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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15108 A sermo[n] preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the thirde of Nouember 1577. in the time of the plague, by T.W. White, Thomas, ca. 1550-1624. 1578 (1578) STC 25406; ESTC S111738 33,572 100

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their dealings There is nothing prouoketh god more thā when with a cloke or colour of religiō his people shall wallow in sin or superstitiō Read the 50. Psal. Unto the vngodly man sayde God why doest thou preach my lawes takest my couenant in thy mouth wheras thou hatest to be reformed hast cast my wordes behind thée So be you well assured that it is not inough to haue a gospel in our mouths but we must expresse the truth therof in our liues it is not inough to haue a name of a Christian but to be founde a Christiā in déede Many haue a shew of godlinesse saith S. Paul but they haue denied the power thereof If nature helped not Abrahams owne children but bycause they lacked Abrahās workes they are called Deuils sonnes Iohn 8. alas what shall a naked name without vertue a bare tytle without veritie profite vs at all Doth not Christe foretell of such in the day of iudgemēt who haue done manye thinges in his name and yet when all is done he knoweth them not Math. 7. Surely the blinde charitie of Papistes dothe laye sore to the lame and halting faythe of Christians Our knowledge shall but helpe vs to Hell if we do not that wée know for the seruaunte that knoweth his maisters will and doth it not must looke for many stripes and to whome more is giuen more is to be required We haue receyued plentifully but if we yéelde barrenly Christe cursed a figtrée surely he will not spare thée The Author to the Heb. 6. sheweth that the grounde that drinketh in the deaw or receyueth the rayne falling oft vpon it and yéeldeth fruite is blessed but the barraine and vnfruitefull is to be cursed and burned The Are is at the roote of euerye trée and iudgement is not farre by his fruit shall euery mā be knowen no fruite aswell as naughty fruite is both for the flame It was abhominable before God for Israel to sweare the Lord liueth yet to deceyue Ier. 5. to fast and yet to do no lesse violence to wash and yet to be vncleane to sacrifice and yet to sinne to kéepe Sabbothes yet to tumble in al sensualitie For swearing it was neuer so cōmon custome maketh it nothing in these dayes in euery place in euerye person the magnificēt name of God who is glorious great fearefull is tossed to fro as a tennis ball that for very trifles The Iewes yet whē they heard blasphemy woulde rend theyr clothes It woulde gréeue a Christian hart to heare at euery word an othe at euerye lye an oth bying selling is not without lying and swearing but if the mouth that lieth slayeth the soule Wisd. 1. what déepe damnatiō euen in the nethermost hel remaines for the periured person There would be some exquisit punishment for such helhoundes séeing God wil not hold them giltlesse lette al Magistrates that feare God condemne thē to some paine for they are past shame And bycause I spake of Sabbothes knowe you that euery day is a Christian Sabboth yet one amōgst the rest was specially cōmanded to the Iewes and commended vnto vs both to reste oure bodyes our beasts but the chiefe end was for Israel to go to the Sanctuarie for vs to come to the house of prayer The ceremonie of the seuenth day is not muche amisse and that the number of .7 signifieth perfectiō you may oftē reade in scriptures especially in the Reuelatiō Of churches stars spirits trūpets seales Angels and al appeared by seauen as a most absolute perfect nūber multiplyed in it self albeit this is somwhat mistical yet no harme followeth if we say God rested the vij day to shew vnto vs the perfectiō of his workes laboured .vi. days to giue vs an exāple of vocation It may be not one of the least causes that God ceassed the seauenth day to beholde the excellencye of his creatures and though he séeth them alwayes from whose eyes nothing can be hidde yet to take delight in their assemblings singing of hymnes in their praying vnto hym and praysing hys name in their reading and hearing his word And if he looke downe on oure Sabbothes what shall he finde I pray you euery daye euill and the Sabboth worst Redéeme the time for the dayes are euill If the Apostle saide so then what woulde he say if he liued nowe when the Lord can not haue a péece of a daye no scarce of the Sabboth day which he hathe so charged to be kepte and straightly commaunded to be obserued But it was to the Iewes you will say it is true indéede for those solemne and ceremoniall assemblies sacrifices and feasts but otherwise there hath bin euer in the primatiue Church and from the Apostles some obseruation of one day among the rest and for speciall consideration albeit the whole life of Gods chosen is a perpetuall sabboth and euery day sanctifyed and euerye houre holy vnto them Assuredly we come nothing néere the Iewes in this pointe for on oure Sabbothes all manner of games and playes bankettings and surfettings are very rife If anye manne haue anye businesse in the world Sonday is counted an idle daye If he haue none then it is bestowed in other pleasure Trahit sua quenque voluptas Euery man followeth his owne fansie And the wealthyest Citizens haue houses for the nonce they that haue none make shift with Alehouses Tauernes and Innes some rowyng on the water some rouing in the field some idle at home some worse occupyed thus what you gette euelly all the wéeke is worst spente on the Sabboth day according to the Prouerbe Il gotten ill spent blame not your seruantes if they follow your example for youre prodigalitie makes them vnthriftie But what accompt how answer you is this the Lordes daye or no if it be howe intollerable nay howe accursed moste condemnable are these outragious Bachanalia Lupanaria I can not tell what to call them such as Heathē menne were euer ashamed of I am sure and therfore practised better maters although prophane exercises but ours sauors so of Venus Court and Bacchus kitchin that it may rightly be entituled an abhominable and filthy Citie and withoute doubte London shall iustifie hir elder sister Hierusalem if in time she turne not to the Lorde I saye nothing of diuers other abuses whych do carrie away thousands and drowne them in the pernicious vanities of the worlde Looke but vppon the common playes in London and sée the multitude that flocketh to them and followeth them beholde the sumptuous Theatre housee a continuall monument of Lōdons prodigalitie and folly But I vnderstande they are nowe forbidden bycause of the plague I like the pollicye well if it holde still for a disease is but bodged or patched vp that is not cured in the cause and the cause of plagues is sinne if you looke to it well and the cause of sinne are playes
therefore the cause of plagues are playes Quicquid est causa causae est causa causati Shall I reckon vp the monstrous birds that brede in this nest without doubt I am ashamed I should surely offende your chast cares but the olde world is matched and Sodome ouercome for more horrible enormities and swelling sins are set out by those stages then euery mā thinks for or some would beléeue if I shold paint thē out in their colours without doubt you can scātly name me a sinne that by that sincke is not set a gogge theft and whoredome pride and prodigality villanie and blasphemie these thrée couples of helhoundes neuer ceasse barking there and bite manye so as they are vncurable euer after so that many a man hath the leuder wife and many a wife the shreuder husband by it and it can not otherwise be but that whiche robbeth flatlye the Lord of all his honor and is directly against the whole first table of his law shoulde make no bones of breache of the second also which is toward our neighbour only Wherefore if thou be a father thou losest thy child if thou be a maister thou losest thy seruaunt and thou be what thou canst be thou losest thy selfe that hauntest those scholes of vice dennes of Théeues Theatres of all leudnesse and if it be not suppressed in time it will make such a Tragedie that all London may well mourne whyle it is London for it is no playing time and euery man bethinke him wel but time to pray rather but faith is fainted and when the sonne of man coms shall he finde faith vppon the earthe Blessed is the seruant whom when his maister commeth shall finde doing not playing but working and doing not euill but good for that is our dutie that are Gods seruauntes but Sathans slaues do runne another race And cruell Citie This is the other parte of his accusation wherein whether hée allude to that generall breach of this commaundement Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe for as Charitie in this respecte performeth the law so Crueltie breaketh the same and therefore is it sayde on thys word Loue dependeth the whole law and the Prophets bycause all their labours haue no other ende than to raise vp our affections al our desires and delightes to be in loue with God and to moue oure compassion and tender bowels in charitie towarde our neyghbour or whether by this worde cruell he meanes a speciall vice whiche is couetousnesse euer vnmercifull and it is néerer the sense for that I reade in some translation Vae direptrici ciuitati Wo to hir that is a robbing Citie It was boldly done of Zophony to call them all théeues surely deceypte deserues no better name and therefore as Dauid counsayles you in the sixtie and two Psalme O trust not to wrongs and robberies gyue not your selues to vanities if ryches encrease sette not your heart vpon them Héere is the difference that Théeues steale wythoute the compasse of mans lawe and dye for it and you doe it wythin youre compasse and escape they in the hygh wayes you in youre Shoppes they playnely ynough but yet wyth force you vse no force indéede but suttletie is youre shifte Well though the lawe bée on youre syde and layeth no Item to youre charge yet I am assured the Gospell is cléere agaynste you and therefore remember the lawe of GOD and hys barre where though the countrey quitte you héere yet thy conscience shall condemne thée there and GOD is greater than thy conscience Couetousnesse is the roote of all euill that is no euill but hathe issued out thereof Auri sacra fames quid non mortalia Pectora cogis sayeth the Poete What dothe not the loue of money make a manne to doe Idolatrie Adulterye Murther Thefte Lying Swearyng yea Treason bothe agaynste Chryste and Chrystyan Kyngdomes are the naturall fruites of thys monstrous trée and the bitterest Berrie that thys roote beares I hadde almoste forgotten Usurye a yonger Spryg and later graffe indéede than anye of those I shewed you before but yet for mischiefe it doth surpasse them all excepting euer Idolatrie I thinke in my conscience the Deuill is the only life thereof and as a man hauing manye children yet sometimes the last doth most resemble his father so can not I sée the Diuels countenance complexion and condition more liuely naturall in any one thā in this bramble of Hell. How oft wyll you heare of this geare withoute amendmente there is small or no hope left for aftercommers to do any good at all therein and yet we must speake stil against it for all that The Prophetes hadde not all successe nor the Apostles preuayled euerye where and Chryste hymselfe ceassed not to giue it oute though he knewe the peruersenesse of the proude Pharises would not learne Wisedome nor receyue Counsayle of the Lorde As a nette full of birdes so are youre hooses full of thinges gotten by deceypte sayeth Ieremie will you neuer enter thys in youre accompte when I haue gotten the whole worlde and lost my owne soule what haue I gotten or what shall I gyue to buy it agayne no no there is nothyng left you muste lette that alone for euer .49 Psalme It cost more to redéeme a soule not gold nor syluer but the precious bloude of Iesus Chryste as of a Lambe vndefyled c. It were a golden sentence therefore and worthye to be prefixed ouer all youre reckonings and dealings whiche the wise Kyng hathe Kéepe thy hearte wyth all diligence for thereout springeth life Shal I not saye that you are couetous and cruell can you for conscience denie it if slyght wares and lyghte waightes if lying wordes and false othes wyll proue both then maye I safely conclude both What trade can you name me that Sathan is not as frée of as the best I list not to blowe vppe youre skirtes or to shewe youre sh●me abroade but youre selues doe not hyde it and it is displayed in a manner to all the worlde youre entertaynemente of Sathan is so good you preferre hym and plucke hym in wyth both handes and many trulyer serue him than the Lord himselfe and therefore as Saincte Paule sayeth Romaynes .6 you are hys seruauntes whome you obey If you be out of obedience of God you are straightway out of seruice and by consequent out of wages and wherefore else is the Diuell called the Prince of thys worlde but for hys multitude of Subiectes the waye to Hell is wyde and broade and manye doe trample and runne in it I can compare couetous menne to the Gyauntes in Noahs tyme whyche were not onely cruell but fylthye wyth the daughters of men whyche broughte in robberye and spoyle firste into the worlde suche monsters were theyr fathers and suche Camels are theyr Chyldren and therefore it goeth harde wyth them and there is a sore tryall remayning for them For it shall bée easyer for a Cammell to goe