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lord_n arthur_n john_n sir_n 15,296 5 6.8412 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 262
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A78336 A catalogue of the names of those honourable persons, who are now members of this present House of Lords. 1658 (1658) Wing C1405; Thomason 669.f.20[70]; ESTC R212145 492 1 View Text
A75658 Articles of high treason, and other high misdemeanors, against the Lord Kymbolton. Mr Denzill Hollis. Sir Arthur Haslerig. Mr John Pym. Mr Iohn Hampden. Mr William Strode. 1642 (1642) Wing A3847; Thomason E131_2; ESTC R9492 549 8 View Text
A88347 A list of the names of the iudges of the High Court of Iustice for the tryall of James Earl of Cambridge, Henry Earl of Holland, George Lord Goring, Arthur Lord Capell, and Sir John Owen Knight. Appointed by an act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled. Robinson, Luke, 1610-1669. 1649 (1649) Wing L2470; Thomason 669.f.13[83]; ESTC R211209 650 1 View Text
A78334 A catalogue of the names of this present Parliament, interrupted April 19. 1653. Whereof those that do not yet sit, are marked thus, *. England and Wales. Parliament. 1659 (1659) Wing C1403; Thomason 669.f.21[43]; ESTC R211193 713 1 View Text
A74140 A catalogue of the names of the members of the last Parliament whereof those marked with a starre, were for the Godly learned ministry and universities. 1654 (1654) Thomason 669.f.19[3] 789 1 View Text
A82161 A declaration of the gentry of the county of Salop, who were of the late Kings party. 1660 (1660) Wing D680A; Thomason 669.f.24[74]; ESTC R211813 907 1 View Text
A87348 The impeachment of Sir Edward Harbert Knight His Majesties attourney generall by the Commons assembled in Parliament. Herbert, Edward, 1591?-1657.; England and Wales. Parliament. aut 1642 (1642) Wing I97; Thomason E135_16; ESTC R18849 1,123 8 View Text
B04100 A list of the Royal Society. Royal Society (Great Britain). Council. 1694 (1694) Wing L2502; ESTC R205796 1,260 2 View Text
A89943 A new ballade, to an old tune Tom of Bedlam. 1660 (1660) Wing N574; Thomason 669.f.22[69]; ESTC R211462 1,291 1 View Text
A93801 An exact relation of the delivering up of Reading to His Excellencie the Earl of Essex; and how the Kings forces have quitted Cyrencester and Brill: with the true relation of the fight at Caversham. As it was sent in a letter to the speaker of the House of Commons, by these worthy members of the said House: Sir Philip Stapleton, John Hampden, and Arthur Goodwin, Esquires. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. Stapleton, Philip, Sir, 1603-1647.; Goodwin, Arthur, 1593 or 4-1643.; Hampden, John, 1594-1643.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. aut 1643 (1643) Wing S5256; Thomason E100_11 1,354 8 View Text
A25931 Articles of high treason and other high misdemeanours against the Lord Kemolton, Master Densill Hollis, Master Pym, Sir Arthur Hasilrige, Master Hamden, and Master Stroude with the charge of the impeachment of the twelve bishops accused of high treason for preferring a petition and making a protestation to the subverting the fundamentall lawes and being of Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing A3848; ESTC R26487 1,366 7 View Text
A89461 The right honourable the Lord Kimbolton his speech in Parliament, Ian. 3. 1641: concerning the articles of high treason exhibited against him, Mr. Pym, Mr. Hambden, Mr. Hollis, Sir Arthur Haslerigge knight, and Mr. Strowde. By the Kings Majestie.; Speech in Parliament, Jan. 3. 1641. Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671. 1642 (1642) Wing M395; Thomason E199_51; ESTC R13153 1,547 10 View Text
A86965 A speedy post from heaven, to the King of England. Never put out by any before. VVritten by A.H. A. H. 1642 (1642) Wing H4; Thomason E121_6; ESTC R20495 1,608 10 View Text
A82590 18. October, 1648. A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the sequestring the estates both real and personal of delinquents, to be imployed for and towards the raising and maintaining of a troop of horse, for the service of the Parliament within the county of Surrey. England and Wales. Parliament. 1648 (1648) Wing E1303; Thomason 669.f.13[30]; ESTC R211009 1,739 1 View Text
A94461 To the honourable knights, cittizens and burgesses, of the Commons House of Parliament. The humble petition of the lords knights and gentlemen of the Kingdome of Ireland now in towne, ... Loftus of Ely, Adam Loftus, Viscount, 1568-1643. 1642 (1642) Wing T1420; Thomason 669.f.4[53]; ESTC R210821 1,799 1 View Text
A97043 The victorious and fortunate proceedings of Sir William Waller and his forces in Wales, and other places since they left Malmsbury. With the true manner of his taking Highnam and 150 commanders, and gentlemen, and 1444 common prisoners, well armed: also how hee beate up Prince Maurice his quarters, brake thorow his army, and came safe to Gloster, from whence he sent Lieutenant Colonell Massey, to take Tewksbury which he hath since effected. As it was sent in a letter from Sir William Waller, and Sir Arthur Haslerig, and read in both Houses of Parliament, April 15. 1643. Die Sabbathi, 15 Aprilis, 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliameut [sic], that this letter shall bee forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliamento. Waller, William, Sir, 1597?-1668.; Hesilrige, Arthur, Sir, d. 1661. 1643 (1643) Wing W543; Thomason E97_2; ESTC R13353 1,827 9 View Text
A74807 Die Sabbati 15. Junii. 1644. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For continuance of the former ordinance for four moneths longer, from the time of the expiration of the said ordinance, for the raising, maintaining, paying, and regulating of 3000. foot, 1200. horse, and 500. dragoons, to be commanded by Sir William Waller, as Serjeant Major Generall of the said forces, under his Excellency the Earl of Essex, in whose absence he is to be commander in chief over them, and all other forces raised, or to be raised in the associated counties of Southampton, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent. The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, do ordaine and declare, and it be ordained and declared, that the ordinance intituled, An ordinance for the raising, maintaining, paying and regulating of 3000. foot, 1200 horse, and 500. dragoones, to be commanded by Sir William Waller as Serjeant Major Generall of the said forces under his excellency the Earle of Essex Generall, and of all other forces, raised, or to be raised in the associated counties of Southampton, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent, and every clause, article, and thing therein contained, shall have continuance for and during the spoace of 4 moneths longer from the time of the expiration of the said Ordainance England and Wales. Parliament. 1644 (1644) Thomason E51_6; ESTC R204355 1,835 4 View Text
B03814 By the Lord Deputy and Council. Tyrconnel. Whereas several persons in the province of Ulster, and the town of Sligo, in this his Majesties kingdom, have entred into several associations, containing no less offence than high treason... Ireland. Lord Deputy (1687-1689 : Tyrconnel); Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot, Earl of, 1630-1691. 1689 (1689) Wing I880; ESTC R223058 1,983 2 View Text
A88343 A list of the names of all the members of this present Parliament, with the respective counties and places for which they serve. VVith the names of the members of the severall committees, and the places where they sit, for regulating the abuses of the commonwealth. 1653 (1653) Wing L2463; Thomason 669.f.17[45]; ESTC R211677 2,111 1 View Text
A25934 Articles of impeachment against George Lord Digby by the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, in maintenance of their accusation whereby hee standeth accused with high treason in their names, and in the names of all the Common in England : whereunto is added a strange and unheard of oraison put by the papists ... England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1642 (1642) Wing A3852; ESTC R11675 2,213 8 View Text
B24839 By the Lords Iustices and Council. Maurice Eustace Canc. Orrery. Mountrath. Whereas the Duke of Albemarle General of all his Majesties armies, and the Duke of Ormond, Lord Steward of his Majesties house-hold, have by writing under their hands and seals bearing date the second of March 1660. Ireland. Lords Justices and Council.; Eustace, Maurice, Sir, ca. 1590-1661.; Mountrath, Charles Coote, Earl of, ca. 1610-1661.; Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. 1661 (1661) Wing I898; Interim Tract Supplement Guide 807.g.5.[7]; ESTC R232327 2,219 1 View Text
A83092 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for execution of martiall law, according to the meaning of this ordinance, to continue for the space of four moneths from the date hereof. Together with the names of such commissioners as are appointed for the execution thereof. 16. August, 1644. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed & published: Henry Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1644 (1644) Wing E1890; Thomason E6_22; ESTC R11434 2,245 11 View Text
A52511 The names of the lords and other the commissioners for Greenwich Hospital Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. 1695 (1695) Wing N139; ESTC R17511 2,272 7 View Text
A83808 The questions propounded to Mr. Herbert the Kings Attorney Generall, by the House of Commons in the presence of both Houses of Parliament, on Friday the fourteenth of Ianuary 1641. Together with the answer of the said Mr. Herbert to the said questions, concerning the impeachment of the Lord Kimbolton, and Mr. Hollis, &c. Members of the House of Commons. Also the articles against the Lord Kimbolton, Mr. Hollis, and the rest. And lastly, his Majesties two messages to the Houses of Parliament, to repaire the late breaches of Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; Herbert, Edward, 1591?-1657.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1642 (1642) Wing E2691B; Thomason E132_12; ESTC R23069 2,321 8 View Text
A94897 A true, and brief relation of the Lord Lisle's departure from his command in Ireland, as it was vvrit from a gentleman of worth from Corke in Munster. Gentleman of Worth from Corke in Munster. 1647 (1647) Wing T2419; Thomason E385_13; ESTC R201463 2,398 8 View Text
A90470 Perfect list of the members returned and approved on by the councill to sit in Parliament. 1654 (1654) Wing P1497; Thomason 669.f.19[8]; ESTC R212019 2,429 1 View Text
A25912 Articles against the Lord Mandevill, Mr. Iohn Pym, M. Denzell Hollis, Sir Arthur Hazelrig, Mr. Hambden, and Mr. Strowd also the French and Spanish fleet arrived at Ireland, for the assistance of the rebels there : being a true relation of the Spanish fleet arrived in Ireland to ayd and assist the rebels there against the Protestants, speaking of their inhumane cruelty : with a description how the Popes nuncio came unto the King of Spaine, and instigated him thereunto : as also, of the Spanish oath, which they tooke at the first arrival against all Protestants whatsoever : likewise a relation of the French navie now lately arrived at the Irish coast, with the full number of both fleets, in a most true and exact relation. 1642 (1642) Wing A3803; ESTC R2043 2,452 8 View Text
A48647 A list of one unanimous club of voters in His Majesties Long Parliament, dissolved in 78 very fit to be thought on at the next new choice. 1679 (1679) Wing L2403; ESTC R18166 2,472 5 View Text
A79060 The Kings Majesties resolution, and the Parliaments determination, concerning the requests of the French and Spanish embassadors With the names and charge of 47. of the House of Commons, appointed for the Committee, till the Parliament sit againe.; Proceedings. 1641-09 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1641 (1641) Wing C2744A; ESTC R230175 2,600 11 View Text
A83321 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, whereby Robert Earle of Warwicke is made Governour in chiefe, and Lord high Admirall of all those islands, and other plantations, inhabited, planted, or belonging to any His Majesties the King of Englands subjects, within the bounds, and upon the coasts of America. And a committee appointed to be assisting unto him for the better governing, strengthning, and preservation of the said plantations; but chiefly for the advancement of the true Protastant [sic] religion, and farther spreading of the gospell of Christ among those that yet remaine there in great and miserable blindnesse and ignorance. Die Iovis 2. Novemb. 1643. Ordered this day by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that this ordinance shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E2104; Thomason E74_17; ESTC R627 2,819 8 View Text
A83020 An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, authorizing the Committee of Lords and Commons for the army and treasurerrs [sic] at wars, for the better levying and orderly issuing forth of the sixty thousand pounds per mensem, assessed or to be assessed by vertue of an ordinance of Parliament of the 23. June last past, to have the care and managing of that whole business, as to those ends and purposes in the said ordinance, and in this present ordinance, are expressed. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1647 (1647) Wing E1807; Thomason E409_6; ESTC R204418 3,180 15 View Text
A89979 A new list of all the members of this present Parliament vvith the respective counties and places for which they serve. VVith the names of the members of the severall committees, and places where they sit, for regulating the abuses of the Commonwealth. Note that all committees have power to send for persons, papers, witnesses, and records, and examine witnesses upon oath as they shall see cause, and where the petitions shall not bee made good, to allow costs. 1653 (1653) Wing N653; Thomason 669.f.17[57]; ESTC R211708 3,182 1 View Text
A76176 Speciall newes from the army at Warwicke since the fight: sent from a minister of good note, to an alderman here in London: wherein is related the names of such that are slain and taken prisoners of both sides: and also the comming of the Marquesse of Hartford towards Hereford with 2000. men, but made to retreate againe by the appearing of the Lord Stampford and his forces: also the funerall of Colonel Charls Essex at Warwick, his body being borne to the grave by the Lo: Mandevill, Lo: Brookes, and some 4. or 6. colonels: with other remarkable passages of truth touching that great battle, not yet printed, which will give great satisfaction to the reader. Also a most pious passage uttered by his Excellency to Master Marshall, upon their discourse of the battle. J. B. 1642 (1642) Wing B128; Thomason E124_33; ESTC R14507 3,222 8 View Text
A95127 The true petition of the entire body of the kingdome of Scotland With an act of the secret Councell of Scotland upon the same petition. As also the copy of a letter sent up with this true and authenticke act of councell from a good friend. To the right honourable and truly noble the lords of his Majesties priviy councell for Scotland, shewing their obedience to his Majesty, and their hearty affection to his loyall & weldeserving Parliament. Scotland. Privy Council. 1642 (1642) Wing T2853A; Thomason 669.f.5[39]; ESTC R210678 3,304 1 View Text
A31296 A Catalogue of the lords, knights, and gentlemen (of the Catholick religion) that were slain in the late warr, in defence of their king and countrey as also, of those whose estates were sold by the Rump for that cause. 1653 (1653) Wing C1383; ESTC R13230 3,383 1 View Text
B04079 A list of the knights, citizens, and burgesses chosen to serve in the Parliament holden at Westminster the eighth of May. 1661 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1661 (1661) Wing L2451; ESTC R225794 3,446 1 View Text
A82895 A message of the Lords and Commons of the Parliament of England, assembled at Westminster, to his Majesty, now at his court, at Holmby-House; for a firme and well grounded peace in England, and prosecution of the affaires in Ireland. Die Jovis 1647. It is this day ordered, that this message for a firme and well grounded peace for England, and for the prosecution of the affaires in Ireland, be forthwith printed and published according to order of Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament. 1647 (1647) Wing E1656; Thomason E378_20; ESTC R201387 3,658 11 View Text
A53433 Articles of agreement, made concluded, and agreed on, at Dublin, the eighteenth day of Iune, 1647. By and between the most Honorable Iames Lord Marques of Ormonde, of the one part; and Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King knight, Sir Robert Meredith knight, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, commissioners from the Parliament of England, on the other part. Published by authority and command of the commissioners from the Parliament of England.; Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1647-06-18 Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1641-1649 : Ormonde); Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688.; England and Wales. Treaties, etc. Ireland, 1647-06-18. 1647 (1647) Wing O437A; ESTC R222616 3,678 17 View Text
A83475 A sacred vow and covenant taken by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: upon the discovery of the late horrid and treacherous designe, for the destruction of this Parliament, and the kingdom. Together with the names of those members of the House of Commons which have taken the said vow and covenant. Also another vow and covenant to be taken by the armies and kingdom. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that the vow and covenant taken by the members of this House shall be printed, and the names of such members likewise that took the same: and also the vow and covenant to be taken by the armies and kingdoms. H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E2284; Thomason E105_26; ESTC R2093 3,733 10 View Text
A26417 Admirable newes from Ireland both good and true viz. first, a humble petition to the honourable Houses of Parliament, of divers lords, knights, and gentlemen of the kingdome of Ireland now resident in London : secondly, a true coppy Gentleman of worth in Ireland. 1641 (1641) Wing A588; ESTC R528 3,932 9 View Text
B04083 A list of the names of the knights citizens burgesses and barons of the Cinque ports of England and Wales for the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25th. day of April, in the year 1660. as they were returned into the Crown office. 1660 (1660) Wing L2472; ESTC R232577 4,159 1 View Text
A29198 Fair vvarning, or, The burnt child dreads the fire to the true hearted nobility, the loyal gentry, and commonalty of this poor distracted and divided kingdom of England, &c. Bramhall, John, 1594-1663. 1680 (1680) Wing B4221; ESTC R2796 4,242 3 View Text
A37899 An ordinance made and agreed by the Lords and Commons of Parliament the 28th day of August 1641 for the speedie disarming of popish recusants, and other dangerous persons. England and Wales. 1641 (1641) Wing E1789; ESTC R11519 4,335 22 View Text
A32198 Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to all to whom these presents shall come greeting ... the private commodity of our subjects, have diligently looked into and observed the great plenty of fish ... 1661 (1661) Wing C2934; ESTC R12981 4,335 1 View Text
A25594 An Account of the principal officers civil and military of England, May 1684 1684 (1684) Wing A341; ESTC R1654 4,617 1 View Text
A37585 An Act for the security of His Highnes the Lord Protector his person, and continuance of the nation in peace and safety. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom 1656.; Public General Acts. 1656. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Parliament. Proceedings. 1656. aut 1657 (1657) Wing E1123; ESTC R25056 4,622 12 View Text
A80959 An order of His Highness the Lord Protector with the advice of his council, for an additional supply of commissioners for ejecting scandalous, ignorant and insufficient ministers and school-masters within the respective counties therein specified : as also ministers to be assistants to the said commissioners. England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell); Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. 1657 (1657) Wing C7121bA; ESTC R174324 4,675 16 View Text
A95561 The names of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, & Barons, dead or living, that have been or are in England, Scotland, & Ireland, in and since the raign of Queen Elizabeth, to this yeare, 1653. By John Taylor Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1653 (1653) Wing T485; Thomason E1463_1; ESTC R209612 4,688 29 View Text
A83118 An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for raising moneys to be imployed for the maintenance of the forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight. 20 Martii, 1647. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1648 (1648) Wing E1912; Thomason E432_21; ESTC R206156 4,861 16 View Text
A83132 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for securing of the eighty thousand pounds advanced by, and under the eight treasurers hereafter named: and for a further provision, for the raising and maintaining of the forces under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax. 31. Martii, 1645. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1645 (1645) Wing E1923; Thomason E276_5; ESTC R209876 4,968 15 View Text
A46106 An impartial account of the names of His Majesty's most honourable privy-council and principal officers of this kingdom, now in commission, under the most puissant and renowned prince, King James II 1686 (1686) Wing I72; ESTC R41774 5,139 1 View Text
A46107 Whereas by an act made in this present Parliament, intituled, An act for the enlargement of the periods of time limited in an act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration, for the settlement of his kingdom of Ireland, &c. ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormonde. Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1661-1669 : Ormonde); Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688. 1663 (1663) Wing I720; ESTC R43292 5,283 3 View Text
A90735 Plain dealing with England in matter of conscience, between the King and Parliament. I. Concerning the Kings most excellent Majesty. II. Concerning the Parliament. III. Concerning the grand Reformers. IV. Concerning the Parliaments army. V. Concerning those called Malignants. VI. Concerning the Cavaliers. 1643 (1643) Wing P2355; Thomason E91_6; ESTC R13872 5,309 10 View Text
A31965 The letters from His Maiesty, and from the officers of His Majesties army, to the Earle of Essex at Lestithen, inviting him to peace and his refusall thereof England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646. 1644 (1644) Wing C2420; ESTC R17824 5,412 14 View Text
A38883 An Exact and perfect list of the names of the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgessses of the boroughs and towns and barons of the cinque-ports that serve in this present Parliament taken at this last session, annoq. Regni Car. 2 Regis I 6/7. 1664 (1664) Wing E3602; ESTC R27353 5,589 17 View Text
A92997 Several proposals for peace & freedom, by an agreement of the people, offered unto Commissary General Ireton for the concurrence of the Army, by the approbation and consent of many worthy persons of the Common Councel and others of the city of London, on the eleventh of this instant December, to be agreed unto, and subscribed by all the inhabitants of England & VVales. Jubbes, John.; Ireton, Henry, 1611-1651. 1648 (1648) Wing S2799; Thomason E477_18; ESTC R21362 5,987 11 View Text
A90354 The pedegree and descent of His Excellency, General George Monck. Setting forth how he is descended from King Edvvard the Third, by a branch and slip of the white rose, the House of York. And likewise, his extraction from Richard King of the Romans. With the state, title and descents of the houses of York and Lancaster in their several branches. 1660 (1660) Wing P1048; Thomason E1015_9; ESTC R203171 6,156 16 View Text
A54340 A perfect list of the Lords of the other House, and of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, and barons of the Cinque Ports, now assembled in this present parliament holden at Westminster, for the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Jan. 27, 1658 [i.e. 1659] 1659 (1659) Wing P1496; ESTC R21543 6,263 1 View Text
A50287 Matters of great consequence, and worthy of note to all England first the royall embassage from the Prince of Orange, to the well affected subjects of England : secondly, a message from a committee of both Houses of Parliament, to the Spanish embassador to make stay of the ships at Dunkerk, which were intended for the supply of the rebels in Ireland : thirdly, the true and humble petition of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, to the Kings most Excellent Majesty : concerning the Lord Kimbolton, M. Hollis, and the rest of the gentlemen that were accused of high treason : fourthly, an order of the House of the Lords for suppressing of the Arch-bishop of Armaghs sermon, which was falsely put upon him : fiftly, articles against Sir Edward Herbert Knight, His Majesties attorney generall, by the House of Commons : sixtly, an ordinance from His Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament, for the ordering of the militia of the kingdome of England, and also of the dominion of Wales : lastly, the names of all the lievtenants of every country, which are approved by the Kings Majesty. Ussher, James, 1581-1656.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing M1305; ESTC R8293 6,768 8 View Text
A84053 The second centurie. 1. Cornelius Holland, his father died in the Fleete for debt, ... El., M., fl. 1648.; Elsynge, Henry, 1598-1654, attributed name. 1648 (1648) Wing E317C; Thomason 669.f.13[22] 6,783 1 View Text
A25195 An alphabetical list of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, elected in the year 1698. to sit in Parliament together with an alphabet of the places that have the priviledge of election, with proper numbers and letters for the easie use therof. Note: those which have this mark * before them, were not members of the last Parliament. 1698 (1698) Wing A2899A; ESTC R218679 7,474 1 View Text
A63544 A True list of the lords spiritual and temporal, together with the knights, citizens and burgesses of the Parliament, which met at Westminster the 6th of February, 1700, and was prorogued to the 10th of the same month, as they are returned into the office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery 1700 (1700) Wing T2732; ESTC R12509 7,534 1 View Text
B06235 A true list of the lords spiritual and temporal, together with the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the Parliament at Westminster on the 22th [sic] of this instant November, 1695; as they have been returned into the Crown Office in Chancery. 1695 (1695) Wing T2731AA; ESTC R185660 7,768 1 View Text
A63543 A True list of the lords spiritual and temporal, together with the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the Parliament, which met at Westminster the 24th of August, 1698, and was prorogued to the 27th of September, and from thence to the 27th of October instance, as they are returned in to the office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery 1698 (1698) Wing T2731A; ESTC R12508 7,976 1 View Text
A18752 A pleasant discourse of court and wars with a replication to them both, and a commendation of all those that truly serue prince and countrie. Written by Thomas Churchyard, and called his Cherrishing. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. 1596 (1596) STC 5249; ESTC S105042 8,064 24 View Text
A69467 A perfect declaration of the barbarous and cruell practises committed by Prince Robert, the Cavalliers, and others in His Majesties army, from the time of the Kings going from his Parliament untill this present day ... together with the new oaths and blasphemous speeches they doe daily invent ... : also, a justification of Prince Robert his cruelties ... / collected by R. Andrewes ... Andrewes, R., 17th cent. 1642 (1642) Wing A3154; ESTC R557 8,341 10 View Text
A83273 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the speedy raising and leavying of money thorowout the whole kingdom of England and dominion of Wales, for the relief of the Common-wealth, by taxing such as have not at all contributed or lent, or not according to their estates and abilities. Ordered by the Lords and Commons, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown. Cleric. Parl. H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E2051; Thomason E101_18; ESTC R21221 9,851 15 View Text
A63665 A true relation of severall acts, passages and proceedings, done, undertaken, suffered and performed, by Captaine Robert Lawson, now one of the sheriffes of the city and county of London-Derry upon and since the first beginning of the great and generall rebellion in Ireland, in severall parts and places within the province of Ulster. With a true copy of his commission at Lysnegarvy, a copy of a letter to Sir Robert Stewart from the commissioners, and copies of his warrants to his two lieutenants and quarter-master to command in his absence, with a true copy of another commission for raysing of men in London-Derry, with a true certificate under the hands of the colonels, commissioners, and captaines in generall, touching his carriage in and about London-Derry, with his commission of agencie from the city of London-Derry during his abode in London. 1643 (1643) Wing T2914B; ESTC R222394 10,563 16 View Text
A82587 A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the seizing and sequestring of the estates, both reall and personall, of certain kinds of notorious delinquents, to the use, and for the maintaining of the army raised by the Parliament, and such other uses as shall be directed by both Houses of Parliament, for the benefit of the Common-wealth. / Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. ; Jo. Brown, cler. Parliamentorum. ; Hen. Elsynge, cler. Parl. d. Comm.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Browne, John, ca. 1608-1691.; Elsynge, Henry, 1598-1654.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E1301A; ESTC R176621 10,858 22 View Text
A82589 A declaration and ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the seizing and sequestring of the estates, both reall and personall, of certaine kinds of notorious delinquents, to the use, and for the maintaining of the army raised by the Parliament; and such other uses as shall be directed by both houses of Parliament, for the benefit of the Common-wealth. With the names of the committees who are employed in the severall counties of this kingdome, for the execution of this ordinance. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Jo. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.; Proceedings. 1643-04-01 England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E1302A; ESTC R227598 10,984 16 View Text
A71333 The Parliamentary intelligencer [no.25 (11 June-18 June 1660)] comprising the sum of forraign intelligence with the affairs now in agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland : for information of the people. Muddiman, Henry, 1628 or 1629-1692, editor.; Dury, Giles, editor.; Macock, John, publisher.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_5; ESTC P1015 11,616 16 View Text
A83403 The propositions of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For a safe and well-grounded peace. Sent to His Majestie at Newcastle, by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery. The earle of Suffolke. Members of the House of Peeres. And Sir Walter Erle Sir John Hipisly [brace] Knights [double brace] Robert Goodwyn Luke Robinson [brace] Esq; members of the House of Commons. Die Mercurii 15. Julii 1646. It is this day ordered by the Lords in Parliament, that the printer belonging to this House shall forthwith print the propositions sent to his majesty at Newcastle for a safe and well grounded peace. And that no other person shall presume to print or reprint the same, or any part thereof, at their perils. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. England and Wales. Parliament.; Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of, 1584-1650. 1646 (1646) Wing E2209; Thomason E344_25; ESTC R200975 12,571 31 View Text
B04709 The proposals for printing the English atlas Pitt, Moses, fl. 1654-1696. 1679 (1679) Wing P2308B; ESTC R187081 12,892 12 View Text
A71345 Mercurius publicus: comprising the sum of forraign intelligence ...[no.24 (7 June-14 June 1660)]; Mercurius publicus (London, England : 1659) Muddiman, Henry, fl.1659-1666, editor.; Dury, Giles editor.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_3 13,021 16 View Text
A84223 An examination examined: being a full and moderate answer to Maior Innes relation concerning the siege and taking of the town of Leicester by the Kings forces, the last of May 1645. Temple, Peter, Sir, 1622-1692. 1645 (1645) Wing E3713; Thomason E303_13; ESTC P1212; ESTC R200294 13,670 16 View Text
A29269 A plea for the peoples fundamentall liberties and parliaments, or, Eighteen questions questioned & answered which questions were lateley propounded by Mr. Jeremy Jves, pretending thereby to put the great question between the army and their dissenting brethren in the Parliament of the commonwealth of England out of question / by Capt. William Bray. Bray, William, 17th cent.; Ives, Jeremiah, fl. 1653-1674. Eighteen questions propounded. 1659 (1659) Wing B4306; ESTC R158 13,677 22 View Text
A86169 The oppressed man's out-cry; Or, an epistle writ by John Hedworth of Harraton in the county of Durham, Esq. the 13 Sept. 1651. unto the Honourable, Sir Henry Vane, the elder, a Member of the Honorable Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, William Vane his son, Lieut. Col. Paul Hobson, and John Middleton, Esq. members of the com. of the militia of the county of Durham by authority of Parliament. Hedworth, John. 1651 (1651) Wing H1353A; ESTC R230321 13,902 16 View Text
A43236 The oppressed man's out-cry; Or, an epistle writ by John Hedworth of Harraton in the county of Durham, Esq. the 13 Sept. 1651. unto the Honourable, Sir Henry Vane, the elder, a Member of the Honorable Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, William Vane his son, Lieut. Col. Paul Hobson, and John Middleton, Esq. members of the com. of the militia of the county of Durham by authority of Parliament. Hedworth, John. 1651 (1651) Wing H1353; ESTC R216853 13,909 16 View Text
A46002 An assesment for Ireland for three months; at ten thousand pounds by the month Commencing the 12th. day of Ianuary 1654. and determining the 12th. of April following. Dublin this 1. of Ianuary 1654. Ordered by the Lord Deputy and Council, that this order and commission for the assesment, be forthwith printed and published. Signed by order of the said Lord Deputy and Council. Tho: Herbert, Clerk of the Council. Ireland. Lords Justices and Council. 1654 (1654) Wing I336C; ESTC R236087 14,258 25 View Text
B04444 Musgrave muzled: or The traducer gagg'd. Being a just vindication of the Right Honourable Sr. Arthur Haslerigg, and all other persons herein concerned. From the scandalous imputations, and forged articles exhibited by John Musgrave. Hesilrige, Arthur, Sir, d. 1661.; England and Wales. Council of State. Saterday [sic] the 25. of January, 1650. At the Councell of State at White-hall. 1650 (1650) Wing M3156; ESTC R180810 14,684 23 View Text
A89811 A perfect catalogue of all the knights of the most noble Order of the Garter. From the first institution of it, untill this present April, Auno [sic] 1661. Whereunto is prefixed a short discourse touching the institution of the Order, the patron, habit and solemnities of it, with many other particulars which concern the same. / Collected and continued by J.N. J. N. 1661 (1661) Wing N21; Thomason E1087_13; ESTC R202944 14,845 40 View Text
A25704 An apology for the Protestants of Ireland in a brief narrative of the late revolutions in that kingdom, and an account of the present state thereof. 1689 (1689) Wing A3556; ESTC R16309 15,035 42 View Text
B09004 A particular charge or impeachment in the name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army under his command, against Denzill Holles Esquire, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir William Lewis ... [et al.] members of the honorable House of Commons. / by the appointment of his Excel. Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Councell of Warre. Signed John Rushworth Seere. England and Wales. Army. Council.; Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671.; Rushworth, John, 1612?-1690. 1647 (1647) Wing E741DA; ESTC R174975 15,491 24 View Text
A89427 Musgraves musle broken, or Truth pleading against falshood; being a just defence and answer to two papers read by Sir Arthur Haslerig: set forth in a letter written to Mr. Moyer, one of the commissioners for compounding. Wherein is discovered how the common-wealth is abused by sub-cummissioners for sequestrations, and a revenue of 13000 l. per annum brought into the state, upon the discovery and charge of John Musgrave. Musgrave, John, fl. 1654. 1650 (1650) Wing M3152; Thomason E626_26; ESTC R206571 16,170 22 View Text
A74552 An ordinance for the ejecting of scandalous, ignorant and insufficient ministers and school-masters. Tuesday August 29. 1654. Ordered by his Highness the Lord Protector, and his council, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Scobell, Clerk of the Council.; Orders in Council. 1654-08-29. England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell); England and Wales. Council of State. aut 1654 (1654) Thomason E1064_32; ESTC R210341 18,265 47 View Text
A94165 An anatomy of Lievt. Col. John Lilburn's spirit and pamphlets. Or, A vindication of these two honorable patriots Oliver Cromwel, Ld Governor of Ireland, and Sir Arthur Haslerig, Knight baronet, from the unworthy and false aspersions by him cast on them in two libels; the one intituled, An impeachment of high treason against Oliver Cromwel, &c. The other, A preparative to a hue and cry against Sir Arthur Haslerig: wherein the said Lilburn is demonstratively proved to be a common lyar, and unworthy of civil converse. Sydenham, Cuthbert, 1622-1654.; T. M. 1649 (1649) Wing S6290; Thomason E575_21; ESTC R204578 18,441 24 View Text
A78323 A Catalogue of the names of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, that have served in the last four Parlaments; viz. [brace] I. The Parlament begun at Westminster, the third of November, 1640. II. The Parlament the fourth of July, 1653. III. The Parlament Sept. 3. 1654. IIII. The Parlament the 17. of September, 1656. With the names of such noblemen, knights, and gentlemen, as met in the Parlament at Oxford. The reader may take notice that in the first Parlament, such as are marked with this * went to Oxford, those that died with d, and such as were new chosen with a small character : In the little Parliament, all those that stood for a godly learned ministery, are also marked with a *. 1656 (1656) Wing C1394; Thomason E1602_6; ESTC R208906 18,731 55 View Text
A34146 A perfect list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, who have subscribed as adventurers in the joynt-stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies together with the respective sums which they have severally subscribed in the books of the said company, amounting in the whole to the sum of 400000 lib. sterling. Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. 1696 (1696) Wing C5599; ESTC R41896 18,748 16 View Text
A39441 An Abridgement of the statutes made in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Charles the Second alphabetically digested under apt titles and heads for the ready finding out of the matter. England and Wales. Laws, etc. 1661 (1661) Wing E860; ESTC R6329 18,777 46 View Text
A46843 King Charles I, no such saint, martyr or good Protestant as commonly reputed, but a favourer of Papists and a cruel and oppressive tyrant all plainly proved from undeniable matters of fact : to which are added Dr. Burnet's, now Bishop of Salisbury, and other reasons, against the keeping up any longer the observation of a fast on the 30th of January : as also short answers to these three questions, I, what is the occasion of the clergies pride and lording it over the laity, II, why they and many of the laity cry up this king for a saint, martyr, &c., III, what is the true reason that the generality of the clergy, and many of the laity, both lawyers and others, are constant advocates for kings, tho never so wicked, and sacrificers of the people. D. J. 1698 (1698) Wing J7; ESTC R444 18,954 30 View Text
B09304 By the Lord Lieutenant and Council Essex whereas in an act of Parliament, lately passed in this Kingdom, entituled, An act for the explaining of some doubts, a rising upon an entituled, an Act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration for the settlement of his kingdome of Ireland ... Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1672-1677 : Essex); Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 1631-1683. 1674 (1674) Wing I818; ESTC R178810 19,183 58 View Text
A14671 A catalogue of the nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland With an addition of the baronets of England, the dates of their patents, the seuerall creations of the knights of the Bath, from the coronation of King Iames, to this present. Collected by T.W.; Most exact catalogue of the nobilitie of England, Scotland, and Ireland Walkley, Thomas, d. 1658? 1630 (1630) STC 24974; ESTC S101308 19,624 46 View Text
A26023 Bibliotheca Ashmoliana a catalogue of the library of the learned and famous Elias Ashmole, Esq. : containing not only the rarest books of history, philosophy, genealogies, heraldry, coins, &c., but of the most abstruse parts of human learning : about 40 volumes of tracts and pamphlets neatly bound, and also 30 volumes of mss., many of them written on velum : to be sold by auction on Thursday next, the 22th day of this instant February, 1693/4 [i.e. 1694], at Rolls's Auction House, in Petty-Canon Alley, in St. Paul's Church-yard / by Edward Millington. Millington, Edward, d. 1703. 1694 (1694) Wing A3981; ESTC R35729 21,609 25 View Text
A83241 An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of moneys to be imployed towards the maintenance of forces within this kingdom, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax knight. And for the speedy transporting of and paying the forces for carrying on the War of Ireland. / 7 Julii, 1647. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Mr. Husband do forthwith print six thousand of the ordinance for raising moneys for maintenance of the army under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax knight. ; H: Elsynge, cler. Parl. D. Com.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Elsynge, Henry, 1598-1654.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1647 (1647) Wing E2020A; ESTC R175205 22,551 40 View Text
A60503 Remarks upon the D--- of S---'s letter to the House of Lords concerning Capt. Smyth being a vindication of his services from the imputations therein laid upon them : with the D---'s letter at large : to which is added a list of those persons to whom warrants were granted to stay in England pursuant to a late act of Parliament / by Matthew Smyth ... Smith, Matthew, fl. 1696.; Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of, 1660-1718. 1700 (1700) Wing S4132; ESTC R10304 23,209 48 View Text
A31297 A Catalogue of the names of all such who were summon'd to any Parliament (or reputed Parliament) from the year 1640. Viz. [brace] I. November 1640. The parliament call'd the Long-Parliament. II. The Parliament held at Oxford. III. 1653. Cromwel's convention, call'd Barbone's Parliament. IV. 1654. The convention turned out of doors without doing any thing. V. 1656. The convention that establish'd Cromwell. VI. 1659. The convention called Richard's Parliament: with the names of the lords of the other house. VII. The Healing-Parliament, summon'd just before His Majesties happy restauration. VIII. 1661. The lords spiritual and temporal, and commons of this present parliament summon'd by His Sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. 1661 (1661) Wing C1387A; ESTC R34417 24,342 72 View Text
A28236 A manifesto declaring what George Bishope hath been to the city of Bristoll and the particular persons now in authority therein and what hee hath received from them in recompence occasioned by the late sentence of banishment pronounced upon him by them, 16th, 7th Mon., 1665, and other useages for his conscience to God / by George Bishope. Bishop, George, d. 1668. 1665 (1665) Wing B2999; ESTC R11093 24,526 32 View Text
A52937 A catalogue of the names of all His Majesties justices of the peace in commission in the several counties throughout England and Wales, according to the late alterations to which is added, the names of all those formerly in commission, now left out : carefully collected from the respective commissions of each county / by S.N. Esquire. S. N., Esquire. 1680 (1680) Wing N67; ESTC R5883 25,258 39 View Text
A11983 A most pleasaunt and excellent conceited comedie, of Syr Iohn Falstaffe, and the merrie wiues of Windsor Entermixed with sundrie variable and pleasing humors, of Syr Hugh the Welch knight, Iustice Shallow, and his wise cousin M. Slender. With the swaggering vaine of Auncient Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. By William Shakespeare. As it hath bene diuers times acted by the right Honorable my Lord Camberlaines seruants. Both before her Maiestie, and else-where.; Merry wives of Windsor Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 1602 (1602) STC 22299; ESTC S111204 25,716 56 View Text
A45968 An act for granting a supply to His Majesty, by raising money by way of a poll Ireland. 1697 (1697) Wing I304; ESTC R39282 26,462 58 View Text