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lord_n aaron_n beard_n zion_n 130 3 8.9270 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04480 Seuen godly and learned sermons preached by the Reuerend Father in God Iohn Iuel, late bishop of Salisburie. Neuer before imprinted Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; I. K., fl. 1607. 1607 (1607) STC 14611; ESTC S103194 84,504 228

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though ye make many praiers yet heare I nothing at all saith God And wherefore Because your hands are full of blood It is written in Genesis that God would not looke vpon Cayn and his Offring that he would haue no regard to his Sacrifice and wherefore because his hart was full of malice Salomon saith Precatio iniusti abhominabilis est The praier of the wicked is abhominable the sinfull mans prayer is abhominable in the sight of God Dauid also Let their prayers be as a sinne let their prayer be turned into sinne saith he O miserable man thou art if thou be not in charitie wretched and too sinfull thou art if thou be not in loue and vnitie thy Prayer is abhominable yea thy prayer is no prayer thy prayer is sinne Thou prayest to be forgiuen but thou thy selfe wilt not forgiue this is ynough to condemne thée For our Religion is none other but a Brotherhood knit together in the loue of God our profession is none other than charitie and brotherlie loue towards all men in our Sauior and Redéemer Iesus Christ God is the God of loue Christ is the Prince of peace his Gospell is the Gospell peace and we that are Gods seruants ought to liue in godlie loue we that are Christs bretheren ought to liue in Brotherlie peace We are all baptized in one water whereby we should haue in remembrance that we should in loue liue as one together These and such other are or may be sufficient to bring vs in remembrance of Brotherlie loue of faithfull amitie and vnfained concord if we of our selues were not too forgetfull O how oft said Christ to his Disciples Pacem meam do vobis pacem meam relinquo vobis I giue you my peace my peace I leaue vnto you By this cognisance and none other shall men know you to be my Disciples saith Christ if ye loue together if ye haue loue one to an other He saith also A new commandment giue I you that you loue together as I haue loued you What a zealous fire what an earnest loue had Christ when he praied and said O Father cause that these be one as thou and I are one that like as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in vs. Because ye be few said Christ to his Disciples and in the middest of your enemies liue you in concord and peace one with an other one beare with another and all you hold together S. Paul saith That he which loueth his Brother hath fulfilled the whole law Let not the Sunne goe downe on thy wrath saith Paul And againe Reuenge not but giue place vnto displeasure wreke not your selues but giue roome to the wrath of God Dauid when he was in most extreame persecution his enemies laid daily wait for his life séeking his destruction euen then fell he to most earnest praier he sought not to be reuenged but he made his prayer vnto God and said O Lord they speake euill of me they reuile me they call me Traitor they call me all that naught is but I haue none other help but to pray vnto thée my only succour is to flie vnto thée Thus did that holie prophet Dauid and so did the Christians in the beginning of Christs Church For Tertullian an old and holie father saith Fratres se appellabant more voluerunt pro muicem They called them selues Bretheren saith he and one would not sticke to dye for an other O what a charitie what a loue what a Brotherly affection was this among Christians in the beginning of Gods Church Saint Steuen when he was stoned all his bones crusht and burst in péeces and his Soule readie to leaue his bodie euen then he prayed for his Tormentors euen then he cried out vnto God and said O Domine ne statuas illis peccatum hoc Lord lay not this sinne to their charge So that holie father Nazianzen when the hangman that most cruelly had tormented him desired pardon of him he méekely answered Qui mihi ignouit ignoscat tibi He that hath forgiuen me the same forgiue thee God hath pardoned mée and I béesech him that he will in like pardon thée Euen so likewise Christ when he hanged on the Crosse when his hands and féete were nailed to the trée and he in the middest of all his woe euen then he prayed for his persecutors then he desired his Father to pardon them and said O Pater ignosce illis nesciunt enim quid faciunt Father forgiue them for they wote not what they doe This is an example for vs to follow thus ought wée to do as in the beginning of Christs Church the Christians did who called themseues Bretheren and one would dye for an other Thus ought we to say as S. Steuen said Lord lay not this sinne to their charge thus should we do as that holie father Nazianzene did and say He that hath forgiuen me the same forgiue thée And lastly so ought we to pray for our enemies as Christ did for his persecutors and say Father forgiue it them they wote not what they doe Thus ought we to do if we mind to liue according to our profession and if we will be Christians as we are called Christians We read written by S. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles that in the beginning first spring of Gods Church the whole congregation had one thought one mind one hart Such a loue such a charitie such a Christian conformitie was among them And in commendation of Christian charitie brotherly loue one with an other the prophet Dauid said O quàm bonum quàm iocundum habitare fraires in vnum Behold how good ioyfull a thing it is Bretheren to dwell together in vnitie He estéemed loue to be so great a iewel he thought concord and vnitie a thing of so great price that he could not speake too much good of it And therfore he sayd It was like the oyntment that ran vnto Aarons beard and like the dew of Hermon which fell vpon the hill of Sion where the Lord promised his blessing and life for euermore But O mercifull God vnto what times hast thou reserued vs where is now the peace giuen the loue left by our Sauior Iesus Christ where is that charitie that should alwayes remaine among Christians Now is the time euen now good Bretheren are the dayes come which Christ himselfe prophesied should come saying The time shall be that iniquitie shall haue the vpperchand and the loue of many shall abate Christ said that such a time should come and euen now euen now that time and season is come vpon vs. So likewise Saint Paul the Apostle of Christ said In the last dayes there shall come perilous times Erunt homines seipsos amantes There shall bem en which shal loue them selues couetous boasters proud cursed speakers and such as shall be