Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n arundel_n earl_n sir_n 11,366 5 6.5905 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 236
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A78331 A catalogue of the names of the new Lords created by the King, since the Great Seal was carried away from the Parliament by the Lord Littleton Together with Major Generall Poyntz his summons to Shelford house, with the governours answer. Also, a true relation of the Kings escape in the night from Newark, with a party of three hundred horse. Published by authority. 1645 (1645) Wing C1400; Thomason E308_30; ESTC R200394 2,050 8 View Text
A25929 Articles of impeachment of high treason, and other high crimes and offences, against William Earl of Powis, William Visount Stafford, Henry Lord Arundel of Wardour, William Lord Petre, and John Lord Bellasis, now prisoners in the Tower 1680 (1680) Wing A3843; ESTC R38536 3,200 4 View Text
A78316 A catalogue of the Lords spirituall and temporall of the higher house of Parliament. 1640 Walkley, Thomas, d. 1658? 1641 (1641) Wing C1384; Thomason E1091_3; ESTC R208941 3,234 17 View Text
B04079 A list of the knights, citizens, and burgesses chosen to serve in the Parliament holden at Westminster the eighth of May. 1661 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1661 (1661) Wing L2451; ESTC R225794 3,446 1 View Text
A52507 The Names of the Lords and Commons assembled in the pretended Parliament at Oxford, January, 1643 together with a Catalogue of such noblemen and barons in order as they have been made since the great seal deserted the Parliament which seal was broken before the Lords and Commons on Tuesday the 11th of August, 1646. 1646 (1646) Wing N138; ESTC R23905 3,722 15 View Text
A63424 A True and perfect catalogue of the nobility and great officers of state and court, lords spiritual and temporal of the kingdom of England as they now stand, Feb., 1683/4 1684 (1684) Wing T2524; ESTC R12152 3,887 1 View Text
A25594 An Account of the principal officers civil and military of England, May 1684 1684 (1684) Wing A341; ESTC R1654 4,617 1 View Text
A95561 The names of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, & Barons, dead or living, that have been or are in England, Scotland, & Ireland, in and since the raign of Queen Elizabeth, to this yeare, 1653. By John Taylor Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1653 (1653) Wing T485; Thomason E1463_1; ESTC R209612 4,688 29 View Text
A46106 An impartial account of the names of His Majesty's most honourable privy-council and principal officers of this kingdom, now in commission, under the most puissant and renowned prince, King James II 1686 (1686) Wing I72; ESTC R41774 5,139 1 View Text
A38883 An Exact and perfect list of the names of the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgessses of the boroughs and towns and barons of the cinque-ports that serve in this present Parliament taken at this last session, annoq. Regni Car. 2 Regis I 6/7. 1664 (1664) Wing E3602; ESTC R27353 5,589 17 View Text
A90494 A perfect table of two hundred and four victories obtained since the Kings attempt to enter into Hull at the begining of these wars, July 26. 1642. to Aug. 10. 1646 by their Excellencies the Earl of Essex, and Sir Tho: Fairfax, Captains Generals of the Parliaments forces; with a catalogue of the chief commanders of the Parliaments army. Ricraft, Josiah, fl. 1645-1679. 1646 (1646) Wing P1525; Thomason 669.f.10[72]; ESTC R210563 6,082 2 View Text
A76357 A true relation of the abominable injustice, oppressions and tyranny, which Captain Henry Bell suffered nine years together at the Councell board, before this Parliament began, as the said Captain Bell did humbly exhibite the same to the King at White-Hall, on the second day of December 1640. and what His Majesty was graciously pleased to doe thereupon. And also, herein the said Captain Bell doth exhibite his humble petition to the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in Parliament. ... Bell, Henry, Captain. 1646 (1646) Wing B1797; Wing T2923; Thomason E357_4; ESTC R201147 6,351 16 View Text
A90495 A Perfect table of three hundred fourty and three victories obtained since the kings attempt to enter into Hull at the begining of these vvars, July 26. 1642. to Septemb. 14. 1646 by their Excellencies the Earl of Essex and Sir Thomas Fairfax, Captains Generals of the Parliaments forces. 1646 (1646) Wing P1526; ESTC R181673 6,432 1 View Text
A27226 The reward of oppression, tyranny, and injustice committed by the late kings and queens of England and others by the unlawful entry and unlawful deteiner of the dutchie lands of Lancaster : declared in the case of Samuel Beck, an infant, and directed to his Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of England &c. and to the Right Honorable his Privy Counsel / by Margaret Beck. Beck, Margaret. 1656 (1656) Wing B1649; ESTC R23676 6,899 16 View Text
A75604 The arraignment and conviction of Mervin Lord Audley, Earle of Castlehaven, (who was by 26. peers of the realm found guilty for committing rapine and sodomy) at Westminster, on Monday, April 25. 1631. By vertue of a commission of oyer and terminer, directed to Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England, Lord high Steward for that day, accompanied with the judges. As also the beheading of the said Earle shortly after on Tower Hill. Castlehaven, Mervyn Touchet, Earl of, 1592?-1631. 1643 (1643) Wing A3743; Thomason E84_2; ESTC R20942 7,427 16 View Text
A07494 Ciuitatis amor. = The cities loue An entertainment by water, at Chelsey, and White-hall. At the ioyfull receiuing of that illustrious hope of Great Britaine, the high and mighty Charles, to bee created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, Earle of Chester, &c. Together with the ample order and solemnity of his Highnesse creation, as it was celebrated in his Maiesties palace of White-hall on Monday, the fourth of Nouember. 1616. As also the ceremonies of that ancient and honourable Order of the Knights of the Bath; and all the triumphs showne in honour of his royall creation. Middleton, Thomas, d. 1627. 1616 (1616) STC 17878; ESTC S112680 7,600 26 View Text
A54327 A Perfect catalogue of all the lords treasurers that have been in England to this present year, 1679 with particular observations on Thomas Earl of Danby. 1679 (1679) Wing P1474; ESTC R361 7,724 4 View Text
A14871 Monuments of honor Deriued from remarkable antiquity, and celebrated in the honorable city of London, at the sole munificent charge and expences of the right worthy and worshipfull fraternity, of the eminent Merchant-Taylors. Directed in their most affectionate loue, at the confirmation of their right worthy brother Iohn Gore in the high office of His Maiesties liuetenant ouer his royoll [sic] chamber. Expressing in a magnificent tryumph, all the pageants, chariots of glory, temples of honor, besides a specious and goodly sea tryumph, as well particularly to the honor of the city, as generally to the glory of this our kingdome. Invented and written by Iohn Webster Merchant-Taylor. Webster, John, 1580?-1625? 1624 (1624) STC 25175; ESTC S111504 7,759 22 View Text
A90223 A catalogue of books, pictures, and maps. Neately cut in copper, being very pleasant ornaments for houses, studies and closets, and also extraordinary useful for goldsmiths, iewellers, chafers, gravers, painters, carvers, embroiderers drawers, needle-women, and all handicrafts. All made and sold by John Overton at the White Horse without Newgate. Five hundred new sorts of birds, beasts, fish, flies, wormes, flowers, fruites, figures, histories, landskips, ovals, neately cut in copper, and neatly coloured, for gentlewomens works, and he is a doing more as fast as time will permit. Overton, John, 1640-1708? 1675 (1675) Wing O616A; ESTC R214546 8,578 2 View Text
B13201 Orders and directions, together with a commission for the better administration of iustice, and more perfect information of His Maiestie how, and by whom the lawes and statutes tending to the reliefe of the poore, the well ordering and training vp of youth in trades, and the reformation of disorders and disordered persons, are executed throughout the kingdome: which His royall Maiestie hath commanded to be published and inquired of, by the body of his Priuie Councell, whom he hath made principall commissioners for this purpose. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; England and Wales. Privy Council. 1631 (1631) STC 9252.2; ESTC S101026 8,931 62 View Text
A13509 Taylor on Thame Isis: or The description of the tvvo famous riuers of Thame and Isis, who being conioyned or combined together, are called Thamisis, or Thames With all the flats, shoares, shelues, sands, weares, stops, riuers, brooks, bournes, streames, rills, riuolets, streamelets, creeks, and whatsoeuer helps the said riuers haue, from their springs or heads, to their falls into the ocean. As also a discouery of the hinderances which doe impeache the passage of boats and barges, betwixt the famous Vniuersity of Oxford, and the city of London. Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1632 (1632) STC 23803; ESTC S118291 9,347 30 View Text
A77395 A briefe and compendious narrative of the renowned Robert, Earle of Essex, his pedegree, and his valiant acts, performed when he was generall of the Parliaments army. With a summary chronicle of his life: and in what manner his buriall is appointed to be solemnized. Published according to order. 1646 (1646) Wing B4525; Thomason E358_9; ESTC R201158 10,236 18 View Text
A22830 Lawes and ordinances of vvarre, for the better government of His Maiesties Army Royall, in the present expedition for the northern parts, and safety of the kingdome Under the conduct of his Excellence, the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshall of England, &c. and Generall of His Majesties forces.; Regulations. 1639 England and Wales. Army.; Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 1585-1646. 1639 (1639) STC 9335; ESTC S101120 10,462 30 View Text
A67907 The foundation of the Universitie of Oxford, with a catalogue of the principall founders and speciall benefactors of all the colledges, and total number of students, magistrates and officers therein being. And how the revenews thereof are and have been increased from time to time, and by whom, with buildings, books and revenues as no universitie in the world can in all points parallel: these are the nurseries of religion, and seminaries of good literature. Langbaine, Gerard, 1609-1658. 1651 (1651) Wing L370; ESTC R202711 10,636 19 View Text
A50031 Leicestor's commonvvealth fully epitomized conceived, spoken, and published, with most earnest protestation of all dutifull good-will and affection towards this realme, for whose good onely it is made common to many : contracted in a most briefe, exact, and compendious way, with the full sense and whole meaning of the former booke, every fragment of sence being interposed : with a pleasant description of the first originall of the controversies betwixt the two houses of York, and Lancaster.; Leycesters commonwealth. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1641 (1641) Wing L969A; ESTC R11905 10,841 16 View Text
A83403 The propositions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For a safe and well-grounded peace. Sent to His Majestie at Newcastle, by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery. The earle of Suffolke. Members of the House of Peeres. And Sir Walter Erle Sir John Hipisly [brace] Knights [double brace] Robert Goodwyn Luke Robinson [brace] Esq; members of the House of Commons. Die Mercurii 15. Julii 1646. It is this day ordered by the Lords in Parliament, that the printer belonging to this House shall forthwith print the propositions sent to his majesty at Newcastle for a safe and well grounded peace. And that no other person shall presume to print or reprint the same, or any part thereof, at their perils. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. England and Wales. Parliament.; Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of, 1584-1650. 1646 (1646) Wing E2209; Thomason E344_25; ESTC R200975 12,571 31 View Text
B04709 The proposals for printing the English atlas Pitt, Moses, fl. 1654-1696. 1679 (1679) Wing P2308B; ESTC R187081 12,892 12 View Text
A15800 Selected sentences out of sacred antiquitie, conducing to the establishment of faith and good manners. Gathered by W. Wynne Wynne, William, fl. 1616-1624. 1624 (1624) STC 26061; ESTC S106616 13,842 82 View Text
A43591 The famous and remarkable history of Sir Richard Whittington three times Lord Major of London, who lived in the time of King Henry the Fift, in the year 1419 : with all the remarkable passages and things of note which hapned [sic] in his time, with his life and death / written by T.H.; Whittington and his cat. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1656 (1656) Wing H1780; ESTC R10116 14,660 56 View Text
A89811 A perfect catalogue of all the knights of the most noble Order of the Garter. From the first institution of it, untill this present April, Auno [sic] 1661. Whereunto is prefixed a short discourse touching the institution of the Order, the patron, habit and solemnities of it, with many other particulars which concern the same. / Collected and continued by J.N. J. N. 1661 (1661) Wing N21; Thomason E1087_13; ESTC R202944 14,845 40 View Text
A63146 The tryal and condemnation of Mervin, Lord Audley Earl of Castle-Haven At Westminster, April the 5th 1631. For abetting a rape upon his Countess, committing sodomy with his servants, and commanding and countenancing the debauching his daughter. With the learned speeches of the Lord High-Steward, the arguments of the King's-Councel upon that occasion, and the Lord Audley's speech at the place of execution. Castlehaven, Mervyn Touchet, Earl of, 1592?-1631. 1699 (1699) Wing T2144; ESTC R219718 15,249 39 View Text
A89176 A mis-led King, and a memorable Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing M2251; Thomason E90_1; ESTC R16635 15,308 17 View Text
A48030 The arraignment of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, before the Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord High-Steward of England also, a brief derivation of the most honourable family of the Howards : with an account of what families they are related to by marriages / transcribed out of ancient manuscripts, never before published. Lacy, J. 1685 (1685) Wing L142A; ESTC R202692 15,898 33 View Text
A36008 Englands defence, a treatise concerning invasion, or, A brief discourse of what orders were best for repulsing of foreign forces if at any time they should invade us by sea in Kent, or elsewhere exhibited in writing to the Right Honourable Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, a little before the Spanish Invasion, in the year 1588 / by Thomas Diggs ... to which is now added, an account of such stores of war and other materials as are requisite for the defence of a fort, a train of artillery, and for a magazine belonging to a field army ; and also a list of the ships of war, and the charge of them, and the land-forces designed by the Parliament against France anno 1678 ; also a list of the present governors of the garisons of England, and of all the lord lieutenants and high sheriffs of all those counties adjacent to the coasts ; lastly the wages of officers and seamen serving in His Majesty's fleet at sea per month collected by Thomas Adamson ... Digges, Thomas, d. 1595.; Adamson, Thomas, fl. 1680. Account of such stores of war, and other materials as are requisite for the defense of a fort, a train of artillery, and for a magazine belonging to a field army. 1680 (1680) Wing D1471; ESTC R7897 16,642 22 View Text
A03017 The funerals of the high and mighty Prince Henry, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewaile and Rothsay, Count Palatine of Chester, Earle of Carick, and late Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter VVhich noble Prince deceased at St. Iames, the sixt day of Nouember, 1612. and was most princely interred the seuenth day of December following, within the Abbey of Westminster, in the eighteenth yeere of his age. 1613 (1613) STC 13157; ESTC S103976 16,990 50 View Text
A54671 An historical discourse of the first invention of navigation and the additional improvements of it with the probable causes of the variation of the compasse, and the variation of the variation : likewise, some reflections upon the name and office of admirall : to which is added a catalogue of those persons that have been from the first institution dignified with that office / by Thomas Philipott ... Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682. 1661 (1661) Wing P1997; ESTC R15276 17,155 34 View Text
A34337 The Conquest of France with the life and glorious actions of Edward the Black Prince, son to Edward the Third, King of England, his victory, with about twelve thousand archers, and men at arms, over Phillip of France, and a hundred thousand French-men, near Cressey, his vanquishing King John of France, and taking him, and his son prisoners, at the Battle of Poietiers, his love to the Earl of Kent's fair daughter, and marriage with her : also all that passed during that glorious and successful war against France, with the Battle of Agen-Court, and King Henry the Fifth being crowned King of France at Paris, being a history full of great and noble actions in love and arms, to the honour of the English nation, and the encouragement of the horoes [sic] of the present age. 1680 (1680) Wing C5895; ESTC N70022 17,173 22 View Text
A18410 An epicede or funerall song on the most disastrous death, of the high-borne prince of men, Henry Prince of Wales, &c. With the funeralls, and representation of the herse of the same high and mighty prince ... VVhich noble prince deceased at St. Iames, the sixt day of Nouember, 1612. and was most princely interred the seuenth day of December following, within the Abbey of Westminster, in the eighteenth yeere of his age. Chapman, George, 1559?-1634.; Hole, William, d. 1624, engraver. 1613 (1613) STC 4974; ESTC S107694 17,429 56 View Text
A43651 A discourse of the soveraign power in a sermon preached at St. Mary Le Bow, Nov. 28, 1682, before the Artillery Company of London, and now published at their desire / by George Hickes ... Hickes, George, 1642-1715. 1682 (1682) Wing H1845; ESTC R2173 18,621 42 View Text
A78323 A Catalogue of the names of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, that have served in the last four Parlaments; viz. [brace] I. The Parlament begun at Westminster, the third of November, 1640. II. The Parlament the fourth of July, 1653. III. The Parlament Sept. 3. 1654. IIII. The Parlament the 17. of September, 1656. With the names of such noblemen, knights, and gentlemen, as met in the Parlament at Oxford. The reader may take notice that in the first Parlament, such as are marked with this * went to Oxford, those that died with d, and such as were new chosen with a small character : In the little Parliament, all those that stood for a godly learned ministery, are also marked with a *. 1656 (1656) Wing C1394; Thomason E1602_6; ESTC R208906 18,731 55 View Text
A52524 The arguments of the Right Honourable, the late Lord Chancellor Nottingham upon which he made the decree in the cause between the Honourable Charles Howard esq., plaintiff : Henry, late Duke of Norfolk, Henry Lord Mowbrey his son, Henry Marquess of Dorchester and Richard Marriott, esq.: defendants : wherein the several wayes and methods of limiting the trust of a term for years, are fully debated. England and Wales. Court of Chancery.; Nottingham, Heneage Finch, Earl of, 1621-1682.; Howard, Charles, d. 1713.; Norfolk, Henry Howard, Duke of, 1628-1684. 1685 (1685) Wing N1402; ESTC R30748 19,382 38 View Text
B09006 At the Council-Chamber in Whitehall, Monday the 22, of October, 1688 1688 (1688) Wing E821C; ESTC R175277 19,463 17 View Text
A35708 At the council-chambers in Whitehall Monday the 22 of October, 1688. England and Wales. Privy Council. 1688 (1688) Wing D1079; ESTC R25072 19,517 42 View Text
A84505 At the Council-chamber in Whitehall, Monday the 22th. of October, 1688 This day an extraordinary council met, where were likewise present, by His Majesties desire and appointment, Her Majesty the Queen Dowager, and such of the peers of this kingdom, both spiritual and temporal, as were in town. And also the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the City of London, the judges, and several of Their Majesties Council learn'd, hereafter named.; Proceedings. 1688-10-22 England and Wales. Privy Council.; England and Wales. Privy Council. Proceedings. 1688-11-01. 1688 (1688) Wing E821B; ESTC R229808 19,601 4 View Text
A14671 A catalogue of the nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland With an addition of the baronets of England, the dates of their patents, the seuerall creations of the knights of the Bath, from the coronation of King Iames, to this present. Collected by T.W.; Most exact catalogue of the nobilitie of England, Scotland, and Ireland Walkley, Thomas, d. 1658? 1630 (1630) STC 24974; ESTC S101308 19,624 46 View Text
A38840 The Evil eye plucked out, or, A discourse proving that church revenues cannot be alienated by any secular persons or powers without a manifest violation of the known fundamental laws of this kingdom, and of publick justice, and a common-honesty 1679 (1679) Wing E3555; ESTC R6758 19,644 92 View Text
A35710 Depositions taken the 22d of October 1688 before the Privy-Council and peers of England relating to the birth of the (then) Prince of Wales. 1688 (1688) Wing D1081; ESTC R31321 19,883 34 View Text
A02242 A sermon, at the funeral solemnitie of the most high and mighty Prince Ferdinandus, the late Emperour of most famous memorye holden in the Cathedrall Churche of saint Paule in London, the third of October. 1564. Made by the reuerend father in God, Edmund Grindall, bishop of London. Grindal, Edmund, 1519?-1583. 1564 (1564) STC 12377; ESTC S103449 21,147 38 View Text
A40878 A trve relation of that memorable Parliament which wrought wonders begun at Westminster, in the tenth yeare of the reigne of K. Richard the second : whereunto is added an abstract of those memorable matters, before and since the said kings reigne, done by Parliament : together with a character of the said amiable, but unhappy King, and a briefe story of his life and lamentable death.; Historia sive narracio de modo et forma mirabilis Parliamenti apud Westmonasterium anno Domini millesimo CCCLXXXVI. English Fannant, Thomas. 1641 (1641) Wing F416; ESTC R592 22,223 53 View Text
A77439 A brief history of the rise, growth, reign, supports, and sodain fatal foyl of popery, during the three years and an half of James the Second, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland Together with a description of the six popish pillars, the Anabaptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, Independents, Roman-Catholicks, & popish church-men. The perpetual addressers of the King. 1690 (1690) Wing B4600; ESTC R229470 22,583 35 View Text
A60503 Remarks upon the D--- of S---'s letter to the House of Lords concerning Capt. Smyth being a vindication of his services from the imputations therein laid upon them : with the D---'s letter at large : to which is added a list of those persons to whom warrants were granted to stay in England pursuant to a late act of Parliament / by Matthew Smyth ... Smith, Matthew, fl. 1696.; Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of, 1660-1718. 1700 (1700) Wing S4132; ESTC R10304 23,209 48 View Text
A31297 A Catalogue of the names of all such who were summon'd to any Parliament (or reputed Parliament) from the year 1640. Viz. [brace] I. November 1640. The parliament call'd the Long-Parliament. II. The Parliament held at Oxford. III. 1653. Cromwel's convention, call'd Barbone's Parliament. IV. 1654. The convention turned out of doors without doing any thing. V. 1656. The convention that establish'd Cromwell. VI. 1659. The convention called Richard's Parliament: with the names of the lords of the other house. VII. The Healing-Parliament, summon'd just before His Majesties happy restauration. VIII. 1661. The lords spiritual and temporal, and commons of this present parliament summon'd by His Sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. 1661 (1661) Wing C1387A; ESTC R34417 24,342 72 View Text
A54690 A plea for the pardoning part of the soveraignty of the kings of England Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690. 1682 (1682) Wing P2012; ESTC R9266 26,002 72 View Text
A54990 A description of the province of New Albion and a direction for adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely, and for gentlemen, and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plentifully : and a former description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest plantation of New Albion in north Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses : together with a letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof : with a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each planter, or labourer, there to get his master 50 l. per annum, or more in twelve trades, and at 10 l. charges onely a man. Plantagenet, Beauchamp.; Evelyn, Robert, 17th cent. 1648 (1648) Wing P2378; ESTC R10729 28,128 32 View Text
A39530 The catalogue of most of the memorable tombes, grave-stones, plates, escutcheons, or atchievements in the demolisht or yet extant churches of London from St. Katharines beyond the Tower to Temple-Barre the out parishes being included : a work of great weight and conseqvently to be indulged and contenanced by such who are gratefully ambitious of preserving the memory of their ancestors / by P. Fisher somtimes Serjant Major of Foot. Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693. 1668 (1668) Wing F1014; ESTC R28628 28,171 61 View Text
A53879 Verses by the University of Oxford on the death of the most noble and right valiant Sir Bevill Grenvill, alias Granvill, Kt. who was slain by the rebells at the battle on Lansdown-Hill near Bathe, July the 5, 1643. University of Oxford.; Birkhead, Henry, 1617?-1696. 1684 (1684) Wing O989; ESTC R18022 30,066 120 View Text
A12547 XII. mery iests, of the wyddow Edyth this lying widow, false and craftie, late i[n] Engla[n]d, hath deceiued many ... Now newly printed, this present yeare, for such as delite, mery iests for to here.; Wydow Edyth Smith, Walter, fl. 1525. 1573 (1573) STC 22870; ESTC S111031 31,018 64 View Text
A11434 Virtus post funera viuit or, Honour tryumphing over death Being true epitomes of honorable, noble, learned, and hospitable personages. By VVilliam Sampson.; Virtus post funera vivit. Sampson, William, 1590?-1636. 1636 (1636) STC 21687; ESTC S110636 32,683 73 View Text
A52673 Fragmenta regalia, or, Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her times and favorits written by Sir Robert Naunton ... Naunton, Robert, Sir, 1563-1635. 1641 (1641) Wing N250; ESTC R12246 37,238 44 View Text
A29664 Englands glory, or, An exact catalogue of the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Councel with the Knights of the Most Noble Order of Saint George, called the Garter, and the House of Peers : as also, a catalogue of the Lord Bishops, House of Commons, the dukes, marquesses, earles, viscounts, barons and baronets &c., made since His Majesties happy restoration and the times of their several creations : likewise, a perfect list of the Knights of the Bath, and the preparations and habits that were made for them at the time of their installment at the coronation : together with a perfect catalogue of the Lower House of Convocation now sitting at Westminster. Brooke, Nathaniel.; Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. Catalogue of the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury. 1660 (1660) Wing B4907; ESTC R12468 37,728 94 View Text
A19674 A true relation of all the remarkable places and passages observed in the travels of the right honourable Thomas Lord Hovvard, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Primer Earle, and Earle Marshall of England, ambassadour extraordinary to his sacred Majesty Ferdinando the second, emperour of Germanie, anno Domini 1636. By Wiliam Crowne Gentleman Crowne, William. 1637 (1637) STC 6097; ESTC S109122 38,521 77 View Text
A45195 The honours of the Lords spiritual asserted, and their priviledges to vote in capital cases in Parliament maintained by reason and precedents collected out of the records of the Tower, and the journals of the House of Lords. Hunt, Thomas, 1627?-1688. 1679 (1679) Wing H3755; ESTC R24392 40,120 57 View Text
A44187 A letter of a gentleman to his friend, shewing that the bishops are not to be judges in Parliament in cases capital Holles, Denzil Holles, Baron, 1599-1680. 1679 (1679) Wing H2461; ESTC R204379 41,325 145 View Text
A53414 An exact and faithful narrative of the horrid conspiracy of Thomas Knox, William Osborne, and John Lane, to invalidate the testimonies of Dr. Titus Oates, and Mr. William Bedlow by charging them with a malicious contrivance against the E. of Danby, and the said Dr. Oates with an attempt of sodomy wherein are exemplified from the originals I. Four forged letters dictated by Thomas Knox, II. Five false informations, one paper of memorials, and one other information against Dr. Oates for sodomy, forged by Knox in the names of Lane and Osborne, III. The informations, depositions, examinations, and confessions of the said Knox, Osborne, and Lane, taken upon oath before Sir William Waller and Edmund Warcup, Esq., IV. An account of some depositions taken before the Lords Committees of Secresie, relating thereunto, V. The breviates of the councel for the King at the trials of the said Knox and Lane, Nov. 25, 1679, wherein full satisfaction is given to the world of the whole cause, by the particular evidences of the witnesses in behalf of the King / published by the appointment of me, Titus Oates. Oates, Titus, 1649-1705. 1680 (1680) Wing O41; ESTC R4560 41,985 38 View Text
A91291 A summary collection of the principal fundamental rights, liberties, proprieties of all English freemen; both in their persons, estates, and elections; and of the memorable votes, resolutions, and Acts of Parliament, for their vindication and corroboration, in the late Parliaments of 3 & 17 of King Charles; collected out of their Journals, and printed Ordinances. Most necessary to be known, considered, re-established (in this present juncture of publick affairs) with all possible old and new securities; against past, present, and future publick violations, under-minings, by force or fraud, for the much-desired healing of the manifold large mortal wounds in these chief vital parts, and repairing the various destructive subversive breaches in these prime foundations of our English state fabrick; without which no effectual present or future healing, union, peace, or settlement can possibly be expected, or established in our distracted nations. / By William Prynne of Swainswick Esq; a bencher of Lincolns Inne. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4095; Thomason E892_3; ESTC R206517 46,699 73 View Text
A74791 A whip for the present House of Lords, or the Levellers levelled. in an epistle writ to Mr. Frost, secretary to the Committee of State, that sits at Darby House, in answer to a lying book said to be his called A declaration, &c. / By L.C. Io. Lilburne, prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London, Feb. 27, 1647. Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657.; Frost, Walter, fl. 1619-1652. 1648 (1648) Thomason E431_1 47,524 30 View Text
A56154 Demophilos, or, The assertor of the peoples liberty plainly demonstrating by the principles even of nature itself, and by the primitive constitutions of all governments since the creation of the world that the very essence and the fundamentals of all governments and laws was meerly the safety of the people, and the advancement of their rights and liberties, to which is added the general consent of all Parliaments in the nation, and the concurrence of threescore and two kings since first this island was visible in earnest, and by commerce with other nations, hath been refined from fable and neglect / by William Prynne ...; Summary collection of the principal fundamental rights, liberties, proprieties of all English freemen Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1658 (1658) Wing P3943; ESTC R5727 47,915 74 View Text
A63162 The tryal and conviction of Thomas Knox and John Lane for a conspiracy to defame and scandalize Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe thereby to discredit their evidence about the horrid popish plot : at the Kings-Bench-Bar at Westminster, on Tuesday the 25th of Novemb. 1679 ... : where upon full evidence they were found guilty of the offence aforesaid. Knox, Thomas, 17th cent.; Lane, John, 17th cent.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench. 1680 (1680) Wing T2165; ESTC R21831 50,627 72 View Text
A47023 A theatre of wars between England and France in all the kings reigns, from the time of William the Conqueror to the conclusion of the peace, on the 10th of September, 1697 ... : with a map of England and France on a copper plate / by D. Jones. Jones, D. (David), fl. 1676-1720. 1698 (1698) Wing J934A; ESTC R43322 51,271 110 View Text
A48298 A justification of set forms of prayer and in special of the liturgy of the Church of England; in answer to, and confutation of Vavasor Powel's Fourteen considerations, against all composed and imposed forms of prayer. By Richard Lewthwat, M.A. and rector of Wethersdale in Suffolk. Lewthwat, Richard. 1679 (1679) Wing L1854; ESTC R217637 51,336 125 View Text
A44650 Historical observations upon the reigns of Edward I, II, III, and Richard II with remarks upon their faithful counsellors and false favourites / written by a person of honour. Howard, Robert, Sir, 1626-1698. 1689 (1689) Wing H2997; ESTC R36006 52,308 200 View Text
A70236 The historians guide in two parts : first, The recovery of lost time ... translated out of Italian : second, Englands remembrancer ... Doglioni, Giovanni Nicolò, 1548-1629. Compendio del mondo universale.; Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. England's remembrancer. 1676 (1676) Wing H2094A; ESTC R2022 52,929 136 View Text
A88237 A preparative to an hue and cry after Sir Arthur Haslerig, (a late Member of the forcibly dissolved House of Commons, and now the present wicked, bloody, and tyrannicall governor of Newcastle upon Tine) for his severall ways attempting to murder, and by base plots, conspiracies and false witnesse to take away the life of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburn now prisoner in the Tower of London: as also for his felonious robbing the said Lieut Col. John Lilburn of betwixt 24 and 2500 l. by the meer power of his own will, ... In which action alone, he the said Haslerig hath outstript the Earl of Strafford, in traiterously subverting the fundamentall liberties of England, ... and better and more justly deserves to die therefore, then ever the Earl of Strafford did ... by which tyrannicall actions the said Haslerig is become a polecat, a fox, and a wolf, ... and may and ought to be knockt on the head therefore, ... / All which the said Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn hath cleerly and evidently evinced in his following epistle of the 18 of August 1649, to his uncle George Lilburn Esquire of Sunderland, in the county of Durham. Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. 1649 (1649) Wing L2162; Thomason E573_16; ESTC R12119 55,497 45 View Text
A94193 Aulicus coquinariæ or a vindication in ansvver to a pamphlet, entituled The court and character of King James. Pretended to be penned by Sir A.W. and published since his death, 1650. Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676.; Heylyn, Peter, 1660-1662, attributed name. 1651 (1651) Wing S645; Thomason E1356_2; ESTC R203447 57,703 213 View Text
A36820 The Duke of Norfolk's case, or, The doctrine of perpetuities fully set forth and explain'd 1688 (1688) Wing D2513; ESTC R17683 59,123 72 View Text
A44620 How the members of the Church of England ought to behave themselves under a Roman Catholic king with reference to the test and penal laws in a letter to a friend / by a member of the same church. Member of the same church. 1687 (1687) Wing H2961; ESTC R6451 60,453 228 View Text
A48058 A letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Hollingworth ... defending his former letter to Sir E.S. [i.e. Edward Seymour] which compared the tyranny of the first four years of King Charles the Martyr, with the tyranny of the four years of the late abdicated king, and vindicating the Parliament which began in Novemb. 1640 : occasioned by the lies and scandals of many bad men of this age. Ludlow, Edmund, fl. 1691-1692.; Hollingworth, Richard, 1639?-1701. 1692 (1692) Wing L1469; ESTC R13691 65,416 108 View Text
A09564 The catalogue of the chancellors of England, the lord keepers of the Great Seale: and the lord treasurers of England With a collection of divers that have been masters of the Rolles. By I.P. Summerset herald. Philipot, John, 1589?-1645. 1636 (1636) STC 19846; ESTC S114645 67,021 176 View Text
A59089 John Selden, Of the judicature in parliaments a posthumous treatise, wherein the controveries and precedents belonging to that title are methodically handled. Selden, John, 1584-1654. 1681 (1681) Wing S2433; ESTC R10657 68,725 208 View Text
A16401 The gentlemans academie. Or, The booke of S. Albans containing three most exact and excellent bookes: the first of hawking, the second of all the proper termes of hunting, and the last of armorie: all compiled by Iuliana Barnes, in the yere from the incarnation of Christ 1486. And now reduced into a better method, by G.M.; Boke of Saint Albans Berners, Juliana, b. 1388?; Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. 1595 (1595) STC 3314; ESTC S103621 69,877 187 View Text
A36790 The antient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms with a catalogue of the present nobility of England / by William Dugdale ... ; to which is added, a catalogue of the present nobility of Scotland and Ireland, &c. Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686. 1682 (1682) Wing D2478; ESTC R231444 71,213 227 View Text
A48787 Cabala, or, The mystery of conventicles unvail'd in an historical account of the principles and practices of the nonconformists, against church and state : from the first reformation under King Edward the VI. anno 1558. to this present year, 1664 : with an appendix of an CXX. plots against the present govenment, that have been defeated / by Oliver Foulis ... Lloyd, David, 1635-1692. 1664 (1664) Wing L2636; ESTC R9208 72,091 97 View Text
A36351 Mr. Tho. Dangerfields particular narrative of the late popish design to charge those of the Presbyterian party with a pretended conspiracy against His Majesties person and government written by himself. Dangerfield, Thomas, 1650?-1685. 1679 (1679) Wing D192; ESTC R13969 73,229 82 View Text
A33316 The history of the glorious life, reign, and death of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with, the assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad, the several attempts of the papists upon her life, the excommunications of Rome, Bishop Jewel's challenge to the papists, the several victories she gained, and more particularly that in 1588 ... / by S. Clark ; illustrated with pictures of some considerable matters, curiously ingraven in copper plates. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1682 (1682) Wing C4523; ESTC R13609 73,724 210 View Text
A65393 The court and character of King James whereunto is now added The court of King Charles : continued unto the beginning of these unhappy times : with some observations upon him instead of a character / collected and perfected by Sir A.W. Weldon, Anthony, Sir, d. 1649? 1651 (1651) Wing W1274; ESTC R229346 73,767 247 View Text
A37340 A brief history of the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the occasions that brought her and Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, to their tragical ends shewing the hopes the Papists then had of a Popish successor in England, and their plots to accomplish them : with a full account of the tryals of that Queen, and of the said Duke, as also the trial of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel : from the papers of a secretary of Sir Francis Walsingham / now published by a person of quality. M. D.; Walsingham, Francis, Sir, 1530?-1590. 1681 (1681) Wing D57; ESTC R8596 76,972 72 View Text
A07909 A vvatch-vvoord to Englande to beware of traytours and tretcherous practises, which haue beene the ouerthrowe of many famous kingdomes and common weales. Written by a faithfull affected freend to his country: who desireth God long to blesse it from traytours, and their secret conspiracyes. Séene and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Quéenes iniunctions. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1584 (1584) STC 18282; ESTC S112941 79,185 110 View Text
A11862 The booke of honor and armes Jones, Richard, fl. 1564-1602.; Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633, attributed name.; Saviolo, Vincentio. 1590 (1590) STC 22163; ESTC S116992 81,597 191 View Text
A71289 A compendious view of the late tumults & troubles in this kingdom by way of annals for seven years viz, from the beginning of the 30th to the end of the 36th year of the reign of His Late Majesty King Charles II of blessed memory / by J.W. Esq. Wright, James, 1643-1713. 1685 (1685) Wing W3692; ESTC R5955 83,596 239 View Text
A50359 A breviary of the history of the Parliament of England expressed in three parts, 1. The causes and beginnings of the civil war of England, 2. A short mention of the progress of that civil war, 3. A compendious relation of the original and progress of the second civil war / first written in Latine, & after into English by Thomas May. May, Thomas, 1595-1650. 1655 (1655) Wing M1396; ESTC R31201 87,485 222 View Text
A38421 England's remarques giving an exact account of the several shires, counties, and islands in England and Wales. In every of which you have I. How the county is bounded. II. The length, breadth, and circumference. III. The temperature of the air, and fertility or barrenness of the soil. IV. What commodities each shire or county affordeth. V. In what dioces, and how many parishes in it. VI. The number of Parliament-men, hundreds, and market-towns. VII. In every shire you have the name of the city or shire-town, with the latitude thereof, and how it bears, with the reputed and measured distance of the same from London, the road to the same; how governed, and the coat of arms, and what other things are therein remarkable. VIII. You have the names of such noble families as have been dukes or earls of each county since their first constitution. IX. Whatsoever is eminent or remarkable thorow-out the whole kingdom. To which is added a travelling map, describing the principal roads thorow-out England. 1682 (1682) Wing E3027; ESTC R218203 95,213 312 View Text
A53380 A display of tyranny, or, Remarks upon the illegal and arbitrary proceedings, in the courts of Westminster, and Guild-Hall London from the year, 1678, to the abdication of the late King James, in the year 1688, in which time, the rule was, quod principi placuit, lex esto : the first part. Oates, Titus, 1649-1705. 1689 (1689) Wing O35; ESTC R16065 100,209 272 View Text
A52209 The Queens closet opened incomparable secrets in physick, chyrurgery, preserving, and candying &c. which were presented unto the queen / by the most experienced persons of the times, many whereof were had in esteem when she pleased to descend to private recreations. W. M. 1659 (1659) Wing M99; ESTC R24004 100,919 310 View Text
A08452 The valiant actes and victorious battailes of the English nation: from the yeere of our Lord, one thousand three hundred twentie and seuen: being the first yeare of the raigne of the most mightie Prince Edvvard the third, to the yeere 1558. Also, of the peaceable and quiet state of England, vnder the blessed gouernement of the most excellent and vertuous Princesse Elizabeth: a compendious declaration written by C.O. And newly translated out of Latine verse into English meeter. By I.S.; Anglorum prælia, ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimirùm primo inclytiss. principis Eduardi eius nominis tertii, usque ad annum Do. 1558. carmine summatim perstricta. English Ocland, Christopher, d. 1590?; Ocland, Christopher, d. 1590? Eirēnarchia. English. aut; Sharrock, John. 1585 (1585) STC 18777; ESTC S110231 101,841 114 View Text
A66698 The lives of the most famous English poets, or, The honour of Parnassus in a brief essay of the works and writings of above two hundred of them, from the time of K. William the Conqueror to the reign of His present Majesty, King James II / written by William Winstanley, author of The English worthies ... Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698. 1687 (1687) Wing W3065; ESTC R363 103,021 246 View Text
A67873 Honor rediviuus [sic] or An analysis of honor and armory. by Matt: Carter Esq.; Honor redivivus. Carter, Matthew, fl. 1660.; Gaywood, Richard, fl. 1650-1680, engraver. 1660 (1660) Wing C659; ESTC R209970 103,447 261 View Text
A02855 The first part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII. Extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Written by I.H.; Historie of the life and raigne of Henry the Fourth Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627. 1599 (1599) STC 12995; ESTC S103908 104,716 160 View Text
A36946 Arcana aulica, or, Walsingham's manual of prudential maxims for the states-man and courtier : to which is added Fragmenta regalia, or, Observations on Queen Elizabeth, her times and favorites / by Sir Robert Naunton.; Traicté de la cour. English. 1694 Refuge, Eustache de, d. 1617.; Walsingham, Edward, d. 1663.; Walsingham, Francis, Sir, 1530?-1590.; Naunton, Robert, Sir, 1563-1635. Fragmenta regalia, or, Observations on Queen Elizabeth. 1694 (1694) Wing D2686; ESTC R33418 106,428 275 View Text
A43536 Erōologia Anglorum. Or, An help to English history Containing a succession of all the kings of England, and the English-Saxons, the kings and princes of Wales, the kings and lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight. As also of all the arch-bishops, bishops, dukes, marquesses, and earles, within the said dominions. In three tables. By Robert Hall, Gent. Peter Heylyn, 1600-1662. 1641 (1641) Wing H1713; ESTC R216457 108,040 378 View Text
A43873 The historian's guide, or, Britain's remembrancer being a summary of all the actions, exploits, sieges, battels, designs, attempts, preferments, honours, changes &c. and whatever else is worthy notice that hath happen'd in His Majesty's kingdoms from Anno. Dom. 1600 to this time : shewing the year, month and day of the month in which each action was done : with an alphabeticall table for the more easie finding any thing out. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1690 (1690) Wing H2094D; ESTC R29871 108,880 248 View Text