descended of one of the heires of Robert Lord Tatershall that married one of the daughters and heires of William Dalbeny Earle of Arundell This Raph Lord Treasurer died without issue and made his Testament in An. Dom. 1454. being in the 33. yeare of Henry the sixt after whose decease the Inheritance came to the Three Auntes being his heires wherof the first was maried to the Lord Bardoffe staine at Braunch ammore in Northumberland the second was married to Sir William Fitz-Williams Knight of the Sepulcher the third Elizabeth to Sir Iohn Cliston Knight and after his death to Sir Edmund Benested Knight of one Lord Cromwell I finde this note set downe by Leland Dominus Radulphus Cromwell Matilda vxor ejus fundatores Collegij sanctae Trinitatis de Tatershall quumque Roberti ordine domini erant de Tatershall hos sequutus est Radulphus Comwell Sir Ralphe Butler Knight of the garter Lord Sudley descended from Iohn Lord Sudley and William Butler Baron of Wem which married Ioane daughter and heire to Iohn Sudley Baron Sudley did possesse the honorable place of the Lord Treasurership of England the seventh of Iuly in the 22. yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1444. which office he kept about three yeares for in 25. of the said King was the Bishop of Carlile Lord Treasurer This Raphe Lord Sudley builded the Castle of Sudley in the time of King Henry
the sixt and of Edward the fourth was committed to prison by the King first sending for him to come to his presence Whereupon hee going to the King and resting on an hill from whence he did behold Sudley Castle said It is thou it is thou Sudley Castle and not I which am the traitor After which comming to the King hee resigned the said Sudley Castle into his handes Which Castle came after to Iasper Duke of Bedford is now 1635. in the possession of Giles Bridges Lord Shandois This Ralph being made Baron in the 20. yeare of Henry the sixt married Elizabeth the daughter of Sir Iohn Northberry by whom he had issue Thomas his son that died without issue leaving his Two Sisters to bee his heires whereof the Eldest daughter was married to Sir Iohn Northberry whose heire generall was maried to John Halwell of Devonshire who had issue Ioane his daughter and heire married to Edmund Lord Bray of whose heires generall are descended the Lord Cobham Lord Chandos Sir Edmund Verney Knight Marshall Sir Percivall Hart of Kent The other Sister married to Sir Hamond Bellknap of whom is descended the Lord Wootton of Bocton Maleherbe in Kent The which Ralph Lord Butler of Sudley was vexilifer and high butler of England and steward in house to Henry the sixt Marmaduke Bishop of Carlile was made Lord Treasurer of England in the 25. yeare of Henry the sixt in which office hee continued about two yeares in the 27. yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1448. or as some have 1449. Iames Fynes created at Bury Baron and of Say of Seale on the 3. of March in the 25. yeare of King Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1446. was Constable of Dover Castle and Lord Treasurer of England in the 28. yeare of Henry the sixt and was from thence removed as some have in An. 29. of the said King And was by the Rebells of Kent Iacke Cade and his fellowes taken of out the Tower to the Guildhall where hee was arraigned before the Major and other the Kings Iustices who desiring to be tried by his Peeres was by the Rebells forceably taken from the Officers and beheaded at the standard in Cheape Which his beheading some doe attribute to the 28. yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1450. He had issue Sir William Fines Knight and one daughter married to Sir William Cromer Knight Sheriffe of Kent beheaded at that time also with his father in law Of which Cromer Sir Iames Cromer of Kent Knight descended Iohn Lord Beuchamp a person of great worthinesse possessed the place of the Treasurership of England in the 29. and 30. yeare of Henry the sixt Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester possessed the place of the Lord Treasurer in the 31. and 32 yeare of Henry the sixt Of whom is more mention made hereafter Iames Butler the sonne of Iames Earle of Ormond being Earle of Wiltshire and Ormond possessed the office of the Lord Treasurer of England in the 33. of Henry the sixt falling in An. Dom. 1455. Henry Vicount Bourchier borne of the noble house of the Bourchiers the sonne of William Bourchier Earle of Ewe in Normandy was Lord Treasurer of England in the 33. yeare of Henry the sixt in which office he did not long remaine Iohn Talbot Earle of Sherwsbury the sonne of Iohn Talbot the first Earle of Shrewesbury of that name possessed the place of the Treasurership of England in the 35. and 36. yeare of Henry the sixt and then gave place to the Earle of Wiltshire This Earle was slaine at the battle of Northampton in the 38. yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1460. He married Elizabeth the daughter of Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and had issue Iohn Earle of Shrewesbury Iames Gilbert Christopher and George Anne married to Sir Henry Vernon and Margaret This man was buried in the Priory of Worksop Iames Butler sonne to Iames the fourth of that name Earle of Ormond was the second time made Lord Treasurer of England about the 37. yeare of Henry the sixt in which office he continued as I suppose in the 38. yeare of the said King In which yeare hee conveyed himselfe out of England into Duchland for feare of the Nobility as the Duke of Yorke and others that rebelled against the King sending backe his souldiers into England which he had before assembled upon the Sea but after he returned into England and was againe put to flight at Mortimers Crosse by Edward Earle of March after King by the name of King Edward the fourth He was made Earle of Ormond in the 39. of Henry the sixt being his last yeare Hee married Elinor the daughter of Edmund Duke of Somerset diep without yssue being beheaded at Newcastle in An. Do. 1461. in the first yeare of Edward the fourth Henry Viscount Bourchier was Lord Treasurer of England the second time in the 39. yeare of Henry the sixt being in An. Dom. 1460. who upon the deposition of the said King by Edward the fourth was also removed from the said office Thrmas Bourchier made Lord Treasurer of England in the first yeare of Edward the fourth in An-Dom 1461. continued not long in that office but gave place to Iohn Earle of Worcester Iohn Tiptoft Earle of Worcester the second tyme possessed the place of the Lord Treasurership of England in the second and third yeare of Edward the fourth Edmund Lord Grey of Ruthine the sonne of Iohn Lord Grey of Ruthine did enjoy the office of Lord Treasurership of England in the fourth yeare of Edward the fourth in Anno Dom. 1464. This man secretly in heart forsaking the part of King Henry the sixt for injuries received at his hands ayded the said Edward the fourth and was the chiefe meanes whereby hee attained the Crowne in Michaelmas Tearme in the said fourth yeare of this King there was a Sergeants feast held in Holbourne in the Bishop of Ely his House to which the Maior and Aldermen repaired being bidden thither But when the Major looked to have kept the state in the Hall forgetting that hee was out of his owne liberties for the Bishops place was an exempt place as it had beene used saith Iohn Stow in all places of the City and liberties of the same out of the Kings presence the Lord Grey of Ruthine then Treasurer of England unknowne to the Sergeants and against their willes as they said was placed in the highest roome whereupon the Major Aldermen and Commons departed This Edmund doth Matthew Parker in the life of Thomas Bourchier Archbishop of Canterbury make to be Treasurer in the Third yeare of Edward the fourth in Anno Dom. 1463. which may well enough stand with the former being Treasurer to Iohn Earle of Worcester in the 3. yeare of the King For upon removing of the said Earle in the 3. yeare of Edward the 4. came this Lord Grey in place The words of which said Matthew Parker with a
of Elie. William Grey Bishop of Elie was after the translation of Thomas Bourchier from Elie to Canterbury advanced to that See by Nicholas the fifth then Bishop of Rome who gave it to the said Bishop being then procurator too for King Henry the 6. at Rome in the yeare of our redemption 1454. This man was Lord Treasurer in the ninth yeare of Edward the fourth in An. Dom. 1469. in which office he continued untill the 11. yeare of Edward the fourth or thereabouts This Greie was borne of the noble house of the Lord Greyes of Codnor as saith Bale and travelled into Italie to attaine great learning where he heard the noble Clerke Guarinus Veronensis reade in Ferraria Hee continued Bishop of Elie 24. yeares 11. Moneths and two daies departing this life at Durham the fourth of August in An. Dom. 1478. as I have read and was buried at Elie betweene two Marble pillars having bestowed great sommes of money upon the reparations of that famous Belfrie of the Church of Elie and upon other ornaments of the same Church Henry Bourchier Earle of Essxe did the third time possesse the honorable place of the Lord Treasurership of England in the 11. yeare of Edward the fourth in which office hee continued as I gather 12. yeares being all the residue of the life of Edward the fourth who departed this world about the ninth day of Aprill in An. Dom. 1483. which Bourchier being made Earle of Essex in the first yeare of Edward the fourth in An. Dom. 1461. married Elizabeth daughter of Richard de Conisburge Earle of Cambridge the sister of Richard Duke of Yorke by whom hee had yssue William Lord Bourchier Thomas Iohn Henry and Humphery Knights Sir Richard Wood Knight whom some call Sir Iohn Wood being before under Treasurer in the 23. yeare of Edward the fourth was in the same yeare made Knight about a Moneth before the death of the said King Edward the fourth This man did possesse the place of the Lord Treasurer of England as I gather out of the record of Pellis exitus of that yeare in the second yeare of the Raigne of King Richard the third being the yeare of our redemption 1484. which office I suppose that hee kept untill the said Richard the third was slayne by Henry Earle of Richmond afterward King of England by the name of Henry the Seventh Sir Reignold Brey Knight the sonne of Richard Brey Physician as some have noted to King Henry the sixt being servant to Margret Countesse of Richmond mother to Henry the seventh was for the fidelity of his Lady and good service in furthering King Henry the 7. to the Crowne received into great favour with the said King and made Lord Treasurer of England as appeareth by the record of Pellis exitus made under his name in the first yeare of Henry the seventh in An. Dom. 1485. besides which Office hee had many other offices and honours part whereof were that he was Treasurer of the Kinges warres that he was one of the executors to King Henry the seventh that hee was made Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of the King and created a Banneret at Blacke-heath field Hee died in the 18. yeare of the prudent Prince King Henry the seventh being in An. Dom. 1503. and was honorably buried at Windsor Sir Iohn Dinham Kinght the son of Sir Dinham Knight a faithfull servant to the house of Yorke aswell in ayding the Duke of Yorke to whom Edward the fourth sonne to the said Duke of Yorke in the second yeare of his raigne had given one Annuity of 30. pound per Annum did after the death of the said Edward the fourth in the second yeare of Henry the seventh possesse the place of Lord Treasurer of England in An. Dom. 1486. and so continued vntill in An. 16. Henry the seventh and then gave place to Thomas Earle of Surrey Of which Lord Dinham thus writeth Leland Dominus Dinham primus fuit fundator sancti Nicholas alias Hortland He was created Lord Dinham in the first yeare of Edward the 4. shortly after the Coronation of the said King in An. Dom. 1461. He dyed in Anno 16. of the same King Henry the seventh in An. Dom. 1500. and the 30. day of Ianuary was brought to the Gray Fryers in London and there buried He married Elizabeth daughter of the Lord Fitzwater by whom he had yssue George and Phillip and Sir Thomas Dinham his base sonne that married one of the daughters and heires of Sir Iohn Ormond Which Thomas was buried at Ashring Three miles from Berkhamsted besides which children this Lord Dinham or Denham for so I finde both written in Chronicles had by his legitimate wife divers daughters which were Margaret married to Nicholas Baron of Carew Ioane married to the Lord Zouch Elizabeth married to the Lord Fitz Warren and Katherine married to Sir Thomas Arundell of Cornewall Knight Here I thinke it not amisse to say somewhat of a note which I have seene that maketh Iohn Touchet Lord Audley Treasurer of England which note is this Iohn Touchet Lord Audley Treasurer of England dyed the 26. day of December in An. Do. 1490. falling in the sixt yeare of Henry the seventh and had issue Iames Lord Audley beheaded the 28. of Iune in An. Dom. 1497. being the 12. yeare of Henry the seventh Thomas Howard the sonne of Iohn Lord Howard created the first Duke of Norfolke of that name in the time of Richard the Third was at the same time also created Earle of Surrey This man after the slaughter of his father at Bosworth field when the Tyrant Richard the third was slaine by Henry the seventh was after received into such favour with the said King Henry the seventh that hee was advanced to be Lord Treasurer of England in the 16. yeare of Henry the seventh in An. Dom. 1500. Which place hee continued all the life of the said King Henry the seventh who died in the 24. yeare of his raigne being in An. Do. 1509. After which for the good service hee used in the time of King Henry the seventh King Henry the 8. permitted him to keepe that Office which he possessed untill the 15. yeare of King Henry the 8. in An. Dom. 1523. This man was created Duke of Norfolke on Candlemas day in the fift yeare of Henry the 8. being in An. Dom. 1513. at what time also his sonne Thomas Howard was made Earle of Surrey This Duke was advanced to that honour in recompence of the death of the King of Scots and for the good service that hee did against that Nation in the said 5. yeare of Henry the 8. with an augmentation of his armes the Armes of Scotland in medio benda Armorum proprij Nominis of Howard Touching which victory of the death of the King of Scots Buchanan Lib. 13. writeth to this effect That the said Thomas Howard as a note of the conquest gave to his servants to weare on their left arme being
a white Lyon the beast which he beare before as the proper Ensigne of that house standing over a Red Lion the peculiar note of the Kingdome of Scotland and tearing the same Red Lyon with his pawes This Tho. Duke of Norfolke married two wives his first wife was Elizabeth the daughter of Fredericke Tilney Knight by whom he had issue Thomas Earle of Surrey after Duke of Norfolk Edward slaine at Brest Admiral of England and Edmond Howard with Elizabeth married to Thomas Bulline Earle of Wiltshire and Muriell married to Iohn Grey Lord Lisle His second wife was Agnes daughter of Philip Tilney Knight by whom he had yssue William Lord Howard of Effingham with many others This Thomas Duke of Norfolke died in the 16. yeare of King Henry the 8. in An. Dom. 1544. and was buried at Thetford in Norfolke Thomas Howard sonne to the said Thomas Duke of Norfolke being Earle of Surrey possessed the place of the Lord Treasurer in the 15. yeare of Henry the 8. in An. Dom. 1523. the which office he continued in the 38. yeare of the said King in An. Dom. 1546. in the which yeare on the 28. of Ianuary the said King Henry died so that this Duke and his father were Lord Treasurers of England almost 48. yeares But about some few daies more then a Moneth before the death of the said King that is to say on the 12. day of December this Duke with his sonne Henry Earle of Surrey were committed to the Tower the one by water the other by land Shortly after which the said Henry was beheaded at Tower-hill the 19. day of Ianuary about 9. dayes before the death of the King And the Duke remained as condemned to perpetuall prison till the beginning of the Raigne of Queene Mary who then set him at liberty He married for his first wife Anne the daughter of King Edward the fourth but had Thomas that died young after he married Elizabeth daughter to Edward Duke of Buckingham by whom hee had yssue Henry Earle of Surrey beheaded as before Thomas Viscount Bindon and Mary married to Henry Fitzroy Duke of Richmond Hee died about the beginning of the Raigne of Queene Mary Edward Seymer Earle of Hartford was after the death of King Henry the 8. made Lord Treasurer of England in the first yeare of King Edward the sixt in An. Dom. 1546. in which yeare hee was also made protector of England and Duke of Somerset of whom thus writeth Matthew Parker calling him Regni Camerarium in the life of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury in these words pag. 397. In testamento meaning King Henry the 8. Edwardo Principi minori novem annis nato haeredi suo Sexdecem tutores ex Episcopis solos Thomam Cranmerum Cantuariensem archiepiscopum Cuthbertum Tonstallum Dunelmensem Episcopum dedit And a little after pag. 398. followeth Verum pluribus ut diximus ei minori that was King Edward a patre constitutis curatoribus ne numero suo atque multitudine ad dissentiones faciles essent proclives unus electus est qui ex consilijs reliquorum impuberis regis tutelam solus administraret Is futit Edwardus Seimerus Comes Herefordiensis totius regni Camerarius regisque Auunculus Qui suscepta tutela regis totius regni atque dominiorum suorum proctteor Somerseti Dux nuncupatus atque creatus est This Duke of Somerset being Treasurer of England continued in the same office untill his death which was more then 4. yeares and was beheaded in the fift yeare of Edward the sixt in An. Dom. 1551. Sir William Paulet Knight Marquesse of Winchester was made Lord Treasurer upon the death of the Duke of Somerset in the fift yeare of Edward the sixt in An. Dom. 1551. Which office hee kept by the space of Twenty yeares and more a longer time then ever any other Treasurer had done before except the two last Dukes of Norfolke This man being a man of extreame age as attaining to the yeares Ninetie Seven died Lord Treasurer of England the tenth of March in An. Dom. 1571. being the 14. yeare of the Raigne of the famous Queene Elizabeth at his Mannor of Basing Hee in his life time did see the Children of his Childrens Children growne to the number of One Hundred and Three a rare blessing of God to men of his calling He maried Elizabeth the daughter of Sir William Capell Knight by whom he had issue Iohn Marquesse of Winchester Thomas Chidiocke and Giles Alice married to Richard Stowell Margaret married to Sir William Berkeley Margery married to Richard Waller and Eleanor married to Sir Richard Perckshall Sir William Cecill Knight principall Secretary of State created Lord Burghley upon the death of the Marquesse of Winchester was made Lord Treasurer of England the 13. Iuly 1572. being in the 14. yeare of the reigne of Queene Elizabeth and continued in that office during his life being also elected unto that most noble Order of the Garter Chancellor of the Vniversity of Cambridge and a Commissioner for the Office of Earle Marshall of of England Thomas Sackvill Barron Buckhurst heire Male of that ancient Familie that have flourished in a continued series from the Conquest and comming over out of Normandie deserved Nobly in that action was made Lord Treasurer the 15. of May in the 41. yeare of Queene Elizabeth and continued in that office during his life Hee was after by King Iames Created Earle of Dorcet the 13. of March 1603. being Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter and Chancellor of the Vniversity of Oxford Sir Robert Cecill second son to William Lord Burghley being Principal Secretary of State to Queene Elizabeth and after to King Iames was by the said king created Baron Cecill of Essendon the 13. of May 1603. vicount Cranborne the 20. of August 1604. and Earle of Salisbury the 4. of May in the sixt yeare of King Iames and upon the death of the Earle of Dorcet hee was made Lord Treasurer of England and continued in the place till his death Thomas Lord Howard of Walden second sonne to Thomos Howard Duke of Norfolke created Earle of Suffolke by King Iames being then Lord Chamberlaine and Knight of the Garter was made Lord Treasurer of England the 12. of Iuly in the 12. yeare of the raigne of King Iames. Sir Henry Montague Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench was made Lord Treasurer of England the 14. of December in the 18. yeare of King Iames and the 19. day of the same moneth and yeare he was Created Baron of Kimolten Castle in Huntington-shire and Vicount Mandevile and immediately after the Coronation of King Charles he was created Earle of Manchester Lyonell Lord Cranfield of Cranfield in the County of Bedford so created by Letters Patents bearing date the 9. of Iuly 1621. was made Lord Treasurer the 19. of October following and created Earle of Middlesex the 19. of October 1622. Sir Iames Ley Knight and Baronet Lord Cheife Iustice of the Kings Bench was made Lord Treasurer of England the 22. of December in the 22. yeare of the raigne of King Iames and upon the 31. day of the same Moneth he was created Baron Ley of Ley in Devonshire and immediately after the Coronation of King Charles he was created Earle of Marleburgh in Wiltsshire Richard Lord Weston Chancellor of the Exchequer upon the remove of the Earle of Marleburgh was made Lord Treasurer of England upon the 15. day of Iuly in the 4. yeare of King Charles and was after that created Earle of Portland in Dorcetshire by Letters Patents bearing date the 17. day of February in the eighth yeare of the raigne of King Charles Vpon the death of the said Earle of Portland his Majestie appointed Commissioners for the said office viz. William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury his Grace Henry Earle of Manchester Lord Privie Seale Francis Lord Cottington Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Iohn Cooke and Sir Francis Windebank Knights Principall Secretaries of State The right reverend Father in God William Iuxon first Lord Bishop of Hereford then translated to London and made deane of the Kings Chappel and called to be of the Privy Councell and was made Lord Treasurer of England the Ninth day of March 1635. FINIS
of the Swan in the word Winchelsega thus terme Iohannes Chirchebius Episcopus Anguillarinus Regi a thesauris This man was Treasurer in the 16 17 and part of 18 of Edward the first in which yeare as it seemeth being part of An. Do. 1290. This Bishop died the 7. Kalends of Aprill after that hee had beene Bishop three yeeres some moneths and some dayes and was buried by Walpoole Bishop of Norwich in the Church of Elie on the north part of the queere before the Altar of Saint Iohn Baptist William de Marchia or Gulielmus Martius was Treasurer in Easter terme in the 18. of Edw. the first in which office he continued about 5. yeares was removed from that place in the 23. of Edward the first Peter of Leicester Baron of the Exchequer with the two Chamberlaines executed al functions of that office untill a new Treasurer was made this William de Marchia was made Bishop of Bathe and Welles in An. Do. 1293. being the 22. of Edward the first in which See hee remained almost 10. yeares and died in An. Do. 1302. being about the 32. of Edward the first was buried in the Church of VVells in the wall betweene the doore of the Cloister and the Altar of Saint Martin at whose Tombe in times past as the nature of that credulous age did hastily beleeve were many miracles done as some have left in memory to the following posterity VValter Langhstane Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry was made Treasurer after William de Marchia in 23. Edward the first in which office he continued as I gather during the life of Edward the first which fell in the 35. of his raigne being An. Do. 1307. and was then removed and imprisoned in the Tower with two men onely by Edward the second then comming to the Crowne because the said Walter Langstone had caused Edward the first to imprison and as some have to banish this new King for breaking downe the Parkes of the said Bishop During the time that this Peter de Willeby was under-Treasurer or Livetenant of the Treasury for the words be Locum tenens thesaurarij in 30. 31 and 32. Edward the first this Walter was made Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield in An. Do. 1295. being 23. yeare of Edward the first and the same yeare that he was made Treasurer he died about An. Do. 1321. being about the 14. yeare of Edward the second to which Bishop the Barons of Cobham were heires being descended from Margaret the Sister and heire of Iohn Peverell the Cosen and heire of this Walter Langhstane which Margaret was married to Sir William de La Poole of Ashby Knight from whom the Lord Cobham issue In this mans time of being Treasurer dyed King Edward the first for whom were these verses Dum viguit Rex valuit tua magna potestas Fraus latuit pax magna fuit regnavit honestas Scotos Edvardus dum vixit suppeditavit Tenuit afflixit depressit dilaniavit Walter Reynolds Schoolemaster to Edward the second Bishop of Worcester after of Canterbury and Chanceller of England was advanced to the place of Lord Treasurer of England in the first yeare of Edward the second being in An. Dom. 1307. after which in the yeare 1308. hee was made Bishop of Worcester he continued in the office of Treasurer untill some part of the 4. yeare of Edward the second at what time came in his place Iohn Sandall who was Livetennant unto the said Walter in place of the Treasurer as appeareth by many writs directed unto him by the name of Iohn Sandall Locum tenenti Willimi Episcopi Wigorniae Of him is more spoken in the Chancellors of England Iohn de Sandall being Clerke Scutifer Regis Chanceller of the Exchequer and Chanceller of England having beene before under Treasurer or Deputy for the high Treasurer came now in the fourth yeare of Edward the second to bee made chiefe Treasurer and entred into that office in Easter tearme about the beginning of the 4. yeare of Edward the 2. But in the yeare following which was in the fifth yeare of Edward the second hee gave place to another Hee was chosen Bishop of Winchester in the ninth yeare of King Edward the second being in An Do. 1316. Of whom thus writeth Anonymus M.S. Obierunt Episcopus Winton Elie viri sacra professione insigniti quorum primo successit Iohannes de Sandall Cancellarius Angliae vir cunctis affabilis necessarius communitati Secundo successit Iohannes Hothum scaccar regis vir si quidem scientiae penitus ignarus qui statim episcopatus ascenso culmine ad honorum pariter officij thesaurarij Rex in sui favorem sublimavit Walter Norwich Knight Treasurer in the 5. yeare of Edward the 2. and afterward in Easter tearme in the 8. yeare of Edward the 2. did on the third of October receive the office of Treasurership and tooke his oath before the Barons Chamberleynes of the Exchequer to behave himselfe well and faithfully in the same office which he had received by Letters Patents dated at yorke the 26. of September in the eight yeare of King Edward the second which he kept not long at that time Iohn Sandall was the second time Lord Treasurer in sixt and seventh yeare of King Edw. the second This man being Bishop of Winchester was Treasurer Of him see more in the Chancellers of England Walter de Norwich being Treasurer as before in the eight yeare of Edward the second did not long enjoy the same but as I suppose grave place to Iohn Drokensford Iohn Drokensford the 14. Bishop of Bath and Wells had as I have read the great seale delivered unto him and was also Treasurer of England but because I finde not as yet in what yeare although it were in the time of Edward the second I cannot set downe the certainety Of whom thus writeth the Register of the Bishops of Bath Iohannes Drokensford Thesaurarius 14. Bathon Episcopus post Walterum Haselshawes successit in Episcopatum Bathon annis 19. iste episcopatum pluribus aedificijs insignivit franchesias per regis episcopatus concessas non solum litterarie renovavit sed etiam ampliavit quo additationem exaltationem parentelae suae fere fuit aequalis praedicessori suo Roberto Bornell Welliae sepelitur ante altare sancti Iohannis Baptistae Iohn Hothum Bishop of Elie as is before noted out of one anonymall Chronicle obteyned the place and honour of Treasurership in the 11. yeare of Edward the second which hee did not long enjoy for in the Michaelmas Tearme in the the 12. yeare of Edward the second came William VValwaine Of this Iohn Hotham is mention made in the discourse of the Chancellers VVilliam VValwaine Treasurer of England in the 12. yeare of Edward the second about An. Dom. 1318. was as it should seeme for his negligence and unworthines removed at the Parliament at yorke in such sort as he possessed not that place as I
second yeare of Richard the second whereof part fell in Anno Dom. 1378. and part in 1379. continued about One yeare in the same and then gave place to him which possessed the same place last before him he married Elizabeth daughter of VVilliam de Bohune Earle of Northampton and Hereford by whom hee had issue Thomas Earle of Arundell Ioane maried to VVilliam Beuchampe Lord Aburgavennie Elizabeth married to Thomas Lord Mowbray Margaret married to Sir Rowland Lenthall and Alice married to Iohn Charleton Lord Powes He dyed in the 21. yeare of Richard the second Thomas Brantington Bishop of Excester was the third time made Lord Treasurer of England in the third yeare of the after deposed King Richard the second and was removed from his office in the 4. yeare of Richard the second in An. Dom. 1380. after the account of such as begin the yeare