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A fannaticks mite cast into the Kings treasury being a sermon printed to the King because not preach'd before the King / by Henry Adis.
Adis, Henry.
Wing A581; ESTC R28080
number_v the_o people_n may_v some_o say_v answ._n i_o answer_v that_o to_o tell_v over_o or_o number_v the_o people_n simple_o so_o consider_v be_v not_o sin_n for_o than_o it_o be_v a_o sin_n for_o joshua_n to_o number_v the_o people_n josh._n 8._o 10._o or_o to_o number_v the_o eleven_o act_n 1._o 26._o who_o be_v number_v for_o they_o give_v forth_o the_o lot_n and_o the_o lot_n fall_v upon_o mathias_n and_o he_o be_v number_v with_o the_o eleven_o but_o to_o number_v the_o people_n so_o as_o to_o put_v confidence_n in_o a_o arm_n of_o flesh_n to_o number_v the_o people_n so_o as_o to_o depart_v from_o the_o lord_n this_o be_v a_o accurse_a thing_n for_o so_o say_v the_o prophet_n jer._n 17._o 5._o thus_o say_v the_o lord_n curse_a be_v the_o man_n that_o trust_v in_o man_n and_o make_v flesh_n his_o arm_n and_o who_o heart_n depart_v from_o the_o lord_n and_o this_o i_o humble_o conceive_v may_v be_v david_n sin_n for_o if_o we_o cast_v our_o eye_n but_o into_o 1_o chron._n 20._o we_o shall_v find_v joab_n the_o captain_n of_o david_n host_n destroy_v the_o country_n of_o the_o child_n of_o ammon_n and_o rabbah_n and_o slay_v three_o giant_n in_o three_o several_a overthrow_n of_o the_o philistine_n and_o the_o devil_n know_v right_a well_o how_o to_o make_v his_o advantage_n he_o know_v that_o god_n be_v jealous_a of_o his_o honour_n and_o if_o he_o can_v but_o work_v up_o danid_a to_o put_v confidence_n in_o a_o arm_n of_o flesh_n or_o to_o give_v glory_n to_o the_o multitude_n of_o his_o arm_a man_n this_o be_v a_o advantage_n good_a enough_o against_o israel_n this_o be_v that_o which_o will_v cause_v god_n to_o weaken_v his_o strength_n by_o take_v they_o away_o and_o have_v a_o controversy_n with_o they_o and_o thus_o god_n do_v in_o mercy_n to_o his_o people_n when_o they_o begin_v to_o put_v ââ¦fidence_n or_o set_v their_o heart_n upon_o creature-comfort_n god_n be_v then_o reaââ¦_n ãâã_d take_v they_o away_o and_o thus_o god_n be_v say_v to_o hedge_v up_o their_o way_n with_o thorn_n hos._n 2._o 6_o 7._o and_o to_o make_v a_o wall_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o find_v their_o wââ¦y_n and_o they_o shall_v follow_v after_o their_o lover_n but_o shall_v not_o overtake_v they_o they_o shall_v seek_v after_o they_o but_o not_o find_v they_o for_o say_v the_o prophet_n isai._n 57_o 13._o the_o wind_n shall_v carry_v they_o away_o vanity_n shall_v take_v they_o we_o may_v see_v this_o assertion_n far_o prove_v in_o the_o egyptian_n in_o those_o ten_o plague_n that_o come_v upon_o they_o for_o the_o hardness_n of_o the_o heart_n of_o pharaoh_n their_o king_n what_o misery_n do_v they_o endure_v in_o that_o week_n time_n of_o the_o water_n of_o the_o river_n be_v turn_v into_o blood_n exod._n 7._o 20_o 27._o what_o do_v they_o endure_v by_o reason_n of_o the_o plague_n of_o frog_n louse_n and_o fly_n exod._n 8._o 3_o 17_o 24._o in_o those_o plague_n of_o murrain_n and_o hail_n exod._n 9_o 2_o 10_o 23._o in_o those_o plague_n of_o locust_n and_o darkness_n exod._n 10._o 4_o 22._o and_o in_o the_o death_n of_o all_o their_o first-born_a both_o of_o man_n and_o beast_n exod._n 12._o 29._o the_o like_a we_o may_v see_v threaten_v against_o israel_n of_o old_a by_o reason_n of_o the_o misact_n of_o their_o prince_n judge_n priest_n and_o prophet_n micah_n 3._o 9_o hear_v i_o pray_v you_o say_v the_o prophet_n you_o head_n of_o the_o house_n of_o jacob_n and_o prince_n of_o the_o house_n of_o israel_n that_o abhor_v judgement_n and_o pervert_v all_o equity_n v._n 10._o that_o build_v up_o zion_n with_o blood_n and_o jerusalem_n with_o iniquity_n v._n 11._o the_o head_n thereof_o judge_v for_o reward_n and_o the_o priest_n thereof_o teach_v for_o hire_n and_o the_o prophet_n thereof_o divine_a for_o money_n like_o the_o priest_n and_o prophet_n of_o england_n at_o this_o day_n and_o they_o likewise_o as_o those_o of_o old_a will_v lean_v upon_o the_o lord_n and_o say_v be_v not_o the_o lord_n among_o we_o no_o evil_a can_v come_v upon_o we_o but_o though_o they_o say_v thus_o what_o say_v the_o prophet_n therefore_o shall_v zion_n for_o your_o sake_n be_v plough_v as_o a_o field_n and_o jerusalem_n shall_v become_v heap_n and_o the_o mountain_n of_o the_o lord_n house_n as_o the_o high_a place_n of_o the_o forest_n so_o that_o we_o may_v see_v that_o for_o the_o misact_n of_o churchman_n that_o teach_v for_o hire_n and_o divine_a for_o money_n zion_n or_o the_o church_n shall_v be_v punish_v yea_o plough_v as_o a_o field_n and_o lay_v waste_n and_o the_o mountain_n of_o the_o lord_n house_n become_v as_o the_o high_a place_n of_o the_o forest_n as_o well_o as_o for_o the_o pervert_n of_o judgement_n and_o equity_n by_o the_o prince_n and_o judge_n jerusalem_n or_o the_o kingdom_n shall_v become_v heap_n for_o there_o will_v be_v a_o scatter_n of_o the_o sheep_n for_o the_o negligence_n of_o the_o shepherd_n yea_o so_o say_v the_o prophet_n isa._n 10._o 21._o for_o the_o pastor_n be_v become_v brutish_a and_o have_v not_o seek_v the_o lord_n therefore_o they_o shall_v not_o prosper_v and_o all_o their_o flock_n shall_v be_v scatter_v and_o so_o say_v the_o lord_n christ_n by_o john_n the_o revelator_n speak_v to_o the_o angel_n or_o the_o pastor_n of_o the_o church_n of_o ephesus_n revelation_n 2._o 5._o remember_v say_v he_o from_o whence_o thou_o be_v fall_v and_o repent_v and_o do_v thy_o first_o work_n or_o else_o i_o will_v come_v unto_o thou_o quick_o and_o will_v remove_v thy_o candlestick_n oââ¦t_v of_o his_o place_n except_o thou_o repent_v as_o if_o he_o shall_v say_v thou_o be_v the_o light_n of_o the_o church_n and_o the_o feeder_n of_o the_o flock_n the_o church_n or_o people_n be_v the_o candlestick_n that_o uphold_v thou_o and_o the_o flock_n that_o employ_v thou_o and_o unless_o thou_o repent_v of_o thy_o deadness_n thy_o dulness_n thy_o drowsiness_n thy_o coldness_n thy_o carelessness_n and_o thy_o carnality_n i_o will_v sudden_o remove_v thy_o candlestick_n i_o will_v soon_o disperse_v the_o flock_n and_o then_o what_o will_v become_v of_o thou_o who_o will_v thou_o feed_v who_o will_v thou_o light_v thy_o talon_n will_v then_o be_v under_o a_o bushel_n and_o not_o on_o a_o candlestick_n to_o give_v light_n to_o those_o that_o be_v in_o the_o house_n this_o assertion_n we_o may_v also_o see_v make_v good_a in_o or_o upon_o private_a family_n that_o god_n many_o time_n punish_v a_o people_n for_o the_o misact_n of_o their_o governor_n whether_o in_o church_n state_n or_o particular_a family_n when_o abraham_n be_v journey_v into_o egypt_n with_o his_o wife_n sarah_n be_v drive_v thither_o by_o a_o famine_n gen._n 12._o he_o say_v unto_o sarah_n his_o wife_n v._n 11_o etc._n etc._n behold_v now_o i_o know_v that_o thou_o be_v a_o fair_a woman_n to_o look_v upon_o therefore_o it_o shall_v come_v to_o pass_v when_o the_o egyptian_n shall_v see_v thou_o that_o they_o shall_v say_v this_o be_v his_o wife_n and_o they_o shall_v kill_v i_o but_o they_o will_v save_v thou_o alive_a say_v i_o pray_v thou_o thou_o be_v my_o sister_n that_o it_o may_v be_v well_o with_o i_o for_o thy_o sake_n that_o my_o soul_n may_v live_v because_o of_o thou_o whence_o by_o the_o way_n we_o may_v note_v first_o that_o famine_n and_o outward_a distress_n possible_o may_v attend_v the_o dear_a of_o god_n child_n for_o we_o see_v abraham_n that_o friend_n of_o god_n be_v drive_v into_o egypt_n by_o reason_n that_o the_o famine_n be_v grievous_a in_o the_o land_n v._n 10._o and_o second_o that_o the_o fear_n of_o the_o loss_n of_o life_n may_v stand_v with_o the_o nature_n of_o true_a faith_n for_o abraham_n the_o father_n of_o the_o faithful_a say_a when_o the_o egyptian_n shall_v see_v thou_o they_o will_v say_v this_o be_v his_o wife_n and_o they_o will_v kill_v i_o therefore_o say_v thou_o be_v my_o sister_n and_o paul_n the_o apostle_n a_o faithful_a soul_n who_o life_n be_v lay_v wait_v for_o be_v let_v down_o by_o the_o wall_n in_o a_o basket_n act_n 9_o 25._o yea_o the_o lord_n christ_n himself_o refuse_v to_o walk_v in_o jury_n but_o walk_v in_o galilee_n because_o the_o jew_n seek_v to_o kill_v he_o john_n 7._o 1._o but_o to_o our_o matter_n upon_o abraham_n say_v that_o sarah_n be_v his_o sister_n vers._n 19_o and_o upon_o the_o commendation_n of_o sarah_n to_o pharaoh_n by_o his_o prince_n sarah_n be_v take_v into_o pharaoh_n house_n and_o abraham_n be_v well_o entreat_v by_o pharaoh_n for_o sarah_n sake_n v._n 15_o 16._o yet_o the_o lord_n plague_v pharaoh_n and_o his_o house_n with_o great_a plague_n because_o of_o sarah_n abraham_n wife_n v._n 17._o pharaoh_n sin_n and_o that_o ignorant_o too_o in_o take_v abraham_n