Selected quad for the lemma: house_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
house_n bishop_n contrary_a pawn_n 33,163 5 15.7496 5 false
house_n bishop_n contrary_a pawn_n 33,163 5 15.7496 5 false
View all quads for the lemma: house_n

EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

All documents containing the selected quad are listed below. At the top of the list are documents containing denser examples of each quad, e.g. where each word in the quad may occur more than once in close proximity. Click ‘View Text’ to view the text containing the quad. Hover over column headings for further information.

Showing 1 to 3 of 3
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19790 Ludus scacchiæ: = chesse-play A game, both pleasant, wittie, and politicke: with certain briefe instructions therevnto belonging; translated out of the Italian into the English tongue. Containing also therein, a prety and pleasant poeme of a whole game played at chesse. Written by G.B.; Libro da imparare giocare a scachi. English. Selections Damiano, da Odenara.; G. B., fl. 1592-1597.; Vida, Marco Girolamo, ca. 1485-1566. Scacchia ludus. aut 1597 (1597) STC 6216; ESTC S109216 18,597 48 View Text
A19788 The pleasaunt and vvittie playe of the cheasts renewed with instructions both to learne it easely, and to play it well. Lately translated out of Italian into French: and now set furth in Englishe by Iames Rowbothum.; Questo libro e da imparare giocare a scachi. English Damiano, da Odenara.; Rowbothum, James. 1562 (1562) STC 6214; ESTC S105152 22,030 87 View Text
A41975 The royall game of chesse-play sometimes the recreation of the late king, with many of the nobility : illustrated vvith almost an hundred gambetts / being the study of Biochimo, the famous Italian.; Trattato del nobilissimo giuoco degli scacchi. English Greco, Gioachino.; Beale, Francis. 1656 (1656) Wing G1810; ESTC R23418 37,590 146 View Text
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