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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03080 The triumph of the Church over water and fire. Or A thankfull gratulation for that miraculous deliverance of the Church and state of Great Britaine, from the Romish Tophet: or, that barbarous and savage Powder-plot As it was delivered (for substance) in a sermon at Blacke Fryers in London on the fifth of November. 1625. By Theodor Hering, minister of the Word of God.; Triumph of the Church over water and fire. Herring, Theodore, 1596-1645. 1625 (1625) STC 13204; ESTC S104029 27,216 53

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he also never sleepeth never slumbreth Let their enemies be never so many all nations to him are but as the dust of the Balance Isa 40.15 the drop of a Bucket as nothing lesse then naught Let their enemies be never so mightie he hath their hearts in his hand can turne them as the Rivers of waters and make our enemies at peace with vs Ier. 33.4 changing their stabs into kisses he hath their heads in his hand and can infatuate the wiliest Herod the craftiest Achitophel turning their Councells into folly he hath their Hands and Hornes in his hand and can either binde them to their good behaviour or knocke out the Teeth of grators before they bite let them digge dippe to hide their plots the Lord will goe beyond them let them ioyne hand to hand they shall not prosper Prov. 11.21 Wee may say it wee may sweare it wee must beleeue it wee haue had experience never any Church more of the like what it is to haue such a Protector whose power is vnresistable his will vnchangeable his skill vnsearchable whose Greatnesse is such that he can doe what he will whose Goodnesse is such that he will doe what he can and ever magnifie both his Greatnesse and Goodnesse in the protection of his Israel and in the conversion or confusion of his enemies Witnesse this day of dayes on the morning of our fifth of November they would haue blowne vs vp on the evening of their fifth of November God beate them downe Vse 2 Is Iehovah the Deliverer of his Israel Why let God then haue the Honor of his owne worke not our wit not our wealth not our goodnes not our greatnes not our friends not our Bulwarkes but the Lord onely it was the Lords doing Psal 118.23.24 let it euer be marueilous in our eyes This is the Day which the Lord hath made let vs be glad and reioyce Let the wicked Politician the Machivilian Atheist sacrifice to their owne nets We will cry with that Kingly Prophet Psal 115.1 not vnto vs not vs ô Lord but vnto thy Name wee giue the glory Totum hoc quatumcunque sit quod certè miximum est totum est tuum the whole prayse of so glorious a rescue how great so euer it be which indeede is exceeding great is onely due to Iehovah Let the King say it is the Lord that giueth great deliverances vnto his David Psal 18. and sheweth mercy to his annointed and his seede for ever Let the Great Peeres and Princes say it is not our Arme that hath saued vs not our mighty strength but the Strength of Israel Iehovah Let the House of Aaron say and sing prayses sing prayses vnto the Lord that hath done wisely discouered our enemies broken their snares and we are escaped Ps Let all England say if the Lord had not beene on our side if the Lord had not beene on our side when men rose vp against vs they had swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs. Praise waiteth for thee O God in Sion who is like our God who doth great and wondrous thinges Honored for euer be that Noble and Honorable Society The High Court of Parliament that to all ages hath set a Day apart for the Honor of that God who is the Protector of his Sion the Detector the Destroyer of his and their implacable enemies Goe on still O Noble Senate let King Prince Peeres Prelats Commons all conspire to honor the God of heaven by enacting such solemne Panagerickes to Iehovah and the God of honor will honor You this Church this State your Posterity the Generation to come shall blesse God for the deliuerance of this Day for the Record of this Deliuerance for this publicke gratulation vpon Record Blessed be that God which hath put it into the heart of that Great Assembly with an vnanimous and free consent to enact it for a Law in Israel and an Ordinance in Iacob for euer If euer we forget this mercy let our tongues cleaue to the roofe of our mouthes and our armes rott from our shoulders Let all faithfull loyall true hearted English Protestants with one heart and voice cry Amen Amen Finally doth the security of the Church State all lie in the presence of God Where God is there is no danger as where hee is nor no safetie O keepe him while we haue him driue him not from you who is our Buckler our shield all in all vnto vs keepe him in his Word in his Sabboths in his Ordinances and he will keepe you Would you know in a word what driues the Lord from a land a people sinne nothing but sinne can doe it and sinne will doe it Isa 59.2 your sinnes haue seperated betweene me and you where sinne is countenanced maintained multiplied there is no Harbor for the Almighty He is a God of purer eyes then to behold iniquitie what communion betweene God and Beliall Hab. 1.13 2 Cor. 6.14.15 light and darkenesse Christ and Antichrist Sinne chases the Lord away and leaues that person that Nation naked vnfenced exposed to the malice of men to the fury of Satan to the flames of hell Every wilfull sinner is a Traytor to God his King and Countrey as well as to his owne soule Away with beloued darling sinnes away with those wasting King-killing State-ruinating sinnes Idolatry contempt of Gods word worship Sacraments Sabbath Ministers scandalous enormous impieties out-facing Authoritie these if they should be found among vs will kindle a flame in our Citie Countrey a worse then Powder-flame that shall burne to the bottome of hell If we our selues betray not our soules our Church our State our Kingdome in vaine shall the Gates of Rome repine at the prosperitie of England if wee pull not downe our owne walls with our owne handes no Engins of theirs shall ever batter them if wee doe not open the sluces and floud-gates the Invndations of that Romish Nilus with her marish waters shall never over-flow our bankes If wee carry not Flax Tinder Gun-powder in our owne bosomes and strike not fire with our owne fingers their matches shall never take their sparkles shall not burne the flame shall not kindle vpon vs. For Gods-sake therefore for your soules-sake for your Countreys-sake if you loue your King Countrey peace plentie the Gospell of peace your goods friends children away with the toleration dispensation of knowne grosse scandalous notorious enormous Impieties maintaine a perpetuall correspondence with your Heavenly Father be in league with Heaven delight to Honour him his Name Word Worshippe Sacraments Sabbaths Messengers that hee may delight to Watch over you Serue him who saved vs and therefore saved vs that wee being redeemed from the handes of our enemies such subtle cruell barbarous savage enemies might serue him without feare all the dayes of our life in holinesse and righteousnesse before him Blessed are the people who are in such a case who haue the Lord for their God FINIS
is a depth of misery to note the extremitie deepe and deepe to note the varietie neither was this to some one member that might fall into these quag-myres but the whole Church makes her moane Many a time baue they afflicted me from my youth may Israel now say many a time have they afflicted me from my youth vp Psal 129.12 That chosen vessell forewarnes the Antiechians that through many tribulations they must enter into the Kingdome of God Act. 14.22 As for the Apostle himselfe he had his share as deepe as any perils by Sea perils by Land c. Strange it is to see what varietie of troubles what a world of afflictions as it were can Army of Pykes 2 Cor. 2 Cor. 4.9.13 or a thicket of thornes Paul ran through David a Man after Gods owne heart what troubles vnder-went he at home What dangers abroad What from his enemies What from his friends What inward affliction What outward persecution As a man borne to sorrow that scarse ever came where tranquilitie grew So that Mirrour of patience Iob how came his crosses and losses thicke and three-fold like showers of haile-shot Iob. 1.14.15 Velut vndam vndam sequitur as waue followes waue in the midst of the Sea Solomon Proverb 24.16 tels vs they come by troupes by seavens a certaine number put for an vncertaine many come that is certaine but how many that is vncertaine Who can number the starres of the skie Who can number the drops of the water Who can number the sparkles of the fire Who can count the dust of Iacob Or who can number the fourth part of the afflictions of Ioseph But it is their nature I must insist on rather then their number did not Experience the Mistresse of fooles saue me that labour The dearest children of God as wee often finde and feele are they not put to great extremities to shrewd plunges to desperate pinches What a strait was the Church brought to thinke you when the Edomits cryed Downe with it downe with it even to the ground What should I protract time to instance in persons in places What meane these and the like phrases The plowers haue ploughed on my backe they made long furrowes Psal 129.3 And againe Psal 66.12 Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads wee went through fire and water the same allusion which is here in my Text. This is that bread of affliction that water of affliction that gall and wormwood wherewith he feedes his that Baptisme which our Saviour forespeakes to the Sonnes of Zebedeus Mat. 10.38.39 Luk. 12.50 Yee shall drinke indeed of that cup that I shall drinke of and be baptized with the baptisme wherewith I shall be baptized If you take it literally was not Noah carried through the water Gen. 7.18 Exod. 1.22 and the Hebrew babes did they not passe through the flouds The three Children went they not through the fire Dan. 3.23 howbeit the flame kindled not vpon them Those blessed Martyrs how many thousands were sent vp to heaven Elias-like in fiery Chariots If you take it spiritually these waters had even entred into Davids soule he was not drenched onely but almost swallowed vp of those waues Ps 69.1.2 Iob. 16.13 Iob. 7.12 Iob complaines that the Lord had set him as a Butt that the arrowes of the Almightie stucke stucke fast in his ribbes the venom whereof had drunke vp his bloud he was hedged in as a Whale Ionah cryes from the bottome of the Whale from the belly Hell Ionah More Generall Gen. 4.8 when holy Abel lay bleeding vnder the bloudy knife of his butcherly brother Caine was not the Church at a desperate pinch When Isaac lay bound on the Altar Abrahams hand now stretched out and vp ready to giue the fatall stroake Gen 22.10 was not the Church at the last cast gasping for life When the Hebrewes were pressed in a manner oppressed with that sore intollerable Egyptian bondage when forced to march through the midst of that red Sea figuring the blood Exod 14.22 red Sea of persecution through which all the Israel of God must wade when those Assyrian Bandes the Caldean armies brake their bankes and like a violent ouerswelling torrent swept all before them as a generall inundation 2. Kings 18.11 was not Gods Ston in the middest of the waters when the Roman Troups put all to the fire and the sword not leauing one stone vpon a stone of that famous Citty and Temple the wonder of the world not throwne downe or rather in the times of those ten fiery persecutions when Nebuchadnezars Oven was heated seuen times hotter then ordinary was not the Bush all in a flame was not Sion in the middest of the fire What might be there reason will some demand that the troubles of the righteous should be so many and great the same in a manner with the former It fals out thus partly in respect of God partly in respect of their enemies in respect of thēselues partly not principally Iehovah permits it ordaines it orders it Why the more and the greater their afflictions are the more doth his mercy shine the greater doth his wisedome and power appeare in their deliuerance in their rescue When Israel was euery way distressed Exod. 14.12.12 the sea before them the army of the Egyptians behinde them pressing at their heeles the high towring Mountaines hemming them in on all sides now will the Lord get him honor vpon Pharaoh and all his hoast Exod. 14.4 Now will the Lord of Hoastes march valiantly and overthrow the horse and the rider When the people of God were scattered ouer the foure corners of the world now for God to turne againe the captivitie of Iacob Isaiah 43.12.14 as the streame back-ward to bring them home weeping with their faces toward Sion this shall be to mee sayth the Lord an euerlasting name ioy and honor now he shewes him-selfe a God The greater the streame is the skill of the Pilot if hee steere the shippe aright appeares to be the greater the more desperate the disease is the cure is the more glorious this may be one ground why the troubles of the righteous are many and mighty that the mighty and manifold wisedome power goodnes of Iehovah might shine out in their full glory to the admiration of Men and Angels Another reason followes because their enemies are many and great Their malice great their subtilty great their power great their sedulity great their cruelty great Consider their subtilty the slie Midianites haue a thousand wiles and wayes to vexe and beguile the plaine hearted downe-right Israelites Consider their malice there is an eternall enmity put by God himselfe between the seede of the woman and the seede of the Serpent which how euer smothered sometimes as it were in the ashes yet euer and anon is blowne vp by the bellowes of vnplacable malice Gen. 15. and breakes forth into an open