Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A92475 Act anent the maintenance of the armie for nine moneths, and for retention of one and a half of the anualrent [sic] of eight of the hundred Scotland. Convention of Estates. 1647 (1647) Wing S1048B; ESTC R203706 20,624 20

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the_o land_n teind_n and_o other_o as_o they_o lie_v local_o in_o every_o sherifdome_n promiscuous_o conform_v to_o the_o say_a roll_n subscribe_v as_o say_v be_v therefore_o it_o be_v think_v necessary_a that_o several_a subcollector_n be_v appoint_v through_o the_o whole_a kingdom_n in_o ilk_fw-mi shire_n or_o shire_n one_o or_o more_o which_o sub-collector_n or_o collector_n so_o to_o be_v appoint_v shall_v be_v charge_v with_o the_o whole_a sum_n of_o money_n to_o be_v lend_v by_o the_o shire_n or_o shire_n where_o he_o or_o they_o shall_v be_v collector_n and_o to_o the_o effect_n the_o say_n subcollector_n may_v have_v letter_n of_o relief_n against_o the_o several_a person_n to_o be_v contain_v and_o set_v down_o in_o the_o roll_n aftermentioned_a therefore_o the_o say_n estate_n have_v nominate_v the_o person_n follow_v viz._n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o orkney_n thomas_n buchanan_n of_o sound_n sheriff_n of_o orkney_n and_o patrick_n smith_n of_o braco_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o choose_v their_o own_o conveener_n jamis_n baikie_n of_o tankernes_n adam_n ballinden_n of_o stanehouse_n james_n mudie_n of_o melsetter_n patrick_n balfour_n of_o fairy_n edward_n sinclar_n of_o gyre_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o innerne_n and_o cromertie_n sir_n john_n mackenȝie_n of_o tarbet_n master_n alexander_n mackenȝie_v of_o kilcowie_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o choose_v their_o own_o conveener_n walter_n inn_n of_o innerbraiky_n coline_n mackenȝie_n of_o kincraig_n ______o monro_n of_o obstail_n alexander_n dumbar_n of_o bennetsfield_n robert_n inn_n of_o roskeene_n hugh_n fraser_n of_o belladrum_n john_n grant_v of_o lurgie_n john_n maccleud_v of_o dunevegan_n neil_n macneil_n of_o baro_n sir_n james_n fraser_n of_o bray_n ______o rosse_n of_o pitcanie_n walter_n rosse_n of_o kindrosse_n thomas_n rosse_n of_o priesthill_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o caitnes_n sir_n james_n sinclar_n of_o murtill_a david_n sinclar_a of_o dun_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o own_o conveener_n james_n sutherland_n of_o forse_n david_n cogle_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi john_n sinclar_n of_o scrabster_n james_n sinclar_n of_o brymne_n john_n inn_n of_o stuister_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o sutherland_n sir_n alexander_n sutherland_n of_o duffus_n robert_n murray_n of_o pulrossie_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o conveener_n robert_n grace_n of_o creich_n walter_n murray_n of_o pitgourdie_n alexander_n gordoun_n of_o carrell_n hugh_n mackye_a of_o skowrie_n robert_n grace_n of_o boltoun_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o nairn_n george_n campbel_n brother_n to_o the_o laird_n of_o caddel_n william_n dollace_n of_o contra_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o own_o conveener_n hugh_n rosse_n of_o kilraok_n alexander_n broddie_n of_o lethin_n john_n grant_v of_o moyne_n william_n rosse_n of_o clava_fw-la thomas_n dumbar_n tutor_n of_o grange_n patrick_n paplay_v of_o broomhill_n for_o the_o sherifdom_n of_o elgin_n sir_n robert_n gordoun_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi sir_n robert_n inn_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o own_o conveener_n sir_n alexander_n sutherland_n of_o duffus_n master_n john_n hay_o prove_v of_o elgin_n alexander_n dumbar_n of_o westfield_n ninian_n dumbar_n of_o grangehill_n james_n gram_n of_o frewchie_n john_n cuming_n of_o racowcas_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o aberdeen_n the_o laird_n of_o drum_n and_o phillorth_o to_o be_v conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o those_o of_o the_o shire_n to_o choose_v their_o own_o conveener_n robert_n farquhareson_n of_o innercald_a john_n irw_v of_o beltie_n alexander_n straquhan_n of_o glenkendie_n sir_n william_n forbes_n of_o craigievar_n mr_n william_n davidson_n of_o cairnie_n sir_n gilbert_n meinȝy_v of_o pitfodell_n thomas_n erskine_n of_o pittoddrie_n m._n robert_n farquhare_n of_o munie_n m._n robert_n gordoun_n of_o pitlurg_n ______o gordoun_n of_o cokclarochie_n john_n owdnie_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi james_n hay_n of_o muryfauld_n robert_n irw_v of_o fedret_n william_n keith_n of_o clakriach_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o bamffe_n alexander_n ogilvie_n kempcarne_v thomas_n abercrumbie_n of_o skeith_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o those_o of_o the_o shire_n to_o choose_v their_o own_o conveener_n james_n stewart_n of_o ordein_n walter_n grant_v of_o meller_n alexander_n ogilvie_n of_o knok_n james_n barclay_n of_o kinminnettie_n alexander_n lesly_n of_o auchindoun_n john_n grant_v young_a of_o ballindalloch_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o kincardin_n sir_n alexander_n falconer_n young_a fire_n of_o hackerton_n sir_n alexander_n carnegie_n of_o pittaro_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o those_o of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o own_o conveener_n sir_n robert_n grahame_n of_o morphie_n six_o gilbert_n ramsay_n of_o balmain_n robert_n keith_n of_o whiterig_n sheriff_n depute_v of_o kincardin_n patrick_n falconer_n of_o newton_n john_n barcley_n of_o johnston_n john_n falconer_n fire_n of_o newton_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o forfar_n robert_n arbuthnet_n of_o findowry_n sir_n alexander_n carnegie_n of_o ballnamoon_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o own_o conveener_n john_n lord_n louvre_n peter_n young_a of_o seaton_n william_n ruthven_n gairn_n m._n james_n durhame_n of_o pitcairo_n james_n viscount_n of_o dudop_n william_n durhame_v elder_a of_o grange_n m._n william_n durhame_n of_o omaquhie_n ______o maxwell_n of_o telin_n james_n lord_n couper_n james_n crichton_n of_o ruthven_n sir_n william_n blair_n of_o bagillo_fw-la ______o lyon_n of_o brigton_n henry_n mauld_n of_o melgume_n thomas_n fothringham_n of_o dununne_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o perth_n the_o laird_n of_o inshbrakie_a and_o inshture_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o to_o make_v choice_n among_o themselves_o thomas_n blair_n of_o baltheyok_n sir_n thomas_n ruthven_n of_o frieland_n john_n oliphant_n of_o bachilron_n peter_n hay_n of_o leyis_n six_o patrick_n ogilvie_n of_o inshmartin_n sir_n robert_n campbell_n of_o glennorquhie_n alexander_n menȝy_v of_o comrie_n patrick_n ratra_n of_o cuaighall_n gilbert_n campbell_n of_o keithik_n john_n blair_n of_o ardblair_n m._n patrick_n murray_n fire_n of_o ochtertyre_n james_n drumond_n of_o milnab_n sir_n john_n hadden_n of_o glenegy_n william_n sterling_a elder_n of_o auchyle_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o fyfe_n and_o kinros_n the_o laird_n of_o scotscraig_n and_o danemilne_n to_o be_v conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o to_o make_v choice_n among_o themselves_o sir_n james_n halket_n fire_n of_o pitfirrane_n william_n monteeth_n of_o randefoord_n john_n henderson_n of_o fordell_n robert_n dempster_n of_o balbougie_n sir_n george_n hammiltoun_n of_o blaikburn_n sir_n john_n weymes_n of_o boegy_n m._n robert_n ayton_n of_o inshdairnie_n sir_n andrew_n skeen_n of_o halyeardis_n sir_n james_n arnot_n of_o fairnie_n sir_n john_n ayton_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi james_n maegill_n of_o rankelour_n elder_n george_n hay_o fire_n of_o nachtoun_n sir_n thomas_n myreton_n of_o cambo_n m._n james_n reid_n of_o pitlethie_n william_n forbes_n young_a of_o rire_n sir_n william_n douglas_n of_o kirknes_n and_o david_n balfour_n of_o ballo_fw-la for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o sterling_n ______o murray_n of_o polmaes_n john_n rollok_n of_o bannokburn_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n to_o make_v choice_n of_o their_o own_o conveener_n fir_n thomas_n nicolson_n of_o carnok_n william_n levingstone_n of_o wastquarter_n william_n rosse_n of_o ______o john_n sterling_n of_o harbertshire_n sir_n james_n levingston_n of_o bancloth_v ______o stirling_n of_o glorat_n ______o kink_v of_o archinreach_n ______o hamiltoun_n of_o baldoure_n william_n blair_n of_o fenik_n john_n lennox_n of_o cairneshokle_n m._n william_n cunningham_n ok_v balindalloch_n m._n robert_n naper_n of_o kilcrewch_n james_n stirling_n of_o balwill_n alexander_n cunningham_n of_o baquhane_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o clakmannan_n sir_n charles_n erskin_n of_o band_v sir_n robert_n bruce_n of_o clakmannan_n and_o sir_n alexander_n shaw_n of_o sauchie_n conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o to_o make_v choice_n among_o themselves_o master_n robert_n bruce_n of_o kennet_n james_n hadden_n of_o myreton_n william_n graham_n of_o hilton_n william_n reid_n of_o craigheid_n for_o the_o sherifdome_n of_o edinburgh_n sir_n archibald_n johnstoun_n of_o wariston_n and_o the_o laird_n of_o libberton_n to_o be_v conveener_n for_o the_o first_o meeting_n and_o thereafter_o to_o choose_v among_o themselves_o sir_n