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lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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A52937 A catalogue of the names of all His Majesties justices of the peace in commission in the several counties throughout England and Wales, according to the late alterations to which is added, the names of all those formerly in commission, now left out : carefully collected from the respective commissions of each county / by S.N. Esquire. S. N., Esquire. 1680 (1680) Wing N67; ESTC R5883 25,258 39

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a_o catalogue_n of_o the_o name_n of_o all_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o peace_n in_o commission_n in_o the_o several_a county_n throughout_o england_n and_o wales_n according_a to_o the_o late_a alteration_n to_o which_o be_v add_v the_o name_n of_o all_o those_o former_o in_o commission_n now_o leave_v out_o careful_o collect_v from_o the_o respective_a commission_n of_o each_o county_n by_o s._n n._n esquire_n pu_o blish_v for_o general_a satisfaction_n london_n print_v for_o w._n davies_n 1680._o advertisement_n to_o the_o reader_n the_o reader_n be_v desire_v to_o take_v notice_n first_o that_o the_o several_a county_n in_o england_n be_v alphabetical_o place_v and_o then_o wales_n afterward_o in_o like_a order_n and_o that_o the_o nobleman_n and_o other_o who_o by_o virtue_n of_o their_o dignity_n and_o employment_n be_v justice_n of_o the_o peace_n throughout_o england_n and_o wales_n be_v mention_v but_o once_o in_o this_o catalogue_n though_o they_o be_v insert_v in_o each_o particular_a commission_n and_o for_o the_o reader_n ease_v be_v place_v at_o the_o beginning_n under_o their_o several_a office_n by_o virtue_n of_o which_o they_o be_v so_o qualify_v second_o that_o those_o name_n that_o have_v this_o mark_v *_o before_o they_o be_v such_o as_o be_v not_o of_o the_o quorum_fw-la three_o that_o richard_n earl_n of_o carberry_n stand_v in_o all_o the_o commission_n for_o wales_n as_o also_o his_o majesty_n atturney-general_n for_o the_o principality_n and_o therefore_o name_v only_o in_o anglesey_n and_o by_o judge_n or_o justice_n of_o the_o great_a session_n be_v mean_v their_o judge_n of_o assize_n that_o be_v the_o term_n use_v for_o the_o judge_n there_o except_o for_o three_o county_n viz._n denbigh_n flint_n and_o merion_v which_o be_v in_o the_o circuit_n pertinent_a to_o the_o judge_n of_o chester_n last_o that_o the_o several_a justice_n of_o the_o peace_n in_o city_n and_o town_n corporate_a be_v omit_v because_o they_o be_v general_o appoint_v by_o charter_n and_o not_o liable_a to_o alteration_n a_o catalove_n of_o all_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o peace_n for_o the_o county_n of_o england_n &_o wales_n according_a to_o the_o late_a alteration_n his_o highness_n prince_n rupert_n duke_n of_o bavaria_n and_o cumberland_n constable_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o windsor_n and_o high_a steward_n of_o the_o burrow_n of_o new-windsor_n william_n lord_z archbishop_z of_o canterbury_n lord_n primate_n of_o all_o england_n heneage_n lord_n finch_n lord_n high-chancellor_n of_o england_n john_n earl_n of_o radnor_n lord_n precedent_n of_o his_o majesty_n most_o honourable_a privy-council_n arthur_n earl_n of_o anglesey_n lord_n privy_a seal_n christopher_n duke_n of_o abemarle_n james_n duke_n of_o monmouth_n henry_n duke_n of_o newcastle_n john_n duke_n of_o lauderdail_n james_n duke_n of_o ormond_n lord_n steward_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n charles_n marquess_z of_o winchester_n henry_n marquess_z of_o worcester_z lord_n precedent_n of_o wales_n robert_n earl_n of_o lindsey_n lord_n high_a chamberlain_n of_o england_n henry_n earl_n of_o arlington_n lord_n chamberlain_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n james_n earl_n of_o salisbury_n john_n earl_n of_o bridgewater_n robert_n earl_n of_o sunderland_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n principal_a secretary_n of_o state_n arthur_n earl_n of_o essex_n john_n earl_n of_o bath_n henry_n earl_n of_o clarendon_n george_n earl_n of_o hallifax_n thomas_n earl_n of_o ossory_n thomas_n viscount_n fawconberge_n henry_n lord_z bishop_n of_o london_n lawrence_z hide_v esq_n henry_n coventry_n esq_n sir_n francis_n north_n kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n john_n earnley_n kt._n chancellor_n and_o vndertreasurer_n of_o his_o majesty_n exchequer_n sir_n thomas_n chicheley_n kt._n sir_n william_n temple_n bar._n edward_n seymour_n esq_n daniel_n finch_n esq_n sir_n leoline_n jenkyns_n kt._n another_o of_o his_o majesty_n principal_a secretary_n of_o state_n sidney_n godolphin_n esq_n the_o attorney_n and_o solicitor_n general_n bedford_n anthony_n earl_n of_o kent_n william_n earl_n of_o bedford_n oliver_z earl_n of_o bullingbrooke_n henry_n earl_n of_o peterborough_n robert_n earl_n of_o aylesbury_n william_n lord_n russell_n thomas_n lord_n leigh_n charles_n leigh_n esq_n sir_n william_n scroggs_n kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n richard_n weston_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n baron_n of_o the_o court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n john_n napier_n bar._n sir_n anthony_n chester_n bar._n sir_n rowland_n alston_n bar._n sir_n humphrey_n winch_n bar._n sir_n john_n osborne_n bar._n sir_n john_n cotton_n bar._n sir_n john_n burgogne_n bar._n sir_n st._n john_n charnock_n bar._n sir_n william_n palmer_n the_o elder_a kt._n *_o clement_n armiger_n *_o sir_n george_n blundel_n kt._n sir_n francis_n wingate_n kt._n sir_n john_n keyling_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n william_n foster_n doctor_n of_o law_n st._n john_n thompson_n stephen_n anderson_n william_n duncombe_n william_n boteler_n *_o william_n spencer_n francis_n crawley_n thomas_n browne_n george_n abbot_n villers_n charnock_n *_o thomas_n snagg_n john_n ventrice_n samuel_n bedford_n thomas_n dockwray_v william_n danyell_n christopher_n temple_n edmond_n gardener_n william_n astrey_n john_n cokaine_n *_o william_n farrer_n thomas_n palmer_n tho._n bromsall_n of_o biggleswaide_v james_n astry_n esquire_n berkshire_n william_n earl_n of_o craven_n henry_n earl_n of_o sterling_n seth_n bishop_n of_o salisbury_n sir_n henry_n fane_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n william_n ellys_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n knight_n another_z of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o same_o court_n george_n porter_n esq_n sir_n humphrey_n forester_n bar._n sir_n john_n stonehouse_n bar._n sir_n henry_n henn_n bar._n sir_n caesar_n colclough_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n draper_n bar._n sir_n anthony_n craven_a knight_n and_o bar._n sir_n william_n kenrick_n bar._n sir_n robert_n sawyer_n knight_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n council_n learn_v in_o the_o law_n sir_n william_n armorer_n kt._n sir_n robert_n pie_n kt._n sir_n william_n craven_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n doleman_n kt._n sir_n richard_n harrison_n kt._n thomas_n holt_n sergeant_n at_o law_n richard_n holloway_n sergeant_n at_o law_n edmond_n fettiplace_n esq_n henry_n barker_n esq_n clerk_n of_o the_o crown_n in_o chancery_n richard_n aldsworth_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n auditor_n of_o the_o exchequer_n robert_n packer_n john_n blagrave_n *_o roger_n draper_n thomas_n staples_n john_n kingsmill_n thomas_n vachell_n john_n dean_n francis_n pygott_n humphrey_n hide_v john_n house_n john_n whitwick_n edward_n keate_n *_o william_n nelson_n thomas_n fettiplace_n charles_n garard_n thomas_n medlicott_n richard_z libb_z valentine_z crome_n *_o john_n finch_n john_n powney_n john_n hippesley_n john_n whitfield_n esquire_n buckinghamshire_n charles_n earl_n of_o carnarvan_n james_z lord_z bishop_n of_o worcester_z 2._o john_n lord_n brackley_n 1._o sir_n william_n scroggs_n kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n richard_n weston_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n sir_n anthony_n chester_n bar._n sir_n richard_n anderson_n bar._n sir_n humphrey_n wynch_n bar._n sir_n ralph_n verney_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n richard_n temple_n bar._n sir_n john_n barlacye_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n tyrrell_n bar._n *_o sir_n william_n smith_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n lee_n bar._n sir_n denis_n hampson_n bar._n sir_n william_n terringham_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n george_n jefforeys_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o king_n majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n and_o recorder_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n sir_n john_n trevor_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n council_n learn_v in_o the_o law_n sir_n robert_n crook_n kt._n sir_n peter_n tyrrell_n kt._n sir_n edward_n smyth_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n clayton_n kt._n sir_n john_n busbie_n kt._n *_o sir_n caesar_n wood_n late_a cranmer_n kt._n martin_n lluellin_n doctor_n in_o physic_n *_o robert_n lovett_n charles_n cheney_n *_o brett_n norton_n *_o thomas_n hackett_n *_o edmond_n west_n thomas_n farrer_n of_o ailesbury_n bernard_n turney_n *_o john_n clerk_n thomas_n sanders_n of_o haddenham_n edward_n backwell_n edward_n baldwin_n edmond_n west_n the_o young_a *_o william_n fleetwood_n john_n rifley_n william_n adderley_n john_n green_n of_o hambleton_n edward_n lee_n edmond_n waller_n george_n evelyn_n alexander_n denton_n william_n busbie_n thomas_n piggott_n robert_n hart_n thomas_n waller_n of_o gregory_n george_n russel_n william_n cheyne_n james_n tyrrell_n edward_n bate_n thomas_n berringer_n esquire_n cambridgeshire_n william_n earl_n of_o bedford_n james_n earl_n of_o suffolk_n james_z lord_z bishop_n of_o worcester_z william_n lord_n maynard_n controller_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n richard_n lord_n gorges_n william_n lord_n allinton_n constable_n of_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n
john_n tregonwell_n of_o anderton_n george_n savage_n john_n mitchel_n robert_n naper_n george_n rives_n anthony_n etherick_n robert_n culliford_n robert_n seymour_n thomas_n baynard_n william_n thomas_n john_n churchill_n william_n floyer_n henry_n whitacre_n john_n harding_n of_o wooton_n glanvil_n *_o richard_n newman_n henry_n constantine_n william_n strode_n thomas_n chafe_v robert_n oxenborrough_n of_o piddle-trent-hide_a *_o henry_n butler_n thomas_n earl_n hugh_n hodges_n john_n rives_n of_o fif-head_n neoil_n edward_n st._n lowe_n *_o robert_n williams_z of_o herringstone_n thomas_n chaffin_n john_n still_o george_n pitt_n william_n ellesdon_n rich._n brodupp_n esquire_n durham_n nathaniel_n bish_n of_o durham_n charles_n earl_n of_o carlisle_z thomas_n bishop_n of_o litchfield_n &_o coventry_n guido_n bishop_n of_o chester_n sir_n william_n dolben_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o kings-bench_n sir_n edward_n atkins_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n dionysius_n grinvill_n doctor_n of_o divinity_n archd._n of_o durham_n sir_n john_n otway_n one_o of_o the_o ks._n learned_a counsel_n at_o law_n chancellor_n temporal_a of_o the_o county_n palatine_n of_o durh._n &_o sadberg_n john_n sudbury_n dr._n of_o divinity_n dean_n of_o durham_n sir_n christopher_n conyers_n bar._n sir_n ralph_n cole_n bar._n sir_n james_n clavering_n bar._n sir_n robert_n eden_n bar._n *_o sir_n joseph_n cradock_n bar._n sir_n robert_n shaftoe_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n richard_n lloyd_n chancellor_n spiritual_a of_o durham_n robert_n dormer_n esq_n att._n gen._n of_o durham_n and_o sadberg_n john_n tempest_n nicholas_n conyers_n henry_n lambton_n john_n parkhurst_n humphrey_n wharton_n william_n blakiston_n john_n hedworth_n ralph_n davison_n cuthbert_n car_n william_n strother_n thomas_n cradock_n henry_n liddell_n thomas_n fetherstonhagh_n john_n foster_n the_o mayor_n of_o durham_n for_o the_o time_n be_v ellis_n cooper_n william_n bowes_n john_n morland_n william_n christian_n christopher_n sanderson_n *_o george_n morland_n robert_n berley_n john_n jenkins_n isaac_n basiere_n nathaniel_n johnson_n john_n bagshawe_n the_o mayor_n of_o stockton_n for_o the_o time_n be_v william_n orde_n james_n wallas_n miles_n stapylton_n esquire_n isle_n of_o ely_n peter_n bishop_n of_o ely_n sir_n william_n scroggs_n kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o kings-bench_n sir_n richard_n weston_n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n sir_n william_n thursby_n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o isle_n of_o ely_n sir_n lionel_n walden_n kt._n john_n spencer_n dean_n of_o ely_n will._n holder_n dr._n in_o divinity_n laurence_n woomack_n dr._n of_o divinity_n william_n colvile_n *_o thomas_n steward_n charles_n wrenn_n william_n wren_n robert_n hampson_n robert_n wright_n henry_n his_fw-mi dr._n of_o law_n william_n crook_n dr._n of_o law_n francis_n bell_n roger_n jennings_n richard_n read_v thomas_n edwards_n hugh_n underwood_n charles_n porter_n *_o william_n march_v *_o peter_n dymond_n john_n fincham_n lionel_n walden_n *_o william_n balam_n *_o milo_n march_n *_o ralph_n pemberton_n *_o robert_n swain_n samuel_n fortrey_n esquire_n essex_n awbrey_n earl_n of_o oxford_n james_n earl_n of_o suffolk_n thomas_n earl_n of_o rivers_n william_n viscount_n brounker_n thomas_n lord_n morley_n william_n lord_n maynard_n controuller_n of_o the_o king_n household_n sir_n william_n scroggs_n kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o kings-bench_n sir_n harbottle_n grimstone_n bar._n mr._n of_o the_o roll_n in_o chancery_n william_n montague_n chief_a baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n richard_n barrett_n esq_n sir_n william_n appleton_n bar._n sir_n william_n hicks_n bar._n sir_n andrew_n genner_n bar._n sir_n william_n wiseman_n bar._n sir_n tho._n abdye_o kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n will._n wiseman_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n benjamin_n wright_n bar._n sir_n gervase_n elwes_n bar._n sir_n edward_n smith_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n middleton_n bar._n sir_n philip_n mathewes_n bar._n sir_n tho._n allen_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n brampston_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n george_n jefferies_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n jo._n howell_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n thomas_n smith_n kt._n sir_n richard_n wiseman_n kt._n sir_n edward_n turner_n kt._n sir_n edward_n farmer_n kt._n sir_n robert_n clayton_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n darcye_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n fanshawe_n kt._n sir_n william_n hickes_n kt._n sir_n william_n glascock_n kt._n sir_n george_n waterman_n kt._n sir_n john_n shaw_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n john_n earnley_n kt._n sir_n henry_n fitzjames_n kt._n sir_n richard_n pigott_n kt._n sir_n john_n chicheley_n kt._n sir_n william_n holcroft_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n exton_n his_o majesty_n advocate_n general_n sir_n richard_n everard_n the_o young_a kt._n sir_n john_n tippetts_n kt._n sir_n richard_n haddock_n kt._n sir_n anthony_n deane_n kt._n sir_n john_n peake_n kt._n sir_n richard_n beach_n kt._n sir_n marmaduke_n guyon_n kt._n fran._n brampston_n serg._n at_o law_n trist_n conyers_n serg._n at_o law_n thomas_n cheek_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n john_n wroth_a *_o cuthbert_n martin_n william_n maynard_n *_o thomas_n luther_n peter_n soames_n john_n turner_n of_o walden_n john_n symonds_n henry_n wollaston_n francis_n mildmay_n john_n meade_n samuel_n pepys_n robert_n bateman_n james_n southern_a thomas_n hayter_n william_n mott_n nathaniel_n laurence_n george_n dashwood_n thomas_n turner_n william_n gore_n *_o will._n glascok_n of_o famham_n john_n martial_n samuel_n hare_n alexander_n prescott_n ralph_n crafield_n henry_n wright_n thomas_n roberts_n thomas_n colman_n esquire_n thomas_n milburne_n thomas_n dawtrey_n richard_n stain_v thomas_n bowes_n william_n pert_n *_o robert_n bateman_n *_o richard_n ballett_n john_n tendring_n william_n scroggs_n richard_n godbolt_n esquire_n gloucestershire_n richard_z earl_n of_o carberry_n charles_n lord_n berkley_n sir_n francis_n fane_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n will._n ellis_n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o common_a pleas._n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common-plea_n sir_n job_n charleton_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n bainham_n throgmorton_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n henry_n frederick_n thynne_n bar._n sir_n john_n newton_n bar._n sir_n william_n juxon_n bar._n sir_n william_n keyse_fw-mi bar._n sir_n clement_n clarke_n bar._n sir_n robert_n cann_n bar._n sir_n richard_n cox_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n arden_n prise_n bar._n sir_n john_n guise_n bar._n sir_n edward_n bray_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n stevens_n kt._n sir_n gabriel_n lloyd_n kt._n sir_n robert_z southwell_z kt._n sir_n thomas_n howes_n kt._n sir_n robert_n atkins_n the_o young_a kt._n sir_n john_n earnley_n the_o young_a kt._n sir_n duncomb_n colchester_n kt._n sir_n fleetwood_n dormer_n kt._n thomas_n rawlins_n sergeant_n at_o law_n samuel_n astry_n coroner_n and_o his_o majesty_n attorney_n thomas_n stephens_n edward_n rich_a tho._n thynne_n de_fw-fr cause_n castle_n john_n how_o thomas_n master_n john_n smith_z nicholas_n veal_n william_n stratford_n henry_n poll_n miles_n sanders_n thomas_n smith_n thomas_n estronet_n william_n morgan_n richard_z bough_o edward_n cook_n thomas_n cutler_n robert_n pleidwell_n george_n raymond_n henry_n norwood_n *_o henry_n browne_n christopher_n cole_n thomas_n chester_n poole_n pauncefoote_a philip_n sheppard_n michael_n rutter_n charles_n winter_n *_o john_n guise_n *_o herbert_n westfal_v john_n meredith_n william_n player_n *_o william_n wall_n john_n powell_n abraham_n clerk_n *_o john_n winter_n john_n fitzherbert_n robert_n coddrington_n william_n savage_n william_n bourchier_n *_o richard_n doudswell_n esquire_n herefordshire_n richard_z earl_n of_o carberry_n john_n viscount_n scudamore_n herbert_n bishop_n of_o hereford_n sir_n william_n ellis_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common-plea_n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common-plea_n sir_n bainham_n throckmorton_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n kirle_n sir_n john_n scudamore_n bar._n sir_n john_n powell_n alias_o hinson_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n morgan_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n hoskyns_n bar._n one_o of_o the_o master_n of_o chancery_n sir_n edward_n harley_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n herbert_n perrott_n kt._n sir_n john_n payne_n kt._n sir_n john_n barnaby_n kt._n sir_n john_n barnaby_n kt._n sir_n timothy_n baldryn_n kt._n dr._n of_o law_n another_o master_n of_o chancery_n wallop_v brabazon_n herbert_n awbrey_n john_n scudamore_n thomas_n prise_n *_o thomas_n cock_n john_n skipp_n richard_n hopton_n humphrey_n cornwall_n thomas_n harley_n herbert_n westfal_v edward_n jones_n robert_n dodd_n of_o foxley_n richard_n williams_n richard_z reed_n *_o john_n barnaby_n esquire_n *_o francis_n unett_n uvedall_n tompkyn_n *_o edward_n cornwall_n *_o humphrey_n baskervile_n john_n booth_n of_o hereford_n *_o john_n nurse_n robert_n pie_n james_n pitts_n thomas_n duppa_n bristock_n hertford_n francis_n pember_n thomas_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr hay_o thomas_n seeres_z edward_z lloyd_n richard_n guillim_n younger_n cook_n
john_n dutton_n colt_n marshal_n bridges_n james_n lloyd_n herbert_n malter_v *_o robert_n cornwall_n tho._n coningsby_n de_fw-fr hampton_n *_o william_n lamb_n george_n skipp_n john_n darimall_n martin_n sands_n of_o cradley_n esquire_n hertford_n john_n lord_n brackley_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o laneaster_n sir_n harbottle_n grimston_n bar._n master_n of_o the_o roll_n in_o chancery_n sir_n william_n montague_n chief_a baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n henry_n guy_n esq_n sir_n henry_n mounson_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n richard_n speneer_n bar._n sir_n richard_n anderson_n bar._n sir_n richard_n franklin_n bar._n sir_n philip_n mathewes_n bar._n sir_n robert_n joselyn_n bar._n sir_n benjamin_n maddox_n bar._n sir_n john_n parson_n bar._n sir_n philip_n boteler_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n john_n gore_n kt._n sir_n francis_n boteler_n kt._n *_o sir_n henry_n coningsby_n kt._n *_o sir_n john_n watts_n kt._n sir_n humphrey_n gore_n kt._n sir_n william_n glascock_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n bide_v kt._n *_o sir_n ralph_n ratcliff_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n dacres_n kt._n sir_n francis_n leigh_n kt._n sir_n william_n litton_n kt._n sir_n philip_n lloyd_n kt._n thomas_n arrid_a dr._n of_o physic_n matthew_n bluck_n henry_n mounson_n william_n parkins_n edward_n atkins_n richard_n harrison_n ralph_n freeman_n richard_n gulston_n thomas_n dockwra_n robert_n ashton_n william_n hale_v edward_n chester_n *_o thomas_n weedon_n thomas_n lewis_n edward_n wingate_n william_n newce_n *_o richard_n crofts_n philip_n mitchell_n william_n gore_n james_n willymott_n thomas_n halsey_n james_n goulston_n henry_n chamey_n the_o young_a joshuah_n gallard_n *_o thomas_n atkins_n william_n allen_n *_o alexander_n weld_n will._n hutchinson_n esquire_n huntingdon_n robert_n earl_n of_o manchester_n edward_n earl_n of_o sandwich_n edward_n lord_n montague_n of_o boughton_n sir_n francis_n compton_n kt._n george_n montague_n esq_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n william_n scroggs_n kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o kings-bench_n sir_n richard_n weston_n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n john_n cotton_n bar._n sir_n john_n hewitt_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n proly_n bar._n sir_n nicholas_n pedley_n kt._n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n lionel_n walden_n kt._n john_n stone_n *_o stephen_n anderson_n robert_n aprice_n *_o john_n deane_n *_o john_n dryden_n castle_n sherrard_n *_o anthony_n hammond_n richard_n naylor_n charles_n caesar_n nicholas_n johnson_n john_n ferrar_n anthony_n south_n john_n bigg_n john_n trice_n esquire_n kent_n heneage_n earl_n of_o winchelsea_n lewis_n earl_n of_o feversham_n charles_n earl_n of_o macclesfield_n philip_n viscount_n brounker_n john_n bishop_n of_o rochester_n thomas_n lord_n culpepper_n james_n lord_n astley_n sir_n vere_n fane_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n william_n montague_n chief_a baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n thomas_n twisden_n knight_n and_o baronet_n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n thomas_n hardress_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o king_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n thomas_n peyton_n sir_n william_n twisden_n sir_n edward_n hales_n sir_n henry_n palmer_n sir_n edward_n dering_n sir_n thomas_n stiles_n baronet_n sir_n norton_n kuchbull_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n john_n tufton_n sir_n john_n reney_n sir_n john_n austin_n baronet_n sir_n john_n cutler_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n humphrey_n miller_n sir_n john_n banks_n baronet_n sir_n john_n masham_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n robert_n barnham_n baronet_n sir_n theophilus_n bideulph_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n thomas_n peer_n baronet_n sir_n john_n shaw_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n william_n honywood_n baronet_n sir_n william_n swain_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n thomas_n culpepper_n the_o elder_a sir_n john_n bruice_n sir_n richard_n meredith_n baronet_n sir_n anthony_n auchier_n sir_n thomas_n allen_n knight_n and_o baronet_n sir_n john_n werdon_n sir_n richard_n head_n sir_n henry_n oxinden_n baronet_n sir_n george_n jefferies_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o king_n sergeant_n at_o law_n and_o chief_a justice_n of_o chester_n sir_n john_n heath_n knight_n his_o majesty_n attorney_n general_n for_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n john_n howel_n knight_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n philip_n howard_n sir_n thomas_n ingham_n the_o young_a sir_n francis_n clarke_n sir_n philip_n watwick_n sir_n john_n henden_fw-ge sir_n thomas_n scott_n *_o sir_n arnold_n brahmes_n sir_n edward_n master_n knight_n sir_n william_n boreman_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o olerk_n of_o the_o green-cloth_n sir_n henry_n bosvile_n sir_n john_n ernley_n *_o sir_n william_n hooker_n sir_n george_n curteys_n sir_n john_n chichley_n sir_n john_n barrough_n sir_n james_n oxenden_n sir_n charles_n bickerstaffe_n sir_n philip_n honywood_n sir_n edward_n bakhurst_n sir_n john_n tippetts_n sir_n richard_n haddock_n sir_n anthony_n deane_n sir_n richard_n beach_n sir_n edward_n dering_n of_o duddington_n knight_n john_n parker_n esq_n sergeant_n at_o law_n john_n tillotson_n doctor_n of_o divinity_n and_o dean_n of_o canterbury_n thomas_n cheek_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n john_n knatchbull_n john_n boy_n of_o fredrill_n roger_n twisden_n stephen_n leonard_n george_n newman_n esquire_n john_n strode_n lientenant_n of_o dover_n thomas_n fane_n james_n brockman_n *_o henry_n gilborne_n samuel_n boy_n george_n polhill_n philip_n parker_n charles_n amherst_n *_o thomas_n culpepper_n of_o bedgebury_n richard_n duke_n thomas_n fludd_n the_o elder_a william_n rook_n paul_n barrett_n edward_n take_v william_n campion_n samuel_n pepys_n james_n master_n *_o william_n hamond_n henry_n sandys_n *_o william_n dyke_n richard_n hulse_n james_n master_n of_o yoke_n richard_n manley_n thomas_n chiffin_n thomas_n hayter_n james_n southern_a richard_n wilkinson_n *_o richard_n marsh_n edward_n hales_n de_fw-fr tunstall_n thomas_n brewer_n *_o henry_n parker_n thomas_n frewen_n esquire_n william_n kingsley_n herbert_n randolph_n edward_n manning_n george_n bowerman_n walter_n bream_n of_o dover_n thomas_n english_a thomas_n hooper_n william_n lambert_n thomas_n pesley_n cresheld_n draper_n *_o francis_n farnaby_n philip_n warwick_n *_o thomas_n take_v *_o william_n maddox_n *_o john_n wilkinson_n roger_n payne_n worthy_a whorwood_n archibald_n clinckard_n john_n godwin_n thomas_n gomeldon_n edward_n diggs_n thomas_n manley_n *_o gratian_n lynch_n john_n smith_n william_n boys_z *_o thomas_n southouse_n *_o edward_n bathurst_n *_o edward_n steed_n edward_n nutt_n edward_n roberts_n *_o zouch_v brockman_n charles_n wheeler_n *_o edward_n king_n *_o william_n webb_n *_o nicholas_n simpson_n *_o joseph_n roberts_n of_o estre_fw-fr *_o gideon_n de_fw-fr lawn_n *_o john_n kayton_n *_o john_n sherman_n esquire_n leicestershire_n john_n earl_n of_o rosell_n william_n earl_n of_o denbigh_n thomas_n viscount_n sword_n robert_n lord_n ferrer_n bennet_n lord_n sherrard_n john_n grey_a esq_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n knight_n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n george_n villers_n sir_n woolsten_n dixy_n sir_n henry_n hudson_n sir_n henry_n beaumont_n sir_n clement_n clarke_n baronet_n sir_n william_n hartopp_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n dolman_n kt._n sir_n edward_n abrey_n kt._n sir_n william_n halford_n kt._n *_o richard_n lister_n beaumont_n dixy_n thomas_n merry_n john_n dela_n fountain_n george_n fount_n william_n skeffington_n *_o william_n hartopp_n richard_n verney_n *_o william_n street_n thomas_n babington_n william_n cox_n *_o william_n boothby_n thomas_n pochin_n john_n stafford_n alexander_n halsall_n *_o samuel_n cotton_n *_o casibilon_n burton_n *_o john_n duckett_n *_o thomas_n caldercott_n edward_n arnold_n *_o henry_n bigland_n henry_n kendal_n thomas_n staveley_n richard_n roberts_n jeremiah_n dove_n christopher_n pack_v of_o prestwould_n george_n hewet_n esquire_n george_n bright_a dr._n of_o divinity_n lincolne-kesteven_n george_n viscount_n castleton_n sir_n francis_n fane_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n charles_n bertie_n esq_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n richard_n bertie_n esq_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n thomas_n hussey_n bar._n sir_n john_n mounson_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n robert_n markham_n sir_n john_n brownlowe_v sir_n william_n thorold_n sir_n william_n ellis_n sir_n lewis_n palmer_n sir_n john_n newton_n sir_n richard_n rothwell_n *_o sir_n richard_n cust_n baronet_n sir_n henry_n heron_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n thomas_n mecres_fw-la sir_n christopher_n clapham_n sir_n edward_n turner_n sir_n thomas_n skipwith_n knight_n sir_n charles_n dymock_n kt._n sir_n christopher_n nevil_n kt._n william_n york_n william_n trollop_n richard_n pell_n charles_n fox_n
sir_n william_n scroggs_n kt._n chief_a justice_n etc._n etc._n sir_n richard_n weston_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n etc._n etc._n sir_n thomas_n hatton_n bar._n sir_n john_n cotton_n bar._n sir_n henry_n pickering_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n sclater_n bar._n sir_n lewinus_fw-la bennett_n bar._n sir_n george_n downing_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n robert_n cotton_n kt._n the_o vicechancellor_n of_o the_o university_n of_o cambridge_n for_o the_o time_n be_v john_n north_n doctor_n of_o divinity_n thomas_n watson_n doctor_n of_o divinity_n george_n chamberlayne_n dr._n in_o divinity_n william_n cook_n dr._n of_o law_n edward_n stoyte_n dr._n in_o physic_n william_n soames_n jefferey_n nightingale_n john_n millecent_a *_o humphrey_n gardner_n gerrard_n russell_n charles_n baron_n hugh_n underwood_n john_n hagar_n thomas_n duckett_n the_o young_a thomas_n archer_n *_o samuel_n fortrey_n robert_n wright_n *_o william_n layer_n samuel_n clerk_n *_o mildmay_n dowman_n william_n mainston_n *_o tirrel_n dalton_n philip_n cotton_n john_n bennett_n *_o devereux_n martin_n *_o thomas_n buck_n esquire_n cheshire_n william_n henry_n george_n earl_n of_o derby_n thomas_n earl_n of_o rivers_n richard_z earl_n of_o carberry_n charles_n earl_n of_o macclesfield_n robert_n viscount_n kelles_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n george_n jeffory_v kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n and_o chief_a justice_n of_o chester_n george_n johnson_n esq_n the_o other_o judge_n of_o chester_n sir_n thomas_n wilbraham_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n delves_n bar._n sir_n richard_n grosvenor_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n powell_n bar._n sir_n willoughby_n aston_n bar._n sir_n robert_n leicester_n bar._n sir_n henry_n brooke_n bar._n sir_n peter_z pindar_z bar._n sir_n richard_n brooke_n bar._n sir_n philip_n egerton_n kt._n sir_n robert_n cotton_n kt._n sir_n john_n arderne_a kt._n sir_n peter_n brooke_n kt._n sir_n jeffry_n shackerley_n kt._n sir_n kenrick_n eyton_n kt._n kenrick_n eyton_n the_o young_a esq_n his_o majesty_n attorney_n general_n for_o the_o say_a county_n henry_n bunbury_n richard_n leigh_n john_n crew_n of_o crew_n george_n vernon_n thomas_n leigh_n of_o adlington_n thomas_n cholmondeley_n of_o vale_n royal_a edward_z warren_n henry_n leigh_n of_o highleigh_n edward_n leigh_n of_o baggeley_n nathaniel_n booth_n robert_n pickering_n *_o william_n lawton_n *_o william_n barmston_n john_n warren_n *_o john_n ward_n of_o capiston_n peter_n wilbraham_n anthony_n eyre_n *_o richard_n masey_n lestwich_n oldfield_n edward_n bromley_n *_o john_n leech_n john_n dodd_n of_o broxham_n edward_n davies_n edward_n minshall_n of_o stoake_n *_o john_n daniel_n of_o darsbury_n *_o william_n davenporte_n of_o bramhall_n thomas_n ashton_n of_o ashley_n esquire_n cornwall_n robert_n viscount_n bodmin_n richard_n lord_n arundel_n of_o trerise_n hender_n robart_n esq_n francis_n robart_n esq_n john_n arundel_n of_o trerise_n esq_n john_n maynard_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n jonathan_n trelawney_n bar._n sir_n viol._n vivian_n bar._n sir_n william_n godolphin_n bar._n sir_n john_n coryton_n bar._n sir_n nicholas_n slane_v kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n st._n aubin_n bar._n sir_n richard_n edgecombe_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n james_n smith_n kt._n sir_n peter_n killigrew_n kt._n sir_n joseph_n tredinham_n kt._n sir_n boucher_n wray_n kt._n sir_n john_n molesworth_n kt._n sir_n hugh_n piper_n kt._n john_n st._n aubin_n john_n trelawney_n william_n godolphin_n charles_n trevanion_n *_o jonathan_n rashley_n arthur_n spy_n edmond_n prideaux_n nicholas_n glynne_n william_n scawen_n john_n vivian_n thomas_n dorrell_n william_n mohun_n *_o john_n nichols_n john_n connock_n william_n silly_n *_o christopher_n billot_n thomas_n maddon_n samuel_n enys_n *_o hugh_n jones_n joseph_n soul_n nicholas_n courtney_n his_o majesty_n attorney_n general_n for_o the_o duchy_n of_o cornwall_n john_n cotton_n richard_n hoblin_n humphrey_n langford_n *_o jonathan_n trelawney_n of_o coldrenick_n william_n arscott_n walter_n vincent_n esquire_n cumberland_n charles_n earl_n of_o carlisle_n edward_z lord_z bishop_n of_o carlisle_n edward_n lord_n morpeth_n philip_z lord_z wharton_z sir_n william_n dolben_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o kings-bench_n sir_n edward_n atkyns_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n sir_n richard_n musgrave_n of_o ednal_n bar._n sir_n richard_n graham_n bar._n sir_n william_n dalston_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n lowther_n of_o whithaven_n bar._n sir_n william_n pennington_n bar._n sir_n richard_n musgrave_n bar._n sir_n wilfrid_n lawson_n kt._n sir_n christopher_n musgrave_n kt._n sir_n john_n ballantyne_n kt._n john_n lamplugh_n william_n musgrave_n richard_n lamplugh_n henry_n dacre_n thomas_n denton_n miles_n pennington_n william_n blennerhassett_n john_n eghonby_n ferdinand_n huddleston_n richard_n tolson_n leonard_n dykes_n henry_n foster_n andrew_n huddleston_n the_o young_a william_n orpheur_n edward_n standley_n anthony_n hutton_n thomas_n warwick_n edward_n hassell_n of_o braithwaite_n richard_n patrickson_n *_o henry_n brougham_n *_o thomas_n dalston_n christopher_n richmond_n esquire_n derby_n john_n earl_n of_o rutland_n william_n earl_n of_o devonshire_n philip_n earl_n of_o chesterfield_n nicholas_n earl_n of_o scarsdale_n john_n lord_n freschevile_n robert_n lord_n davencourt_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n thomas_n griseley_n bar._n sir_n john_n harper_n bar._n sir_n henry_n everey_n bar._n sir_n john_n gell_n bar._n sir_n william_n boothby_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n robert_n coke_n bar._n sir_n samuel_n sleigh_n kt._n sir_n edward_n abney_n kt._n sir_n simon_n degg_n kt._n sir_n nicholas_n willymott_n kt._n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n robert_n harding_n kt._n john_n ferrer_n german_a pole_n john_n everey_n robert_n coke_n william_n fitz-herbert_a henry_n millward_n robert_n eyre_n thomas_n eyre_n alexander_n stanhope_n *_o henry_n gilbert_n edward_n vernon_n henry_n cavendish_n francis_n barker_n thomas_n gladwin_n john_n lowe_n robert_n ashton_n francis_n burton_n esquire_n devonshire_n arthur_n earl_n of_o donnagal_n tho._n l._n bishop_n of_o exeter_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n etc._n etc._n sir_n thomas_n jones_n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o etc._n etc._n sir_n john_n maynard_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n edward_n seymour_n bar._n sir_n peter_n prideaux_n bar._n sir_n courtney_n poole_n bar._n sir_n coppleston_n bampfield_n bar._n sir_n arthur_n northcott_n bar._n sir_n john_n davy_n bar._n sir_n nicholas_n slane_v kt._n &_o bar._n sir_n henry_n helena_n bar._n sir_n peter_n fortescue_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n put_v bar._n sir_n hugh_n ackland_n bar._n *_o sir_n john_n rolle_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n richard_n edgecombe_n sir_n henry_n vane_n sir_n simon_n leach_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n henry_n carew_n kt._n sir_n hugh_n pyper_n kt._n sir_n thomas_n carew_n kt._n sir_n william_n waldrond_v kt._n sir_n henry_n ford_z kt._n sir_n william_n bastard_z kt._n sir_n thomas_n bury_n kt._n george_n carey_n dr._n of_o divinity_n peter_n prideaux_n john_n northcott_n samuel_n rolle_n josiah_n calmady_n john_n chichester_n of_o hall_n francis_n fulwood_n john_n courtney_n *_o john_n basset_z thomas_n draw_v *_o john_n willoughby_n richard_n strode_n *_o henry_n worth_a richard_n coffing_n *_o john_n giffard_n *_o walter_n tuckfield_n william_n bruton_n *_o leonard_n yeo_n of_o hench_a william_n stawellour_n *_o edward_n lovett_n *_o henry_n northley_n *_o henry_n walter_n *_o arthur_n tremaine_n matthew_n tele_n edmond_n walrond_n john_n davy_n of_o canont_v william_n bogan_n sebastian_n isaac_n rawlin_fw-ge mallock_n john_n drake_n of_o ivy_n bridge_n john_n clotworthy_n gedeon_n haydon_n *_o samuel_n st._n hill_n *_o nicholas_n courtney_n his_o majesty_n atturney-general_n for_o the_o duchy_n of_o cornwall_n richard_n hillersden_n *_o thomas_n walker_n *_o hugh_n stafford_n bartholomew_n gidley_n roger_n pomeroy_n john_n quick_n george_n cary_n *_o john_n hoare_n *_o john_n spark_n *_o gilbert_n yard_n *_o john_n bear_v *_o roger_n tuckfield_n the_o young_a william_n bragg_n john_n davy_n of_o ruxford_n *_o gilbert_n burrington_n *_o edward_n yard_n *_o henry_n blackeller_n john_n bluet_n *_o arthur_n ackland_n john_n harris_n *_o philip_n champernoone_n john_n kelland_n jun._n esquire_n dorset_n john_n earl_n of_o bristol_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n etc._n etc._n sir_n thomas_n jones_n kt._n etc._n etc._n sir_n john_n maynard_n kt._n etc._n etc._n sir_n william_n portman_n bar._n sir_n nathaniel_n nappier_n bar._n sir_n george_n strode_n kt._n sir_n winston_n churchill_n kt._n thomas_n strangewaies_o thomas_n freeke_n robert_n coker_n george_n fulford_n james_n long_o thomas_n browne_n william_n okeden_n nathaniel_n higmore_n doctor_n in_o physic_n
*_o robert_n pierpoynt_n erasmus_n deligne_v esquire_n william_n howel_n dr._n of_o law_n thomas_n harrington_n *_o john_n sanders_n st._n leger_n scroop_n of_o louth_n *_o william_n savile_n edward_n payne_n redmaine_n burrell_n william_n hide_v lister_n tigh_a christopher_n bereford_n edward_n webb_n william_n lyster_n thomas_n farmer_n esquire_n samuel_n fuller_n bachelor_n of_o divinity_n lincolne-lindsey_n george_n viscount_n castleton_n bennet_n lord_n sherrard_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n knight_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n john_n mounson_n kt._n and_o bar._n *_o sir_n philip_n tirwhitt_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n hussey_n bar._n sir_n william_n hickman_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n meeres_n kt._n sir_n william_n wentworth_n kt._n sir_n charles_n dymock_n kt._n sir_n edward_n aiscough_n kt._n michael_n honnywood_n dean_n of_o lincoln_n anthony_n irby_n *_o stephen_n anderson_n william_n fitz_n williams_n michael_n lister_n charles_n pelham_n *_o thomas_n hatcher_n william_n broxholme_n *_o john_n booth_n william_n marwood_n esquire_n william_n howell_n dr._n of_o law_n henry_n mounson_n george_n heaby_n marmaduke_n dorell_n john_n boswell_n george_n long_o francis_n purley_n st._n leger_n scroop_n nicholas_n smith_n william_n godfrey_n vincent_n grantham_n *_o robert_n sand_n *_o dory_n stanhope_n esquire_n *_o james_n gardner_n dr._n of_o divinity_n samuel_n fuller_n bachelor_n of_o divinity_n lincolne-holland_n george_n viscount_n castleton_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n john_n mounson_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n newton_n bar._n sir_n richard_n cust_n bar._n sir_n henry_n heron_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n thomas_n skipwith_n kt._n sir_n william_n york_n kt._n michael_n honywood_n dean_n of_o lincoln_n anthony_n irby_n esq_n *_o william_n hyde_n esq_n john_n empson_n esq_n william_n howell_n dr._n of_o law_n edward_n stourton_n dr._n in_o physic_n henry_n burrell_n daniel_n rhodes_n adlord_n welbye_n cornelius_n hall_n of_o donnington_n walter_n johnson_n st._n leger_n scroop_n de_fw-fr louth_n *_o edward_n syler_n james_n baldwar_n esquire_n middlesex_n henry_n marquis_n of_o dorchester_n william_n earl_n of_o bedford_n charles_n earl_n of_o carlisle_z henry_n earl_n of_o peterborough_n henry_n earl_n of_o clarendon_n william_n earl_n of_o craven_n richard_z earl_n of_o burlington_n lewis_n earl_n of_o feversham_n charles_n earl_n of_o mansfield_n george_n earl_n of_o berkley_n richard_z earl_n of_o ranalagh_n baptist_n viscount_n campden_n francis_n viscount_n newport_n treasurer_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n william_n viscount_n brounker_n william_n lord_n maynard_n comptroller_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n charles_n lord_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr warr._n william_n lord_n pagett_n henry_n lord_n colraine_n george_n montague_n charles_n bertie_n john_n russell_n esquire_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n joseph_n williamson_n kt._n sir_n william_n scrogg's_o kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n harbottle_n grimstone_n baronet_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n in_o chancery_n william_n montague_n chief_a baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o cammon_n pleas._n sir_n william_n ellis_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n thomas_n jones_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n william_n dolben_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n edward_n atkins_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n richard_n weston_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n job_n charleton_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n henry_n brounker_n edward_n pr●gers_n henry_n bulkley_n charles_n killigrew_n esquire_n sir_n willi●m_n hicks_n bar._n sir_n francis_n gerard_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n thomas_n littleton_n bar._n sir_n john_n maynard_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n william_n bowyer_n sir_n john_n lowther_n sir_n joseph_n ashe_n sir_n edward_n dering_n sir_n william_n hickman_n barovet_n sir_n john_n cutler_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n reginald_n forster_n bar._n sir_n john_n banks_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n thomas_n orby_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n william_n roberts_n sir_n thomas_n woolstenholme_n sir_n william_n smith_n sir_n philip_n mathewes_n sir_n john_n parson_n sir_n john_n werden_n baronet_n sir_n thomas_n allen_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n brampston_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n john_n bennet_n knight_n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n thomas_n stringer_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n edmund_n wyndham_n kt._n marshal_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n sir_n james_n butler_n kt._n another_o of_o the_o king_n be_v learned_a counsel_n at_o law_n and_o attorney_n general_n to_o the_o queen_n most_o excellent_a majesty_n sir_n george_n jefferys_n knight_n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n and_o chief_a justice_n of_o chester_n anthony_n st._n leger_n charles_n lee_n william_n palmer_n thomas_n allen_n allen_n apsley_n john_n talbot_n john_n howel_n sergeant_n at_o law_n esquire_n sir_n william_n powltney_n sir_n philip_n howard_n sir_n james_n smith_n sir_n thomas_n bide_v knight_n sir_n thomas_n estcocort_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o master_n of_o chancery_n sir_n john_n churchill_n knight_n and_o baronet_n another_o of_o his_o majesty_n learned_a counsel_n at_o law_n sir_n thomas_n chamber_n sir_n stephen_n fox_n sir_n william_n boreman_n sir_n robert_n hanson_n sir_n winston_n churchill_n sir_n richard_n mason_n sir_n george_n charnock_n sir_n robert_n southwell_n sir_n john_n chichley_n sir_n william_n walter_n sir_n john_n murstas_n sir_n christopher_n musgrave_n sir_n thomas_n foster_n sir_n john_n baber_n sir_n philip_n lloyd_n sir_n john_n elwaies_o sir_n john_n ernley_n sir_n clement_n armiger_n sir_n john_n bowles_n sir_n john_n james_n sir_n thomas_n geary_n sir_n thomas_n bridge_v sir_n richard_n mountney_n sir_n thomas_n estcourt_n the_o young_a sir_n john_n chichley_n knight_n sir_n christopher_n wren_n kt._n overseer_n of_o his_o majesty_n work_n sir_n john_n tippetts_n sir_n john_n berry_n sir_n richard_n haddock_n sir_n anthony_n deane_n sir_n charles_n pitfield_n sir_n richard_n beach_n sir_n francis_n watson_n knight_n sir_n thomas_n fitch_n kt._n sir_n william_n goulston_n kt._n sir_n richard_n deerham_n kt._n thomas_n cheek_n esq_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n george_n pitt_n charles_n cheney_n francis_n crawley_n henry_n barker_n clerk_n of_o the_o crown_n of_o the_o court_n of_o chancery_n of_o england_n matthew_n bluck_n john_n wilkinson_n john_n phipps_n one_o of_o the_o auditor_n of_o his_o majesty_n exchequer_n richard_n lightfoot_n edward_n rich_a james_n southern_a roger_n jennings_n samuel_n pepys_n william_n rosewell_n nicholas_n rainton_n ralph_n hawtrey_n george_n dashwood_n thomas_n rowe_n thomas_n robinson_n humphrey_n wyrley_n john_n carey_n thomas_n povey_n william_n bridgeman_n james_n clitheroe_n simon_n parry_n *_o john_n hawtry_n edmund_n warcupp_n *_o henry_n hawley_n james_n dewy_n josias_n rycroft_n peter_n sabbs_n *_o john_n harvey_n john_n ball_n *_o william_n glascock_n henry_n reynell_n william_n bluck_n john_n sholes_n richard_n downton_n john_n wolstenholme_n richard_n cheney_n joshua_n gallard_n *_o henry_n hodges_n *_o leonard_n hamond_n roger_n lestrange_n thomas_n harryot_n richard_n crofts_n john_n swanley_n thomas_n lewis_n ellis_n lloyd_n richard_n bayley_n stuart_n foster_n thomas_n earsbie_n cornwall_n bradshaw_n henry_n sayer_n *_o william_n maynard_n *_o william_n walter_n airskin_n william_n wood_n csquire_n monmouth_n richard_z earl_n of_o carberry_n william_n bishop_n of_o landoffe_n sir_n william_n ellis_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n bainham_n throckmorton_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n edward_z morgan_z bar._n william_n morgan_z james_z herbert_z of_o colebrook_n thomas_n lewis_n of_o st._n peer_n thomas_n morgan_n of_o lanfore_o thomas_n jones_n john_n arnold_n william_n herbert_n william_n jones_n
de_fw-fr lantrishen_v henry_n baker_n robert_n gunter_n lewis_n morgan_n walter_z evans_z charles_n price_n charles_n van_n *_o thomas_n morgan_z of_o lanrumney_n *_o john_n walter_n rowland_n pritchard_n william_n keymis_fw-la trevor_n morgan_n william_n wolseley_n john_n gabb_n john_n gwynne_n edward_n nicholas_n esquire_n northamptonshire_n john_n earl_n of_o exeter_n james_n earl_n of_o northampton_n charles_n earl_n of_o westmoreland_z robert_n earl_n of_o manchester_n henry_n earl_n of_o peterborough_n obryan_n viscount_n cullen_n edward_n lord_n montague_n christopher_n lord_n hatton_n edward_n lord_n rockingham_n william_n lord_n fitz-williams_n lyonel_n lord_n huntingtower_n philip_n lord_n weynman_n george_n montague_n esq_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n john_n beaumont_n esq_n sir_n roger_n norwich_n bar._n sir_n william_n farmer_n bar._n sir_n lewis_n palmer_n bar._n sir_n james_n langham_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n thomas_n isham_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n samwell_n bar._n sir_n william_n haslewood_n kt._n sir_n william_n langham_n kt._n sir_n samuel_n clerke_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o master_n of_o chancery_n edward_n griffin_n george_n clarke_n thomas_n cole_n richard_n rainsford_n pope_n danvers_n john_n brown_n clerk_n of_o the_o parliament_n *_o thomas_n catesby_n tilliam_n tate_n bryan_n jansen_n edward_n palmer_n william_n buckby_n henry_n edmond_n goddard_n pemberton_n john_n willoughby_n christopher_n thursby_n *_o edward_n harby_n edmond_n sayer_n robert_n clarke_n william_n thursby_n francis_n arundel_n of_o stoakebruerne_n nicholas_n steward_n william_n washbourne_n john_n parkhurst_n thomas_n child_n john_n saltenstall_n john_n woodhall_n francis_n morgan_n john_n norton_n *_o john_n creswell_n *_o john_n lynne_n purefoy_n william_n alston_n esquire_n norfolk_n robert_n earl_n of_o yarmouth_n william_n viscount_n brounker_n anthony_n bishop_n of_o norwich_n horatio_n lord_n tounsend_n william_n lord_n fitz-williams_n william_n lord_n paston_n lord_n richardson_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n william_n scrogg's_o kt._n chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n richard_n weston_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n edmond_n bacon_n bar._n sir_n philip_n woodhouse_n bar._n sir_n augustine_n palgrave_n bar._n sir_n james_n astley_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n thomas_n hare_n bar._n sir_n nicholas_n lestrange_n bar._n sir_n william_n doyley_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n robert_n rives_n sir_n john_n castleton_n sir_n william_n adam_n sir_n peter_n glean_v sir_n thomas_n garret_n sir_n john_n pettus_n sir_n francis_n bickley_n baronet_n sir_n christopher_n calthorp_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n john_n ernley_n sir_n thomas_n meadow_n sir_n john_n poyntz_n sir_n nevil_n catteline_n sir_n john_n chichley_n sir_n john_n bladwell_n knight_n sir_n robert_n baldock_n kt._n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n john_n tippetts_n kt._n sir_n richard_n haddock_n kt._n sir_n anthony_n deane_n kt._n sir_n william_n runt_v kt._n sir_n richard_n beach_n kt._n herbert_n astley_n dean_n of_o norwich_n robert_n pepper_n dr._n of_o law_n and_o chancellor_n of_o norwich_n john_n hildyard_n william_n cook_n robert_n wolpoole_n philip_n harbour_v edward_n ward_n francis_n bell_n robert_n haughton_n *_o john_n lestrange_n william_n de_fw-fr grace_n *_o clement_n spelman_n thomas_n townsend_n robert_n sucklyn_n thomas_n gawdy_n laurence_n oxburrough_n nicholas_n rookewood_n *_o francis_n guybon_n john_n chadwell_n edward_n woodhouse_n john_n houghton_n *_o james_n host_n john_n richmond_n jacob_n preston_n john_n norris_n william_n barker_n henry_n ferrour_n robert_n doughty_n thomas_n knyvett_n samuel_n pepys_n esquire_n john_n jay_n thomas_n peirson_n *_o edward_n warner_n philip_n beddingfield_n thomas_n bransby_n john_n harbour_v thomas_n hogan_n *_o john_n anguish_n anthony_n butler_n thomas_n say_v william_n braithwaite_n thomas_n hayte_v james_n ward_n william_n goulston_n james_n southern_a simon_n brittiffe_a *_o robert_n coney_n *_o edward_n osborne_n *_o robert_n london_n lawrence_z hewer_n alias_o oxborrough_n leonard_n mox_n thomas_n drury_n john_n fincham_n robert_n wright_n *_o leonard_n gooch_n john_n page_n john_n cotton_n charles_n wren_n robert_n long_o the_o young_a edmond_n lamb_n gabriel_n armiger_n peter_n dymond_n hatton_n berner_n john_n aide_n *_o francis_n cremer_n john_n warde_n *_o henry_n negus_n *_o john_n mingay_n of_o mourn_a thorpe_n thomas_n wright_n *_o john_n greene_n *_o edward_n bedell_n esquire_n northumberland_n nathaniel_z bishop_n of_o durham_n sir_n william_n dolben_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n edward_n atkins_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n ralph_n widdrington_n esq_n edward_n viller_n esq_n sir_n john_n fenwick_n sir_n ralph_n delavall_n sir_n cuthbert_n heron_n sir_n thomas_n lorane_n sir_n william_n blackett_n baronet_n sir_n richard_n store_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n thomas_n horsley_n kt._n sir_n ralph_n jenninson_n kt._n daniel_n collingwood_n robert_n delavall_n of_o seaton_n william_n strother_n of_o newton_n william_n widdrington_n of_o boulton_n william_n middleton_n james_n howard_n utrich_n whitfield_n robert_n mitford_n edward_n blackett_n *_o john_n gay_a of_o hewick_n *_o robert_n car_n *_o john_n salkeld_n francis_n addison_n isaac_n basire_v thomas_n collingwood_n john_n blakiston_n john_n foster_n john_n shaftoe_n william_n ogle_n of_o causeway_n park_n *_o john_n ridley_n henry_n holmes_n robert_n jennison_n william_n armorer_n of_o middleton_n francis_n foster_n of_o yesington_n richard_n neile_n of_o plessey_n *_o henry_n ogle_n william_n carnaby_n francis_n blake_n *_o robert_n bewick_n *_o john_n lawson_n patricius_n crowe_n esquire_n nottinghamshire_n william_n earl_n of_o devon_n philip_n earl_n of_o chesterfield_n nicholas_n earl_n of_o scarsdale_n wentworth_n earl_n of_o kildare_n patricius_n viscount_n chaworth_n arthur_n stanhope_n esq_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n william_n byron_n esq_n sir_n thomas_n williamson_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n william_n hickman_n bar._n sir_n edward_n nevil_n of_o grove_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n ralph_n knight_n kt._n sir_n anthony_n gilby_n kt._n sir_n richard_n lloyd_n kt._n robert_n pierpoint_n william_n stanhope_n francis_n sandys_n *_o william_n harbour_v william_n cartwright_n william_n skeffington_n penniston_n whaley_n esquire_n thomas_n parkins_n esq_n robert_n thoroton_n dr._n in_o physic_n *_o william_n clarkson_n william_n wymondesold_n beaumont_n dixey_n charles_n hutchinson_n *_o george_n nevil_n john_n millington_n francis_n stringer_n thomas_n charleton_n francis_n jessop_n richard_n mansfield_n william_n pickney_n thomas_n wawen_n esquire_n oxfordshire_n john_n earl_n of_o rochester_n henry_n earl_n of_o clarendon_n john_n bishop_n of_o oxford_n john_n lord_n norreys_n sir_n william_n ellis_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common-plea_n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o kings-bench_n henry_n bertie_n esq_n sir_n john_n cope_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n spencer_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n chamberlain_n bar._n sir_n anthony_n craven_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n francis_n wenman_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n john_n doyley_n sir_n william_n walker_n sir_n thomas_n cobb_n sir_n littleton_n osbaldeston_n baronet_n sir_n timothy_n tirrel_n sir_n allam_n apsley_n sir_n thomas_n rowe_n *_o sir_n thomas_n tip_v sir_n thomas_n clayton_n sir_n edward_n norris_n sir_n george_n crook_n knight_n vicechancellor_n of_o the_o university_n of_o oxford_n for_o the_o time_n be_v richard_n crook_n esq_n sergeant_n at_o law_n richard_n holloway_n esq_n sergeant_n at_o law_n henry_n aldworth_n dr._n of_o law_n henry_n lamphire_n dr._n of_o physic_n john_n clerk_n of_o aston_n william_n cope_n john_n stone_n thomas_n hoord_n george_n chamberlain_n richard_n powell_n *_o william_n dormer_n *_o william_n sheppard_n william_n whitlock_n robert_n perrot_n edmond_n worcupp_n richard_z libb_z john_n gower_z richard_n wenman_n george_n pud●ey_n ellis_n lloyd_n thomas_n wise_a *_o humphrey_n wickham_n john_n morton_n *_o john_n gun_n *_o edmund_n gregory_n *_o henry_n alnut_n william_n bayley_n william_n wright_n *_o john_n white_a esquire_n roteland_n bennet_n lord_n sherrard_n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n philip_n sherrard_n esq_n sir_n thomas_n mackworth_n bar._n william_n palm_n christopher_n browne_n samuel_n browne_n edward_n fawkener_n andrew_n noell_n cornelius_n burton_n *_o
robett_n mackworth_n esquire_n shropshire_n william_n earl_n of_o craven_n richard_z earl_n of_o carberry_n herbert_n bishop_n of_o hereford_n sir_n william_n ellis_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n william_n gregory_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o baron_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o exchequer_n sir_n thomas_n jones_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n job_n charleton_n another_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o common_a pleas._n sir_n samuel_n baldwyn_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n henty_n littleton_n bar._n sir_n john_n corbet_n bar._n *_o sir_n william_n whitmore_z bar._n sir_n humphrey_n briggs_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n vincent_n corbet_n bar._n *_o sir_n francis_n lowley_n bar._n sir_n francis_n edwards_n bar._n sir_n henry_n frederick_n thynne_n bar._n sir_n richard_n corbet_n bar._n sir_n thomas_z vernon_z bar._n sir_n edward_n action_n bar._n sir_n clement_n clark_n bar._n sir_n thomas_n whitmore_n kt._n of_o the_o bath_n sir_n john_n trevor_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o king_n be_v learned_a counsel_n at_o law_n sir_n john_n wilde_n kt._n sir_n robert_n owen_n kt._n sir_n richard_n mason_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o green-cloth_n robert_n powell_n dr._n of_o divinity_n *_o richard_n scriven_n charles_n manwaring_n edward_n kynaston_n of_o oatley_n philip_n prince_n francis_z forester_z robert_n owen_n *_o roger_n kynaston_n john_n walcott_n william_n leveson_n thomas_n ottley_n humphrey_n briggs_n *_o edmund_n waring_n of_o oldbury_n john_n lawn_n *_o john_n newton_n *_o william_n okeley_n thomas_n hanmer_n *_o thomas_n burton_n thomas_n walrott_n sergeant_n at_o law_n thomas_n thynne_n of_o cowse-castle_n john_n woolrich_n thomas_n lee_n *_o edward_n lutwich_n littleton_n powy_n arthur_n weaver_n george_n welde_n of_o willey_n thomas_n hill_n henry_n langley_n *_o thomas_n lloyd_n adam_n oatley_n thomas_n bawdwin_n edward_n whitchcott_n henry_n mitton_n *_o richard_n moor_n henry_n davenporte_n *_o rowland_n nicholls_n edward_n kynaston_n of_o abbeitley_n william_n forrester_n francis_n berkley_n esquire_n somersetshire_n john_n earl_n of_o bristol_n peter_n bishop_n of_o bath_n and_o wells_n francis_n lord_n hawley_n sir_n robert_n car_n kt._n and_o bar._n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n thomas_n raymond_n kt._n one_o of_o the_o justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o king_n bench._n sir_n hugh_n windham_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n justice_n of_o the_o court_n of_o common_a pleas._n francis_n pawlet_n esq_n sir_n john_n maynard_n kt._n one_o of_o his_o majesty_n sergeant_n at_o law_n sir_n william_n portman_n bar._n sir_n hugh_n smith_n kt._n and_o bar._n sir_n haswell_n jynt_n bar._n sir_n edmund_n wyndham_n kt._n marshal_n of_o his_o majesty_n household_n sir_n thomas_n bridges_n kt._n sir_n william_n basset_z kt._n francis_n roll_n esq_n edward_n fillip_v esq_n sir_n john_n churchill_n kt._n one_o