Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
lord_n alexander_n john_n william_n 11,964 5 8.0880 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34146 A perfect list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, who have subscribed as adventurers in the joynt-stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies together with the respective sums which they have severally subscribed in the books of the said company, amounting in the whole to the sum of 400000 lib. sterling. Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. 1696 (1696) Wing C5599; ESTC R41896 18,748 16

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listen_v of_o the_o several_a person_n residenter_n in_o scotland_n who_o have_v subscribe_v as_o adventurer_n in_o the_o joint-stock_n of_o the_o company_n of_o scotland_n trading_n to_o africa_n and_o the_o indies_n together_o with_o the_o respective_a sum_n which_o they_o have_v several_o subscribe_v in_o the_o book_n of_o the_o say_a company_n amount_v in_o the_o whole_a to_o the_o sum_fw-la of_o 400000_o lib._n sterling_n qua_fw-la panditur_fw-la orbis_fw-la visus_n unita_fw-la fortior_fw-la edinburgh_n print_v and_o sell_v by_o the_o heir_n and_o successor_n of_o andrew_n anderson_n printer_n to_o the_o king_n be_v most_o excellent_a majesty_n anno_fw-la dom._n 1696._o a_o list_n etc._n etc._n a._n william_n arbuckle_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 2000_o lib._n archibald_n earl_n of_o argyle_n 1500_o lib._n michael_n allan_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n william_n earl_n of_o annandale_n 1000_o lib._n mr._n william_n areskine_n governor_n of_o blackness_n 1000_o lib._n the_o faculty_n of_o advocat_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n patrick_n aikenhead_n commissary-clerk_n of_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n john_n anderson_n of_o dovehill_n and_o provost_n of_o glasgow_n 1000_o lib._n james_n auchinleck_n chirurgion-apothecary_n in_o edinburgh_n 600_o lib._n john_n marquis_n of_o athol_n 500_o lib._n alexander_n anstruther_n of_o new-wark_a 500_o lib._n william_n ainslie_n of_o blackhill_n 500_o lib._n mr._n walter_n atchison_n of_o ruchsolloch_n 500_o lib._n sir_n william_n anstruther_n of_o anstruther_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 400_o lib._n captain_n alexander_n anderson_n in_o sir_n john_n hill_n regiment_n 400_o lib._n sir_n john_n areskine_n of_o alva_n 300_o lib._n sir_n james_n abercrombie_n of_o birkenbog_n 300_o lib._n captain_n john_n areskine_n brother_n to_o the_o laird_n of_o alva_n 300_o lib._n lady_n alva_n 300_o lib._n robert_n anstruther_n of_o wrea_n 300_o lib._n james_n allan_n of_o sauchnell_n 300_o lib._n john_n allarde_v young_a merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 200_o lib._n mr._n william_n aikman_n of_o cairny_a advocate_n 200_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n areskine_n of_o cambo_n lion_n king_n at_o arm_n 200_o lib._n sir_n john_n aitoun_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 200_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o air_n 200_o lib._n john_n alexander_n of_o blackhouse_n for_o himself_o and_o lady_n grange_n 200_o lib._n mrs._n veronica_n areskine_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a david_n lord_n cardross_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n anderson_n son_n to_o baillie_n anderson_n 200_o lib._n william_n alves_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n john_n angus_z brewer_n there_o 200_o lib._n james_n adam_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 200_o lib._n john_n armour_n taylor_n there_o 200_o lib._n john_n alexander_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 125_o lib._n penelope_n areskine_n sister_n to_o cambo_n 100_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n aikman_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n claud_n alexander_n of_o newton_n 100_o lib._n matthew_n atcheson_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n aird_n dean_n of_o guild_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n anderson_n junior_a merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 17825_o transport_v from_o a._n 17825_o john_n allan_n merchant_n in_o hamilton_n 100_o lib._n john_n adam_n senior_a merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n adam_n taylor_n there_o 100_o lib._n william_n arthur_n tailor_n in_o cannongate_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n alstoun_n shoemaker_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n mr._n alexander_n auchterlony_n indweller_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n archibald_n arnot_n apothecary_n there_o 100_o lib._n thomas_n abercrombie_n skipper_n there_o 100_o lib._n james_n alison_n late_a baillie_n there_o 100_o lib._n george_n anderson_n merchant_n in_o haddington_n 100_o lib._n colin_n alison_n sub-collector_n of_o his_o majesty_n excise_n 100_o lib._n william_n allan_n tailor_n in_o stirling_n 100_o lib._n john_n archibald_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n william_n allan_n portioner_n of_o dudingston_n 100_o lib._n george_n anderson_n son_n to_o mr._n john_n anderson_n minister_n at_o leslie_n 100_o lib._n gabriel_n alison_n of_o dunjop_n 100_o lib._n margaret_n adamson_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a patrick_n adamson_n merchant_n in_o kelso_n 100_o lib._n robert_n arbuthnet_n seruit_fw-la to_o e._n martial_n 100_o lib._n michael_n andeison_n of_o tushallaw_n 100_o lib._n jean_n arthur_n daughter_n to_o john_n arthur_n of_o newton_n 100_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o saint-andrews_a 100_o lib._n b._n john_n lord_n belhaven_n 3000_o lib._n the_o royal_a burrows_n 3000_o lib._n mr._n robert_n blackwood_n merchant_n in_o edinb_n 2000_o lib._n james_n balfour_n merchant_n there_o 2000_o lib._n sir_n thomas_n burnet_n of_o lees_n 1000_o lib._n william_n baillie_n of_o lamington_n 1000_o lib._n george_n billie_n of_o jerviswood_n 1000_o lib._n alexander_n brand_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n john_n baillie_n chirurgeon_n there_o 1000_o lib._n robert_n blackwood_n merchant_n there_o 1000_o lib._n alexander_n baird_n merchant_n there_o 1000_o lib._n james_n byers_n merchant_n there_o 700_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o brichen_n 700_o lib._n robert_n master_n of_o burleigh_n 500_o lib._n sir_n john_n baird_n of_o newbyth_n 500_o lib._n john_n bruce_n of_o kinross_n 500_o lib._n sir_n william_n baird_n young_a of_o newbyth_n 500_o lib._n sir_n william_n binning_n of_o waliford_n 500_o lib._n william_n biggar_n of_o woolmot_n 500_o lib._n lieutenant_n colonel_n james_n bruce_n of_o kennet_n 500_o lib._n hugh_n blair_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n thomas_n burnet_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 500_o lib._n john_n broun_n skipper_n in_o leith_n 400_o lib._n elizabeth_z lady_n borthwick_n 400_o lib._n thomas_n baxter_n tailor_n in_o glasgow_n 400_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 44025_o william_n bennet_n young_a of_o grubbet_n 300_o lib._n john_n bowman_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 300_o lib._n william_n bonteine_v son_n to_o nicol_n bonteine_v of_o ardoch_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 300_o lib._n james_n blackwood_n son_n to_o mr._n robert_n blackwood_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 300_o lib._n james_n broun_n senior_a chirurgeon_n in_o edinb_n 200_o lib._n edward_n broun_n merchant_n there_o 200_o lib._n john_n barclay_n chirurgeon_n in_o cowper_n 200_o lib._n john_n baillie_n of_o woodside_n 200_o lib._n robert_n broune_n of_o new-hall_n 200_o lib._n alexander_n blair_n dean_n of_o guild_n of_o dundee_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n bethune_n of_o tarbat_n 200_o lib._n james_n balnevis_n of_o glencarss_n 200_o lib._n mr._n alexander_n broun_n of_o thornydykes_n 200_o lib._n mr._n robert_n bannerman_n brother_n to_o elsik_n 200_o lib._n andrew_n baillie_n of_o parbroth_n 200_o lib._n andrew_n broun_n of_o dolphingtoun_n doctor_n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n john_n burd_n merchant_n m_o stirling_n 200_o lib._n william_n bonar_n clerk_n to_o the_o mint_n 200_o lib._n captain_n edward_n burd_n commander_n of_o his_o majesty_n ship_n the_o royal_a william_n 200_o lib._n william_n baxter_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 200_o lib._n james_n baillie_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o baxter_n in_o edinb_n 200_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o baxter_n of_o glasg_n 200_o lib._n william_n broun_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n james_n broun_n son_n to_o hugh_n broun_n senior_a chirurgeon_n apothecary_n there_o 200_o lib._n john_n barber_n merchant_n in_o inverness_n 200_o lib._n james_n ballingall_n maltman_n in_o strathmiglo_n 150_o lib._n james_n barber_n merchant_n in_o inverness_n 140_o lib._n william_n bryson_n late_a baillie_n of_o dunbar_n 120_o lib._n john_n bowie_n merchant_n in_o falkirk_n 100_o lib._n george_n brodie_n of_o aslisk_n 100_o lib._n robert_n bruce_n in_o aberdeen_n 100_o lib._n adam_n bucknay_n merchant_n in_o linlithgow_n 100_o lib._n andrew_n burnet_n brother-german_a to_o mr._n thomas_n burnet_n of_o kimnay_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n broun_n minister_n of_o the_o unite_a church_n lundie_n and_o foulis_n 100_o lib._n hugh_n brown_a writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n william_n baillie_n of_o montoun_n 100_o lib._n francis_n baillie_n his_o brother-german_a 100_o lib._n thomas_n boyd_n of_o pitcon_n 100_o lib._n robert_n boyd_n of_o trochrig_n 100_o lib._n david_n burton_n glazier_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n baird_n merchant_n in_o kilmarnock_n 100_o lib._n george_n borland_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n thomas_n brown_a litster_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n james_n brabner_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n elizabeth_n brisbane_n daugh._n to_o bishoptoun_n 100_o lib._n james_n blair_n writer_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n walter_z boswel_o of_o balbartoun_n 100_o lib._n mr._n william_n black_a advocate_n 100_o lib._n james_n bruce_n of_o wester-kinloch_n 100_o lib._n james_n baillie_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n henry_n balfour_n of_o denbuge_a 100_o lib._n james_n baillie_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 100_o lib._n cary_n forward_o 52735_o bessie_n bogle_n relict_n of_o robert_n bogle_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n william_n buchanan_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n william_n barclay_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n william_n blackburn_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n
200_o lib._n dame_n helen_n fleeming_n 200_o lib._n mr._n john_n fleeming_n advocate_n 200_o lib._n mr._n david_n forbes_n advocate_n 200_o lib._n adam_n freer_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n mr_n john_n forrest_n minister_n at_o prestoun-haugh_a 200_o lib._n alexander_n forbes_n goldsmith_n in_o edinb_n 200_o lib._n james_n fairholm_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n james_n fyfe_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n fairholm_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n barbara_n frazer_n relict_n of_o george_n stirling_n chirurgion-apothecary_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n james_n fletcher_n provost_n of_o dundee_n 200_o lib._n william_n fulton_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n ferguson_n skipper_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n david_n ferguson_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n frazer_n servitor_n to_o alexander_n inn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n findlay_n merchant_n in_o kilmarnock_n 100_o lib._n william_n fairlie_n of_o bruntsfield_n 100_o lib._n captain_n francis_n ferquhard_n in_o sir_n john_n hill_n regiment_n 100_o lib._n isobel_n foulis_n lady_n drylaw_n 100_o lib._n mr._n arthur_n forbes_n son_n to_o craigievar_n 100_o lib._n mr._n robert_n frazer_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n cicilia_n fotheringham_n lady_n kilry_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n fairweather_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n george_n fotheringham_n of_o bandean_n 100_o lib._n george_n fenwick_n vintner_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n robert_n fergus_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n ferrier_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n robert_n forrester_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n william_n ferguson_n merchant_n in_o kirkaldie_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n finlayson_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n fullertoun_n late_a commander_n of_o the_o william_n and_o mary_n friggat_n 100_o lib._n william_n ferguson_n brother_n german_a to_o mr._n alexander_n ferguson_n of_o isle_n advocar_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n fleeming_n governor_n to_o ochtertyre_n 100_o lib._n mr._n john_n flint_n minister_n at_o lochswade_v 100_o lib._n robert_n fletcher_n of_o ballanshoe_v 100_o lib._n mr._n david_n forrester_n minister_n at_o lonforgen_n 100_o lib._n g._n the_o town_n of_o glasgow_n 3000_o lib._n john_n lord_n glenorchy_n 2000_o lib._n john_n graham_n young_a of_o dougalstoun_n 2000_o lib._n adam_n gordon_n of_o dalphol_o 1000_o lib._n mungo_n graeme_n of_o gorthy_a 700_o lib._n thomas_n graeme_n of_o balgowan_n 600_o lib._n thomas_n gibson_n of_o cramont_n 500_o lib._n the_o guildrie_n of_o aberdeen_n 500_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 159730_o transport_v from_o page_n 7._o 159730_o lib._n john_n geills_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n james_n gibson_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 500_o lib._n sir_n robert_n gordon_n of_o gordonstoun_n 400_o lib._n sir_n john_n gibson_n of_o pentland_n 400_o lib._n alexander_n gibson_n one_o of_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o session_n 400_o lib._n james_n graham_n of_o orchill_n 300_o lib._n adam_n gairdine_n of_o greenhill_n 300_o lib._n the_o guildrie_n of_o linlithgow_n 300_o lib._n james_n gordon_n senior_a merchant_n m_o aberdeen_n 250_o mr_n david_n graeme_n of_o kilor_n 200_o lib._n the_o guildrie_n of_o dundee_n 200_o lib._n the_o guildrie_n of_o stirling_n 200_o lib._n george_n greive_n apothecary_n in_o dundee_n 200_o lib._n mr._n james_n gregory_n professor_n of_o the_o mathematics_n in_o the_o college_n of_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n william_n graham_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n james_n gregory_n student_n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n dame_n margaret_n graham_n lady_n kinloch_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n glessel_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 150_o lib._n john_n graham_n son_n to_o jobn_n graham_n clerk_n to_o the_o chancellary_n 100_o lib._n mr._n zacharias_n gemill_n of_o bogside_n 100_o lib._n william_n gordon_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n francis_n grant_v of_o colin_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n captain_n james_n gibson_n in_o colonel_n macgill_n be_v regiment_n 100_o lib._n captain_n john_n gordon_n in_o my_o lo._n strathnavers_n regiment_n 100_o lib._n walter_n graham_n at_o the_o miln_n of_o gask_n 100_o lib._n mr._n john_n graham_n of_o aberuthven_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n gordon_n son_n to_o mr._n alexander_n gordon_n minister_n at_o inverarey_n 100_o lib._n patrick_n gilmor_n tailor_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n william_n gilchrist_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n thomas_n gemill_n hammer-man_n in_o gorbel_n 100_o lib._n donald_n govan_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n finlay_n grace_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n thomas_n gordon_n skipper_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n robert_n gardyne_n young_a of_o latoun_n 100_o lib._n james_n guthrie_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n john_n grace_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n christian_n grierson_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a john_n greirson_n 100_o lib._n mr._n samuel_n grace_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n glass_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n mr._n archibald_n gladstons_n in_o north-house_n 100_o lib._n john_n gordon_n or_o coliston_n dr._n of_o medecin_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n graham_n of_o ochterarder_n 100_o lib._n david_n graeme_n of_o jordanstoun_n 100_o lib._n andrew_z gardiner_z merchant_z in_o perth_n 100_o lib._n h._n her_o grace_n ann_n duchess_n of_o hamilton_n 3000_o lib._n lord_n basil_n hamilton_n 3000_o lib._n charles_n hope_v of_o hopetoun_n 2000_o lib._n thomas_n earl_n of_o hadington_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n david_n home_o of_o crosrig_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 1000_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 177430_o 〈…〉_o 177430_o lady_n margaret_n hope_v of_o hopetoun_n 1000_o lib._n thomas_n hay_o of_o balhousie_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n john_n home_o of_o blackadder_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n hope_v of_o kerf_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n john_n houstoun_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 1000_o lib._n william_n hay_o of_o drumeiler_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n james_n hall_n of_o dunglas_n 1000_o lib._n john_n haldan_n of_o gleneagles_n 1000_o lib._n james_n houstoun_n brother-german_a to_o houstoun_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 1000_o lib._n patrick_n houstoun_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 1000_o lib._n loud_a david_n hay_n 500_o lib._n sir_n archbald_n hope_v of_o rankerllor_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 500_o lib._n sir_n george_n hamilton_n of_o barntoun_n baronet_n 500_o lib._n sir_n william_n hope_v of_o kirkliston_n 500_o lib._n sir_n william_n hope_v of_o craighall_n 500_o lib._n sir_n charles_n halkett_n of_o pitfirren_a 500_o lib._n lieutenant-colonel_n scipio_n hill_n 500_o lib._n david_n hepburn_n of_o humbie_n 500_o lib._n george_n home_n of_o kimmergham_n 500_o lib._n george_n home_n of_o whitefield_n 500_o lib._n george_n home_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n lord_n alexander_n hay_o son_n to_o the_o marquis_n of_o tweeddale_n 400_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o haddington_n 400_o lib._n sir_n john_n hamilton_n of_o halcraig_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 400_o lib._n james_n holburn_n of_o menstrie_n 400_o lib._n patrick_n halyburton_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 400_o lib._n william_n hutchison_n merchant_n there_o 300_o lib._n john_n hay_o merchant_n there_o 300_o lib._n hugh_n hunter_n apothecary_n in_o kilmarnock_n 300_o lib._n patrick_n home_n master_n of_o polwart_n 300_o lib._n christian_n countess_n dowager_n of_o haddington_n 200_o lib._n mr._n charles_n hamilton_n son_n to_o the_o late_a earl_n of_o haddington_n 200_o lib._n alexander_n home_n son_n to_o polwart_n 200_o lib._n matthew_n harestain_v of_o craig_n 200_o lib._n john_n hay_o of_o alderstoun_n 200_o lib._n william_n hall_n son_n to_o the_o decease_a sir_n john_n hall_n of_o dunglass_n 200_o lib._n john_n hoppringle_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 200_o lib._n dame_n bethia_n harper_n lady_n cambusnetham_n 200_o lib._n william_n hepburn_n of_o beanston_n 200_o lib._n margaret_n hamilton_n lady_n bengour_n 200_o lib._n mr._n james_n hamilton_n advocate_n 200_o lib._n mr._n alexander_n home_o writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o hammer-man_n of_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n robert_n hunter_n merchant_n there_o 200_o lib._n david_n haldan_n brother_n to_o gleneagles_n 200_o lib._n mr._n john_n hamilton_n minister_n at_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n gilbert_n hall_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o guard_n of_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n john_n hay_o servitor_n to_o the_o marquis_n of_o tweeddale_n 200_o lib._n robert_n hepburn_n of_o whitebrugh_n 200_o lib._n robert_n heriot_n alias_o craig_n of_o ramornie_a 200_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 200130_o 〈…〉_o 200130_o lib._n thomas_n henderson_n of_o blewlands_n 200_o lib._n patrick_n heron_n of_o konochtie_a 200_o lib._n andrew_n home_n three_o son_n to_o polwrath_n 200_o lib._n mr._n john_n hamilton_n minister_n of_o the_o gospel_n at_o edinburgh_n for_o himself_o and_o after_o his_o decease_n to_o the_o child_n of_o this_o first_o marriage_n 200_o lib._n william_n haddin_n weaver_n in_o glasgow_n 150_o lib._n john_n hamilton_n writer_n in_o irving_n 100_o lib._n james_n henderson_n mal_fw-fr …_o n_z in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n john_n harper_n in_o brierie-hill_n
john_n swinton_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 2000_o lib._n george_n earl_n of_o sutherland_n 1000_o lib._n charles_n earl_n of_o southesque_fw-la 1000_o lib._n william_n viscount_n of_o strathallan_n 1000_o lib._n john_n viscount_n of_o stair_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n francis_n scott_n of_o thirlestoun_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n john_n shaw_n of_o greenock_n baronet_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n patrick_n scott_n of_o ancrum_n 1000_o lib._n hugh_n stevenson_n of_o montgreenan_n 1000_o lib._n thomas_n spence_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n john_n sprewl_n alias_o bass-john_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n george_n suttie_n of_o balgond_a 1000_o lib._n alexander_n stevenson_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n mr._n david_n scrimsour_n of_o cartmore_n 800_o lib._n sir_n archibald_n stevenson_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 600_o lib._n john_n sharp_a of_o hoddom_n 600_o lib._n james_n scott_n of_o gala_n 600_o lib._n john_n spence_n of_o blair_n 600_o lib._n john_n earl_n of_o strathmore_n 500_o lib._n william_n lord_n saltoun_n 500_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o selkirk_n 500_o lib._n john_n skein_n young_a of_o hallyard_n in_o fife_n 500_o lib._n francis_n scott_n of_o mangertoun_n 500_o lib._n hercules_n scott_n of_o brothertoun_n 500_o lib._n john_n scott_n of_o comistoun_n 500_o lib._n captain_n charles_n straiton_n 500_o lib._n john_n smith_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 500_o lib._n matthew_n sinclair_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 500_o lib._n william_n spence_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n seton_n of_o pitmedden_n baronet_n 400_o lib._n sir_n willam_n stirling_n of_o ardoch_n 400_o lib._n sir_n robert_n sinclair_n of_o stevenson_n 400_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 351125_o john_n sinclair_n young_a of_o stevenson_n his_o son_n 400_o lib._n james_n steill_n elder_a merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 400_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n swinton_n of_o mersington_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 400_o lib._n william_n scott_n of_o raeburn_n 300_o lib._n mr._n robert_n stewart_n junior_a advocate_n 300_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o skinner_n of_o edinb_n 300_o lib._n john_n scrimsour_n merchant_n in_o dundie_n 300_o lib._n george_n stirling_n of_o herbert-shire_n 300_o lib._n robert_n scott_n of_o elingstone_n 200_o lib._n john_n scott_n of_o gorrenberrie_n 200_o lib._n james_n spital_n of_o leuquhar_n 200_o lib._n patrick_n seton_n of_o lathrisk_n 200_o lib._n george_z smith_z young_a of_o giblestoun_n 200_o lib._n william_n smith_n of_o brousterland_n 200_o lib._n walter_n scott_n of_o eadinshead_n 200_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n skene_n advocate_n 200_o lib._n james_n skene_n of_o new_a grange_n 200_o lib._n james_n scott_n of_o sheill-wood_n 200_o lib._n john_n sandiland_n of_o countes-wall_n 200_o lib._n gideon_n scott_n of_o falnesh_n 200_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o stirling_n 200_o lib._n captain_n thomas_n sharp_a of_o houstoun_n 200_o lib._n mr._n alexander_n sheriff_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n william_n souper_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 200_o lib._n john_n somervell_n of_o gladstone_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n mr._n james_n smith_n of_o white-hill_n 200_o lib._n john_n skene_n ensign_n in_o lord_n lindsay_n regiment_n 200_o lib._n walter_n scott_n brother_n to_o raeburn_n 200_o lib._n george_n sutherland_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n andrew_n smeiton_n merchant_n in_o dundie_n 200_o lib._n john_n stevenson_n provost_n of_o stirling_n 200_o lib._n john_n scougall_n limner_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n robert_z smith_z merchant_z there_o 200_o lib._n mr._n walter_n stewart_n at_o the_o miln_n of_o pitcairn_n in_o perth-shire_n 150_o lib._n alexander_n stewart_n skipper_n in_o inverness_n 150_o lib._n john_n stve_v weaver_n in_o glasgow_n 125_o lib._n george_n stirling_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 100_o lib._n marry_o simpson_n relict_n of_o mr._n robert_n lundie_n minister_n at_o leuchars_n 100_o lib._n hugh_n sandiland_n few_o in_o calder_n 100_o lib._n john_n semple_n merchant_n in_o hamilton_n 100_o lib._n william_n shiels_n in_o pollock-shiels_a 100_o lib._n john_n smith_n wright_n in_o gorlall_n 100_o lib._n john_n smellum_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n stevenson_n chirurgion-apothecary_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n james_n smith_n architect_n at_o hamilton_n 100_o lib._n marion_n somervell_n relict_n of_o andrew_n purdie_n 100_o lib._n andrew_n simpson_n in_o pendrich_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n marry_o stirling_n daughter_n to_o mr._n john_n stirling_n minister_v once_o at_o edinburgh_n and_o last_o at_o irving_n 100_o lib._n george_n stirling_n servitor_n to_o the_o lo._n whitelaw_n 100_o lib._n john_n scott_n son_n to_o thirlestone_n 100_o lib._n james_n simson_n skipper_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n john_n scott_n maltman_n in_o rutherglen_n 100_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 360850_o william_n scott_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n smellie_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n james_n slosse_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n stirling_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n spreull_a of_o miltoun_n 100_o lib._n robert_n scott_n tailor_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n robert_n stevenson_n wright_n there_o 100_o lib._n robert_n stirling_n brother_n to_o glorat_n 100_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n smith_n apothecary_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n spittells_n hospital_n in_o stirling_n 100_o lib._n john_n stewart_n of_o dalguise_n 100_o lib._n cap._n ja._n stewart_n in_o sir_n jo._n hill_n regiment_n 100_o lib._n william_n selkrig_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n smellie_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n stewart_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n in_o clerk-gibsons-chamber_n 100_o lib._n helen_n stewart_n relict_n of_o dr._n murray_n 100_o lib._n james_n steill_n young_a merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n archibald_n stewart_n chirurgeon_n son_n to_o william_n stewart_n of_o balleid_n 100_o lib._n william_n stewart_n dr._n of_o medicine_n in_o perth_n 100_o lib._n elizabeth_n scott_n relict_n of_o james_n wauchop_n 100_o lib._n mr._n charles_n sinclair_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n scott_n young_a merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n john_n scott_n elder_a late_a baillie_n there_o 100_o lib._n dame_n jean_n scott_n lady_n harden_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n ann_n stewart_n daughter_n to_o ketlestoun_n 100_o lib._n william_n stewart_n clerk_n to_o the_o custom-house_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n dame_n elizabeth_n syme_n relict_n of_o sir_n robert_n colt_n 100_o lib._n george_n seton_n second_o son_n to_o pitmedden_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n scheill_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n henry_n smith_z merchant_z in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n john_n stewart_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n alexander_n smith_n writer_n there_o 100_o lib._n mr._n william_n scott_n professor_n of_o philosophy_n in_o the_o college_n of_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n the_o sea-mans-box_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n john_n scott_n junior_a in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n elizabeth_n stirling_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a george_n stirling_n chirurgeon_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n shaw_n late_o of_o sornbeg_n 100_o lib._n henry_n smith_z merchant_z in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n francis_n scott_n brother_n to_o the_o decease_a earl_n of_o terrace_n 100_o lib._n william_n stewart_n of_o castle-sterwart_a 100_o lib._n jean_n scott_n lady_n eilingston_n 100_o lib._n james_n scott_n servitor_n to_o the_o e._n marishall_n 100_o lib._n james_n samson_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n sir_n robert_n sibbald_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 100_o lib._n john_n strachan_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 100_o lib._n john_n smith_n junior_a merchant_n in_o linlithgow_n 100_o lib._n mr._n patrick_n sandiland_n of_o cottoun_n 100_o lib._n james_n scott_n of_o benholm_n 100_o lib._n george_n shaw_n of_o sauchie_n 100_o lib._n mr._n archibald_n sinclair_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n mr._n patrick_n simson_n minister_n at_o renfrew_n 100_o lib._n william_n smith_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n walter_n scott_n young_a of_o wool_n 100_o lib._n gideon_n scottson_n to_o john_n scott_n of_o wool_n 100_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 366250_o t._n patrick_n thomson_n town-treasaur_a 1500_o lib._n john_n marquis_n of_o tweeddale_n lord_n high-chancellor_n 1000_o lib._n george_n viscount_n of_o tarbat_n 1000_o lib._n john_n tod_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 1000_o lib._n katharin_n trotter_n lady_n craig-leith_n 500_o lib._n the_o trades-house_n of_o glasgow_n 400_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o tailor_n of_o the_o cannongate_n 300_o lib._n mr._n william_n thomson_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n robert_n trotter_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n john_n turnbull_n merchant_n there_o 200_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o tailor_n in_o glasg_n 200_o lib._n the_o trinity-house_n in_o leith_n 200_o lib._n dame_n elizabeth_n trotter_n lady_n nicolson_n 200_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n thomson_n of_o cockland_n minister_n at_o forress_n 200_o lib._n robert_n tweeddale_n in_o mid-calder_n 100_o lib._n robert_n tennoch_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n thomson_n of_o seven-acre_n 100_o lib._n robert_n turnbull_n burges_n of_o linlithgow_n 100_o lib._n andrew_n teuchler_fw-ge merchant_n 100_o lib._n mr
john_n buchanan_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n christian_n boyd_n relict_n of_o peter_n gemmil_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n ballantine_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n john_n ballantine_n of_o craigmuire_v 100_o lib._n john_n boyd_n chyrurgion-apothecary_n in_o glass_n 100_o lib._n george_n buntine_n peutherer_n there_o 100_o lib._n george_n buchanan_n maltman_n there_o 100_o lib._n patrick_n bryce_n maltman_n there_o 100_o lib._n katherine_n binning_n lady_n bavelaw_n 100_o lib._n cap._n jo._n blackadder_n in_o col._n ferguson_n be_v reg._n 100_o lib._n david_n baillie_n apothecary_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n bruce_n feltmaker_n there_o 100_o lib._n andrew_n broun_n watchmaker_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n bethune_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n bruce_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n elizabeth_n blackwood_n daughter_n to_o mr._n rob._n blackwood_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n james_n brisbane_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n francis_n brodie_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n baillie_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n cap._n john_n brodie_n in_o my_o l._n murray_n be_v regim_v 100_o lib._n thomas_n bowar_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n patrick_n balnavis_fw-la jate_fw-la baillie_n there_o 100_o lib._n marion_n borthwick_n relict_n of_o james_n cunningham_n cowper_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n biggar_n brewer_n in_o gairns-hall_n 100_o lib._n margaret_n broun_n daughter_n to_o blackburn_n 100_o lib._n william_n brotherstons_n harnis-maker_n in_o cannongate_n 100_o lib._n mr._n john_n boyd_n one_o of_o the_o regent_n of_o glasgow_n college_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n brown_a minister_n there_o 100_o lib._n peter_n barton_n in_o barronhill_n 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o baxter_n of_o the_o cannongate_n 100_o lib._n william_n blackrie_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 100_o lib._n mr._n john_n borthwick_n goldsmith_n in_o edinb_n 100_o lib._n charles_n bethun_n son_n to_o david_n bethun_n of_o balfour_n 100_o lib._n c._n sir_n robert_n chiesly_a lord_n provost_n of_o edinburgh_n 2000_o lib._n john_n corse_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 1500_o lib._n john_n lord_n carmichael_n 1000_o lib._n adam_n cockburn_n of_o ormistoun_n lord_n justice-clerk_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n george_n campbell_n of_o cesnok_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n william_n cuningham_n of_o cuninghamhead_n 1000_o lib._n mr._n william_n cochran_n of_o kilmaronnock_n 1000_o lib._n daniel_n campbell_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 1000_o lib._n daniel_n carmichael_n of_o mals_o 1000_o lib._n john_n crauford_n of_o fergus-hill_n 1000_o lib._n charles_n charter_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 69035_o 〈…〉_o george_n clark_n merchant_n there_o 1000_o lib._n mr._n gilbert_n campbel_n son_n to_o colin_n campbel_n of_o souter-house_n and_o merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n mungo_n cochran_n &_o partner_n in_o glasgow_n viz._n patrick_n gow_n and_o william_n struthers_n equal_o among_o they_o 1000_o lib._n matthew_n cumming_n merchant_n there_o 1000_o lib._n hugh_n cunningham_n merchant_n in_o edinb_n 1000_o lib._n andrew_n cassie_n of_o kirk-house_n 800_o mr._n james_n campbel_n brother_n to_o e._n argyle_n 700_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o surgeon_n in_o edinburgh_n 600_o lib._n john_n calendar_n of_o craigforth_o 600_o lib._n david_n lord_n cardros_n 500_o lib._n william_n lord_n cranstoun_n 500_o lib._n sir_n colin_n campbel_n of_o aberuchel_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 500_o lib._n mr._n william_n carmicheal_n advocate_n 500_o lib._n sir_n colin_n campbel_n of_o arkindlass_n 500_o lib._n john_n cauldwell_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 500_o lib._n james_n carnagie_n of_o balnamoon_n 500_o lib._n john_n carstair_n of_o kilconquher_n 500_o lib._n duncan_n campbel_n of_o monzie_n 500_o lib._n patrick_n chamber_n belt-make_a in_o edinb_n 500_o lib._n cowans_n hospital_n in_o stirling_n 500_o lib._n alexander_n campbel_n of_o calder_n 500_o lib._n john_n corsbie_n and_o james_n coulter_n merchant_n in_o drumfries_n 500_o lib._n david_n crawford_n keeper_n of_o the_o signet_n 400_o lib._n archibald_n cockburn_n merchant_n in_o edib_n 400_o lib._n mungo_n campbel_n of_o burnbank_n 400_o lib._n adam_n craick_n of_o airbuchland_n and_o william_n craik_n of_o duchlaw_n 400_o lib._n sir_n humphray_v colquhoun_n of_o luss_n 400_o lib._n mr._n david_n carmichael_n son_n to_o the_o lord_n carmichael_n 300_o lib._n patrick_n cockburn_n of_o clerkingtoun_n 300_o lib._n henry_n cheap_a of_o rossie_n 300_o lib._n henry_n crauford_n of_o monorgan_n 300_o lib._n james_n crauford_n of_o muntquhanie_n 300_o lib._n hugh_n cunningham_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 300_o lib._n william_n charter_n sheriff-deput_a of_o drumfries_n 300_o lib._n william_n currie_n merchant_n in_o achenskew_n 300_o lib._n mr._n william_n castelaw_n 300_o lib._n henry_n craufurd_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 230_o lib._n lady_n susan_n campbel_n 200_o lib._n major_a james_n cunningham_n of_o aickett_n 200_o lib._n mark_v carse_n of_o cockpen_n 200_o lib._n colin_n campbel_n of_o lochlan_n 200_o lib._n john_n crauford_n young_a of_o craufordland_n 200_o lib._n walter_n cornwall_n of_o bonhard_n 200_o lib._n dr._n alexander_n cranstoun_n 200_o lib._n john_n cunningham_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n mr._n john_n campbell_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n ronald_n campbell_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n james_n cleland_n son_n to_o james_n cleland_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n adam_n cleghorn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n patrick_n crauford_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n robert_z clerk_z chirurgion-apothecary_n there_o 200_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 90965_o 〈…〉_o sir_n alexander_n cuming_n of_o coulter_n 200_o lib._n william_n cochran_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 200_o lib._n john_n corbett_n merchant_n in_o drumfreis_n 200_o lib._n george_n cockburn_n young_a merchant_n in_o haddington_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n campbell_n flesher_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n george_n cuthbert_n of_o castlehill_n 150_o lib._n william_n carmichael_n tailor_n in_o glasgow_n 150_o lib._n thomas_n calder_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n isobe_n cranston_n daughter_n to_o dr._n cranston_n 100_o lib._n william_n cochran_n collector_n at_o renfrew_n 100_o lib._n marion_n cleghorn_n relict_n of_o baillie_n thomas_n robertson_n 100_o lib._n robert_n corbet_n merchant_n in_o drumfreis_n 100_o lib._n robert_n couper_n sheriff-clerk_n of_o selkirk_n 100_o lib._n hugh_n campbell_n merchant_n son_n to_o the_o decease_a sir_n hugh_n campbell_n of_o cesnock_n 100_o lib._n archibald_n campbell_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n mungo_n campbell_n of_o nether-place_n 100_o lib._n james_n crockett_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n matthew_n campbell_n of_o waterhaugh_n 100_o lib._n laurence_n craigie_n of_o kilgrastoun_n 100_o lib._n mr._n alexander_n cunningham_n merchant_n in_o irwin_n 100_o lib._n mr._n william_n cuningham_n apothecary_n there_o 100_o lib._n james_n craigie_n young_a of_o dumbarnie_n 100_o lib._n hugh_n crauford_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n william_n chalmer_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n patrick_n coltrane_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n mungo_n campbell_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n william_n cleghorn_n merchant_n in_o dalkeith_n 100_o lib._n john_n clerk_z elder_a merchant_n in_o greenock_n 100_o lib._n elias_n cathcart_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n henry_n chrystie_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n crosby_n merchant_n in_o drumfreis_n 100_o lib._n william_n curror_fw-la in_o newhouse_n 100_o lib._n john_n currie_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n carse_n son_n to_o cockpen_n 100_o lib._n john_n carsell_n of_o lounsdale_n in_o the_o parish_n of_o pasley_n 100_o lib._n charles_n cunningham_n ensign_n in_o sir_n john_n hill_n be_v regiment_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n cairlile_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n robert_n corbett_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n stephen_n crauford_n coppersmith_n there_o 100_o lib._n peter_n corbett_n maltman_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n corss_n commissary-clerk_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n crauford_n merchant_n in_o newport-glasg_a 100_o lib._n alexander_n cochran_n young_a of_o craigmure_n 100_o lib._n john_n crombie_n sheriff-clerk_n of_o roxburgh_n 100_o lib._n captain_n allan_n cathcart_n in_o sir_n john_n hill_n be_v regiment_n 100_o lib._n james_n cleland_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n cuningham_n servitor_n to_o sir_n gilbert_n eliot_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n cleland_n junior_a merchant_n in_o edinb_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n janet_n carse_n sister_n to_o cockpen_n 100_o lib._n henry_n chrystison_n commissary_n of_o stirling_n 100_o lib._n george_n crocket_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n andrew_n cockburn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n james_n coupar_n of_o lochblair_n 100_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 96865_o 〈…〉_o alexander_n cleghorn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n lady_n lillias_n carr_n sister_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o lothian_n 100_o lib._n jean_n cameron_n daughter_n to_o donald_n cameron_n 100_o lib._n patrick_n crauford_n brother_n to_o kilbirnie_n 100_o lib._n john_n currie_n merchant_n
in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o cowpar_n in_o fife_n 100_o lib._n catharin_n charter_n daughter_n to_o mr._n laurence_n charter_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n dougall_n campbell_n of_o saddel_n 100_o lib._n john_n currie_n merchant_n in_o linlithgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n cleland_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n robert_n currie_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o cordiners_n of_o edinb_n 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o cordiners_n of_o glasg_n 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o couper_n of_o glasg_n 100_o lib._n john_n chatto_n elder_a merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n edward_n cleghorn_n goldsmith_n there_o 100_o lib._n robert_n couper_n baillie_n in_o strathmiglo_n 100_o lib._n colin_n campbell_n of_o bogholt_n 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o cordiners_n in_o the_o cannongate_n 100_o lib._n james_n cumming_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n james_n campbell_n of_o kinpont_n 100_o lib._n william_n callender_n junior_a merchant_n in_o falkirk_n 100_o lib._n willam_n callender_n elder_a merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n mrs._n christian_n cockburn_n daughter_n to_o adam_n cockburn_n of_o ormiston_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n crauford_n in_o abercorn_n 100_o lib._n frederick_n corser_n merchant_n in_o dundie_n 100_o lib._n henry_n cheap_a of_o rossie_n young_a 100_o lib._n george_n cranston_n in_o baxtounleyes_n 100_o lib._n duncan_n campbell_n of_o dunneave_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n christian_n carr_n sister-german_a to_o john_n carr_n of_o cavers_n 100_o lib._n george_n cruikshank_n junior_a merchant_n in_o aberd._n 100_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n chrighton_n of_o tillyfergus_n chamberlain_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o perth_n 100_o lib._n anna_n cunningham_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a mr._n james_n cunningham_n in_o alva_n 100_o lib._n agnes_n campbell_n relict_n of_o the_o decease_a andrew_n anderson_n his_o majesty_n printer_n 100_o lib._n mr._n patrick_n campbell_n brother_n to_o monzie_n 100_o lib._n david_n cuthbert_n brother_n to_o castlehill_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n carnagie_n of_o craigie_n 100_o lib._n john_n crauford_n collector_n at_o inverness_n 100_o lib._n robert_n cuming_n of_o kelugn_v merchant_n in_o inverness_n 100_o lib._n william_n carruthers_n of_o whytcroft_n 100_o lib._n d._n john_n drummond_n of_o newton_n 2325_o lib._n mr._n william_n dunlop_n principal_a of_o the_o college_n of_o glasgow_n 2000_o lib._n james_n lord_n drummond_n 1000_o lib._n susan_n countess_n of_o dundonald_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n robert_n dickson_n of_o sornbegg_n 1000_o lib._n alexander_n duncan_n of_o lundie_n 1000_o lib._n george_n dundass_o merchant_n in_o leith_n 1000_o lib._n mr._n john_n duncan_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n thomas_n dalrymple_n doctor_n of_o median_a 700_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 111890_o 〈…〉_o david_n drummond_n of_o cultmalindie_a 600_o lib._n john_n drummond_n of_o culquhalzie_n 600_o lib._n alexander_n dundass_o doctor_n of_o medicine_n 600_o lib._n james_n marquis_n of_o douglas_z 500_o lib._n john_n dunlop_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 500_o lib._n mr._n hugh_n dalrymple_n advocate_n 500_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o drumfreis_n 500_o lib._n mr._n william_n drummond_n brother_n to_o logie-almond_n 500_o lib._n adam_n drummond_n of_o megginsh_fw-mi 500_o lib._n mr._n archibald_n douglas_n brother_n to_o sir_n william_n douglas_n of_o cavers_n 500_o lib._n thomas_n drummond_n of_o logie-almond_n 500_o lib._n captain_z charles_n douglas_z son_n to_o sir_n william_n douglas_n colonel_n 500_o lib._n james_n dunlop_n collector_n at_o borrowstounness_n and_o merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n thomas_n dishingtoun_n merchant_n in_o leith_n 500_o lib._n john_n duncan_z merchant_z in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n robert_n dinwiddie_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 500_o lib._n sir_n james_n dunbar_n of_o mochrum_n 400_o lib._n marry_o douglas_n lady_n hilton_n 400_o lib._n sir_n james_n don_n of_o newton_n 400_o lib._n mr._n james_n dalrymple_n of_o killoch_n 400_o lib._n mr._n david_n dalrymple_n advocate_n 400_o lib._n adolphus_n durham_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 400_o lib._n charles_n diwie_a merchant_n there_o 400_o lib._n sir_n william_n denham_n of_o westsheid_n 300_o lib._n mr._n david_n dickson_n doctor_n of_o medicine_n 300_o lib._n mr._n john_n dickson_n secretary_n to_o the_o maraquis_n of_o tweeddale_n 300_o lib._n george_n danizell_n wright_n in_o glasgow_n 300_o lib._n charles_n dalrymple_n writer_n in_o kilmarnock_n 300_o lib._n alexander_n duff_n of_o drummure_v 300_o lib._n william_n duff_n of_o diple_a 260_o henrieta_n dalyell_n lady_n glennae_n 200_o lib._n captain_n james_n drummond_n of_o comrie_n 200_o lib._n henry_n douglas_z keeper_z of_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n john_n drummond_n brother_n to_o cultimalindie_a 200_o lib._n alexander_n douglas_n guiddon_n and_o major_n to_o his_o majesty_n troup_n of_o guard_n 200_o lib._n mr._n christian_n dundas_n daughter_n to_o kincavil_n advocate_n 200_o lib._n robert_z douglas_z senior_a soap-boiler_n in_o leith_n 200_o lib._n laurence_n don_n tailor_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n john_n duncan_z late_a baillie_n in_o dundee_n 200_o lib._n william_n douglas_n merchant_n in_o dalkeith_n 200_o lib._n mrs._n agnes_n dalyell_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a sir_n robert_n dalyell_n of_o glennae_n baronet_n 200_o lib._n james_n dunbar_n of_o dalcross_n late_a baillie_n of_o inverness_n 180_o john_n dickson_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n abraham_n davidson_n merchant_n in_o aberdeen_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n dunbar_n merchantin_n edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n nicolas_n de-champ_n paper-maker_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n robert_z douglas_z of_o strathenrie_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n dunlop_n chirurgeon_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n darling_n doctor_n of_o the_o grammar-school_n of_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n walter_n denningstoun_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 128_o 230_o lib._n ●_o from_o page_n 6._o 128_o 230_o lib._n laurence_n dinwiddie_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n marion_n davidson_n relict_n of_o mr._n john_n glen_n minister_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n susanna_n douglass_n relict_n of_o ninian_n anderson_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n donaldson_n elder_a maltman_n there_o 100_o lib._n william_n dykes_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n mr._n john_n dallas_n son_n to_o st._n martin_n 100_o lib._n john_n dunbar_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n james_n dykes_n cordiner_n in_o cannongate_n 100_o lib._n david_n drummond_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n john_n dick_n writer_n there_o 100_o lib._n robert_z douglas_z junior_a soap-boiler_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n patrick_n dundas_n son_n to_o brestmiln_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n duncan_n merchant_n in_o dundee_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n dunbar_n tailor_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n richard_n dickson_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n dowie_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n george_n duncan_n merchant_n in_o inverness_n 100_o lib._n william_n dunbar_n son_n to_o the_o laird_n of_o durn_v 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n douglas_n minister_n at_o stow._n 100_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o dunbar_n 100_o lib._n john_n durie_n skipper_n in_o kirkaldie_n 100_o lib._n john_n dallas_n writer_n burgess_n of_o fortross_n 100_o lib._n robert_z douglas_z merchant_z in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n lodovick_n drummond_n chamberlain_n to_o my_o lord_n drummond_n 100_o lib._n e._n the_o good-town_n of_o edinburgh_n 300_o lib._n lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n erskin_n son_n to_o david_n lord_n cardross_n 1200_o mr._n james_n elphingstoun_n one_o of_o the_o commissary_n of_o edinburgh_n 1000_o lib._n gideon_n eliot_n chirurgeon_n there_o 500_o lib._n william_n eliot_n of_o borthwick-brae_a 200_o lib._n robert_n eliot_n of_o midle-miln_a 200_o lib._n mr._n william_n eccles_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n thomas_z edgar_z chirurgeon_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n mr._n edward_n eizat_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n james_n erskine_n brother-german_a to_o the_o laird_n of_o pittodrie_n 200_o lib._n john_n edingtoun_n writer_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n ewing_n writer_n there_o 100_o lib._n david_n edgar_n of_o keithock_n 100_o lib._n john_n eliot_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n walter_n eliot_n of_o erckletoun_n 100_o lib._n gilbert_n eliot_n of_o stonedge_v 100_o lib._n f._n andrew_n fletcher_n of_o saltoun_n 1000_o lib._n samuel_n forbes_n of_o foverain_a 1000_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n forbes_n of_o tulquhon_n 500_o lib._n sir_n james_n fleeming_n of_o rathobyres_n 500_o lib._n john_n forbes_n brother_n to_o foverain_n 500_o lib._n patrick_n farmer_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n captain_n charles_n forbes_n in_o sir_n john_n hill_n regiment_n 400_o lib._n george_n fullertoun_n of_o dreghorn_n 300_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 142930_o transport_v from_o f._n 142930_o mr._n john_n frank_n advocate_n 300_o lib._n mr_n john_n fairholm_n advocate_n 300_o lib._n arthur_n forbes_n of_o eicht_n young_a 200_o lib._n duncan_n forbes_n of_o colloden_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n forbes_n of_o watertoun_n 200_o lib._n colonel_n james_n ferguson_n 200_o lib._n major_a john_n forbes_n 200_o lib._n captain_n john_n forbes_n of_o forbestoun_n
100_o lib._n robert_n hunter_n farmer_n in_o straiton_n 100_o lib._n john_n hunter_n farmer_n in_o har●orndane_n james_n hutchison_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n richard_n hovison_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n hugh_n hamilton_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n john_n hepburn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n hugh_z hay_o merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n heriot_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n matthew_n hapkin_n merchant_n in_o kilmarnock_n 100_o lib._n john_n hay_o merchant_n in_o frazerburgh_n 100_o lib._n robert_n hunter_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n ann_n hamilton_n daughter_n to_o prestoun_n 100_o lib._n david_n home_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n katharin_n hall_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a sir_n john_n hall_n of_o dunglass_n 100_o lib._n john_n haliburton_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n james_n halket_n doctor_n of_o medicine_n 100_o lib._n george_n herbertson_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n andrew_n haliburton_n brother_n to_o newmains_n 100_o lib._n william_n haliburton_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n janet_n home_n lady_n eccles_n 100_o lib._n robert_n herdman_n maltman_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n william_n hutton_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n hog_n writer_n there_o 100_o lib._n daniel_n hamilton_n writer_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n hay_o chirurgion-apothecary_n there_o 100_o lib._n james_n hutton_n elder_n in_o rose_n in_o perth-shire_n 100_o lib._n robert_n hunter_n of_o baldavy_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n jean_n hay_o spouse_n to_o captain_n lothian_n 100_o lib._n patrick_n haliburton_n doctor_n of_o medicine_n 100_o lib._n james_n hamilton_n chirurgion-apothecary_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n margaret_n hepburn_n daughter_n to_o the_o decease_a george_n hepburn_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n captain_n william_n henderson_n in_o colonel_n macgill_n be_v regiment_n 100_o lib._n john_n hamilton_n chamberlain_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o cassells_n 100_o lib._n andrew_n herron_n of_o bergally_n 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o hammer-man_n and_o belt-maker_n in_o the_o cannongate_n 100_o lib._n the_o incorporation_n of_o the_o hammer-man_n of_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n mr._n james_n henryson_n of_o pitadro_n 100_o lib._n john_n haliburtoun_n junior_a of_o moore-houslaw_a 100_o lib._n james_n hamilton_n junior_a merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n i._o william_n lord_n jedburgh_n 1500_o lib._n jesper_n johnstoun_n of_o waristoun_n 500_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 207280_o transport_v from_o i._o 207280_o patrick_n johnstoun_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n jardin_fw-fr of_o applegirth_n 400_o lib._n robert_n johnstoun_n and_o john_n reid_n merchant_n in_o drumfreis_n 400_o lib._n alexander_n inn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 400_o lib._n alexander_n johnstoun_n of_o elshishiels_n 400_o lib._n robert_n johnstoun_n late_a provost_n of_o drumfreis_n 400_o lib._n charles_n jackson_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 300_o lib._n john_n jameson_n of_o balmore_n 200_o lib._n william_n johnstoun_n in_o barngleish_n 200_o lib._n james_n johnstoun_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 200_o lib._n john_n irving_n son_n to_o john_n irving_n of_o drumcolton_n 200_o lib._n mr._n robert_n innes_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n john_n irving_n son_n to_o john_n irving_n present_a provost_n of_o drumfreis_n 200_o lib._n james_n inglis_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n justice_n writer_n there_o 200_o lib._n thomas_n johnstoun_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 200_o lib._n george_n johnstoun_n merchant_n there_o 200_o lib._n rachel_n johnstoun_n relict_n of_o mr._n robert_n baillie_n of_o jervistwood_n 200_o lib._n sir_n alexander_n inn_n of_o cockstoun_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n irving_n merchant_n in_o drumfreis_n 200_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o inverness_n 100_o lib._n john_n inglis_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 100_o lib._n william_n jameson_n glazier_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n simeon_n jack_n skipper_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n robert_n inn_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n johnstoun_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n alexander_n johnstoun_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n william_n johnstoun_n postmaster_n of_o hadington_n 100_o lib._n robert_n inglis_n goldsmith_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n dame_n margaret_n johnstoun_n relict_n of_o sir_n john_n weems_n of_o bogie_n 100_o lib._n helen_n johnstoun_n lady_n graden_n 100_o lib._n james_n jaffray_n shipmaster_n in_o kirkcaldie_n 100_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o irving_n 100_o lib._n jean_n jameson_n daughter_n to_o mr._n edward_n jameson_n minister_v 100_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o innerkeithing_n 100_o lib._n k._n sir_n thomas_n kennedy_n of_o kirkhill_n 800_o lib._n patrick_n lord_n kinnaird_n 700_o lib._n john_n earl_n of_o kintore_n 500_o lib._n mark_v ker_n of_o houndwood_n 500_o lib._n thomas_n kinkaid_n son_n to_o thomas_n kinkaid_n of_o auchinreogh_n 500_o lib._n john_n kennedy_n apothecary_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n james_n kendal_n skipper_n in_o leith_n 500_o lib._n james_n ker_n of_o grange_n 300_o lib._n george_n kinnaird_n brother_n to_o the_o l._n kinnaird_n 300_o lib._n mr._n robert_n keith_n of_o feddret_n 300_o lib._n alexander_n earl_n of_o kellie_n 200_o lib._n andrew_n karr_n young_a of_o kippilaw_n 200_o lib._n henry_n kendal_n merchant_n in_o leith_n 200_o lib._n patrick_n kid_n merchant_n in_o dundie_n 200_o lib._n robert_n kennedy_n of_o auchtifardle_n 200_o lib._n william_n kelso_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 220280_o transport_v from_o page_n 9_o 220280_o lib._n mr._n john_n ker_n brother_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o roxburgh_n 200_o lib._n andrew_n ker_n young_a in_o chatto_n 200_o lib._n mr._n william_n ker_n brother-german_a to_o roxburgh_n 200_o lib._n jean_n kinkaid_n relict_n of_o george_n thomson_n of_o mane_n 100_o lib._n edward_n ker_n merchant_n in_o irving_n 100_o lib._n john_n kyle_n merchant_n in_o largs_n 100_o lib._n john_n kennedy_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n david_n kennedy_n of_o kirkmichael_n 100_o lib._n mr._n thomas_n kennedy_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n kirkwood_n servitor_n to_o the_o lord_n murray_n 100_o lib._n alison_n ker_n relict_n of_o john_n ker_n merchant_n in_o kelso_n 100_o lib._n mr._n john_n kinloch_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n thomas_n ker_n goldsmith_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n knox_n chirurgeon_n to_o the_o castle_n of_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n robert_n kinloch_n late_a baillie_n in_o dundie_n 100_o lib._n robert_n kelly_n present_a baillie_n in_o dunbar_n 100_o lib._n alexander_n keith_n writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n knox_n portioner_n in_o falkirk_n 100_o lib._n james_n kid_n of_o craigie_n 100_o lib._n l._n david_n earl_n of_o leven_n 2000_o lib._n george_n lockhart_n of_o carnwath_n 1000_o lib._n mr._n william_n livingstoun_n of_o kilsyth_n 1000_o lib._n george_n lockhart_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 1000_o lib._n john_n earl_n of_o lauderdale_n 500_o lib._n robert_n earl_n of_o lothian_n 500_o lib._n james_n lundie_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 500_o lib._n william_n lamb_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 500_o lib._n sir_n john_n lauder_n of_o fountain-hall_n one_o of_o the_o senator_n of_o the_o college_n of_o justice_n 400_o lib._n george_n lind_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 400_o lib._n george_n livingtoun_n taylor_n there_o 400_o lib._n patrick_n lesly_n of_o balquhan_n 300_o lib._n alexander_n lesly_n merchant_n in_o bamff_n 300_o lib._n david_n lumsden_n son_n to_o innergellie_n 200_o lib._n john_n leckie_n young_a of_o newland_n 200_o lib._n william_n lawrie_n tutor_n of_o blackwood_n 200_o lib._n andrew_n law_n goldsmith_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n david_n ladley_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 200_o lib._n james_n luke_n goldsmith_n there_o 200_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o linlithgow_n 200_o lib._n mr._n silvester_n lion_n minister_n of_o kirrenmure_n 200_o lib._n james_n loggie_n tailor_n in_o glasgow_n 125_o lib._n john_n lanrick_n writer_n in_o drumfries_n 100_o lib._n robert_n lawrie_n young_a of_o maxweltoun_n 100_o lib._n charles_n logan_n merchant_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n mr_n patrick_n liston_n minister_n in_o air_n 100_o lib._n james_n lyell_n of_o garden_n 100_o lib._n george_n loch_n of_o draylie_a 100_o lib._n walter_n lockhart_n of_o kirktoun_n 100_o lib._n mrs._n ann_n livingstoun_n sister_n to_o saltcoats_n 100_o lib._n john_n libertoun_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n hugh_n lind_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n andrew_n leitch_n burgess_n of_o stranrawer_n 100_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 234105_o transport_v from_o 〈…〉_o 234105_o lib._n james_n law_n elder_a skipper_n in_o leith_n 100_o lib._n james_n law_n junior_a writer_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n john_n leckie_n of_o mye_a merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n james_n lees_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n andrey_n lees_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n george_n logan_n maltman_n in_o gorball_n 100_o lib._n john_n learmond_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n robert_n lindsay_n merchant_n in_o dundie_n 100_o lib._n george_n lothian_n junior_a merchant_n in_o edinb_n 100_o lib._n george_n livingstoun_n wright_n there_o 100_o
200_o lib._n james_n nicolson_n of_o trabroun_n dean_n of_o guild_n of_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n william_n neilson_n merchant_n in_o inverness_n 175_o lib._n mr._n james_n nasmith_n deput-clerk_n of_o edinb_n 100_o lib._n william_n niven_n smith_n in_o pollock-shaws_a 100_o lib._n william_n norvell_n merchant_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n john_n nairn_n of_o dichindad_o 100_o lib._n robert_n nicolson_n son_n to_o mr._n thomas_n nicolson_n advocate_n 100_o lib._n margaret_n nicolson_n lady_n dalry_n 100_o lib._n william_n nairn_n baillie_n in_o dalkeith_n 100_o lib._n george_n nisbet_n glazier_n in_o glasgow_n 100_o lib._n william_n neilson_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n dame_n isabel_n nicolson_n lady_n cockpen_n elder_a 100_o lib._n william_n nicolson_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n mr._n francis_n napier_n baillie_n in_o stirling_n 100_o lib._n o._n sir_n james_z oswald_z of_o fingaltoun_n 500_o lib._n james_n oliphant_n of_o williamstoun_n 500_o lib._n william_n oliphant_n of_o gask_n 500_o lib._n patrick_n ogilvie_n of_o balfour_n 400_o lib._n charles_n oliphant_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n charles_n ogilvie_n merchant_n in_o montrose_n 200_o lib._n laurence_n oliphant_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n robert_n orrok_n merchant_n there_o 100_o lib._n john_n oliphant_n son_n to_o william_n oliphant_n merchant_n in_o dundie_n 100_o lib._n john_n olipher_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 100_o lib._n william_n ogilvie_n in_o tods-how-hill_n 100_o lib._n p._n the_o town_n of_o perth_n 2000_o lib._n james_n pringle_n of_o torwoodlie_a 1300_o lib._n patrick_n porteous_n of_o halk-shaw_n 1100_o james_n earl_n of_o panmure_n 1000_o lib._n sir_n james_n primrose_n of_o caringtoun_n 1000_o lib._n patrick_n lord_n polwarth_n 500_o lib._n sir_n john_n pringle_n of_o stitchel_n 500_o lib._n robert_n pollock_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 500_o lib._n david_n plenderleith_n of_o blyth_n 500_o lib._n hugh_n paterson_n chirurgeon_n in_o edinburgh_n 400_o lib._n george_n pringle_n of_o green-know_a 400_o lib._n andrew_n paterson_n wright_n in_o edinburgh_n 300_o lib._n gawen_v plummer_n merchant_n thou_o 300_o lib._n carry_v forward_o 291280_o transport_v 〈…〉_o 2912●0_n lib._n alexander_n pyper_n merchant_n in_o montrose_n 300_o lib._n the_o royal-colledge_n of_o physician_n 200_o lib._n alexander_n porterfield_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 200_o lib._n mr._n walter_n pringle_n avocat_fw-la 200_o lib._n mr._n archibald_n pitcairn_n dr._n of_o medicine_n 200_o lib._n john_n pringle_n merchant_n in_o edinburgh_n 200_o lib._n john_n porteous_n merchant_n in_o dalkeith_n 200_o lib._n thomas_n pringle_n writer_n to_o the_o signet_n 200_o lib._n the_o town_n of_o pase_o 200_o lib._n john_n porterfield_n brother_n to_o porterfield_n of_o that_o ilk_fw-mi 100_o lib._n robert_n paterson_n merchant_n in_o kilmarnock_n 100_o lib._n john_n port