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Commission of Justiciary for securing the peace of the Highlands
Scotland. Sovereign (1694-1702 : William II)
Wing C5554; ESTC R171462
commission_n of_o justiciary_a for_o secure_v the_o peace_n of_o the_o highland_n william_n by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n king_n of_o great-britain_n france_n and_o ireland_n defender_n of_o the_o faith_n to_o all_o and_o sundry_a to_o who_o knowledge_n these_o present_n shall_v come_v greeting_n forasmuch_o as_o we_o for_o punish_v and_o repress_v of_o thift_n depredation_n robbery_n sorning_n and_o the_o like_a crime_n and_o disorder_n within_o the_o bound_n of_o the_o highland_n and_o for_o the_o better_a settle_v of_o justice_n peace_n and_o good_a order_n there_o and_o in_o all_o the_o neighbour_a bound_n special_o within_o the_o shire_n of_o cathenes_n sutherland_n ross_n inverness_n cromartie_n nairn_n elgine_n bamff_n aberdeen_n kincardine_n forfar_n perth_n stirling_n dumbartoun_n argile_n tarbat_n bute_n and_o other_o adjacent_a which_o shire_n be_v to_o be_v divide_v into_o three_o district_n in_o manner_n aftermentioned_a have_v think_v fit_a by_o virtue_n of_o our_o prerogative_n royal_a to_o grant_v the_o commission_n of_o justiciary_a follow_v to_o the_o person_n after-named_n to_o who_o also_o the_o earl_n of_o argile_n and_o other_o have_v heretable_a right_n of_o justiciary_a be_v to_o grant_v their_o commission_n at_o least_o to_o so_o many_o of_o they_o who_o be_v willing_a to_o act_v by_o virtue_n of_o the_o same_o and_o that_o for_o the_o whole_a bound_n within_o their_o say_a respective_a heretable_a justiciaries_n in_o the_o term_n of_o the_o several_a act_n of_o our_o current_a parliament_n relate_v to_o the_o justiciary-court_n in_o the_o highland_n and_o which_o commission_n be_v to_o contain_v all_o the_o necessary_a and_o usual_a power_n that_o the_o say_n commissioner_n be_v of_o consent_n full_o impower_v may_v act_n and_o proceed_v more_o effectual_o for_o punish_v &_o repress_v the_o crime_n abovementioned_a therefore_o we_o do_v hereby_o grant_v full_a power_n authority_n and_o commission_n express_v bid_v and_o charge_n to_o our_o justice-general_n justice-clerk_n and_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o justiciary_a john_n earl_n of_o tullibardine_n our_o principal_a secretary_n of_o state_n archibald_n earl_n of_o argile_n the_o earl_n of_o marr_n the_o earl_n of_o sutherland_n the_o earl_n of_o finlater_n the_o earl_n of_o buchan_n the_o earl_n of_o strathmore_n the_o earl_n of_o kintore_n the_o viscount_n of_o tarbat_n the_o lord_n strathnaver_n lord_n james_n murray_n the_o lord_n glenurchy_n the_o lord_n saltoun_n the_o lord_n rae_n the_o lord_n ruthven_n the_o lord_n duffus_n sir_n james_n ogilvie_n principal_a secretary_n of_o state_n the_o master_n of_o forbes_n sir_n james_n scougill_n of_o whitehill_n sir_n patrick_n ogilvie_n of_o boyne_n ludovick_n grant_v of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi william_n dunbar_n of_o durn_n alexander_n ogilvie_n of_o forglen_n john_n ogilvie_n of_o kempeairn_n alexander_n hay_n of_o ardenbath_n elder_a nicolas_n dumbar_n of_o castle-field_n ______o grant_v of_o belnatoun_n elder_n mr._n francis_n grant_v of_o belnatoun_n young_a alexander_n leslie_n of_o kininvie_n sir_n thomas_n burnet_n of_o leyes_n sir_n george_n sinclair_n of_o clyth_n william_n dumbar_n of_o hempries_n mr._n john_n campbel_n commissar_n of_o caithness_n sir_n adam_n gordon_n of_o dalfolly_n mr._n john_n gordon_n of_o carrell_n ______o dumbar_n of_o sydery_n david_n ross_n of_o balnagowan_n ______o monro_n of_o fowlis_n hugh_n monro_n of_o tennush_n sir_n alexander_n mackenzie_n of_o cowl_n sir_n donald_n bain_n of_o tulloch_n george_n monro_n of_o new-more_a mr._n simon_n mackenzie_n of_o tarradell_n ______o mackintosh_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi duncan_n forbes_n of_o colloden_n alexander_n chisholm_n of_o ______o george_n cuthbert_n of_o castle-hill_n mr._n david_n polson_n of_o kinmyle_n mr._n alexander_n ross_n of_o clava_fw-la ______o robertson_n of_o inches_n ______o campbel_n of_o calder_n young_a james_n frazer_n of_o relict_n ______o frazer_n of_o balnamain_n david_n broddy_n of_o lethem_n david_n cuthbert_n sheriff-depute_a of_o nairn_n ______o broddy_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi george_n broddy_n of_o aslisk_n ludovick_n dumbar_n of_o grange_n robert_n dumbar_n of_o dumfaill_n ______o innes_n young_a of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi william_n duff_n of_o dipple_n james_n grant_v of_o galloway_n john_n grant_v of_o clay-furr_n ______o grant_v of_o arntilly_n alexander_n duff_n of_o braco_n sir_n james_n abercrombie_n of_o birkenbog_n john_n anderson_n of_o westertoun_n alexander_n duff_n of_o drummuir_n charles_n gordon_n of_o glengarrick_n sir_n john_n forbes_n of_o craigievar_n arthur_n forbes_n young_a of_o eicht_n ______o leslie_n of_o kincraigie_n sir_n james_n gordon_n of_o lesmore_n archibald_n forbes_n of_o lickliehead_n arthur_n forbes_n of_o auchintoul_n sir_n robert_n gordon_n of_o gordonstoun_n thomas_n hay_n of_o balhousie_n lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n areskin_n sir_n william_n stirling_n of_o airdoch_n sir_n thomas_n murray_n of_o glendoick_n james_n hepburn_n of_o menstrie_n adam_n drummond_n of_o meggins_n robert_n stuart_n of_o ardvorleich_n elder_n stuart_n of_o ardvorleich_n young_a james_n ramsay_n of_o bamff_n mr._n leonard_n robertson_n of_o straloch_n ______o mercer_n of_o clavadge_a james_n menzies_n of_o culdair_n john_n cunninghame_n of_o baldalloch_n ______o cunninghame_n young_a of_o buquhan_n william_n stirling_n of_o harbertshire_n alexander_n monro_n of_o bearcrofts_n sir_n humphrey_n colquhoune_v of_o luss_n john_n mckfarland_n of_o erchor_n young_a patrick_n murray_n of_o dullery_n john_n blair_n of_o corbs_n james_n herron_n of_o callie_n alexander_n robertson_n of_o fascally_a captain_n james_n menzies_n tutor_n to_o the_o laird_n of_o weymes_n menzies_n of_o sluan_n lachlane_n mackintosh_n tutor_n of_o dalmungo_n craigie_n of_o dumbarnie_n young_a cree_n ______o provost_n of_o perth_n colin_n campbel_n of_o lochland_n james_n drummond_n of_o comry_n mr._n william_n murray_n of_o arbeny_n ______o campbel_n of_o balgersho_n elder_n alexander_n robertson_n of_o craig_n baillie_n of_o perth_n sir_n colin_n campbel_n of_o ardkindlas_n sir_n duncan_n campbel_n of_o auchinbreck_n sir_n john_n campbel_n of_o carrick_n archibald_n campbel_n of_o inneraul_n alexander_n campbel_n of_o balcardine_n alexander_n campbel_n of_o lochnell_n donald_n campbel_n baillie_n of_o mackairn_n alexander_n campbel_n of_o kilmartoun_n george_n campbel_n of_o craignes_n young_a ______o cameron_n of_o glendechry_n sir_n john_n hill_n governor_n of_o fort-william_n &_o lieutenant-collonel_n forbes_n or_o the_o deputy_n governor_n thereof_o conjunct_o and_o several_o to_o pursue_v follow_v take_v &_o apprehend_v imprison_v and_o present_a to_o justice_n all_o person_n within_o the_o follow_a shire_n of_o caitness_n southerland_n ross_n inverness_n cromartie_n nairn_n elgine_n bamff_n aberdeen_n kincardine_n forfar_n perth_n stirling_n dumbritan_n argile_n tarbat_n bute_n and_o other_o adjacent_a guilty_a or_o suspect_v to_o be_v guilty_a of_o thift_n resett_n of_o thift_n robry_n depredation_n sorning_n thig_v exact_v of_o black-mail_n or_o any_o other_o oppression_n bangestery_n masterful_a or_o minace_a exaction_n commune_v with_o intercommune_v person_n manslaughter_n murder_n harbour_v or_o reset_a of_o outlaw_n the_o transgressor_n of_o the_o law_n concern_v the_o clan_n gregor_n hounding-out_a or_o ratihabit_v have_v robber_n sorner_n and_o other_o guilty_a of_o the_o foresay_a crime_n and_o secure_v the_o peace_n of_o the_o highland_n and_o encouragement_n of_o virtue_n and_o learning_n and_o settle_v industry_n among_o they_o and_o in_o case_n any_o person_n within_o the_o bound_n aforesaid_a can_v be_v apprehend_v and_o present_v to_o justice_n we_o hereby_o give_v warrant_n to_o the_o say_n commissioner_n or_o any_o one_o or_o two_o of_o they_o to_o issue_n forth_o precept_n direct_v to_o sheriff_n officer_n stewart_n baillzies_n mayor_n or_o constable_n to_o charge_v they_o to_o compear_v at_o the_o first_o justice-court_n before_o the_o say_n commissioner_n or_o any_o five_o of_o they_o who_o be_v hereby_o declare_v to_o be_v a_o quorum_fw-la and_o where_o there_o be_v not_o already_o a_o sufficient_a number_n of_o sheriff-officer_n and_o other_o officer_n with_o power_n to_o the_o say_n commissioner_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o to_o appoint_v official_o within_o the_o several_a paroch_n of_o the_o say_n bound_n which_o official_o be_v to_o have_v the_o same_o power_n give_v to_o constable_n by_o the_o act_n of_o parliament_n 1661._o and_o who_o be_v to_o give_v a_o account_n on_o all_o occasion_n to_o the_o next_o adjacent_a commissioner_n and_o to_o cite_v before_o they_o all_o person_n within_o the_o say_n bound_n malae_fw-la famae_fw-la and_o suspect_v of_o thift_n corrospondents_n with_o theives_n or_o of_o any_o of_o the_o crime_n abovementioned_a that_o they_o may_v be_v secure_v and_o try_v by_o a_o assize_n and_o be_v either_o purge_v by_o a_o assize_n or_o punish_v and_o far_o if_o need_n require_v to_o find_v sufficient_a caution_n and_o to_o declare_v that_o a_o citation_n to_o be_v use_v at_o the_o mercat-cross_a of_o the_o head_n burgh_n of_o the_o shire_n where_o the_o have_v most_o frequent_o haunt_v against_o the_o say_a thief_n their_o resetter_n and_o other_o guilty_a of_o the_o