The sun out-shining the moon, or, Righteousness excelling rottennness in answer to a lying scandalous paper, published by John Moone, entituled, The true light hath made manifest darknesse, &c. : but it is darkness put forth for light, as it will appear by that which followeth / and is published by John Price.
Price, John, Welsh clergyman.; Bownd, William. Brief discovery of the the erroneous tenets of those who are distinguished from other men by the name of Quakers.
Wing P3353; ESTC R43721
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An abstract of the most material interlocutors of the Lords of Session, during the dependence before them, of the cause of the two Danish ships, the Palm-tree, and Patience of Sunderburg, adjudged prise by the High-Court of Admiralty, anno 1672. Against Alexander Acheson captain of the frigat ... by which said ships were brought up, and the owners of the said frigat ... . Excerped out of the two decreets of the lords pronounced in favour of the strangers, 25. February 1674. but not extracted till the 30. of July 1680. With the Articles of His Majestie's treaty with the King of Denmark, relating to the case of ships and goods taken at sea in time of war ... and divers other papers, related to in the decreets.
Scotland. Court of Session.
Wing A137; ESTC R222202
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A copy of the letter from His Excellency the Lord Generall Cromwell, sent to the members of Parliament called to take upon them the trust of the government of this common-vvealth : which began on Munday the fourth of June, 1653, the day appointed by the letters of summons from his Excellency the Lord Gen. Cromwell for the meeting of these gentlemen : with severall transactions since that time.
Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658.
Wing C7054; ESTC R5464
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Veni, vidi, vici the triumph of the most excellent & illustrious, Oliver Cromwell, &c., set forth in a panegyricke / written originally in Latine, and faithfully done into English heroicall verse, by T.M. ... ; whereunto is added an elegy upon the death of the late Lord Deputy of Ireland, the much lamented, Henry Ireton, &c.
Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693.; Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690.
Wing F1044; ESTC R948
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The laws and acts of the second Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith begun at Edinburgh, the 19. of October, 1669. By a noble Earl, John Earl of Lauderdail, Viscount Maitland, Lord Thirlestane, and Bolton, &c. His Majesties Commissioner for holding the same, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties Great Seal of this kingdom: with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament. Extracted from the records of Parliament, be Sir Archibald Primerose of Chester, knight and barronet, clerk to His Majesties Council, Registers and Rolls.; Acts.
Scotland.; Primrose, Archibald, Sir, 1616-1679.
Wing S1272; ESTC R217871
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The record of sufferings for tythes in England the sufferers are, The seed of God, or, The assembly of his first-born, or, The first fruits unto God in England, in this age, who are called to be faithful, and have been found faithful, therefore have we suffered willingly the spoiling of our goods, for to us the truth is more precious then our estates, lives, or outward liberties, and thererfore hath the Lord accounted us first worthy to suffer for his name sake, and to be as lights in this deceitful generation : those which our suffering is a testimony against, is that priesthood which is light and treacherous, which in all ages the Lord raised up faithful witnesses against : ... : and in these dayes we may say, that they are worse then any troop of robbers, or any that preached for hire that ever went before them, as will appear in this book following, by their devouring vvidovvs houses spoiling mens goods, and destroying mens persons / given forth from those whom the Lord regards, who do tremble at his word, for which cause we are in scorn called Quakers ...
Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662.
Wing H3230; ESTC R19160
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Englands glory, or, An exact catalogue of the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Councel with the Knights of the Most Noble Order of Saint George, called the Garter, and the House of Peers : as also, a catalogue of the Lord Bishops, House of Commons, the dukes, marquesses, earles, viscounts, barons and baronets &c., made since His Majesties happy restoration and the times of their several creations : likewise, a perfect list of the Knights of the Bath, and the preparations and habits that were made for them at the time of their installment at the coronation : together with a perfect catalogue of the Lower House of Convocation now sitting at Westminster.
Brooke, Nathaniel.; Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. Catalogue of the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury.
Wing B4907; ESTC R12468
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The yeare of jubile: or, Englands releasment, purchased by Gods immediate assistance, and powerfull aiding of her renowmed Parliament and the forces raised by them: under the command of the right valiant, prosperous, and pious generall, Sir Thomas Fairfax. Being a summarie of all the atchievements, victories, and remarkable procedings of the armies aforesaid, from the late famous battail of Nasby, fought Iune 14, 1645, to the late reducement of Oxford and Faringdon. Together with a true and perfect list of the prisoners, arms, and ammunition, taken at each fight, and in each garison. And published at the desire of many worthy persons of this kingdom. / By S. Sheppard. Printed according to the order of Parliament.
Sheppard, S. (Samuel); England and Wales. Parliament.
Wing S3172; Thomason E343_8; ESTC R200945
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The honours of the Lords spiritual asserted, and their priviledges to vote in capital cases in Parliament maintained by reason and precedents collected out of the records of the Tower, and the journals of the House of Lords.
Hunt, Thomas, 1627?-1688.
Wing H3755; ESTC R24392
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Laws and acts past in the second [i.e. third] session of the first Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly and Bambreith ... / with special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament.; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Rothes, John Leslie, Earl of, 1630?-1681.; Scotland. Convention of Estates.
Wing S1273A; ESTC R183990
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Laws and acts past in the third session of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly and Bambreith ... / with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament.; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Rothes, John Leslie, Earl of, 1630?-1681.; Scotland. Convention of Estates.
Wing S1278A; ESTC R183991
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A Further narrative of the passages of these times in the Common-wealth of England an act for renouncing and disanulling the pretended title of Charls Stuart, and for the taking away of the Court of Wards and Liveries, the judgment ... against James Naylor the Quaker : with the triall of Miles Sundercombe ...
Wing F2560A; ESTC R38753
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The principles of astronomy and navigation, or, A clear, short, yet full explanation of all circles of the celestial and terrestrial globes and of their uses : being the whole doctrine of the sphere and hypotheses to the phenomena of the primum mobile : to which is added a discovery of the secrets of nature which are found in the mercurial-weather-glass &c. : as also a new proposal for buoying of a ship of any burden from the bottom of the sea / by George Sinclair.
Sinclair, George, d. 1696.; Sinclair, George, d. 1696. Proteus bound with chains, or, A discovery of the secrets of nature which are found in the mercurial-weather-glass.
Wing S3857; ESTC R26242
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The declinatour and protestation of the some some-times [sic] pretended bishops, presented in face of the last Assembly. Refuted and found futile, but full of insolent reproaches, and bold assertions
Church of Scotland. General Assembly.; Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663.
STC 22060; ESTC S116982
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An appendix to the history of the Church of Scotland containing the succession of the archbishops and bishops in their several sees from the reformation of the religion until the year 1676, as also the several orders of monks and friers &c. in Scotland before the Reformation : with the foundation of the universities and colledges, their benefactours, principals, professours of divinity and present masters : and an account of the government, laws and constitution of the Kingdom.
Middleton, Thomas, 17th cent.
Wing M1990; ESTC R29541
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The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the 23. of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ... His Majesties high commissioner for holding this parliament, by vertue of a commission uder His Majesties great seal of this kingdom, with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbet ...; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Queensberry, William Douglas, Duke of, 1637-1695.
Wing S1252A; ESTC R42763
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King Charls his tryal at the high court of justice sitting in Westminster Hall, begun on Saturday, Jan. 20, ended Jan. 27, 1648 also His Majesties speech on the scaffold immediately before his execution on Tuesday, Ian. 30 : together with the several speeches of Duke Hamilton, the Earl of Holland, and the Lord Capel, immediately before their execution on Friday, March 9, 1649.
Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Holland, Henry Rich, Earl of, 1590-1649.; Hamilton, James Hamilton, Duke of, 1606-1649.
Wing K556; ESTC R11695
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The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the twenty third day of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ..., His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbet, Lord McLeod, and Castle-haven, &c. ...; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Scotland. Parliament.
Wing S1252; ESTC R472631
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Aulicus coquinariæ or a vindication in ansvver to a pamphlet, entituled The court and character of King James. Pretended to be penned by Sir A.W. and published since his death, 1650.
Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676.; Heylyn, Peter, 1660-1662, attributed name.
Wing S645; Thomason E1356_2; ESTC R203447
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Certeine matters concerning the realme of Scotland, composed together The genealogie of all the kings of Scotland, their liues, the yeeres of their coronation, the time of their reigne, the yeere of their death, and maner thereof, with the place of their buriall. The whole nobilitie of Scotland, their surnames, their titles of honour, the names of their chiefe houses, and their mariages. The arch-bishopricks, bishopricks, abbacies, priories, & nunries of Scotland. The knights of Scotland. The forme of the oth of a duke, earle, lord of Parliament, and of a knight. The names of barons, lairds, and chiefe gentlemen in euerie sherifdome. The names of the principall clannes, and surnames of the borderers not landed. The stewartries and baileries of Scotland. The order of the calling of the Table of the Session. The description of whole Scotland, with all the iles, and names thereof. The most rare and woonderfull things in Scotland. As they were anno Domini, 1597.; Certaine matters composed together
Monipennie, John.
STC 18018; ESTC S100061
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A remonstrance of divers remarkeable passages concerning the church and kingdome of Ireland, recommended by letters from the Right Honourable the Lords Justices, and Counsell of Ireland, and presented by Henry Jones Doctor in Divinity, and agent for the ministers of the Gospel in that kingdom, to the Honourable House of Commons in England
Jones, Henry, 1605-1682.
Wing J943; Thomason E141_30; ESTC R202619
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Mishʻam A stay in trouble or The saints rest in the evil day. Exactly discovered from their cordial dependance upon God, and comfortable assistance by him. Shortly digested as the saints manual in the worst of times. The first part. / By Alexander Pringle, a worthless servant to Christ in the work of his Gospel.
Pringle, Alexander, of Harwich.
Wing P3500; Thomason E1592_1; ESTC R208844
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The doctrines and principles the persecution, imprisonment, banishment, excommunicating of the saints of God, by the priests and magistrates of Scotland, contrary to the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles ...
Stockdale, William, d. 1693.
Wing S5693A; ESTC R184702
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The laws and acts made in the fifth session of the first Parliament of Our Most High and Dread Soveraign William, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden and begun at Edinburgh, May 9. 1695 by John Marquess of Tweeddale ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George, Viscount of Tarbat ...; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Tweeddale, John Hay, Marquess of, 1626?-1697.
Wing S1269; ESTC R40608
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Florus Britannicus, or, An exact epitome of the history of England, from William the Conquerour to the twelfth year of the reign of His Sacred Majesty Charls the Second, now flourishing illustrated with their perfect portraictures in exact copper plates ... / by Mathew Stevenson, Gent.
Stevenson, Matthew, fl. 1654-1685.
Wing S5501; ESTC R18156
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Scotiæ indiculum, or, The present state of Scotland together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof / by A.M. philopatris.
A. M. (Alexander Mudie)
Wing M3038; ESTC R16016
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Acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles, by the grace of God King of Great Britane, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Holden by himself, present in person, with his three estates, at Edinburgh, upon the 28 day of June, 1633.; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Hay, John, Sir, 1578-1654.
STC 21902.5; Wing S1168A; ESTC S122278
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An extract by Mr. Bushell of his late abridgment of the Lord chancellor Bacons philosophical theory in mineral prosecutions published for the satisfaction of his noble friends that importunately desired it.
Bushell, Thomas, 1594-1674.; Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Atlantis.
Wing B296A; ESTC R25904
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The antient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms with a catalogue of the present nobility of England / by William Dugdale ... ; to which is added, a catalogue of the present nobility of Scotland and Ireland, &c.
Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686.
Wing D2478; ESTC R231444
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A testimony to the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the Church of Scotland, and the covenanted work of reformation as it was profess'd in the three kingdoms together with an account of the persecution of some of the most eminent in our days for their adherence to the same / as it was left in write by ... Mr. John Dick ; to which is added, his last speech and behaviour on the scaffold, on the fifth day of March 1684 ... never published till now ...
Dick, John, d. 1684.
Wing D1381; ESTC T178184
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Gainsayer convinced: or, An answer to a certain scandalous paper, subscribed and sent by certain seduced and seditious people to a minister in the countrey: in which the calling of the ministry of the Church of England, the nature of a visible church, the power of the magistrate under the gospel, the right of tithes, with many other points now in controversie, are briefly, fully and plainly cleared, to the satisfaction of those that are wavering; also much of the spirit and many of the errours of the Anabaptists of these daies (who call themselves saints) discovered and confuted. / By T.T. Preacher of the word at Kemble in Wiltshire.
Thache, Thomas, b. 1616 or 17.
Wing T827; Thomason E568_1; ESTC R206240
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The royall martyr. Or, King Charles the First no man of blood but a martyr for his people Being a brief account of his actions from the beginnings of the late unhappy warrs, untill he was basely butchered to the odium of religion, and scorn of all nations, before his pallace at White-Hall, Jan. 30. 1648. To which is added, A short history of His Royall Majesty Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. third monarch of Great Brittain.; King Charles the First, no man of blood: but a martyr for his people.
Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690.; W.H.B.
Wing P2018A; ESTC R35297
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The history of the affaires of Scotland from the restauration of King Charles the 2d. in the year 1660, and of the late great revolution in that kingdom : with a particular account of the extraordinary occurrences which hapned thereupon, and the transactions of the convention and Parliament to Midsomer, 1690 : with a full account of the settling of the church government there, together with the act at large for the establishing of it.
T. S.
Wing S164; ESTC R32344
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A true representation of the proceedings of the kingdome of Scotland; since the late pacification: by the estates of the kingdome: against mistakings in the late declaration, 1640
Lothian, William Kerr, Earl of, 1605?-1675.; Church of Scotland. General Assembly.; Scotland. Parliament.
STC 21929; ESTC S116866
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A second edition of Camden's description of Scotland containing a supplement of these peers, or Lords of Parliament, who were mentioned in the first edition, and an account of these since raised to, and further advanced in the degrees of peerage, until the year 1694.; Britannia. English. Selections
Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Dalrymple, James, Sir, fl. 1714.
Wing C376; ESTC R4896
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The first part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII. Extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Written by I.H.; Historie of the life and raigne of Henry the Fourth
Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627.
STC 12995; ESTC S103908
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Observations upon the laws and customs of nations, as to precedency by Sir George Mackenzie ...
Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691.
Wing M186; ESTC R5733
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Erōologia Anglorum. Or, An help to English history Containing a succession of all the kings of England, and the English-Saxons, the kings and princes of Wales, the kings and lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight. As also of all the arch-bishops, bishops, dukes, marquesses, and earles, within the said dominions. In three tables. By Robert Hall, Gent.
Peter Heylyn, 1600-1662.
Wing H1713; ESTC R216457
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The laws and acts of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles the Second ... holden at Edinburgh the first of January, 1661 by a noble Lord, John, Earl of Middleton ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / extracted and collected from the records of Parliament by Sir Archibald Primerose.; Laws, etc.
Scotland.; Primrose, Archibald, Sir, 1616-1679.
Wing S1271; ESTC R30550
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An act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration for the settlement of his kingdome of Ireland and satisfaction of the several interests of adventurers, souldiers, and other His Majesties subjects there.; Public General Acts. 1662. 14 & 15 Car.II Session 3 c.2
Ireland.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II).
Wing I309A; ESTC R223687
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The tryal and condemnation of Edw. Fitz-Harris, Esq., for high treason at the barr of the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, on Thursday the 9th of June, in Trinity term, 1681 : as also the tryal and condemnation of Dr. Oliver Plunket, titular primate of Ireland, for high treason ...
Fitzharris, Edward, 1648?-1681.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench.
Wing T2140; ESTC R34666
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The histories of the lives and raignes of Henry the Third, and Henry the Fourth, Kings of England written by Sr. Robert Cotton and Sr. John Hayvvard.
Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631.; Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627.
Wing C6494; ESTC R3965
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Ekskybalauron: or, The discovery of a most exquisite jewel, more precious then diamonds inchased in gold, the like whereof was never seen in any age; found in the kennel of Worcester-streets, the day after the fight, and six before the autumnal æquinox, anno 1651. Serving in this place, to frontal a vindication of the honour of Scotland, from that infamy, whereinto the rigid Presbyterian party of that nation, out of their coveteousness and ambition, most dissembledly hath involved it.
Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660.
Wing U134; Thomason E1506_1; ESTC R203867
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The second part of the booke of battailes, fought in our age taken out of the best authors and writers in sundrie languages. Published for the profit of those that practise armes, and for the pleasure of such as loue to be harmlesse hearers of bloudie broiles.; All the famous battels that have bene fought in our age throughout the worlde, as well by sea as lande. Part 2.
Polemon, John.
STC 20090; ESTC S114774
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England's black tribunall set forth in the triall of K. Charles I at a High Court of Justice at Westminster-Hall : together with his last speech when he was put to death on the scaffold, January 30, 1648 [i.e. 1649] : to which is added several dying speeches and manner of the putting to death of Earl of Strafford, Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, Duke Hamilton ...
Wing E2947; ESTC R31429
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Proposals humbly presented to His Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of England, &c. and to the High Court of Parliament now assembled for the calling to a true and just accompt all committee-men, sequestrators, treasures, excize and custom-commissioners, collectors of monthly assessments and all other persons that have been entrusted with the publick revenue or have in their custody any thing of value appertaining to the Commonwealth ... / by Tho. Violet.
Violet, Thomas, fl. 1634-1662.
Wing V585; ESTC R23589
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England's monarchs, or, A compendious relation of the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, which have hapned [sic] during the reigns of the kings and queens of England, from the invasion of the Romans to this present adorned with poems, and the pictures of every monarch, from William the Conquerour, to His present Majesty, our gracious sovereign, King Charles the Second : together with the names of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, the nobility, bishops, deans, and principal officers, civil and military, in England, in the year 1684 by R.B., author of the Admirable curiosities in England, The historical remarks in London and Westminster, The late wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c.
R. B., 1632?-1725?
Wing C7314; ESTC R21089
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The history of the five wise philosophers: or, The wonderful relation of the life of Jehosaphat son of Avenario King of Berma in India. To which is added, meditations on the seven stations of life, with the three great stepts [sic] to eternal salvation: as faith; to be our guide: hope, to be or comfort; and, charity to hide a multitude of faults. Also, instructions for children to be obedient to their parents. A treatise both pleasant, profitable, and pious, / by H.P. Gent.
H. P., Gent.; Parsons, H.; Peachum, Henry.
Wing P946
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Antiquities of the city of Exeter collected by Richard Izacke ...; Antiquities of the city of Exeter
Izacke, Richard, 1624?-1698.
Wing I1110; ESTC R22442
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A full relation of the passages concerning the late treaty for a peace, begun at Vxbridge January 30. 1644.
England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I).
Wing D2480A; Thomason E281_12; ESTC R200042
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Englands chronicle, or, The lives & reigns of the kings and queens from the time of Julius Cæsar to the present reign of K. William and Q. Mary containing the remarkable transactions and revolutions in peace and war, both at home and abroad, as they relate to this kingdom, with the wars, policies, religion and customs, success and misfortunes as well of the ancient Britains, as Roman, Saxon, Danish, and Norman conquerors, with copper cuts and whatever else is conduceable to the illustration of history / by J. Heath.
Heath, James, 1629-1664.
Wing H1325; ESTC R29472
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The right of primogeniture, in succession to the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland as declared by the statutes of 24 E.3 cap 2. De Proditionibus, King of England, and of Kenneth the third, and Malcolm Mackenneth the second, Kings of Scotland : as likewise of 10 H.7 made by a Parliament of Ireland : with all objections answered, and clear probation made : that to compass or imagine the death, exile, or disinheriting of the King's eldest son, is high treason : to which is added, an answer to all objections against declaring him a Protestant successor, with reasons shewing the fatal dangers of neglecting the same.
Lawrence, William, 1613 or 14-1681 or 2.
Wing L691; ESTC R1575
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A historie contayning the vvarres, treaties, marriages, and other occurrents betweene England and Scotland from King William the Conqueror, vntill the happy vnion of them both in our gratious King Iames. With a briefe declaration of the first inhabitants of this island: and what seuerall nations haue sithence settled them-selues therein one after an other
Ayscu, Edward.
STC 1014; ESTC S100373
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The state of His Majesties revenue in Ireland as the same was given in to the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties treasury in England, by Francis Lord Angier vice-treasurer of Ireland. And also, the humble proposals of the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh upon the said state. Together with His Majesties contract thereupon, concerning His whole revenue in Ireland, by letters patents bearing date the 4th of August, 1672.
Aungier, Francis, Earl of Longford, d. 1700.; Ranelagh, Richard Jones, Earl of, 1638?-1712. aut
Wing A3163D; ESTC R214836
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Scrinia sacra; secrets of empire, in letters of illustrious persons. A supplement of the Cabala. In which business of the same quality and grandeur is contained: with many famous passages of the late reigns of K. Henry 8. Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charls.; Cábala. Part 2.
Bedell, Gabriel, d. 1668.; Collins, Thomas, fl. 1650-1682.
Wing S2110; Thomason E228_2; ESTC R8769
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A catalogue and succession of the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and viscounts of this realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeare, 1619 Together, vvith their armes, vviues, and children: the times of their deaths and burials, with many their memorable actions. Collected by Raphe Brooke Esquire, Yorke Herauld: discouering, and reforming many errors committed, by men of other profession, and lately published in print ...
Brooke, Ralph, 1553-1625.
STC 3832; ESTC S107111
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The proceedings and tryal in the case of the most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Francis, Lord Bishop of Ely, John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, and Jonathan, Lord Bishop of Bristol, in the Court of Kings-Bench at Westminster in Trinity-term in the fourth year of the reign of King James the Second, Annoque Dom. 1688.
Sancroft, William, 1617-1693.; Lloyd, William, 1627-1717.; Turner, Francis, 1638?-1700.; Lake, John, 1624-1689.; Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711.; White, Thomas, 1628-1698.; Trelawny, Jonathan, Sir, 1650-1721.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench.
Wing S564; ESTC R7827
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A continuation of the history of the Reformation to the end of the Council of Trent in the year 1563 collected and written by E.B., Esq.; De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, commentarii
Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Bohun, Edmund, 1645-1699.
Wing B3449; ESTC R4992
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An answer to a book, intituled, The state of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James government in which, their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be free'd from his government, and of submitting to their present Majesties, is demonstrated.
Leslie, Charles, 1650-1722.
Wing L1120; ESTC R994
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A perambulation of Kent conteining the description, hystorie, and customes of that shyre. Collected and written (for the most part) in the yeare. 1570. by William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gent. and nowe increased by the addition of some things which the authour him selfe hath obserued since that time.
Lambarde, William, 1536-1601.
STC 15175.5; ESTC S124785
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An exact abridgment of all the trials (not omitting any material passage therein) which have been published since the year 1678 relating to the popish, and pretended Protestant-plots in the reigns of King Charles the 2d, and King James the 2d.
P. N.
Wing N64A; ESTC R229644
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The history of Great Britanie from the first peopling of this island to this present raigne of or [sic] happy and peacefull monarke K: Iames, by Will: Slatyer.
Slatyer, William, 1587-1647.
STC 22634; ESTC S117415
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Antichristian treachery discovered and its way block'd up in a clear distinction betwixt the Christian apostolical spirit, and the spirit of the antichristian apostate : being an answer to a book put forth by William Rogers, falsely called, The Christian Quaker distinguished from the apostate and innovator ... In three parts ...
Pearson, John, 1613-1686.
Wing P994; ESTC R33036
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A conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland diuided into tvvo partes. VVhere-of the first conteyneth the discourse of a ciuill lavvyer, hovv and in vvhat manner propinquity of blood is to be preferred. And the second the speech of a temporall lavvyer, about the particuler titles of all such as do or may pretende vvithin Ingland or vvithout, to the next succession. VVhere vnto is also added a new & perfect arbor or genealogie of the discents of all the kinges and princes of Ingland, from the conquest vnto this day, whereby each mans pretence is made more plaine. Directed to the right honorable the earle of Essex of her Maiesties priuy councell, & of the noble order of the Garter. Published by R. Doleman.
Allen, William, 1532-1594.; Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610, attributed name.
STC 19398; ESTC S114150
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The history of Scotland from the year 1423 until the year 1542 containing the lives and reigns of James the I, the II, the III, the IV, the V : with several memorials of state during the reigns of James VI and Charles I : illustrated with their effigies in copper plates. / by William Drummond of Hauthornden ; with a prefatory introduction taken out of the records of that nation by Mr. Hall of Grays-Inn.
Drummond, William, 1585-1649.; Gaywood, Richard, fl. 1650-1680.; Hall, Mr.
Wing D2199A; ESTC R175982
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The history of Scotland, from the year 1423 until the year 1542 containing the lives and reigns of James the I, the II, the III, the IV, the V : with several memorials of state, during the reigns of James VI & Charls I / by William Drummond ...
Drummond, William, 1585-1649.
Wing D2196; ESTC R233176
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A conference about the next succession to the crown of England divided into two parts : the first containeth the discourse of a civil lawyer, how and in what manner propinquity of bloud is to be preferred : the second containeth the speech of a temporal lawyer about the particular titles of all such as do, or may, pretend (within England or without) to the next succession : whereunto is also added a new and perfect arbor and genealogy of the descents of all the kings and princes of England, from the Conquest to the present day, whereby each mans pretence is made more plain ... / published by R. Doleman.
Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610.; Allen, William, 1532-1594.; Englefield, Francis, Sir, d. 1596?
Wing P568; ESTC R36629
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The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire with an account of the British, Phœnician, Armenian, Gr. and Rom. antiquities in those parts / by Charles Leigh ...
Leigh, Charles, 1662-1701?
Wing L975; ESTC R20833
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The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbury; Annales ecclesiastici. English. Selections
Baronio, Cesare, 1538-1607.; A. B., fl. 1639.
STC 1019; ESTC S100557
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A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day.
Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.
STC 18263; ESTC S112963
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The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government in which their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be freed from his government, and of submitting to their present Majesties is demonstrated.
King, William, 1650-1729.
Wing K538; ESTC R18475
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The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments
Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631.
STC 23332; ESTC S117863
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A large declaration concerning the late tumults in Scotland, from their first originalls together with a particular deduction of the seditious practices of the prime leaders of the Covenanters: collected out of their owne foule acts and writings: by which it doth plainly appeare, that religion was onely pretended by those leaders, but nothing lesse intended by them. By the King.
Balcanquhall, Walter, 1586?-1645.; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.
STC 21906; ESTC S116832
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A short view of the late troubles in England briefly setting forth, their rise, growth, and tragical conclusion, as also, some parallel thereof with the barons-wars in the time of King Henry III : but chiefly with that in France, called the Holy League, in the reign of Henry III and Henry IV, late kings of the realm : to which is added a perfect narrative of the Treaty at U[n]bridge in an.
Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686.
Wing D2492; ESTC R18097
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Magnalia Dei Anglicana. Or, Englands Parliamentary chronicle. Containing a full and exact narration of all the most memorable Parliamentary mercies, and mighty (if not miraculous) deliverances, great and glorious victories, and admirable successes, ... from the yeer, 1640. to this present year, 1646. Compiled in four parts; the two first, intituled, God in the mount. The third, Gods ark overtopping the worlds waves; the fourth, The burning-bush not consumed: this last part, comming up to these present times, and to our most renowned generall, Sir Thomas Fairfaxes late famous actions, in the west, and the happy (because unbloody) rendition of Oxford, in this present yeer, 1646. Collected cheifly for the high honour of our wonder working God; and for the unexpressible comfort of all cordiall English Parliamentarians. / By the most unworthy admirer of them, John Vicars.; God in the mount. Part 4
Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652.
Wing V319; Thomason E348_1; ESTC R201016
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The historie, and liues, of the kings of England from VVilliam the Conqueror, vnto the end of the raigne of King Henrie the Eight. By William Martyn Esquire, recorder of the honorable citie of Exeter.; Historie, and lives, of twentie kings of England
Martyn, William, 1562-1617.
STC 17527; ESTC S114259
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Historical antiquities, in two books the first treating in general of Great-Brettain and Ireland : the second containing particular remarks concerning Cheshire / faithfully collected out of authentick histories, old deeds, records, and evidences, by Sir Peter Leycester, Baronet ; whereunto is annexed a transcript of Doomsday-book, so far as it concerneth Cheshire, taken out of the original record.
Leycester, Peter, Sir, 1614-1678.
Wing L1943; ESTC R2116
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Cabala, sive, Scrinia sacra mysteries of state & government : in letters of illustrious persons, and great agents, in the reigns of Henry the Eighth, Queen Elizabeth, K. James, and the late King Charls : in two parts : in which the secrets of Empire and publique manage of affairs are contained : with many remarkable passages no where else published.; Cabala, sive, Scrinia sacra.
Wing C184_ENTIRE; Wing C183_PARTIAL; Wing S2110_PARTIAL; ESTC R21971
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A general history of Scotland together with a particular history of the Houses of Douglas and Angus / written by Master David Hume of Godscroft.
Hume, David, 1560?-1630?
Wing H3656; ESTC R33612
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The history of the houses of Douglas and Angus written by Master David Hume ...
Hume, David, 1560?-1630?
Wing H3658; ESTC R398
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Of the state of Europe XIIII. bookes. Containing the historie, and relation of the many prouinces hereof. Continued out of approved authours. By Gabriel Richardson Batchelour in Divinitie, and fellow of Brasen-Nose College in Oxford.
Richardson, Gabriel, d. 1642.
STC 21020; ESTC S116159
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The history of the execrable Irish rebellion trac'd from many preceding acts to the grand eruption the 23 of October, 1641, and thence pursued to the Act of Settlement, MDCLXII.
Borlase, Edmund, d. 1682?
Wing B3768; ESTC R32855
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A compleat history of the lives and reigns of, Mary Queen of Scotland, and of her son and successor, James the Sixth, King of Scotland, and (after Queen Elizabeth) King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, the First ... reconciling several opinions in testimony of her, and confuting others, in vindication of him, against two scandalous authors, 1. The court and character of King James, 2. The history of Great Britain ... / by William Sanderson, Esq.
Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676.
Wing S647; ESTC R5456
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An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history; Actes and monuments. Abridgments.
Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615.
STC 11229; ESTC S102503
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Villare cantianum, or, Kent surveyed and illustrated being an exact description of all the parishes, burroughs, villages and other respective mannors included in the county of Kent : and the original and intermedial possessors of them ... / by Thomas Philipott ... : to which is added an historical catalogue of the high-sheriffs of Kent, collected by John Phillipot, Esq., father to the authour.
Philipot, John, 1589?-1645.; Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682.
Wing P1989; ESTC R35386
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Cambria triumphans, or, Brittain in its perfect lustre shevving the origen and antiquity of that illustrious nation, the succession of their kings and princes, from the first, to King Charles of happy memory, the description of the countrey, the history of the antient and moderne estate, the manner of the investure of the princes, with the coats of arms of the nobility / by Percie Enderbie, Gent.
Enderbie, Percy, d. 1670.
Wing E728; ESTC R19758
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A genealogical history of the kings of England, and monarchs of Great Britain, &c. from the conquest, anno 1066 to the year, 1677 in seven parts or books, containing a discourse of their several lives, marriages, and issues, times of birth, death, places of burial, and monumental inscriptions : with their effigies, seals, tombs, cenotaphs, devises, arms, quarterings, crests, and supporters : all engraven in copper plates / furnished with several remarques and annotations by Francis Sanford, Esq. ...
Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694.; King, Gregory, 1648-1712.; Gaywood, Richard, fl. 1650-1680.; Barlow, Francis, 1626?-1702.; Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677.
Wing S651; ESTC R8565
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A collection of the statutes made in the reigns of King Charles the I. and King Charles the II. with the abridgment of such as stand repealed or expired. Continued after the method of Mr. Pulton. With notes of references, one to the other, as they now stand altered, enlarged or explained. To which also are added, the titles of all the statutes and private acts of Parliament passed by their said Majesties, untill this present year, MDCLXVII. With a table directing to the principal matters of the said statutes. By Tho: Manby of Lincolns-Inn, Esq.; Public General Acts. 1625-1667
England and Wales.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn.
Wing E898; ESTC R232104
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A continuation of the Complete history of England containing the lives and reigns of Edward I, II & III and Richard the Second / by Robert Brady ...
Brady, Robert, 1627?-1700.
Wing B4187; ESTC R8686
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Succint genealogies of the noble and ancient houses of Alno or de Alneto, Broc of Stephale, Latimer of Duntish, Drayton of Drayton, Mauduit of Westminster, Green of Drayton, Vere of Addington, Fitz-Lewes of Westhornedon, Howard of Effingham and Mordaunt of Turvey justified by publick records, ancient and extant charters, histories and other authentick proofs, and enriched with divers sculptures of tombs, images, seals, and other curiosities / by Robert Halstead.
Peterborough, Henry Mordaunt, Earl of, 1624?-1697.
Wing P1693; ESTC R21912
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The historie of the reformation of the Church of Scotland containing five books : together with some treatises conducing to the history.
Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572.; Buchanan, David, 1595?-1652?
Wing K738; ESTC R12446
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Memoires of the lives, actions, sufferings & deaths of those noble, reverend and excellent personages that suffered by death, sequestration, decimation, or otherwise, for the Protestant religion and the great principle thereof, allegiance to their soveraigne, in our late intestine wars, from the year 1637 to the year 1660, and from thence continued to 1666 with the life and martyrdom of King Charles I / by Da. Lloyd ...
Lloyd, David, 1635-1692.
Wing L2642; ESTC R3832
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The history of Levvis the eleuenth VVith the most memorable accidents which happened in Europe during the two and twenty yeares of his raigne. Enricht with many obseruations which serue as commentaries. Diuided into eleuen bookes. Written in French by P. Mathieu historiographer to the French King. And translated into English by Edvv: Grimeston Sergeant at Armes; Histoire de Louys XI. English
Matthieu, Pierre, 1563-1621.; Grimeston, Edward.; Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.
STC 17662; ESTC S114269
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Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and buriall of certaine of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations. A worke reuiuing the dead memory of the royall progenie, the nobilitie, gentrie, and communaltie, of these his Maiesties dominions. Intermixed and illustrated with variety of historicall obseruations, annotations, and briefe notes, extracted out of approued authors ... Whereunto is prefixed a discourse of funerall monuments ... Composed by the studie and trauels of Iohn Weeuer.
Weever, John, 1576-1632.; Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver.
STC 25223; ESTC S118104
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A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles containing all passages of state or church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne, & digested into a new method ; by Sr. R. Baker, Knight.
Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645.
Wing B501; ESTC R4846
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The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales
Stow, John, 1525?-1605.
STC 23333; ESTC S117590
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Historical collections of private passages of state Weighty matters in law. Remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments. Beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618. And ending the fifth year of King Charls, anno 1629. Digested in order of time, and now published by John Rushworth of Lincolns-Inn, Esq;
Rushworth, John, 1612?-1690.
Wing R2316A; ESTC R219757
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The history of the Church of Scotland, beginning in the year of our Lord 203 and continued to the end of the reign of King James the VI of ever blessed memory wherein are described the progress of Christianity, the persecutions and interruptions of it, the foundation of churches, the erecting of bishopricks, the building and endowing monasteries, and other religious places, the succession of bishops in their sees, the reformation of religion, and the frequent disturbances of that nation by wars, conspiracies, tumults, schisms : together with great variety of other matters, both ecclesiasticall and politicall / written by John Spotswood ...
Spottiswood, John, 1565-1639.; Duppa, Brian, 1588-1662.
Wing S5022; ESTC R17108
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A chronicle of the late intestine war in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland with the intervening affairs of treaties and other occurrences relating thereunto : as also the several usurpations, forreign wars, differences and interests depending upon it, to the happy restitution of our sacred soveraign, K. Charles II : in four parts, viz. the commons war, democracie, protectorate, restitution / by James Heath ... ; to which is added a continuation to this present year 1675 : being a brief account of the most memorable transactions in England, Scotland and Ireland, and forreign parts / by J.P.
Heath, James, 1629-1664.; Phillips, John. A brief account of the most memorable transactions in England, Scotland and Ireland, and forein parts, from the year 1662 to the year 1675.
Wing H1321; ESTC R31529
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The antiquities of Nottinghamshire extracted out of records, original evidences, leiger books, other manuscripts, and authentick authorities : beautified with maps, prospects, and portraictures / by Robert Thoroton ...
Thoroton, Robert, 1623-1678.
Wing T1063; ESTC R22553
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