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lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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A58658 A proclamation for calling together the militia on this side of Tay, and the fencible men in some shires Edinburgh, the thirtieth day of March, 1689. Scotland. Parliament.; Gibson, Alexander, Sir, d. 1693. 1689 (1689) Wing S1323A; ESTC R38222 8,693 10

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a_o proclamation_n for_o call_v together_o the_o militia_n on_o this_o side_n of_o tay_n and_o the_o fencible_a man_n in_o some_o shire_n edinburgh_n the_o thirty_o day_n of_o march_n 1689._o the_o meeting_n of_o the_o estate_n of_o this_o kingdom_n take_v to_o their_o consideration_n that_o the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o the_o public_a peace_n of_o the_o kingdom_n be_v at_o this_o time_n in_o eminent_a danger_n the_o papist_n be_v in_o arm_n in_o great_a number_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o ireland_n &_o that_o there_o be_v just_a ground_n to_o apprehend_v and_o fear_v in_o case_n they_o prevail_v that_o they_o in_o conjunction_n with_o other_o enemy_n to_o our_o religion_n and_o peace_n may_v attempt_v to_o invade_v this_o kingdom_n and_o it_o be_v indispensable_o necessary_a that_o in_o this_o time_n of_o common_a danger_n the_o subject_n of_o this_o nation_n be_v put_v in_o a_o posture_n of_o defence_n for_o resist_v any_o foreign_a invasion_n and_o suppress_v any_o intestine_a commotion_n that_o may_v arise_v therefore_o the_o estate_n do_v command_n and_o require_v the_o militia_n horse_n and_o foot_n in_o the_o several_a shire_n aftermentioned_a according_a to_o the_o present_a establishment_n by_o law_n to_o repair_v to_o the_o place_n follow_v sufficient_o arm_v and_o provide_v and_o there_o to_o rendezvouz_n under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o respective_a colonel_n of_o foot_n and_o captain_n of_o horse_n after-named_n viz._n the_o militia_n regiment_n of_o the_o town_n of_o edinburgh_n at_o the_o link_n of_o leith_n upon_o the_o fifteen_o day_n of_o april_n next_o the_o militia_n regiment_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o edinburgh_n at_o currie_n moor_n and_o the_o militia_n troop_v of_o horse_n of_o the_o say_a shire_n at_o the_o link_n of_o leith_n the_o say_a day_n the_o militia_n regiment_n and_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o haddingtoun_n at_o beinstoun_n moor_n the_o say_a day_n the_o militia_n regiment_n and_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o berwick_n at_o creas_fw-la moor_n the_o say_a day_n the_o two_o regiment_n and_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o roxburgh_n and_o selkirk_n at_o lantoun-edge_n or_o moor_n the_o say_a day_n the_o regiment_n and_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o dumfreis_n at_o lockhar-bridge_n near_o the_o town_n of_o dumfreis_n the_o say_a day_n the_o militia_n troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o wigtoun_n at_o glenluce_n and_o the_o troop_n of_o the_o stewartry_n of_o kirkcudbright_n at_o carlinwork_n the_o say_a day_n the_o three_o militia_n troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o air_n as_o follow_v viz._n the_o troop_n for_o carrick_n at_o mayboll_n the_o troop_n for_o kyle_n at_o the_o town_n of_o air_n and_o the_o troop_n for_o cunninghame_n at_o irwine_n the_o say_a day_n the_o three_o militia_n troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o lanerk_n as_o follow_v viz._n the_o troop_n under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o hamilton_n at_o the_o town_n of_o hamiltoun_n the_o troop_n under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o marquis_n of_o dowglass_n at_o the_o town_n of_o lanerk_n and_o the_o troop_n under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o lord_n carmichael_n at_o glasgow_n the_o say_a day_n the_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o renfrew_n at_o renfrew_n moor_n the_o say_a day_n the_o militia_n regiment_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o argyle_n dumbarton_n and_o bute_n as_o follow_v viz._n these_o company_n outreiked_n by_o the_o shire_n of_o argyle_n at_o innerrary_a and_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o company_n of_o that_o regiment_n outreiked_n by_o the_o shire_n of_o dumbarton_n and_o bute_n at_o the_o town_n of_o dumbarton_n the_o say_a day_n the_o militia_n regiment_n and_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o strivil_v and_o clackmannan_n at_o brocks-brae_a the_o say_a day_n the_o militia_n regiment_n and_o troop_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o linlithgow_n and_o peebles_n as_o follow_v viz._n the_o troop_n of_o horse_n and_o these_o company_n of_o the_o regiment_n outreiked_n by_o the_o shire_n of_o linlithgow_n at_o the_o town_n of_o linlithgow_n and_o the_o company_n outreiked_n by_o the_o shire_n of_o peebles_n at_o the_o town_n of_o peebles_n the_o say_a day_n the_o western_a regiment_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o fife_n and_o kinross_n and_o the_o western_a troop_n thereof_o at_o dumfermling_n and_o the_o eastern_a regiment_n and_o eastern_a troop_n at_o cowper_n moor_n the_o say_a day_n the_o two_o regiment_n of_o foot_n and_o two_o troop_n of_o horse_n of_o the_o shire_n of_o perth_n at_o the_o town_n of_o perth_n the_o say_v fifteen_o day_n of_o april_n next_o and_o the_o meeting_n of_o the_o estate_n do_v nominat_fw-la and_o appoint_v the_o person_n after-named_n to_o be_v officer_n of_o the_o say_a militia_n regiment_n of_o foot_n and_o troop_n of_o horse_n viz._n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n of_o the_o town_n of_o edinburgh_n the_o provost_n of_o edinburgh_n for_o the_o time_n colonel_n baillie_n thomas_n hamilton_n lieutenent-collonel_n lieutenent-collonel_n lumsden_n of_o innergellie_n major_n archibald_n dumbar_n merchant_n james_n hart_n merchant_n robert_n wright_n william_n mitchell_n baxter_n for_o the_o cannongate_n and_o the_o baron-baillie_n of_o leith_n for_o leith_n captain_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o edinburgh_n sir_n john_n maitland_n colonel_n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n sir_n john_n clark_n of_o pennicook_n lieutenent-collonel_n lieutenent-collonel_n burnet_n of_o carlops_n major_n alexander_n gilmor_n of_o craig-miller_n sir_n john_n ramsay_n of_o white-hill_n the_o laird_n of_o leny_n young_a the_o laird_n of_o deuchar_n the_o laird_n of_o long-sauchtoun_a the_o laird_n of_o hermisheills_n the_o laird_n of_o murehouse_n young_a captain_n the_o earl_n of_o lothian_n captain_n of_o the_o militia_n troop_n the_o lord_n forrester_n lieutenent_n and_o the_o laird_n of_o woolmet_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o haddingtoun_n sir_n james_n hay_n of_o linplum_fw-la colonel_n of_o the_o regiment_n sir_n william_n baird_n lieutenent-collonel_n lieutenent-collonel_n halliburton_n of_o inchcairnie_n major_n major_n hepburn_n of_o bearford_n bearford_n durham_n of_o lufness_n lufness_n dowgall_n of_o nunland_n nunland_n brown_n of_o new-hall_n the_o laird_n of_o gilmertoun_n young_a and_o and_o of_o white-law_n captain_n andrew_n fletcher_n of_o saltoun_n captain_n of_o the_o troop_n of_o horse_n horse_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o berwick_n sir_n archbald_n cockburn_n of_o langien_n colonel_n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n john_n hume_n of_o ninewall_n lieutenent-collonel_n the_o laird_n of_o kimerghame_n kimerghame_n brown_n of_o thorne-dick_n george_n hume_n of_o st._n leonard_n leonard_n belshes_n younger_n of_o tofts_n tofts_n brown_n of_o black-burn_a black-burn_a trotter_n of_o ketle-sheil_a young_a and_o and_o hume_n of_o hundwood_n captain_n sir_n patrick_n hume_n of_o polwart_n captain_n of_o the_o troop_n of_o horse_n horse_n hume_n of_o west-reston_a lieutenent_n lieutenent_n mowat_n of_o falside_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o roxburgh_n and_o selkirk_n sir_n william_n ker_n of_o green-head_n colonel_n of_o the_o eastern_a regiment_n regiment_n bennet_n young_a of_o grubit_n captain_n of_o the_o eastern_a troop_n charles_n ker_n of_o redding_n lieutenent_n and_o andrew_n ker_n young_a of_o chatto_n cornet_n the_o lord_n newbotle_n colonel_n of_o the_o western_a regiment_n sir_n william_n douglas_n of_o cavers_n lieutenent-collonel_n george_n pringle_n young_a of_o torwoodlie_a major_n john_n scot_n of_o gilmor-seleugh_a young_a walter_n riddel_n of_o newhouse_n newhouse_n turnbul_n of_o stamhall_n james_n murray_n of_o sound_n hope_v hope_v veitch_n veitch_n ker_n of_o abotrule_n and_o the_o laird_n of_o torsonce_n captain_n sir_n francis_z scot_n of_o thirlstone_n captain_n of_o the_o western_a troop_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o dumfries_n the_o earl_n of_o annandale_n colonel_n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n sir_n patrick_n maxwel_o lieutenent_n colonel_n john_n johnston_n young_a of_o westerhall_n major_n the_o laird_n of_o howmains_n the_o laird_n of_o closburn_n young_a the_o laird_n of_o core-head_n elder_n the_o laird_n brakinside_o the_o laird_n of_o capinoch_n the_o laird_n of_o garnsalloch_n young_a and_o the_o laird_n of_o crawfordston_n captain_n the_o duke_n of_o queensberry_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o wigton_n the_o laird_n of_o logan_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n james_n agnew_n young_a of_o loch●aw_n lieutenent_n lieutenent_n gordon_n of_o craichlaw_n cornet_n in_o the_o stewartrie_n of_o kirk●udburgh_n the_o viscount_n of_o k●…mure_a captain_n of_o the_o troup_n the_o laird_n of_o rusco_n lieutenant_n and_o and_o murray_n of_o kellvens_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o air_n and_o bailliary_a of_o curri●…_n therein_o the_o lord_n barganie_fw-fr captain_n of_o the_o troup_n the_o laird_n of_o dunduff_n lie●…tenant_n and_o and_o montgomery_n of_o borland_n cornet_n in_o the_o bailliary_a ●…_n kyle_n the_o earl_n of_o dundonnald_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n the_o master_n of_o cathca●…_n lieutenant_n and_o and_o cornet_n in_o the_o bailliary_a of_o cunninghame_n t●…_n earl_n of_o eglington_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n the_o lord_n
montgomery_n lieutenan●…_n and_o and_o of_o col●field_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o lanerk_n the_o duke_n ●…_n hamilton_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n of_o the_o midle-ward_n the_o laird_n of_o raplo●…_n young_a lieutenant_n and_o and_o stuart_n of_o torrence_n young_a cornet_n t●…_n marquis_n of_o douglas_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n of_o the_o upper-ward_n upper-ward_n menzies_n of_o coulterraw_v young_a lieutenant_n and_o john_n bannantyne_n of_o crai●…mure_a cornet_n the_o lord_n carmichael_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n of_o the_o neithe●…_n ward_n the_o laird_n of_o cleghorn_n lieutenant_n and_o and_o hay_n of_o craignetha●…_n young_a cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o renfreu_n the_o earl_n of_o glencairn_n captain_n ●…_n the_o troup_n troup_n pollock_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi lieutenant_n lieutenant_n of_o glan●…derston_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o dumbarton_n argyle_n and_o bute_n the_o earl_n o●…_n argyle_n colonel_n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n regiment_n colquhoun_n of_o luss_n lieutenant_n colonel_n black_a alexander_n campbel_n major_n archibald_n campbe●…_n young_a of_o barbrek_n duncan_n campbel_n brother_n to_o mcconachie_n duncan_n campbel_n brother_n to_o kilberrie_n kilberrie_n buntin_n young_a of_o airdoch_n and_o and_o bannantine_n young_a of_o kayme_n captain_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o stirling_n and_o clackmannan_n the_o lord_n elphingston_n colonel_n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n the_o laird_n of_o polmais_n lieutenant_n colonel_n colonel_n of_o boquhen_n young_a major_n major_n of_o harbert-shire_n harbert-shire_n rollo_n of_o woodside_n woodside_n livingston_n of_o glentirran_n and_o and_o nicolson_n of_o tilliecultry_n captain_n and_o baillie_n james_n brown_n captain_n of_o the_o town_n of_o stirling_n company_n the_o laird_n of_o alva_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n sir_n alexander_n hope_v of_o carss_n lieutenent_n and_o and_o glass_n of_o sauchie_a cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o linlithgow_n and_o peebles_n the_o lord_n cardross_n colonel_n of_o the_o militia_n regiment_n the_o laird_n of_o riccarton-drummond_n lieutenent_n colonel_n the_o laird_n of_o livingston_n major_n thomas_n hamilton_n of_o boghead_n boghead_n lawson_n of_o cairnmure_n cairnmure_n russel_n of_o slipperfield_n and_o and_o veitch_n of_o glen_n captain_n the_o lord_n torphichen_n captain_n of_o the_o troup_n troup_n dickson_n of_o heartree_n lieutenent_n james_n hamilton_n of_o bangour_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o fife_n and_o kinross_n the_o earl_n of_o morton_n colonel_n of_o the_o west-regiment_n of_o foot_n foot_n douglas_n of_o strahenry_n lieutenent_n colonel_n alexander_n spital_n of_o lewchat_n major_n james_n skeen_n of_o grange_n grange_n aiton_n of_o inchdarnie_a inchdarnie_a of_o spenser-field_n spenser-field_n of_o lassoddie_n young_a and_o and_o orrack_n of_o baltrain_n captain_n sir_n charles_n halket_n captain_n of_o the_o western_a troup_n of_o horse_n horse_n monteith_n of_o randifoord_n lieutenent_n lieutenent_n cornet_n the_o master_n of_o burghlie_n colonel_n of_o the_o eastern_a regiment_n sir_n david_n arnot_n lieutenent_n colonel_n robert_n douglas_n of_o kirkness_n major_n major_n watson_n of_o athernie_n elder_n elder_n of_o balbirnie_n young_a young_a hay_n of_o naughton_n young_a young_a of_o banikie_n young_a and_o and_o aiton_n of_o kinnadie_n captain_n the_o master_n of_o melvil_n captain_n of_o the_o eastern_a troup_n of_o horse_n horse_n of_o auchter-marnie_a lieutenent_n lieutenent_n cornet_n in_o the_o shire_n of_o perth_n the_o marquis_n of_o athol_n colonel_n of_o the_o eastern_a regiment_n of_o foot_n former_o command_v by_o he_o the_o earl_n of_o breadalbine_n lieutenent_n colonel_n james_n ramsay_n of_o ba●…ff_n major_n major_n the_o lord_n rollo_n captain_n of_o the_o eastern_a troop_n the_o lord_n ruthven_n colonel_n of_o the_o western_a regiment_n former_o command_v by_o the_o earl_n of_o perth_n the_o laird_n of_o weyme_n young_a lieutenent_n colonel_n robert_n stuart_n of_o arvordlich_n major_n major_n drummond_n of_o comrie_n comrie_n lindsay_n of_o evelick_n the_o laird_n of_o leys_n leys_n oliphant_n of_o condie_n and_o and_o ure_n of_o shirgartoun_n captain_n the_o laird_n of_o glenegy_n captain_n of_o the_o troop_n in_o the_o western_a part_n of_o the_o shire_n shire_n hume_n of_o argitie_n leiutenent_n leiutenent_n cornet_n and_o ordain_v the_o said_n colonel_n of_o foot_n and_o captain_n of_o horse_n to_o take_v upon_o they_o the_o command_n of_o the_o say_n regiment_n and_o troop_n respectiuè_fw-la with_o power_n to_o the_o colonel_n to_o name_v their_o own_o major_n where_o they_o be_v not_o name_v by_o this_o act_n or_o be_v name_v shall_v not_o accept_v and_o that_o both_o colonel_n and_o captain_n of_o horse_n have_v the_o same_o power_n of_o nominate_v their_o inferior_a officer_n not_o name_v by_o this_o act_n which_o be_v grant_v to_o they_o by_o act_n and_o instruction_n of_o the_o privy_a council_n and_o it_o be_v hereby_o declare_v that_o all_o these_o person_n who_o be_v hereby_o nominate_v officer_n of_o the_o militia_n albeit_o they_o shall_v decline_v to_o accept_v yet_o they_o shall_v be_v hold_v to_o bring_v together_o to_o the_o foresay_a place_n of_o rendezvouz_n these_o appoint_a to_o be_v under_o their_o command_n and_o that_o they_o shall_v also_o be_v liable_a to_o the_o penalty_n appoint_v by_o law_n for_o their_o refuse_v to_o accept_v and_o the_o estate_n do_v ordain_v the_o colonel_n of_o foot_n and_o captain_n of_o horse_n respectiuè_fw-fr or_o in_o their_o absence_n the_o next_o command_v officer_n to_o keep_v together_o the_o space_n of_o six_o day_n the_o say_v regiment_n and_o troop_n when_o they_o shall_v rendezvouz_n at_o the_o foresay_a place_n and_o during_o that_o time_n to_o exercise_n they_o and_o then_o to_o dismiss_v they_o they_o be_v always_o in_o readiness_n upon_o advertisement_n from_o the_o colonel_n of_o foot_n or_o captain_n of_o horse_n or_o the_o next_o command_v officer_n to_o come_v together_o again_o to_o the_o say_n respective_a place_n of_o rendezvouz_n with_o twenty_o day_n provision_n and_o either_o to_o continue_v there_o for_o the_o space_n of_o twenty_o day_n or_o to_o march_v else_o where_o within_o the_o kingdom_n as_o they_o shall_v receive_v order_n from_o the_o say_a officer_n and_o it_o be_v hereby_o declare_v that_o the_o absent_v from_o the_o rendezvouz_n in_o this_o juncture_n shall_v be_v hold_v as_o absent_v from_o the_o host_n and_o proceed_v against_o according_o and_o to_o the_o end_n that_o the_o militia_n may_v be_v make_v the_o more_o effectual_a the_o estate_n do_v nominat_fw-la and_o appoint_v the_o person_n aftername_v to_o be_v commissioner_n for_o order_v the_o militia_n in_o the_o several_a shire_n with_o the_o colonel_n lieutenant_n colonel_n major_n and_o captain_n of_o foot_n and_o the_o captain_n leiutenant_n and_o cornet_n of_o horse_n viz._n for_o the_o shire_n of_o edinburgh_n the_o viscount_n of_o tarbet_n sir_n john_n baird_n of_o newbyth_n sir_n james_n foulis_n of_o collingtoun_n sir_n james_n richardson_n of_o smeitoun_n sir_n william_n murray_n sir_n mark_n carss_n sir_n robert_n baird_n the_o laird_n of_o arnistoun_n the_o laird_n of_o riccartoun_n craig_n the_o laird_n of_o pumpherstoun_n mr._n david_n dunmure_n of_o curriehill_n and_o mr._n william_n dowglas_n of_o baad_n the_o duchess_n of_o buckcleughs_n baillie_n of_o the_o regality_n of_o dalkeith_n for_o the_o time_n and_o the_o duchess_n of_o lauderdale_n her_o baillie_n for_o dudingstoun_n for_o the_o time_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o haddingtoun_n the_o lord_n yester_n the_o lord_n belhaven_n the_o laird_n of_o stevinstoun_n the_o laird_n of_o ormistoun_n the_o laird_n of_o lamingtoun_n the_o laird_n of_o prestongrange_n prestongrange_n hepburn_n of_o beinstoun_n robert_n hamilton_n of_o presmenan_n david_n hepburn_n of_o humbie_n sir_n john_n lawder_n of_o fountain-hall_n fountain-hall_n hamilton_n of_o nynwar_n sir_n john_n hall_n of_o dunglass_n dunglass_n hepburn_n of_o smeiton_n sir_n patrick_n hepburn_n of_o blackcastle_n blackcastle_n sydserf_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi and_o the_o duchess_n of_o lauderdale_n her_o baillie_n for_o leidingtoun_n sir_n john_n baird_n of_o newbyth_n sir_n john_n sinclar_n of_o lochend_n the_o laird_n of_o gosford_n the_o laird_n of_o dirltoun_n the_o laird_n of_o ruchlaw_n ruchlaw_n murray_n of_o spot_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o berwick_n the_o lord_n harcar_n the_o lord_n mersingtoun_n sir_n james_n don_n of_o newtoun_n sir_n robert_n stuart_n of_o allanbank_n sir_n patrick_n hume_n of_o lumsden_n the_o laird_n of_o lambertoun_n the_o laird_n of_o moristoun_n the_o laird_n of_o idingtoun_n the_o laird_n of_o toast_n patrick_n wardlaw_n of_o berriehaugh_n james_n hume_n of_o flass_n william_n hume_n of_o greenlaw-castle_n john_n watson_n of_o jardenfield_n sir_n john_n hall_n of_o auldcambus_n pringle_n of_o greenknow_n mr._n james_n daes_n of_o coldingknow_v george_n hume_n of_o bassindene_n and_o john_n hume_z young_a of_o newtoun_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o roxburgh_n and_o selkirk_n the_o lord_n jedburgh_n sir_n william_n elliot_n of_o stobbs_n sir_n john_n scot_n of_o ancrum_n sir_n william_n scot_n young_a of_o harden_n
george_n pringle_n of_o torwoodlie_n sir_n patrick_n scot_n young_a of_o ancrum_n sir_n william_n bennet_n of_o grubet_n the_o laird_n of_o chatto_n the_o laird_n of_o cliftoun_n the_o laird_n of_o raeburn_n the_o laird_n of_o smelholm_n smelholm_n ker_n of_o littledean_n alexander_n don_n of_o rutherford_n the_o laird_n of_o hadden_n the_o laird_n of_o gallowsheils_n the_o laird_n of_o midlested_n midlested_n elliot_n of_o midlamiln_n the_o laird_n of_o mckerstoun_n elder_a and_o young_a the_o laird_n of_o stitchhill_n elder_a and_o young_a young_a of_o frogden_n frogden_n of_o horsliehill_n horsliehill_n of_o blackhill_n the_o duchess_n of_o buckcleugh_n her_o chamberlain_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o roxburgh_n his_o chamberlain_n for_o the_o time_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o dumfreis_n the_o lord_n drumlanrig_v the_o laird_n of_o craigdarroch_n sir_n robert_n lawrie_n of_o maxweltoun_n sir_n james_n johnston_n of_o westerhall_n the_o laird_n of_o carnselloch_n elder_n the_o laird_n of_o eccles_n eccles_n johnstoun_n young_a of_o lockerbie_n lockerbie_n murray_n of_o drumcreiff_n young_a william_n johnston_n of_o grantoun_n andrew_n johnston_n of_o newtoun_n the_o laird_n of_o ramerskail_n the_o laird_n of_o dormount_n william_n dowglas_n of_o dornock_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o wigtoun_n sir_n andrew_n agnew_n of_o lochnaw_n sir_n john_n dalrymple_n william_n mcdowgal_n of_o garthland_n sir_n william_n maxwell_n of_o monreith_n john_n vaus_n of_o barnbaroth_n the_o laird_n of_o mochrum_n the_o laird_n of_o castle-stewart_n sir_n charles_n hay_o the_o laird_n of_o seuchan_n the_o laird_n of_o dunsky_n james_n dalrymple_n of_o dunragat_n for_o the_o stewartry_n of_o kirkcudbright_n alexander_n gordon_n of_o earlstoun_n roger_n gordon_n of_o troquhen_n patrick_n murdoch_n of_o cumlodan_n edward_n maxwell_n of_o hill_n david_n mcculloch_n of_o ardwell_n robert_n brown_n of_o corslouth_n andrew_n herron_n of_o kinauchtree_n william_n gordon_n of_o craig_n john_n ewart_n of_o mullock_n samuel_n maxwell_n of_o newlay_n john_n mackie_n of_o palgown_n john_n neilson_n of_o corsack_n alexander_n brown_n of_o kempletoun_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o air_n in_o the_o bailliarie_n of_o carrict_a the_o laird_n of_o cairltoun_n john_n mack-alexander_n young_a of_o drummochrie_n quintine_n kennedy_n elder_a of_o drumellan_n drumellan_n boyd_n of_o trochrig_n fergus_n mackgibbon_n of_o knockdollian_n thomas_n kennedy_n of_o grange_n alexander_n ferguson_n of_o kilkerran_n john_n whiteford_n of_o blairquhan_n james_n crawford_n of_o newwark_a quintine_a macilvain_n of_o grimnet_n mr._n john_n ferguson_n of_o barclauchanan_n for_o the_o bailliarie_n of_o kyle_n the_o lord_n crichton_n the_o laird_n of_o cesnock_n william_n cochran_n of_o ochiltrie_n ochiltrie_n fairlie_n of_o burntfield_n burntfield_n fullerton_n of_o corsbie_n corsbie_n of_o adamtoun_n elder_a and_o young_a young_a mcalexander_n of_o boghall_n boghall_n farquhar_n of_o gilmerscroft_n gilmerscroft_n logan_n of_o logan_n logan_n chalmers_n of_o polquharn_n mungo_n campbel_n young_a of_o nether-place_n david_n crawford_n of_o drumsowie_n david_n crawford_n of_o barquharrie_n charles_n cunninghame_n of_o drongan_n drongan_n cathcart_n of_o drumton_n mr._n david_n cunninghame_n of_o milcraig_n john_n reid_n young_a of_o ballach-myle_n david_n crawford_n of_o carss_n david_n boswell_n of_o auchinleck_n mr._n john_n boswell_n william_n cunninghame_n of_o brown-hill_n and_o william_n campbel_n of_o skelden_n for_o the_o bailliarie_n of_o cunninghame_n the_o laird_n of_o blair_n sir_n james_n montgomery_n of_o skelmorlie_n skelmorlie_n crawford_n of_o kilbirnie_n kilbirnie_n mure_n of_o rowallan_n rowallan_n cunninghame_n of_o cunninghame-head_n cunninghame-head_n hamilton_n of_o grange_n mr._n francis_n montgomery_n major_a hugh_n buntine_n buntine_n crawford_n of_o ferguson_n sir_n alexander_n cunninghame_n of_o corshill_n corshill_n cunningham_n of_o aiket_n aiket_n crawford_n of_o crawford-land_n and_o hugh_n stevinson_n of_o mont-greenan_a for_o the_o shire_n of_o lanerk_n the_o earl_n of_o forfar_n the_o laird_n of_o lamingtoun_n sir_n daniel_n carmichael_n the_o laird_n of_o westshiel_n westshiel_n lockhart_n of_o kirktoun_n kirktoun_n baillie_n of_o jerviswood_n jerviswood_n hamilton_n of_o aikenhead_n sir_n william_n maxwell_n of_o calderwood_n calderwood_n muirhead_n of_o bradisholm_n bradisholm_n stuart_n of_o allantoun_n hamilton_n of_o barncluith_n stuart_n of_o cultness_n sir_n william_n lockhart_n of_o carstair_n sir_n john_n carmichael_n of_o bonningtoun_n sir_n william_n fleming_n of_o fairme_a mr._n john_n kincaid_n of_o crossbasket_n crossbasket_n hamilton_n of_o westburn_n the_o laird_n of_o dalziel_n alexander_n cleland_n of_o clelandtoun_n george_n muirhead_n of_o stevinstoun_n sir_n john_n harper_n of_o cambusnethan_n the_o laird_n of_o lee_n lee_n stuart_n of_o hartwood_n hartwood_n cochran_n of_o rochsoll_n rochsoll_n hamilton_n of_o airdrie_n airdrie_n hamilton_n of_o halcraig_n young_a william_n baillie_n of_o hardingtoun_n james_n lockhart_n of_o annistoun_n annistoun_n stark_n of_o anchinvoll_n william_n cleland_n of_o hairshaw_n william_n hamilton_n of_o wishaw_n james_n young_a of_o netherfield_n the_o laird_n of_o walstoun_n young_a and_o william_n lawrie_n of_o blakwood_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o renfrew_n the_o lord_n ross_n the_o lord_n blantyre_n blantyre_n shaw_n young_a of_o greenock_n sir_n archibald_n stuart_n of_o blackhall_n sir_n patrick_n houstoun_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi ilk_fw-mi cunninghame_n young_a of_o craigens_n craigens_n maxwell_n of_o pollock_n pollock_n fleeming_n of_o borochen_n borochen_n of_o fulwood_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o dumbartoun_n dumbartoun_n cochran_n of_o kilmaronock_n archibald_n archibald_n of_o ardincaple_n alexander_n gartshore_o of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi ilk_fw-mi hamilton_n of_o barn_n william_n colquhoun_n of_o craigtoun_n andrew_n colquhoun_n of_o garscadden_n john_n carmichael_n chamberlain_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o wigtoun_n james_n hamilton_n of_o hutchestoun_n nicol_n buntine_n of_o airdoch_n and_o william_n stirling_n of_o law._n for_o the_o shire_n of_o bute_n bute_n bannatine_n of_o kayme_v elder_a master_n john_n stuart_n of_o escog_n for_o arran_n the_o baillie_n of_o arran_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o argyle_n sir_n duncan_n campbel_n of_o auchinbreck_n auchinbreck_n campbel_n of_o barbreck_n barbreck_n of_o craigneish_n lord_n neil_n campbel_n campbel_n campbel_n of_o lochnell_n lochnell_n campbel_n of_o mcconachie_n sir_n colin_n campbell_n of_o ardkinless_a ardkinless_a of_o strahur_n the_o laird_n of_o lamond_n lamond_n campbel_n elder_n of_o allangreg_n allangreg_n campbel_n captain_n of_o carrick_n carrick_n campbel_n of_o skipnage_n skipnage_n campbel_n of_o glencarradel_n dougal_n campbel_n of_o glensaddel_n colin_n campbel_n of_o blythswood_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o strivil_v and_o clackmannan_n the_o earl_n of_o marr_n the_o viscount_n of_o tarbet_n the_o lord_n cardross_n the_o laird_n of_o houstoun_n the_o laird_n of_o wood-head_n the_o laird_n of_o bardowie_a the_o laird_n of_o culcreuch_n the_o laird_n of_o ballendalloch_n the_o laird_n of_o touch_n alexander_n monro_n of_o bear-croft_n the_o laird_n of_o powes_n the_o laird_n of_o quarrel_n the_o laird_n of_o gargunnock_n the_o laird_n of_o clackmannan_n john_n keirie_n of_o gogar_n the_o laird_n of_o westquarter_n the_o the_o laird_n of_o tillibody_n francis_n mastertoun_n of_o parkmiln_a for_o the_o shire_n of_o linlithgow_n the_o laird_n of_o dundass_n dundass_n dundass_n of_o manner_n manner_n dundass_n of_o dudingstoun_n mr._n william_n dundass_v of_o kincaule_n john_n hamilton_n of_o dechmont_n walter_n cornwall_n of_o bonhard_n bonhard_n sharp_n of_o houstoun_n houstoun_n monteeth_n of_o aldcathie_n sir_n william_n hope_v hope_v hamilton_n of_o binnie_n binnie_n cochran_n of_o barbachlaw_n barbachlaw_n of_o balbairdie_a balbairdie_a of_o polkennet_n the_o laird_n of_o craigiehall_n robert_n anstruther_n of_o wrae_n alexander_n hamilton_n baillie_n of_o strabrock_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o peebles_n james_n earl_n of_o mortoun_n lieutenent-general_n dowglass_n of_o skirling_n william_n hay_n of_o drumelzier_n sir_n archibald_n murray_n of_o blackbarrony_n sir_n william_n murray_n of_o stenhope_n david_n murray_n young_a of_o stenhope_n richard_n murray_n of_o spitlehaugh_n james_n geddes_n of_o kirkurd_n william_n morison_n of_o prestoungrange_n john_n hay_n of_o hay_o stoun_n stoun_n burnet_n of_o barn_n james_n williamson_n of_o cardrono_n jo._n brown_n of_o scotstoun_n jo._n dickson_n of_o whitslay_v whitslay_v hunter_n of_o polmude_n david_n plenderleith_n of_o blyth_n william_n burnet_n of_o kailzie_n alex_n horsburgh_n young_a of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi james_n nasmith_n of_o posso_fw-it alexander_n murray_n of_o hall-myre_n john_n murray_n of_o cringltie_n john_n balfour_n of_o kailzie_n sheriff-depute_a robert_n burnet_n of_o little-ormistoun_a alexander_n baillie_n of_o callens_n alexander_n hamilton_n of_o cold-coat_n james_n chisholm_n of_o hayhope_n hayhope_n pennicook_n of_o romanno_n william_n younger_n elder_n portioner_n of_o lintoun_n for_o the_o shire_n of_o fife_n and_o kinross_n the_o earl_n of_o crawford_n the_o earl_n of_o levin_n the_o lord_n melvil_n sir_n philip_n anstruther_n anstruther_n hay_n of_o nauchtoun_n mr._n archibald_n hope_v of_o rankeillor_n rankeillor_n of_o reddie_n elder_n elder_n auchmoutie_a of_o lawhill_n william_n anstruther_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi john_n dempster_n of_o pitliver_n pitliver_n of_o