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heaven_n earth_n eye_n see_v 8,993 5 3.6630 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11828 A short information, but agreeable vnto Scripture: of idol-images· Made vnto the Christian congregation at Prague, when as, by his Royall Maiesties most gracious command, the Castle-church there, was clensed from all images, on Sonday the twelfth of December, in the yeare 1619. By Abraham Scultetus. Faithfully translated according to the high Dutch copie printed at Heidelberge, by Gotthard Vœgeliu, 1620. Scultetus, Abraham, 1566-1624. 1620 (1620) STC 22126; ESTC S121082 10,238 24

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withal_o dangerous_a now_o all_o protestant_n do_v acknowledge_v and_o confess_v that_o image_n be_v not_o of_o themselves_o at_o all_o necessary_a and_o that_o they_o be_v dangerous_a we_o have_v here_o see_v and_o behold_v with_o our_o eye_n in_o this_o very_a church_n therefore_o image_n may_v not_o by_o the_o foresay_a rule_n be_v at_o all_o defend_v or_o excuse_v beside_o who_o know_v not_o that_o the_o brazen_a serpent_n command_v by_o god_n to_o be_v set_v up_o 4._o 2._o kin._n 18._o 4._o and_o look_v upon_o be_v again_o break_v down_o when_o it_o come_v to_o be_v worship_v by_o the_o people_n the_o five_o suppose_v ground_n why_o may_n some_o say_v thou_o stand_v now_o thyself_o object_n 5_o in_o that_o pulpit_n from_o whence_o much_o idolatrous_a matter_n have_v be_v preach_v thou_o do_v celebrate_v the_o lord_n supper_n in_o that_o church_n wherein_o the_o papist_n have_v hold_v their_o mass_n wherefore_o then_o be_v not_o both_o pulpit_n and_o church_n break_v down_o together_o i_o answer_v we_o teach_v not_o that_o all_o that_o shall_v be_v ans_fw-fr break_a down_o which_o man_n have_v abuse_v or_o may_v abuse_v unto_o idolatry_n for_o so_o shall_v heaven_n and_o all_o create_a thing_n be_v destroy_v but_o we_o teach_v thus_o that_o all_o those_o thing_n which_o a_o man_n may_v well_o spare_v and_o which_o be_v dangerous_a and_o may_v light_o give_v unto_o this_o or_o that_o body_n a_o occasion_n to_o idolatry_n be_v in_o time_n remove_v and_o cast_v away_o agreeable_o unto_o the_o clear_a and_o plain_a word_n of_o god_n 1._o tim._n 5._o 22._o be_v not_o partaker_n of_o other_o man_n sin_n keep_v thyself_o pure_a again_o thou_o shall_v not_o tempt_v the_o lord_n thy_o god_n according_a to_o this_o rule_n do_v the_o godly_a priest_n in_o the_o time_n of_o magnanimous_a heroical_a champion_n judas_n maccabeus_n reform_v all_o when_o as_o the_o holy_a place_n have_v be_v grievous_o profane_v by_o that_o wicked_a antiochus_n they_o break_v not_o down_o the_o temple_n in_o which_o there_o have_v be_v shameful_a idolatry_n commit_v but_o they_o cleanse_v and_o bear_v the_o defile_a stone_n into_o a_o unclean_a place_n as_o it_o be_v write_v 1._o mac._n 4._o 42._o 43._o according_a to_o this_o rule_n our_o lord_n mat._n 21._o 12_o 13._o make_v reformation_n at_o jerusalem_n for_o he_o neither_o break_v down_o the_o temple_n nor_o yet_o the_o pharisy_n pulpit_n from_o whence_o they_o teach_v mere_o man_n tradition_n and_o invention_n but_o he_o cast_v out_o all_o they_o that_o buy_v and_o sell_v in_o the_o temple_n and_o overthrow_v the_o table_n of_o the_o money_n changer_n and_o the_o seat_n of_o they_o that_o sell_v dove_n whereby_o they_o have_v make_v his_o house_n of_o prayer_n a_o den_n of_o thief_n the_o what_o will_v you_o be_v wise_a than_o the_o ancient_n our_o object_n 8_o forefather_n have_v for_o many_o hundred_o year_n ago_o the_o image_n in_o worth_n and_o honour_n in_o this_o place_n i_o answer_v whether_o in_o this_o respect_n we_o will_v be_v ans_fw-fr wise_a than_o the_o ancient_n i_o thereunto_o let_v king_n david_n answer_v in_o his_o 119._o psalm_n 100_o v._n where_o he_o say_v i_o understand_v more_o than_o the_o ancient_n because_o i_o keep_v thy_o precept_n but_o if_o a_o man_n will_v inquire_v of_o the_o age_n of_o image_n among_o christian_n than_o it_o will_v appear_v that_o afore_o twelve_o hundred_o year_n afore_o thirteen_o hundred_o year_n afore_o fourteen_o hundred_o year_n afore_o fifteen_o hundred_o year_n afore_o sixteen_o hundred_o year_n there_o be_v not_o any_o image_n of_o god_n the_o father_n any_o image_n of_o god_n the_o son_n any_o image_n of_o god_n the_o holy_a ghost_n any_o image_n of_o any_o saint_n depart_v find_v at_o all_o in_o any_o of_o the_o christian_n church_n and_o house_n of_o prayer_n yea_o look_v how_o many_o image_n how_o many_o altar_n how_o many_o chalice_n how_o many_o massing_n vestment_n be_v yet_o find_v among_o we_o so_o many_o present_a witness_n be_v there_o that_o we_o be_v step_v aside_o from_o the_o ancient_a simplicity_n when_o as_o they_o know_v not_o of_o any_o image_n of_o any_o altar_n of_o any_o chalice_n of_o any_o massing_n vestment_n as_o the_o same_o be_v as_o clear_a as_o the_o sunshine_n to_o be_v show_v out_o of_o justin_n martyr_n second_v apology_n out_o of_o irenaeus_n tertullian_n origen_n cyprian_n and_o other_o much_o esteem_a worthy_a ancient_a father_n the_o nine_o suppose_v ground_n and_o if_o we_o will_v have_v the_o image_n put_v down_o than_o object_n 9_o ought_v they_o first_o to_o be_v put_v out_o of_o man_n heart_n and_o afterward_o from_o before_o their_o eye_n i_o answer_v thus_o say_v man_n here_o on_o earth_n and_o it_o ans_fw-fr be_v all_o earthly_a humane_a reason_n but_o god_n that_o be_v in_o heaven_n say_v far_o otherwise_o break_v they_o down_o destroy_v they_o burn_v they_o that_o be_v put_v they_o away_o from_o before_o your_o eye_n and_o out_o of_o your_o sight_n and_o that_o not_o without_o great_a reason_n for_o even_o like_a as_o a_o man_n will_v not_o see_v a_o thief_n that_o he_o steal_v and_o will_v not_o see_v a_o adulterer_n that_o he_o break_v wedlock_n with_o a_o opinion_n that_o theft_n and_o adultery_n must_v be_v first_o show_v unto_o he_o out_o of_o god_n word_n to_o be_v unlawful_a even_o so_o shall_v not_o nor_o can_v a_o christian_a magistrate_n see_v and_o behold_v that_o man_n rob_v the_o lord_n of_o his_o honour_n and_o use_v alliance_n with_o image_n see_v the_o commandment_n thou_o shall_v not_o make_v unto_o thyself_o any_o image_n thou_o shall_v not_o bow_v down_o unto_o it_o nor_o worship_n it_o be_v even_o as_o clear_v and_o evident_a as_o the_o commandment_n thou_o shall_v not_o steal_v thou_o shall_v not_o commit_v adultery_n the_o ten_o suppose_v ground_n the_o people_n be_v offend_v at_o the_o take_n down_o remove_v and_o put_v away_o of_o image_n object_n 10._o object_n i_o answer_v they_o take_v offence_n also_o at_o our_o lord_n christ_n preach_v joh._n 6._o shall_v not_o christ_n therefore_o have_v preach_v whosoever_o do_v the_o will_n of_o god_n he_o have_v not_o any_o need_n to_o fear_v any_o offence_n at_o all_o to_o be_v by_o he_o occasion_v and_o give_v but_o whosoever_o be_v offend_v at_o the_o full_a do_v of_o the_o will_n of_o god_n he_o sin_v both_o against_o god_n &_o against_o his_o neighbour_n out_o of_o all_o which_o every_o one_o may_v well_o perceive_v and_o understand_v what_o a_o number_n of_o weighty_a and_o persuasive_a reason_n do_v together_o enforce_v his_o royal_a majesty_n be_v not_o at_o all_o any_o way_n purpose_v to_o compel_v or_o grieve_v any_o man_n conscience_n as_o also_o he_o have_v never_o yet_o do_v in_o his_o own_o hereditary_a country_n for_o in_o this_o respect_n he_o hold_v with_o the_o emperor_n maximilian_n the_o second_o who_o be_v wont_a to_o say_v that_o king_n command_v and_o bare_a rule_n over_o their_o subject_n body_n but_o not_o over_o their_o conscience_n but_o yet_o for_o all_o this_o his_o royal_a majesty_n will_v not_o as_o it_o be_v not_o sit_v he_o shall_v have_v his_o own_o conscience_n ensnare_v and_o therefore_o desire_v to_o serve_v the_o lord_n god_n according_a to_o that_o clear_a knowledge_n wherewith_o god_n have_v enlighten_v he_o and_o according_a to_o that_o his_o will_n which_o he_o have_v reveal_v unto_o he_o and_o what_o that_o reveal_v will_n of_o god_n be_v you_o have_v now_o already_o sufficient_o understand_v namely_o that_o he_o will_v not_o be_v picture_v as_o also_o he_o ought_v not_o nor_o yet_o can_v be_v picture_v he_o will_v not_o be_v honour_v by_o through_z or_o before_o image_n he_o will_v that_o man_n break_v down_o all_o image_n and_o whole_o depend_v on_o he_o alone_o with_o all_o the_o heart_n whosoever_o therefore_o now_o in_o the_o fear_n of_o god_n true_o think_v on_o all_o these_o thing_n he_o will_v not_o at_o all_o be_v offend_v at_o the_o remove_n and_o cast_v away_o of_o all_o image_n herehence_a but_o he_o will_v much_o rather_o great_o thank_v the_o lord_n god_n that_o the_o public_a abomination_n and_o great_a offence_n be_v in_o time_n remoove_v and_o take_v away_o and_o if_o yet_o there_o shall_v perhaps_o be_v any_o who_o have_v notwithstanding_o still_o some_o doubt_n and_o scruple_n in_o his_o mind_n let_v he_o but_o please_v confident_o to_o come_v unto_o we_o and_o he_o shall_v with_o all_o love_n mildness_n and_o well_o befit_v good_a resolution_n be_v answer_v and_o have_v more_o full_a information_n and_o satisfaction_n give_v unto_o he_o by_o we_o out_o of_o god_n word_n for_o it_o be_v our_o very_a intent_n and_o purpose_n whole_o so_o to_o labour_n and_o endeavour_n to_o bring_v much_o people_n unto_o save_v knowledge_n as_o that_o thereby_o they_o may_v right_o come_v to_o know_v and_o glad_o acknowledge_v the_o true_a will_n of_o god_n and_o according_a to_o such_o knowledge_n zealous_o and_o faithful_o to_o serve_v he_o whereunto_o the_o lord_n vouchsafe_v both_o unto_o we_o &_o to_o you_o the_o holy_a spirit_n who_o have_v promise_v and_o bind_v himself_o to_o give_v it_o we_o if_o we_o call_v faithful_o upon_o he_o for_o it_o even_o jesus_n christ_n the_o righteous_a bless_a and_o praise_v with_o the_o father_n and_o the_o holy_a ghost_n now_o &_o for_o ever_o amen_n the_o prayer_n after_o the_o sermon_n almighty_a most_o merciful_a most_o gracious_a love_a god_n and_o father_n we_o give_v thou_o most_o humble_a praise_n and_o thanks_n for_o all_o thy_o mercy_n and_o benefit_n which_o we_o incessant_o have_v receive_v and_o still_o do_v of_o thy_o rich_a goodness_n that_o thou_o have_v so_o gracious_o govern_v we_o all_o the_o whole_a time_n of_o our_o life_n long_o protect_v and_o preserve_v we_o and_o even_o hitherunto_o have_v keep_v us._n but_o especial_o and_o above_o all_o we_o thank_v thou_o dear_a father_n that_o thou_o have_v suffer_v we_o to_o live_v to_o see_v the_o good_a day_n wherein_o this_o church_n be_v cleanse_v and_o purge_v from_o all_o idolatry_n &_o image_n we_o beseech_v thou_o o_o eternal_a lord_n god_n gracious_o to_o enlighten_v their_o eye_n who_o yet_o sit_v in_o the_o dark●_n