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law_n great_a king_n people_n 13,648 5 4.7769 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A62266 A sermon preached at the assizes in St. Maries Church in request of George Ashby Esq., High-Sheriff of the said county by Thomas Sawbridge, Vicar of Harstone, July the 25th, 1689. Sawbridge, Thomas, Vicar of Harstone. 1689 (1689) Wing S782; ESTC R37193 14,262 37

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be_v understand_v that_o maxim_n in_o our_o common_a law_n that_o the_o king_n can_v do_v no_o wrong_n since_o the_o law_n be_v his_o public_a will_n the_o magistrate_n be_v to_o act_v by_o that_o though_o the_o prince_n at_o some_o time_n shall_v command_v he_o to_o act_v otherwise_o i_o hope_v i_o need_v not_o prove_v that_o the_o happiness_n of_o this_o nation_n consist_v in_o the_o king_n just_a government_n and_o the_o people_n due_a subjection_n when_o there_o be_v no_o misunderstanding_n between_o the_o prince_n and_o the_o people_n but_o each_o concur_v to_o make_v the_o commonwealth_n happy_a now_o this_o in_o a_o great_a measure_n depend_v upon_o judge_n who_o not_o only_o assist_v at_o the_o make_v and_o pen_v of_o all_o law_n but_o be_v to_o hear_v and_o determine_v controversy_n between_o the_o prince_n and_o his_o liege_n people_n for_o though_o it_o be_v our_o duty_n to_o press_v home_o obedience_n to_o lawful_a authority_n it_o be_v the_o judge_n who_o be_v to_o tell_v we_o what_o obedience_n be_v due_a and_o they_o proper_o and_o not_o divine_n be_v to_o determine_v point_n of_o this_o nature_n it_o be_v not_o for_o divine_v say_v the_o learned_a sanderson_n to_o meddle_v in_o these_o matter_n whereof_o they_o be_v not_o competent_a judge_n nor_o do_v they_o come_v within_o the_o compass_n of_o their_o sphere_n they_o ought_v to_o be_v leave_v to_o the_o cognizance_n and_o determination_n of_o statesman_n and_o lawyer_n who_o best_o understand_v the_o constitution_n of_o the_o government_n and_o the_o force_n and_o effect_v of_o the_o law_n of_o their_o respective_a country_n and_o be_v therefore_o presume_v to_o be_v the_o best_a able_a to_o judge_v the_o one_o by_o constitution_n in_o who_o the_o sovereignity_n reside_v and_o the_o other_o by_o law_n how_o the_o sovereignity_n be_v bound_v and_o limit_v in_o the_o exercise_n thereof_o it_o be_v sufficient_o know_v the_o monarchy_n of_o this_o nation_n be_v limit_v and_o what_o the_o sovereign_n have_v he_o have_v by_o law_n and_o the_o same_o law_n which_o grant_v the_o king_n his_o legal_a prerogative_n do_v also_o as_o firm_o secure_v to_o the_o people_n their_o just_a liberty_n and_o property_n and_o there_o be_v none_o here_o but_o know_v there_o be_v sundry_a case_n in_o which_o the_o subject_a in_o maintenance_n of_o his_o right_n and_o property_n may_v go_v to_o trial_n with_o the_o king_n bring_v his_o action_n and_o have_v judgement_n against_o he_o in_o his_o own_o court_n and_o the_o judge_n in_o such_o case_n be_v bind_v by_o their_o oath_n and_o duty_n to_o right_v the_o party_n according_a to_o law_n against_o the_o king_n as_o well_o as_o against_o his_o mean_a subject_n now_o if_o they_o be_v corrupt_v and_o through_o fear_n or_o for_o preferment_n act_n otherwise_o we_o may_v easy_o conceive_v what_o mischief_n they_o may_v do_v in_o the_o nation_n 2._o the_o judge_n be_v judge_n of_o oyer_n and_o terminer_n to_o hear_v all_o cause_n and_o to_o determine_v according_a to_o the_o know_a and_o stand_a law_n of_o the_o land_n so_o that_o each_o man_n may_v have_v a_o fair_a hear_v and_o probable_o a_o just_a determination_n of_o his_o matter_n beside_o the_o judge_n be_v overseer_n and_o may_v hinder_v corruption_n in_o other_o and_o here_o i_o can_v but_o take_v occasion_n to_o show_v how_o our_o law_n empower_v the_o judge_n of_o assize_n to_o inspect_v all_o any_o way_n concern_v and_o if_o they_o be_v careful_a they_o may_v regulate_v and_o in_o a_o great_a measure_n prevent_v those_o abuse_n which_o too_o often_o be_v in_o the_o grand_a or_o petty_a jury_n in_o the_o accuser_n witness_v pleader_n attorney_n and_o inferior_a clerk_n and_o under-officer_n since_o the_o judge_n be_v not_o only_o bind_v to_o pronounce_v sentence_n according_a to_o law_n but_o it_o be_v his_o duty_n to_o see_v that_o none_o of_o his_o subject_n have_v damage_n the_o king_n majesty_n say_v the_o lord_n coke_n at_o his_o coronation_n be_v swear_v to_o do_v justice_n to_o all_o his_o subject_n which_o in_o his_o own_o person_n it_o be_v impossible_a to_o perform_v and_o therefore_o his_o highness_n be_v constrain_v by_o his_o minister_n deputy_n justice_n and_o judge_n to_o administer_v justice_n to_o his_o people_n unto_o they_o and_o into_o their_o hand_n be_v as_o it_o be_v deliver_v the_o king_n own_o oath_n see_v then_o the_o dignity_n and_o charge_n of_o justice_n and_o judge_n of_o assize_n assignavimus_fw-la vos_fw-la justiciarios_fw-la nostros_fw-la we_o have_v assign_v you_o our_o justice_n and_o you_o may_v administer_v justice_n unto_o our_o subject_n than_o say_v he_o by_o the_o king_n commission_n the_o king_n oath_n be_v put_v into_o our_o hand_n now_o he_o that_o do_v not_o forbid_v a_o evil_a when_o he_o may_v command_v it_o judge_n than_o be_v chief_o entrust_v with_o the_o king_n law_n and_o have_v a_o superintendency_n over_o all_o other_o at_o the_o assize_n who_o duty_n be_v to_o see_v how_o other_o do_v they_o and_o to_o find_v out_o what_o be_v amiss_o in_o any_o and_o to_o check_v and_o punish_v all_o as_o they_o deserve_v and_o sure_o when_o the_o judge_n himself_o be_v just_a and_o impartial_a the_o accuser_n witness_v juror_n lawyer_n and_o all_o other_o inferior_a officer_n if_o they_o be_v not_o also_o just_a will_v yet_o be_v afraid_a and_o not_o dare_v to_o act_v unjust_o barefaced_a and_o open_o many_o such_o thing_n i_o fear_v want_v a_o reformation_n and_o good_a judge_n be_v the_o sanctuary_n to_o which_o every_o injure_a person_n fly_v in_o distress_n for_o prince_n be_v they_o never_o so_o good_a yet_o can_v know_v their_o subject_n want_n they_o see_v with_o other_o eye_n and_o hear_v with_o other_o ear_n and_o be_v inform_v by_o other_o tongue_n and_o act_n by_o other_o hand_n it_o can_v be_v suppose_v those_o constellation_n which_o attend_v the_o southern_a pole_n shall_v take_v notice_n of_o our_o hemisphere_n or_o intermix_v their_o influence_n with_o those_o over_o our_o head_n each_o agent_n must_v act_v within_o the_o sphere_n of_o its_o activity_n then_o therefore_o the_o reverend_a judge_n who_o by_o the_o benefit_n of_o the_o circuit_n have_v advantage_n of_o view_v the_o whole_a kingdom_n and_o all_o the_o corner_n thereof_o may_v see_v those_o enormity_n wherewith_o any_o part_n be_v infest_a and_o be_v the_o only_a able_a and_o authorize_v person_n to_o apply_v their_o remedy_n and_o thereby_o restore_v church_n and_o state_n prince_n and_o people_n yea_o the_o whole_a nation_n to_o its_o pristine_a health_n and_o soundness_n upon_o you_o chief_o depend_v the_o happiness_n of_o this_o nation_n you_o who_o know_v our_o law_n and_o have_v power_n to_o put_v they_o in_o execution_n our_o law_n be_v make_v by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n for_o the_o good_a of_o the_o people_n but_o it_o be_v you_o that_o put_v life_n into_o they_o which_o if_o not_o due_o execute_v be_v but_o dead_a letter_n you_o be_v the_o leges_fw-la loquentes_fw-la and_o by_o the_o due_a and_o true_a execution_n of_o our_o good_a and_o wholesome_a law_n you_o shall_v free_v this_o nation_n from_o infinite_a mischief_n and_o secure_a to_o we_o all_o that_o be_v near_o and_o dear_a to_o we_o in_o this_o world_n and_o that_o it_o be_v so_o i_o may_v further_o show_v from_o the_o evil_n which_o have_v happen_v to_o this_o nation_n by_o corrupt_a judge_n but_o such_o judge_n as_o we_o have_v late_o the_o late_a beneplaciti_fw-la have_v outdo_v all_o their_o predecessor_n in_o this_o point_n and_o we_o need_v only_o call_v to_o mind_v their_o unjust_a and_o illegal_a proceed_n and_o the_o slavery_n they_o be_v bring_v upon_o the_o nation_n and_o we_o must_v needs_o conclude_v that_o the_o happiness_n of_o this_o nation_n depend_v upon_o our_o have_v good_a and_o upright_a judge_n the_o sum_n of_o what_o i_o have_v say_v be_v this_o that_o good_a judge_n be_v the_o pillar_n that_o bear_v up_o the_o state_n and_o hinder_v it_o from_o dissolution_n that_o it_o be_v in_o they_o to_o make_v a_o nation_n flourish_v and_o a_o people_n glorious_a their_o righteousness_n exalt_v a_o nation_n and_o their_o sin_n a_o great_a reproach_n to_o any_o people_n that_o by_o they_o and_o their_o just_a judgement_n the_o king_n throne_n be_v establish_v and_o in_o a_o sense_n make_v perpetual_a that_o it_o be_v in_o their_o power_n to_o stop_v the_o fury_n of_o god_n and_o hinder_v or_o retard_v a_o direful_a judgement_n you_o may_v procure_v a_o blessing_n for_o a_o curse_n more_o i_o may_v add_v but_o i_o hope_v the_o present_a judge_n out_o of_o a_o consideration_n of_o what_o they_o owe_v to_o god_n to_o their_o majesty_n to_o the_o whole_a nation_n and_o to_o their_o own_o conscience_n will_v so_o act_v hear_v and_o determine_v all_o cause_n according_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n and_o the_o know_a and_o
and_o to_o live_v in_o communion_n with_o it_o yet_o assure_v yourselves_o you_o shall_v do_v eminent_a service_n to_o god_n to_o their_o majesty_n to_o the_o whole_a nation_n and_o in_o a_o great_a measure_n contribute_v to_o her_o peace_n and_o safety_n if_o you_o in_o your_o several_a station_n by_o your_o grave_a speech_n and_o pious_a example_n shall_v in_o public_a and_o when_o occasion_n be_v offer_v make_v it_o your_o business_n earnest_o to_o recommend_v the_o welfare_n order_n and_o constitution_n of_o this_o church_n as_o that_o which_o be_v agreeable_a to_o the_o scripture_n and_o the_o practice_n of_o the_o pure_a age_n in_o the_o christian_a church_n as_o that_o which_o have_v be_v look_v upon_o and_o have_v prove_v the_o main_a bulwark_n of_o the_o reformation_n against_o popery_n in_o all_o age_n and_o therefore_o be_v that_o against_o which_o rome_n have_v ever_o so_o bitter_o inveigh_v and_o by_o power_n and_o fraud_n labour_v to_o overthrow_v as_o that_o which_o best_o suit_n with_o the_o civil_a government_n neither_o encroach_a upon_o the_o king_n prerogative_n nor_o the_o people_n liberty_n as_o happen_v both_o from_o the_o pope_n supremacy_n and_o the_o kirk_n independency_n no_o cannon_n can_v be_v make_v in_o england_n but_o by_o the_o consent_n and_o authority_n of_o the_o king_n nor_o any_o so_o make_v be_v of_o force_n if_o contrary_a to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o land_n as_o that_o constitution_n which_o be_v most_o agreeable_a to_o the_o genius_n of_o the_o nation_n and_o temper_v of_o englishman_n there_o be_v no_o other_o sort_n of_o church_n government_n so_o well_o please_v to_o the_o generality_n of_o the_o people_n as_o this_o for_o whatever_o constitution_n of_o all_o the_o contend_a party_n of_o this_o nation_n shall_v chance_v to_o get_v uppermost_a it_o will_v have_v more_o enemy_n than_o this_o have_v and_o so_o unless_o we_o will_v have_v none_o and_o nothing_o but_o confusion_n we_o ought_v in_o point_n of_o prudence_n to_o stick_v to_o this_o for_o though_o it_o have_v have_v and_o oh_o still_o have_v many_o and_o great_a opposer_n yet_o have_v it_o keep_v its_o ground_n nor_o can_v all_o the_o force_n and_o fraud_n of_o rome_n quite_o overpower_v she_o for_o this_o church_n which_o regular_o shake_v off_o the_o roman_a yoke_n water_v the_o infant_n plant_v with_o he_o blood_n have_v for_o above_o a_o hundred_o year_n be_v uphold_v by_o the_o unwearied_a pain_n and_o great_a learning_n of_o the_o prelatic_a party_n nor_o can_v the_o world_n show_v such_o strength_n of_o argument_n and_o solid_a confutation_n of_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n work_n as_o in_o the_o write_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n man_n again_o that_o it_o be_v a_o constitution_n capable_a of_o preserve_v itself_o not_o pragmatical_a like_o the_o conclave_n or_o consistory_n to_o arraign_v king_n and_o state_n and_o make_v the_o assembly_n or_o conclave_n above_o the_o parliament_n yet_o her_o superior_n have_v by_o law_n a_o undoubted_a right_n to_o be_v present_a at_o those_o debate_n and_o the_o make_v those_o law_n which_o concern_v the_o good_a of_o the_o people_n and_o so_o in_o a_o great_a measure_n able_a to_o provide_v against_o any_o that_o attempt_v her_o ruin_n again_o as_o that_o constitution_n which_o be_v not_o only_o good_a at_o home_n but_o praise_v and_o admire_v by_o all_o foreign_a church_n abroad_o as_o the_o honour_n as_o well_o as_o defence_n of_o the_o whole_a reformation_n and_o last_o as_o that_o which_o have_v secure_v to_o we_o our_o law_n liberty_n and_o life_n these_o be_v the_o man_n who_o dare_v to_o oppose_v though_o modest_o the_o dispense_v power_n and_o will_v not_o yield_v with_o the_o trimmer_n nor_o be_v wheadle_v with_o the_o dissenter_n to_o set_v up_o popery_n and_o arbitrary_a power_n and_o therefore_o i_o hope_v every_o good_a magistrate_n and_o considerate_a englishman_n though_o they_o bear_v with_o the_o infirmity_n of_o the_o weak_a where_o such_o be_v will_v yet_o have_v a_o eye_n to_o all_o those_o who_o have_v any_o ill_a will_n at_o zion_n and_o such_o as_o watch_v to_o break_v down_o all_o our_o carve_a work_n with_o axe_n and_o hammer_n that_o labour_n with_o might_n and_o main_a to_o render_v the_o church_n of_o england_n odious_a in_o the_o eye_n of_o the_o people_n and_o with_o both_o hand_n cast_v fire_n into_o the_o sanctuary_n endeavour_v by_o ill_a and_o untoward_a speech_n to_o alienate_v the_o heart_n and_o affection_n of_o the_o people_n from_o the_o church_n of_o england_n and_o to_o raise_v scandal_n upon_o all_o that_o at_o this_o day_n shall_v speak_v or_o write_v in_o her_o just_a defence_n load_v the_o conformable_a clergy_n with_o contempt_n and_o as_o far_o as_o they_o dare_v expose_v they_o in_o all_o company_n as_o well_o know_v if_o they_o can_v but_o eject_v the_o shepherd_n or_o dress_v he_o up_o in_o a_o wolf_n skin_n the_o task_n be_v not_o great_a the_o whole_a flock_n be_v then_o a_o easy_a prey_n but_o i_o hope_v we_o have_v judge_n as_o at_o the_o first_o and_o the_o king_n will_v have_v counsellor_n as_o at_o the_o beginning_n than_o who_o will_v say_v that_o we_o want_v any_o ordinary_a and_o legal_a security_n to_o make_v we_o happy_a oh_o may_v all_o our_o magistrate_n prove_v such_o and_o may_v we_o all_o act_n and_o live_v as_o they_o direct_v we_o then_o may_v this_o nation_n again_o take_v root_n downward_o and_o bear_v fruit_n upward_o then_o may_v ireland_n be_v reduce_v and_o the_o monsieur_n tremble_v and_o we_o be_v happy_a at_o home_n and_o fear_v abroad_o oh_o may_v we_o thus_o live_v under_o the_o protection_n of_o a_o wise_a and_o just_a government_n eat_v the_o fruit_n of_o our_o labour_n oh_o well_o be_v we_o and_o happy_a shall_v we_o be_v yea_o happy_a be_v the_o people_n that_o be_v in_o such_o a_o case_n to_o that_o end_n and_o for_o the_o continuance_n of_o these_o his_o mercy_n let_v we_o in_o the_o word_n of_o our_o church_n in_o the_o homily_n for_o obedience_n hearty_o thank_v god_n for_o his_o great_a and_o excellent_a benefit_n and_o providence_n concern_v king_n let_v we_o pray_v for_o they_o that_o they_o may_v have_v god_n favour_n and_o protection_n that_o they_o may_v ever_o in_o all_o thing_n have_v god_n to_o be_v their_o guide_n let_v we_o pray_v that_o they_o may_v have_v wisdom_n justice_n strength_n clemency_n and_o zeal_n to_o god_n glory_n the_o good_a of_o christian_a soul_n and_o the_o commonwealth_n let_v we_o pray_v they_o may_v right_o use_v their_o sword_n and_o authority_n for_o the_o maintenance_n and_o defence_n of_o the_o catholic_a faith_n and_o of_o their_o good_a and_o honest_a subject_n and_o let_v we_o pray_v for_o ourselves_o that_o we_o may_v be_v godly_a in_o holy_a and_o christian_a conversation_n and_o so_o shall_v we_o have_v god_n on_o our_o side_n and_o then_o let_v we_o not_o fear_v what_o man_n can_v do_v unto_o we_o so_o shall_v we_o live_v in_o obedience_n both_o to_o our_o most_o merciful_a king_n in_o heaven_n and_o to_o our_o most_o christian_n king_n on_o earth_n so_o shall_v we_o please_v god_n have_v peace_n of_o consclence_n rest_v and_o quiet_v here_o and_o eternal_a bliss_n hereafter_o which_o he_o grant_v we_o all_o who_o be_v deliver_v to_o death_n for_o we_o and_o be_v now_o set_v down_o at_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o god_n in_o heaven_n finis_fw-la