Selected quad for the lemma: house_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
house_n abhor_v judgement_n zion_n 111 3 8.7861 4 false
house_n abhor_v judgement_n zion_n 111 3 8.7861 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72475 The vvise-mans forecast against the evill time By Thomas Barnes. Preacher of the VVord at St Margretts, in New-Fish-streete. London. Barnes, Thomas, Minister of St. Margaret's, New Fish Street, London. 1624 (1624) STC 1478.5; ESTC S124630 87,839 171

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letter_n among_o those_o capital_a sin_n which_o bring_v those_o great_a misery_n upon_o the_o jew_n that_o they_o do_v undergo_v hear_v what_o esay_n say_v how_o be_v the_o faithful_a city_n become_v a_o harlot_n it_o be_v full_a of_o judgement_n righteousness_n do_v lodge_v in_o it_o but_o now_o murderer_n thy_o prince_n be_v rebellious_a and_o companion_n of_o thief_n every_o one_o love_v gift_n and_o follow_v after_o reward_n they_o judge_v not_o the_o fatherless_a neither_o do_v the_o cause_n of_o the_o widow_n come_v before_o they_o therefore_o say_v the_o lord_n the_o lord_n of_o host_n ah_o i_o will_v ease_v i_o of_o my_o adversary_n and_o avenge_v i_o of_o my_o enemy_n enemy_n isa_n and_o how_o the_o lord_n do_v avenge_v himself_o of_o these_o unrighteous_a adversary_n jeremie_n show_v in_o the_o lamentation_n he_o have_v swallow_v up_o all_o the_o habitation_n of_o jacob_n and_o have_v not_o pity_v he_o have_v pollute_v the_o kingdom_n and_o the_o prince_n thereof_o he_o have_v cut_v off_o in_o his_o fierce_a anger_n all_o the_o horn_n of_o israel_n 2.2.3_o israel_n lam._n 2.2.3_o hear_v what_o amos_n say_v they_o know_v not_o to_o do_v right_a therefore_o thus_o say_v the_o lord_n god_n a_o adversary_n there_o shall_v be_v even_o round_o about_o thy_o land_n and_o he_o shall_v bring_v down_o thy_o strength_n from_o thou_o and_o thy_o palace_n shall_v be_v destroy_v 3.10.11_o destroy_v amos._n 3.10.11_o hear_v you_o this_o you_o kine_n of_o bashan_n that_o be_v in_o the_o mountain_n of_o samaria_n 4.1.2_o samaria_n ch._n 4.1.2_o 1._o 4.1.2_o in_o montanis_n synecdoche_n membri_fw-la sed_fw-la potest_fw-la propriè_fw-la ●ntelligi_fw-la de_fw-fr monte_fw-fr in_fw-la quo_fw-la sita_fw-la erat_fw-la vrbs_fw-la samaria_n et_fw-la hoc_fw-la potius_fw-la videtur_fw-la quia_fw-la é_fw-fr sequentibus_fw-la apparet_fw-la prophetam_fw-la hîc_fw-la proprie_fw-la alloqui_fw-la judices_fw-la illi_fw-la autem_fw-la residebani_fw-la in_o urbe_fw-la samaria_n piscat_fw-la schol._n in_o amos._n 4._o v._o 1._o that_o be_v you_o magistrate_n which_o have_v your_o abode_n in_o samaria_n the_o chief_a city_n of_o the_o land_n which_o oppress_v the_o poor_a which_o crush_v the_o needy_a the_o lord_n have_v swear_v by_o his_o holiness_n that_o lo_o the_o day_n shall_v come_v upon_o you_o that_o he_o will_v take_v you_o away_o with_o hook_n and_o your_o posterity_n with_o fishhook_n and_o you_o shall_v go_v out_o at_o the_o breach_n that_o be_v 3._o be_v per_fw-la rupturas_fw-la scil_n murorum_fw-la effectas_fw-la ab_fw-la hostibus_fw-la id._n ibid._n vers_fw-la 3._o at_o the_o breach_n of_o the_o wall_n which_o the_o enemy_n shall_v make_v when_o they_o carry_v you_o away_o captive_n in_o another_o place_n what_o say_v the_o same_o prophet_n they_o afflict_v the_o just_a they_o take_v a_o bribe_n they_o turn_v aside_o the_o poor_a in_o the_o gate_n from_o their_o right_n therefore_o wail_v shall_v be_v in_o all_o street_n and_o they_o shall_v say_v in_o all_o the_o high_a way_n alas_o alas_o hear_v also_o what_o micha_n say_v hear_v this_o you_o head_n of_o the_o house_n of_o jacob_n and_o prince_n of_o the_o house_n of_o israel_n that_o abhor_v judgement_n and_o pervert_v all_o equity_n they_o build_v up_o zion_n with_o blood_n and_o jerusalem_n with_o iniquity_n the_o head_n thereof_o judge_v for_o reward_n therefore_o shall_v zion_n for_o your_o sake_n be_v plough_v as_o a_o field_n jerusalem_n become_v heap_n and_o the_o mountain_n of_o the_o house_n of_o the_o lord_n as_o the_o high_a place_n of_o the_o forest_n forest_n mich._n even_o waste_a and_o desolate_a 5.28.29_o desolate_a jer._n 5.28.29_o the_o right_a of_o the_o needy_a say_v jeremie_n do_v they_o not_o judge_v shall_v i_o not_o visit_v for_o this_o say_v the_o lord_n shall_v not_o my_o soul_n be_v avenge_v on_o such_o a_o nation_n as_o this_o 12._o vain_a confidence_n confidence_n 12._o sign_n vain_a confidence_n be_v another_o thing_n that_o forego_v destruction_n when_o man_n lean_a upon_o foreign_a stay_n trust_v to_o their_o wit_n wealth_n friend_n strength_n yea_o more_o than_o to_o god_n or_o as_o much_o as_o to_o god_n they_o can_v but_o even_o come_v to_o ruin_v 30._o ruin_v illi_fw-la faedissimè_fw-la cadunt_fw-la quihumanis_fw-la praesidijs_fw-la ●●ituntur_fw-la luth._o in_o isa_n c._n 30._o and_o 3._o and_o tametsi_fw-la ad_fw-la tempus_fw-la votis_fw-la potiri_fw-la videntur_fw-la tamen_fw-la omne_fw-la tandem_fw-la ipsis_fw-la exitiosa_fw-la sunt_fw-la calv._n in_o be_v 30._o v._n 3._o although_o for_o a_o time_n thing_n may_v succeed_v according_a to_o their_o vain_a hope_n yet_o the_o end_n will_v be_v evil_a when_o the_o rebellious_a child_n of_o israel_n go_v to_o go_v down_o into_o egypt_n without_o ask_v counsel_n as_o god_n mouth_n to_o strengthen_v themselves_o in_o the_o strength_n of_o pharaoh_n a_o enemy_n of_o god_n too_o 2._o too_o p●ar●onem_fw-la deo_fw-la non_fw-la abs_fw-la re_fw-la oppovit_fw-la esaias_n calv._n in_o be_v c._n 30._o v._n 2._o and_o to_o trust_v in_o the_o shadow_n of_o egypt_n as_o deadly_a enemy_n as_o ever_o israel_n have_v who_o some_o generation_n ago_o seek_v their_o utter_a overthrow_n when_o the_o prince_n of_o israel_n go_v to_o zoan_v the_o great_a city_n in_o egypt_n 4._o egypt_n zoan_n vrbs_fw-la maxima_fw-la in_o egypto_n vat●b_n in_o isa_n c._n 30._o v._n 4._o and_o her_o ambassador_n to_o hanes_n than_o woe_n to_o they_o into_o a_o land_n of_o trouble_a and_o angvish_v they_o must_v must_v isa_n what_o remedy_n when_o they_o needs_o will_v when_o they_o call_v to_o egypt_n and_o go_v to_o assyria_n say_v the_o lord_n i_o will_v spread_v my_o net_n upon_o they_o i_o will_v chastise_v they_o as_o their_o congregation_n have_v hear_v 7.12.13_o hear_v hos_fw-la 7.12.13_o because_o thou_o do_v trust_v in_o thy_o way_n thy_o own_o way_n in_o the_o multitude_n of_o thy_o mighty_a man_n therefore_o shall_v a_o tumult_n rise_v among_o thy_o people_n and_o all_o thy_o fortress_n shall_v be_v spoil_v 10.13.14_o spoil_v chap._n 10.13.14_o godly_a 13._o sign_n persecute_v of_o the_o godly_a a_o thirteen_o sign_n be_v cruel_a and_o hard_a deal_n with_o the_o child_n of_o god_n or_o persecute_v of_o the_o saint_n it_o be_v pharaoh_n cruelty_n against_o the_o israelite_n that_o plunge_v he_o and_o he_o into_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o sea_n when_o he_o will_v needs_o be_v so_o mad_a as_o to_o pursue_v and_o persecute_v they_o even_o through_o the_o red_a sea_n 14._o exod._n 14._o than_o he_o must_v needs_o be_v overwhelm_v there_o be_v no_o escape_n when_o saul_n trounce_v that_o good_a man_n david_n up_o and_o down_o and_o will_v not_o let_v he_o rest_v in_o any_o corner_n but_o ferret_v he_o out_o of_o every_o hole_n he_o take_v the_o only_a course_n to_o have_v the_o kingdom_n rend_v out_o of_o his_o hand_n and_o his_o soul_n rend_v out_o of_o his_o body_n do_v not_o the_o jew_n bring_v the_o guilt_n of_o innocent_a blood_n upon_o their_o own_o head_n and_o make_v way_n for_o their_o miserable_a rejection_n by_o persecute_v the_o righteous_a man_n of_o god_n and_o crucify_a the_o lord_n of_o glory_n nothing_o be_v plain_a than_o this_o that_o the_o molest_v of_o the_o godly_a be_v enough_o to_o pull_v fire_n from_o heaven_n and_o to_o let_v in_o a_o sea_n of_o trouble_n and_o tribulation_n upon_o a_o people_n see_v ezek._n 35.4.5_o incompassionatenesse_n 14._o sign_n a_o pathy_n or_o incompassionatenesse_n in_o the_o next_o place_n want_v of_o compassion_n and_o unreadines_n to_o help_v their_o brethren_n in_o affliction_n do_v presage_v some_o great_a calamity_n no_o man_n remember_v the_o affliction_n of_o joseph_n say_v amos_n therefore_o they_o shall_v go_v captive_a with_o the_o first_o that_o go_v captive_a 6.6.7_o amos._n 6.6.7_o curse_v you_o meroz_n say_v the_o angel_n of_o the_o lord_n curse_v you_o bitter_o the_o inhabitant_n thereof_o because_o they_o come_v not_o to_o the_o help_n of_o the_o lord_n to_o the_o help_n of_o the_o lord_n against_o the_o mighty_a 5.23_o mighty_a judg._n 5.23_o how_o often_o do_v the_o prophet_n threaten_v judgement_n against_o judah_n for_o their_o unmercifulnesse_n to_o the_o poor_a what_o procure_v the_o egyptian_n ruin_n want_v of_o compassion_n they_o regard_v not_o the_o sigh_n and_o the_o groan_n of_o the_o israelite_n but_o rather_o oppress_v they_o with_o heavy_a burden_n mordecai_n tell_v esther_n if_o thou_o hold_v thy_o peace_n at_o such_o a_o time_n that_o be_v if_o thou_o do_v not_o commiserate_v the_o estate_n of_o the_o jew_n now_o but_o swim_v in_o pleasure_n thyself_o forget_v they_o and_o use_v no_o mean_n to_o help_v they_o thou_o and_o thy_o father_n house_n shall_v be_v destroy_v 4.14_o destroy_v esth_n 4.14_o the_o 15._o sign_n be_v love_n of_o flattery_n flattery_n 15._o sign_n love_n of_o flattery_n a_o strong_a and_o strange_a desire_n to_o be_v soothe_v up_o in_o sin_n to_o hear_v smooth_a
bottle_n of_o wine_n if_o the_o same_o prophet_n be_v alive_a now_o he_o will_v complain_v that_o both_o 98._o both_o vinahâc_fw-la nostrâ_fw-la aeta●e_fw-la t●m_fw-la profusè_fw-la prodiguntur_fw-la apud_fw-la christianos_n ut_fw-la videantur_fw-la ad_fw-la perdenda_fw-la ea_fw-la geniti_fw-la proceres_fw-la paupe●es_fw-la plebs_fw-la infima_fw-la infant_n pue●i_fw-la viri_fw-la atque_fw-la faeminae_fw-la virum_fw-la amplectuntur_fw-la nec_fw-la sine_fw-la eo_fw-la vitam_fw-la putant_fw-la beatam_fw-la ut_fw-la ita_fw-la nullâ_fw-la in_o parte_fw-la operosiorem_fw-la vitam_fw-la nostro_fw-la seculo_fw-la inveniamus_fw-la quam_fw-la in_o perdendis_fw-la vinis_fw-la gocleu_n de_fw-fr lux._fw-la p._n 97._o 98._o high_a and_o low_a man_n and_o woman_n old_a and_o young_a do_v not_o only_o upon_o some_o solemn_a festival_n day_n but_o upon_o every_o usual_a day_n yea_o upon_o the_o king_n of_o heaven_n his_o day_n the_o bless_a sabbath_n reader_n tremble_v to_o think_v it_o make_v both_o themselves_o and_o other_o drink_v with_o bottle_n of_o wine_n and_o other_o strong_a drink_n abuse_v those_o creature_n so_o prodigal_o so_o prodigious_o as_o if_o they_o be_v bear_v to_o no_o other_o end_n but_o thus_o to_o abuse_v themselves_o and_o these_o blessing_n and_o as_o though_o there_o be_v no_o other_o heaven_n nor_o happiness_n but_o this_o and_o be_v not_o drunkenness_n a_o argument_n of_o luxury_n when_o ib_fw-la when_o apud_fw-la nos_fw-la sine_fw-la lege_fw-la sine_fw-la modo_fw-la bibitur_fw-la id_fw-la ib_fw-la man_n among_o we_o drink_v thus_o without_o law_n without_o measure_n three_o what_o shall_v i_o speak_v of_o stageplay_n lascivious_a interlude_n they_o be_v tolerate_v they_o be_v visit_v governor_n wink_v at_o they_o troop_n of_o man_n and_o woman_n frequent_v they_o a_o evil_a so_o horrible_a so_o odious_a that_o very_a 〈…〉_o very_a sumite_fw-la saltem_fw-la examplum_fw-la vobis_fw-la à_fw-la bar●●●●_n 〈…〉_o barbarian_n o_o shame_n to_o england_n have_v abhor_v have_v scorn_v it_o be_v not_o this_o another_o argument_n of_o that_o abundance_n of_o luxury_n yea_o shameless_a luxury_n which_o our_o land_n be_v like_a to_o rue_v for_o there_o be_v nothing_o plain_a for_o what_o be_v the_o playhouse_n but_o the_o whoremaster_n schoole-house_n where_o ib._n where_o adulierium_n disci●ur_fw-fr dum_fw-la viditur_fw-la &_o lenocinante_fw-la ad_fw-la viti●_fw-la publicae_fw-la authoritatis_fw-la malo_fw-la quae_fw-la pudica_fw-la fortassis_fw-la ad_fw-la spectacu_fw-la un_fw-fr matrona_fw-la processerat_fw-la despectaculo_fw-la reve●titur_fw-la impudica_fw-la cyp._n ep._n 2._o l._n 2._o foe_n 23._o quere_z iam_fw-la nunc_fw-la a_o possit_fw-la esse_fw-la qui_fw-la spectat_fw-la integer_fw-la vel_fw-la pudicus_fw-la id._n ibid._n qui_fw-fr forte_fw-fr ad_fw-la spectaculum_fw-la purivenerant_a de_fw-la theatro_fw-la adulteri_fw-la revertuntur_fw-la non_fw-la enim_fw-la tunc_fw-la tantummodo_fw-la quando_fw-la redeunt_fw-la sed_fw-la etiam_fw-la quando_fw-la veniant_fw-la fornicantur_fw-la nam_fw-la hoc_fw-la ipso_fw-la quod_fw-la aliquis_fw-la rem_fw-la obscaenam_fw-la capit_fw-la dum_fw-la ad_fw-la immunda_fw-la properat_fw-la immundus_fw-la est_fw-la salu_n de_fw-fr pro_fw-la l._n 6._o p_o 176._o machantur_fw-la in_o theatris_fw-la id_fw-la ib_fw-la p._n 177_o vndecredis_fw-la naptiarum_fw-la insidiatores_fw-la proficisci_fw-la nun_n ab_fw-la huiuscemodi_fw-la scenis_fw-la vnde_fw-la illos_fw-la qui_fw-la domos_fw-la ac_fw-la thalamos_fw-la aliorum_fw-la effodiunt_fw-la nun_n a_o tripudijs_fw-la illis_fw-la chrys_n in_o mat._n c._n 11._o hom._n 38._o adulterijs_fw-la nunquavi_fw-la hac_fw-la spectacula_fw-la opportunitatem_fw-la prebuere_fw-la dices_fw-la imò_fw-la vero_fw-la quis_fw-la non_fw-la adulter_fw-la modo_fw-la factus_fw-la est_fw-la etc._n etc._n id_fw-la ib._n whoredom_n and_o filthiness_n be_v teach_v by_o the_o actor_n and_o learned_a by_o the_o seer_n 38._o seer_n cunctam_fw-la enim_fw-la simpliciter_fw-la quae_fw-la ibi_fw-la fiunt_fw-la turpissima_fw-la sunt_fw-la verba_fw-la vestitus_fw-la tunsura_fw-la nicessus_fw-la voces_fw-la cantus_fw-la mod●lat●●nes_fw-la ●culorum_fw-la eversiones_fw-la ac_fw-la motus_fw-la tibiae_fw-la fistulae_fw-la fabularum_fw-la matery_n omne_fw-la inqu●m_fw-la turpi_fw-la l●scivia_fw-la plena_fw-la sunt_fw-la chrysost_fw-la in_o mat._n hom._n 38._o what_o be_v there_o there_o either_o see_v hear_v or_o do_v which_o be_v not_o most_o unclean_a most_o filthy_a the_o word_n filthy_a the_o garment_n filthy_a man_n invest_v in_o woman_n apparel_n the_o gesture_n song_n motion_n music_n matter_n and_o all_o unclean_a four_o concern_v actual_a uncleanness_n as_o fornication_n adultery_n and_o the_o like_a they_o be_v too_o too_o common_a yea_o these_o sin_n by_o some_o dei_fw-la some_o fornicatio_fw-la apud_fw-la barbaros_fw-la crimen_fw-la atque_fw-la discrimen_fw-la est_fw-la apud_fw-la nos_fw-la decus_fw-la sal●_n de_fw-fr gub._n dei_fw-la who_o indeed_o be_v worse_o than_o barbarian_n be_v account_v toy_n and_o trick_n of_o youth_n rather_o than_o crime_n and_o gross_a offence_n us._n offence_n 9_o there_o be_v carnal_a security_n among_o us._n in_o the_o nine_o place_n we_o be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n like_o laish_n a_o secure_a people_n 18.7_o people_n judg._n 18.7_o though_o the_o lord_n do_v threaten_v we_o though_o our_o protestant-brethren_n be_v disturb_v near_o unto_o we_o though_o romish_a jebusite_n and_o popish_a canaanites_n be_v in_o our_o land_n already_o as_o prick_v in_o our_o side_n as_o thorn_n in_o our_o eye_n 23.13_o eye_n jos_n 23.13_o though_o cry_v sin_n do_v call_v daily_o for_o vengeance_n against_o we_o yet_o we_o general_o save_o some_o few_o noah_n that_o be_v move_v with_o a_o holy_a fear_n say_v as_o heathenish_a babylon_n once_o do_v 47.7_o do_v isa_n 47.7_o as_o romish_a babylon_n now_o do_v 18.7_o do_v apoc._n 18.7_o i_o sit_v a_o queen_n i_o be_o no_o widow_n i_o shall_v be_v a_o lady_n for_o ever_o and_o shall_v see_v no_o sorrow_n for_o be_v there_o not_o this_o security_n among_o we_o we_o shall_v not_o have_v so_o many_o like_o the_o old_a epicure_n 6._o epicure_n et_fw-la sane_fw-la iwenire_fw-it aliqu●s_fw-la qui_fw-la ab_fw-la istorum_fw-la iudiciod_n screpaverint_fw-la prater_fw-la epicureorum_fw-la vel_fw-la quorundam_fw-la epicurizant●um_fw-la deli●am●ta_fw-la non_fw-la p_o ssun_fw-it qui_fw-la sicut_fw-la voluptatem_fw-la cum_fw-la virtute_fw-la sic_fw-la deum_fw-la cum_fw-la incuriâ_fw-la atque_fw-la torpore_fw-la iunxerunt_fw-la ut_fw-la appa●ea●_n choose_fw-la qui_fw-la ●ta_fw-la seat●unt_fw-la sicut_fw-la sensum_fw-la epicurcurun_n atque_fw-la sententiam_fw-la ita_fw-la etiam_fw-la vitia_fw-la sectari_fw-la salu_n de_fw-fr prou._n l_o 1._o p_o 6._o the_o wickedness_n of_o who_o life_n be_v most_o outrageous_a do_v proclaim_v that_o they_o be_v very_o of_o opinion_n that_o god_n sit_v idle_a in_o heaven_n have_v no_o regard_n to_o thing_n which_o be_v here_o below_o and_o so_o put_v away_o the_o evil_a day_n far_o from_o themselves_o 11.7_o themselves_o heb._n 11.7_o ten_o it_o be_v a_o ult._n a_o we_o profane_v ●e_a sabbath_n dolendien_fw-mi vero_fw-la ●se_fw-la inter_fw-la chris●anos_fw-la qui_fw-la nun●uamine_fw-la diebus_fw-la ●uidem_fw-la feriatis_fw-la &c_n &c_n qui_fw-la operibus_fw-la candalosis_n et_fw-fr di●inun_fw-fr cultum_fw-la im●edientibus_fw-la sab●atum_fw-la perdant_fw-la vel●●t_fw-la comessatio_fw-la ●ibus_fw-la lusibus_fw-la eliagationnibus_fw-la scul_n in_o be_v c._n 58._o conc._n ult._n lamentable_a thing_n to_o consider_v how_o among_o we_o christian_n the_o sabbath_n of_o the_o lord_n be_v profane_v yea_o to_o that_o 88_o that_o hodie_fw-la eo_fw-la res_fw-la levenit_fw-la ut_fw-la inter_fw-la christianos_n homines_fw-la optimi_fw-la haberipossint_fw-la qui_fw-la operibus_fw-la manu●arijs_fw-la &_o victui_fw-la seruientibus_fw-la sabbatae_fw-la dei_fw-la violent_fw-la cum_fw-la plerique_fw-la illa_fw-la nefandis_fw-la sceleribus_fw-la prophanent_fw-la gua._n in_o ac._n hon_n 88_o woeful_a pass_n be_v the_o time_n now_o grow_v that_o they_o be_v account_v by_o some_o the_o best_a person_n that_o do_v take_v most_o liberty_n to_o themselves_o to_o serve_v the_o devil_n the_o world_n and_o the_o flesh_n upon_o that_o day_n which_o ought_v whole_o and_o holy_o to_o be_v spend_v in_o the_o service_n of_o the_o almighty_a look_v into_o some_o private_a house_n and_o you_o shall_v find_v the_o sabbath_n private_o profane_v look_v into_o more_o public_a place_n and_o you_o shall_v find_v they_o more_o public_o abuse_v what_o shall_v i_o speak_v of_o 23._o of_o peccant_a qui_fw-fr in_o sabbato_fw-la nil_fw-la praeter_fw-la inane_fw-la tium_fw-la spectant_fw-la interim_n verò_fw-la fidei_fw-la &_o religionis_fw-la ex●rcitia_fw-la negligunt_fw-la gual_n in_o mar._n hom._n 23._o idle_a rest_n neglect_v of_o the_o duty_n of_o piety_n towards_o god_n of_o ib_fw-la of_o peccant_a praeterea_fw-la qui_fw-la charitatis_fw-la immemores_fw-la avaritiâ_fw-la auten_fw-mi inflammati_fw-la laborant_fw-la id_fw-la ib_fw-la charity_n towards_o man_n of_o all_o heavenly_a regard_n to_o a_o man_n self_n upon_o that_o day_n do_v not_o these_o proclaim_v that_o this_o be_v true_a which_o i_o say_v take_v of_o journey_n on_o worldly_a occasion_n weary_v of_o beast_n with_o lay_v burden_n on_o they_o 23._o they_o peccant_a qui_fw-la simul_fw-la seruos_fw-la atque_fw-la ancillas_fw-la operibus_fw-la fac_fw-la undis_fw-la exercent_fw-la vel_fw-la merces_fw-la vendunt_fw-la rationes_fw-la subducunt_fw-la &_o deb●ta_fw-la exigunt_fw-la non_fw-la absque_fw-la gravi_fw-la miserorum_fw-la debitorum_fw-la molestia_fw-la gualt_n in_o marc._n hom._n 23._o