Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n baron_n knight_n sir_n 15,618 5 6.3178 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 369
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22172 By the Kings Maiesties commissioners, for granting pardons and dispensations to some persons in some cases for conuerting errable lands from tillage into pasture England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); Manchester, Henry Montagu, Earl of, 1563?-1642. 1618 (1618) STC 8586.5; ESTC S3705 490 1 View Text
A32555 By the King, a proclamation for the effectual prosecution of His Majesties commission for the providing and making of salt-peter and gun-powder England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1666 (1666) Wing C3478; ESTC R35909 1,167 1 View Text
A74202 By the King. A proclamation, declaring his Majesties pleasure touching His royal coronation, and the solemnity thereof England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1661 (1661) Wing C3284A; Thomason 669.f.26[68]; ESTC R210945 1,315 1 View Text
B10235 [A pedigree illustrating the claim of Sir Richard Verney to the barony of Broke] Willoughby de Broke, Richard Verney, Lord, 1621-1711. 1694 (1694) Wing V242B; ESTC R185953 1,545 3 View Text
A89778 The great feast, at the inthronization of the reverend father in God, George Neavill Arch-Bishop of Yorke, Chancellour of England, in the sixt yeere of Edward the fourth. Wherein is manifested the great pride and vaine glory of that prelate. The copy of this feast was found inrolled in the Tower of London, and was taken out by Mr. Noy His Majesties late Atorney Generall. Printed according to order. 1645 (1645) Wing N1448; Thomason E276_1; ESTC R209879 1,651 9 View Text
A48655 A list of the dukes, marquisses, earls, viscounts, barons, bishops, and judges summoned by writ to the Parliament to be held at Oxford the one and twentieth day of March, 1680/1 England and Wales. Parliament. 1681 (1681) Wing L2419A; ESTC R719 1,729 1 View Text
B01909 The case of the Kersey-clothiers inhabiting within the parishes of Hallifax, Bradford, Bingley, Kighley, and other adjacent towns and parishes within the west-riding of the county of York, against the aulnagers: Humbly offered to the honourable House of Commons in Parliament assembled. 1700 (1700) Wing C1097; ESTC R171006 2,115 4 View Text
A46144 Whereas His Majestie by his gracious letters, bearing date the two and twentieth day of September last to us the lord lieutenant directed, taking notice, that the late commissioners for executing the Acts of Settlement & Explanation, did not by virtue of their commission proceed to the adjudication of any the claims of the transplanted persons to the province of Connaught ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland, Essex. Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1672-1677 : Essex); Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 1631-1683. 1676 (1676) Wing I802; ESTC R36889 2,149 2 View Text
B24839 By the Lords Iustices and Council. Maurice Eustace Canc. Orrery. Mountrath. Whereas the Duke of Albemarle General of all his Majesties armies, and the Duke of Ormond, Lord Steward of his Majesties house-hold, have by writing under their hands and seals bearing date the second of March 1660. Ireland. Lords Justices and Council.; Eustace, Maurice, Sir, ca. 1590-1661.; Mountrath, Charles Coote, Earl of, ca. 1610-1661.; Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. 1661 (1661) Wing I898; Interim Tract Supplement Guide 807.g.5.[7]; ESTC R232327 2,219 1 View Text
A35108 By the Protector, a proclamation for appointing of a certain day and place for the meeting of the commissioners named in an act of the late Parliament, entituled, an act for the security of His Highness the Lord Protector His Person, and continuance of the nation in peace and safety England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell); Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. 1658 (1658) Wing C7147; ESTC R41081 2,575 3 View Text
A43401 Vox secvnda popvli, or, The Commons gratitude to the most honorable Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Mongomery, for the great affection which hee alwaies bore unto them by Tho. Herbert. Herbert, Thomas, 1597-1642? 1641 (1641) Wing H1533; ESTC R23451 3,044 9 View Text
A78316 A catalogue of the Lords spirituall and temporall of the higher house of Parliament. 1640 Walkley, Thomas, d. 1658? 1641 (1641) Wing C1384; Thomason E1091_3; ESTC R208941 3,234 17 View Text
A22110 My the King. Letters patents, commanding that no greater or other customes, imposts, fees, entrie-siluer, or other dueties whatsoeuer, shalbe hereafter taken, extracted or receiued, by any officers or subiects of England and Ireland, from Scottish-men, or Scottish ships or any goods or merchandizes imported or exported by them or their ships, then is vsually receiued from English and Irish men, English and Irish ships, or any goods imported or exported by them or their ships, to or from England and Ireland, in all respects: and that Scottish ships bee no more reputed or accompted strangers bottomes, but free bottomes, paying no more customes, impositions or other dueties for goods imported, or exported by them, then if they were imported or exported in English or Irish bottomes, to or from England or Ireland. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625.; Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 1561-1626. aut 1615 (1615) STC 8515; ESTC S100812 3,345 3 View Text
A00747 The accusation and impeachment of Iohn Lord Finch, Baron of Fordwich, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England, by the House of Commons; Proceedings. 1640 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1640 (1640) STC 10876; ESTC S102060 3,538 14 View Text
A90652 Englands sorrow for the losse of their late generall or an epitaph upon his Excellencie Robert Earle of Essex, &c. Who died September 15. 1646. with a perfect memoriall of the particular services and battels that he himself was engaged in person. Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682. 1646 (1646) Wing P1996; Thomason 669.f.10[88]; ESTC R210630 3,649 1 View Text
A47920 Some queries concerning the election of members for the ensuing Parliament L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704.; Harrington, James, 1664-1693. 1690 (1690) Wing L1308B; ESTC R30498 3,672 9 View Text
A56152 The curtaine drawne, or, The Parliament exposed to view the names of the members yet living of both houses of Parliament forceably secluded by the army in 1648, or since excluded by a few of their fellow members, confirming that force which they formerly disowned. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1659 (1659) Wing P3935; ESTC R21828 3,802 8 View Text
A54328 A Perfect catalogue of the peeres of the realm of England viz. Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, and Barons now sitting in this present Parliament, began at Westminster the 8th day of May in the 12th year of the reign of our Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second &c., 1661 : together with the auncient statute for placing the Lords in all Parliaments and other assemblies and conferences of councils. 1661 (1661) Wing P1475; ESTC R26870 4,049 12 View Text
B04083 A list of the names of the knights citizens burgesses and barons of the Cinque ports of England and Wales for the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25th. day of April, in the year 1660. as they were returned into the Crown office. 1660 (1660) Wing L2472; ESTC R232577 4,159 1 View Text
A37315 A Debate upon the quærie whether a king elected and declared by the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons assembled at Westminster 22 of January 1688, coming to and consulting with the said Lords and Commons, doth not make as compleat a Parliament and legislative power and authority to all intents and purposes, as if the said king should cause new summons to be given and new elections to be made by writs 1689 (1689) Wing D508; ESTC R21332 4,258 6 View Text
A90649 Capellus virbius, sive redivivus: or, A monument erected in severall elegies to the memory of the right honourable and noble Arthur Lord Capell, Baron of Hadham And his excellent lady, the Lady Elizabeth Capell dowager. Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682. 1662 (1662) Wing P1992; ESTC R230086 4,486 14 View Text
A25594 An Account of the principal officers civil and military of England, May 1684 1684 (1684) Wing A341; ESTC R1654 4,617 1 View Text
A95561 The names of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, & Barons, dead or living, that have been or are in England, Scotland, & Ireland, in and since the raign of Queen Elizabeth, to this yeare, 1653. By John Taylor Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1653 (1653) Wing T485; Thomason E1463_1; ESTC R209612 4,688 29 View Text
A88536 A looking-glass for traytors being the manner of the tryall of those barbarous wretches at Justice-Hall in the Old-Baily, who contrived and compassed the death of his late Sacred Majesty King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory : with an account of their severall arguments, conviction, condemnation and execution. 1660 (1660) Wing L3034; Thomason 669.f.26[25]; ESTC R210824 4,815 1 View Text
A46107 Whereas by an act made in this present Parliament, intituled, An act for the enlargement of the periods of time limited in an act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration, for the settlement of his kingdom of Ireland, &c. ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormonde. Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1661-1669 : Ormonde); Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688. 1663 (1663) Wing I720; ESTC R43292 5,283 3 View Text
A09524 Elizabetha quasi viuens Eliza's funerall. A fevve Aprill drops, showred on the hearse of dead Eliza. Or The funerall teares af [sic] a true hearted subiect. By H.P. Petowe, Henry. 1603 (1603) STC 19804; ESTC S110382 5,289 22 View Text
A48678 A list of the names of the knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the cinque ports that are returned to serve in the Parliament of England, begun the sixth of March, 1678/9 England and Wales. Parliament. 1679 (1679) Wing L2473A; ESTC R812 5,461 1 View Text
A38883 An Exact and perfect list of the names of the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgessses of the boroughs and towns and barons of the cinque-ports that serve in this present Parliament taken at this last session, annoq. Regni Car. 2 Regis I 6/7. 1664 (1664) Wing E3602; ESTC R27353 5,589 17 View Text
A52664 The nations address to the committee of grievances in Parliament for the taking off the corporation oath in behalf of all cities, towns-corporate, aldermen, bayliffs, burgesses, as also sheriffs, lord lieutenants, and deputy lieutenants of counties, ministers, and all others concerned for the repealing those acts, which impose the oath folowing. England and Wales. Parliament. Committee of Grievances. 1689 (1689) Wing N235A; ESTC R636 5,730 2 View Text
A12792 An elegie on the much lamented death of the Right Honorable Sir Arthur Chichester Knight, Lo. Baron of Belfast, Lo. high Treasurer of Ireland, one of the lords of His Maiesties most Honorable Priuie Counsell, and of the Counsell of Warre. By Alex Spicer.. Spicer, Alexander, b. 1574 or 5. 1643 (1643) STC 23100; ESTC S117749 6,112 30 View Text
A90354 The pedegree and descent of His Excellency, General George Monck. Setting forth how he is descended from King Edvvard the Third, by a branch and slip of the white rose, the House of York. And likewise, his extraction from Richard King of the Romans. With the state, title and descents of the houses of York and Lancaster in their several branches. 1660 (1660) Wing P1048; Thomason E1015_9; ESTC R203171 6,156 16 View Text
A48669 A List of the names and sir-names of the Lords spiritual and temporal, knights, citizens, burgesses, and barons of the Cinque ports, in the grand convention of England to begin the 22d. of January, 1688/9. 1689 (1689) Wing L2458B; ESTC R34986 6,292 1 View Text
A86884 Comprehension promoted. Whether there be not as much reason, in regard to the ease of the most sober consciences, to take away the subscription in the Act of Uniformity, as well as the declaration of assent and consent? Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. 1704 (1704) Wing H3675; ESTC R178383 6,720 8 View Text
A75440 An account of the principal officers, civil and military, of England, in the year 1699 1699 (1699) Wing A342C; ESTC R230794 6,766 1 View Text
A15043 A remembraunce of the precious vertues of the right honourable and reuerend iudge, Sir Iames Dier, Knight, Lord cheefe Iustice of the Common Pleas who disseased at great Stawghton, in Huntingdon shire, the 24. of Marche, anno. 1582. The reporte of George VVhetstons, gent. Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587? 1582 (1582) STC 25345; ESTC S111683 7,053 21 View Text
A54327 A Perfect catalogue of all the lords treasurers that have been in England to this present year, 1679 with particular observations on Thomas Earl of Danby. 1679 (1679) Wing P1474; ESTC R361 7,724 4 View Text
A14871 Monuments of honor Deriued from remarkable antiquity, and celebrated in the honorable city of London, at the sole munificent charge and expences of the right worthy and worshipfull fraternity, of the eminent Merchant-Taylors. Directed in their most affectionate loue, at the confirmation of their right worthy brother Iohn Gore in the high office of His Maiesties liuetenant ouer his royoll [sic] chamber. Expressing in a magnificent tryumph, all the pageants, chariots of glory, temples of honor, besides a specious and goodly sea tryumph, as well particularly to the honor of the city, as generally to the glory of this our kingdome. Invented and written by Iohn Webster Merchant-Taylor. Webster, John, 1580?-1625? 1624 (1624) STC 25175; ESTC S111504 7,759 22 View Text
A08184 Expicedium [sic]. A funeral oration, vpon the death of the late deceased Princesse of famous memorye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, Queen of England, France and Ireland. Written: by Infelice Academico Ignoto. Wherunto is added, the true order of her Highnes imperiall funerall. Niccols, Richard, 1584-1616. 1603 (1603) STC 18520; ESTC S113213 7,804 22 View Text
A19900 Bien venu Great Britaines welcome to hir greate friendes, and deere brethren the Danes Davies, John, 1565?-1618. 1606 (1606) STC 6329; ESTC S109318 8,246 26 View Text
A72935 Articles, of a treatie of truce. Made and concluded in the towne and citie of Antvverp, the 9. of April 1609. betweene the commissioners of the most excellent Princes, Arch-dukes Albert and Isabella Clara Eugenia, as well in the name of the Catholicke Kings Maiestie, as in their owne. Together with the commissioners and deputies of the renowmed Lords, the Estates Generall of the Vnited Prouinces of the Low-countryes and that through the mediation and with the aduice of the Lords Ambassadors of the most Christian Kings, and of Great Britaine. At the Haghe by Hillebrant Iacobz, printer ordinarie to the Lords of the States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces of the Low-countreyes.; Treaties, etc. United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal, 1609 Apr. 9 Netherlands. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Albert and Isabella).; United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. Treaties, etc. Netherlands. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Albert and Isabella), 1609 Apr. 9. 1609 (1609) STC 18455.7; ESTC S113147 8,513 24 View Text
A45990 An act to hinder the reversal of several outlawries and attainders and to prevent the return of subjects of this kingdom, who have gone into the dominions of the French King in Europe. Ireland. 1697 (1697) Wing I324; ESTC R39291 9,800 20 View Text
A19795 Bassus. The second booke of the musicke of M. William Damon, late one of her maiesties musitions conteining all the tunes of Dauids Psalmes, as they are ordinarily soung in the Church: most excellently by him composed into 4. parts. In which sett the highest part singeth the church tune. Published for the recreation of such as delight in musicke: by W. Sawyne Gent. Daman, William, ca. 1540-1591.; Swayne, William.; Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1591 (1591) STC 6221; ESTC S111040 10,598 50 View Text
A62152 The order and ceremonies used for, and at the solemn interment of the most high, mighty and most noble Prince George, Duke of Albemarle ... A[nn]o 1670 collected by Francis Sandford ... ; and published by His Ma[jes]ties especiall command. Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694.; Barlow, Francis, 1626?-1702.; White, Robert, 1645-1703. 1670 (1670) Wing S653; ESTC R5597 10,695 28 View Text
A08309 Nordens preparatiue to his Speculum Britanniæ. Intended a reconciliation of sundrie propositions by diuers person tendred, concerning the same. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1596 (1596) STC 18638; ESTC S113317 10,881 36 View Text
A90182 The Marquesse of Ormond's declaration, proclaiming Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. With his summons to Colonel Jones for the surrender of Dublin, and the answer of Colonell Iones thereunto. Also a perfect relation of their forces, and the present affairs of that kingdom. Together with a true copie of the articles of agreement between the said Marquesse, and the Irish. Also a representation of the province of Vlster concerning the evills and dangers to religion, lawes and liberties, arising from the present practices of the sectarian army in England, &c. Imprimatur. G. Mabbot. Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1641-1649 : Ormonde); Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688.; Jones, Michael, d. 1649.; Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Synod of Ulster. 1649 (1649) Wing O444; Thomason E548_28; ESTC R203071 11,072 27 View Text
A87071 To the honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses assembled in the Commons House of Parliament. The several petitions of William Hansard and Sir Frederick Hammiltoun knight and colonel. Together with the true state of the case concerning the lands of Lifford, in the county of Donnegal within the kingdom of Ireland. As also the several remonstrances of the committee at Grocers Hall for Irish affairs, in the behalf of Sir Frederick Hammiltoun. With the order of the Honourable House of Commons to the Committee of both Kingdoms; and their order thereupon for Sir Arthur Haslerig to make report. Hansard, William.; Hamilton, Frederick, Sir, fl. 1645.; Committee of Adventurers in London for Lands in Ireland.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; England and Wales. Commissioners of Both Kingdoms. 1646 (1646) Wing H661; Thomason E335_12; ESTC R200787 11,563 41 View Text
A05246 A booke of ayres vvith a triplicitie of musicke, whereof the first part is for the lute or orpharion, and the viole de gambo, and 4. partes to sing, the second part is for 2. trebles to sing to the lute and viole, the third part is for the lute and one voyce, and the viole de gambo. Composed by Iohn Bartlet Gentleman and practitioner in this arte. Bartlet, John, fl. 1606-1610. 1606 (1606) STC 1539; ESTC S106642 12,303 52 View Text
A09206 Thestylis atrata: or A funeral elegie vpon the death of the Right Honourable, most religious and noble lady, Frances, late Countesse of Warvvick who departed this life at her house in Hackney neere unto London, in the moneth of June last past. 1634. By Henrie Peacham. Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643? 1634 (1634) STC 19516; ESTC S110332 12,773 26 View Text
A59075 A brief discourse touching the office of Lord Chancellor of England written by the learned John Selden of the Inner Temple, Esq., and dedicated by him to Sir Francis Bacon ... ; transcribed from a true copy thereof, found amongst the collections of ... St. Lo. Kniveton ... ; together with A true catalogue of lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the Norman conquest untill this present year, 1671, by William Dugdale, Esquire ... Selden, John, 1584-1654.; Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686. True catalogue of lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England. 1671 (1671) Wing S2420; ESTC R9986 13,783 34 View Text
A89811 A perfect catalogue of all the knights of the most noble Order of the Garter. From the first institution of it, untill this present April, Auno [sic] 1661. Whereunto is prefixed a short discourse touching the institution of the Order, the patron, habit and solemnities of it, with many other particulars which concern the same. / Collected and continued by J.N. J. N. 1661 (1661) Wing N21; Thomason E1087_13; ESTC R202944 14,845 40 View Text
A54948 A sermon preach'd to the Artillery Company, at St. Mary le Bow, Septemb. 11, 1677, and at their earnest desire published by Thomas Pittis ... Pittis, Thomas, 1636-1687. 1677 (1677) Wing P2317; ESTC R10835 15,095 39 View Text
A03017 The funerals of the high and mighty Prince Henry, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewaile and Rothsay, Count Palatine of Chester, Earle of Carick, and late Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter VVhich noble Prince deceased at St. Iames, the sixt day of Nouember, 1612. and was most princely interred the seuenth day of December following, within the Abbey of Westminster, in the eighteenth yeere of his age. 1613 (1613) STC 13157; ESTC S103976 16,990 50 View Text
A54671 An historical discourse of the first invention of navigation and the additional improvements of it with the probable causes of the variation of the compasse, and the variation of the variation : likewise, some reflections upon the name and office of admirall : to which is added a catalogue of those persons that have been from the first institution dignified with that office / by Thomas Philipott ... Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682. 1661 (1661) Wing P1997; ESTC R15276 17,155 34 View Text
A18410 An epicede or funerall song on the most disastrous death, of the high-borne prince of men, Henry Prince of Wales, &c. With the funeralls, and representation of the herse of the same high and mighty prince ... VVhich noble prince deceased at St. Iames, the sixt day of Nouember, 1612. and was most princely interred the seuenth day of December following, within the Abbey of Westminster, in the eighteenth yeere of his age. Chapman, George, 1559?-1634.; Hole, William, d. 1624, engraver. 1613 (1613) STC 4974; ESTC S107694 17,429 56 View Text
A67129 A short view of the life and death of George Villers, Duke of Buckingham written by Henry Wotten ... Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. 1642 (1642) Wing W3652; ESTC R21346 18,072 31 View Text
A14574 The discription of the cittie of Excester, collected and gathered by Iohn Vowel alias Hooker, gentelman and chamberlain of the same cittie Hooker, John, 1526?-1601. 1575 (1575) STC 24886; ESTC S119638 18,194 30 View Text
A78323 A Catalogue of the names of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, that have served in the last four Parlaments; viz. [brace] I. The Parlament begun at Westminster, the third of November, 1640. II. The Parlament the fourth of July, 1653. III. The Parlament Sept. 3. 1654. IIII. The Parlament the 17. of September, 1656. With the names of such noblemen, knights, and gentlemen, as met in the Parlament at Oxford. The reader may take notice that in the first Parlament, such as are marked with this * went to Oxford, those that died with d, and such as were new chosen with a small character : In the little Parliament, all those that stood for a godly learned ministery, are also marked with a *. 1656 (1656) Wing C1394; Thomason E1602_6; ESTC R208906 18,731 55 View Text
A07525 A courtly masque: the deuice called the vvorld tost at tennis As it hath beene diuers times presented to the contentment of many noble and worthy spectators, by the prince his seruants. Inuented, and set downe, by Tho: Middleton & William Rowley gent. Middleton, Thomas, d. 1627.; Rowley, William, 1585?-1642? aut 1620 (1620) STC 17909; ESTC S106479 18,936 46 View Text
B09304 By the Lord Lieutenant and Council Essex whereas in an act of Parliament, lately passed in this Kingdom, entituled, An act for the explaining of some doubts, a rising upon an entituled, an Act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration for the settlement of his kingdome of Ireland ... Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1672-1677 : Essex); Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 1631-1683. 1674 (1674) Wing I818; ESTC R178810 19,183 58 View Text
A14671 A catalogue of the nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland With an addition of the baronets of England, the dates of their patents, the seuerall creations of the knights of the Bath, from the coronation of King Iames, to this present. Collected by T.W.; Most exact catalogue of the nobilitie of England, Scotland, and Ireland Walkley, Thomas, d. 1658? 1630 (1630) STC 24974; ESTC S101308 19,624 46 View Text
A62275 A sermon preached at Reading, Feb. 25, 1672, at the assizes there holden for the county of Berks, before the Right Honourable Sir Edward Turner, Knight ... and Sir Edward Thurland, Knight ... by Joseph Sayer ... Sayer, Joseph, 1630 or 31-1693. 1673 (1673) Wing S797; ESTC R7938 19,707 42 View Text
A08349 A mathematicall apendix,[sic] containing many propositions and conclusions mathematicall: with necessary obseruations both for mariners at sea, and for cherographers and surueyors of land; together with an easie perspectiue mechanicall way, to deline at sunne dyalls vpon any wall or plane giuen, be it direct, inclyning, declyning, or reclyning, for the horizon, or meridian, in any region or place of knovvne latitude. With other things pleasant and profitable for the weale publick, not heretofore extant in our vulgar: partly collected out of foreigne moderne writers, and partlie inuented and practised by the author. Written by R.N. Gent. Norton, Robert, d. 1635. 1604 (1604) STC 18675; ESTC S119965 19,791 52 View Text
A32195 The capitulations and articles of peace betweene the Majestie of the King of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland, &c., and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire as they have beene augmented, & altered in the times of every embassadour : and as now lately in the city of Adrianople in the month of January 1661 they have beene augmented, renewed, & amplifyed with diverse additionall articles, & priviledges, which serve towards the maintenance of a well grounded peace, & securities of the trade, & trafficke of His Majesties subjects in the Levant by His Excellency Heneage Earle of VVinchilsea Embassadour Extraordinary from His Majestie Charles the Second, King of Great Brittaine, France, & Ireland to Sulton Mahomet Han the Most Puissant Prince, & Emperour of the Turkes : set forth, and published by Paul Ricaut, Esquire, Secretary to his Excellencie the Lord Embassadour.; Treaties, etc. Turkey, 1662 Jan. England and Wales.; Turkey. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1662 Jan. 1663 (1663) Wing C2930; ESTC R8505 19,927 28 View Text
A17334 The schole of godly feare a sermon preached at the assises holden in Exeter, March 20, 1614. Bury, John, 1580-1667. 1615 (1615) STC 4180.5; ESTC S262 20,285 40 View Text
A64606 Epigrams, divine and moral by Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight. Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660. 1641 (1641) Wing U135; ESTC R7441 21,116 70 View Text
A35589 The Case between Sir Jerom Alexander, Knight ... and Sir William Ashton, Knight ... concerning precedency Alexander, Jerome, Sir.; Ashton, William, Sir. 1661 (1661) Wing C853; ESTC R7783 21,183 14 View Text
A47311 A sermon preached at Coles-hill in Warwickshire, January 24, 1685, on occasion of the death of the Right Honourable Simon Lord Digby, Baron Digby of Geashil in Ireland, who deceased at Coles-Hall, Jan. 19, 1685, on Heb. 6. 12 by John Kettlewell ... Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. 1686 (1686) Wing K382; ESTC R658 21,305 40 View Text
A72992 The magistrates charter examined, or his duty and dignity opened In a sermon preached at an assises, held at Sarum in the county of Wiltes, on the ninth day of March, last past, 1614. By Bartholomevv Parsons Batchelour in Diuinity, and vicar of Collingborne Kingstone in the diocesse of Sarum. Parsons, Bartholomew, 1574-1642. 1616 (1616) STC 19349; ESTC S123231 21,367 40 View Text
A53410 The orders, rules, and ordinances ordained, devised, and made by the master and keepers or wardens and comminalty of the mystery or art of Stationers of the city of London, for the well governing of that society Stationers' Company (London, England) 1678 (1678) Wing O403; ESTC R11816 21,973 31 View Text
A32196 The capitulations and articles of peace between the Majesty of the King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire as they have been augmented and altered in the times of several ambassadors, and particularly as they have been renewed, augmented, and amplified at the city of Adrianople in the month of January 1661/2, by Heneage, Earl of Winchelsea, Ambassador Extraordinary from His Majesty : and also as they have been since renewed in the month of September 1675 : with divers additional articles and priviledges, by Sir John Finch, to Sultan Mahomet Han, the most puissant Prince and Emperour of the Turks.; Treaties, etc. Turkey, 1662 Jan. England and Wales.; Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.; Mehmed IV, Sultan of the Turks, 1642-1693.; Turkey. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1662 Jan. 1679 (1679) Wing C2931; ESTC R14085 22,568 44 View Text
A60118 The Justice of the Parliament, in inflicting of punishments subsequent to offences, vindicated and the lawfulness of the present government asserted : with some animadversions upon the second vindication of the magistracy and government of England. Shower, Bartholomew, Sir, 1658-1701. 1689 (1689) Wing S3651; ESTC R15074 22,626 35 View Text
A33201 A persuasive to peaceableness and obedience, seasonable and proper for these times being a sermon preached at Bury Saint Edmunds in Suffolk, on July 29, 1683, in the time of the assizes held there / by Nicholas Clagett ... Clagett, Nicholas, 1654-1727. 1683 (1683) Wing C4371; ESTC R108 23,636 57 View Text
A18594 Englands mourning garment worne heere by plaine shepheards, in memorie of their sacred mistresse, Elizabeth; queene of vertue while she liued, and theame of sorrow being dead. To the which is added the true manner of her emperiall funerall. With many new additions, being now againe the second time reprinted, which was omitted in the first impression. After which followeth the shepheards spring-song, for entertainment of King Iames our most potent soueraigne. ... Chettle, Henry, d. 1607? 1603 (1603) STC 5122; ESTC S104885 24,274 50 View Text
A31297 A Catalogue of the names of all such who were summon'd to any Parliament (or reputed Parliament) from the year 1640. Viz. [brace] I. November 1640. The parliament call'd the Long-Parliament. II. The Parliament held at Oxford. III. 1653. Cromwel's convention, call'd Barbone's Parliament. IV. 1654. The convention turned out of doors without doing any thing. V. 1656. The convention that establish'd Cromwell. VI. 1659. The convention called Richard's Parliament: with the names of the lords of the other house. VII. The Healing-Parliament, summon'd just before His Majesties happy restauration. VIII. 1661. The lords spiritual and temporal, and commons of this present parliament summon'd by His Sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. 1661 (1661) Wing C1387A; ESTC R34417 24,342 72 View Text
A09194 Coach and sedan, pleasantly disputing for place and precedence the brewers-cart being moderator. Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643? 1636 (1636) STC 19501; ESTC S110325 24,532 56 View Text
A35983 Observations vpon Religio medici occasionally written by Sir Kenelme Digby, Knight. Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665. 1643 (1643) Wing D1441; ESTC R20589 25,029 128 View Text
A52937 A catalogue of the names of all His Majesties justices of the peace in commission in the several counties throughout England and Wales, according to the late alterations to which is added, the names of all those formerly in commission, now left out : carefully collected from the respective commissions of each county / by S.N. Esquire. S. N., Esquire. 1680 (1680) Wing N67; ESTC R5883 25,258 39 View Text
A95721 Church reformation, a discourse pointing at some vanities in divine service. Delivered in two sermons at Bridgnorth: Sept. 30. 1660. Being the Lords Day; and the time of the assizes held there for the county of Salop. By Mich: Thomas, rector of Stockton in the same county. Thomas, Michael, rector of Stockton. 1661 (1661) Wing T968; Thomason E1055_17; ESTC R203930 25,323 52 View Text
A51238 The history or narrative of the great level of the fenns, called Bedford level with a large map of the said level, as drained, surveyed, & described by Sir Jonas Moore Knight, His late Majesties Surveyor-General of his ordnance. Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1679. 1685 (1685) Wing M2571; ESTC R319 25,568 90 View Text
A45860 The indictment and arraignment of John Price Esquire, late receiver-general in Ireland with a hundred and one other Protestants, at Wicklow, before John Keating Esq, Chief Justice of the Common pleas a Protestant, and Henry Lynch Knight Baron of the Exchequer, a Papist : collected by a Person that was present and took the same in writing. Person that was present. 1689 (1689) Wing I151; ESTC R5774 26,265 38 View Text
A63144 The tryal and condemnation of George Busby for high-treason as a Romish priest and Jesuite, upon the statute of 27 Eliz., Cap.2, at the assizes and general goal-delivery held at Derby, for the county of Derby, the 25th day of July, in the 33th year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second, &c : before the Honourable Sir Thomas Street, Knight, one of the barons of His Majesties exchequer / as it was faithfully taken, by a person of quality. Busby, George, 1638-1695, defendant.; Person of quality.; England and Wales. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (Derby) 1681 (1681) Wing T2142; ESTC R28367 26,523 42 View Text
A55554 The animadverter animadverted: or, Brief observations on animadversions Published by Thomas Harlackenden, Esquire. Intitluled, Animadversions on several material passages in a book written by Sir Nathanael Povvel, Baronet. By the same authour. Powell, Nathaniel, Sir, d. 1675.; Harlackenden, Thomas. 1663 (1663) Wing P3065A; ESTC R218342 27,192 53 View Text
A28821 A mirrour of Christianity and a miracle of charity, or, A true and exact narrative of the life and death of the most virtuous Lady Alice, Dutchess Duddeley published after the sermon in the Church of St. Giles in the Fields / by R.B., D.D., rector of the said church, on Sunday the 14th of March, MDCLXIX. R. B. (Robert Boreman), d. 1675. 1669 (1669) Wing B3758; ESTC R11208 27,802 56 View Text
A54990 A description of the province of New Albion and a direction for adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely, and for gentlemen, and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plentifully : and a former description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest plantation of New Albion in north Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses : together with a letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof : with a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each planter, or labourer, there to get his master 50 l. per annum, or more in twelve trades, and at 10 l. charges onely a man. Plantagenet, Beauchamp.; Evelyn, Robert, 17th cent. 1648 (1648) Wing P2378; ESTC R10729 28,128 32 View Text
A39530 The catalogue of most of the memorable tombes, grave-stones, plates, escutcheons, or atchievements in the demolisht or yet extant churches of London from St. Katharines beyond the Tower to Temple-Barre the out parishes being included : a work of great weight and conseqvently to be indulged and contenanced by such who are gratefully ambitious of preserving the memory of their ancestors / by P. Fisher somtimes Serjant Major of Foot. Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693. 1668 (1668) Wing F1014; ESTC R28628 28,171 61 View Text
A17028 A sermon preached at the assises holden at Winchester the 24. day of Februarie last, before Sir Laurence Tanfeild knight, Lord Chiefe Barron of the Exchequer, and Sir Richard Hutton knight, one of the iustices of the Court of Common-pleas. By Abraham Browne prebend: of the Cathedrall Church of Winton. Browne, Abraham, d. ca. 1625. 1623 (1623) STC 3906; ESTC S119312 28,509 46 View Text
A44765 A discourse on persecution, or, Suffering for Christ's sake clearing the notion of it, and making a discrimination of just from vnjust pretensions to it : and passionately recommending true Christian suffering to all those who shall be call'd thereto : occasionally representing the folly and sinfulness of illegal, arbitrary courses for the prevention of it, and the security of our church / by John Howell ... Howell, John, b. 1658? 1672 (1672) Wing H3130; ESTC R9661 29,187 50 View Text
A15032 The censure of a loyall subiect upon certaine noted speach & behauiours of those fourteen notable traitors, at the place of their executions, the xx. and xxi. of September, last past. As also, of the Scottish queen, now (thanks be to God) cut off by iustice, as the principal roote of al their treasons. On Wednesday the 8. of Februarie 1586. Wherein is handled matter of necessarie instruction and comfort for al duetiful subiectes: especially, the multitude of ignoraunt people. Feare God: be true to thy Prince: and obey the lawes. Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587?; Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604, attributed name.; T. C., fl. 1587. 1587 (1587) STC 25334A; ESTC S113962 29,620 55 View Text
A45150 The peaceable design being a modest account of the non-conformist's meetings : with some of their reasons for nonconformity, and the way of accomodation in the matter of religion, humbly proposed to publick consideration by some ministers of London against the sitting of Parliament in the year 1675. Humfrey, John, 1621-1719. 1675 (1675) Wing H3701; ESTC R24391 30,262 97 View Text
A56231 The vvhole triall of Connor Lord Macguire with the perfect copies of the indictment, and all the evidences against him : also the copie of Sir Philome Oneales commission, the Popes bull to the confederate Catholikes in Ireland, with many remarkable passages of the grand rebellion there, from the first rise thereof to this present : his plea of peerage, and severall answers : with the severall replies made to him / by the King's Sergeant at Law and Sergeant Roll. William Prynne, Esquire, and M. Nudigate ; and the copies of the severall testimonies brought in against him at his triall at the Kings Bench Barre ... Enniskillen, Connor Maguire, Baron of, 1616-1645, defendant.; Prynne, William, 1600-1669.; Nudigate, M.; O'Neill, Phelim, Sir, 1604?-1653.; Catholic Church. Pope (1623-1644 : Urban VIII); England and Wales. Court of King's Bench. 1645 (1645) Wing P4130; ESTC R212207 30,382 52 View Text
A39822 Floddan field in nine fits being an exact history of that famous memorable battle fought between English and Scots on Floddan-hill in the time of Henry the Eighth anno 1513 : worthy the perusal of the English nobility.; Flodden feilde. 1664 (1664) Wing F1365; ESTC R3032 30,444 90 View Text
A15344 [A short, yet a true and faithfull narration of the fearefull fire that fell in the towne of Wooburne, in the countie of Bedford, on Saturday the 13. of September last, Anno. 1595 Together with a Christian admonition as to the particular people of that place] T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1595 (1595) STC 25629; ESTC S113059 30,731 79 View Text
A38203 Articles of accusation, exhibited by the Commons House of Parliament now assembled, against Sr. John Bramston Knight, Sr. Robert Berkley Knight, justices of His Majesties Bench, Sr. Francis Crawley Knight, one of the justices of the Common-Pleas, Sr. Humphrey Davenport Knight, Sr. Richard Weston Knight, and Sr. Thomas Trevor Knight, barons of His Majesties Exchequer England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; Bramston, John, Sir, 1577-1654.; Berkeley, Robert, Sir, 1584-1656.; Crawley, Francis, Sir, 1573 or 4-1649.; Davenport, Humphrey, Sir, 1566-1645.; Weston, Richard, Sir, 1579?-1652.; Trevor, Thomas, Sir, 1586-1656. 1641 (1641) Wing E2521; ESTC R6725 30,776 51 View Text
A25924 Articles of accusation exhibited by the Commons House of Parliament now assembled against St. John Bramston, Knight, Sr. Robert Berkley, Knight justices of His Majesites bench, Sr. Francis Crawley, Knight, one of the justices of the Common-pleas, Sr. Humphrey Davenport, Knight, Sr. Richard Weston, Knight, and Sr. Thomas Trevor, Knight, barons of His Majesties Exchequer. 1641 (1641) Wing A3833; ESTC R38534 30,976 35 View Text
A09098 The repertorie of records, remaining in [brace] the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster, the two remembrancers of the Exchequer with a briefe introductive index of the records of the Chancery and Touuer, whereby to give the better direction to the records abovesaid : as also a most exact calender of all those records of the Touuer, in which are contained and comprised whatsoever may give satisfaction to the searcher, for tenure or tytle of any thing. Agard, Arthur, 1540-1615.; Powell, Thomas, 1572?-1635? 1631 (1631) STC 194; ESTC S2396 32,521 222 View Text
A59595 Eikōn basilikē, or, The princes royal being the sum of a sermon preached in the minister of York on the Lords-Day morning (in the Assize week) March 24, 1650 ... / by John Shavve. Shawe, John, 1608-1672. 1650 (1650) Wing S3028; ESTC R30139 32,715 47 View Text
A64893 England's worthies under whom all the civill and bloudy warres since anno 1642 to anno 1647 are related : wherein are described the severall battails, encounters, and assaults of cities, townes, and castles at severall times and places, so that the reader may behold the time, yeare, and event of every battle, skirmish, and assault wherein London-apprentices had not the least share : as also, severall victories by sea by the noble Admirall Robert, Earle of Warwick. Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. 1647 (1647) Wing V304; ESTC R27574 33,001 106 View Text
A96352 A sermon preached at Dorchester in the county of Dorcet, at the generall assizes held the 7. of March, 1632. / By John White of Dorchester, rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity. White, John, 1575-1648. 1648 (1648) Wing W1782; Thomason E469_6 33,644 43 View Text
A89049 Musarum deliciæ: or, The Muses recreation. Conteining severall select pieces of sportive vvit. / By Sr J.M. and Ja:S. Mennes, John, Sir, 1599-1671.; Smith, James, 1605-1667.; Herringman, Henry, d. 1704,; H. H. 1655 (1655) Wing M1710; Thomason E1672_1; ESTC R202916 33,905 95 View Text
A43101 The perjur'd phanatick, or, The malicious conspiracy of Sr. John Croke of Chilton, Henry Larimore and other phanaticks against the life of Robert Hawkins, clerk, and late minister of Chilton, occasioned by his suit for tiths discovered in a tryal at Alisbury before the Right Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, then Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer and Lord Chief Justice of England. Hawkins, Robert, 17th/18th cent. 1685 (1685) Wing H1179; ESTC R21102 34,202 40 View Text