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A declaration and order of His Highnes Councill in Scotland, for the government thereof: concerning an ordinance of His Highnes, dated the eighth day of August, 1654. Whereunto is annexed the said ordinance.
Scotland. Privy Council.
Wing S1012D; ESTC R183830
upon_o the_o first_o day_n of_o december_n next_o and_o be_v it_o further_o ordain_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o superiority_n of_o the_o land_n belong_v to_o the_o late_a bishopric_n of_o aberdeen_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o superiority_n of_o the_o land_n of_o aberdeen_n former_o call_v the_o barony_n of_o aberdeen_n of_o the_o land_n of_o murthill_n fetterne_a clett_n tallienessell_n daviot_n rhine_n and_o beirse_v all_o lie_v within_o the_o sheriffdome_n of_o aberdeen_n as_o also_o the_o land_n of_o fordice_n and_o murtlawh_o lie_v within_o the_o sheriffedome_n of_o bamff_n together_o with_o the_o superiority_n of_o the_o acre_n of_o old-aberdeen_n and_o of_o all_o other_o land_n tenement_n house_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n former_o belong_v to_o the_o say_v late_a bishopric_n of_o aberdeen_n the_o few-farm_n few-duty_n kain_n custom_n casualty_n teins_n parsonage_n and_o vicarage_n tend-duty_n and_o all_o other_o duty_n of_o the_o land_n church_n and_o parish_n aforesaid_a together_o with_o other_o duty_n of_o the_o church_n of_o maucher_n and_o nicholas_n and_o of_o all_o other_o kirk_n and_o parish_n which_o former_o belong_v to_o the_o say_a bishopric_n together_o with_o the_o ten_o of_o the_o salmon_n fish_v and_o other_o fishing_n upon_o the_o water_n of_o dee_n and_o done_n or_o on_o the_o sea_n or_o any_o other_o place_n former_o belong_v to_o the_o say_a bishopric_n together_o with_o the_o whole_a fruit_n teind_n church-rent_n and_o other_o duty_n any_o way_n belong_v to_o the_o temporality_n or_o spirituality_n of_o the_o say_a bishopric_n be_v give_v grant_v dote_v and_o mortify_v to_o the_o say_a university_n of_o aberdeen_n the_o principal_n professor_n regent_n and_n remanent_fw-la member_n thereof_o and_o their_o successor_n for_o ever_o in_o manner_n follow_v that_o be_v to_o say_v to_o the_o college_n of_o old-aberdeen_n two_o part_n in_o three_o to_o be_v divide_v and_o to_o the_o college_n of_o new-aberdeen_n one_o three_o part_n in_o three_o to_o be_v divide_v with_o power_n to_o the_o principal_n professor_n regent_n and_o remanent_fw-la member_n of_o the_o say_a university_n according_a to_o their_o proportion_n and_o division_n aforesaid_a present_a and_o to_o come_v and_o to_o their_o successor_n for_o ever_o to_o receive_v resignation_n enter_v the_o few-holders_n tenant_n and_o all_o other_o former_o call_v vassal_n of_o the_o say_a bishopric_n land_n and_o other_o the_o premise_n by_o charter_n of_o resignation_n confirmation_n or_o otherwise_o to_o compound_v transact_v and_o agree_v about_o the_o fine_n and_o composition_n due_a for_o the_o same_o and_o to_o receive_v and_o take_v up_o the_o same_o and_o to_o do_v all_o and_o every_o other_o act_n and_o thing_n therein_o that_o any_o superior_a or_o over-lord_n in_o scotland_n may_v do_v to_o their_o few-holders_n tenant_n and_o all_o other_o common_o call_v vassal_n according_a to_o law_n in_o such_o case_n and_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o incompetency_n of_o the_o maintenance_n of_o the_o master_n professor_n and_o other_o the_o member_n of_o the_o say_a university_n and_o especial_o of_o the_o say_a college_n of_o new-aberdeen_n be_v it_o ordain_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o sum_n of_o two_o hundred_o mark_n sterling_a by_o the_o year_n out_o of_o the_o first_o and_o ready_a of_o the_o custom_n of_o aberdeen_n shall_v be_v from_o henceforth_o pay_v unto_o the_o principal_n professor_n and_o other_o the_o member_n of_o the_o say_a university_n and_o their_o successor_n for_o ever_o or_o to_o such_o person_n and_o person_n as_o they_o shall_v from_o time_n to_o time_n appoint_v to_o be_v pay_v quarterly_o by_o even_o and_o equal_a portion_n to_o be_v employ_v for_o the_o augmentation_n of_o the_o provision_n and_o maintenance_n of_o the_o principal_n professor_n regent_n and_o remanent_fw-la member_n of_o the_o say_a university_n of_o aberdeen_n in_o manner_n follow_v that_o be_v to_o say_v two_o part_n thereof_o to_o the_o say_a college_n of_o new-aberdeen_n and_o the_o other_o three_o part_n to_o the_o college_n of_o old-aberdeen_n and_o that_o the_o collector_n and_o receiver_n of_o the_o say_a custom_n for_o the_o time_n be_v shall_v pay_v the_o same_o according_o provide_v always_o that_o the_o principal_n of_o either_o of_o the_o say_a college_n shall_v have_v twice_o as_o much_o add_v to_o their_o provision_n out_o of_o the_o say_a augmentation_n or_o yearly_a sum_n as_o be_v add_v to_o the_o provision_n of_o other_o professor_n and_o member_n of_o the_o respective_a college_n the_o first_o payment_n to_o be_v make_v at_o or_o on_o the_o first_o day_n of_o december_n next_o and_o so_o from_o thenceforth_o quarterly_o and_o for_o the_o better_a propagation_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o advancement_n of_o godliness_n in_o scotland_n be_v it_o ordain_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o commissioner_n for_o visit_v the_o university_n college_n and_o school_n of_o learning_n in_o scotland_n do_v take_v especial_a care_n that_o none_o but_o godly_a and_o able_a man_n be_v authorize_v by_o they_o to_o enjoy_v the_o live_n appoint_v for_o the_o ministry_n in_o scotland_n and_o to_o that_o end_n that_o respect_n be_v have_v to_o the_o choice_n of_o the_o more_o sober_a and_o godly_a part_n of_o the_o people_n although_o the_o same_o shall_v not_o prove_v to_o be_v the_o great_a part_n and_o that_o no_o person_n shall_v be_v by_o they_o authorize_v or_o admit_v into_o any_o such_o live_n or_o benefice_n but_o such_o as_o shall_v be_v first_o certify_v by_o the_o person_n hereafter_o name_v for_o the_o respective_a province_n hereafter_o mention_v or_o any_o four_o or_o more_o of_o they_o whereof_z two_o to_o be_v minister_n to_o be_v a_o person_n of_o a_o holy_a and_o unblameable_a conversation_n dispose_v to_o live_v peaceable_o under_o the_o present_a government_n and_o who_o for_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n in_o he_o and_o for_o his_o knowledge_n and_o utterance_n be_v able_a and_o fit_a to_o preach_v the_o gospel_n within_o the_o province_n of_o louthian_n mers_n and_o teviotdale_n master_n robert_n trail_v master_n alexander_n levingstone_n master_n gilbert_n hall_n master_n john_n scot_n master_n edward_n jamesone_n master_n john_n sinclare_v master_n john_n levingstone_n sir_n archibald_n johnstone_n sir_n andrew_n ker_n colonel_n gilbert_n ker_n ______o dundas_n of_o duddistone_n within_o the_o province_n of_o dumfrieze_n and_o galloway_n master_n hugh_n henderson_n master_n samuel_n austin_n master_n alexander_n trumbel_n master_n andrew_n lawder_n master_n samuel_n rowe_n master_n william_n ferguson_n of_o kaitlocke_n earl_n of_o cassilis_n alexander_n gordoun_n of_o knockgray_n within_o the_o province_n of_o glasgow_n and_o aire_n master_n john_n carstayre_n master_n alexander_n dunlap_n master_n john_n nevay_n master_n william_n guthery_n master_n william_n adayre_a master_n thomas_n willye_o master_n patrick_n colvile_n master_n francis_n air_v master_n william_n somervill_n master_n patrick_n gillespie_n sir_n george_n maxwell_n william_n muyre_v of_o glanderstone_n master_n john_n graham_n master_n john_n spreule_n george_n porterfield_n within_o the_o province_n of_o perth_n fife_n and_z angus_z master_n james_n guthery_n master_n robert_n blaire_n master_n samuel_n rutherford_n master_n alexander_n moncrieffe_n master_n james_n simson_n master_n william_n oliphant_n master_n john_n murray_n master_n william_n rait_n sir_n william_n bruce_n david_n weemes_n of_o fingask_n viscount_n of_o arburchnet_n within_o the_o province_n of_o be-north_n angus_n master_n robert_n keith_n master_n duncan_n forbes_n master_n john_n rowe_n master_n nathaniel_n martin_n master_n joseph_n brody_n master_n john_n menzies_n the_o lord_n brody_n the_o laird_n of_o eight_o earl_n of_o southerland_n alexander_n jeffrey_n master_n william_n more_o master_n andrew_n cant._n and_o be_v it_o further_o ordain_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o say_a commissioner_n do_v allow_v and_o provide_v out_o of_o the_o treasury_n of_o vacant_a stipend_n or_o otherwise_o as_o they_o shall_v think_v fit_a a_o competent_a maintenance_n for_o such_o minister_n who_o have_v gather_v congregation_n in_o scotland_n and_o to_o take_v care_n that_o the_o stipend_n of_o the_o parochial_a church_n there_o be_v employ_v to_o the_o use_n of_o such_o godly_a minister_n as_o be_v free_a to_o labour_v among_o they_o in_o the_o way_n of_o the_o church_n of_o scotland_n and_o be_v it_o further_o ordain_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o say_a commissioner_n do_v take_v care_n that_o such_o of_o the_o minister_n of_o that_o nation_n as_o they_o shall_v find_v to_o promote_v godliness_n and_o to_o endeavour_v the_o suppress_n of_o all_o ungodliness_n and_o scandalous_a practice_n whether_o in_o the_o ministry_n or_o the_o people_n do_v receive_v all_o due_a encouragement_n and_o assistance_n and_o that_o they_o do_v oppose_v all_o such_o as_o discountenance_v the_o power_n of_o godliness_n and_o be_v indulgent_a to_o such_o as_o be_v scandalous_a or_o profane_a pass_v the_o eight_o of_o august_n 1654._o henry_n scobel_n cl._n of_o the_o council_n wednesday_n the_o 17._o of_o october_n 1655._o at_o his_o highness_n council_n in_o edinburgh_n ordered_n that_o this_o declaration_n and_o ordinance_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v emanuel_n dow_a cl._n of_o the_o council_n