The originall of idolatries: or, The birth of heresies a true, sincere, and exact description of all such sacred signes, sacrifices, and sacraments as haue been instituted and ordained of God since Adam; with the true source and liuely anatomy of the sacrifice of the Masse. First faithfully gathered out of sundry Greeke and Latine authors, as also out of diuers learned fathers; by that famous and learned Isaac Casaubon, and by him published in French, for the good of Gods Church: and now translated into English for the benefit of this monarchy; by Abraham Darcie.
Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614, attributed name.
STC 4747; ESTC S107577
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The originall of popish idolatrie, or The birth of heresies Published under the name of Causabon [sic], and called-in the same yeare, upon misinformation. But now upon better consideration reprinted with alowance. Being a true and exacte description of such sacred signes, sacrifices and sacraments as have bene instituted and ordained of God since Adam. With a newe source and anatomie of the Masse, first gathered out of sundrie Greeke and Latine authors, as also out of diuerse learned fathers. Published by S.O.; Originall of idolatries.
Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Ofwod, Stephen.; Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614.
STC 4748; ESTC S107605
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Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique Describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian, and the great Mogull: weaved with the history of these later times as also, many rich and spatious kingdomes in the orientall India, and other parts of Asia; together with the adjacent iles. Severally relating the religion, language, qualities, customes, habit, descent, fashions, and other observations touching them. With a revivall of the first discoverer of America. Revised and enlarged by the author.; Relation of some yeares travaile
Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.
STC 13191; ESTC S119691
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