Selected quad for the lemma: house_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
house_n abhor_v judgement_n zion_n 111 3 8.7861 4 false
house_n abhor_v judgement_n zion_n 111 3 8.7861 4 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

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Showing 1 to 28 of 28
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88818 The wolf stript of his sheeps clothing or The antichristian clergy-man turn'd right side outwards. Wherein is briefly discovered and layd open their subtile and wicked wayes and practises to deceive and destroy not only private people, or particular societies, but whole nation and kingdoms, and all under the plausible vizzard of reformation, church-government, punishing of hereticks and sectaries. / By R. Lavvrance Marshal General. Lawrence, Richard, d. 1684. 1647 (1647) Wing L682; Thomason E386_10; ESTC R201479 19,259 30 View Text
A28167 A lamentation over England and faithful warning to the inhabitants thereof by William Bingley. Bingley, William, 1651-1715. 1682 (1682) Wing B2920; ESTC R25929 19,983 29 View Text
A66730 The true interest of nations impartially stated in a sermon preached at the Lent assizes at Chelmesford in Essex, March 2d. 1690/1 : proving that the promoting universal righteousness, piety, justice, and honesty, is the sure means to exalt a nation ... / by Anthony Walker ... Walker, Anthony, d. 1692. 1691 (1691) Wing W311; ESTC R5492 23,518 42 View Text
B01023 Britaines glorie, or An allegoricall dreame: with the exposition thereof. Containing [brace]the heathens infidelitie, the Turkes blasphemie, the popes hypocrisie, Amsterdams varietie, the Church of Englands veritie [brace] in religion. And in our Church of England, [brace] the kings excellency. His issues integritie. The nobles and gentries constancie. The councels and iudges fidelitie. The preachers puritie. The bishops sinceritie. / Conceiued and written by Robert Carlyle gent. for the loue and honour of his king and country. Carliell, Robert, d. 1622? 1618 (1618) STC 4650; ESTC S91360 33,166 58 View Text
A65358 The saints guide, or, Christ the rule, and ruler of saints manifested by way of positions, consectaries, and queries : wherein is contayned the efficacy of acquired knowledge, the rule of Christians, the mission and maintenance of ministers, and the power of magistrates in spiritual things / by Iohn Webster ... Webster, John, 1610-1682. 1654 (1654) Wing W1213; ESTC R17627 36,008 50 View Text
A11949 A catechisme briefly opening the misterie of our redemption by Christ hauing the proues of euery point so annexed, and ioined vnder euery answer, that the ruder sort of people may be much furthered thereby, if they would vse a little diligence and endeuor to commit it to memory, or be much conuersant in reading thereof, or if they cannot read in hearing it read by others, vnto knowledge, and godlinesse. Settle, Thomas. 1587 (1587) STC 22267; ESTC S114769 38,264 95 View Text
A61217 A clear apology and just defence of Richard Stafford for himself with a rehearsal, and further explanation of what he hath done concerning national affairs. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1690 (1690) Wing S5110; ESTC R219673 45,943 40 View Text
A70887 The Quakers vindicated from the calumnies of those that falsly accuse them as if they denyed magistrates, and disowned government; and as if both in principle and practice they were inconsistant with either. In which is shewed, that the true and sincere Quakers (so called, for of them I write) are in the spirit and principle in which the justice of magistrates is obeyed, and in which magistrates are to administer their government, and that by their practice in good works they fulfill all just and good government. And that they have God's authority for their meeting together to worship Him, ... And that people in matters of religion and the worship of God, should rather be instructed and led by the Spirit of the Lord in Gods authority, ... Also, several objections answered, as to the exercise of secular force and compulsion over the conscience in matters of faith, religion, and the worship of God. By Edward Pyot. Pyot, Edward, d. 1670. 1667 (1667) Wing P4316A; ESTC R25210 46,417 48 View Text
A78030 The sounding of the two last trumpets, the sixt and seventh or Meditations by way of paraphrase upon the 9th. 10th. and 11th. Chapters of the Revelation, as containing a prophecie of these last times. / Digested by Henry Burton during his banishment, and close imprisonment in the isle of Guernsey. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1641 (1641) Wing B6172; Thomason E174_1; ESTC R6165 58,961 100 View Text
A26412 A fannaticks mite cast into the Kings treasury being a sermon printed to the King because not preach'd before the King / by Henry Adis. Adis, Henry. 1660 (1660) Wing A581; ESTC R28080 68,628 81 View Text
A19234 A dyall of dayly contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind instructing vs to liue vnto God, and to dye vnto the vvorld. First colected & published in Latin, at the request of a godly Bishop, and Reuerent Father, Richard, sometime Byshop of Dirham, and Lorde Priuie Seale. Novv nevvly translated into Englishe, by Richard Robinson, citizen of London. Seene, and allowed.; Contemplacyon of synners. Touris, William, attributed name.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1578 (1578) STC 5644; ESTC S119753 81,912 254 View Text
A72475 The vvise-mans forecast against the evill time By Thomas Barnes. Preacher of the VVord at St Margretts, in New-Fish-streete. London. Barnes, Thomas, Minister of St. Margaret's, New Fish Street, London. 1624 (1624) STC 1478.5; ESTC S124630 87,839 171 View Text
A01533 Gods parley vvith princes with an appeale from them to him. The summe of two sermons on the 3. last verses of the 82. Psalme; preached at Sergeants-Inne in Fleet-Streete. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. 1620 (1620) STC 11658; ESTC S102921 92,716 94 View Text
A01759 The epistle of Gildas, the most ancient British author who flourished in the yeere of our Lord, 546. And who by his great erudition, sanctitie, and wisedome, acquired the name of sapiens. Faithfully translated out of the originall Latine.; Liber querulus de excidio Britanniae. English Gildas, 516?-570?; Abingdon, Thomas.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1638 (1638) STC 11895; ESTC S103163 93,511 458 View Text
A85476 An alarm to all priests, judges, magistrates, souldiers, and all people; inviting them to repentance and amendment of life : for the great day of the Lord is neer at hand / the substrance of most of this disourse was by several revelations from the spirit of the Lord, given unto the author to be proclaimed: who is known unto many by the name of Daniel Gotherson. : Wherein Tho. Danson, a priest in Sandwich, is proved a deceiver of souls. Gotherson, Daniel. 1660 (1660) Wing G1351; ESTC R177564 99,938 140 View Text
A07312 The golden art, or The right way of enriching Comprised in ten rules, proued and confirmed by many places of holy Scripture, and illustrated by diuers notable examples of the same. Very profitable for all such persons in citie or countrie, as doe desire to get, increase, conserue, and vse goods with a good conscience. By I.M. Maister in Arts. Maxwell, James, b. 1581. 1611 (1611) STC 17700; ESTC S120331 125,557 228 View Text
A08299 A pensiue soules delight. Or, The deuout mans helpe. Consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. By Iohn Norden Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1615 (1615) STC 18628; ESTC S120793 141,675 410 View Text
A19267 An admonition to the people of England vvherein are ansvvered, not onely the slaunderous vntruethes, reprochfully vttered by Martin the libeller, but also many other crimes by some of his broode, obiected generally against all bishops, and the chiefe of the cleargie, purposely to deface and discredite the present state of the Church. Seene and allowed by authoritie. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1589 (1589) STC 5682; ESTC S118522 145,211 254 View Text
A02846 The strong helper, offering to beare euery mans burthen. Or, A treatise, teaching in all troubles how to cast our burden vpon God but chiefly deliuering infallible grounds of comfort for quieting of troubled consciences. By Iohn Haivvard. Hayward, John, D.D. 1614 (1614) STC 12986; ESTC S103943 264,841 668 View Text
A86934 A brief exposition of the prophecies of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. By George Hutcheson minister at Edenburgh. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy Hutcheson, George, 1615-1674. 1654 (1654) Wing H3822; Thomason E1454_1; ESTC R209588 282,367 353 View Text
A61668 A paraphrasticall explication of the twelve minor prophets. Viz. Hoseah. Joel. Amos. Obadiah. Jonah. Micah. Nahum. Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Haggai. Zechariah. Malachi. / By Da. Stokes. D.D. Stokes, David, 1591?-1669.; Pearson, John, 1613-1686.; Stokes, David, 1591?-1669. 1659 (1659) Wing S5719; ESTC R203657 306,596 639 View Text
A69024 A replie to a relation, of the conference between William Laude and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite. By a witnesse of Jesus Christ Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1640 (1640) STC 4154; ESTC S104828 423,261 458 View Text
A59963 A hind let loose, or, An historical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the interest of Christ with the true state thereof in all its periods : together with a vindication of the present testimonie, against the Popish, prelatical, & malignant enemies of that church ... : wherein several controversies of greatest consequence are enquired into, and in some measure cleared, concerning hearing of the curats, owning of the present tyrannie, taking of ensnaring oaths & bonds, frequenting of field meetings, defensive resistence of tyrannical violence ... / by a lover of true liberty. Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700. 1687 (1687) Wing S3431; ESTC R24531 567,672 774 View Text
A48873 A common-place book to the Holy Bible or, The scriptures sufficiency practically demonstrated wherein whatsoever is contain'd in scripture, respecting doctrine, worship, or manners, is reduced to its proper head, weighty cases resolved, truths confirmed, difficult texts illustrated, and explained by others more plain. Locke, John, 1632-1704. 1697 (1697) Wing L2737; ESTC R19113 610,875 458 View Text
A39574 Rusticus ad academicos in exercitationibus expostulatoriis, apologeticis quatuor The rustick's alarm to the rabbies, or, The country correcting the university and clergy, and ... contesting for the truth ... : in four apologeticall and expostulatory exercitations : wherein is contained, as well a general account to all enquirers, as a general answer to all opposers of the most truly catholike and most truly Christ-like Chistians [sic] called Quakers, and of the true divinity of their doctrine : by way of entire entercourse held in special with four of the clergies chieftanes, viz, John Owen ... Tho. Danson ... John Tombes ... Rich. Baxter ... by Samuel Fisher ... Fisher, Samuel, 1605-1665.; Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Danson, Thomas, d. 1694.; Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1660 (1660) Wing F1056; Wing F1050_PARTIAL; Wing F1046_PARTIAL; ESTC R16970 1,147,274 931 View Text
A97378 The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New / newly translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesties speciall command ; appointed to be read in churches.; Bible. English. Authorized. 1668. 1668 (1668) Wing B2277; Wing B2275 2,217,478 483 View Text
A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1610 (1609-1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280 View Text
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586 View Text
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