Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n alexander_n earl_n sir_n 16,359 5 6.9369 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 149
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A82939 An order of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for setling and manageing of the places of the Lord Admirall and Lord Warden of the cinque-ports, in a committee of Lords and Commons.; Proceedings. 1645-04-19 England and Wales. Parliament.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1645 (1645) Wing E1709; Thomason 669.f.9[29]; ESTC R212224 582 1 View Text
A88342 The list of the names of all the commanders, and other gentlemen of note that were taken prisoners in the late battell at Winchester as it was presented to his Excellency the Earl of Essex at Windsor. Decemb. 17. And sent by Coronet Sterly, to Sergeant Major Alexander, one of the commanders under his Excellency. Sterly, John. 1642 (1642) Wing L2462; Thomason 669.f.6[98]; ESTC R212570 615 1 View Text
A52542 The names of the members of the Fishing Society, anno 1670 Fishing Society (Scotland) 1670 (1670) Wing N142A; ESTC R216410 889 1 View Text
B05497 A proclamation anent keeping the dyets of the commission of the Kirk Scotland. Privy Council.; Scotland. Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II) 1678 (1678) Wing S1633B; ESTC R187407 1,050 1 View Text
A48658 A list of the fellovvs of the Royal Society, out of which ten are to be chosen into the Council, November 30th, 1663 Royal Society (Great Britain). Council. 1663 (1663) Wing L2423; ESTC R41030 1,083 1 View Text
B05135 By the commmittee appointed for auditing and stating the accompts between the publick, and the successors of Sir William Dick late of Edinburgh, merchant. Scotland. Parliament. Committee for Auditing the Estate of Sir William Dick.; Scrope, Adrian, 1601-1660. 1657 (1657) Wing S1008; ESTC R183819 1,137 1 View Text
B04067 A list of the Royal Society . His sacred majesty King Charles II. founder and patron. Royal Society (Great Britain). Council. 1675 (1675) Wing L2428; ESTC R179793 1,659 1 View Text
B04094 A list of the Royal Society. His sacred majesty King Charles II. founder and patron. Royal Society (Great Britain). Council. 1667 (1667) Wing L2499; ESTC R179865 1,684 2 View Text
A34508 A Copy of the articles for the surender of the city of Yorke, July the 16, 1644 Glemham, Thomas, Sir, d. 1649. 1644 (1644) Wing C6204; ESTC R23939 1,805 10 View Text
B04081 A list of the names of the adventurers in the Bank of Scotland January 1. 1696. Bank of Scotland. 1696 (1696) Wing L2465A; ESTC R181345 1,896 1 View Text
B03814 By the Lord Deputy and Council. Tyrconnel. Whereas several persons in the province of Ulster, and the town of Sligo, in this his Majesties kingdom, have entred into several associations, containing no less offence than high treason... Ireland. Lord Deputy (1687-1689 : Tyrconnel); Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot, Earl of, 1630-1691. 1689 (1689) Wing I880; ESTC R223058 1,983 2 View Text
A25949 The articles of the svrrender of the city of Yorke to the Earle of Leven, Lord Fairefax, and Earle of Manchester, on Tuesday July 16, 1644 together with an explanation of some part of the articles. Leven, Alexander Leslie, Earl of, 1580?-1661.; Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax, Baron, 1584-1648.; Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 1602-1671. 1644 (1644) Wing A3876; ESTC R3680 2,052 7 View Text
A89673 The copy of a letter from Newcastle, containing divers passages of the proceedings betweene the Kings Majesty and the Scots, sent by a gentleman of note. With the copy of an act concerning the power of the Estates of Scotland, the continuance of the Parliament and Excise. As also the Lords of Session for Administratiion of Justice. Signed by Sir Alexander Gibson, Clarke Register to the Parliament of Scotland. Tuesday the 21. of September 1646. These papers from Newcastle are printed and published according to order, and for generall satisfaction. E. N.; Scotland. Parliament. 1646 (1646) Wing N11; Thomason E355_3; ESTC R201106 2,174 8 View Text
A52511 The names of the lords and other the commissioners for Greenwich Hospital Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. 1695 (1695) Wing N139; ESTC R17511 2,272 7 View Text
B06066 By the Commissioners appointed for Administration of Justice to the People of Scotland. Forasmuch as there be many laudable laws and acts of Parliament of this nation made for suppressing of Sorners, broken Highlanders, borderers, and such as have disquieted the peace of the nation in former times ... Scotland. Commissioners for administration of Justice in Scotland. 1653 (1653) Wing S994E; ESTC R183803 2,622 1 View Text
B23091 An exact and true relation of a bloody fight performed against the Earl of Newcastle and his forces before Todcaster and Selby in York-shire, in his march towards London. By the Lo: Fairfax, Sir Chr: Wray, Sir Henry Foulis, Capt: Hotham, Capt: Hatcher, Capt: Rhodes, and Capt: Anderson, with their troops. With the number of souldiers that were slain. Sent in a letter from Selby, by Sir Henry Foulis Baronet, to Mr. T. Chaloner Esquire, dwelling in Drury-lane, London. With a list of the names of all the commanders and other gentlemen of note that were taken prisoners in the late battell at Winchester. Foulis, Henry, Sir, 1607 or 8-1643. 1642 (1642) Wing F1639A 3,203 8 View Text
B04079 A list of the knights, citizens, and burgesses chosen to serve in the Parliament holden at Westminster the eighth of May. 1661 England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1661 (1661) Wing L2451; ESTC R225794 3,446 1 View Text
A92704 A proclamation, for the calling out the levy of one thousand men, for the year 1697. William III, King of England, 1650-1702.; Scotland. Privy Council. 1696 (1696) Wing S1929; ESTC R213097 4,122 4 View Text
A58563 Act for putting the kingdome in a posture of defence, to joyne with the present standing forces, and new levy Edinburgh, 3 July, 1650. Scotland. 1650 (1650) Wing S1094; ESTC R34031 4,376 4 View Text
A37585 An Act for the security of His Highnes the Lord Protector his person, and continuance of the nation in peace and safety. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom 1656.; Public General Acts. 1656. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Parliament. Proceedings. 1656. aut 1657 (1657) Wing E1123; ESTC R25056 4,622 12 View Text
A95561 The names of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, & Barons, dead or living, that have been or are in England, Scotland, & Ireland, in and since the raign of Queen Elizabeth, to this yeare, 1653. By John Taylor Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1653 (1653) Wing T485; Thomason E1463_1; ESTC R209612 4,688 29 View Text
B03560 The genealogy of the Lairds of Ednem and Duntreth, from the year of God 1063, to the year 1699 and more particularly of Duntreth, and the families that married with Duntreth, during the said time. 1699 (1699) Wing G484A; ESTC R177353 5,017 16 View Text
A46106 An impartial account of the names of His Majesty's most honourable privy-council and principal officers of this kingdom, now in commission, under the most puissant and renowned prince, King James II 1686 (1686) Wing I72; ESTC R41774 5,139 1 View Text
A38883 An Exact and perfect list of the names of the knights of the counties, citizens of the cities, burgessses of the boroughs and towns and barons of the cinque-ports that serve in this present Parliament taken at this last session, annoq. Regni Car. 2 Regis I 6/7. 1664 (1664) Wing E3602; ESTC R27353 5,589 17 View Text
A26185 A true account of the unreasonableness of Mr. Fitton's pretences against the Earl of Macclesfield Atwood, William, d. 1705? 1685 (1685) Wing A4183A; ESTC R28316 7,944 9 View Text
A58658 A proclamation for calling together the militia on this side of Tay, and the fencible men in some shires Edinburgh, the thirtieth day of March, 1689. Scotland. Parliament.; Gibson, Alexander, Sir, d. 1693. 1689 (1689) Wing S1323A; ESTC R38222 8,693 10 View Text
A58754 A proclamation for securing the peace of the High-lands Edinburgh, the tenth day of October, 1678. Scotland. Parliament. 1678 (1678) Wing S1913; ESTC R35165 9,014 12 View Text
B02987 The humble desires and propositions for a safe and well-grounded peace, agreed upon by the mutuall advice and consent of the Parliaments of both kingdoms, united by Solemn League and Covenant. / Presented unto His Majesty at Oxford the 24. of Novemb. last, by Committees from both Houses of Parliament, and Commissioners from the Kingdom of Scotland. Together with an order and severall votes of the Commons assembled in Parliament, the 4. and 8. of this prsent Octob. 1645. for delinquents to compound according to the said propositions, and to come in to the Parliament before December next ensuing. England and Wales. Parliament.; Scotland. Parliament. 1645 (1645) Wing E1553D; ESTC R175103 9,224 18 View Text
A80269 A list of the subscribers to the Company of Scotland, trading to Africa and the Indies Taken in Edinburgh &c. until the 21 of April inclusive 1696.; Lists. 1696-04-21 Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. 1696 (1696) Wing C5598; ESTC R221815 13,392 14 View Text
A11720 A briefe chronicle, of all the kinges of Scotland declaring in what yeare of the worlde, and of Christ, they began to reigne, how long they reigned, of what qualities they were, and how they died. 1625 (1625) STC 22007; ESTC S116893 14,216 46 View Text
A25704 An apology for the Protestants of Ireland in a brief narrative of the late revolutions in that kingdom, and an account of the present state thereof. 1689 (1689) Wing A3556; ESTC R16309 15,035 42 View Text
A48030 The arraignment of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, before the Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord High-Steward of England also, a brief derivation of the most honourable family of the Howards : with an account of what families they are related to by marriages / transcribed out of ancient manuscripts, never before published. Lacy, J. 1685 (1685) Wing L142A; ESTC R202692 15,898 33 View Text
B01492 Abbreviat of the depositions of the witnesses, adduced by the Earl of Lauderdale against the Earl of Aberdene. Scotland. Convention of Estates. 1684 (1684) Wing A70BA; ESTC R173257 18,118 20 View Text
A34146 A perfect list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, who have subscribed as adventurers in the joynt-stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies together with the respective sums which they have severally subscribed in the books of the said company, amounting in the whole to the sum of 400000 lib. sterling. Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. 1696 (1696) Wing C5599; ESTC R41896 18,748 16 View Text
B09304 By the Lord Lieutenant and Council Essex whereas in an act of Parliament, lately passed in this Kingdom, entituled, An act for the explaining of some doubts, a rising upon an entituled, an Act for the better execution of His Majesties gracious declaration for the settlement of his kingdome of Ireland ... Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1672-1677 : Essex); Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 1631-1683. 1674 (1674) Wing I818; ESTC R178810 19,183 58 View Text
A14671 A catalogue of the nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland With an addition of the baronets of England, the dates of their patents, the seuerall creations of the knights of the Bath, from the coronation of King Iames, to this present. Collected by T.W.; Most exact catalogue of the nobilitie of England, Scotland, and Ireland Walkley, Thomas, d. 1658? 1630 (1630) STC 24974; ESTC S101308 19,624 46 View Text
A29076 A vindication of the Reverend Mr. Alexander Osborn, in reference to the affairs of the north of Ireland in which some mistakes concerning him (in the printed account of the siege of Derry, the observations on it, and Mr. Walker's vindication of it) are rectified : and a brief relation of those affairs is given so far as Mr. Osborn, and other n.c. ministers in the north, were concern'd in 'em / written at Mr. Osborn's request by his friend Mr. J. Boyse. Boyse, J. (Joseph), 1660-1728.; Walker, George, 1645?-1690. 1690 (1690) Wing B4082; ESTC R10397 19,737 32 View Text
A96907 The Earl of Glamorgans negotiations and colourable commitment in Ireland demonstrated: or the Irish plot for bringing ten thousand men and arms into England, whereof three hundred to be for Prince Charls's lifeguard. Discovered in several letters taken in a packet-boat by Sir Tho: Fairfax forces at Padstow in Cornwal. Which letters were cast into the sea, and by the sea coming in, afterwards regained. And were read in the Honorable House of Commons. Together with divers other letters taken by Captain Moulton at sea near Milford-Haven coming out of Ireland, concerning the same plot and negotiation. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that these letters be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Worcester, Edward Somerset, Marquis of, 1601-1667.; England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. 1646 (1646) Wing W3533; Thomason E328_9; ESTC R200673 21,230 35 View Text
A40878 A trve relation of that memorable Parliament which wrought wonders begun at Westminster, in the tenth yeare of the reigne of K. Richard the second : whereunto is added an abstract of those memorable matters, before and since the said kings reigne, done by Parliament : together with a character of the said amiable, but unhappy King, and a briefe story of his life and lamentable death.; Historia sive narracio de modo et forma mirabilis Parliamenti apud Westmonasterium anno Domini millesimo CCCLXXXVI. English Fannant, Thomas. 1641 (1641) Wing F416; ESTC R592 22,223 53 View Text
A83241 An ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, for the raising of moneys to be imployed towards the maintenance of forces within this kingdom, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax knight. And for the speedy transporting of and paying the forces for carrying on the War of Ireland. / 7 Julii, 1647. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Mr. Husband do forthwith print six thousand of the ordinance for raising moneys for maintenance of the army under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax knight. ; H: Elsynge, cler. Parl. D. Com.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Elsynge, Henry, 1598-1654.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1647 (1647) Wing E2020A; ESTC R175205 22,551 40 View Text
A60503 Remarks upon the D--- of S---'s letter to the House of Lords concerning Capt. Smyth being a vindication of his services from the imputations therein laid upon them : with the D---'s letter at large : to which is added a list of those persons to whom warrants were granted to stay in England pursuant to a late act of Parliament / by Matthew Smyth ... Smith, Matthew, fl. 1696.; Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of, 1660-1718. 1700 (1700) Wing S4132; ESTC R10304 23,209 48 View Text
A57983 A relation of the death of David Rizzi chief favorite to Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland; who was killed in the apartment of the said Queen on the 9th of March 1565. Written by the Lord Ruthen [sic], one of the principal persons concerned in that action. Published from an original manuscript. Together with an account of David Rizzi, faithfully translated from Geo. Buchanan's History of Scotland. Ruthven, Patrick Ruthven, Lord, d. 1566.; Buchanan, George, 1506-1582. Rerum Scoticarum historia. English. Selections. aut 1699 (1699) Wing R2397B; ESTC R218070 27,471 52 View Text
A39530 The catalogue of most of the memorable tombes, grave-stones, plates, escutcheons, or atchievements in the demolisht or yet extant churches of London from St. Katharines beyond the Tower to Temple-Barre the out parishes being included : a work of great weight and conseqvently to be indulged and contenanced by such who are gratefully ambitious of preserving the memory of their ancestors / by P. Fisher somtimes Serjant Major of Foot. Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693. 1668 (1668) Wing F1014; ESTC R28628 28,171 61 View Text
A34498 Copy of a pape [sic] presented in the year, 1681, to the then Duke of York vvhilst he was in Scotland; entituled, Considerations on the Scots Mint; and of a commission granted under the Great-Seal, in the year, 1682. by King Charles the Second, for the tryal of the mint; and of the reports made thereon: together with the copies of His Majesties several missive letters, containing his approbation, and further determination thereanent; faithfully transcribed from the originals. 1691 (1691) Wing C6183B; ESTC R215455 28,778 48 View Text
A24055 An Abstract or brief declaration of the present state of His Majesties revenew with the assignations and defalcations upon the same : all monies brought into His Maiesties coffers from time to time, since his coming to the Crown of England, by what means so ever : the ordinary annuall issues, gifts, rewards, and extraordinary disbursments as they are distinguished in the severall titles hereafter following. 1651 (1651) Wing A148; ESTC R224467 29,692 78 View Text
A35082 A copy of the letter from His Excellency the Lord Generall Cromwell, sent to the members of Parliament called to take upon them the trust of the government of this common-vvealth : which began on Munday the fourth of June, 1653, the day appointed by the letters of summons from his Excellency the Lord Gen. Cromwell for the meeting of these gentlemen : with severall transactions since that time. Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. 1656 (1656) Wing C7054; ESTC R5464 33,160 60 View Text
A58642 The laws and acts of the second Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith begun at Edinburgh, the 19. of October, 1669. By a noble Earl, John Earl of Lauderdail, Viscount Maitland, Lord Thirlestane, and Bolton, &c. His Majesties Commissioner for holding the same, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties Great Seal of this kingdom: with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament. Extracted from the records of Parliament, be Sir Archibald Primerose of Chester, knight and barronet, clerk to His Majesties Council, Registers and Rolls.; Acts. Scotland.; Primrose, Archibald, Sir, 1616-1679. 1679 (1679) Wing S1272; ESTC R217871 33,600 49 View Text
A29664 Englands glory, or, An exact catalogue of the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Councel with the Knights of the Most Noble Order of Saint George, called the Garter, and the House of Peers : as also, a catalogue of the Lord Bishops, House of Commons, the dukes, marquesses, earles, viscounts, barons and baronets &c., made since His Majesties happy restoration and the times of their several creations : likewise, a perfect list of the Knights of the Bath, and the preparations and habits that were made for them at the time of their installment at the coronation : together with a perfect catalogue of the Lower House of Convocation now sitting at Westminster. Brooke, Nathaniel.; Ferne, H. (Henry), 1602-1662. Catalogue of the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury. 1660 (1660) Wing B4907; ESTC R12468 37,728 94 View Text
B05252 Laws and acts past in the second [i.e. third] session of the first Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly and Bambreith ... / with special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Rothes, John Leslie, Earl of, 1630?-1681.; Scotland. Convention of Estates. 1663 (1663) Wing S1273A; ESTC R183990 41,021 57 View Text
B05253 Laws and acts past in the third session of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly and Bambreith ... / with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Rothes, John Leslie, Earl of, 1630?-1681.; Scotland. Convention of Estates. 1674 (1674) Wing S1278A; ESTC R183991 41,047 48 View Text
A58629 The laws and acts made in the second session of the First Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the 29 of Apr. 1686 by a noble earl, Alexander, Earl of Morray, Lord Doun and Abernethie, &c., Secretary of State for the kingdom of Scotland, His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George, Viscount of Tarbat ...; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Moray, Alexander Stewart, Earl of, d. 1701.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714. 1686 (1686) Wing S1253; ESTC R15416 44,285 34 View Text
A50168 A farther impartial account of the actions of the Inniskilling-men containing the reasons of their first rising, their declarations, oaths, and correspondencies with several parts of the kingdom : together with many other remarkable passages of their behaviour and management, not yet published / written by Capt. William Mc-Carmick, one of the first that took up arms in Inniskilling, for the defence of that place, and the Protestant interest. McCarmick, William. 1691 (1691) Wing M116; ESTC R11414 46,392 74 View Text
A44650 Historical observations upon the reigns of Edward I, II, III, and Richard II with remarks upon their faithful counsellors and false favourites / written by a person of honour. Howard, Robert, Sir, 1626-1698. 1689 (1689) Wing H2997; ESTC R36006 52,308 200 View Text
A50800 An appendix to the history of the Church of Scotland containing the succession of the archbishops and bishops in their several sees from the reformation of the religion until the year 1676, as also the several orders of monks and friers &c. in Scotland before the Reformation : with the foundation of the universities and colledges, their benefactours, principals, professours of divinity and present masters : and an account of the government, laws and constitution of the Kingdom. Middleton, Thomas, 17th cent. 1677 (1677) Wing M1990; ESTC R29541 55,302 57 View Text
A92568 The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the 23. of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ... His Majesties high commissioner for holding this parliament, by vertue of a commission uder His Majesties great seal of this kingdom, with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbet ...; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Queensberry, William Douglas, Duke of, 1637-1695. 1685 (1685) Wing S1252A; ESTC R42763 56,992 46 View Text
A58628 The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the twenty third day of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ..., His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbet, Lord McLeod, and Castle-haven, &c. ...; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Scotland. Parliament. 1685 (1685) Wing S1252; ESTC R472631 57,189 47 View Text
A94193 Aulicus coquinariæ or a vindication in ansvver to a pamphlet, entituled The court and character of King James. Pretended to be penned by Sir A.W. and published since his death, 1650. Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676.; Heylyn, Peter, 1660-1662, attributed name. 1651 (1651) Wing S645; Thomason E1356_2; ESTC R203447 57,703 213 View Text
A07623 Certeine matters concerning the realme of Scotland, composed together The genealogie of all the kings of Scotland, their liues, the yeeres of their coronation, the time of their reigne, the yeere of their death, and maner thereof, with the place of their buriall. The whole nobilitie of Scotland, their surnames, their titles of honour, the names of their chiefe houses, and their mariages. The arch-bishopricks, bishopricks, abbacies, priories, & nunries of Scotland. The knights of Scotland. The forme of the oth of a duke, earle, lord of Parliament, and of a knight. The names of barons, lairds, and chiefe gentlemen in euerie sherifdome. The names of the principall clannes, and surnames of the borderers not landed. The stewartries and baileries of Scotland. The order of the calling of the Table of the Session. The description of whole Scotland, with all the iles, and names thereof. The most rare and woonderfull things in Scotland. As they were anno Domini, 1597.; Certaine matters composed together Monipennie, John. 1603 (1603) STC 18018; ESTC S100061 58,992 94 View Text
A58639 The laws and acts made in the fifth session of the first Parliament of Our Most High and Dread Soveraign William, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden and begun at Edinburgh, May 9. 1695 by John Marquess of Tweeddale ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George, Viscount of Tarbat ...; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Tweeddale, John Hay, Marquess of, 1626?-1697. 1695 (1695) Wing S1269; ESTC R40608 63,831 77 View Text
A11651 Acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles, by the grace of God King of Great Britane, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Holden by himself, present in person, with his three estates, at Edinburgh, upon the 28 day of June, 1633.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Hay, John, Sir, 1578-1654. 1650 (1650) STC 21902.5; Wing S1168A; ESTC S122278 68,062 76 View Text
A36790 The antient usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly call'd arms with a catalogue of the present nobility of England / by William Dugdale ... ; to which is added, a catalogue of the present nobility of Scotland and Ireland, &c. Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686. 1682 (1682) Wing D2478; ESTC R231444 71,213 227 View Text
A50890 A true and plain account of the discoveries made in Scotland, of the late conspiracies against His Majesty and the government extracted from the proofs lying in the records of His Majesties Privy Council, and the high justice court of the nation : together with an authentick extract of the criminal process and sentence against Mr. Robert Baillie of Jerviswood / extracted by command of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council of Scotland ... Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691.; Baillie, Robert, d. 1684.; England and Wales. Privy Council. 1685 (1685) Wing M210; ESTC R19774 71,866 68 View Text
A57257 The civill vvarres of England briefly related from His Majesties first setting up his standard 1641, to this present personall hopefull treaty : with the lively effigies and eulogies of the chief commanders ... : together with the distinct appellations, proper motions, and propitious influences of these memorable starres, chronologically related from anno. 1641 to anno. 1648 / collected by John Leycester. Ricraft, Josiah, fl. 1645-1679.; Leycester, John, b. 1598. 1649 (1818) Wing R1428; Wing R1436_PARTIAL; ESTC R15379 77,291 228 View Text
A07619 The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles with a short description of their originall, from the comming of Gathelus their first progenitor out of Græcia into Egypt. And their comming into Portingall and Spaine, and of their kings and gouernours in Spaine, Ireland and Albion, now called Scotland, (howbeit the whole number are not extant) with a true chronologie of all their kings. Their reignes, deaths and burials, from Fergusius the first king of Scotland, vntill his Royall Maiestie, now happily raigning ouer all Great Brittaine and Ireland, and all the isles to them appertaining. With a true description and diuision of the whole realme of Scotland, and of the principall cities, townes, abbies, fortes, castles, towers and riuers, and of the commodities in euery part thereof, and of the isles in generall, with a memoriall of the most rare and wonderfull things in Scotland. By Iohn Monipennie. Monipennie, John. 1612 (1612) STC 18014 80,300 130 View Text
A55774 The mystery and method of His Majesty's happy restauration laid open to publick view by John Price. Price, John, 1625?-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing P3335; ESTC R30537 81,380 190 View Text
A71289 A compendious view of the late tumults & troubles in this kingdom by way of annals for seven years viz, from the beginning of the 30th to the end of the 36th year of the reign of His Late Majesty King Charles II of blessed memory / by J.W. Esq. Wright, James, 1643-1713. 1685 (1685) Wing W3692; ESTC R5955 83,596 239 View Text
A52246 Foxes and firebrands, or, A specimen of the danger and harmony of popery and separation wherein is proved from undeniable matter of fact and reason that separation from the Church of England is, in the judgment of papists, and by sad experience, found the most compendious way to introduce popery and to ruine the Protestant religion. Nalson, John, 1638?-1686.; Ware, Robert, d. 1696. Foxes and firebrands. Part 2. 1682 (1682) Wing N104; ESTC R7745 85,255 246 View Text
A29838 A compleat treatise of the muscles as they appear in humane body, and arise in dissection with diverse anatomical observations not yet discover'd : illustrated by near fourty copper-plates, accurately delineated and engraven / by John Browne ...; Compleat treatise of the muscles Browne, John, 1642-ca. 1700.; Casseri, Giulio Cesare, ca. 1552-1616. Tabula anatomicae.; Molins, William. Myskotomia. 1681 (1681) Wing B5126; ESTC R20507 86,961 337 View Text
A28831 The reduction of Ireland to the crown of England with the governours since the conquest by King Henry II, Anno MCLXXII, with some passages in their government : a brief account of the Rebellion, Anno Dom. MDCXLI ... Borlase, Edmund, d. 1682? 1675 (1675) Wing B3771; ESTC R2056 87,451 336 View Text
A38489 The second part of the svrvey of the articles of the late reiected peace wherein the invaliditie and nvllitie of the said peace is proved, I. by the revocation of the Marques of Ormands commission before any peace was legally concluded &c., 2. by the defect by Walt Enos ... Enos, Walter. 1646 (1646) Wing E3130; ESTC R3649 90,779 124 View Text
A70797 The royall martyr. Or, King Charles the First no man of blood but a martyr for his people Being a brief account of his actions from the beginnings of the late unhappy warrs, untill he was basely butchered to the odium of religion, and scorn of all nations, before his pallace at White-Hall, Jan. 30. 1648. To which is added, A short history of His Royall Majesty Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. third monarch of Great Brittain.; King Charles the First, no man of blood: but a martyr for his people. Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690.; W.H.B. 1660 (1660) Wing P2018A; ESTC R35297 91,223 229 View Text
A26656 Medulla historiæ Scoticæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First, to Our Gracious Sovereign Charles the Second : containing the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, with other observations proper for a chronicle, faithfully collected out of authors ancient and modern : to which is added, a brief account of the present state of Scotland, the names of the nobility, and principal ministers of church and state, the laws criminal : a description of that engine with which malefactors are tortured, called the boot. Alexander, William, fl. 1685-1704. 1685 (1685) Wing A917; ESTC R21197 93,143 254 View Text
A58710 The history of the affaires of Scotland from the restauration of King Charles the 2d. in the year 1660, and of the late great revolution in that kingdom : with a particular account of the extraordinary occurrences which hapned thereupon, and the transactions of the convention and Parliament to Midsomer, 1690 : with a full account of the settling of the church government there, together with the act at large for the establishing of it. T. S. 1690 (1690) Wing S164; ESTC R32344 93,166 272 View Text
A11675 A true representation of the proceedings of the kingdome of Scotland; since the late pacification: by the estates of the kingdome: against mistakings in the late declaration, 1640 Lothian, William Kerr, Earl of, 1605?-1675.; Church of Scotland. General Assembly.; Scotland. Parliament. 1640 (1640) STC 21929; ESTC S116866 97,000 176 View Text
A32776 A second edition of Camden's description of Scotland containing a supplement of these peers, or Lords of Parliament, who were mentioned in the first edition, and an account of these since raised to, and further advanced in the degrees of peerage, until the year 1694.; Britannia. English. Selections Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Dalrymple, James, Sir, fl. 1714. 1695 (1695) Wing C376; ESTC R4896 99,150 213 View Text
A70582 The science of herauldry, treated as a part of the civil law, and law of nations wherein reasons are given for its principles, and etymologies for its harder terms. Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing M204; ESTC R21727 101,290 109 View Text
A50712 Observations upon the laws and customs of nations, as to precedency by Sir George Mackenzie ... Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing M186; ESTC R5733 107,612 141 View Text
A58640 The laws and acts of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles the Second ... holden at Edinburgh the first of January, 1661 by a noble Lord, John, Earl of Middleton ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / extracted and collected from the records of Parliament by Sir Archibald Primerose.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Primrose, Archibald, Sir, 1616-1679. 1661 (1661) Wing S1271; ESTC R30550 109,236 124 View Text
A60284 Satan's invisible world discovered, or, A choice collection of modern relations proving evidently against the saducees and atheists of this present age, that there are devils, spirits, witches, and apparitions, from authentick records, attestations of famous witnesses and undoubted verity : to all which is added, that marvellous history of Major Weir, and his sister : with two relations of apparitions at Edinburgh / by Georg Sinclar ... Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1685 (1685) Wing S3858; ESTC R4971 118,890 288 View Text
A95749 Ekskybalauron: or, The discovery of a most exquisite jewel, more precious then diamonds inchased in gold, the like whereof was never seen in any age; found in the kennel of Worcester-streets, the day after the fight, and six before the autumnal æquinox, anno 1651. Serving in this place, to frontal a vindication of the honour of Scotland, from that infamy, whereinto the rigid Presbyterian party of that nation, out of their coveteousness and ambition, most dissembledly hath involved it. Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660. 1652 (1652) Wing U134; Thomason E1506_1; ESTC R203867 122,679 328 View Text
A61154 Copies of the information and original papers relating to the proof of the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his present Majesty, and the government Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. 1685 (1685) Wing S5029; ESTC R18024 133,469 144 View Text
A53074 A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature as also, to perfect nature by the subtility of art, which was never found out, but by ... William Cavendishe ... Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592-1676. 1667 (1667) Wing N887; ESTC R18531 135,086 431 View Text
A43218 The glories and magnificent triumphs of the blessed restitution of His Sacred Majesty K. Charles II from his arrival in Holland 1659/60 till this present, comprizing all the honours and grandeurs done to, and conferred by, Him ... / by James Heath ... Heath, James, 1629-1664. 1662 (1662) Wing H1335; ESTC R20568 135,451 312 View Text
A35219 England's monarchs, or, A compendious relation of the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, which have hapned [sic] during the reigns of the kings and queens of England, from the invasion of the Romans to this present adorned with poems, and the pictures of every monarch, from William the Conquerour, to His present Majesty, our gracious sovereign, King Charles the Second : together with the names of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, the nobility, bishops, deans, and principal officers, civil and military, in England, in the year 1684 by R.B., author of the Admirable curiosities in England, The historical remarks in London and Westminster, The late wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1685 (1685) Wing C7314; ESTC R21089 148,791 242 View Text
A70912 The history of the five wise philosophers: or, The wonderful relation of the life of Jehosaphat son of Avenario King of Berma in India. To which is added, meditations on the seven stations of life, with the three great stepts [sic] to eternal salvation: as faith; to be our guide: hope, to be or comfort; and, charity to hide a multitude of faults. Also, instructions for children to be obedient to their parents. A treatise both pleasant, profitable, and pious, / by H.P. Gent. H. P., Gent.; Parsons, H.; Peachum, Henry. 1672 (1672) Wing P946 155,713 206 View Text
A73271 The summarie of English chronicles (lately collected and published) nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche, in the yere of our Lord God. 1566. By J.S.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgements Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1566 (1566) STC 23325.4; ESTC S124615 158,676 423 View Text
A45839 Antiquities of the city of Exeter collected by Richard Izacke ...; Antiquities of the city of Exeter Izacke, Richard, 1624?-1698. 1677 (1677) Wing I1110; ESTC R22442 159,886 334 View Text
A81806 A full relation of the passages concerning the late treaty for a peace, begun at Vxbridge January 30. 1644. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I). 1645 (1645) Wing D2480A; Thomason E281_12; ESTC R200042 160,709 240 View Text
A35212 Admirable curiosities, rarities, & wonders in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, An account of many remarkable persons and places ... and other considerable occurrences and accidents for several hundred years past together with the natural and artificial rarities in every county ... as they are recorded by the most authentick and credible historians of former and latter ages : adorned with ... several memorable things therein contained, ingraven on copper plates / by R.B., author of the History of the wars of England, &c., and Remarks of London, &c. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1682 (1682) Wing C7306; ESTC R21061 172,216 243 View Text
A77341 A breviate of a sentence given against Jerome Alexander Esquire, an utter barrester of Lincolns-Inne, in the court of Star-chamber, the 17th day of November, in the second yeer of the raign of our soveraign Lord King Charls, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. With exceptions taken to the said sentence, to unfold the iniquity thereof. With a short narrative of divers other passages and oppressions, wherewith he hath been also grieved in other times of his life, both before and since. Printed for the satisfaction of his friends, against those many calumnies and aspertions raised thereupon to blemish him in their opinion, and in the opinion of all others with whom he hath to do. 1644 (1644) Wing B4410; Thomason E1066_2; ESTC R211322 183,530 157 View Text
A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546 View Text
A69685 The Case of the Earl of Argyle, or, An Exact and full account of his trial, escape, and sentence wherein are insert the act of Parliament injoining the test, the confession of faith, the old act of the king's oath to be given at his coronation : with several other old acts, made for establishing the Protestant religion : as also several explications made of the test by the conformed clergy : with the secret councils explanation thereof : together with several papers of objections against the test, all framed and emitted by conformists : with the Bishop of Edinburgh's Vindication of the test, in answer thereunto : as likewise a relation of several matters of fact for better clearing of the said case : whereunto is added an appendix in answer to a late pamphlet called A vindication of His Majestie's government and judicatories in Scotland, especially with relation to the Earl of Argyle's process, in so far as concerns the Earl's trial. Stewart, James, Sir, 1635-1713.; Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. Vindication of His Majesties government, and judicatories in Scotland. 1683 (1683) Wing C1066; ESTC R15874 208,604 158 View Text
A92757 Scrinia sacra; secrets of empire, in letters of illustrious persons. A supplement of the Cabala. In which business of the same quality and grandeur is contained: with many famous passages of the late reigns of K. Henry 8. Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charls.; Cábala. Part 2. Bedell, Gabriel, d. 1668.; Collins, Thomas, fl. 1650-1682. 1654 (1654) Wing S2110; Thomason E228_2; ESTC R8769 210,018 264 View Text
A16939 A catalogue and succession of the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and viscounts of this realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeare, 1619 Together, vvith their armes, vviues, and children: the times of their deaths and burials, with many their memorable actions. Collected by Raphe Brooke Esquire, Yorke Herauld: discouering, and reforming many errors committed, by men of other profession, and lately published in print ... Brooke, Ralph, 1553-1625. 1619 (1619) STC 3832; ESTC S107111 214,884 345 View Text
A61601 The proceedings and tryal in the case of the most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Francis, Lord Bishop of Ely, John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, and Jonathan, Lord Bishop of Bristol, in the Court of Kings-Bench at Westminster in Trinity-term in the fourth year of the reign of King James the Second, Annoque Dom. 1688. Sancroft, William, 1617-1693.; Lloyd, William, 1627-1717.; Turner, Francis, 1638?-1700.; Lake, John, 1624-1689.; Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711.; White, Thomas, 1628-1698.; Trelawny, Jonathan, Sir, 1650-1721.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench. 1689 (1689) Wing S564; ESTC R7827 217,926 148 View Text
A28557 A continuation of the history of the Reformation to the end of the Council of Trent in the year 1563 collected and written by E.B., Esq.; De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, commentarii Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Bohun, Edmund, 1645-1699. 1689 (1689) Wing B3449; ESTC R4992 218,305 132 View Text
A50368 The history of the Parliament of England, which began November the third, MDCXL with a short and necessary view of some precedent yeares / written by Thomas May, Esquire ... May, Thomas, 1595-1650. 1647 (1647) Wing M1410; ESTC R8147 223,011 376 View Text
A47734 An answer to a book, intituled, The state of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James government in which, their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be free'd from his government, and of submitting to their present Majesties, is demonstrated. Leslie, Charles, 1650-1722. 1692 (1692) Wing L1120; ESTC R994 223,524 303 View Text
A81194 A compendium of the laws and government ecclesiastical, civil and military, of England, Scotland & Ireland and dominions, plantations and territories thereunto belonging, with the maritime power thereof, and jurisdiction of courts therein. Methodically digested under their proper heads. By H.C. sometime of the Inner Temple. Curson, H. (Henry) 1699 (1699) Wing C7686A; ESTC R231895 237,927 672 View Text
A09097 A conference about the next succession to the crowne of Ingland diuided into tvvo partes. VVhere-of the first conteyneth the discourse of a ciuill lavvyer, hovv and in vvhat manner propinquity of blood is to be preferred. And the second the speech of a temporall lavvyer, about the particuler titles of all such as do or may pretende vvithin Ingland or vvithout, to the next succession. VVhere vnto is also added a new & perfect arbor or genealogie of the discents of all the kinges and princes of Ingland, from the conquest vnto this day, whereby each mans pretence is made more plaine. Directed to the right honorable the earle of Essex of her Maiesties priuy councell, & of the noble order of the Garter. Published by R. Doleman. Allen, William, 1532-1594.; Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610, attributed name. 1595 (1595) STC 19398; ESTC S114150 274,124 500 View Text