Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A83324 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, wherein the county of Lincolne is added in the association of the six counties of Norfolke, Suffolke, Essex, Cambridge, Hartford, Huntington, for the mutuall defence each of other against the popish army in the north under the command of the Marquesse of Newcastle. Also, giving power to the Earle of Manchester to nominate governours over the parts of Holland and Marchland; and if any person harbour a souldier that is imprested to serve under him, he shall be fined; if he refuse to pay his fine, his goods shall be sequestred, and he imprisoned till the fine be satisfied. With the names of the committees appointed for the collection of money to pay the forces raised for the preservation of those seven counties. Die Mercurii 20. Septemb. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. England and Wales. Parliament. 1643 (1643) Wing E2107; Thomason E67_32; ESTC R7847 7,081 13

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tooly_n adrian_n parmiter_n richard_n harman_n and_o samuel_n smith_n esquire_n henry_n watts_n alderman_n for_o the_o county_n of_o cambridge_n share_n cambridge_n share_n sir_n dudley_n north_n sir_n john_n cutts_n sir_n thomas_n martin_n knight_n thomas_n symmond_n dudley_n pope_n esquire_n sir_n miles_n sands_n knight_n francis_n russell_n oliver_n cromwell_n thomas_n duckett_n william_n father_n james_n thompson_n walter_n clapton_n robert_n castle_n thomas_n bendish_n edward_n clarke_n john_n welbo●e_v robert_n clerk_n michael_n dalton_n junior_a thomas_n parker_n john_n hobe●t_n george_n clapthorne_n john_n tower_n henry_n butler_n edward_n leeds_n william_n marsh_n and_o humberstone_n marsh_n esquire_n for_o the_o town_n and_o university_n of_o cambridge_n cambridge_n cambridge_n the_o major_a for_o the_o time_n be_v talbot_z peap_n recorder_n john_n sherwood_n samuel_n s●●●●den_n thomas_n french_a robert_n robson_n for_o the_o county_n of_o hertford_n hertford_n hertford_n charles_n lord_n viscount_n cranborne_n robert_n cecil_n esquire_n sir_n john_n jerrat_n baronet_n sir_n thomas_n da●●●s_v sir_n william_n litton_n sir_n john_n witterong_v knight_n sergeant_n atkins_n richard_n jenning_n edward_n wingate_n john_n take_v ralph_n freeman_n william_n leman_n william_n presley_n john_n hayden_n alexander_n wylde_n gabriel_n barber_n richard_n porter_n captain_n scroggs_n ralph_n freeman_n thomas_n take_v esquire_n sir_n john_n read_v baronet_n doctor_n king_n doctor_n of_o physic_n john_n humberstone_n gentleman_n for_o saint_n alban_n the_o major_a for_o the_o time_n be_v john_n robotham_n alban_n s._n alban_n edward_n wingate_n ralph_n pemberton_n r●chard_n jennings_n esquire_n for_o the_o county_n of_o huntingdon_n thomas_n cotton_n baronet_n huntingdon_n huntingdon_n sir_n john_n newett_n knight_n onslow_n winch_n terrill_n joceline_n thomas_n templer_n john_n castle_n oliver_z cromwell_z abraham_n barwell_n edward_n montague_n and_o john_n bulkeley_n esquire_n for_o the_o county_n of_o lincoln_n francis_n lord_n willoughby_n of_o parham_n sir_n john_n wray_n knight_n and_o baronet_n lincolnshire_n lincolnshire_n sir_n william_n armyne_n sir_n john_n brownloe_n and_o sir_n william_n brownloe_n sir_n thomas_n trallop_n baronet_n sir_n edward_n ascough_n sir_n hamond_n whitchcoat_n sir_n chistopher_n wray_n sir_n anthony_n i●by_n knight_n thomas_n grantham_n thomas_n hatcher_n john_n broxholme_n montague_n cholme_o john_n archer_n william_n ellis_n esquire_n edward_n ascough_n maurice_n cave_n thomas_n cornwallis_n john_n harrington_n tho._n coppledike_n francis_n fines_n henry_n massingberde_n john_n disney_n senior_a tho._n lister_n mullenax_n disney_n edward_n king_n edward_n rocetter_n thomas_n savyle_n wil._n savyle_n humphrey_n walcott_n captain_n john_n harrington_n thomas_n i●by_n samuel_n leigh_n william_n bury_n john_n willesby_n esquire_n edmund_n tilson_n samuel_n cust_n christopher_n hudson_n drayner_n massingberd_n richard_n bryan_n master_n massingden_n master_n woolley_n master_n william_n hobson_n master_n hall_n of_o kettlethorpe_n alexander_n emmerson_n thomas_n welcome_o esquire_n william_n luddington_n edward_n nelthorps_n edmond_n anderson_n master_n bowtall_a john_n sheffeild_n robert_n cawdron_n esquire_n edward_n skipwith_n charles_n empson_n thomas_n welby_n the_o major_a of_o boston_n for_o the_o time_n be_v john_n wincock_n master_n thompson_n wyatt_n parkins_n martin_n johnson_n john_n browne_n john_n bernard_n nathaniel_n tharrald_n gentleman_n captain_n thomas_n hall_n and_o nehemiah_n rawson_n and_o master_n hall_n of_o kettlethorpe_n for_o the_o city_n of_o lincoln_n masher_n marshal_v the_o major_n of_o lincoln_n that_o now_o be_v city_n lincoln_n city_n thomas_n granth●m_n john_n brockshorne_n esquire_n robert_n moorecroft_n william_n watson_n and_o stephen_n dawson_n alderman_n which_o say_v several_a committee_n of_o the_o say_v several_a and_o respective_a county_n and_o place_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o according_a to_o the_o former_a ordinance_n for_o weekly_a assessment_n shall_v nominate_v such_o person_n as_o they_o shall_v think_v fit_a within_o their_o respective_a division_n who_o shall_v have_v power_n to_o assess_v all_o and_o every_o person_n and_o person_n chargeable_a by_o this_o ordinance_n according_a to_o the_o weekly_a rate_n and_o proportion_n in_o this_o ordinance_n mention_v and_o the_o say_a committee_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o shall_v likewise_o have_v power_n within_o their_o several_a limit_n and_o division_n to_o nominate_v collector_n who_o shall_v collect_v the_o say_a money_n so_o assess_v and_o pay_v the_o same_o to_o such_o person_n or_o person_n as_o the_o deputy-lieutenant_n of_o the_o say_v respective_a county_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o shall_v appoint_v to_o be_v treasurer_n for_o the_o say_v several_a county_n and_o if_o any_o person_n or_o person_n chargeable_a by_o this_o ordinance_n shall_v not_o upon_o demand_n pay_v the_o sum_n or_o sum_n on_o he_o or_o they_o assess_v it_o shall_v be_v lawful_a for_o the_o say_v respective_a collector_n or_o any_o one_o of_o they_o to_z leavy_z the_o same_o by_o way_n of_o distress_n and_o sale_n of_o the_o good_n of_o the_o person_n or_o person_n so_o assess_v and_o to_o call_v to_o their_o assistance_n any_o of_o the_o train_v band_n or_o company_n of_o volunteer_n or_o other_o force_n who_o be_v hereby_o require_v to_o be_v aid_v and_o assist_v to_o the_o say_a collector_n in_o the_o premise_n as_o they_o will_v answer_v the_o contrary_a thereof_o and_o if_o any_o person_n which_o shall_v be_v assess_v as_o aforesaid_a towards_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o say_a sum_n of_o money_n shall_v refuse_v or_o neglect_v to_o pay_v his_o rate_n or_o assessment_n to_o the_o collector_n appoint_v within_o six_o day_n after_o it_o shall_v be_v demand_v the_o say_a committee_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o shall_v charge_v the_o say_a person_n so_o refuse_v or_o neglect_v with_o treble_a as_o much_o as_o the_o say_a person_n shall_v be_v rate_v at_o and_o if_o the_o say_a person_n shall_v refuse_v or_o neglect_v to_o pay_v the_o same_o so_o treble_v upon_o he_o that_o it_o shall_v be_v lawful_a for_o the_o say_a committee_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o to_o commit_v the_o say_a person_n so_o refuse_v or_o neglect_v to_o prison_n and_o also_o to_o sequester_v his_o estate_n till_o the_o same_o be_v satisfy_v and_o be_v it_o ordain_v that_o every_o person_n shall_v be_v rate_v for_o the_o estate_n he_o have_v in_o the_o several_a place_n in_o each_o several_a county_n and_o if_o land_n be_v ●et_a or_o let_v to_o or_o neete_v the_o yearly_a value_n thereof_o such_o person_n or_o person_n to_o who_o the_o rent_n thereof_o belong_v to_o be_v sole_o chargeable_a therewith_o but_o if_o the_o same_o be_v let_v under_o value_n than_o the_o sum_n tax_v to_o be_v apportion_v between_o the_o party_n to_o who_o the_o rent_n belong_v and_o the_o tenant_n as_o the_o taxer_n shall_v think_v meet_a and_o if_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o shall_v do_v any_o injury_n in_o make_v their_o assessment_n the_o same_o to_o be_v rectify_v by_o the_o say_a committee_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o within_o their_o several_a division_n according_a to_o their_o discretion_n and_o if_o any_o assessor_n or_o collector_n shall_v refuse_v the_o say_a service_n or_o prove_v negligent_a or_o faulty_a therein_o the_o say_a committee_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o shall_v have_v power_n to_o commit_v such_o assessor_n or_o collector_n to_o prison_n or_o to_o set_v such_o a_o fine_a upon_o he_o or_o they_o as_o they_o shall_v think_v fit_a not_o exceed_v the_o sum_n of_o 100_o li._n and_o the_o say_v fine_a to_o be_v levy_v by_o distress_n and_o sale_n of_o the_o offender_n good_n and_o it_o be_v ordain_v that_o the_o treasurer_n appoint_v by_o the_o say_a committee_n for_o the_o respective_a county_n in_o manner_n aforesaid_a shall_v keep_v a_o register_n book_n of_o the_o several_a sum_n receive_v and_o pay_v out_o by_o they_o that_o so_o they_o may_v give_v a_o just_a and_o perfect_a account_n thereof_o unto_o the_o committee_n of_o the_o say_v several_a county_n when_o thereunto_o they_o shall_v be_v by_o they_o require_v and_o for_o the_o better_a encouragement_n of_o the_o say_a collector_n and_o treasurer_n it_o be_v ordain_v that_o 2_o d._n in_o the_o pound_n shall_v be_v allow_v to_o the_o say_a collector_n for_o every_o sum_n of_o money_n collect_v &_o pay_v by_o they_o to_o the_o say_a treasurer_n &_o 2_o d._n in_o the_o pound_n to_o the_o say_a treasurer_n for_o every_o sum_n of_o money_n receive_v and_o disburse_v by_o they_o according_a to_o this_o ordinance_n and_o that_o the_o treasurer_n of_o the_o say_a county_n shall_v issue_v out_o no_o sum_n or_o sum_n of_o money_n to_o any_o person_n or_o person_n without_o order_n under_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o deputy_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o say_v respective_a county_n or_o any_o two_o of_o they_o at_o least_o and_o it_o be_v further_o ordain_v that_o the_o deputy_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o say_v several_a and_o respective_a county_n shall_v hereby_o have_v