Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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A74552 An ordinance for the ejecting of scandalous, ignorant and insufficient ministers and school-masters. Tuesday August 29. 1654. Ordered by his Highness the Lord Protector, and his council, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Scobell, Clerk of the Council.; Orders in Council. 1654-08-29. England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell); England and Wales. Council of State. aut 1654 (1654) Thomason E1064_32; ESTC R210341 18,265 47

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a_o ordinance_n for_o the_o eject_v of_o scandalous_a ignorant_a and_o insufficient_a minister_n and_o schoolmaster_n tuesday_n august_n 29._o 1654._o order_v by_o his_o highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n and_o his_o council_n that_o this_o ordinance_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v henry_n scobell_n clerk_n of_o the_o council_n london_n print_v by_o william_n dugard_n and_o henry_n hill_n printer_n to_o his_o highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n 1654._o a_o ordinance_n for_o the_o ejection_n of_o scandalous_a ignorant_a and_o insufficient_a minister_n &_o schoolmaster_n whereas_o by_o the_o continuance_n of_o divers_a scandalous_a &_o insufficient_a minister_n and_o schoolmaster_n in_o many_o church_n chapel_n and_o public_a school_n within_o this_o nation_n the_o more_o effectual_a propagation_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o settlement_n of_o a_o godly_a and_o painful_a ministry_n be_v much_o obstruct_v and_o no_o authority_n now_o in_o force_n for_o remove_v such_o minister_n and_o schoolmaster_n for_o remedy_n thereof_o be_v it_o ordain_v by_o his_o highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n by_z and_o with_o the_o consent_n of_o his_o council_n that_o the_o person_n hereafter_o name_v shall_v be_v and_o be_v hereby_o appoint_v and_o constitute_v commissioner_n for_o and_o within_o the_o respective_a county_n within_o england_n and_o wales_n for_o the_o end_n and_o purpose_n hereafter_o in_o and_o by_o this_o ordinance_n express_v and_o direct_v that_o be_v to_o say_v bedford_z for_o the_o county_n of_o bedford_n samuel_n brown_a sergeant_n at_o law_n john_n harvey_n john_n okey_n richard_n edwards_n peter_n neal_n john_n neal_n joseph_n barber_n st._n john_n charnock_n john_n cockayn_n edmund_n wingate_n samuel_n bedford_n francis_n astrey_n richard_n wagstaff_n gaius_n squire_n edward_n cater_n esq_n peter_n malory_n gent._n john_n crook_n john_n grow_v of_o bedford_n berks._n for_o the_o county_n of_o berks_n philip_n lord_n wharton_n samuel_n dunch_n of_o puzey_n cornelius_n holland_n arthur_n evelin_n of_o bradfield_n ______o trapham_n of_o abington_n thomas_n wood_n of_o windsor_n ______o stroud_n of_o ruscum_fw-la esq_n major_a richard_n fincher_n of_o cheet_o mr._n angel_n bell_n of_o ockingham_n mr._n nutkin_n of_o ockingham_n major_a francis_n allen_n of_o abington_n mr._n mill_n of_o hungerford_n robert_n stanton_n samuel_n bellingham_n of_o redding_n esq_n colonel_n christopher_n whitchcot_n governor_n of_o windsor_n samuel_n wightwick_n esq_n mr._n cook_n of_o wallingford_n mr._n rusden_n of_o wallingford_n mr._n thomas_n fettiplace_n thomas_n cox_n of_o stanford_n john_n collins_n of_o betterton_n robert_n lush_n of_o sparshalt_v andrew_n keep_v of_o west-hendred_n philip_n allen_n of_o wantage_n thomas_n stanton_n of_o upton_n george_n lambole_n of_o redding_n esquire_n buck_n for_o the_o county_n of_o buck_n philip_n lord_n wharton_n philip_n skippon_n major_a general_n isaac_n pennington_n alderman_n of_o london_n richard_n ingoldsby_n esq_n thomas_n scot_n esq_n christopher_n eggleton_n esq_n john_n deveril_n esq_n anthony_n ratcliff_n esq_n george_n fleetwood_n esq_n william_n grange_n of_o st._n leonard_n thomas_n white_a esq_n henry_n whitbread_n william_n scot_n esq_n richard_n baldwin_n gent._n william_n grimesdale_n gent._n francis_n russel_n esq_n edmond_n west_n simon_n main_a richard_n beke_v esq_n cambridge_n and_o huntingdon_n with_o the_o isle_n of_o ely_n for_o the_o county_n of_o cambridge_n and_o huntingdon_n with_o the_o isle_n of_o ely_n henry_n lord_n cromwell_n henry_n laurence_n lord_n precedent_n of_o his_o highness_n council_n john_n disbrow_n esq_n edward_n montague_n esq_n john_n thurloe_n esq_n stephen_n pheasant_n esq_n ______o pickering_n of_o cambridge_n richard_n time_n alderman_n of_o cambridge_n alderman_n french_a robert_z castle_z esq_n thomas_n bendish_n joseph_n eversden_n richard_n stayn_v doctor_n of_o physic_n francis_n russel_n esq_n edward_n leeds_n of_o croxton_n gent._n isaac_n disbrow_n john_n lowrey_n henry_n pickering_n esq_n mr._n bryan_n alderman_n of_o cambridge_n samuel_n spaulding_n robert_n vinter_n griffith_n lloyd_n gentleman_n nicholas_n pedley_n esq_n gervase_n fulwood_n doctor_n syncots_n ralph_n mallory_n chester_n for_o the_o county_n of_o chester_n humphrey_n mackworth_n esq_n sir_n william_n brereton_n baronet_n sir_n george_n booth_n baronet_n sir_n henry_n delves_n baronet_n robert_n duckenfield_n esq_n thomas_n manwaring_n esq_n jonathan_n brewen_n esq_n henry_n birkenhead_n john_n crew_n of_o utkinton_n esq_n mr._n john_n ratcliff_n of_o chester_n william_n tuchet_n esq_n john_n lee_n of_o booth_n esq_n robert_n gregg_n james_n gartfide_v nicholas_n goulborn_n calven_n bruen_n alderman_n of_o chester_n peter_n leigh_n alderman_n of_o chester_n richard_n green_a esq_n richard_n wright_n gent._n edward_n bradshaw_n major_n of_o chester_n cornwall_n for_o the_o county_n of_o cornwall_n francis_n rous_n esq_n anthony_n rous_n esq_n hugh_n boscawen_n esq_n john_n moyl_v esq_n anthony_n nicol_n esq_n richard_n carter_n esq_n andrew_n trevil_n esq_n thomas_n ceely_n esq_n john_n thomas_n esq_n richard_n penwarn_v esq_n robert_n ben●et_n esq_n john_n fox_n of_o pendinnis_n thomas_n howel_n ●f_n truro_n peter_n ceely_n ______o chattey_n of_o truro_n cumberland_n durham_n northumberland_n and_o westmoreland_n for_o the_o county_n of_o cumberland_n durham_n northumberland_n and_o westmoreland_n philip_n lord_n wharton_n sir_n arthur_n hesilrige_n baronet_n george_n fenwick_n esq_n charles_n howard_n esq_n henry_n ogle_n esq_n robert_n fenwick_n esq_n ralph_n salkeild_v esq_n william_n webb_n andrew_n crisp_n edward_n nelson_n thomas_n craister_n of_o carlisle_n john_n wood_n of_o cockermouth_n cuthbert_n studholm_n thomas_n langhorn_n william_n thompson_n william_n brisco_n esq_n john_n middleton_n anthony_n smith_n of_o durham_n thomas_n lacie_n of_o sunderland_n thomas_n huntley_n robert_n sharp_a robert_n lilburn_n esq_n alderman_n ledgard_n of_o newcastle_n mr._n johnson_n of_o newcastle_n william_n garnet_n of_o oasterton_n william_n applegarth_n james_n cock_n of_o kendal_n john_n archer_n of_o kendal_n christop_v lister_n esq_n derby_n and_o nottingham_n for_o the_o county_n of_o derby_n and_o nottingham_n sir_n francis_n burdet_n baronet_n sir_n samuel_n sleigh_n knight_n john_n ferrars_n esq_n james_n abney_n esq_n thomas_n sanders_n esq_n john_n gell_n junior_a esq_n nathaniel_n hallow_n esq_n robert_n mellor_n edward_n gell_n jervis_n bennet_n nathaniel_n barton_n edward_n mould_n john_n spateman_n edward_n charleton_n edward_n whaley_n esq_n gervase_n piggot_n esq_n edward_n cludd_n william_n wightman_n of_o stoke_n thomas_n linley_n charles_n white_a john_n oddingsel_n christopher_n wilson_n of_o newark_n thomas_n bristol_n of_o elston_n gent._n richard_n trueman_n philip_n lacock_n of_o stoke_n esq_n devon_n and_o excester_n for_o the_o county_n of_o devon_n and_o excester_n john_n disbrow_n esq_n arthur_n upton_n esq_n thomas_n reynel_n esq_n thomas_n sanders_n esq_n john_n blackmore_n esq_n james_n erisie_n esq_n john_n elford_n henry_n hatsel_n john_n copleston_n john_n serl_n william_n morris_n esq_n john_n plea_n of_o dartmouth_n christopher_n ceely_n justinian_n peard_n martin_n paris_n of_o plymouth_n john_n wollacomb_n rowland_n whiddon_n thomas_n bampfield_n james_n pearl_n esq_n john_n rowe_n of_o crediton_n christopher_n martin_n esq_n john_n champneys_n esq_n william_n fry_v robert_n roll_n esq_n william_n yeo_n of_o plymouth_n william_n bastard_n esq_n dorset_n and_o pool_n for_o the_o county_n of_o dorset_n and_o pool_n sir_n anthony-ashley_n cooper_n baronet_n william_n sydenham_n esq_n sir_n walter_n earl_n knight_n john_n bingham_n dennis_n bond_n john_n trenchard_n henry_n henly_n john_n whiteway_n thomas_n moor_n john_n bushrod_n walter_n foy_fw-fr esq_n edward_n butler_n james_n dewy_n edward_n chick_n john_n lea_n jeremy_n apothecary_n george_n skutt_n william_n thornhul_n james_n mew_n gent._n york_z east-riding_a and_o kingston_n upon_o hull_n thomas_n lord_n fairfax_n john_n lambert_n major_a general_n of_o the_o army_n walter_z strickland_n esq_n sir_n thomas_n widdrington_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n sir_n william_n constable_n baronet_n sir_n william_n strickland_n john_n lawson_n esq_n mr._n stillington_n mr._n bryan_n dawson_n captain_n bradford_n richard_n darley_n esq_n william_n coulson_n thomas_n hudson_n and_o james_n nelthrop_n alderman_n of_o beverley_n thomas_n ness_n robert_n leppington_n edward_n atkinson_n timothy_n lun_n hugh_n bethel_n esq_n west-riding_a and_o city_n of_o york_n thomas_n lord_n fairfax_n john_n lambert_n major_a general_n of_o the_o army_n sir_n thomas_n widdrington_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n colonel_n john_n bright_n alderman_n thomas_n dickenson_n alderman_n stephen_n watson_n alderman_n geldard_n colonel_n charles_n fairfax_n captain_n henry_n westby_n mr._n john_n penrose_n mr._n washington_n mr._n john_n wadsworth_n mr._n john_n iscot_n mr._n marmaduke_n rivers_n master_n john_n vincent_n of_o warnsworth_n mr_n ashton_n of_o arnolds-biggon_a mr_n stanhop_n mr_n dineley_n william_n farror_n of_o ewood_n william_n ingleby_n of_o ripley_n alexander_n johnson_n mr_n william_n drake_n captain_n george_n byard_n thomas_n bourchier_n robert_n smith_n jeremy_n dickson_n
north-riding_a north-riding_a thomas_n lord_n fairfax_n john_n lambert_n major_a general_n of_o the_o army_n sir_n thomas_n widdrington_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n sir_n john_n bourchier_n thomas_n wastall_a esquire_n francis_n lassell_v esquire_n george_n lord_n ewer_n william_n aschough_o captain_n nicolas_n co●yers_n captain_n thomas_n davill_n mr_n thomas_n harrison_n essex_n for_o the_o county_n of_o essex_n dudley_n templer_n esq_n dionysius_n waker_v esq_n robert_n crane_n gent._n john_n fenning_n gent._n sir_n thomas_n honywood_n sir_n william_n masham_n william_n masham_n esq_n henry_n mildmay_n of_o grace_n oliver_n raymond_n gobert_n barrington_n thomas_n cook_n of_o pedmarsh_n carey_n mildmay_n richard_n herlackendon_n arthur_n barnadiston_n robert_n maidston_n john_n brewster_n john_n meade_n hezekiah_n haines_n esquire_n joachim_n mathews_n esquire_n henry_n barrington_n esquire_n herbert_n pelham_n esquire_n gloucester_n for_o the_o county_n of_o gloucester_n and_o for_o the_o city_n and_o county_n of_o the_o city_n of_o gloucester_n nathanael_n stephens_n adrian_n scroop_n thomas_n hodges_n john_n stevens_n john_n dorney_n giles_n hancock_n jasper_n clutterbuck_n esquire_n sylvanus_n wood_n gent._n john_n waade_n john_n crofts_n thomas_n purey_n esquire_n william_n webley_n anthony_n kingscot_n esquire_n hereford_n for_o the_o county_n of_o hereford_n sir_n robert_n harley_n edward_n harley_n john_n james_n john_n scudamore_n of_o kenchurch_n thomas_n rawlins_n wroth_a rogers_n john_n flacker_n john_n pateshall_n of_o puddlestone_n sylvanus_n taylor_n esquire_n thomas_n eton_n gent._n john_n ashton_n of_o ludlow_n in_o shropshire_n gent._n priamus_n davies_n esquire_n john_n chelmeld_v gent._n thomas_n blaney_n gent._n richard_n reed_n gent._n william_n botterell_n esquire_n thomas_n seabourne_n william_n lane_n francis_n pember_n gent._n hertford_n for_o the_o county_n of_o hertford_n henry_n laurence_n lord_n precedent_n of_o his_o highness_n council_n sir_n john_n wittronge_a john_n fiennes_n john_n marsh_n francis_n white_a esquire_n isaac_n puller_n esquire_n william_n turner_n of_o hertford_n alban_n cox_n master_n comb_n the_o young_a of_o hemsted_n colonel_n washington_n thomas_n nchol_n william_n leman_n esquire_n ralph_n gladman_n gent._n william_n packer_n esquire_n william_n hickman_n gent._n kent_n for_o the_o county_n of_o kent_n philip_n lord_n viscount_n li●le_n henry_n oxenden_n of_o dean_n esquire_n thomas_n foach_n of_o the_o isle_n of_o thanet_n esq_n thomas_n kelsey_n esquire_n peter_n peek_n thomas_n st_n nicolas_n of_o ash_n esquire_n john_n boy_n of_o betshanger_n esq_n thomas_n wilson_n of_o sandwich_n gent._n william_n cullen_n of_o dover_n esquire_n john_n dixwell_n thomas_n scot_n of_o canterbury_n esquire_n thomas_n munnings_n robert_n maskall_n of_o canterbury_n edward_n ower_n gent._n whittington_n wood_n of_o canterbury_n esquire_n james_n sceat_fw-la of_o tenterdeane_n robert_n gibon_n richard_n beale_n lambert_n godfrey_n esquire_n sir_n thomas_n style_v knight_n and_o baronet_n charles_n bowles_n of_o rochester_n esq_n master_n kennet_n of_o lie_n master_n lancaston_n of_o rumney_n ralph_n welden_n esquire_n lancaster_n for_o the_o county_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n richard_n houghton_n gilbert_n ireland_n esquire_n thomas_n fall_v thomas_n birch_n william_n ashurst_n richard_n haworth_n edward_n robinson_n esquire_n william_n west_n gent._n jerijah_n aspinwall_n randall_n sharplesse_n george_n piggot_n john_n sawrey_n gent._n charles_n worsley_n esquire_n john_n wiggan_n esquire_n leicester_n for_o the_o county_n of_o leicester_n and_o rutland_n henry_n lord_n cromwell_n sir_n arthur_n hesilrige_n baronet_n francis_n hacker_n esquire_n peter_n temple_n esq_n master_n john_n prat_n master_n john_n godman_n william_n hubbard_n gent._n mr._n william_n stanley_n mr._n edmund_n craddock_n alderman_n of_o leicester_n mr._n samuel_n wanley_n the_o elder_a mr._n anthony_n mayor_n of_o leicester_n mr._n john_n horton_n thomas_n cockran_n gent._n ______o palmer_n henry_n smith_n edward_z smith_z esq_n evers_n ermyne_n esquire_n robert_n horsman_n esq_n edward_n horsman_n esquire_n william_n sheild_n esq_n benjamin_n norton_n john_n weaver_n esquire_n lincoln_n for_o the_o county_n of_o lincoln_n nathanaël_n fiennes_n esquire_n william_n savile_n of_o newton_n esquire_n edward_n rossiter_n thomas_n coppledick_n of_o harrington_n esquire_n john_n archer_n esquire_n nehemiah_n rawson_n of_o bickwood_n esquire_n robert_n yearborough_n esquire_n master_n wilsby_n of_o spaulding_n philip_n mounton_n esquire_n humphrey_n walcott_n of_o lincoln_n esquire_n master_n thomson_n of_o roxby_n theophilus_n hart_n gent._n thomas_n hall_n of●annington_a ●annington_z esquire_n john_n disney_n gent._n master_n harvey_n of_o lincoln_n master_n martial_n of_o lincoln_n william_n berry_n of_o grantham_n esquire_n master_n mathias_n browne_n of_o horbling_n mr._n thomas_n law_n mr._n whyteing_n mr._n tilson_n jun._n alderman_n of_o boston_n james_n berry_n francis_n clinton_n alias_o fiennes_n esq_n mr._n cole_n of_o stamford_n samuel_n cust_n of_o boston_n middlesex_n for_o the_o county_n of_o middlesex_n and_o city_n of_o westminster_n sir_n gilbert_n pickering_n baronet_n philip_n skippon_n esq_n sir_n james_n harrington_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n william_n robert_n knight_n edmond_n harvey_n esquire_n edward_n whaley_n william_n goffe._n esquire_n john_n humphreye_v richard_n downton_n daniel_n proctor_n paul_n wittol_n walter_n bigg_n john_n brown_n william_n bosvile_n john_n baldwyn_n maurice_n thompson_n john_n stone_n francis_n bloomer_n esquire_n john_n barkstead_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n edward_n cresser_n justinian_n paget_n john_n downes_n henry_n scobell_n esquire_n george_n evelyn_n gent._n london_n for_o the_o city_n of_o london_n sir_n thomas_n vyner_n knight_n lord_n maior_n philip_n skippon_n major_a general_n isaac_n pennington_n thomas_n andrews_n robert_n tichburne_n tempest_n milner_n alderman_n of_o london_n william_n steel_n sergeant_n at_o law_n recorder_n john_n sadler_n esquire_n maurice_n gthe_v thomas_n staines_n master_n ashurst_n john_n strange_a mr._n barrer_n john_n langley_n john_n stone_n esquire_n alderman_n pack_n alderman_n riccot_n stephen_n eastwick_n alderman_n abraham_n babington_n william_n hobson_n charles_n doyley_n william_n puckle_n of_o broadstreet_n william_n thompson_n alderman_n francis_n warren_n of_o new-fishstreet-hill_n mark_v coe_n richard_n lloyd_n maurice_n thompson_n monmouth_n for_o the_o county_n of_o monmouth_n richard_n lord_n cromwell_n philip_z lord_z viscount_n lisle_n philip_n jones_n esquire_n henry_n herbert_n william_n blethyn_n john_n nicolas_n francis_n blethyn_n roger_n williams_n edward_z herbert_z christopher_z catchmay_n robert_n jones_n rice_n williams_n william_n packer_n samuel_n jones_n john_n morgan_n thomas_z evans_z esquire_n norfolk_n for_o the_o county_n of_o norfolk_n henry_n lawrence_z lord_z precedent_n of_o his_o highness_n council_n philip_n skippon_n esquire_n hezekiah_n haynes_n charles_n george_n cock_n esq_n sir_n john_n hobbart_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n thomas_n hogan_n robert_n wood_n edward_n ward_n tobias_n friar_n henry_n king_n edward_n bulwer_n of_o heyden_n john_n reynes_n ralph_n woolmer_n roger_n harper_n joshua_n greene_n and_o thomas_n scot_n of_o lin_z thomas_z barret_n nicolas_n saulter_n of_o norwich_n isaac_n preston_n of_o yarmouth_n master_n dunn_n master_n thomas_n garret_n thomas_n russell_n of_o north-basham_n esq_n edmund_n creamar_n of_o snetsham_n esquire_n martin_n hastings_n of_o hindringham_n esq_n john_n toft_n of_o norwich_n northampton_n for_o the_o county_n of_o northampton_n sir_n gilbert_n pickering_n baronet_n sir_n john_n dreydon_n baronet_n john_n crew_n of_o stene_n esquire_n john_n thornton_n edward_n farmer_n of_o daventry_n peter_n whaley_n of_o northampton_n thomas_n brookes_n of_o great_a okely_n esq_n john_n cleypool_n of_o narborough_n esquire_n thomas_n pentlow_n of_o wilby_n william_n boteler_n of_o owndle_n alexander_n blake_n of_o peterburgh_n john_n browne_n of_o kettering_n robert_n guy_n of_o isham_n john_n woodford_n of_o northampton_n ______o rushworth_n of_o northampton_n mr._n grindon_n of_o blacheley_n oxon._n for_o the_o county_n of_o oxon_n william_n lord_n say_v and_o seal_n nathanaël_n fiennes_n esquire_n sir_n charles_n wolseley_n baronet_n john_n fiennes_n adrian_n scroop_n walter_n elwood_n esquire_n master_n berry_n of_o oxford_n thomas_n appletree_n john_n vue_fw-fr of_o watlington_n gent._n master_n beale_n of_o banbury_n tobias_n garbrand_n doctor_n of_o physic_n john_n carey_n of_o dichley_n gent._n william_n whateley_n of_o banbury_n gent._n master_n george_n blunt_n of_o wiggington_n master_n william_n allen_n of_o banbury_n john_n nikon_v alderm_n of_o oxford_n thomas_n week_n matthew_n martin_n master_n francis_n webb_n of_o bodicoate_n master_n elisha_n coles_n ______o hunt_n gent._n john_n goddard_n doctor_n of_o physic_n doctor_n cross_n of_o magdalen_n college_n master_n stephens_n of_o oxford_n salop._n for_o the_o county_n of_o salop_n humphrey_n mackworth_n esquire_n john_n corbet_n ●reswel_o tailor_n robert_n corbet_n thomas_n mackworth_n thomas_n baker_n roger_n evans_n launcelet_n ley_n thomas_n ketilby_n samuel_n moor_n thomas_n hunt_n rowland_n hunt_n charles_n langford_n edward_n cresset_n john_n downes_n esquire_n captain_n richard_n smith_n john_n ashon_fw-mi gentlem._n william_n
botterell_n gentleman_n richard_n cheshire_n alderman_n of_o shrewsbury_n richard_n henage_n gentleman_n richard_z piggot_n of_o shrewsbury_n gent._n stafford_n for_o the_o county_n of_o stafford_n sir_n charles_n wolseley_n baronet_n john_n swinfen_n junior_a ______o adshead_n john_n lee_n of_o rushall_n henry_n stone_n william_n bendy_n junior_a thomas_n bagnall_n esq_n william_n turton_n gentl._n zachary_n babington_n thomas_n sanders_n esq_n thomas_n whitgrave_n esq_n william_n gent_n gentleman_n george_n bello●_n john_n chetwood_n esquire_n master_n mott_n master_n miner_n master_n saxon_n john_n ley_n thomas_n fox_n of_o tamworth_n gent._n alexander_n wightwick_n esquire_n somerset_n for_o the_o county_n of_o somerset_n and_o city_n of_o bristol_n john_n disbrow_n esquire_n robert_n blake_n adrian_n scroop_n esquire_n alexander_n popham_n esq_n sir_n thomas_n wroth_a mr_n james_n powell_n richard_n aldworth_n robert_n aldworth_n thomas_n gorges_n john_n george_n esquire_n john_n buckland_n richard_n jones_n thomas_n syderfin_n esquire_n sir_n john_n horner_n henry_n henly_n robert_n hunt_n john_n carey_n of_o castle-cary_n doctor_n palmer_n john_n preston_n roger_n hill_n of_o pounsford_n esquire_n george_n milward_n of_o shepton_n mallet_n gent._n henry_n bonner_n thomas_n hipsley_n john_n hagger_n esquire_n luke_n hodges_n john_n harrington_n john_n sealy_n of_o bridgwater_n southampton_n for_o the_o county_n of_o southampton_n and_o the_o town_n and_o county_n of_o southampton_n richard_n lord_n cromwell_n william_n sydenham_n richard_n major_a esquire_n john_n lisle_n one_o of_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n richard_n norton_n richard_n whithead_n john_n buckley_n esquire_n nathanaël_n whetham_n governor_n of_o portsmouth_n sir_n john_n dingley_n knight_n william_n bowerman_n thomas_n bowerman_n francis_n river_n robert_n goffe._n john_n hildesley_n john_n pitman_n esquire_n richard_n moor_n peter_n legay_n george_n searle_n samuel_n bull_n thomas_n chase_n captain_n newhan_n john_n greenowe_v mr_n horwood_n of_o the_o city_n of_o winchester_n john_n wat●●man_n daniel_n her●end_v suffolk_n for_o the_o county_n of_o suffolk_n james_n hubland_n robert_n brewster_n francis_n brewster_n thomas_n bacon_n john_n gurdon_n william_n gibbs_n esquire_n robert_n gurdon_n joseph_n brand_n esquire_n sir_n thomas_n barnadiston_n giles_n barnadiston_n esquire_n john_n clerk_n of_o bury_n st_n edmond_n francis_n theob●l●_n gentleman_n nathanael_n bacon_n francis_n bacon_n esq_n samuel_n moody_a of_o bury_n st._n edmunds_n humphrey_n moseley_n esq_n barnaby_n bowtel_n esq_n henry_n samson_n of_o framlington_n edward_n barker_n of_o ay_o mr._n woodal_n of_o woodbridge_n surrey_n for_o the_o county_n of_o surrey_n philip_z lord_z viscount_n lisle_n john_n lambert_n major_a general_n of_o the_o army_n william_n sydenham_n esq_n sir_n richard_n onslow_n arthur_n onslow_n esq_n robert_n titchburn_n alderman_n of_o london_n sir_n william_n brereton_n francis_n drake_n esq_n sidrack_n brice_n john_n blackwell_n robert_n goodwin_n john_n corbet_n george_n thompson_n lewis_n audley_n william_n molins_n walter_n st._n john_n francis_n allen_n esquire_n john_n blackwel_n junior_a james_n shirley_n abraham_n babington_n ______o tarlton_n john_n rushworth_n esquire_n sussex_n for_o the_o county_n of_o sussex_n anthony_n stapley_n esq_n john_n stapley_n nathanael_n studley_n william_n cawley_n the_o elder_a arthur_n bettsworth_n anthony_n shear_o esquire_n john_n poling_n john_n love_n gentlemen_z william_n polhill_n of_o burrish_a mr._n god_n herbert_n morley_n john_n fag_n of_o wiston_n william_n freeman_n of_o cowfold_n richard_n knowl_v of_o waterfeild_n edward_n cook_n of_o fieldplace_n william_n hayes_n of_o hawsted_n esquire_n john_n holloway_n of_o north-chappel_n edward_n prat_n anthony_n hilton_n richard_n manning_n thomas_n thorncomb_n thomas_n ballard_n gentleman_n mr._n burdit_n mr._n bret_n mr._n russel_n john_n busbridge_n warwick_n for_o the_o county_n of_o warwick_n william_n purefoy_n esquire_n richard_n lucy_n thomas_z willoughby_z joseph_n hawksworth_n esquire_n walden_n willington_n mr._n john_n st._n nicholas_n john_n hawford_n esq_n mr._n thomas_n bassinet_n robert_n beke_v esq_n william_n thornton_n matthew_n bridges_n esq_n mr._n william_n cliff_n george_n wills_n gent._n john_n brook_n of_o stratford_n upon_o avon_n francis_n smith_n of_o cleyton_n gent._n thomas_n fish_n worcester_n for_o the_o county_n of_o worcester_n john_n wild_a sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n thomas_n rous_n gervase_n buck_n in_o the_o college_n esq_n nicholas_n lechmer_n of_o hundley_n esq_n william_n collyn_n of_o the_o college_n gent._n francis_n frank_n of_o worcester_n gent._n robert_n stirrup_n of_o worcester_n gent._n henry_n fillip_v of_o worcester_n gent._n nicholas_n blick_n of_o bramsgrove_n gent._n thomas_n young_a of_o handley_n gent._n john_n butler_n of_o bramsgrove_n gent._n john_n hayler_n of_o bewdley_n gent._n john_n bridges_n esq_n edward_n elvins_n alderman_n of_o worcester_n thomas_n foly_n ______o barker_n john_n corbet_n ______o pit_n of_o keen_n henry_n broad_n talbot_n badger_n esq_n thomas_n martin_n gent._n edmond_n giles_n the_o young_a thomas_n roberts_n gent._n john_n james_n esq_n wilts_n for_o the_o county_n of_o wilts_n sir_n anthony-ashley_n cooper_n baronet_n thomas_n grove_n esq_n george_n cooper_n esq_n george_n how_o of_o cole-barwick_n esq_n william_n coal_n of_o downton_n gabriel_n martin_n edward_n mitchel_n of_o chittern_n william_n sadler_n william_n shute_n esq_n mr._n william_n blisset_n mr._n humphrey_n ditton_n and_o mr._n richard_n phelps_n of_o salisbury_n mr._n tho_o hunt_n and_o mr._n tho_n baily_n of_o marlborough_n mr._n william_n temple_n of_o bishopstrow_n mr._n middlecot_n of_o warminster_n sir_n john_n evelin_n alexander_n popham_n esq_n alexander_n thislethwait_n mr._n jamt_v hely_n william_n ludlow_n of_o claringdon_n esquire_n anglesey_n carnarvan_n montgomery_n denbigh_n merion_v and_o flint_n for_o the_o county_n of_o anglesey_n carnarvan_n montgomery_n denbigh_n merion_v and_o flint_n humphrey_n mackworth_n esq_n hugh_n price_n evan_n lloid_n robert_n griffiths_n richard_n price_n thomas_n lloyd_n lewis_n price_n of_o the_o county_n of_o montgomery_n esq_n george_n twisleton_n john_n carter_n thomas_n ball_n garrald_n barbar_n of_o the_o county_n of_o denbigh_n esq_n ralph_n weld_n gent._n john_n kinaston_n esq_n edward_n thomas_n gent._n william_n speed_v gent._n samuel_n swanwick_n gent._n john_n jones_n esq_n of_o the_o same_o county_n thomas_n dymock_n andrew_n ellis_n luke_n lloid_n of_o the_o county_n of_o flint_n esq_n thomas_n mason_n esq_n daniel_n matthews_n gent._n john_n maddock_n of_o hanmer_n parish_n in_o the_o same_o county_n gent._n pembroke_n cardigan_n glamorgan_n carmarthen_n brecon_n and_o radnor_n for_o the_o county_n of_o pembroke_n cardigan_n glamorgan_n carmarthen_n brecon_n and_o radnor_n the_o lord_n henry_n cromwell_n philip_n earl_n of_o pembroke_n and_o montgomery_n philip_z lord_z vis_fw-fr lisle_n philip_n jones_n esq_n bussey_n mansel_n edw_n thomas_n edward_n prichard_n john_n price_n rowland_n dawkins_n edward_n stradling_n john_n nicholas_n governor_n of_o chepstow_n john_n herbert_n john_n galer_n evan_n lewis_n john_n bowen_n henry_n morgan_n robert_n thomas_n jenkin_n franklen_n rice_n powel_n john_n daniel_n sir_n erasmus_n philip_n sir_n hugh_n owen_n james_n philips_n arthur_n owen_n sampson_z lort_z jenkin_n lloid_n james_n lewis_n esquire_n john_n lloid_n the_o vairdreff_a richard_n brewn_n hector_n philips_n rowland_n gthe_v abel_n griffiths_n griffith_n bowen_n david_n morgan_n edward_z game_n silvanus_n taylor_n esq_n john_n walsam_n john_n williams_n john_n dancy_n william_n jones_n william_n watkins_n thomas_n watkins_n david_n morgan_n gent._n and_o the_o say_a commissioner_n for_o the_o respective_a county_n aforesaid_a or_o any_o five_o or_o more_o of_o they_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o empower_v to_o call_v before_o they_o or_o any_o five_o of_o they_o any_o public_a preacher_n lecturer_n or_o other_o person_n former_o call_v parson_n vicar_n or_o curate_n settle_a or_o which_o hereafter_o shall_v be_v settle_v in_o any_o benefice_n common_o call_v a_o benefice_n with_o cure_n of_o soul_n or_o public_a lecture_n have_v any_o stipend_n or_o salary_n legal_o annex_v or_o belong_v thereunto_o and_o all_o and_o every_o schoolmaster_n who_o be_v or_o shall_v be_v ignorant_a scandalous_a insufficient_a or_o negligent_a in_o their_o several_a and_o respective_a place_n and_o shall_v and_o may_v receive_v all_o article_n or_o charge_n which_o shall_v be_v exhibit_v against_o they_o for_o ignorance_n insufficiency_n scandal_n in_o their_o life_n and_o conversation_n or_o negligence_n in_o their_o respective_a calling_n and_o place_n and_o proceed_v to_o examination_n and_o determination_n of_o such_o offence_n according_a to_o the_o rule_n and_o direction_n hereafter_o specify_v viz._n such_o minister_n and_o schoolmaster_n shall_v be_v deem_v and_o account_v scandalous_a in_o their_o life_n and_o conversation_n as_o shall_v be_v prove_v guilty_a of_o hold_v or_o maintain_v such_o blasphemous_a and_o atheistical_a opinion_n as_o be_v punishable_a by_o a_o act_n entitle_v a_o act_n against_o several_a atheistical_a blasphemous_a and_o execrable_a opinion_n deregatory_n to_o the_o honour_n of_o god_n and_o