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lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A93007 The Several speeches made to the Honorable Sir Richard Brown lord mayor of the city of London: on Monday the twenty ninth day of October, in the twelfth year of His Majesties most happy reign, Anno Dom. 1660. : With the manner of the celebration of this triumphant day; and the various scenes, figures, and pageants; representing the Royal Oak, and its pendant leaves, that preserv'd and enshadow'd our Graeious [sic] Lord and Sovereign King Charles, from the hands of his blood-thirsty enemies. Browne, Richard, Sir, 1602?-1669. 1660 (1660) Wing S2812A; ESTC R183772 14,810 24

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to_o be_v remit_v to_o his_o noble_a son_n be_v a_o mistake_n for_o our_o dread_a sovereign_n who_o want_v not_o bounty_n to_o the_o mean_a of_o his_o servant_n have_v likewise_o gratitude_n to_o his_o best_a and_o therefore_o among_o other_o signal_n token_n of_o his_o favour_n he_o have_v appoint_v the_o solemnity_n of_o his_o funeral_n at_o his_o majesty_n own_o expense_n and_o to_o be_v accompany_v by_o the_o lord_n high_a commissione●_n the_o whole_a peer_n and_o all_o the_o member_n of_o parliament_n when_o he_o and_o they_o shall_v think_v expedient_a all_o place_n belong_v to_o archibald_n johnstoun_n of_o wariston_n declare_v void_a especial_o that_o of_o lord_n register_n in_o regard_n he_o be_v declare_v fugitive_n and_o rebel_n by_o the_o committee_n of_o estate_n before_o the_o sit_v down_o of_o parliament_n this_o same_o place_n be_v confer_v by_o his_o majesty_n on_o sir_n archibald_n primrose_n a_o person_n who_o beside_o his_o constancy_n to_o the_o royal_a interest_n in_o the_o great_a time_n of_o defection_n his_o natural_a indument_n be_v accompany_v with_o so_o large_a experience_n in_o the_o great_a intrigue_n of_o state_n may_v just_o have_v commend_v he_o now_o that_o i_o be_o speak_v of_o literati_fw-la i_o must_v not_o forget_v his_o majesty_n lord_n advocate_n sir_n john_n fletcher_n a_o person_n of_o so_o know_v integrity_n that_o his_o loyalty_n can_v not_o be_v confine_v to_o the_o cabinet_n or_o bar_n his_o sword_n be_v ever_o ready_a to_o plead_v his_o majesty_n interest_n in_o all_o honourable_a occasion_n there_o be_v likewise_o a_o three_o secretary_n to_o his_o majesty_n privy_a council_n sir_n peter_n wedderburn_n who_o i_o may_v say_v without_o vanity_n may_v be_v a_o member_n of_o the_o most_o serious_a junto_o and_o as_o his_o majesty_n have_v discover_v his_o excellent_a choice_n in_o his_o other_o officer_n of_o state_n so_o his_o judgement_n appear_v in_o that_o of_o these_o three_o gownsman_n well_o know_v to_o the_o world_n it_o be_v that_o in_o the_o foggy_a of_o the_o time_n the_o skilful_a cheat_n either_o in_o law_n or_o gospel_n can_v never_o brangle_v the_o reason_n of_o these_o intelligent_a soul_n the_o parliament_n be_v meet_v the_o day_n be_v spend_v in_o the_o debate_n of_o pass_v two_o act_n the_o one_o for_o establish_v the_o lord_n of_o the_o article_n and_o and_o process_n the_o other_o appoint_v commissioner_n for_o advance_v of_o trade_n and_o hear_v bill_n of_o complaint_n the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o article_n and_o process_n duke_n hamilton_n marquesse_n of_o montrose_n earl_n of_o erroll_n earl_n martial_n earl_n of_o marr_n earl_n of_o rothesse_n earl_n of_o athole_n earl_n of_o home_n earl_n of_o hadington_n earl_n of_o dumfreis_n earl_n of_o callendar_n earl_n of_o hartfield_n sir_n john_n gilmure_n sir_n peter_n wedderburn_n the_o baron_n of_o preston_n lee_n polmais_n carden_n durie_n tarbet_n collington_n garfe_n ardrosse_n balmayne_n sir_n robert_n murray_n prove_v of_o edinburgh_n mr._n john_n paterson_n prove_v of_o perth_n alexander_n wedderburn_n prove_v of_o dundee_n william_n grace_n commissioner_n for_o aberdene_n duncan_n nairn_n prove_v of_o stirling_n andrew_n glen_n prove_v of_o linlithgow_n john_n bell_n commissioner_n for_o glasgow_n william_n cunningham_n prove_v of_o air_n william_n seaton_n prove_v of_o hadingtoun_n john_n irvine_n prove_v of_o dumfriese_n john_n orcharton_n prove_v of_o arbroth_n hew_v sinclare_v commissioner_n for_o annan_n lord_n commissioner_n for_o trade_n navigation_n manufactory_n bill_n and_o complaint_n the_o earl_n of_o sutherland_n murray_n linlithgow_n wigton_n weems_n tillibarden_n roxbrough_n seaforth_n the_o lord_n cardrosse_n frazer_n hackerton_n cochran_n the_o baron_n of_o lusse_n inn_n cromarty_n broughten_a st._n leonard_n philorth_n birkenboy_n blackbarronry_n silvertonhill_n pliscarden_n rossy_a ricarton_n andrew_n castares_n commissioner_n for_o st._n andrews_n william_n simpson_n for_o dysart_n john_n williamson_n for_o kirkcaldy_n john_n ronald_n for_o monrosse_n alexander_n black_a for_o the_o east_n enstruther_n alexander_n cuthbert_n for_o innernes_n george_n gairns_n for_o burnt-island_n allan_n dunlap_n for_o irving_n john_n ewart_n for_o kirkcudbright_n walter_n watson_n for_o dunbarton_n alexander_n burnet_n for_o culrose_n james_n lawder_n for_o dumbar_n the_o establish_v these_o two_o court_n make_v our_o law_n run_v in_o the_o old_a channel_n and_o sweep_v away_o the_o unhallowed_a name_n of_o committee_n which_o so_o long_o have_v commit_v our_o liberty_n they_o be_v compose_v of_o twelve_o of_o each_o state_n there_o work_n be_v to_o prepare_v matter_n for_o the_o parliament_n and_o though_o they_o be_v not_o all_o peer_n yet_o our_o law_n and_o custom_n provide_v they_o the_o title_n of_o lord_n of_o the_o article_n and_o lord_n of_o the_o bill_n it_o be_v a_o most_o admirable_a expedient_a for_o the_o prevention_n of_o unnecessary_a disput_n and_o yet_o with_o a_o reservation_n to_o have_v matter_n fair_o debate_v before_o the_o parliament_n when_o business_n so_o prepare_v by_o they_o be_v bring_v to_o the_o house_n the_o lord_n commissioner_n grace_v adjourn_v the_o parliament_n till_o the_o friday_n follow_v which_o be_v the_o 11_o of_o january_n 1661._o where_o these_o follow_v act_n pass_v a_o act_n assert_v his_o majesty_n royal_a prerogative_n in_o call_v and_o dissolve_v parliament_n and_o convention_n of_o estate_n hy_z himself_o or_o his_o commissioner_n and_o declare_v no_o law_n nor_o act_n to_o be_v bind_v but_o such_o as_o have_v the_o assent_n of_o his_o majesty_n or_o commissioner_n and_o rescind_v all_o the_o act_n make_v since_o the_o year_n 1640._o in_o the_o contrary_a as_o likewise_o repel_v all_o act_n establish_v triennial_n parliament_n a_o act_n declare_v it_o to_o belong_v to_o his_o majesty_n royal_a prerogative_n to_o elect_a the_o officer_n of_o estate_n lord_n of_o privy_a consel_n and_o session_n and_o repel_v all_o act_n in_o the_o contrary_n a_o act_n in_o favour_n of_o christian_a fletcher_n spouse_n to_o master_n james_n granger_n ordain_v she_o a_o notable_a reward_n for_o be_v so_o instrumental_a in_o the_o preserve_n the_o honour_n of_o the_o crown_n and_o the_o thanks_o of_o the_o house_n give_v she_o then_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n adjourn_v the_o house_n till_o wednesday_n next_o at_o two_o a_o cloak_n in_o regard_n of_o the_o weighty_a affair_n that_o be_v prepare_v by_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o article_n for_o that_o day_n work_n a_o extract_n out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n intelligencer_n we_o must_v begin_v this_o new-year_n with_o the_o last_o day_n of_o the_o old_a if_o it_o be_v but_o to_o tell_v the_o reader_n that_o the_o parliamentary_a intelligencer_n as_o he_o have_v good_a reason_n have_v change_v his_o name_n the_o parliament_n itself_o from_o who_o he_o borrow_v that_o compellation_n be_v now_o dissolve_v though_o it_o be_v not_o in_o the_o power_n of_o malice_n or_o folly_n to_o mis-name_n that_o parliament_n since_o his_o majesty_n have_v please_v with_o his_o own_o sacred_a lip_n to_o bid_v we_o call_v it_o the_o heal_n and_o the_o bless_a parliament_n jan._n 1._o 1660._o and_o while_o we_o mention_v name_n it_o be_v our_o duty_n to_o observe_v that_o this_o day_n new-year_n day_n will_v not_o lose_v its_o precedency_n not_o only_o because_o it_o be_v the_o day_n of_o his_o majesty_n coronation_n in_o scotland_n but_o also_o in_o regard_n that_o charles_n son_n of_o his_o royal_a highness_n james_n duke_n of_o york_n only_a brother_n to_o our_o lord_n the_o king_n be_v this_o day_n christeed_o by_o gilbert_n lord_n bishop_n of_o london_n at_o worcester-house_n where_o be_v present_v his_o majesty_n himself_o who_o with_o the_o duke_n of_o albemarle_n be_v the_o two_o godfather_n and_o the_o marchionesse_n of_o ormond_n godmother_n there_o be_v also_o present_v his_o highness_n prince_n rupert_n the_o lord_n high_a treasurer_n the_o lord_n steward_n and_o lord_n chamberlain_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n with_o many_o other_o personage_n of_o honour_n beside_o the_o lord_n high_a chancellor_n himself_o father_n to_o her_o highness_n anne_z duchess_n of_o york_n who_o the_o same_o night_n supp_v with_o the_o queen_n and_o the_o next_o day_n dine_v with_o his_o majesty_n and_o his_o highness_n the_o duke_n of_o york_n her_o husband_n in_o the_o presence_n chamber_n at_o whitehall_n and_o now_o the_o good_a people_n of_o england_n have_v their_o wish_n since_o they_o see_v a_o grandchild_n of_o that_o virtuous_a king_n charles_n the_o confessor_n and_o martyr_n bear_v in_o england_n who_o it_o have_v please_v his_o majesty_n to_o create_v duke_n of_o cambridge_n and_o a_o duchess_n of_o york_n of_o their_o own_o country_n and_o of_o their_o own_o religion_n from_o stockholm_n decemb._n 4._o you_o have_v questionless_a already_o hear_v of_o those_o proposal_n the_o queen_n christiana_n make_v to_o the_o state_n of_o this_o kingdom_n desire_v that_o after_o the_o
till_o they_o come_v to_o king_n henry_n the_o 7ths_n chapel_n where_o the_o corpse_n be_v inter_v in_o a_o vault_n particular_o set_v a_o part_n for_o the_o royal_a line_n from_o rome_n decemb._n 11._o concern_v the_o affair_n of_o modena_n parma_n and_o france_n nothing_o as_o yet_o be_v determine_v much_o may_v be_v expect_v but_o little_a be_v fear_v the_o court_n of_o his_o holiness_n seem_v to_o be_v assure_v that_o hardly_o a_o horse_n will_v be_v saddle_v by_o the_o two_o potentate_n of_o france_n and_o spain_n in_o favour_n of_o the_o prince_n who_o pretend_v great_a matter_n from_o the_o pope_n and_o by_o themselves_o be_v not_o so_o much_o to_o be_v regard_v there_o be_v a_o talk_n here_o of_o a_o certain_a duke_n who_o have_v negotiate_v with_o the_o constable_n colonna_n touch_v a_o match_n with_o his_o sister_n notwithstanding_o the_o duke_n lady_n be_v yet_o live_v whence_o some_o pamphleteer_n have_v take_v occasion_n to_o publish_v a_o paper_n wherein_o he_o show_v how_o necessary_a a_o evil_a woman_n be_v that_o even_o this_o day_n man_n be_v find_v who_o look_v about_o for_o a_o second_o wife_n when_o as_o the_o first_o be_v yet_o alive_a the_o pope_n move_v by_o his_o paternal_a care_n for_o the_o universal_a church_n have_v resolve_v to_o lay_v a_o general_a subsidy_n on_o all_o christendom_n so_o far_o as_o it_o acknowledge_v his_o authority_n therewith_o to_o assist_v not_o only_o the_o emperor_n who_o be_v send_v the_o marquesse_n matthei_n hither_o and_o to_o the_o other_o italian_a prince_n for_o that_o purpose_n but_o also_o the_o republic_n of_o venice_n which_o do_v for_o so_o many_o year_n have_v stand_v as_o a_o bulwark_n for_o christendom_n against_o the_o common_a enemy_n the_o cavalier_n barnino_n tender_v a_o design_n for_o make_v of_o a_o new_a ditch_n before_o the_o river_n of_o tiber_n that_o it_o shall_v not_o overrun_v its_o bank_n for_o the_o time_n to_o come_v but_o the_o charge_n amount_v to_o 300000._o crown_n it_o be_v think_v more_o expedient_a to_o keep_v the_o money_n then_o to_o spend_v it_o that_o way_n from_o naples_n we_o be_v inform_v that_o the_o late_a storm_n have_v not_o only_o there_o do_v much_o hurt_n but_o that_o the_o town_n of_o taranto_n by_o the_o last_o flood_n be_v likewise_o quite_o overflow_v dito_n the_o cardinal_n d'este_fw-fr and_o anthonio_n barberini_n have_v many_o conference_n with_o the_o ambassador_n of_o spain_n it_o be_v think_v that_o they_o be_v contrive_v of_o mean_n to_o hinder_v the_o turk_n from_o prosecute_a their_o design_n against_o the_o christian_n from_o civita_n vecchia_n we_o be_v advertise_v that_o the_o pope_n galley_n which_o have_v be_v in_o the_o levant_n to_o assist_v the_o venetian_n be_v return_v thither_o it_o be_v say_v that_o this_o next_o spring_n his_o holiness_n will_v assist_v the_o republic_n of_o venice_n with_o a_o more_o considerable_a succour_n then_o before_o to_o which_o all_o other_o christian_a prince_n be_v to_o be_v dispose_v to_o contribute_v their_o share_n sunday_n jan._n 13._o by_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n appointment_n mr._n robert_n lowrie_n and_o mr._n james_n chamber_n minister_n of_o cullen_n preach_v before_o the_o parliament_n at_o their_o own_o house_n the_o first_o mr._n lowrie_n in_o the_o forenoon_n acquit_v himself_o both_o pious_o learned_o and_o cautelous_o the_o other_o indeed_o though_o a_o young_a man_n make_v appear_v that_o he_o be_v very_o old_a in_o learning_n and_o learned_a in_o old_a learning_n which_o without_o all_o doubt_n produce_v the_o effect_n of_o such_o orthodox_n principle_n as_o he_o discover_v and_o if_o such_o be_v the_o general_a ability_n and_o disposition_n of_o the_o young_a divine_n of_o our_o nation_n it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v fear_v hereafter_o that_o the_o most_o artificial_a spirit_n of_o ambition_n can_v ever_o corrupt_v they_o to_o be_v evangelical_n bray-hound_n to_o turn_v the_o affection_n of_o their_o congregation_n from_o their_o true_a allegiance_n as_o many_o of_o the_o old_a one_o have_v do_v and_o now_o since_o they_o have_v preach_v themselves_o out_o of_o credit_n there_o little_o craze_a nodl_v be_v employ_v in_o compose_v latin_a ballad_n of_o praise_n upon_o his_o majesty_n and_o till_o such_o time_n as_o we_o have_v organ_n in_o our_o cathedral_n to_o have_v they_o sing_v to_o the_o tune_n of_o penitential_a hymn_n let_v they_o even_o cant_v they_o on_o to_o the_o be_v of_o hog-ma-nay_a we_o be_v advertise_v from_o london_n that_o the_o fanatic_n upon_o the_o seven_o instant_n at_o night_n appear_v in_o some_o small_a body_n at_o the_o royal_a exchange_n bishopsgate_n and_o st._n paul_n but_o be_v surprise_v by_o the_o train_n band_n before_o their_o number_n be_v considerable_a after_o some_o change_n of_o shot_n where_o three_o fall_v upon_o the_o lord_n major_n side_n some_o say_v more_o the_o blasphemer_n quick_o throw_v down_o arm_n and_o flee_v several_a way_n the_o night_n befriend_v they_o that_o there_o be_v not_o so_o many_o prisoner_n as_o otherways_o may_v have_v be_v divers_a be_v take_v and_o scandalous_a treasonable_a paper_n find_v in_o their_o pocket_n the_o alarm_n be_v hot_a and_o universal_a and_o much_o of_o courage_n and_o loyalty_n discover_v by_o people_n of_o all_o station_n the_o vigilance_n of_o a_o stout_a lord_n major_a and_o brave_a citizen_n be_v high_o display_v and_o bless_v be_v god_n for_o it_o his_o majesty_n possess_v in_o this_o our_o city_n of_o edinburgh_n such_o cordial_a affection_n as_o may_v vie_v with_o any_o in_o his_o majesty_n three_o dominion_n for_o at_o present_a as_o it_o be_v govern_v by_o the_o careful_a and_o provident_a sir_n robert_n murray_n lord_n prove_v the_o admirable_a discretion_n of_o john_n jousie_n william_n waucbab_n thomas_n calderwood_n and_o john_n boyd_n their_o baily_n edward_n edgar_n their_o judicious_a dean_n of_o gilled_a and_o thomas_n murray_n their_o faithful_a treasurer_n accompany_v with_o a_o prudent_a counsel_n of_o honest_a burgess_n and_o the_o diligence_n of_o their_o trusty_a and_o experiment_a servant_n sir_n william_n thomson_n it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v doubt_v but_o that_o remarkable_a epithet_n of_o the_o good_a town_n so_o frequent_a in_o their_o charter_n and_o give_v by_o the_o best_a of_o king_n for_o their_o fidelity_n shall_v with_o addition_n if_o needful_a be_v ratify_v by_o our_o now_o dread_a sovereign_n for_o among_o other_o thing_n they_o have_v establish_v so_o upright_o a_o militia_n under_o such_o resolute_a commander_n that_o if_o all_o our_o fanatic_n be_v unite_v as_o one_o man_n and_o dare_v p_o …_o out_o in_o their_o precinct_n they_o can_v not_o shun_v their_o deserve_a chastisement_n their_o demonstration_n of_o love_n have_v be_v so_o signal_n in_o these_o our_o late_a glorious_a change_n that_o if_o it_o be_v possible_a to_o blot_v they_o out_o of_o the_o calendar_n of_o time_n there_o be_v not_o a_o child_n of_o the_o least_o reason_n that_o breathe_v their_o air_n but_o have_v they_o so_o registrate_n in_o their_o memory_n as_o by_o tradition_n they_o must_v needs_o be_v bequeath_v to_o eternity_n and_o that_o god_n multiply_v his_o blessing_n upon_o they_o both_o spiritual_a and_o temporal_a so_o long_o as_o they_o persist_v in_o these_o loyal_a principle_n shall_v be_v wrap_v up_o in_o the_o daily_a prayer_n of_o their_o affectionate_a and_o faithful_a townsman_n as_o we_o be_v ready_a to_o close_v this_o week_n intelligence_n this_o follow_a narration_n of_o the_o rebel_n proceed_n in_o england_n be_v last_o night_n be_v the_o 15._o jan._n extract_v from_o the_o english_a mercurius_n publicus_n london_n jan._n 6._o we_o must_v desire_v the_o reader_n to_o take_v notice_n that_o those_o who_o till_o now_o deny_v there_o be_v a_o plot_n be_v themselves_o guilty_a of_o it_o who_o though_o their_o number_n thanks_o be_v to_o god_n be_v very_o small_a yet_o their_o malice_n and_o blood-thirstynesse_a be_v not_o easy_a to_o be_v equal_v which_o be_v legible_a enough_o in_o their_o sermon_n and_o declaration_n for_o this_o morning_n before_o they_o fall_v to_o their_o bloody_a work_n they_o have_v a_o sermon_n preach_v by_o venner_n heretofore_o a_o wine-coop_a who_o stir_v they_o up_o to_o fight_v for_o king_n jesus_n assure_v they_o that_o one_o shall_v chase_v ten_o and_o ten_o shall_v chase_v a_o thousand_o and_o in_o their_o declaration_n they_o tell_v we_o pag._n 2._o that_o their_o enemy_n which_o be_v all_o good_a man_n that_o love_v peace_n and_o authority_n shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o touch_v one_o hair_n of_o their_o head_n though_o now_o they_o find_v both_o head_n and_o neck_n may_v be_v touch_v that_o they_o be_v cut_v out_o for_o this_o work_n that_o they_o will_v never_o sheathe_v their_o sword_n again_o until_o babylon_n so_o they_o call_v monarchy_n become_v a_o hiss_a and_o a_o curse_n and_o their_o be_v leave_v neither_o remnant_n son_n nor_o