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A true and fuller relation of the battell fought at Stovv in the VVould, March 21. 1645 Between the forces under Sir William Brereton, Coll: Morgan,- and the Lord Ashley. With a catalogue of the prisoners, &c. Sent by a gentleman of credit under Sir William Brereton to some Members of the honorable House of Commons, and by them desi red [sic] to be published.
R. S.
Wing S139; ESTC R219796
a_o true_a and_o full_a relation_n of_o the_o battle_n fight_v at_o stow_n in_o the_o will_v march_v 21._o 1645._o between_o the_o force_n under_o sir_n william_n brereton_n coll_n morgan_n and_o the_o lord_n ashley_n with_o a_o catalogue_n of_o the_o prisoner_n etc._n etc._n send_v by_o a_o gentleman_n of_o credit_n under_o sir_n william_n brereton_n to_o some_o member_n of_o the_o honourable_a house_n of_o commons_z and_o by_o they_o desi_fw-la red_a to_o be_v publish_v london_n print_v for_o tho_n vnderhill_n at_o the_o bible_n in_o woodstreet_n 1646._o honour_a gentleman_n according_a to_o my_o engagement_n i_o shall_v give_v you_o a_o account_n of_o the_o proceed_n of_o our_o force_n in_o reference_n to_o our_o great_a victory_n at_o stowe_n sir_n william_n brereton_n march_v with_o 1000_o horse_n from_o leychsield_n on_o tuesday_n march_v 17._o 1645._o to_o colshill_n and_o quarter_v there_o two_o night_n wait_v for_o intelligence_n from_o collorell_n morgan_n and_o have_v notice_n that_o he_o be_v come_v as_o fâr_v as_o stratford_n upon_o avon_n and_o on_o tuesday_n march_v 19_o in_o the_o morning_n sir_n william_n march_v from_o collhell_n through_o warwick_n town_n towards_o stratford_n his_o rendezvouz_n be_v within_o a_o mile_n of_o warwick_n that_o after_o noon_n sir_n william_n have_v intelligence_n that_o col._n morgan_n be_v return_v back_o as_o far_o as_o camden_n because_o that_o his_o intelligence_n be_v that_o the_o lord_n ashley_n have_v a_o bridge_n carry_v with_o he_o and_o be_v ready_a to_o go_v over_o the_o river_n to_o join_v with_o the_o king_n horse_n from_o oxford_n present_o after_o which_o sir_n william_n have_v intelligence_n that_o ashley_n be_v retreat_v back_o towards_o worster_n and_o bend_v his_o march_n towards_o leychsield_n whereupon_o sir_n william_n march_v back_o again_o towards_o bermingham_n to_o get_v between_o he_o and_o litchsield_n and_o take_v up_o his_o quarter_n 4._o mile_n from_o stratford_n at_o the_o lady_n smith_n house_n about_o eleven_o of_o the_o clock_n at_o night_n intelligence_n come_v to_o he_o that_o ashleys_n quarter_n be_v within_o 3._o mile_n whereupon_o not_o know_v whether_o his_o intention_n be_v for_o litchsield_n or_o oxford_n we_o rise_v and_o march_v away_o at_o one_o of_o the_o clock_n after_o midnight_n and_o come_v to_o a_o town_n call_v knoll_n towards_o bermingham_n friday_n morning_n march_v 20_o we_o have_v intelligence_n that_o ashley_n have_v lay_v his_o bridge_n and_o be_v pass_v over_o the_o river_n whereupon_o we_o have_v several_a messenger_n ââom_a colonel_n morgan_n that_o he_o will_v face_v they_o on_o camden_n hils_n while_o sir_n william_n march_v up_o and_o notwithstanding_o that_o we_o have_v march_v all_o the_o night_n before_o yet_o we_o march_v back_o again_o to_o stratford_n and_o come_v thither_o about_o the_o go_v down_o of_o the_o sun_n and_o present_o receive_v post_n from_o coll._n morgan_n that_o the_o enemy_n be_v within_o 3._o mile_n of_o he_o and_o that_o their_o forlorn_a hope_n be_v engage_v and_o if_o sir_n william_n make_v not_o have_v they_o will_v be_v go_v for_o he_o himself_o shall_v be_v too_o weak_a to_o engage_v all_o their_o force_n whereupon_o sir_n william_n give_v a_o strict_a command_n that_o none_o shall_v stay_v in_o stratford_n but_o all_o march_n away_o present_o notwithstanding_o the_o constant_a march_n before_o the_o bridge_n at_o stratford_n be_v pull_v down_o we_o can_v pass_v over_o but_o one_o at_o a_o time_n yet_o we_o make_v all_o the_o haste_n that_o possible_o we_o can_v and_o come_v to_o camden_n hill_n by_o 12._o 2_o clock_z that_o night_n colonel_n morgan_n with_o his_o party_n be_v advance_v by_o 11._o and_o still_o send_v post_n to_o sir_n william_n to_o follow_v and_o he_o will_v do_v what_o possible_o he_o can_v to_o engage_v ashley_n to_o stay_v sir_n william_n not_o delay_v any_o time_n but_o march_v as_o fast_o as_o possible_o may_v be_v desire_v he_o by_o constant_a post_n to_o engage_v the_o enemy_n if_o possible_o he_o can_v whilst_o he_o come_v up_o which_o he_o promise_v to_o do_v with_o all_o speed_n and_o between_o one_o and_o two_o on_o saturday_n morning_n after_o we_o have_v march_v backward_o and_o forward_o 30._o mile_n since_o friday_n morning_n we_o overtake_v col_n morgan_n and_o then_o be_v join_v do_v we_o march_v about_o a_o mile_n and_o by_o that_o time_n the_o scout_n bring_v word_n that_o the_o enemy_n be_v draw_v up_o into_o a_o body_n near_o stow_n in_o the_o old_a at_o which_o all_o our_o soldier_n rejoice_v be_v desirous_a to_o engage_v then_o we_o march_v the_o whole_a army_n in_o battalion_n and_o after_o we_o discover_v they_o stand_v in_o battalion_n we_o face_v they_o a_o hour_n before_o we_o fight_v both_o side_n wait_v for_o day_n light_n sir_n william_n and_o colonel_n morgan_n do_v agree_v without_o any_o difference_n in_o the_o draw_v up_o of_o the_o army_n which_o be_v order_v as_o follow_v sir_n william_n brereton_n lead_v the_o right_a wing_n of_o horse_n which_o be_v those_o that_o come_v with_o he_o from_o litchsield_n and_o the_o gloucestershire_n man_n we_o place_v in_o the_o left_a wing_n colonel_n morgan_n himself_o very_o gallant_o lead_v the_o van_n upon_o the_o first_o charge_v the_o enemy_n force_v the_o left_a wing_n to_o a_o disorderly_a retreat_n by_o overpowering_a of_o they_o so_o that_o to_o they_o it_o seem_v something_o doubtful_a but_o sir_n will_v brereton_n with_o our_o right_a wing_n of_o horse_n charge_v their_o left_a both_o of_o horse_n and_o foot_n and_o total_o rout_v they_o pursue_v they_o into_o stow_n kill_v and_o wound_v many_o in_o the_o town_n and_o the_o mean_a while_n our_o left_a wing_n rally_v our_o word_n be_v god_n be_v our_o guide_n the_o enemy_n word_n be_v patrick_n and_o george_n a_o list_n of_o the_o prisoner_n i_o have_v here_o enclose_v thus_o have_v i_o give_v you_o a_o account_n of_o the_o good_a hand_n of_o god_n with_o we_o to_o who_o belong_v all_o the_o glory_n i_o rest_v your_o humble_a servant_n r._n s._n from_o stratford_n upon_o aven_n march_v 23._o 1645._o a_o list_n of_o the_o commander_n and_o officer_n take_v in_o the_o battle_n at_o stow_n in_o the_o will_v march_v 21._o 1645._o lord_n ashley_n general_n collo_fw-la corbet_n collo_fw-la gerrard_n collo_fw-la mouldsworth_n lieut_n coll_n broughton_n major_a billingsley_n major_a harneage_n major_a salistone_n capt_n edw_n grey_n capt._n tho_o gibbert_n capt._n harrison_n capt._n peacock_n capt_n harris_n capt_n salman_n halston_n capt_n arding_n capt_n john_n bonner_n capt_n tho_n bonner_n capt_n josaâ_n sing_v capt_n hâtton_n capt_n geniger_n capt_n mathews_n capt_n davenport_n capt_n geâe_n wright_n capt_n potts_n capt_n smith_n reformad_a lieu_fw-fr hill_n lieut_n john_n hâbson_n lieu_fw-fr bâânswick_n lieut_n wââburton_n lieut_n geo_n faucott_n lieut_n hobman_n lieut_n benjamen_fw-la thornbury_n lieut_n fletcher_n lieut_n kirke_n lieut_n smith_n remormad_a lieut_n poole_n reformad_a lieut_n heart_o reformad_a lieut_n kely_a reformad_a lieut_n warham_n reformad_a capt_n lieut_n aston_n lieut_n edw_n baker_n cornet_n godfrey_n prese_n cor_n brooks_n cor_n roberts_n cor_n russell_n cor_n francis_n resk_v ens_fw-la blackburn_n ens_fw-la horton_n ens_fw-la dedluck_n ens_fw-la ellis_n ens_fw-la farmer_n ens_fw-la cleaver_n ens_fw-la avis_n ens_fw-la hobson_n ens_fw-la calbrook_n ens_fw-la broughton_n ens_fw-la mason_n john_n de_fw-fr ashfield_n clark_n alexander_n clegley_n chaplain_n to_o sir_n will_n vaughan_n edw_n barker_n martial_a general_n quartermaster_n stone_n quartermaster_n watts_n reformad_a robert_n weale_n chirurgeon_n rich_a aston_n servant_n to_o the_o lord_n ashley_n mr._n william_n quartermaster_n general_n coll_n egerton_n capt_n stanley_n 2_o lieut_n colonel_n common_a soldier_n 1630._o about_o 100_o slay_v 2000_o arm_n take_v take_a since_o by_o collo_fw-la fleetwood_n in_o the_o pursuit_n sir_n cha_fw-mi lucas_n and_o 100_o common_a soldier_n and_o trooper_n finis_fw-la