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Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
house_n abhor_v judgement_n zion_n 111 3 8.7861 4 false
house_n abhor_v judgement_n zion_n 111 3 8.7861 4 false
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A39574 Rusticus ad academicos in exercitationibus expostulatoriis, apologeticis quatuor The rustick's alarm to the rabbies, or, The country correcting the university and clergy, and ... contesting for the truth ... : in four apologeticall and expostulatory exercitations : wherein is contained, as well a general account to all enquirers, as a general answer to all opposers of the most truly catholike and most truly Christ-like Chistians [sic] called Quakers, and of the true divinity of their doctrine : by way of entire entercourse held in special with four of the clergies chieftanes, viz, John Owen ... Tho. Danson ... John Tombes ... Rich. Baxter ... by Samuel Fisher ... Fisher, Samuel, 1605-1665.; Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Danson, Thomas, d. 1694.; Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1660 (1660) Wing F1056; Wing F1050_PARTIAL; Wing F1046_PARTIAL; ESTC R16970 1,147,274 931

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turn_v away_o much_o people_n say_v god_n be_v not_o worship_v in_o temple_n make_v with_o hand_n but_o within_o only_a in_o spirit_n and_o truth_n talk_v as_o if_o they_o will_v teach_v we_o as_o if_o they_o hear_v god_n voice_n and_o not_o we_o who_o search_v the_o scripture_n and_o expound_v the_o law_n and_o have_v the_o key_n of_o knowledge_n have_v be_v train_v up_o in_o the_o scripture_n in_o read_v the_o holy_a letter_n but_o these_o we_o take_v notice_n of_o they_o that_o they_o be_v ignorant_a unlearned_a man_n yet_o they_o say_v we_o be_v unstable_a and_o unlearned_a and_o wrest_v scripture_n to_o own_o destruction_n but_o whence_o have_v this_o man_n letter_n have_v never_o learn_v at_o university_n as_o we_o have_v do_v away_o with_o they_o and_o their_o scripture_n no_o more_o holy_a scripture_n now_o the_o canon_n be_v complete_v the_o standard_n seal_v no_o immediate_a motion_n now_o no_o such_o mission_n as_o the_o prophet_n have_v now_o no_o speak_n by_o divine_a inspiration_n now_o no_o divine_a authority_n in_o any_o man_n write_n now_o though_o they_o write_v not_o other_o but_o the_o same_o divine_a truth_n as_o of_o old_a no_o extraordinary_a infallible_a guidance_n of_o man_n by_o the_o infallible_a spirit_n of_o god_n now_o and_o suchlike_a thus_o they_o say_v then_o and_o thus_o our_o wise_a ignorant_n at_o athens_n say_v now_o of_o the_o same_o spirit_n that_o then_o speak_v in_o paul_n press_v other_o now_o to_o write_v or_o speak_v to_o they_o of_o their_o worship_v a_o unknown_a god_n see_v their_o university_n give_v whole_o to_o idolatry_n and_o thus_o i.o._n one_o of_o the_o sore_a man_n against_o the_o truth_n what_o will_v these_o bablet_n say_v and_o in_o a_o manner_n so_o they_o say_v all_o but_o slay_v friend_n god_n arm_n be_v not_o shorten_v neither_o be_v the_o mouth_n of_o god_n more_o make_v up_o now_o then_o former_o from_o make_v out_o and_o manifest_v his_o own_o mind_n immediate_o from_o himself_o in_o the_o mind_n and_o conscience_n of_o man_n and_o woman_n so_o as_o that_o man_n may_v without_o manifest_a imprudence_n not_o to_o say_v impudence_n imagine_v so_o ignorant_o as_o in_o effect_n i.o._n do_v that_o god_n speak_v his_o last_o to_o the_o son_n of_o man_n and_o all_o that_o ever_o he_o mean_v from_o his_o own_o mouth_n to_o make_v know_v of_o his_o will_n to_o any_o man_n when_o john_n have_v at_o the_o command_n of_o christ_n write_v that_o precious_a revelatio_fw-la ●which_v god_n give_v unto_o christ_n to_o show_v to_o his_o servant_n who_o be_v please_v to_o signify_v it_o unto_o they_o by_o the_o hand_n of_o his_o servant_n john_n and_o when_o once_o in_o after_o age_n a_o syne_v of_o some_o honest_a man_n who_o we_o know_v not_o upon_o some_o some_o mistake_n and_o sailing_n which_o we●_n i.o._n confess_v tr._n 2._o c_o 2._o s._n 4.5_o they_o be_v liable_a to_o establish_v so_o much_o as_o they_o can_v get_v together_o which_o be_v but_o little_a it_o be_v like_a of_o that_o much_o that_o be_v write_v of_o the_o transcribe_v copy_n of_o the_o holy_a man_n history_n and_o apostle_n epistle_n and_o letter_n to_o particular_a church_n and_o private_a person_n and_o canonize_v it_o together_o with_o the_o write_n of_o moses_n and_o the_o prophet_n into_o such_o a_o stand_a rule_n of_o faith_n and_o manner_n for_o all_o age_n to_o come_v that_o whatever_o shall_v from_o thenceforth_o be_v find_v as_o not_o a_o little_a be_v even_o of_o the_o apostle_n own_o and_o some_o of_o christ_n own_o write_n and_o whatever_n shall_v be_v write_v after_o that_o with_o pretence_n as_o much_o have_v be_v since_o then_o not_o in_o pretence_n only_o but_o in_o truth_n of_o motion_n from_o the_o same_o holy_a spirit_n shall_v be_v shut_v out_o for_o ever_o from_o stand_v in_o their_o canon_n since_o it_o come_v not_o in_o at_o that_o time_n to_o their_o hand_n and_o be_v ever_o of_o so_o low_a esteem_n as_o not_o to_o be_v own_a among_o the_o rest_n under_z so_o much_o as_o the_o name_n of_o holy_a scripture_n with_o they_o but_o as_o to_o all_o end_n use_n and_o purpose_n for_o which_o all_o holy_a scripture_n be_v write_v be_v utter_o race_v out_o of_o the_o record_n cancel_v make_v void_a and_o of_o none_o effect_n while_o those_o few_o they_o authorize_v because_o of_o their_o stamp_n of_o the_o only_a standard_n upon_o they_o must_v be_v have_v in_o as_o high_a if_o not_o a_o high_a esteem_n honour_n and_o authority_n then_o the_o light_n itself_o from_o which_o direct_v holy_a man_n in_o the_o write_n thereof_o they_o have_v all_o the_o be_v they_o have_v at_o all_o as_o holy_a scripture_n let_v not_o i.o._n in_o any_o wise_a say_v so_o for_o there_o be_v yet_o though_o himself_o be_v none_o of_o they_o 7000_o of_o the_o people_n of_o christ_n in_o england_n that_o bow_n not_o the_o knee_n to_o baal_n many_o of_o who_o as_o they_o be_v under_o the_o new_a testament_n i.e._n the_o spirit_n and_o not_o under_o the_o old_a i.e._n the_o letter_n where_o thou_o yet_o be_v have_v even_o both_o man_n and_o woman_n the_o promise_n 3.14_o thereof_o make_v good_a unto_o they_o concern_v the_o gift_n of_o the_o holy_a spirit_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o power_n to_o prophecy_n which_o of_o old_a also_o the_o true_a have_v mic._n 2._o and_o of_o judgement_n and_o of_o might_n to_o declare_v unto_o the_o rebellious_a house_n of_o jacob_n and_o israel_n even_o the_o head_n and_o prince_n thereof_o if_o they_o abhor_v judgement_n and_o pervert_v all_o equity_n and_o the_o priest_n and_o prophet_n thereof_o that_o preach_v for_o hire_n and_o divine_a for_o money_n and_o build_v zion_n with_o blood_n and_o jerusalem_n with_o iniquity_n and_o yet_o lean_a on_o the_o lord_n and_o say_v be_v not_o the_o lord_n among_o we_o none_o evil_a shall_v come_v upon_o we_o their_o sin_n and_o their_o transgression_n and_o to_o use_v thy_o own_o word_n i.o._n p._n 331.332_o to_o thyself_o who_o be_v much_o in_o the_o dark_a as_o thou_o utter_v they_o to_o such_o as_o be_v further_o in_o the_o dark_a behind_o thyself_o much_o more_o to_o the_o same_o purpose_n will_v same_o of_o they_o be_v find_v to_o say_v when_o man_n of_o outward_a wisdom_n and_o learning_n who_o be_v as_o they_o think_v able_a to_o instruct_v they_o shall_v condescend_v personal_o so_o to_o do_v yea_o of_o myself_o i_o will_v not_o speak_v who_o by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n be_o what_o i_o be_o and_o if_o the_o least_o measure_n of_o that_o grace_n be_v impart_v to_o i_o among_o other_o of_o his_o servant_n that_o i_o shall_v preach_v among_o the_o gentile_n the_o unsearchable_a riches_n of_o christ_n it_o be_v to_o one_o that_o for_o aught_o i_o know_v be_v of_o all_o the_o rest_n least_o worthy_a or_o rather_o most_o unworthy_a of_o it_o but_o i_o be_o bold_a to_o say_v so_o much_o and_o no_o more_o than_o what_o will_v stand_v as_o truth_n against_o thou_o or_o any_o other_o gain_v saying_n that_o there_o be_v some_o who_o do_v not_o more_o profess_v themselves_o to_o be_v than_o they_o be_v indeed_o inspire_v by_o the_o holy_a spirit_n who_o message_n and_o ministration_n whether_o by_o voice_n or_o writing_n be_v so_o immediate_a from_o the_o mouth_n of_o the_o lord_n that_o your_o not_o receive_v nor_o submit_v to_o they_o on_o that_o account_n but_o reject_v and_o denial_n thereof_o with_o such_o rigour_n as_o you_o do_v do_v justify_v your_o predecessor_n in_o all_o age_n who_o reject_v and_o slay_v those_o that_o speak_v to_o they_o in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o speak_v out_o in_o plain_a term_n your_o imagination_n to_o be_v this_o that_o you_o may_v with_o safety_n to_o yourselves_o reject_v they_o who_o god_n send_v yea_o to_o go_v on_o yet_o for_o a_o while_n much_o what_o in_o thy_o own_o word_n tr._n 1._o c._n 3._o s._n 9_o 10.11_o 12_o there_o be_v some_o whether_o they_o work_v miracle_n yea_o or_o nay_o as_o thou_o confess_v most_o of_o the_o prophet_n do_v not_o that_o be_v nothing_o to_o thou_o who_o pretend_v not_o to_o this_o inspiration_n false_o but_o both_o can_v and_o do_v to_o youward_o insist_v upon_o this_o that_o be_v 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d divine_o inspire_v their_o doctrine_n be_v to_o be_v receive_v by_o you_o as_o from_o god_n and_o in_o their_o so_o do_v it_o will_v be_v find_v in_o due_a time_n to_o be_v your_o sin_n even_o unbelief_n and_o rebellion_n against_o god_n not_o to_o submit_v to_o what_o they_o speak_v in_o his_o name_n as_o that_o of_o his_o word_n they_o receive_v from_o his_o mouth_n and_o this_o be_v not_o only_o plead_v and_o insist_v on_o by_o some_o but_o also_o whether_o their_o testimony_n be_v receive_v or_o not_o receive_v by_o you_o preacher_n and_o the_o
present_a seer_n &_o gain-getting_a priest_n false_a prophet_n and_o foolish_a people_n but_o alas_o poor_a man_n thou_o be_v far_o enough_o from_o the_o new_a testament_n or_o covenant_n yet_o which_o be_v a_o gospel_n a_o covenant_n of_o light_n which_o thou_o be_v so_o far_o from_o that_o thou_o fight_v against_o it_o thou_o think_v thy_o judgement_n be_v over_o past_a and_o the_o old_a testament_n a_o thing_n that_o thou_o have_v learn_v long_o ago_o but_o thou_o be_v not_o come_v so_o near_o to_o the_o sharp_a pedagogy_n of_o it_o yet_o as_o thou_o must_v do_v so_o far_o be_v thou_o from_o the_o glorious_a liberty_n of_o the_o new_a thy_o word_n be_v true_a enough_o the_o word_n under_o the_o new_a come_v in_o a_o way_n of_o more_o liberty_n and_o glory_n but_o it_o be_v no_o news_n to_o hear_v high_a priest_n speak_v truth_n which_o themselves_o know_v not_o thou_o be_v at_o best_a but_o a_o old_a testament_n talker_n of_o the_o new_a and_o one_o that_o be_v come_v true_o yet_o under_o the_o tuition_n of_o neither_o as_o for_o the_o new_a the_o word_n come_v under_o it_o in_o liberty_n and_o glory_n but_o not_o to_o old_a testament_n spirit_n doctor_n scribe_n and_o pharisee_n they_o see_v not_o clear_o so_o much_o as_o moses_n face_n much_o less_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n in_o the_o face_n of_o jesus_n condemnation_n be_v yet_o to_o come_v from_o christ_n himself_n first_o to_o such_o as_o these_o as_o well_o as_o from_o moses_n &_o john_n yea_o christ_n himself_o who_o friendliness_n to_o publican_n and_o sinner_n as_o a_o physician_n be_v find_v fault_n with_o by_o such_o friday_n fast_v pharisees_n as_o this_o age_n be_v fill_v with_o as_o much_o as_o johns_n austereness_n be_v find_v in_o johns_n rough_a spirit_n camel_n hair_n garment_n and_o astonish_a appearance_n to_o they_o that_o go_v about_o to_o murder_v he_o in_o his_o inward_a ministry_n and_o testimony_n within_o themselves_o and_o then_o they_o say_v of_o he_o too_o as_o of_o john_n thou_o have_v a_o devil_n joh_n 8._o ah_o poor_a nurse_n father_n and_o mother_n universal_o err_v university_n seducer_n poor_a seduce_a priest_n and_o seduce_v people_n notwithstanding_o the_o glorious_a liberty_n and_o gloriousnesse_n of_o the_o gospel_n time_n that_o you_o be_v glory_v in_o in_o a_o dream_n that_o you_o live_v under_o you_o must_v most_o assure_o find_v a_o condemn_v judge_a terrify_v fiery_a flame_a law_n lay_v hold_n on_o your_o conscience_n and_o find_v you_o out_o and_o the_o sword_n of_o the_o lord_n enter_v into_o your_o soul_n and_o the_o wrath_n of_o the_o lord_n rend_v your_o very_a heartstring_n a_o sunder_o and_o dread_a terror_n and_o tremble_a surprise_v you_o hypocritical_a sinner_n in_o zion_n before_o ever_o you_o shall_v come_v to_o know_v the_o true_a liberty_n or_o glory_n of_o the_o gospel_n which_o be_v the_o image_n and_o glory_n of_o god_n bring_v forth_o among_o you_o yea_o judgement_n be_v already_o lay_v to_o the_o line_n and_o rigeteousnesse_n to_o the_o plummet_n and_o the_o hail_n be_v fall_v that_o will_v sweep_v away_o your_o refuge_n of_o lie_n and_o the_o storm_n that_o will_v overflow_v your_o hide_v place_n and_o break_v and_o disinable_a your_o suppose_a covenant_n and_o agreement_n with_o death_n and_o hell_n as_o if_o your_o judgement_n be_v pass_v over_o by_o the_o lord_n and_o none_o of_o that_o can_v come_v near_o you_o and_o your_o bed_n will_v be_v find_v too_o short_a for_o you_o to_o rest_v on_o and_o your_o cover_v too_o narrow_a to_o wrap_v yourselves_o in_o from_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n the_o power_n of_o who_o wrathful_a displeasure_n shall_v make_v your_o mount_n sire_n shake_v like_o sinai_n before_o ever_o you_o come_v near_o to_o the_o sight_n of_o that_o glorious_a rest_n that_o the_o saint_n lie_v down_o in_o on_o mount_n zion_n now_o as_o to_o that_o other_o new_a find_v phrase_n of_o fanatic_n these_o fanatic_n the_o fanatic_n of_o this_o time_n our_o fanatic_n fanatical_a quaker_n fanatical_a soul_n fanatical_a enthusiast_n fanatical_a knave_n fanatical_a anti-scripturists_a and_o strepitu_fw-la under_o which_o ever_o and_o anon_o yea_o so_o oft_o that_o i_o may_v say_v ferè_fw-la numquam_fw-la non_fw-la thou_o soame_v out_o as_o thy_o fellow_n do_v that_o froth_n filth_n and_o falsehood_n which_o float_v about_o in_o thy_o foolish_a vain_a spirit_n against_o the_o quaker_n in_o gross_a as_o against_o a_o furious_a distract_a mad_a crack-brained_a kind_n of_o man_n that_o for_o so_o those_o term_n signify_v as_o use_v by_o thou_o pretend_v to_o vision_n revelation_n illumination_n inspiration_n the_o spirit_n of_o prophecy_n and_o such_o like_a but_o be_v reapse_n stark_o beside_o themselves_o and_o bereave_v of_o their_o very_a wit_n and_o sense_n as_o new_a a_o nickname_n as_o it_o be_v to_o this_o age_n this_o be_v no_o other_o than_o what_o all_o the_o prophet_n of_o god_n be_v entertain_v with_o in_o the_o several_a season_n wherein_o god_n send_v they_o out_o by_o the_o many_o false_a prophet_n that_o be_v coaetaneous_a with_o they_o and_o therefore_o nibil_n novi_fw-la no_o new_a business_n to_o such_o as_o be_v not_o blind_a he_o be_v but_o mean_o skill_a in_o the_o scripture_n who_o have_v not_o yet_o learn_v from_o thence_o that_o the_o prophet_n by_o who_o god_n speak_v and_o by_o who_o ministry_n be_v multiply_v vision_n and_o use_v similitude_n as_o hos._n 12.10_o be_v ever_o count_v deceiver_n as_o the_o snare_n of_o a_o fowler_n in_o all_o their_o way_n that_o the_o true_a prophet_n be_v a_o fool_n and_o the_o spiritual_a man_n or_o man_n of_o the_o spirit_n mad_a hos._n 9.7_o 8._o and_o hatred_n always_o in_o the_o house_n of_o his_o god_n and_o that_o god_n people_n by_o mere_a profession_n rise_v up_o against_o they_o as_o against_o a_o enemy_n and_o as_o now_o the_o same_o generation_n of_o holy_a hypocrite_n do_v both_o in_o old_a england_n and_o in_o new_a pull_v off_o their_o robe_n and_o their_o garment_n from_o they_o to_o whip_n and_o scourge_v they_o sometime_o as_o seditious_a and_o disturber_n that_o pass_v by_o secure_o as_o man_n most_o averse_a from_o war_n and_o straighten_v the_o spirit_n of_o the_o lord_n say_v prophesy_v not_o so_o such_o as_o prophesy_v in_o his_o name_n and_o power_n and_o put_v they_o to_o shame_v if_o they_o do_v when_o if_o a_o man_n will_v walk_v in_o the_o wind_n of_o his_o own_o invention_n and_o lie_v false_o and_o prophesy_v to_o they_o of_o ●elly_n ohear_n of_o wine_n and_o of_o strong_a drink_n even_o he_o shall_v be_v own_a a_o prophet_n by_o that_o people_n mic_n 2.8_o 9_o 10_o 11._o and_o that_o joshua_n the_o true_a high_a priest_n and_o his_o fellow_n even_o christ_n and_o the_o child_n that_o god_n have_v give_v he_o be_v as_o man_n wonder_v at_o be_v set_v as_o sign_n to_o be_v speak_v against_o even_o to_o the_o house_n of_o jacob_n from_o who_o he_o hide_v his_o face_n and_o their_o peeper_n and_o mutterers_n out_o of_o their_o own_o familiar_a spirit_n to_o the_o unbelieve_a despiser_n that_o wonder_n and_o perish_v for_o sign_n and_o for_o wonder_n from_o the_o lord_n of_o host_n that_o dwell_v in_o mount_n zion_n isa._n 8.17_o 18._o zach._n 3.8_o luke_n 2.34_o act._n 13.40_o 41._o yea_o i._n o._n have_v read_v his_o own_o book_n over_o but_o by_o the_o half_n if_o he_o do_v not_o learn_v this_o lesson_n out_o of_o it_o himself_o pag._n 58_o 59_o 61_o 62._o that_o the_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d or_o divine_o inspire_v man_n who_o doctrine_n be_v to_o have_v be_v receive_v as_o from_o god_n who_o send_v they_o and_o in_o who_o name_n they_o speak_v though_o but_o herdsman_n and_o of_o mean_a occupation_n be_v yet_o general_o reject_v upon_o innumerable_a prejudices_fw-la that_o attend_v the_o truth_n they_o speak_v arise_v from_o the_o personal_a infirmity_n and_o suppose_a interest_n of_o they_o that_o deliver_v it_o as_o amos_n 7._o jer._n 43.2_o 3._o joh_n 9.29_o act._n 24.5_o and_o that_o what_o with_o these_o thing_n and_o chief_o the_o people_n be_v so_o eminent_o perplex_v with_o false_a prophet_n both_o as_o to_o their_o number_n and_o subtlety_n that_o they_o can_v not_o well_o discern_v aright_o between_o god_n word_n and_o that_o which_o be_v only_o pretend_v so_o to_o be_v and_o so_o become_v guilty_a of_o unbelief_n and_o rebellion_n against_o god_n not_o submit_v to_o what_o they_o speak_v in_o his_o name_n it_o always_o so_o sell_v out_o that_o scarce_o any_o prophet_n that_o speak_v in_o the_o name_n of_o god_n have_v any_o approbation_n from_o the_o church_n of_o dead_a stone_n in_o who_o day_n he_o speak_v matth._n to_o 38_o act._n 7.52_o thus_o much_o i.o._n may_v learn_v from_o these_o word_n which_o be_v most_o his_o own_o that_o it_o be_v always_o so_o heretofore_o and_o
in_o his_o age_n assistant_n to_o paulus_n fagius_n in_o his_o noble_a promotion_n of_o the_o hebrew_n tongue_n capellus_n who_o he_o call_v a_o learned_a man_n and_o a_o protestant_n io._n prideaux_n who_o be_v before_o i.o._n luther_n the_o renow_v reformer_n in_o his_o time_n as_o ever_o europe_n have_v zwinglius_fw-la and_o other_o so_o he_o no_o way_n doubt_v but_o that_o as_o we_o enjoy_v they_o they_o be_v complete_v no_o high_o upward_o than_o esdras_n his_o time_n by_o the_o man_n of_o the_o great_a congregation_n guide_v by_o the_o infallible_a direction_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n which_o be_v after_o all_o the_o old_a testament_n be_v write_v &_o a_o thousand_o year_n after_o some_o of_o it_o and_o so_o pag._n 211._o 220._o see_v also_o pag._n 247._o 259._o where_o he_o say_v the_o jew_n general_o believe_v the_o point_n as_o old_a as_o from_o moses_n on_o mount_n sinai_n or_o at_o least_o quoth_v he_o from_o ezra_n so_o he_o be_v in_o doubt_n not_o deny_v but_o that_o they_o as_o to_o their_o knowledge_n and_o use_n receive_v a_o great_a revive_v by_o the_o massorite_n and_o gemarist_n i._o o._n that_o the_o word_n of_o god_n i.e._n scripture_n have_v be_v hitherto_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d as_o to_o its_o literal_a sense_n and_o read_v the_o acknowledge_a touchstone_n of_o all_o exposition_n render_v this_o now_o 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d and_o what_o have_v we_o remain_v firm_a and_o unshaken_a pag._n 219._o see_v more_o pag._n 217._o 218._o of_o uncertainty_n reply_n the_o light_n spirit_n word_n itself_o and_o the_o kingdom_n and_o thing_n thereof_o which_o can_v be_v shake_v but_o must_v remain_v when_o the_o worldly_a kingdom_n of_o worldly_a priest_n and_o their_o foundation_n and_o their_o rich_a possession_n of_o letter_n and_o hebrew_n point_n and_o all_o their_o religion_n faith_n worship_n house_n bottom_z and_o whole_a building_n and_o fabric_n that_o stand_v thereon_o and_o the_o old_a heaven_n and_o earth_n and_o all_o the_o work_n of_o man_n that_o be_v therein_o and_o their_o write_n and_o tome_n and_o talmud_n etc._n etc._n ut_fw-la alibi_fw-la and_o such_o like_a in_o which_o i_o o._n be_v exercise_v in_o his_o second_o tale_n of_o a_o tub_n and_o sea_n and_o land_n and_o all_o nation_n formalist_n and_o their_o form_n professor_n and_o their_o profession_n doctor_n in_o divinity_n and_o their_o false_a dream_n and_o divination_n and_o not_o only_a pope_n cardinal_n mountseniors_a monk_n friar_n jesuit_n and_o all_o that_o rabble_n of_o rabbi_n and_o dean_n and_o chapter_n arch-bishop_n deacon_n dean_n and_o their_o official_o parson_n vicar_n curate_n and_o all_o manner_n of_o spiritual_a person_n of_o that_o spawn_n but_o also_o all_o sort_n of_o those_o narrow_a mouth_a bottle_n that_o have_v none_o of_o the_o new_a wine_n in_o they_o and_o be_v as_o long_o in_o let_v out_o as_o in_o get_v in_o what_o they_o have_v of_o their_o old_a wisdom_n as_o well_o within_o university_n liberty_n as_o without_o and_o all_o master_n and_o prebend_n and_o dean_n of_o college_n and_o their_o christ_n church_n and_o all_o their_o beggarly_a element_n must_v be_v on_o fire_n about_o their_o ear_n and_o melt_v away_o with_o fervent_a heat_n and_o be_v burn_v up_o and_o shake_v down_o as_o leaf_n from_o the_o figtree_n by_o the_o mighty_a wind_n of_o the_o lord_n spirit_n that_o now_o blow_v upon_o all_o flesh_n that_o it_o wither_v and_o be_v as_o the_o grass_n and_o its_o flower_n and_o utter_o like_o a_o cottage_n which_o after_o much_o reel_a to_o and_o fro_o must_v be_v remove_v for_o ever_o and_o for_o ever_o i.o._n thou_o say_v pag._n 221._o that_o thou_o have_v rather_o all_o the_o work_v like_a to_o the_o biblia_fw-la polyglotta_n which_o yet_o thou_o acknowledge_v the_o great_a usefulness_n of_o and_o be_v thankful_a owen_n for_o it_o be_v out_o of_o the_o world_n then_o that_o this_o one_o opinion_n of_o the_o novelty_n of_o the_o hebrew_n point_n espouse_v to_o that_o great_a work_n epist._n pag._n 17_o 18_o 19_o shall_v be_v receive_v with_o the_o consequence_n that_o unavoidable_o attend_v it_o reply_n the_o consequence_n that_o unavoidable_o attend_v the_o receive_n of_o truth_n be_v dangerous_a to_o thou_o but_o of_o no_o other_o than_o good_a concernment_n to_o such_o as_o dwell_v not_o in_o the_o scriptural_a skirt_n &_o mere_a literal_a suburb_n of_o it_o as_o thou_o do_v who_o be_v without_o the_o salvation_n itself_o which_o god_n appoint_v to_o his_o for_o wall_n and_o bulwark_n start_v at_o the_o news_n of_o every_o storm_n and_o the_o shake_n of_o every_o leaf_n but_o in_o the_o holy_a city_n and_o in_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o truth_n itself_o the_o cup_n of_o tremble_a must_v be_v take_v out_o of_o their_o hand_n and_o put_v into_o the_o hand_n of_o thou_o and_o thou_o that_o have_v hate_v and_o afflict_v they_o and_o rid_v over_o they_o and_o say_v bow_v down_o thy_o back_n that_o we_o may_v go_v over_o and_o they_o have_v lay_v their_o back_n as_o the_o street_n for_o you_o while_o in_o your_o wrath_n and_o fury_n you_o have_v pass_v over_o they_o i._o o._n thou_o say_v pag._n 216._o that_o by_o this_o conceit_n of_o the_o novelty_n of_o the_o hebrew_n punctation_n the_o adversary_n hope_v with_o abimileck_n servant_n to_o stop_v the_o the_o well_n or_o fountain_n from_o whence_o you_o shall_v draw_v your_o soul_n refreshment_n reply_n poor_a soul_n poor_a well_n and_o fountain_n poor_a refreshment_n if_o you_o go_v down_o no_o deep_o than_o the_o letter_n to_o draw_v your_o water_n for_o they_o be_v but_o the_o break_a cistern_n which_o you_o follow_v &_o that_o with_o the_o totter_a bucket_n of_o your_o own_o brain_n that_o hold_v not_o the_o water_n of_o life_n the_o letter_n do_v but_o declare_v of_o the_o fountain_n of_o live_a water_n which_o you_o have_v forsake_v viz._n god_n himself_o christ_n and_o the_o spirit_n the_o fountain_n shut_v up_o and_o seal_v to_o you_o yet_o indeed_o cant._n 4._o 12._o but_o set_v open_a to_o the_o house_n of_o david_n and_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o jerusalem_n for_o sin_n and_o uncleanness_n zach._n 13._o 1._o the_o well_o of_o salvation_n out_o of_o which_o they_o that_o inhabit_v zion_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o who_o the_o holy_a one_o of_o israel_n be_v now_o great_a do_v with_o joy_n draw_v water_n out_o of_o who_o belly_n flow_v river_n of_o live_v water_n which_o it_o be_v out_o of_o the_o reach_n and_o past_o the_o strength_n of_o the_o philistines_n to_o stop_v any_o long_o for_o there_o be_v now_o rehoboth_n or_o room_n yea_o the_o water_n thence_o give_v whilst_o your_o euphrates_n be_v dry_v up_o be_v as_o a_o well_o of_o water_n spring_v up_o in_o they_o to_o eternal_a life_n i.o._n that_o give_v this_o liberty_n to_o the_o audacious_a curiosity_n of_o man_n pride_v themselves_o in_o their_o critical_a ability_n and_o we_o shall_v quick_o find_v out_o what_o woeful_a state_n and_o condition_n the_o truth_n of_o the_o scripture_n will_v be_v bring_v unto_o and_o if_o hundred_o of_o word_n be_v as_o it_o be_v say_v by_o capellin_n the_o critical_a conjecture_n of_o the_o jew_n what_o security_n have_v we_o of_o the_o mind_n of_o god_n as_o true_o represent_v to_o we_o see_v that_o its_o suppose_a that_o some_o of_o the_o word_n in_o the_o margin_n be_v sometime_o in_o the_o line_n and_o if_o it_o he_o suppose_v as_o it_o be_v that_o there_o be_v innumerable_a other_o place_n of_o the_o like_a nature_n stand_v in_o need_n of_o amendment_n what_o a_o door_n will_v be_v open_v unto_o curious_a pragratical_a wit_n to_o overturn_v all_o the_o certainty_n of_o the_o truth_n of_o the_o scripture_n every_o one_o may_v see_v pag._n 308._o reply_n every_o one_o may_v see_v therefore_o what_o certainty_n and_o security_n you_o be_v in_o while_o you_o stand_v on_o no_o bottom_n but_o a_o break_a letter_n and_o how_o will_v thou_o help_v the_o case_n with_o all_o thy_o prate_n or_o hinder_v pragmatical_a wit_n from_o use_v their_o critical_a ability_n that_o way_n who_o shall_v ponere_fw-la obicem_fw-la put_v a_o stop_n to_o they_o and_o impose_v upon_o all_o other_o his_o thought_n that_o thing_n be_v so_o or_o so_o shall_v i.o._n who_o in_o so_o many_o place_n confess_v he_o give_v man_n but_o his_o thought_n nay_o do_v nos_fw-la i.o._n confess_v pag._n 217_o 218._o that_o none_o must_v give_v a_o rule_n to_o the_o rest_n the_o door_n be_v open_v man_n and_o thou_o can_v not_o shut_v it_o even_o a_o effectual_a door_n for_o the_o sheep_n to_o enter_v the_o fold_n by_o even_o he_o who_o be_v the_o light_n as_o well_o as_o the_o door_n open_v whereby_o to_o see_v into_o the_o uncertainty_n of_o your_o torture_v transcript_n much_o more_o ten_o fold_n more_o totter_v and_o untrue_a translation_n much_o
in_o another_o for_o by_o that_o and_o your_o as_o costly_a as_o cloudy_a interpretation_n of_o the_o letter_n which_o thou_o say_v fail_n if_o that_o be_v not_o uphold_v in_o a_o antiquity_n as_o ancient_a as_o the_o letter_n you_o have_v your_o wealth_n make_v a_o trade_n out_o of_o it_o yea_o your_o whole_a kingdom_n of_o heaven_n here_o on_o earth_n and_o your_o dominion_n dignity_n glory_n and_o authority_n and_o all_o you_o be_v worth_a stand_v upon_o these_o ticklish_a point_n so_o that_o take_v they_o away_o and_o in_o thy_o conceit_n at_o least_o you_o know_v not_o whither_o you_o sink_v down_o you_o drop_v and_o must_v be_v fain_o to_o go_v a_o beg_n to_o the_o quaker_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d tell_v i_o where_o i_o shall_v stand_v give_v we_o of_o your_o oil_n for_o our_o lamp_n be_v go_v ●ut_v let_v your_o light_n and_o sun_n shine_v on_o we_o for_o our_o candle_n be_v go_v out_o in_o obscure_a darkness_n we_o have_v weary_v ourselves_o in_o the_o greatness_n of_o our_o way_n in_o the_o multitude_n o●_n our_o thought_n in_o the_o infiniteness_n of_o our_o imagination_n to_o hold_v up_o our_o form_n and_o profession_n and_o faith_n and_o christian_a religion_n and_o righteousness_n and_o life_n and_o all_o by_o the_o letter_n count_v your_o life_n madness_n and_o your_o end_n without_o honour_n that_o talk_v of_o a_o light_n within_o but_o now_o we_o see_v it_o be_v we_o be_v the_o fool_n and_o blind_a and_o the_o madman_n and_o the_o poor_a and_o delude_a one_o and_o deluder_n of_o each_o other_o and_o of_o other_o people_n as_o well_o as_o ourselves_o who_o have_v hang_v all_o their_o faith_n upon_o our_o fancy_n about_o the_o letter_n upon_o ou●_n high_a conceit_n about_o our_o copy_n and_o transcript_n which_o we_o deem_v infallible_o to_o be_v the_o infallible_a word_n of_o god_n when_o all_o translation_n which_o be_v all_o they_o have_v that_o know_v not_o g●eek_v and_o hebrew_n to_o trust_v to_o unless_o they_o take_v our_o word_n be_v untrusty_a and_o untrue_a and_o a_o nose_n of_o wax_n which_o man_n have_v make_v to_o stand_v which_o way_n they_o please_v and_o no_o stable_n steadfast_a firm_a foundation_n and_o the_o light_n of_o the_o true_a righteousness_n have_v not_o rise_v upon_o we_o i._o o._n thou_o say_v pag_n 220._o that_o thou_o can_v not_o but_o tremble_v to_o think_v what_o will_v be_v the_o issue_n of_o this_o supposition_n that_o the_o point_n vowel_n and_o accent_n be_v no_o better_a guide_n unto_o you_o then_o may_v be_v expect_v from_o those_o who_o be_v pre●ended_v to_o be_v their_o author_n reply_n i_o t●ought_v you_o have_v not_o be_v quaker_n but_o against_o tremble_v and_o quake_a because_o you_o jeer_v at_o it_o so_o in_o the_o quaker_n who_o profess_v and_o pretend_v to_o tremble_v at_o nothing_o but_o at_o the_o word_n of_o god_n itself_o but_o i_o see_v you_o be_v tremble_v at_o small_a matter_n out_o of_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o loss_n of_o toy_n and_o trifle_n now_o the_o day_n of_o jacob_n trouble_n &_o tremble_n begin_v to_o pass_v over_o and_o he_o to_o be_v save_v out_o of_o it_o tremble_v it_o seem_v begin_v to_o take_v hold_n on_o the_o house_n of_o esau_n who_o must_v assure_o come_v into_o it_o in_o his_o stead_n and_o that_o with_o a_o witness_n and_o to_o some_o purpose_n when_o they_o who_o yet_o stop_v the_o ear_n shall_v hear_v the_o word_n of_o god_n who_o be_v the_o strength_n and_o salvation_n of_o his_o people_n roar_v out_o of_o zion_n and_o as_o a_o lion_n utter_v his_o voice_n from_o jerusa●em_n to_o the_o shake_n of_o the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n and_o not_o be_v able_a to_o flee_v out_o of_o the_o reach_n or_o sound_v of_o the_o terrible_a roar_n thereof_o 2._o do_v you_o expect_v such_o eminent_a guidance_n as_o you_o here_o seem_v to_o do_v from_o these_o piddle_a prick_n and_o point_n into_o the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n and_o salvation_n so_o that_o the_o terror_n of_o hell_n take_v hold_v on_o you_o at_o the_o very_a time_n and_o thought_n of_o the_o loss_n of_o no_o more_o than_o that_o mere_a imagine_a antiquity_n and_o pretend_v divine_a original_n of_o they_o from_o mount_n sinai_n that_o some_o fil_o ascribe_v unto_o they_o suppose_v you_o can_v prove_v they_o to_o be_v derive_v from_o mount_n sinai_n which_o be_v that_o where_o there_o be_v quaking_n and_o tremble_n &_o blackness_n and_o darkness_n and_o tempest_n will_v they_o lead_v guide_n and_o conduct_v you_o from_o condemnation_n to_o the_o safety_n rest_n refreshment_n and_o consolation_n of_o they_o that_o be_v come_v to_o dwell_v on_o mount_n zion_n ah_o miserable_o bem●ped_v man_n and_o benight_a minister_n it_o grieve_v i_o to_o see_v how_o poor_a people_n wait_v upon_o you_o for_o guidance_n who_o be_v grope_a up_o and_o down_o for_o the_o wall_n yourselves_o like_o such_o as_o have_v no_o eye_n after_o such_o small_a apices_fw-la and_o scintillula_n indiscernible_a and_o incomprehensible_a atom_n as_o these_o which_o be_v of_o such_o infinite_a variety_n vanity_n and_o uncertainty_n that_o it_o be_v as_o profitable_a capere_fw-la muscas_fw-la to_o catch_v fly_n and_o sit_v and_o peel_v straw_n as_o to_o spend_v time_n to_o find_v out_o either_o their_o author_n or_o difference_n or_o service_n or_o use_v for_o so_o very_o be_v the_o hebrew_n accent_n as_o useless_a as_o numberless_a in_o their_o office_n insomuch_o that_o the_o learned_a christian_a ravis_fw-la of_o berlin_n professor_n of_o the_o oriental_a language_n do_v in_o his_o grammar_n not_o only_o utter_o deny_v they_o as_o other_o do_v to_o be_v coevous_a with_o the_o consonant_n or_o to_o be_v write_v by_o moses_n but_o also_o not_o to_o be_v so_o ill_o handle_v by_o the_o author_n who_o ere_o they_o be_v as_o to_o cast_v so_o many_o unnecessary_a idle_a unreasonable_a superfluous_a useless_a fancy_n upon_o they_o as_o our_o doter_n on_o they_o do_v now_o a_o day_n i_o confess_v quoth_v he_o we_o can_v set_v down_o the_o time_n place_n method_n author_n &_o crooked_a knot_n punctual_o which_o be_v never_o set_v down_o but_o it_o be_v as_o old_a to_o have_v bibles_n without_o point_n as_o with_o they_o they_o be_v not_o the_o same_o in_o hebrew_n samaritan_n chaldee_n syriack_n arabi●_n aethiopick_n the_o grecian_n at_o first_o be_v content_a with_o a_o e_o o_o for_o vowel_n persian_n turk_n tartar_n mogul_n great_a and_o little_a and_o malay_n can_v be_v content_a to_o this_o day_n without_o prick_n instead_o of_o vowel_n what_o think_v you_o then_o quoth_v he_o be_v there_o a_o curse_n of_o god_n upon_o the_o jew_n and_o all_o the_o prophet_n that_o they_o nor_o can_v nor_o will_v understand_v the_o write_n one_o of_o another_o without_o so_o many_o superfluity_n and_o what_o a_o malediction_n will_v you_o cast_v quoth_v he_o upon_o god_n word_n that_o when_o many_o hundred_o can_v understand_v and_o that_o without_o any_o haesitation_n at_o all_o thousand_o of_o other_o book_n without_o these_o prick_n they_o shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o understand_v god_n book_n without_o such_o ado_n if_o that_o infinity_o of_o prick_a and_o stroke_v every_o line_n and_o letter_n be_v in_o the_o bible_n be_v it_o not_o the_o great_a injury_n that_o can_v be_v do_v to_o it_o to_o have_v it_o once_o print_v without_o they_o how_o will_v the_o jew_n dare_v to_o offer_v such_o sacrilege_n so_o unexpressible_a must_v the_o jew_n find_v out_o a_o easy_a way_n than_o god_n himself_o to_o leave_v out_o prick_v what_o a_o absurdity_n be_v in_o all_o the_o accent_n not_o one_o except_v athnack_n stand_v in_o a_o hundred_o place_n as_o a_o boy_n or_o servant_n true_o i_o pity_v quoth_v he_o all_o those_o great_a man_n that_o be_v become_v boy_n and_o child_n play_v thus_o for_o the_o vowel_n accent_n and_o diacritical_a note_n that_o they_o write_v whole_a book_n about_o fancy_n and_o childish-stuff_n give_v over_o to_o reprobate_a mind_n and_o without_o the_o blessing_n of_o god_n the_o prick_v add_v to_o the_o consonant_n be_v various_a according_a to_o the_o fancy_n of_o the_o inventor_n in_o various_a country_n of_o the_o orient_a in_o hebrew_n chaldee_n arabic_a and_o aethiopick_n be_v there_o natural_o none_o because_o superfluous_a the_o stroke_n and_o prick_n be_v not_o of_o the_o essence_n of_o this_o tongue_n therefore_o only_o in_o the_o bible_n and_o be_v set_v to_o the_o bible_n without_o necessity_n only_o i_o wish_v that_o the_o vowel_n and_o sheva_n quoth_v he_o have_v no_o great_a credit_n than_o the_o accent_n have_v which_o by_o the_o most_o learned_a in_o europe_n for_o almost_o 150_o year_n be_v still_o leave_v out_o and_o not_o care_v for_o even_o by_o they_o that_o translate_v the_o hebrew_n bible_n nor_o can_v i_o well_o blame_v they_o as_o if_o they_o have_v mighty_o mistake_v