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A list of the names of the adventurers in the Bank of Scotland January 1. 1696.
Bank of Scotland.
Wing L2465A; ESTC R181345
a_o list_n of_o the_o name_n of_o the_o adventurer_n in_o the_o bank_n of_o scotland_n january_n 1._o 1696._o nota_fw-la that_o those_o mark_v ***_o be_v by_o their_o adventure_n capable_a to_o be_v choose_v governor_n deputy-governour_n or_o director_n those_o mark_v with_o **_o deputy-governour_n or_o director_n and_o those_o mark_v with_o *_o director_n a_o ***_o m_o r._n william_n areskine_n son_n to_o the_o decease_a david_n lord_n cardros_n ***_o lieut._n coll._n john_n areskine_n his_o brother_n ***_o sir_n patrick_n aikenhead_n commissar-clerk_n of_o edinburgh_n **_o ja._n achinleck_n chirurgeon_n apothecary_n *_o sir_n william_n anstruther_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi *_o captain_n john_n areskine_n brother_n to_o alva_n robert_n anstruther_n of_o wrae_n sir_n john_n areskine_n of_o alva_n b_o ***_o john_n lord_n belhaven_n ***_o david_n boill_n of_o kelburn_n ***_o george_n baillie_n of_o jerviswood_n ***_o thomas_n bruce_n muster-master_n general_n ***_o john_n baillie_n chirurgeon_n apothecary_n ***_o mr._n robert_n blackwood_n merchant_n ***_o alexander_n brand_n merchant_n ***_o e._n john_n browning_n gentleman_n ***_o e._n edward_n bannister_n gentleman_n **_o william_n baillie_n of_o lammingtoun_n **_o sir_n william_n binning_n of_o walliford_n **_o dr._n andrew_n brown_n **_o alexander_n baird_n merchant_n **_o robert_n blackwood_n merchant_n *_o sir_n alexander_n bannerman_n of_o elsick_n *_o mr._n robert_n bannerman_n his_o brother_n *_o walter_n boswal_n of_o balbarlan_n *_o james_n byres_n merchant_n *_o william_n bonner_n clerk_n to_o the_o mint_n *_o e._n francis_n beyer_n merchant_n *_o e._n john_n blackler_n gentleman_n *_o e._n phineas_n bowel_n merchant_n *_o e._n lancellot_n burton_n gentleman_n e._n william_n becher_n esquire_n hugh_n brown_a writer_n in_o edinburgh_n c_o ***_o lord_n carmichael_n ***_o george_n clerk_z senior_z merchant_z ***_o george_n clerk_z junior_a merchant_n ***_o james_n cockburn_n goldsmith_n ***_o e._n david_n campbell_n gentleman_n ***_o e._n thomas_n couts_n merchant_n ***_o e._n james_n cheisly_a merchant_n ***_o e._n james_n campbel_n merchant_n ***_o e._n nathaneel_n carpenter_n draper_n **_o alexander_n campbel_n merchant_n *_o john_n crawfurd_n of_o fergushill_n *_o david_n crawfurd_a secretary_n to_o her_o grace_n the_o duchess_n of_o hamilton_n *_o patrick_n couts_n merchant_n *_o james_n clerk_n ingraver_n to_o the_o mint_n *_o william_n corss_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n *_o hugh_n cuninghame_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n d_o ***_o sir_n robert_n dickson_n of_o sornbeg_n ***_o e._n thomas_n dean_n esquire_n ***_o e._n robert_n davis_n apothecary_n **_o mr._n hugh_n dalrymple_n advocate_n **_o mr._n john_n duncan_z merchant_z *_o william_n drummond_n brother_n to_o logie-almond_n *_o john_n drummond_n brother_n to_o cultmalundie_n *_o mr._n david_n drummond_n advocate_n *_o mr._n james_n dalrymple_n of_o killoch_n *_o doctor_n thomas_n dalrymple_n *_o william_n dumbar_n merchant_n doctor_n alexander_n dundas_n e_o ***_o e._n james_n eyton_n merchant_n ***_o e._n william_n elliot_n lace-man_n **_o john_n idingtoun_n writer_n *_o mr._n james_n elphingstoun_n of_o legie_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n *_o doctor_n william_n eckles_n *_o william_n elliot_n merchant_n f_o ***_o e._n james_n foulis_n merchant_n ***_o hugh_n frazer_n merchant_n *_o john_n forbes_n son_n to_o foveran_n g_o ***_o goldsmith_n of_o edinburgh_n ***_o e._n james_n grace_n esq_n ***_o e._n william_n grahame_n merchant_n *_o john_n geills_n merchant_n *_o e._n david_n grace_n merchant_n h_o ***_o duchess_n of_o hamilton_n ***_o lord_n john_n hamilton_n ***_o lord_n basill_n hamilton_n ***_o charles_n hope_v of_o hoptoun_n ***_o e._n william_n hamilton_n gentleman_n ***_o e._n william_n hammond_n merchant_n ***_o e._n john_n holland_n merchant_n **_o sir_n john_n hume_z of_o blackader_n **_o sir_n james_n hall_n of_o dunglass_n **_o george_n hume_z of_o kimmerghame_n *_o lady_n margaret_n hope_v of_o hoptoun_n *_o sir_n david_n home_o of_o crosrig_n *_o sir_n john_n hamilton_n of_o halcraig_n *_o sir_n archibald_n hope_v of_o renkilor_n *_o dame_n bathia_n harper_n *_o john_n halden_n of_o glenegy_n *_o james_n hamilton_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n *_o john_n hay_o merchant_n *_o alexander_n heriot_n merchant_n i_o ***_o e._n james_n johnstoun_n esq_n secretary_n of_o state_n *_o mr._n robert_n innes_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n *_o alexander_n inn_n merchant_n *_o robert_n inglis_n goldsmith_n *_o william_n jeffray_n merchant_n k_o ***_o e._n daniel_n king_n merchant_n l_o ***_o earl_n of_o levin_n ***_o george_n lockhart_n of_o carmrath_n ***_o e._n captain_n david_n lambart_n *_o george_n lin_n merchant_n *_o george_n lockhart_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n *_o e._n william_n lattoun_v gentleman_n m_o ***_o sir_n thomas_n murray_n of_o glendoick_n ***_o james_n mcclurg_n merchant_n ***_o william_n menÈies_n merchant_n ***_o james_n marjoribank_n merchant_n ***_o andrew_n myreton_a merchant_n **_o james_n mckenÈie_n son_n to_o the_o viscount_n of_o tarbat_n **_o mr._n john_n mackenÈie_a clerk_n to_o the_o session_n **_o mr._n alexander_n mackcleod_n advocate_n **_o john_n marjoribank_n merchant_n **_o edward_n marjoribank_n merchant_n **_o samuel_n mclelland_n merchant_n **_o john_n murray_n junior_n merchant_n **_o mr._n henry_n maul_n of_o kellie_n *_o sir_n alexander_n monro_n of_o bearcrofts_n *_o david_n moncreiff_n clerk_n to_o the_o council_n *_o mr._n james_n martin_n late_a regent_n in_o st._n andrews_n n_o ***_o e._n david_n nairn_n esq_n *_o james_n nairn_n merchant_n o_o *_o doctor_n charles_n oliphant_n p_o ***_o james_n earl_n of_o panmure_n ***_o lord_n polwarth_n ***_o james_n pringle_n of_o torwoodlie_a ***_o e._n robert_n petre_n merchant_n *_o countess_n dowager_n of_o panmure_n *_o sir_n john_n pringle_n of_o stitchill_n *_o gavin_n plumber_n merchant_n *_o e._n james_n pitts_n merchant_n r_o ***_o lord_n ruthven_n ***_o mr._n david_n ramsay_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n ***_o e._n william_n robinson_n gentleman_n *_o countess_n of_o rothes_n *_o henry_n rollo_n of_o woodside_n *_o david_n ramsay_n merchant_n *_o alexander_n ramsay_n servitor_n to_o the_o marquis_n of_o tweeddale_n *_o david_n robertson_n vintner_n george_n robertson_n of_o newbigging_n s_o ***_o sir_n john_n swintoun_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi ***_o john_n stuart_n of_o gairntillie_o ***_o captain_n charles_n straiton_n ***_o mr._n david_n scrimzeour_n of_o cartmore_n ***_o e._n alexander_n stevenson_n gentleman_n ***_o e._n walter_n stuart_n merchant_n ***_o e._n william_n stonehewer_n merchant_n **_o sir_n archibald_n stevinson_n m._n d._n **_o thomas_n spence_n writer_n *_o sir_n robert_n sinclair_n of_o stevinson_n *_o james_n scot_n of_o logie_n *_o james_n scot_n of_o benholm_n *_o patrick_n scot_n son_n to_o benholm_n *_o john_n spence_n of_o blair_n *_o mr._n james_n smollet_n one_o of_o the_o commissar_n of_o edinburgh_n *_o mr._n robert_n stuart_n junior_n advocate_n *_o patrick_n steil_n vintner_n robert_n scot_n son_n to_o benholm_n hercules_n scot_n his_o brother_n john_n scrimseor_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n t_o *_o john_n marquis_n of_o tweeddale_n lord_n high_a chancellor_n ***_o patrick_n thomson_n merchant_n w_n ***_o robert_n watson_n merchant_n ***_o john_n watson_n merchant_n ***_o e._n john_n ward_n goldsmith_n *_o peter_n wedderburn_n of_o gosford_n *_o robert_n walwood_n merchant_n *_o john_n watson_n junior_n merchant_n mr._n robert_n white_a merchant_n in_o kirkaldie_n isobel_n winram_n relict_n of_o mr._n john_n smith_n advocate_n y_fw-fr *_o lord_n yester_n *_o thomas_n young_a of_o rosebank_n the_o adventurer_n be_v desire_v to_o write_v the_o name_n of_o the_o person_n they_o vote_n for_o alphabetical_o and_o be_v to_o take_v notice_n that_o the_o residenter_n in_o england_n be_v distinguish_v by_o the_o letter_n e._n before_o each_o of_o their_o name_n edinburgh_n print_v by_o the_o heir_n and_o successor_n of_o andrew_n anderson_n printer_n to_o his_o most_o excellent_a majesty_n city_n and_o college_n anno_fw-la dom._n 1696._o