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A pensiue soules delight. Or, The deuout mans helpe. Consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. By Iohn Norden
Norden, John, 1548-1625?
STC 18628; ESTC S120793
thââ_n haste_n appoint_v counsâllârs_n of_o estate_n under_o our_o king_n by_o the_o rule_n of_o right_a reason_n and_o divine_a wisdom_n that_o all_o their_o consultation_n and_o determination_n may_v tend_v unto_o and_o come_v to_o a_o holy_a eâd_n be_v ãâã_d rate_v in_o thy_o fear_n and_o sanctify_v by_o prayer_n hear_v our_o petition_n for_o they_o hear_v they_o for_o themselves_o and_o we_o and_o hear_v they_o and_o we_o for_o the_o safety_n of_o thiââ_n anoint_v for_o the_o good_a of_o thy_o church_n pr_v ãâ¦ã_z and_o peace_n of_o thy_o people_n in_o and_o for_o thy_o christ_n our_o solâ_n and_o only_a ãâã_d and_o ãâã_d to_o who_o with_o ãâã_d and_o the_o holy_a âââst_n be_v praise_n ãâã_d nal_o amen_n lord_n increase_v our_o faith_n a_o motive_n to_o a_o prayer_n to_o be_v use_v of_o judge_n and_o superior_a magistrate_n that_o have_v power_n and_o authority_n to_o hear_v and_o determine_v cause_n between_o man_n and_o man_n which_o motive_n be_v fit_a to_o be_v often_o read_v and_o consider_v of_o âhem_n above_o all_o the_o man_n in_o the_o world_n judge_n superior_a magistrate_n and_o minister_n of_o god_n word_n have_v great_a cause_n to_o seek_v wisdom_n and_o judgement_n at_o the_o hand_n of_o god_n by_o prey_n for_o that_o rule_n and_o government_n be_v give_v they_o of_o the_o lord_n and_o power_n by_o the_o most_o high_a who_o will_v try_v their_o work_n and_o search_v their_o imagination_n wisd._n 6._o 2._o ãâã_d if_o they_o judge_v just_o he_o will_v justify_v their_o judgement_n but_o if_o they_o perveit_v justice_n horrible_a and_o sudden_a will_v be_v appear_v unto_o they_o &_o a_o âard_a judgement_n shall_v they_o have_v that_o rule_n and_o rule_v not_o according_a to_o right_n let_v they_o pray_v that_o god_n will_v give_v they_o grace_n to_o keep_v their_o heart_n upright_o and_o their_o hand_n clean_a for_o nothing_o pervert_v the_o heart_n of_o a_o judge_n as_o do_v bribe_n they_o bewitch_v he_o they_o make_v he_o of_o a_o free_a man_n a_o slave_n for_o be_v once_o corrupt_v with_o reward_n he_o let_v slip_v the_o reins_n of_o justice_n and_o wrest_v the_o cause_n to_o the_o briber_n who_o hireling_n he_o be_v whereby_o the_o just_a man_n be_v oppress_v and_o the_o oppressor_n free_v the_o law_n of_o god_n neglect_v the_o law_n of_o commonweal_n pervert_v the_o king_n abuse_v subject_n wrong_v the_o common_a peace_n endanger_v god_n judgement_n threaten_v &_o confusion_n fear_v god_n will_v be_v a_o severe_a judge_n of_o all_o partial_a &_o corrupt_a judge_n &_o the_o people_n shall_v perish_v where_o bribery_n &_o corruption_n oversway_v justice_n the_o judge_n of_o the_o house_n of_o jacob_n &_o the_o governor_n of_o the_o house_n of_o israel_n do_v abhor_v judgement_n and_o pervert_v equity_n they_o judge_v for_o reward_n think_v as_o corrupt_v judge_n do_v that_o god_n see_v they_o not_o in_o their_o private_a study_n and_o therefore_o can_v there_o be_v no_o accuser_n consequent_o no_o danger_n follow_v but_o the_o judge_n be_v punish_v the_o people_n oppress_v zion_n plough_v as_o a_o field_n &_o jerusalem_n become_v a_o heap_n of_o stone_n mich._n 3._o 9_o 11._o such_o desolation_n follow_v where_o judge_n be_v corrupt_a where_o the_o priest_n teach_v for_o hire_n and_o the_o prophet_n prophesy_v for_o money_n these_o may_v be_v all_o set_v in_o the_o table_n of_o judge_n ecclesiastical_a and_o civil_a judge_n be_v couple_v together_o by_o micah_n the_o prophet_n and_o therefore_o may_v they_o hear_v one_o and_o the_o same_o admonition_n namely_o that_o they_o be_v diligent_a to_o seek_v wisdom_n and_o learning_n together_o you_o be_v all_o judge_n of_o thing_n in_o the_o earth_n and_o in_o earthly_a vessel_n of_o thing_n divine_a i_o endeavour_n not_o to_o teach_v they_o but_o to_o move_v they_o to_o seek_v wisdom_n at_o the_o fountain_n jehovah_n &_o of_o he_o to_o learn_v judgement_n for_o he_o shall_v be_v the_o judge_n of_o their_o judgement_n and_o he_o shall_v reward_v they_o that_o take_v reward_n against_o the_o innocent_a if_o therefore_o they_o will_v remember_v and_o ruminate_v the_o exhortation_n of_o jehoshaphat_n which_o he_o give_v to_o the_o judge_n in_o his_o time_n that_o they_o shall_v take_v heed_n what_o they_o do_v consider_v they_o execute_v not_o the_o judgement_n of_o man_n but_o of_o god_n they_o will_v be_v circumspect_a in_o judge_v and_o the_o more_o if_o they_o consider_v what_o jehu_n say_v unto_o jehoshaphat_n will_v thou_o help_v the_o wicked_a and_o love_v they_o that_o hate_v the_o lord_n as_o all_o judge_n do_v if_o for_o affection_n or_o bribe_n they_o suppress_v a_o just_a and_o prefer_v a_o unjust_a cause_n judge_n may_v be_v compare_v to_o beautiful_a woman_n in_o their_o place_n for_o as_o the_o deform_a be_v seldom_o or_o never_o assail_v or_o tempt_v to_o incontinency_n but_o the_o beautiful_a eager_o &_o often_o so_o common_a person_n be_v seldom_o or_o not_o at_o all_o tempt_v with_o brib_n ãâ¦ã_z but_o judge_n and_o magistrate_n strong_o and_o many_o time_n and_o happy_a be_v that_o judge_n that_o keep_v his_o hart_n free_a from_o parriall_a affection_n and_o his_o hand_n from_o gift_n a_o judge_n first_o mount_v into_o his_o chair_n of_o judgement_n aught_o to_o premeditate_v of_o the_o weighty_a task_n he_o have_v undertake_v for_o hââ_n be_v enter_v as_o into_o the_o seat_n of_o god_n himself_o in_o his_o ââead_n to_o execute_v justice_n just_o if_o they_o fore_o he_o poruert_v judgement_n he_o do_v what_o in_o he_o lie_v to_o make_v god_n unjust_a it_o be_v a_o office_n not_o vash_o to_o be_v desire_v not_o unaduised_o to_o be_v undertake_v for_o if_o they_o run_v before_o desert_n and_o find_v not_o in_o themselves_o fitness_n for_o experience_n and_o sincerity_n and_o be_v there_o unto_o call_v as_o god_n command_v moses_n to_o constitute_v such_o to_o be_v judge_n of_o the_o people_n as_o will_v administer_v righteous_a judgement_n fit_v it_o be_v to_o forbear_v but_o be_v lawful_o call_v and_o find_v ââtnes_n inward_o for_o gift_n let_v he_o theâ_n pray_v that_o god_n will_v enable_v he_o with_o wisdom_n and_o ãâã_d judgement_n that_o he_o may_v discharge_v a_o good_a conscience_n without_o respect_n of_o person_n or_o bribe_n two_o strong_a enemy_n to_o justice_n and_o impossible_a it_o be_v to_o prevent_v they_o without_o the_o especial_a grace_n of_o god_n who_o be_v instant_o petition_v be_v ready_a to_o give_v wisdom_n and_o to_o keep_v the_o hart_n clean_o from_o unjust_a reward_n pray_v therefore_o and_o be_v warn_v you_o that_o be_v judge_n of_o the_o earth_n for_o fire_n shall_v consume_v the_o house_n of_o briber_n job_n 15._o 24._o a_o prayer_n to_o be_v use_v of_o judge_n and_o magistrate_n o_o gracious_a and_o merciful_a lord_n god_n father_n of_o mercy_n inst_n in_o judgement_n absolute_a in_o wisdom_n pure_a and_o holy_a in_o all_o thy_o way_n and_o work_n lend_v thy_o ear_n of_o mercy_n unto_o my_o petition_n who_o be_o a_o man_n weak_a in_o understanding_n ignorant_a in_o judgement_n apt_a to_o err_v in_o opinion_n unworthy_a of_o the_o high_a call_n whereunto_o thou_o have_v advance_v i_o to_o execute_v justice_n and_o judgement_n as_o in_o thy_o stead_n in_o earth_n and_o in_o thy_o name_n to_o give_v sentence_n according_a to_o equity_n but_o i_o be_o by_o nature_n of_o a_o corrupt_a heart_n of_o profane_a lip_n and_o of_o a_o deââled_a conversation_n therefore_o of_o my_o own_o disposition_n and_o wisdom_n unable_a to_o judge_v just_o and_o consequent_o unfit_a for_o so_o high_a a_o function_n but_o thou_o love_v father_n art_n the_o fountain_n of_o wisdom_n the_o direct_a of_o the_o hart_n the_o mover_n of_o the_o tongue_n &_o the_o giver_n of_o true_a knowledge_n and_o therefore_o i_o do_v humble_o beseech_v thou_o to_o fill_v my_o hart_n with_o wisdom_n from_o above_o my_o will_n with_o equity_n &_o my_o understanding_n with_o just_a judgement_n that_o i_o lay_v aside_o all_o i_o own_o wit_n policy_n &_o pretend_a prudence_n which_o natural_o be_v mere_o carnal_a may_v only_o rely_v upon_o thy_o holy_a &_o heavenly_a direction_n and_o obtain_v it_o that_o i_o right_o conceive_v the_o equity_n of_o all_o cause_n that_o shall_v be_v tender_v unto_o my_o censure_n i_o may_v judge_v just_o between_o party_n without_o respect_n of_o person_n &_o that_o i_o may_v true_o imitate_v thou_o who_o be_v just_a in_o thy_o judgement_n &_o accepte_v no_o person_n for_o reward_n give_v i_o a_o understand_a hare_n to_o distinguish_v between_o truth_n &_o falsehood_n between_o the_o wrong_v &_o the_o wrongdoer_n that_o i_o punish_v not_o the_o just_a &_o let_v the_o wicked_a go_v free_a let_v no_o private_a respect_n lord_n either_o of_o my_o own_o benefit_n or_o stee_v a_o friend_n miscarry_v my_o judgement_n but_o let_v thy_o own_o glory_n and_o reveil_v