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A27786 The Psalms of David set forth in English meeter set forth by Francis Rous... Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. 1643 (1643) Wing B2397; ESTC R31608 131,229 353

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the skins it of his garments went verse 4 And as the dew to Hermon hill his moisture downe doth send And as the dew doth from above on Sions hills descend verse 5 So God on those who thus do love his blessing downe doth send Yea he doth blesse them with a life which never shall have end PSAL. CXXXIV BEhold and have regard ye servants of the Lord Which in his house by night do watch praise him with one accord verse 2 Lift up your hands on high within his holy place And give the Lord his praises due his benefits embrace verse 3 Thus do thou blesse the Lord with praise and thankfulnesse And God that earth heav'n did make thee out of Sion blesse PSAL. CXXXV PRaise ye the Lord and his great Name praise ye with one accord O praise him still all ye that be the servants of the Lord. verse 2 In the Lords house all ye that stand aloud his praises sound Praise him all ye that in the Courts of our great God are found verse 3 Praise ye the Lord for he is good yea praises to him sing Sing praises to his Name because it is a pleasant thing verse 4 For Jacob to himselfe the Lord did chuse of his good pleasure And Israel he did chuse to be his owne peculiar treasure verse 5 For well I know in majestie the Lord is very great And that the Lord above all gods in glory hath his seat verse 6 In heaven and in earth he made and in the swelling seas And in the low descending depths what ever did him please verse 7 He from the ends of all the earth makes vapours to ascend With lightnings raine he makes and winds doth from his treasures send verse 8 In Egypt he the first-borne all with death downe smitten hath Ev'n the chiefe strength of man beast in his provoked wrath verse 9 He hath in thee shew'd wonders great O Egypt which did fall On Pharaoh thy hard-hearted king and on his servants all verse 10 He also Nations great and strong smote downe and overthrew And though their rulers mighty were their mighty Kings he slew verse 11 Sehon King of the Amorites and Og of Bashan King Of Canaan be the Kingdomes all did to subjection bring verse 12 Then also for an heritage their land away he gave An heritage which Israel his people deare should have The second part verse 13 Thy Name O Lord shal still endure and thy memoriall With honour shall preserved be through generations all verse 14 His people to avenge and judge the Lord is fully bent And of his servants miseries he will himselfe repent verse 15 The Idols which are worshipped abroad in heathen lands Surely but gold and silver be the work ev'n of men●… hands verse 16 A mouth they have yet do not speak eyes yet they never saw verse 17 And ears they have yet nothing bear their mouth no breath doth draw verse 18 And senslesse like to them are those by whom they formed were And such are all that trust in them or who their power do feare verse 19 But blesse the everlasting Lord O house of Israel O Aarons house blesse thou the Lord in might that doth excell verse 20 O house of Levi blesse the Lord by whom made all things were And ever blesse and praise the Lord all ye the Lord that feare verse 21 And out of Sion let his Saints give praises to the Lord Which dwelleth in Jerusalem praise him with one accord PSAL. CXXXVI Sung as the 100. Psalme PRaise ye the Lord for he is good for still his mercy doth endure verse 2 Give thanks unto the God of gods for still do last his mercies sure verse 3 Give thanks unto the Lord of lords for still his mercy doth endure verse 4 Which only doth great wondrous works for still do last his mercies sure verse 5 Wch by his wisdom made the heav'ns for still his mercy doth endure verse 6 Who stretch't the earth above the seas for still do last his mercies sure verse 7 Which made great lights to shine abroad for still his mercy doth endure verse 8 The Sun to rule the light some day for still do last his mercies sure verse 9 The Moon Stars to guide the night for still his mercy doth endure verse 10 Which Egypt with their first-borne smote for still do last his mercies sure verse 11 And Israel brought out from thence for still his mercy doth endure verse 12 With mighty hand stretched arme for still do last his mercies sure verse 13 Who the red sea in parts did cut for still his mercy doth endure verse 14 And through the midst made Israel passe for still do last his mercies sure verse 15 But drowned Pharaoh and his host for still his mercy doth endure verse 16 Through desart he his people led for still do last his mercies sure verse 17 Praise him who mighty Kings did smite for still his mercy doth endure verse 18 And who the famous Kings did slay for still do last his mercies sure verse 19 As Sehon King of Amorites for still his mercy doth endure verse 20 And the great Og of Basan King for still do last his mercies sure verse 21 And gave their land for heritage for still his mercy doth endure verse 22 Even to his servant Israel for still do last his mercies sure verse 23 Remembring us in base estate for still his mercy doth endure verse 24 He from oppressors rescued us for still do last his mercies sure verse 25 Who giveth sood unto all flesh for still his mercy doth endure verse 26 O to the God of heav'n give thanks for still do last his mercies sure PSAL. CXXXVII WHen captives we at Babylon did by the rivers sit We thought on Sion yea we wept when we remembred it verse 2 We hang'd our Harps and Instruments the Willow trees upon And being full of griefe delight in musick we had none verse 3 For there a song required they who did us captive bring Our spoilers call'd for mirth and said A song of Sion sing verse 4 But the Lords sweet and holy songs sing fitly how shall we When captives in a forraine land we among heathen be verse 5 But O Jerusalem if I forget thee in mine heart Let my forgotten cunning then from my right hand depart verse 6 If I do not remember thee let my tongue cease to move If I do not Jerusalem set my chiefe joyes above verse 7 Remember Edom which upon Jerusalems sad day To the foundations raze it downe yea raze it oft did say verse 8 Daughter of Babylon justly thou ere long destroi'd shalt be Happy the man thy deeds to us who shall reward to thee verse 9 Yea happy surely shall he be that takes thy little ones And in his zeale to Sion shall them dash against the stones PSAL. CXXXVIII WIth my whole heart O gracious Lord will I give praise to thee Even in the presence of the
Lord turne thee to thy wonted grace my soule from griefe set free And for thy boundlesse mercies sake save and deliver mee verse 5 For of thee in the house of death they no remembrance have Who with his tongue shall give thee thanks that sleepeth in the grave verse 6 I with my groaning wearied am while no release appeares Each night I cause my bed to swim and wash it with my teares verse 7 Mine eyeconsumed is with griefe dim now and old it growes Because I many troubles beare from all my cruell foes verse 8 But now away from me all ye that work iniquity Because the Lord hath heard the voice of my complaint and cry verse 9 He heard not only the request and praier of my heart But it received at my hands and took it in good part verse 10 Let them be sham'd and vexed sore that enemies are to me Let them returne and suddenly ashamed let them be PSAL. VII OLord my God I put my trust and confidence in thee From all that do me persecute save and deliver me verse 2 Lest like a Lion he me teare and rend in pieces small Whil'st there is none to succour me and rid me out of thrall verse 3 O Lord my God if I have done the thing that is not right Or else if I be found in fault or guilty in thy sight verse 4 If evill I unto my friend for good rewarded have Yea even the man that caussesse was mine enemy I did save verse 5 Let foes pursue and take my soule and tread downe violently My life on earth and in the dust mine honour make to lye verse 6 Arise O Lord in wrath arise mine enemies rage restra●…ne Awake according to thy word my judgement to maintaine verse 7 The people in the assembly then about shall compasse thee Thou therefore for their sakes returne and high exalted be verse 8 And thou that art of all men Judge now Lord me judge and trie According to my righteousnesse and mine integritie The second part verse 9 O let the sinners mischiefe end but stablish stedfastly The righteous man O righteous God who reines and hearts dost try verse 10 God is the shield on which I trust from him defence I have For those that are upright in heart he mightily doth save verse 11 God doth the righteous judge on him in love he stripes doth lay But he with him that wi●…ed is is angry every day verse 12 Except the sinner do repent God even as he would smite Doth whet his sword and bend his bow and will against him fight verse 13 He sits the instruments of death sharp arrowes forth he drawes For those that do me persecute and hate without a cause verse 14 Mine enemy in travell is of some ungodly thought And mischiefe he conceived hath and forth a lie hath brought verse 15 He made a ditch and digg'd it deep another there to take But he is fall'n into the ditch which he himselfe did make verse 16 Thus wrong returneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred And all the mischiefe that he wrought shall fall upon his head verse 17 For this will I give thanks to God that judgeth righteously And with my song will praise the Name of him that is most Hie. PSAL. VIII O God our Lord how wonderfull are thy works every where Which hast thy glory set on high above the heavens cleare verse 2 Even by the mouths of sucking babes thou wilt confound thy foes For in those babes thy might is se●…n thy graces they disclose verse 3 When I behold the heavens ●…igh the works of thine owne hand The Sun the Moon and all the Stars in order as they stand verse 4 What thing is man Lord think I then that thou dost him remember Or what the son of mortall man that thou dost him consider verse 5 For thou hast made him little lesse then Angels in degree With glory and with honour great he crowned was by thee verse 6 Thou hast preferr'd him to be lord of all thy workes of wonder And at his feet hast all things set that he should keep them under verse 7 All sheep and oxen yea the beasts that wild in fields do seed Fowles of the aire fish in the sea and all that therein breed verse 8 O Lord our God who mighty works thus with thy hand didst frame How excellent in all the earth is thy most glorious Name PSAL. IX WIth my whole heart to thee O Lord will I give praises due And I thy great and mighty works of wonder forth will shew verse 2 Now will I be right glad in thee in thee rejoyce will I I will sing praise unto thy Name O thou that are most H●… verse 3 When back mine enemies turned are then surely shall they fall Even at thy glorious presence Lord they fall and perish shall verse 4 For thou maintained hast my right my cause made good thou hast Thou sittest in the throne and there right judgement thou hast past verse 5 Thou dost rebuke the heathen folk and sinners so confound That afterward the memorie of them cannot be found verse 6 My foes thou hast destroied quite and spoil'd their cities all And with them wholly perished is their memoriall verse 7 But the great Lord which is above for evermore shall raigne And he prepared hath his throne true judgement to maintaine verse 8 For he with perfect righteousnesse the world shall judge and trie And all the people shall be judge with right and equitie verse 9 He also will a refuge be for those that are opprest In times of trouble will he be their refuge and their rest verse 10 The trust of all that know thy Name O Lord in thee shall be Because thou never failedst them that truly sought for thee The second part verse 11 Sing Psalms therfore unto the Lord that dwells in Sion hill Among all nations shew abroad his noble acts and will verse 12 For he is mindfull of the bloud of those that be opprest Forgetting not th' afflicted heart that seeks to him for rest verse 13 Pity me Lord the trouble weigh which I from foes sustaine Who from the gates of death art wont to raise me up againe verse 14 In Sion that I may set forth thy praise with heart and voice And that in thy salvation Lord my soule may still rejoyce verse 15 Down sink the heathen in the pit that they themselves prepar'd And in the net that they did set their owne feet fast are shar'd verse 16 God by his judgments wel is known which he hath plainly wrought When sinners hands do make the snares wherewith themselves are caught verse 17 The wicked shall be sent to hell to darknesse shall they passe And all the nations that forget God who their maker was verse 18 Because the needy shall not still forgotten be of thee Not shall the waiting of the poore in vaine for ever be verse 19 O Lord arise and
also brought me forth that I in a large place might be He did deliver me because he did delight in me verse 20 According to my righteousnesse so did he me regard After the cleannesse of my hands he gave me my reward verse 21 For that I walked in his waies and in his pathes have trod And have not with a wicked heart departed from my God verse 22 For all his judgements constantly I did before me lay From me his statutes out of mind I did not put away verse 23 But when before him I did walk with him upright was I And watchfully I kept my selfe from mine iniquity verse 24 After my righteousnesse the Lord hath recompensed mee After the cleannesse of my hands which his pure eies did see verse 25 For Lord unto the mercifull thou full of mercie art And thou wilt shew thy selfe upright to the upright in heart verse 26 Thou wilt be pure unto the pure and those that sin eschew But thou to those that froward are thy selfe wilt froward shew verse 27 For thou wilt the afflicted save in griefe that low do lie And wilt bring down the countenance of them whose lookes are hie verse 28 The Lord will light my candle so that it shall shine full bright The Lord my God will also make my darknesse to be light The fourth part verse 29 By thee through troups of men I break and do escape them all And by my God assisting me I over-leap a wall verse 30 Unspotted are the waies of God his word is purely tri'd He is a sure defence to such as in his faith abide verse 31 For who is God except the Lord besides him there is none And to his Church who is a rocke except our Lord alone verse 32 It is the mighty Lord of hosts with strength that girdeth me And he it is that makes my way perfect and right to be verse 33 Like to the seet of nimble Hind●… my feet he maketh swift And then upon my places high he me aloft doth lift verse 34 He doth instruct my hands to war he gives them strength to fight So that to break a bow of steele mine armes from him have might verse 35 The shield of thy salvation receiv'd I have from thee Thy right hand holds me up thy love greatly exalteth me verse 36 And when I walk my steps thou hast inlarged under me That I go safely and my feet are kept from sliding free The fifth part verse 37 Mine enemies I pursu'd have and did them overtake Nor did I turne againe till I an end of them did make verse 38 I have them wounded so that they could never rise againe Under my feet my foes are cast and there downe fall they slaine verse 39 For to the battell with great strength me girded so hast thou That under me mine enemies thou hast enforc't to bow verse 40 And thou hast given me the necks of those that with me fight That such as hate me causlesly slay and destroy I might verse 41 They cried out but none there was that would and could them save Yea they did crie unto the Lord but he no answer gave verse 42 Then did I beat them small as dust before the wind that flies And I did cast them out as dirt upon the street that lies The sixth part verse 43 Thou safely from the peoples strife hast me delivered And to the heathen me hast made a ruler and a head verse 44 A people that I have not known to me shall servants be As soon as they of me do heare they shall submit to me verse 45 The strangers shall submit to me and they shall fade away And from those places be affraid wherein they closely lay verse 46 But blessed be the living Lord most worthy of all praise That is my rocke and saving health praised be he alwaies verse 47 For it is God that on my foes doth vengeance take for me The people under me that bow by him subdued b●… verse 48 He saves me from mine enemies all yea thou hast lifted me Above my foes and from the man of violence set me free verse 49 Therefore among the nations Lord I will give praise to thee By me before them in a song thy Name shall praised be verse 50 He greatly his anointed King and often doth deliver To David he doth mercy shew and to his seed for ever PSAL. 〈◊〉 THe glory of Almighty God the heav'ns do speak and shew The firmament his handy-worke presenteth to our view verse 2 Day unto day doth speak and tell his wisdome and his might And a true knowledge of the same night sheweth unto night verse 3 Each tongue and language heares the voice which they abroad do send Their speech through all the earth their words go to the wide worlds end verse 4 A Tabernacle for the Sun in them prepar'd hath he Whom as a bridegroom coming forth we from his chamber see verse 5 In glorious brightness forth he comes from his appointed place As a strong man he doth rejoyce swiftly to run his race verse 6 And all the skie from end to end he compasseth about Nothing can hide it from his heat but he will find it out verse 7 Gods Law is perfect and converts the soule in sin that lies His Testimony is most sure and makes the simple wise verse 8 Just are the Lords Commandements and glad both heart and mind Pure are his Precepts and give light to eies that be full blind verse 9 The feare of God is excellent and doth endure for ever The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether verse 10 And more then gold then much fine gold to be desir'd alway The hony and the hony-combe are not so sweet as they verse 11 By them thy servant is fore-warn'd to have God in regard And in performance of the same there shall be great reward verse 12 But who the errors of his life can understand and see Then Lord from all my secret faults cleanse and deliver mee verse 13 And keep me that presumptuous sins prevaile not over me So I upright and innocent from the great sin shall be verse 14 The words which from my mouth proceed the thoughts sent from my heart Accept O Lord for thou my strength and my redeemer art PSAL. XX. IN trouble and adversitie the Lord God heare thee still The majestie of Jacobs God defend thee from all ill verse 2 And let him from his Sanctuary thy mighty helpe●…●…e And let him out of Sion hill support and strengthen thee verse 3 Let all thine offerings graciously by him remembred be With favour thy burnt sacrifice let him receive from thee verse 4 According to thy hearts desire the Lord grant unto thee And all thy counsell and intents full well performe may he verse 5 In thy salvation we will joy and in thy name we will Display our banners and the Lord thy praiers all fulfill verse 6 Now know I God his King doth
forgot and help of Idols sought verse 21 Shall not God search this out who knows the hearts most secret thought verse 22 Yea all the day most cruelly slaine for thy Name are we As sheep that are for slaughter kept so we accounted be verse 23 But Lord awake why sleepest thou awoke and us deliver verse 24 Arise and do not us forsale nor cast us off for ever verse 25 Why dost thou hide thy face and us in griefes and wrongs dost leave To dust our soule stoops down to earth our belly fast doth ●…leave verse 26 Arise O thou most gracious God a helper to us be We pray thee for thy mercies sake redeem and set us free PSAL. XLV MY heart doth utter forth good matter in a song I speak the things that I have made which to the King belong verse 2 My tongue shall be as quick his honour to indite As is the pen of any Scribe that useth fast to write verse 3 O fairest of all men grace in thy lips doth flow And therefore blessings evermore on thee doth God bestow verse 4 Thy sword gird on thy thigh thou that art most of might Appeare in dreadfull majesty and in thy glory bright verse 5 Prosper and ride in state for meeknesse truth and right And thy right hand shall dreadful things bring forth before thy sight verse 6 In the Kings enemies heart sharp shall thine arrowes be Whereby the people shall be forc't to fall downe under thee verse 7 Thy royall seat O Lord for ever shall remaine Because the scepter of thy raigne doth righteousnesse maintaine verse 8 Because thou lov'st the right and dost the ill detest Thy Lord God hath anointed thee with joy above the rest verse 9 Of myrrhe and savours sweet a smell thy garments had Out of the Ivory palaces whereby they made thee glad verse 10 And in thy glorious traine Kings daughters waiting stand And thy faire Queen in precious gold doth stand at thy right hand The second part verse 11 O daughter take good heed incline and give good eare Thou must forget thy kindred all and fathers house most deare verse 12 Thy beauty to the King shall then delightfull be And do thou humbly worship him because thy Lord is he verse 13 The daughters then of Tyre there with a gift shall be And all the wealthy of the land shall make their suit to thee verse 14 The daughter of the King is glorious all within Her outward garments which she weares made of wrought gold have bin verse 15 She cometh to the King in robes with needle wrought The Virgins that do follow her shall unto thee be brought verse 16 They shall be brought with joy and mirth on every side Into the palace of the King and there they shall abide verse 17 In stead of parents deare whom now thou dost forsake Shall be thy sons whom Princes thou in all the earth maist make verse 18 I will shew forth thy Name to generations all Therefore the people evermore to thee give praises shall PSAL. XLVI GOd is our strength to whom we flie when dangers do abound A present help and very nie in troubles he is found verse 2 Therefore we will not be affraid though th' earth removed be Though mountaines lifted up and laid within the seas we see verse 3 No though the troubled waves do roare and fearfull thunders make Nor though the hills within the shoare do at their swelling shake verse 4 A river with his streames makes glad the city of our God The holy place wherein he had his dwelling and abode verse 5 God doth in midst of her remaine nothing can her remove Right early God shall her sustaine and help her in his love verse 6 The Heathen raged suriously the Kingdomes moved were His voice he uttered from on high the earth did melt for feare verse 7 The Lord of hosts with us remaines and safe by him are we The God of Jacob us sustaines our refuge strong is he verse 8 Come and the works of God behold and weigh them in your thought What desolations manifold he in the earth hath wrought verse 9 To the earths end when once he speaks wars he to peace doth turne The speare he cuts the bow he breaks the chariots he doth burne verse 10 Be still and know that God am I I will exalted be The Heathen me shall magnifie the earth shall honour me verse 11 The Lord of hosts doth us defend he is our strength and tower On Jacobs God we do depend and on his mighty power PSAL. XLVII OClap your hands with one accord all people and rejoyce Be glad and shout unto the Lord with a triumphing voice verse 2 For God most high right dreadfull is all men his subjects be A great and universall King through all the earth is he verse 3 And under us he shall bring downe the people mightily And he the Nations shall constraine under our feet to lye verse 4 That heritage for us he chose which he did best approve A glorious lot for Israel whom he did dearly love verse 5 Our God ascended up on h●…e with joy and pleasant noise The Lord go'th up above the skie with trumpets royall voice verse 6 Sing praises unto God sing praise sing praises to our King verse 7 The praise of God the earths great King with understanding sing verse 8 God on the Heathen reignes and sits upon his holy Throne The Princes of the people are made with Gods people one verse 9 They gathered are to Abrahams God who dwelling up on hye The Shields of all the earth doth keep and rules it mightily PSAL. XLVIII GReat is the Lord with great praise to be advanced still ●…thin the City of our God upon his holy hill verse 2 Mount Sion is a pleasant place it gladdeth all the land The City of the mighty King on her North-side doth stand verse 3 A refuge in her palaces well knowne is God most Hye verse 4 For lo the Kings assembled were together past they by verse 5 They viewed it and having view'd they wondring would not stay But being troubled at the sight they thence did haste away verse 6 Great terror there took hold on them they were possest with feare Their griese was like a womans paine when she a child doth beare verse 7 Tempestuous winds the ships doe break if once thou ●…o but speak The strongest ships of Tarshish thou with an Fast wind dost break verse 8 In the Lords City we have seen as we have heard before Ev'n in Gods City which he will establish evermore verse 9 Within thy Temple gracious Lord with comfort we have thought Of thy great kindnesse and thy love which humbly there we sought verse 10 Lord as thy Name even so thy praise runs to the utmost land And with abundant righteousnes thou sillest thy right hand verse 11 Let Sion Mount rejoyce because thy judgements it doth see Of Judah let the daughters all with
gladnesse filled be verse 12 Go walk about all Sion hill yea round about her go And tell the towers that thereupon are builded on a row verse 13 Consider her faire palaces her bulwarks mark ye well That to the following age ye may her strength and beauty tell verse 14 Because this God is ours our God for evermore is he He will not leave us but ourguide ev'n unto death will be PSAL. XLIX HEare this all people all give eare that in the world do dwell verse 2 Both high and low both rich poor together mark it well verse 3 Because my mouth the weighty words of wisdome shall impart Of understanding are the thoughts which iss●…e from my heart verse 4 Unto an hidden parable I will encline mine eare ●…nd then will open on the Harp the secret which I heare verse 5 Why should I that redeemed am in ill daies feare or doubt When close my sins do follow me and compasse me about verse 6 The rich indeed who in their wealth do only put their trust And boast themselves in the great store of riches that do rust verse 7 None of these can their brothers soule redeem by any way Nor can he for him unto God an equall ransome pay verse 8 Their soules redemption pretious is and left it still must be Wealth cannot make him ever live and no corruption see verse 9 Por that wise men and brutish sooles die all they well perceive verse 10 And being dead to other men their wealth behind do leave verse 11 Yet their deep thought is that their house continue ever shall And their faire dwellings for their lands by their owne names they call verse 12 But yet in honour shall not man abide continually But passing hence may be compar'd unto the beasts that dye The second part verse 13 Thus a great folly plainly is their wisdome and their way Yet their posterity approves what they do fondly say verse 14 Like sheep they in the grave are laid and death doth them devoure And in the morning shall the just on them have rule and power Their beauty shall consume away and perish in the grave When for a dwelling in the dust their house they changed baye verse 15 But God will surely me redeem from hands of grave and hell For he at last will me receive with him in blisse to dwell verse 16 Then if a man grow very rich affraid thou must not be Nor when the glory of his house thou dost increased see verse 17 For he shall carry nothing hence when death his daies doth end Nor shall his glory after him into the grave descend verse 18 Though he his soul did seem to bless whiles he on earth did live For when thou to thy self dost well men will thee praises giv●… verse 19 Yet shall he to his fathers go which have been dead before Ev'n to their generation who light shall see no more verse 20 Thus man in honour is yet whiles he understands not right His true felicity is like the beasts that perish quite PSAL. L. THe mighty God the Lord spake and the earth did call From the Sun-rising to the place where he doth set and fall verse 2 And out of Sion hill which by the Grace divine Of beauty the perfection is he gloriously doth ●…hine verse 3 Our God shall come and speak yea speak with power shall he Before him sire shall waste and stormes shall round about him be verse 4 And to the heavens cleere he from above shall call He to the earth shall call that he may judge his people all verse 5 Together let my Saints unto me gathered be Those that by sacrifice have made a covenant sirme with me verse 6 And then the heavens shall his righteousnes declare For God himself is Judge of all whose judgements righteous are verse 7 My people Israel heare speak will I from on hie Against thee testifie I will God even thy God am I. verse 8 For sacrifices few thee blame I never will Nor for burnt-offerings for the same appeare before me still verse 9 Think'st thou that I do need thy cattell young or old Or else so much desire to seed on goats out of thy fold verse 10 The beasts are all mine owne which in the world abound And all the cattell which upon a thousand hills are found verse 11 The fowles of mountaines hie are all to me well knowne Wild beasts which in the fields do lie ev'n they are all mine owne verse 12 Then need I not to thee for hunger to complaine Because the world belongs to me and what it doth containe The second part verse 13 That I the flesh of Bulls will eat once canst thou think Or else that I to quench my thirst the bloud of goats would drink verse 14 But rather to the Lord thanksgiving offer thou To the most High performe thy word and fully pay thy vow verse 15 And do thou call on me in all thy troublous daies And then I will deliver thee ●…nd thou shalt give me praise verse 16 But to the wicked traine which talk of God each day And yet their works are soule and vaine to them the Lord will say verse 17 With what a face dar'st thou my word once speak or name Why doth thy talk my Law allow thy deeds deny the same verse 18 Whereas for to amend thy life thou art so slack My word which thou dost thus pretend is cast behind thy back verse 19 If thou a th●…fe dost see thou joyn'st with him in sin And with unclean adulterers thou hast partaker bin verse 20 Thy mouth maliciously to evill thou dost give verse 21 Thy tongue thy neighbour to deceive by crafty words doth strive verse 22 Against thy brother neere thou sitting downe dost speak Thy tongue against thy mothers son in slanders forth doth break verse 23 These things thus hast thou done and I have silent bin Thou thought'st that I was like to thee who dost delight in sin verse 24 But I will thee reprove for thine iniquities And I will them in order set plainly before thine eies verse 25 Consider this with feare ye that forget the Lord Lest into pieces you he teare when none can help afford verse 26 Whoso doth offer praise he glorifieth me And he that doth uprightly walk shall Gods salvation see PSAL. LI. ACcording tothy goodnesse great have mercy Lord on me Blot out my sins for numberlesse thy tender mercies be verse 2 From mine iniquity and sin Lord throughly wash thou mee For my transgressions I consesse my sin I ever see verse 3 Against thee thee alone have I sin'd and transgrest thy Law Before thee evill have I done thy glorious eies it saw verse 4 That when thou sentence dost pronounce thou justifi'd maist be And wholly cleere when thou for sin dost judge and chasten me B●…hold in wickednesse my shape and being I receiv'd ●…infull of sin and flesh of flesh my mother me conceiv'd But ●…o the
truth in inward parts 〈◊〉 pleasant unto thee And secrets of thy wisdome thou revealed hast to mee verse 7 With hysope Lord besprinkle me I shall be cleansed so Yea wash thou me and so I shall be whiter then the snow verse 8 Of joy and gladnesse make thou mee to heare the pleasant voice That so the bruised bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce verse 9 From the beholding of my sins Lord turne away thy face And all my deeds of wickednesse do utterly deface verse 10 O God create in me a heart unspotted in thy sight Within my bowels Lord renew a spirit sound and right The second part verse 11 Cast me not from thy sight nor t●… thy holy spirit away The joy of thy salvation give me againe I pray verse 12 With thy free spirit me still up●… transgressors then of mee Shall learn thy waies and sinners sh●… be turned unto thee verse 13 O God that art my Saviour from bloud deliver mee That praises of thy righteousnesse my tongue may sing to thee verse 14 The lips which sin fast close●… Lord open and untie My mouth shall freely speak thy praise thus set at libertie verse 15 I would have offered sacrifice if that had pleased thee But pleased with burnt-offering I know thou wilt not be verse 16 A broken spirit is to God a pleasant sacrifice A broken and a contrite heart God thou wilt not despise verse 17 Do good to Sion in thy love and ever her sust●…ine Th walls of thy Jerusalem build thou and still maintaine verse 18 The sacrifice of righteousnesse and off ●…ings then to thee S●…ll pleasing be then bullocks shall laid on thine altar be PSAL. LII O Mighty man in wickednesse why dost thou b●…ast with pride 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thou sure Gods graciousnesse for ever shall ●…ide verse 2 T●…y tong●… doth utter what thy thought 〈◊〉 c●…tily Like a sharp rasor it hath wrought ●…hiefe deceitfully verse 3 To ●…vill more then good thy love is carried vehemently And lying thou dost more approve t●…en to speak righteously verse 4 Those deadly words thou lovest wel●… that may destroy and kill And thy deceitfull tongue doth tell the tales that bloud may spill verse 5 Thou likewise battered by Gods han●… and snatch't away shalt be Thee from thy house and from the la●… of life root out shall he verse 6 The just with feare shall plainly see Gods judgement in thy fall Yet for thy folly thus of thee with laughter say they shall verse 7 Behold the man that would not ta●… the Lord for his defence But of his goods his God did make and sin his confidence verse 8 But like to a green olive-tree within Gods house am I For in Gods mercy great shall be my trust continually verse 9 And I because thou this hast done to praise thee will not cease And I will wait thy Name upon for this thy Saints doth please PSAL. LIII THe foolish man within his heart hath said God there is none verse 2 Corrupt are they their deeds are v●… and good not one hath done verse 3 The Lord upon the sons of men from heav'n did cast his eye To see if any one were wise and sought God faithfully verse 4 But they together filthy are and back they all are gone And there is none that good doth work surely there is not one verse 5 These workers of iniquity are they so blinded all That they my people eat like bread on God they do not call verse 6 Even there they were affraid stood with trembling all dismaid Whereas there was no cause at all why they should be affraid verse 7 For God his bones that thee besieg'd hath scattered all abroad Thou hast confounded them for they rejected are of God verse 8 O Lord give thou thy people health and thou O Lord fulfill Thy promise made to Israel from out of Sion hill verse 9 When God from sad captivity his people shall set free Then Jacob greatly shall rejoyce and Israel glad shall be PSAL. LIIII LOrd by thy Name deliver me and judge me by thy might Against those that mine enemies be keep and maintaine my right Regard O Lord and give an eare to me when I do pray Bow downe thy selfe to me and heare the words that I do say verse 3 For strangers up against me rise and tyrants vexe me still Which have not God before their eies they seek my soule to spill verse 4 But lo my God doth give me aid the Lord is straight at hand With them by whom my soule is stai'd the Lord doth ever stand verse 5 He shal with plagues reward my foes for me in wait that lye Yea in thy truth cut off all those that watch me spitefully verse 6 An offring of free heart and will then I to thee shall make And praise thy Name for therein still great comfort I do take verse 7 The Lord hath cleerly set me free out of my troubles all And now mine eye doth plainly see my soes expected fall PSAL. LV. O God give eare and do apply to heare me when I pray And when to thee I call and cry hide not thy selfe away verse 2 Take heed to me grant my request and answer me againe With plaints I pray full sore opprest great griefe doth me constraine Mine enemies words affrighting be the wicked me oppresse They cast iniquity on me in wrath and spitefulnesse Great paine my heart disquieteth it vexed is in me 〈◊〉 terrours of untimely death upon me sallen be A trembling great with fearfulnesse do come and seize on me ●…onour doth me so much oppresse I no way out can see Then did I say thus O that I the wings had of a Dove ●…m wrong then I away would fly●… and me to rest remove Lo then I would go far away to ●…ee I would not cease ●…ll with safety I might stay in some great wildernesse And my escape more sure to make I would be gone in ●…aste 〈◊〉 me the tempest do not take nor the fierce stormy blast Destroy O Lord and do consound their tongues and them divide Or in their city strife I found and violence I ●…spi'd These on the walls both night day do go about it round ●…d in the midst doth mischiefe stay and sorrow doth abound verse 12 In midst thereof is wickednesse ev'n in the very heart And from her streets deceitfulnesse and guile do not depart verse 13 If enemies had reproached me it well en●…ure I could If open foes my scorner●… be from such me hide I would verse 14 But it was thou who for a friend and fellow lately past And who to guide me didst pretend and my acquaintance wast verse 15 With whom I had delight to talk in secret and abroad And we together oft did walk within the house of God The second part verse 16 Let death in baste upon them fall and send them quick to hell For mischiefe is among them all and dwelleth where they dwell verse
verse 6 When thee I musing on my bed remember with delight And when on thee I meditate in watches of the night verse 7 Because my helper thou hast been and me preservest still In the safe shadow of thy wings therefore rejoyce I will verse 8 My longing soule doth follow hard and closely cleave to thee And thou againe with thy right hand in love upholdest me verse 9 But to the grave they shall descend that would my ruine see The sword shall slay them and a prey to Foxes they shall be verse 10 Yet shall the King in God rejoyc●… and all those glory shall That worship him but stopt shall be the mouth of liars all PSAL. LXIIII. O Lord unto my voice give eare when I to thee do pray And sa●…e preserve my soule from fe●… of ●…oes that would me 〈◊〉 verse 2 From secret plots of wicked soes hi●…e and deliver me And from the rising up of those that evill workers be verse 3 Who do their tongues with mal●… w●… and m●…ke them cut like swords And in whose bowes are ●…owes se●… even sharp and bitte●… words verse 4 That so they may shoot secretly at him that is upright At him they do shoot suddenly and do not fear●… thy sight verse 5 In ill themselves 〈◊〉 fortifi●… and when their s●…res to lay They talk together privil●… Who doth us se●… they say verse 6 They search for mischiefe yea for it a perfect search they make From the 〈◊〉 depth and inmost wi●… each one his plots doth take verse 7 But at them shall God●… arrow 〈◊〉 their craft he shall confound For wi●…h his arrow suddenly these plotters he shall wound verse 8 Yea their own tongues these men shall make towork their owne decay All that them see shall them forsake and swif●…ly flie away verse 9 For on all men a feare shall fall Gods works they shall declare For wisely they consider shall that these his doings are verse 10 The righteous shall be gl●…d and trust in God and in his might And glory gr●…atly shall the just in heart that are upright PSAL. LXV ON thee Lord who dost Sion save praise waits in Sion hill And all the vowes which made they have to thee they shall fulfill verse 2 There is no other God by whom a praier heard may be Therefore all flesh shall humbly come in praier unto thee verse 3 Iniquities I do confesse pr●…vailed over me Yet from sins great and numberlesse we shall b●… purg'd by thee verse 4 Blest are thy chosen whom thy grace plants in thy courts with thee With goodnesse of thy holy place and house they fill'd shall be verse 5 By dreadfull things thou righteously wilt answer us O God On whom all the earths ends rely and the seas far abroad verse 6 The mountains that excell in heigh●… his strength hath stablished As with a girdle so with might he is encompassed verse 7 The swelling seas thou dost asswage and mak'st their streames full still Thou dost restraine the peoples rage and ●…ul'st them at thy will verse 8 Thy tokens the earths ends shall see and seeing feare they shall The rising Sun sings praise to thee and when he downe doth fall verse 9 The earth thou visit'st boing dry and watrest with thy springs And so enrich't abundantly by thee much fruit it brings Gods river doth it overflow whose waters plen●…eous are When for it thou provid●…st so their corne thou dost prepare verse 10 By thee the ridges moisture take and furrowes settled be W●…th showers thou it soft dost m●…ke the spring is blest by thee verse 11 Thus thou the yeare most liberally dost with thy goodnesse crowne And thus on us abundant●…y thy paths drop fatnesse downe verse 12 They drop upon the pastures wide that do in desar●…s lye The little hills on every si le rejoyce right pleasantly verse 13 With flocks the pastures clothed be the vale●… with corne ●…re clad 〈◊〉 now they thout and sing to thee f●…r thou hast made them glad PSAL. LXV●… 〈◊〉 men on earth in God rejoyce with praise s●…t for●…h his Name ●…oll both with your heart and voice h●…s glory and h●…s same How wonderfull O Lord say ye in 〈◊〉 thy works thou art 〈◊〉 enemies shall bow down to thee tho●…gh with a saining heart T●… earth throughout shall worship thee 〈◊〉 earths 〈◊〉 Lord and King 〈◊〉 thy Name shall praised be 〈◊〉 pr●…se to thee shall sing All men come forth behold and see what things the Lord hath wrought ●…k well the wondrous works that he for man to passe hath brought The sea to dry land turned he they through the floud did passe 〈◊〉 they past and there in thee Lord great their gladnesse was 〈◊〉 rule●… for ever by his might his 〈◊〉 all Nations see 〈◊〉 not those that against t●…ee sight in pride exalted be verse 8 O all ye people blesse our God and let the cheerfull voice Of his due praise be heard abroad in him with thanks rejoyce verse 9 For he our soule in life doth hold and of his grace and love Suffers not dangers manifold our feet away to move verse 10 For thou O Lord hast proved us and as with burning heat Men trie their silver thou hast thus tri'd us with sorrowes great verse 11 Thou hast us brought into the net where we entangled were Upon our loines affliction great thou didst us make to bear verse 12 Over our heads fierce men to ride were for our triall sent And we distrest on every side through fire and water went Yet when we were abased thus and hopelesse seem'd our case Then ev'n then forth thou broughtest 〈◊〉 into a wealthy place The second part verse 13 Unto thy house resort will I to off●… and to pray And the●…e I will my selfe apply my vowe to thee to pay verse 14 Th●… vowes that with my mouth spak●… in all my griefe and smart The vowes I say which I did make in sorrow of my heart verse 15 Incense of rams and fatlings I will offer unto thee And goats with bullocks thankfully by me shall offered be verse 16 Come neere and ●…earken every one whose soule the Lord doth feare And what he for my soule hath done you now from me shall heare verse 17 To him in my adversitie I with my mouth did crie And with my tongue I the most Hie with praise did magnifie verse 18 I also watch't lest any way my heart might sin regard For then I knew when I did pray my prai'r would not be heard verse 19 But God hath heard me verily and he did well attend Unto my praiers voice and crie which did to him ascend verse 20 And blessed be the Lord for he turnes not my praier away Nor doth his mercy turne from me for which to him I pray PSAL. LXVII HAve mercy on us Lord and grant to us thy grace To shew to us do thou accord the brightnesse of thy face verse 2 That all the earth may know the way
And with thy counsell while I live thou shalt me guide aright And afterward shalt me receive to glory in thy sight verse 25 Whom have I for my chiefest good but thee in heaven above And besides thee I none on earth so much desire and love verse 26 And though my flesh and heart do faile yet God doth faile me never For my hearts strength is God and he my portion is for ever verse 27 For lo they that are far from thee most justly perish shall And those that whoring go from thee shall be destroied all verse 28 But surely it is good for me still to draw neere to God I trust in God that so I may shew all thy works abroad PSAL. LXXIIII WHy art thou Lord so long from us in all this danger deep Why doth thine anger kindle thus at thine owne pasture sheep verse 2 Think on thy congregation purchast of old by thee And thine inheritance think upon which thou from bonds didst free Still look upon thy chosen place and it remember well This Sion Mount where of thy grace thou pleased wast to dwell verse 3 Lift up thy feet and come apace those utter ruines see Which wrought within thy holy place by wicked enemies be verse 4 For where thy congregations were thine enemies roare and crie And they for signes of triumph there their ensignes set on hie verse 5 A man was famous once as he had axes lifted hie Upon the trees that thickest be thy house to beautifie verse 6 But now the carved work apace downe break they with despight Thy house with axes to deface and lummers they delight verse 7 Thy house they do consume with flame and to the ground it c●…st Desiling it though once thy Name to dwell there thou hadst plac't verse 8 And thus they said within their heart Destroy them out of hand Then burnt they up in every part Gods houses through the land verse 9 Yet thou no signe of help dost send our Prophets all are gone To tell when this our plague shall end among us there is none The second part verse 10 How long Lord shall the enemy at thee reproaches cast And shall his spitefull blasphemy against thee ever last verse 11 Why is thy right hand thus drawne back and in thy bosome lies O pluck it out and be not slack to strike thine enemies verse 12 For God is my great King of old who hath salvation wrought Amid the earth men might behold what help to his he brought verse 13 By thy great strength divided was the sea when thou didst speak Of dragons which through waters passe the heads thou there didst break verse 14 And the Whales head thou didst divide although his strength was great To those in desarts that abide thou gavest him for meat verse 15 The floud and fountain mightily thou didst asunder cleave And mighty rivers making dry paths there for thine didst leave verse 16 The shining day the shady night thine and thine only are The glorious Sun and all the light thou only didst prepare verse 17 Thou dost appoint the ends coasts of all the earth about Both Summer heat and winter frosts thy hand hath found them out The third part verse 18 Remember that thine enemies on thee reproaches lay And foolish people blasphemies against thy Name do say verse 19 Thy Turtles soul which sinners hate do not to them deliver Thy congregations poore estate do not forget for ever verse 20 Regard thy covenant and see the land opprest doth lye Ev'n the dark places filled be with men of cruelty verse 21 O let not those that are opprest returne againe with shame But help the needy and distrest and let them praise thy Name verse 22 The cause is thine O Lord arise for thy cause pleader be Remember how the man unwise daily reproacheth thee verse 23 The voice forget not of thy foes nor their proud blasphemies Because still growes the rage of those that do against thee rise PSAL. LXXV TO thee O Lord we thanks do give we do give thanks to thee For that thy Name to us is neere we by thy wonders see verse 2 When I th' assembly shall receive uprightly judge I shall The earth and men therein do faint I stay her pillars all verse 3 I to the foolish people said Do not deale foolishly And to the wicked Lift not up the horne so lostily verse 4 Yea lift not up your ●…orne on hie despising those below And with a stiff-neck do not speak though you in honour grow verse 5 For know ye that promotion high though men thereof do boast Nor from the East nor West doth come nor from the Southern coast verse 6 But God that ruleth all the world is the great Judge alone He putteth downe the one and sets another in the throne verse 7 For in Gods hand there is a cup red wi●…e that in it hath This wine is of a mixture full this mixture is his wrath verse 8 This out he powreth but the dregs drink shall the wicked all Yea sinners all though high on earth wring out and drink them shall verse 9 But I thy glory to thy Church declare for ever will And unto thee O Jacobs God I will sing praies still verse 10 And all the hornes of wicked men shall be cut off by me But then the hornes of righteous men shall high exalted be PSAL. LXXVI THe Lord is known in Judah well and his most glorious Name Is very great in Israel which doth extoll the same verse 2 ●…is Tabernacle plac't to be in Salem was his will For his abode and dwelling he did chuse out Sion hill verse 3 There he the arrowes of the bowes did break ●…or Sions sake The sword and shield of mighty foes and battell there he brake verse 4 Thus thou more glorious dost appear and excellent then they In mighty troups that gathered were on mountaines high of prey verse 5 Thou spoiled hast the ●…out of mind and they have slept their sleep Their hands the mighty could not find their lives they could not keep verse 6 When thy rebuke against those men O Jacobs God did passe With a dread sleep possessed then ●…oth 〈◊〉 and chariot was verse 7 Thou even thou Lord most great in might art he whom all should fear And who dares stand before thy sight if once thy wrath appeare verse 8 From heaven thou didst make men heare the judgements of thine hand The earth surprized was with feare and silent it did stand verse 9 When God to judgement did arise to save the humble men Ev'n those to save whom most despise the earth stood silent then verse 10 The fury that in man doth raigne unto thy praise shall be And of his wrath what doth remaine shall be restrain'd by thee verse 11 Unto your God both vow and pay ye that to him are neere Bring gifts to him whose voice obey should all whom all should feare verse 12 The spirit of the
verse 4 Come let us cut them off they say that they no Nation be Let Israels name be put away when none can Israel see verse 5 In counsell they with one consent together joyned be They are with mischievous intent confederate against thee verse 6 There were the tents of Edomites there Ismaels children were With them were joyn'd the Moabites the Hagarens were there verse 7 Gebal and Ammon joyned be with Amalek they conspire With them the Philistims agree and those that dwell at Tyre verse 8 Ashur his force to theirs bath laid in league with them is he That to Lots children he an aid and arme of strength may be verse 9 But thou like Midian make them all and such as Sisera was With his King Jabin who did fall where Kish●…s brook doth passe verse 10 As those thou didst at Endor slay slay these that thee withstand Make them like those whose bodies lay as dung upon the land The second part verse 11 And let their slaughtered Noble men like Zeeb and Oreb fall As Zeba and Zalmunna then now make their Princes all verse 11 Who proudly said Into our hands let us Gods houses take Let us his houses through the land our owne possessions make verse 13 But O my God like wheeles them make that run and do not stay As winds away the chaffe do take so make them flie away verse 14 As fire doth consume a wood and it to ashes turne And as the mountaines high that stood the lightning flames do burne verse 15 So let thy tempest furiously them drive and on them light And let thy storme sent from on hie with terrour them affright verse 16 Cover O Lord and fill their face with their deserved shame That they may humbly begge thy grace and seek thy glorious Name verse 17 Yet more let them consounded be and ve●…t continually Yea be they put to shame by thee and perish fearfully verse 18 That men may know that only thee they should Jehovah call And thee alone on earth to be the Highest over all PSAL. LXXXIV HOw lovely is thy dwelling place O Lord of hosts to me The Tabernacles of thy grace how pleasant Lord they be verse 2 My thirsty soule longs vehemently yea faints thy courts to see My very heart and flesh do cry O living God for thee verse 3 The Sparrowes find a room to rest and save themselves from wrong The Swallow makes her selfe a nest wherein to lay her yong verse 4 Ev'n nigh thine altars is the place in which these birds may lie While me my God and King they chase and force far thence to flie verse 5 O those that in thy house may dwell right blest and happy be They ever thy great acts will tell and still be praising thee verse 6 And likewise blessed men are they whose stay and strength thou art Which to thy house do mind the way and seek it with their heart verse 7 For though through vallies dry they go thy grace is with them still Which like a fountain springeth so that it their pits doth fill verse 8 Thus did they go from strength to strength and all unwearied were And thus before the Lord at length in Zion all appeare verse 9 O Lord thou God of armies heare now I to thee do pray O God of Jacob give an eare to that which I shall say verse 10 Behold O God our shield with grace him that thus out is cast Look upon thine Anointeds face and bring him back at last verse 11 Because within thy courts one day is better to abide Then in another place to stay a thousand daies beside verse 12 And in my Gods deare house I could more gladly keep a doore Then in the tents of sin I would dwell with all wealth and store verse 13 For God a sun and shield that is will grace and glory give And he no good will keep from his that do uprightly live verse 14 O Lord of hosts that man is blest and happy still shall be Whose heart by faith doth ever rest and firmly trust in thee PSAL. LXXXV UNto thy land our Lord and King thou hast done graciously For Jacob thou againe didst bring from his captivity verse 2 Thou to thy people didst forgive their great iniquities All sins wherein they once did live thou cover'dst from thine eies verse 3 Thine anger so thou didst asswage that all my wrath is gone And thou art turned from thy rage with them to be at one verse 4 O God our health do now convert thy people unto thee From us let all thy wrath depart and angry cease to be verse 5 Why shall thine anger never end but still proceed on us And shall thy wrath it selfe extend upon all ages thus verse 6 Wilt thou not us to life restore and quicken us that we Who are thy people evermore in thee may joyfull be verse 7 To us thy mercy Lord declare and all our sins forgive And unto us thy flock that are thy free salvation give verse 8 Now will I hear what God will say for he with peace shall blesse His Saints and flock yet must not they returne to foolishnesse verse 9 Surely to such as do him feare is his salvation nye That glory may to us appeare and dwell here constantly verse 10 For truth and mercy here shall meet in one to take their place And peace with kisse shall justice greet and here they shall embrace verse 11 Truth with a spring the earth shall blesse and it with glory crowne And on us shining righteousnesse from heaven shall look downe verse 12 Yea God shall give us bounteously all that for us is good Our land with fruit shall us supply and give us store of food verse 13 Before him righteousnesse shall go which shall us rightly lead And in the way shall set us so that we his steps shall tread PSAL. LXXXVI O Lord to me bow downe thine eare and heare me graciously Thou that dost help the weak me heare for poore and low am I. verse 2 Preserve my soule for grace I have receiv'd a Saint to be O thou my God thy servant save that puts his trust in thee verse 3 Thy mercie Lord on me expresse and help my misery For through the day I do not cease on thee to call and cry verse 4 Comfort O Lord thy servants soule that now with paine is pin'd For unto thee Lord I extoll and lift my soule and mind verse 5 For thou art good and bountifull in pardoning very free In mercie thou art plentifull to all that call on thee verse 6 Therefore O Lord when I do pray regard and give an eare Mark well the words that I do say my supplication heare verse 7 In time when trouble doth me move to thee I do complaine Because I know and well do prove thou answerest me againe verse 8 Among the gods O Lord is none to be compar'd to thee And of all works that have been done like thine
not any be verse 9 Throughout the world the Nations all which thou didst make and frame Before thee come and worship shall and glorifie thy Name verse 10 For thou art very great in might all power is thine owne Thou workest wonders strange in sight for thou art God alone The second part verse 11 Lord in thy truth walk on would I then teach thou me thy way Unite my heart to thee so nigh that feare thy Name I may verse 12 O Lord my God thee gladly praise with all my heart will I And I thy glorious Name alwaies will highly glorifie verse 13 Because thy mercie shew'd to me in greatnesse doth excell My soule by thee hath been set free out from the lowest hell verse 14 The proud arise to fight with me and violent men are met That for my soule have sought and thee before them have not set verse 15 But thou of pity Lord art full and gracious art thou found Long suffering and most mercifull and doth in truth abound verse 16 O turne to me compassion and mercy on me have Strengthen thy servant and the son of thine owne hand-maid save verse 17 On me some signe of favour shew which all my foes may see And be ashamed Lord since thou dost help and comfort me PSAL. LXXXVII THe ground-works of Gods city be for ever firmly stai'd Upon the holy mountaines he his strong foundations laid verse 2 God loves the gates of Sion best his grace doth there abide He loves them more then all the rest of Jacobs tents beside verse 3 For glorious things reported be thy fame is spreadabroad Great things I say are said of thee thou Citie of our God verse 4 Of Rahab I will mention make and Babylon of thee I before those will notice take that do acknowledge me verse 5 Behold Tyre and Philistia which foes and strangers were See also Ethiopia for borne this man was there verse 6 Of Sion they shall say abroad that divers men of fame Have there sprung up and the high God hath founded fast the same verse 7 When God his people writes it shall in his accompt appeare This man who was the chiefe of all had his beginning there verse 8 As well those that sweet singers were as those that players be On Instruments shall consort there my springs are all in thee PSAL. LXXXVIII O Lord who of salvation art God alone to me My cry and supplication are day and night to thee verse 2 O let my praiers soon ascend unto thy sight on hye Incline thine eare O Lord intend and hearken to my cry verse 3 Because my soul with grieses is fill'd which her so trouble I have That now my life doth faint and yeeld and drawes nigh to the grave verse 4 I counted am as one of them that to the pit descend As a weak man they me esteem that hath nor strength nor friend verse 5 As one among the dead and free from things that here remaine In this estate I seem to be like those which have been slaine verse 6 Like slaughtred men in grave that lay whom now thou hast forgot Which by thy hand are cut away and thou remembrest not verse 7 Even in the lowest pit by thee I have been laid and cast In darknesse where I could not see in deeps I have been plac't verse 8 Thy wrath that heavily doth fall upon me hard doth lye Thou with thy waves and billowes all dost vex me grievously verse 9 My friends put far from me thou hast to them I loathsome grow I am shut up in griefe so fast that forth I cannot go verse 10 Mine eye O Lord doth mou●…e for griefe I daily call on thee And unto thee for some reliefe my hands out-stretched be The second part verse 11 O wilt thou make thy works appear and wonders to the dead Or shall the dead arise and here thy glorious praises spread Or shall thy loving graciousnesse be mention'd in the grave verse 12 Or speech of thy great faithfulnesse shall men destroyed have verse 13 Who shall thy wonders great express in darknesse deep below In the land of forgetfulnesse who shall thy justice know verse 14 But gracious Lord to thee my cries I vehemently have sent And early ere the morning rise my praiers shall thee prevent verse 15 Why dost thou Lord most great in grace cast off my soule from thee And why thy favour and thy face dost thou thus hide from me verse 16 Afflicted from my youth am I and ready oft to dye Thy terrours that on me do lie distract me fearfully verse 17 The fiercenesse of thy furiouswrath quite over me hath gone The sharpnesse of thy terrours hath me cut off and undone verse 18 And round about me every day like waters come they be Even so together gathering they about do compasse me verse 19 My friend and him that did me love thou dost put far from me To darknesse thou dost those remove that mine acquaintance be PSAL. LXXXIX GOds mercies I will ever sing and with my mouth I shall Make knowne thy constant faithfulnesse to generations all verse 2 For I have said that mercie shall for evermore remaine And in the heavens high shalt thou thy faithfulnesse maintaine verse 3 God said I with my chosen made a covenant graciously And to my servant whom I lov'd to David sworne have I. verse 4 That I thy seed establish will for ever to endure And I to generations all will build thy throne most sure verse 5 The heav'ns shall shew with joy and mirth thy wondrous works O Lord Thy Saints shall in thy Church on earth thy faithfulnesse record verse 6 For in the heavens to the Lord who may himselfe compare Among the sons of mighty ones who with him equall are verse 7 God in the assembly of the Saints the Saints should greatly feare He should be reverenc't of all that are about him neere verse 8 Lord God of hosts a mighty Lord like thee what one can be And who can shew such faithfulnesse as doth encompasse thee verse 9 The sea though raging furiously thou rulest at thy will The waves thereof though mounting hie thou makest calme and still verse 10 Egypt in pieces thou didst bieak and like one s●…ine was she Thine enemies with thy mighty anne have scattered been by thee The second part verse 11 Thine are the heavens and the earth thou as thine owne maist take The world and all that doth it fill thy power did found and make verse 12 The North South from thee alone their first beginning had Both Tabor Mount and Hermon Hill shall in thy Name be glad verse 13 Thou hast an arme most full of strength that worketh mightily Strong is thy hand and thy right hand in power is very hye verse 14 In righteousnesse and equity thou hast thy seat and place Mercy and truth are still with thee and go before thy face verse 15 O those that know the joyfull sound a blessed people
sow And joy to men of heart upright in plenty great shall grow verse 12 Ye Saints that follow righteousnesse still in the Lord rejoyce At mention of his holinesse give thankes with heart and voice PSAL. XCVIII SIng a new song to God most hye for he wrought wonders great His owne right hand the victory and holy arme did get verse 2 The Lord hath made the people know his saving health and might And he his righteousnesse did shew in all the h●…ens fight verse 3 His mercie sweet to Israel and truth remembred he The 〈◊〉 of all the earth did well our Gods salvation see verse 4 Be glad in him with joyfull voice all people of the earth Give thankes to God sing and rejoyce to him with joy and mirth verse 5 With Harps unto the Highest sing King in Psalmes list up your voice verse 6 With Trumpets praise the Lord and and 〈◊〉 cheerfull noise verse 7 Yea let the sea with all therein for joy both roare and swell And let the earth be joyfull seen and all that in it dwell verse 8 〈◊〉 flouds now clap their hands for mirth 〈◊〉 hills all joyfull be Before the Lord because the earth to judge now cometh he verse 9 The world with righteousnes he shall most justly judge and try And he shall judge the people all with perfect equity PSAL. XCIX THe Lord doth raign with trembling great then l●…t the people shake He between C●…bs hath his seat let the earth move and quake verse 2 The Lord is great in Sion Mount and feared reveren●…y Yea he all people doth surmount and si●… above them hye verse 3 Therefore let all extoll and praise thy great and dreadfull Name High thy Names honour let them raise for holy is the same verse 4 The King loves judgement with his might and settleth equity Thou judgement execut'st and right in Jacob stedfastly verse 5 The mighty God and Lord of all on high exalted be Let men 〈◊〉 his foot-stoole fall an holy God is he verse 6 Moses 〈◊〉 A●…on with his Priests with those tha●… on him call Was Samuel all th●…se made requests and God did answer all verse 7 He from a cloudy pillar spake and shew'd to them ●…s will And they such lawes as he did make endeavoured to fulfill verse 8 Them Lord our God thou answered'st a God that them forgave Yet thou their errours chastised'st which they invented have verse 9 The Lord our God exalt ye still and humbly worship ye Our God upon his holy hill for holy still is he PSAL. C. ALl people that on earth do dwell sing to the Lord with cheerful voice Him serve with fear his praise forth tell come ye before him and rejoyce verse 2 The Lord ye know is God indeed without our a●… he did us make We are his flock he doth us ●…eed and for his sheep he doth us take verse 3 O enter then his gates with praise approach with joy his courts unto Praise land and blesse his Name alwaies for it is seemly so to do verse 4 Because the Lord our God is good his mercy is for ever sure His truth at all times firmly stood and shall from age to age endure PSAL. CI. I Mercy will and judgement sing O Lord God unto thee And wisely do in perfect way ●…come with haste to me verse 2 Within my house with perfect heart uprightly walk I will verse 3 And I will set before mine eies no matter that is i●… verse 4 I hate their work that turn aside it shall not cleave to me From me shall part the froward heart none evill will I see verse 5 Who of his neighbours slanders close doth speak cut off will I The lofty heart I cannot beare nor him that looketh hie verse 6 Mine eies shall be on them within the land that faithfull be In perfect way who walketh shall be servant unto me verse 7 I will no gui●…efull person have within my house to dwell And in my presence shall he not remaine that lies doth tell verse 8 And all the wicked of the land early destroy will I All from Gods City to cut off that work iniquity PSAL. CII LOrd hear●… my pr●…er let my cry have leave to come to thee verse 2 In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from me verse 3 Answer me quickly in that day when I do call and pray Because my daies consume like smoak and vanish soon away verse 4 My bones like to an hearth are burnt and like grasse parch't with heat My heart is smitten so that I forget my bread to eat verse 5 By reason of my groaning voice my bones cleave to my skin verse 6 Like Pelican in wildernesse forsaken have I bin verse 7 I like an Owle in desart am that out of sight is gone I watch and as a Sparrow on the house top am alone verse 8 My bitter enemies all the day reproaches cast on me And being mad at me with rage against me sworne they be verse 9 I surely ashes eaten have like bread in sorrowes deep In griefe I mingled have my drink with teares that I did weep verse 10 Thy wrath and indignation did cause this griefe and paine For thou hast lifted me on high and cast me downe againe verse 11 The daies wherein I passe my life are like the fleeting shade And I am withered like the grasse that soon away doth fade verse 12 But thou Lord everlasting art and thou no end shalt see And unto generations all shall thy remembrance be verse 13 Thou wilt arise and mercy thou to Sion wilt extend The time of mercy now the time fore-set is come to end verse 14 For even in her ruinous stones thy servants do delight And the despised dust thereof finds favour in their sight The second part verse 15 Then shall the Heathen people feare the Lords most holy Name And all the Kings on earth shall dread thy glory and thy same verse 16 When Zion by the mighty Lord built up againe shall be In glory then and dreadfull power to men appeare shall he verse 17 The praier of the destitute he surely will regard Their praier will be not despise by him it shall be heard verse 18 This shall be written that the age succeeding may it see So shall that people praise the Lord which shall created be verse 19 For from his high and holy place he look't downe graciously The Lord with pity did behold the earth from heaven hye verse 20 That of the ●…full prisoners the groanings he might heare And those might loose which unto death condemn'd unjustly were verse 21 That they in Zion may declare the Lords most holy Name And in Jerusalem set forth the praises of the same verse 22 Even when the people shall in troups meet there with one accord When Kingdomes shall assembled be to serve the bighest Lord. verse 23 My former sorce of strength he hath abated in the way And shorter he did cut my
great above the heavens hie ●…hy truth doth reach unto the clouds within the lofty skie Above the starry heavens high exalt thy selfe O God And Lord display upon the earth thy glory all abroad verse 6 That thy beloved mightily delivered may be ●…ave them O Lord with thy right hand and herein answer me verse 7 God in his holinesse thus spake My joy shall now be great ●…chem in parts I will divide and Succoths valley mete verse 8 Gilead I claime as mine by right Manasseh mine shall be Ephraim is of my head the strength Judah gives Lawes for me verse 9 Moab I for my wash-pot take and Edom over thee I cast my shooe Philistia make a shout because of me verse 10 Into the Citie fortifi'd who will me safely bring Who into Edom will me guide to enter conquering verse 11 Wilt not thou Lord which hereto●… hast seemed us to hate Thou Lord who with our hosts no m●… hast marched forth of late verse 12 O give us help most gracious Lo●… from trouble set us free Because the help of mortall men we find most vaine to be verse 13 Through God we shall do valiantly and conquer when we fight For he it is that shall tread downe our enemies with his might PSAL. CIX O Thou the God of all my praise to help me do not cease When sinners do against me speak do not thou hold thy peace verse 2 The wicked and the guilefull mouth against me opened be And with a false and lying tongue they have accused me verse 3 They did beset me round about with words of hatefull spight And though to them no cause I gave against me they did fight verse 4 They for my love became my foes but then I went to pray verse 5 Evill for good and hate for love to me they did repay Set thou the wicked over him and at his owne right hand ●…ve thou his greatest enemy leave ev'n Satan there to stand And when by thee he shall be judg'd condemned let him be ●…nd let his praier turne to sin which he shall make to thee Few be his daies and after him his charge another take And fatherlesse his children be his wife a widow make verse 9 Yea let his seed be vagabonds and beg continually And from their places desolate seek bread for their supply verse 10 Let covetous extortioners take all his goods away Of all for which he labour'd hath let strangers make a prey verse 11 Let there be none to pity him let there be none at all That on his children fatherlesse will let their mercie fall The second part verse 12 Let his posterity from earth cut off for ever be And in the following age his name be blotted out by thee verse 13 Let not his fathers wickednesse from Gods remembrance fall Let not from him his mothers sin be blotted out at all verse 14 But let them in the sight of God appeare continually That he may wholly from the earth cut off their memory verse 15 Sith mercy be forgat to shew and did pursue with spight The poore sad man that him whose hea●… was broken slay he might verse 16 As 〈◊〉 in cursing pleasure took so let it to him go As blessing was not his delight farre from him be it so verse 17 As 〈◊〉 with cursing cloth'd himselfe into his bowels so Like water and into his bones like oile downe let it go verse 18 As doth his garment cover him so to him let it be And as a girdle girt wherewith continually is he verse 19 This the reward be from the Lord unto mine enemies Who evill speak against my soule and mischiefe do devise The third part verse 20 But for thy Names sake O my God and Lord do thou for me From my distresse deliver me for good thy mercies be verse 21 Because I needy am and poore yet do in griefes abound And in me my afflicted heart doth feele a piercing wound verse 22 As when the shadow doth decline so I away do go And as the Gr●…shopper so I am tossed to and fro verse 23 My trembling knees are weak faint because I long do fast My flesh of fatnesse now doth faile and I consume and waste verse 24 And I a vile reproach and scorne to them was made to be And they that did upon me look did shake their heads at me verse 25 But thou O Lord that art my God mine aide and succour be According to thy promise Lord save and deliver me verse 26 And they shall know thereby that this is thine owne mighty hand And that O Lord thou hast it done so shall they understand verse 27 Although they curse with spite yet thou shalt blesse with loving voice They shall arise and come to shame thy servant shall rejoyce verse 28 Let them be clothed all with shame that enemies are to me Let their confusion as a cloak to them a cover be verse 29 But with my mouth I greatly will give thankes unto the Lord And ev'n in the great multitude his praise I will record verse 30 For at the right hand of the poo●… to save him stand shall he From those to save him of his soule that cruell Judges be PSAL. CX THe Lord did say unto my Lord Sit thou on my right hand Till I have made thy foes a stoole whereon thy feet may stand verse 2 The Lord shall out of Sion send the scepter of thy might Amid thy mortall foes be thou the ruler in their sight verse 3 And in the day on which thy reigne with mighty power shall be The people with a willing heart shall subject be to thee verse 4 Yea they in beauteous holinesse thee serve and worship shall Thy births dew is the dew that doth from womb of morning fall verse 5 The Lord hath sworne of this oa●… he will repent him never Of th' order of Melchisedeck thou art a Priest for ever verse 6 The Lord in glory high advanc't that sits at thy right hand Shall in his day of wrath strike throug●… great Kings that him withstand verse 7 The heathen he shall judge and fill the place with bodies dead And over many countries he shall smite and wound the head And he shall drink out of the brook that runneth in the way ●…erefore he shall lift up on high his royall head that day PSAL. CXI PRaise ye the Lord him will I praise with all my heart and might 〈◊〉 the assembly of the just and in the Churches sight The works of our almighty God in greatnesse do excell And ought to be sought out and seen of all that love them well His workes are very beautifull and shine full gloriously And his most perfect righteousnesse endures eternally verse 4 The Lord hath made his wondrous workes remembred still to be The Lord is of compassion full and mercifull is he verse 5 A blessed portion he doth give to them that do him feare And his sweet covenant of grace in mind he
still doth beare verse 6 The power of his mighty workes he to his people shewes While he the heathens heritage upon his Saints bestowes verse 7 Both truth judgment are the works wrought by his hand and might His precepts and commandments all are very sure and right verse 8 Firme are they and established for all eternity And they most righteously are done in truth and equity verse 9 Unto his people whom he chose redemption he did send His Covenant he commanded hath that it should never end verse 10 Holy and reverend is the Name of our great Lord and King And only from the feare of God doth all true wisdome spring verse 11 Good understanding have all they his precepts that fulfill His glory everlasting is his praise endureth still PSAL. CXII PRaise ye the Lord The man is bl●… that feares the Lord of might And in his just commandments all that taketh great delight verse 2 His seed shall prosper here onearth and they shall mighty be The generation of the just full blessed shall we see verse 3 Of riches he within his house sufficient shall be sure And in Gods sight his righteousnesse for ever shall endure verse 4 Unto the righteous doth arise amid the darknesse light Kind and compassionate is he and leads his life aright verse 5 A good man favour shewes lends with mercie and compassion And he is wise and his affaires he guideth with discretion verse 6 Surely he shall be settled so that nothing can him move The just shall be remembred still in Gods eternall love verse 7 Of evill tidings that may come he will not be affraid Because his heart upon his God by faith is sixt and stai'd verse 8 His heart is firmly stablished affraid he will not be Untill upon his enemies Gods justice he do see verse 9 He doth distribute to the poore and to them freely give His righteousnesse doth still remaine and with him ever live verse 10 In power and in dignitie aloft he shall be set And this the wicked man shall see and seeing rage and fret verse 11 For anger he shall gnash his teeth and shall consume away The wicked mans desire and hope shall perish and decay PSAL. CXIII PRaise ye the living Lord praise ye your Lord and King All ye his servants to his Name all praise and honour bring verse 2 Now and in ages all his holy Name be blest And his great Name in places all be prais'd from East to West verse 3 Above the Nations all the Lord doth sit on hie Above the highest heav'ns he sits in glorious majestie verse 4 With this great Lord and God who dareth to compare Whose dwellings far above the world so high exalted are verse 5 Yet of his goodnesse great he doth descend so low As in the heavens and the earth the things to see and know verse 6 He raiseth from the dust the poore that low did lie And from the dung-hill lifts the man opprest with povertie verse 7 That him he may advance and with the Princes set With those that of his people are the chiefe ev'n Princes great verse 8 To her that barren was he children doth afford So she keeps house a mother glad praise ye the living Lord. PSAL. CXIV WHen Israel from Egypt came and did his dwelling change When Jacobs house from those did part that were of language strange verse 2 His Sanctuary Judah was his holy place was there And his dominion Israel was and they his people were verse 3 The sea it saw and at the sight as all affraid did flye And back the river Jordans streames were driven mightily verse 4 The Mountains skipped like to rams and could not stedfast stay And like young lambs the little hills did move and leap away verse 5 What ail'd thee sea as all amaz'd so suddenly to flye Ye rolling waves of Jordans floud why ran ye backwardly verse 6 Ye mountains great what was the cause that ye did skip like rams Ye little hills why did ye leap and skip like little lambs verse 7 Before the presence of the Lord tremble thou earth and quake Before the presence of the God of Jacob do thou shake verse 8 Who from the hard and stony rock did pooles of water bring And by his power did turne the ●…int into a water-spring PSAL. CXV NOt unto us Lord not to us but to thy Name give praise Both for the mercy and the truth that are in thee alwaies verse 2 Why shall the heathen scorners say Where may their God now be verse 3 Our God in heaven is and what he pleased done hath he verse 4 Their Idols silver are and gold work of mens hands they be They have a mouth and do not speak and eies and do not see verse 5 Eares have they joyned to their hea●… yet do they nothing heare verse 6 They also cannot smell at all though noses they do beare verse 7 And hands they have yet handle not feet yet no walk they take A throat they have and yet no speech through it a sound doth make verse 8 They that them make are like to them and they whose trust they be verse 9 O Israel trust in the Lord their help and shield is he verse 10 O Aarons house trust in the Lord their help and shield is he verse 11 Trust ye in God who fear the Lord their help and shield is he verse 12 The Lord of us hath mindfull be●… and he will blesse us still Both Israels and Aarons house blesse certainly he will verse 13 Those that do fear serve the Lord the Lord will blesse them all The Lord his blessing will impart both to the great and small verse 14 To you the Lord abundantly will multiply his grace He will increase it more and more to you and to your race verse 15 All ye the Lord that feare and serve are blessed of the Lord Who hath the heavens and the earth created by his word verse 16 The heavens yea the heavens high Gods throne and palace be But freely on the sons of men the earth bestowed he verse 17 The dead do not give to the Lord praise from the grave below Nor any that into the place of silence downe do go verse 18 But we the servants of the Lord who here on earth shall live Henceforth and ever will him praise to God due praises give PSAL. CXVI I Love the Lord because my voice and praier heard hath he verse 2 And all my daies will call on him who bow'd his care to me verse 3 Even when the snares of cruell death about beset me round When pains of hell me caught and whe●… I woe and sorrow found verse 4 Upon the Name of God my Lord then did I call and say Deliver thou my soule O Lord I do thee humbly pray verse 5 The Lord is very gracious and righteous is he Yea in our God depths infinite of tender mercies be verse 6 The Lord in safety doth
preserve all those that simple be Even I my selfe was brought full low and he relieved me verse 7 And now my soul sith thou art safe returne unto thy rest For largely lo the Lord to thee his bounty hath exprest verse 8 Because my soul from threatned death delivered is by thee By thee mine eies from teares my feet from falls delivered be verse 9 Before the Lord even in the land of life now walk will I verse 10 This I beleev'd and therefore spake though grieved heavily The second part verse 11 I said in my distresse and feare that all men liars be verse 12 What shall I pay the Lord for all his benefits to me verse 13 The wholsome cup of saving health I thankfully will take 〈◊〉 on the Lords Name will I call when I my praier make verse 14 The vowes which in my grief I made I to the Lord will pav 〈◊〉 presence of his people all ev'n now without delay verse 15 The death of Gods beloved Saints is precious in his sight Though carnall men do them despise yet are they Gods delight verse 16 Thy servant Lord thy servant lo I do my selfe confesse 〈◊〉 of thine hand-maid thou hast broke the bands of my distresse verse 17 And I will offer up to thee a sacrifice of praise 〈◊〉 I will call upon the Name of God the Lord alwaies verse 18 The vowes which in my grief I made I to the Lord will pay 〈◊〉 presence of his people all ev'n now without delay verse 19 Yea in the courts of Gods own house and in the midst of thee 〈◊〉 glorious Jerusalem the Lord still praised be PSAL. CXVII O All ye Nations of the world praise ye the Lord alwaies And all the people every where set forth his noble praise verse 2 For great his kindnesse is to us his truth doth ever live Then to the Lord give praises great praise to him ever give PSAL. CXVIII O Give ye thanks unto the Lord for gracious is he Because his mercies very sure and everlasting be verse 2 Let Israel confesse that still his mercies do endure Let Aarons house say now that still his mercies are most sure verse 3 And let them now that fear the Lord say that his mercies sure Which he doth shew unto his Saints for ever do endure verse 4 On God I call'd in my distresse and he did answer me In a large place he did me set wherein I might go free verse 5 The Lord himselfe is on my side affraid I will not be When God is on my side what hurt can man then do to me verse 6 The Lord doth take my part with them that help to succour me Therefore on those that do me hate I my desire shall see verse 7 Better it is to trust in God then in mans mortall seed Or to put considence in Kings or Princes in our need verse 8 All Nations have enclosed me and me encompast round But in the Name of God shall I them conquer and confound verse 9 They compast me on every side they round about me came But I will surely them destroy in Gods most mighty Name verse 10 Like Bees they compast me about yet like to thornes that flame They quenched are for them shall I destroy in Gods great Name The second part verse 11 Thou hast with force thrust sore at me that fall full low I might But yet the Lord sustained me and made me stand upright verse 12 The Lord is my defence strength my gladnesse and my song He my salvation is become and my preserver strong verse 13 In dwellings of the just is heard the voice and melody Of joy and health for the right hand of God doth valiantly verse 14 The right hand of the mighty Lord exalted is on hye The right hand of the mighty Lord hath done most valiantly verse 15 I surely shall not die but live and living shall declare The workes and wonders of the Lord which great and many are verse 16 The Lord indeed hath chastened me me chastened sore hath he Yet wholly over unto death be hath not given me verse 17 Set open unto me the gates of truth and righteousnesse That I may enter into them the Lord to praise and blesse verse 18 Behold this is the gate of God which he hath opened so That into it the righteous men shall with his praises go The third part verse 19 And Lord because thou me hast heard I will give praise to thee For thou art graciously become a Saviour unto me verse 20 The stone which by the builders was refused with disgrace Now the head-corner stone is made and s●…t in chiefest place verse 21 This was the mighty work of God this was the Lords owne fact And it is marvellous to behold with eies that noble act verse 22 This surely is that joyfull day which God himselfe did make And we his servants will therein great joy and pleasure take verse 23 Save now O Lord I thee besee●…h thy helping hand extend And now I do bes●…h thee Lord prosperitie to send verse 24 Blessed be he in Gods great Name that cometh us to save We from the house which to the Lord pertaines you blessed have verse 25 God is the Lord that shewes us light with cords then fasten ye An offering to the altars hornes a signe of thankes to be verse 26 Thou art my God and therefore I will praises give to thee Thou art my God therefore by me thou shalt exalted be verse 27 O give ye thankes unto the Lord because most good is he Because for ever to his Saints his mercies lasting be PSAL. CXIX BLessed are they that are sincere and perfect in the way Who in their lives do walk with God and do his lawes obey verse 2 Blessed are they that to observe his statutes bend their mind And who do seek with all their heart the living God to find verse 3 Those also do not willingly iniquitie commit But searching out the way of God they strive to walk in it verse 4 A strait command enjoyn'd hast thou whom we are bound to serve That we with care and diligence thy statutes should observe verse 5 O thou who givest this command give grace it to obey Thy statutes faithfully to keep O Lord direct my way verse 6 Then shall I walk with confidence and shall from shame be free To all thy just commandements when my respect shall be verse 7 Then with uprightnesse of my heart thee will I praise and blesse When I shall well the judgements learn of thy pure righteousnesse verse 8 And wholly will I give my selfe to keep thy lawes most right Forsake me not for ever Lord but sh●…w thy grace and might The 2. part verse 9 O by what meanes his way and life clean shall a young man make If he according to thy word thereto good heed do take verse 10 Unfainedly I have thee sought and seeking thus abide Let me not w●…nder
Like to a dreame it did appeare and as a fained thing verse 2 Then was our mouth with laughter fill'd right joyfull was our tongue And of this wonder thus they spake the heathen folke among verse 3 Great things the Lord hath done for great things we do confesse The Lord for us hath done which call them for joy and thankfulnesse verse 4 Bring our captivitie againe to joy our sorrow turne As flowing streames do change the ground which parching heat did burne verse 5 They that in teares and sorrowes deep their seed do sadly sow At harvest they their corne with joy shall gladly reap and mow verse 6 They carried forth a precious seed and going they did mourne But bringing home their sheaves with joy they gladly shall returne EXcept the Lord do build the house man buildeth but in vaine And man in building doth but lose his labour and his paine verse 2 Except the Lords all-seeing eye the city safely keep In vaine the watchmans waking eye doth hold it selfe from sleep verse 3 To rise up early is but vaine and vaine late watchings are Vaine is it pensively to eate the bread of griefe and care verse 4 For the beloved of the Lord are by his love so blest That unto them he freely gives most quiet sleep and rest verse 5 Lo children are an heritage which doth from God descend And the wombs fruit is his reward Gods bounty doth it send verse 6 And look what strength sharp arrowes are in hands of men of power Such strength are children blest with grace amid their youthfull flower verse 7 And blessed is the man that hath his quiver full of those For they undaunted in the gate shall speak unto their foes PSAL. CXXVIII BLessed art thou that fearest God and walkest in his way verse 2 For of thy labour thou shalt eat happy art thou I say verse 3 Like fruitfull vines on thy house side so doth thy wife spring out Thy children stand like olive-plants thy table round about verse 4 Thus art thou blest that fearest God and he shall let thee see verse 5 The promised Jerusalem and her felicitie verse 6 Thou shalt thy childrens children see to thy great joyes increase And likewise grace on Israel prosperitie and peace PSAL. CXXIX OFt they now Israel may say me from my youth assail'd verse 2 Oft they assail'd me from my youth but never they prevail'd verse 3 Upon my back the plowers plow'd and furr●…wes long did cast verse 4 The righteous Lord hath cut the cords of wicked foes at last verse 5 O let them all confounded be and forced back to flie That do to Sion hatred beare and cursed enmitie verse 6 Let these be like unto the grasse which on house tops we see That fades and dries away before growne up it fully be verse 7 Whereof enough to fill his hand the mower cannot find Nor can the man his bosome fill whose work is sheaves to bind verse 8 Nor do they say which by do go Gods blessing on you be Nor do they say In the great Name of God you blesse do we PSAL. CXXX OUt from the overflowing depths of griefe and misery My sad afflicted soule to thee O Lord hath sent her cry verse 2 O gracious Lord hear thou my voice and let thine eares attend Unto the voice of my requests which humbly doth ascend verse 3 If Lord thou strictly shouldst inquire and mark iniquities Lord who shall dare to stand before thy pure all-seeing eies verse 4 But besides fearfull justice Lord forgivenesse is with thee That with a son-like awe obey'd and feared thou maist be verse 5 Upon the Lord I wait my soule doth wait upon the Lord For I have fully purposed to hope upon his word verse 6 My soule more waiteth for the Lord then they that watch to spy The morning light then they that watch the morning to descry verse 7 Let Israel hope in the Lord for mercie and compassion Is with the Lord and with him is most plentifull redemption verse 8 And his owne chosen Israel and flock redeem he shall He shall them freely justifie from their offences all PSAL. CXXXI O Lord I am not pust in mind I have no scornfull eie I do not exercise my selfe in things that are too hie verse 2 But as the childe that weaned is even from his mothers brest So have I Lord behav'd my selfe in silence and in rest verse 3 Let Israel hope in the Lord who doth his Church maintaine And let this hope from this time forth for evermore remaine PSAL. CXXXII REmember Davids troubles Lord and how he sware to thee verse 2 And how to the Almighty God of Jacob vowed be verse 3 I will not come within my house nor rest in bed at all verse 4 Nor shall mine eies take any sleep nor eye-lids slumber shall verse 5 Till for the Lord a place I find where he may make abode Till I an habitation find for Jacobs mighty God verse 6 Behold we of this dwelling place at Ephrata did ●…eare And we did find it in the fields where once woods growing were verse 7 Into his holy Tabernacles now gladly will we go And at his footstoole worship him kneeling and bowing low verse 8 Arise O Lord arise and come into thy place of rest Thou and thy Ark by which thy strength thou hast made manifest verse 9 Let all thy Priests he clothed Lord with truth and righteousnesse Let all thy Saints rejoyce in thee and shout for joyfulnesse verse 10 And for thy servant Davids sake do not deny thy grace Nor of thine owne anointed deare turne thou away the face The second part verse 11 The Lord in truth to David sware and will not turne from it The fruit of thine owne body shall on thy throne surely sit verse 12 And if thy sons my covenant keep and precepts taught by me Then evermore upon thy throne their childrens seat shall be verse 13 For God Mount Sion chosen hath to dwell there doth he love There do I love to dwell and rest and never to remove verse 14 And surely her provision I will blesse abundantly verse 15 And I all those that needy are with bread will satisfie verse 16 And with salvation her Priests adorne and c●…othe I will Her Saints shall shout aloud for joy wherewith I will them fill verse 17 There will I cause that Davids horne shall bud and grow in might For mine anointed I have set an everlasting light verse 18 With shame as with a garment I will clothe his enemies all But on himselfe his glorious crowne shine forth and flourish shall PSAL. CXXXIII HOw pleasant and how good it is ●…ow doth that grace excell When in the unitie of love together brethren dwell verse 2 It like the precious ointment is wherewith anointed was The head of Aaron whence it downe unto his beard did passe verse 3 It on the beard of Aaron ran who Christ did represent And downe from thence unto
Lord all those preserveth safe that love him with their heart But he all them that wicked are will utterly subvert verse 21 My mouth the praises of the Lord right gladly shall expresse Yèa let all flesh his holy Name for ever praise and blesse PSAL. CXLVI PRaise ye the Lord my soule him praise to God that doth me save verse 2 Will I sing praises all my daies even while I being have verse 3 Trust not in worldly Princes then though they abound in wealth Nor in the sons of mortall men in whom there is no health verse 4 Because their breath doth soon depart to earth anon they fall And then the counsells of their heart decay and perish all verse 5 O happy is that man and blest whom Jacobs God doth aid Whose hope upon the Lord doth rest and on his God is stai'd verse 6 Who made the earth and heavens hie who made the swelling deep And all that in the sea doth lie who truth doth ever keep verse 7 Who to th' opprest doth right afford to those that hungry be He giveth food the gracious Lord doth set the prisoners free verse 8 The Lord doth send the blind their sight the ●…ame to limbs restore The Lord doth in his Saints delight and loves them evermore verse 9 The strangers shield the widows stay the orphans help is he But yet by him the sinners way turn'd up-side downe shall be verse 10 And raigne the Lord for ever shall O Sion thou shalt see Thy God to raigne through ages all the Lord still praised be PSAL. CXLVII PRaise ye the Lord for it is good unto our God to sing For it is pleasant and to praise it is a comely thing verse 2 The Lord his owne Jerusalem doth raise and build alone And the disperst of Israel doth gather into one verse 3 He heales the broken in their heart their sores he up doth bind verse 4 He counts the number of the Stars and names for all doth find verse 5 Great is the Lord great is his power his wisdome hath no bound verse 6 The Lord lifts up the meek and casts the wicked to the ground verse 7 Sing with thanksgiving to the Lord alwaies in him rejoyce In singing praises to our God joyne both the Harp and voice verse 8 Who on the heavens spreads the clouds who for the earth below ●…epareth raine who makes the grasse on mountaines high to grow verse 9 He gives the beast his food he feeds the Ravens young that crie verse 10 His pleasure not in strength of horse nor in mans legs doth lie verse 11 But in all those that feare the Lord and strive him to obey And on his mercy set their hope ev'n his delight are they The second part verse 12 O praise the Lord Jerusalem thy God O Sion praise verse 13 For ●…e the bars hath framed strong wherewith thy gates he stayes verse 14 Thy children he hath blest in thee and in thy borders he Doth settle peace and with the flowre of wheat he filleth thee verse 15 And his commandment on the earth with power he forth doth send His word doth very swiftly run to his appointed end verse 16 Like wooll his snow and his hoare frosts like scattered ashes were verse 17 Like morsels forth he casts his ice and who his cold can beare verse 18 He sendeth forth his mighty word and melteth them againe His wind he makes to blow and then the waters flow amaine verse 19 The doctrin●… of his holy word to Jacob doth he show His statutes and his judgements he gives Israel to know verse 20 He with no Nation thus hath dealt his judgements and his word Not any one of them hath knowne praise ye the living Lord. PSAL. CXLVIII PRaise ye and blesse the Lord his praise from heaven bring And in the heights above the world his glorious praises sing verse 2 Praise him his Angels all praise him his hosts of war And praise ye him both Sun and Moon and each bright shining Star verse 3 Praise him ye heav'ns above that heav'ns below containe Praise him ye waters which above the heavens do remaine verse 4 Let all these praise the Name of our Almighty Lord For he commanded and they were created by his word verse 5 And for all times to come he hath them settled sure He hath appointed them a law that 〈◊〉 shall endure verse 6 And from the earth below let praise to God ascend Ye depths and monsters of the sea unto him praises send verse 7 Praise him ye lesser hills praise him ye mountaines hie Ye fruitfull trees and cedars all him praise and glorifie verse 8 Ye beasts and cattell all and creeping things him praise And feathered fowle that through the aire do swiftly cut your waies verse 9 Ye mighty Kings on earth and people every where Ye Princes great and Magistrates the world that judge and heare verse 10 Young men and maidens all ev'n in your youth him praise Old men and children ye that have both most and least of daies verse 11 Let all these praise the Lord and his most glorious Name His Name that only doth deserve all glory and all fame verse 12 Above both heav'n and earth extoll●…d is his praise And of his Church the horne and power he doth exalt and raise verse 13 And praise to all his Saints and glory he doth bring To Israel his dearest flocke therefore his praises sing PSAL. CXLIX SIng ye unto the Lord our God a new rejoycing song And let the praise of him be heard his holy Saints among verse 2 Let Israel in his Maker high rejoyce and to him sing Let all that Sions children are be joyfull in their King verse 3 And let them in an holy dance praise his most holy Name Let them with Timbrell and with Harp sing praises to the same verse 4 For in his people whom he chose the Lord doth pleasure take The meek with his salvation he beautifull will make verse 5 In him that grace and glory gives let all the Saints rejoyce Let them to him upon their beds in songs lift up their voice verse 6 And let them with their mouth sound forth high praises of the Lord Yet let them hold within their hands a double-edged sword verse 7 To plague the heathen and correct the people with their hands verse 8 To bind their stately Kings in chaines their lords in iron bands verse 9 On them the judgement to performe found written in his word This honour great have all the Saints ye therefore praise the Lord. PSAL. CL. PRaise God within his Sanctuary prais'd highly let him be And praise him in the s●…ament wherein his power we see verse 2 And praise him for his mighty acts with praise his wonders tell His majesty and greatnesse praise in which he doth excell verse 3 And with the Trumpets lofty sound advance his praise on hie Set forth his praises with the Harp and with the Psalterie verse 4 Upon
did cry Who heard me graciously verse 2 Lord save my soule from wrong Of a deceitfull tongue And from the lips that lye verse 3 What shall be giv'n to thee What to thee done shall be Thou false tongue of the liar verse 4 Sharp arrowes thou dost cast Words that destroy and wast Like burning coales of fire verse 5 O wo is me that I A sojourner must lye In M●…sechs land so long That I day after day In banishment must stay Black ●…edars tents among My soule now weary hath Long dwelt with men of wrath Of peace that haters are verse 6 I am for peace but when I speak for peace these men Are then for cruell warre PSAL. CXXI UNto the hills look up shall I From whence the help I have Which doth me keep and save verse 2 From the great Lord that mightily Did both earth and heaven make I do help and succour take verse 3 Thy foot-so stedfast he shall make By his might and his love That no power shall it move verse 4 Behold he that doth undertake His deare Israel to keep Shall not slumber shall not sleep verse 5 Thy keeper is the Lord of might God as thy shade doth stand Neare thee at thy right hand verse 6 The Sun by day thee shall not smite With his beames of heat and light Nor the Moon thee hurt by night verse 7 Though evill compasse thee about The Lord preserve thee shall Most safe from evills all verse 8 God shall preserve thy going out And thy coming in defend From henceforth till time do end PSAL. CXXII I Was right glad when they Thus unto me did say To the Lords House let us repaire verse 2 Our feet at such a call With joy within thy wall Shall stand Jerusalem most faire verse 3 Jerusalem know we Right strongly built to be Like to a city knit together verse 4 The Tribes up thither go And there assemble do Ev'n Gods beloved Tribes go thither Unto the Ark they passe Wherein Gods covenant was Thankes to the Name of God to bear verse 5 And there the thrones they see That set for judgement be The thrones of Davids house are there verse 6 Pray for Jerusalems peace That it may never cease They prosper shal that love thee well verse 7 Within thy walls be peace And in thy palaces Prosperity for ever dwell verse 8 For my companions sake Whom I as brethren take I will say Peace be in thee still verse 9 And for the house that is Our Gods the Lord of blisse Thy peace for ever seek I will PSAL. CXXIV If on our side the great Lord had not been Ev'n now his saved people Israel ●…y Truly unto his praise coas●… and 〈◊〉 verse 2 If on our side the Lord had not been then When up against us rose 〈◊〉 men verse 3 In their great fury had they suddenly Swallow'd us up alive when the hot flame Of their en●…indled wrath against us came verse 4 Yea then the raging waters swelling hye Had overwhelm'd and drown'd us utterly verse 5 Over our soules the streames had surely past Over our soules had gone the lofty wa●… verse 6 But God be blessed who alone us saves And by his mercie which doth ever last A prey unto their teeth us hath not cast verse 7 Ou●… soule escaped is out of their hand Ev'n as a bird out of the Fowlers snare The snare is broken we escaped are verse 8 In the Lords Name alone our help doth stand Who earth and heaven made by his command PSAL. CXXV THose that do put their confidence In God the Lord and on him rest Seeking to him for their defence When they with dangers are distrest They shall be sure still to endure And shall not be remov'd away Like Sion hill abiding still Establish't they shall stand and stay verse 2 And as within the promis'd land Like bulwarks strong the mountains hye About Jerusalem do stand The same to guard and fortifie So God that is a shield to his From dangers great them to deliver His people deare that do him feare Doth compass round hence forth for ever verse 3 And though the wise gracious God Who chastens those whom he doth love Suffers the wicked by their rod The righteous to afflict and prove Yet shall it not upon the lot Of righteous men for ever rest Lest in distresse to wickednesse They put their hands with grief opprest verse 4 To those that are good in thy sight Do good O Lord we humbly pray Ev'n to the men in heart upright verse 5 But those to their owne crooked way Aside that stray and turne away With those that do work wickednesse The Lord King them forth shal bring But he with peace shall Israel blesse PSAL. CXXVI WHen the good Lord made Sions sad captivitie To turne againe and us from bondage did set free To us appear'd this strange and wondrous libertie As i●… 〈◊〉 dreame or faigned thing beheld had we verse 2 Our mouthes then sill'd with laughter did rejoyce With singing then was sill'd our tongue and voice verse 3 The heathen then when us they saw in freedome set Wondring thereat among themselves this speech they had Great things for them verse 4 The Lord hath done Things very great glad Surely for us the Lord hath done which make us verse 5 Turne backe againe Lord our captivity As in the South streames upon pastures dry verse 6 The gracious Lord in wisdome deep doth so dispose That they which sow sadly in sorrow and with teares Shall reap with joy verse 7 And he that forth with mourning goes And precious seed with him in his sowing beares Shall with rejoycing doubtlesse come againe Bringing his sheaves with comfort and with gaine PSAL. CXXVII EXcept the Lord the house do build The skilfull labour and the paine Of builders wholly are in vaine verse 2 Except the Lord do succour yeeld The city to defend and keep In vaine the watchman leave his sleep verse 3 In vaine it is for you to rise In mornings early full of care In vaine all your late watchings are 'T is vain to think wealth must arise By eating bread with sorrowes deep To his belov'd God giveth sleep verse 4 An heritage lo children be Which from the gift of God do come The fruit that springeth from the womb Is also his reward most free verse 5 Children growne up like arrowes are In th'●… and of some strongman of war●…e verse 6 And blessed from above is he Whose plenteous race doth so increase That full his quiver is of these That man ashamed shall not be But to his soes that do him hate He shall speak boldly in the gate PSAL. CXXX FRom the depths of wo and griefe O Lord I cry to thee Heare my voice and ●…Wourd●… 〈◊〉 O gracious God to me verse 2 Let thine hearkning eares attend To my voice and cry When I supplications send Unto thy Majesty verse 3 If thou Lord shouldst strictly s●…an And
marke iniquities T●…n what 〈◊〉 of mortall man Can stand before thine eies verse 4 But we well do know and prove Forgivenesse is with thee That when sins thou dost remove Fear'd with love thou maist be verse 5 Wa●… I do still for the Lord My soule waits patiently And upon his faithfull Word Hope do I stedfastly verse 6 My soule waits more earnestly For the Lord then doth he That the morning watch'th to spy That waits the morne to see verse 7 In the Lord let Israel His hope for ever place For still with the Lord doth dwell Rich mercy and free grace verse 8 Large redemptions with him be Therein abounds he still And his Israel set free From all their sins he will PSAL. CXLVIII PRaise ye the Lord of might Him from the heavens praise Ev'n in the highest height Praise ye the Lord alwaies verse 2 The Lord praise ye His Angels all Hosts spirituall His face that see verse 3 Praise him bright-shining Sun And Moon the lamp of night And while your race ye run Praise him all Stars of light verse 4 Heavens most hie The Lord praise ye And waters that be Above the skie verse 5 Let all these praise the Name Of the Almighty Lord Who did them make and frame By his commanding word verse 6 These still to last Stablish't hath he And set a decree Not to be past verse 7 And from the earth below Gods praise ye Dragons tell His praises speak and show All deeps that roare and swell verse 8 Ye vapors flying Fire ha●…e and snow Fierce winds that blow His word obeying verse 9 Ye Hills and Mountaines all And Trees that fruitfull are Ye Cedars great and tall His worthy praise declare verse 10 Cattell and beasts all Each creeping thing All birds of wing Both great and small verse 11 On earth Kings great in might All people that do live Princes and ye that right On earth by judging give verse 12 Both young men all And maides him praise Men full of daies And children small verse 13 Let all these praise present Unto his glorious Name Because most excellent Alone appe●…res the same verse 14 His glory hie And honour are Above earth fa●…e Yea above the skie verse 15 By him exalted be His peoples horne and might Praise of his Saints is he Of Israel his delight A people that be Unto him neare And very deare The Lord praise ye A Table how to find every Psalm in his right Page Psalme A. Page 30 ALl laud and praise with heart and voice 50 51 According to thy goodnesse great 97 78 Attend my people to my law 152 100 All people that on earth doe dwell 203 125 All those that trust in God 278 Psalme B. Page 57 BE mercifull to me O Lord. 107 119 Blessed are they that are sincere 251 128 Blessed art thou that fearest God 280 134 Behold and have regard 286 144 Blest be the Lord my strength that doth 311 Psalme E. Page 127 EXcept the Lord doe build the house 280 Psalme F. Page 37 FRet not thy self at wicked men 66 59 From all my cruell enemies 110 Psalme G. Page 5 GIve eare unto my words O Lord. 5 29 Give O ye mighty to the Lord. 49 46 God is our strength to whom we flye 87 48 Great is the Lord and with great praise 90 82 God in the congregation 167 89 Gods mercies I will ever sing 179 107 Give thanks unto the Lord our God 227 Psalme H. Page 12 HElp Lord for good and godly men 17 13 How Lord shall I for ever thus 18 49 Heare this all people all give eare 91 56 Have mercy Lord on me I pray 105 67 Have mercy on us Lord. 123 84 How lovely is thy dwelling place 170 133 How pleasant and how good it is 285 Psalme I. Page 11 I Trust in God then to my soule 16 20 In trouble and adversity 32 25 I lift mine heart to thee 41 34 I will at all times blesse the Lord. 58 39 I said that I would carefully 74 40 I waited long and sought the Lord 76 77 I with my voice to God did cry 149 91 In secret place of God most high 188 101 I mercy will judgement sing 203 116 I love the Lord because my voice 245 120 In my distresse unto the Lord. 273 124 If on our side God had not been 277 142 In troubles great unto the Lord. 299 Psalme L. Page 6 LOrd though thine anger I deserve 7 16 Lord keep me for I trust in thee 21 26 Lord be my Iudge and thou shalt see 44 31 Lord let me never be asham'd 51 35 Lord plead my cause against my foes 61 38 Lord though thine anger I deserve 71 42 Like as the Hart doth pant and bray 80 54 Lord by thy Name deliver me 101 60 Lord thou of late us off hast cast 112 68 Let God arise and let his foes 124 72 Lord give thy judgments to the King 137 90 Lord thou hast bin our dwelling place 186 102 Lord hear my prayer let my cry 204 123 Lord from the earth below 276 140 Lord save me from the evill man 296 143 Lord heare my prayer hear●… my suit 300 Psalme M. Page 22 MY God my God what is the cause 35 23 My shepherd is the living Lord. 39 45 My heart doth utter forth 85 71 My Lord my God in all distresse 134 Psalme N. Page 115 NOt unto us Lord not to us 244 Psalme O. Page 3 O Lord how much doe they increase 3 4 O God that art my righteousnesse 4 7 O Lord my God I put my trust 8 8 O God our Lord how wonderfull 10 10 O Lord why from thy servants sight 14 15 O Lord within thy Tabernacle 20 17 O Lord give eare to my just cause 22 18 O God which art my rocke and strength 24 21 O Lord how joyfull is the King 33 28 O Lord my rocke to thee I cry 47 44 O God we with our eares have heard 82 47 O clap your hands with one accord 89 52 O mighty man in wickednesse 99 55 O God give eare and doe apply 102 63 O God my God thou only art 116 64 O Lord unto my voice give eare 118 65 On thee Lord who dost Sion save 119 69 O God save and deliver me 129 70 O God to me take heed 133 80 O Shepherd by whose grace and might 162 83 O God no longer silent stand 168 86 O Lord to me bow downe thine eare 174 88 O Lord who of salvation 177 94 O Lord God to avenge all wrong 193 95 O come let us lift up our voice 196 103 O blesse and praise the Lord my soule 208 104 O praise and blesse the Lord my soul. 210 105 O give ye thankes unto the Lord. 215 108 O God my heart now fixed is 232 109 O thou the God of all my praise 234 117 O all ye Nations of the world 247 118 O give ye thanks unto the Lord. 248 129 Oft they now Israel may say 281 130 Out from the overflowing depths 282 131 O Lord I am not 〈◊〉 in mind 283 139 O Lord thou hast me search't and knowne 293 141 O Lord upon thee doe I call 298 Psalme P. Page 106 PRaise yee the Lord O give yee thankes 221 111 Praise ye the Lord him will I praise 239 112 Praise ye the Lord The man is blest 240 113 Praise ye the living Lord. 242 135 Praise yee the Lord and his great Name 287 136 Praise yee the Lord for hee is good 289 146 Praise yee the Lord my soule him praise 305 147 Praise yee the Lord for it is good 307 148 Praise ye and blesse the Lord. 309 150 Praise God within his Sanctuary 311 Psalme R. Page 61 REgard O Lord for I complaine 114 122 Right glad I was when thus to mee 275 132 Remember Davids troubles Lord 292 Psalme S. Page 81 SIng unto God our strength and might 165 96 Sing yee with praise unto the Lord. 198 98 Sing a new song to God most hye 2●… 149 Sing ye unto the Lord our God 310 Psalme T. Page 1 THe man is blessed 1 14 The foolish man within his heart 19 19 The glory of Almighty God 31 24 The earth is Gods and wholly his 40 27 The Lord is both my health and light 45 32 The man is blessed all whose sins 54 41 The man is blest that carefull is 78 50 The mighty God the Lord. 94 53 The foolish man within his heart 100 62 Truly my soule doth wait upon 115 73 Truly to Israel God is good 140 75 To thee O Lord we thankes doe give 147 76 The Lord is knowne in Iudah well 148 79 Thine heritage the heathen take 161 87 The groundworkes of Gods cities be 176 92 To give thankes to the Lord it is 190 93 The Lord doth raigne and cloth'd is he 192 97 The Lord doth raigne whereat the earth 199 99 The Lord doth raigne with trembling great 202 110 The Lord did say unto my Lord. 238 145 Thee will I ●…d my God and King 303 Psalme V. Page 85 VNto thy land our Lord our King 172 121 Vnto the mountaines high 274 Psalme W. Page 2 WHy did the Gentiles madly rage 2 9 With my whole heart to thee O Lord. 11 36 When I consider in mine heart 65 74 Why art thou Lord so long from us 145 114 When Israel from Egypt came 243 126 When Sions sad captivity 279 137 When captives we at Babylon 291 138 With my whole heart O gracious Lord. 292 Psalme Y. Page 33 YE righteous in the Lord rejoyce 56 58 Ye Rulers that are put in trust 119 66 Ye men on earth in God rejoyce 121 FINIS N. Aleph 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beth. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gimel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Daleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Va●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Zain 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cheth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Teth. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jod 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Caph. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lamed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mem. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nun. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Samech 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ain 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pe. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tsade 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Koph 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Resh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Schin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tau