Selected quad for the lemma: heart_n

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heart_n world_n young_a youth_n 196 4 8.1214 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A58876 Clelia, an excellent new romance the whole work in five parts, dedicated to Mademoiselle de Longueville / written in French by the exquisite pen of Monsieur de Scudery, governour of Nostredame de la Garde.; Clélie. English Scudéry, Madeleine de, 1607-1701.; Davies, John, 1625-1693.; Havers, G. (George) 1678 (1678) Wing S2156; ESTC R19972 1,985,102 870

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the_o three_o entry_n of_o the_o country_n cupid_n be_v two_o shepherd_n who_o sing_v the_o best_a they_o can_v before_o their_o mistress_n have_v a_o innocent_a contest_v together_o of_o which_o her_o heart_n be_v the_o subject_n the_o four_o entry_n of_o the_o cupid_n of_o the_o court_n be_v a_o foolish_a gossip_n deliver_v letter_n bracelet_n of_o hair_n and_o picture_n to_o four_o lover_n without_o their_o perceive_v it_o with_o which_o she_o make_v herself_o pleasant_a with_o a_o old_a she-friend_n of_o she_o and_o the_o four_o entry_n of_o the_o country_n cupid_n be_v a_o young_a shepherdess_n who_o have_v a_o sheep_n of_o her_o flock_n stray_v away_o careful_o seek_v for_o it_o and_o afterward_o receive_v it_o from_o the_o hand_n of_o her_o shepherd_n who_o bring_v it_o back_o to_o she_o after_o he_o have_v slay_v a_o wolf_n that_o will_v have_v prey_v upon_o it_o the_o five_o entry_n of_o the_o cupid_n of_o the_o court_n be_v a_o young_a lacedaemonian_a virgin_n follow_v by_o four_o athenian_n who_o require_v their_o heart_n again_o of_o she_o intimate_v thereby_o that_o the_o hatred_n of_o nation_n do_v not_o hinder_v but_o love_n may_v arise_v between_o person_n that_o be_v enemy_n and_o the_o five_o entry_n of_o the_o country_n cupid_n be_v a_o young_a shepherdess_n look_v upon_o three_o young_a shepherd_n who_o strive_v for_o the_o prize_n of_o a_o race_n the_o first_o run_v very_o swift_o without_o regard_v she_o arrive_v at_o the_o goal_n before_o the_o rest_n the_o second_o turn_v his_o head_n to_o see_v she_o be_v cast_v behind_o and_o the_o three_o not_o be_v able_a to_o pass_v further_o stay_v just_a before_o she_o after_o which_o the_o young_a shepherdess_n give_v a_o garland_n of_o flower_n to_o those_o that_o have_v run_v best_a but_o she_o give_v her_o heart_n to_o the_o three_o at_o which_o the_o other_o be_v so_o discontent_v that_o they_o go_v away_o in_o great_a despair_n the_o last_o entry_n of_o the_o cupid_n of_o the_o court_n be_v man_n and_o woman_n of_o quality_n who_o have_v dance_v a_o while_n stand_v in_o order_n to_o hear_v a_o sonnet_n sing_v by_o youth_n which_o be_v admirable_o well_o represent_v and_o in_o few_o word_n speak_v a_o thousand_o thing_n in_o praise_n of_o the_o cupid_n of_o the_o court_n to_o who_o alone_o belong_v gallantry_n magnificence_n and_o liberality_n and_o the_o six_o and_o last_o entry_n of_o the_o country_n cupid_n be_v several_a shepherd_n and_o shepherdess_n who_o dance_v to_o song_n under_o tree_n alternate_o answer_v one_o another_o that_o which_o they_o sing_v be_v a_o kind_n of_o dialogue_n in_o which_o i_o make_v a_o little_a merry_a satire_n against_o the_o cupid_n of_o the_o court_n and_o a_o elegium_fw-la in_o favour_n of_o the_o innocence_n of_o the_o country_n cupid_n after_o which_o those_o of_o the_o court_n and_o the_o shepherd_n unite_n and_o there_o appear_v but_o one_o cupid_n who_o represent_v something_o of_o both_o the_o other_o which_o have_v be_v see_v they_o acknowledge_v one_o another_o and_o end_v the_o mask_n with_o a_o speech_n which_o conclude_v to_o the_o honour_n of_o love_n and_o in_o the_o name_n of_o all_o those_o that_o have_v appear_v come_v then_o and_o let_v we_o adore_v at_o court_n and_o pleasant_a spring_n this_o lovely_a conqueror_n of_o shepherd_n and_o of_o king_n unhappy_a he_o who_o heart_n receive_v not_o cupid_n '_o s_o wound_n without_o the_o torment_n of_o his_o dart_n no_o pleasure_n to_o be_v find_v how_o say_v plotina_n do_v you_o think_v you_o shall_v not_o tell_v we_o some_o of_o the_o verse_n of_o the_o mask_n in_o good_a earnest_n madam_n answer_v amilcar_n i_o have_v the_o great_a desire_n in_o the_o world_n to_o do_v it_o but_o it_o do_v not_o please_v my_o memory_n and_o all_o that_o i_o can_v do_v be_v only_o to_o tell_v you_o the_o four_o verse_n which_o i_o make_v for_o that_o young_a lacedaemonian_a virgin_n who_o be_v follow_v by_o the_o four_o athenian_n which_o require_v their_o heart_n again_o of_o she_o yet_o they_o do_v not_o serve_v and_o i_o be_v force_v to_o make_v other_o because_o i_o have_v greece_n so_o much_o in_o my_o head_n when_o i_o make_v they_o that_o i_o do_v not_o remember_v i_o be_v in_o africa_n but_o they_o be_v these_o why_o unjust_a enemy_n do_v you_o accuse_v i_o i_o have_v steal_v a_o hundred_o heart_n so_o love_n refuse_v i_o but_o how_o can_v any_o dwell_v in_o greece_n not_o know_v my_o country_n sparta_n be_v law_n do_v theft_n allow_v no_o doubt_v you_o will_v say_v i_o have_v study_v very_o deep_o and_o add_v that_o i_o have_v a_o odd_a memory_n but_o since_o i_o know_v not_o how_o to_o do_v otherwise_o it_o be_v better_a that_o you_o do_v not_o interrupt_v i_o but_o suffer_v i_o to_o finish_v my_o story_n i_o will_v not_o detain_v you_o with_o exaggerate_v cloranisbes_n joy_n for_o it_o be_v great_a beyond_o the_o possibility_n of_o expression_n bostar_n also_o be_v high_o content_v cyrene_n be_v extreme_o satisfy_v pasilia_n and_o delisia_n hope_v to_o go_v to_o the_o court_n with_o their_o kinswoman_n be_v ravish_v with_o joy_n and_o lysonice_n have_v marry_v a_o very_a worthy_a person_n that_o love_v she_o ardent_o and_o who_o she_o believe_v will_v short_o carry_v she_o to_o utica_n seem_v as_o content_v as_o any_o one_o in_o the_o world_n soon_o after_o i_o be_v recall_v by_o the_o prince_n and_o oblige_v to_o leave_v cloranisbes_n with_o the_o fair_a lysonice_n at_o my_o take_a leave_n of_o he_o he_o desire_v i_o to_o speak_v as_o little_a as_o i_o can_v of_o lysonice_n when_o i_o shall_v be_v with_o the_o prince_n and_o only_o to_o say_v by_o the_o by_o that_o her_o beauty_n be_v much_o improve_v since_o i_o have_v see_v her_o first_o but_o above_o all_o to_o beware_v of_o discover_v that_o he_o be_v amorous_a of_o she_o and_o according_o i_o do_v as_o he_o desire_v and_o that_o with_o sufficient_a address_n so_o be_v oblige_v by_o the_o prince_n to_o come_v away_o about_o some_o affair_n of_o he_o i_o depart_v as_o you_o have_v know_v and_o leave_v thing_n in_o that_o condition_n but_o i_o have_v understand_v by_o a_o friend_n of_o cloranisbes_n who_o he_o have_v send_v to_o i_o that_o the_o face_n of_o thing_n be_v since_o much_o alter_v for_o fifteen_o day_n after_o his_o nuptial_n the_o prince_n recall_v he_o to_o utica_n lysonice_n be_v desirous_a to_o accompany_v her_o husband_n but_o for_o that_o he_o be_v loath_a the_o prince_n shall_v see_v she_o so_o soon_o he_o tell_v she_o that_o have_v as_o yet_o no_o house_n there_o fit_a for_o her_o accommodation_n it_o be_v more_o requisite_a for_o himself_o to_o go_v alone_o to_o make_v preparation_n choose_v rather_o to_o part_n for_o some_o time_n from_o the_o person_n who_o he_o love_v than_o to_o venture_v to_o have_v she_o see_v by_o the_o prince_n so_o soon_o after_o his_o marriage_n for_o he_o find_v that_o he_o have_v not_o sufficient_a power_n over_o himself_o to_o hide_v his_o passion_n for_o lysonice_n if_o they_o shall_v be_v see_v together_o at_o utica_n beside_o it_o be_v always_o natural_a enough_o to_o defer_v a_o thing_n which_o we_o fear_v as_o much_o as_o possible_o we_o can_v so_o he_o leave_v lysonice_n and_o promise_v she_o that_o he_o will_v return_v to_o she_o with_o all_o speed_n at_o his_o come_n to_o the_o court_n he_o find_v the_o prince_n have_v break_v off_o with_o his_o mistress_n be_v very_o much_o offend_v with_o she_o likely_a never_o to_o love_v she_o more_o whereupon_o cloranisbes_n use_v all_o the_o industry_n and_o address_n he_o can_v to_o re-engage_a he_o that_o so_o have_v his_o mind_n prepossess_v he_o may_v take_v less_o notice_n of_o lysonice_n beauty_n when_o he_o shall_v see_v she_o but_o he_o can_v effect_v nothing_o in_o the_o interim_n he_o write_v every_o day_n to_o his_o dear_a lysonice_n he_o send_v she_o present_v continual_o and_o not_o have_v cease_v to_o be_v a_o lover_n by_o become_v a_o husband_n there_o be_v no_o care_n which_o he_o do_v not_o use_v to_o please_v she_o he_o go_v to_o see_v her_o several_a time_n and_o as_o often_o as_o he_o see_v she_o he_o find_v out_o new_a impediment_n of_o her_o journey_n to_o utica_n one_o time_n he_o say_v his_o house_n be_v not_o ready_a another_o that_o it_o be_v requisite_a to_o expect_v till_o the_o princess_n of_o cartbage_n be_v reconcile_v with_o her_o brother_n another_o that_o winter_n be_v not_o a_o healthful_a season_n wherein_o to_o go_v and_o reside_v at_o utica_n so_o that_o though_o lysonice_n account_v the_o time_n very_o long_o yet_o she_o do_v not_o disbelieve_v what_o cloranisbes_n tell_v she_o but_o hope_v that_o at_o least_o in_o the_o spring_n she_o shall_v go_v to_o court_n the_o wintertime_n be_v thus_o pass_v over_o
though_o with_o a_o little_a tincture_n of_o melancholy_n as_o she_o win_v their_o love_n the_o very_a first_o day_n mean_a while_n brutus_n according_a to_o his_o design_n harangued_a the_o senate_n and_o people_n as_o he_o say_v he_o will_v and_o with_o so_o much_o eloquence_n and_o authority_n as_o it_o may_v well_o be_v say_v that_o their_o suffrage_n be_v not_o free_a because_o he_o leave_v none_o at_o liberty_n to_o be_v of_o any_o opinion_n contrary_a to_o his_o he_o do_v so_o urgent_o aggravate_v the_o danger_n of_o make_v but_o one_o consul_n as_o the_o image_n of_o tyranny_n work_v upon_o the_o spirit_n of_o those_o to_o who_o he_o speak_v they_o all_o obey_v his_o will_n and_o consent_v that_o the_o sovereign_a power_n which_o he_o have_v shall_v be_v divide_v but_o when_o it_o come_v to_o the_o vote_n who_o shall_v be_v his_o copartner_n the_o dispute_n be_v great_a than_o be_v imagine_v for_o as_o all_o new_a establishment_n meet_v with_o many_o difficulty_n so_o such_o a_o murmur_n do_v arise_v as_o make_v it_o evident_a there_o will_v be_v contrariety_n of_o opinion_n in_o this_o choice_n the_o multitude_n do_v not_o aim_v at_o choose_v one_o that_o be_v the_o most_o able_a the_o most_o wise_a and_o the_o most_o valiant_a but_o only_o such_o a_o one_o as_o be_v the_o most_o irreconcilable_a enemy_n of_o tarquin_n for_o have_v they_o aim_v at_o the_o most_o able_a they_o will_v have_v look_v upon_o valerius_n who_o prudence_n be_v admirable_a who_o honesty_n be_v know_v to_o all_o the_o world_n and_o who_o have_v generous_o second_v brutus_n in_o deliver_v rome_n they_o will_v then_o have_v think_v upon_o clelius_fw-la who_o experience_n be_v great_a and_o virtue_n high_a they_o will_v have_v choose_v lucretius_n they_o will_v have_v think_v upon_o the_o wise_a herminius_n though_o he_o be_v a_o little_a too_o young_a to_o be_v consul_n though_o his_o high_a soul_n and_o heart_n render_v he_o worthy_a of_o any_o thing_n they_o may_v have_v pitch_v upon_o many_o other_o illustrious_a roman_n but_o as_o i_o say_v before_o think_v only_o upon_o such_o a_o one_o who_o they_o think_v most_o oblige_v to_o hate_n tarquin_n they_o all_o concur_v in_o their_o vote_n and_o no_o name_n can_v be_v hear_v but_o collatine_n who_o the_o multitude_n think_v more_o engage_v to_o ruin_n tarquin_n than_o any_o other_o by_o reason_n of_o lucretia_n death_n and_o wrong_v receive_v from_o he_o such_o popular_a deliberation_n be_v common_o tumultuous_a inconsiderate_a and_o derogatory_n to_o right_a reason_n so_o as_o they_o never_o consider_v that_o collatine_n himself_o be_v of_o the_o race_n of_o tarquin_n brutus_n who_o hearty_o wish_a valerius_n to_o be_v choose_v and_o hope_v he_o will_v he_o be_v much_o surprise_v to_o see_v collatine_n the_o man_n for_o he_o can_v not_o endure_v he_o but_o hate_v he_o as_o much_o as_o if_o he_o be_v his_o rival_n also_o he_o look_v upon_o he_o as_o a_o party_n cause_n of_o lucretia_n death_n by_o infuse_v love_n into_o the_o heart_n of_o sextus_n when_o he_o inconsiderate_o carry_v he_o to_o see_v that_o fair_a and_o unfortunate_a lady_n he_o look_v upon_o he_o as_o a_o person_n who_o she_o ever_o hate_v though_o out_o of_o nuptial_a conscience_n live_v well_o with_o he_o and_o he_o look_v upon_o he_o as_o a_o man_n who_o bear_v the_o name_n of_o tyrant_n but_o to_o speak_v ingenuous_o he_o do_v not_o look_v upon_o he_o through_o all_o these_o consideration_n but_o because_o he_o ever_o look_v upon_o he_o as_o his_o rival_n so_o as_o it_o grieve_v his_o soul_n to_o have_v he_o for_o his_o partner_n in_o authority_n yet_o since_o it_o concern_v the_o safety_n of_o rome_n that_o no_o division_n shall_v appear_v betwixt_o they_o in_o that_o new_a establishment_n and_o since_o also_o it_o concern_v the_o glory_n of_o lucretia_n that_o he_o shall_v give_v no_o ground_n of_o guess_v why_o he_o hate_v collatine_n therefore_o he_o constrain_v himself_o in_o this_o rencontre_fw-fr he_o think_v again_o that_o if_o he_o shall_v oppose_v what_o the_o multitude_n propound_v it_o will_v breed_v a_o great_a combustion_n for_o now_o there_o be_v not_o one_o single_a roman_a who_o hope_v not_o for_o some_o little_a share_n of_o the_o royal_a authority_n so_o as_o brutus_n who_o pierce_a eye_n see_v thing_n as_o they_o be_v and_o foresee_v the_o consequence_n of_o this_o affair_n he_o dissemble_v his_o thought_n and_o tell_v valerius_n in_o secret_a how_o angry_a he_o be_v that_o he_o be_v not_o consul_n but_o in_o conclusion_n the_o mind_n of_o the_o multitude_n must_v be_v satisfy_v and_o brutus_n seem_v not_o to_o take_v it_o ill_o comply_v therefore_o with_o the_o time_n he_o himself_o be_v the_o first_o that_o salute_v collatine_n as_o consul_n unto_o who_o from_o that_o time_n the_o people_n begin_v to_o render_v all_o honour_n which_o that_o dignity_n require_v brutus_n offer_v he_o the_o first_o place_n but_o he_o will_v not_o accept_v it_o nor_o indeed_o the_o people_n consent_n unto_o it_o so_o as_o it_o be_v resolve_v that_o there_o shall_v be_v but_o one_o consul_n before_o who_o the_o twelve_o lictor_n shall_v walk_v and_o before_o who_o the_o hatchet_n and_o bundle_n of_o rod_n shall_v be_v carry_v lest_o it_o shall_v incense_v the_o people_n who_o do_v not_o love_v those_o emblem_n of_o authority_n shall_v be_v double_v which_o may_v punish_v they_o when_o they_o deserve_v not_o that_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o prime_a consul_n be_v great_a than_o the_o other_o for_o brutus_n will_v not_o permit_v it_o for_o fear_v of_o such_o consequence_n as_o may_v ensue_v but_o as_o for_o these_o bare_a emblem_n of_o honour_n they_o belong_v unto_o brutus_n only_o howsoever_o after_o that_o collatine_n be_v choose_v brutus_n will_v have_v his_o colleague_n confirm_v all_o those_o who_o the_o day_n before_o be_v tumultuous_o make_v senator_n censor_n praetor_n aedile_n questor_n or_o tribune_n after_o which_o brutus_n cause_v a_o public_a oration_n to_o be_v make_v never_o to_o suffer_v any_o to_o reign_v in_o rome_n nor_o that_o any_o shall_v ever_o be_v bring_v to_o consent_v unto_o it_o either_o by_o menace_n or_o promise_n they_o do_v establish_v as_o a_o law_n that_o the_o consulship_n shall_v last_v but_o one_o year_n that_o for_o the_o future_a none_o shall_v be_v consul_n under_o forty_o three_o year_n of_o age_n none_o praetor_n under_o forty_o none_o aedile_n under_o thirty_o seven_o none_o tribune_n under_o thirty_o and_o no_o quaestor_n under_o twenty_o seven_o brutus_n will_v also_o have_v it_o that_o the_o consul_n shall_v be_v of_o the_o most_o illustrious_a race_n and_o that_o the_o three_o hundred_o senator_n shall_v be_v nobleman_n after_o which_o the_o senate_n be_v regular_o assemble_v they_o vote_v to_o regulate_v the_o power_n and_o authority_n of_o those_o who_o have_v the_o conduct_n of_o thing_n sacred_a for_o it_o be_v the_o custom_n that_o the_o king_n shall_v offer_v some_o sacrifice_n in_o person_n to_o show_v that_o they_o have_v a_o absolute_a authority_n in_o these_o dominion_n and_o that_o they_o have_v no_o dependency_n of_o any_o but_o the_o god_n brutus_n will_v not_o have_v the_o consul_n do_v as_o the_o king_n use_v to_o do_v but_o he_o make_v a_o royal_a sacrificer_n for_o that_o ceremony_n only_o and_o that_o they_o shall_v submit_v unto_o he_o that_o be_v the_o chief_a in_o matter_n of_o religion_n after_o which_o the_o mean_n of_o make_v war_n against_o tarquin_n be_v take_v into_o consideration_n they_o provide_v for_o the_o guard_n of_o the_o town_n they_o consult_v how_o to_o keep_v their_o neighbour_n from_o join_v with_o the_o tyrant_n they_o swear_v a_o solemn_a league_n betwixt_o ardes_fw-la and_o rome_n they_o resolve_v to_o keep_v the_o cavalry_n which_o horatius_n have_v bring_v and_o to_o send_v deputy_n unto_o ardes_fw-la to_o thank_v that_o town_n for_o the_o resistance_n which_o they_o make_v against_o the_o tyrant_n and_o brutus_n omit_v nothing_o that_o may_v conduce_v to_o the_o public_a good_a to_o the_o ruin_n of_o tarquin_n and_o to_o the_o revenge_n of_o lucretia_n after_o which_o every_o one_o return_v to_o his_o house_n mean_a time_n clelius_fw-la with_o amilcar_n go_v to_o see_v the_o prince_n of_o numidia_n who_o know_v he_o at_o first_o and_o ask_v for_o clelia_n this_o prince_n be_v much_o joy_v to_o hear_v that_o clelia_n be_v escape_v he_o beseech_v clelius_fw-la to_o give_v he_o no_o occasion_n of_o hatred_n protest_v unto_o he_o that_o he_o shall_v die_v with_o some_o contentment_n if_o he_o can_v be_v but_o assure_v of_o his_o indifferency_n clelius_fw-la who_o be_v generous_a and_o see_v he_o in_o that_o pitiful_a condition_n by_o endeavour_v to_o deliver_v his_o daughter_n he_o assure_v he_o that_o she_o shall_v be_v full_a of_o acknowledgement_n to_o he_o provide_v he_o will_v be_v
be_v yet_o sometime_o they_o pardon_v and_o recompense_v but_o the_o law_n be_v inexorable_a and_o punish_v severe_o without_o mercy_n they_o be_v always_o more_o favourable_a to_o the_o poor_a than_o to_o the_o rich_a to_o the_o common_a people_n than_o to_o man_n of_o rank_n represent_v unto_o they_o what_o a_o heart-burn_n it_o will_v be_v when_o they_o shall_v see_v themselves_o subject_v to_o a_o multitude_n to_o cringe_v and_o court_v those_o who_o natural_o they_o ought_v to_o command_v tell_v they_o that_o king_n be_v elective_a at_o rome_n it_o be_v a_o gross_a baseness_n in_o the_o nobility_n to_o sit_v still_o and_o lose_v their_o hope_n to_o a_o crown_n in_o short_a tell_v they_o whatsoever_o you_o shall_v think_v best_a to_o prompt_v they_o on_o unto_o so_o great_a a_o design_n these_o young_a roman_n unto_o who_o this_o discourse_n be_v address_v and_o who_o of_o themselves_o be_v apt_a to_o embrace_v what_o be_v desire_v of_o they_o they_o promise_v tarquin_n envoy_n as_o much_o as_o can_v be_v require_v and_o this_o discourse_n be_v in_o the_o night_n only_o by_o moonshine_n and_o in_o a_o garden_n they_o have_v as_o good_a a_o opportunity_n as_o can_v be_v to_o argue_v upon_o the_o enterterprise_n for_o the_o envoy_n have_v gain_v the_o slave_n who_o have_v the_o charge_n of_o shut_v the_o door_n of_o the_o house_n he_o that_o be_v appoint_v to_o keep_v a_o eye_n over_o their_o action_n fall_v asleep_o and_o all_o rome_n be_v in_o a_o profound_a calm_n whilst_o a_o business_n be_v consult_v which_o may_v captivate_v they_o all_o mean_a while_n tarquin_n envoy_n ask_v the_o young_a roman_n what_o they_o have_v do_v with_o the_o packet_n which_o he_o give_v they_o for_o the_o two_o son_n of_o brutus_n they_o tell_v he_o that_o as_o yet_o they_o have_v not_o meet_v with_o they_o but_o in_o the_o morning_n they_o will_v go_v unto_o they_o and_o in_o the_o evening_n at_o the_o same_o place_n they_o will_v give_v they_o a_o account_n of_o all_o thing_n after_o which_o they_o go_v away_o in_o their_o way_n home_o he_o who_o have_v the_o packet_n direct_v to_o the_o two_o son_n of_o brutus_n ask_v the_o rest_n what_o they_o think_v of_o that_o packet_n for_o my_o part_n say_v one_o of_o the_o three_o who_o name_n be_v aquilius_n i_o be_o much_o mistake_v if_o it_o be_v not_o letter_n from_o two_o fair_a lady_n who_o be_v bring_v up_o under_o tullia_n the_o one_o of_o which_o be_v a_o slave_n of_o a_o noble_a extraction_n call_v teraminta_n and_o i_o be_o sure_a that_o titus_n and_o tiberius_n so_o be_v the_o two_o son_n of_o brutus_n call_v be_v deep_o in_o love_n with_o they_o this_o induce_v i_o to_o think_v that_o tullia_n have_v a_o design_n by_o this_o mean_n to_o draw_v titus_n and_o tiberius_n unto_o their_o party_n but_o reply_v one_o of_o those_o who_o have_v not_o yet_o speak_v i_o wonder_v these_o love_n shall_v make_v no_o great_a a_o noise_n in_o the_o world_n and_o that_o i_o shall_v never_o hear_v a_o word_n of_o it_o the_o reason_n be_v answer_v he_o because_o the_o war_n of_o ardes_fw-la employ_v every_o one_o so_o much_o that_o they_o have_v no_o leisure_n to_o talk_v of_o amorous_a discourse_n as_o in_o idle_a time_n of_o peace_n but_o say_v the_o other_o though_o titus_n and_o tiberius_n shall_v be_v in_o love_n with_o ocrisia_n and_o the_o young_a teraminta_n do_v you_o think_v they_o will_v ever_o desert_v the_o interest_n of_o brutus_n yes_o yes_o answer_v he_o for_o love_n be_v strong_a than_o nature_n and_o i_o know_v there_o be_v no_o great_a tenderness_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o these_o young_a man_n towards_o their_o father_n for_o brutus_n affect_v a_o strange_a kind_n of_o lumpish_a stupidity_n the_o young_a man_n have_v be_v extreme_o ashamed_a of_o be_v his_o son_n it_o be_v true_a they_o be_v so_o say_v one_o of_o they_o but_o now_o since_o brutus_n be_v know_v to_o be_v one_o of_o the_o most_o glorious_a person_n in_o the_o world_n and_o perform_v such_o high_a action_n doubtless_o titus_n and_o tiberius_n be_v change_v in_o their_o opinion_n of_o a_o father_n i_o grant_v answer_v aquilius_n that_o now_o they_o esteem_v he_o who_o within_o a_o few_o day_n before_o they_o slight_v but_o for_o all_o that_o if_o they_o be_v real_o in_o love_n they_o can_v love_v a_o father_n who_o in_o expel_v a_o prince_n which_o love_v they_o exile_v also_o their_o mistress_n beside_o they_o be_v bring_v up_o in_o great_a liberty_n and_o freedom_n they_o will_v much_o insist_v upon_o obedience_n to_o the_o command_n of_o a_o father_n well_o well_o say_v aquilius_n to_o morrow_n will_v tell_v we_o more_o and_o indeed_o as_o soon_o as_o it_o be_v day_n aquilius_n who_o have_v the_o packet_n go_v unto_o titus_n and_o tiberius_n and_o the_o other_o three_o go_v every_o one_o several_o to_o their_o particular_a friend_n who_o they_o think_v most_o apt_a to_o adhere_v unto_o their_o opinion_n mean_a time_n aquilius_n be_v no_o soon_o alone_a with_o titus_n and_o tiberius_n but_o he_o give_v they_o the_o packet_n which_o be_v direct_v unto_o they_o they_o have_v no_o soon_o open_v it_o but_o they_o find_v two_o letter_n the_o character_n of_o which_o they_o know_v for_o that_o direct_v unto_o titus_n be_v from_o the_o fair_a ocrisia_n who_o he_o love_v and_o the_o other_o to_o tiberius_n be_v from_o the_o young_a slave_n teraminta_n who_o he_o affect_v with_o a_o most_o violent_a passion_n so_o as_o these_o two_o lover_n be_v infinite_o impatient_a to_o see_v these_o letter_n they_o open_v they_o and_o read_v they_o in_o private_a though_o they_o know_v the_o secret_n of_o each_o other_o and_o though_o their_o friend_n be_v also_o acquaint_v with_o their_o love_n but_o after_o they_o have_v read_v they_o to_o themselves_o they_o read_v they_o aloud_o to_o aquilius_n who_o find_v that_o from_o ocrisia_n to_o be_v thus_o indict_v ocrisia_n unto_o titus_n your_o destiny_n generous_a titus_n be_v in_o your_o own_o dispose_n and_o it_o be_v only_o long_a of_o yourself_o if_o you_o be_v not_o happy_a you_o have_v tell_v i_o ten_o thousand_o time_n that_o you_o will_v do_v any_o thing_n in_o the_o world_n to_o win_v my_o love_n which_o if_o you_o will_v make_v good_a and_o if_o you_o will_v reign_v in_o my_o heart_n do_v what_o you_o can_v to_o make_v tarquin_n reign_v in_o rome_n for_o if_o you_o do_v not_o you_o shall_v be_v for_o ever_o banish_v from_o any_o heart_n of_o i_o after_o the_o young_a aquilius_n have_v hear_v this_o letter_n tiberius_n read_v his_o which_o be_v in_o these_o term_n teraminta_n unto_o tiberius_n if_o the_o unfortunate_a teraminta_n be_v not_o out_o of_o your_o memory_n as_o she_o be_v out_o of_o rome_n you_o will_v still_o remember_v how_o heavy_a the_o chain_n be_v which_o she_o wear_v it_o be_v in_o your_o power_n to_o set_v i_o at_o liberty_n for_o it_o be_v promise_v unto_o i_o if_o you_o will_v take_v the_o king_n side_n you_o know_v that_o in_o the_o condition_n wherein_o i_o be_o i_o have_v nothing_o to_o dispose_v of_o but_o my_o affection_n and_o that_o i_o do_v most_o faithful_o promise_v unto_o you_o if_o you_o will_v but_o do_v as_o i_o desire_v and_o as_o you_o ought_v brutus_n be_v not_o so_o much_o oblige_v to_o deliver_v rome_n as_o you_o be_v to_o deliver_v i_o since_o i_o do_v give_v you_o the_o mean_n either_o unslave_v i_o or_o resolve_v never_o to_o be_v i_o well_o say_v aquilius_n unto_o these_o two_o lover_n what_o answer_v you_o to_o these_o two_o letter_n and_o what_o do_v you_o resolve_v upon_o for_o my_o part_n say_v titus_n i_o can_v tell_v what_o to_o do_v for_o i_o do_v love_n ocrisia_n as_o well_o as_o be_v possible_a for_o any_o to_o love_v but_o withal_o i_o love_v my_o honour_n also_o and_o indeed_o what_o can_v i_o do_v for_o tarquin_n against_o my_o father_n and_o all_o rome_n if_o you_o will_v but_o employ_v your_o courage_n reply_v aquilius_n you_o will_v short_o find_v it_o no_o such_o difficulty_n as_o you_o think_v to_o put_v rome_n again_o under_o the_o power_n of_o a_o prince_n who_o be_v so_o near_o akin_a to_o you_o as_o it_o be_v but_o just_a to_o put_v that_o crown_n again_o upon_o his_o head_n which_o brutus_n pull_v off_o oh_o you_o good_a god_n cry_v out_o tiberius_n into_o what_o a_o confuse_a labyrinth_n be_o i_o bring_v for_o true_o i_o must_v ingenuous_o confess_v that_o i_o be_o as_o enemy_n unto_o all_o republic_n i_o have_v much_o rather_o obey_v a_o tyrant_n than_o be_v a_o slave_n unto_o the_o rude_a people_n and_o to_o see_v my_o fortune_n depend_v upon_o the_o humour_n of_o the_o giddy_a multitude_n i_o know_v my_o father_n have_v do_v a_o most_o high_a action_n and_o it_o be_v against_o nature_n
solemnity_n be_v intend_v for_o demarata_n all_o the_o honour_n thereof_o be_v direct_v to_o she_o he_o that_o desire_v the_o permission_n have_v red_a white_z and_o green_a feather_n his_o clothing_n be_v magnificent_a and_o gallant_a and_o it_o be_v then_o the_o custom_n to_o carry_v shield_n for_o that_o after_o the_o race_n there_o be_v a_o little_a skirmish_n to_o be_v among_o those_o who_o pretend_v any_o interest_n in_o the_o prize_n he_o have_v paint_v upon_o he_o a_o heart_n in_o the_o field_n or_n with_o these_o word_n in_o the_o african_a language_n i_o be_o his_o that_o shall_v take_v i_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n a_o gentleman_n that_o belong_v to_o this_o lovely_a unknown_a person_n come_v very_o submissive_o before_o the_o scaffold_n where_o demarata_n be_v which_o be_v cover_v with_o a_o magnificent_a pavilion_n to_o desire_v in_o his_o master_n name_n the_o permission_n he_o be_v a_o suitor_n for_o when_o you_o have_v give_v i_o his_o name_n that_o send_v you_o reply_v she_o and_o his_o country_n i_o shall_v see_v what_o answer_v it_o will_v be_v fit_a to_o give_v you_o madam_n reply_v the_o gentleman_n my_o master_n have_v the_o honour_n to_o be_v your_o subject_n and_o if_o you_o have_v not_o forget_v the_o name_n of_o themistus_n you_o know_v he_o how_o reply_v she_o her_o colour_n change_v be_v he_o i_o now_o see_v the_o same_o themistus_n that_o leave_v sicily_n about_o seven_o year_n ago_o and_o have_v not_o be_v hear_v of_o since_o the_o very_a same_o madam_n reply_v he_o it_o be_v he_o that_o desire_v your_o leave_n to_o participate_v of_o the_o glory_n of_o this_o day_n tell_v he_o reply_v she_o very_o resolute_o that_o i_o not_o only_o give_v he_o leave_v to_o pretend_v to_o the_o prize_n i_o be_o to_o give_v but_o also_o wish_v that_o if_o the_o prince_n run_v not_o himself_o that_o he_o may_v carry_v it_o upon_o this_o the_o gentleman_n retire_v to_o acquaint_v his_o master_n with_o what_o the_o princess_n have_v say_v so_o that_o themistus_n thank_v she_o very_o submissive_o by_o bend_v to_o the_o very_a pommel_n of_o the_o saddle_n he_o come_v in_o among_o those_o that_o be_v prepare_v to_o run_v i_o shall_v not_o madam_n trouble_v you_o with_o the_o particular_n of_o this_o race_n but_o assure_v you_o that_o themistus_n carry_v away_o all_o the_o honour_n of_o it_o and_o that_o he_o be_v the_o most_o able_a and_o the_o most_o fortunate_a of_o all_o that_o run_v nay_o he_o carry_v himself_o with_o such_o judgement_n that_o he_o be_v never_o in_o competition_n with_o the_o prince_n of_o syracuse_n who_o observe_v it_o and_o think_v himself_o oblige_v to_o he_o so_o that_o at_o last_o the_o race_n and_o the_o skirmish_n end_v perianthus_n have_v discover_v who_o it_o be_v take_v he_o and_o present_v he_o to_o demarata_n to_o demand_v the_o prize_n she_o be_v to_o bestow_v in_o the_o mean_a time_n you_o be_v to_o know_v that_o this_o princess_n have_v no_o soon_o hear_v themistus_n name_v but_o that_o ancient_a inclination_n she_o have_v for_o he_o in_o her_o infancy_n begin_v to_o take_v fresh_a root_n in_o her_o heart_n notwithstanding_o all_o the_o opposition_n she_o use_v so_o that_o feel_v a_o accustom_a joy_n she_o receive_v themistus_n from_o the_o prince_n in_o the_o most_o oblige_a manner_n that_o can_v be_v and_o without_o ask_v the_o advice_n of_o the_o lady_n that_o be_v about_o she_o according_a to_o the_o custom_n she_o give_v he_o the_o prize_n say_v they_o have_v give_v he_o their_o consent_n by_o their_o former_a commendation_n of_o he_o when_o he_o run_v themistus_n on_o the_o other_o side_n glad_a of_o the_o advantage_n he_o have_v over_o the_o young_a courtier_n take_v on_o a_o more_o noble_a confidence_n put_v on_o a_o certain_a majesty_n and_o speak_v more_o resolute_o in_o a_o word_n he_o so_o carry_v himself_o that_o he_o be_v think_v worthy_a his_o birth_n and_o a_o better_a fortune_n than_o he_o then_o have_v themistus_n be_v the_o subject_n of_o all_o the_o discourse_n that_o day_n and_o there_o want_v not_o beauty_n who_o make_v it_o their_o design_n to_o conquer_v his_o heart_n he_o raise_v fear_n and_o jealousy_n in_o all_o that_o have_v mistress_n and_o he_o have_v certain_o all_o the_o reason_n in_o the_o world_n to_o be_v satisfy_v with_o what_o he_o have_v do_v that_o day_n he_o come_v that_o night_n to_o the_o ball_n where_o he_o express_v no_o less_o experience_n and_o ability_n than_o at_o the_o race_n his_o company_n be_v infinite_o pleasant_a to_o all_o that_o enjoy_v it_o and_o demarata_n her_o advantage_n of_o the_o ancient_a familiarity_n wherein_o they_o have_v live_v from_o their_o infancy_n make_v he_o relate_v some_o of_o the_o adventure_n of_o his_o travel_n but_o for_o my_o part_n i_o shall_v not_o acquaint_v you_o with_o they_o for_o it_o be_v sufficient_a i_o tell_v you_o that_o he_o have_v be_v in_o africa_n greece_n and_o asia_n that_o he_o have_v by_o that_o mean_n learned_a abundance_n of_o excellent_a thing_n that_o he_o have_v do_v extraordinary_a thing_n in_o the_o war_n and_o that_o have_v get_v enough_o to_o put_v himself_o into_o a_o magnificent_a equipage_n and_o to_o subsist_v on_o for_o one_o year_n with_o a_o retinue_n proportionable_a to_o his_o high_a birth_n his_o resolution_n be_v to_o see_v whether_o he_o can_v restore_v his_o house_n through_o the_o favour_n of_o the_o prince_n and_o that_o if_o he_o can_v not_o do_v it_o to_o return_v and_o wander_v up_o and_o down_o the_o world_n with_o a_o design_n never_o to_o return_v again_o into_o sicily_n now_o have_v understand_v at_o his_o come_n into_o it_o that_o the_o prince_n be_v to_o be_v marry_v he_o order_v thing_n so_o as_o not_o to_o appear_v at_o court_n till_o the_o day_n of_o the_o race_n then_o to_o do_v that_o piece_n of_o gallantry_n which_o have_v prove_v so_o fortunate_a to_o he_o for_o perianthus_n find_v in_o themistus_n what_o he_o can_v not_o in_o any_o of_o the_o young_a courtier_n begin_v to_o affect_v he_o from_o that_o day_n and_o to_o assure_v he_o he_o will_v have_v a_o care_n of_o his_o misfortune_n but_o for_o demarata_n when_o she_o be_v alone_o she_o be_v in_o some_o sort_n trouble_v at_o the_o return_n of_o themistus_n be_v it_o not_o enough_o say_v she_o to_o herself_o as_o she_o have_v repeat_v it_o since_o for_o i_o to_o be_v so_o unhappy_a as_o to_o club_v fortune_n with_o a_o prince_n for_o who_o i_o have_v a_o invincible_a aversion_n but_o i_o must_v see_v again_o a_o man_n for_o who_o i_o have_v such_o inclination_n as_o seven_o year_n absence_n have_v not_o be_v able_a to_o destroy_v and_o yet_o these_o must_v i_o struggle_v with_o for_o my_o reputation_n sake_n nay_o for_o my_o quiet_n must_v overcome_v demarata_n therefore_o take_v this_o generous_a resolution_n and_o omit_v nothing_o in_o order_n to_o the_o execution_n thereof_o on_o the_o other_o side_n themistus_n mind_v only_o his_o fortune_n and_o forget_v in_o a_o manner_n the_o inclination_n demarata_n have_v have_v for_o he_o in_o her_o infancy_n do_v she_o a_o thousand_o devoirs_fw-fr mere_o out_o of_o a_o consideration_n that_o she_o have_v a_o great_a influence_n over_o the_o prince_n and_o his_o ambition_n advise_v he_o not_o to_o neglect_v any_o thing_n he_o visit_v all_o the_o most_o considerable_a person_n of_o the_o court._n among_o the_o rest_n he_o visit_v the_o princess_n of_o himera_n whither_o he_o be_v bring_v by_o meriander_n with_o who_o he_o have_v make_v friendship_n the_o very_a day_n of_o his_o arrival_n for_o my_o part_n i_o be_v accidental_o at_o lindamira_n when_o he_o come_v in_o by_o which_o mean_v i_o become_v a_o witness_n of_o their_o first_o interview_n it_o be_v not_o many_o day_n since_o that_o princess_n become_v a_o widow_n and_o the_o first_o mourning_n be_v full_a of_o ceremony_n at_o syracuse_n her_o chamber_n be_v hang_v with_o black_a all_o the_o window_n be_v shut_v it_o be_v enlighten_v by_o fifty_o crystal_n lamp_n and_o in_o one_o corner_n of_o the_o chamber_n there_o be_v a_o bed_n cover_v with_o a_o large_a pavilion_n tie_v up_o at_o the_o four_o corner_n with_o black_a tassel_n upon_o which_o the_o fair_a lindamira_n negligent_o lean_v on_o cushion_n but_o in_o such_o sort_n that_o without_o any_o affectation_n one_o may_v see_v her_o hand_n which_o be_v the_o fair_a in_o the_o world_n so_o that_o themistus_n perceive_v amid_o so_o much_o black_a a_o person_n that_o be_v young_a beautiful_a flaxen-haired_a very_o fair_a graceful_a of_o a_o modest_a sad_a and_o civil_a deportment_n it_o be_v not_o strange_a if_o he_o be_v take_v with_o she_o or_o that_o she_o offer_v his_o heart_n some_o violence_n lindamira_n speak_v very_o little_a that_o day_n but_o all_o she_o say_v be_v pertinent_a nay_o she_o sigh_v so_o languish_o
extinguish_v it_o so_o love_n have_v need_n of_o entertainment_n to_o increase_v it_o but_o as_o this_o spark_n be_v fire_n though_o it_o cast_v no_o great_a heat_n nor_o light_n so_o love_v at_o first_o be_v love_n though_o it_o be_v but_o new_o begin_v it_o be_v certain_a reply_v aronce_n that_o love_n as_o friendship_n may_v be_v bear_v in_o a_o instant_n which_o usual_o be_v precede_v by_o many_o good_a office_n but_o i_o be_o persuade_v that_o that_o love_n which_o have_v no_o sudden_a beginning_n and_o which_o be_v advance_v by_o great_a esteem_n and_o very_a much_o admiration_n be_v more_o strong_a and_o solid_a then_o that_o which_o be_v tumultuous_o bear_v without_o know_v whether_o the_o person_n belove_v have_v either_o virtue_n or_o spirit_n for_o i_o have_v hear_v say_v that_o there_o be_v man_n which_o become_v amorous_a of_o woman_n with_o who_o they_o have_v never_o change_v aword_n and_o there_o be_v some_o say_v sozonisba_n which_o have_v love_v woman_n have_v never_o see_v they_o and_o which_o have_v even_o love_v a_o picture_n for_o those_o add_v barce_o i_o think_v they_o may_v be_v rather_o rank_v with_o those_o which_o have_v no_o reason_n then_o in_o the_o rank_n of_o those_o which_o have_v love_n indeed_o reply_v clelia_n it_o be_v not_o so_o strange_a to_o see_v a_o man_n very_o amorous_a of_o a_o fair_a picture_n as_o of_o a_o woman_n which_o have_v neither_o beauty_n spirit_n or_o virtue_n as_o there_o be_v some_o which_o be_v for_o my_o particular_a reply_v i_o i_o find_v the_o fair_a clelia_n have_v reason_n and_o that_o it_o be_v the_o great_a folly_n imaginable_a to_o love_v that_o which_o be_v not_o amiable_a i_o be_o of_o your_o opinion_n reply_v horatius_n but_o be_v likewise_o of_o i_o and_o confess_v that_o all_o great_a passion_n have_v a_o violent_a beginning_n and_o that_o there_o be_v nothing_o which_o more_o demonstrate_v a_o ardent_a and_o durable_a love_n then_o when_o it_o be_v bear_v in_o a_o instant_n without_o consult_v our_o reason_n i_o easy_o be_o of_o your_o opinion_n reply_v aronce_n that_o one_o may_v begin_v to_o have_v love_n at_o the_o first_o sight_n of_o a_o amiable_a person_n but_o i_o will_v not_o confess_v that_o those_o which_o have_v this_o first_o thought_n of_o passion_n more_o violent_a than_o other_o love_v more_o or_o long_o for_o it_o be_v rather_o a_o effect_n of_o their_o temperament_n than_o the_o grandeur_n of_o their_o passion_n so_o that_o ordinary_o those_o which_o be_v of_o a_o hot_a nature_n love_v not_o so_o constant_o as_o other_o because_o not_o have_v power_n over_o their_o own_o disposition_n they_o must_v necessary_o change_v love_n as_o other_o thing_n and_o it_o consequent_o follow_v that_o those_o which_o love_v the_o speedy_a be_v not_o the_o most_o constant_a but_o in_o fine_a say_v clelia_n it_o matter_n not_o whether_o they_o change_v or_o not_o it_o be_v not_o of_o that_o i_o intend_v to_o speak_v for_o that_o i_o maintain_v be_v that_o one_o can_v have_v love_n at_o the_o first_o sight_n they_o see_v a_o woman_n i_o assure_v you_o madam_n reply_v horatius_n i_o know_v a_o man_n which_o from_o the_o first_o day_n he_o see_v one_o of_o the_o most_o admirable_a person_n in_o the_o world_n have_v i_o know_v not_o what_o in_o his_o heart_n which_o entire_o possess_v it_o which_o give_v he_o joy_n and_o inquietude_n desire_n hope_v and_o fear_n and_o which_o in_o fine_a render_v he_o so_o different_a from_o himself_o that_o if_o it_o be_v not_o love_v he_o have_v in_o his_o heart_n it_o be_v something_o which_o very_o much_o resemble_v it_o i_o know_v another_o reply_v aronce_n without_o suspect_v horatius_n his_o passion_n for_o clelia_n which_o have_v long_a time_n have_v esteem_n and_o admiration_n without_o love_v a_o marvellous_a person_n it_o be_v true_a i_o be_o persuade_v that_o the_o reason_n which_o then_o hinder_v he_o from_o it_o be_v that_o he_o believe_v himself_o not_o permit_v to_o love_v that_o which_o he_o shall_v adore_v but_o beginning_n to_o love_n reply_v clelia_n have_v he_o leave_v adoration_n for_o if_o so_o i_o find_v that_o which_o he_o adore_v aught_o to_o wish_v he_o shall_v not_o love_v it_o these_o two_o resentment_n be_v not_o incompatible_a madam_n reply_v aronce_n and_o though_o we_o may_v adore_v thing_n we_o love_v not_o because_o they_o surpass_v our_o knowledge_n we_o do_v nevertheless_o love_v that_o which_o we_o adore_v for_o myself_o reply_v barce_o between_o those_o two_o thought_n i_o shall_v love_v he_o better_o which_o belong_v to_o a_o mistress_n than_o he_o which_o appertain_v not_o but_o to_o a_o goddess_n and_o the_o tenderness_n of_o the_o heart_n be_v so_o to_o be_v prefer_v before_o the_o admiration_n of_o the_o spirit_n that_o i_o put_v no_o comparison_n between_o those_o two_o thing_n indeed_o add_v sozonisbe_n tenderness_n be_v a_o quality_n so_o necessary_a to_o all_o manner_n of_o affection_n that_o they_o can_v be_v agreeable_a or_o perfect_a if_o it_o be_v not_o there_o i_o comprehend_v well_o say_v clelia_n that_o we_o may_v say_v a_o tender_a amity_n and_o there_o be_v a_o notable_a difference_n between_o a_o ordinary_a and_o a_o tender_a amity_n but_o say_v sozonizbe_n i_o have_v never_o hear_v of_o a_o tender_a amity_n and_o i_o ever_o sigure_v it_o to_o myself_o that_o this_o affect_v and_o significative_a term_n be_v consecrate_v to_o perfect_a amity_n and_o that_o it_o be_v only_o speak_v of_o it_o we_o may_v sit_o imply_v the_o word_n tender_a so_o many_o man_n use_v it_o now_o reply_v i_o that_o we_o know_v not_o a_o true_a signification_n of_o it_o i_o will_v therefore_o hinder_v say_v clelia_n that_o that_o word_n which_o signify_v a_o thing_n so_o sweet_a rare_a and_o agreeable_a shall_v be_v profane_v though_o celeres_fw-la have_v say_v every_o one_o use_v it_o for_o my_o particular_a reply_v sozonizbe_n i_o promise_v you_o always_o to_o make_v use_n of_o it_o if_o you_o can_v make_v i_o understand_v its_o true_a signification_n i_o promise_v the_o same_o thing_n add_v barce_o for_o i_o ingenuous_o confess_v unto_o you_o that_o though_o there_o pass_v never_o a_o day_n but_o i_o tell_v some_o of_o my_o friend_n that_o i_o love_v they_o tender_o and_o some_o friend_n accost_v i_o in_o the_o same_o language_n i_o confess_v it_o may_v be_v that_o it_o appertain_v not_o to_o i_o to_o use_v it_o as_o i_o be_o persuade_v add_v aronce_n that_o there_o be_v a_o species_n of_o a_o amorous_a tenderness_n which_o put_v as_o much_o difference_n between_o the_o love_v of_o those_o which_o have_v it_o or_o have_v it_o not_o as_o ordinary_a tenderness_n put_v to_o amity_n i_o shall_v be_v infinite_o oblige_v to_o the_o fair_a clelia_n if_o she_o will_v define_v tenderness_n and_o decipher_v how_o i_o may_v know_v it_o and_o what_o value_v it_o set_v on_o friendship_n to_o the_o end_n i_o may_v prove_v in_o the_o sequel_n of_o it_o that_o tenderness_n join_v to_o love_n much_o augment_v its_o estimation_n as_o i_o have_v natural_o a_o tender_a spirit_n reply_v clelia_n i_o think_v it_o appertain_v to_o i_o more_o than_o any_o other_o to_o speak_v of_o tenderness_n and_o that_o barce_o with_o all_o her_o spirit_n can_v do_v it_o so_o well_o as_o i._o i_o have_v already_o confess_v reply_v that_o fair_a person_n that_o i_o do_v not_o well_o know_v how_o to_o make_v use_n of_o this_o word_n neither_o do_v i_o precise_o know_v whether_o i_o have_v any_o tenderness_n or_o not_o therefore_o i_o shall_v be_v infinite_o oblige_v if_o you_o please_v to_o tell_v i_o the_o difference_n between_o a_o ordinary_a and_o a_o tender_a amity_n it_o be_v so_o considerable_a reply_v clelia_n that_o i_o may_v very_o well_o say_v there_o be_v less_o between_o the_o indifferent_a amity_n than_o between_o these_o two_o for_o in_o fine_a that_o which_o have_v no_o tenderness_n be_v a_o kind_n of_o a_o tranquillous_a friendship_n which_o give_v neither_o great_a contentment_n nor_o great_a inquietude_n to_o those_o which_o be_v capable_a of_o they_o they_o have_v even_o friendship_n in_o their_o heart_n without_o express_v any_o sensibility_n depart_v from_o they_o without_o be_v melancholy_a they_o think_v not_o of_o they_o if_o they_o see_v they_o not_o they_o render_v they_o courtesy_n without_o great_a joy_n and_o they_o receive_v they_o without_o much_o acknowledgement_n they_o neglect_v all_o petty_a care_n the_o evil_n of_o those_o they_o love_v touch_v they_o not_o generosity_n and_o ostentation_n have_v as_o much_o part_n in_o all_o they_o act_v as_o friendship_n they_o have_v a_o certain_a lethargy_n of_o heart_n which_o make_v they_o not_o feel_v the_o joy_n to_o be_v belove_v of_o those_o they_o love_v they_o put_v little_a difference_n between_o the_o conversation_n of_o other_o person_n and_o those_o to_o who_o they_o have_v
without_o have_v any_o beauty_n and_o without_o youth_n she_o be_v considerable_a above_o all_o those_o which_o be_v great_a in_o capua_n and_o that_o she_o be_v at_o all_o feast_n public_a and_o private_a but_o that_o which_o be_v most_o strange_a be_v that_o she_o be_v continual_o in_o conversation_n with_o all_o the_o young_a person_n of_o quality_n and_o with_o all_o the_o fair_a lady_n in_o effect_n those_o man_n which_o make_v such_o a_o tumultuous_a garboyl_n when_o they_o find_v that_o a_o fair_a woman_n have_v her_o nose_n a_o little_a too_o big_a too_o little_a eye_n the_o chin_n too_o short_a or_o lip_n too_o pale_a and_o can_v hardly_o suffer_v those_o which_o have_v pass_v four_o lustre_n have_v not_o their_o eye_n trouble_v to_o see_v always_o aricidia_fw-la though_o she_o never_o have_v any_o beauty_n and_o though_o she_o have_v fifteen_o lustre_n to_o count_v as_o the_o roman_n or_o that_o she_o can_v recount_v near_o twenty_o olympiad_n according_a to_o the_o calculation_n of_o the_o greek_n you_o will_v demand_v of_o i_o madam_n without_o doubt_n by_o what_o charm_n a_o person_n to_o who_o nature_n have_v refuse_v all_o the_o grace_n ordinary_a to_o her_o sex_n who_o time_n have_v deprive_v of_o youth_n and_o who_o fortune_n have_v not_o endow_v with_o great_a favour_n for_o to_o render_v she_o so_o considerable_a and_o so_o much_o desire_v and_o i_o shall_v answer_v you_o it_o be_v by_o a_o great_a goodness_n and_o by_o a_o natural_a grandeur_n of_o spirit_n which_o be_v join_v to_o a_o long_a experience_n of_o the_o world_n and_o to_o a_o agreeable_a humour_n that_o without_o take_v care_n of_o herself_o she_o divertise_v all_o those_o which_o frequent_a she_o for_o as_o she_o be_v without_o ambition_n as_o she_o have_v a_o great_a and_o noble_a heart_n that_o she_o know_v not_o how_o to_o slatter_v that_o she_o be_v not_o interest_v in_o any_o manner_n that_o she_o clear_o see_v thing_n that_o she_o recount_v they_o pleasant_o and_o that_o she_o know_v all_o that_o which_o pass_v in_o capua_n there_o be_v no_o person_n which_o do_v nor_o desire_n she_o and_o when_o there_o happen_v any_o remarkable_a occurrence_n there_o be_v no_o body_n which_o wish_v not_o to_o see_v she_o to_o know_v that_o which_o she_o think_v say_v or_o know_v of_o it_o so_o that_o if_o she_o can_v be_v in_o twenty_o place_n at_o one_o time_n she_o may_v be_v there_o she_o go_v likewise_o every_o where_o without_o be_v troublesome_a because_o she_o be_v never_o in_o any_o place_n but_o where_o she_o be_v desire_v moreover_o though_o she_o have_v something_o in_o particular_a in_o her_o physiognomy_n and_o very_o pleasant_a in_o her_o manner_n of_o speak_v she_o have_v not_o any_o pleasantness_n of_o profession_n in_o fine_a she_o have_v a_o certain_a jovial_a sincerity_n which_o make_v she_o say_v thing_n which_o surprise_n and_o which_o please_v and_o the_o truth_n be_v that_o she_o have_v a_o solid_a virtue_n though_o it_o be_v not_o savage_a in_o effect_n she_o say_v thing_n that_o she_o think_v not_o of_o she_o see_v the_o weakness_n of_o other_o without_o contribute_v thereto_o and_o without_o be_v ever_o the_o confident_a of_o any_o love_n she_o know_v all_o the_o love_n of_o the_o city_n she_o blame_v the_o tattle_a gossip_n she_o flatter_v not_o the_o gallant_n she_o give_v pleasant_o her_o opinion_n of_o those_o that_o pretend_v to_o be_v fair_a when_o they_o be_v not_o she_o endeavour_v to_o reconcile_v the_o difference_n of_o family_n she_o be_v in_o friendship_n with_o all_o the_o husband_n and_o wife_n and_o without_o do_v that_o but_o which_o she_o think_v she_o ought_v to_o do_v she_o please_v man_n which_o be_v opposite_a in_o all_o thing_n she_o be_v a_o good_a friend_n and_o be_v both_o officious_a and_o free_a all_o the_o greatness_n of_o the_o earth_n can_v make_v she_o change_v her_o opinion_n when_o she_o think_v she_o have_v reason_n and_o to_o define_v she_o in_o few_o word_n i_o may_v say_v aricidia_fw-la be_v a_o live_a mortality_n but_o a_o moralist_n without_o sadness_n and_o who_o believe_v that_o the_o pleasantness_n of_o innocent_a raillery_n be_v not_o useless_a to_o virtue_n but_o the_o most_o incredible_a thing_n be_v that_o though_o she_o know_v all_o the_o maliciousness_n the_o world_n be_v capable_a of_o she_o be_v nevertheless_o incapable_a of_o it_o and_o though_o she_o have_v a_o infinite_a spirit_n she_o can_v find_v any_o invention_n to_o prejudice_v any_o though_o she_o find_v a_o thousand_o when_o she_o will_v serve_v her_o friend_n in_o sine_fw-la aricidia_fw-la have_v find_v the_o art_n to_o please_v and_o give_v divertisement_n to_o all_o the_o youth_n without_o incur_v any_o blame_n for_o though_o she_o be_v not_o young_a she_o be_v sometime_o at_o ball_n she_o see_v all_o the_o great_a feast_n she_o be_v in_o the_o most_o gallant_a walk_n and_o the_o merry_a company_n and_o aricidia_fw-la be_v compose_v of_o so_o much_o delight_n that_o i_o may_v bold_o say_v she_o can_v be_v parallel_v and_o i_o even_o maintain_v that_o it_o will_v not_o be_v advantageous_a for_o she_o to_o be_v fair_a for_o if_o she_o be_v she_o go_v to_o a_o hundred_o place_n where_o she_o will_v not_o go_v she_o say_v thing_n that_o she_o will_v not_o say_v and_o her_o physiognomy_n which_o retain_v more_o the_o andacity_n of_o my_o sex_n than_o the_o timidity_n of_o she_o add_v a_o far_o more_o force_n to_o her_o word_n and_o give_v a_o like_n to_o her_o discourse_n as_o i_o have_v say_v already_o she_o be_v so_o desire_a in_o all_o place_n that_o the_o day_n shall_v be_v long_o for_o she_o than_o other_o if_o she_o will_v content_v all_o those_o that_o desire_v she_o aricidia_fw-la being_n then_o such_o as_o i_o have_v represent_v to_o you_o come_v into_o a_o house_n where_o aronce_n and_o i_o enter_v just_a as_o she_o speak_v of_o clelia_n to_o five_o or_o six_o person_n which_o be_v there_o and_o that_o she_o speak_v of_o she_o with_o earnestness_n so_o that_o when_o we_o enter_v she_o change_v not_o her_o discourse_n on_o the_o contrary_n she_o no_o soon_o see_v we_o but_o know_v we_o be_v clelia_n friend_n she_o address_v herself_o to_o we_o with_o that_o familiarity_n which_o be_v natural_a to_o she_o you_o come_v very_o sit_o say_v she_o to_o we_o to_o maintain_v my_o argument_n against_o a_o man_n you_o see_v with_o i_o who_o say_v that_o clelia_n will_v be_v fair_a than_o she_o be_v if_o she_o be_v a_o little_a more_o coy_a ah_o aricidia_fw-la cry_v that_o man_n which_o be_v name_v genutius_n tell_v at_o least_o to_o aronce_n and_o celeres_fw-la that_o which_o i_o at_o first_o say_v of_o the_o great_a beauty_n of_o clelia_n before_o you_o tell_v they_o what_o i_o have_v wish_v thereto_o i_o shall_v tell_v it_o reply_v she_o after_o i_o have_v deliver_v my_o advice_n thereupon_o for_o i_o find_v it_o so_o unreasonable_a that_o i_o can_v endure_v it_o the_o beauty_n of_o clelia_n be_v so_o resplendent_a and_o perfect_a reply_v aronce_n that_o i_o can_v well_o comprehend_v of_o what_o addition_n it_o be_v capable_a i_o think_v add_v i_o that_o without_o seek_v to_o deny_v it_o you_o have_v best_o demand_v if_o of_o aricidia_fw-la i_o voluntary_o consent_v to_o it_o reply_v genutius_n so_o that_o she_o will_v not_o conceal_v the_o praile_n i_o have_v give_v clelia_n for_o to_o content_v you_o reply_v she_o i_o shall_v then_o say_v that_o you_o be_v of_o my_o opinion_n that_o all_o the_o lineament_n of_o clelia_n face_n be_v admirable_a that_o she_o be_v of_o a_o most_o rare_a complexion_n hair_n very_o fair_a of_o a_o courteous_a behaviour_n and_o that_o she_o be_v in_o sine_fw-la one_o of_o the_o great_a beauty_n in_o the_o world_n but_o after_o that_o pursue_v she_o raise_v her_o voice_n i_o shall_v say_v i_o do_v not_o believe_v she_o can_v ever_o cause_v any_o love_n in_o you_o because_o she_o do_v not_o imitate_v all_o fashion_n or_o to_o say_v better_a all_o the_o ill_a favour_a countenance_n of_o these_o which_o think_v themselves_o fair_a and_o which_o do_v not_o one_o action_n where_o there_o be_v not_o a_o affectation_n which_o strange_o displease_v but_o to_o the_o end_n you_o many_o excuse_v he_o add_v she_o turn_v herself_o towards_o aronce_n and_o i_o i_o must_v tell_v you_o that_o i_o have_v see_v he_o heretofore_o amorous_a of_o one_o of_o those_o lady_n who_o frame_v all_o their_o look_n who_o place_n their_o hand_n with_o art_n who_o turn_v negligent_o their_o head_n who_o have_v a_o artificial_a languor_n or_o a_o borrow_a joy_n who_o fit_a their_o lip_n to_o the_o mirror_n when_o they_o dress_v themselves_o and_o which_o laugh_v in_o such_o a_o manner_n that_o they_o show_v all_o their_o tooth_n when_o they_o be_v white_a ah_o aricidia_fw-la cry_v genutius_n you_o
clelia_n likewise_o and_o all_o those_o who_o see_v he_o in_o clelias_n house_n infinite_o esteem_v he_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n this_o admirable_a virgin_n live_v in_o such_o a_o manner_n that_o she_o have_v no_o lover_n but_o he_o be_v oblige_v to_o conceal_v himself_o under_o the_o name_n of_o a_o friend_n and_o to_o call_v his_o love_n friendship_n for_o otherwise_o they_o have_v be_v banish_v from_o her_o house_n and_o aronce_n and_o horatius_n enrol_v themselves_o under_o that_o title_n if_o it_o be_v not_o in_o certain_a inevitable_a occasion_n where_o this_o last_o strange_o importune_v clelia_n by_o his_o continual_a complaint_n for_o myself_o which_o be_v amorous_a of_o fenice_n i_o be_v likewise_o clelia_n friend_n and_o i_o remember_v one_o day_n among_o the_o rest_n that_o aronce_n herminius_n horatius_n fenice_n and_o i_o be_v with_o clelia_n where_o there_o be_v many_o other_o person_n in_o conference_n with_o sulpicia_n for_o you_o must_v know_v this_o day_n be_v one_o of_o the_o most_o agreeable_a in_o the_o world_n see_v the_o manner_n to_o which_o tend_v our_o discourse_n in_o effect_n as_o herminius_n be_v a_o gallant_a of_o friendship_n and_o common_o entertain_v clelia_n with_o some_o expression_n reflect_v on_o tenderness_n aronce_n tell_v he_o he_o can_v not_o choose_v a_o person_n which_o know_v the_o nature_n of_o true_a tenderness_n better_o than_o clelia_n add_v that_o if_o he_o can_v so_o far_o prevail_v with_o clelia_n as_o to_o define_v it_o he_o shall_v be_v the_o happy_a friend_n in_o the_o world_n her_o definition_n of_o it_o much_o exceed_v all_o other_o if_o it_o be_v true_a reply_v she_o that_o i_o can_v so_o perfect_o decipher_v it_o it_o be_v because_o my_o heart_n dictate_v it_o to_o i_o and_o it_o be_v not_o therefore_o difficult_a to_o tell_v the_o notion_n of_o it_o but_o from_o thence_o i_o must_v not_o draw_v this_o conclusion_n add_v this_o fair_a person_n that_o all_o those_o i_o entitle_v my_o friend_n be_v my_o tender_a friend_n for_o i_o have_v they_o in_o several_a degree_n in_o effect_n i_o have_v half_a friend_n if_o i_o may_v so_o speak_v that_o i_o call_v by_o another_o name_n agreeable_a acquaintance_n and_o i_o have_v some_o which_o have_v make_v a_o far_a progress_n and_o which_o i_o number_n in_o the_o catalogue_n of_o new_a friend_n i_o have_v other_o which_o i_o simple_o call_v my_o friend_n and_o i_o have_v some_o that_o i_o call_v my_o customary_a friend_n i_o have_v other_o which_o i_o name_v solid_a friend_n and_o other_o which_o i_o name_v particular_a friend_n but_o for_o those_o i_o beautify_v with_o the_o title_n of_o tender_a friend_n they_o be_v but_o few_o in_o number_n and_o they_o be_v before_o so_o firm_o seat_v in_o my_o heart_n that_o they_o can_v hardly_o make_v any_o far_a progress_n and_o i_o so_o distinguish_v all_o sort_n of_o friendship_n that_o i_o do_v not_o confound_v they_o by_o your_o favour_n amiable_a clelia_n cry_v herminius_n tell_v i_o where_o i_o be_o i_o conjure_v you_o you_o be_v yet_o in_o new_a friendship_n reply_v she_o smile_v and_o it_o will_v be_v long_o before_o you_o go_v far_o at_o least_o reply_v he_o smile_v as_o well_o as_o she_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v very_o sorry_a to_o know_v how_o i_o may_v go_v from_o new_a amity_n to_o tender_a i_o be_o of_o opinion_n reply_v aronce_n that_o few_o man_n have_v ever_o see_v a_o description_n of_o that_o country_n it_o be_v a_o voyage_n many_o man_n will_v undertake_v reply_v herminius_n and_o who_o may_v deserve_v to_o have_v the_o way_n by_o which_o they_o may_v be_v conduct_v to_o that_o amiable_a place_n and_o if_o the_o fair_a clelia_n will_v do_v i_o the_o favour_n to_o teach_v i_o it_o she_o will_v bind_v i_o in_o a_o indissoluble_a obligation_n to_o she_o may_v be_v you_o imagine_v reply_v clelia_n that_o there_o be_v but_o a_o short_a walk_n between_o new_a amity_n and_o tender_a it_o be_v therefore_o before_o i_o engage_v you_o there_o i_o will_v promise_v you_o to_o give_v you_o the_o map_n of_o that_o country_n that_o aronce_n believe_v have_v none_o i_o pray_v you_o madam_n say_v aronce_n then_o to_o she_o if_o there_o be_v one_o that_o give_v it_o i_o as_o well_o as_o herminius_n horatius_n and_o i_o entreat_v the_o same_o favour_n fenice_n likewise_o press_v she_o to_o give_v she_o the_o map_n of_o that_o country_n which_o no_o person_n have_v yet_o describe_v we_o then_o imagine_v clelia_n will_v have_v write_v some_o agreeable_a letter_n which_o will_v lay_v open_a her_o thought_n but_o when_o we_o press_v she_o she_o tell_v we_o she_o have_v promise_v it_o to_o herminius_n and_o that_o she_o will_v send_v it_o he_o the_o next_o day_n and_o as_o we_o know_v clelia_n write_v very_o gallant_o we_o have_v much_o impatience_n to_o see_v the_o letter_n we_o presuppose_a she_o will_v write_v to_o herminius_n and_o herminius_n himself_o expect_v it_o with_o such_o a_o ardent_a desire_n that_o he_o write_v a_o note_n next_o morning_n to_o clelia_n to_o summon_v she_o of_o her_o word_n and_o as_o it_o be_v very_o short_a i_o believe_v it_o contain_v nigh_o these_o word_n herminius_n to_o the_o fair_a clelia_n as_o i_o can_v go_v from_o new_a amity_n to_o tender_v if_o you_o do_v not_o perform_v your_o word_n i_o demand_v the_o map_n you_o promise_v i_o but_o demand_v it_o of_o you_o i_o engage_v myself_o to_o depart_v as_o soon_o as_o i_o have_v receive_v it_o to_o take_v a_o voyage_n i_o imagine_v so_o agreeable_a and_o that_o i_o prefer_v you_o before_o the_o sight_n of_o all_o the_o earth_n though_o i_o shall_v be_v to_o receive_v a_o tribute_n from_o all_o nation_n in_o the_o world_n when_o clelia_n read_v this_o note_n i_o have_v since_o know_v she_o have_v forget_v the_o promise_n she_o make_v to_o herminius_n and_o that_o have_v hearken_v to_o all_o those_o entreaty_n we_o make_v she_o but_o as_o a_o thing_n which_o then_o bring_v we_o some_o delight_n she_o have_v think_v we_o will_v not_o remember_v it_o the_o next_o day_n so_o that_o at_o first_o the_o note_n of_o herminius_n surprise_v she_o but_o as_o at_o this_o time_n a_o please_a fancy_n entertain_v her_o thought_n she_o imagine_v it_o will_v be_v delightful_a to_o other_o and_o without_o any_o further_a consultation_n she_o take_v the_o tablet_n and_o write_v that_o she_o have_v agreeable_o design_v and_o she_o so_o speedy_o execute_v it_o that_o in_o half_a a_o hour_n she_o have_v complete_o begin_v and_o finish_v her_o designment_n after_o which_o have_v write_v a_o note_n she_o send_v it_o to_o herminius_n with_o who_o aronce_n and_o i_o then_o be_v but_o we_o be_v astonish_v when_o that_o herminius_n after_o he_o have_v see_v that_o clelia_n have_v send_v to_o he_o show_v we_o a_o map_n effectual_o design_v with_o her_o hand_n which_o teach_v we_o how_o we_o may_v go_v from_o new_a amity_n to_o tender_a and_o which_o so_o resemble_v a_o true_a map_n that_o there_o be_v sea_n river_n mountain_n a_o lake_n city_n and_o village_n and_o for_o to_o make_v you_o see_v it_o more_o clear_o behold_v a_o copy_n of_o that_o ingenious_a map_n that_o i_o careful_o keep_v from_o that_o time_n at_o these_o word_n celeres_fw-la give_v a_o map_n which_o follow_v in_o the_o next_o page_n to_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n who_o be_v agreeable_o surprise_v at_o it_o but_o to_o the_o end_n she_o may_v know_v better_o all_o the_o device_n of_o it_o he_o explicate_v to_o she_o clelia_n intention_n which_o she_o have_v do_v to_o herminius_n in_o the_o note_n which_o accompany_v that_o map_n so_o that_o after_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n have_v it_o in_o her_o hand_n celeres_fw-la thus_o resume_v his_o discourse_n you_o doubtless_o madam_n very_o well_o remember_v that_o herminius_n pray_v clelia_n to_o instruct_v he_o how_o he_o may_v go_v from_o new_a amity_n to_o tender_a so_o that_o he_o must_v first_o begin_v by_o the_o first_o city_n which_o be_v situate_v at_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o map_n to_o go_v to_o the_o other_o for_o to_o the_o end_n madam_n you_o may_v be_v full_o acquaint_v with_o clelia_n design_n you_o see_v she_o have_v imagine_v tenderness_n may_v proceed_v from_o three_o different_a cause_n either_o from_o a_o great_a esteem_n recognizance_n or_o inclination_n which_o have_v oblige_v she_o to_o establish_v these_o three_o city_n of_o tender_a upon_o three_o river_n which_o derive_v their_o name_n from_o they_o and_o to_o make_v three_o different_a way_n to_o go_v thither_o so_o as_o we_o say_v cume_v on_o the_o ionian_a and_o cume_n on_o the_o tyrrhene_a sea_n she_o make_v we_o say_v tender_v on_o inclination_n tender_v on_o esteem_n and_o tender_v on_o recognizance_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n as_o she_o have_v presuppose_v that_o that_o
have_v see_v you_o and_o hear_v you_o speak_v and_o have_v find_v in_o your_o hand_n the_o mole_n which_o ought_v to_o be_v there_o and_o see_v the_o jewel_n of_o clelia_n there_o be_v no_o question_n to_o be_v make_v but_o you_o be_v the_o son_n of_o the_o king_n porsenna_n and_o the_o queen_n galerita_n and_o he_o which_o have_v put_v nicius_n and_o i_o to_o the_o expense_n of_o so_o many_o tear_n yes_o sir_n add_v nicius_n you_o be_v assure_o the_o son_n of_o a_o great_a prince_n and_o princess_n and_o will_v to_o the_o god_n you_o be_v more_o happy_a than_o they_o aronce_n hear_v nicius_n and_o martia_n speak_v in_o this_o manner_n be_v so_o surprise_v at_o it_o that_o his_o astonishment_n appear_v in_o his_o eye_n but_o it_o appear_v there_o without_o cause_v any_o transportment_n of_o excessive_a joy_n in_o his_o heart_n and_o i_o may_v very_o well_o say_v that_o never_o any_o person_n give_v such_o a_o illustrious_a mark_n of_o moderation_n in_o effect_n the_o first_o motion_n which_o come_v into_o his_o spirit_n be_v to_o give_v i_o a_o new_a demonstration_n of_o his_o friendship_n for_o it_o be_v true_a as_o soon_o as_o nicius_n and_o martia_n have_v relate_v to_o he_o his_o birth_n he_o behold_v i_o with_o a_o oblige_a eye_n in_o which_o there_o appear_v without_o the_o confirmation_n of_o any_o word_n that_o he_o be_v glad_a to_o see_v himself_o in_o estate_n to_o requite_v my_o affection_n by_o effectual_a courtesy_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n he_o learn_v to_o nicius_n and_o martia_n all_o that_o i_o have_v already_o tell_v they_o and_o they_o learn_v to_o he_o all_o that_o i_o have_v recount_v to_o you_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o history_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o war_n of_o the_o precedent_a king_n of_o clusium_n with_o mezentius_n prince_n of_o perusia_n the_o imprisonment_n of_o porsenna_n his_o love_n for_o galerita_n by_o what_o mean_v he_o have_v be_v deliver_v his_o marriage_n the_o death_n of_o nicetale_a the_o second_o imprisonment_n of_o porsenna_n and_o galerita_n his_o birth_n the_o manner_n how_o he_o have_v be_v convey_v from_o the_o willow_n island_n to_o put_v he_o in_o their_o hand_n their_o flight_n their_o embarquement_n their_o shipwreck_n and_o the_o resolution_n they_o have_v take_v to_o go_v to_o syracuse_n and_o not_o to_o declare_v to_o porsenna_n friend_n that_o the_o child_n be_v trust_v to_o they_o have_v perish_v not_o because_o they_o do_v not_o positive_o know_v he_o be_v dead_a but_o because_o they_o dare_v not_o tell_v it_o for_o fear_v it_o shall_v abate_v the_o heart_n of_o the_o friend_n of_o porsenna_n and_o galerita_n but_o though_o be_v it_o possible_a say_v i_o then_o to_o nicius_n and_o martia_n that_o the_o child_n of_o porsenna_n and_o galerita_n have_v not_o appear_v so_o long_o and_o how_o can_v it_o be_v conceal_v so_o many_o year_n that_o they_o do_v not_o know_v where_o he_o be_v the_o thing_n have_v be_v very_o easy_a reply_v nicius_n for_o you_o must_v know_v that_o have_v a_o year_n very_o careful_o conceal_v the_o loss_n of_o this_o young_a prince_n the_o friend_n of_o porsenna_n make_v a_o secret_a league_n resolve_v that_o they_o must_v have_v this_o child_n in_o their_o hand_n to_o endeavour_v to_o excite_v a_o insurrection_n among_o the_o people_n so_o that_o one_o among_o they_o know_v where_o we_o be_v come_v thither_o and_o as_o we_o must_v necessary_o confess_v our_o shipwreck_n to_o he_o end_z as_o it_o be_v natural_a to_o flatter_v ourselves_o with_o hope_n and_o to_o diminish_v as_o much_o as_o we_o can_v the_o misfortune_n of_o other_o we_o tell_v to_o this_o friend_n of_o porsenna_n that_o this_o child_n will_v be_v one_o day_n it_o may_v be_v find_v and_o that_o there_o have_v so_o many_o escape_v shipwreck_n that_o it_o may_v be_v this_o child_n shall_v be_v escape_v as_o well_o as_o the_o other_o whether_o it_o shall_v be_v so_o or_o no_o reply_v he_o to_o who_o we_o speak_v we_o must_v not_o publish_v his_o death_n if_o it_o be_v not_o for_o no_o other_o reason_n than_o not_o to_o give_v joy_n to_o the_o enemy_n of_o porsenna_n and_o grief_n to_o his_o friend_n and_o conform_v ourselves_o to_o his_o will_n publish_v it_o not_o and_o since_o that_o have_v always_o say_v that_o porsenna_n son_n be_v not_o dead_a and_o to_o endeavour_v to_o excite_v the_o people_n to_o rebellion_n we_o spread_v a_o bruit_n that_o mezentius_n have_v take_v he_o from_o we_o by_o force_n and_o that_o he_o keep_v he_o prisoner_n as_o well_o as_o his_o father_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n as_o we_o dare_v not_o return_v into_o our_o country_n because_o of_o the_o perusian_a prince_n we_o always_o remain_v at_o syracuse_n but_o as_o martia_n have_v a_o long_a and_o grievous_a sickness_n from_o which_o she_o hardly_o recover_v we_o agree_v to_o leave_v sicily_n for_o some_o time_n and_o to_o choose_v a_o more_o healthful_a air_n and_o find_v no_o place_n more_o agreeable_a than_o capua_n we_o come_v hither_o and_o we_o come_v hither_o without_o doubt_n conduct_v by_o the_o god_n for_o to_o find_v you_o here_o since_o that_o in_o the_o state_n in_o which_o thing_n be_v your_o presence_n be_v whole_o necessary_a to_o save_v the_o life_n of_o the_o king_n your_o father_n for_o mezentius_n be_v more_o incense_a then_o ever_o bianor_n have_v always_o love_n and_o ambition_n the_o princess_n of_o perusia_n his_o sister_n do_v all_o she_o can_v that_o he_o may_v obtain_v his_o end_n and_o mezentius_n despair_v to_o have_v other_o child_n than_o galerita_n seem_v resolve_v to_o put_v to_o death_n porsenna_n to_o the_o end_n to_o enforce_v this_o princess_n to_o remarry_v with_o bianor_n for_o though_o she_o be_v your_o mother_n she_o have_v not_o complete_v above_o thirty_o six_o year_n and_o be_v yet_o as_o i_o have_v hear_v one_o of_o the_o fair_a person_n in_o the_o world_n you_o may_v judge_v madam_n with_o what_o attention_n aronce_n hearken_v to_o the_o discourse_n of_o nicius_n and_o how_o many_o different_a thought_n possess_v his_o heart_n for_o he_o be_v glad_a to_o know_v he_o be_v a_o king_n son_n he_o be_v afflict_v to_o learn_v in_o what_o a_o deplorable_a estate_n the_o prince_n be_v to_o who_o he_o owe_v his_o life_n the_o certainty_n of_o not_o be_v a_o roman_a give_v he_o some_o inquietude_n because_o of_o clelius_fw-la the_o thought_n that_o he_o can_v not_o espouse_v clelia_n without_o do_v something_o contrary_a to_o exact_a prudence_n give_v he_o displeasure_n and_o his_o soul_n be_v strange_o agitate_a but_o at_o last_o get_v the_o victory_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n as_o there_o lack_v the_o show_v of_o the_o two_o knot_n of_o diamond_n to_o finish_v the_o discovery_n of_o porsenna_n son_n though_o it_o be_v not_o necessary_a aronce_n after_o he_o have_v say_v a_o thousand_o oblige_a thing_n to_o nicius_n and_o martia_n and_o after_o he_o have_v recount_v to_o they_o the_o obligation_n he_o have_v to_o clelius_fw-la and_o a_o part_n of_o that_o which_o be_v happen_v to_o he_o except_o his_o love_n for_o clelia_n he_o leave_v they_o to_o return_v to_o clelius_fw-la his_o house_n but_o return_v thither_o we_o meet_v herminius_n who_o come_v from_o thence_o and_o who_o tell_v we_o that_o it_o be_v account_v a_o very_a strange_a thing_n we_o shall_v so_o sudden_o leave_v they_o add_v that_o a_o part_n of_o the_o company_n be_v already_o go_v in_o effect_n when_o we_o enter_v clelia_n house_n there_o be_v but_o four_o or_o five_o of_o her_o friend_n with_o she_o who_o walk_v together_o in_o her_o father_n garden_n for_o we_o go_v so_o timely_a to_o the_o lodging_n of_o nicius_n that_o it_o be_v not_o so_o late_o when_o we_o come_v from_o thence_o but_o we_o may_v walk_v without_o any_o incommodity_n so_o that_o clelia_n no_o soon_o see_v aronce_n but_o she_o make_v war_n to_o he_o for_o leave_v she_o when_o she_o celebrate_v her_o birthday_n if_o you_o know_v what_o oblige_v i_o to_o do_v it_o reply_v he_o to_o she_o i_o be_o assure_v you_o will_v not_o murmur_v against_o i_o it_o may_v be_v reply_v she_o to_o he_o and_o shall_v not_o accuse_v you_o of_o it_o but_o you_o can_v hinder_v i_o from_o complain_v of_o you_o that_o which_o you_o say_v be_v so_o glorious_a for_o i_o reply_v he_o that_o if_o i_o shall_v have_v gain_v nothing_o by_o leave_v you_o i_o ought_v to_o be_v consolate_v for_o leave_v you_o but_o in_o fine_a madam_n say_v he_o to_o she_o separate_v she_o five_o or_o six_o pace_n from_o the_o company_n i_o must_v tell_v you_o that_o which_o have_v oblige_v i_o to_o leave_v you_o and_o that_o you_o know_v i_o have_v not_o do_v it_o but_o to_o cease_v to_o be_v that_o unknown_a aronce_n without_o name_n and_o country_n who_o have_v sometime_o be_v so_o cruel_o
treat_v by_o clelius_fw-la for_o that_o reason_n what_o aronce_n reply_v she_o blush_v do_v you_o know_v your_o birth_n yes_o madam_n say_v he_o to_o she_o i_o know_v it_o with_o some_o joy_n though_o i_o be_o not_o a_o roman_a because_o that_o as_o son_n to_o the_o great_a king_n of_o all_o etruria_n i_o can_v pretend_v with_o more_o boldness_n to_o the_o possession_n of_o the_o perfect_a person_n in_o the_o world_n permit_v i_o then_o i_o conjure_v you_o that_o now_o i_o know_v myself_o to_o be_v the_o son_n of_o the_o king_n of_o clusium_n who_o mezentius_n detain_v prisoner_n i_o offer_v a_o second_o time_n to_o you_o my_o heart_n and_o that_o i_o assure_v you_o when_o i_o shall_v be_v peaceable_a possessor_n of_o a_o estate_n that_o my_o grandfather_n have_v nigh_o entire_o usurp_v i_o will_v lay_v my_o crown_n at_o your_o foot_n and_o without_o leave_v those_o chain_n you_o have_v give_v i_o i_o will_v bold_o publish_v it_o will_v be_v more_o glorious_a to_o be_v your_o slave_n then_o to_o be_v king_n over_o many_o realm_n and_o because_o i_o see_v add_v he_o that_o which_o i_o tell_v you_o aught_o to_o surprise_v you_o and_o that_o i_o perceive_v you_o be_v surprise_v i_o shall_v not_o tell_v the_o whole_a narration_n of_o my_o story_n but_o leave_v it_o to_o celeres_fw-la to_o acquaint_v you_o with_o it_o whilst_o i_o shall_v go_v to_o seek_v clelius_fw-la to_o the_o end_n to_o learn_v he_o my_o adventure_n and_o to_o conjure_v he_o to_o suffer_v those_o knot_n of_o diamond_n you_o wear_v to_o be_v see_v by_o those_o who_o have_v learn_v i_o my_o birth_n and_o likewise_o to_o entreat_v he_o to_o prefer_v i_o before_o horatius_n clelia_n be_v so_o surprise_v to_o hear_v that_o which_o aronce_n say_v that_o she_o know_v not_o what_o to_o answer_v he_o it_o be_v not_o that_o she_o suspect_v the_o truth_n of_o it_o but_o the_o thing_n be_v so_o surprise_v that_o she_o can_v not_o imagine_v it_o to_o be_v possible_a though_o she_o do_v not_o doubt_v of_o it_o she_o therefore_o answer_v he_o as_o a_o person_n infinite_o prudent_a for_o without_o afford_v he_o so_o much_o time_n as_o to_o think_v she_o doubt_v of_o what_o he_o say_v she_o give_v he_o cause_n to_o make_v know_v all_o the_o particular_n of_o his_o adventure_n and_o aronce_n go_v to_o seek_v clelius_fw-la who_o be_v in_o his_o house_n i_o remain_v in_o this_o garden_n and_o whilst_o the_o friend_n of_o clelia_n either_o entertain_v themselves_o together_o or_o with_o sulpicia_n who_o then_o come_v thither_o i_o tell_v she_o in_o few_o word_n all_o that_o nicius_n and_o martia_n have_v tell_v aronce_n and_o i_o give_v she_o a_o most_o sensible_a joy_n to_o know_v that_o her_o lover_n be_v of_o such_o a_o illustrious_a birth_n i_o see_v in_o her_o eye_n that_o she_o fear_v this_o greatness_n will_v be_v a_o obstacle_n to_o her_o felicity_n but_o she_o do_v not_o tell_v it_o i_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n aronce_n go_v where_o clelius_fw-la be_v and_o tell_v he_o he_o have_v a_o important_a business_n to_o communicate_v to_o he_o he_o enter_v into_o his_o cabinet_n where_o he_o tell_v he_o all_o he_o know_v but_o he_o tell_v it_o he_o with_o the_o same_o respect_n he_o accustom_v to_o have_v when_o he_o know_v not_o his_o birth_n and_o clelius_fw-la have_v consent_v to_o his_o desire_n i_o return_v to_o find_v nicius_n and_o martia_n from_o who_o mouth_n the_o father_n of_o clelia_n learn_v all_o they_o have_v tell_v we_o and_o to_o confirm_v that_o which_o they_o say_v those_o two_o knot_n of_o diamond_n be_v show_v he_o they_o demand_v to_o see_v they_o open_v they_o and_o in_o one_o there_o be_v a_o portrait_n of_o a_o very_a beautiful_a person_n and_o in_o the_o other_o a_o portrait_n of_o a_o very_a handsome_a man_n who_o so_o much_o resemble_v aronce_n that_o one_o can_v hardly_o think_v but_o this_o picture_n be_v make_v for_o he_o and_o nicius_n see_v our_o astonishment_n tell_v we_o that_o the_o portrait_n which_o resemble_v aronce_n be_v the_o king_n his_o father_n and_o that_o the_o picture_n of_o that_o fair_a woman_n be_v the_o queen_n his_o mother_n and_o that_o those_o portraict_n be_v make_v a_o little_a after_o porsenna_n first_o imprisonment_n and_o since_o his_o marriage_n they_o remain_v in_o the_o hand_n of_o galerita_n and_o that_o this_o princess_n have_v desire_v to_o gain_v all_o her_o jewel_n to_o her_o son_n and_o think_v not_o in_o the_o trouble_n where_o she_o be_v then_o to_o take_v those_o two_o portraict_n from_o those_o two_o knot_n of_o diamond_n which_o be_v make_v with_o such_o artifice_n that_o one_o will_v not_o perceive_v they_o open_v at_o least_o not_o to_o know_v the_o secret_a to_o open_v they_o and_o clelius_fw-la see_v all_o these_o circumstance_n concur_v together_o can_v not_o harbour_v any_o sinister_a thought_n of_o the_o truth_n of_o what_o nicius_n and_o martia_n have_v declare_v unto_o he_o it_o appear_v by_o so_o many_o indubitable_a conjecture_n so_o that_o clelius_fw-la now_o look_v on_o aronce_n as_o the_o son_n of_o a_o great_a king_n will_v have_v use_v more_o civility_n towards_o he_o then_o ordinary_a but_o aronce_n oppose_v it_o and_o tell_v he_o with_o much_o generosity_n that_o his_o birth_n shall_v not_o change_v those_o obligation_n he_o have_v to_o he_o neither_o shall_v it_o change_v his_o heart_n nor_o any_o thing_n between_o they_o in_o pursuit_n of_o which_o nicius_n and_o martia_n say_v that_o it_o be_v not_o yet_o time_n to_o publish_v the_o birth_n of_o aronce_n and_o that_o this_o great_a secret_n must_v be_v conceal_v some_o time_n but_o the_o principal_a business_n be_v to_o think_v of_o save_v the_o king_n his_o father_n life_n and_o to_o hinder_v mezentius_n as_o i_o have_v tell_v you_o from_o force_v his_o daughter_n to_o marry_v bianor_n add_v that_o it_o be_v necessary_a they_o shall_v speedy_o go_v to_o advertise_v the_o friend_n of_o porsenna_n and_o galerita_n that_o the_o prince_n their_o son_n be_v live_v and_o that_o he_o shall_v a_o little_a after_o follow_v they_o to_o the_o end_n to_o advertise_v with_o you_o what_o be_v best_a to_o be_v do_v nicius_n exaggerated_a with_o so_o much_o eloquence_n the_o danger_n in_o which_o the_o king_n of_o clusium_n be_v that_o clelius_fw-la join_v himself_o to_o he_o to_o persuade_v aronce_n to_o come_v speedy_o to_o perusia_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n as_o he_o have_v a_o passion_n in_o his_o soul_n which_o will_v not_o agree_v with_o this_o voyage_n though_o he_o have_v resolve_v to_o take_v it_o and_o say_v he_o will_v it_o be_v easy_a to_o see_v that_o he_o have_v something_o in_o his_o heart_n which_o contradict_v his_o word_n but_o in_o fine_a madam_n without_o tire_v your_o attention_n with_o any_o trivial_a relation_n i_o shall_v tell_v you_o sulpicia_n be_v admit_v to_o this_o secret_a and_o clelius_fw-la and_o she_o force_v nicius_n and_o martia_n to_o leave_v their_o lodging_n and_o to_o lodge_v in_o their_o house_n where_o they_o stay_v but_o two_o day_n for_o they_o have_v so_o much_o impatience_n to_o carry_v this_o agreeable_a news_n they_o know_v to_o the_o friend_n of_o porsenna_n and_o galerita_n that_o they_o will_v not_o defer_v it_o long_o but_o before_o they_o go_v they_o tell_v aronce_n the_o place_n where_o he_o may_v hear_v of_o they_o when_o he_o come_v to_o perusia_n i_o shall_v not_o tell_v you_o madam_n what_o be_v the_o discourse_n of_o aronce_n and_o clelia_n those_o two_o day_n for_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o imagine_v they_o contain_v much_o delight_n but_o when_o nicius_n and_o martia_n be_v depart_v and_o that_o aronce_n see_v both_o honour_n and_o nature_n will_v have_v he_o go_v he_o feel_v in_o his_o heart_n a_o inexpressible_a emotion_n and_o he_o tell_v i_o in_o fine_a after_o a_o long_a agitation_n of_o spirit_n that_o if_o clelius_fw-la will_v not_o give_v he_o clelia_n he_o will_v not_o go_v till_o he_o have_v force_v horatius_n from_o capua_n as_o well_o as_o he_o it_o be_v not_o say_v he_o to_o i_o but_o i_o know_v that_o i_o do_v not_o follow_v the_o direct_a course_n of_o reason_n by_o think_v to_o espouse_v clelia_n now_o i_o know_v i_o be_o son_n to_o a_o prince_n to_o who_o i_o owe_v so_o much_o respect_n as_o not_o to_o marry_v without_o his_o permission_n but_o celeres_fw-la it_o be_v aronce_n which_o be_v amorous_a of_o clelia_n it_o be_v aronce_n which_o ardent_o wish_v her_o possession_n it_o be_v aronce_n which_o can_v suffer_v his_o rival_n to_o enjoy_v she_o and_o it_o be_v not_o the_o son_n of_o the_o king_n of_o clusium_n who_o have_v this_o diversity_n of_o thought_n in_o effect_n i_o shall_v not_o pass_v for_o such_o but_o when_o i_o shall_v have_v save_v his_o life_n and_o if_o this_o beatitude_n happen_v
they_o imagine_v tarquin_n will_v not_o have_v they_o to_o tell_v it_o but_o they_o speak_v in_o ambiguous_a term_n enough_o to_o make_v it_o know_v mean_a while_n this_o cruel_a murderer_n stand_v by_o still_o and_o he_o have_v so_o much_o dissemble_a inhumanity_n as_o to_o feel_v the_o pulse_n of_o this_o deplorable_a princess_n that_o he_o may_v guess_v how_o long_o she_o have_v to_o live_v so_o as_o this_o languish_a person_n do_v in_o a_o manner_n pull_v back_o her_o arm_n and_o be_v out_o of_o all_o patience_n turn_v towards_o tarquin_n with_o a_o languor_n able_a to_o inspire_v compassion_n into_o cruelty_n itself_o i_o ask_v you_o pardon_v sir_n say_v she_o unto_o he_o and_o blush_v for_o be_v so_o long_o a_o die_a but_o it_o be_v not_o my_o fault_n say_v she_o and_o turn_v another_o way_n for_o i_o take_v all_o the_o poison_n that_o be_v give_v i_o and_o never_o look_v for_o any_o remedy_n yet_o these_o word_n be_v not_o hear_v by_o any_o but_o tarquin_n and_o that_o lady_n who_o know_v all_o the_o secret_n of_o this_o deplorable_a lady_n heart_n but_o she_o be_v so_o full_a of_o sorrow_n as_o she_o can_v not_o speak_v and_o tarquin_n who_o be_v as_o bold_a as_o wicked_a begin_v to_o speak_v he_o say_v she_o begin_v to_o swoon_v and_o that_o she_o will_v never_o recover_v out_o of_o it_o and_o indeed_o lose_v her_o speech_n a_o little_a after_o she_o fall_v into_o a_o trance_n which_o last_v four_o or_o five_o hour_n but_o as_o soon_o as_o tarquin_n see_v she_o swoon_v and_o think_v she_o will_v never_o speak_v again_o he_o send_v to_o acquaint_v the_o king_n and_o queen_n who_o come_v in_o all_o haste_n be_v extreme_o grieve_v to_o find_v the_o princess_n in_o that_o condition_n yet_o they_o never_o think_v she_o to_o be_v poison_v nor_o of_o any_o thing_n else_o but_o remedy_n but_o all_o in_o vain_a for_o she_o die_v some_o two_o hour_n after_o the_o sun_n be_v up_o afterward_o the_o unjust_a tarquin_n bethink_v himself_o how_o to_o render_v she_o all_o imaginable_a honour_n after_o death_n but_o whilst_o this_o inhuman_a butcher_n be_v sacrifice_v this_o fair_a princess_n unto_o his_o love_n and_o ambition_n the_o cruel_a tullia_n be_v offer_v the_o same_o sad_a sacrifice_n that_o he_o be_v and_o as_o soon_o as_o the_o prince_n of_o ameriola_n be_v return_v home_o and_o according_a to_o his_o custom_n go_v into_o a_o bath_n he_o begin_v to_o find_v himself_o ill_a for_o tarquin_n have_v make_v up_o his_o dose_n of_o such_o a_o composition_n as_o when_o tullia_n have_v put_v it_o into_o the_o bath_n the_o very_a vapour_n of_o it_o do_v stifle_v he_o and_o take_v away_o the_o use_n of_o his_o reason_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o be_v in_o the_o two_o servant_n who_o wait_v upon_o he_o be_v privy_a unto_o tullia_n conspiracy_n they_o have_v antidote_n to_o keep_v this_o vapour_n from_o hurt_v they_o and_o tullia_n have_v cunning_o send_v away_o all_o other_o that_o be_v not_o of_o the_o confederacy_n but_o after_o this_o poison_n have_v wrought_v its_o effect_n and_o the_o prince_n in_o that_o condition_n the_o cruel_a tullia_n herself_o take_v he_o out_o of_o the_o bath_n and_o put_v he_o into_o bed_n cause_v those_o who_o be_v of_o this_o horrid_a plot_n to_o say_v that_o he_o desire_v to_o sleep_v and_o have_v forbid_v any_o to_o enter_v into_o the_o chamber_n she_o herself_o see_v he_o do_v not_o die_v so_o soon_o as_o she_o desire_v she_o will_v not_o go_v to_o bed_n that_o night_n and_o go_v often_o into_o the_o chamber_n of_o this_o unhappy_a prince_n her_o impatience_n be_v such_o as_o she_o cause_v he_o to_o be_v strangle_v with_o two_o handkerchief_n tie_v together_o to_o the_o end_n there_o may_v be_v no_o sign_n of_o a_o violent_a death_n and_o that_o it_o may_v seem_v he_o be_v choke_v with_o a_o fluxion_n of_o humour_n however_o it_o be_v this_o prince_n die_v the_o same_o night_n with_o the_o princess_n who_o he_o love_v which_o make_v so_o great_a a_o noise_n in_o rome_n rhat_o nothing_o else_o be_v talk_v of_o yet_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n be_v so_o terrible_a unto_o all_o the_o world_n that_o people_n dare_v only_o whisper_v what_o they_o think_v concern_v the_o sudden_a death_n of_o these_o two_o both_o at_o one_o time_n though_o none_o call_v the_o cause_n of_o their_o death_n by_o the_o name_n of_o any_o disease_n these_o most_o cruel_a and_o inhuman_a barbarian_n do_v well_o enough_o foresee_v that_o cause_v they_o to_o die_v so_o both_o at_o one_o time_n people_n will_v think_v as_o they_o do_v but_o they_o foresee_v more_o danger_n to_o themselves_o in_o cause_v they_o to_o die_v at_o several_a time_n for_o if_o the_o princess_n have_v survive_v the_o prince_n of_o ameriola_n she_o will_v have_v tell_v the_o king_n her_o father_n what_o she_o know_v concern_v his_o death_n and_o tulliia_n will_v not_o poison_v her_o husband_n until_o she_o be_v sure_a that_o tarquin_n will_v poison_v his_o wife_n lest_o after_o he_o be_v rid_v of_o he_o who_o may_v dispute_v with_o he_o about_o the_o crown_n he_o shall_v not_o go_v on_o in_o his_o business_n tarquin_n for_o his_o part_n will_v not_o poison_v his_o wife_n have_v he_o not_o be_v sure_o of_o his_o brother_n death_n for_o he_o be_v sure_a that_o if_o his_o brother_n survive_v the_o princess_n he_o will_v revenge_v her_o death_n so_o as_o see_v much_o less_o danger_n in_o the_o muttering_n of_o the_o people_n they_o resolve_v to_o commit_v these_o two_o horrid_a crime_n both_o at_o once_o with_o as_o much_o boldness_n as_o cruelty_n and_o as_o tarquin_n do_v render_v all_o imaginable_a honour_n unto_o the_o princess_n as_o soon_o as_o she_o be_v dead_a so_o do_v tullia_n unto_o the_o prince_n of_o ameriola_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o be_v expire_v this_o cruel_a person_n have_v the_o impudence_n to_o go_v and_o comfort_n tarquin_n after_o the_o death_n of_o his_o wife_n and_o tarquin_n also_o send_v this_o compliment_n unto_o she_o that_o he_o be_v more_o sorry_a for_o the_o prince_n of_o ameriola_n death_n as_o he_o be_v her_o husband_n than_o as_o his_o brother_n all_o this_o while_n the_o wise_a and_o prudent_a servius_n tullus_n be_v strange_o amaze_v for_o though_o at_o the_o first_o he_o do_v not_o suspect_v that_o the_o princess_n his_o daughter_n be_v poison_v yet_o he_o be_v of_o another_o mind_n after_o the_o prince_n of_o ameriola_n death_n and_o know_v that_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n be_v they_o who_o send_v they_o into_o another_o world_n which_o grieve_v this_o good_a king_n to_o the_o very_a heart_n these_o two_o virtuous_a person_n who_o be_v dead_a be_v extreme_o dear_a unto_o he_o and_o their_o death_n strike_v deep_a into_o his_o sorrowful_a soul_n tarquin_n and_o tullia_n after_o this_o horrid_a crime_n be_v a_o horror_n unto_o he_o but_o they_o be_v a_o terror_n also_o and_o he_o fear_v the_o same_o treatment_n to_o himself_o which_o he_o see_v use_v unto_o other_o yet_o this_o consideration_n have_v not_o keep_v he_o from_o publish_v his_o resentment_n have_v not_o a_o reason_n of_o honour_n restrain_v he_o for_o say_v he_o unto_o one_o who_o he_o trust_v with_o all_o the_o secret_n of_o his_o heart_n why_o shall_v i_o stain_v my_o own_o glory_n by_o accuse_v my_o own_o daughter_n for_o poison_v her_o husband_n and_o her_o sister_n why_o shall_v i_o accuse_v my_o son_n in_o law_n for_o murder_v his_o wife_n and_o his_o brother_n when_o i_o have_v accuse_v these_o two_o person_n can_v i_o prove_v their_o crime_n or_o be_o i_o assure_v that_o i_o can_v punish_v they_o for_o it_o be_v likely_a that_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n will_v never_o have_v attempt_v a_o thing_n of_o this_o nature_n unless_o they_o be_v sure_a of_o some_o great_a party_n in_o the_o senate_n beside_o i_o know_v no_o further_o than_o by_o conjecture_n and_o say_v i_o have_v a_o certain_a knowledge_n it_o be_v hard_o for_o a_o father_n to_o punish_v his_o own_o child_n unless_o they_o be_v oblige_v unto_o it_o for_o conspire_v against_o the_o senate_n for_o in_o that_o case_n the_o general_a interest_n ought_v to_o be_v prefer_v before_o the_o particular_a and_o one_o country_n before_o nature_n but_o this_o be_v only_o to_o be_v revenge_v for_o the_o death_n of_o a_o daughter_n and_o a_o son_n in_o law_n rome_n have_v no_o interest_n in_o the_o business_n or_o if_o it_o have_v it_o be_v in_o a_o different_a manner_n for_o i_o conceive_v it_o be_v a_o shame_n unto_o all_o roman_n to_o have_v a_o king_n that_o shall_v convict_v his_o son_n in_o law_n for_o poison_v his_o wife_n and_o that_o shall_v convict_v his_o own_o daughter_n for_o poison_v her_o husband_n i_o conceive_v it_o better_a to_o dissemble_v it_o and_o look_v upon_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n as_o innocent_a this_o
he_o be_v harmless_o incapable_a of_o hurt_v any_o tarquin_n be_v content_v to_o take_v his_o estate_n which_o be_v very_o great_a without_o sacrifice_v he_o unto_o his_o cruelty_n i_o shall_v not_o insist_v any_o long_o upon_o a_o particular_a relation_n of_o all_o his_o wickedness_n nor_o his_o reason_n which_o move_v he_o to_o banish_v i_o for_o that_o will_v be_v to_o relate_v the_o whole_a history_n of_o my_o life_n which_o i_o will_v not_o mix_v with_o the_o story_n of_o so_o wicked_a a_o man_n yet_o i_o must_v be_v so_o just_a as_o to_o confess_v that_o of_o four_o child_n which_o he_o have_v three_o of_o they_o deserve_v to_o have_v a_o father_n less_o cruel_a and_o a_o mother_n more_o virtuous_a for_o the_o second_o of_o his_o son_n who_o by_o his_o first_o name_n be_v call_v aruntius_n and_o afterward_o name_v the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n because_o he_o do_v signalise_v himself_o at_o the_o take_n of_o that_o town_n be_v a_o prince_n that_o be_v every_o way_n admirable_a the_o three_o who_o be_v call_v titus_n be_v also_o a_o man_n of_o very_o noble_a inclination_n and_o the_o daughter_n of_o tarquin_n who_o be_v marry_v have_v all_o the_o sweetness_n and_o modesty_n of_o a_o good_a woman_n but_o as_o for_o the_o prince_n sextus_n who_o be_v also_o call_v the_o young_a tarquin_n he_o be_v much_o different_a from_o his_o brother_n though_o he_o be_v not_o so_o very_o bad_a as_o tarquin_n the_o proud_a for_o he_o be_v handsome_a of_o a_o good_a mind_n and_o a_o pleasant_a spirit_n he_o be_v natural_o eloquent_a his_o ambition_n be_v not_o unmeasurable_a he_o be_v merry_a frolic_a and_o of_o a_o quick_a fancy_n his_o inclination_n be_v to_o love_v all_o manner_n of_o pleasure_n without_o any_o distinguish_n of_o the_o innocent_a from_o the_o criminal_a and_o of_o the_o two_o he_o love_v those_o of_o a_o licentious_a debauchery_n better_a than_o those_o who_o be_v not_o so_o so_o as_o have_v a_o smack_n of_o his_o father_n fierceness_n and_o a_o little_a of_o his_o mother_n cruelty_n and_o mix_v these_o two_o with_o his_o libertinism_n and_o debauchery_n it_o may_v well_o be_v say_v that_o he_o have_v a_o hundred_o dangerous_a quality_n for_o one_o good_a one_o this_o sir_n be_v the_o character_n of_o tarquin_n family_n at_o this_o day_n and_o this_o be_v the_o character_n of_o tarquin_n himself_o who_o now_o intend_v to_o besiege_v ardes_fw-la and_o who_o maugre_o all_o his_o crime_n be_v so_o terrible_a and_o considerable_a unto_o all_o his_o neighbour_n as_o no_o prince_n in_o all_o italy_n more_fw-mi and_o this_o sir_n be_v the_o original_n of_o the_o famous_a city_n of_o rome_n herminius_n have_v end_v his_o relation_n be_v thank_v by_o artemidorus_n by_o aronce_n by_o amilcar_n and_o by_o zenocrates_n for_o the_o pain_n he_o have_v take_v and_o the_o pleasure_n they_o find_v in_o his_o history_n of_o the_o great_a city_n in_o the_o world_n and_o the_o great_a tyrant_n that_o ever_o be_v after_o which_o reason_v upon_o all_o they_o have_v hear_v and_o consider_v that_o love_n and_o ambition_n be_v the_o chief_a cause_n of_o all_o these_o misery_n artemidorus_n wish_v that_o there_o be_v no_o passion_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n oh_o for_o heaven_n sake_n say_v amilcar_n and_o smile_v make_v no_o such_o dangerous_a wish_n since_o i_o conceive_v that_o if_o man_n have_v no_o passion_n in_o lieu_n of_o wish_v to_o live_v they_o will_v wish_v to_o die_v for_o nothing_o be_v more_o odious_a than_o to_o have_v a_o sluggish_a lukewarm_a life_n without_o either_o desire_n or_o fear_n a_o life_n that_o be_v no_o more_o sensible_a than_o that_o which_o we_o see_v in_o flower_n or_o leave_n i_o conceive_v indeed_o say_v herminius_n that_o all_o pleasure_n have_v their_o rise_n from_o passion_n that_o be_v so_o true_a say_v amilcar_n that_o if_o all_o the_o wise_a man_n of_o greece_n shall_v rise_v again_o i_o will_v make_v they_o all_o confess_v that_o all_o their_o wisdom_n be_v not_o worth_a a_o straw_n if_o there_o be_v no_o passion_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n and_o that_o wisdom_n be_v a_o treasure_n which_o they_o know_v not_o what_o to_o do_v with_o i_o dare_v go_v further_o than_o so_o add_v aronce_n for_o i_o be_o persuade_v that_o all_o the_o heroic_a act_n which_o have_v be_v do_v in_o all_o age_n have_v never_o be_v do_v have_v there_o be_v no_o passion_n i_o do_v agree_v unto_o what_o you_o say_v reply_v artemidorus_n but_o yet_o you_o must_v confess_v with_o i_o also_o that_o without_o the_o same_o passion_n few_o or_o none_o of_o all_o the_o great_a and_o abominable_a crime_n have_v be_v commit_v i_o do_v confess_v that_o reply_v amilcar_n but_o i_o must_v tell_v you_o withal_o that_o as_o we_o do_v gather_v rose_n though_o they_o have_v some_o sharp_a prick_n admire_v the_o sea_n though_o she_o cause_v many_o shipwreck_n love_v the_o light_n of_o the_o sun_n though_o sometime_o it_o burn_v and_o love_v the_o earth_n though_o she_o produce_v dangerous_a as_o well_o as_o wholesome_a plant_n so_o i_o say_v the_o same_o of_o passion_n and_o all_o the_o evil_n of_o they_o that_o i_o shall_v be_v sorry_a they_o be_v quite_o take_v away_o from_o man_n for_o if_o they_o be_v all_o pleasure_n and_o delight_n will_v he_o take_v away_o with_o they_o as_o herminius_n well_o observe_v but_o yet_o i_o will_v glad_o know_v add_v he_o and_o address_v himself_o to_o zenocrates_n who_o have_v not_o speak_v a_o word_n in_o this_o dispute_n what_o opinion_n you_o be_v of_o have_v i_o know_v what_o myself_o reply_v he_o very_o pleasant_o and_o smile_v i_o shall_v ere_o this_o have_v tell_v you_o but_o to_o be_v sincere_a i_o know_v not_o for_o since_o i_o be_o very_o sensible_a of_o love_n i_o will_v glad_o reserve_v that_o passion_n but_o otherwise_o i_o be_o so_o natural_o lazy_a as_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v sorry_a if_o there_o be_v no_o other_o passion_n in_o the_o world_n because_o i_o fancy_n that_o if_o there_o be_v none_o all_o will_v slumber_v in_o a_o continual_a languor_n of_o spirit_n and_o a_o please_a phantasm_n of_o idleness_n which_o will_v be_v exceed_o charm_a as_o for_o matter_n of_o idleness_n you_o be_v in_o the_o right_n reply_v amilcar_n for_o if_o there_o be_v no_o passion_n all_o brave_a man_n will_v have_v nothing_o to_o do_v if_o there_o be_v no_o ambition_n million_o of_o man_n will_v come_v and_o go_v in_o and_o out_o of_o the_o world_n without_o any_o thing_n they_o have_v to_o do_v in_o it_o take_v the_o passion_n of_o love_n from_o a_o lover_n and_o he_o be_v but_o a_o idle_a creature_n take_v from_o a_o brave_a man_n that_o which_o get_v he_o honour_n and_o he_o will_v never_o go_v to_o the_o war_n king_n without_o ambition_n may_v have_v subject_n enough_o valiant_a man_n not_o have_v the_o passion_n of_o get_v glory_n will_v all_o sit_v still_o undistinguished_a from_o coward_n i_o believe_v likewise_o that_o the_o field_n will_v all_o lie_v fallow_a city_n and_o house_n will_v not_o be_v build_v man_n will_v remain_v disperse_v in_o the_o field_n not_o seek_v for_o any_o other_o lodging_n than_o grot_n such_o as_o nature_n shall_v make_v they_o and_o as_o for_o lady_n if_o there_o be_v no_o passion_n in_o the_o world_n i_o know_v not_o what_o they_o will_v do_v for_o they_o be_v the_o weak_a sex_n if_o their_o beauty_n do_v not_o cause_n love_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n and_o that_o beauty_n hold_v they_o in_o obedience_n in_o lieu_n of_o force_n i_o have_v rather_o be_v a_o handsome_a butterfly_n than_o a_o fair_a woman_n for_o beside_o their_o be_v certain_o slave_n they_o will_v live_v in_o a_o most_o irksome_a idleness_n since_o they_o will_v not_o know_v how_o to_o spend_v away_o that_o time_n which_o now_o they_o employ_v in_o dress_v themselves_o do_v but_o look_v upon_o a_o fair_a woman_n in_o a_o place_n and_o at_o a_o time_n when_o she_o think_v none_o will_v see_v she_o nor_o she_o see_v any_o that_o will_v be_v enough_o to_o make_v one_o think_v that_o if_o lady_n do_v know_v they_o can_v never_o cause_v love_n they_o will_v never_o take_v so_o much_o pain_n as_o to_o spend_v all_o the_o day_n in_o dress_v themselves_o to_o be_v undress_v again_o at_o night_n i_o once_o know_v a_o woman_n in_o africa_n who_o i_o never_o see_v but_o twice_o yet_o i_o see_v she_o very_o different_a for_o the_o first_o time_n i_o see_v she_o she_o be_v so_o well_o dress_v and_o so_o handsome_a as_o she_o charm_v i_o though_o she_o be_v but_o of_o a_o mean_a beauty_n but_o a_o while_n after_o this_o lady_n be_v go_v into_o the_o country_n in_o a_o place_n where_o she_o never_o think_v to_o see_v any_o and_o be_v alone_o with_o her_o husband_n i_o happen_v to_o come_v
upon_o a_o sudden_a and_o i_o find_v she_o so_o negligent_o dress_v so_o ill-favoured_a and_o so_o different_a from_o what_o she_o seem_v before_o as_o i_o know_v well_o she_o do_v not_o much_o care_n for_o please_v her_o husband_n and_o that_o if_o all_o passion_n be_v take_v out_o of_o the_o world_n all_o handsomeness_n and_o all_o that_o make_v woman_n appear_v fair_a will_v be_v take_v away_o also_o so_o as_o though_o i_o go_v with_o intention_n to_o offer_v incense_n unto_o she_o and_o perhaps_o my_o heart_n yet_o i_o be_v cool_v and_o offer_v nothing_o but_o bring_v away_o my_o heart_n and_o my_o incense_n again_o of_o which_o i_o be_v very_o glad_a for_o within_o a_o few_o day_n after_o i_o know_v not_o how_o to_o employ_v they_o better_o but_o to_o return_v unto_o passion_n judge_v you_o if_o it_o will_v not_o be_v the_o great_a loss_n that_o be_v imaginable_a if_o passion_n be_v take_v away_o for_o if_o there_o be_v none_o then_o all_o lady_n will_v be_v less_o lovely_a and_o never_o love_v but_o as_o they_o will_v not_o be_v love_v reply_v herminius_n so_o they_o will_v not_o be_v hate_v for_o it_o be_v only_a love_n that_o make_v they_o hate_v and_o common_o only_a ill_o treat_v lover_n or_o jealous_a husband_n do_v hate_v they_o it_o be_v true_a reply_v amilcar_n that_o they_o will_v not_o be_v hate_v but_o yet_o if_o they_o be_v not_o love_v their_o life_n will_v be_v strange_o tedious_a to_o they_o and_o i_o be_o confident_a there_o be_v not_o one_o woman_n that_o be_v young_a and_o fair_a but_o she_o have_v rather_o be_v hate_v by_o a_o hundred_o ill_o treat_v lover_n and_o as_o many_o jealous_a husband_n than_o not_o to_o be_v love_v by_o one_o complete_a gallant_n who_o she_o affect_v or_o to_o be_v in_o such_o a_o condition_n as_o to_o be_v neither_o in_o love_n nor_o be_v love_v by_o any_o let_v we_o not_o complain_v therefore_o against_o passion_n since_o they_o be_v the_o whole_a business_n and_o the_o great_a delight_n of_o man_n yet_o i_o must_v tell_v you_o reply_v artemidorus_n it_o be_v a_o business_n of_o great_a difficulty_n to_o overcome_v they_o it_o be_v true_a reply_v amilcar_n in_o his_o usual_a freeness_n but_o since_o it_o be_v so_o difficult_a do_v not_o strive_v against_o they_o submit_v unto_o they_o and_o in_o lieu_n of_o strive_v to_o overcome_v they_o rather_o seek_v to_o satisfy_v they_o and_o then_o you_o will_v not_o be_v so_o torment_v for_o my_o part_n i_o do_v not_o wonder_v that_o passion_n shall_v so_o tyrannize_v over_o the_o heart_n of_o all_o man_n for_o every_o one_o can_v say_v they_o must_v strive_v against_o they_o and_o subject_v they_o the_o lesson_n be_v write_v both_o in_o verse_n and_o prose_n the_o philosopher_n teach_v it_o the_o sage_n command_v it_o father_n teach_v it_o their_o son_n husband_n their_o wife_n and_o mother_n their_o daughter_n so_o as_o these_o poor_a passion_n see_v so_o many_o enemy_n do_v more_o courageous_o strive_v not_o to_o be_v overcome_v but_o to_o reign_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o those_o who_o with_o so_o much_o injustice_n will_v drive_v they_o out_o and_o indeed_o this_o be_v their_o original_n they_o can_v not_o subsist_v otherwise_o they_o afford_v infinite_a delight_n to_o those_o who_o seek_v to_o satisfy_v they_o and_o seldom_o do_v any_o hurt_n but_o unto_o such_o as_o will_v destroy_v they_o for_o my_o part_n reply_v zenocrates_n they_o never_o torment_v i_o in_o that_o sort_n for_o since_o i_o be_o persuade_v that_o it_o be_v very_o difficult_a to_o overcome_v they_o i_o have_v rather_o submit_v so_o as_o my_o reason_n and_o my_o passion_n never_o jar_v for_o when_o my_o passion_n be_v strong_a than_o my_o reason_n my_o reason_n submit_v unto_o they_o and_o when_o my_o reason_n be_v strong_a than_o my_o passion_n it_o slatter_v but_o will_v not_o destroy_v they_o you_o know_v so_o little_a what_o great_a passion_n be_v reply_v herminius_n and_o smile_v that_o it_o appertain_v not_o unto_o you_o to_o speak_v of_o they_o but_o if_o you_o be_v possess_v with_o a_o very_a violent_a passion_n of_o love_n or_o if_o your_o own_o desire_n have_v cause_v you_o to_o endure_v a_o thousand_o torment_n or_o hope_n have_v raise_v in_o you_o a_o thousand_o inquietude_n than_o you_o shall_v be_v permit_v to_o speak_v of_o the_o force_n of_o passion_n for_o have_v you_o but_o experience_n of_o one_o you_o may_v easy_o imagine_v what_o be_v the_o tyranny_n of_o the_o rest_n it_o be_v true_a say_v aronce_n that_o whosoever_o know_v the_o force_n of_o love_n may_v easy_o comprehend_v that_o of_o ambition_n and_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o passion_n yet_o i_o be_o persuade_v reply_v herminius_n that_o one_o can_v judge_v of_o the_o passion_n in_o other_o right_o or_o aught_o to_o speak_v of_o any_o but_o his_o own_o for_o though_o they_o be_v still_o passion_n all_o over_o the_o world_n and_o love_n be_v love_n in_o greece_n as_o well_o as_o in_o italy_n yet_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n do_v different_o resent_v it_o and_o variety_n of_o temper_n do_v produce_v several_a effect_n out_o of_o the_o same_o passion_n for_o love_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o tarquin_n make_v he_o commit_v a_o thousand_o crime_n and_o the_o same_o passion_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o aronce_n make_v he_o to_o perform_v a_o thousand_o heroic_a action_n it_o be_v true_a reply_v artemidorus_n but_o still_o i_o must_v maintain_v that_o in_o what_o heart_n soever_o passion_n do_v reign_v they_o cause_v abundance_n of_o trouble_n to_o he_o that_o will_v content_v they_o and_o i_o must_v maintain_v still_o reply_v amilcar_n that_o without_o passion_n we_o can_v be_v happy_a this_o dispute_n have_v not_o end_v so_o soon_o if_o a_o great_a noise_n of_o horseman_n have_v not_o interrupt_v they_o and_o cause_v they_o to_o look_v who_o they_o be_v but_o they_o be_v quick_o satisfy_v for_o they_o understand_v that_o they_o be_v troop_n which_o be_v march_v to_o be_v post_v about_o ardes_fw-la on_o that_o side_n towards_o the_o sea_n within_o a_o mile_n of_o the_o town_n they_o understand_v likewise_o that_o tarquin_n be_v to_o set_v out_o of_o rome_n the_o next_o morning_n and_o will_v go_v unto_o the_o camp_n mean_a time_n since_o herminius_n will_v not_o be_v know_v unto_o those_o who_o command_v those_o troop_n of_o that_o prince_n he_o will_v not_o look_v upon_o they_o only_a aronce_n artemidorus_n amilcar_n and_o zenocrates_n who_o since_o they_o can_v not_o be_v know_v they_o see_v they_o pass_v by_o but_o after_o they_o be_v pass_v aronce_n be_v extreme_o impatient_a for_o the_o return_n of_o celeres_fw-la and_o the_o slave_n he_o go_v unto_o ardes_fw-la because_o he_o fear_v that_o when_o tarquin_n be_v come_v to_o the_o camp_n the_o town_n will_v be_v so_o be_v set_v that_o he_o can_v not_o get_v in_o if_o the_o interest_n of_o clelia_n shall_v require_v it_o but_o to_o his_o happiness_n his_o impatience_n do_v not_o last_v long_o for_o celeres_fw-la who_o be_v the_o most_o diligent_a and_o zealous_a friend_n in_o the_o world_n do_v return_v about_o midnight_n and_o confirm_v what_o he_o hear_v before_o concern_v tarquin_n departure_n and_o tell_v he_o further_o that_o it_o be_v not_o believe_v tarquin_n design_n be_v to_o force_v ardes_fw-la but_o only_o to_o take_v it_o by_o famine_n and_o therefore_o he_o may_v easy_o get_v into_o the_o place_n if_o he_o hear_v that_o clelia_n be_v there_o he_o add_v further_o that_o the_o prince_n sextus_n the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n and_o the_o prince_n titus_n will_v follow_v the_o king_n unto_o this_o siege_n and_o that_o their_o equipage_n of_o war_n will_v be_v so_o magnificent_a that_o every_o one_o be_v so_o full_a of_o curiosity_n to_o see_v they_o go_v out_o of_o rome_n as_o if_o it_o be_v a_o triumph_n as_o for_o the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n reply_v herminius_n i_o shall_v not_o fear_v be_v his_o prisoner_n for_o he_o be_v much_o my_o friend_n and_o i_o be_o sure_a he_o will_v not_o expose_v i_o to_o the_o crualty_n of_o his_o father_n but_o will_v release_v i_o as_o for_o tarquin_n i_o will_v as_o soon_o take_v poison_n as_o fall_v into_o his_o power_n after_o this_o aronce_n be_v prick_v on_o by_o his_o love_n he_o have_v a_o mind_n to_o be_v go_v towards_o ardes_fw-la and_o not_o stay_v for_o the_o slave_n but_o amilcar_n herminius_n and_o celeres_fw-la do_v so_o persuade_v he_o that_o the_o interest_n of_o clelia_n require_v his_o stay_n until_o the_o slave_n return_v that_o he_o resolve_v to_o stay_v until_o the_o next_o day_n towards_o night_n but_o after_o that_o say_v he_o unto_o they_o i_o will_v not_o stay_v for_o very_o probable_a the_o slave_n be_v take_v either_o in_o go_v or_o come_v by_o the_o troop_n of_o tarquin_n and_o so_o will_v not_o return_v
that_o tullia_n will_v ere_o long_o get_v she_o release_v tullia_n be_v so_o unaccustomed_a to_o make_v use_n of_o any_o harmless_a remedy_n reply_v aronce_n as_o i_o fear_v that_o if_o she_o be_v jealous_a she_o will_v rather_o put_v clelia_n to_o death_n than_o set_v she_o at_o liberty_n to_o cure_v you_o of_o any_o such_o apprehension_n reply_v amilcar_n i_o will_v get_v into_o favour_n with_o tullia_n that_o will_v not_o be_v much_o difficult_a say_v zenocrates_n for_o you_o have_v already_o so_o great_a familiarity_n with_o she_o as_o i_o believe_v if_o you_o will_v you_o may_v quick_o be_v the_o confident_a of_o all_o her_o crime_n for_o my_o part_n say_z artemidorus_z i_o do_v wonder_n how_o it_o be_v possible_a amilcar_n shall_v in_o so_o short_a a_o time_n as_o since_o we_o come_v hither_o do_v so_o many_o thing_n for_o he_o have_v show_v we_o all_o the_o town_n he_o be_v very_o much_o in_o favour_n both_o with_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n and_o much_o more_o with_o the_o prince_n sextus_n the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n and_o titus_n do_v court_n he_o he_o know_v the_o name_n of_o all_o the_o beauty_n in_o rome_n the_o elder_a of_o the_o salian_o believe_v he_o to_o be_v a_o salian_a so_o well_o be_v he_o verse_v in_o all_o their_o ceremony_n and_o if_o you_o have_v hear_v his_o discourse_n with_o a_o augurer_n you_o will_v have_v be_v affright_v it_o be_v not_o possible_a say_v celeres_fw-la that_o amilcar_n can_v show_v the_o one_o half_a of_o rome_n unto_o artemidorus_n and_o zenocrates_n to_o show_v you_o that_o they_o tell_v i_o no_o lie_n reply_v he_o ask_v they_o if_o i_o have_v not_o show_v they_o the_o four_o port_n of_o rome_n the_o carmental_a the_o roman_a the_o pandane_n or_o the_o romulide_n and_o the_o janiculan_a ask_v they_o if_o i_o do_v not_o bid_v they_o observe_v how_o that_o city_n be_v a_o quadrangle_n if_o i_o do_v not_o show_v they_o the_o capitol_n and_o the_o stately_a temple_n which_o tarquin_n build_v if_o i_o do_v not_o show_v they_o the_o place_n where_o the_o vestal_a tarpea_n be_v bury_v and_o if_o i_o do_v not_o show_v they_o the_o little_a temple_n of_o the_o god_n thermes_n who_o the_o people_n will_v needs_o adore_v maugre_o all_o the_o power_n of_o tarquin_n ask_v they_o still_o whether_o i_o have_v not_o show_v they_o the_o mount_n palatine_n and_o the_o mount_n quirinal_n where_o the_o temple_n of_o romulus_n be_v build_v whether_o i_o have_v not_o show_v they_o the_o mount_n celius_n the_o mount_n aventine_n the_o mount_n viminal_a and_o that_o of_o janicula_n ask_v they_o still_o whether_o i_o do_v not_o let_v they_o see_v the_o ruminal_a figtree_n where_o remus_n and_o romulus_n be_v find_v whether_o i_o do_v not_o let_v they_o see_v the_o sublician_n bridge_n whether_o i_o do_v not_o exact_o show_v they_o all_o the_o magnificence_n of_o the_o amphitheatre_n and_o cirque_fw-la whether_o i_o do_v not_o carry_v they_o unto_o that_o grove_n which_o be_v consecrate_v unto_o the_o muse_n if_o i_o do_v not_o tell_v they_o in_o that_o place_n some_o thing_n that_o be_v utter_v by_o the_o nymph_n egeria_n such_o as_o aspire_v numa_n with_o those_o admirable_a thing_n which_o he_o do_v ask_v they_o on_o if_o i_o do_v not_o go_v with_o they_o into_o the_o famous_a temple_n of_o janus_n which_o be_v seldom_o or_o never_o open_v but_o in_o time_n of_o war_n if_o i_o do_v not_o show_v they_o that_o temple_n which_o romulus_n vow_v unto_o jupiter_n when_o he_o fight_v against_o the_o sabine_n further_o let_v they_o tell_v you_o if_o i_o do_v not_o show_v they_o the_o first_o prison_n which_o be_v ever_o build_v in_o rome_n by_o ancus_n martius_n if_o i_o do_v not_o show_v they_o the_o sacred_a street_n the_o street_n cyprionna_n where_o the_o palace_n of_o king_n numa_n be_v and_o where_o tullia_n go_v over_o the_o corpse_n of_o her_o father_n if_o i_o do_v not_o let_v they_o see_v the_o bulwark_n which_o tarquin_n finish_v several_a temple_n of_o vesta_n of_o jupiter_n of_o hercules_n of_o diana_n and_o of_o many_o other_o divinity_n for_o my_o part_n say_v celeres_fw-la i_o do_v not_o so_o much_o wonder_v you_o have_v show_v they_o so_o many_o thing_n in_o so_o short_a a_o time_n as_o i_o do_v to_o see_v you_o in_o such_o familiarity_n with_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n and_o the_o prince_n their_o child_n for_o they_o be_v almost_o all_o of_o different_a humour_n that_o which_o do_v it_o reply_v amilcar_n be_v my_o remembrance_n how_o herminius_n describe_v they_o so_o as_o go_v confident_o unto_o tarquin_n in_o the_o prince_n of_o carthag_n name_n and_o presenting_z artemidorus_z and_o zenocrates_n to_o he_o as_o two_o of_o my_o friend_n not_o tell_v their_o name_n or_o who_o they_o be_v i_o be_v so_o happy_a as_o at_o my_o first_o conference_n to_o get_v into_o some_o credit_n with_o he_o for_o he_o have_v a_o desire_n of_o be_v instruct_v in_o the_o present_a condition_n of_o carthage_n know_v well_o there_o be_v some_o difference_n of_o interest_n between_o sicily_n and_o that_o commonwealth_n i_o recall_v into_o my_o memory_n all_o the_o policy_n and_o intrignes_n of_o those_o who_o reign_v the_o most_o absolute_o and_o all_o that_o i_o have_v learn_v upon_o this_o subject_a in_o all_o my_o travel_n and_o book_n i_o do_v high_o applaud_v periander_n king_n of_o corinth_n who_o know_v so_o well_o how_o to_o make_v himself_o obey_v by_o force_n i_o prefer_v semiramis_n above_o cyrus_n because_o she_o be_v more_o stern_a than_o that_o illustrious_a conqueror_n and_o mix_v some_o ingredient_n of_o half_a profanation_n with_o my_o politic_n in_o a_o hour_n i_o get_v to_o be_v high_a in_o the_o favour_n of_o tarquin_n as_o for_o tullia_n when_o i_o be_v alone_o with_o she_o i_o let_v she_o understand_v how_o all_o the_o world_n say_v that_o tarquin_n be_v a_o debtor_n unto_o she_o for_o the_o crown_n and_o that_o she_o merit_v a_o million_o of_o praise_n for_o know_v so_o well_o how_o to_o set_v herself_o above_o her_o own_o sex_n by_o not_o dor_v at_o such_o seruple_n as_o lady_n of_o low_a and_o common_a capacity_n use_v who_o have_v not_o heart_n so_o great_a as_o she_o as_o for_o the_o prince_n sextus_n remember_v his_o inclination_n unto_o all_o woman_n i_o talk_v unto_o he_o of_o nothing_o but_o our_o african_a gallantry_n and_o of_o the_o pleasingness_n in_o grecian_a beauty_n and_o know_v that_o he_o be_v not_o over_o regular_n in_o his_o love_n i_o make_v a_o satirical_a invective_n unto_o he_o against_o all_o such_o pule_a lover_n who_o use_v to_o sigh_v a_o whole_a year_n before_o they_o will_v tell_v they_o love_v and_o who_o be_v so_o constant_a as_o to_o vow_v their_o service_n unto_o one_o mistress_n so_o as_o he_o believe_v these_o to_o be_v my_o thought_n he_o be_v as_o open_v unto_o i_o as_o any_o voluptuous_a person_n who_o neither_o believe_v the_o god_n nor_o fear_a man_n can_v be_v unto_o his_o dear_a friend_n when_o he_o will_v relate_v the_o manner_n of_o his_o life_n unto_o he_o but_o he_o do_v open_v himself_o very_o pleasant_o for_o one_o can_v never_o meet_v with_o a_o more_o amiable_a libertine_n than_o sextus_n and_o my_o great_a wonder_n be_v consider_v his_o quality_n that_o he_o be_v acquaint_v with_o all_o the_o handsome_a woman_n in_o rome_n even_o from_o the_o vestal_n to_o the_o very_o worst_a of_o slave_n but_o after_o you_o have_v so_o well_o get_v the_o opinion_n of_o tarquin_n of_o tullia_n and_o of_o sextus_n say_v aronce_n what_o do_v you_o to_o enter_v into_o the_o favour_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n and_o titus_n these_o two_o prince_n be_v of_o contrary_a humour_n to_o their_o brother_n reply_v amilcar_n they_o have_v no_o commerce_n together_o so_o as_o see_v they_o asunder_o i_o talk_v with_o they_o after_o another_o manner_n and_o without_o any_o blame_v of_o the_o prince_n sextus_n for_o his_o irregularity_n of_o life_n i_o commend_v they_o so_o high_o as_o they_o have_v a_o very_a good_a opinion_n of_o i_o and_o fall_v into_o a_o discourse_n of_o gallantry_n and_o love_n i_o quick_o observe_v the_o heart_n of_o the_o pometian_a prince_n be_v full_a of_o such_o great_a and_o tender_a thought_n as_o do_v become_v a_o noble_a passion_n so_o as_o tell_v he_o all_o that_o i_o have_v gather_v from_o other_o and_o be_v sensible_a of_o myself_o concern_v any_o amorous_a matter_n he_o be_v ready_a to_o open_v his_o very_a soul_n and_o to_o tell_v i_o that_o he_o be_v in_o love_n as_o for_o the_o prince_n titus_n he_o be_v natural_o of_o a_o cold_a and_o reserve_v temper_n he_o do_v not_o so_o freee_o open_v his_o heart_n and_o yet_o i_o perceive_v that_o he_o have_v a_o great_a disposition_n to_o love_v i_o amilcar_n do_v one_o thing_n extraordinary_a more_o
a_o gallant_a as_o he_o be_v have_v not_o yet_o make_v any_o address_n of_o gallantry_n unto_o any_o of_o we_o i_o must_v confess_v myself_o much_o oblige_v unto_o he_o reply_v pasithea_n and_o to_o return_v civility_n for_o civility_n i_o can_v assure_v he_o that_o in_o all_o my_o voyage_n i_o do_v not_o accept_v of_o one_o heart_n which_o be_v offer_v unto_o i_o and_o yet_o i_o must_v confess_v i_o be_v somewhat_o near_o it_o when_o cephisa_n speak_v to_o i_o in_o your_o behalf_n for_o i_o make_v no_o doubt_n but_o that_o you_o be_v the_o same_o artaxander_n of_o who_o she_o have_v speak_v so_o noble_o yes_o madam_n say_v he_o unto_o she_o i_o be_o the_o same_o artaxander_n but_o the_o difficulty_n be_v how_o i_o shall_v make_v good_a the_o commendation_n of_o cephisa_n as_o madam_n you_o be_v able_a to_o make_v good_a those_o praise_n which_o all_o the_o world_n give_v you_o but_o madam_n give_v i_o leave_v to_o tell_v you_o that_o though_o i_o have_v profess_v i_o will_v not_o have_v any_o to_o throw_v away_o their_o love_n upon_o i_o yet_o i_o think_v myself_o oblige_v to_o give_v my_o heart_n to_o you_o in_o recompense_n of_o your_o not_o accept_v any_o heart_n for_o my_o sake_n though_o i_o shall_v not_o give_v it_o yet_o you_o have_v power_n to_o take_v it_o away_o from_o i_o whether_o i_o will_v or_o no_o and_o therefore_o to_o keep_v you_o from_o theft_n i_o have_v better_o be_v liberal_a and_o give_v it_o do_v you_o know_v my_o good_a humour_n reply_v she_o and_o laugh_v you_o will_v not_o speak_v as_o you_o do_v for_o my_o foolish_a fancy_n be_v to_o love_v that_o which_o be_v steal_v better_a than_o that_o which_o be_v give_v i_o if_o so_o madam_n reply_v he_o i_o beseech_v you_o give_v i_o my_o heart_n again_o to_o day_n and_o steal_v it_o from_o i_o to_o morrow_n after_o this_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o lady_n and_o philiontes_n also_o mix_v in_o the_o discourse_n it_o become_v extreme_o pleasant_a for_o artaxander_n have_v a_o new_a design_n of_o please_a and_o pasithea_n the_o like_a they_o do_v exceed_o divert_v themselves_o and_o other_o also_o for_o they_o do_v put_v into_o practice_n all_o that_o i_o have_v say_v concern_v mirth_n and_o merry_a people_n in_o the_o height_n and_o if_o artaxander_n have_v be_v acquaint_v with_o pasithea_n all_o his_o life_n he_o can_v not_o have_v be_v more_o familiar_a with_o she_o than_o he_o be_v before_o they_o part_v pasithea_n and_o he_o be_v whisper_v their_o conceit_n of_o all_o the_o company_n he_o teach_v she_o one_o song_n she_o he_o another_o he_o compose_v a_o copy_n of_o verse_n ex_fw-la tempore_fw-la upon_o a_o posy_n of_o flower_n which_o she_o gather_v and_o throw_v unto_o he_o and_o she_o again_o reply_v moreover_o she_o give_v he_o her_o hood_n and_o glove_n to_o hold_v whilst_o they_o be_v at_o a_o collation_n in_o a_o green_a arbour_n she_o give_v he_o also_o some_o of_o those_o fruit_n which_o be_v upon_o the_o table_n and_o let_v a_o ring_n accidental_o fall_v which_o be_v of_o no_o high_a price_n and_o which_o he_o reach_v up_o she_o let_v he_o wear_v it_o yet_o ask_v it_o of_o he_o at_o first_o but_o when_o he_o tell_v she_o that_o he_o love_v to_o keep_v that_o which_o he_o find_v as_o well_o as_o she_o do_v what_o she_o steal_v she_o answer_v he_o that_o he_o shall_v not_o have_v it_o unless_o he_o stake_v something_o against_o it_o and_o win_v it_o then_o if_o you_o please_v madam_n say_v he_o unto_o she_o i_o will_v stake_v and_o lay_v myself_o against_o this_o ring_n that_o you_o be_v the_o fair_a in_o the_o world_n and_o because_o we_o will_v not_o put_v it_o unto_o chance_n judge_n shall_v be_v choose_v to_o divide_v the_o wager_n so_o this_o pleasant_a wager_n be_v lay_v and_o the_o ring_n be_v adjudge_v unto_o artaxander_n after_o this_o they_o all_o go_v to_o see_v the_o house_n unto_o which_o the_o garden_n belong_v there_o to_o rest_v themselves_o and_o where_o all_o this_o fair_a company_n do_v sit_v down_o and_o enjoy_v a_o pleasant_a prospect_n out_o of_o a_o closet_n with_o a_o open_a balcony_n but_o pasithea_n enter_v last_o because_o she_o stay_v ●alking_v with_o artaxander_n all_o the_o place_n be_v take_v up_o except_o two_o before_o the_o balcony_n i_o perceive_v say_v pasithea_n and_o laugh_v they_o know_v i_o be_o not_o like_o those_o lady_n who_o will_v be_v always_o in_o the_o shade_n since_o they_o seat_n i_o with_o the_o sun_n in_o my_o face_n those_o who_o have_v such_o a_o complexion_n as_o you_o reply_v artaxander_n who_o be_v so_o young_a so_o fair_a and_o eye_n so_o sprightly_a can_v be_v seat_v better_a than_o you_o be_v especial_o add_v cephisa_n and_o smile_v when_o they_o will_v show_v themselves_o i_o must_v confess_v indeed_o reply_v pasithea_n that_o i_o desire_v both_o to_o see_v and_o be_v see_v but_o withal_o i_o must_v tell_v you_o i_o be_o not_o so_o affect_o foolish_a as_o some_o lady_n be_v who_o will_v at_o any_o rate_n be_v always_o show_v all_o the_o beauty_n they_o have_v and_o who_o mind_n run_v whole_o upon_o such_o set_v themselves_o off_o as_o make_v they_o ridiculous_a to_o all_o beholder_n and_o it_o be_v very_o ordinary_a say_v artaxander_n for_o i_o never_o come_v in_o any_o place_n where_o i_o do_v not_o find_v some_o lady_n in_o place_v themselves_o in_o a_o advantageous_a light_n as_o any_o will_v be_v in_o place_v of_o a_o picture_n i_o know_v one_o cretan_a reply_v philiontes_n who_o be_v the_o most_o ambition_n woman_n upon_o earth_n so_o very_o extreme_a as_o i_o think_v she_o will_v not_o appear_v fair_a than_o other_o but_o only_o out_o of_o her_o ambition_n and_o without_o the_o least_o smack_n of_o gallantry_n this_o lady_n be_v one_o day_n put_v to_o a_o pitiful_a perplexity_n for_o be_v please_v to_o know_v that_o this_o lady_n who_o have_v a_o thousand_o quarrel_n in_o her_o day_n about_o matter_n of_o place_n and_o will_v contend_v for_o it_o with_o such_o as_o be_v much_o above_o her_o quality_n this_o lady_n i_o say_v come_v one_o day_n to_o one_o of_o her_o friend_n who_o chamber_n be_v so_o contrive_v as_o the_o high_a place_n in_o the_o room_n be_v the_o worst_a in_o the_o world_n for_o a_o beauty_n to_o be_v in_o for_o the_o pure_a complexon_n there_o seem_v to_o be_v yellow_a by_o reason_n of_o reflection_n from_o a_o window_n opposite_a to_o a_o plot_n of_o yellow_a flower_n which_o cause_v that_o yellow_a reflection_n also_o the_o composure_n of_o this_o lady_n face_n be_v such_o as_o if_o she_o be_v in_o a_o advantageous_a place_n her_o eye_n seem_v hollow_a and_o ill-favoured_a so_o as_o know_v this_o place_n be_v not_o favourable_a to_o she_o she_o be_v then_o much_o perplex_v between_o the_o interest_n of_o her_o ambition_n and_o the_o interest_n of_o her_o beauty_n for_o she_o know_v well_o that_o if_o we_o take_v up_o that_o place_n she_o shall_v look_v pitiful_o upon_o it_o and_o if_o she_o do_v not_o seize_v upon_o it_o than_o another_o lady_n will_v sit_v above_o she_o so_o as_o not_o know_v upon_o a_o sudden_a what_o to_o do_v because_o it_o be_v a_o thing_n she_o can_v not_o foresee_v for_o the_o chamber_n be_v new_o build_v and_o she_o have_v never_o be_v in_o it_o she_o fall_v into_o a_o miserable_a perplexity_n but_o i_o pray_v sir_n say_v one_o of_o the_o company_n unto_o he_o if_o she_o have_v never_o be_v in_o that_o chamber_n how_o can_v she_o know_v it_o have_v that_o ill_a quality_n the_o question_n be_v ingenious_o ask_v reply_v philiontes_n and_o as_o easy_o answer_v for_o you_o must_v know_v that_o when_o this_o ambitious_a lady_n first_o enter_v she_o see_v one_o stand_v in_o this_o dangerous_a place_n upon_o who_o face_n she_o see_v what_o will_v reflect_v upon_o she_o own_o if_o she_o be_v in_o her_o room_n so_o as_o not_o know_v whether_o she_o shall_v take_v it_o or_o no_o to_o gain_v a_o little_a more_o time_n of_o consideration_n she_o step_v back_o and_o seem_v as_o if_o she_o have_v some_o private_a business_n with_o one_o behind_o she_o she_o carry_v she_o unto_o the_o other_o end_n of_o the_o chamber_n to_o talk_v with_o she_o but_o the_o best_a jest_n be_v she_o know_v not_o what_o secrecy_n to_o talk_v of_o insomuch_o as_o the_o other_o be_v as_o much_o amaze_v to_o hear_v she_o talk_v of_o so_o many_o senseless_a nothing_o as_o that_o lady_n be_v in_o find_v out_o a_o expedient_a how_o to_o avoid_v this_o disadvantageous_a place_n but_o at_o the_o last_o after_o much_o talk_n to_o no_o purpose_n the_o other_o lady_n do_v guess_v the_o cause_n for_o she_o begin_v to_o find_v fault_n with_o the_o chamber_n and_o say_v she_o own_o be_v far_o beyond_o it_o she_o
the_o best_a education_n upon_o his_o friend_n son_n who_o have_v so_o much_o enjoin_v it_o at_o his_o death_n he_o think_v there_o be_v no_o city_n in_o all_o italy_n where_o it_o can_v be_v better_o do_v than_o at_o metapont_n and_o in_o effect_n he_o be_v not_o deceive_v for_o it_o be_v not_o long_o since_o that_o famous_a samian_a philosopher_n who_o renown_n have_v so_o fill_v the_o world_n die_v most_o of_o his_o disciple_n be_v there_o still_o nor_o be_v it_o a_o small_a number_n since_o there_o be_v near_o six_o hundred_o who_o particular_o profess_a tbat_n they_o have_v learn_v of_o he_o to_o honour_v learning_n and_o practice_v virtue_n nay_o pythagoras_n have_v leave_v behind_o he_o a_o daughter_n capable_a of_o the_o high_a discipline_n who_o have_v withal_o so_o great_a a_o virtue_n that_o her_o example_n be_v no_o less_o effectual_a in_o reform_v the_o looseness_n of_o the_o woman_n of_o that_o place_n than_o the_o reprehension_n of_o her_o father_n there_o be_v constant_o with_o her_o archytas_n of_o tarentum_n alcmaeon_n of_o crotona_n and_o hipasus_n of_o metapont_n nay_o even_o the_o dreadful_a milo_n every_o where_o famous_a for_o his_o prodigious_a strength_n be_v force_v to_o submit_v to_o the_o powerfulness_n of_o her_o charm_n and_o do_v honour_n to_o the_o memory_n of_o pythagoras_n who_o have_v lodge_v at_o his_o father_n while_o he_o sojourn_v in_o crotonia_n licinius_n therefore_o believe_v metapont_n to_o be_v such_o a_o school_n as_o be_v fit_a for_o the_o education_n of_o young_a brutus_n continue_v there_o with_o tarquinia_n but_o my_o lord_n i_o have_v forget_v to_o tell_v you_o that_o marcus_n junius_n have_v enjoin_v his_o wife_n at_o his_o death_n to_o marry_v that_o illustrious_a roman_a that_o so_o his_o child_n may_v have_v a_o virtuous_a father_n and_o that_o his_o friend_n may_v have_v that_o wealth_n which_o he_o say_v he_o deserve_v better_a than_o himself_o and_o whereto_o he_o have_v much_o right_n for_o it_o be_v certain_a that_o licinius_n have_v be_v in_o love_n with_o tarquinia_n nor_o be_v she_o altogether_o void_a of_o love_n for_o he_o so_o that_o though_o the_o second_o marriage_n be_v not_o very_o frequent_a at_o rome_n and_o that_o tarquinia_n at_o first_o make_v some_o difficulty_n to_o obey_v her_o husband_n yet_o she_o be_v overcome_v when_o she_o see_v herself_o force_v to_o fly_v consider_v with_o herself_o it_o be_v much_o more_o to_o her_o reputation_n to_o follow_v a_o banish_a husband_n than_o a_o banish_a friend_n how_o virtuous_a soever_o he_o may_v be_v as_o also_o that_o licinius_n will_v have_v a_o great_a care_n of_o her_o son_n and_o will_v be_v inseparable_o engage_v in_o her_o fortune_n thus_o the_o virtuous_a tarquiniu_n who_o be_v yet_o very_o handsome_a though_o past_o that_o youthfulness_n which_o common_o illustrate_v a_o great_a beauty_n marry_v the_o virtuous_a licinius_n but_o it_o be_v do_v private_o and_o there_o be_v not_o one_o in_o all_o rome_n yet_o know_v that_o he_o be_v tarquinia_n husband_n and_o therefore_o can_v consequent_o imagine_v that_o the_o fair_a hermilia_n be_v brutus_n sister_n how_o interrupt_a aronce_n this_o beautiful_a virgin_n who_o amilcar_n yesterday_o entertain_v with_o such_o gallant_a courtship_n be_v brutus_n sister_n she_o be_v reply_v herminius_n for_o tarquinia_n have_v this_o daughter_n at_o metapont_n in_o the_o time_n of_o her_o banishment_n but_o how_o say_v amilcar_n be_v she_o say_v to_o be_v racilia_n niece_n suppose_v she_o be_v not_o tarquinia_n daughter_n the_o sequel_n of_o my_o discourse_n shall_v acquaint_v you_o reply_v herminius_n but_o to_o hasten_v to_o that_o which_o relate_v to_o brutus_n i_o be_o first_o to_o tell_v you_o that_o in_o a_o short_a time_n licinius_n and_o tarquinia_n be_v mighty_o esteem_v at_o metapont_n however_o they_o think_v not_o fit_a to_o discover_v what_o they_o be_v but_o rather_o to_o conceal_v their_o quality_n though_o they_o can_v not_o their_o virtue_n for_o which_o the_o wise_a and_o learned_a daughter_n of_o pythagoras_n who_o name_n be_v dame_n have_v so_o great_a a_o friendship_n for_o they_o that_o she_o be_v particular_o tender_a of_o the_o education_n of_o young_a brutus_n she_o recommend_v he_o to_o the_o most_o famous_a of_o her_o father_n disciple_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o have_v arrive_v a_o age_n capable_a to_o receive_v their_o instruction_n and_o she_o herself_o give_v he_o that_o advice_n which_o have_v not_o be_v small_o advantageous_a to_o he_o in_o the_o sequel_n of_o his_o life_n for_o my_o lord_n i_o must_v so_o far_o divert_v to_o the_o commendation_n of_o this_o learned_a virgin_n as_o to_o say_v that_o no_o man_n in_o the_o world_n will_v think_v it_o a_o dishonour_n to_o have_v a_o heart_n of_o the_o same_o metal_n with_o she_o insomuch_o that_o licinius_n and_o tarquinia_n have_v experience_v her_o prudence_n goodness_n and_o her_o virtue_n deposit_v with_o her_o the_o whole_a secret_a of_o their_o fortune_n which_o revive_v in_o this_o generous_a virgin_n the_o manner_n how_o her_o illustrious_a father_n have_v sometime_o avoid_v the_o tyranny_n of_o polycrates_n she_o have_v a_o particular_a tenderness_n towards_o those_o who_o forsake_v rome_n to_o escape_v the_o tyranny_n of_o tarquin_n this_o consideration_n occasion_v a_o strict_a league_n between_o these_o three_o person_n which_o be_v no_o small_a advantage_n to_o licinius_n and_o tarquinia_n for_o though_o dame_n be_v not_o very_o rich_a herself_o yet_o she_o be_v more_o esteem_v at_o metapont_n than_o those_o who_o can_v brag_v most_o of_o the_o favour_n of_o fortune_n and_o beside_o that_o there_o be_v a_o great_a veneration_n for_o the_o memory_n of_o her_o father_n insomuch_o that_o the_o people_n have_v make_v a_o temple_n of_o the_o house_n where_o he_o live_v and_o that_o her_o mother_n name_v theano_n be_v also_o famous_a there_o for_o her_o learning_n and_o virtue_n her_o own_o rare_a and_o excellent_a endowment_n purchase_v she_o the_o admiration_n of_o all_o the_o world_n to_o be_v short_a she_o make_v one_o expression_n of_o virtue_n which_o be_v very_o glorious_a and_o such_o as_o i_o can_v but_o acquaint_v you_o with_o that_o you_o may_v the_o better_a know_v she_o who_o have_v instill_v the_o first_o sentiment_n of_o it_o into_o the_o illustrious_a brutus_n you_o be_v then_o to_o note_n that_o pythagoras_n die_v leave_v to_o his_o daughter_n all_o he_o have_v write_v while_o he_o live_v not_o but_o that_o he_o have_v a_o son_n a_o know_v and_o virtuous_a person_n but_o that_o he_o have_v a_o great_a esteem_n for_o this_o daughter_n than_o for_o he_o and_o believe_v that_o she_o will_v the_o more_o exact_o obey_v he_o in_o that_o command_n of_o he_o that_o his_o write_n shall_v never_o be_v carry_v out_o of_o house_n this_o generous_a virgin_n though_o she_o be_v not_o rich_a yet_o obstinate_o refuse_v the_o infinite_a riches_n which_o be_v proffer_v she_o if_o she_o will_v but_o deliver_v up_o what_o her_o illustrious_a father_n have_v entrust_v she_o with_o choose_v rather_o to_o live_v poor_o than_o disobey_v the_o last_o desire_n of_o he_o to_o who_o she_o ought_v more_o than_o her_o life_n as_o be_v indebt_v to_o he_o for_o a_o part_n of_o her_o virtue_n this_o be_v a_o action_n very_o remarkable_a prove_v so_o glorious_a to_o this_o excellent_a virgin_n that_o it_o gain_v she_o the_o general_a veneration_n of_o all_o metapont_n hence_o come_v it_o that_o her_o friendship_n prove_v so_o advantageous_a to_o licinius_n and_o tarquinia_n she_o be_v also_o the_o cause_n that_o brutus_n be_v not_o bring_v up_o as_o other_o child_n and_o that_o he_o be_v never_o teach_v any_o thing_n but_o what_o be_v manifest_v to_o he_o by_o reason_n not_o content_a with_o the_o simple_a performance_n of_o memory_n as_o be_v the_o manner_n of_o most_o master_n to_o deal_v with_o those_o be_v commit_v to_o their_o charge_n beside_o though_o she_o be_v daughter_n to_o a_o philosopher_n who_o profess_v austerity_n and_o one_o who_o have_v prevail_v with_o the_o woman_n of_o metapont_n voluntary_o to_o bestow_v part_n of_o those_o thing_n which_o serve_v they_o only_o for_o ornament_n towards_o the_o build_n of_o a_o temple_n for_o juno_n yet_o she_o be_v of_o opinion_n that_o those_o who_o but_o begin_v to_o live_v in_o this_o world_n shall_v be_v allow_v a_o certain_a honest_a liberty_n and_o that_o virtue_n shall_v have_v a_o kind_n of_o adolescence_n as_o i_o may_v so_o say_v during_o which_o festival_n recreation_n and_o innocent_a pleasure_n shall_v be_v permit_v lest_o the_o soul_n shall_v at_o the_o first_o assault_n be_v discourage_v by_o the_o difficulty_n of_o study_n and_o shall_v be_v overwhelm_v by_o that_o which_o shall_v make_v she_o bear_v fail_v against_o all_o adverse_a fortune_n whatsoever_o i_o shall_v entreat_v you_o say_v she_o one_o day_n to_o tarquinia_n as_o i_o have_v learn_v since_o
to_o blame_v if_o she_o know_v you_o and_o do_v not_o esteem_v you_o for_o to_o deal_v plain_o with_o you_o you_o will_v not_o be_v able_a to_o conceal_v yourself_o not_o but_o that_o when_o you_o be_v among_o those_o that_o force_v you_o to_o it_o you_o differ_v much_o from_o what_o you_o be_v among_o those_o you_o like_v yet_o you_o also_o listen_v like_o one_o who_o have_v the_o discretion_n to_o be_v weary_a of_o hear_v thing_n of_o no_o entertainment_n however_o it_o be_v reply_v he_o i_o warrant_v you_o i_o make_v chrysis_n believe_v i_o have_v not_o common_a sense_n and_o force_v she_o to_o some_o visible_a expression_n of_o her_o contempt_n for_o my_o part_n reply_v bellanira_n i_o be_o somewhat_o afraid_a as_o well_o as_o damo_n that_o you_o will_v not_o be_v able_a to_o deceive_v chrysis_n whereas_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o unhandsome_a than_o to_o undertake_v a_o pleasant_a circumvention_n and_o not_o go_v through_o with_o it_o i_o shall_v find_v you_o in_o a_o great_a fear_n reply_v brutus_n if_o i_o be_v oblige_v to_o gain_v chrysis_n esteem_n at_o the_o first_o sight_n to_o entertain_v she_o with_o great_a and_o noble_a thing_n and_o screw_v up_o her_o admiration_n instead_o of_o purchase_v her_o contempt_n for_o true_o i_o think_v nothing_o hard_a than_o to_o act_v a_o great_a wit_n nor_o any_o thing_n easy_o than_o not_o to_o show_v that_o wit_n one_o have_v you_o have_v too_o much_o for_o to_o hide_v it_o so_o easy_o reply_v damo_n but_o put_v the_o case_n i_o have_v as_o you_o say_v reply_v he_o smile_v it_o will_v not_o be_v hard_o for_o i_o to_o do_v what_o i_o think_v we_o shall_v see_v reply_v bellanira_n but_o i_o be_o afraid_a you_o yourself_o will_v be_v deceive_v and_o that_o you_o can_v deceive_v chrysis_n that_o which_o make_v for_o brutus_n reply_v damo_n be_v that_o whether_o he_o deceive_v she_o or_o not_o it_o will_v still_o be_v much_o to_o his_o reputation_n for_o if_o he_o can_v conceal_v his_o wit_n it_o will_v be_v say_v he_o be_v very_o happy_a that_o he_o have_v so_o much_o that_o he_o can_v hinder_v it_o from_o appear_v and_o if_o he_o do_v conceal_v it_o he_o will_v be_v much_o commend_v for_o his_o subtlety_n that_o he_o can_v conceal_v the_o great_a wit_n from_o one_o of_o the_o sprightly_o wench_n in_o the_o world_n brutus_n return_v this_o compliment_n with_o another_o and_o their_o discourse_n that_o day_n be_v so_o pleasant_a and_o divertive_a that_o bellanira_n can_v not_o conceive_v how_o brutus_n can_v carry_v himself_o and_o not_o discover_v his_o worth_n but_o in_o fine_a three_o day_n after_o chrysis_n come_v to_o crotona_n but_o so_o late_a at_o night_n that_o she_o can_v not_o meet_v with_o any_o can_v direct_v she_o either_o to_o brutus_n or_o to_o damo_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n bellanira_n who_o imagination_n be_v tickle_v with_o the_o pleasure_n of_o her_o friend_n surprisal_n send_v she_o back_o word_n by_o a_o slave_n which_o chrysis_n have_v send_v to_o she_o that_o she_o be_v very_o sorry_a she_o can_v not_o wait_v on_o she_o as_o be_v somewhat_o indispose_v but_o that_o if_o she_o be_v as_o oblige_v as_o fair_a she_o will_v give_v she_o a_o visit_n in_o the_o afternoon_n which_o chrysis_n who_o have_v for_o bellanira_n the_o great_a ardency_n of_o a_o new_a friendship_n fail_v not_o to_o do_v and_o come_v present_o after_o dinner_n but_o she_o be_v no_o soon_o come_v in_o than_o bellanira_n after_o the_o first_o ceremony_n of_o compliment_n tell_v she_o that_o this_o new_a friend_n of_o damo_n who_o be_v to_o be_v her_o servant_n be_v in_o crotona_n and_o be_v that_o day_n to_o be_v at_o her_o lodging_n together_o with_o that_o excellent_a maid_n who_o have_v honour_v she_o with_o his_o acquaintance_n but_o i_o beseech_v you_o say_v she_o to_o her_o laugh_n make_v i_o not_o ashamed_a show_v this_o day_n your_o great_a wit_n and_o consult_v with_o my_o glass_n about_o your_o dress_n that_o your_o beauty_n may_v shine_v in_o its_o full_a lustre_n ah_o bellanira_n reply_v she_o who_o grasp_v at_o wit_n lose_v it_o and_o i_o never_o miss_v it_o so_o much_o as_o when_o i_o most_o think_v on_o it_o but_o i_o pray_v you_o continue_v she_o what_o do_v you_o think_v of_o this_o friend_n of_o damo_n i_o take_v he_o reply_v bellanira_n to_o be_v the_o great_a wit_n in_o the_o world_n and_o that_o if_o you_o can_v conquer_v his_o heart_n it_o will_v be_v a_o conquest_n worthy_a of_o you_o but_o continue_v she_o to_o spare_v both_o you_o and_o he_o the_o troublesomeness_n of_o your_o first_o compliment_n i_o shall_v not_o exact_o represent_v he_o to_o you_o but_o shall_v leave_v that_o alone_o till_o discourse_v start_n out_o a_o occasion_n to_o do_v it_o chrysis_n satisfy_v with_o what_o her_o friend_n say_v fall_v into_o discourse_n about_o damo_n who_o soon_o after_o come_v in_o but_o she_o have_v hardly_o appear_v ere_o bellanira_n present_v chrysis_n to_o she_o say_v to_o she_o see_v i_o pray_v whether_o my_o infidelity_n be_v excusable_a or_o if_o i_o can_v without_o injustice_n deny_v my_o friendship_n to_o a_o person_n who_o i_o think_v worthy_a of_o you_o which_o be_v much_o more_o precious_a than_o i_o damo_n answer_v this_o bravery_n very_o oblige_o both_o as_o to_o bellanira_n and_o chrysis_n who_o talk_v with_o so_o much_o discretion_n that_o she_o both_o justify_v bellanira_n and_o ravish_v damo_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n come_v in_o brutus_n but_o though_o bellenira_n know_v he_o be_v to_o disguise_v himself_o to_o deceive_v chrysis_n she_o herself_o be_v surprise_v at_o the_o manner_n of_o his_o carriage_n for_o as_o he_o come_v in_o he_o change_v the_o very_a air_n of_o his_o countenance_n stupidity_n enter_v into_o his_o physiognomy_n his_o civility_n be_v so_o ungraceful_a and_o uncertain_a that_o chrysis_n be_v extreme_o disturb_v especial_o hear_v bellanira_n name_v he_o by_o the_o name_n of_o that_o friend_n of_o pythagoras_n daughter_n but_o if_o she_o be_v surprise_v at_o his_o arrival_n she_o be_v amaze_v at_o his_o discourse_n for_o for_o two_o hour_n together_o she_o can_v not_o observe_v in_o he_o a_o look_n or_o a_o smile_n which_o may_v raise_v a_o suspicion_n that_o he_o have_v but_o a_o common_a sense_n so_o far_o be_v he_o from_o seem_v to_o have_v any_o extraordinary_a part_n not_o that_o he_o have_v betray_v himself_o by_o any_o extravagant_a talk_n but_o there_o be_v such_o a_o natural_a dulness_n in_o all_o his_o discourse_n that_o it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v imagine_v that_o he_o who_o speak_v so_o do_v counterfeit_a insomuch_o that_o chrysis_n have_v not_o the_o least_o jealousy_n of_o it_o but_o be_v absolute_o persuade_v that_o he_o who_o she_o see_v be_v not_o the_o same_o she_o have_v hear_v of_o so_o that_o come_n to_o bellanira_n for_o heaven_n sake_n say_v she_o to_o she_o what_o pleasure_n do_v you_o take_v to_o do_v i_o a_o discourtesy_n nay_o it_o be_v true_a that_o you_o yourself_o buy_v the_o delight_n you_o take_v in_o abuse_v i_o at_o too_o dear_a a_o rate_n when_o you_o purchase_v it_o with_o the_o conversation_n of_o the_o most_o stupid_a of_o mankind_n and_o that_o for_o so_o long_a time_n bellanira_n who_o be_v very_o much_o please_v at_o what_o chrysis_n say_v as_o be_v a_o evident_a token_n that_o she_o be_v deceive_v burst_v forth_o into_o such_o a_o loud_a laughter_n that_o chrysis_n be_v confirm_v in_o what_o she_o think_v that_o her_o friend_n have_v put_v a_o trick_n upon_o she_o but_o that_o which_o be_v most_o admirable_a be_v that_o though_o she_o be_v satisfy_v she_o be_v deceive_v yet_o can_v she_o not_o comprehend_v after_o what_o manner_n so_o that_o the_o more_o she_o speak_v of_o it_o the_o more_o sport_n she_o find_v damo_n and_o bellanira_n for_o she_o intimate_v by_o what_o she_o say_v that_o she_o do_v not_o believe_v brutus_n to_o be_v brutus_n and_o be_v so_o far_o from_o think_v he_o able_a to_o understand_v what_o she_o say_v that_o she_o do_v not_o stick_v to_o tell_v he_o so_o much_o but_o the_o man_n who_o seem_v so_o stupid_a upon_o a_o sign_n from_o damo_n and_o bellanira_n cease_v to_o be_v so_o and_o surprise_v chrysis_n after_o such_o a_o manner_n that_o have_v hear_v he_o talk_v a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n she_o can_v not_o hold_v from_o break_v forth_o into_o a_o cry_n of_o astonishment_n she_o will_v be_v angry_a with_o bellanira_n and_o to_o punish_v she_o for_o this_o advice_n she_o tell_v she_o she_o will_v honour_v her_o friend_n the_o more_o for_o it_o and_o prefer_v this_o new_a one_o before_o she_o alas_o madam_n reply_v brutus_n do_v not_o break_v any_o of_o the_o article_n which_o be_v agree_v upon_o between_o our_o two_o friend_n for_o any_o concernment_n of_o i_o and_o remember_v that_o
i_o be_o to_o be_v your_o servant_n not_o your_o friend_n though_o i_o shall_v do_v a_o less_o displeasure_n to_o bellanira_n reply_v she_o in_o receive_v you_o favourable_o as_o a_o lover_n than_o if_o i_o receive_v you_o as_o a_o friend_n yet_o you_o will_v give_v i_o leave_v not_o to_o enslave_v myself_o to_o the_o humour_n of_o two_o person_n who_o take_v up_o all_o their_o sport_n upon_o my_o account_n ah_o madam_n cry_v out_o brutus_n if_o you_o will_v do_v bellanira_n so_o great_a a_o spite_n and_o deprive_v she_o of_o all_o your_o friendship_n you_o must_v needs_o be_v guilty_a of_o some_o love_n for_o do_v you_o conceive_v that_o any_o thing_n else_o can_v lessen_v the_o affection_n you_o have_v for_o that_o amiable_a person_n believe_v i_o continue_v she_o friendship_n be_v never_o destroy_v by_o friendship_n there_o must_v be_v something_o strong_a than_o itself_o that_o shall_v force_v it_o out_o of_o a_o heart_n which_o it_o be_v once_o possess_v of_o and_o it_o be_v only_a love_n which_o can_v do_v what_o you_o pretend_v for_o when_o all_o be_v do_v a_o man_n may_v make_v many_o new_a friend_n without_o injury_n do_v to_o the_o old_a a_o man_n mind_n be_v easy_o divide_v into_o many_o friendship_n there_o be_v some_o friend_n who_o secret_n a_o man_n be_v content_v to_o know_v and_o yet_o think_v not_o sit_v to_o trust_v they_o with_o he_o there_o be_v other_o to_o who_o a_o man_n communicate_v thing_n of_o importance_n who_o he_o will_v not_o entertain_v with_o trifle_n and_o on_o the_o contrary_a there_o be_v some_o who_o a_o man_n will_v acquaint_v with_o many_o inconsiderable_a secret_n to_o who_o yet_o he_o will_v not_o commit_v matter_n of_o concernment_n so_o that_o a_o man_n raise_v some_o kind_n of_o pleasure_n out_o of_o all_o and_o though_o it_o be_v in_o a_o different_a manner_n yet_o a_o man_n still_o take_v some_o delight_n in_o all_o those_o for_o who_o he_o have_v never_o so_o little_a friendship_n but_o madam_n it_o be_v otherwise_o with_o love_n for_o when_o one_o be_v possess_v with_o never_o so_o little_a of_o it_o it_o present_o cause_v a_o remission_n in_o the_o enjoyment_n of_o friendship_n and_o when_o the_o heart_n be_v once_o whole_o inflame_v by_o it_o there_o be_v no_o pleasure_n in_o the_o friend_n of_o either_o sex_n what_o be_v divertive_a before_o ceases_z to_o be_v so_o the_o conversation_n of_o those_o we_o most_o esteem_n prove_v tedious_a and_o pleasure_n itself_o be_v not_o pleasure_n if_o it_o be_v not_o divide_v with_o the_o person_n belove_v for_o in_o fine_a love_n know_v so_o well_o how_o to_o disrelish_v all_o the_o enjoyment_n of_o friendship_n that_o if_o you_o will_v take_v a_o full_a revenge_n of_o bellanira_n you_o must_v resolve_v to_o entertain_v a_o little_a love_n if_o it_o be_v as_o you_o say_v reply_v chrysis_n laugh_v i_o shall_v be_v much_o oblige_v to_o you_o if_o you_o can_v engage_v bellanira_n to_o love_v some_o body_n that_o so_o my_o friendship_n may_v prove_v unconsiderable_a to_o she_o ah_o charm_a chrysis_n reply_v the_o lively_a brutus_n that_o be_v the_o way_n to_o be_v revenge_v on_o yourself_o for_o you_o will_v thereby_o deprive_v yourself_o of_o the_o great_a pleasure_n in_o the_o world_n and_o bestow_v it_o on_o bellanira_n who_o will_v little_o regard_v the_o delight_n of_o friendship_n when_o she_o have_v once_o taste_v those_o of_o love_n but_o i_o pray_v tell_v i_o say_v damo_n who_o have_v teach_v you_o to_o talk_v so_o learned_o of_o a_o passion_n which_o be_v never_o yet_o absolute_a mistress_n of_o your_o heart_n i_o be_o bear_v under_o such_o a_o love-star_n madam_n reply_v he_o that_o even_o when_o i_o do_v not_o love_v any_o thing_n yet_o from_o the_o simple_a imagination_n that_o i_o may_v love_v i_o derive_v a_o sensible_a delight_n upon_o this_o chrysis_n incline_v to_o be_v pacify_v there_o happenned_a very_o pleasant_a discourse_n between_o these_o three_o person_n but_o it_o be_v soon_o interrupt_v by_o the_o entrance_n of_o a_o lady_n who_o carry_v severity_n in_o her_o countenance_n all_o who_o action_n be_v as_o it_o be_v set_v in_o tune_n and_o who_o very_a look_n seem_v to_o commend_v all_o that_o be_v call_v pleasure_n insomuch_o that_o bellanira_n damo_n and_o chrysis_n who_o know_v she_o present_o stifle_v this_o discourse_n whereat_o brutus_n much_o wonder_v for_o he_o perceive_v they_o be_v quite_o other_o people_n than_o they_o be_v a_o minute_n before_o as_o soon_o therefore_o as_o this_o party_n be_v go_v he_o hasty_o ask_v who_o that_o austere_a lady_n be_v who_o have_v disturb_v their_o discourse_n this_o lady_n reply_v the_o pleasant_a chrysis_n be_v one_o who_o a_o certain_a disciple_n of_o damo_n illustrious_a father_n have_v instruct_v to_o part_v with_o humanity_n and_o reason_n but_o the_o worst_a be_v that_o she_o be_v not_o the_o only_a woman_n in_o crotona_n who_o have_v vow_v to_o observe_v this_o cruel_a austerity_n which_o indeed_o be_v as_o pernicious_a as_o calumny_n itself_o for_o they_o be_v a_o knot_n of_o woman_n of_o the_o same_o humour_n who_o i_o can_v by_o any_o mean_n away_o with_o but_o i_o will_v know_v further_o reply_v brutus_n how_o they_o have_v be_v induce_v to_o love_v virtue_n when_o she_o be_v represent_v to_o they_o so_o deform_v to_o give_v you_o a_o true_a account_n of_o their_o severity_n reply_v she_o you_o must_v lay_v this_o down_o as_o a_o immovable_a principle_n that_o the_o temperament_n be_v not_o to_o be_v change_v the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o wise_a pythagoras_n though_o it_o be_v in_o itself_o but_o one_o yet_o have_v it_o be_v diverse_o interpret_v according_a to_o the_o several_a opinion_n of_o those_o who_o have_v receive_v it_o so_o that_o there_o be_v a_o person_n of_o some_o quality_n though_o of_o no_o great_a part_n among_o the_o disciple_n of_o pythagoras_n a_o man_n of_o a_o severe_a nature_n he_o for_o the_o most_o part_n misunderstand_v his_o precept_n and_o misinterpret_v they_o to_o his_o own_o humour_n insomuch_o that_o at_o last_o he_o have_v hew_v out_o a_o certain_a scrupulous_a moral_a philosophy_n which_o frighten_v a_o mind_n right_o principled_a as_o for_o that_o say_v bellanira_n we_o be_v only_o to_o consider_v after_o what_o manner_n the_o lady_n who_o be_v under_o his_o tuition_n speak_v and_o behave_v themselves_o and_o we_o shall_v find_v they_o so_o chimerical_o scrupulous_a that_o it_o be_v not_o easy_o imagine_v how_o discreet_a and_o know_a woman_n can_v be_v cajol_v into_o thing_n so_o fantastic_a and_o that_o which_o be_v yet_o stranger_n add_v damo_n be_v that_o these_o scrupulous_a lady_n who_o stomach_n will_v turn_v to_o see_v love_n but_o in_o picture_n rail_v at_o all_o woman_n light_o condemn_v the_o most_o innocent_a action_n can_v endure_v those_o pleasure_n they_o themselves_o take_v not_o spare_v not_o the_o reputation_n of_o the_o dear_a to_o they_o of_o their_o own_o sex_n find_v fault_n with_o every_o thing_n they_o do_v not_o themselves_o and_o turn_v to_o the_o worst_a what_o ever_o be_v do_v behind_o their_o back_n and_o whatever_o they_o understand_v not_o mereover_o they_o be_v strange_o pry_v into_o all_o thing_n they_o will_v know_v what_o ever_o be_v do_v in_o other_o conventicle_n that_o they_o may_v have_v somewhat_o to_o rail_v at_o in_o their_o own_o they_o even_o have_v a_o indignation_n to_o those_o delight_n which_o they_o will_v not_o take_v themselves_o and_o they_o be_v so_o conceit_v on_o their_o pretend_a virtue_n that_o they_o treat_v all_o other_o lady_n as_o profane_a person_n unworthy_a their_o society_n but_o for_o my_o part_n i_o shall_v never_o account_v these_o virtuous_a who_o take_v occasion_n from_o their_o virtue_n to_o augment_v their_o pride_n and_o to_o contemn_v whatever_o be_v not_o of_o their_o way_n but_o that_o which_o be_v further_a remarkable_a add_v bellanira_n be_v that_o none_o of_o these_o scrupulous_a dame_n who_o be_v so_o rigid_a in_o censure_v the_o action_n of_o other_o reform_v any_o one_o evil_a habit_n in_o themselves_o for_o i_o know_v one_o the_o most_o choleric_a person_n in_o the_o world_n who_o endeavour_v not_o once_o in_o her_o life_n to_o restrain_v the_o first_o agitation_n of_o her_o mind_n but_o be_v perpetual_o rant_a and_o chide_v those_o that_o live_v under_o she_o i_o know_v another_o so_o slothful_a and_o careless_a that_o i_o think_v some_o day_n she_o will_v not_o go_v one_o step_v forward_o to_o meet_v a_o good_a fortune_n that_o be_v come_v to_o she_o i_o know_v one_o so_o penurious_a that_o she_o will_v not_o allow_v herself_o those_o ordinary_a thing_n which_o advance_v her_o beauty_n though_o she_o be_v a_o great_a cherisher_n of_o it_o and_o there_o be_v four_o or_o five_o of_o they_o who_o far_o from_o live_v upon_o wild_a fruit_n as_o pythagoras_n do_v be_v so_o
speak_v with_o her_o accustom_a freedom_n as_o be_v not_o quite_o disintangle_v from_o the_o adventure_n have_v happen_v unto_o she_o but_o hermilia_n reflect_v not_o much_o on_o it_o but_o believe_v that_o little_a disturbance_n she_o descry_v in_o lucretia_n to_o have_v proceed_v from_o the_o trouble_n she_o have_v have_v to_o entertain_v brutus_n who_o not_o able_a sudden_o to_o shift_v himself_o into_o his_o stupidity_n choose_v rather_o to_o remove_v himself_o further_o from_o lucretia_n then_o come_v near_o she_o to_o say_v nothing_o to_o she_o or_o at_o lest_o nothing_o that_o may_v please_v she_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n lucretia_n though_o at_o the_o present_a she_o have_v no_o thought_n of_o entertain_v brutus_n love_n be_v yet_o particular_o careful_a to_o speak_v in_o time_n to_o valeria_n to_o let_v she_o know_v that_o what_o she_o have_v tell_v she_o the_o day_n before_o be_v of_o great_a consequence_n than_o she_o conceive_v yet_o can_v she_o not_o speak_v to_o she_o till_o they_o be_v retire_v to_o their_o bedchamber_n for_o before_o either_o hermilia_n or_o racilia_n be_v always_o with_o they_o but_o as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v private_a luerecia_n acquaint_v her_o friend_n punctual_o with_o all_o that_o brutus_n have_v say_v celebrate_v the_o greatness_n of_o his_o understanding_n and_o the_o difference_n that_o be_v between_o his_o ordinary_a manner_n of_o speak_v and_o when_o he_o speak_v free_o and_o in_o fine_a pretend_v to_o valeris_n that_o she_o have_v a_o great_a esteem_n for_o he_o though_o she_o be_v not_o half_o acquaint_v with_o he_o but_o all_o consider_v add_v she_o i_o wish_v i_o have_v not_o know_v he_o or_o that_o he_o have_v be_v satisfy_v to_o have_v choose_v i_o only_o for_o his_o friend_n to_o comfort_v he_o in_o his_o affliction_n ah_o lucretia_n reply_v valeria_n since_z after_o a_o manifestation_n of_o love_n you_o wish_v he_o that_o make_v it_o your_o friend_n i_o be_o confident_a you_o will_v soon_o admit_v he_o as_o your_o lover_n i_o must_v then_o needs_o be_v prepossess_v with_o a_o very_a strong_a inclination_n reply_v lucretia_n for_o though_o i_o be_o persuade_v one_o may_v lawful_o love_v once_o in_o their_o life_n so_o it_o be_v withal_o innocent_o and_o shall_v believe_v there_o be_v nothing_o so_o pleasant_a as_o a_o tender_a crimeless_a love_n yet_o must_v i_o needs_o as_o i_o say_v have_v my_o mind_n extreme_o prepossess_v to_o engage_v myself_o into_o brutus_n love_n since_o that_o you_o may_v easy_o judge_v that_o consider_v his_o reputation_n in_o the_o world_n my_o father_n will_v never_o consent_v i_o shall_v marry_v for_o my_o mother_n know_v she_o true_o how_o thing_n stand_v i_o be_o confident_a she_o will_v lay_v her_o command_n upon_o i_o to_o entertain_v brutus_n affection_n for_o her_o heart_n be_v so_o sensible_o possess_v with_o the_o memory_n of_o his_o illustrious_a father_n that_o the_o hatred_n she_o have_v for_o tarquin_n be_v certain_o ground_v upon_o the_o death_n of_o junius_n with_o who_o she_o be_v very_o intimate_o acquaint_v but_o you_o may_v well_o think_v add_v she_o that_o i_o shall_v not_o go_v and_o reveal_v this_o secret_a to_o she_o and_o consequent_o have_v nothing_o else_o to_o do_v but_o to_o avoid_v meet_v with_o brutus_n but_o if_o you_o over-wary_o avoid_v he_o reply_v valeria_n those_o who_o observe_v it_o will_v take_v occasion_n to_o suspect_v something_o for_o you_o have_v ever_o seem_v less_o desirous_a to_o shun_v he_o then_o any_o and_o therefore_o add_v she_o laugh_v do_v not_o avoid_v he_o so_o wilful_o have_v a_o better_a confidence_n of_o yourself_o and_o only_o resolve_v to_o make_v good_a your_o heart_n while_o we_o stay_v here_o the_o advice_n you_o give_v i_o reply_v lucretia_n with_o a_o gentle_a smile_n have_v something_o injurious_a in_o it_o for_o it_o may_v be_v thence_o infer_v that_o you_o do_v not_o much_o believe_v i_o real_o will_v avoid_v brutus_n but_o that_o you_o may_v be_v satisfy_v i_o tell_v you_o nothing_o but_o truth_n add_v she_o i_o will_v do_v what_o i_o can_v to_o hasten_v my_o return_n to_o rome_n for_o in_o fine_a i_o must_v needs_o acknowledge_v i_o have_v so_o great_a a_o esteem_n for_o brutus_n as_o to_o wish_v he_o may_v think_v honourable_o of_o i_o the_o next_o day_n lucretia_n write_v divers_a thing_n to_o her_o father_n to_o oblige_v he_o to_o send_v for_o she_o home_o but_o the_o reason_n which_o move_v he_o to_o send_v she_o for_o that_o part_n of_o the_o summer_n into_o the_o country_n be_v the_o strong_a lucrecia_n endeavour_n prove_v fruitless_a so_o that_o she_o be_v force_v to_o be_v content_a to_o remain_v at_o racilia_n for_o she_o have_v a_o soul_n too_o great_a to_o give_v the_o true_a cause_n of_o her_o desire_n to_o return_v to_o rome_n since_o brutus_n life_n be_v concern_v in_o it_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n this_o disguise_a lover_n from_o his_o first_o open_v of_o his_o love_n to_o lucretia_n be_v glad_a of_o any_o occasion_n to_o entertain_v she_o or_o to_o write_v to_o she_o and_o have_v a_o ingenuity_n beyond_o the_o ordinary_a rate_n of_o man_n he_o find_v out_o a_o hundred_o way_n to_o convey_v his_o letter_n and_o that_o so_o as_o she_o can_v not_o but_o receive_v they_o but_o all_o notwithstanding_o lucretia_n have_v a_o real_a aversion_n from_o engage_v herself_o to_o brutus_n love_n one_o day_n represent_v unto_o he_o all_o the_o difficulty_n which_o she_o think_v may_v break_v the_o obstinacy_n of_o his_o love_n to_o she_o for_o in_o fine_a say_v this_o discreet_a person_n to_o he_o you_o may_v easy_o judge_v that_o my_o father_n will_v not_o bestow_v his_o daughter_n on_o a_o stupid_a brutus_n and_o you_o may_v withal_o conceive_v that_o the_o brutus_n who_o i_o think_v worthy_a my_o great_a esteem_n be_v not_o in_o a_o condition_n to_o discover_v himself_o and_o therefore_o not_o find_v how_o i_o can_v any_o way_n dispose_n of_o myself_o you_o will_v excuse_v i_o if_o i_o entreat_v you_o not_o to_o speak_v to_o i_o any_o more_o of_o your_o love_n as_o for_o my_o friendship_n say_v she_o to_o he_o it_o be_v at_o your_o service_n and_o i_o promise_v you_o withal_o that_o i_o will_v not_o avoid_v you_o as_o for_o some_o day_n i_o have_v conditional_o you_o admit_v valeria_n who_o know_v all_o the_o secret_n of_o my_o heart_n one_o of_o our_o company_n your_o pleasure_n shall_v be_v my_o will_n return_v brutus_n so_o you_o will_v permit_v i_o still_o to_o love_v you_o content_v yourself_o that_o i_o shall_v not_o challenge_v your_o affection_n till_o your_o heart_n shall_v be_v overcome_v by_o the_o greatness_n of_o i_o and_o be_v force_v to_o do_v i_o justice_n till_o than_o that_o you_o be_v only_o my_o friend_n since_o you_o be_v so_o please_v and_o that_o i_o may_v be_v account_v valeria_n i_o be_o content_a but_o withal_o vouchsafe_v to_o stay_v till_o you_o full_o understand_v what_o i_o be_o and_o if_o when_o you_o be_v thorough_o acquaint_v with_o my_o heart_n you_o can_v deny_v i_o you_o i_o shall_v have_v no_o other_o business_n in_o this_o world_n but_o to_o die_v i_o shall_v then_o at_o once_o forget_v the_o love_n of_o my_o country_n that_o of_o glory_n and_o that_o of_o lucretia_n and_o shall_v have_v no_o more_o to_o do_v but_o to_o commit_v to_o dust_v the_o pure_a flame_n that_o ever_o shine_v in_o amorous_a heart_n from_o that_o time_n my_o lord_n have_v brutus_n more_o of_o lucrecia_n company_n than_o before_o for_o that_o valeria_n be_v admit_v into_o the_o club_n lucretia_n do_v not_o so_o much_o avoid_v he_o yet_o hermilia_n stand_v many_o time_n in_o his_o way_n that_o he_o can_v not_o entertain_v lucretia_n with_o his_o passion_n for_o she_o be_v seldom_o out_o of_o their_o company_n as_o for_o valeria_n she_o be_v so_o charm_v by_o the_o excellent_a endowment_n of_o brutus_n that_o in_o few_o day_n she_o become_v as_o great_a a_o friend_n to_o he_o as_o she_o be_v to_o lucretia_n and_o that_o which_o augment_v the_o friendship_n of_o these_o two_o person_n be_v that_o brutus_n acquaint_v this_o discreet_a virgin_n with_o the_o particular_a correspondence_n he_o hold_v with_o valerius_n but_o notwithstanding_o all_o the_o enjoyment_n the_o company_n of_o these_o two_o admirable_a virgin_n afford_v he_o yet_o be_v he_o still_o very_o unfortunate_a for_o though_o he_o know_v that_o lucretia_n have_v real_o a_o great_a esteem_n and_o friendship_n for_o he_o yet_o be_v he_o not_o content_v because_o it_o be_v particular_a to_o that_o passion_n his_o soul_n be_v engage_v with_o not_o to_o be_v satisfy_v but_o by_o itself_o this_o find_a matter_n of_o perpetual_a complaint_n notwithstanding_o the_o prohibition_n of_o lucretia_n to_o the_o contrary_a but_o common_o he_o do_v it_o by_o letter_n which_o though_o he_o find_v a_o hundred_o way_n
to_o get_v into_o her_o hand_n whether_o she_o will_v or_o not_o yet_o will_v she_o not_o answer_v any_o till_o at_o last_o think_v at_o once_o to_o satisfy_v he_o and_o oblige_v he_o to_o do_v what_o she_o will_v have_v she_o resolve_v to_o silence_v all_o his_o complaint_n with_o one_o answer_n but_o lest_o she_o may_v engage_v herself_o too_o far_o she_o only_o send_v he_o these_o word_n when_o you_o more_o reason_n dare_v profess_v you_o '_o shall_v know_v more_o of_o happiness_n but_o my_o lord_n this_o message_n soon_o bring_v lucretia_n another_o which_o i_o must_v needs_o show_v you_o for_o have_v undertake_v to_o entertain_v you_o with_o the_o history_n of_o brutus_n i_o have_v get_v from_o he_o whatever_o i_o think_v requisite_a for_o your_o satisfaction_n see_v then_o the_o answer_n of_o this_o disguise_a lover_n when_o i_o profess_v more_o reason_n you_o tell_v i_o i_o shall_v be_v more_o happy_a ah_o madam_n how_o hard_o be_v it_o to_o preserve_v so_o much_o reason_n where_o there_o be_v so_o much_o love_n and_o how_o long_o must_v i_o continue_v miserable_a you_o give_v i_o certain_o madam_n a_o excellent_a precept_n but_o i_o can_v follow_v it_o all_o the_o sage_n of_o greece_n tell_v i_o as_o much_o before_o i_o know_v you_o but_o it_o be_v only_o you_o have_v teach_v i_o that_o all_o their_o instruction_n be_v fruitless_a never_o have_v i_o such_o a_o disturbance_n in_o my_o soul_n as_o now_o and_o that_o which_o sink_v i_o deep_o into_o despair_n be_v that_o haply_o it_o may_v be_v say_v that_o for_o what_o concern_v you_o i_o have_v no_o reason_n to_o despair_v for_o certain_o you_o exercise_v no_o cruelty_n on_o i_o nay_o i_o be_o oblige_v to_o celebrate_v your_o goodness_n but_o be_v it_o not_o equal_o certain_a that_o you_o love_v i_o the_o less_o by_o how_o much_o my_o affection_n be_v the_o great_a to_o you_o you_o look_v on_o my_o passion_n with_o so_o much_o calmness_n and_o indifference_n that_o in_o my_o judgement_n you_o will_v be_v more_o sensible_a of_o it_o be_v it_o only_o a_o pleasant_a fiction_n wherein_o you_o be_v nothing_o concern_v nor_o know_v any_o more_o than_o the_o relation_n from_o some_o eloquent_a person_n ah_o madam_n how_o cruel_a be_v you_o if_o this_o be_v your_o true_a apprehension_n and_o how_o much_o more_o cruel_a if_o it_o be_v not_o and_o how_o careful_a be_v you_o to_o conceal_v the_o truth_n from_o i_o so_o to_o make_v i_o the_o most_o infortunate_a of_o man_n what_o shall_v i_o say_v to_o you_o madam_n since_o i_o find_v you_o so_o insensible_a as_o to_o love_n i_o doubt_v i_o you_o be_v more_o as_o to_o friendship_n and_o that_o all_o the_o expression_n i_o have_v receive_v of_o you_o be_v only_o strong_a imagination_n and_o so_o many_o pleasant_a sally_n of_o your_o mind_n have_v i_o not_o other_o affliction_n enough_o in_o my_o passion_n the_o difficulty_n to_o speak_v with_o you_o the_o sad_a necessity_n of_o myself_o restraint_n and_o reservedness_n the_o absence_n you_o every_o day_n threaten_v i_o with_o and_o whereof_o the_o very_a thought_n murder_n i_o to_o which_o you_o shall_v not_o need_n add_v a_o insensibility_n the_o most_o unkind_a and_o the_o most_o cruel_a that_o ever_o be_v and_o especial_o since_o it_o have_v all_o the_o appearance_n of_o humanity_n and_o candour_n what_o i_o desire_n be_v i_o confess_v too_o much_o for_o i_o to_o receive_v but_o it_o be_v little_a for_o you_o to_o grant_v heaven_n be_v my_o witness_n i_o desire_v nothing_o else_o tell_v i_o but_o once_o i_o admit_v your_o love_n and_o forbid_v you_o not_o to_o hope_v you_o may_v be_v love_v and_o than_o though_o you_o never_o speak_v to_o i_o more_o i_o shall_v be_v content_a and_o my_o passion_n will_v be_v dissolve_v into_o serenity_n and_o joy_n but_o if_o the_o terrible_a word_n of_o four_o letter_n frighten_v you_o and_o that_o he_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o all_o your_o fear_n i_o shall_v consent_v that_o for_o the_o future_a this_o love_n be_v call_v respect_n or_o friendship_n or_o what_o you_o please_v provide_v that_o between_o we_o it_o signify_v something_o quite_o different_a from_o the_o name_n pity_v i_o madam_n pity_v the_o pure_a and_o most_o unspotted_a affection_n that_o ever_o heart_n be_v capable_a of_o you_o will_v certain_o can_v you_o but_o see_v the_o tempestuousness_n of_o my_o thought_n my_o mind_n be_v discompose_v by_o the_o disorder_n of_o my_o heart_n and_o i_o be_o sometime_o afraid_a i_o shall_v real_o come_v to_o be_v what_o the_o world_n believe_v i_o if_o you_o do_v not_o change_v my_o destiny_n may_v i_o presume_v to_o tell_v you_o madam_n i_o do_v almost_o repent_v i_o i_o have_v ever_o love_v you_o i_o have_v wish_v i_o can_v love_v you_o no_o long_o nay_o i_o have_v endeavour_v it_o but_o soon_o after_o i_o have_v find_v i_o be_v not_o master_n of_o my_o own_o thought_n i_o have_v condemn_v my_o endeavour_n and_o repent_v of_o my_o repentance_n as_o of_o a_o crime_n this_o madam_n be_v the_o deplorable_a condition_n i_o be_o in_o and_o must_v be_v while_o you_o be_v so_o please_v for_o i_o be_o not_o to_o be_v acquaint_v with_o my_o own_o frailty_n which_o you_o know_v as_o well_o as_o i_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v to_o little_a purpose_n for_o i_o to_o complain_v and_o threaten_v at_o the_o same_o time_n since_o all_o i_o have_v to_o do_v be_v to_o suffer_v to_o disguise_v to_o be_v silent_a and_o to_o love_v you_o eternal_o this_o letter_n be_v very_o full_a of_o passion_n lucretia_n be_v a_o little_a sting_v with_o it_o insomuch_o that_o she_o resolve_v to_o return_v brutus_n a_o long_a answer_n than_o she_o have_v do_v before_o for_o indeed_o not_o to_o conceal_v any_o thing_n from_o you_o the_o great_a worth_n of_o this_o illustrious_a roman_a the_o generosity_n of_o his_o heart_n his_o gallantry_n the_o confidence_n he_o at_o first_o repose_v in_o her_o discretion_n the_o disconsolate_a life_n he_o lead_v the_o respect_n he_o have_v for_o she_o the_o experience_n she_o have_v of_o his_o virtue_n and_o the_o pureness_n of_o his_o apprehension_n together_o with_o a_o certain_a passionate_a stile_n which_o be_v that_o of_o all_o his_o write_n have_v kindle_v in_o her_o soul_n a_o certain_a affection_n the_o force_n whereof_o she_o be_v not_o acquaint_v with_o yet_o i_o be_o confident_a you_o will_v infer_v from_o the_o answer_n which_o i_o shall_v read_v to_o you_o that_o she_o have_v a_o certain_a oblige_a tenderness_n for_o brutus_n though_o she_o never_o allow_v a_o thought_n which_o be_v not_o virtuous_a and_o innocent_a but_o that_o you_o may_v know_v whether_o i_o be_o in_o the_o right_n or_o no_o hear_v what_o be_v lucrecia_n answer_n i_o shall_v never_o have_v believe_v that_o innocence_n can_v have_v be_v so_o cowardly_a as_o i_o find_v it_o in_o my_o own_o heart_n for_o i_o assure_v you_o that_o though_o i_o fear_v not_o any_o thing_n either_o as_o to_o you_o or_o myself_o yet_o be_o i_o haunt_v with_o a_o secret_a distrust_n which_o be_v no_o small_a affliction_n to_o i_o i_o can_v precise_o tell_v what_o it_o be_v i_o fear_v and_o i_o can_v but_o fear_v what_o i_o can_v tell_v nor_o can_v the_o consideration_n either_o of_o all_o my_o own_o virtue_n or_o you_o restore_v my_o mind_n to_o quiet_a and_o composure_n it_o be_v so_o overcast_v and_o disorder_v with_o thousand_o of_o nicety_n and_o doubt_n that_o if_o the_o tenderness_n of_o my_o heart_n be_v not_o engage_v on_o your_o side_n i_o know_v not_o whether_o i_o may_v not_o repent_v i_o of_o a_o great_a part_n of_o that_o goodness_n which_o i_o have_v for_o you_o but_o to_o give_v you_o my_o true_a thought_n i_o be_o persuade_v this_o civil_a war_n will_v yet_o last_v some_o time_n i_o can_v wish_v it_o be_v at_o a_o end_n for_o you_o know_v as_o war_n banish_v all_o pleasure_n from_o those_o place_n where_o it_o have_v to_o do_v so_o that_o whereof_o my_o heart_n have_v for_o some_o time_n be_v the_o seat_n suffer_v i_o not_o effectual_o to_o apprehend_v the_o joy_n of_o be_v by_o you_o prefer_v before_o all_o the_o world_n and_o govern_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o a_o man_n of_o extraordinary_a worth_n and_o which_o i_o value_v much_o more_o one_o who_o affection_n be_v compose_v of_o virtue_n and_o sincerity_n in_o fine_a be_v it_o not_o true_a that_o in_o some_o late_a private_a entertainment_n you_o have_v observe_v i_o have_v not_o the_o least_o liberty_n or_o command_n of_o my_o mind_n be_v it_o not_o as_o true_a i_o be_v neither_o merry_a nor_o melancholy_a neither_o absolute_o dull_a nor_o absolute_o cheerful_a that_o to_o speak_v true_o i_o be_v neither_o absolute_o mild_a nor_o altogether_o severe_a and_o that_o if_o you_o have_v never_o find_v i_o more_o amiable_a
only_o because_o he_o be_v once_o ruin_v collatine_n will_v let_v fall_v all_o pretension_n to_o lucretia_n but_o also_o out_o of_o a_o pure_a disintere_v motive_n as_o conceive_v it_o necessary_o contribute_v to_o the_o glory_n of_o this_o excellent_a beauty_n that_o by_o the_o deliverance_n of_o rome_n he_o shall_v set_v his_o own_o reason_n at_o liberty_n and_o withal_o put_v himself_o into_o such_o a_o condition_n that_o all_o the_o world_n may_v take_v notice_n of_o the_o passion_n he_o have_v for_o she_o as_o soon_o therefore_o as_o love_n have_v posless_v itself_o of_o the_o empire_n of_o his_o heart_n he_o redouble_v his_o former_a endeavour_n to_o accomplish_v that_o great_a design_n wherewith_o his_o soul_n be_v at_o this_o day_n burden_a nor_o be_v he_o disturb_v by_o any_o melancholy_a apprehension_n for_o some_o day_n ensue_v that_o wherein_o lucretia_n have_v honour_v he_o with_o the_o first_o expression_n of_o her_o love_n nor_o know_v any_o other_o affliction_n than_o what_o proceed_v from_o the_o impatience_n he_o have_v to_o give_v his_o mistress_n another_o private_a visit_n when_o any_o occasion_n hinder_v lucretia_n and_o valeria_n to_o meet_v according_a to_o their_o innocent_a appointment_n but_o this_o be_v no_o small_a penance_n to_o he_o even_o so_o great_a that_o one_o day_n it_o grow_v so_o violent_a upon_o he_o that_o he_o think_v not_o a_o simple_a letter_n sufficient_a to_o express_v to_o lucretia_n the_o earnest_n desire_v he_o have_v to_o see_v she_o again_o have_v therefore_o a_o excellent_a and_o easy_a vein_n of_o poetry_n though_o none_o know_v it_o but_o lucretia_n valeria_n and_o myself_o he_o enclose_v a_o paper_n of_o verse_n in_o a_o letter_n he_o write_v to_o lucretia_n with_o intention_n to_o deliver_v it_o to_o she_o himself_o as_o he_o often_o do_v when_o he_o can_v not_o meet_v with_o she_o but_o in_o company_n but_o this_o letter_n he_o make_v a_o shift_n to_o deliver_v she_o as_o she_o sit_v betwixt_o collatine_n and_o myself_o for_o we_o often_o make_v visit_n at_o racilia_n whither_o we_o be_v draw_v by_o no_o mean_a concernment_n i_o be_o confident_a you_o be_v desirous_a to_o know_v how_o he_o will_v carry_v the_o business_n so_o as_o to_o deliver_v this_o letter_n to_o lucretia_n but_o that_o you_o may_v conceive_v how_o it_o be_v do_v i_o be_o only_a to_o tell_v you_o that_o lucretia_n valeria_n two_o or_o three_o other_o lady_n brutus_n collatine_n and_o i_o be_v all_o together_o in_o that_o close_a arbour_n where_o brutus_n have_v the_o day_n before_o see_v lucretia_n and_o where_o he_o have_v that_o day_n meet_v she_o have_v we_o not_o disappoint_v the_o meeting_n have_v as_o i_o tell_v you_o already_o write_v his_o letter_n and_o be_v very_o desirous_a to_o know_v what_o collatine_n say_v to_o lucretia_n and_o more_o to_o oblige_v lucretia_n to_o think_v on_o he_o while_o his_o rival_n entertain_v she_o he_o take_v a_o walk_n out_o of_o the_o garden_n for_o to_o get_v behind_o the_o arbour_n whence_o he_o have_v once_o before_o overhear_v a_o discourse_n between_o lucretia_n and_o valeria_n and_o there_o as_o i_o tell_v you_o he_o place_v himself_o to_o hearken_v to_o what_o lucretia_n say_v to_o collatine_n and_o afterward_o to_o appear_v before_o that_o excellent_a person_n in_o hope_n of_o some_o occasion_n to_o deliver_v she_o his_o letter_n but_o it_o so_o happen_v that_o this_o beauty_n who_o it_o seem_v be_v not_o much_o take_v with_o collatine_n discourse_n rest_v herself_o negligent_o on_o the_o hedge_n of_o the_o arbour_n and_o amid_o her_o thought_n have_v pass_v her_o hand_n through_o wherewith_o she_o sit_v pluck_v the_o leaf_n not_o think_v what_o she_o be_v do_v brutus_n see_v it_o soon_o know_v it_o to_o be_v lucrecia_n fair_a hand_n and_o be_v full_o satisfy_v it_o can_v be_v no_o other_o for_o beside_o that_o her_o hand_n be_v of_o a_o particular_a kind_n of_o make_v she_o have_v on_o a_o ring_n that_o she_o always_o wear_v which_o absolute_o convince_a brutus_n he_o be_v not_o deceive_v not_o much_o mind_v the_o design_n to_o hearken_v to_o what_o be_v say_v in_o the_o arbour_n he_o put_v into_o the_o fair_a hand_n of_o lucretia_n a_o little_a table-book_n which_o he_o have_v purposely_o cause_v to_o be_v make_v for_o to_o write_v letter_n to_o she_o in_o and_o out_o of_o a_o transport_n of_o love_n which_o he_o can_v not_o retain_v though_o with_o all_o the_o reason_n he_o have_v he_o endeavour_v it_o kiss_v it_o he_o shut_v it_o thereby_o to_o let_v she_o know_v that_o what_o he_o give_v she_o can_v come_v from_o none_o but_o himself_o lucretia_n be_v surprise_v at_o this_o accident_n begin_v to_o blush_v and_o think_v to_o have_v cry_v out_o but_o by_o good_a fortune_n reflect_v sudden_o on_o the_o adventure_n she_o apprehend_v what_o it_o be_v and_o withhold_v herself_o yet_o collatina_n ask_v she_o very_o importunate_o what_o the_o matter_n be_v but_o she_o only_o tell_v he_o rising_z up_z that_o she_o have_v hurt_v her_o hand_n a_o little_a whereupon_o draw_v it_o to_o she_o hasty_o she_o wrap_v it_o into_o a_o corner_n of_o her_o veil_n as_o if_o she_o have_v hurt_v it_o indeed_o though_o it_o be_v only_o to_o hide_v the_o table-book_n she_o have_v receive_v from_o brutus_n who_o for_o his_o part_n be_v so_o well_o satisfy_v with_o the_o adventure_n that_o he_o come_v not_o into_o the_o arbour_n out_o of_o a_o fear_n he_o may_v not_o conceal_v the_o present_a agitation_n of_o his_o mind_n but_o go_v and_o walk_v alone_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n lucretia_n have_v cunning_o convey_v the_o table-book_n into_o her_o pocket_n resume_v her_o part_n in_o the_o discourse_n but_o when_o they_o have_v sufficient_o rest_v themselves_o they_o all_o begin_v to_o walk_v without_o observe_v any_o order_n for_o sometime_o the_o whole_a company_n march_v all_o in_o rank_n and_o speak_v all_o together_o and_o sometime_o they_o divide_v themselves_o into_o particular_a entertainment_n it_o happen_v by_o this_o mean_n that_o not_o able_a to_o fasten_v any_o discourse_n with_o valeria_n with_o who_o two_o woman_n talk_v whisper_o i_o come_v all_o alone_a after_o lucretia_n who_o be_v entertain_v by_o collatine_n but_o it_o happen_v that_o as_o she_o go_v she_o want_v something_o out_o of_o her_o pocket_n and_o that_o at_o the_o same_o time_n collatine_n say_v something_o to_o she_o whereat_o she_o be_v displease_v she_o mind_v not_o that_o she_o have_v drop_v the_o table-book_n which_o brutus_n have_v give_v she_o for_o my_o part_n though_o i_o walk_v muse_v yet_o see_v it_o fall_v i_o take_v it_o up_o and_o open_v it_o with_o intention_n to_o write_v some_o gallantry_n in_o it_o before_o i_o return_v it_o to_o lucretia_n whereat_o she_o shall_v much_o wonder_v when_o she_o see_v it_o but_o i_o be_v much_o surprise_v myself_o to_o meet_v with_o brutus_n letter_n and_o verse_n he_o have_v there_o write_v of_o both_o which_o these_o be_v copy_n you_o will_v find_v by_o these_o verse_n that_o i_o think_v on_o you_o when_o haply_o you_o bestow_v not_o a_o thought_n on_o i_o but_o i_o shall_v entreat_v you_o madam_n to_o assure_v yourself_o that_o the_o affliction_n i_o have_v that_o i_o can_v speak_v with_o you_o be_v great_a than_o the_o pleasure_n my_o rival_n find_v to_o entertain_v you_o and_o to_o do_v i_o justice_n be_v please_v to_o let_v i_o read_v in_o your_o bright_a eye_n when_o i_o shall_v have_v the_o happiness_n to_o see_v they_o that_o his_o entertainment_n have_v not_o be_v please_v to_o you_o i_o have_v rather_o not_o observe_v in_o they_o any_o favour_n for_o myself_o than_o be_v in_o suspense_n whether_o there_o be_v any_o for_o he_o believe_v it_o madam_n and_o withal_o that_o with_o as_o much_o impatience_n as_o love_v i_o wait_v for_o the_o happy_a satisfaction_n to_o entertain_v you_o private_o employ_v myself_o no_o otherwise_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n than_o in_o perpetual_o say_v when_o will_v the_o fair_a for_o who_o i_o burn_v this_o place_n with_o her_o rich_a presence_n bless_v dear_a minute_n fraught_v with_o happiness_n ah_o will_v you_o never_o never_o return_v from_o night_n to_o each_o successive_a morn_n sorrow_n my_o quiet_n dispossess_v dear_a minute_n fraught_v with_o happiness_n ah_o will_v you_o never_o never_o return_v have_v read_v this_o letter_n and_o verse_n i_o be_v no_o more_o desirous_a to_o write_v any_o thing_n in_o the_o table-book_n as_o be_v in_o a_o incredible_a disturbance_n that_o which_o cause_v it_o be_v that_o i_o know_v the_o write_n of_o brutus_n for_o though_o he_o endeavour_v to_o appear_v stupid_a yet_o upon_o some_o necessary_a occasion_n he_o make_v a_o shift_n to_o write_v know_v therefore_o by_o chance_n his_o hand_n which_o be_v the_o easy_a to_o be_v know_v as_o have_v somewhat_o a_o strange_a character_n for_o that_o
be_v see_v between_o these_o two_o jealousy_n be_v sometime_o find_v in_o jealousy_n cause_v by_o the_o same_o passion_n for_o lover_n be_v not_o equal_o jealous_a the_o diversity_n of_o their_o temperament_n and_o fortune_n alter_v their_o resentment_n and_o though_o they_o all_o have_v jealousy_n yet_o perhaps_o in_o they_o be_v as_o much_o difference_n as_o between_o that_o of_o love_n and_o friendship_n there_o be_v jealous_a person_n who_o evaporate_v their_o sigh_n complaint_n and_o tear_n in_o amorous_a verse_n there_o be_v some_o who_o jealousy_n make_v to_o compose_v a_o song_n and_o there_o be_v other_o who_o it_o deprive_v of_o reason_n and_o virtue_n who_o have_v recourse_n to_o steel_n and_o poison_n to_o carve_v out_o their_o revenge_n on_o the_o person_n they_o love_v but_o this_o diversity_n do_v not_o hinder_v that_o the_o jealous_a lover_n who_o only_o make_v a_o song_n to_o testify_v his_o jealousy_n shall_v not_o be_v effective_o jealous_a since_o it_o be_v true_a one_o can_v otherwise_v name_n a_o certain_a resentment_n which_o be_v produce_v in_o our_o heart_n with_o the_o desire_n to_o acquire_v something_o of_o what_o nature_n soever_o but_o to_o speak_v of_o friendship_n i_o affirm_v that_o though_o it_o be_v prudent_a it_o can_v be_v tender_a unless_o it_o be_v infect_v with_o a_o little_a jealousy_n i_o know_v that_o the_o jealousy_n of_o friendship_n do_v not_o take_v from_o we_o the_o light_n of_o our_o reason_n and_o that_o it_o do_v not_o make_v we_o act_v such_o fantastical_a thing_n as_o the_o jealousy_n of_o love_n but_o friendship_n be_v not_o tender_a if_o we_o do_v not_o desire_v to_o be_v prefer_v before_o other_o if_o we_o do_v not_o do_v all_o thing_n we_o can_v imagine_v to_o effect_v it_o if_o we_o have_v not_o some_o despite_n when_o we_o believe_v we_o have_v not_o attain_v our_o desire_n if_o we_o be_v not_o displease_v at_o those_o who_o we_o see_v prefer_v before_o we_o and_o if_o we_o take_v neither_o care_n nor_o inquietude_n to_o preserve_v what_o we_o have_v gain_v you_o will_v it_o may_v be_v tell_v i_o we_o may_v see_v a_o thousand_o and_o a_o thousand_o which_o have_v no_o sensibility_n of_o what_o you_o have_v allege_v to_o that_o i_o will_v answer_v there_o be_v many_o person_n who_o believe_v they_o love_v when_o they_o have_v no_o affection_n and_o who_o call_v friendship_n a_o kind_n of_o society_n or_o necessary_a commerce_n of_o life_n but_o when_o i_o speak_v of_o friendship_n i_o mean_v a_o effective_a friendship_n both_o tender_a and_o solid_a of_o a_o friendship_n where_o there_o be_v a_o commutation_n of_o heart_n and_o secret_n every_o one_o be_v not_o jealous_a according_a to_o the_o proportion_n of_o his_o friendship_n neither_o do_v every_o one_o seat_n it_o in_o its_o right_a place_n but_o to_o speak_v sincere_o these_o lukewarm_a friendship_n do_v not_o produce_v violent_a jealousy_n no_o more_o than_o that_o love_n which_o tune_v our_o spirit_n to_o a_o musical_a harmony_n but_o that_o do_v not_o show_v that_o friendship_n do_v not_o produce_v jealousy_n at_o least_o i_o know_v i_o have_v sustain_v it_o for_o lysicoris_n for_o i_o remember_v when_o she_o once_o go_v into_o the_o country_n without_o bid_v i_o adieu_o i_o be_v extreme_o grieve_v at_o it_o it_o be_v not_o but_o that_o i_o be_o a_o enemy_n of_o all_o constraint_n and_o ceremony_n but_o because_o she_o give_v her_o farewell_n to_o another_o of_o her_o friend_n that_o she_o ought_v not_o to_o respect_v so_o much_o as_o i_o i_o be_v extreme_o displease_v and_o i_o complain_v a_o thousand_o time_n of_o she_o and_o even_o hate_v she_o who_o she_o have_v visit_v but_o it_o may_v be_v reply_v terillus_n look_v on_o she_o you_o have_v sometime_o love_n not_o think_v you_o have_v any_o no_o reply_v she_o blush_v for_o i_o assure_v you_o i_o know_v so_o well_o how_o to_o distinguish_v friendship_n hatred_n and_o jealousy_n that_o if_o i_o have_v love_v it_o be_v difficult_a to_o deceive_v i_o but_o be_v it_o possible_a say_v terillus_n you_o can_v call_v jealousy_n all_o those_o light_a despite_n that_o a_o resentment_n of_o glory_n produce_v in_o friendship_n when_o that_o one_o render_v you_o not_o the_o justice_n you_o think_v to_o merit_v but_o be_v it_o possible_a reply_v berelisa_n that_o you_o doubt_v friendship_n have_v not_o its_o jealousy_n as_o well_o as_o love_n that_o which_o make_v i_o doubt_v of_o it_o reply_v terillus_n be_v that_o i_o be_o persuade_v jealousy_n be_v not_o but_o a_o effect_n of_o the_o irregularity_n of_o love_n and_o that_o friendship_n can_v have_v the_o same_o irregularity_n neither_o can_v it_o have_v jealousy_n but_o friendship_n reply_v berelisa_n have_v it_o not_o all_o that_o which_o be_v find_v in_o love_n it_o have_v little_a care_n and_o great_a service_n it_o contain_v the_o desire_n to_o please_v complacency_n be_v always_o thereto_o annex_v there_o be_v likewise_o of_o the_o favour_n of_o friendship_n effective_a confidence_n and_o of_o trifle_a secret_n one_o esteem_v the_o letter_n of_o his_o friend_n absence_n be_v not_o rude_a presence_n be_v sweet_a and_o in_o fine_a there_o be_v find_v in_o a_o tender_a friendship_n all_o that_o one_o can_v attribute_v to_o a_o tender_a love_n but_o reply_v terillus_n do_v not_o you_o comprehend_v that_o one_o can_v be_v jealous_a but_o of_o that_o one_o possess_v or_o may_v possess_v and_o that_o be_v so_o one_o can_v have_v jealousy_n in_o friendship_n sure_o it_o be_v true_a that_o our_o friend_n can_v be_v absolute_o we_o for_o take_v the_o perfect_a friend_n in_o the_o world_n if_o he_o have_v a_o mistress_n he_o will_v be_v often_o with_o his_o mistress_n than_o friend_n so_o that_o friendship_n give_v nothing_o which_o may_v sole_o depend_v on_o we_o it_o be_v impossible_a to_o be_v as_o jealous_a as_o if_o one_o have_v a_o mistress_n but_o as_o solid_a friendship_n be_v too_o little_o divertise_v love_n be_v rob_v of_o divers_a thing_n which_o have_v dependence_n only_o on_o it_o so_o that_o those_o little_a care_n and_o all_o those_o thing_n of_o which_o you_o have_v speak_v be_v become_v its_o mode_n by_o usurpation_n but_o for_o jealousy_n believe_v i_o berelisa_n it_o have_v ever_o appertain_v to_o love_n neither_o can_v it_o be_v admit_v to_o any_o passion_n but_o this_o but_o how_o call_v you_o that_o i_o feel_v for_o lysicoris_n reply_v berelisa_n for_o i_o will_v be_v more_o love_v by_o she_o than_o another_o i_o shall_v be_v angry_a if_o i_o be_v less_o i_o will_v know_v her_o thought_n i_o will_v have_v she_o if_o she_o be_v in_o love_n with_o any_o one_o to_o declare_v it_o to_o i_o and_o i_o shall_v never_o suffer_v she_o without_o much_o distemper_n to_o write_v to_o any_o of_o her_o friend_n without_o show_v i_o the_o letter_n and_o i_o very_o well_o know_v the_o commotion_n of_o my_o spirit_n proceed_v from_o jealousy_n i_o even_o hold_v add_v she_o that_o the_o jealousy_n of_o friendship_n be_v more_o jealousy_n if_o i_o may_v so_o say_v than_o the_o jealousy_n of_o love_n for_o as_o it_o retain_v reason_n still_o entire_a the_o least_o effect_n it_o produce_v in_o a_o friend_n heart_n aught_o to_o be_v more_o consider_v than_o those_o it_o produce_v in_o a_o lover_n but_o in_o what_o place_n may_v we_o see_v jealous_a friend_n reply_v terillus_n who_o have_v their_o eye_n wander_v their_o tincture_n pale_a their_o humour_n melancholy_a and_o their_o spirit_n disquiet_v through_o excess_n of_o their_o jealousy_n but_o in_o what_o place_n reply_v berelisa_n have_v you_o see_v friend_n which_o receive_v contempt_n without_o grief_n which_o patient_o suffer_v tepedity_n oblivion_n indifferency_n and_o irregularity_n when_o they_o believe_v they_o be_v neglect_v by_o a_o new_a friendship_n i_o confess_v it_o will_v be_v difficult_a for_o i_o reply_v terillus_n to_o show_v you_o a_o friend_n so_o patient_a to_o suffer_v all_o those_o thing_n you_o have_v name_v without_o resentment_n but_o i_o call_v it_o despite_n and_o not_o jealousy_n and_o for_o my_o part_n reply_v berelisa_n i_o will_v call_v revenge_n all_o the_o resentment_n of_o a_o jealous_a person_n after_o your_o mode_n but_o to_o speak_v rational_o as_o love_n and_o friendship_n derive_v their_o original_a from_o the_o heart_n and_o that_o we_o know_v not_o how_o to_o love_v nothing_o but_o by_o a_o certain_a universal_a cause_n which_o form_v all_o love_n and_o friendship_n in_o the_o world_n there_o be_v likewise_o in_o the_o heart_n of_o all_o man_n as_o well_o a_o jealous_a as_o a_o amorous_a disposition_n and_o this_o disposition_n act_v doubtless_o more_o or_o less_o violent_o as_o i_o have_v tell_v you_o according_a to_o the_o form_n of_o the_o affection_n which_o cause_v it_o according_a to_o the_o subject_n one_o have_v to_o entertain_v jealousy_n and_o according_a to_o
if_o he_o be_v yet_o amorous_a it_o be_v certain_o of_o your_o sister_n and_o terillus_n be_v the_o complete_a of_o our_o court_n you_o act_n too_o much_o injustice_n by_o treat_v he_o with_o such_o severity_n it_o be_v needless_a to_o know_v whether_o it_o be_v justice_n or_o injustice_n reply_v berelisa_n but_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o i_o will_v have_v you_o discover_v if_o berelisa_n love_v my_o sister_n and_o if_o you_o desire_v to_o be_v inform_v what_o thought_n possess_v my_o heart_n when_o i_o sigh_v they_o only_o spring_v from_o my_o brother_n interest_n and_o from_o the_o apprehension_n i_o have_v that_o artemidorus_n and_o clidimira_n renew_v their_o former_a gallantry_n the_o face_n of_o artemidorus_n appear_v mask_v with_o so_o much_o melancholy_a since_o the_o arrival_n of_o my_o sister_n i_o have_v note_v it_o as_o well_o as_o you_o reply_v lysicoris_n but_o other_o sigh_v not_o in_o such_o a_o manner_n for_o a_o brother_n interest_n and_o your_o word_n vary_v from_o true_a sincerity_n when_o you_o invent_v the_o precedent_a expression_n what_o will_v you_o have_v i_o tell_v you_o reply_v berelisa_n i_o will_v know_v reply_v lysicoris_n from_o whence_o proceed_v these_o sigh_n real_o reply_v she_o i_o think_v artemidorus_n have_v occasion_v they_o if_o so_o you_o be_v captive_a to_o your_o prisoner_n reply_v lysicoris_n for_o i_o be_o assure_v when_o one_o breath_n forth_o such_o heart-breaking_a sigh_n as_o you_o they_o must_v of_o necessity_n proceed_v from_o a_o amorous_a tenderness_n you_o be_v so_o know_v in_o sigh_n reply_v berelisa_n that_o one_o may_v imagine_v your_o life_n have_v be_v but_o a_o continual_a suspiration_n if_o i_o have_v not_o sigh_v reply_v she_o i_o have_v see_v many_o sigh_n but_o the_o sigh_n of_o love_n differ_v from_o other_o and_o if_o you_o will_v speak_v sincere_o confess_v to_o i_o those_o sigh_n i_o have_v hear_v be_v not_o produce_v by_o domestic_a affair_n or_o ordinary_a accident_n if_o they_o be_v sigh_n of_o jealousy_n reply_v berelisa_n what_o will_v you_o say_v of_o they_o i_o shall_v much_o murmur_n reply_v she_o for_o they_o must_v then_o proceed_v from_o a_o conceal_a passion_n which_o precede_v it_o murmur_v then_o answer_v berelisa_n turn_v her_o head_n since_o it_o be_v too_o true_a for_o my_o misfortune_n that_o my_o heart_n be_v infect_v with_o a_o terrible_a jealousy_n though_o i_o have_v no_o violent_a affection_n ah_o berelisa_n reply_v lysicoris_n that_o can_v be_v and_o if_o you_o be_v very_o jealous_a you_o must_v doubtless_o have_v much_o love_n in_o truth_n reply_v she_o i_o feel_v nothing_o but_o jealousy_n if_o so_o reply_v lysicoris_n you_o feel_v more_o grief_n than_o pleasure_n it_o be_v not_o so_o reply_v berelisa_n but_o it_o be_v that_o i_o dare_v not_o tell_v you_o for_o the_o confusion_n of_o it_o have_v almost_o prescribe_v limit_n to_o my_o life_n but_o it_o may_v be_v there_o be_v something_o more_o contemptuous_a reply_v lysicoris_n then_o to_o confess_v one_o have_v jealousy_n yes_o reply_v berelisa_n and_o if_o it_o be_v not_o that_o i_o conceive_v it_o expedient_a for_o i_o you_o shall_v know_v the_o secret_a of_o my_o heart_n to_o endeavour_v to_o know_v that_o of_o another_o and_o the_o more_o easy_o to_o conceal_v i_o from_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o world_n i_o shall_v never_o tell_v it_o you_o though_o you_o have_v ever_o be_v the_o confident_a of_o all_o my_o secret_n you_o have_v then_o a_o strange_a secret_n reply_v lysicoris_n more_o strange_a than_o you_o can_v imagine_v reply_v berelisa_n since_o in_o word_n my_o dear_a lysicoris_n i_o swear_v i_o have_v a_o simple_a desire_n in_o my_o heart_n to_o be_v affect_v by_o artemidorus_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n it_o give_v i_o such_o a_o violent_a jealousy_n that_o i_o fear_v i_o can_v conceal_v it_o for_o since_o my_o sister-in-law_n come_v hither_o such_o melancholy_a cogitation_n so_o benight_v his_o please_a humour_n that_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o he_o yet_o love_v she_o believe_v i_o berelisa_n reply_v lysicoris_n when_o one_o ardent_o desire_v the_o love_n of_o any_o person_n there_o must_v needs_o be_v a_o strong_a affection_n to_o the_o desire_a party_n in_o truth_n reply_v she_o i_o do_v not_o believe_v i_o love_v artemidorus_n but_o i_o will_v not_o have_v he_o love_n clidimira_n he_o have_v so_o much_o friendship_n for_o you_o reply_v lysicoris_n that_o i_o believe_v if_o he_o love_v she_o and_o you_o demand_v satisfaction_n in_o that_o point_n he_o will_v not_o deny_v it_o if_o i_o be_v not_o the_o sister_n of_o telesis_n answer_v she_o i_o shall_v ere_o this_o have_v demand_v it_o it_o be_v not_o add_v this_o fair_a virgin_n rather_o than_o to_o remain_v in_o this_o incertitude_n i_o resolve_v in_o the_o end_n to_o speak_v to_o he_o of_o it_o but_o as_o i_o fear_v he_o will_v divine_v it_o be_v not_o the_o interest_n of_o telesis_n which_o frame_v my_o curiosity_n i_o shall_v be_v much_o perplex_v to_o execute_v my_o design_n though_o hitherto_o i_o have_v have_v sufficient_a power_n over_o myself_o not_o to_o perform_v any_o action_n or_o speak_v any_o word_n which_o may_v give_v any_o occasion_n to_o artemidorus_n to_o suspect_v i_o have_v any_o particular_a inclination_n for_o he_o for_o in_o sine_fw-la i_o love_v glory_n and_o i_o so_o much_o wish_v the_o estimation_n of_o this_o prince_n that_o if_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v severe_a by_o my_o own_o virtue_n i_o shall_v be_v cruel_a for_o the_o love_n of_o he_o those_o madam_n be_v the_o resentment_n of_o berelisa_n those_o of_o clidimira_n be_v of_o another_o nature_n for_o when_o she_o think_v artemidorus_n yet_o affect_v she_o she_o be_v more_o confuse_v at_o her_o insidelity_n than_o ever_o she_o have_v be_v before_o it_o be_v not_o that_o she_o will_v renovate_v her_o affection_n with_o this_o prince_n for_o she_o have_v virtue_n but_o she_o at_o least_o will_v not_o have_v be_v displease_v if_o she_o can_v have_v excuse_v herself_o to_o he_o as_o she_o consider_v she_o can_v not_o easy_o effect_v it_o she_o avoid_v he_o as_o much_o as_o possible_a she_o can_v for_o artemidorus_n he_o sle_z every_o one_o his_o grief_n be_v so_o extreme_a to_o find_v himself_o amorous_a of_o berelisa_n it_o be_v not_o but_o he_o wish_v he_o may_v be_v in_o love_n with_o berelisa_n in_o the_o first_o transport_v of_o his_o anger_n but_o he_o wish_v it_o when_o he_o do_v not_o think_v it_o will_v arrive_v so_o that_o now_o feel_v himself_o in_o a_o different_a estate_n he_o contrary_v his_o former_a wish_n but_o they_o prove_v ineffectual_a for_o the_o defect_n of_o clidimira_n and_o her_o infidelity_n be_v so_o recent_a in_o his_o memory_n that_o they_o banish_v from_o his_o heart_n his_o precedent_a love_n on_o the_o contrary_a berelisa_n appear_v to_o he_o both_o amiable_a and_o charm_a the_o great_a care_n clidimira_n use_v to_o hide_v her_o deformity_n and_o the_o little_a care_n of_o berelisa_n to_o show_v her_o excel_a feature_n do_v produce_v such_o a_o strange_a operation_n in_o his_o thought_n that_o artemidorus_n despise_v the_o one_o and_o esteem_v the_o other_o but_o after_o all_o he_o see_v he_o have_v better_a not_o engage_v himself_o to_o love_n berelisa_n if_o there_o have_v be_v no_o other_o reason_n but_o that_o this_o fair_a virgin_n be_v a_o princess_n who_o father_n be_v enemy_n to_o the_o leontine_n prince_n his_o brother_n who_o will_v doubtless_o say_v when_o he_o have_v notice_n of_o it_o that_o he_o think_v only_o to_o love_v his_o enemy_n as_o his_o reason_n be_v already_o accustom_v to_o yield_v to_o his_o love_n his_o great_a grief_n be_v to_o think_v that_o perhaps_o he_o may_v not_o be_v love_v for_o terillus_n seem_v to_o he_o a_o discreet_a man_n and_o he_o fear_v to_o share_v his_o fortune_n he_o know_v berelisa_n have_v more_o friendship_n for_o he_o then_o terillus_n but_o his_o friendship_n ever_o disquiet_v he_o and_o he_o think_v it_o be_v a_o easy_a matter_n to_o compass_v the_o love_n of_o any_o person_n which_o have_v but_o indifferency_n for_o he_o than_o a_o virgin_n who_o be_v already_o of_o his_o intimate_a acquaintance_n for_o terillus_n he_o be_v altogether_o unhappy_a he_o be_v a_o lover_n his_o love_n be_v reject_v he_o be_v jealous_a and_o not_o without_o cause_n he_o must_v go_v to_o the_o camp_n and_o leave_v his_o rival_n with_o his_o mistress_n but_o maugre_o so_o many_o melancholy_a thought_n the_o charm_a philonice_n make_v the_o society_n at_o carisalis_n appear_v very_o agreeable_a the_o sage_a cleodamas_n likewise_o desirous_a to_o ever_o use_v the_o memory_n of_o her_o residence_n there_o part_v all_o the_o alley_n and_o cabinet_n of_o the_o wood_n between_o ten_o or_o twelve_o person_n who_o compose_v the_o pleasure_n of_o this_o illustrious_a princess_n and_o fix_v inscription_n at_o the_o end_n
sister_n so_o that_o jealousy_n remit_v in_o her_o heart_n her_o former_a love_n for_o artemidorus_n she_o repent_v her_o inconstancy_n and_o design_v by_o all_o entice_a allurement_n to_o gain_v what_o she_o have_v lose_v be_v return_v to_o agrigentine_n my_o eye_n present_v she_o to_o i_o with_o such_o a_o accessional_a lustre_n of_o perfection_n that_o know_v artemidorus_n have_v renounce_v her_o love_n i_o be_v catch_v in_o those_o snare_n lay_v to_o reentrap_v his_o heart_n i_o give_v her_o assiduous_a visit_n and_o some_o amorous_a expression_n slip_v from_o my_o tongue_n but_o as_o soon_o as_o she_o perceive_v i_o be_v engage_v in_o her_o service_n she_o use_v this_o occasion_n to_o justify_v she_o to_o artemidorus_n with_o who_o she_o have_v have_v no_o particular_a discourse_n since_o she_o come_v to_o agrigentine_n for_o know_v the_o intimate_a familiarity_n between_o we_o she_o do_v not_o doubt_v but_o what_o she_o declare_v to_o i_o i_o will_v make_v to_o he_o a_o full_a declaration_n of_o it_o and_o i_o ingenious_o confess_v she_o overreach_v i_o with_o subtlety_n of_o her_o wit_n as_o i_o then_o one_o day_n speak_v to_o she_o of_o my_o pretend_a passion_n be_v alone_o in_o her_o chamber_n she_o cut_v off_o very_o short_a but_o in_o a_o oblige_a manner_n i_o pray_v zenocrates_n say_v she_o to_o i_o silence_v your_o passion_n and_o to_o testify_v unto_o you_o how_o infinite_o i_o esteem_v you_o i_o will_v not_o treat_v you_o as_o i_o ordinary_o treat_v those_o who_o be_v so_o pride_v with_o their_o imaginary_a fancy_n as_o to_o declare_v their_o affection_n to_o i_o if_o you_o will_v therefore_o disclaim_v your_o love_n i_o will_v embrace_v your_o friendship_n and_o confide_v to_o you_o the_o whole_a secret_a of_o my_o life_n you_o know_v pursue_v he_o we_o have_v be_v of_o long_a acquaintance_n and_o i_o know_v that_o when_o you_o go_v to_o leontine_n you_o be_v link_v to_o artemidorus_n in_o such_o a_o strict_a bond_n of_o amity_n that_o you_o can_v be_v ignorant_a of_o what_o passage_n happen_v between_o we_o but_o zenocrates_n i_o will_v discover_v that_o to_o you_o which_o neither_o you_o nor_o artemidorus_n know_v and_o which_o perhaps_o he_o may_v never_o know_v but_o madam_n say_v i_o to_o she_o artemidorus_n do_v not_o love_v you_o and_o you_o ought_v to_o have_v no_o more_o affection_n for_o he_o which_o be_v the_o reason_n have_v engage_v i_o to_o serve_v you_o i_o know_v reply_v she_o artemidorus_z have_v wound_v himself_o out_o of_o the_o labyrinth_n of_o his_o love_n but_o zenocrates_n add_v this_o artificious_a person_n seem_v to_o have_v some_o confusion_n artemidorus_n be_v unjust_a for_o he_o have_v believe_v i_o more_o inconstant_a than_o i_o have_v be_v and_o if_o i_o dare_v say_v it_o i_o have_v be_v more_o unfaithful_a to_o telesis_n than_o artemidorus_n i_o say_v not_o this_o to_o you_o pursue_v she_o that_o you_o shall_v declare_v it_o to_o he_o but_o only_o to_o the_o end_n to_o unlock_v to_o you_o the_o secret_a cabinet_n of_o my_o heart_n and_o to_o merit_v your_o esteem_n and_o friendship_n since_o i_o be_o not_o in_o estate_n to_o receive_v your_o love_n know_v that_o when_o artemidorus_n depart_v from_o leontine_n my_o parent_n persuade_v i_o that_o this_o prince_n estrange_v himself_o to_o the_o end_n that_o during_o his_o absence_n the_o prince_n his_o brother_n may_v marry_v i_o by_o his_o authority_n to_o who_o he_o please_v so_o that_o despite_n possess_v my_o spirit_n i_o resolve_v to_o obey_v those_o who_o propose_v telesis_n to_o i_o see_v i_o can_v not_o be_v free_a but_o in_o marry_v myself_o and_o i_o think_v i_o can_v not_o better_a revenge_n myself_o of_o artemidorus_n than_o to_o engage_v myself_o to_o telesis_n who_o i_o choose_v rather_o than_o another_o because_o he_o be_v no_o leontine_n and_o that_o if_o i_o can_v not_o forget_v the_o love_n of_o artemidorus_n i_o at_o least_o hope_v i_o shall_v never_o see_v he_o for_o i_o do_v not_o foresee_v any_o likelihood_n i_o shall_v find_v he_o at_o agrigentine_n but_o for_o my_o misfortune_n fortune_n have_v dispose_v it_o otherwise_o and_o i_o see_v myself_o expose_v to_o the_o most_o cruel_a adventure_n in_o the_o world_n every_o one_o know_v i_o have_v live_v so_o well_o with_o telesis_n that_o i_o have_v not_o speak_v to_o artemidorus_n that_o i_o be_o neither_o justify_v nor_o excuse_v to_o he_o and_o that_o i_o have_v act_v as_o a_o person_n which_o care_v not_o to_o be_v esteem_v unfaithful_a but_o zenocrates_n maugre_o all_o this_o i_o have_v preserve_v in_o my_o heart_n such_o a_o great_a esteem_n for_o artemidorus_n and_o such_o a_o oblige_a tenderness_n that_o i_o shall_v be_v sorry_a if_o he_o know_v it_o i_o tell_v you_o this_o lest_o you_o shall_v accuse_v i_o of_o ingratitude_n for_o as_o you_o see_v i_o young_a i_o do_v not_o refuse_v your_o affection_n but_o to_o accept_v another_o but_o not_o to_o tell_v you_o a_o lie_n i_o will_v not_o engage_v myself_o in_o all_o my_o life_n to_o suffer_v the_o constraint_n in_o which_o i_o have_v live_v and_o since_o i_o can_v destroy_v the_o remembrance_n of_o artemidorus_n i_o will_v at_o least_o in_o not_o pretend_v more_o to_o his_o love_n never_o suffer_v any_o other_o it_o be_v not_o that_o he_o merit_v the_o tenderness_n i_o have_v for_o he_o for_o he_o have_v receive_v my_o infidelity_n in_o such_o a_o manner_n which_o make_v i_o see_v it_o have_v be_v difficult_a for_o he_o to_o have_v be_v unfaithful_a he_o have_v do_v i_o the_o favour_n to_o hate_v both_o telesis_n and_o i_o but_o be_v resolve_v to_o destroy_v i_o with_o so_o much_o tranquillity_n that_o i_o be_o not_o astonish_v to_o see_v he_o engage_v in_o a_o new_a affection_n but_o in_o fine_a zenocrates_n i_o esteem_v you_o a_o too_o discreet_a man_n to_o receive_v you_o in_o a_o divide_a heart_n content_v yourself_o to_o be_v my_o friend_n never_o speak_v to_o he_o of_o what_o i_o have_v tell_v you_o and_o believe_v i_o can_v not_o have_v give_v you_o a_o great_a testimony_n of_o esteem_n than_o to_o open_a to_o you_o the_o secret_n of_o my_o heart_n clidimira_n frame_v this_o discourse_n with_o such_o ingenuity_n that_o i_o believe_v it_o and_o though_o at_o first_o love_n be_v the_o theme_n on_o which_o i_o discourse_v i_o at_o last_o be_v content_v to_o be_v her_o confident_a as_o i_o know_v the_o engagement_n of_o artemidorus_n i_o tell_v she_o that_o i_o will_v not_o counsel_v she_o to_o think_v of_o reconquer_a his_o heart_n for_o say_v i_o to_o she_o if_o one_o have_v at_o any_o time_n commit_v any_o infidelity_n to_o she_o i_o do_v not_o believe_v one_o ought_v to_o renew_v love_n with_o he_o who_o have_v do_v it_o because_o i_o believe_v confidence_n can_v never_o be_v reestablish_v all_o other_o subject_n of_o complaint_n which_o may_v be_v between_o two_o person_n which_o love_n be_v nothing_o which_o may_v be_v present_o reconcile_v but_o for_o infidelity_n madam_n reply_v i_o it_o be_v not_o so_o and_o it_o be_v much_o better_a to_o make_v a_o new_a affection_n with_o i_o who_o be_o not_o scrupulous_a no_o no_o zenocrates_n reply_v she_o i_o will_v not_o follow_v your_o counsel_n for_o i_o will_v love_v nothing_o i_o do_v not_o think_v to_o regain_v the_o love_n of_o artemidorus_n who_o have_v blot_v i_o out_o of_o his_o thought_n but_o zenocrates_n add_v she_o i_o conjure_v you_o never_o to_o speak_v to_o i_o of_o your_o pretend_a love_n if_o you_o will_v not_o aggrandise_v my_o affliction_n can_v i_o hearken_v to_o that_o you_o tell_v i_o without_o think_v you_o tell_v it_o i_o if_o it_o be_v not_o that_o you_o know_v by_o a_o infallible_o certainty_n that_o i_o be_o absolute_o indifferent_a to_o artemidorus_n i_o entreat_v you_o do_v not_o multiply_v my_o grief_n and_o be_v certain_a that_o if_o i_o be_v dispose_v to_o a_o new_a engagement_n i_o shall_v prefer_v you_o before_o all_o my_o acquaintance_n clidimira_n have_v doubtless_o stretch_v her_o discourse_n to_o a_o further_a length_n have_v not_o some_o lady_n interrupt_v we_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n i_o be_v so_o astonish_v at_o her_o word_n that_o i_o know_v not_o where_o i_o be_v and_o as_o i_o be_v assure_v that_o artemidorus_n do_v no_o more_o think_v of_o clidimira_n and_o that_o she_o be_v already_o expel_v his_o thought_n i_o do_v not_o fear_v he_o will_v reentertain_a her_o love_n i_o go_v therefore_o to_o seek_v he_o to_o tell_v he_o he_o have_v complete_v his_o revenge_n on_o clidimira_n since_o she_o yet_o love_v he_o my_o expression_n do_v so_o surprise_v he_o that_o he_o believe_v i_o do_v but_o jest_n with_o he_o but_o i_o at_o last_o speak_v to_o he_o so_o serious_o that_o he_o know_v i_o invent_v not_o any_o fiction_n and_o though_o he_o
little_o satisfy_v of_o the_o truth_n of_o any_o thing_n he_o say_v that_o of_o all_o he_o have_v so_o confident_o advance_v i_o believe_v nothing_o how_o madam_n reply_v turnus_n somewhat_o hasty_o be_v you_o not_o satisfy_v that_o persander_n and_o i_o love_v you_o so_o much_o that_o we_o begin_v already_o to_o love_v one_o another_o the_o less_o ah_o turnus_n reply_v persander_n i_o must_v confess_v your_o generosity_n be_v great_a than_o i_o for_o i_o shall_v not_o have_v be_v so_o free_a as_o with_o my_o own_o to_o discover_v the_o love_n of_o my_o rival_n i_o be_o full_o satisfy_v say_v caesonia_n you_o be_v both_o in_o some_o want_n of_o your_o sense_n and_o true_o reply_v i_o this_o adventure_n seem_v to_o i_o so_o pleasant_a that_o i_o condemn_v you_o to_o her_o good_a sport_n for_o the_o rest_n of_o this_o day_n i_o must_v indeed_o needs_o do_v so_o reply_v caesonia_n or_o be_v offend_v in_o good_a earnest_n with_o two_o man_n for_o who_o of_o all_o the_o world_n i_o have_v the_o great_a esteem_n alas_o madam_n i_o beseech_v you_o be_v not_o offend_v and_o not_o to_o examine_v thing_n too_o strict_o be_v please_v since_o turnus_n have_v speak_v so_o much_o to_o you_o to_o allow_v i_o the_o same_o liberty_n that_o you_o may_v not_o deceive_v yourself_o reply_v turnus_n i_o have_v only_o mention_v your_o affection_n to_o make_v way_n for_o my_o own_o however_o it_o be_v say_v caesonia_n i_o shall_v believe_v nothing_o but_o what_o i_o think_v sit_v and_o shall_v not_o think_v but_o what_o i_o ought_v for_o it_o be_v little_o less_o than_o madness_n for_o i_o to_o imagine_v that_o i_o shall_v in_o one_o day_n make_v two_o lover_n quit_v the_o one_o his_o fidelity_n the_o other_o his_o inconstancy_n but_o though_o it_o be_v not_o true_a reply_v i_o it_o may_v be_v suppose_v be_v it_o only_o to_o raise_v some_o pleasant_a discourse_n conditional_o it_o last_v no_o long_o than_o this_o evening_n reply_v caesonia_n and_o that_o my_o two_o pretend_a lover_n will_v to_o morrow_n content_v themselves_o to_o be_v only_o my_o friend_n it_o shall_v be_v so_o we_o shall_v be_v to_o morrow_n what_o we_o can_v be_v reply_v persander_n but_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n give_v i_o the_o liberty_n to_o tell_v you_o what_o i_o think_v not_o to_o have_v tell_v you_o this_o day_n say_v what_o you_o please_v reply_v she_o so_o i_o be_v not_o oblige_v to_o believe_v you_o for_o my_o part_n reply_v turnus_n laugh_v i_o defy_v your_o incredulity_n as_o to_o what_o i_o shall_v say_v be_v it_o as_o it_o will_v reply_v i_o only_o say_v what_o you_o have_v a_o mind_n and_o leave_v the_o sequel_n to_o the_o conduct_n of_o fortune_n i_o say_v then_o reply_v turnus_n that_o if_o the_o fair_a caesonia_n be_v not_o the_o most_o unjust_a woman_n in_o the_o world_n she_o will_v acknowledge_v her_o beauty_n never_o cease_v any_o affection_n can_v more_o express_v its_o power_n then_o by_o subdue_a the_o heart_n of_o a_o unconstant_a man_n and_o i_o say_v on_o the_o contrary_a reply_v persander_n that_o there_o be_v no_o beauty_n so_o mean_a which_o may_v not_o pretend_v to_o the_o conquest_n of_o a_o inconstant_a man_n and_o that_o the_o great_a acknowledgement_n which_o caesonia_n ever_o receive_v for_o the_o force_n of_o her_o charm_n be_v to_o have_v force_v i_o to_o a_o change_n of_o apprehension_n but_o reply_v turnus_n you_o consider_v not_o what_o you_o say_v the_o truth_n be_v madam_n continue_v he_o direct_v his_o speech_n to_o caesonia_n there_o be_v no_o comparison_n betwixt_o these_o two_o for_o before_o i_o begin_v to_o love_v you_o i_o lead_v a_o most_o happy_a life_n all_o place_n be_v equal_o delightful_a to_o i_o i_o either_o love_v or_o think_v i_o love_v a_o many_o excellent_a beauty_n i_o be_v happy_a in_o their_o esteem_n and_o i_o may_v haply_o have_v without_o vanity_n pretend_v to_o their_o affection_n can_v i_o but_o have_v resolve_v to_o fix_v i_o on_o any_o one_o of_o they_o the_o enjoyment_n of_o my_o life_n know_v not_o the_o least_o disturbance_n i_o have_v no_o acquaintance_n with_o jealousy_n or_o my_o thought_n with_o disorder_n i_o only_o desire_v those_o thing_n which_o be_v easy_o obtain_v and_o in_o a_o word_n such_o a_o serenity_n be_v there_o in_o the_o conduct_n of_o my_o life_n that_o i_o can_v not_o be_v in_o any_o impatience_n to_o change_v my_o condition_n but_o notwithstanding_o all_o this_o indulgence_n of_o fortune_n and_o that_o natural_a inconstancy_n i_o have_v quit_v all_o these_o undisturbed_a pleasure_n and_o forsake_v three_o or_o four_o mistress_n by_o who_o i_o be_v esteem_v to_o confine_v my_o love_n to_o one_o by_o who_o i_o shall_v haply_o be_v slight_v but_o for_o persander_n add_v he_o i_o do_v not_o much_o wonder_n at_o his_o change_n of_o life_n for_o be_v first_o blind_v by_o love_n he_o must_v needs_o be_v perpetual_o unfortunate_a so_o that_o to_o speak_v rational_o his_o change_n be_v so_o much_o advantageous_a to_o himself_o that_o i_o suppose_v you_o be_v not_o much_o oblige_v to_o he_o for_o it_o to_o answer_v what_o you_o object_n against_o i_o reply_v persander_n i_o must_v also_o speak_v something_o against_o you_o which_o be_v not_o very_o hard_a to_o find_v for_o as_o i_o have_v already_o say_v madam_n add_v he_o speak_v to_o caesonia_n change_v of_o affection_n be_v so_o natural_a to_o a_o inconstant_a man_n that_o it_o be_v much_o more_o to_o be_v wonder_v that_o turnus_n shall_v have_v know_v you_o so_o long_o before_o he_o love_v you_o then_o that_o he_o love_v you_o now_o and_o for_o those_o undisturbed_a pleasure_n he_o speak_v so_o much_o of_o since_o it_o be_v certain_a there_o never_o proceed_v any_o such_o from_o love_n and_o that_o what_o he_o feel_v may_v be_v call_v only_o a_o passionate_a enjoyment_n of_o himself_o if_o i_o may_v so_o express_v it_o he_o shall_v be_v ashamed_a to_o quote_v they_o it_o be_v not_o therefore_o very_o strange_a madam_n that_o a_o person_n accustom_v to_o court_v divers_a beauty_n at_o the_o same_o time_n shall_v at_o length_n take_v you_o in_o his_o turn_n since_o you_o be_v alone_o furnish_v with_o great_a charm_n than_o all_o he_o have_v ever_o love_v but_o for_o my_o part_n madam_n i_o do_v a_o thing_n much_o more_o extraordinary_a i_o confess_v add_v he_o my_o love_n be_v blind_v and_o that_o i_o have_v love_v that_o which_o be_v not_o amiable_a and_o what_o i_o ought_v not_o to_o have_v love_v but_o as_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o you_o have_v hear_v error_n of_o this_o nature_n be_v more_o excusable_a than_o any_o other_o for_o the_o judgement_n upon_o the_o first_o admission_n of_o love_n lose_v its_o liberty_n it_o be_v unjust_a to_o expect_v a_o lover_n shall_v judge_v as_o true_o of_o his_o mistress_n as_o other_o do_v however_o i_o be_v never_o so_o far_o blind_v but_o that_o i_o be_v convince_v you_o be_v a_o thousand_o degree_n above_o what_o i_o love_v even_o when_o i_o love_v you_o not_o but_o in_o fine_a i_o confess_v my_o love_n be_v great_a than_o it_o ought_v to_o have_v be_v nay_o i_o know_v i_o be_v not_o love_v and_o yet_o i_o suffer_v all_o the_o affliction_n of_o love_n notwithstanding_o all_o which_o i_o maintain_v that_o a_o lover_n who_o be_v unfortunate_a yet_o constant_a be_v the_o hard_a to_o be_v lure_v into_o a_o new_a love_n of_o any_o man_n in_o the_o world_n for_o certain_o it_o be_v no_o easy_a matter_n for_o he_o to_o cross_v his_o own_o experience_n and_o to_o jump_v out_o of_o one_o love_n into_o another_o when_o he_o find_v no_o satisfaction_n in_o the_o former_a i_o conclude_v therefore_o that_o love_a you_o i_o do_v something_o far_a more_o extraordinary_a than_o what_o tnrnus_n have_v do_v the_o truth_n be_v reply_v casonia_n i_o do_v not_o conceive_v either_o of_o you_o have_v do_v any_o great_a matter_n for_o turnus_n love_v i_o because_o he_o have_v haply_o make_v a_o vow_n to_o love_v all_o and_o you_o love_v i_o because_o you_o be_v of_o a_o passionate_a and_o tender_a nature_n and_o that_o not_o be_v able_a to_o fasten_v love_n where_o you_o desire_v you_o will_v try_v your_o fortune_n elsewhere_o and_o address_v yourself_o to_o some_o person_n from_o who_o favour_n you_o may_v derive_v this_o advantage_n to_o make_v the_o world_n believe_v that_o if_o you_o have_v not_o be_v love_v it_o be_v rather_o through_o want_n of_o knowledge_n in_o she_o who_o you_o love_v than_o merit_n in_o yourself_o i_o therefore_o think_v you_o both_o very_a happy_a that_o i_o take_v not_o what_o you_o say_v speak_v serious_o for_o if_o it_o be_v you_o will_v haply_o both_o repent_v it_o and_o if_o i_o be_v in_o a_o humour_n to_o satisfy_v you_o i_o shall_v be_v much_o trouble_v to_o choose_v
but_o whence_o be_v it_o that_o you_o imagine_v say_v i_o to_o she_o that_o persander_n love_v you_o less_o than_o turnus_n in_o the_o first_o place_n say_v she_o i_o apprehend_v that_o turnus_n prove_v constant_a for_o my_o sake_n have_v make_v a_o great_a discovery_n of_o love_n than_o persander_n i_o find_v also_o a_o great_a eagerness_n in_o the_o one_o than_o in_o the_o other_o turnus_n have_v always_o a_o hundred_o thing_n to_o entertain_v i_o withal_o but_o when_o persander_n have_v any_o opportunity_n to_o speak_v to_o i_o he_o have_v much_o ado_n to_o find_v any_o thing_n to_o say_v though_o certain_o he_o have_v a_o great_a wit._n ah_o caesonia_n say_v i_o to_o she_o how_o sorry_a be_o i_o to_o hear_v you_o speak_v as_o you_o do_v and_o to_o see_v that_o you_o know_v not_o that_o that_o which_o you_o look_v on_o as_o a_o imperfection_n in_o love_n be_v a_o infallible_a effect_n of_o a_o extraordinary_a passion_n for_o whence_o proceed_v that_o disturbance_n of_o mind_n in_o persander_n when_o he_o speak_v to_o you_o but_o that_o overwhelmed_a with_o passion_n he_o be_v trouble_v and_o be_v not_o able_a to_o speak_v and_o whence_o come_v it_o that_o turnus_n entertain_v you_o with_o a_o hundred_o extravagancy_n wherewith_o you_o be_v divert_v but_o that_o he_o be_v not_o of_o such_o a_o tenderness_n of_o nature_n as_o that_o love_n shall_v put_v his_o reason_n into_o any_o disorder_n but_o will_v you_o not_o at_o least_o acknowledge_v say_v i_o to_o she_o that_o the_o letter_n of_o persander_n be_v full_a of_o passion_n than_o those_o of_o turnus_n for_o though_o you_o look_v on_o their_o letter_n only_o as_o letter_n of_o friendship_n yet_o may_v they_o well_o pass_v for_o those_o of_o love_n for_o letter_n reply_v she_o they_o be_v thing_n of_o so_o ambiguous_a a_o nature_n that_o nothing_o can_v be_v safe_o ground_v on_o they_o for_o i_o know_v a_o man_n who_o during_o the_o space_n of_o a_o long_a absence_n write_v a_o many_o letter_n to_o a_o kinswoman_n of_o i_o which_o speak_v all_o the_o tenderness_n imaginable_a nor_o indeed_o can_v there_o be_v any_o thing_n more_o seem_o oblige_a or_o more_o insinuate_a be_v after_o all_o this_o return_v he_o carry_v himself_o towards_o she_o as_o if_o he_o have_v never_o write_v any_o thing_n to_o she_o that_o signify_v so_o much_o as_o ordinary_a courtship_n what_o you_o say_v reply_v i_o be_v so_o fantastic_a that_o i_o think_v you_o have_v invent_v it_o to_o confirm_v your_o own_o apprehension_n for_o how_o can_v a_o virtuous_a man_n bely_v himself_o since_o that_o when_o he_o do_v it_o the_o disproportion_n of_o his_o reflection_n injure_v only_o himself_o and_o take_v nothing_o away_o from_o the_o merit_n of_o those_o people_n on_o who_o he_o so_o reflect_v but_o in_o fine_a not_o to_o spend_v word_n vain_o on_o a_o thing_n which_o can_v fall_v out_o often_o do_v you_o acknowledge_v that_o persander_n write_v as_o passionate_o as_o turnus_n and_o give_v i_o leave_v immediate_o to_o convince_v you_o of_o this_o truth_n by_o compare_v those_o letter_n you_o have_v of_o they_o since_o i_o have_v by_o chance_n two_o in_o my_o pocket_n at_o this_o very_a present_a reply_v she_o it_o will_v not_o be_v hard_o for_o i_o to_o satisfy_v you_o whereupon_o i_o take_v she_o at_o her_o word_n she_o give_v i_o a_o letter_n she_o have_v receive_v from_o turnus_n some_o two_o day_n before_o wherein_o i_o find_v these_o word_n turnus_n to_o the_o fair_a caesonia_n if_o you_o think_v not_o on_o i_o the_o last_o night_n madam_n i_o be_o unhappy_a for_o i_o never_o have_v so_o many_o thought_n of_o you_o nor_o indeed_o do_v i_o ever_o think_v on_o you_o with_o so_o much_o tenderness_n as_o then_o to_o acquaint_v you_o with_o they_o be_v hard_o for_o i_o to_o do_v but_o in_o a_o word_n they_o always_o amount_v to_o this_o that_o you_o be_v the_o most_o adorable_a person_n in_o the_o world_n and_o that_o i_o shall_v be_v the_o happy_a of_o man_n if_o you_o be_v so_o favourable_a as_o to_o give_v i_o leave_v to_o disburden_v my_o heart_n to_o you_o will_v you_o ever_o madam_n oppose_v the_o felicity_n of_o a_o man_n who_o adore_v you_o and_o will_v not_o pay_v his_o adoration_n to_o any_o thing_n else_o resolve_v i_o madam_n i_o beseech_v you_o for_o after_o the_o loss_n of_o hope_n i_o shall_v take_v the_o loss_n of_o life_n but_o as_o a_o courtesy_n now_o say_v caesonia_n to_o i_o do_v you_o think_v this_o letter_n so_o indifferent_a when_o i_o have_v see_v that_o of_o persander_n reply_v i_o i_o shall_v give_v you_o my_o opinion_n of_o turnus_n whereupon_o open_v it_o i_o therein_o read_v these_o word_n persander_n to_o the_o attractive_a caesonia_n to_o have_v infinite_a love_n for_o you_o madam_n not_o to_o see_v you_o to_o want_v the_o opportunity_n of_o both_o hear_n from_o you_o and_o send_v to_o you_o make_v up_o altogether_o too_o great_a a_o punishment_n and_o it_o be_v impossible_a i_o shall_v be_v able_a long_o to_o endure_v it_o your_o own_o cruel_a prohibition_n hinder_v i_o from_o write_v to_o you_o yesterday_o my_o cross_a fortune_n and_o i_o know_v not_o what_o ridiculous_a prudence_n keep_v i_o from_o come_v where_o you_o be_v but_o you_o be_v perpetual_o present_a to_o my_o thought_n and_o to_o speak_v true_o i_o be_v not_o in_o any_o of_o those_o place_n where_o i_o be_v i_o contribute_v so_o much_o to_o my_o own_o unhappiness_n as_o to_o think_v you_o do_v not_o the_o like_a and_o that_o the_o unfortunate_a persander_n come_v not_o once_o into_o your_o mind_n unless_o by_o some_o accident_n or_o through_o civility_n you_o be_v oblige_v to_o speak_v of_o he_o or_o that_o you_o have_v not_o any_o thing_n to_o say_v of_o he_o in_o that_o excellent_a good_a company_n wherein_o you_o be_v be_v please_v to_o let_v i_o know_v so_o much_o divine_a caesonia_n i_o beseech_v you_o for_o though_o i_o wish_v you_o great_a satisfaction_n and_o enjoyment_n in_o all_o thing_n than_o i_o do_v myself_o i_o shall_v entertain_v even_o death_n itself_o kind_o if_o you_o can_v have_v any_o true_a pleasure_n without_o i_o as_o i_o can_v nor_o will_v without_o you_o now_o say_v i_o to_o she_o in_o my_o turn_n do_v you_o not_o think_v this_o letter_n as_o passionate_a as_o the_o other_o but_o if_o i_o shall_v think_v so_o reply_v she_o i_o shall_v infer_v nothing_o thence_o for_o it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v doubt_v but_o turnus_n love_v i_o more_o eager_o than_o persander_n and_o i_o on_o the_o contrary_a reply_v i_o be_o confident_a persander_n love_v you_o as_o much_o as_o man_n can_v love_v nay_o i_o question_v not_o but_o that_o you_o love_v persander_n somewhat_o better_a than_o turnus_n and_o therefore_o you_o will_v commit_v a_o great_a error_n if_o you_o prefer_v turnus_n before_o persander_n for_o be_v it_o not_o true_a that_o there_o can_v be_v a_o great_a wit_n than_o he_o that_o he_o have_v a_o mind_n excellent_o endue_v with_o all_o gallantry_n and_o perfection_n that_o you_o esteem_v he_o above_o all_o those_o of_o your_o acquaintance_n and_o in_o a_o word_n that_o there_o be_v not_o a_o more_o virtuous_a person_n in_o the_o world_n i_o confess_v it_o say_v she_o but_o be_v of_o opinion_n that_o if_o i_o shall_v marry_v he_o i_o shall_v love_v he_o more_o than_o he_o i_o and_o on_o the_o contrary_a that_o turnus_n will_v love_v i_o more_o than_o i_o shall_v he_o and_o more_o than_o persander_n do_v i_o be_o resolve_v no_o long_a to_o disobey_v the_o command_n my_o mother_n have_v lay_v on_o i_o to_o prefer_v turnus_n before_o persander_n but_o ersilia_n say_v i_o to_o she_o make_v this_o choice_n out_o of_o policy_n as_o you_o do_v out_o of_o humour_n and_o therefore_o i_o now_o foretell_v that_o you_o will_v be_v both_o deceive_v in_o it_o but_o reply_v she_o blush_v be_v not_o turnus_n worthy_a to_o be_v choose_v without_o any_o dispute_n of_o all_o the_o virtuous_a person_n of_o ardea_n if_o persander_n be_v lay_v aside_o he_o be_v reply_v i_o but_o with_o all_o his_o wit_n all_o his_o merit_n all_o his_o good_a part_n nay_o and_o all_o his_o goodness_n i_o will_v not_o marry_v a_o inconstant_a man_n new_o become_v a_o proselyte_n for_o not_o to_o dissemble_v the_o conquest_n you_o have_v make_v of_o he_o you_o be_v indebt_v for_o to_o his_o inconconstancy_n this_o i_o second_v with_o a_o hundred_o other_o thing_n but_o what_o ere_o be_v say_v to_o caesonia_n be_v say_v in_o vain_a for_o she_o think_v the_o inclination_n she_o have_v for_o persander_n will_v make_v her_o unhappy_a if_o she_o marry_v he_o and_o that_o he_o love_v she_o not_o sufficient_o and_o turnus_n have_v so_o dazzle_v she_o with_o the_o greatness_n of_o his_o love_n by_o a_o thousand_o little_a
be_v nothing_o against_o we_o rome_n have_v within_o its_o own_o wall_n soldier_n captains_z army_n and_o wherewithal_o to_o subsist_v without_o the_o assistance_n of_o any_o thing_n but_o its_o own_o strength_n and_o its_o own_o virtue_n let_v we_o then_o resolve_v to_o undergo_v the_o misery_n of_o a_o eternal_a war_n rather_o than_o sign_v a_o peace_n with_o our_o tyrant_n for_o even_o the_o certainty_n of_o death_n shall_v not_o fright_v we_o from_o do_v our_o duty_n since_o a_o glorious_a death_n be_v to_o be_v prefer_v before_o a_o ignominious_a life_n beside_o imagine_v not_o there_o be_v any_o among_o we_o that_o expect_v or_o pretend_v to_o be_v your_o king_n for_o we_o absolute_o declare_v to_o you_o that_o our_o design_n aim_v only_o at_o the_o destruction_n of_o the_o tyrant_n and_o that_o we_o act_n upon_o no_o other_o principle_n than_o those_o of_o the_o public_a good_a justice_n and_o glory_n let_v we_o then_o courageous_o take_v up_o arm_n for_o as_o i_o have_v already_o tell_v you_o it_o be_v henceforth_o more_o dangerous_a to_o continue_v in_o peace_n than_o to_o begin_v a_o war._n let_v we_o revenge_v the_o innocent_a lucretia_n let_v we_o maintain_v the_o privilege_n of_o the_o vestal_n which_o tarquin_n have_v violate_v by_o detain_v the_o captive_n of_o ardea_n let_v we_o recall_v virtue_n into_o rome_n and_o to_o execute_v the_o first_o act_n of_o authority_n let_v we_o expel_v tullia_n out_o of_o our_o city_n let_v we_o shut_v the_o gate_n of_o rome_n against_o our_o tyrant_n let_v we_o make_v good_a our_o wall_n if_o they_o assault_v we_o and_o in_o a_o word_n let_v we_o rather_o die_v like_o true_a roman_n than_o live_v any_o long_o like_o infamous_a slave_n and_o now_o o_o you_o just_a god_n add_v brutus_n look_v up_o to_o heaven_n who_o be_v the_o disposer_n of_o this_o world_n and_o the_o protector_n of_o rome_n infuse_v a_o true_a desire_n of_o glory_n into_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o people_n that_o hear_v i_o and_o suffer_v not_o your_o altar_n to_o be_v any_o long_o profane_v by_o the_o unworthy_a offering_n of_o our_o tyrant_n and_o you_o illustrious_a founder_n of_o our_o city_n who_o virtue_n have_v rank_v among_o the_o immortal_a suffer_v not_o your_o work_n to_o be_v destroy_v and_o let_v not_o rome_n which_o must_v one_o day_n be_v mistress_n of_o the_o world_n be_v any_o long_a subject_n to_o the_o humour_n of_o the_o most_o cruel_a of_o mankind_n and_o suffer_v not_o virtue_n to_o be_v at_o such_o a_o distance_n from_o the_o throne_n as_o not_o to_o be_v secure_v against_o vice_n even_o in_o the_o house_n of_o private_a person_n divine_a egeria_n who_o inspire_v wise_a numa_n with_o such_o holy_a law_n infuse_v into_o all_o those_o that_o hear_v i_o a_o ardent_a desire_n to_o destroy_v he_o who_o have_v so_o slight_o observe_v they_o diana_n goddess_n of_o chastity_n to_o who_o our_o late_a king_n have_v build_v a_o sumptuous_a temple_n suffer_v not_o the_o chaste_a lucretia_n to_o be_v unrevenged_a you_o sacred_a guardian_n of_o our_o house_n for_o who_o we_o pretend_v to_o have_v a_o particular_a adoration_n forsake_v we_o not_o but_o resign_v up_o our_o enemy_n to_o our_o just_a vengeance_n and_o final_o thou_o great_a jupiter_n master_n of_o all_o the_o god_n to_o who_o the_o abominable_a tarquin_n have_v build_v a_o temple_n out_o of_o sacrilegious_a motive_n curb_v this_o insupportable_a tyrant_n who_o pride_n be_v such_o as_o only_a thunder_n can_v pull_v down_o revenge_n so_o many_o unfortunate_a man_n unjust_o oppress_v hinder_v rome_n from_o be_v destroy_v inflict_v the_o severe_a punishment_n on_o i_o that_o may_v be_v if_o the_o love_n of_o my_o country_n be_v not_o the_o only_a resentment_n of_o my_o heart_n and_o as_o far_o as_o it_o be_v possible_a infuse_v into_o all_o roman_n the_o same_o resentment_n of_o treat_v for_o their_o tyrant_n as_o the_o heart_n of_o brutus_n be_v at_o this_o time_n seize_v with_o that_o rome_n may_v be_v deliver_v and_o all_o roman_n put_v into_o a_o condition_n of_o happiness_n let_v we_o proceed_v generous_a roman_n this_o be_v the_o last_o day_n of_o your_o slavery_n if_o you_o follow_v i_o victory_n expect_v we_o and_o i_o see_v she_o already_o stretch_v out_o her_o arm_n to_o we_o speak_v that_o i_o may_v know_v whether_o your_o apprehension_n be_v the_o same_o with_o i_o or_o at_o least_o satisfy_v i_o by_o certain_a sign_n what_o you_o will_v or_o will_v not_o have_v for_o if_o it_o be_v true_a that_o i_o and_o my_o friend_n be_v the_o only_a true_a roman_n and_o such_o as_o only_o deserve_v so_o glorious_a a_o name_n and_o that_o nevertheless_o we_o must_v quit_v all_o hope_n of_o deliver_v our_o country_n this_o poniard_n add_v he_o lift_v up_o his_o arm_n that_o have_v pierce_v the_o heart_n of_o lucretia_n and_o which_o i_o preserve_v to_o pierce_v that_o of_o the_o tyrant_n if_o opportunity_n befriend_v i_o shall_v present_o run_v through_o my_o own_o and_o ease_v i_o of_o life_n which_o i_o can_v any_o long_o preserve_v with_o pleasure_n or_o reputation_n at_o these_o word_n the_o friend_n of_o brutus_n aronce_n valerius_n herminius_n lucretius_n and_o collatine_n begin_v to_o cry_v out_o all_o together_o liherty_n liberty_n all_o that_o infinite_a multitude_n make_v the_o same_o cry_n and_o express_v itself_o by_o a_o thousand_o tumultuous_a voice_n that_o it_o be_v absolute_o resolve_v to_o shake_v off_o the_o the_o yoke_n of_o tyranny_n but_o brutus_n who_o the_o love_n of_o lucretia_n make_v then_o more_o active_a than_o that_o of_o his_o conntry_n cause_v the_o body_n of_o this_o admirable_a woman_n to_o be_v lay_v at_o the_o entrance_n into_o the_o temple_n place_v some_o of_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o collatine_n to_o guard_v it_o which_o do_v confer_v with_o aronce_n lucretius_n collatine_n valerius_n herminius_n artemidorus_n zenocrates_n amilcar_n celeres_fw-la mutius_n and_o divers_z other_o who_o offer_v their_o service_n to_o he_o it_o be_v resolve_v that_o the_o first_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v do_v be_v to_o secure_v the_o gate_n but_o the_o liberty_n of_o clelia_n be_v the_o main_a business_n of_o aronce_n in_o this_o deliverance_n of_o rome_n he_o be_v of_o opinion_n that_o while_n brutus_n go_v to_o seize_v himself_o of_o the_o gate_n of_o the_o city_n it_o be_v fit_v another_o party_n of_o such_o as_o take_v up_o arm_n for_o they_o shall_v be_v send_v to_o take_v in_o tarquin_n palace_n so_o to_o secure_v tullia_n and_o to_o hinder_v the_o illustrious_a daughter_n of_o clelia_n from_o be_v expose_v during_o this_o tumult_n either_o to_o the_o insolence_n of_o his_o guard_n or_o the_o cruelty_n of_o the_o abominable_a tullia_n this_o proposal_n of_o aronce_n seem_v not_o unnecessary_a a_o party_n be_v assign_v he_o for_o that_o purpose_n nay_o they_o permit_v artemidorus_n zenocrates_n and_o celeres_fw-la to_o follow_v he_o and_o brutus_n get_v into_o the_o head_n of_o all_o those_o who_o have_v already_o take_v up_o arm_n go_v to_o possess_v himself_o of_o the_o gate_n the_o first_o gate_n he_o come_v to_o be_v that_o which_o they_o call_v the_o carmental_a gate_n which_o be_v between_o the_o tarpeion_n rock_n of_o the_o tiber_n next_o he_o go_v to_o that_o which_o be_v near_o janus_n temple_n and_o the_o viminal_a hill_n then_o to_o romulus_n gate_n towards_o the_o palatine_a hill_n and_o last_o to_o that_o which_o be_v call_v pendana_n or_o otherwise_o romulida_n but_o as_o he_o go_v he_o make_v a_o strange_a alteration_n in_o this_o great_a city_n in_o a_o short_a hour_n time_n all_o the_o temple_n be_v open_v all_o shop_n shut_v up_o the_o whole_a people_n be_v in_o arm_n all_o the_o woman_n go_v to_o their_o devotion_n and_o there_o be_v nothing_o to_o be_v hear_v through_o all_o the_o street_n of_o rome_n but_o imprecation_n against_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n complaint_n for_o the_o deplorable_a death_n of_o lucretia_n and_o the_o praise_n of_o brutus_n the_o salii_fw-la begin_v to_o sing_v in_o their_o temple_n to_o demand_v the_o liberty_n of_o rome_n and_o double_v their_o care_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o that_o miraculous_a buckler_n which_o be_v confound_v among_o eleven_o other_o like_v it_o lest_o it_o shall_v be_v steal_v the_o vestal_n come_v all_o about_o their_o sacred_a fire_n to_o beg_v the_o same_o thing_n of_o the_o goddess_n vesta_n the_o great_a high_a priest_n sacrifice_v for_o the_o same_o purpose_n so_o that_o these_o example_n of_o piety_n authorise_v the_o insurrection_n have_v no_o small_a influence_n over_o the_o mind_n of_o the_o people_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n the_o creature_n of_o tarquin_n those_o who_o like_v so_o many_o slave_n to_o he_o he_o have_v thrust_v into_o the_o senate_n or_o the_o executioner_n of_o his_o cruelty_n be_v at_o a_o strange_a loss_n for_o the_o rise_v prove_v so_o sudden_a and_o
of_o love_n and_o gallantry_n song_n heroic_a verse_n and_o verse_n of_o love_n and_o all_o with_o such_o ease_n that_o when_o the_o fancy_n take_v he_o he_o do_v they_o extempore_o he_o will_v write_v they_o in_o the_o tumult_n of_o a_o great_a company_n he_o do_v they_o as_o if_o he_o never_o think_v upon_o they_o and_o if_o i_o may_v commend_v myself_o in_o commend_v he_o i_o will_v tell_v you_o without_o a_o lie_n how_o one_o day_n he_o and_o i_o answer_v one_o another_o so_o long_o in_o verse_n among_o a_o company_n of_o lady_n a●_n capua_n as_o all_o that_o hear_v we_o be_v amaze_v and_o think_v it_o impossible_a to_o be_v do_v without_o enchantment_n one_o shall_v meet_v with_o man_n sometime_o of_o a_o high_a elevation_n of_o wit_n learning_n and_o fancy_n but_o they_o can_v hold_v it_o out_o for_o after_o some_o facetious_a piece_n they_o will_v fall_v off_o unto_o pitiful_a low_a and_o common_a conceit_n their_o style_n be_v rough_a and_o disgust_n such_o palate_n as_o be_v any_o thing_n critical_a or_o delicate_a but_o herminius_n be_v a_o man_n singular_a in_o learning_n wit_n judgement_n and_o politeness_n he_o be_v none_o of_o those_o who_o have_v knowledge_n and_o wit_n at_o will_n yet_o want_v a_o smooth_a and_o please_a humour_n for_o as_o wise_a know_v and_o serious_a as_o he_o seem_v when_o occasion_n serve_v he_o will_v be_v all_o mirth_n and_o diversion_n yet_o he_o be_v not_o much_o affect_v with_o all_o sort_n of_o pleasure_n for_o he_o delight_v not_o in_o hunt_v music_n paint_v feast_n and_o such_o like_a but_o in_o complacency_n he_o will_v be_v one_o at_o they_o all_o and_o will_v do_v all_o he_o can_v to_o make_v man_n think_v he_o love_v they_o as_o well_o as_o any_o he_o will_v sometime_o be_v so_o much_o take_v up_o with_o a_o trifle_n as_o if_o he_o be_v ignorant_a in_o any_o high_a thing_n sometime_o he_o will_v apply_v himself_o to_o man_n of_o mean_a capacity_n as_o if_o he_o be_v able_a to_o reach_v no_o high_o he_o can_v comply_v with_o all_o sort_n and_o never_o leave_v any_o merry_a company_n yet_o this_o man_n who_o be_v able_a to_o inspire_v mirth_n into_o any_o company_n when_o he_o please_v can_v live_v in_o solitude_n with_o as_o much_o content_a as_o any_o man_n live_v upon_o earth_n it_o be_v true_a indeed_o he_o love_v his_o study_n so_o well_o as_o if_o he_o affect_v the_o company_n of_o dead_a man_n better_o than_o live_v and_o if_o the_o generous_a sivelia_n do_v not_o sometime_o divert_v he_o he_o will_v bury_v himself_o be_v his_o study_n i_o be_o confident_a that_o shall_v he_o lose_v valeria_n and_o sivelia_n he_o will_v absolute_o renounce_v all_o commerce_n with_o the_o world_n and_o yet_o this_o earnest_a inclination_n he_o have_v to_o his_o study_n can_v make_v he_o neglect_v any_o matter_n of_o business_n as_o insensible_a as_o he_o seem_v he_o have_v a_o heart_n most_o sensible_a of_o glory_n of_o amity_n and_o of_o love_n but_o he_o have_v these_o two_o last_o quality_n in_o a_o very_a particular_a manner_n for_o where_o he_o be_v only_o a_o friend_n he_o will_v seem_v as_o if_o he_o be_v a_o lover_n and_o where_o he_o be_v a_o lover_n one_o will_v think_v he_o be_v only_o a_o friend_n yet_o this_o proceed_v not_o from_o the_o weakness_n of_o his_o affection_n but_o from_o the_o generosity_n of_o his_o soul_n which_o make_v he_o too_o little_o interest_v in_o his_o passion_n as_o for_o example_n have_v he_o a_o mistress_n who_o a_o king_n will_v marry_v he_o will_v sacrifice_v his_o love_n his_o joy_n and_o his_o life_n to_o see_v she_o upon_o the_o throne_n for_o love_v the_o virtue_n more_o than_o the_o mistress_n and_o think_v a_o interest_n of_o pleasure_n in_o love_n no_o better_o than_o a_o mercenary_a interest_n in_o friendship_n he_o think_v only_o of_o do_v what_o generosity_n require_v but_o whether_o he_o act_v the_o part_n of_o a_o lover_n or_o a_o friend_n he_o be_v always_o equal_o liberal_a and_o generous_a and_o certain_o there_o be_v nothing_o but_o impossibility_n which_o he_o will_v not_o do_v for_o such_o as_o he_o love_v he_o take_v a_o part_n in_o all_o their_o misfortune_n he_o be_v a_o enemy_n to_o their_o enemy_n he_o will_v maintain_v their_o glory_n before_o his_o own_o more_o sensible_a of_o any_o affront_n to_o they_o than_o to_o himself_o and_o generosity_n be_v so_o natural_a unto_o he_o that_o it_o shine_v in_o all_o his_o action_n he_o will_v help_v his_o poor_a friend_n when_o he_o can_v and_o when_o they_o will_v he_o be_v in_o general_a the_o most_o officious_a man_n live_v he_o will_v often_o neglect_v his_o own_o business_n to_o do_v another_o and_o do_v show_v his_o liberality_n in_o a_o thousand_o trifle_n which_o many_o gallant_n more_o able_a than_o he_o will_v never_o think_v upon_o i_o have_v know_v some_o of_o his_o friend_n that_o be_v extreme_o afraid_a and_o careful_a to_o commend_v any_o thing_n he_o have_v lest_o he_o shall_v give_v it_o unto_o they_o he_o know_v how_o to_o give_v a_o thing_n handsome_o as_o well_o as_o any_o man_n live_v and_o if_o fortune_n have_v do_v for_o he_o as_o she_o have_v for_o many_o other_o there_o shall_v not_o be_v any_o well_o qualify_v man_n of_o his_o acquaintance_n miserable_a moreover_o herminius_n be_v a_o general_a scholar_n and_o a_o most_o rare_a poet_n hesiod_n homer_n and_o sapph_n be_v all_o his_o own_o all_o the_o sage_n of_o greece_n be_v his_o familiar_n it_o be_v true_a he_o never_o affect_v those_o nice_a speculation_n which_o thales_n the_o milesian_n have_v upon_o the_o star_n so_o much_o as_o he_o do_v that_o part_n of_o philosophy_n which_o regulate_v manner_n herminius_n be_v a_o man_n that_o be_v able_a to_o do_v any_o thing_n that_o he_o take_v in_o hand_n and_o he_o never_o do_v any_o thing_n ill_o favoured_o he_o will_v sometime_o undertake_v to_o speak_v upon_o a_o matter_n in_o public_a without_o any_o preparation_n for_o it_o he_o have_v a_o most_o strange_a and_o vast_a memory_n after_o once_o read_v of_o a_o large_a copy_n of_o verse_n he_o will_v repeat_v they_o and_o not_o miss_v a_o syllable_n also_o he_o will_v do_v the_o like_a in_o prose_n those_o who_o think_v that_o memory_n wit_n and_o judgement_n can_v lodge_v together_o be_v mistake_v for_o he_o have_v both_o though_o he_o be_v owner_n of_o all_o the_o virtue_n yet_o he_o care_v not_o for_o show_v they_o and_o will_v often_o strive_v to_o conceal_v they_o from_o such_o man_n with_o who_o he_o be_v not_o familiar_a and_o yet_o he_o affect_v glory_n but_o he_o find_v so_o few_o in_o the_o world_n that_o be_v able_a to_o judge_v aright_o that_o he_o care_v not_o for_o the_o applaud_v of_o the_o multitude_n moreover_o herminius_n be_v so_o thankful_a and_o acknowledge_v even_o for_o the_o least_o good_a office_n that_o he_o repay_v they_o all_o with_o usury_n and_o which_o be_v most_o rare_a this_o man_n who_o be_v able_a for_o all_o thing_n who_o can_v make_v a_o history_n of_o the_o world_n as_o easy_o as_o a_o song_n and_o who_o know_v no_o limit_n unto_o his_o part_n yet_o be_v he_o modest_a beyond_o all_o thought_n this_o excellent_a quality_n also_o he_o have_v that_o he_o can_v keep_v a_o secret_a the_o best_a of_o any_o man_n alive_a and_o which_o i_o high_o esteem_v he_o for_o he_o be_v absolute_o incapable_a of_o any_o envy_n and_o slander_v and_o be_v not_o severe_a unto_o any_o but_o himself_o he_o suit_n with_o my_o humour_n principal_o in_o this_o that_o he_o can_v use_v good_a fortune_n better_o than_o he_o can_v endure_v bad_a because_o he_o be_v much_o more_o sensible_a of_o forrow_n than_o of_o joy_n as_o to_o the_o lady_n he_o hold_v they_o in_o a_o high_a degree_n of_o respect_n i_o can_v say_v much_o more_o of_o this_o illustrious_a roman_a but_o i_o have_v better_o make_v he_o know_v unto_o you_o by_o his_o story_n than_o by_o a_o description_n which_o will_v come_v short_a of_o his_o worth_n as_o for_o valeria_n though_o cesonia_n and_o plotina_n do_v not_o know_v she_o so_o well_o as_o herminius_n yet_o i_o will_v not_o make_v any_o long_a description_n of_o she_o as_o for_o you_o madam_n i_o observe_v you_o love_v she_o so_o well_o already_o that_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o you_o do_v perfect_o know_v she_o but_o for_o my_o part_n i_o must_v confess_v ingenious_o unto_o you_o that_o i_o never_o in_o all_o my_o life_n see_v a_o more_o amiable_a person_n than_o valeria_n she_o be_v indeed_o but_o of_o a_o middle_a stature_n yet_o so_o well_o make_v as_o she_o need_v not_o envy_v any_o that_o be_v tall_a than_o herself_o her_o eye_n be_v not_o such_o as_o seem_v for_o bigness_n as_o if_o they_o will_v look_v three_o or_o four_o way_n at_o once_o
against_o myself_o do_v not_o murmur_v if_o i_o take_v my_o own_o part_n rather_o than_o you_o and_o so_o i_o most_o serious_o entreat_v you_o to_o regulate_v your_o thought_n and_o your_o word_n have_v i_o not_o a_o very_a great_a esteem_n for_o you_o i_o shall_v speak_v in_o a_o worse_a dialect_n to_o you_o but_o value_v you_o at_o a_o very_a high_a rate_n of_o esteem_n i_o will_v have_v you_o continue_v if_o it_o be_v possible_a within_o the_o limit_n of_o friendship_n and_o that_o you_o will_v not_o force_v i_o to_o lose_v you_o i_o promise_v you_o to_o do_v all_o i_o can_v for_o you_o and_o to_o attribute_v all_o your_o service_n unto_o your_o tenderness_n of_o friendship_n so_o long_o as_o your_o tongue_n do_v not_o oppose_v the_o advantageous_a opinion_n which_o i_o will_v have_v of_o you_o oh_o madam_n cry_v out_o herminius_n i_o beseech_v you_o do_v not_o forbid_v i_o to_o use_v the_o sweet_a and_o most_o please_a word_n in_o the_o world_n to_o those_o that_o have_v that_o passion_n in_o their_o heart_n that_o it_o express_v for_o the_o word_n love_n have_v such_o a_o secret_a charm_n in_o it_o as_o joy_v the_o heart_n of_o that_o lover_n that_o pronounce_v it_o and_o move_v the_o heart_n of_o that_o person_n who_o hear_v it_o if_o she_o have_v any_o tenderness_n of_o soul_n the_o word_n affection_n be_v a_o word_n ambiguous_a and_o suit_n with_o amity_n as_o well_o as_o love_n the_o word_n tenderness_n as_o oblige_v as_o it_o be_v may_v be_v apply_v to_o they_o both_o but_o the_o word_n love_n need_v no_o interpretation_n it_o alone_o express_v all_o that_o can_v be_v imagine_v sweet_a most_o oblige_a and_o most_o agreeable_a deprive_v i_o not_o therefore_o of_o a_o consolation_n which_o will_v not_o cost_v you_o any_o thing_n and_o to_o put_v myself_o in_o possession_n of_o this_o sweet_a word_n be_v please_v to_o know_v that_o i_o have_v towards_o you_o the_o most_o tender_a and_o most_o respectful_a love_n that_o ever_o any_o have_v and_o what_o treatment_n soever_o i_o have_v from_o you_o i_o shall_v retain_v this_o pure_a and_o holy_a love_n till_o death_n to_o show_v you_o my_o sincerity_n reply_v valeria_n i_o will_v ingenuous_o confess_v that_o if_o i_o can_v handsome_o entertain_v any_o affection_n of_o this_o nature_n you_o be_v the_o only_a man_n i_o know_v upon_o earth_n who_o i_o will_v most_o desire_n shall_v love_v i_o for_o you_o be_v transcendent_a in_o virtue_n and_o of_o such_o a_o spirit_n as_o most_o i_o love_v but_o herminius_n it_o be_v not_o permit_v unto_o any_o woman_n of_o virtue_n either_o to_o love_n or_o permit_v be_v love_v upon_o this_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o company_n meet_v they_o so_o as_o they_o part_v without_o resolve_v upon_o any_o thing_n however_o herminius_n think_v himself_o very_o happy_a in_o dare_v to_o tell_v valeria_n positive_o that_o he_o be_v in_o love_n for_o though_o she_o have_v not_o permit_v he_o to_o love_v she_o yet_o he_o flatter_v himself_o with_o some_o hope_n her_o mind_n will_v bend_v and_o yet_o he_o find_v more_o difficulty_n than_o he_o expect_v for_o valeria_n who_o certain_o be_v as_o virtuous_a a_o lady_n as_o ever_o live_v do_v more_o strict_o forbid_v he_o than_o he_o think_v she_o will_v though_o she_o do_v it_o with_o much_o sweetness_n but_o at_o last_o herminius_n be_v so_o full_a of_o oblige_a courtship_n that_o the_o heart_n of_o valeria_n melt_v for_o he_o prevent_v all_o her_o desire_n when_o he_o can_v guess_v at_o they_o he_o contribute_v a_o thousand_o way_n to_o her_o delight_n he_o render_v good_a office_n to_o all_o that_o she_o love_v he_o have_v no_o pleasure_n in_o any_o place_n where_o she_o be_v not_o he_o be_v the_o most_o respective_a man_n upon_o earth_n he_o write_v to_o her_o a_o thousand_o please_a letter_n which_o can_v not_o any_o way_n offend_v she_o and_o he_o behave_v himself_o so_o that_o none_o speak_v of_o he_o before_o valeria_n but_o they_o speak_v high_o in_o his_o commendation_n so_o general_o be_v he_o esteem_v thus_o valeria_n melt_v by_o little_a and_o little_a she_o allow_v herminius_n to_o love_v she_o but_o in_o allow_v he_o she_o express_o charge_v he_o to_o give_v no_o public_a testimony_n of_o his_o passion_n and_o will_v not_o of_o a_o long_a time_n permit_v he_o to_o use_v the_o word_n love_n in_o his_o letter_n but_o herminius_n find_v out_o a_o expedient_a for_o that_o for_o he_o covenant_v with_o valeria_n that_o the_o word_n amity_n shall_v betwixt_o they_o signify_v love_n both_o in_o speak_v and_o write_v to_o she_o and_o according_o the_o thing_n be_v thus_o agree_v upon_o herminius_n write_v letter_n unto_o valeria_n which_o pass_v only_o for_o letter_n of_o friendship_n though_o yet_o they_o be_v letter_n of_o love_n herminius_n therefore_o obey_v valeria_n so_o well_o that_o spurius_n seem_v to_o be_v much_o more_o in_o love_n with_o she_o than_o he_o but_o hope_v to_o hide_v his_o own_o gallantry_n under_o the_o umbrage_n of_o spurius_n he_o go_v along_o with_o he_o in_o all_o he_o do_v thus_o these_o two_o rival_n appear_v to_o be_v very_o good_a friend_n spurius_n for_o his_o particular_a be_v so_o persuade_v that_o herminius_n be_v natural_o gallant_a as_o he_o do_v not_o think_v he_o to_o have_v the_o least_o hide_a design_n upon_o valeria_n so_o as_o he_o be_v well_o satisfy_v on_o that_o side_n and_o think_v upon_o nothing_o but_o how_o to_o please_v that_o fair_a one_o herminius_n go_v on_o with_o the_o more_o confidence_n because_o 〈…〉_z who_o be_v very_o glad_a of_o that_o universal_a civility_n to_o 〈…〉_z the_o particular_a esteem_n she_o have_v of_o he_o she_o do_v not_o treat_v he_o ill_o though_o she_o do_v not_o allow_v he_o to_o speak_v open_o of_o his_o passion_n also_o spurius_n see_v how_o vex_v salonina_n be_v at_o his_o love_a valeria_n he_o love_v she_o both_o out_o of_o inclination_n and_o out_o of_o revenge_n mean_a while_n salonina_n to_o execute_v her_o design_n of_o draw_v spurius_n from_o valeria_n who_o without_o intention_n draw_v he_o from_o she_o she_o tell_v volesus_n that_o the_o world_n talk_v very_o loud_o of_o their_o affection_n and_o to_o stop_v their_o mouth_n she_o will_v seem_v as_o if_o she_o have_v a_o will_n to_o recall_v spurius_n but_o madam_n say_v volesus_n unto_o she_o have_v you_o rather_o the_o world_n shall_v say_v you_o permit_v spurius_n to_o love_v you_o than_o i_o yes_o answer_v she_o for_o in_o such_o thing_n truth_n only_o displease_v and_o indeed_o she_o be_v in_o the_o right_n for_o because_o valeria_n and_o she_o do_v not_o love_n spurius_n they_o show_v he_o many_o favour_n which_o they_o do_v not_o herminius_n and_o volesus_n so_o as_o this_o become_v one_o of_o the_o most_o pleasant_a passage_n that_o ere_o be_v hear_v of_o for_o salonina_n do_v all_o she_o can_v to_o recall_v spurius_n valeria_n who_o quick_o find_v out_o the_o design_n of_o salonina_n and_o take_v delight_n in_o return_v one_o trick_n for_o another_o she_o do_v all_o she_o can_v to_o retain_v he_o so_o as_o spurius_n though_o love_v by_o neither_o yet_o be_v he_o most_o high_o court_v by_o two_o of_o the_o fair_a lady_n in_o all_o rome_n he_o be_v in_o this_o condition_n joy_v to_o be_v revenge_v of_o salonina_n who_o he_o love_v not_o and_o hope_v to_o be_v love_v by_o valeria_n who_o he_o do_v love_n his_o spirit_n be_v swell_v with_o such_o extraordinary_a jollity_n as_o he_o think_v of_o nothing_o but_o divert_v all_o the_o company_n as_o well_o as_o herminius_n and_o to_o vex_v salonina_n not_o but_o that_o he_o always_o speak_v unto_o she_o with_o much_o civility_n but_o he_o affect_v to_o come_v out_o with_o a_o hundred_o trivial_a expression_n which_o may_v drive_v she_o into_o despair_n it_o happen_v one_o day_n that_o herminius_n have_v make_v a_o song_n which_o the_o salian_o use_v in_o that_o ceremony_n which_o i_o mention_v before_o spurius_n not_o think_v that_o this_o song_n be_v make_v upon_o valeria_n he_o tell_v it_o unto_o all_o the_o cabal_n that_o it_o be_v the_o rare_a song_n he_o ever_o hear_v salonina_n do_v ask_v it_o of_o he_o but_o he_o answer_v that_o it_o belong_v unto_o he_o who_o make_v it_o to_o give_v it_o herminius_n hear_v what_o spurius_n say_v tell_v she_o that_o the_o verse_n be_v not_o worth_a the_o give_n nor_o do_v deserve_v the_o glory_n to_o be_v sing_v by_o so_o sweet_a a_o mouth_n as_o salonina_n for_o my_o part_n say_v valeria_n then_o without_o inquire_v who_o they_o be_v i_o ask_v they_o of_o herminius_n as_o of_o one_o most_o ready_a when_o he_o be_v please_v to_o oblige_v i_o shall_v i_o lay_v that_o command_n upon_o one_o who_o i_o know_v say_v salonina_n and_o blush_v for_o anger_n i_o be_o sure_a i_o
himself_o that_o he_o never_o so_o much_o as_o look_n upon_o i_o if_o any_o be_v present_a he_o make_v nothing_o of_o talk_v with_o his_o rival_n and_o no_o long_o since_o than_o yesterday_o he_o have_v the_o power_n to_o say_v insolent_o before_o my_o face_n that_o he_o be_v not_o in_o love_n which_o certain_o be_v the_o hard_a thing_n in_o the_o world_n for_o one_o that_o have_v a_o sensible_a spirit_n and_o tender_a heart_n as_o valeria_n say_v so_o herminius_n enter_v so_o as_o flavia_n who_o have_v a_o desire_n to_o give_v he_o a_o occasion_n of_o make_v his_o peace_n she_o tell_v he_o that_o he_o be_v very_o opportune_o come_v to_o justify_v himself_o oh_o flavia_n say_v this_o incense_a lady_n if_o you_o love_v i_o do_v not_o tell_v herminius_n any_o thing_n i_o say_v unto_o you_o since_o you_o have_v intimate_v that_o it_o be_v dangerous_a to_o obey_v you_o too_o much_o reply_v flavia_n and_o smile_v i_o do_v not_o fear_v disobey_v you_o in_o this_o and_o indeed_o flavia_n ask_v herminius_n maugre_o all_o that_o valeria_n say_v why_o he_o tell_v the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n before_o his_o mistress_n that_o he_o be_v not_o in_o love_n alas_o reply_v he_o and_o sigh_v i_o say_v it_o in_o obedience_n to_o unjust_a valeria_n who_o command_v i_o a_o thousand_o time_n to_o hide_v my_o passion_n and_o i_o say_v it_o with_o such_o extreme_a repugnancy_n as_o she_o ought_v to_o be_v infinite_o oblige_v unto_o i_o for_o it_o no_o no_o herminius_n reply_v valeria_n and_o blush_v never_o deceive_v yourself_o that_o which_o you_o say_v in_o my_o presence_n can_v never_o be_v please_v unto_o i_o i_o beseech_v you_o say_v flavia_n how_o come_v this_o to_o pass_v imagine_v reply_v valeria_n that_o the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n shall_v come_v hither_o and_o ask_v herminius_n what_o he_o do_v the_o day_n before_o in_o a_o walk_n towards_o the_o wood_n where_o the_o nymph_n egeria_n inspire_v the_o wise_a numa_n and_o that_o herminius_n when_o he_o have_v no_o need_n shall_v answer_v he_o that_o he_o know_v not_o what_o he_o do_v but_o that_o he_o be_v very_o sure_o he_o be_v not_o in_o love_n and_o repeat_v this_o unnecessary_o at_o least_o four_o time_n judge_v i_o pray_v whether_o a_o man_n who_o make_v these_o terrible_a word_n to_o ring_v in_o the_o ear_n of_o she_o he_o love_v without_o ever_o be_v force_v unto_o it_o do_v not_o deserve_v to_o be_v suspect_v of_o a_o shallowness_n in_o love_n for_o indeed_o it_o be_v stretch_v his_o prudence_n too_o far_o and_o i_o shall_v soon_o pardon_v herminius_n if_o out_o of_o a_o rapture_n of_o affection_n and_o unaware_o he_o have_v say_v before_o any_o one_o that_o he_o love_v valeria_n than_o i_o shall_v if_o he_o have_v say_v before_o i_o with_o so_o much_o tranquillity_n and_o aggravation_n that_o he_o do_v not_o love_v i_o then_o madam_n say_v herminius_n unto_o she_o give_v i_o leave_v to_o tell_v all_o the_o world_n that_o i_o do_v adore_v you_o and_o than_o you_o shall_v see_v whether_o or_o no_o i_o be_v too_o prudent_a a_o lover_n and_o whether_o i_o shall_v not_o make_v it_o my_o great_a glory_n to_o wear_v your_o chain_n take_v heed_n of_o that_o say_v she_o to_o he_o for_o it_o be_v not_o my_o intention_n you_o shall_v public_o blaze_v your_o love_n oh_o madam_n reply_v he_o what_o then_o will_v you_o have_v i_o do_v i_o will_v answer_v she_o that_o you_o shall_v bridle_v yourself_o so_o far_o as_o not_o to_o say_v gross_o before_o my_o face_n that_o you_o do_v not_o love_v i_o i_o assure_v you_o madam_n reply_v herminius_n that_o if_o you_o have_v not_o be_v within_o hear_v i_o have_v not_o say_v so_o but_o my_o hope_n of_o do_v a_o thing_n which_o i_o suppose_a will_v please_v you_o do_v prompt_v i_o unto_o it_o but_o charm_v valeria_n i_o be_o so_o far_o from_o retort_v any_o of_o these_o reproach_n which_o you_o have_v give_v i_o that_o i_o thank_v you_o for_o they_o and_o most_o humble_o beseech_v you_o to_o tell_v i_o how_o a_o perfect_a and_o respectful_a lover_n ought_v to_o behave_v himself_o when_o his_o mistress_n forbid_v he_o to_o say_v any_o thing_n of_o his_o affection_n i_o will_v not_o have_v a_o lover_n say_v she_o give_v any_o occasion_n to_o make_v it_o think_v he_o be_v love_v if_o it_o be_v suspect_v that_o he_o be_v in_o love_n i_o will_v not_o have_v he_o say_v at_o any_o time_n or_o to_o any_o person_n that_o he_o love_v his_o mistress_n and_o yet_o i_o will_v not_o have_v it_o such_o a_o horrible_a torment_n unto_o he_o to_o hide_v the_o passion_n that_o be_v in_o his_o heart_n as_o that_o he_o shall_v think_v it_o the_o most_o terrible_a of_o all_o punishment_n but_o above_o all_o i_o will_v never_o have_v he_o able_a positive_o to_o say_v before_o his_o mistress_n that_o he_o be_v not_o in_o love_n especial_o when_o he_o be_v not_o force_v unto_o it_o by_o any_o necessity_n for_o if_o he_o have_v a_o tender_a and_o passionate_a heart_n it_o be_v a_o thing_n which_o he_o can_v imagine_v much_o less_o brook_v but_o then_o madam_n reply_v herminius_n what_o will_v become_v of_o all_o those_o absolute_a command_n which_o you_o lay_v upon_o i_o not_o to_o discover_v my_o affection_n will_v you_o have_v i_o still_o use_v the_o word_n amity_n in_o my_o letter_n to_o express_v my_o passion_n i_o will_v reply_v she_o but_o i_o will_v not_o have_v you_o say_v before_o my_o face_n that_o you_o do_v not_o love_v i_o for_o if_o you_o do_v love_v i_o fervent_o you_o will_v not_o be_v able_a to_o pronounce_v those_o cruel_a word_n yet_o he_o add_v she_o and_o look_v upon_o flavia_n do_v never_o so_o much_o startle_v at_o the_o sound_n of_o they_o or_o give_v the_o least_o sign_n that_o he_o be_v loath_a to_o utter_v they_o but_o speak_v resolute_o and_o loud_a and_o in_o such_o a_o tone_n as_o seem_v to_o speak_v his_o heart_n ah_o cruel_a valeria_n say_v he_o unto_o she_o i_o can_v no_o long_o endure_v your_o injustice_n i_o beseech_v you_o say_v flavia_n then_o unto_o she_o what_o shall_v herminius_n do_v to_o appease_v you_o will_v you_o have_v he_o go_v present_o unto_o the_o prince_n of_o pometia_n and_o tell_v he_o that_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o die_v for_o the_o love_n of_o you_o for_o my_o part_n i_o know_v not_o how_o herminius_n can_v give_v you_o satisfaction_n any_o other_o way_n to_o repair_v the_o great_a injury_n he_o have_v do_v you_o i_o see_v reply_v valeria_n that_o you_o mock_v i_o but_o i_o will_v maintain_v that_o one_o who_o know_v how_o to_o love_v aright_o will_v not_o condemn_v i_o but_o confess_v with_o i_o that_o what_o i_o now_o say_v will_v seem_v a_o little_a too_o nice_a and_o perhaps_o fantastical_a to_o those_o that_o be_v not_o in_o love_n but_o such_o as_o be_v will_v allow_v of_o it_o well_o madam_n say_v herminius_n i_o will_v confess_v myself_o to_o blame_v but_o i_o beseech_v you_o be_v no_o error_n in_o love_n pardonable_a yes_o say_v valeria_n very_o many_o but_o let_v i_o tell_v you_o that_o coolness_n in_o affection_n be_v seldom_o pardon_v oh_o i_o beseech_v you_o reply_v he_o do_v not_o give_v my_o suppose_a crime_n a_o title_n so_o incongruent_a and_o unsuitable_a for_o the_o truth_n be_v i_o be_o not_o culpable_a but_o of_o too_o punctual_a obedience_n and_o of_o prudence_n too_o excessive_a and_o my_o crime_n if_o it_o be_v one_o be_v a_o excess_n no_o defect_n in_o love_n for_o have_v i_o love_v you_o less_o i_o have_v not_o be_v so_o careful_a to_o obey_v you_o and_o conceal_v my_o passion_n after_o this_o flavia_n have_v press_v valeria_n to_o pardon_n herminius_n she_o be_v please_v to_o grant_v it_o yet_o it_o be_v two_o hour_n before_o the_o same_o sweetness_n and_o joy_n and_o the_o same_o tranquillity_n which_o use_v to_o shine_v in_o the_o eye_n of_o valeria_n return_v unto_o they_o but_o at_o last_o all_o cloud_n be_v dissipate_v valeria_n appear_v in_o her_o accustom_a lustre_n and_o humour_n as_o for_o herminius_n he_o be_v still_o a_o little_a trouble_v for_o he_o be_v afraid_a of_o show_v either_o too_o much_o or_o too_o little_a love_n know_v very_o well_o that_o valeria_n what_o ere_o she_o say_v will_v find_v as_o much_o fault_n if_o he_o discover_v his_o passion_n as_o if_o he_o conceal_v it_o overmuch_o mean_a time_n salonina_n see_v none_o of_o her_o design_n to_o prosper_v she_o be_v in_o a_o strange_a perplexity_n and_o the_o more_o when_o she_o find_v the_o humour_n of_o volesus_n who_o be_v of_o such_o a_o nature_n as_o can_v not_o love_v but_o where_o he_o find_v some_o difficulty_n and_o see_v salonina_n do_v more_o overt_o show_v her_o affection_n to_o he_o than_o ordinary_a he_o grow_v glut_v and_o less_o
impossible_a to_o hinder_v the_o marriage_n of_o valeria_n with_o herminius_n by_o acquaint_v some_o that_o be_v of_o tarquin_n interest_n how_o that_o in_o policy_n he_o ought_v to_o prevent_v this_o alliance_n spurius_n then_o be_v acquaint_v with_o one_o that_o be_v kinsman_n unto_o heslius_n that_o be_v in_o favour_n with_o tarquin_n he_o go_v to_o see_v he_o and_o seem_v to_o talk_v of_o the_o marriage_n of_o herminius_n and_o valeria_n as_o the_o news_n of_o the_o town_n he_o begin_v to_o speak_v of_o the_o good_a fortune_n of_o herminius_n for_o true_o say_v he_o very_o subtle_o if_o he_o have_v not_o good_a fortune_n the_o king_n will_v never_o permit_v this_o marriage_n which_o unite_v two_o of_o the_o most_o potent_a family_n that_o be_v his_o enemy_n and_o out_o of_o who_o there_o be_v more_o exile_n since_o tarquin_n reign_v than_o any_o other_o in_o rome_n spurius_n seem_v to_o say_v this_o not_o as_o if_o he_o desire_v he_o unto_o who_o he_o speak_v to_o tell_v heslius_n and_o that_o heslius_n shall_v tell_v tarquin_n but_o only_o as_o wonder_v at_o the_o good_a fortune_n of_o herminius_n for_o he_o know_v very_o well_o that_o he_o to_o who_o he_o speak_v will_v tell_v heslius_n all_o he_o hear_v and_o indeed_o as_o soon_o as_o ever_o spurius_n be_v go_v this_o man_n go_v to_o his_o cousin_n and_o tell_v he_o all_o he_o know_v heslius_n conceive_v indeed_o that_o this_o alliance_n between_o two_o family_n enemy_n of_o tarquin_n be_v to_o be_v prevent_v he_o go_v unto_o that_o prince_n to_o acquaint_v he_o with_o the_o business_n and_o the_o consequence_n of_o it_o tarquin_n who_o except_o horatius_n and_o clelius_fw-la hate_v valerius_n and_o herminius_n more_o than_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o his_o enemy_n he_o resolve_v to_o prevent_v this_o marriage_n by_o his_o absolute_a authority_n thus_o when_o herminius_n and_o valeria_n think_v to_o pass_v all_o their_o life_n together_o in_o a_o most_o happy_a condition_n tarquin_n send_v for_o valerius_n to_o tell_v he_o that_o for_o some_o reason_n which_o relate_v unto_o the_o good_a of_o his_o service_n he_o charge_v he_o not_o to_o marry_v his_o daughter_n unto_o herminius_n valerius_n out_o of_o his_o great_a and_o noble_a soul_n tell_v tarquin_n all_o that_o his_o generosity_n guide_v by_o prudence_n do_v dictate_v unto_o he_o to_o oblige_v he_o not_o to_o constrain_v he_o in_o a_o thing_n which_o ought_v to_o be_v free_a but_o tarquin_n answer_v that_o if_o herminius_n marry_v valeria_n he_o will_v banish_v they_o rome_n the_o next_o day_n and_o that_o they_o shall_v never_o enter_v the_o city_n again_o valerius_n not_o be_v able_a to_o oppose_v force_n he_o retire_v home_o where_o he_o find_v herminius_n who_o impatient_o expect_v his_o return_n for_o as_o a_o lover_n be_v always_o full_a of_o fear_n than_o any_o other_o so_o he_o be_v more_o disquiet_v than_o domitia_n that_o tarquin_n have_v send_v for_o valerius_n but_o when_o he_o be_v return_v the_o sorrow_n of_o domitia_n of_o valeria_n and_o of_o herminius_n be_v extreme_a valerius_n relate_v unto_o they_o word_n for_o word_n all_o that_o the_o tyrant_n have_v say_v unto_o he_o and_o all_o that_o he_o answer_v after_o which_o valerius_n speak_v unto_o they_o with_o abundance_n of_o wisdom_n for_o after_o many_o other_o thing_n worthy_a of_o his_o great_a heart_n and_o high_a spirit_n to_o testify_v unto_o you_o say_v he_o unto_o herminius_n how_o much_o i_o esteem_v your_o virtue_n and_o how_o happy_a i_o think_v my_o daughter_n will_v be_v in_o be_v your_o wife_n i_o do_v declare_v unto_o you_o that_o be_v it_o not_o i_o have_v some_o secret_a hope_n to_o be_v one_o day_n profitable_a unto_o the_o liberty_n of_o my_o country_n i_o will_v exile_v myself_o and_o i_o will_v advise_v you_o unto_o the_o same_o that_o you_o may_v live_v with_o valeria_n in_o some_o part_n of_o the_o world_n where_o vice_n do_v not_o triumph_n over_o virtue_n as_o it_o do_v at_o rome_n but_o generous_a herminius_n you_o have_v so_o much_o spirit_n so_o much_o heart_n and_o so_o much_o virtue_n as_o you_o have_v you_o be_v a_o debtor_n unto_o your_o country_n as_o well_o as_o i_o be_o therefore_o i_o exhort_v you_o to_o stay_v here_o and_o to_o overcome_v that_o innocent_a passion_n which_o you_o have_v in_o your_o soul_n but_o to_o testify_v how_o much_o i_o value_v you_o i_o do_v declare_v unto_o you_o that_o if_o your_o virtue_n can_v overcome_v your_o love_n and_o that_o you_o can_v live_v unless_o miserable_o i_o do_v consent_n to_o give_v you_o my_o daughter_n to_o deprive_v myself_o of_o she_o and_o you_o for_o ever_o and_o to_o permit_v you_o to_o go_v and_o dwell_v in_o some_o other_o part_n of_o italy_n where_o the_o power_n of_o tarquin_n be_v not_o acknowledge_v provide_v valeria_n consent_v unto_o it_o oh_o sir_n reply_v this_o wise_a lady_n though_o i_o do_v esteem_n herminius_n far_o above_o all_o other_o man_n yet_o i_o do_v declare_v that_o i_o be_o not_o able_a to_o abandon_v you_o to_o follow_v he_o and_o i_o think_v he_o so_o generous_a as_o he_o will_v not_o desire_v to_o take_v i_o from_o the_o best_a father_n in_o the_o world_n but_o i_o hope_v he_o be_v so_o reasonable_a as_o to_o be_v content_v with_o that_o assurance_n which_o by_o your_o permission_n i_o shall_v give_v he_o of_o my_o affection_n that_o though_o we_o can_v live_v together_o yet_o i_o will_v with_o all_o the_o innocence_n and_o all_o the_o tenderness_n of_o a_o sister_n preserve_v it_o inviolable_o for_o he_o yes_o my_o daughter_n say_v valerius_n i_o do_v permit_v you_o to_o love_n herminius_n as_o the_o only_a man_n worthy_a to_o be_v your_o husband_n and_o i_o will_v have_v domitia_n also_o to_o love_v he_o as_o if_o he_o be_v her_o son_n oh_o sir_n reply_v herminius_n you_o do_v set_v before_o i_o a_o most_o happy_a example_n of_o virtue_n for_o i_o to_o imitate_v for_o i_o must_v ingenuous_o confess_v that_o if_o you_o and_o valeria_n do_v not_o give_v i_o so_o great_a a_o example_n of_o generosity_n i_o can_v tell_v what_o answer_n i_o shall_v have_v return_v but_o yet_o i_o see_v that_o i_o shall_v be_v the_o most_o ungrateful_a and_o most_o unjust_a man_n in_o the_o world_n if_o i_o do_v not_o think_v myself_o happy_a in_o my_o misfortune_n though_o through_o the_o grandeur_n of_o my_o passion_n and_o the_o tyranny_n of_o tarquin_n i_o be_o the_o most_o unfortunate_a of_o man_n as_o herminius_n say_v this_o one_o come_v to_o tell_v valerius_n that_o spurius_n desire_v to_o speak_v with_o he_o and_o indeed_o that_o revengeful_a lover_n know_v that_o tarquin_n have_v send_v for_o valerius_n and_o be_v impatient_a to_o know_v whether_o his_o design_n prosper_v he_o take_v a_o pretence_n of_o some_o business_n to_o speak_v with_o valerius_n purposely_o to_o see_v in_o what_o temper_n his_o spirit_n be_v so_o that_o valerius_n see_v tear_n in_o the_o eye_n of_o valeria_n and_o despair_v paint_v in_o the_o face_n of_o herminius_n he_o go_v into_o another_o chamber_n to_o receive_v the_o visit_n of_o spurius_n valerius_n be_v no_o soon_o go_v but_o word_n be_v bring_v domitia_n that_o some_o lady_n desire_v to_o speak_v with_o she_o she_o see_v valeria_n and_o herminius_n in_o a_o condition_n unfit_a for_o visit_n she_o put_v they_o into_o a_o chamber_n within_o her_o own_o and_o command_v the_o woman_n of_o valeria_n to_o wait_v upon_o her_o lady_n valeria_n and_o herminius_n be_v no_o soon_o at_o liberty_n but_o excess_n of_o sorrow_n take_v away_o their_o speech_n they_o look_v upon_o each_o other_o a_o while_n and_o do_v not_o speak_v afterward_o they_o go_v and_o sit_v down_o in_o the_o further_a part_n of_o the_o chamber_n where_o the_o servant_n dare_v not_o approach_v out_o of_o respect_n though_o she_o have_v a_o itch_a desire_n unto_o it_o that_o she_o may_v report_v unto_o spurius_n what_o she_o hear_v but_o after_o this_o silence_n have_v last_v a_o while_n herminius_n be_v the_o first_o that_o break_v it_o by_o a_o great_a and_o profound_a sigh_n which_o be_v a_o preface_n unto_o the_o sad_a word_n that_o ever_o afflict_a lover_n pronounce_v alas_o madam_n say_v he_o unto_o she_o herminius_n now_o must_v never_o be_v happy_a in_o fair_a valeria_n it_o may_v be_v i_o shall_v live_v a_o while_n after_o so_o sad_a a_o doom_n but_o madam_n you_o that_o know_v how_o to_o love_v do_v also_o know_v that_o this_o word_n never_o be_v a_o most_o fatal_a sound_n if_o it_o be_v apply_v as_o i_o do_v yes_o madam_n to_o think_v that_o you_o must_v never_o be_v i_o do_v cast_v such_o a_o gloomy_a mist_n upon_o my_o spirit_n that_o my_o reason_n be_v confound_v and_o i_o repent_v of_o what_o i_o say_v unto_o the_o generous_a valerius_n and_o you_o when_o i_o commend_v both_o
he_o think_v himself_o the_o most_o unfortunate_a man_n in_o the_o world_n love_n and_o ambition_n struggle_v so_o with_o his_o reason_n and_o virtue_n that_o they_o raise_v in_o his_o heart_n the_o great_a irresolution_n that_o ever_o the_o heart_n of_o a_o amorous_a and_o miserable_a man_n be_v acquaint_v with_o what_o shall_v i_o do_v say_v he_o to_o himself_o which_o side_n shall_v i_o take_v shall_v i_o follow_v the_o advice_n of_o donilcar_n or_o not_o one_o way_n i_o may_v still_o be_v a_o lover_n of_o clelia_n and_o son_n to_o the_o king_n and_o another_o i_o shall_v be_v son_n to_o a_o illustrious_a romar_n and_o brother_n to_o my_o mistress_n and_o consequent_o must_v not_o entertain_v a_o thought_n that_o i_o ever_o can_v be_v in_o love_n with_o she_o all_o my_o rival_n will_v be_v glad_a of_o this_o change_n of_o my_o condition_n it_o will_v be_v welcome_a news_n to_o clelia_n clelius_fw-la will_v be_v joyful_a at_o it_o and_o i_o only_o shall_v be_v miserable_a and_o that_o after_o so_o dreadful_a a_o manner_n as_o never_o any_o be_v before_o i_o but_o yet_o i_o have_v this_o comfort_n that_o my_o innocence_n will_v smother_v one_o great_a part_n of_o my_o disgrace_n and_o clelia_n the_o cruel_a clelia_n will_v be_v oblige_v even_o by_o nature_n to_o own_o some_o light_a resentment_n of_o compassion_n since_o love_n can_v never_o raise_v any_o in_o she_o she_o will_v bemoan_v i_o nay_o will_v be_v force_v to_o mourn_v for_o my_o death_n but_o alas_o continue_v he_o do_v it_o not_o signify_v a_o vast_a decay_n of_o reason_n to_o go_v and_o seek_v such_o weak_a and_o imaginary_a consolation_n beyond_o death_n itself_o see_v we_o then_o whether_o i_o shall_v be_v more_o happy_a on_o the_o other_o side_n i_o may_v haply_o come_v to_o be_v king_n it_o be_v grant_v but_o alas_o if_o i_o may_v not_o reign_v in_o clelia_n heart_n a_o tomb_n be_v fit_a for_o i_o than_o a_o throne_n it_o shall_v be_v still_o lawful_a for_o i_o to_o call_v myself_o clelia_n servant_n and_o prejudice_v my_o rival_n what_o i_o can_v but_o alas_o to_o be_v a_o lover_n and_o to_o be_v slight_v be_v a_o sad_a adventure_n beside_o if_o to_o preserve_v the_o quality_n of_o lover_n as_o well_o as_o that_o of_o king_n i_o shall_v commit_v divers_a enormous_a crime_n i_o can_v rational_o ever_o be_v persuade_v i_o shall_v be_v any_o other_o than_o a_o unfortunate_a and_o uncare_v for_o lover_n so_o that_o if_o i_o take_v that_o unjust_a resolution_n i_o shall_v add_v to_o my_o misfortune_n because_o the_o conscience_n i_o shall_v have_v of_o my_o crime_n will_v ever_o put_v i_o in_o mind_n that_o i_o deserve_v my_o misery_n but_o can_v there_o be_v any_o thing_n more_o cruel_a than_o for_o a_o man_n to_o go_v and_o tell_v his_o mistress_n himself_o that_o he_o be_v her_o brother_n let_v the_o ignorance_n clelius_fw-la be_v in_o be_v eternal_a for_o since_o grief_n will_v short_o take_v i_o hence_o it_o be_v a_o kind_a of_o cruelty_n to_o let_v he_o know_v he_o have_v a_o son_n who_o death_n he_o must_v within_o a_o few_o day_n bewail_v let_v we_o then_o take_v a_o three_o course_n let_v we_o generous_o write_v to_o the_o king_n of_o numidia_n that_o we_o pretend_v no_o title_n to_o his_o crown_n and_o pass_v for_o a_o unknown_a wretch_n let_v we_o conceal_v from_o clelia_n what_o relation_n there_o be_v between_o we_o that_o so_o we_o may_v have_v some_o light_a shadow_n of_o felicity_n out_o of_o that_o only_a consideration_n that_o she_o will_v ever_o look_v upon_o i_o as_o her_o servant_n for_o as_o thing_n stand_v now_o if_o i_o do_v myself_o so_o much_o violence_n as_o not_o to_o entertain_v she_o any_o long_o with_o my_o love_n she_o will_v think_v herself_o oblige_v to_o i_o and_o i_o shall_v be_v somewhat_o less_o miserable_a than_o i_o shall_v be_v if_o she_o know_v i_o to_o be_v her_o brother_n but_o if_o i_o be_o look_v on_o as_o a_o mere_a stranger_n add_v he_o she_o will_v slight_v i_o the_o more_o so_o that_o i_o shall_v not_o know_v how_o to_o dispose_v of_o myself_o for_o this_o last_o consideration_n it_o be_v certain_o very_o weak_a for_o what_o care_n shall_v a_o wretch_n resolve_v to_o die_v take_v and_o for_o the_o other_o clelia_n be_v so_o generous_a that_o i_o have_v reason_n to_o hope_v that_o my_o condition_n as_o to_o fortune_n will_v rather_o raise_v compassion_n in_o she_o than_o contempt_n so_o that_o without_o do_v any_o thing_n against_o virtue_n i_o shall_v have_v the_o comfort_n to_o die_v in_o the_o quality_n of_o clelia_n lover_n and_o according_o after_o a_o distraction_n that_o last_v all_o night_n he_o resolve_v only_o to_o say_v that_o he_o be_v no_o king_n son_n without_o discover_v any_o thing_n of_o that_o adventure_n or_o acknowledge_v himself_o to_o be_v the_o son_n of_o clelius_fw-la though_o he_o have_v withal_o make_v a_o resolution_n not_o to_o mention_v any_o thing_n of_o his_o love_n to_o clelia_n and_o to_o do_v all_o that_o lay_v in_o his_o power_n to_o disburden_v his_o heart_n thereof_o in_o so_o much_o that_o amilcar_n come_v to_o see_v he_o the_o next_o morning_n and_o give_v he_o the_o respect_n he_o be_v wont_a he_o tell_v he_o that_o he_o ought_v he_o no_o more_o than_o he_o will_v do_v he_o as_o his_o friend_n and_o in_o few_o word_n tell_v he_o that_o he_o be_v but_o a_o unfortunate_a and_o unknown_a person_n amilcar_n at_o first_o will_v hardly_o believe_v he_o and_o ask_v who_o have_v bring_v he_o that_o strange_a news_n to_o which_o he_o make_v answer_v that_o he_o have_v it_o from_o one_o that_o have_v be_v relate_v to_o he_o from_o his_o infancy_n and_o who_o faith_n he_o can_v not_o question_v in_o the_o least_o upon_o this_o amilcar_n acquaint_v brutus_n clelius_fw-la and_o herminius_n with_o this_o unexpected_a news_n it_o be_v general_o know_v the_o very_a same_o day_n insomuch_o that_o adherbal_n be_v visit_v thereupon_o by_o all_o of_o great_a quality_n in_o the_o city_n brutus_n tell_v he_o in_o particular_a that_o it_o be_v his_o desire_n he_o will_v adopt_v rome_n for_o his_o country_n since_o he_o know_v not_o which_o be_v his_o own_o and_o assure_v he_o he_o shall_v want_v for_o nothing_o herminius_n do_v the_o like_a and_o clelius_fw-la generous_o offer_v he_o all_o his_o estate_n sulpicia_n and_o clelia_n send_v to_o visit_v he_o and_o the_o change_n of_o his_o fortune_n beget_v he_o more_o honour_n than_o he_o have_v receive_v since_o his_o come_n to_o rome_n even_o horatius_n himself_o speak_v very_o discreet_o of_o it_o and_o adherbal_n have_v reason_n to_o be_v glad_a he_o be_v no_o numidian_a and_o to_o know_v he_o be_v a_o roman_a be_v it_o only_o out_o of_o a_o reflection_n on_o the_o virtue_n of_o so_o many_o illustrious_a roman_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n be_v a_o person_n of_o a_o great_a and_o generous_a soul_n he_o will_v not_o by_o any_o mean_n permit_v the_o honour_n they_o be_v wont_a to_o do_v he_o and_o go_v to_o acknowledge_v their_o civility_n who_o have_v visit_v he_o as_o a_o private_a person_n but_o come_v once_o to_o sulpicia_n he_o feel_v such_o a_o heavy_a grief_n upon_o he_o that_o if_o he_o have_v not_o do_v himself_o a_o great_a violence_n he_o will_v have_v return_v when_o he_o be_v get_v to_o the_o very_a door_n for_o it_o come_v into_o his_o thought_n that_o if_o he_o be_v sad_a clelia_n will_v have_v the_o less_o esteem_n for_o he_o out_o of_o a_o conceit_n that_o his_o soul_n be_v not_o strong_a enough_o to_o support_v that_o change_n of_o condition_n he_o overcome_v himself_o and_o go_v into_o the_o house_n with_o such_o a_o constancy_n as_o put_v all_o that_o be_v there_o into_o admiration_n and_o oblige_v clelia_n to_o treat_v he_o with_o much_o more_o kindness_n than_o ordinary_a not_o only_o because_o she_o think_v he_o more_o worthy_a esteem_n but_o also_o out_o of_o a_o belief_n that_o he_o have_v give_v over_o all_o pretence_n to_o she_o and_o be_v content_a to_o make_v one_o among_o her_o friend_n but_o he_o have_v hardly_o be_v with_o she_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n ere_o he_o let_v fall_v the_o ring_n donilcar_n have_v give_v he_o and_o which_o he_o think_v he_o have_v not_o have_v about_o he_o so_o that_o sulpicia_n see_v it_o and_o not_o able_a to_o conceive_v how_o a_o numidian_a shall_v come_v by_o the_o ring_n of_o a_o roman_a knight_n she_o take_v it_o up_o but_o she_o no_o soon_o have_v it_o in_o her_o hand_n ere_o she_o know_v it_o to_o be_v clelius_n and_o the_o same_o that_o she_o have_v hide_v in_o her_o son_n swaithing-band_n lose_v her_o husband_n shall_v be_v discover_v as_o he_o flee_v from_o rome_n so_o that_o cry_v out_o for_o heaven_n sake_n generous_a adherbal_n say_v she_o
treat_v you_o otherwise_o than_o i_o do_v but_o since_o that_o can_v be_v and_o that_o i_o have_v a_o certain_a esteem_n and_o friendship_n for_o you_o and_o can_v ruin_v you_o without_o do_v myself_o some_o prejudice_n i_o give_v your_o reason_n time_n to_o bring_v you_o to_o your_o wit_n again_o i_o will_v not_o therefore_o you_o shall_v ever_o presume_v to_o acquaint_v i_o with_o any_o thing_n of_o your_o indiscretion_n i_o will_v have_v you_o very_o careful_o avoid_v be_v alone_o with_o i_o nay_o i_o will_v have_v you_o see_v i_o as_o seldom_o as_o you_o can_v possible_o till_o such_o time_n as_o you_o shall_v be_v in_o a_o condition_n to_o ask_v i_o pardon_v for_o your_o extravagance_n and_o come_v and_o declare_v that_o you_o love_v i_o not_o otherwise_o than_o you_o ought_v to_o love_v i_o for_o if_o you_o do_v not_o what_o i_o tell_v you_o though_o i_o abhor_v nothing_o so_o much_o as_o noise_n and_o disturbance_n i_o shall_v acquaint_v the_o prince_n my_o brother_n with_o your_o presumption_n and_o shall_v infallible_o ruin_v you_o your_o command_n madam_n reply_v he_o be_v certain_o very_o hard_o to_o be_v observe_v and_o yet_o i_o shall_v obey_v you_o in_o all_o unless_o it_o be_v madam_n that_o i_o shall_v never_o tell_v you_o that_o i_o have_v cease_v to_o love_v you_o lindamira_n come_v hereupon_o to_o certain_a green_a seat_n sit_v down_o and_o oblige_v the_o lady_n that_o come_v along_o with_o she_o to_o do_v the_o like_a but_o be_v extreme_o trouble_v at_o the_o adventure_n that_o have_v happen_v to_o she_o she_o stay_v not_o long_o in_o the_o garden_n nay_o order_a thing_n so_o that_o themistus_n lead_v she_o not_o and_o so_o she_o return_v home_o very_o sad_a and_o melancholy_a she_o be_v no_o soon_o in_o her_o chamber_n but_o call_v my_o sister_n to_o she_o into_o the_o closet_n she_o acquaint_v she_o with_o what_o have_v happen_v to_o she_o express_v a_o great_a indignation_n at_o themistus_n boldness_n and_o withal_o abundance_n of_o affliction_n that_o they_o can_v not_o have_v so_o much_o of_o his_o company_n as_o former_o for_o in_o fine_a say_v she_o to_o mericia_n i_o look_v on_o themistus_n as_o a_o person_n i_o shall_v have_v make_v the_o chief_a of_o my_o friend_n because_o he_o not_o only_o want_v not_o any_o thing_n that_o may_v recommend_v he_o as_o to_o his_o person_n but_o be_v also_o very_o serviceable_a to_o i_o in_o my_o affair_n it_o be_v certain_a he_o have_v a_o great_a influence_n over_o the_o prince_n my_o brother_n he_o be_v a_o understand_a man_n discreet_a respectful_a divertive_a and_o methinks_v there_o be_v no_o danger_n to_o enter_v into_o a_o friendship_n with_o he_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n he_o be_v fall_v into_o a_o impertinent_a madness_n that_o ruin_v all_o my_o design_n and_o put_v i_o into_o no_o small_a distraction_n for_o i_o will_v not_o give_v he_o any_o occasion_n to_o conceive_v the_o least_o hope_n nor_o on_o the_o contrary_a give_v any_o other_o cause_n to_o suspect_v any_o thing_n of_o his_o temerity_n you_o have_v so_o much_o prudence_n reply_v mericia_n that_o you_o will_v do_v what_o you_o have_v a_o mind_n to_o do_v but_o certain_o it_o be_v great_a pity_n that_o themistus_n fortune_n do_v not_o justify_v the_o passion_n he_o have_v for_o you_o for_o that_o allow_v he_o be_v worthy_a your_o love_n i_o grant_v it_o reply_v lyndamira_n and_o that_o be_v it_o that_o torment_v i_o for_o not_o be_v able_a to_o admit_v he_o as_o a_o lover_n i_o shall_v have_v be_v very_o glad_a to_o have_v have_v he_o while_o i_o live_v for_o my_o friend_n while_o this_o entertainment_n pass_v between_o lindamira_n and_o my_o sister_n themistus_n not_o able_a to_o becalm_v the_o several_a sentiment_n wherewith_o his_o heart_n be_v toss_v desire_v he_o and_o i_o may_v have_v some_o discourse_n i_o at_o first_o see_v he_o so_o sad_a that_o i_o think_v some_o secret_a discontent_n have_v happen_v between_o he_o and_o the_o prince_n insomuch_o as_o perceive_v after_o he_o have_v seem_v willing_a to_o speak_v with_o i_o that_o he_o say_v nothing_o to_o i_o i_o ask_v he_o what_o it_o be_v that_o trouble_a he_o i_o shall_v not_o indeed_o add_v i_o much_o wonder_n to_o see_v you_o disturb_v for_o i_o think_v it_o impossible_a that_o ever_o ambition_n shall_v be_v without_o disquiet_n ah_o dear_a meleaganes_n cry_v he_o be_v i_o only_o ambitious_a i_o be_v the_o happy_a man_n in_o the_o world_n but_o alas_o i_o struggle_v both_o with_o love_n and_o ambition_n at_o the_o same_o time_n and_o not_o be_v well_o able_a to_o distinguish_v whether_o my_o love_n proceed_v from_o ambition_n or_o my_o ambition_n from_o my_o love_n all_o i_o know_v be_v that_o my_o heart_n be_v rack_v with_o all_o the_o disturbance_n that_o be_v the_o attendant_n of_o these_o two_o passion_n i_o will_v fain_o be_v at_o this_o very_a instant_n that_o i_o speak_v both_o near_o the_o prince_n and_o near_o the_o princess_n lindamira_n how_o say_v i_o be_v you_o in_o love_n with_o the_o princess_n of_o himera_n i_o be_o reply_v he_o and_o what_o be_v most_o deplorable_a i_o love_v she_o without_o hope_n and_o yet_o i_o be_o resolve_v to_o act_v as_o if_o i_o do_v hope_n and_o to_o see_v whether_o that_o proverb_n which_o say_v that_o fortune_n favour_v the_o confident_a be_v true_a or_o no._n upon_o that_o he_o give_v i_o a_o account_n of_o the_o discourse_n he_o have_v have_v with_o lindamira_n but_o when_o i_o will_v have_v tell_v he_o that_o i_o think_v his_o condition_n not_o so_o sad_a in_o that_o she_o have_v not_o treat_v he_o worse_o he_o tell_v i_o that_o i_o be_v mistake_v and_o that_o he_o have_v be_v less_o miserable_a if_o she_o have_v express_v a_o great_a violence_n towards_o he_o but_o to_o be_v short_a add_v he_o since_o as_o a_o ambition_n man_n i_o can_v love_v more_o noble_o and_o that_o as_o a_o lover_n i_o must_v be_v withal_o ambitious_a i_o resign_v myself_o equal_o to_o these_o two_o violent_a passion_n and_o be_o absolute_o resolve_v that_o they_o shall_v either_o mutual_o assist_v one_o the_o other_o or_o combine_v to_o ruin_v i_o tell_v i_o therefore_o my_o dear_a meleagenes_n whether_o what_o i_o intend_v to_o do_v be_v rational_a for_o my_o thought_n be_v in_o such_o a_o tempest_n that_o i_o dare_v not_o trust_v my_o own_o reason_n in_o this_o accident_n but_o say_v i_o what_o can_v you_o do_v to_o satisfy_v your_o ambition_n more_o than_o you_o do_v the_o prince_n affect_v you_o you_o follow_v he_o every_o where_o you_o participate_v of_o all_o his_o pleasure_n and_o he_o can_v live_v without_o you_o ah?_o meleagenes_n reple_v he_o a_o peaceful_a favourite_n go_v on_o but_o slow_o and_o great_a fortune_n be_v never_o find_v but_o in_o great_a affair_n when_o i_o have_v follow_v the_o prince_n a_o hunt_n or_o to_o demarata_n to_o lindamira_n to_o the_o revel_n to_o the_o walk_n i_o shall_v never_o be_v the_o more_o powerful_a and_o so_o the_o ease_n of_o the_o grandee_n will_v at_o last_o give_v they_o a_o opportunity_n to_o ruin_v i_o beside_o that_o do_v no_o more_o about_o the_o prince_n than_o what_o a_o many_o other_o can_v do_v as_o well_o as_o i_o it_o will_v be_v easy_a for_o my_o aemulator_n to_o undermine_v i_o feel_v therefore_o within_o i_o something_o that_o aim_v at_o great_a matter_n i_o will_v stir_v up_o some_o war_n that_o may_v contribute_v as_o well_o to_o my_o ambition_n as_o my_o love_n this_o be_v my_o only_a way_n to_o arrive_v at_o great_a employment_n wherein_o i_o be_o sure_a to_o meet_v with_o either_o glory_n or_o death_n by_o this_o mean_n shall_v i_o come_v to_o a_o near_a distance_n from_o lindamira_n and_o more_o approach_v the_o rank_n and_o quality_n of_o my_o ancestor_n tell_v i_o then_o that_o i_o be_o in_o the_o right_a way_n my_o dear_a meleagenes_n if_o you_o will_v advise_v i_o as_o i_o will_v be_v advise_v on_o the_o other_o side_n trouble_v not_o yourself_o for_o the_o war_n i_o intend_v to_o raise_v for_o the_o prince_n may_v just_o declare_v one_o against_o the_o prince_n of_o messena_n and_o be_v he_o not_o take_v up_o with_o the_o love_n of_o demarata_n he_o have_v haply_o be_v already_o in_o arms._n if_o it_o be_v so_o say_v i_o to_o he_o i_o think_v it_o the_o best_a course_n you_o can_v take_v provide_v you_o be_v in_o some_o sort_n confident_a of_o the_o happy_a success_n of_o this_o design_n for_o it_o be_v a_o most_o deplorable_a thing_n to_o be_v the_o occasion_n of_o a_o war_n that_o be_v not_o crown_v with_o victory_n victory_n reply_v themistus_n be_v common_o the_o reward_n of_o those_o that_o assault_n rather_o than_o of_o those_o that_o be_v assault_v because_o the_o former_a voluntary_o seek_v it_o the_o
in_o i_o shall_v not_o name_v they_o for_o it_o be_v to_o no_o purpose_n because_o the_o entertainment_n i_o be_o to_o give_v you_o a_o account_n of_o pass_v principal_o between_o the_o fair_a melisera_n meriander_n and_o themistus_n have_v be_v begin_v by_o demarata_n after_o the_o manner_n you_o shall_v hear_v this_o princess_n be_v come_v into_o lindamira_n chamber_n tell_v she_o in_o a_o flatter_a way_n as_o have_v natural_o no_o great_a affection_n for_o she_o that_o it_o be_v not_o possible_a she_o can_v be_v sick_a and_o that_o she_o have_v too_o fair_a a_o complexion_n and_o too_o much_o sprightliness_n in_o her_o eye_n to_o denote_v any_o want_n of_o sleep_n lindamira_n answer_v this_o flattery_n with_o another_o whereupon_o every_o one_o be_v seat_v they_o begin_v to_o abuse_v meriander_n for_o talk_v something_o more_o than_o ordinary_a with_o a_o handsome_a court_n lady_n that_o have_v get_v such_o a_o reputation_n of_o be_v incapable_a of_o love_n that_o she_o never_o run_v the_o hazard_n of_o the_o least_o suspicion_n of_o be_v guilty_a of_o any_o so_o that_o lindamira_n see_v they_o fall_v so_o foul_a upon_o meriander_n tell_v he_o very_o free_o that_o he_o must_v expect_v to_o find_v it_o a_o very_a difficult_a enterprise_n if_o it_o be_v true_a that_o he_o be_v in_o love_n with_o that_o person_n for_o my_o part_n say_v the_o fair_a melisera_n i_o do_v not_o think_v meriander_n be_v in_o love_n with_o her_z you_o speak_v of_o or_o if_o he_o be_v it_o be_v come_v to_o no_o great_a height_n for_o i_o find_v he_o so_o sensible_a of_o the_o trivial_a expression_n of_o friendship_n that_o he_o receive_v from_o she_o that_o i_o can_v believe_v he_o will_v value_v they_o so_o much_o if_o he_o be_v in_o love_n but_o do_v you_o consider_v well_o what_o you_o say_v reply_v demarata_n when_o you_o speak_v in_o that_o manner_n i_o do_v madam_n reply_v melisera_n and_o if_o you_o will_v but_o take_v the_o pain_n careful_o to_o examine_v what_o i_o say_v you_o will_v find_v that_o i_o have_v reason_n to_o imagine_v that_o a_o lover_n can_v receive_v with_o so_o much_o satisfaction_n simple_a expression_n of_o friendship_n for_o my_o part_n say_v meriander_n i_o must_v confess_v i_o be_o not_o in_o love_n with_o she_o you_o hit_v i_o in_o the_o tooth_n with_o but_o if_o i_o be_v i_o believe_v i_o shall_v entertain_v the_o expression_n of_o her_o friend_n ship_n with_o much_o more_o joy_n than_o i_o do_v for_o it_o be_v the_o property_n of_o love_n to_o make_v the_o sentiment_n more_o lively_a and_o to_o multiply_v the_o value_n of_o thing_n that_o come_v from_o the_o person_n belove_v this_o doubtless_o be_v the_o judgement_n of_o all_o the_o world_n add_v themistus_n who_o be_v too_o much_o concern_v in_o this_o question_n not_o to_o say_v something_o thereto_o and_o whoever_o have_v a_o sensible_a heart_n will_v never_o speak_v as_o the_o fair_a melisera_n do_v on_o the_o contrary_a reply_v she_o whoever_o will_v take_v the_o pain_n to_o sift_v more_o narrow_o thing_n of_o this_o nature_n shall_v easy_o conceive_v what_o i_o say_v for_o my_o part_n say_v the_o princess_n lindamira_n i_o must_v confess_v my_o thought_n be_v so_o distract_v between_o these_o two_o opinion_n that_o i_o do_v not_o well_o perceive_v the_o difference_n there_o be_v between_o they_o so_o as_o to_o give_v you_o my_o judgement_n of_o they_o and_o yet_o i_o affirm_v say_v melisera_n that_o a_o man_n that_o be_v servant_n to_o a_o woman_n in_o who_o he_o find_v nothing_o but_o a_o bare_a friendship_n for_o he_o whence_o he_o may_v infer_v he_o will_v never_o be_v otherwise_o love_v by_o she_o can_v never_o have_v any_o real_a joy_n when_o he_o receive_v any_o expression_n of_o that_o friendship_n and_o that_o if_o he_o have_v it_o be_v a_o infallible_a argument_n of_o the_o indifference_n of_o his_o passion_n and_o for_o my_o part_n reply_v angry_o themistus_n i_o maintain_v that_o the_o great_a and_o most_o unquestionable_a mark_n of_o a_o great_a passion_n be_v to_o see_v a_o lover_n that_o notwithstanding_o all_o his_o suffering_n receive_v with_o joy_n the_o least_o expression_n of_o friendship_n that_o his_o mistress_n can_v give_v he_o what_o themistus_n say_v be_v so_o rational_a reply_v meriander_n that_o i_o think_v the_o fair_a melisera_n with_o all_o her_o wit_n will_v find_v herself_o at_o a_o loss_n to_o maintain_v her_o opinion_n for_o what_o concern_v i_o say_v she_o i_o find_v no_o such_o difficulty_n in_o it_o you_o will_v then_o so_o much_o more_o oblige_v the_o company_n reply_v demarata_n to_o instruct_v we_o in_o a_o business_n which_o be_v very_o particular_a and_o which_o haply_o have_v not_o be_v yet_o well_o understand_v yet_o be_v the_o understanding_n of_o it_o not_o very_o hard_a reply_v melisera_n for_o if_o you_o reflect_v on_o the_o manner_n wherein_o love_n be_v speak_v of_o i_o think_v i_o very_o well_o conceive_v what_o it_o be_v so_o as_o to_o comprehend_v that_o the_o more_o one_o love_n the_o more_o one_o desire_n to_o be_v love_v that_o the_o high_a degree_n of_o a_o lover_n felicity_n be_v the_o love_n of_o his_o mistress_n and_o his_o great_a misfortune_n the_o assurance_n that_o he_o can_v never_o make_v her_o heart_n sensible_a of_o the_o same_o passion_n that_o possess_v he_o i_o far_o conceive_v that_o the_o desire_n to_o be_v love_v be_v the_o source_n of_o all_o other_o desire_n if_o i_o may_v so_o express_v it_o and_o that_o that_o desire_v never_o forsake_v he_o but_o fill_v his_o heart_n with_o perpetual_a disturbance_n which_o increase_v and_o become_v insupportable_a when_o ever_o his_o mistress_n do_v any_o thing_n that_o give_v he_o occasion_n to_o believe_v he_o shall_v never_o be_v love_v in_o the_o manner_n he_o will_v be_v love_v i_o grant_v what_o you_o say_v reply_v themistus_n and_o affirm_v with_o you_o that_o the_o desire_n of_o be_v love_v grow_v proportionable_o to_o the_o love_n and_o can_v die_v but_o with_o it_o even_o though_o a_o lover_n shall_v love_v without_o hope_n for_o it_o often_o happen_v that_o love_n which_o scorn_v and_o slight_n reason_n make_v a_o man_n desire_v thing_n impossible_a but_o since_o you_o agree_v to_o what_o i_o say_v reply_v melisera_n acknowledge_v withal_o that_o i_o have_v reason_n to_o speak_v as_o i_o do_v for_o be_v there_o not_o add_v she_o some_o reason_n to_o think_v that_o a_o lover_n do_v not_o love_v over-earnest_o when_o he_o entertain_v with_o joy_n simple_a expression_n of_o friendship_n which_o he_o shall_v receive_v with_o dissatisfaction_n if_o his_o love_n be_v violent_a there_o be_v no_o disposition_n that_o stand_v at_o such_o a_o distance_n from_o love_n as_o friendship_n and_o there_o be_v a_o easy_a passage_n from_o indifference_n to_o love_n than_o from_o friendship_n to_o passion_n so_o that_o when_o a_o lover_n that_o have_v a_o tender_a and_o delicate_a soul_n receive_v a_o expression_n of_o friendship_n from_o his_o mistress_n and_o that_o with_o a_o consideration_n that_o that_o friendship_n will_v grow_v up_o into_o love_n he_o shall_v be_v extreme_o trouble_v at_o it_o extreme_o disturb_v and_o account_v himself_o most_o unhappy_a and_o uncapable_a of_o the_o joy_n i_o speak_v of_o or_o it_o may_v be_v infer_v that_o that_o lover_n desire_v nothing_o far_a for_o in_o my_o judgement_n there_o be_v but_o the_o hope_n or_o the_o fruition_n of_o what_o a_o man_n desire_n that_o either_o aught_o or_o can_v afford_v he_o any_o joy_n and_o for_o my_o own_o particular_a i_o think_v if_o i_o be_v a_o lover_n and_o that_o my_o mistress_n to_o requite_v my_o love_n shall_v afford_v i_o only_o some_o bare_a expression_n of_o friendship_n i_o shall_v be_v extreme_o trouble_v nay_o much_o more_o than_o if_o i_o be_v to_o endure_v her_o severity_n cruelty_n indignation_n unkindness_n and_o inconstancy_n be_v you_o but_o well_o acquaint_v and_o well_o read_v in_o love_n reply_v themistus_n you_o will_v soon_o find_v he_o to_o be_v a_o humoursome_a capricious_a thing_n that_o be_v sometime_o appease_v with_o a_o trifle_n and_o even_o at_o the_o same_o time_n it_o covet_v all_o thing_n be_v satisfy_v in_o a_o manner_n with_o nothing_o and_o be_v it_o my_o business_n to_o give_v a_o infallible_a mark_n whereby_o to_o know_v a_o great_a passion_n i_o shall_v say_v it_o be_v when_o a_o lover_n in_o spite_n of_o his_o reason_n notwithstanding_o the_o impetuosity_n of_o his_o desire_n and_o the_o violence_n of_o his_o passion_n feel_v his_o affliction_n becalm_v by_o the_o bare_a sight_n of_o the_o person_n he_o love_v whence_o you_o may_v judge_v what_o that_o lover_n shall_v feel_v who_o see_v in_o the_o fair_a eye_n of_o the_o person_n he_o adore_v a_o certain_a kindness_n passion_n and_o goodness_n for_o he_o if_o he_o there_o find_v that_o passion_n mildness_n
fair_a opportunity_n to_o render_v himself_o famous_a it_o be_v such_o a_o affliction_n to_o he_o as_o he_o be_v not_o well_o able_a to_o buckle_v with_o it_o must_v needs_o be_v acknowledge_v that_o i_o be_o very_o unfortunate_a say_v he_o to_o himself_o as_o he_o have_v tell_v i_o since_o for_o i_o have_v defeat_v the_o enemy_n to_o no_o other_o end_n but_o that_o the_o prince_n of_o messena_n may_v the_o more_o easy_o subdue_v they_o and_o that_o he_o shall_v haply_o enjoy_v the_o fruit_n of_o my_o labour_n i_o have_v further_o the_o unhappiness_n to_o be_v more_o love_v by_o demarata_n than_o i_o will_v be_v who_o have_v so_o much_o power_n with_o the_o prince_n as_o she_o have_v will_v infallible_o do_v i_o all_o the_o ill_a office_n she_o can_v and_o make_v i_o as_o unfortunate_a in_o ambition_n as_o in_o love_n it_o be_v true_a i_o have_v this_o happiness_n that_o i_o be_o not_o slight_v by_o the_o person_n i_o love_v but_o alas_o what_o will_v be_v the_o effect_n of_o the_o affection_n she_o have_v for_o i_o but_o to_o make_v i_o more_o miserable_a than_o i_o be_o for_o when_o all_o be_v do_v she_o confine_v the_o expression_n of_o her_o affection_n to_o such_o narrow_a limit_n that_o i_o dare_v not_o so_o much_o as_o hope_v ever_o to_o see_v myself_o absolute_o happy_a she_o still_o be_v guide_v by_o consideration_n of_o prudence_n state_n and_o glory_n and_o because_o i_o be_o no_o prince_n and_o that_o i_o have_v sometime_o be_v unfortunate_a my_o birth_n love_n and_o service_n shall_v signify_v nothing_o and_o there_o be_v a_o necessity_n i_o shall_v ever_o be_v the_o object_n of_o misfortune_n however_o since_o the_o incomparable_a lindamira_n ordain_v it_o shall_v be_v so_o i_o must_v submit_v nay_o admire_v and_o reverence_v the_o virtue_n that_o make_v i_o miserable_a you_o see_v madam_n how_o themistus_n entertain_v himself_o while_o demarata_n be_v examine_v what_o resolution_n to_o take_v for_o she_o can_v not_o be_v at_o rest_n any_o where_o nay_o she_o make_v it_o her_o complaint_n that_o ever_o since_o themistus_n return_n she_o pass_v not_o a_o hour_n but_o she_o hear_v some_o discourse_n or_o other_o of_o he_o while_o he_o be_v in_o the_o army_n the_o reputation_n of_o his_o great_a action_n be_v the_o general_a discourse_n while_o he_o be_v in_o health_n at_o syracuse_n either_o she_o can_v not_o or_o haply_o will_v not_o be_v without_o his_o visit_n and_o now_o that_o he_o lay_v hurt_v perianthus_n speak_v to_o she_o of_o he_o perpetual_o nay_o all_o that_o come_v to_o she_o think_v they_o do_v well_o be_v constant_o bemoan_v he_o how_o say_v she_o one_o morning_n to_o amerintha_n be_v violent_o transport_v by_o that_o exasperate_v passion_n that_o make_v she_o abhor_v what_o she_o love_v if_o i_o may_v so_o express_v myself_o shall_v demarata_n in_o who_o the_o world_n find_v something_o that_o may_v raise_v love_n undergo_v the_o shame_n of_o love_a without_o be_v love_v again_o nay_o be_v so_o base_a as_o to_o be_v trouble_v of_o a_o sudden_a at_o the_o pretend_a death_n of_o he_o who_o do_v she_o this_o affront_n must_v i_o ever_o see_v he_o divide_v perianthus_n heart_n with_o i_o and_o be_v the_o object_n of_o all_o his_o friendship_n no_o no_o say_v she_o it_o be_v too_o rigorous_a a_o punishment_n and_o the_o best_a course_n i_o can_v take_v be_v to_o banish_v he_o my_o presence_n since_o i_o can_v my_o heart_n who_o will_v not_o entertain_v i_o into_o he_o but_o this_o must_v be_v do_v by_o circumvention_n i_o must_v calumniate_v and_o impose_v false_a crime_n upon_o themistus_n and_o i_o must_v cease_v to_o be_v what_o i_o have_v ever_o be_v but_o madam_n say_v amerintha_n to_o she_o how_o shall_v this_o be_v effect_v in_o case_n you_o be_v resolve_v to_o do_v it_o for_o you_o can_v persuade_v the_o prince_n that_o he_o hold_v any_o correspondence_n with_o the_o enemy_n since_o he_o have_v defeat_v he_o you_o can_v accuse_v he_o of_o have_v enrich_v himself_o prejudicial_o to_o the_o prince_n from_o who_o he_o many_o time_n refuse_v new_a favour_n because_o of_o all_o man_n he_o be_v the_o most_o disinteressed_n so_o that_o i_o see_v not_o what_o you_o can_v probable_o charge_v themistus_n with_o that_o he_o love_v i_o reply_v demarata_n blush_v this_o no_o doubt_n be_v the_o high_a supposition_n in_o the_o world_n add_v this_o revengeful_a princess_n but_o the_o easy_a thing_n in_o the_o world_n for_o i_o to_o make_v perianthus_n believe_v if_o i_o but_o undertake_v it_o and_o since_o it_o be_v the_o only_a way_n to_o remove_v themistus_n from_o my_o presence_n and_o to_o be_v revenge_v of_o his_o insensibility_n i_o must_v needs_o embrace_v it_o nor_o shall_v my_o revenge_n be_v cruel_a since_o he_o shall_v lose_v no_o more_o than_o what_o fortune_n will_v not_o haply_o have_v bestow_v on_o he_o without_o i_o for_o have_v not_o i_o confirm_v the_o prince_n in_o the_o friendship_n he_o have_v for_o themistus_n he_o will_v not_o have_v affect_v he_o so_o much_o but_o madam_n reply_v amerintha_n if_o perianthus_n ever_o discover_v the_o truth_n you_o will_v ruin_v yourself_o by_o endeavour_v to_o ruin_n themistus_n how_o say_v she_o do_v you_o imagine_v friendship_n more_o powerful_a than_o love_n that_o perianthus_n can_v avoid_v jealousy_n who_o i_o will_v have_v to_o be_v jealous_a and_o that_o imagine_v themistus_n in_o love_n with_o i_o he_o can_v do_v it_o to_o my_o prejudice_n no_o no_o amerintha_n that_o be_v to_o invert_v the_o order_n of_o thing_n indeed_o it_o be_v impossible_a it_o shall_v be_v so_o beside_o the_o resolution_n i_o take_v be_v haply_o much_o more_o innocent_a than_o you_o conceive_v for_o if_o i_o shall_v not_o banish_v themistus_n my_o presence_n i_o can_v not_o forbear_v love_v he_o as_o insensible_a as_o he_o be_v nay_o haply_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o conceal_v my_o affection_n from_o he_o i_o must_v therefore_o so_o husband_n the_o hatred_n i_o have_v for_o he_o as_o to_o make_v it_o contribute_v to_o my_o reputation_n no_o question_n but_o i_o hate_v he_o at_o the_o present_a but_o i_o be_o not_o confident_a i_o shall_v do_v as_o much_o when_o i_o see_v he_o i_o must_v therefore_o while_o he_o be_v a_o prisoner_n to_o his_o wound_n and_o can_v come_v to_o see_v i_o make_v the_o best_a use_n i_o can_v of_o such_o precious_a minute_n i_o must_v flatter_v perianthus_n i_o must_v invent_v i_o must_v forget_v all_o honesty_n and_o i_o must_v do_v all_o that_o be_v requisite_a to_o punish_v a_o insensible_a person_n that_o so_o i_o may_v no_o long_o love_v a_o man_n that_o neither_o do_v or_o ever_o can_v love_v i_o according_o madam_n demarata_n be_v at_o that_o time_n absolute_o resolve_v to_o have_v themistus_n banish_v bethink_v she_o of_o what_o ever_o may_v further_a her_o design_n she_o therefore_o take_v very_o great_a care_n never_o to_o speak_v first_o of_o themistus_n especial_o before_o perianthus_n and_o to_o answer_v very_o cold_o when_o ever_o he_o speak_v of_o he_o to_o she_o she_o never_o send_v to_o know_v how_o he_o do_v and_o avoid_v say_v or_o do_v any_o thing_n whence_o it_o may_v be_v infer_v he_o be_v in_o any_o favour_n with_o she_o for_o some_o day_n perianthus_n mind_v not_o this_o change_n but_o themistus_n recover_v and_o very_o fit_a to_o admit_v discourse_n perianthus_n perceive_v that_o demarata_n concern_v not_o herself_o so_o much_o in_o themistus_n welfare_n as_o she_o have_v do_v some_o time_n before_o when_o themistus_n be_v like_a to_o die_v however_o he_o will_v not_o at_o first_o say_v any_o thing_n to_o she_o of_o it_o for_o be_v still_o extreme_o fond_a of_o she_o he_o be_v afraid_a of_o have_v any_o contestation_n with_o a_o person_n that_o have_v all_o the_o power_n over_o he_o that_o love_n can_v give_v she_o so_o that_o have_v observe_v this_o coldness_n for_o some_o day_n without_o be_v able_a to_o discover_v whence_o it_o proceed_v or_o know_v that_o demarata_n have_v not_o send_v to_o see_v how_o themistus_n do_v he_o ask_v themistus_n himself_o who_o be_v very_o much_o surprise_v at_o the_o question_n and_o therefore_o answer_v not_o precise_o thereto_o for_o be_v the_o most_o reserve_a man_n in_o the_o world_n he_o will_v have_v die_v ere_o he_o have_v tell_v perianthus_n the_o true_a cause_n of_o demarata_n change_v he_o therefore_o tell_v he_o he_o know_v not_o but_o that_o he_o be_v in_o her_o favour_n that_o if_o he_o be_v not_o it_o proceed_v from_o some_o artifice_n of_o those_o who_o envy_v his_o good_a fortune_n but_o this_o he_o tell_v he_o with_o such_o a_o accent_n that_o the_o prince_n can_v not_o but_o judge_v there_o be_v something_o more_o in_o his_o mind_n than_o he_o be_v willing_a to_o discover_v he_o for_o some_o
go_v to_o this_o pleasant_a solitude_n whereof_o two_o be_v very_o troublesome_a and_o difficult_a the_o place_n be_v nevertheless_o furnish_v with_o spring_n and_o there_o be_v a_o very_a fair_a haven_n at_o the_o foot_n of_o this_o famous_a mountain_n which_o have_v a_o privilege_n that_o there_o be_v never_o see_v upon_o it_o any_o venomous_a creature_n or_o wild_a beast_n and_o the_o excellency_n of_o the_o place_n be_v such_o that_o because_o man_n can_v never_o find_v out_o a_o name_n excellent_a enough_o for_o it_o it_o have_v not_o any_o one_o in_o particular_a and_o the_o haven_n it_o have_v distinguish_v it_o from_o the_o other_o mountain_n this_o then_o be_v the_o place_n where_o be_v retire_v a_o small_a number_n of_o wise_a man_n who_o have_v experience_v the_o vanity_n of_o the_o world_n will_v needs_o disengage_v themselves_o from_o it_o but_o among_o other_o timantes_n a_o particular_a friend_n of_o the_o virtuous_a amalthaea_n be_v a_o a_o incomparable_a person_n he_o be_v tall_a and_o of_o a_o good_a countenance_n and_o have_v a_o noble_a physiognomy_n such_o as_o so_o well_o discover_v the_o freedom_n and_o sincerity_n of_o his_o heart_n that_o it_o may_v be_v almost_o say_v he_o be_v know_v before_o a_o man_n have_v the_o leisure_n to_o know_v he_o all_o his_o action_n be_v so_o many_o expression_n of_o the_o vigour_n and_o vivacity_n of_o his_o spirit_n for_o he_o ever_o act_n with_o force_n and_o agility_n insomuch_o that_o the_o caress_n he_o honour_v his_o friend_n with_o be_v argument_n of_o the_o earnestness_n of_o his_o disposition_n timantes_n have_v doubtless_o a_o very_a vast_a understanding_n and_o beside_o the_o great_a advantage_n he_o have_v make_v of_o study_n as_o to_o what_o be_v requisite_a to_o make_v a_o man_n both_o wise_a and_o acceptable_a he_o be_v bear_v to_o a_o great_a genius_n in_o poetry_n and_o make_v such_o verse_n as_o hesiod_n and_o homer_n will_v not_o be_v ashamed_a to_o own_o be_v they_o alive_a again_o but_o i_o shall_v not_o make_v what_o be_v within_o he_o the_o main_a subject_n of_o my_o commendation_n of_o he_o though_o he_o have_v such_o a_o admirable_a wit_n that_o have_v such_o fire_n and_o lustre_n that_o he_o can_v but_o discover_v it_o upon_o some_o occasion_n wherein_o he_o will_v not_o make_v it_o appear_v his_o heart_n of_o all_o that_o be_v within_o he_o be_v the_o most_o noble_a part_n as_o what_o have_v such_o a_o extraordinary_a freedom_n and_o openness_n that_o it_o may_v be_v say_v that_o he_o have_v never_o so_o much_o as_o hear_v it_o say_v there_o be_v such_o a_o thing_n as_o dissimulation_n in_o the_o world_n he_o speak_v truth_n without_o any_o fear_n or_o evasion_n he_o maintain_v it_o with_o courage_n and_o make_v use_v of_o anger_n to_o defend_v justice_n when_o he_o can_v do_v it_o otherwise_o and_o he_o have_v a_o goodness_n that_o favour_n of_o the_o innocency_n of_o the_o first_o age_n for_o his_o humour_n it_o be_v divertive_a enough_o but_o withal_o so_o natural_a that_o he_o find_v himself_o employment_n out_o of_o thing_n most_o inconsiderable_a he_o have_v also_o a_o particular_a gift_n of_o inspire_v his_o friend_n with_o a_o certain_a innocent_a joy_n and_o teach_v they_o the_o art_n of_o divert_v themselves_o without_o any_o prejudice_n to_o other_o timantes_n be_v far_o a_o man_n that_o of_o all_o the_o world_n be_v the_o most_o sensible_o move_v at_o the_o work_n of_o other_o when_o they_o be_v excellent_a and_o love_v very_o much_o to_o do_v justice_n where_o there_o be_v desert_n in_o a_o word_n he_o hate_v nothing_o so_o much_o as_o what_o be_v opposite_a to_o this_o great_a virtue_n and_o the_o freedom_n of_o his_o disposition_n be_v so_o contrary_a to_o all_o manner_n of_o tyranny_n that_o he_o sometime_o say_v merry_o that_o he_o deserve_v no_o great_a honour_n for_o shake_v off_o the_o yoke_n of_o all_o the_o passion_n because_o it_o be_v much_o more_o easy_a to_o obey_v reason_n than_o to_o be_v lead_v away_o by_o the_o fantastic_a humour_n of_o five_o or_o six_o frantic_a passion_n who_o will_v be_v implicit_o obey_v and_o yet_o many_o time_n require_v thing_n contradictory_n timantes_n therefore_o have_v only_o that_o one_o mistress_n to_o wait_v on_o be_v never_o from_o she_o but_o consult_v she_o in_o all_o thing_n yet_o it_o may_v be_v say_v he_o think_v not_o on_o she_o but_o that_o though_o the_o agitation_n of_o his_o humour_n make_v his_o body_n often_o change_v place_n his_o mind_n be_v ever_o quiet_a and_o that_o fire_n which_o inflame_v and_o animate_v it_o make_v it_o more_o active_a yet_o not_o more_o unquiet_a far_o have_v get_v the_o mastery_n of_o his_o passion_n he_o have_v distil_v they_o all_o into_o one_o which_o be_v to_o he_o instead_o of_o all_o and_o which_o he_o will_v never_o part_v with_o he_o maintain_v that_o friendship_n in_o his_o heart_n be_v incomparable_o a_o more_o violent_a passion_n than_o love_n be_v in_o other_o man_n and_o he_o be_v persuade_v that_o no_o lover_n love_v his_o mistress_n so_o well_o as_o he_o do_v his_o friend_n nay_o he_o confident_o hold_v that_o love_n be_v a_o defective_a affection_n such_o as_o be_v to_o be_v number_v among_o the_o enjoyment_n of_o infancy_n and_o consequent_o to_o be_v discard_v as_o soon_o as_o reason_n take_v place_n whereas_o on_o the_o contrary_a friendship_n be_v a_o absolute_o perfect_a affection_n equal_o consistent_a with_o virtue_n and_o reason_n and_o shall_v last_v as_o long_o as_o life_n do_v so_o that_o be_v full_o persuade_v of_o the_o perfection_n of_o friendship_n he_o be_v the_o most_o earnest_a and_o most_o accomplish_a friend_n in_o the_o world_n nay_o though_o he_o stand_v dis-engaged_n from_o all_o thing_n that_o oblige_v he_o to_o that_o yet_o the_o obligation_n to_o his_o friend_n be_v effectual_a and_o stand_v firm_a by_o indissoluble_a tie_n what_o make_v his_o friendship_n most_o acceptable_a be_v that_o have_v a_o sincere_a heart_n and_o love_v without_o interest_n he_o serve_v his_o friend_n without_o any_o fear_n of_o hazard_v any_o thing_n for_o they_o and_o that_o be_v natural_o merry_o dispose_v his_o virtue_n have_v nothing_o in_o it_o that_o be_v savage_a nothing_o harsh_a nor_o any_o thing_n that_o hinder_v he_o from_o have_v a_o innocent_a compliance_n for_o those_o he_o love_v he_o make_v they_o more_o sensible_a of_o the_o tenderness_n of_o his_o friendship_n by_o small_a thing_n than_o divers_a other_o can_v do_v by_o great_a service_n for_o not_o only_o his_o countenance_n the_o accent_n of_o his_o speech_n and_o the_o thing_n he_o say_v demonstrate_v the_o joy_n he_o conceive_v to_o see_v his_o friend_n when_o he_o have_v be_v some_o time_n from_o they_o but_o even_o all_o his_o action_n though_o he_o mind_v it_o not_o be_v expression_n of_o his_o affection_n i_o shall_v never_o forget_v one_o day_n that_o he_o come_v to_o a_o place_n where_o he_o be_v expect_v by_o ten_o or_o twelve_o person_n who_o he_o affect_v much_o and_o they_o he_o no_o less_o for_o though_o it_o seem_v impossible_a a_o man_n shall_v in_o a_o instant_n acquit_v himself_o of_o all_o that_o civility_n and_o friendship_n require_v of_o he_o upon_o such_o a_o occasion_n yet_o he_o come_v off_o admirable_o well_o and_o what_o by_o his_o action_n what_o by_o his_o word_n what_o by_o his_o caress_n what_o by_o his_o oblige_a earnestness_n and_o what_o by_o his_o joy_n he_o make_v they_o all_o understand_v that_o he_o be_v very_o much_o oblige_v to_o they_o that_o he_o be_v glad_a to_o see_v they_o that_o he_o love_v they_o that_o he_o have_v a_o hundred_o thing_n to_o tell_v they_o and_o in_o a_o word_n that_o he_o have_v for_o they_o all_o the_o sentiment_n they_o can_v wish_v he_o shall_v have_v he_o speak_v a_o word_n to_o one_o a_o word_n to_o another_o embrace_v two_o or_o three_o together_o he_o reach_v his_o hand_n to_o one_o lady_n whisper_v to_o another_o speak_v aloud_o to_o they_o all_o and_o it_o may_v be_v almost_o say_v that_o he_o go_v and_o come_v without_o change_a place_n so_o much_o do_v he_o endeavour_v to_o give_v all_o that_o be_v about_o he_o satisfaction_n thus_o have_v you_o a_o character_n of_o timantes_n who_o for_o friend_n in_o his_o retirement_n have_v some_o few_o virtuous_a man_n equal_o excellent_a with_o himself_o such_o as_o have_v be_v well_o acquaint_v with_o the_o world_n have_v forsake_v it_o as_o a_o place_n where_o it_o be_v hard_a as_o well_o for_o those_o that_o have_v get_v wisdom_n to_o preserve_v it_o as_o for_o those_o that_o have_v not_o to_o get_v it_o they_o be_v therefore_o resolve_v to_o separate_v themselves_o from_o the_o commerce_n of_o other_o man_n and_o have_v choose_v this_o mountain_n which_o be_v as_o it_o be_v a_o lesser_a world_n divide_v from_o the_o great_a where_o they_o live_v
consider_v your_o crime_n i_o must_v needs_o have_v some_o pity_n for_o you_o since_o it_o can_v otherwise_o be_v than_o that_o your_o passion_n be_v much_o strong_a than_o your_o reason_n when_o it_o make_v you_o forget_v your_o respect_n towards_o i_o for_o to_o be_v short_a themistus_n i_o declare_v it_o to_o you_o that_o though_o i_o be_o your_o sovereign_n have_v you_o love_v any_o person_n i_o will_v have_v die_v ere_o i_o have_v be_v your_o rival_n and_o if_o you_o have_v have_v a_o wife_n i_o will_v never_o have_v look_v on_o she_o if_o i_o have_v think_v it_o can_v not_o be_v do_v but_o i_o must_v have_v love_v she_o but_o for_o your_o your_o virtue_n and_o friendship_n have_v not_o be_v so_o scrupulous_a and_o you_o have_v think_v it_o lawful_a for_o you_o to_o love_n demarata_n and_o she_o must_v take_v no_o exception_n at_o it_o you_o say_v my_o lord_n reply_v roundly_o themistus_n that_o i_o have_v have_v the_o boldness_n to_o love_n demarata_n i_o do_v reply_v perianthus_n and_o you_o have_v in_o a_o manner_n confess_v it_o yourself_o ah_o my_o lord_n reply_v themistus_n if_o i_o have_v any_o love_n for_o the_o princess_n i_o be_o content_a you_o shall_v put_v i_o to_o all_o torment_n imaginable_a ah_o themistus_n reply_v perianthus_n add_v not_o falsehood_n to_o your_o presumption_n acknowledge_v your_o weakness_n repent_v you_o of_o it_o and_o go_v and_o seek_v cure_n for_o your_o extravagancy_n in_o some_o place_n so_o far_o from_o sicily_n that_o the_o name_n of_o deniarata_n may_v not_o entertain_v so_o much_o as_o in_o your_o heart_n the_o mad_a passion_n that_o have_v seize_v it_o this_o put_v themistus_n to_o a_o very_a sad_a extremity_n for_o his_o own_o generosity_n will_v not_o permit_v he_o to_o tell_v the_o prince_n that_o he_o be_v himself_o love_v by_o demarata_n beside_o that_o if_o he_o have_v he_o will_v not_o have_v be_v credit_v nor_o dare_v he_o on_o the_o other_o side_n discover_v the_o true_a passion_n he_o have_v in_o his_o soul_n which_o will_v have_v justify_v he_o for_o fear_v of_o displease_v lindamira_n however_o he_o resolve_v to_o say_v he_o be_v in_o love_n the_o better_a to_o persuade_v perianthus_n that_o he_o do_v not_o love_n demarata_n can_v i_o be_v persuade_v my_o lord_n say_v he_o to_o acquaint_v you_o with_o the_o only_a secret_n which_o i_o never_o yet_o have_v you_o will_v soon_o find_v that_o i_o be_o far_o from_o love_a demarata_n for_o my_o lord_n i_o must_v confess_v that_o i_o have_v for_o a_o admirable_a person_n so_o violent_a a_o passion_n in_o my_o soul_n that_o it_o afford_v i_o not_o one_o minute_n rest_n and_o which_o so_o fill_v it_o that_o all_o other_o beauty_n in_o the_o world_n move_v i_o not_o but_o for_o demarata_n my_o lord_n i_o swear_v by_o what_o ever_o be_v most_o sacred_a that_o if_o i_o have_v surprise_v in_o my_o heart_n any_o sentiment_n too_o passionate_a for_o she_o i_o shall_v have_v pluck_v it_o out_o rather_o than_o run_v the_o hazard_n of_o deserve_v the_o title_n of_o a_o perfidious_a and_o ungrateful_a person_n but_o themistus_n reply_v perianthus_n whence_o come_v it_o then_o that_o demarata_n think_v you_o love_v she_o ah_o my_o lord_n reply_v he_o it_o be_v impossible_a she_o shall_v believe_v any_o such_o thing_n she_o so_o far_o believe_v it_o reply_v perianthus_n very_o innocent_o that_o she_o will_v never_o be_v quiet_a till_o i_o have_v banish_v you_o i_o be_o therefore_o as_o unfortunate_a as_o innocent_a reply_v themistus_n for_o there_o be_v not_o any_o thing_n at_o such_o a_o vast_a distance_n from_o truth_n and_o if_o there_o be_v any_o one_o that_o can_v affirm_v i_o have_v either_o say_v or_o do_v any_o thing_n whence_o it_o may_v be_v infer_v i_o have_v any_o love_n for_o demarata_n i_o will_v have_v you_o look_v on_o i_o no_o otherwise_o than_o as_o the_o base_a of_o your_o subject_n so_o that_o my_o lord_n add_v themistus_n the_o princess_n must_v needs_o proceed_v upon_o some_o light_a imagination_n that_o i_o love_v she_o and_o misinterpret_v my_o action_n or_o i_o must_v think_v that_o for_o some_o reason_n unknown_a to_o i_o it_o have_v be_v her_o design_n to_o ruin_v i_o in_o your_o thought_n may_v it_o please_v the_o god_n reply_v perianthus_n that_o you_o be_v innocent_a and_o that_o a_o over-scrupulous_a virtue_n have_v oblige_v demarata_n to_o think_v you_o have_v forget_v the_o respect_n you_o ought_v to_o she_o for_o in_o a_o word_n themistus_n demarata_n except_v i_o have_v not_o have_v so_o great_a a_o affection_n for_o any_o one_o as_o i_o have_v have_v for_o you_o and_o i_o also_o owe_v you_o as_o many_o obligation_n as_o a_o prince_n can_v do_v a_o subject_n for_o if_o my_o first_o favour_n have_v precede_v your_o service_n your_o service_n have_v since_o very_o much_o exceed_v my_o favour_n and_o therefore_o i_o will_v give_v half_a my_o state_n that_o you_o be_v innocent_a if_o you_o speak_v true_o add_v he_o you_o may_v easy_o in_o some_o sort_n justify_v yourself_o since_o you_o have_v no_o more_o to_o do_v than_o to_o tell_v i_o who_o you_o be_v in_o love_n with_o but_o be_v sure_a you_o tell_v i_o no_o lie_n for_o if_o you_o do_v i_o shall_v easy_o discover_v it_o i_o shall_v conclude_v you_o guilty_a and_o shall_v never_o pardon_v you_o i_o must_v needs_o confess_v my_o lord_n reply_v themistus_n that_o i_o be_o in_o a_o very_a great_a distraction_n for_o i_o have_v confess_v unaware_o that_o i_o be_v in_o love_n and_o i_o shall_v not_o retract_v it_o but_o my_o lord_n to_o tell_v you_o with_o who_o be_v a_o thing_n i_o can_v do_v and_o i_o beseech_v you_o command_v i_o not_o to_o do_v it_o no_o no_o reply_v hot_o perianthus_n there_o be_v no_o mean_a you_o must_v either_o speak_v sincere_o or_o be_v find_v guilty_a in_o my_o judgement_n and_o leave_v my_o dominion_n immediate_o this_o put_v themistus_n into_o a_o expressible_a disturbance_n for_o to_o leave_v sicily_n so_o as_o never_o to_o return_v thither_o and_o never_o to_o see_v lindamira_n more_o he_o think_v the_o most_o insupportable_a thing_n in_o the_o world_n thence_o he_o feel_v a_o temptation_n to_o tell_v perianthus_n the_o truth_n but_o consider_v the_o thing_n well_o he_o see_v he_o shall_v not_o be_v credit_v yet_o as_o wretched_a as_o his_o condition_n be_v he_o can_v not_o affirm_v that_o demarata_n love_v he_o much_o less_o discover_v the_o affection_n he_o have_v for_o the_o princess_n of_o himera_n not_o only_o for_o fear_n of_o provoke_v he_o but_o out_o of_o a_o fear_n he_o will_v not_o be_v much_o less_o unblamable_a as_o to_o perianthus_n for_o lindamira_n than_o for_o demarata_n he_o therefore_o fall_v to_o entreaty_n that_o the_o prince_n will_v be_v satisfy_v with_o the_o assurance_n he_o give_v he_o of_o his_o innocence_n not_o to_o force_v he_o to_o discover_v who_o he_o love_v and_o to_o grant_v he_o the_o favour_n to_o go_v and_o die_v in_o his_o service_n for_o though_o i_o have_v have_v the_o honour_n to_o command_v your_o army_n yet_o will_v i_o now_o fight_v as_o a_o private_a soldier_n conditional_o you_o give_v i_o encouragement_n to_o hope_v that_o you_o will_v hearken_v to_o what_o ever_o may_v tend_v to_o my_o justification_n the_o way_n i_o propose_v be_v so_o easy_a say_v perianthus_n that_o if_o you_o will_v not_o be_v try_v by_o it_o you_o must_v be_v guilty_a for_o i_o promise_v you_o a_o inviolable_a fidelity_n if_o you_o tell_v i_o who_o you_o be_v in_o love_n with_o in_o a_o word_n do_v but_o convince_v i_o you_o be_v in_o love_n and_o i_o shall_v not_o imagine_v that_o you_o have_v so_o much_o as_o think_v on_o demarata_n for_o the_o posture_n of_o your_o fortune_n consider_v it_o be_v not_o a_o thing_n to_o be_v pretend_v if_o therefore_o you_o be_v innocent_a be_v not_o so_o obstinate_a against_o your_o own_o interest_n i_o have_v already_o tell_v you_o that_o i_o will_v observe_v a_o inviolable_a fidelity_n towards_o you_o and_o i_o tell_v you_o so_o again_o ah_o my_o lord_n reply_v themistus_n transport_v with_o grief_n all_o this_o be_v not_o enough_o for_o though_o i_o love_v not_o the_o princess_n yet_o haply_o be_o i_o nevertheless_o criminal_a ah_o themistus_n provide_v you_o do_v not_o love_n demarata_n i_o pardon_v you_o all_o other_o affection_n even_o though_o you_o shall_v love_v my_o sister_n pardon_v i_o then_o my_o lord_n say_v he_o overcome_v with_o his_o affliction_n for_o there_o be_v nothing_o so_o true_a as_o that_o since_o my_o return_n into_o sicily_n i_o have_v have_v whether_o i_o will_v or_o no_o the_o most_o violent_a the_o most_o pure_a and_o the_o most_o eager_a passion_n for_o she_o that_o ever_o any_o man_n have_v this_o my_o lord_n be_v the_o great_a secret_n which_o i_o beseech_v
find_v out_o the_o art_n of_o be_v exempt_v from_o sigh_n complaint_n and_o tear_n and_o will_v employ_v in_o their_o stead_n the_o grace_n enjoyment_n and_o laughter_n to_o persuade_v his_o passion_n but_o when_o all_o it_o do_v he_o have_v say_v that_o he_o be_v in_o love_n or_o pretend_v it_o before_o he_o be_v love_v and_o be_v content_a to_o wound_v heart_n without_o any_o consideration_n because_o he_o will_v never_o do_v any_o thing_n but_o lend_v his_o own_o instead_o of_o bestow_v it_o it_o be_v certain_o madness_n for_o a_o man_n to_o have_v any_o love_n unless_o he_o have_v as_o much_o as_o he_o be_v capable_a of_o for_o the_o mediocrity_n of_o this_o passion_n produce_v but_o a_o mediocrity_n of_o pleasure_n and_o it_o be_v not_o very_o proper_a to_o effect_v illustrious_a conquest_n no_o question_n but_o a_o man_n shall_v divert_v the_o person_n he_o love_v but_o it_o be_v not_o enough_o to_o please_v she_o if_o it_o have_v not_o some_o influence_n on_o her_o heart_n so_o that_o to_o act_v rational_o he_o must_v dispose_v and_o make_v it_o pliant_a by_o joy_n but_o he_o must_v move_v it_o by_o grief_n and_o know_v how_o to_o make_v his_o advantage_n of_o certain_a occasion_n wherein_o two_o or_o three_o sigh_n seasonable_o breathe_v out_o may_v be_v more_o effectual_a than_o all_o the_o song_n in_o the_o world_n i._o for_o the_o multitude_n of_o mistress_n it_o be_v a_o thing_n not_o to_o be_v endure_v for_o to_o speak_v true_o whoever_o have_v two_o have_v not_o any_o at_o all_o ii_o for_o constancy_n whoever_o will_v banish_v it_o out_o of_o the_o empire_n of_o love_n destroy_v love_v itself_o for_o it_o no_o soon_o come_v into_o a_o man_n imagination_n that_o a_o time_n may_v come_v wherein_o he_o shall_v love_v no_o more_o but_o he_o cease_v to_o love_v at_o the_o very_a instant_n or_o to_o say_v better_o have_v already_o give_v ever_o all_o thought_n of_o love_n it_o be_v impossible_a that_o a_o heart_n true_o amorous_a shall_v imagine_v that_o it_o can_v give_v over_o love_v that_o which_o to_o it_o seem_v the_o only_a amiable_a thing_n upon_o earth_n on_o the_o contrary_a to_o say_v truth_n one_o of_o the_o great_a satisfaction_n of_o this_o passion_n be_v to_o imagine_v a_o eternity_n of_o love_n if_o a_o man_n may_v so_o express_v himself_o and_o to_o see_v in_o futurition_n a_o multitude_n of_o pleasure_n whereof_o he_o be_v not_o confident_a iii_o for_o discretion_n both_o the_o constant_a and_o unconstant_a that_o be_v person_n of_o quality_n be_v agree_v it_o ought_v to_o be_v observe_v and_o therefore_o i_o have_v not_o any_o thing_n to_o say_v of_o it_o save_v that_o it_o be_v no_o easy_a matter_n to_o be_v always_o discreet_a when_o a_o man_n be_v engage_v in_o so_o many_o several_a interest_n iu._n no_o doubt_v but_o a_o man_n ought_v to_o please_v and_o divert_v as_o i_o have_v already_o say_v but_o it_o can_v be_v say_v it_o ought_v precise_o to_o be_v do_v by_o way_n of_o raillery_n for_o the_o general_a rule_n be_v that_o a_o man_n shall_v accommodate_v himself_o to_o the_o humour_n of_o the_o person_n belove_v v._o whoever_o can_v conceal_v what_o he_o think_v most_o secret_a from_o his_o mistress_n have_v not_o give_v she_o his_o heart_n for_o it_o be_v so_o far_o impossible_a for_o a_o man_n to_o love_v any_o one_o and_o not_o acquaint_v she_o with_o all_o even_a to_o his_o least_o thought_n that_o it_o may_v be_v affirm_v that_o a_o man_n do_v himself_o a_o certain_a violence_n when_o he_o conceal_v any_o of_o his_o sentiment_n from_o the_o person_n he_o love_v and_o deprive_v himself_o of_o the_o most_o sensible_a pleasure_n of_o love_n by_o be_v uncapable_a of_o that_o exchange_n of_o secret_n wherein_o there_o be_v so_o much_o satisfaction_n for_o indeed_o what_o be_v they_o but_o the_o mutual_a hostage_n of_o that_o eternal_a peace_n which_o ought_v to_o be_v between_o two_o amorous_a heart_n and_o infallible_a argument_n of_o the_o love_n a_o man_n have_v in_o his_o soul_n and_o which_o he_o will_v ever_o continue_v there_o for_o those_o little_a secret_n which_o signify_v ●●bing_v he_o need_v not_o be_v put_v to_o his_o invention_n for_o they_o who_o love_v passionate_o for_o they_o spring_v at_o every_o moment_n in_o their_o mind_n who_o know_v how_o to_o love_v vi_o for_o excessive_a magnificence_n it_o ought_v always_o to_o be_v blame_v when_o it_o ruin_v he_o that_o be_v addict_v thereto_o yet_o it_o be_v certain_a that_o nothing_o make_v it_o more_o excusable_a than_o love_n nay_o i_o dare_v maintain_v that_o he_o be_v the_o inventor_n of_o it_o but_o when_o all_o be_v do_v i_o agree_v with_o my_o adversary_n in_o this_o that_o he_o who_o be_v magnificent_a either_o as_o to_o retinue_n or_o clothes_n aught_o to_o make_v no_o account_n of_o it_o and_o shall_v endeavour_v to_o raise_v himself_o into_o the_o love_n of_o his_o mistress_n without_o any_o assistance_n from_o such_o thing_n as_o belong_v not_o to_o he_o vii_o when_o a_o man_n have_v rival_n the_o sure_a way_n to_o do_v they_o any_o prejudice_n and_o to_o be_v better_o esteem_v than_o they_o be_v to_o exceed_v they_o in_o worth_n gallantry_n and_o love_n and_o if_o after_o all_o that_o the_o lady_n be_v unjust_a and_o make_v a_o ill_a choice_n a_o man_n may_v change_v if_o he_o please_v without_o incur_v the_o censure_n of_o inconstancy_n viii_o it_o be_v certain_o no_o small_a advantage_n that_o the_o lady_n who_o a_o man_n love_v shall_v believe_v that_o the_o person_n she_o affect_v may_v be_v love_v by_o she_o but_o this_o persuasion_n must_v proceed_v from_o the_o great_a merit_n of_o he_o that_o serve_v she_o and_o not_o from_o his_o insinuation_n to_o make_v she_o believe_v so_o much_o ix_o for_o the_o news_n that_o be_v abroad_o in_o the_o world_n i_o question_v whether_o a_o person_n that_o be_v very_o amorous_a can_v take_v the_o pain_n to_o inform_v himself_o exact_o thereof_o for_o a_o sincere_a love_n find_v a_o man_n so_o much_o business_n that_o it_o take_v up_o his_o whole_a heart_n x._o for_o jealousy_n it_o be_v so_o far_o impossible_a to_o love_v and_o not_o be_v guilty_a of_o it_o that_o whoever_o can_v regulate_v it_o in_o his_o heart_n be_v master_n of_o his_o own_o affection_n and_o consequent_o have_v no_o great_a love_n for_o his_o mistress_n xi_o it_o be_v also_o my_o judgement_n that_o a_o man_n ought_v not_o to_o make_v it_o his_o profession_n to_o entertain_v all_o beauty_n with_o kind_a thing_n for_o when_o a_o man_n love_v but_o one_o he_o must_v have_v the_o less_o civility_n for_o all_o the_o rest_n he_o must_v at_o last_o so_o regulate_v it_o that_o it_o be_v not_o excessive_a nor_o yet_o dangerous_o interpret_v by_o the_o person_n he_o love_v xii_o as_o for_o that_o gallant-like_a subtlety_n which_o some_o be_v so_o much_o take_v with_o and_o be_v so_o much_o fear_v by_o other_o it_o be_v so_o hard_a to_o pitch_v upon_o a_o mediocrity_n between_o a_o dangerous_a raillery_n and_o simple_a mirth_n that_o i_o will_v not_o advise_v those_o to_o meddle_v with_o it_o on_o who_o nature_n have_v not_o bestow_v as_o on_o teramus_n that_o gift_n of_o insinuation_n which_o at_o the_o same_o time_n cause_v a_o love_n and_o a_o fear_n of_o of_o he_o that_o have_v it_o xiii_o for_o obedience_n if_o you_o deprive_v love_n of_o it_o you_o take_v away_o his_o empire_n for_o he_o that_o can_v disobey_v the_o person_n he_o love_v love_v she_o not_o and_o deserve_v not_o the_o name_n of_o lover_n fourteen_o for_o the_o last_o article_n i_o confess_v that_o he_o who_o think_v he_o may_v be_v always_o happy_a in_o love_v deserve_v to_o be_v account_v a_o mad_a man_n if_o he_o be_v not_o one_o but_o love_n be_v not_o a_o thing_n voluntary_a the_o torment_n that_o attend_v it_o be_v of_o the_o same_o nature_n whence_o i_o infer_v that_o teramus_n have_v only_o make_v it_o his_o business_n to_o instruct_v a_o please_a gallant_a and_o not_o a_o real_a lover_n though_o merigenes_n friend_n and_o i_o interrupt_v amilcar_n be_v not_o of_o the_o same_o sect_n since_o i_o agree_v with_o pleasant_a teramus_n yet_o i_o can_v but_o think_v he_o a_o person_n that_o be_v very_a understanding_n and_o will_v say_v know_v what_o manner_n of_o man_n he_o be_v for_o my_o part_n reply_v herminius_n though_o i_o be_o not_o of_o your_o opinion_n yet_o do_v i_o agree_v with_o you_o in_o that_o desire_n and_o for_o my_o part_n add_v octavius_n though_o i_o shall_v have_v wish_v not_o to_o be_v of_o merigenes_n sect_n yet_o shall_v i_o be_v glad_a to_o be_v acquaint_v with_o he_o for_o my_o part_n say_v personder_o i_o be_o so_o much_o take_v with_o a_o ardent_a affection_n that_o i_o love_v all_o those_o that_o be_v of_o my_o opinion_n
i_o have_v this_o confidence_n at_o least_o that_o it_o be_v impossible_a she_o shall_v not_o be_v please_v with_o my_o discretion_n let_v we_o then_o be_v content_a continue_v this_o unfortunate_a lover_n that_o we_o only_o know_v artelisa_n to_o be_v conscious_a of_o our_o innocence_n she_o amount_v to_o as_o much_o with_o we_o as_o all_o the_o world_n beside_o nay_o all_o the_o world_n can_v not_o ease_v we_o be_v she_o once_o incense_v against_o we_o let_v we_o therefore_o undergo_v our_o misfortune_n with_o patience_n the_o god_n be_v more_o just_a than_o not_o to_o discover_v our_o innocence_n by_o some_o way_n which_o may_v not_o prejudice_v that_o of_o artelisa_n and_o let_v we_o endeavour_v for_o our_o part_n to_o do_v some_o great_a action_n that_o may_v justify_v we_o whereupon_o melicrates_n resolve_v never_o to_o say_v any_o thing_n which_o may_v bring_v artelisa_n virtue_n into_o the_o least_o dispute_n he_o find_v a_o opportunity_n secret_o to_o write_v she_o a_o letter_n which_o contain_v these_o word_n melicrates_n to_o artelisa_n i_o must_v confess_v madam_n that_o caliante_n have_v love_v you_o beyond_o fortune_n since_o he_o embrace_v poverty_n for_o your_o sake_n and_o that_o alcimedes_n love_v you_o beyond_o his_o life_n since_o he_o will_v have_v kill_v himself_o out_o of_o despair_n but_o to_o do_v some_o thing_n great_a than_o all_o this_o you_o will_v find_v that_o i_o love_v you_o beyond_o glory_n though_o i_o be_o persuade_v it_o ought_v to_o be_v look_v on_o as_o a_o thing_n more_o precious_a in_o the_o account_n of_o a_o person_n of_o honour_n than_o either_o fortune_n or_o life_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n give_v i_o leave_v to_o entertain_v the_o comfort_n of_o hope_v that_o while_o i_o be_o look_v on_o as_o a_o criminal_a by_o all_o the_o world_n i_o shall_v be_v account_v innocent_a by_o the_o divine_a artelisa_n to_o who_o i_o infallible_o offer_v the_o great_a sacrifice_n that_o can_v be_v expect_v from_o a_o amorous_a heart_n this_o letter_n artelisa_n take_v extreme_a kind_o and_o according_o answer_v it_o with_o abundance_n of_o obligation_n as_o you_o shall_v perceive_v artelisa_n to_o melicrates_n your_o discretion_n have_v make_v i_o forget_v your_o boldness_n and_o the_o tender_a care_n you_o have_v of_o my_o innocence_n speak_v so_o much_o obligation_n that_o if_o i_o think_v your_o life_n in_o danger_n i_o shall_v be_v so_o generous_a as_o to_o hazard_v my_o reputation_n for_o your_o sake_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n assure_v yourself_o i_o send_v up_o my_o continual_a address_n to_o the_o god_n that_o they_o will_v be_v please_v to_o clear_v you_o without_o any_o necessity_n i_o shall_v accuse_v myself_o but_o the_o more_o they_o endeavour_v to_o discover_v of_o this_o adventure_n the_o more_o obscure_a it_o seem_v to_o be_v all_o the_o world_n will_v have_v justify_v melicrates_n except_v his_o rival_n but_o his_o silence_n argue_v so_o much_o against_o he_o that_o he_o can_v not_o be_v clear_v yet_o be_v there_o not_o evidence_n enough_o to_o condemn_v he_o so_o that_o be_v a_o person_n of_o quality_n and_o much_o favour_v by_o the_o prince_n and_o princess_n all_o the_o friend_n of_o the_o decease_a can_v obtain_v be_v that_o melicrates_n shall_v have_v the_o city_n for_o his_o prison_n for_o the_o space_n of_o six_o month_n during_o which_o time_n they_o may_v do_v what_o they_o can_v to_o find_v out_o more_o pregnant_a proof_n against_o he_o but_o melicrates_n desirous_a by_o do_v noble_a action_n to_o make_v it_o appear_v he_o can_v not_o be_v guilty_a of_o base_a one_o have_v meet_v with_o two_o of_o his_o enemy_n kindred_n one_o after_o another_o fight_v with_o they_o hurt_v they_o and_o disaxm_v they_o and_o have_v all_o the_o reputation_n he_o can_v expect_v for_o he_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o victory_n use_v much_o humanity_n though_o he_o fight_v against_o such_o as_o accuse_v he_o unjust_o but_o as_o man_n be_v very_o much_o subject_n to_o take_v all_o thing_n amiss_o and_o in_o the_o worst_a sense_n so_o do_v these_o two_o great_a action_n instead_o of_o justify_v melicrates_n very_o much_o heighten_v the_o suspicion_n that_o he_o be_v guilty_a of_o the_o murder_n of_o his_o enemy_n people_n think_v that_o it_o be_v his_o design_n by_o that_o mean_n to_o repair_v the_o crime_n wherein_o his_o malice_n have_v engage_v he_o so_o that_o melicrates_n know_v what_o man_n think_v of_o he_o will_v have_v fall_v into_o despair_n have_v he_o not_o have_v the_o satisfaction_n of_o be_v somewhat_o better_o treat_v by_o artelisa_n than_o he_o have_v be_v before_o but_o it_o be_v hard_o a_o lover_n shall_v receive_v any_o favour_n from_o his_o mistress_n but_o his_o rival_n must_v hear_v of_o it_o when_o there_o be_v not_o between_o he_o and_o her_o one_o of_o those_o indissolvable_a affection_n which_o require_v a_o reciprocal_a secrecy_n lisydas_n who_o be_v glad_a that_o melicrates_n be_v under_o such_o a_o cloud_n out_o of_o a_o fear_n he_o be_v in_o of_o he_o above_o all_o the_o rest_n come_v to_o understand_v that_o melicrates_n have_v never_o be_v so_o much_o in_o favour_n with_o artelisa_n as_o he_o be_v then_o so_o that_o notable_a to_o endure_v the_o injustice_n he_o think_v she_o do_v he_o he_o seek_v a_o opportunity_n to_o make_v his_o complaint_n to_o she_o of_o it_o and_o according_o have_v one_o day_n find_v she_o alone_o in_o her_o chamber_n he_o begin_v to_o represent_v unto_o she_o the_o long_a time_n that_o he_o have_v be_v her_o servant_n for_o it_o be_v true_a that_o he_o love_v she_o assoon_o as_o ever_o she_o begin_v to_o be_v capable_a of_o his_o love_n whereupon_o he_o earnest_o entreat_v she_o to_o say_v something_o to_o he_o that_o shall_v not_o afflict_v he_o assure_v she_o that_o she_o have_v not_o any_o lover_n who_o affection_n be_v as_o great_a as_o he_o for_o in_o fine_a say_v he_o to_o she_o caliante_n lose_v his_o estate_n for_o your_o sake_n have_v not_o do_v any_o thing_n which_o i_o shall_v not_o have_v as_o glad_o do_v have_v any_o occasion_n offer_v itself_o for_o alcimedes_n in_o be_v desirous_a to_o kill_v himself_o out_o of_o despair_n he_o have_v do_v less_o than_o i_o shall_v have_v you_o put_v i_o out_o of_o all_o hope_n for_o i_o shall_v die_v of_o grief_n without_o the_o assistance_n of_o a_o poniard_n and_o for_o melicrates_n add_v he_o in_o a_o accent_n express_v his_o contempt_n of_o he_o i_o do_v not_o see_v why_o you_o shall_v be_v so_o much_o persuade_v of_o the_o greatness_n of_o his_o affection_n unless_o you_o measure_v his_o love_n by_o his_o malice_n and_o that_o because_o he_o know_v well_o how_o to_o hate_v and_o revenge_v himself_o you_o imagine_v he_o know_v as_o well_o how_o to_o love_v and_o serve_v you_o ah_o lisydas_n reply_v artelisa_n a_o little_a angry_o and_o withal_o blush_v if_o you_o will_v not_o have_v i_o blame_v you_o insult_v not_o over_o a_o unfortunate_a man_n who_o i_o can_v believe_v any_o way_n guilty_a i_o can_v never_o have_v believe_v it_o madam_n reply_v lisydas_n cold_o that_o to_o gain_v your_o favour_n a_o man_n must_v be_v charge_v with_o assassinate_v no_o he_o must_v be_v innocent_a and_o unfortunate_a reply_v she_o to_o deserve_v my_o protection_n and_o since_o i_o conceive_v melicrates_n to_o be_v both_o you_o shall_v not_o think_v it_o strange_a if_o i_o take_v his_o part_n against_o you_o the_o apparent_a circumstance_n be_v very_o deceitful_a madam_n reply_v he_o if_o melicrates_n be_v innocent_a in_o fine_a madam_n innocent_a or_o guilty_a it_o matter_n not_o he_o be_v too_o happy_a to_o be_v so_o much_o in_o your_o favour_n and_o i_o be_o very_o unhappy_a to_o be_v so_o little_a after_o i_o have_v spend_v my_o whole_a life_n in_o serve_v you_o but_o when_o all_o be_v do_v though_o i_o must_v expect_v to_o be_v more_o slight_v than_o i_o be_o yet_o can_v i_o forbear_v tell_v you_o that_o you_o be_v very_o much_o to_o blame_v for_o multiply_v your_o favour_n on_o melicrates_n when_o all_o person_n of_o honour_n have_v abate_v he_o part_v of_o their_o esteem_n and_o therefore_o give_v i_o leave_v madam_n to_o advise_v you_o for_o your_o reputation_n sake_n to_o slight_v he_o at_o least_o as_o much_o as_o you_o do_v i_o i_o be_o content_a to_o be_v so_o much_o more_o than_o i_o have_v be_v conditional_o he_o be_v no_o less_o than_o i_o be_o for_o i_o can_v endure_v to_o hear_v you_o blame_v or_o that_o you_o shall_v love_v he_o artelisa_n perceive_v by_o this_o discourse_n more_o than_o by_o any_o thing_n before_o how_o much_o she_o be_v oblige_v to_o melicrates_n discretion_n be_v exasperate_v against_o lisydas_n and_o though_o she_o be_v satisfy_v that_o she_o do_v not_o well_o in_o blame_v he_o so_o much_o as_o she_o do_v yet_o not_o think_v it_o fit_a
have_v not_o he_o inform_v i_o of_o the_o death_n of_o the_o generous_a meriander_n the_o intelligence_n bring_v i_o of_o the_o voyage_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o messena_n will_v not_o have_v much_o trouble_v i_o but_o by_o what_o i_o understand_v say_v plotina_n you_o and_o merigenes_n have_v interchange_v sigh_n for_o sigh_n for_o if_o he_o acquaint_v you_o with_o the_o death_n of_o meriander_n you_o have_v inform_v he_o of_o that_o of_o lisydas_n and_o alcimedes_n in_o truth_n answer_v themistus_n he_o much_o deplore_v their_o fate_n but_o i_o must_v tell_v you_o interpose_v amilcar_n that_o sorrow_n of_o this_o nature_n be_v a_o thing_n very_o unprofitable_a at_o least_o to_o the_o person_n lament_v for_o to_o those_o that_o express_v it_o it_o be_v honourable_a make_v they_o esteem_v compassionate_a and_o constant_a and_o gain_v they_o the_o reputation_n of_o bear_v their_o friendship_n beyond_o the_o urn_n but_o to_o speak_v unfeigned_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o rare_a than_o true_a grief_n i_o must_v confess_v add_v plotina_n i_o be_o of_o amilcar_n opinion_n and_o believe_v that_o there_o be_v feign_v tear_n tear_n of_o custom_n and_o tear_n of_o decorum_n for_o my_o part_n say_v amilcar_n i_o remember_v i_o see_v a_o very_a excellent_a person_n die_v at_o carthage_n who_o be_v not_o grieve_v for_o by_o half_a those_o that_o lament_v he_o but_o can_v one_o lament_v without_o grief_n say_v valeria_n i_o can_v not_o do_v it_o for_o my_o part_n say_v collatina_n i_o have_v see_v it_o do_v more_o than_o once_o reply_v amilcar_n and_o if_o you_o will_v observe_v the_o general_a practice_n of_o the_o world_n you_o will_v be_v of_o the_o same_o belief_n with_o i_o for_o when_o people_n behold_v the_o death_n of_o some_o one_o who_o they_o conceive_v themselves_o oblige_v to_o sorrow_n for_o they_o bewail_v he_o and_o extol_v he_o and_o make_v show_v of_o go_v to_o condole_v with_o and_o comfort_v his_o relation_n but_o in_o the_o mean_a while_n if_o during_o the_o visit_n some_o one_o in_o the_o company_n relate_v some_o pleasant_a story_n it_o be_v listen_v to_o paraphrase_v on_o and_o laugh_v at_o after_o which_o the_o mourner_n walk_v abroad_o make_v visit_n and_o be_v altogether_o after_o their_o ordinary_a manner_n till_o behold_v the_o particular_a friend_n or_o kindred_n of_o the_o decease_a their_o tear_n be_v renew_v and_o their_o sigh_n and_o melancholy_a act_v over_o again_o and_o because_o when_o this_o be_v past_a he_o be_v never_o speak_v nor_o think_v of_o more_o i_o can_v but_o believe_v that_o they_o which_o do_v thing_n that_o have_v so_o little_a affinity_n with_o grief_n can_v have_v no_o true_a grief_n at_o all_o for_o to_o return_v to_o that_o person_n of_o great_a worth_n who_o i_o behold_v die_v at_o carthage_n and_o who_o be_v so_o much_o regret_v i_o assure_v you_o i_o see_v woman_n who_o be_v scarce_o know_v to_o he_o in_o his_o life_n out_o of_o vanity_n and_o to_o make_v it_o believe_v he_o be_v their_o great_a friend_n that_o habit_v themselves_o careless_o for_o two_o or_o three_o day_n and_o go_v from_o house_n to_o house_n ask_v if_o they_o do_v lament_v he_o speak_v of_o he_o with_o a_o certain_a familiarity_n full_a of_o tenderness_n sufficient_a to_o deceive_v such_o as_o have_v not_o the_o spirit_n of_o discernment_n which_o be_v so_o necessary_a to_o live_v well_o in_o the_o world_n and_o which_o be_v rare_a these_o fair_a mourner_n the_o same_o day_n they_o speak_v thus_o piteous_o go_v at_o evening_n to_o hear_v music_n and_o to_o make_v collation_n and_o revel_n they_o pretend_v indeed_o that_o they_o go_v thither_o only_o to_o divert_v their_o mind_n from_o their_o sorrow_n for_o true_o say_v they_o with_o a_o languish_a voice_n shall_v not_o we_o see_v some_o body_n and_o constrain_v ourselves_o we_o shall_v die_v of_o grief_n and_o will_v not_o you_o now_o consent_v with_o i_o that_o grief_n be_v sometime_o very_o suspicious_a and_o seldom_o true_a and_o that_o to_o speak_v thing_n as_o they_o be_v there_o be_v as_o little_a true_a grief_n as_o there_o be_v true_a friendship_n the_o measure_n of_o the_o one_o answer_v herminius_n be_v without_o doubt_v the_o measure_n of_o the_o other_o for_o only_o their_o loss_n be_v much_o resent_v who_o be_v much_o belove_v but_o above_o all_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o excellent_a than_o to_o preseve_v the_o memory_n of_o one_o friend_n i_o intend_v not_o to_o speak_v of_o those_o mourning_n which_o do_v nothing_o but_o pour_v forth_o stream_n of_o tear_n which_o be_v rather_o a_o effect_n of_o the_o weakness_n of_o their_o reason_n that_o shed_v they_o than_o of_o the_o excess_n of_o their_o regret_n but_o i_o mean_v they_o that_o retain_v a_o long_a and_o prudent_a sorrow_n who_o during_o their_o whole_a life_n do_v all_o they_o be_v able_a to_o do_v for_o their_o dead_a friend_n in_o the_o condition_n they_o be_v in_o that_o be_v by_o speak_v always_o of_o they_o with_o esteem_n defend_v their_o past_a action_n with_o zeal_n serve_v they_o who_o they_o will_v have_v serve_v have_v they_o live_v love_v those_o who_o they_o love_v and_o never_o forget_v they_o that_o which_o you_o say_v reply_v plotina_n be_v without_o doubt_n very_o excellent_a but_o if_o there_o be_v few_o people_n that_o can_v deplore_v their_o friend_n in_o this_o manner_n there_o be_v few_o friend_n that_o deserve_v to_o be_v lament_v so_o all_o the_o company_n assent_v to_o the_o opinion_n of_o plotina_n she_o take_v leave_v of_o they_o because_o it_o be_v now_o very_o late_o the_o next_o day_n valerius_n in_o order_n to_o execute_v the_o design_n he_o have_v to_o intimate_v to_o the_o people_n that_o he_o do_v not_o misdoubt_v the_o success_n of_o the_o war_n after_o he_o come_v out_o of_o the_o senate_n go_v to_o see_v his_o workman_n which_o he_o employ_v in_o finish_v his_o house_n on_o the_o mount_n velia_n where_o he_o dwell_v already_o for_o there_o be_v more_o than_o half_a of_o it_o complete_v and_o to_o execute_v his_o purpose_n he_o add_v half_a as_o many_o more_o to_o the_o workman_n that_o have_v hitherto_o labour_v in_o his_o structure_n so_o that_o there_o be_v see_v nothing_o but_o burden_a slave_n along_o the_o way_n lead_v to_o it_o go_v and_o come_v continual_o to_o carry_v thing_n necessary_a to_o the_o builder_n valerius_n also_o judge_v it_o not_o fit_a in_o the_o conjuncture_n of_o affair_n to_o motion_n so_o soon_o the_o election_n of_o a_o new_a consul_n in_o the_o place_n of_o the_o illustrious_a brutus_n for_o fear_v lest_o give_v a_o occasion_n of_o a_o contest_v in_o the_o senate_n there_o may_v be_v some_o commotion_n which_o may_v be_v attend_v with_o dangerous_a consequence_n when_o it_o shall_v come_v to_o be_v know_v that_o porsenna_n protect_v tarquin_n he_o advise_v with_o the_o most_o prudent_a of_o those_o that_o understand_v affair_n and_o do_v nothing_o but_o what_o they_o counsel_v he_o to_o but_o as_o the_o rule_n of_o prudence_n can_v never_o be_v infallible_a when_o the_o deliberation_n be_v concern_v what_o the_o people_n will_v or_o will_v not_o do_v the_o wisdom_n and_o virtue_n of_o valerius_n be_v not_o powerful_a enough_o to_o hinder_v but_o that_o what_o he_o do_v with_o the_o best_a and_o most_o innocent_a intention_n in_o the_o world_n be_v interpret_v to_o his_o disadvantage_n within_o five_o or_o six_o day_n after_o the_o arrival_n of_o zenocrates_n the_o news_n of_o the_o return_n of_o aronce_n to_o clusium_n and_o the_o alliance_n of_o tarquin_n with_o the_o king_n of_o etruria_n be_v know_v by_o all_o the_o people_n who_o instead_o of_o take_v heart_n from_o the_o tranquillity_n that_o appear_v in_o the_o mind_n of_o valerius_n and_o the_o several_a order_n he_o have_v give_v that_o the_o force_n shall_v be_v in_o a_o expedite_a condition_n begin_v to_o repine_v very_o loud_o it_o be_v true_a some_o of_o tarquin_n creature_n serve_v secret_o to_o irritate_fw-la the_o mind_n of_o the_o multitude_n some_o say_v it_o be_v easy_a to_o observe_v that_o valerius_n mind_v himself_o more_o than_o the_o public_a good_a in_o that_o he_o build_v so_o magnificent_a a_o house_n in_o a_o time_n wherein_o the_o newborn_a republic_n stand_v in_o need_n that_o all_o the_o roman_n shall_v contribute_v a_o part_n of_o their_o estate_n towards_o sustain_v the_o charge_n of_o the_o war._n other_o that_o it_o appear_v enough_o that_o he_o hate_v the_o king_n more_o than_o royalty_n since_o it_o appear_v he_o have_v a_o design_n of_o reign_v like_o a_o sovereign_n in_o that_o he_o speak_v nothing_o of_o make_v a_o election_n of_o another_o consul_n and_o that_o he_o cause_v more_o than_o ordinary_a diligence_n and_o haste_n to_o be_v use_v about_o a_o house_n which_o may_v become_v a_o impregnable_a citadel_n when_o he_o will_v fortify_v it_o
think_v and_o at_o last_o intimate_v that_o he_o doubt_v not_o but_o that_o hortensius_n love_v elismonda_n and_o she_o he_o that_o he_o have_v betray_v he_o and_o complot_v to_o reign_v in_o some_o place_n or_o other_o either_o in_o the_o country_n of_o elis_n or_o that_o of_o messena_n this_o discourse_n of_o melanthus_n seem_v ground_v upon_o very_o strong_a presumption_n andronice_n know_v not_o what_o to_o answer_v she_o have_v great_a kindness_n and_o gratitude_n for_o her_o deliverer_n but_o yet_o be_v at_o a_o loss_n what_o to_o conjecture_v concern_v the_o adventure_n of_o the_o picture_n she_o call_v to_o mind_n she_o have_v upon_o divers_a occasion_n observe_v hortensius_n have_v a_o very_a tender_a affection_n towards_o elismonda_n nevertheless_o she_o have_v so_o great_a a_o opinion_n of_o his_o virtue_n that_o she_o can_v not_o believe_v he_o capable_a of_o perfidiousness_n but_o though_o she_o desire_v to_o excuse_v he_o she_o can_v find_v nothing_o to_o say_v in_o his_o defence_n in_o reference_n to_o his_o love_n of_o elismonda_n of_o which_o the_o picture_n be_v a_o convince_a testimony_n but_o as_o for_o the_o design_n of_o reign_v she_o tell_v the_o prince_n there_o be_v no_o appearance_n hortensius_n ever_o have_v a_o thought_n of_o it_o but_o on_o the_o contrary_n answer_v melanthus_n i_o believe_v he_o be_v in_o love_n only_o because_o he_o be_v ambitious_a and_o to_o speak_v without_o prejudice_n it_o must_v be_v confess_v fortune_n have_v in_o a_o manner_n force_v he_o to_o be_v so_o for_o that_o which_o he_o do_v in_o acknowledgement_n of_o the_o obligation_n he_o have_v to_o you_o be_v the_o cause_n i_o receive_v he_o at_o first_o with_o a_o extraordinary_a goodness_n after_o which_o his_o valour_n prove_v fortunate_a he_o see_v himself_o in_o a_o short_a time_n become_v more_o powerful_a than_o myself_o by_o the_o credit_n i_o give_v he_o in_o my_o heart_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n this_o unworthy_a person_n as_o he_o be_v betray_v i_o in_o the_o most_o cruel_a manner_n in_o the_o world_n of_o all_o that_o i_o have_v conquer_v and_o of_o all_o that_o i_o can_v ever_o conquer_v add_v he_o i_o desire_v only_o the_o heart_n of_o elismonda_n which_o he_o deprive_v i_o of_o under_o pretence_n of_o gain_v it_o for_o i_o and_o by_o a_o most_o horrid_a perfidiousness_n use_v the_o permission_n i_o give_v he_o to_o see_v elismonda_n to_o draw_v she_o to_o love_v himself_o to_o make_v she_o hate_v i_o and_o to_o contrive_v with_o she_o without_o doubt_n how_o to_o possess_v himself_o of_o the_o principality_n of_o elis_n and_o perhaps_o to_o poniard_n i_o but_o my_o lord_n reply_v andronice_n if_o there_o have_v be_v any_o intimacy_n between_o hortensius_n and_o the_o princess_n elismonda_n he_o will_v not_o have_v commit_v the_o prank_n of_o the_o picture_n not_o if_o he_o have_v have_v discretion_n answer_v melanthus_n but_o love_n and_o ambition_n blind_v he_o and_o believe_v it_o impossible_a i_o shall_v discover_v it_o be_v he_o he_o make_v himself_o pleasant_a at_o my_o cost_n in_o short_a add_v he_o to_o understand_v more_o clear_o whether_o he_o be_v as_o much_o love_v as_o he_o love_v i_o will_v go_v myself_o and_o inform_v elismonda_n of_o the_o danger_n hortensius_n be_v in_o and_o dissemble_v my_o choler_n at_o first_o if_o i_o can_v to_o the_o end_n it_o may_v not_o hinder_v she_o from_o manifest_v her_o sorrow_n and_o i_o may_v the_o better_o sound_v the_o secret_a of_o her_o soul_n but_o my_o lord_n answer_v andronice_n do_v not_o seek_v to_o torment_v yourself_o give_v i_o commission_n to_o discover_v the_o sentiment_n of_o the_o princess_n of_o elis_n and_o go_v not_o about_o to_o judge_v of_o she_o by_o deceitful_a conjecture_n for_o be_v it_o possible_a she_o shall_v be_v otherwise_o than_o afflict_a with_o the_o danger_n hortensius_n be_v in_o though_o she_o have_v see_v he_o only_o twice_o no_o no_o reply_v the_o incense_a prince_n i_o will_v be_v the_o spy_n myself_o and_o if_o i_o discover_v that_o elismonda_n love_v hortensius_n as_o i_o scarce_o doubt_v it_o i_o will_v then_o redouble_v all_o the_o revenge_n i_o be_o prepare_v for_o that_o ungrateful_a person_n who_o have_v so_o horrid_o betray_v i_o have_v speak_v this_o he_o go_v immediate_o to_o the_o apartment_n of_o the_o princess_n of_o elis._n andronice_n will_v have_v be_v glad_a he_o have_v not_o go_v thither_o without_o she_o but_o he_o will_v not_o permit_v she_o to_o accompany_v he_o when_o he_o enter_v into_o elismonda_n chamber_n she_o be_v speak_v to_o cleontine_n and_o wonder_v she_o have_v not_o see_v hortensius_n all_o the_o day_n and_o speak_v this_o something_o aloud_o melanthus_n overhear_v the_o name_n of_o hortensius_n at_o which_o he_o blush_v with_o indignation_n and_o change_v his_o resolution_n of_o dissemble_v his_o sentiment_n approach_v towards_o the_o princess_n of_o elis_n and_o look_v upon_o she_o attentive_o he_o that_o you_o mention_v madam_n say_v he_o to_o she_o be_v not_o in_o a_o condition_n to_o make_v you_o a_o visit_n for_o he_o be_v wound_v very_o dangerous_o in_o several_a place_n oh_o god_n cry_v elismonda_n hasty_o turn_v pale_a with_o fear_n into_o what_o mischievous_a adventure_n be_v the_o generous_a hortensius_n fall_v you_o give_v he_o a_o title_n that_o so_o ill_o befit_v he_o madam_n say_v melanthus_n that_o to_o prevent_v your_o overmuch_o commiserate_v he_o i_o must_v declare_v to_o you_o that_o he_o be_v the_o most_o temerarious_a and_o perfidious_a person_n in_o the_o world_n i_o have_v always_o find_v he_o so_o respectful_a reply_v she_o and_o i_o know_v he_o serve_v you_o so_o faithful_o that_o i_o can_v scarce_o believe_v he_o merit_v to_o be_v style_v perfidious_a and_o temerarious_a when_o i_o shall_v tell_v you_o answer_v he_o that_o he_o be_v amorous_a of_o you_o that_o it_o be_v he_o that_o steal_v your_o picture_n and_o make_v the_o four_o verse_n which_o give_v you_o such_o curiosity_n you_o must_v necessary_o agree_v with_o i_o concern_v his_o audaciousness_n and_o when_o i_o shall_v moreover_o add_v that_o i_o know_v that_o instead_o of_o endeavour_v to_o promote_v my_o interest_n with_o you_o he_o have_v only_o contrive_v to_o serve_v himself_o notwithstanding_o whatever_o hatred_n you_o bear_v against_o i_o you_o will_v be_v oblige_v to_o confess_v that_o in_o reference_n to_o i_o he_o be_v a_o perfidious_a person_n which_o deserve_v a_o thousand_o punishment_n and_o in_o relation_n to_o yourself_o a_o audacious_a one_o that_o be_v unworthy_a of_o the_o goodness_n you_o have_v for_o he_o i_o know_v not_o my_o lord_n reply_v she_o who_o have_v misinform_v you_o that_o hortensius_n be_v my_o lover_n but_o i_o can_v swear_v to_o you_o with_o truth_n that_o if_o he_o be_v so_o he_o have_v make_v a_o great_a secret_a of_o it_o to_o i_o and_o have_v speak_v a_o thousand_o and_o a_o thousand_o thing_n to_o i_o in_o your_o favour_n which_o a_o lover_n use_v not_o to_o speak_v in_o behalf_n of_o his_o rival_n and_o as_o for_o the_o picture_n you_o mention_v if_o hortensius_n take_v it_o away_o can_v he_o be_v sufficient_o imprudent_a to_o show_v it_o or_o tell_v it_o to_o any_o no_o madam_n answer_v he_o but_o he_o have_v be_v unhappy_a enough_o to_o lose_v it_o after_o he_o be_v wound_v in_o kill_a attalus_n with_o who_o he_o fight_v yes_o madam_n with_o my_o own_o eye_n i_o see_v the_o picture_n fall_v and_o i_o be_v he_o that_o take_v it_o up_o without_o his_o know_v it_o and_o to_o complete_a the_o conviction_n of_o his_o perfidiousness_n i_o have_v cause_v his_o cabinet_n to_o be_v open_v and_o have_v there_o find_v divers_a thing_n of_o the_o same_o hand_n he_o make_v use_v of_o to_o write_v the_o four_o verse_n so_o that_o madam_n it_o be_v beyond_o all_o doubt_n that_o hortensius_n be_v a_o unworthy_a and_o a_o ungrateful_a traitor_n and_o the_o question_n be_v only_o to_o know_v whether_o you_o be_v a_o complice_n of_o his_o crime_n if_o i_o believe_v he_o concern_v the_o rigour_n you_o have_v against_o i_o add_v the_o prince_n you_o not_o only_o know_v that_o hortensius_n love_v you_o but_o you_o love_v he_o and_o i_o know_v not_o whether_o after_o he_o inform_v you_o of_o the_o pretend_a prediction_n which_o say_v he_o must_v reign_v one_o day_n in_o some_o place_n you_o have_v not_o complot_v something_o against_o i_o in_o hope_n he_o may_v restore_v elis_n to_o you_o and_o hinder_v i_o from_o take_v pisa_n my_o lord_n answer_v elismonda_n with_o extreme_a prudence_n i_o shall_v not_o stand_v to_o deny_v that_o hortensius_n be_v amorous_a of_o i_o for_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o sincere_o i_o know_v nothing_o of_o it_o though_o i_o shall_v withal_o tell_v you_o that_o it_o seem_v to_o i_o not_o impossible_a because_o he_o have_v appear_v real_o to_o interess_n himself_o
some_o of_o aronces_n friend_n will_v discover_v it_o to_o he_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o shall_v be_v at_o liberty_n no_o question_n my_o lord_n answer_v clelia_n you_o may_v publish_v your_o resolution_n to_o all_o the_o world_n but_o you_o can_v never_o alter_v that_o which_o i_o have_v make_v never_o to_o be_v possess_v by_o any_o person_n if_o i_o can_v be_v by_o aronce_n clelius_fw-la be_v transport_v with_o very_a much_o violence_n at_o these_o word_n and_o leave_v clelia_n in_o incredible_a sorrow_n it_o be_v true_a sulpitia_n comfort_v she_o with_o extreme_a goodness_n for_o be_v she_o love_v aronoes_n and_o hate_v horatius_n she_o interest_v herself_o in_o the_o affliction_n of_o clelia_n and_o omit_v nothing_o conducive_a to_o her_o consolation_n octavius_z likewise_o give_v she_o all_o the_o occasion_n in_o the_o world_n to_o commend_v his_o generosity_n but_o in_o fine_a aronce_n be_v absent_a and_o prisoner_n and_o if_o he_o be_v set_v at_o liberty_n she_o judge_v it_o will_v be_v only_o to_o manage_v the_o war_n against_o rome_n and_o so_o she_o shall_v become_v more_o miserable_a she_o likewise_o fear_v lest_o time_n may_v change_v the_o heart_n of_o aronce_n and_o horatius_n return_v to_o be_v as_o violent_a as_o he_o have_v former_o be_v whereby_o find_v no_o advantage_n either_o in_o peace_n or_o war_n she_o perpetual_o find_v herself_o unhappy_a but_o if_o she_o be_v unfortunate_a aronce_n enjoy_v no_o felicity_n for_o it_o be_v true_a the_o queen_n his_o mother_n accompany_v with_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n go_v to_o he_o in_o the_o island_n of_o saules_n to_o propound_v to_o he_o in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o king_n either_o to_o resolve_v upon_o perpetual_a imprisonment_n or_o to_o take_v arm_n against_o rome_n in_o favour_n of_o tarquin_n the_o very_a first_o think_v of_o change_v his_o side_n excite_v horror_n in_o he_o especial_o when_o he_o reflect_v that_o he_o shall_v see_v himself_o with_o his_o sword_n in_o his_o hand_n against_o the_o father_n of_o clelia_n and_o so_o many_o of_o his_o illustrious_a friend_n but_o when_o he_o proceed_v to_o consider_v that_o his_o rival_n be_v at_o rome_n for_o he_o have_v be_v inform_v of_o his_o deliverance_n and_o imagine_v that_o during_o his_o imprisonment_n horatius_n may_v make_v advantage_n of_o his_o misfortune_n he_o conclude_v nothing_o can_v be_v more_o prejudicial_a to_o he_o than_o to_o continue_v in_o prison_n know_v therefore_o that_o the_o queen_n his_o mother_n and_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n favour_v his_o interest_n and_o be_v inform_v of_o his_o passion_n he_o will_v not_o conceal_v his_o sentiment_n from_o they_o i_o beseech_v you_o madam_n say_v he_o to_o galerita_n remember_v that_o i_o be_o in_o the_o same_o prison_n where_o love_n heretofore_o occasion_v your_o confinement_n recall_v all_o the_o dearness_n you_o have_v have_v for_o the_o king_n and_o compassionate_a the_o condition_n of_o a_o unfortunate_a person_n who_o lose_v his_o liberty_n before_o he_o know_v he_o owe_v his_o life_n to_o you_o consider_v the_o deplorable_a strait_n i_o be_o at_o present_a in_o if_o i_o obey_v the_o king_n i_o shall_v see_v myself_o with_o sword_n in_o hand_n against_o the_o father_n of_o clelia_n and_o be_v oblige_v to_o serve_v tarquin_n and_o sextus_n to_o the_o utmost_a of_o my_o power_n who_o have_v be_v and_o perhaps_o still_o be_v lover_n of_o the_o person_n that_o i_o love_v and_o both_o her_o persecutor_n and_o i_o if_o i_o seek_v to_o escape_v out_o of_o prison_n and_o put_v myself_o into_o rome_n i_o commit_v a_o action_n horrible_o criminal_a against_o the_o king_n my_o father_n and_o i_o side_n with_o horatius_n who_o be_v a_o formidable_a rival_n and_o if_o i_o continue_v in_o prison_n i_o do_v nothing_o either_o for_o the_o king_n or_o clelia_n or_o myself_o nothing_o against_o horatius_n or_o tarquin_n and_o only_o suffer_v unprofitable_o thus_o i_o find_v myself_o in_o a_o estate_n more_o miserable_a than_o ever_o any_o lover_n fall_v into_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n desirous_a at_o least_o to_o give_v aronce_n some_o consolation_n inform_v he_o that_o the_o prince_n of_o numidia_n have_v cease_v to_o be_v a_o prince_n and_o be_v brother_n to_o clelia_n though_o conceal_v from_o he_o the_o report_n that_o he_o have_v wound_v he_o which_o she_o understand_v from_o artemidorus_n and_o zenocrates_n for_o fear_n to_o afflict_v he_o if_o it_o be_v so_o answer_v aronce_n i_o shall_v have_v lose_v a_o rival_n and_o gain_v a_o protector_n for_o i_o have_v no_o reason_n to_o doubt_v but_o that_o between_o horatius_n and_o i_o the_o generous_a brother_n of_o clelia_n will_v declare_v himself_o to_o my_o advantage_n alas_o say_v galerita_n then_o sigh_v what_o will_v it_o be_v the_o better_a for_o you_o by_o his_o declare_v to_o your_o advantage_n if_o fortune_n be_v against_o you_o for_o in_o brief_a to_o tell_v you_o the_o state_n of_o matter_n in_o reality_n i_o have_v order_n from_o the_o king_n to_o offer_v you_o liberty_n and_o his_o favour_n on_o condition_n you_o will_v marry_v the_o daughter_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o cere_fw-la who_o be_v propound_v to_o he_o by_o tarquin_n no_o other_o assurance_n he_o say_v be_v to_o be_v have_v of_o you_o after_o your_o once_o already_o escape_v from_o his_o court_n ah_o madam_n cry_v aronce_n i_o will_v die_v a_o thousand_o time_n rather_o than_o do_v what_o the_o king_n propound_v to_o i_o i_o prefer_v die_v incomparable_o before_o injure_v my_o love_n and_o my_o honor._n yet_o in_o the_o condition_n wherein_o i_o be_o at_o present_a it_o be_v so_o difficult_a to_o do_v any_o thing_n for_o the_o first_o without_o violation_n of_o the_o latter_a that_o death_n be_v the_o sole_a remedy_n i_o be_o able_a to_o imagine_v cease_v therefore_o madam_n add_v this_o afflict_a prince_n cease_v from_o have_v any_o long_a kindness_n for_o i_o since_o i_o can_v do_v nothing_o but_o occasion_n sorrow_n to_o those_o that_o love_v i_o hope_n be_v so_o sweet_a a_o good_a answer_v the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n that_o it_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v cast_v off_o so_o easy_o wherefore_o i_o wish_v you_o will_v leave_v the_o queen_n the_o power_n to_o manage_v the_o interest_n of_o your_o love_n and_o your_o honour_n without_o be_v solicitous_a what_o she_o intend_v to_o report_v to_o the_o king_n alas_o madam_n reply_v aronce_n sad_o it_o be_v extreme_o difficult_a to_o retain_v hope_n in_o a_o condition_n resemble_v i_o when_o reason_n be_v as_o yet_o not_o whole_o lose_v however_o it_o be_v say_v galerita_n leave_v yourself_o to_o be_v guide_v by_o i_o unless_o you_o intend_v your_o own_o destruction_n but_o madam_n say_v he_o what_o can_v i_o or_o what_o can_v you_o yourself_o do_v i_o can_v tell_v the_o king_n answer_v she_o that_o you_o be_v in_o despair_n not_o to_o find_v your_o soul_n capable_a to_o yield_v so_o ready_a obedience_n but_o madam_n interrupt_v aronce_n i_o will_v never_o obey_v he_o if_o he_o always_o command_v i_o not_o to_o love_v clelia_n have_v patience_n answer_v galerita_n and_o suffer_v i_o to_o end_v what_o i_o be_v speak_v i_o intend_v add_v she_o to_o inform_v the_o king_n as_o i_o tell_v you_o and_o endeavour_v to_o persuade_v he_o to_o permit_v you_o the_o liberty_n of_o be_v guard_v only_o in_o his_o palace_n and_o to_o suffer_v all_o that_o please_v to_o come_v to_o visit_v you_o but_o what_o will_v be_v the_o advantage_n of_o that_o reply_v aronce_n since_o i_o resolve_v not_o to_o marry_v the_o daughter_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o cere_fw-la while_o matter_n be_v at_o that_o pass_n answer_v galerita_n it_o shall_v be_v attempt_v to_o cause_v the_o king_n to_o alter_v his_o sentiment_n and_o in_o case_n he_o persist_v in_o they_o it_o will_v be_v expedient_a to_o have_v recourse_n to_o a_o artifice_n which_o i_o have_v contrive_v wherein_o the_o assistance_n of_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n be_v absolute_o necessary_a if_o it_o be_v madam_n say_v this_o generous_a princess_n you_o need_v only_o to_o inform_v i_o what_o i_o ought_v to_o do_v and_o i_o will_v obey_v you_o immediate_o it_o be_v only_o desire_v of_o you_o answer_v galerita_n that_o you_o will_v come_v and_o see_v aronce_n as_o often_o as_o i_o shall_v visit_v he_o and_o in_o the_o next_o place_n it_o will_v be_v requisite_a for_o he_o to_o act_v as_o if_o he_o be_v become_v amorous_a of_o you_o and_o be_v you_o be_v not_o in_o a_o condition_n to_o dispose_v of_o yourself_o so_o long_o as_o you_o be_v at_o difference_n with_o the_o prince_n of_o leontium_n the_o matter_n will_v be_v protract_v a_o long_a time_n porsenna_n who_o seek_v to_o cause_v aronce_n to_o marry_v the_o daughter_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o cere_fw-la only_o to_o extinguish_v his_o passion_n for_o clelia_n
extreme_a handsome_a answer_v anacreon_n but_o be_v i_o be_o a_o stranger_n and_o have_v nothing_o to_o give_v some_o other_o invention_n must_v be_v devise_v to_o employ_v chance_n in_o a_o divertise_v manner_n according_o herminius_n and_o amilcar_n be_v agree_v with_o he_o concern_v all_o thing_n herminius_n take_v upon_o he_o the_o execution_n of_o they_o and_o anacreon_n and_o amilcar_n re_fw-mi unite_v with_o the_o company_n but_o by_o the_o way_n they_o behold_v together_o in_o a_o walk_n the_o person_n who_o be_v wont_a to_o speak_v too_o much_o and_o he_o who_o use_v to_o speak_v too_o little_a who_o be_v constrain_v to_o be_v a_o part_n by_o themselves_o by_o reason_n plotina_n have_v rid_v herself_o of_o they_o and_o every_o one_o avoid_v he_o that_o be_v over_o talkative_a and_o no_o body_n care_v for_o he_o that_o be_v little_o better_a than_o a_o mute_a amilcar_n take_v notice_n of_o they_o tell_v anacreon_n the_o different_a humour_n of_o those_o two_o man_n which_o be_v well_o match_v together_o since_o the_o first_o be_v always_o speak_v and_o the_o other_o scarce_o ever_o speak_v at_o all_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n clelius_fw-la be_v send_v for_o away_o by_o the_o consul_n horatius_n the_o company_n become_v more_o free_a for_o sulpitia_n be_v one_o of_o those_o lady_n who_o virtue_n be_v not_o severe_a and_o who_o never_o interrupt_v the_o divertisement_n of_o young_a person_n provide_v they_o exceed_v not_o decency_n and_o beside_o have_v live_v so_o long_a a_o time_n in_o africa_n she_o be_v thereby_o become_v something_o less_o rigid_a now_o all_o these_o little_a company_n be_v again_o assemble_v in_o a_o large_a round_a place_n beset_v about_o with_o seat_n they_o all_o sit_v down_o and_o make_v a_o very_a gallant_a appearance_n for_o the_o lady_n have_v walk_v for_o some_o time_n the_o colour_n of_o their_o complexion_n appear_v more_o fresh_a and_o vivid_v when_o they_o come_v to_o lift_v up_o their_o veil_n but_o though_o all_o the_o lady_n present_a be_v very_o fair_a yet_o the_o beauty_n of_o clelia_n much_o transcend_v that_o of_o all_o the_o rest_n though_o she_o be_v not_o at_o that_o time_n possess_v with_o all_o the_o joy_n necessary_a to_o set_v off_o and_o enliven_v a_o great_a beauty_n the_o man_n be_v sometime_o sit_v sometime_o stand_v and_o sometime_o upon_o their_o knee_n before_o the_o lady_n according_a as_o they_o please_v but_o be_v clidamira_n and_o berelisa_n be_v stranger_n clelia_n and_o valeria_n be_v very_o careful_a to_o entertain_v they_o as_o likewise_o to_o discourse_v with_o anacreon_n for_o though_o the_o language_n he_o use_v be_v something_o break_v because_o he_o learn_v the_o roman_a tongue_n in_o sicily_n yet_o he_o speak_v so_o agreeable_o that_o all_o the_o world_n take_v pleasure_n in_o hear_v he_o for_o he_o discourse_v of_o a_o hundred_o different_a thing_n and_o always_o admirable_o well_o i_o beseech_v you_o say_v clelia_n to_o berelisa_n be_v please_v to_o tell_v i_o what_o country_n anacreon_n be_v of_o he_o be_v of_o one_o of_o those_o island_n which_o be_v general_o call_v the_o cyclades_n answer_v she_o and_o be_v bear_v in_o teia_n which_o be_v not_o far_o from_o delos_n but_o have_v spend_v a_o great_a part_n of_o his_o life_n at_o samos_n in_o the_o court_n of_o polycrates_n by_o who_o he_o be_v very_o much_o belove_v yet_o love_v subvert_v his_o favour_n with_o he_o after_o a_o while_n be_v it_o because_o he_o be_v rival_n to_o the_o prince_n say_z valeria_z there_o be_v probability_n of_o it_o answer_v berelisa_n but_o i_o know_v not_o exact_o for_o though_o anacreon_n have_v testify_v much_o kindness_n to_o clidamira_n and_o i_o yet_o we_o observe_v he_o care_v not_o to_o make_v we_o privy_a to_o his_o love_n and_o all_o i_o know_v concern_v it_o be_v that_o he_o tell_v we_o polycrates_n one_o day_n cause_v several_a eminent_a lady_n of_o his_o court_n to_o dance_v before_o he_o attire_v like_o god_n and_o goddess_n and_o nymph_n and_o muse_n there_o be_v one_o person_n that_o represent_v apollo_n who_o so_o affect_v his_o heart_n that_o he_o commend_v only_o she_o by_o reason_n of_o which_o polycrates_n afterward_o conceive_v so_o horrid_a a_o jealousy_n that_o transport_v with_o indignation_n and_o fury_n against_o this_o fair_a person_n who_o he_o suspect_v to_o correspond_v with_o his_o passion_n he_o cause_v her_o hair_n to_o be_v cut_v off_o to_o the_o end_n she_o may_v appear_v less_o fair_a in_o the_o eye_n of_o anacreon_n who_o become_v so_o afflict_v at_o it_o that_o to_o eternise_v the_o memory_n of_o that_o lovely_a hair_n he_o make_v the_o handsome_a verse_n in_o the_o world_n upon_o that_o subject_n i_o have_v hear_v this_o adventure_n relate_v after_o another_o way_n say_v amilcar_n who_o be_v present_a but_o since_o you_o know_v it_o from_o anacreon_n you_o ought_v to_o be_v believe_v for_o my_o part_n interrupt_v anacreon_n not_o know_v what_o amilcar_n be_v speak_v of_o i_o conceive_v it_o good_a to_o doubt_v of_o every_o thing_n nevertheless_o say_v clelia_n your_o aspect_n do_v not_o speak_v you_o of_o a_o distrustful_a mind_n you_o have_v reason_n answer_v he_o but_o to_o show_v you_o that_o i_o easy_o doubt_v of_o what_o be_v tell_v i_o i_o even_o doubt_v whether_o what_o i_o speak_v last_o be_v rational_a or_o not_o and_o i_o can_v present_o name_v above_o one_o thing_n that_o i_o do_v not_o doubt_v of_o which_o be_v that_o you_o be_v the_o fair_a person_n that_o ever_o i_o behold_v anacreon_n speak_v this_o with_o such_o a_o air_n say_v clidamira_n that_o i_o believe_v he_o will_v short_o love_v you_o as_o much_o as_o he_o love_v rose_n though_o he_o love_v they_o sufficient_o to_o give_v they_o immortality_n by_o his_o write_n and_o indeed_o add_v berelisa_n he_o have_v compose_v verse_n extreme_o pleasant_a only_o upon_o the_o prerogative_n and_o excellency_n of_o rose_n no_o question_n say_v anacreon_n i_o prefer_v rose_n above_o all_o other_o flower_n but_o it_o be_v not_o the_o spring_n alone_o that_o cause_v i_o to_o have_v such_o a_o peculiar_a affection_n for_o they_o but_o some_o other_o i_o can_v tell_v what_o thing_n add_v he_o smile_v which_o have_v great_a resemblance_n with_o the_o spring_n namely_o say_v amilcar_n the_o love_n you_o have_v have_v or_o have_v for_o some_o fair_a and_o young_a person_n who_o love_v rose_n have_v cause_v you_o to_o affect_v they_o more_o than_o otherwise_o you_o will_v have_v do_v i_o confess_v it_o answer_v anacreon_n and_o i_o acknowledge_v also_o that_o her_o memory_n be_v still_o so_o dear_a to_o i_o that_o i_o can_v never_o see_v rose_n nor_o rose-bush_n without_o resent_v some_o kind_n of_o sweet_a though_o with_o all_o troublesome_a emotion_n in_o my_o heart_n yet_o you_o have_v a_o very_a joyful_a aspect_n say_v herminius_n for_o one_o subject_n to_o great_a passion_n at_o least_o we_o be_v not_o wont_a to_o suspect_v cheerful_a person_n at_o rome_n to_o be_v capable_a of_o any_o great_a invasion_n by_o they_o i_o love_v joy_n no_o doubt_n extreme_o reply_v anacreon_n and_o if_o love_n be_v without_o pleasure_n i_o shall_v never_o be_v amorous_a but_o as_o there_o be_v some_o melancholy_a person_n by_o constitution_n who_o notwithstanding_o be_v not_o uncapable_a of_o resent_v joy_n so_o there_o be_v some_o natural_o addict_v to_o mirth_n yet_o sufficient_o sensible_a of_o sorrow_n thus_o though_o i_o be_o sufficient_o jovial_a and_o seek_v pleasure_n in_o all_o place_n oftentimes_o also_o carry_v it_o whither_o i_o go_v yet_o i_o do_v not_o cease_v to_o be_v discontent_v perplex_v and_o jealous_a when_o i_o be_o possess_v with_o love_n for_o there_o aught_o to_o be_v a_o difference_n make_v between_o melancholy_a and_o sorrow_n as_o likewise_o between_o cheerfulness_n and_o joy_n yet_o methinks_v say_v plotina_n there_o be_v a_o great_a resemblance_n between_o cheerfulness_n and_o joy_n and_o with_o all_o the_o wit_n you_o have_v you_o can_v never_o manifest_v to_o i_o any_o considerable_a difference_n between_o they_o to_o perceive_v it_o distinct_o answer_v anacreon_n you_o must_v know_v there_o be_v no_o person_n in_o the_o world_n but_o may_v be_v capable_a of_o some_o kind_n of_o joy_n and_o there_o be_v only_o a_o certain_a number_n of_o person_n in_o the_o world_n capable_a of_o cheerfulness_n for_o this_o latter_a be_v a_o quality_n peculiar_a to_o those_o of_o a_o jovial_a constitution_n but_o as_o for_o joy_n when_o ever_o it_o please_v fortune_n it_o may_v be_v find_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o most_o melancholic_a person_n yea_o it_o be_v sometime_o more_o sensible_a there_o than_o in_o those_o of_o the_o most_o mirthful_a inclination_n add_v herminius_n not_o only_o because_o contrary_n be_v advance_v by_o proximity_n but_o because_o person_n of_o this_o temper_n have_v usual_o more_o violent_a desire_n have_v also_o a_o
as_o that_o of_o horatius_n but_o in_o the_o next_o place_n anacreon_n have_v oblige_v zenocrates_n to_o take_v a_o ticket_n he_o find_v that_o his_o own_o heart_n return_v to_o himself_o which_o occasion_v the_o company_n sufficient_o to_o laugh_v because_o he_o be_v accuse_v by_o all_o the_o fair_a one_o to_o do_v no_o more_o than_o lend_v his_o heart_n and_o sudden_o withdraw_v it_o again_o out_o of_o the_o hand_n of_o those_o who_o he_o suffer_v to_o take_v it_o they_o desire_v to_o see_v what_o he_o have_v write_v under_o his_o name_n but_o it_o can_v not_o be_v for_o be_v something_o move_v at_o the_o raillery_n make_v against_o he_o he_o tear_v his_o ticket_n into_o piece_n and_o so_o it_o behove_v anacreon_n to_o proceed_v next_o therefore_o he_o present_v the_o urn_n to_o plotina_n who_o be_v some_o time_n in_o suspense_n without_o resolve_v what_o ticket_n to_o choose_v during_o which_o amilcar_n telanus_n acrisius_n and_o sicinius_n be_v anxious_a in_o conjecture_v who_o she_o wish_v to_o light_v upon_o for_o you_o will_v have_v think_v she_o intend_v to_o choose_v the_o heart_n that_o shall_v happen_v to_o her_o lot_n though_o she_o be_v not_o able_a to_o distinguish_v among_o they_o whereupon_o acrisius_n who_o love_v to_o speak_v much_o be_v not_o content_v to_o be_v silent_a in_o this_o occasion_n but_o begin_v to_o request_v she_o with_o as_o much_o importunateness_n as_o can_v be_v employ_v by_o a_o ardent_a desire_n to_o leave_v the_o event_n to_o the_o hazard_n of_o the_o game_n and_o not_o to_o pick_v out_o who_o to_o choose_v and_o plotina_n only_o to_o silence_v he_o hasten_v to_o draw_v a_o ticket_n wherein_o she_o find_v the_o name_n of_o sicinius_n who_o have_v not_o follow_v his_o own_o humour_n of_o speak_v little_a in_o writing_n as_o well_o as_o in_o conversation_n have_v write_v these_o word_n underneath_o his_o name_n it_o be_v only_o in_o the_o fair_a plotina_n be_v power_n to_o dispose_v of_o my_o heart_n and_o not_o in_o fortune_n plotina_n have_v no_o soon_o open_v this_o ticket_n but_o amilcar_n telanus_n and_o acrisius_n be_v enrage_v against_o chance_n for_o have_v favour_v sicinius_z rather_o than_o themselves_o and_o acrisius_n make_v his_o complaint_n with_o such_o abundance_n of_o word_n that_o the_o continuation_n of_o the_o pastime_n be_v almost_o forget_v as_o for_o sicinius_n there_o do_v not_o want_n much_o but_o that_o his_o joy_n be_v dumb_a for_o he_o express_v it_o only_o in_o three_o or_o four_o word_n then_o valeria_n draw_v her_o ticket_n if_o the_o lot_n have_v be_v equitable_a without_o doubt_n she_o have_v draw_v the_o heart_n of_o herminius_n or_o that_o of_o aemilius_n but_o it_o happen_v to_o be_v that_o of_o the_o revengeful_a spurius_n who_o have_v write_v these_o word_n in_o his_o ticket_n i_o defy_v fortune_n to_o take_v i_o from_o she_o to_o who_o i_o have_v give_v myself_o since_o hatred_n and_o jealousy_n have_v not_o be_v able_a to_o do_v it_o valeria_n blush_v with_o extreme_a vexation_n for_o have_v happen_v upon_o this_o ticket_n which_o serve_v something_o to_o comfort_n herminius_n and_o valerius_n for_o their_o unhappiness_n for_o though_o it_o be_v possible_a for_o one_o to_o blush_v oblige_o yet_o the_o eye_n of_o a_o lover_n be_v well_o able_a to_o discern_v a_o ruddiness_n proceed_v from_o choler_n from_o one_o that_o be_v favourable_a whence_o spurius_n also_o know_v as_o well_o as_o herminius_n and_o aemilius_n what_o interpretation_n to_o make_v of_o the_o blush_n of_o valeria_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n anacreon_n have_v cause_v amilcar_n to_o draw_v a_o ticket_n he_o make_v a_o hundred_o shift_n before_o he_o open_v it_o he_o behold_v all_o the_o beauty_n one_o after_o another_o though_o he_o stop_v at_o plotina_n and_o tell_v she_o he_o passionate_o wish_v the_o ticket_n fall_v to_o he_o be_v that_o which_o she_o have_v write_v but_o at_o length_n have_v open_v it_o he_o find_v chance_n have_v give_v he_o the_o heart_n of_o anacreon_n who_o have_v write_v these_o word_n in_o his_o ticket_n i_o know_v not_o to_o who_o lott_n will_v give_v i_o but_o i_o know_v well_o that_o joy_n be_v the_o true_a mistress_n of_o my_o heart_n ha_o my_o dear_a anacreon_n cry_v amilcar_n with_o a_o transport_v he_o be_v unable_a to_o suppress_v we_o be_v rival_n but_o the_o mistress_n we_o serve_v be_v so_o gentle_a that_o she_o yield_v to_o whosoever_o take_v she_o so_o that_o we_o shall_v never_o be_v jealous_a i_o be_o very_o glad_a of_o the_o declaration_n you_o have_v now_o make_v say_v plotina_n smile_v for_o be_v your_o mistress_n be_v one_o of_o my_o friend_n too_o i_o may_v alas_o i_o beseech_v you_o interrupt_v amilcar_n do_v not_o triumph_v over_o i_o for_o what_o i_o have_v speak_v for_o i_o swear_v i_o be_o no_o lover_n of_o joy_n but_o because_o i_o see_v it_o in_o your_o eye_n i_o find_v it_o in_o all_o your_o discourse_n and_o in_o love_v and_o serve_v you_o and_o for_o that_o i_o know_v it_o always_o reside_v in_o your_o heart_n and_o do_v i_o find_v it_o any_o other_o where_o perhaps_o i_o shall_v not_o love_v it_o at_o all_o as_o for_o my_o part_n say_v anacreon_n who_o speak_v sincere_o i_o acknowledge_v i_o be_o a_o lover_n of_o it_o where_o ever_o i_o find_v it_o after_o which_o he_o oblige_v artemidorus_n to_o take_v a_o ticket_n who_o draw_v that_o wherein_o clidamira_n have_v write_v these_o word_n do_v i_o dispose_v of_o my_o heart_n it_o shall_v never_o be_v but_o my_o own_o i_o assure_v you_o madam_n say_v artemidorus_n to_o clidamira_n with_o a_o low_a voice_n it_o have_v always_o be_v you_o more_o than_o i_o and_o shall_v still_o be_v so_o more_o than_o any_o other_o in_o the_o world_n i_o wish_v to_o the_o god_n it_o be_v so_o answer_v clidamira_n and_o i_o will_v stop_v my_o journey_n to_o praeneste_n mean_a while_n berelisa_n who_o hear_v not_o what_o these_o two_o person_n be_v speak_v conceive_v jealousy_n at_o it_o as_o well_o as_o regret_n for_o that_o lot_n have_v give_v the_o heart_n of_o clidamira_n to_o artemidorus_n nevertheless_o be_v oblige_v to_o choose_v a_o ticket_n she_o constrain_v herself_o and_o draw_v one_o but_o instead_o of_o find_v in_o it_o the_o heart_n of_o artemidorus_n as_o she_o desire_v she_o find_v she_o own_o which_o fortune_n have_v return_v to_o she_o and_o that_o which_o be_v remarkable_a be_v that_o she_o be_v almost_o as_o much_o trouble_v as_o if_o artemidorus_n have_v refuse_v it_o yet_o this_o prince_n desire_v to_o see_v what_o she_o have_v write_v in_o the_o ticket_n and_o find_v these_o word_n it_o belong_v not_o to_o fortune_n to_o dispose_v of_o my_o heart_n you_o have_v reason_n madam_n say_v artemidorus_n to_o she_o and_o the_o most_o precious_a thing_n in_o the_o world_n ought_v not_o to_o depend_v on_o one_o that_o be_v capricious_a and_o dispense_v all_o her_o liberality_n without_o choice_n after_o this_o anacreon_n cause_v aemilius_n to_o draw_v who_o find_v the_o name_n of_o plotina_n with_o these_o word_n take_v my_o heart_n who_o please_v but_o i_o intend_v it_o to_o be_v restore_v to_o i_o as_o often_o as_o i_o will_n as_o for_o my_o part_n madam_n say_v aemilius_n to_o she_o who_o have_v always_o think_v that_o can_v never_o be_v well_o possess_v which_o be_v possible_a to_o be_v lose_v i_o conceive_v i_o shall_v do_v very_o prudent_o not_o to_o accept_v a_o present_a which_o fortune_n have_v give_v i_o against_o your_o will_n and_o beside_o i_o be_o not_o able_a to_o return_v you_o heart_n for_o heart_n for_o i_o have_v no_o long_o any_o to_o dispose_v of_o the_o first_o time_n i_o have_v the_o honour_n to_o see_v you_o then_o i_o resume_v i_o very_o willing_o answer_v plotina_n for_o it_o be_v a_o thing_n we_o always_o have_v need_n of_o and_o more_o convenient_a for_o it_o to_o be_v at_o home_o than_o elsewhere_o but_o have_v you_o it_o there_o say_v acrisius_n and_o may_v the_o word_n of_o a_o person_n be_v rely_v on_o that_o scarce_o ever_o speak_v serious_o who_o make_v mirth_n of_o every_o thing_n and_o perhaps_o glory_n in_o delude_v those_o who_o will_v by_o a_o thousand_o service_n oblige_v she_o only_o to_o suffer_v they_o to_o be_v her_o servant_n all_o that_o you_o say_v be_v very_o well_o speak_v reply_v plotina_n crafty_o but_o it_o be_v good_a not_o to_o speak_v so_o much_o at_o a_o time_n while_o there_o be_v yet_o so_o many_o heart_n to_o be_v match_v since_o it_o be_v no_o long_o possible_a for_o i_o to_o obtain_v a_o heart_n which_o be_v desire_v by_o many_o other_o beside_o myself_o say_v telanus_n i_o do_v not_o much_o care_n for_o continue_v the_o pastime_n that_o which_o i_o desire_v be_v also_o already_o give_v and_o return_v add_v acrisius_n i_o shall_v be_v well_o enough_o
general_o extol_v by_o all_o the_o world_n though_o himself_o be_v design_v scarce_o ever_o to_o praise_v the_o work_n of_o any_o next_o observe_v that_o black_a and_o swart_a man_n he_o shall_v be_v name_v theophile_n his_o destiny_n shall_v not_o be_v happy_a he_o shall_v come_v into_o the_o world_n with_o a_o great_a genius_n for_o verse_n his_o fancy_n shall_v be_v quick_a and_o confident_a and_o if_o his_o judgement_n can_v retain_v his_o impetuosity_n and_o correct_v the_o imperfection_n of_o his_o versify_n he_o will_v be_v author_n of_o admirable_a composition_n but_o this_o he_o shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o do_v and_o all_o the_o good_a invention_n of_o his_o mind_n shall_v be_v like_o gold_n in_o the_o mine_n which_o be_v see_v always_o mingle_v with_o earth_n and_o dust_n after_o he_o behold_v montfaron_n and_o de_fw-fr lingende_n two_o poet_n who_o shall_v deserve_v well_o the_o first_o shall_v have_v a_o handsome_a faculty_n in_o his_o conceit_n and_o expression_n and_o the_o second_o a_o amorous_a and_o passionate_a strain_n in_o his_o verse_n which_o shall_v please_v all_o those_o that_o have_v tender_a heart_n but_o now_o prepare_v thyself_o to_o see_v a_o illustrious_a protector_n of_o poetry_n who_o shall_v be_v one_o of_o the_o great_a man_n of_o the_o world_n do_v thou_o see_v he_o that_o hold_v the_o ocean_n fetter_v who_o victory_n wait_v upon_o and_o glory_n accompany_v it_o be_v the_o famous_a armand_n who_o shall_v be_v renown_v in_o all_o history_n his_o birth_n shall_v be_v very_o illustrious_a the_o grandeur_n of_o his_o mind_n shall_v surpass_v the_o extent_n of_o all_o imagination_n his_o heart_n shall_v be_v incomparable_o great_a than_o his_o fortune_n and_o yet_o his_o fortune_n shall_v be_v so_o high_a that_o his_o resolution_n shall_v make_v the_o destiny_n of_o all_o europe_n he_o shall_v be_v faithful_a to_o his_o master_n dreadful_a to_o the_o enemy_n of_o his_o country_n victor_n over_o all_o those_o he_o shall_v encounter_v with_o and_o the_o grand_a protector_n of_o virtue_n and_o the_o muse_n i_o shall_v say_v nothing_o of_o his_o victory_n nor_o of_o all_o his_o virtue_n for_o it_o will_v require_v too_o much_o time_n but_o thou_o shall_v only_o know_v that_o that_o hero_n of_o the_o latter_a age_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o his_o great_a affair_n and_o in_o the_o heat_n of_o war_n which_o shall_v involve_v almost_o all_o the_o universe_n shall_v afford_v we_o a_o sanctuary_n under_o he_o and_o my_o companion_n and_o i_o shall_v find_v a_o maecenas_n in_o he_o and_o almost_o the_o age_n of_o augustus_n in_o the_o court_n of_o france_n for_o that_o he_o will_v not_o take_v much_o time_n for_o the_o king_n service_n to_o employ_v in_o compose_v many_o verse_n he_o will_v at_o least_o take_v care_n for_o the_o protection_n of_o those_o that_o shall_v and_o by_o that_o mean_n cause_v his_o pleasure_n to_o be_v place_v in_o the_o rank_n of_o his_o virtue_n for_o he_o shall_v give_v so_o favourable_a reception_n to_o all_o person_n of_o worth_n that_o he_o shall_v revive_v all_o science_n and_o excellent_a arts._n then_o shall_v music_n architecture_n poetry_n and_o especial_o comedy_n resume_v new_a lustre_n and_o even_o all_o handsome_a composition_n make_v after_o his_o death_n shall_v be_v look_v upon_o as_o cause_v by_o his_o influence_n yet_o after_o he_o we_o shall_v have_v protector_n in_o france_n and_o among_o other_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o person_n in_o a_o principal_a office_n of_o state_n who_o shall_v sometime_o hear_v we_o favourable_o by_o the_o side_n of_o his_o fountain_n he_o shall_v have_v a_o very_a great_a capacity_n for_o all_o grand_a affair_n he_o shall_v dispatch_v the_o most_o difficult_a matter_n without_o enforcement_n and_o perform_v most_o noble_a action_n without_o vanity_n he_o shall_v have_v a_o lively_a and_o pierce_a mind_n and_o unparalleled_a modesty_n gravity_n goodness_n justice_n and_o probity_n he_o shall_v never_o be_v false_a to_o his_o word_n or_o his_o friend_n whereby_o he_o shall_v be_v particular_o reverence_v by_o all_o person_n that_o be_v endue_v with_o virtue_n and_o my_o companion_n and_o i_o will_v inspire_v all_o the_o poet_n of_o his_o time_n who_o shall_v not_o be_v few_o with_o the_o desire_n of_o sing_v his_o glory_n he_o that_o shall_v go_v about_o to_o reckon_v up_o all_o the_o famous_a work_n that_o shall_v be_v make_v from_o the_o time_n the_o great_a armand_n shall_v have_v favour_v we_o to_o the_o end_n of_o that_o age_n shall_v find_v the_o number_n almost_o infinite_a for_o never_o shall_v there_o be_v see_v so_o many_o great_a and_o sublime_a heroic_a poem_n handsome_a comedy_n charm_a eclogue_n ingenious_a stanzas_n elegant_a sonnet_n agreeable_a epigram_n pleasant_a madrigal_n and_o amorous_a elegy_n but_o to_o do_v thou_o a_o considerable_a favour_n behold_v that_o woman_n who_o appear_v to_o thou_o she_o have_v as_o thou_o see_v the_o resemblance_n of_o pallas_n and_o there_o be_v something_o so_o sweet_a languish_a and_o passionate_a in_o her_o beauty_n that_o it_o perfect_o represent_v that_o charm_a air_n which_o painter_n give_v to_o venus_n this_o illustrious_a person_n shall_v be_v of_o so_o noble_a a_o descent_n that_o she_o shall_v scarce_o see_v any_o but_o royal_a family_n above_o her_o own_o but_o to_o speak_v only_o concern_v herself_o know_v that_o she_o shall_v come_v into_o the_o world_n with_o a_o more_o admirable_a mind_n than_o beauty_n though_o as_o thou_o see_v she_o shall_v be_v mistress_n of_o a_o thousand_o charm_n she_o shall_v also_o have_v a_o generous_a goodness_n that_o shall_v render_v her_o worthy_a of_o high_a commendation_n but_o to_o omit_v so_o many_o other_o surprise_v quality_n as_o heaven_n shall_v conser_fw-fr upon_o she_o know_v she_o shall_v compose_v elegy_n so_o handsome_a so_o full_a of_o passion_n and_o so_o exact_o accomplish_v in_o all_o that_o be_v require_v to_o the_o perfection_n of_o such_o composition_n that_o she_o shall_v surpass_v all_o those_o that_o precede_v she_o and_o all_o that_o shall_v attempt_v to_o follow_v she_o in_o the_o same_o time_n shall_v be_v sing_v a_o thousand_o exquisite_a sonnet_n in_o france_n which_o shall_v pleasant_o comprise_v all_o the_o morality_n of_o love_n and_o it_o shall_v be_v principal_o in_o this_o age_n that_o a_o particular_a way_n of_o gallant_a and_o pleasant_a kind_n of_o poetry_n shall_v be_v in_o use_n wherein_o love_n praise_n and_o raillery_n shall_v be_v mingle_v together_o but_o that_o raillery_n shall_v be_v in_o the_o most_o delicate_a and_o ingenious_a manner_n for_o there_o be_v a_o difference_n between_o cause_v divertisement_n and_o cause_v laughter_n nevertheless_o there_o shall_v be_v several_a poet_n who_o shall_v confound_v the_o gallant_a and_o pleasant_a sort_n of_o poetry_n with_o the_o burlesque_fw-la or_o mock_v which_o the_o french_a shall_v receive_v from_o the_o italian_n although_o there_o be_v much_o difference_n in_o the_o way_n of_o composition_n of_o either_o there_o shall_v likewise_o be_v several_a kind_n of_o burlesque_fw-la verse_n the_o pleasantness_n of_o some_o of_o which_o shall_v consist_v in_o the_o invention_n and_o conceit_n and_o not_o in_o the_o style_n other_o shall_v not_o be_v true_o burlesque_fw-la save_v in_o the_o expression_n and_o there_o shall_v be_v one_o sort_n so_o vulgar_a mean_a extravagant_a and_o gross_a and_o which_o shall_v make_v such_o unhandsome_a representation_n that_o my_o companion_n and_o i_o shall_v almost_o eternal_o disow_v the_o poet_n that_o shall_v be_v capable_a of_o it_o withal_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o numerous_a sect_n who_o shall_v judge_v it_o fit_a to_o speak_v no_o otherwise_o than_o the_o people_n do_v and_o to_o be_v pleasant_a with_o no_o other_o than_o vulgar_a conceit_n not_o but_o that_o it_o be_v possible_a to_o make_v work_n of_o this_o kind_n with_o very_a much_o art_n and_o i_o assure_v thou_o some_o shall_v deserve_v to_o be_v commend_v and_o desire_v but_o to_o speak_v reasonable_o as_o there_o be_v few_o great_a architect_n that_o attempt_v to_o build_v palace_n with_o clay_n so_o also_o few_o great_a poet_n can_v design_n to_o make_v handsome_a composition_n in_o a_o popular_a style_n there_o shall_v also_o be_v other_o burlesque_fw-la poet_n who_o shall_v believe_v themselves_o sufficient_o pleasant_a provide_v they_o asperse_v the_o reputation_n or_o the_o work_v of_o other_o and_o who_o trust_v to_o the_o malice_n of_o their_o reader_n shall_v not_o be_v so_o solicitous_a as_o to_o seek_v to_o detract_v with_o art_n so_o that_o without_o affect_v any_o particular_a style_n they_o shall_v sometime_o rise_v high_a and_o sometime_o fall_v low_a according_a as_o the_o necessity_n of_o their_o rhyme_n or_o the_o wildness_n of_o their_o fancy_n lead_v they_o but_o as_o for_o gallant_a and_o pleasant_a poetry_n it_o shall_v have_v more_o affinity_n with_o that_o of_o the_o greek_n than_o of_o the_o latin_a
a_o moment_n the_o muse_n have_v teach_v he_o all_o the_o science_n he_o write_v a_o tract_n concern_v agriculture_n which_o he_o address_v to_o his_o brother_n he_o make_v another_o of_o astrology_n he_o celebrate_v several_a hero_n and_o heroess_n of_o antiquity_n and_o speak_v much_o more_o to_o the_o advantage_n of_o woman_n than_o of_o man_n to_o be_v contrary_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o homer_n who_o have_v more_o high_o extol_v man_n than_o woman_n relate_v several_a example_n of_o illustrious_a and_o virtuous_a woman_n which_o have_v consent_v to_o marry_v with_o worthy_a man_n for_o their_o virtue_n only_o moreover_o he_o make_v the_o epithalamium_n of_o peleus_n and_o thetis_n a_o lamentation_n upon_o the_o death_n of_o batrachus_n and_o a_o work_n which_o he_o call_v the_o shield_n of_o hercules_n at_o the_o same_o time_n also_o he_o begin_v that_o which_o he_o call_v theogonia_n in_o which_o he_o speak_v of_o the_o original_n of_o the_o god_n he_o discourse_v likewise_o concern_v the_o art_n of_o physic_n and_o divination_n and_o which_o be_v remarkable_a have_v in_o one_o of_o these_o work_n introduce_v a_o nightingale_n and_o a_o hawk_n speak_v together_o he_o give_v the_o first_o pattern_n of_o those_o ingenious_a fable_n of_o brute_n whereby_o aesop_n afterward_o render_v himself_o so_o famous_a so_o that_o have_v acquire_v a_o high_a reputation_n by_o this_o great_a number_n of_o work_n which_o he_o compose_v in_o the_o space_n of_o five_o or_o six_o year_n his_o heart_n no_o long_o appear_v sensible_a to_o any_o thing_n but_o glory_n and_o ambition_n then_o he_o make_v several_a voyage_n with_o very_a much_o pleasure_n because_o into_o what_o place_n soever_o he_o go_v his_o reputation_n outstrip_v he_o he_o find_v friend_n every_o where_o but_o that_o which_o cause_v he_o to_o be_v most_o speak_v of_o be_v the_o advantage_n he_o get_v over_o homer_n by_o the_o judgement_n of_o panis_n king_n of_o chalcis_n for_o have_v both_o make_v verse_n at_o the_o celebration_n of_o the_o funeral_n of_o amphidamas_n hesiode_n be_v declare_v victor_n and_o for_o have_v explicate_v a_o riddle_n which_o homer_n be_v unable_a to_o do_v he_o obtain_v a_o tripod_n of_o gold_n which_o he_o consecrate_v to_o the_o muse_n indeed_o the_o judgement_n of_o panis_n be_v not_o approve_v by_o all_o the_o world_n for_o the_o sider_v with_o homer_n and_o the_o enemy_n of_o hesiode_n when_o they_o observe_v some_o person_n to_o judge_v unsutable_o of_o any_o thing_n take_v up_o a_o byword_n in_o derision_n say_v that_o it_o be_v a_o judgement_n of_o panis_n but_o however_o hesiode_n have_v obtain_v the_o prize_n and_o place_v it_o in_o the_o temple_n of_o delphos_n with_o a_o inscription_n that_o signify_v the_o glory_n which_o he_o have_v gain_v the_o advantage_n remain_v whole_o on_o his_o side_n and_o the_o victor_n of_o he_o that_o have_v overcome_v all_o other_o can_v not_o fail_v to_o be_v glorious_a ambition_n thus_o possess_v the_o heart_n of_o hesiode_n he_o study_v only_o to_o preserve_v the_o glory_n which_o he_o have_v get_v and_o that_o in_o such_o a_o manner_n as_o it_o may_v prove_v beneficial_a to_o his_o fortune_n to_o which_o end_n at_o his_o return_n from_o chalcis_n he_o consult_v the_o oracle_n concern_v the_o conduct_n of_o his_o life_n which_o answer_v he_o that_o he_o ought_v careful_o to_o avoid_v the._n temple_n of_o jupiter_n nemaeus_n for_o which_o reason_n he_o remove_v far_o from_o peloponnesus_n where_o that_o fame_a temple_n stand_v his_o father_n be_v dead_a some_o day_n before_o and_o have_v his_o estate_n at_o his_o own_o dispose_n he_o resolve_v to_o go_v to_o the_o court_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o locri_n who_o be_v repute_v a_o lover_n of_o verse_n indeed_o it_o seem_v the_o locrian_n be_v more_o oblige_v than_o other_o to_o esteem_v verse_n and_o those_o which_o make_v they_o for_o the_o famous_a mountain_n of_o parnassus_n divide_v their_o country_n the_o opuntines_n call_v the_o locrian_n oriental_n and_o on_o the_o contrary_a the_o osolians_n count_v the_o locrian_n occidental_n the_o first_o bear_v in_o their_o ensign_n aurora_n as_o it_o use_v to_o be_v paint_v and_o the_o other_o the_o evening_n star_n now_o hesiode_n have_v choose_v the_o court_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o locri_n as_o a_o court_n wherein_o ingenious_a person_n may_v advance_v their_o fortune_n more_o than_o elsewhere_o and_o wherein_o he_o may_v have_v some_o knowledge_n since_o his_o have_v see_v clymene_n antiphanes_n and_o the_o rest_n of_o their_o company_n at_o helicon_n take_v his_o journey_n thither_o though_o without_o have_v at_o that_o time_n any_o sentiment_n of_o that_o beginning_n love_v he_o have_v have_v at_o eighteen_o year_n of_o age_n for_o a_o virgin_n of_o thirteen_o another_o thing_n which_o oblige_v he_o the_o more_o to_o go_v thither_o be_v that_o he_o be_v inform_v the_o prince_n of_o locri_n have_v a_o favourite_n who_o as_o well_o as_o the_o prince_n his_o master_n delight_v to_o render_v justice_n to_o merit_v there_o be_v also_o another_o reason_n induce_v he_o to_o make_v choice_n of_o that_o place_n for_o the_o chief_a priest_n of_o helicon_n have_v a_o niece_n marry_v at_o locri_n to_o a_o man_n of_o quality_n who_o be_v in_o no_o mean_a respect_n with_o the_o prince_n favourite_n who_o name_n be_v lysicrates_n hesiode_n than_o go_v to_o locri_n and_o be_v entertain_v at_o the_o house_n of_o the_o niece_n of_o that_o chief_a priest_n of_o helicon_n who_o be_v name_v belintha_n and_o her_o husband_n artimedes_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o be_v there_o he_o inquire_v tiding_n of_o the_o fair_a clymene_n to_o who_o belintha_n be_v a_o intimate_a friend_n this_o woman_n who_o be_v very_o amiable_a and_o sprightly_a answer_v he_o sigh_v that_o clymene_n be_v in_o the_o country_n that_o she_o prefer_v solitude_n before_o conversation_n that_o she_o have_v bid_v adieu_n to_o the_o world_n and_o will_v return_v to_o the_o city_n till_o the_o rigour_n of_o the_o winter_n shall_v drive_v she_o thither_o but_o clymene_n answer_v hesiode_n much_o surprise_v can_v in_o my_o opinion_n be_v above_o 19_o or_o 20_o year_n old_a which_o be_v not_o a_o age_n in_o which_o to_o prefer_v solitude_n before_o the_o court_n unless_o she_o have_v lose_v her_o beauty_n by_o some_o accident_n i_o assure_v you_o reply_v belintha_n that_o clymene_n be_v as_o fair_a as_o ever_o she_o be_v and_o though_o she_o be_v less_o yet_o she_o have_v so_o great_a a_o wit_n that_o she_o will_v be_v always_o infinite_o amiable_a it_o must_v needs_o be_v then_o say_v hesiode_n that_o this_o fair_a virgin_n be_v possess_v with_o some_o great_a discontent_n which_o cause_v she_o to_o hate_v the_o world_n but_o however_o add_v he_o she_o will_v at_o least_o admit_v of_o a_o visit_n by_o no_o mean_n answer_v belintha_n and_o unless_o antiphanes_n or_o ganetor_n who_o be_v her_o brother_n carry_v you_o thither_o i_o think_v i_o dare_v not_o do_v it_o for_o she_o hate_v man_n principal_o then_o some_o one_o perhaps_o have_v betray_v she_o say_v hesiode_n since_o several_a have_v love_v she_o answer_v belintha_n smile_v it_o be_v no_o wonder_n if_o some_o of_o they_o have_v deceive_v she_o oh_o i_o beseech_v you_o reply_v hesiode_n tell_v i_o a_o little_a more_o exact_o what_o have_v befall_v clymene_n you_o shall_v know_v soon_o enough_o answer_v belintha_n but_o nothing_o at_o present_a from_o i_o nor_o do_v hesiode_n know_v more_o concern_v she_o at_o that_o time_n and_o moreover_o ambition_n predominate_v in_o his_o heart_n he_o be_v more_o solicitous_a of_o get_v a_o interest_n with_o the_o prince_n of_o locri_n and_o lysicrates_n then_o learn_v tiding_n of_o clymene_n according_o he_o succeed_v happy_o in_o the_o design_n he_o have_v make_v and_o in_o very_a few_o day_n become_v high_o in_o favour_n with_o the_o prince_n and_o lysicrates_n and_o consequent_o with_o all_o the_o court_n for_o it_o be_v the_o custom_n for_o those_o who_o be_v favourable_o respect_v by_o prince_n or_o man_n in_o government_n to_o be_v so_o likewise_o by_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o world_n thus_o ambition_n feed_v itself_o with_o hope_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o hesiode_n he_o consider_v only_o how_o to_o make_v this_o beginning_n of_o favour_n become_v profitable_a to_o he_o and_o think_v no_o more_o of_o go_v to_o seek_v clymene_n in_o the_o country_n nor_o inform_v himself_o particular_o of_o what_o have_v happen_v to_o she_o yet_o he_o contract_v a_o great_a friendship_n with_o antiphanes_n and_o ganetor_n her_o brother_n but_o be_v it_o be_v not_o of_o they_o that_o he_o can_v learn_v the_o adventure_n of_o their_o sister_n he_o know_v nothing_o of_o they_o then_o but_o employ_v himself_o whole_o in_o the_o care_n of_o his_o fortune_n without_o feel_v in_o his_o heart_n any_o inclination_n to_o love_v any_o fair_a one_o he_o
be_v fit_a i_o dispense_v with_o all_o the_o care_v you_o have_v be_v accustom_a to_o take_v in_o reference_n to_o i_o for_o though_o you_o have_v much_o few_o than_o former_o yet_o i_o have_v rob_v you_o of_o some_o moment_n it_o be_v true_a madam_n reply_v he_o i_o be_o less_o frequent_o with_o you_o than_o i_o be_v at_o the_o time_n when_o i_o be_v not_o oblige_v to_o attend_v the_o prince_n but_o nevertheless_o i_o be_o there_o often_o enough_o and_o no_o doubt_n as_o often_o as_o i_o can_v ha_o lysicrates_n say_v she_o when_o one_o think_v that_o he_o be_v long_o enough_o present_a with_o his_o mistress_n there_o want_v not_o much_o but_o that_o he_o will_v be_v weary_a of_o be_v with_o she_o at_o all_o and_o therefore_o if_o you_o will_v credit_v i_o give_v yourself_o whole_o to_o your_o master_n and_o take_v no_o further_o think_v concern_v i_o lysicrates_n perceive_v clymene_n be_v in_o choler_n be_v ashamed_a of_o what_o have_v happen_v and_o address_v to_o she_o with_o so_o many_o gentle_a and_o sweet_a expression_n that_o he_o make_v his_o peace_n in_o some_o manner_n before_o he_o go_v away_o for_o clymene_n have_v a_o very_a great_a inclination_n towards_o he_o love_a he_o as_o great_o culpable_a as_o he_o appear_v at_o that_o time_n there_o happen_v some_o difference_n between_o the_o oriental_a and_o occidental_a locrian_n upon_o which_o the_o prince_n go_v to_o the_o war_n whither_o lysicrates_n follow_v he_o and_o perfect_o gain_v his_o favour_n by_o the_o brave_a action_n he_o perform_v during_o this_o absence_n he_o write_v sufficient_o often_o to_o clymene_n but_o they_o be_v rather_o letter_n of_o news_n than_o love-letter_n and_o more_o relate_v to_o what_o pass_v in_o the_o army_n than_o any_o thing_n else_o upon_o which_o clymenes_n mind_n be_v extreme_o incense_v yet_o her_o indignation_n be_v real_o only_o love_v disguise_v for_o she_o be_v as_o sensible_a of_o lysicrates_n glory_n as_o of_o her_o own_o it_o be_v true_a that_o which_o defend_v he_o in_o her_o heart_n be_v that_o she_o know_v he_o believe_v he_o love_v as_o dear_o as_o heretofore_o and_o do_v not_o take_v himself_o to_o be_v ambitious_a at_o his_o return_n he_o go_v to_o see_v she_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o be_v arrive_v but_o his_o visit_n be_v so_o short_a that_o the_o sum_n of_o it_o be_v only_o to_o tell_v she_o he_o will_v wait_v upon_o she_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o can_v but_o his_o affair_n multiply_v as_o his_o favour_n increase_v he_o have_v then_o so_o little_a time_n of_o which_o he_o can_v dispose_v that_o it_o may_v be_v say_v he_o have_v not_o leisure_n to_o love_n clymene_n oftentimes_o when_o he_o be_v at_o her_o house_n he_o spend_v half_a of_o the_o time_n he_o be_v there_o in_o receive_v several_a message_n and_o letter_n or_o else_o in_o answer_v they_o after_o have_v request_v her_o permission_n to_o that_o purpose_n he_o be_v no_o long_o the_o same_o lysicrates_n who_o entertain_v she_o with_o agreeable_a discourse_n and_o blandishment_n he_o be_v a_o restless_a ambitious_a person_n who_o find_v himself_o happy_a in_o no_o place_n clymene_n be_v sensible_o afflict_v at_o it_o but_o i_o can_v say_v i_o never_o see_v a_o more_o tender_a nor_o yet_o more_o discreet_a grief_n than_o she_o for_o she_o conceal_v it_o so_o well_o that_o i_o be_v the_o only_a confident_a of_o her_o discontent_n one_o day_n she_o will_v have_v hide_v from_o i_o some_o verse_n which_o she_o have_v make_v but_o i_o have_v get_v they_o she_o be_v necessitate_v to_o suffer_v i_o to_o keep_v they_o on_o condition_n i_o will_v not_o show_v they_o i_o beseech_v you_o interrupt_v hesiode_n repeat_v to_o i_o the_o verse_n of_o clymene_n i_o will_v answer_v belintha_n provide_v you_o will_v never_o speak_v of_o they_o for_o perhaps_o you_o will_v find_v they_o sufficient_o amorous_a i_o promise_v you_o all_o you_o please_v reply_v he_o provide_v you_o recite_v the_o verse_n to_o i_o which_o i_o have_v so_o great_a a_o curiosity_n to_o hear_v and_o according_o belintha_n have_v recollect_v they_o in_o her_o memory_n recite_v these_o that_o follow_v which_o clymene_n make_v for_o the_o ambitious_a lysicrates_n sure_a you_o by_o amorous_a flame_n be_v never_o possess_v since_o i_o alas_o do_v so_o unhappy_a prove_v that_o fierce_a ambition_n drive_v i_o from_o your_o breast_n slight_v the_o charm_n of_o innocence_n and_o love_n now_o new_a design_n be_v follow_v other_o care_n and_o fresh_a desire_n and_o your_o inquietude_n be_v your_o delight_n whilst_o tumult_n of_o affair_n be_v prize_v above_o the_o peace_n of_o solitude_n my_o charm_a desert_n which_o ever_o long_o so_o sweet_a so_o lovely_a seem_v be_v unattractive_a now_o my_o tender_a sigh_n no_o long_o your_o delight_n it_o be_v goddess_n fortune_n now_o to_o who_o you_o bow_v her_o splendour_n you_o pursue_v and_o humorous_a law_n embrace_v no_o long_o now_o your_o own_o or_o i_o her_o beauty_n now_o your_o adoration_n draw_v though_o thyrsis_n know_v her_o favour_n be_v not_o kind_a no_o choice_n she_o use_v in_o her_o gift_n no_o love_n ofttime_n in_o one_o day_n her_o caress_n cease_v to_o dear_a friend_n she_o do_v unconstant_a prove_v mock_v man_n hope_n with_o guileful_a promise_n she_o love_v disord'rous_a change_n and_o wild_a confusion_n and_o base_a flatterer_n for_o her_o creature_n take_v go_v then_o ungrateful_a follow_v her_o delusion_n which_o seldom_o virtue_n but_o unhappy_a make_v pursue_v she_o still_o to_o i_o no_o more_o address_n none_o but_o her_o favour_n let_v acceptance_n find_v it_o be_v shame_n to_o love_v a_o simple_a shepherdess_n that_o think_v suit_n only_o with_o a_o vulgar_a mind_n ambitious_a heart_n a_o quiet_a life_n despise_v fortune_n be_v the_o object_n of_o a_o hero_n be_v love_n while_o in_o her_o hand_n all_o the_o world_n treasure_n lie_v and_o sea_n and_o land_n alike_o her_o power_n do_v prove_v a_o hundred_o time_n she_o can_v you_o victor_n make_v yet_o have_v not_o the_o disposal_n of_o my_o heart_n that_o be_v in_o my_o power_n o_o god_n what_o be_v it_o i_o speak_v alas_o in_o speak_v so_o a_o sigh_n do_v from_o it_o part_n behold_v you_o a_o secret_a check_n of_o mind_n tell_v i_o my_o heart_n no_o long_o be_v my_o own_o though_o it_o repine_v and_o i_o can_v only_o find_v the_o soothe_n of_o sweet_a word_n to_o appease_v its_o moan_n it_o will_v be_v delude_v come_v deceive_v it_o you_o thyrsis_n and_o to_o your_o amaryllis_n swear_v that_o constant_a to_o your_o chain_n and_o ever_o true_a her_o rival_n fortune_n you_o will_v renounce_v for_o she_o perhaps_o this_o moment_n in_o her_o eye_n you_o will_v see_v wherewith_o to_o cure_v the_o mo'_v ambitious_a mind_n perhaps_o this_o moment_n such_o fidelity_n such_o ardent_a passion_n in_o her_o soul_n you_o will_v find_v that_o you_o will_v account_v to_o be_v belove_v a_o pleasure_n great_a than_o that_o of_o gain_v flit_a treasure_n oh_o precious_a moment_n haste_v to_o ease_v my_o pain_n your_o presence_n to_o my_o grief_n will_v comfort_n speak_v i_o can_v no_o long_o bear_v such_o heavy_a chain_n support_v they_o thyrsis_n or_o i_o shall_v they_o break_v but_o yet_o in_o break_v they_o i_o shall_v expire_v rather_o connect_v they_o with_o a_o fast_a tie_n it_o be_v love_n that_o quicken_v i_o for_o be_v that_o fire_n extinct_a my_o heart_n will_v forthwith_o faint_v and_o die_v this_o torment_n i_o have_v rather_o never_o forgo_v than_o be_v without_o it_o and_o my_o lover_n too_o how_o cry_v hesiode_n after_o belintha_n have_v recite_v these_o verse_n do_v clymene_n that_o very_a clymene_n who_o i_o see_v by_o the_o side_n of_o the_o famous_a spring_n near_o helicon_n make_v such_o amorous_a verse_n as_o those_o i_o have_v now_o hear_v yes_o answer_v belintha_n but_o although_o they_o be_v very_o pertinent_a to_o affect_v the_o heart_n of_o lysicrates_n yet_o the_o generous_a clymene_n who_o be_v unable_a to_o restrain_v herself_o from_o compose_v they_o in_o the_o transport_n of_o her_o sorrow_n and_o affection_n can_v not_o resolve_v to_o let_v they_o be_v see_v by_o he_o for_o who_o they_o be_v make_v on_o the_o contrary_a she_o affect_v rather_o to_o disguise_v her_o regret_n so_o that_o lysicrates_n believe_v she_o well_o satisfy_v with_o he_o be_v very_o merry_a whilst_o she_o be_v extreme_o melancholy_a and_o pensive_a for_o what_o resolution_n soever_o she_o make_v it_o be_v impossible_a for_o she_o to_o cease_v love_v lysicrates_n how_o unhappy_a be_o i_o say_v she_o to_o i_o one_o day_n when_o i_o endeavour_v to_o comfort_v she_o for_o i_o resent_v a_o grief_n of_o so_o strange_a a_o nature_n that_o i_o can_v almost_o hope_v to_o be_v cure_v of_o it_o if_o lysicrates_n be_v unfaithful_a as_o many_o lover_n be_v and_o transfer_v his_o affection_n from_o i_o
after_o this_o the_o prince_n and_o lysicrates_n divert_v to_o other_o discourse_n but_o hesiode_n do_v not_o cease_v to_o think_v of_o clymene_n when_o he_o cease_v to_o speak_v of_o she_o anas_fw-la long_a as_o the_o evening_n last_v he_o can_v not_o with_o draw_v his_o fancy_n from_o she_o the_o next_o morning_n he_o make_v verse_n upon_o she_o the_o day_n after_o he_o send_v to_o know_v her_o condition_n and_o write_v she_o a_o very_a gallant_a letter_n which_o she_o answer_v with_o much_o civility_n though_o in_o a_o manner_n which_o signify_v she_o have_v no_o desire_n to_o renew_v familiarity_n with_o the_o world_n and_o will_v not_o discourse_v half_a of_o her_o wit_n though_o there_o appear_v very_o much_o whether_o she_o will_v or_o no._n some_o day_n after_o belintha_n and_o hesiode_n return_v to_o the_o house_n of_o clymene_n aunt_n who_o receive_v they_o very_o well_o and_o promise_v they_o that_o assoon_o as_o winter_n begin_v to_o make_v the_o country_n naked_a she_o will_v carry_v clymene_n to_o the_o city_n whereupon_o hesiode_n at_o his_o return_n compose_v very_o handsome_a verse_n wherein_o he_o pray_v winter_n to_o hasten_v to_o appear_v with_o his_o icicle_n and_o conjure_v autumn_n to_o make_v speed_n away_o he_o wish_v the_o spring_n will_v be_v slow_a in_o come_v to_o the_o end_n winter_n may_v continue_v the_o long_o he_o introduce_v the_o several_a pleasure_n of_o all_o the_o season_n and_o beseech_v those_o which_o be_v peculiar_a to_o winter_n to_o draw_v clymene_n to_o the_o city_n and_o retain_v she_o there_o so_o long_o as_o they_o can_v have_v a_o care_n say_v he_o with_o all_o the_o gracefulness_n that_o poetry_n give_v to_o this_o sort_n of_o thing_n of_o suffer_v yourselves_o to_o be_v drive_v away_o too_o soon_o by_o the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o spring_n which_o will_v carry_v she_o away_o from_o we_o to_o the_o country_n for_o these_o pleasure_n be_v not_o in_o truth_n but_o the_o pleasure_n of_o shepherd_n and_o shepherdess_n whereas_o you_o be_v real_o magnificent_a pleasure_n which_o serve_v prince_n and_o king_n and_o assemble_v all_o worthy_a person_n to_o the_o same_o place_n have_v a_o thousand_o advantage_n above_o all_o those_o other_o half-savage_a pleasure_n which_o have_v need_v of_o river_n garden_n and_o fountain_n to_o make_v they_o delightful_a then_o address_v again_o to_o winter_n he_o exhort_v he_o not_o to_o hurt_v the_o youth_n and_o beauty_n of_o the_o spring_n assure_v he_o that_o whilst_o clymene_n and_o he_o shall_v be_v together_o no_o person_n will_v think_v of_o desire_v the_o season_n of_o rose_n but_o though_o these_o verse_n be_v excellent_a hesiode_n do_v not_o publish_v they_o but_o show_v they_o only_o to_o two_o or_o three_o person_n for_o perceive_v his_o affection_n to_o clymene_n grow_v very_o ardent_a and_o come_v to_o a_o good_a degree_n already_o and_o be_v not_o ignorant_a that_o a_o public_a love_n be_v a_o love_n without_o pleasure_n he_o keep_v secret_a all_o the_o composition_n which_o he_o make_v upon_o this_o fair_a virgin_n by_o which_o mean_v there_o be_v none_o of_o they_o see_v in_o the_o collection_n make_v of_o his_o work_n of_o which_o many_o other_o thing_n also_o be_v lose_v one_o thing_n be_v remarkable_a that_o the_o same_o day_n he_o send_v the_o verse_n to_o clymene_n which_o he_o address_v to_o winter_n the_o sky_n be_v cloud_v the_o wind_n become_v violent_a and_o blow_v off_o most_o of_o the_o leaf_n of_o the_o tree_n as_o if_o winter_n have_v begin_v that_o very_a day_n and_o grant_v hesiod_n request_n and_o according_o the_o follow_a day_n happen_v to_o be_v more_o foul_a clymene_n be_v deprive_v of_o the_o benefit_n of_o walk_v be_v constrain_v to_o return_v to_o the_o city_n with_o her_o aunt_n but_o though_o she_o be_v resolve_v to_o fly_v all_o the_o world_n as_o much_o as_o she_o can_v yet_o be_v unwilling_a to_o appear_v too_o rustic_a she_o can_v not_o avoid_v be_v see_v by_o all_o the_o honourable_a person_n of_o the_o court_n the_o prince_n himself_o make_v she_o a_o visit_n and_o carry_v lysicrates_n with_o he_o but_o the_o prince_n heart_n be_v then_o affect_v towards_o another_o person_n he_o behold_v she_o without_o love_n and_o speak_v of_o his_o former_a passion_n as_o if_o he_o have_v speak_v to_o a_o friend_n as_o for_o lysicrates_n no_o doubt_n he_o can_v not_o see_v she_o without_o be_v trouble_v but_o she_o treat_v he_o with_o so_o cold_a and_o fierce_a a_o aspect_n and_o he_o be_v always_o so_o ambitious_a that_o it_o may_v be_v say_v what_o he_o resent_v then_o be_v rather_o shame_v and_o perplexity_n than_o love_n but_o thence_o forward_o he_o never_o see_v she_o except_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o prince_n and_o by_o consequence_n very_o rare_o the_o case_n be_v otherwise_o with_o hesiode_n who_o think_v himself_o well_o in_o no_o other_o place_n for_o though_o the_o prince_n and_o lysicrates_n can_v not_o live_v without_o he_o he_o can_v not_o live_v long_o with_o they_o because_o he_o can_v not_o live_v long_o without_o clymene_n this_o very_a much_o perplex_v he_o for_o be_v the_o favourite_n of_o the_o favourite_n who_o make_v use_v of_o he_o to_o be_v with_o the_o prince_n when_o himself_o can_v not_o he_o have_v always_o a_o hundred_o business_n to_o do_v which_o instead_o of_o be_v delightful_a to_o he_o as_o former_o be_v then_o insupportable_a because_o all_o that_o hinder_v he_o from_o see_v clymene_n be_v distasteful_a to_o he_o at_o first_o ambition_n offer_v to_o oppose_v itself_o to_o this_o passion_n in_o his_o heart_n but_o it_o be_v already_o so_o violent_a that_o change_v his_o sentiment_n in_o few_o day_n he_o think_v of_o nothing_o which_o take_v up_o his_o whole_a mind_n before_o and_o deride_v his_o former_a ambition_n how_o oblige_v be_o i_o to_o clymene_n say_v he_o one_o day_n to_o one_o of_o his_o intimate_a friend_n for_o have_v cure_v i_o of_o a_o passion_n who_o pleasure_n be_v always_o unquiet_a and_o for_o have_v give_v i_o another_o who_o torment_n be_v ever_o agreeable_a i_o must_v have_v lose_v my_o reason_n can_v i_o have_v think_v it_o possible_a to_o be_v happy_a with_o good_a fortune_n only_o for_o indeed_o provide_v a_o man_n be_v content_a what_o matter_n it_o whether_o it_o be_v in_o a_o cottage_n or_o a_o palace_n thing_n without_o we_o be_v not_o those_o which_o give_v true_a satisfaction_n but_o the_o sentiment_n of_o the_o heart_n so_o that_o since_o i_o look_v upon_o clymene_n as_o a_o person_n who_o alone_o can_v make_v my_o felicity_n and_o who_o beauty_n wit_n and_o virtue_n be_v of_o great_a value_n than_o all_o the_o treasure_n of_o the_o world_n wherefore_o shall_v i_o confound_v myself_o in_o seek_v happiness_n by_o other_o way_n riches_n be_v thing_n which_o be_v not_o desire_v but_o to_o have_v several_a other_o but_o the_o possession_n of_o a_o person_n who_o we_o love_v passionate_o and_o with_o reason_n be_v satisfactory_a of_o itself_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o say_v his_o friend_n to_o he_o that_o i_o find_v true_a wisdom_n in_o that_o which_o you_o say_v but_o that_o which_o amuse_n i_o be_v that_o thing_n of_o thing_n which_o you_o do_v not_o dream_v of_o a_o few_o day_n since_o and_o yet_o you_o be_v not_o much_o improve_v in_o wit_n in_o that_o time_n i_o grant_v it_o reply_v hesiode_n but_o i_o have_v more_o love_n and_o contrary_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o that_o passion_n which_o often_o enough_o injure_v reason_n it_o fortify_v i_o and_o make_v i_o know_v that_o ambition_n be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n rather_o a_o weakness_n than_o a_o true_a greatness_n of_o soul_n if_o a_o man_n can_v by_o just_a way_n become_v master_n of_o all_o the_o favour_n that_o a_o great_a prince_n can_v confer_v i_o conceive_v generosity_n will_v require_v he_o to_o endeavour_v to_o frame_v himself_o to_o do_v good_a to_o other_o but_o however_o i_o know_v not_o whether_o reason_n will_v oblige_v he_o to_o put_v his_o virtue_n to_o so_o difficult_a a_o proof_n the_o danger_n be_v add_v he_o that_o a_o man_n who_o inclination_n be_v very_o liberal_a when_o he_o be_v in_o credit_n may_v sometime_o be_v carry_v to_o some_o injustice_n by_o a_o principal_a of_o virtue_n and_o be_v as_o unjust_a as_o one_o that_o be_v covetous_a to_o the_o end_n to_o obtain_v wherewith_o to_o be_v prodigal_a but_o though_o this_o shall_v not_o be_v yet_o he_o be_v always_o liable_a to_o be_v accuse_v all_o miserable_a person_n believe_v if_o they_o be_v in_o the_o place_n of_o those_o who_o be_v happy_a they_o shall_v do_v admirable_a thing_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n we_o see_v the_o great_a part_n of_o those_o who_o fortune_n have_v raise_v use_v their_o happiness_n ill_o and_o forget_v their_o past_a infelicity_n for_o fear_v of_o have_v pity_n of_o
perhaps_o it_o will_v not_o be_v impossible_a but_o that_o i_o may_v love_v you_o again_o one_o day_n but_o the_o manner_n of_o your_o act_n with_o i_o have_v make_v i_o pass_v from_o anger_n to_o hatred_n and_o from_o hatred_n to_o contempt_n and_o from_o that_o to_o a_o total_a indifference_n no_o change_n can_v ever_o happen_v in_o my_o mind_n to_o your_o advantage_n however_o be_v you_o be_v unhappy_a a_o little_a kind_n of_o generosity_n make_v i_o forbear_v to_o speak_v any_o thing_n more_o severe_a to_o you_o and_o i_o content_v myself_o with_o forbid_v you_o ever_o to_o speak_v to_o i_o of_o your_o pretend_a affection_n or_o to_o come_v to_o see_v i_o after_o this_o clymene_n leave_v lysicrates_n who_o dare_v not_o follow_v she_o for_o fear_v of_o incense_a her_o more_o against_o he_o but_o love_n have_v real_o assume_v its_o ancient_a place_n in_o his_o heart_n he_o go_v the_o next_o morning_n to_o visit_v clymene_n aunt_n who_o receive_v he_o civil_o as_o a_o unfortunate_a person_n hesiode_n be_v there_o at_o the_o same_o time_n but_o there_o be_v much_o difference_n in_o the_o manner_n wherewith_o clymene_n speak_v to_o these_o two_o rival_n for_o she_o speak_v not_o to_o lysicrates_n except_o to_o upbraid_v he_o but_o to_o hesiode_n with_o extreme_a sweetness_n who_o notwithstanding_o can_v not_o but_o resent_v some_o small_a discontent_n to_o see_v lysicrates_n renew_v his_o courtship_n to_o clymene_n which_o he_o present_o take_v notice_n of_o sincere_o say_v he_o with_o a_o low_a voice_n to_o this_o fair_a virgin_n the_o misfortune_n of_o lysicrates_n afflict_v i_o and_o give_v i_o cause_n to_o fear_v i_o can_v wish_v rather_o for_o my_o own_o sake_n that_o he_o be_v still_o the_o prince_n favourite_n i_o shall_v take_v this_o ill_a answer_v clymene_n if_o you_o speak_v it_o serious_o but_o be_v there_o be_v no_o doubt_n but_o it_o be_v only_a to_o show_v that_o you_o apprehend_v all_o that_o can_v be_v apprehend_v of_o thing_n i_o pardon_v you_o however_o if_o lysicrates_n do_v not_o break_v off_o come_v hither_o i_o will_v soon_o cure_v your_o mind_n of_o a_o ill-grounded_a jealousy_n to_o which_o purpose_n clymene_n have_v in_o vain_a prohibit_v he_o come_v to_o seek_v she_o endeavour_v to_o oblige_v her_o aunt_n not_o to_o admit_v he_o more_o but_o she_o be_v a_o good_a and_o generous_a person_n believe_v it_o will_v be_v something_o unhandsome_a to_o forbid_v a_o exile_a person_n her_o house_n whereupon_o clymene_n conjure_v she_o that_o she_o will_v please_v to_o go_v to_o locri_n for_o some_o time_n to_o the_o end_n she_o may_v avoid_v the_o unwelcome_a visit_n of_o lysicrates_n this_o resolution_n give_v very_o much_o joy_n to_o hesiode_n belintha_n also_o be_v extreme_o glad_a of_o it_o and_o lysicrates_n in_o his_o desert_n see_v himself_o equal_o cast_v off_o by_o his_o master_n and_o his_o mistress_n and_o to_o make_v he_o the_o more_o unhappy_a the_o two_o most_o violent_a passion_n in_o the_o world_n continue_v in_o possession_n of_o his_o heart_n for_o be_v then_o without_o any_o near_a hope_n to_o satisfy_v they_o they_o do_v not_o destroy_v one_o another_o and_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o give_v himself_o again_o whole_o to_o that_o which_o shall_v afford_v he_o most_o ground_n of_o hope_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n all_o the_o world_n rejoice_v at_o locri_n for_o the_o return_n of_o clymene_n and_o hesiode_n and_o she_o carry_v their_o affair_n so_o well_o that_o their_o affection_n pass_v rather_o for_o a_o gallant_a friendship_n than_o a_o true_a love_n because_o indeed_o among_o ingenious_a person_n there_o be_v a_o certain_a genius_n which_o make_v their_o affection_n mutual_o suitable_a and_o correspondent_a about_o this_o time_n several_a feast_n be_v make_v at_o which_o clymene_n be_v present_a with_o delight_n for_o though_o she_o always_o love_v and_o much_o affect_a solitude_n yet_o she_o can_v not_o but_o love_v all_o company_n where_o hesiode_n make_v one_o who_o without_o variation_n of_o his_o sentiment_n ever_o prefer_v she_o above_o all_o thing_n and_o be_v a_o thousand_o time_n more_o diligent_a in_o his_o attendance_n upon_o she_o than_o on_o the_o prince_n who_o he_o wait_v upon_o no_o often_o than_o decency_n enforce_v he_o clymene_n have_v never_o be_v so_o well_o satisfy_v as_o at_o that_o time_n have_v never_o before_o appear_v so_o lovely_a for_o beside_o that_o joy_n embellish_v she_o she_o be_v of_o better_a humour_n her_o wit_n be_v more_o pleasant_a and_o she_o make_v so_o many_o conquest_n in_o a_o little_a time_n that_o no_o discourse_n be_v more_o frequent_a than_o concern_v the_o charm_a excellency_n of_o clymene_n the_o prince_n himself_o have_v see_v she_o again_o after_o have_v break_v off_o with_o a_o mistress_n who_o he_o have_v at_o that_o time_n re-engaged_n himself_o to_o love_v she_o and_o resolve_v absolute_o to_o conquer_v her_o heart_n by_o his_o address_n without_o interpose_v his_o authority_n by_o this_o mean_v the_o felicity_n of_o hesiode_n be_v strange_o check_v for_o though_o he_o have_v as_o much_o esteem_n as_o love_v for_o clymene_n and_o when_o he_o listen_v to_o his_o own_o reason_n can_v not_o suspect_v she_o to_o be_v unfaithful_a to_o he_o nevertheless_o these_o two_o rival_n of_o he_o strange_o perplex_v he_o and_o excite_v great_a fear_n in_o he_o than_o himself_o can_v reasonable_o approve_v he_o be_v oblige_v both_o to_o the_o prince_n and_o to_o lysicrates_n reason_n and_o generosity_n require_v he_o to_o be_v obsequious_a to_o the_o first_o and_o respectful_a to_o the_o latter_a but_o love_v dictate_v to_o he_o to_o hate_v and_o destroy_v they_o since_o they_o both_o employ_v all_o their_o endeavour_n to_o destroy_v his_o felicity_n in_o establish_v their_o own_o but_o that_o which_o afflict_v he_o most_o be_v that_o he_o can_v not_o reason_n to_o the_o contrary_a but_o with_o like_a regret_n if_o he_o consider_v that_o lysicrates_n be_v unhappy_a and_o clymene_n may_v out_o of_o pity_n suffer_v herself_o to_o be_v regain_v by_o he_o he_o imagine_v also_o that_o the_o prince_n of_o locri_n by_o the_o lustre_n of_o his_o quality_n and_o his_o authority_n may_v at_o length_n come_v to_o please_v she_o thus_o both_o the_o happy_a and_o the_o unhappy_a give_v he_o inquietude_n yet_o the_o prince_n love_n give_v he_o otherwise_o some_o consolation_n for_o upon_o his_o declare_v himself_n that_o multitude_n of_o lover_n who_o throng_v to_o clymene_n house_n retire_v lysicrates_n also_o in_o his_o desert_n be_v trouble_v to_o understand_v that_o the_o prince_n begin_v to_o love_n clymene_n again_o that_o which_o augment_v his_o grief_n be_v that_o he_o consider_v his_o courtship_n as_o well_o prejudicial_a to_o his_o own_o passion_n as_o to_o his_o ambition_n because_o he_o fear_v lest_o this_o fair_a virgin_n to_o keep_v he_o in_o eternal_a exile_n will_v admit_v of_o the_o prince_n affection_n upon_o that_o condition_n clymene_n on_o the_o other_o side_n suffer_v as_o much_o as_o hesiode_n and_o lysicrates_n for_o be_v a_o person_n who_o affection_n be_v very_o tender_a and_o sincere_a for_o hesiode_n and_o who_o great_a and_o virtuous_a soul_n be_v above_o ambition_n she_o be_v extreme_o grieve_v to_o see_v the_o love_n of_o the_o prince_n and_o lysicrates_n and_o to_o observe_v the_o discontent_n of_o hesiode_n for_o she_o know_v not_o what_o remedy_n to_o use_v to_o it_o when_o she_o be_v at_o locri_n the_o prince_n visit_v she_o every_o hour_n when_o she_o be_v in_o the_o country_n lysicrates_n trouble_v she_o as_o much_o as_o he_o can_v and_o she_o have_v no_o pleasure_n any_o long_o but_o what_o cost_v she_o a_o thousand_o regret_v hesiode_n live_v still_o at_o the_o same_o rate_n with_o she_o but_o he_o sigh_v so_o often_o when_o he_o can_v do_v it_o without_o be_v see_v be_v clymene_n that_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o be_v observe_v he_o suffer_v more_o than_o he_o profess_v for_o out_o of_o a_o deep_a respect_n he_o have_v to_o she_o he_o do_v not_o let_v she_o know_v that_o he_o be_v desperate_o jealous_a not_o that_o clymene_n do_v one_o action_n or_o speak_v one_o word_n which_o he_o can_v condemn_v but_o the_o conjuncture_n of_o thing_n seem_v so_o cross_a that_o he_o can_v not_o hinder_v himself_o from_o fear_v lest_o the_o same_o destiny_n which_o occasion_v it_o reserve_v some_o other_o of_o great_a cruelty_n for_o he_o clymene_n on_o her_o part_n do_v all_o she_o think_v herself_o oblige_v to_o to_o content_a hesiode_n she_o do_v not_o speak_v to_o he_o of_o the_o sentiment_n which_o she_o observe_v in_o his_o mind_n because_o she_o will_v not_o complain_v of_o they_o so_o that_o this_o unhappy_a lover_n not_o have_v so_o much_o as_o the_o comfort_n which_o complaint_n afford_v suffer_v more_o than_o can_v be_v imagine_v especial_o because_o he_o think_v it_o always_o ●●●fit_a to_o make_v
and_o sixty_o spring_n see_v all_o the_o bird_n of_o my_o lovely_a desert_n make_v love_n to_o one_o another_o i_o be_v infinite_o discontent_v and_o therefore_o continue_v he_o if_o there_o be_v any_o in_o the_o company_n who_o to_o their_o unhappiness_n have_v make_v a_o resolution_n not_o to_o love_v any_o thing_n let_v they_o hasten_v to_o change_v it_o for_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o torment_v at_o the_o hour_n of_o death_n than_o the_o affliction_n of_o have_v not_o be_v able_a to_o love_n or_o be_v belove_v i_o assure_v you_o say_v valeria_n i_o believe_v it_o be_v very_o troublesome_a too_o to_o call_v to_o mind_v a_o unsuccessful_a or_o impertinent_a love_n however_o it_o be_v say_v damon_n who_o be_v unwilling_a amilcar_n shall_v be_v interrupt_v suffer_v the_o relation_n to_o be_v finish_v which_o have_v be_v so_o delightful_o begin_v for_o though_o amilcar_n always_o mingle_v some_o raillery_n in_o what_o he_o speak_v yet_o credit_v aught_o to_o be_v give_v to_o his_o word_n since_o all_o the_o company_n know_v it_o be_v his_o custom_n never_o to_o speak_v altogether_o serious_o of_o the_o most_o serious_a thing_n you_o have_v reason_n answer_v plotina_n therefore_o i_o desire_v amilcar_n to_o continue_v his_o relation_n after_o i_o have_v cease_v be_v a_o phoenix_n say_v amilcar_n i_o change_v my_o fortune_n and_o shape_n very_o much_o for_o i_o become_v one_o of_o the_o most_o ugly_a man_n in_o the_o world_n but_o in_o requiral_n one_o of_o the_o most_o valiant_a for_o i_o love_v nothing_o so_o much_o as_o war_n which_o i_o follow_v continual_o not_o but_o that_o my_o heart_n be_v in_o some_o sort_n sensible_a of_o love_n though_o it_o be_v a_o kind_n of_o soldierlike_a love_n which_o do_v not_o cause_n much_o sigh_v but_o have_v something_o of_o freedom_n and_o jollity_n in_o it_o but_o seldom_o any_o great_a matter_n of_o courtship_n and_o therefore_o i_o take_v more_o pleasure_n in_o relate_v a_o handsome_a field_n wherein_o i_o have_v fight_v a_o siege_n i_o have_v be_v present_a at_o or_o a_o particular_a combat_n of_o my_o own_o than_o in_o entertain_v myself_o with_o the_o favour_n of_o my_o mistress_n but_o perhaps_o interrupt_v plotina_n smile_v it_o be_v because_o you_o have_v not_o any_o great_a matter_n to_o say_v upon_o that_o subject_n at_o least_o i_o know_v if_o any_o love_v i_o after_o the_o military_a manner_n you_o have_v represent_v to_o i_o it_o shall_v be_v easy_a to_o reckon_v the_o favour_n i_o will_v do_v he_o all_o woman_n answer_v herminius_n be_v not_o of_o your_o humour_n for_o some_o fancy_n those_o resolute_a gallant_n with_o fierce_a countenance_n who_o speak_v with_o boldness_n and_o have_v kill_v man_n more_o than_o polite_a and_o civil_a person_n who_o comport_v themselves_o with_o respect_n and_o tenderness_n no_o doubt_n herminius_n have_v reason_n reply_v amilcar_n for_o i_o be_v not_o very_o ill_o treat_v and_o my_o stoutness_n cause_v i_o to_o obtain_v as_o many_o favour_n as_o my_o wit_n and_o courtship_n it_o be_v true_a i_o do_v not_o care_n over_o much_o for_o they_o and_o i_o remember_v one_o thing_n which_o make_v good_a what_o i_o say_v one_o day_n i_o lose_v a_o picture_n which_o i_o have_v of_o my_o mistress_n as_o i_o be_v fight_v with_o a_o man_n who_o have_v set_v upon_o i_o at_o a_o advantage_n and_o i_o be_v much_o more_o joyful_a for_o have_v take_v his_o sword_n from_o he_o than_o trouble_v for_o have_v lose_v the_o picture_n indeed_o when_o a_o fancy_n take_v a_o man_n to_o pass_v for_o one_o of_o great_a courage_n than_o other_o i_o assure_v you_o he_o be_v sufficient_o employ_v for_o he_o be_v possess_v with_o envy_n jealousy_n and_o ambition_n all_o at_o a_o time_n danger_n be_v seek_v with_o eagerness_n though_o to_o speak_v sincere_o it_o be_v never_o delightful_a he_o always_o desire_v to_o go_v beyond_o the_o rest_n and_o be_v altogether_o uncapable_a of_o quiet_a then_o it_o be_v sufficient_o troublesome_a to_o be_v sometime_o wound_v and_o sometime_o a_o prisoner_n for_o the_o king_n and_o prince_n for_o who_o service_n you_o hazard_n or_o lose_v your_o life_n take_v little_a care_n of_o you_o however_o since_o it_o be_v the_o mode_n it_o ought_v to_o be_v follow_v and_o i_o follow_v it_o so_o well_o that_o i_o be_v but_o twenty_o nine_o year_n old_a when_o i_o be_v slay_v it_o be_v true_a i_o have_v serve_v in_o fourteen_o company_n with_o sufficient_a honour_n to_o be_v content_a with_o life_n be_v it_o not_o that_o it_o be_v always_o sufficient_o difficult_a to_o resolve_v to_o die_v but_o afterward_o add_v he_o not_o give_v leisure_n to_o any_o to_o interrupt_v he_o my_o adventure_n be_v strange_a enough_o for_o after_o have_v show_v much_o bravery_n the_o god_n to_o punish_v i_o for_o be_v guilty_a of_o too_o much_o vanity_n in_o that_o respect_n be_v please_v the_o same_o soul_n which_o in_o another_o body_n have_v be_v so_o stout_a and_o hardy_a shall_v animate_v that_o of_o one_o of_o the_o most_o pusillanimous_a man_n in_o the_o world_n at_o first_o i_o be_v not_o very_o sorry_a for_o it_o for_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o i_o be_v a_o little_a weary_a with_o the_o tumultuous_a life_n which_o i_o have_v lead_v and_o those_o former_a impression_n not_o be_v yet_o whole_o blot_v out_o i_o imagine_v that_o choose_v a_o kind_n of_o calm_a life_n i_o may_v spend_v my_o day_n with_o sufficient_a sweetness_n but_o alas_o i_o be_v deceive_v for_o as_o soon_o as_o it_o be_v perceive_v i_o be_v one_o of_o no_o courage_n i_o be_v expose_v to_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o troublesome_a occasion_n and_o i_o assure_v you_o the_o people_n of_o the_o world_n who_o suffer_v most_o be_v they_o who_o have_v the_o unhappiness_n to_o be_v coward_n for_o i_o dare_v maintain_v it_o be_v a_o thousand_o time_n more_o pain_n to_o be_v void_a of_o valour_n than_o to_o be_v too_o courageous_a for_o a_o man_n who_o be_v valiant_a resolve_n upon_o death_n without_o fear_n at_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o fight_n whereas_o a_o poor_a wretch_n who_o be_v not_o fear_v it_o in_o place_n where_o it_o be_v not_o to_o be_v meet_v with_o for_o my_o part_n whilst_o i_o be_v a_o coward_n i_o fear_v both_o my_o friend_n and_o my_o enemy_n when_o i_o be_v force_v to_o go_v to_o the_o war_n and_o shame_n engage_v i_o to_o be_v present_a in_o any_o encounter_n the_o torment_n i_o suffer_v be_v above_o imagination_n example_n do_v not_o animate_v i_o the_o noise_n of_o arrow_n elash_v together_o make_v my_o heart_n quake_v i_o be_v always_o prepare_v for_o a_o retreat_n and_o always_o observe_v to_o be_v last_o at_o the_o battle_n and_o the_o for_o most_o in_o the_o flight_n i_o go_v whither_o i_o be_v unwilling_a to_o go_v i_o do_v not_o go_v where_o i_o desire_v to_o be_v i_o be_v possess_v with_o fear_n and_o shame_n and_o amid_o all_o this_o with_o a_o sottish_a pride_n which_o cause_v i_o to_o do_v thing_n of_o which_o i_o repent_v a_o moment_n after_o but_o that_o which_o afflict_v i_o most_o be_v that_o though_o at_o my_o return_n from_o the_o war_n i_o speak_v as_o if_o i_o have_v be_v courageous_a yet_o i_o know_v it_o be_v understand_v well_o enough_o that_o i_o be_v not_o therefore_o i_o say_v once_o again_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o painful_a than_o to_o want_v courage_n and_o a_o brave_a person_n that_o engage_v in_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o danger_n suffer_v much_o less_o than_o a_o man_n who_o continual_o fear_v thing_n which_o be_v not_o to_o be_v fear_v now_o therefore_o say_v damon_n can_v what_o amilcar_n say_v be_v doubt_v of_o for_o can_v he_o invent_v a_o adventure_n of_o this_o nature_n be_v it_o not_o truth_n that_o force_v he_o to_o speak_v damon_n pronounce_v these_o word_n after_o a_o manner_n which_o surprise_v all_o the_o company_n indeed_o he_o be_v a_o person_n not_o absolute_o without_o wit_n but_o when_o a_o man_n be_v once_o capable_a to_o give_v himself_o up_o to_o believe_v a_o difficult_a &_o extroardinary_a thing_n he_o maintain_v it_o more_o obstinate_o than_o if_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o be_v believe_v and_o be_v so_o prepossess_v with_o it_o that_o he_o be_v easy_o persuade_v of_o any_o thing_n that_o may_v serve_v to_o authorise_v it_o thus_o the_o poor_a damon_n not_o perceive_v that_o his_o rival_n make_v sport_n with_o he_o conjure_v he_o that_o he_o will_v proceed_v cesonia_n and_o valeria_n do_v the_o same_o anacreon_n herminius_n acrisius_n and_o sicinius_n press_v he_o to_o it_o so_o that_o resume_v his_o discourse_n i_o assure_v you_o say_v he_o that_o life_n which_o they_o say_v be_v a_o thing_n very_o precious_a be_v notwithstanding_o more_o painful_a than_o it_o be_v thought_n to_o be_v for_o though_o i_o remember_v every_o thing_n that_o i_o have_v be_v
matter_n very_o scrupulous_o she_o speak_v and_o write_v exact_o and_o which_o render_v she_o infinite_o lovely_a understand_v all_o the_o dearness_n of_o true_a firiendship_n and_o prudent_o choose_v such_o as_o she_o make_v happy_a with_o her_o own_o she_o have_v also_o the_o good_a fortune_n that_o the_o other_o vestal_n be_v worthy_a to_o be_v with_o she_o especial_o three_o who_o be_v all_o extreme_o amiable_a but_o there_o be_v one_o among_o the_o rest_n who_o have_v a_o great_a interest_n in_o her_o heart_n and_o that_o deserve_o for_o she_o be_v a_o very_a rare_a person_n of_o a_o graceful_a and_o lovely_a aspect_n her_o birth_n be_v very_o noble_a her_o heart_n be_v generous_a and_o tender_a she_o be_v infinite_o ingenious_a her_o humour_n be_v sweet_a and_o complacent_fw-la and_o with_o all_o this_o she_o have_v the_o true_a aspect_n of_o a_o sincere_a honest_a person_n and_o a_o tender_a and_o a_o constant_a friendship_n for_o the_o admirable_a octavia_n who_o can_v be_v commend_v after_o all_o the_o manner_n she_o deserve_v because_o she_o will_v not_o suffer_v herself_o to_o be_v commend_v with_o exaggeration_n yet_o it_o must_v be_v say_v further_o to_o her_o honour_n that_o she_o love_v glory_n passionate_o that_o nothing_o affect_v she_o so_o sensible_o and_o when_o any_o think_v to_o commend_v she_o before_o the_o other_o vestal_n they_o say_v half_a of_o the_o rare_a quality_n she_o possess_v and_o the_o charm_n which_o render_v she_o so_o admirable_a be_v not_o know_v do_v i_o then_o the_o favour_n which_o i_o infinite_o desire_v reply_v berelisa_n to_o bring_v i_o into_o the_o affection_n of_o the_o grand_a vestal_n you_o be_v so_o accustom_a answer_v clidamira_n taunt_o to_o make_v yourself_o belove_v by_o who_o you_o please_v that_o if_o you_o have_v the_o desire_n you_o need_v only_o seek_v out_o a_o occasion_n to_o make_v yourself_o know_v you_o seem_v to_o speak_v oblige_o reply_v berelisa_n but_o yet_o i_o assure_v you_o i_o understand_v you_o as_o i_o ought_v after_o this_o valeria_n have_v tell_v they_o it_o be_v time_n to_o go_v to_o the_o temple_n if_o they_o intend_v to_o see_v the_o ceremony_n these_o fair_a stranger_n accompany_v she_o thither_o where_o be_v well_o place_v they_o see_v valeria_n have_v not_o flatter_v the_o grand_a vestal_n and_o that_o she_o be_v fair_a than_o she_o have_v describe_v she_o she_o perform_v this_o ceremony_n with_o so_o much_o majesty_n and_o so_o good_a a_o grace_n that_o she_o charm_v all_o those_o that_o heheld_v she_o berelisa_n in_o particular_a look_v upon_o she_o as_o a_o person_n from_o who_o she_o expect_v to_o be_v protect_v be_v engage_v to_o love_v she_o from_o that_o very_a moment_n clelia_n have_v lose_v her_o predecessor_n be_v consider_v to_o gain_v her_o affection_n to_o the_o end_n she_o may_v make_v use_n of_o her_o authority_n if_o she_o shall_v need_v it_o for_o the_o vestal_n have_v a_o great_a interest_n in_o rome_n plotina_n also_o hope_v to_o know_v more_o full_o by_o octavia_n what_o her_o decease_a predecessor_n have_v speak_v concern_v she_o at_o her_o death_n be_v solicitous_a of_o get_v a_o place_n in_o her_o affection_n thus_o these_o several_a person_n for_o different_a reason_n purpose_v to_o acquire_v the_o friendship_n of_o the_o grand_a vestal_n who_o at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o ceremony_n continue_v alone_o stand_v by_o the_o holy_a fire_n to_o show_v a_o example_n to_o all_o the_o other_o vestal_n the_o next_o day_n a_o rumour_n be_v spread_v abroad_o that_o the_o enemy_n army_n be_v upon_o their_o march_n with_o all_o speed_n this_o news_n indeed_o be_v true_a for_o the_o king_n of_o hetruria_n understand_v the_o preparation_n that_o be_v make_v for_o the_o defence_n of_o rome_n think_v fit_a to_o give_v no_o leisure_n to_o fortify_v it_o more_o and_o therefore_o hasten_v his_o design_n and_o beside_o tarquin_n himself_o press_v he_o he_o for_n assiduous_o when_o he_o be_v arrive_v at_o clusium_n that_o he_o give_v he_o no_o rest_n it_o be_v true_a galerita_n and_o the_o princess_n of_o the_o leontines_n do_v all_o they_o can_v to_o protract_v matter_n in_o length_n but_o be_v unwilling_a to_o become_v suspect_v they_o dare_v not_o employ_v all_o their_o credit_n to_o that_o end_n so_o that_o they_o can_v not_o much_o retard_v the_o execution_n of_o that_o grand_a design_n but_o for_o that_o they_o desire_v at_o least_o aronce_n may_v be_v free_a they_o perform_v their_o promise_n make_v to_o that_o illustrious_a prisoner_n and_o persuade_v porsenna_n it_o be_v fit_a he_o shall_v be_v bring_v out_o of_o prison_n on_o condition_n to_o serve_v in_o the_o army_n intend_v for_o the_o siege_n of_o rome_n and_o tell_v he_o during_o that_o time_n they_o will_v incline_v he_o to_o embrace_v the_o propound_a marriage_n of_o the_o princess_n of_o cere_fw-la who_o be_v report_v to_o be_v a_o great_a beauty_n galerita_fw-la have_v promise_v in_o the_o name_n of_o aronce_n more_o than_o aronce_n will_v have_v promise_v himself_o porsenna_n send_v order_n to_o he_o who_o command_v in_o the_o island_n of_o saules_n to_o bring_v aronce_n forthwith_o for_o clusium_n but_o when_o he_o receive_v this_o order_n the_o prince_n be_v not_o yet_o return_v from_o that_o secret_a voyage_n which_o he_o make_v to_o rome_n accompany_v with_o the_o old_a man_n who_o inform_v plotina_n of_o so_o many_o thing_n so_o that_o this_o man_n be_v in_o a_o strange_a perplexity_n at_o first_o he_o tell_v he_o that_o bring_v it_o the_o prince_n be_v sick_a and_o not_o to_o be_v see_v and_o that_o a_o little_a time_n ought_v to_o be_v wait_v for_o his_o recovery_n to_o carry_v he_o to_o clusium_n but_o though_o he_o set_v a_o good_a face_n on_o the_o business_n he_o be_v in_o extreme_a trouble_n which_o nevertheless_o do_v not_o torment_v he_o long_o for_o towards_o midnight_n aronce_n according_a to_o his_o promise_n return_v into_o the_o prison_n to_o go_v forth_o again_o the_o next_o morning_n for_o as_o soon_o as_o it_o be_v day_n it_o be_v tell_v he_o that_o bring_v the_o order_n from_o porsenna_n that_o the_o prince_n have_v sleep_v well_o that_o night_n be_v something_o better_o and_o will_v obey_v the_o king_n of_o hetruria_n and_o that_o he_o may_v go_v and_o assure_v porsenna_n of_o as_o much_o he_o be_v also_o introduce_v to_o aronce_n who_o speak_v to_o he_o very_o respectful_o of_o the_o king_n his_o father_n but_o at_o length_n when_o this_o messenger_n of_o the_o k._n porsenna_n be_v go_v aronce_n prepare_v himself_o to_o depart_v and_o promise_v that_o kinsman_n of_o plotina_n that_o he_o will_v in_o that_o time_n procure_v his_o deliverance_n out_o of_o prison_n not_o doubt_v to_o obtain_v it_o by_o his_o interest_n in_o galerita_n but_o when_o he_o consider_v upon_o the_o way_n that_o he_o be_v go_v to_o clusium_n only_o in_o order_n to_o go_v and_o besiege_v rome_n and_o that_o it_o behove_v he_o to_o live_v with_o tarquin_n and_o sextus_n he_o be_v in_o extreme_a despair_n as_o for_o the_o prince_n titus_n he_o be_v his_o friend_n and_o he_o hope_v some_o consolation_n from_o his_o presence_n but_o when_o he_o imagine_v the_o war_n be_v ready_a to_o begin_v that_o he_o can_v not_o think_v of_o see_v clelia_n so_o long_o as_o it_o last_v nor_o reasonable_o hope_v to_o be_v happy_a he_o suffer_v more_o than_o can_v be_v express_v and_o if_o a_o sentiment_n of_o glory_n have_v not_o support_v his_o virtue_n he_o have_v take_v some_o extreme_a resolution_n and_o can_v not_o have_v resolve_v to_o go_v serve_v prince_n who_o he_o despise_v and_o hate_v against_o people_n who_o he_o love_v and_o esteem_v but_o when_o he_o consider_v that_o horatius_n will_v defend_v rome_n he_o feel_v a_o secret_a desire_n in_o his_o heart_n to_o be_v enemy_n to_o it_o notwithstanding_o all_o his_o reluctancy_n with_o these_o thought_n aronce_n arrive_v at_o clusium_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o be_v there_o the_o queen_n his_o mother_n visit_v he_o to_o instruct_v he_o in_o the_o manner_n it_o be_v fit_a for_o he_o to_o speak_v to_o the_o king_n his_o father_n who_o he_o see_v the_o first_o time_n in_o private_a aronce_n be_v the_o goodly_a prince_n in_o the_o world_n porsenna_n can_v not_o behold_v he_o without_o have_v his_o heart_n mollify_v &_o aronce_n be_v so_o absolute_o master_n of_o it_o in_o this_o occasion_n that_o porsenna_n be_v high_o please_v with_o he_o indeed_o galerita_n have_v prevail_v with_o the_o king_n of_o hetruria_n not_o to_o say_v any_o thing_n to_o aronce_n concern_v his_o love_n but_o that_o which_o be_v most_o troublesome_a to_o aronce_n be_v that_o tarquin_n and_o sextus_n be_v then_o at_o clusium_n he_o can_v not_o avoid_v see_v they_o the_o same_o day_n it_o be_v true_a it_o be_v in_o the_o presence_n of_o porsenna_n and_o so_o the_o matter_n be_v
you_o know_v i_o have_v respect_n for_o tolumnius_n and_o that_o i_o shall_v be_v extreme_a sorry_a to_o displease_v he_o however_o if_o you_o accustom_v yourself_o to_o speak_v to_o i_o as_o you_o do_v it_o shall_v be_v hard_o but_o i_o will_v find_v out_o way_n to_o deliver_v i_o from_o your_o importunity_n aurelisa_n speak_v this_o with_o a_o certain_a severe_a aspect_n which_o sensible_o afflict_a aemilius_n but_o in_o stead_n of_o be_v repel_v by_o it_o he_o become_v more_o amorous_a for_o he_o be_v one_o of_o those_o to_o who_o the_o difficulty_n of_o thing_n increase_v the_o desire_n of_o possess_v they_o wherefore_o he_o speak_v again_o to_o aurelisa_n to_o the_o same_o purpose_n but_o so_o respectful_o that_o she_o have_v no_o pretext_n to_o be_v offend_v with_o he_o on_o the_o other_o side_n theanor_n observe_v all_o menesile_n discourse_n be_v only_o to_o despite_v he_o design_v to_o take_v advantage_n of_o her_o anger_n so_o that_o when_o all_o the_o company_n be_v go_v he_o continue_v last_o and_o approach_v to_o terentia_n who_o be_v muse_v by_o a_o window_n if_o you_o remember_v madam_n say_v he_o to_o she_o with_o a_o low_a voice_n all_o that_o you_o have_v hear_v speak_v indirect_o against_o i_o remember_v also_o at_o the_o same_o time_n that_o i_o have_v suffer_v it_o for_o your_o sake_n and_o that_o if_o i_o have_v not_o a_o infinite_a respect_n for_o you_o i_o shall_v tell_v you_o that_o do_v i_o not_o love_v you_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v unfaithful_a i_o assure_v you_o answer_v she_o i_o will_v always_o remember_v the_o quality_n you_o give_v yourself_o to_o the_o end_n i_o may_v not_o be_v endanger_v to_o love_v you_o more_o than_o i_o do_v for_o in_o brief_a a_o man_n that_o can_v forsake_v one_o woman_n for_o another_o when_o he_o be_v love_v by_o she_o may_v prove_v unfaithful_a to_o all_o that_o shall_v put_v confidence_n in_o he_o after_o this_o going_z aside_o to_o aurelisa_n theanor_n be_v constrain_v to_o go_v away_o without_o say_v more_o to_o she_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o evening_n terentia_n and_o aurelisa_n be_v sufficient_o melancholic_a they_o undress_v themselves_o almost_o without_o speak_v to_o one_o another_o though_o they_o lie_v in_o the_o same_o chamber_n and_o it_o be_v not_o till_o the_o next_o morning_n that_o they_o speak_v any_o thing_n when_o after_o they_o be_v dress_v according_a to_o their_o custom_n they_o go_v into_o a_o little_a closet_n not_o far_o from_o their_o chamber_n expect_v the_o hour_n to_o go_v to_o the_o temple_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v there_o aurelisa_n who_o natural_o be_v more_o debonair_a than_o terentia_n ask_v she_o with_o a_o something_o force_v smile_n whence_o it_o come_v to_o pass_v she_o be_v so_o pensive_a that_o day_n for_o say_v she_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v melancholic_a who_o have_v gain_v a_o victory_n you_o ought_v then_o to_o be_v more_o frolic_a than_o you_o be_v answer_v terentia_n for_o you_o have_v triumph_v more_o glorious_o than_o i_o if_o you_o will_v change_v your_o victory_n reply_v aurelisa_n i_o be_o content_a i_o assure_v you_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v my_o fault_n answer_v terentia_n not_o that_o i_o absolute_o agree_v to_o what_o i_o perceive_v you_o think_v but_o i_o answer_v to_o your_o word_n rather_o than_o to_o the_o truth_n of_o the_o business_n you_o set_v upon_o i_o for_o but_o i_o shall_v always_o draw_v this_o advantage_n from_o what_o you_o have_v say_v that_o i_o see_v aemilius_n have_v mention_v his_o love_n to_o you_o and_o i_o do_v not_o convince_v he_o yesterday_o i_o acknowledge_v it_o reply_v aurelisa_n know_v it_o will_v afflict_v terentia_n but_o now_o confess_v to_o i_o whether_o theanor_n do_v not_o make_v you_o know_v he_o love_v you_o and_o that_o as_o i_o have_v make_v a_o faithful_a lover_n of_o a_o unconstant_a one_o you_o have_v make_v a_o man_n unfaithful_a who_o be_v repute_v the_o most_o constant_a in_o the_o world_n your_o sincerity_n require_v the_o like_a from_o i_o answer_v terentia_n i_o confess_v to_o you_o theanor_n make_v i_o understand_v he_o love_v i_o ah_o terentia_n say_v aurelisa_n why_o have_v you_o not_o make_v aemilius_z your_o lover_n ah_o aurelisa_n say_v terentia_n wherefore_o have_v you_o not_o gain_v the_o heart_n of_o theanor_n which_o i_o know_v not_o what_o to_o do_v with_o the_o misery_n be_v add_v she_o that_o i_o perceive_v it_o be_v tolumnius_n absolute_a pleasure_n we_o shall_v marry_v his_o nephew_n and_o that_o according_a as_o your_o heart_n and_o i_o be_v dispose_v we_o shall_v be_v always_o unhappy_a for_o i_o tell_v you_o again_o i_o shall_v never_o be_v able_a to_o live_v with_o aemilius_n though_o he_o be_v a_o person_n of_o merit_n i_o say_v the_o same_o of_o theanor_n answer_v terentia_n after_o this_o the_o like_a unhappiness_n unite_n the_o heart_n of_o these_o two_o virgin_n they_o promise_v much_o friendship_n and_o fidelity_n one_o to_o another_o but_o in_o order_n to_o seek_v some_o remedy_n to_o their_o hard_a fortune_n terentia_n promise_v aurelisa_n always_o to_o treat_v theanor_n ill_a and_o never_o to_o marry_v he_o what_o command_v soever_o tolumnius_n shall_v lay_v upon_o she_o to_o that_o purpose_n who_o she_o obey_v as_o her_o own_o father_n and_o aurelisa_n likewise_o promise_v on_o her_o part_n never_o to_o speak_v any_o thing_n favourable_a to_o aemilius_n nor_o marry_v he_o whatever_o command_n shall_v be_v lay_v upon_o she_o to_o it_o they_o promise_v also_o to_o relate_v sincere_o all_o that_o those_o two_o lover_n shall_v say_v to_o they_o but_o alas_o say_v terentia_n all_o our_o providence_n will_v perhaps_o be_v unprofitable_a to_o hinder_v we_o from_o be_v unhappy_a for_o it_o be_v in_o our_o power_n not_o to_o marry_v those_o we_o do_v not_o love_v but_o if_o it_o shall_v be_v propound_v to_o we_o to_o marry_v those_o we_o do_v not_o hate_v perhaps_o we_o shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o refuse_v they_o though_o they_o do_v not_o love_v we_o and_o it_o be_v possible_a theanor_n and_o aemilius_n will_v have_v the_o weakness_n to_o obey_v tolumnius_n out_o of_o a_o regard_n to_o their_o interest_n however_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o i_o shall_v think_v myself_o as_o unhappy_a to_o marry_v a_o man_n who_o shall_v not_o love_v i_o and_o i_o shall_v affect_v as_o to_o marry_v one_o who_o i_o have_v no_o affection_n for_o and_o love_v i_o you_o have_v reason_n answer_v aurelisa_n but_o since_o hope_n be_v not_o to_o be_v disclaim_v to_o the_o last_o we_o ought_v to_o hope_v that_o be_v unite_v as_o we_o be_v at_o present_a it_o may_v fall_v out_o that_o we_o may_v change_v our_o destiny_n aemilius_n may_v come_v to_o love_v you_o and_o theanor_n not_o to_o hate_v i_o after_o this_o they_o make_v a_o thousand_o caress_n to_o one_o another_o and_o express_v a_o thousand_o blandishment_n at_o the_o end_n of_o this_o conversation_n they_o go_v to_o the_o temple_n where_o their_o two_o lover_n be_v who_o confirm_v by_o their_o look_n what_o they_o have_v speak_v the_o day_n before_o at_o their_o return_n from_o the_o temple_n they_o be_v tell_v one_o of_o her_o friend_n delit_v they_o will_v go_v in_o the_o evening_n into_o the_o garden_n of_o the_o palace_n whither_o as_o you_o know_v madam_n the_o whole_a court_n resort_v very_o frequent_o in_o fair_a weather_n according_o they_o go_v thither_o with_o a_o kinswoman_n of_o they_o imagine_v their_o friend_n will_v take_v the_o pleasure_n to_o walk_v with_o they_o but_o they_o find_v it_o be_v to_o hear_v musick-entertainment_n which_o theanor_n and_o aemilius_n have_v prepare_v for_o they_o and_o that_o she_o in_o who_o name_n they_o be_v request_v to_o come_v know_v nothing_o of_o this_o gallantry_n which_o instead_o of_o exciting_a joy_n in_o they_o for_o who_o it_o be_v intend_v afford_v they_o but_o regret_n and_o discontent_n some_o day_n after_o these_o lover_n give_v a_o magnificent_a collation_n to_o the_o same_o person_n in_o that_o delightful_a grove_n which_o be_v call_v the_o grove_n of_o the_o spring_n because_o the_o verdure_n appear_v there_o soon_o than_o any_o other_o where_o and_o all_o the_o world_n resort_v to_o walk_v there_o in_o that_o season_n and_o to_o make_v their_o love_n more_o take_v notice_n of_o one_o evening_n they_o give_v a_o ball_n under_o a_o magnificent_a tent_n in_o the_o middle_n of_o that_o meadow_n which_o be_v call_v the_o meadow_n of_o flora_n because_o indeed_o it_o be_v always_o cover_v over_o with_o flower_n terentia_n and_o aurelisa_n be_v at_o a_o desperate_a loss_n with_o these_o contrivance_n of_o their_o two_o lover_n to_o please_v they_o but_o yet_o it_o behove_v to_o be_v present_a at_o all_o their_o entertainment_n for_o fear_n of_o displease_v tolumnius_n and_o elinyssa_n not_o long_o after_o they_o be_v joyful_a to_o understand_v
unhappy_a of_o all_o man_n by_o whole_o deprive_v i_o of_o hope_n and_o possibility_n of_o ever_o to_o become_v happy_a for_o what_o ground_n be_v there_o to_o retain_v the_o least_o hope_n after_o that_o which_o be_v arrive_v clelia_n have_v see_v my_o rival_n with_o her_o own_o eye_n do_v the_o great_a action_n that_o ever_o be_v and_o perhaps_o too_o she_o believe_v i_o be_v among_o those_o he_o fight_v with_o at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o bridge_n and_o put_v i_o in_o the_o number_n of_o those_o that_o can_v not_o overcome_v he_o but_o alas_o though_o this_o shall_v not_o be_v so_o yet_o clelius_fw-la will_v make_v use_n of_o horatius_n valour_n against_o i_o for_o what_o can_v be_v refuse_v to_o he_o that_o have_v preserve_v rome_n therefore_o i_o must_v resolve_v to_o see_v clelia_n unfaithful_a or_o clelia_n persecute_v and_o consequent_o i_o must_v prepare_v myself_o to_o be_v always_o miserable_a the_o end_n of_o the_o four_o part_n of_o clelia_n the_o five_o and_o last_o volume_n of_o clelia_n that_o excellent_a new_a romance_n be_v the_o conclusion_n of_o the_o whole_a work_n write_v in_o french_a by_o the_o exquisite_a pen_n of_o mounsieur_fw-fr de_fw-fr scudery_n governor_n of_o notre dame_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr garde_n render_v into_o english_a by_o g._n h._n london_n print_v for_o henry_n herringman_n at_o the_o anchor_n in_o the_o low_a walk_n of_o the_o new_a exchange_n 1677._o the_o five_o and_o last_o volume_n of_o clelia_n that_o excellent_a new_a romance_n be_v the_o conclusion_n of_o the_o whole_a work_n write_v in_o french_a by_o the_o exquisite_a pen_n of_o mounsieur_fw-fr de_fw-fr scudery_n governor_n of_o notre dame_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr garde_n render_v into_o english_a by_o g._n h._n london_n print_v for_o henry_n herringman_n at_o the_o anchor_n in_o the_o low_a walk_n of_o the_o new_a exchange_n 1677._o to_o the_o right_n honourable_a elizabeth_z countess_z of_o rivers_z madam_n the_o unfortunate_a clelia_n have_v since_o by'r_a arrival_n in_o this_o nation_n seek_v a_o patronage_n from_o many_o noble_a hand_n do_v at_o length_n address_v herself_o to_o you_o as_o if_o those_o various_a adventure_n which_o traverse_v her_o illustrious_a life_n can_v not_o terminate_v in_o a_o complete_a happiness_n before_o she_o be_v acknowledge_v to_o you_o for_o it_o and_o that_o her_o virtue_n have_v not_o be_v sufficient_o try_v to_o merit_v that_o felicity_n which_o be_v prepare_v for_o she_o before_o it_o have_v receive_v a_o testimony_n from_o you_o who_o be_v the_o perfect_a pattern_n of_o it_o that_o she_o be_v worthy_a your_o protection_n i_o can_v doubt_v at_o least_o if_o those_o excellent_a beauty_n of_o she_o which_o be_v almost_o matchless_a in_o the_o original_n come_v not_o sully_v from_o my_o unskilful_a hand_n and_o since_o it_o be_v report_v it_o be_v not_o the_o illustrious_a scudery_n but_o that_o celebrate_a vertuosa_n his_o sister_n who_o finish_v the_o romance_n after_o his_o decease_n i_o can_v not_o make_v a_o more_o apt_a dedication_n than_o the_o work_n of_o a_o lady_n to_o the_o most_o noble_a and_o accomplish_a person_n of_o her_o own_o sex_n that_o which_o may_v cause_v you_o to_o make_v some_o difficulty_n in_o the_o reception_n of_o clelia_n be_v the_o person_n of_o he_o that_o shall_v assume_v the_o boldness_n to_o present_v she_o to_o you_o yet_o it_o can_v seem_v strange_a a_o unknown_a person_n shall_v thus_o presume_v since_o a_o heroic_a virtue_n such_o as_o you_o command_v the_o address_n and_o devoyr_n of_o all_o that_o honour_v it_o the_o sense_n of_o which_o i_o can_v better_v manifest_a in_o myself_o than_o by_o my_o humble_a desire_n to_o be_v admit_v together_o with_o clelia_n in_o the_o quality_n of_o madam_n your_o honour_n most_o obedient_a and_o devote_a servant_n g._n haver_n clelia_n a_o new_a romance_n the_o five_o and_o last_o part_n the_o first_o book_n whilst_o aronce_n be_v possess_v with_o a_o opinion_n that_o his_o present_a condition_n render_v he_o the_o most_o unhappy_a man_n in_o the_o world_n horatius_n sometime_o enjoy_v all_o the_o delectation_n that_o glory_n together_o with_o hope_n be_v capable_a to_o excite_v in_o a_o heart_n true_o amorous_a he_o taste_v the_o joy_n of_o be_v satisfy_v with_o himself_o which_o be_v the_o high_a pleasure_n possible_a for_o a_o rational_a person_n to_o resent_v he_o have_v perform_v a_o piece_n of_o singular_a service_n to_o his_o country_n and_o although_o aronce_n have_v disarm_v he_o yet_o his_o last_o action_n afford_v he_o satisfaction_n for_o that_o misfortune_n beside_o clelius_fw-la be_v so_o favourable_a to_o he_o he_o have_v reason_n to_o conceive_v that_o the_o end_n of_o the_o war_n will_v prove_v the_o beginning_n of_o his_o felicity_n and_o indeed_o he_o perceive_v so_o unanimous_a a_o resolution_n in_o the_o roman_a citizen_n to_o defend_v themselves_o to_o the_o utmost_a that_o he_o will_v not_o so_o much_o as_o entertain_v in_o his_o thought_n a_o possibility_n for_o porsenna_n to_o become_v master_n of_o rome_n what_o place_n soever_o he_o go_v into_o afford_v he_o new_a cause_n of_o contentment_n save_v when_o he_o repair_v to_o clelia_n who_o he_o always_o find_v affect_v with_o the_o same_o aversion_n towards_o he_o when_o he_o pass_v along_o the_o street_n the_o people_n attest_v his_o glory_n with_o a_o thousand_o acclamation_n when_o he_o go_v to_o the_o temple_n he_o behold_v sacrifice_n offer_v there_o in_o thankfulness_n to_o the_o god_n for_o the_o great_a action_n which_o he_o have_v perform_v when_o he_o go_v to_o the_o senate_n he_o understand_v they_o have_v ordain_v a_o statue_n to_o be_v erect_v to_o he_o as_o a_o eternal_a monument_n of_o his_o valour_n to_o conclude_v only_o the_o fair_a eye_n of_o clelia_n deprive_v he_o of_o the_o hope_n which_o fortune_n every_o where_o else_o suggest_v to_o he_o and_o true_o this_o be_v oftentimes_o sufficient_a to_o disturb_v all_o the_o pleasure_n that_o hope_n can_v give_v he_o the_o next_o morning_n after_o that_o great_a exploit_n which_o have_v render_v he_o so_o eminent_a in_o rome_n clelius_fw-la bring_v he_o to_o his_o house_n and_o present_v he_o to_o his_o daughter_n he_o find_v cause_n to_o believe_v that_o what_o he_o have_v do_v have_v no_o influence_n to_o change_v the_o heart_n of_o that_o fair_a lady_n at_o first_o clelius_fw-la have_v behold_v she_o with_o a_o sufficient_o cold_a air_n be_v immediate_o out_o of_o a_o excessive_a affection_n for_o his_o country_n transport_v against_o she_o how_o say_v he_o to_o she_o with_o a_o low_a but_o angry_a tone_n dare_v you_o appear_v sad_a when_o i_o bring_v the_o deliverer_n of_o rome_n to_o you_o and_o have_v you_o the_o boldness_n to_o discover_v in_o your_o eye_n the_o token_n of_o that_o obstinate_a and_o unjust_a passion_n which_o you_o harbour_v in_o your_o mind_n clelia_n hear_v her_o father_n speak_v in_o this_o manner_n blush_v and_o cast_v down_o her_o eye_n so_o that_o horatius_n not_o doubt_v but_o that_o which_o clelius_fw-la speak_v low_o to_o she_o displease_v she_o be_v almost_o sorry_a for_o it_o though_o he_o apprehend_v the_o discourse_n can_v not_o but_o be_v in_o his_o favour_n wherefore_o advance_v towards_o she_o he_o interrupt_v the_o private_a communication_n permit_v i_o to_o ask_v you_o madam_n say_v he_o perceive_v clelius_fw-la retire_z whether_o the_o general_a fright_n yesterday_o do_v not_o reach_v you_o too_o and_o whether_o you_o have_v the_o resolution_n to_o behold_v from_o your_o window_n that_o multitude_n of_o enemy_n which_o will_v have_v surprise_v the_o city_n have_v not_o the_o bridge_n be_v break_v down_o at_o which_o they_o endeavour_v to_o enter_v you_o speak_v very_o modest_o of_o one_o of_o the_o fair_a action_n of_o the_o world_n answer_v she_o but_o to_o show_v you_o that_o i_o be_o never_o unjust_a add_v this_o prudent_a lady_n know_v that_o though_o you_o seem_v appoint_v by_o destiny_n for_o the_o cause_n of_o the_o great_a infelicity_n of_o my_o life_n nevertheless_o i_o do_v not_o cease_v to_o make_v vow_n in_o your_o behalf_n when_o i_o see_v you_o alone_o in_o the_o middle_n of_o the_o bridge_n sustain_v the_o whole_a power_n of_o the_o enemy_n for_o indeed_o i_o see_v all_o that_o pass_v in_o that_o great_a occasion_n and_o i_o likewise_o behold_v aronce_n forbid_v his_o man_n to_o shoot_v at_o you_o when_o you_o be_v in_o the_o river_n tiber_n i_o shall_v myself_o have_v inform_v you_o madam_n reply_v horatius_n of_o that_o generosity_n of_o my_o rival_n though_o you_o have_v not_o see_v it_o for_o i_o have_v heretofore_o often_o tell_v you_o that_o i_o yield_v to_o his_o merit_n and_o his_o virtue_n it_o be_v only_o in_o point_n of_o love_n that_o i_o contend_v with_o he_o for_o superiority_n and_o to_o testify_v to_o you_o at_o least_o madam_n that_o i_o do_v all_o that_o i_o can_v know_v i_o do_v not_o
not_o to_o have_v friend_n and_o i_o be_o persuade_v few_o people_n have_v many_o against_o their_o own_o will_n after_o this_o lysimena_n begin_v to_o read_v that_o which_o follow_v the_o portraiture_n of_o amerintha_n amerintha_n be_v of_o a_o tall_a and_o handsome_a stature_n of_o a_o good_a aspect_n and_o have_v all_o the_o lustre_n of_o a_o great_a beauty_n her_o eye_n be_v sparkle_a and_o sweet_a they_o excite_v love_n fear_v and_o hope_v all_o at_o the_o same_o time_n they_o be_v the_o fair_a azure_n in_o the_o world_n and_o her_o hair_n be_v of_o the_o most_o goodly_a flaxen_a that_o ever_o be_v see_v she_o have_v a_o little_a mouth_n ruddy_a and_o smile_a and_o a_o thousand_o charm_n in_o the_o air_n of_o her_o countenance_n her_o complexion_n be_v clear_a even_o to_o admiration_n and_o she_o have_v such_o a_o agreeable_a mind_n in_o which_o sweetness_n and_o confidence_n modesty_n and_o gallantry_n cheerfulness_n and_o sometime_o pensiveness_n appear_v together_o she_o be_v oblige_v and_o civil_a she_o speak_v well_o she_o have_v a_o good_a grace_n she_o please_v all_o that_o see_v she_o and_o whoever_o be_v not_o in_o love_n the_o first_o time_n he_o see_v she_o be_v incapable_a of_o ever_o be_v so_o her_o heart_n be_v resolute_a enough_o to_o undertake_v difficult_a thing_n without_o scruple_n nothing_o perplex_v or_o astonish_v she_o she_o trust_v always_o either_o to_o her_o beauty_n or_o to_o her_o address_n and_o indeed_o she_o have_v reason_n to_o conside_fw-la in_o they_o since_o to_o this_o hour_n she_o have_v almost_o always_o do_v whatever_o she_o desire_v to_o do_v nothing_o be_v able_a to_o resist_v she_o and_o i_o believe_v she_o will_v perpetual_o do_v she_o own_o pleasure_n it_o must_v be_v confess_v say_v lysimena_n after_o she_o have_v do_v read_v that_o amerintha_n have_v all_o that_o this_o portraiture_n attribute_n to_o she_o i_o acknowledge_v it_o answer_v meleontus_n but_o she_o have_v some_o thing_n that_o be_v not_o express_v in_o it_o nevertheless_o add_v i_o there_o be_v none_o but_o will_v know_v she_o by_o this_o description_n if_o it_o be_v so_o say_v zenocrates_n you_o will_v not_o judge_v the_o other_o portrait_n make_v of_o she_o to_o be_v very_o like_a there_o be_v picture_n sometime_o answer_v lysimena_n that_o do_v not_o resemble_v one_o another_o and_o yet_o be_v very_a like_o the_o person_n for_o who_o they_o be_v make_v but_o to_o judge_v whether_o this_o be_v so_o let_v we_o see_v it_o after_o which_o she_o begin_v to_o read_v the_o second_o portraiture_n of_o amerintha_n amerintha_n be_v a_o person_n you_o think_v perhaps_o i_o be_o go_v to_o say_v wonderful_a but_o it_o be_v more_o just_a to_o say_v incomprehensible_a and_o no_o doubt_n you_o will_v agree_v with_o i_o by_o that_o time_n i_o have_v make_v her_o picture_n her_o beauty_n be_v gay_a her_o complexion_n pale_a her_o eye_n sufficient_o terrible_a and_o her_o word_n pass_v through_o one_o of_o the_o handsome_a mouth_n in_o the_o world_n her_o hair_n be_v fair_a and_o the_o air_n of_o her_o whole_a person_n noble_a enough_o but_o her_o hand_n be_v not_o make_v to_o catch_v heart_n for_o they_o be_v so_o deform_v that_o she_o always_o hide_v they_o in_o a_o corner_n of_o a_o great_a veil_n she_o wear_v for_o fear_v she_o shall_v show_v they_o either_o to_o her_o lover_n or_o herself_o nor_o be_v her_o arm_n more_o handsome_a her_o neck_n too_o be_v sufficient_o ill_o shape_v and_o for_o my_o part_n i_o confess_v my_o imagination_n persuade_v i_o that_o all_o which_o i_o do_v not_o see_v more_o resemble_v that_o which_o displease_v i_o than_o that_o which_o seem_v agreeable_a to_o i_o but_o which_o be_v strange_a that_o which_o be_v handsome_a in_o this_o person_n serve_v only_o to_o injure_v she_o since_o she_o do_v not_o attract_v lover_n but_o to_o make_v herself_o enemy_n and_o it_o may_v be_v say_v she_o never_o cause_v herself_o to_o be_v love_v but_o the_o better_a to_o render_v herself_o hate_v for_o they_o that_o do_v not_o love_v she_o admire_v she_o more_o than_o they_o that_o do_v because_o as_o soon_o as_o any_o one_o have_v have_v time_n enough_o to_o know_v she_o he_o find_v that_o she_o love_v none_o but_o herself_o that_o her_o heart_n be_v full_a of_o dissimulation_n and_o that_o she_o use_v a_o certain_a false_a goodness_n only_o the_o better_a to_o deceive_v such_o as_o she_o desire_v to_o destroy_v that_o her_o wit_n only_o serve_v she_o to_o frame_v intrigue_n and_o to_o perplex_v all_o those_o she_o call_v friend_n that_o her_o confidence_n be_v seldom_o employ_v but_o to_o perform_v action_n worthy_a to_o be_v repent_v of_o that_o she_o do_v civility_n to_o none_o but_o those_o from_o who_o she_o know_v she_o shall_v receive_v great_a that_o she_o employ_v craft_n in_o all_o thing_n and_o understand_v not_o true_a prudence_n she_o be_v expert_a enough_o in_o disguise_v truth_n though_o on_o some_o occasion_n she_o have_v be_v liable_a to_o conviction_n of_o falsehood_n she_o love_v liberality_n in_o another_o and_o never_o practise_v it_o she_o will_v have_v it_o believe_v that_o she_o know_v how_o to_o love_v though_o she_o never_o love_v any_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n she_o do_v many_o thing_n which_o nothing_o but_o love_n seem_v to_o be_v able_a to_o cause_v they_o to_o do_v whomit_n absolute_o possess_v but_o last_o the_o great_a truth_n that_o can_v be_v say_v of_o she_o be_v that_o no_o other_o person_n ever_o excite_v so_o much_o love_n and_o hatred_n or_o attract_v so_o many_o praise_n and_o reproach_n and_o that_o which_o trouble_v she_o most_o of_o all_o be_v that_o all_o person_n begin_v with_o admiration_n and_o always_o end_v with_o contempt_n ah_o zenocrates_n say_v lysimena_n if_o there_o be_v any_o stranger_n here_o i_o will_v say_v this_o do_v not_o much_o resemble_v amerintha_n but_o since_o i_o conceive_v none_o can_v contradict_v what_o be_v here_o say_v of_o she_o i_o must_v acknowledge_v this_o second_o portraiture_n resemble_v amerintha_n as_o much_o as_o the_o first_o for_o though_o one_o extol_v she_o and_o the_o other_o blame_v she_o yet_o both_o be_v like_o she_o the_o first_o will_v seem_v admirable_o well_o make_v to_o a_o man_n that_o have_v see_v she_o but_o eight_o day_n and_o the_o latter_a to_o those_o that_o have_v love_v she_o a_o long_a time_n he_o that_o make_v this_o picture_n answer_v zenocrates_n call_v these_o pourtrait_n twofaced_a pourtrait_n because_o in_o the_o one_o he_o speak_v all_o the_o good_a and_o in_o the_o other_o all_o the_o evil_n this_o malicious_a invention_n have_v no_o doubt_n some_o wit_n in_o it_o reply_v lysimena_n but_o for_o that_o it_o may_v prejudice_v virtuous_a person_n i_o will_v not_o commend_v it_o not_o but_o that_o amerintha_n deserve_v her_o picture_n shall_v be_v make_v in_o such_o manner_n that_o it_o may_v please_v every_o one_o but_o however_o it_o be_v better_a to_o conceal_v the_o defect_n of_o other_o than_o to_o discover_v they_o although_o it_o be_v never_o so_o ingenious_o do_v that_o which_o you_o say_v be_v very_o generous_a madam_n answer_v i_o but_o above_o all_o thing_n it_o behoove_v not_o to_o reproach_v any_o person_n for_o want_n of_o beauty_n or_o for_o bad_a fortune_n unless_o people_n desire_v to_o be_v account_v malicious_a or_o scurrilous_a and_o if_o it_o be_v lawful_a to_o speak_v disadvantageous_a truth_n it_o ought_v to_o be_v against_o such_o as_o be_v wicked_a backbiter_n slanderer_n cheater_n envious_a at_o other_o glory_n because_o sometime_o well_o draw_v the_o character_n of_o a_o bad_a man_n vice_n may_v be_v render_v odious_a but_o withal_o these_o description_n ought_v to_o be_v general_a and_o not_o to_o point_v at_o any_o one_o in_o particular_a unless_o it_o be_v necessary_a to_o make_v perfidious_a person_n know_v for_o fear_v they_o deceive_v such_o as_o be_v not_o so_o for_o as_o in_o certain_a place_n of_o great_a river_n mark_n be_v set_v up_o to_o advertise_v such_o as_o pass_v that_o way_n of_o rock_n hide_v under_o the_o water_n which_o may_v occasion_v ship_n wrack_n so_o sometime_o dangerous_a person_n may_v be_v make_v know_v to_o the_o end_n the_o virtuous_a may_n more_o easy_o avoid_v they_o that_o which_o you_o say_v be_v extreme_a reasonable_a reply_v zenocrates_n and_o whereas_o so_o many_o unprofitable_a portraiture_n be_v make_v i_o wish_v some_o be_v compose_v that_o may_v be_v of_o good_a use_n i_o will_v have_v a_o envious_a man_n paint_v forth_o that_o so_o envy_n may_v be_v hate_v a_o detractor_n to_o the_o end_n to_o cause_v detraction_n to_o be_v detest_v a_o deceiver_n that_o perfidiousness_n may_v be_v render_v odious_a and_o in_o like_a manner_n many_o other_o evil_a quality_n but_o as_o for_o a_o inconstant_a person_n interrupt_v lysimena_n smile_v you_o say_v nothing_o of_o he_o though_o i_o
resolve_v to_o die_v without_o give_v you_o any_o testimony_n of_o my_o affection_n but_o find_v a_o necessity_n upon_o i_o to_o declare_v myself_o exact_o i_o be_o too_o sincere_a madam_n to_o offer_v to_o excuse_v myself_o of_o a_o crime_n which_o i_o esteem_v glorious_a to_o commit_v for_o in_o truth_n madam_n the_o seem_o inconstant_a zenocrates_n be_v the_o most_o faithful_a lover_n that_o ever_o live_v and_o moreover_o you_o may_v have_v observe_v that_o for_o some_o time_n ago_o i_o have_v change_v my_o manner_n of_o act_v but_o zenocrates_n answer_v the_o princess_n much_o surprise_v you_o do_v not_o consider_v what_o you_o speak_v for_o if_o you_o persuade_v i_o that_o you_o be_v amorous_a of_o i_o you_o hazard_v the_o lose_n of_o my_o friendship_n shall_v you_o deprive_v i_o of_o your_o friendship_n madam_n reply_v he_o you_o will_v take_v nothing_o from_o i_o that_o can_v render_v i_o happy_a no_o madam_n that_o friendship_n as_o precious_a as_o it_o be_v can_v no_o long_o content_v i_o i_o be_o a_o rash_a person_n and_o have_v desire_n more_o ambitious_a nevertheless_o i_o promise_v you_o to_o keep_v they_o secret_a for_o fear_n of_o offend_v you_o but_o be_v it_o possible_a zenocrates_n interrupt_v the_o princess_n that_o there_o shall_v be_v any_o truth_n in_o your_o word_n and_o that_o you_o will_v force_v i_o to_o banish_v you_o i_o permit_v you_o still_o to_o contradict_v yourself_o add_v she_o for_o i_o have_v so_o tender_a a_o friendship_n for_o you_o that_o i_o will_v do_v all_o thing_n to_o preserve_v it_o be_v i_o assure_v to_o die_v at_o this_o very_a moment_n answer_v zenocrates_n i_o can_v not_o resolve_v to_o contradict_v the_o most_o certain_a truth_n in_o the_o world_n but_o madam_n i_o conjure_v you_o by_o that_o friendship_n where_o with_o you_o have_v honour_v i_o have_v pity_n upon_o a_o unhappy_a friend_n that_o have_v love_v you_o in_o spite_n of_o himself_o that_o have_v receive_v love_n into_o his_o heart_n under_o the_o appearance_n of_o friendship_n and_o do_v not_o destroy_v he_o for_o perhaps_o you_o will_v regret_n he_o after_o you_o have_v destroy_v he_o add_v he_o sigh_v but_o zenocrates_n reply_v lysimena_n what_o can_v i_o do_v for_o you_o in_o this_o case_n without_o act_v against_o myself_o be_v it_o not_o true_a madam_n say_v he_o that_o if_o you_o have_v not_o discover_v i_o love_v the_o princess_n of_o syracuse_n or_o some_o other_o person_n that_o probable_o can_v not_o render_v i_o happy_a you_o will_v have_v pity_v i_o comfort_v i_o and_o give_v i_o counsel_n i_o confess_v it_o answer_v lysimena_n then_o i_o beseech_v you_o reply_v he_o comfort_v i_o and_o counsel_v the_o unhappy_a zenocrates_n he_o desire_v no_o more_o of_o you_o he_o have_v real_o cease_v be_v your_o friend_n to_o become_v your_o lover_n but_o be_v thereby_o more_o unhappy_a do_v not_o he_o deserve_v your_o compassion_n i_o know_v i_o have_v tell_v you_o your_o friendship_n can_v render_v i_o happy_a no_o long_o but_o however_o in_o the_o deplorable_a condition_n i_o be_o become_v at_o least_o my_o friend_n though_o i_o be_o no_o long_o you_o i_o promise_v you_o madam_n to_o do_v exact_o what_o ever_o you_o please_v you_o shall_v be_v mistress_n of_o all_o my_o action_n look_n and_o word_n suffer_v i_o therefore_o to_o love_v you_o as_o i_o be_o able_a to_o love_v you_o and_o love_v i_o also_o as_o you_o but_o what_o say_v i_o add_v he_o no_o no_o madam_n i_o know_v not_o what_o i_o will_v say_v and_o shall_v i_o have_v say_v it_o i_o shall_v have_v repent_v of_o it_o the_o next_o moment_n hate_v i_o then_o and_o banish_v i_o for_o i_o see_v but_o too_o well_o that_o i_o can_v never_o be_v happy_a no_o doubt_v you_o deserve_v never_o to_o be_v so_o say_v lysimena_n but_o the_o interest_n of_o my_o honour_n require_v i_o not_o to_o make_v any_o stir_n in_o the_o world_n that_o may_v be_v to_o my_o disadvantage_n therefore_o zenocrates_n since_o you_o desire_v i_o to_o act_v like_o a_o friend_n still_o i_o counsel_v you_o to_o cure_v yourself_o to_o become_v inconstant_a again_o and_o to_o get_v a_o new_a mistress_n to_o morrow_n to_o who_o you_o may_v be_v so_o diligent_a a_o servant_n as_o to_o extinguish_v the_o unpleasing_a rumour_n meleontus_n have_v tell_v i_o of_o moreover_o i_o forbid_v you_o ever_o to_o speak_v to_o i_o of_o your_o love_n as_o you_o tender_v the_o enjoy_n the_o liberty_n to_o see_v i_o but_o yet_o once_o more_o zenocrates_n resume_v your_o accustom_a manner_n of_o act_v be_v a_o servant_n to_o all_o the_o beauty_n one_o after_o another_o till_o you_o find_v yourself_o perfect_o cure_v zenocrate_n endeavour_v at_o first_o to_o oppose_v this_o advice_n of_o lysimena_n but_o the_o princess_n become_v angry_a and_o speak_v to_o he_o with_o a_o air_n that_o intimate_v there_o be_v no_o other_o course_n to_o be_v take_v but_o obedience_n he_o crave_v her_o pardon_n for_o have_v resist_v she_o he_o submit_v absolute_o to_o her_o pleasure_n and_o he_o engage_v never_o to_o speak_v to_o she_o of_o his_o passion_n to_o be_v cure_v of_o it_o and_o to_o appear_v a_o lover_n of_o some_o fair_a one_o of_o the_o court._n and_o according_o within_o a_o few_o day_n after_o zenocrate_n accustom_a himself_n to_o visit_v a_o kinswoman_n of_o clidamira_n who_o be_v sufficient_o fair_a but_o for_o that_o he_o will_v not_o have_v the_o princess_n suspect_v he_o of_o be_v become_v amorous_a of_o this_o lady_n he_o short_o after_o desert_v she_o for_o another_o and_o that_o other_o for_o a_o three_o and_o thus_o he_o seem_v inconstant_a in_o the_o eye_n of_o all_o the_o court_n that_o he_o may_v seem_v constant_a in_o those_o of_o lysimena_n to_o who_o he_o sufficient_o testify_v by_o his_o look_n that_o his_o heart_n be_v not_o change_v in_o reference_n to_o she_o and_o that_o his_o constancy_n be_v imputable_a to_o she_o as_o the_o cause_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n he_o suffer_v more_o than_o can_v be_v imagine_v for_o he_o talk_v eternal_o of_o love_n to_o woman_n who_o he_o do_v not_o affect_v and_o never_o speak_v of_o it_o to_o the_o person_n who_o alone_o he_o can_v love_v when_o he_o make_v verse_n he_o avoid_v put_v any_o thing_n into_o they_o that_o may_v particular_o suit_v to_o the_o person_n for_o who_o he_o pretend_v to_o compose_v they_o because_o he_o will_v have_v the_o princess_n attribute_v they_o all_o to_o herself_o and_o indeed_o he_o contrive_v they_o so_o ingenious_o that_o without_o any_o one_o observance_n he_o always_o accommodate_v they_o to_o the_o princess_n who_o have_v such_o a_o wit_n as_o she_o have_v understand_v well_o enough_o what_o zenocrates_n desire_v she_o shall_v but_o be_v very_o prudent_a too_o she_o take_v no_o notice_n to_o he_o of_o any_o thing_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n amerintha_n who_o make_v poison_n of_o all_o occurrence_n perceive_v she_o have_v no_o long_o any_o ground_n to_o tell_v meleontus_n that_o zenocrates_n be_v amorous_a of_o lysimena_n make_v divers_a raillery_n upon_o she_o believe_v that_o zenocrates_n have_v give_v over_o love_v she_o as_o well_o as_o his_o other_o mistress_n it_o be_v true_a all_o the_o world_n have_v so_o great_a respect_n for_o lysimena_n that_o her_o raillerios_fw-la be_v ill_o take_v and_o serve_v only_o to_o manifest_v her_o malice_n as_o for_o meleontus_n he_o no_o long_o know_v who_o to_o accuse_v as_o the_o cause_n of_o lysimena_n aversion_n and_o continue_v to_o serve_v she_o out_o with_o much_o assiduousness_n omit_v nothing_o that_o may_v please_v she_o his_o magnificence_n be_v conspicuous_a in_o all_o thing_n she_o have_v more_o divertisement_n than_o she_o desire_v and_o he_o visit_v she_o continual_o but_o be_v of_o a_o violent_a and_o unequal_a temper_n he_o sometime_o speak_v to_o she_o with_o extroardinary_a submissiveness_n and_o sometime_o imperious_o rely_v upon_o the_o prince_n favour_n who_o still_o continue_v his_o courtship_n to_o amerintha_n though_o she_o be_v not_o much_o more_o faithful_a to_o he_o than_o another_o for_o a_o humoursome_a woman_n can_v never_o be_v determine_v to_o any_o person_n how_o much_o soever_o it_o concern_v she_o to_o be_v so_o but_o the_o princess_n have_v honour_v i_o already_o with_o a_o tender_a affection_n make_v i_o privy_a to_o all_o that_o befall_v she_o she_o declare_v to_o i_o her_o aversion_n for_o meleontus_n and_o zenocrates_n love_n to_o herself_o with_o the_o new_a cause_n of_o his_o inconstancy_n about_o this_o time_n zenocrates_n find_v scarce_o any_o lady_n in_o the_o court_n to_o who_o he_o have_v not_o make_v some_o profession_n of_o devotion_n be_v a_o little_o long_a servant_n to_o a_o kinswoman_n of_o amerintha_n than_o he_o have_v be_v to_o all_o other_o which_o lysimena_n observe_v speak_v to_o i_o one_o day_n concern_v it_o
i_o once_o know_v a_o pretender_n to_o fine_a wit_n who_o go_v about_o to_o describe_v a_o handsome_a house_n put_v the_o chapter_n in_o the_o place_n of_o the_o base_a the_o pilaster_n upon_o the_o column_n and_o if_o i_o be_o not_o mistake_v the_o porch_n at_o the_o three_o story_n but_o yet_o he_o have_v the_o faculty_n of_o employ_v all_o the_o term_n of_o the_o most_o exquisite_a architecture_n from_o the_o fume_a pot_n to_o the_o astragal_n it_o be_v true_a he_o do_v not_o put_v they_o in_o their_o right_a place_n but_o nevertheless_o believe_v he_o understand_v himself_o he_o conceive_v he_o be_v understand_v too_o by_o his_o hearer_n and_o be_v very_o much_o satisfy_v with_o it_o to_o avoid_v therefore_o the_o like_a inconvenience_n answer_v merigenes_n after_o he_o have_v laugh_v a_o little_a as_o well_o as_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o company_n at_o that_o which_o amilcar_n speak_v i_o shall_v content_v myself_o to_o tell_v you_o in_o general_a that_o the_o palace_n of_o artaxander_n and_o amalthea_n be_v large_a and_o magnificent_a and_o be_v it_o finish_v will_v be_v one_o of_o the_o goodly_a in_o the_o world_n that_o which_o render_v it_o more_o agreeable_a be_v that_o it_o be_v build_v upon_o the_o haven_n of_o syracuse_n that_o there_o be_v a_o spacious_a and_o fair_a garden_n belong_v to_o it_o that_o the_o court_n of_o it_o be_v handsome_a that_o the_o staircase_n be_v very_o excellent_a that_o there_o be_v great_a and_o goodly_a apartment_n in_o it_o that_o there_o be_v little_a one_o too_o agreeable_a and_o convenient_a and_o that_o all_o the_o place_n and_o part_n of_o this_o palace_n be_v uniform_a magnificent_a and_o well_o contrive_v but_o to_o describe_v only_o the_o low_a apartment_n in_o which_o i_o purpose_v to_o speak_v of_o you_o i_o must_v tell_v you_o it_o be_v contrive_v in_o such_o a_o manner_n that_o all_o that_o can_v be_v wish_v be_v to_o be_v find_v in_o it_o for_o there_o be_v so_o many_o room_n upon_o the_o same_o plain_a that_o my_o memory_n be_v puzzle_v to_o retain_v they_o there_o be_v anti_fw-la chamber_n chamber_n a_o gallery_n cabinet_n at_o both_o end_n and_o all_o these_o so_o well_o contrive_v that_o all_o the_o door_n of_o those_o several_a place_n which_o be_v upon_o the_o same_o row_n exact_o respond_v to_o one_o another_o so_o that_o when_o one_o be_v at_o one_o end_n he_o may_v see_v all_o that_o be_v do_v at_o the_o other_o &_o the_o view_n pass_v through_o all_o these_o several_a place_n find_v its_o a_o very_a agreeable_a sight_n but_o above_o all_o the_o rest_n the_o gallery_n please_v infinite_o imagine_v that_o it_o be_v so_o contrive_v as_o to_o serve_v for_o a_o gallery_n and_o a_o cabinet_n both_o for_o the_o architect_n take_v room_n out_o of_o the_o thickness_n of_o the_o wall_n at_o several_a distance_n to_o place_v shelf_n fill_v with_o book_n the_o like_a have_v be_v make_v on_o the_o side_n of_o the_o bay-window_n and_o for_o the_o safety_n and_o neatness_n of_o the_o book_n there_o be_v curtain_n which_o cover_v they_o and_o great_a carve_a window_n which_o enclose_v they_o this_o gallery_n be_v vault_v which_o render_v it_o agreeable_a and_o cool_a it_o have_v several_a bay-window_n which_o look_v towards_o the_o garden_n where_o be_v see_v abundance_n of_o orange-tree_n and_o on_o each_o side_n and_o at_o both_o end_n be_v see_v at_o equal_a distance_n twenty_o great_a looking-glass_n fasten_v into_o the_o wainscot_n which_o be_v whole_o of_o cedar_n but_o to_o render_v this_o sight_n more_o agreeable_a on_o the_o side_n of_o each_o of_o these_o great_a look_a glass_n there_o be_v other_o little_a one_o with_o branch_n of_o silver_n issue_v out_o at_o the_o bottom_n each_o of_o which_o support_v two_o stately_a lamp_n so_o that_o when_o these_o sixty_o or_o eighty_o lamp_n be_v light_v the_o reflection_n they_o make_v in_o that_o multitude_n of_o looking-glass_n produce_v such_o a_o admirable_a spectacle_n as_o can_v be_v represent_v and_o to_o render_v this_o place_n as_o commodious_a as_o it_o be_v handsome_a the_o cabinet_n which_o be_v at_o the_o end_n remote_a from_o the_o haven_n of_o syracuse_n have_v such_o assemblance_n of_o melancholy_n and_o solitude_n that_o it_o be_v impossible_a not_o to_o be_v pensive_a in_o it_o two_o step_n downward_o lead_v into_o it_o it_o be_v of_o no_o great_a largeness_n the_o prospect_n of_o it_o be_v bound_v and_o there_o be_v a_o shadiness_n so_o suitable_a to_o a_o solitary_a retreat_n that_o never_o be_v any_o place_n so_o fit_a to_o muse_v agreeable_o or_o better_o contrive_v to_o tell_v a_o secret_a in_o as_o this_o but_o contrary_o the_o other_o cabinet_n which_o be_v opposite_a to_o this_o at_o the_o other_o end_n of_o this_o apartment_n be_v in_o view_n of_o the_o haven_n divert_v the_o eye_n with_o a_o thousand_o delightful_a object_n and_o a_o continual_a diversity_n of_o people_n go_v to_o and_o fro_o so_o that_o here_o be_v always_o a_o choice_n either_o of_o solitude_n or_o of_o the_o world_n and_o which_o be_v more_o remarkable_a this_o apartment_n without_o many_o adornment_n or_o guild_v make_v nevertheless_o such_o a_o show_n of_o magnificence_n as_o can_v be_v express_v after_o what_o you_o have_v say_v answer_v plotina_n i_o be_o more_o desirous_a than_o before_o of_o the_o friendship_n of_o the_o generous_a amalthea_n and_o the_o charm_a clarista_n i_o will_v not_o fail_v reply_v merigenes_n to_o request_v it_o for_o you_o and_o i_o confident_o promise_v you_o to_o obtain_v it_o assoon_o as_o i_o shall_v have_v tell_v they_o who_o you_o be_v but_o will_v you_o not_o also_o say_v merigenes_n be_v friend_n to_o some_o of_o my_o friend_n of_o this_o country_n i_o desire_v it_o answer_v she_o smile_v for_o according_a to_o the_o humour_n i_o be_o of_o i_o be_o not_o very_o well_o satisfy_v with_o all_o those_o i_o have_v here_o sincere_o add_v she_o if_o we_o well_o consider_v all_o the_o world_n be_v be_v but_o dissembler_n they_o who_o we_o confide_v in_o most_o deceive_v we_o most_o and_o i_o think_v it_o be_v good_a prudence_n to_o distrust_v all_o other_o and_o ourselves_o too_o for_o all_o the_o world_n act_n like_o the_o vulgar_a at_o some_o time_n or_o other_o all_o the_o world_n commit_v fault_n and_o all_o the_o world_n be_v to_o blame_v in_o some_o case_n they_o who_o seem_v active_a be_v deceiver_n such_o as_o be_v not_o deceiver_n be_v weak_a they_o that_o be_v too_o wise_a love_v no_o body_n and_o they_o that_o love_v real_o be_v so_o few_o that_o they_o make_v no_o remarkable_a number_n never_o tell_v i_o then_o add_v plotina_n speak_v of_o some_o friend_n such_o a_o one_o be_v a_o wise_a man_n generous_a and_o incapable_a of_o fail_v for_o to_o speak_v true_o all_o man_n be_v subject_a to_o defect_n yes_o continue_v she_o with_o a_o amiable_a severity_n all_o the_o world_n may_v be_v prepossess_v with_o prejudice_n all_o the_o world_n be_v crafty_a envious_a slanderous_a false_a weak_a and_o there_o be_v scarce_o a_o hero_n but_o in_o some_o moment_n of_o his_o life_n find_v some_o little_a low_a and_o vulgar_a sentiment_n in_o his_o heart_n so_o true_a it_o be_v that_o all_o man_n have_v their_o imperfection_n in_o truth_n say_v anacreon_n plotina_n have_v reason_n in_o what_o she_o say_v for_o there_o be_v scarce_o any_o person_n that_o can_v boast_v of_o have_v a_o true_a friend_n then_o i_o be_o more_o happy_a than_o other_o say_v merigenes_n for_o i_o believe_v i_o have_v many_o i_o believe_v so_o as_o well_o as_o you_o answer_v anacreon_n but_o upon_o a_o occasion_n of_o some_o importance_n when_o i_o be_v at_o the_o court_n of_o polycrates_n i_o find_v i_o have_v a_o infinite_a number_n of_o false_a or_o weak_a friend_n and_o very_o few_o who_o i_o can_v account_v good_a it_o be_v so_o in_o all_o place_n reply_v amilcar_n but_o in_o prudence_n it_o behoove_v never_o to_o confide_v in_o their_o friendship_n further_o than_o their_o own_o interest_n pleasure_n or_o glory_n tie_v they_o to_o you_o and_o in_o equity_n it_o behoove_v to_o love_v they_o in_o the_o same_o measure_n as_o they_o love_v we_o and_o never_o with_o any_o other_o affection_n than_o that_o which_o increase_v and_o diminish_v according_a to_o occasion_n but_o heroical_a friendship_n be_v not_o much_o less_o difficult_a to_o be_v practise_v than_o constant_a love_n and_o for_o my_o part_n i_o have_v rare_o endeavour_v it_o because_o the_o former_a be_v more_o convenient_a it_o be_v true_a it_o be_v not_o so_o noble_a excellent_a and_o solid_a but_o it_o never_o cause_v we_o much_o perplexity_n it_o never_o make_v we_o partaker_n of_o the_o misfortune_n or_o sorrow_n of_o our_o friend_n it_o never_o render_v we_o concern_v in_o the_o injury_n which_o be_v do_v they_o but_o take_v bare_o the_o flower_n of_o
passionate_a glance_n which_o make_v thing_n understand_v in_o a_o moment_n and_o yet_o they_o have_v in_o some_o occasion_n so_o jolly_a a_o smile_n that_o it_o be_v apparent_a the_o heart_n of_o lucilius_n may_v as_o well_o be_v capable_a of_o a_o sensible_a joy_n as_o of_o a_o violent_a grief_n his_o complexion_n be_v good_a for_o a_o man_n and_o he_o have_v a_o little_a natural_a mark_n under_o his_o left_a eye_n which_o will_v well_o sure_o with_o a_o beauty_n and_o be_v graceful_a to_o his_o countenance_n lucilius_n be_v neat_a he_o attire_v himself_o like_o a_o man_n of_o quality_n and_o so_o as_o agree_v well_o with_o his_o person_n and_o if_o so_o worthy_a a_o person_n as_o he_o may_v be_v commend_v for_o small_a accomplishment_n i_o say_v there_o be_v many_o fair_a lady_n who_o will_v wish_v they_o have_v hand_n as_o white_a as_o he_o but_o indeed_o i_o have_v too_o much_o to_o tell_v you_o of_o his_o wit_n his_o courage_n and_o his_o virtue_n to_o detain_v you_o long_o with_o the_o description_n of_o his_o person_n know_v then_o that_o nature_n have_v be_v liberal_a to_o lucilius_n in_o give_v he_o a_o extraordinary_a wit_n a_o fancy_n of_o unmeasurable_a extent_n and_o a_o judgement_n which_o so_o well_o govern_v both_o that_o he_o never_o speak_v any_o thing_n in_o conversation_n of_o which_o he_o need_v to_o repent_v but_o indeed_o his_o wit_n be_v one_o of_o those_o which_o may_v well_o dispense_v with_o learning_n any_o thing_n because_o consider_v thing_n in_o themselves_o their_o own_o reflection_n instruct_v they_o better_o than_o they_o can_v be_v by_o all_o the_o book_n in_o the_o world_n for_o which_o cause_n lucilius_n have_v spend_v no_o great_a number_n of_o year_n in_o study_n but_o travel_v war_n the_o court_n and_o his_o own_o reason_n have_v be_v his_o master_n nevertheless_o he_o have_v read_v very_o much_o and_o there_o be_v few_o excellent_a piece_n of_o knowledge_n which_o he_o do_v not_o understand_v but_o he_o have_v read_v out_o of_o inclination_n and_o not_o out_o of_o obedience_n as_o ordinary_o all_o young_a person_n do_v that_o be_v design_v to_o be_v well_o educate_v however_o the_o court_n war_n travel_n and_o his_o own_o reason_n have_v so_o well_o instruct_v he_o that_o it_o be_v believe_v he_o owe_v all_o his_o accomplishment_n to_o learning_n so_o well_o he_o understand_v all_o thing_n and_o speak_v so_o rational_o of_o every_o thing_n that_o can_v be_v offer_v to_o discourse_v lucilius_n particular_a virtue_n be_v a_o incomparable_a fortitude_n free_a from_o all_o the_o defect_n which_o be_v incident_a to_o the_o valiant_a for_o he_o be_v a_o stranger_n to_o vanity_n he_o be_v gentle_a civil_a and_o moderate_a nor_o do_v ever_o any_o other_o hate_v false_a glory_n and_o love_v true_a so_o much_o as_o he_o moreover_o lucilius_n be_v of_o a_o admirable_a equal_a temper_n for_o his_o friend_n always_o find_v he_o the_o same_o and_o though_o he_o appear_v serious_a and_o his_o constitution_n incline_v a_o little_a to_o melancholy_n yet_o he_o love_v all_o allowable_a pleasure_n the_o jollity_n and_o mirth_n of_o his_o friend_n please_v and_o divert_v he_o to_o which_o he_o himself_o also_o contribute_v as_o much_o as_o they_o desire_v and_o be_v never_o refractory_a towards_o they_o lucilius_n have_v a_o sense_n of_o honour_n and_o generosity_n and_o he_o be_v constant_a in_o love_n and_o friendship_n he_o have_v a_o firm_a soul_n in_o adversity_n and_o whereas_o his_o fortune_n have_v not_o be_v always_o happy_a but_o he_o have_v meet_v with_o several_a difficult_a encounter_n be_v wound_v and_o take_v prisoner_n in_o war_n travel_v both_o by_o sea_n and_o land_n his_o virtue_n have_v be_v see_v to_o the_o proof_n and_o it_o be_v know_v that_o he_o have_v come_v off_o with_o honour_n in_o all_o occasion_n to_o which_o fortune_n lead_v he_o in_o brief_a lucilius_n be_v valiant_a among_o the_o valiant_a learned_a among_o the_o learned_a gallant_a among_o the_o gallant_n and_o equal_o prudent_a towards_o all_o his_o natural_a inclination_n have_v always_o carry_v he_o to_o poetry_n and_o love_n and_o these_o two_o sentiment_n be_v so_o much_o the_o more_o ingraft_v in_o his_o heart_n for_o that_o they_o subsist_v there_o one_o by_o another_o for_o if_o love_n have_v cause_v he_o to_o make_v verse_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o his_o life_n i_o account_v it_o not_o impossible_a but_o that_o in_o case_n he_o live_v to_o that_o age_n in_o which_o love_n be_v no_o long_o in_o season_n his_o inclination_n towards_o verse_n may_v also_o induce_v he_o to_o write_v of_o love_n because_o poetry_n and_o love_n have_v such_o a_o sympathy_n that_o they_o can_v seldom_o be_v divide_v one_o from_o the_o other_o but_o i_o beseech_v you_o do_v not_o imagine_v that_o lucilius_n make_v such_o verse_n as_o favour_v a_o little_a of_o the_o condition_n of_o the_o author_n which_o may_v perhaps_o be_v call_v gentile_a verse_n because_o for_o the_o most_o part_n person_n of_o that_o quality_n be_v not_o skilled_a enough_o in_o such_o thing_n to_o make_v they_o well_o more_o intelligent_a person_n therein_o than_o myself_o profess_v that_o lucilius_n compose_v verse_n which_o may_v deserve_v homer_n or_o hesiod_n for_o their_o author_n for_o there_o be_v a_o good_a fancy_n wit_n strength_n and_o so_o charm_a a_o harmony_n in_o they_o that_o all_o the_o world_n be_v ravish_v with_o they_o his_o description_n be_v so_o handsome_a so_o poetical_a and_o so_o natural_a that_o you_o will_v think_v you_o very_o behold_v all_o that_o he_o represent_v if_o he_o paint_v the_o shadow_n of_o a_o forest_n he_o delude_v the_o imagination_n if_o he_o represent_v the_o sea_n in_o a_o tempest_n the_o rock_n and_o a_o shipwreck_n the_o heart_n of_o the_o reader_n tremble_v at_o what_o he_o describe_v if_o he_o build_v a_o stately_a temple_n you_o will_v think_v apollo_n himself_o have_v be_v the_o architect_n of_o it_o and_o if_o he_o represent_v a_o unfortunate_a lover_n his_o unhappiness_n excite_v pity_n and_o sigh_n from_o his_o relation_n and_o because_o sadness_n and_o love_n together_o have_v a_o wonderful_a operation_n in_o verse_n he_o very_o rare_o separate_v they_o not_o but_o that_o when_o he_o be_v mind_v his_o muse_n be_v agreeable_o debonair_a one_o of_o the_o most_o curious_a wit_n of_o his_o age_n have_v make_v a_o very_a ingenious_a and_o gallant_a dialogue_n after_o the_o example_n of_o anacreon_n who_o make_v one_o between_o a_o dove_n and_o a_o passenger_n wherein_o he_o introduce_v a_o little_a bird_n which_o return_v every_o year_n in_o the_o garden_n of_o one_o of_o his_o she-friend_n this_o work_n afterward_o occasion_v lucilius_n and_o theomenes_n to_o compose_v the_o most_o delightful_a verse_n in_o the_o world_n who_o natural_a pleasant_a and_o sprightly_a style_n argue_v that_o nothing_o be_v impossible_a to_o they_o as_o for_o love_n lucilius_n understand_v all_o the_o exquisiteness_n of_o it_o and_o never_o be_v a_o lover_n see_v who_o sentiment_n have_v be_v more_o tender_a than_o he_o he_o can_v love_v constant_o even_o without_o be_v love_v absence_n rather_o augment_v than_o diminish_v love_n in_o his_o soul_n and_o it_o be_v not_o easy_a for_o infidelity_n itself_o to_o extinguish_v a_o passion_n in_o his_o breast_n he_o love_v with_o ardour_n and_o respect_n he_o make_v himself_o pleasure_n and_o torment_n which_o other_o lover_n will_v not_o think_v of_o and_o he_o have_v sentiment_n so_o full_a of_o love_n that_o no_o other_o ever_o have_v the_o like_a i_o have_v hear_v he_o say_v that_o one_o day_n be_v at_o sea_n a_o terrible_a tempest_n arise_v which_o almost_o sink_v the_o ship_n he_o be_v in_o in_o view_n of_o a_o castle_n which_o stand_v upon_o a_o rock_n at_o the_o foot_n of_o which_o there_o be_v great_a likelihood_n it_o will_v be_v wrack_v for_o the_o wind_n violent_o drive_v it_o on_o that_o side_n and_o the_o rudder_n be_v break_v in_o this_o condition_n know_v that_o his_o mistress_n be_v in_o that_o castle_n instead_o of_o abandon_v his_o mind_n to_o fear_v like_o the_o rest_n or_o so_o much_o as_o mind_v what_o course_n the_o mariner_n take_v to_o preserve_v themselves_o from_o perish_v he_o lean_v against_o the_o foot_n of_o the_o mast_n and_o take_v pleasure_n in_o think_v that_o if_o he_o be_v shipwrack_v in_o that_o place_n the_o wave_n may_v carry_v his_o body_n to_o the_o foot_n of_o the_o rock_n where_o his_o mistress_n go_v oftentimes_o to_o walk_v may_v see_v it_o and_o bedew_v it_o with_o her_o tear_n and_o this_o thought_n so_o whole_o possess_v he_o that_o he_o observe_v nothing_o at_o all_o that_o be_v do_v to_o resist_v the_o tempest_n but_o through_o excess_n of_o love_n he_o slight_v the_o danger_n and_o death_n itself_o but_o in_o fine_a it_o be_v enough_o to_o tell_v you_o that_o lucilius_n can_v be_v as_o
princess_n of_o carthage_n i_o know_v not_o my_o lord_n whether_o the_o law_n allow_v what_o you_o speak_v of_o answer_v she_o and_o rise_v up_o but_o i_o know_v well_o honour_n do_v not_o allow_v i_o to_o hear_v you_o further_o alas_o i_o beseech_v you_o madam_n cry_v the_o prince_n offer_v to_o detain_v she_o do_v not_o make_v i_o desperate_a for_o if_o you_o do_v i_o shall_v hate_v cloranisbes_n i_o shall_v revenge_v myself_o of_o he_o and_o be_v carry_v to_o the_o severe_a extremity_n consider_v that_o he_o mind_v his_o own_o contentment_n and_o not_o your_o advantage_n but_o i_o require_v nothing_o of_o you_o which_o be_v not_o glorious_a unto_o you_o no_o no_o my_o lord_n answer_v she_o and_o begin_v to_o go_v towards_o the_o princess_n of_o carthage_n who_o be_v come_v to_o they_o all_o the_o ambition_n of_o my_o heart_n shall_v never_o cause_v i_o to_o do_v any_o thing_n against_o my_o duty_n and_o therefore_o i_o conjure_v you_o not_o to_o persist_v obstinate_o in_o a_o design_n which_o will_v never_o succeed_v to_o you_o the_o prince_n can_v not_o answer_v she_o because_o lysonice_n have_v join_v with_o the_o princess_n of_o carthage_n do_v not_o leave_v she_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o evening_n but_o lysonice_n seem_v so_o discontent_v and_o so_o pensive_a to_o pasilia_n and_o delisia_n when_o she_o be_v return_v home_o that_o they_o do_v not_o leave_v she_o in_o quiet_a till_o she_o tell_v they_o the_o cause_n of_o her_o melancholy_n whereupon_o have_v relate_v to_o they_o the_o discourse_n she_o have_v have_v with_o the_o prince_n well_o too_o inquisitive_a friend_n say_v she_o to_o they_o do_v not_o you_o think_v i_o have_v reason_n to_o be_v melancholy_a be_v not_o my_o destiny_n strange_o severe_a to_o expose_v i_o to_o unhappiness_n make_v purposely_o for_o i_o and_o which_o come_v under_o the_o apparence_n of_o good_a fortune_n when_o cloranisbes_n marry_v i_o i_o be_v so_o weary_a of_o be_v in_o exile_n that_o i_o believe_v i_o be_v go_v to_o be_v happy_a nevertheless_o i_o pass_v from_o exile_n to_o solitude_n and_o i_o find_v i_o have_v only_o change_v my_o discontent_n after_o that_o i_o come_v to_o court_n but_o there_o i_o have_v live_v with_o a_o continual_a melancholy_n to_o see_v that_o cloranisbes_n who_o i_o think_v have_v love_v i_o well_o have_v love_v only_o himself_o and_o hinder_v i_o from_o be_v princess_n of_o carthage_n however_o be_v he_o be_v a_o person_n of_o merit_n perhaps_o i_o shall_v at_o length_n have_v resolve_v to_o cure_v myself_o of_o my_o ambition_n and_o pardon_v he_o if_o i_o have_v not_o observe_v in_o his_o heart_n that_o if_o he_o be_v not_o jealous_a he_o may_v be_v and_o for_o my_o utmost_a unhappiness_n the_o prince_n be_v become_v amorous_a of_o i_o and_o propound_v to_o i_o to_o separate_v from_o cloranisbes_n and_o marry_v i_o judge_v then_o in_o what_o a_o condition_n i_o be_o for_o although_o i_o be_o ambitious_a add_v she_o yet_o certain_o i_o have_v affection_n for_o cloranisbes_n and_o shall_v my_o anger_n have_v diminish_v it_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o i_o can_v not_o resolve_v to_o marry_v the_o prince_n of_o carthage_n such_o as_o marry_v again_o after_o the_o death_n of_o their_o husband_n i_o can_v by_o no_o mean_n fancy_n judge_v then_o whether_o i_o be_o capable_a of_o resolve_v to_o forsake_v cloranisbes_n to_o marry_v another_o but_o since_o it_o be_v so_o answer_v pasilia_n i_o see_v no_o need_n you_o have_v to_o be_v great_o perplex_v i_o be_o of_o your_o mind_n add_v delisia_n but_o for_o my_o part_n except_v lysonice_n i_o be_o not_o at_o all_o for_o do_v not_o you_o consider_v that_o if_o i_o be_v rigorous_a to_o the_o prince_n he_o will_v banish_v cloranisbes_n and_o if_o i_o keep_v fair_a term_n with_o he_o i_o shall_v increase_v his_o passion_n and_o excite_v jealousy_n in_o cloranisbes_n who_o perhaps_o will_v send_v i_o back_o into_o the_o country_n cloranisbes_n be_v so_o good_a a_o man_n answer_v pasilia_n that_o you_o may_v always_o do_v what_o please_v you_o cloranisbes_n love_n himself_o so_o high_o reply_v she_o that_o it_o be_v for_o his_o own_o sake_n only_o that_o he_o love_v i_o with_o such_o ardency_n and_o so_o he_o will_v consider_v nothing_o but_o his_o own_o felicity_n but_o what_o will_v you_o have_v he_o do_v say_v pasilia_n i_o will_v answer_v she_o that_o if_o the_o prince_n propose_v to_o he_o to_o marry_v i_o he_o love_v i_o so_o well_o as_o to_o come_v and_o tell_v i_o that_o he_o will_v consider_v nothing_o but_o my_o satisfaction_n and_o if_o i_o desire_v it_o consent_n to_o our_o separation_n that_o so_o i_o may_v be_v princess_n of_o carthage_n ha_o lysonice_n reply_v delisia_n if_o cloranisbes_n can_v part_v with_o you_o to_o the_o prince_n he_o will_v love_v you_o too_o little_a but_o since_o you_o say_v add_v pasilia_n you_o will_v not_o be_v the_o wife_n of_o two_o husband_n what_o matter_n it_o to_o you_o whether_o cloranisbes_n consent_n or_o no_o to_o a_o thing_n which_o you_o do_v not_o desire_v it_o be_v so_o great_a a_o matter_n to_o i_o answer_v she_o that_o i_o find_v i_o shall_v be_v much_o dissatisfy_v with_o he_o if_o he_o be_v not_o so_o generous_a as_o to_o do_v what_o shall_v please_v i_o without_o exception_n it_o must_v be_v confess_v say_v pasilia_n the_o sentiment_n of_o people_n be_v very_o different_a for_o if_o i_o have_v a_o lover_n or_o a_o husband_n who_o be_v capable_a of_o part_v with_o i_o to_o the_o great_a king_n in_o the_o world_n i_o shall_v hate_v he_o i_o be_o not_o of_o your_o opinion_n answer_v lysonice_n hasty_o for_o if_o cloranisbes_n consider_v only_o himself_o i_o shall_v repine_v at_o he_o in_o my_o heart_n and_o though_o i_o be_o resolve_v to_o continue_v his_o wife_n till_o death_n yet_o i_o shall_v be_v so_o without_o any_o contentment_n for_o i_o can_v endure_v those_o people_n who_o love_n only_o with_o respect_n to_o themselves_o who_o consider_v nothing_o but_o their_o own_o pleasure_n and_o mind_n nothing_o else_o such_o be_v the_o sentiment_n of_o lysonice_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n the_o prince_n love_n augment_v from_o day_n to_o day_n and_o the_o princess_n of_o carthage_n who_o seek_v only_o to_o remove_v cloranisbes_n from_o the_o court_n subtle_o promote_a it_o she_o bring_v the_o matter_n to_o the_o utmost_a extremity_n and_o take_v upon_o she_o to_o speak_v to_o cloranisbes_n in_o behalf_n of_o the_o prince_n to_o persuade_v he_o to_o resign_v lysonice_n to_o he_o the_o discourse_n she_o make_v use_v of_o be_v subtle_a and_o crafty_a she_o make_v semblance_n of_o pity_v his_o unhappiness_n she_o accuse_v the_o prince_n of_o injustice_n but_o at_o last_o she_o give_v he_o to_o understand_v that_o it_o be_v necessary_a for_o he_o to_o part_v with_o lysonice_n cloranisbes_n appear_v sufficient_o surprise_v at_o this_o discourse_n for_o though_o he_o well_o perceive_v the_o prince_n love_n yet_o he_o do_v not_o believe_v the_o matter_n will_v have_v go_v so_o far_o his_o great_a discontent_n be_v for_o that_o he_o imagine_v lysonice_n can_v not_o but_o have_v give_v way_n to_o the_o prince_n to_o make_v this_o proposal_n to_o he_o however_o he_o know_v the_o business_n can_v not_o be_v effect_v without_o he_o because_o the_o law_n require_v that_o both_o the_o husband_n and_o wife_n equal_o consent_v to_o their_o divorce_n but_o this_o do_v not_o hinder_v but_o that_o his_o mind_n be_v extreme_o perplex_v i_o know_v madam_n say_v he_o at_o length_n to_o the_o princess_n of_o carthage_n that_o i_o owe_v all_o thing_n to_o the_o prince_n yet_o this_o do_v not_o hinder_v but_o that_o there_o be_v many_o thing_n which_o i_o may_v deny_v he_o without_o injustice_n for_o in_o fine_a every_o thing_n which_o be_v impossible_a be_v no_o part_n of_o my_o duty_n i_o confess_v it_o answer_v the_o princess_n but_o you_o can_v part_v with_o lysonice_n and_o consequent_o you_o ought_v since_o the_o prince_n can_v live_v without_o she_o and_o you_o owe_v all_o thing_n to_o he_o i_o wish_v i_o have_v never_o love_v lysonice_n reply_v he_o and_o the_o prince_n have_v marry_v she_o but_o madam_n see_v the_o god_n have_v permit_v that_o i_o be_o her_o husband_n i_o shall_v be_v so_o till_o death_n if_o the_o prince_n will_v take_v away_o my_o life_n i_o consent_v to_o it_o he_o need_v only_o choose_v such_o a_o punishment_n as_o he_o please_v i_o shall_v suffer_v it_o but_o as_o for_o lysonice_n i_o will_v never_o surrender_v she_o no_o though_o she_o herself_o shall_v consent_v to_o the_o prince_n design_n have_v a_o care_n what_o you_o do_v cloranisbes_n say_v she_o to_o he_o i_o do_v all_o which_o i_o ought_v madam_n answer_v he_o inasmuch_o as_o i_o do_v all_o which_o i_o can_v after_o this_o this_o
esteem_v know_v then_o madam_n say_v theomenes_n hersilia_n be_v of_o a_o very_a comely_a and_o agreeable_a stature_n her_o hair_n be_v the_o fair_a brown_a in_o the_o world_n her_o visage_n oval_n her_o eye_n large_a and_o handsome_a and_o of_o something_o a_o darkish_a blue_a which_o render_v they_o more_o sparkle_a and_o agreeable_a she_o have_v a_o handsome_a mouth_n pure_a tooth_n and_o the_o air_n and_o cast_v of_o a_o sprightly_a person_n of_o a_o person_n of_o condition_n and_o of_o a_o person_n of_o the_o court_n her_o physiognomy_n be_v noble_a there_o be_v lustre_n and_o delicateness_n in_o her_o beauty_n she_o have_v no_o affectedness_n neither_o in_o her_o look_n nor_o word_n nor_o action_n and_o though_o she_o have_v sometime_o i_o know_v not_o what_o little_a discontent_a and_o fierce_a air_n yet_o it_o serve_v rather_o to_o render_v her_o amiable_a than_o diminish_v her_o charm_n her_o gracefulness_n be_v enforce_v she_o dress_v herself_o very_o exquisite_o and_o especial_o her_o head_n to_o the_o best_a advantage_n without_o show_v too_o much_o or_o too_o little_a art_n therein_o one_o thing_n be_v very_o peculiar_a to_o hersilia_n namely_o that_o without_o appear_a morose_n never_o any_o other_o beauty_n be_v so_o averse_a from_o all_o thought_n of_o gallantry_n in_o effect_v all_o the_o court_n render_v homage_n to_o her_o virtue_n and_o have_v a_o extraordinary_a esteem_n for_o she_o hersilia_n heart_n be_v natural_o very_o noble_a and_o her_o mind_n of_o good_a temper_n she_o see_v thing_n as_o they_o be_v and_o act_n always_o as_o she_o ought_v she_o be_v natural_o magnificent_a too_o and_o generous_a she_o be_v faithful_a secret_a and_o discreet_a and_o though_o she_o be_v not_o the_o free_a person_n in_o the_o world_n of_o her_o caress_n nevertheless_o she_o be_v always_o very_o civil_a she_o love_v few_o people_n ardent_o although_o otherwise_o she_o be_v a_o very_a generous_a friend_n she_o be_v much_o affect_v with_o merit_n and_o careful_o seek_v all_o opportunity_n to_o serve_v such_o as_o be_v deserve_v she_o understand_v handsome_a composure_n exact_o and_o without_o make_v ostentation_n of_o her_o wit_n they_o that_o write_v verse_n well_o can_v judge_v of_o they_o better_o than_o she_o she_o be_v skilled_a in_o divers_a foreign_a language_n she_o speak_v very_o agreeable_o and_o there_o be_v something_o i_o know_v not_o what_o so_o charm_v both_o in_o her_o person_n and_o in_o her_o mind_n that_o she_o can_v be_v too_o much_o extol_v have_v a_o considerable_a charge_n under_o the_o queen_n she_o have_v many_o time_n occasion_n to_o give_v proof_n of_o her_o conduct_n address_v and_o judgement_n but_o whatever_o occasion_n she_o meet_v with_o she_o always_o come_v off_o with_o glory_n and_o it_o may_v be_v say_v in_o brief_a that_o hersilia_n be_v a_o lady_n infinite_o amiable_a when_o she_o do_v not_o esteem_v any_o one_o she_o be_v sufficient_o put_v to_o it_o to_o conceal_v it_o and_o she_o be_v more_o absolute_o mistress_n of_o her_o inclination_n than_o of_o her_o aversion_n her_o piety_n be_v solid_a and_o not_o like_o they_o who_o affect_v a_o certain_a outside_n austerity_n which_o scarce_o ever_o reach_v to_o the_o heart_n and_o it_o may_v be_v say_v without_o untruth_n hersilia_n be_v so_o accomplish_a that_o no_o great_a perfection_n can_v be_v desire_v in_o any_o person_n moreover_o she_o be_v high_o respect_v by_o the_o generous_a artander_n her_o husband_n who_o have_v a_o eminent_a office_n and_o a_o very_a considerable_a government_n under_o the_o king_n and_o who_o no_o doubt_n deserve_v to_o have_v such_o a_o virtuous_a wife_n as_o hersilia_n for_o he_o be_v of_o a_o illustrious_a family_n have_v a_o heroic_a mind_n great_a judgement_n and_o capacity_n to_o manage_v the_o most_o difficult_a affair_n he_o be_v honourable_a just_a and_o valiant_a as_o any_o mortal_a can_v be_v he_o have_v do_v several_a great_a and_o glorious_a action_n in_o the_o war_n which_o have_v acquire_v he_o a_o fair_a renown_n but_o his_o valour_n produce_v neither_o vanity_n nor_o pride_n nor_o insolence_n in_o he_o and_o no_o man_n can_v be_v find_v that_o exceed_v he_o in_o modesty_n and_o prudence_n he_o have_v some_o backwardness_n in_o his_o first_o address_n but_o be_v very_o civil_a too_o his_o serious_a humour_n do_v not_o disoblige_v any_o and_o in_o fine_a it_o may_v be_v conclude_v that_o if_o hersilia_n be_v worthy_a of_o artander_n artander_n be_v worthy_a of_o hersilia_n all_o which_o theomenes_n have_v speak_v be_v so_o true_a say_v telanus_n that_o if_o he_o be_v deficient_a in_o any_o thing_n it_o be_v in_o not_o speak_v enough_o of_o those_o two_o excellent_a person_n i_o acknowledge_v it_o answer_v theomenes_n but_o the_o cause_n of_o it_o be_v because_o i_o be_o so_o accustom_a to_o the_o modest_a humour_n of_o hersilia_n who_o will_v never_o have_v any_o to_o commend_v she_o that_o i_o dare_v not_o so_o much_o as_o praise_v she_o in_o her_o absence_n so_o great_a a_o fear_n i_o have_v of_o stir_v up_o that_o amiable_a little_a frowardness_n which_o she_o be_v sometime_o in_o raillery_n reproach_v with_o and_o withal_o which_o so_o well_o become_v she_o but_o i_o will_v know_v say_v amilcar_n whether_o the_o fair_a hermilia_n who_o see_v she_o and_o do_v not_o see_v she_o the_o day_n the_o queen_n of_o hetruria_n come_v hither_o have_v not_o hear_v that_o which_o theomenes_n have_v speak_v and_o not_o attend_v to_o he_o no_o answer_v this_o fair_a virgin_n and_o i_o know_v now_o so_o well_o what_o a_o person_n hersilia_n be_v that_o if_o i_o still_o take_v any_o care_n for_o the_o world_n i_o will_v with_o all_o my_o heart_n resemble_v she_o you_o have_v no_o doubt_n wherewith_o to_o comfort_v yourself_o without_o resemble_v she_o say_v plotina_n but_o it_o be_v true_a if_o you_o ought_v to_o cease_v be_v such_o as_o you_o be_v you_o will_v have_v reason_n to_o desire_v to_o be_v such_o as_o she_o be_v since_o she_o be_v certain_o a_o very_a love_n ●_o and_o excellent_a person_n it_o need_v be_v no_o wonder_n 〈…〉_z the_o generous_a melintha_n love_v she_o so_o much_o yet_o their_o humour_n be_v not_o alike_o say_v amilcar_n but_o have_v both_o of_o they_o very_o prudent_a wit_n they_o never_o clash_v even_o in_o such_o thing_n wherein_o they_o do_v not_o agree_v the_o truth_n be_v say_v telanus_n melintha_n be_v much_o take_v with_o the_o delight_n of_o solitude_n which_o hersilia_n do_v not_o care_n for_o but_o this_o diversity_n of_o sentiment_n produce_v only_o a_o innocent_a contest_v which_o occasion_n they_o to_o speak_v very_o agreeable_a thing_n when_o hersilia_n add_v theomenes_n be_v for_o some_o day_n at_o a_o little_a place_n of_o retirement_n which_o my_o sister_n much_o affect_n she_o reproach_n she_o pleasant_o for_o take_v more_o pleasure_n in_o see_v from_o her_o window_n great_a boat_n load_v with_o several_a countrey-commodity_n pass_v by_o than_o in_o see_v some_o stately_a horse-race_n for_o my_o part_n say_v plotina_n i_o shall_v side_n with_o hersilia_n in_o this_o contest_v against_o melintha_n and_o i_o shall_v help_v melintha_n say_v valeria_n to_o defend_v herself_o against_o hersilia_n for_o i_o think_v nothing_o more_o delightful_a than_o to_o see_v boat_n afar_o off_o go_v to_o and_o fro_o upon_o a_o great_a river_n to_o behold_v the_o flock_n disperse_v in_o the_o meadow_n the_o shepherd_n play_v upon_o some_o rustic_a instrument_n and_o the_o shepherdess_n dance_v at_o the_o corner_n of_o a_o wood._n then_o you_o will_v like_o melintha_n little_a house_n well_o say_v telanus_n for_o all_o thing_n there_o be_v solitary_a country-like_a and_o agreeable_a in_o what_o place_n be_v this_o lovely_a solitude_n demand_v valeria_n it_o be_v near_o clusium_n answer_v theomenes_n but_o i_o undertake_v not_o to_o describe_v it_o to_o you_o telanus_n must_v do_v that_o if_o you_o desire_v to_o know_v what_o manner_n of_o place_n it_o be_v i_o willing_o consent_v thereto_o reply_v telanus_n for_o i_o confess_v to_o you_o i_o be_o extreme_o please_v with_o it_o tell_v we_o then_o precise_o how_o it_o be_v say_v plotina_n but_o have_v a_o care_n what_o you_o speak_v for_o i_o advertise_v you_o amilcar_n who_o hear_v you_o know_v how_o to_o make_v the_o description_n of_o a_o handsome_a place_n admirable_o i_o be_o so_o accustom_a answer_v telanus_n to_o yield_v to_o amilcar_n that_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v surprise_v if_o i_o be_v inferior_a to_o he_o in_o the_o art_n of_o make_v description_n for_o my_o part_n say_v amilcar_n i_o confess_v to_o you_o i_o shall_v be_v much_o trouble_v if_o you_o surpass_v i_o happen_v what_o will_v say_v telanus_n after_o he_o have_v be_v desire_v to_o represent_v the_o house_n of_o melintha_n i_o shall_v tell_v you_o the_o solitude_n i_o be_o to_o describe_v have_v something_o so_o please_v in_o it_o that_o all_o
unwilling_a to_o commit_v a_o criminal_a gallantry_n do_v certain_o all_o she_o can_v to_o deprive_v these_o two_o lover_n utter_o of_o hope_n but_o this_o rigour_n augment_v their_o love_n in_o stead_n of_o diminish_v it_o wherefore_o plotina_n be_v loath_a to_o trouble_v herself_o long_o to_o no_o purpose_n leave_v they_o to_o follow_v their_o own_o inclination_n without_o be_v kind_a or_o favourable_a or_o consider_v one_o more_o than_o the_o other_o yet_o one_o day_n she_o give_v lycastes_n a_o severe_a check_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o martius_n persander_n and_o lucia_n who_o be_v a_o very_a amiable_a lady_n for_o she_o profess_v it_o absolute_o impossible_a for_o she_o to_o love_v a_o lover_n that_o have_v be_v inconstant_a if_o any_o of_o those_o ramble_a lover_n answer_v lycastes_n shall_v become_v a_o faithful_a adorer_n of_o you_o wherefore_o will_v you_o not_o love_v he_o provide_v he_o have_v otherwise_o desert_n because_o reply_v she_o hasty_o that_o which_o have_v happen_v once_o may_v happen_v a_o hundred_o time_n and_o nothing_o will_v be_v more_o insupportable_a to_o i_o than_o to_o be_v abandon_v by_o a_o man_n to_o who_o i_o have_v give_v permission_n to_o love_v i_o therefore_o not_o to_o venture_v that_o mischief_n it_o be_v best_o avoid_v give_v it_o to_o any_o for_o the_o world_n be_v so_o full_a of_o inconstant_a lover_n who_o dissemble_v fidelity_n that_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o be_v mistake_v plotina_n speak_v this_o with_o a_o air_n that_o intimate_v to_o lycastes_n it_o will_v be_v a_o hard_a matter_n for_o he_o to_o win_v her_o heart_n nevertheless_o he_o find_v he_o have_v so_o well_o shake_v off_o his_o old_a inconstancy_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v love_v plotina_n faithful_o that_o he_o hope_v time_n will_v mollify_v she_o for_o my_o part_n i_o confess_v my_o inclination_n then_o lead_v i_o to_o favour_n lycastes_n and_o though_o martius_n be_v a_o very_a worthy_a handsome_a and_o agreeable_a person_n yet_o i_o be_v more_o concern_v for_o his_o rival_n but_o i_o perceive_v one_o day_n plotina_n be_v not_o of_o the_o same_o mind_n but_o have_v a_o little_a more_o inclination_n for_o martius_n than_o for_o lycastes_n however_o she_o careful_o conceal_v it_o but_o for_o all_o her_o care_n not_o only_o i_o but_o lucia_n lycastes_n kinswoman_n and_o friend_n perceive_v it_o too_o this_o person_n have_v former_o seem_v a_o intimate_a friend_n of_o martius_n mistress_n she_o see_v the_o beginning_n progress_n and_o end_n of_o this_o love_n in_o which_o she_o have_v a_o interest_n which_o i_o shall_v tell_v you_o present_o as_o we_o be_v both_o one_o day_n with_o plotina_n we_o happen_v unwitting_o to_o speak_v of_o the_o power_n of_o inclination_n for_o my_o part_n say_v plotina_n i_o do_v not_o believe_v it_o so_o powerful_a as_o it_o be_v report_v at_o least_o i_o be_o persuade_v i_o never_o yet_o love_v any_o thing_n without_o reason_n you_o believe_v this_o answer_v lucia_n smile_v and_o yet_o at_o the_o same_o time_n i_o be_o speak_v to_o you_o your_o inclination_n prepossess_v your_o reason_n to_o the_o disadvantage_n of_o one_o of_o my_o friend_n perhaps_o it_o be_v you_o reply_v she_o which_o be_v prepossess_v if_o you_o will_v let_v cesonia_n be_v judge_n say_v lucia_n i_o will_v explain_v myself_o more_o clear_o i_o assure_v you_o say_v i_o to_o they_o both_o i_o be_o very_o equitable_a it_o be_v a_o great_a vanity_n in_o you_o to_o believe_v yourself_o so_o answer_v plotina_n for_o i_o know_v nothing_o more_o difficult_a than_o to_o please_v other_o and_o one_o self_n too_o and_o it_o be_v observable_a that_o such_o as_o speak_v best_a of_o justice_n be_v usual_o most_o unjust_a but_o i_o beseech_v you_o why_o do_v you_o accuse_v i_o of_o suffer_v myself_o to_o be_v prepossess_v by_o my_o inclination_n be_v it_o not_o true_a say_v lucia_n that_o i_o have_v hear_v you_o say_v a_o hundred_o time_n you_o can_v never_o endure_v the_o affection_n of_o a_o man_n that_o have_v be_v inconstant_a i_o confess_v it_o answer_v she_o and_o it_o be_v for_o that_o reason_n i_o be_o not_o move_v with_o the_o merit_n of_o your_o kinsman_n and_o never_o shall_v be_v but_o wherefore_o say_v lucia_n will_v you_o suffer_v martius_n more_o favourable_o i_o assure_v you_o answer_v plotina_n i_o do_v not_o treat_v martius_n much_o better_a than_o lycastes_n but_o if_o i_o do_v i_o can_v maintain_v it_o be_v out_o of_o reason_n and_o not_o through_o inclination_n for_o martius_n have_v never_o be_v inconstant_a martius_z never_o inconstant_a reply_v lucia_n hasty_o ha_o plotina_n you_o be_v but_o bad_o skill_a in_o inconstancy_n if_o you_o believe_v as_o you_o say_v for_o i_o maintain_v on_o the_o contrary_a that_o that_o inconstancy_n which_o martius_n may_v be_v reproach_v with_o be_v more_o criminal_a than_o that_o whereof_o lycastes_n have_v be_v accuse_v before_o he_o love_v you_o but_o i_o do_v not_o remember_v say_v i_o then_o to_o lucia_n i_o ever_o hear_v it_o say_v that_o martius_n love_v any_o person_n but_o plotina_n since_o the_o death_n of_o lysimira_n of_o who_o he_o be_v so_o amorous_a and_o who_o be_v indeed_o infinite_o amiable_a it_o be_v true_a answer_v lucia_n but_o after_o martius_n have_v love_v that_o amiable_a person_n five_o or_o six_o year_n and_o receive_v a_o thousand_o testimony_n of_o innocent_a affection_n from_o she_o he_o come_v by_o degree_n to_o have_v only_o so_o lukewarm_a a_o amity_n for_o she_o that_o she_o be_v dead_a with_o grief_n although_o he_o be_v not_o perfidious_a to_o she_o but_o preserve_v his_o formality_n to_o she_o perhaps_o reply_v plotina_n that_o person_n as_o lovely_a as_o she_o be_v have_v some_o bad_a humour_n which_o cause_v the_o love_n in_o martius_n heart_n to_o be_v extinguish_v but_o though_o it_o be_v not_o so_o yet_o i_o shall_v not_o conclude_v that_o martius_n ought_v to_o be_v call_v inconstant_a for_o it_o be_v so_o ordinary_a to_o see_v time_n abate_v love_n that_o i_o still_o make_v a_o great_a difference_n between_o lycastes_n and_o martius_n for_o my_o part_n say_v i_o i_o confess_v i_o term_v all_o change_a inconstancy_n and_o it_o be_v a_o mistake_n not_o to_o call_v any_o inconstant_a but_o such_o as_o love_v several_a person_n for_o be_v not_o that_o lukewarmness_n which_o come_v after_o a_o ardent_a love_n a_o kind_n of_o inconstancy_n and_o be_v it_o not_o sufficient_a to_o deserve_v the_o name_n of_o inconstant_a if_o we_o cease_v to_o love_v that_o which_o we_o once_o affect_v i_o know_v not_o very_o well_o whether_o you_o have_v reason_n and_o i_o be_o mistake_v answer_v plotina_n but_o i_o know_v well_o i_o do_v not_o regard_n martius_n and_o lycastes_n alike_o that_o be_v it_o reply_v lucia_n you_o be_v unjust_a in_o shall_v you_o say_v add_v she_o martius_n be_v more_o ingenious_a deserve_a and_o agreeable_a i_o shall_v be_v patient_a but_o to_o treat_v lycastes_n ill_a for_o inconstancy_n and_o to_o suffer_v martius_n who_o cease_v to_o love_v one_o of_o the_o most_o charm_a person_n in_o the_o world_n be_v a_o thing_n which_o i_o can_v approve_v but_o lycastes_n say_v plotina_n have_v forsake_v a_o hundred_o i_o grant_v it_o answer_v lucia_n but_o shall_v he_o have_v forsake_v a_o thousand_o he_o will_v be_v less_o culpable_a than_o martius_n who_o have_v desert_v but_o one_o for_o lycastes_n never_o do_v more_o than_o begin_v to_o love_v till_o now_o his_o heart_n no_o soon_o incline_v on_o one_o side_n but_o it_o be_v sway_v to_o the_o other_o by_o some_o new_a inclination_n wherefore_o have_v promise_v scarce_o any_o thing_n nor_o love_v long_o enough_o to_o cause_v himself_o to_o be_v love_v his_o inconstancy_n seem_v to_o be_v free_a from_o a_o crime_n though_o it_o may_v be_v refer_v to_o levity_n but_o as_o for_o martius_n he_o love_v divers_a year_n together_o he_o be_v love_v again_o and_o that_o ardent_o and_o possess_v her_o heart_n who_o he_o love_v a_o thousand_o respect_n ought_v to_o have_v fasten_v the_o tie_n of_o his_o affection_n and_o nevertheless_o without_o cause_n reason_n or_o pretext_n his_o passion_n have_v cease_v to_o be_v passionate_a that_o which_o former_o delight_v he_o no_o long_o affect_v he_o his_o mistress_n be_v scarce_o his_o friend_n and_o so_o change_v his_o sentiment_n without_o any_o extrinsical_a cause_n he_o become_v in_o my_o opinion_n the_o most_o criminal_a of_o all_o inconstant_a but_o perhaps_o you_o will_v except_v that_o he_o be_v not_o love_v correspondent_o as_o he_o love_v to_o prove_v what_o the_o passion_n of_o that_o unfortunate_a beauty_n be_v read_v i_o beseech_v you_o a_o elegy_n which_o that_o charm_a person_n make_v under_o feign_a name_n during_o a_o short_a absence_n of_o this_o martius_n who_o you_o will_v excuse_v and_o that_o you_o may_v judge_v she_o more_o passionate_a know_v that_o after_o martius_n
be_v not_o much_o to_o be_v wonder_v at_o for_o you_o do_v not_o give_v your_o mistress_n leisure_n to_o love_v you_o ha_o as_o for_o you_o amiable_a plotina_n cry_v he_o i_o promise_v to_o give_v you_o all_o the_o leisure_n you_o can_v desire_v for_o i_o perceive_v i_o shall_v love_v you_o as_o long_o as_o i_o live_v if_o it_o be_v so_o answer_v she_o smile_v i_o shall_v not_o be_v much_o displease_v because_o it_o will_v give_v i_o occasion_n to_o revenge_v all_o those_o that_o you_o have_v desert_v and_o to_o manifest_v that_o there_o may_v be_v eternal_a rigour_n as_o well_o as_o eternal_a love_n plotina_n speak_v this_o with_o a_o certain_a deride_v air_n which_o sensible_o afflict_a lycastes_n so_o that_o he_o can_v speak_v to_o she_o no_o more_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o day_n because_o she_o join_v and_o continue_v with_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o company_n after_o that_o time_n martius_n and_o lycastes_n neglect_v nothing_o which_o they_o think_v fit_a to_o do_v to_o please_v plotina_n yet_o they_o continue_v a_o civil_a respect_n one_o towards_o another_o because_o they_o know_v she_o desire_v it_o and_o nevertheless_o use_v all_o artifices_fw-la to_o their_o mutual_a disadvantage_n lycastes_n know_v lucia_n have_v several_a letter_n of_o martius_n to_o his_o first_o mistress_n and_o from_o she_o to_o he_o importune_v she_o to_o show_v they_o to_o plotina_n as_o she_o have_v the_o elegy_n before_o and_o according_o lucia_n go_v to_o visit_v she_o one_o afternoon_n and_o find_v she_o alone_o act_v so_o cunning_o that_o she_o make_v her_o curious_a to_o see_v the_o letter_n she_o pretend_v to_o have_v i_o will_v show_v you_o they_o say_v lucia_n to_o plotina_n but_o if_o you_o profit_v no_o better_o by_o they_o than_o by_o the_o elegy_n which_o you_o have_v see_v already_o no_o doubt_n i_o shall_v repent_v of_o it_o for_o be_v there_o any_o thing_n more_o ignoble_a than_o after_o the_o death_n of_o a_o person_n infinite_o amiable_a and_o infinite_o virtuous_a to_o see_v the_o most_o secret_a testimony_n of_o her_o affection_n become_v public_a through_o his_o negligence_n who_o receive_v they_o i_o confess_v say_v plotina_n if_o people_n can_v always_o think_v of_o be_v liable_a to_o this_o danger_n they_o will_v never_o write_v any_o thing_n but_o what_o may_v be_v see_v by_o all_o the_o world_n but_o the_o mischief_n at_o the_o time_n such_o oblige_a letter_n be_v pen_v they_o have_v so_o good_a a_o opinion_n of_o they_o to_o who_o they_o be_v write_v that_o they_o fear_v not_o the_o fall_v out_o of_o such_o a_o misadventure_n there_o be_v some_o woman_n no_o doubt_n who_o write_v all_o that_o they_o think_v through_o the_o reason_n you_o mention_v answer_v lucia_n but_o there_o be_v other_o who_o out_o of_o natural_a imprudence_n and_o the_o desire_n to_o have_v flatter_v and_o court_v letter_n write_v not_o to_o one_o alone_o but_o to_o many_o man_n and_o spend_v one_o half_a of_o their_o life_n in_o write_v love-letter_n and_o the_o other_o in_o receive_v those_o of_o their_o gallant_n there_o be_v some_o too_o that_o know_v how_o to_o disguise_v their_o hand_n several_a way_n and_o other_o who_o never_o write_v in_o their_o own_o that_o so_o they_o may_v deny_v all_o when_o they_o please_v as_o for_o these_o woman_n say_v plotina_n i_o allow_v that_o their_o letter_n be_v show_v to_o all_o the_o world_n for_o certain_o they_o be_v not_o worthy_a to_o be_v discreet_o deal_v withal_o but_o as_o for_o a_o virtuous_a person_n in_o who_o heart_n be_v nothing_o but_o a_o innocent_a affection_n it_o be_v inhumanity_n to_o publish_v such_o thing_n of_o they_o as_o may_v be_v ill_o interpret_v yet_o this_o come_v to_o pass_v so_o frequent_o that_o i_o think_v to_o refrain_v from_o write_v any_o thing_n too_o kind_a it_o be_v best_o to_o forbear_v to_o love_v for_o prudence_n be_v not_o much_o listen_v to_o by_o such_o as_o love_v and_o distrust_n be_v so_o contrary_a to_o perfect_a love_n that_o scarce_o any_o thing_n which_o be_v not_o criminal_a can_v be_v refuse_v to_o a_o person_n that_o be_v love_v i_o believe_v also_o that_o the_o more_o a_o affection_n be_v innocent_a the_o more_o the_o letter_n be_v oblige_v for_o they_o that_o rely_v on_o their_o own_o innocence_n write_v with_o more_o liberty_n therefore_o to_o avoid_v be_v expose_v to_o such_o a_o great_a unhappiness_n and_o to_o forbear_v write_v it_o be_v requisite_a for_o i_o as_o i_o say_v before_o to_o keep_v myself_o from_o love_v but_o that_o i_o may_v be_v confirm_v in_o this_o sentiment_n add_v she_o show_v i_o in_o what_o manner_n martius_n write_v to_o lysimira_n and_o how_o lysimira_n write_v to_o martius_n i_o will_v madam_n say_v lucia_n and_o the_o better_a to_o manifest_v to_o you_o how_o deceitful_a or_o inconstant_a man_n be_v i_o will_v show_v you_o letter_n write_v at_o divers_a time_n from_o martius_n to_o lysimira_n see_v here_o then_o a_o letter_n which_o martius_n write_v to_o lysimira_n some_o time_n after_o she_o have_v permit_v he_o to_o love_v she_o and_o he_o have_v request_v some_o slight_a favour_n of_o she_o which_o she_o refuse_v he_o at_o which_o he_o seem_v angry_a and_o leave_v she_o rude_o and_o so_o lucia_n read_v to_o plotina_n that_o which_o i_o be_o go_v to_o read_v to_o you_o for_o i_o keep_v copy_n of_o all_o martius_n letter_n because_o they_o appear_v to_o i_o very_o amorous_a martius_z to_o lysimira_n i_o do_v not_o defer_v madam_n to_o acknowledge_v repent_v of_o and_o beseech_v your_o pardon_n for_o my_o fault_n till_o you_o reproach_n i_o for_o it_o i_o have_v offend_v i_o confess_v i_o be_o culpable_a i_o can_v plead_v any_o thing_n in_o excuse_n of_o my_o capricio_fw-la but_o excess_n of_o love_n for_o who_o be_o i_o madam_n that_o i_o shall_v not_o be_v content_v that_o the_o divine_a lysimira_n know_v i_o love_v she_o though_o she_o give_v i_o no_o testimony_n of_o a_o affection_n equal_a to_o my_o own_o have_v i_o deserve_v the_o other_o kindness_n you_o have_v have_v for_o i_o will_v not_o a_o thousand_o person_n of_o great_a merit_n than_o i_o be_v satisfy_v with_o the_o condition_n you_o permit_v i_o to_o enjoy_v alas_o i_o can_v deny_v it_o but_o i_o beseech_v you_o madam_n be_v not_o offend_v with_o i_o and_o add_v not_o more_o rigorous_a and_o cruel_a punishment_n to_o those_o i_o cause_n to_o myself_o if_o ever_o person_n love_v more_o tender_o more_o respectfully_a and_o more_o ardent_o than_o i_o i_o be_o willing_a that_o you_o refuse_v the_o pardon_n to_o i_o which_o i_o desire_v of_o you_o but_o since_o that_o can_v be_v grant_v it_o i_o madam_n and_o believe_v i_o shall_v with_o eternal_a fidelity_n own_o the_o command_n you_o have_v lay_v upon_o i_o to_o be_v faithful_a yet_o i_o can_v divine_v wherefore_o you_o recommend_v it_o more_o to_o i_o the_o other_o day_n than_o at_o any_o time_n before_o but_o can_v you_o divine_a that_o i_o be_o more_o so_o this_o day_n than_o ever_o i_o be_v in_o my_o life_n when_o you_o tell_v i_o your_o secret_n i_o will_v tell_v you_o i_o but_o alas_o when_o shall_v i_o have_v the_o joy_n to_o speak_v to_o you_o i_o know_v i_o shall_v this_o day_n have_v the_o honour_n to_o see_v you_o but_o in_o a_o place_n where_o i_o can_v do_v nothing_o less_o than_o entertain_v you_o with_o my_o love_n pity_v i_o therefore_o madam_n pity_v i_o and_o imagine_v how_o great_a a_o torment_n it_o will_v be_v to_o you_o if_o you_o be_v oblige_v to_o hide_v the_o most_o violent_a and_o innocent_a passion_n in_o the_o world_n i_o confess_v say_v plotina_n martius_n letter_n be_v very_o amorous_a and_o it_o be_v hard_a to_o conceive_v how_o a_o man_n that_o write_v in_o this_o manner_n can_v cease_v to_o love_v without_o cause_n see_v this_o other_o letter_n answer_v lucia_n for_o it_o be_v something_o more_o passionate_a than_o the_o first_o and_o according_o plotina_n read_v this_o follow_v martius_z to_o lysimira_n how_o i_o love_v you_o madam_n what_o a_o amiable_a person_n you_o be_v and_o from_o how_o great_a pain_n have_v your_o letter_n of_o this_o morning_n deliver_v i_o what_o can_v i_o do_v to_o repay_v you_o as_o much_o joy_n as_o it_o have_v give_v i_o tell_v i_o madam_n for_o if_o no_o more_o but_o die_v for_o your_o service_n be_v requisite_a i_o will_v not_o refuse_v it_o nothing_o can_v equal_v the_o delight_n of_o be_v love_v by_o the_o most_o excellent_a person_n of_o the_o world_n and_o be_v i_o love_v you_o as_o i_o do_v i_o be_o sometime_o extreme_o sorry_a you_o can_v receive_v a_o pleasure_n equal_a to_o i_o but_o i_o beseech_v you_o madam_n let_v this_o pleasure_n accompany_v i_o to_o the_o grave_n let_v fortune_n never_o ravish_v it_o from_o i_o but_o make_v
love_n under_o the_o name_n of_o friendship_n for_o my_o part_n say_v plotina_n i_o be_o not_o oblige_v to_o examine_v the_o heart_n of_o my_o friend_n so_o narrow_o provide_v they_o tell_v i_o nothing_o that_o displease_v i_o but_o i_o be_o not_o go_v so_o far_o yet_o add_v she_o and_o but_o hitherto_o i_o have_v have_v only_a acquaintance_n and_o will_v not_o yet_o make_v choice_n of_o friend_n nevertheless_o i_o perceive_v my_o heart_n incline_v to_o have_v some_o and_o if_o my_o reason_n do_v not_o oppose_v it_o i_o shall_v have_v one_o already_o however_o say_v lucia_n take_v heed_n of_o the_o disguise_a lover_n i_o speak_v of_o for_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o agreeable_a or_o more_o dangerous_a than_o a_o lover_n that_o resemble_v a_o friend_n i_o shall_v endeavour_v to_o make_v use_n of_o your_o counsel_n answer_v plotina_n thus_o you_o see_v amilcar_n how_o the_o mind_n of_o this_o amiable_a virgin_n stand_v affect_v towards_o she_o two_o lover_n the_o next_o day_n after_o this_o conversation_n martius_n happen_v to_o be_v at_o a_o walk_v where_o plotina_n be_v and_o from_o which_o lycastes_n be_v absent_a find_v a_o opportunity_n to_o speak_v to_o she_o a_o little_a more_o open_o of_o his_o love_n than_o he_o have_v do_v at_o first_o plotina_n reject_v he_o with_o sufficient_a rigour_n no_o no_o martius_n say_v she_o to_o he_o do_v not_o conceive_v that_o your_o merit_n shall_v hinder_v i_o from_o forbid_v you_o to_o speak_v to_o i_o of_o your_o pretend_a passion_n for_o if_o you_o love_v i_o not_o you_o do_v i_o a_o injury_n to_o tell_v i_o so_o and_o if_o you_o do_v i_o have_v such_o a_o respect_n for_o you_o as_o not_o to_o cherish_v you_o in_o a_o fruitless_a hope_n but_o do_v you_o think_v madam_n answer_v he_o it_o be_v in_o your_o power_n to_o extinguish_v the_o passion_n you_o have_v excite_v in_o i_o or_o so_o much_o as_o to_o hinder_v i_o from_o hope_v love_n be_v far_o more_o capricious_a than_o you_o imagine_v add_v he_o it_o entertain_v hope_n against_o reason_n and_o you_o attempt_v in_o vain_a to_o keep_v i_o from_o believe_v that_o one_o day_n you_o will_v love_v i_o whether_o you_o will_v or_o no._n yes_o madam_n the_o greatness_n of_o my_o passion_n and_o my_o perseverance_n will_v infallible_o mollify_v your_o heart_n there_o be_v much_o boldness_n in_o your_o word_n reply_v plotina_n i_o assure_v you_o madam_n answer_v he_o there_o be_v more_o love_n than_o boldness_n since_o i_o trust_v only_o in_o the_o greatness_n of_o my_o passion_n but_o martius_n say_v plotina_n think_v you_o i_o can_v ever_o love_v a_o man_n that_o can_v cease_v to_o love_v a_o very_a amiable_a person_n by_o who_o he_o be_v ardent_o love_v who_o tell_v you_o madam_n say_v he_o i_o ever_o cease_v to_o love_v the_o charm_a person_n who_o i_o have_v lose_v all_o the_o world_n answer_v she_o and_o beside_o i_o gather_v it_o by_o my_o own_o observance_n for_o if_o you_o have_v not_o cease_v to_o love_v she_o you_o will_v love_v nothing_o but_o your_o grief_n ha_o madam_n cry_v martius_n sigh_v why_o will_v you_o force_v i_o to_o reveal_v a_o secret_a to_o you_o which_o i_o have_v resolve_v never_o to_o discover_v i_o assure_v you_o answer_v plotina_n i_o have_v no_o intention_n to_o force_v you_o to_o tell_v i_o any_o thing_n of_o private_a concernment_n yet_o you_o force_v i_o to_o it_o reply_v martius_n by_o reproach_v i_o that_o i_o have_v cease_v to_o love_v the_o person_n who_o i_o have_v lose_v thereby_o to_o have_v a_o pretext_n to_o forbid_v i_o to_o love_v you_o nevertheless_o it_o be_v certain_a if_o i_o have_v not_o love_v she_o beyond_o the_o grave_n perhaps_o i_o shall_v not_o have_v be_v your_o lover_n but_o madam_n believe_v i_o upon_o my_o word_n without_o oblige_v i_o to_o give_v you_o a_o particular_a account_n of_o thing_n plotina_n be_v then_o sufficient_o curious_a to_o know_v what_o martius_n mean_v treat_v he_o so_o fierce_o that_o he_o become_v constrain_v to_o tell_v she_o more_o than_o he_o be_v otherwise_o willing_a to_o do_v i_o beseech_v you_o charm_v plotina_n say_v he_o to_o she_o harken_v to_o a_o unhappy_a person_n who_o adore_v you_o yet_o i_o find_v much_o regret_n to_o relate_v what_o i_o be_o go_v to_o inform_v you_o of_o for_o i_o must_v renew_v all_o my_o sorrow_n and_o can_v avoid_v bring_v myself_o into_o danger_n of_o be_v suspect_v of_o vanity_n and_o little_a discretion_n know_v then_o that_o i_o be_v undoubted_o love_v by_o lysimira_n who_o be_v one_o of_o the_o most_o amiable_a person_n in_o the_o world_n and_o i_o can_v swear_v to_o you_o i_o have_v not_o cease_v to_o love_v she_o a_o moment_n it_o be_v true_a after_o our_o affection_n be_v ratify_v by_o a_o thousand_o oath_n i_o change_v my_o deportment_n towards_o she_o because_o decency_n and_o herself_o require_v it_o but_o as_o for_o my_o heart_n it_o continue_v immutable_a nevertheless_o such_o be_v my_o unhappiness_n lysimira_n believe_v lucia_n have_v former_o not_o hate_v i_o and_o do_v not_o hate_v i_o still_o so_o that_o by_o degree_n she_o come_v to_o be_v possess_v with_o a_o secret_a jealousy_n which_o destroy_v she_o how_o interrupt_v plotina_n have_v lucia_n who_o i_o know_v love_v you_o and_o do_v she_o love_v you_o still_o at_o present_v answer_v martius_n i_o believe_v lucia_n hate_v i_o but_o at_o that_o time_n lysimira_n believe_v she_o do_v not_o and_o fear_v i_o love_v she_o though_o it_o be_v most_o certain_a my_o affection_n to_o she_o be_v no_o more_o but_o a_o certain_a civility_n which_o a_o sincere_a man_n may_v dispense_v with_o where_o he_o think_v he_o be_v not_o hate_v in_o the_o mean_a time_n lysimira_n be_v willing_a to_o dissemble_v her_o discontent_n and_o keep_v i_o from_o converse_v with_o lucia_n alone_o choose_v rather_o to_o see_v she_o every_o day_n though_o she_o hate_v she_o than_o not_o to_o see_v she_o and_o be_v in_o fear_n lest_o i_o visit_v she_o in_o private_a so_o that_o she_o become_v inseparable_a from_o lucia_n i_o will_v not_o stay_v to_o tell_v you_o madam_n how_o great_a discontent_v the_o poor_a lysimira_n endure_v without_o communicate_v any_o thing_n to_o i_o for_o she_o have_v a_o great_a mind_n and_o care_v not_o to_o complain_v and_o how_o great_a disquiet_v i_o cause_v she_o innocent_o by_o the_o civility_n i_o show_v to_o lucia_n who_o as_o you_o know_v have_v a_o very_a commendable_a wit._n it_o be_v sufficient_a to_o signify_v to_o you_o that_o lysimira_n by_o little_a and_o little_o become_v very_o languish_v and_o melancholy_a at_o which_o i_o be_v much_o afflict_v and_o inquire_v the_o cause_n of_o she_o i_o understand_v her_o mind_n be_v as_o sick_a as_o her_o body_n i_o entreat_v she_o i_o beg_v she_o to_o let_v i_o know_v the_o cause_n of_o her_o discontent_n but_o she_o will_v never_o tell_v it_o i_o the_o god_n be_v witness_n i_o omit_v nothing_o i_o believe_v may_v please_v cure_n or_o comfort_v she_o i_o do_v one_o thing_n too_o of_o no_o small_a difficulty_n for_o have_v at_o length_n understand_v by_o a_o intimate_a friend_n of_o lysimira_n the_o true_a cause_n of_o her_o sadness_n i_o never_o see_v lucia_n but_o when_o i_o can_v not_o avoid_v it_o and_o i_o give_v she_o all_o the_o assurance_n of_o my_o affection_n i_o can_v express_v but_o to_o her_o own_o unhappiness_n she_o doubt_v the_o sincerity_n of_o my_o oath_n and_o fall_v into_o a_o sickness_n which_o short_o after_o end_v her_o day_n at_o her_o death_n she_o persist_v in_o her_o jealousy_n to_o her_o last_o breath_n and_o leave_v i_o write_v with_o her_o own_o hand_n in_o the_o tablet_n which_o her_o friend_n give_v i_o after_o her_o decease_n the_o sad_a word_n which_o i_o be_o go_v to_o recite_v to_o you_o i_o have_v live_v enough_o martius_n since_o i_o have_v testify_v to_o you_o that_o i_o love_v you_o more_o than_o my_o life_n but_o if_o i_o have_v have_v any_o power_n over_o you_o use_v your_o utmost_a endeavour_n to_o marry_v plotina_n when_o time_n shall_v have_v dry_v up_o your_o tear_n she_o be_v the_o only_a person_n who_o i_o can_v suffer_v to_o succeed_v i_o in_o your_o heart_n do_v not_o refuse_v i_o this_o last_o favour_n which_o i_o desire_v of_o you_o and_o if_o you_o can_v win_v her_o affection_n who_o i_o have_v name_v to_o you_o love_v nothing_o but_o my_o memory_n i_o conjure_v you_o but_o martius_n say_v plotina_n can_v this_o which_o you_o speak_v be_v true_a i_o will_v let_v you_o see_v it_o madam_n when_o you_o please_v answer_v martius_n sigh_v i_o assure_v myself_o add_v he_o you_o conceive_v well_o the_o unfortunate_a lysimira_n design_v principal_o to_o hinder_v i_o from_o love_a lucia_n by_o command_v i_o to_o use_v my_o utmost_a endeavour_n
to_o marry_v you_o for_o she_o do_v not_o know_v you_o intimate_o but_o she_o need_v not_o to_o fear_v it_o for_o consider_v lucia_n as_o the_o cause_n though_o innocent_a of_o lysimira_n death_n i_o go_v no_o more_o to_o visit_v she_o after_o i_o have_v lose_v that_o amiable_a person_n who_o i_o regret_v with_o a_o sensibility_n of_o heart_n which_o i_o be_o not_o able_a to_o express_v indeed_o i_o resolve_v never_o to_o love_v any_o person_n more_o and_o though_o she_o have_v command_v i_o to_o do_v what_o i_o can_v to_o marry_v you_o yet_o i_o make_v a_o determination_n to_o be_v faithful_a to_o her_o ash_n spend_v the_o rest_n of_o my_o day_n with_o very_a great_a indifference_n but_o as_o destiny_n be_v inevitable_a after_o time_n have_v diminish_v my_o grief_n your_o beauty_n the_o charm_n of_o your_o mind_n and_o a_o thousand_o agreeable_a quality_n which_o all_o the_o world_n admire_v in_o you_o dispose_v my_o heart_n to_o obey_v lysimira_n so_o that_o find_v my_o duty_n conjoin_v with_o my_o inclination_n i_o have_v love_v you_o and_o i_o love_v you_o both_o for_o the_o sake_n of_o lysimira_n and_o your_o own_o and_o judge_v now_o charm_v plotina_n whether_o i_o be_o a_o unfaithful_a lover_n for_o i_o swear_v to_o you_o with_o all_o the_o sincerity_n of_o a_o man_n of_o honour_n that_o beside_o yourself_o i_o shall_v never_o have_v love_v any_o thing_n but_o the_o ash_n of_o lysimira_n and_o unless_o lysimira_n have_v permit_v i_o to_o love_v you_o i_o shall_v have_v so_o timely_o oppose_v the_o passion_n i_o have_v for_o you_o that_o perhaps_o it_o will_v not_o have_v overpower_a my_o reason_n moreover_o one_o unhappiness_n there_o befall_v i_o which_o afflict_v i_o sensible_o for_o amid_o the_o disorder_n whereinto_o lysimira_n death_n have_v bring_v my_o reason_n i_o be_v robe_v of_o a_o casket_n in_o which_o lysimira_n and_o i_o have_v put_v all_o that_o we_o have_v write_v to_o one_o another_o because_o she_o dare_v not_o keep_v my_o letter_n and_o for_o my_o part_n i_o have_v ever_o believe_v lucia_n cause_v it_o to_o be_v steal_v from_o i_o that_o so_o i_o may_v be_v deprive_v of_o everything_o which_o shall_v put_v i_o in_o remembrance_n of_o lysimira_n i_o express_v so_o great_a sorrow_n for_o this_o loss_n that_o my_o intimate_a friend_n know_v well_o that_o i_o be_o not_o a_o unfaithful_a person_n martius_n relate_v this_o with_o so_o passionate_a a_o air_n and_o so_o like_o a_o man_n that_o speak_v truth_n that_o the_o novelty_n of_o this_o adventure_n make_v a_o sufficient_a impression_n upon_o plotina_n mind_n she_o call_v to_o mind_n then_o all_o that_o lucia_n have_v say_v to_o she_o against_o martius_n and_o in_o favour_n of_o lycastes_n so_o that_o not_o doubt_v but_o that_o it_o proceed_v from_o the_o secret_a inclination_n she_o always_o have_v for_o martius_n plotina_n become_v a_o little_a less_o severe_a to_o this_o lover_n nevertheless_o she_o do_v not_o permit_v he_o to_o love_v she_o but_o yet_o do_v not_o so_o absolute_o forbid_v he_o as_o to_o make_v he_o despair_v of_o obtain_v her_o permission_n one_o day_n and_o according_o he_o use_v so_o much_o care_n to_o please_v plotina_n that_o she_o suffer_v he_o sometime_o to_o tell_v she_o something_o of_o the_o sentiment_n he_o have_v for_o she_o which_o yet_o be_v always_o in_o such_o a_o manner_n as_o engage_v she_o to_o nothing_o for_o be_v of_o a_o merry_a humour_n she_o easy_o evade_v all_o difficulty_n now_o after_o her_o conversation_n with_o martius_n lucia_n become_v whole_o out_o of_o her_o favour_n and_o whereas_o she_o conceal_v nothing_o from_o i_o which_o befall_v he_o she_o tell_v i_o all_o she_o have_v learn_v from_o martius_n and_o i_o perceive_v by_o the_o air_n with_o which_o she_o speak_v that_o this_o lover_n be_v happy_a than_o he_o think_v not_o that_o plotina_n have_v a_o great_a passion_n in_o her_o heart_n but_o he_o have_v always_o the_o advantage_n to_o be_v better_a thought_n of_o than_o any_o of_o his_o rival_n and_o therefore_o she_o tell_v i_o he_o be_v she_o first_o friend_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n lycastes_n be_v very_o unhappy_a and_o if_o lucia_n have_v not_o comfort_v he_o and_o continual_o encourage_v he_o with_o hope_n i_o believe_v he_o will_v have_v cure_v himself_o but_o this_o person_n design_v to_o serve_v lycastes_n chief_o that_o she_o may_v prejudice_v martius_n omit_v nothing_o to_o bring_v her_o purpose_n to_o pass_v for_o though_o plotina_n love_v she_o no_o long_o yet_o out_o of_o prudence_n she_o continue_v to_o visit_v she_o martius_n become_v more_o cheerful_a as_o he_o become_v more_o happy_a so_o that_o he_o take_v care_v every_o day_n only_o to_o give_v plotina_n new_a divertisement_n nevertheless_o he_o be_v sometime_o discontent_v to_o see_v he_o make_v no_o more_o progress_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o this_o fair_a person_n but_o the_o unhappiness_n of_o lycastes_n be_v a_o very_a efficacious_a consolation_n to_o he_o about_o this_o time_n divers_a pleasant_a thing_n fall_v out_o but_o because_o i_o do_v not_o love_v long_a narration_n i_o will_v shorten_v this_o as_o much_o as_o i_o can_v yet_o i_o must_v not_o omit_v to_o tell_v you_o that_o plotina_n and_o martius_n have_v lay_v a_o wager_n my_o friend_n lose_v and_o give_v martius_n a_o very_a pretty_a seal_n which_o he_o receive_v with_o joy_n but_o how_o careful_a soever_o he_o be_v to_o keep_v it_o he_o drop_v it_o once_o as_o he_o be_v walk_v in_o a_o meadow_n with_o some_o lady_n but_o it_o be_v his_o happiness_n that_o i_o find_v it_o again_o and_o restore_v it_o to_o he_o some_o day_n after_o he_o lose_v the_o writing-tablet_n which_o i_o give_v he_o and_o which_o have_v be_v plotina_n but_o he_o be_v so_o happy_a as_o that_o plotina_n find_v they_o and_o return_v they_o to_o he_o but_o she_o send_v he_o these_o verse_n with_o they_o which_o have_v reference_n to_o a_o conversation_n they_o have_v together_o the_o day_n before_o in_o which_o plotina_n maintain_v that_o a_o lose_a friendship_n may_v be_v revive_v but_o never_o a_o lose_a love_n for_o the_o same_o person_n the_o verse_n be_v these_o it_o be_v true_a good_a fortune_n be_v your_o constant_a friend_n and_o what_o you_o lose_v still_o back_o again_o do_v send_v however_o it_o be_v fit_a henceforth_o more_o care_n you_o show_v remember_v that_o plotina_n tell_v you_o so_o for_o if_o a_o heart_n in_o love_n realm_n go_v astray_o poor_a heart_n it_o be_v lose_v for_o ever_o and_o a_o day_n martius_n answer_v to_o this_o gallant_o with_o very_a much_o wit_n but_o because_o i_o do_v not_o well_o remember_v either_o his_o verse_n or_o his_o letter_n i_o will_v not_o attempt_v to_o repeat_v they_o to_o you_o short_o after_o be_v these_o verse_n be_v not_o make_v any_o secret_a they_o make_v lycastes_n so_o jealous_a that_o he_o quarcel_v with_o martius_n and_o that_o in_o so_o high_a a_o degree_n that_o it_o come_v to_o a_o duel_n so_o they_o fight_v and_o be_v both_o wound_v martius_z but_o slight_o but_o lycastes_n so_o dangerous_o that_o it_o be_v present_o judge_v he_o will_v die_v whereupon_o though_o he_o have_v be_v the_o challenger_n martius_n be_v force_v to_o flee_v from_o ardea_n and_o that_o without_o bid_v adieu_o to_o plotina_n who_o will_v not_o grant_v he_o a_o private_a conference_n so_o that_o he_o be_v fain_o to_o be_v content_v with_o write_v to_o she_o and_o receive_v only_o a_o answer_n of_o some_o line_n some_o day_n after_o his_o departure_n lycastes_n die_v without_o be_v lament_v by_o any_o of_o his_o mistress_n except_v plotina_n who_o pity_v he_o and_o be_v very_o sorry_a he_o die_v chief_o because_o his_o death_n banish_v martius_n during_o his_o absence_n he_o write_v very_o diligent_o to_o plotina_n but_o be_v lucia_n know_v that_o in_o love_n absence_n be_v the_o fit_a time_n to_o prejudice_v a_o lover_n especial_o when_o it_o be_v long_o and_o the_o mistress_n be_v very_o young_a and_o love_v mirth_n and_o pleasure_n she_o do_v not_o despair_v of_o be_v able_a at_o length_n to_o ruin_n martius_n in_o the_o heart_n of_o plotina_n now_o it_o happen_v that_o a_o brother_n of_o she_o return_v from_o a_o long_a voyage_n and_o have_v see_v martius_n for_o some_o time_n in_o the_o place_n which_o he_o choose_v for_o his_o retreat_n she_o oblige_v he_o to_o gratify_v she_o by_o commit_v a_o wickedness_n he_o be_v young_a and_o of_o no_o very_a good_a nature_n he_o do_v not_o love_n martius_n neither_o he_o delight_v to_o cause_v disturbance_n he_o do_v not_o hate_v lie_v and_o have_v love_v plotina_n a_o little_a from_o his_o childhood_n wherefore_o lucia_n have_v plot_v with_o he_o what_o he_o shall_v say_v concern_v martius_n he_o come_v to_o make_v i_o his_o first_o visit_n and_o be_v tell_v i_o
sit_v for_o my_o picture_n that_o day_n to_o give_v it_o to_o plotina_n he_o come_v to_o the_o place_n where_o i_o be_v but_o because_o it_o be_v at_o the_o house_n of_o no_o ordinary_a painter_n and_o the_o conversation_n which_o be_v make_v there_o change_v plotina_n mind_n towards_o martius_n i_o must_v tell_v you_o something_o concern_v that_o excellent_a man_n his_o reputation_n say_v amilcar_n have_v no_o doubt_n arrive_v at_o i_o for_o if_o i_o be_o not_o deceive_v he_o be_v a_o man_n that_o make_v picture_n in_o black_a and_o white_a crayon_n and_o in_o little_a and_o his_o name_n be_v nelanthus_n it_o be_v the_o very_a same_o answer_v cesonia_n but_o be_v it_o possible_a for_o such_o picture_n say_v amilcar_n to_o be_v as_o like_v &_o as_o lively_a as_o those_o that_o be_v draw_v in_o colour_n i_o assure_v you_o answer_v cesonia_n a_o looking-glass_n do_v not_o more_o exact_o represent_v those_o it_o reflect_v than_o the_o crayon_n of_o this_o excellent_a man_n for_o he_o dive_v into_o the_o very_a heart_n of_o people_n to_o animate_v their_o picture_n he_o make_v their_o mind_n and_o humour_n visible_a he_o express_v even_o the_o least_o motion_n of_o their_o soul_n in_o their_o eye_n the_o small_a observable_a action_n do_v not_o escape_v he_o he_o preserve_v too_o the_o perfect_a resemblance_n of_o the_o clothing_n with_o his_o black_a and_o white_a he_o make_v brown_a hair_n distinguishable_a from_o fair_a lively_a colour_n from_o pale_a complexion_n and_o in_o fine_a all_o his_o portrait_n be_v inimitable_a he_o know_v so_o well_o how_o to_o dispose_v light_n and_o shadow_n and_o so_o perfect_o represent_v the_o air_n and_o life_n with_o his_o pencil_n that_o all_o the_o skilful_a in_o painture_n be_v amaze_v at_o his_o work_n the_o head_n he_o make_v be_v so_o round_o or_o rise_v that_o the_o eye_n be_v mistake_v in_o they_o and_o they_o be_v draw_v with_o a_o certain_a softness_n which_o so_o admirable_o imitate_v nature_n that_o he_o can_v be_v sufficient_o commend_v as_o for_o his_o person_n nelanthus_n be_v tall_a well_o proportion_v and_o of_o a_o good_a presence_n he_o speak_v well_o of_o every_o thing_n he_o delight_v those_o he_o draw_v with_o the_o variety_n of_o his_o discourse_n he_o love_v ingenuity_n extreme_o and_o have_v write_v the_o precept_n of_o his_o art_n very_o commendable_o moreover_o he_o make_v very_o agreeable_a and_o exquisite_a verse_n when_o he_o draw_v a_o person_n that_o please_v he_o and_o who_o he_o will_v commend_v but_o which_o be_v strange_a at_o the_o same_o time_n he_o make_v his_o admirable_a crayon_n which_o deserve_v to_o be_v admire_v by_o all_o the_o world_n he_o talk_v with_o the_o same_o jollity_n and_o freedom_n of_o mind_n as_o if_o he_o have_v nothing_o to_o do_v but_o to_o divert_v the_o company_n and_o nevertheless_o there_o be_v nothing_o more_o handsome_a and_o exact_a than_o that_o which_o he_o be_v do_v and_o therefore_o he_o have_v draw_v all_o the_o person_n of_o high_a quality_n illustrious_a and_o learned_a in_o italy_n and_o this_o be_v the_o man_n at_o who_o house_n i_o be_v one_o day_n with_o plotina_n to_o sit_v for_o my_o picture_n when_o lucia_n brother_n i_o tell_v you_o of_o come_v to_o find_v i_o be_v it_o be_v a_o usual_a custom_n to_o make_v question_n to_o a_o man_n who_o come_v from_o a_o long_a voyage_n i_o set_v myself_o to_o inquire_v divers_a thing_n of_o celius_n for_o so_o be_v lucia_n brother_n call_v but_o plotina_n have_v a_o secret_a design_n make_v mockery_n of_o my_o demand_n and_o counsel_v celius_n not_o to_o answer_v i_o at_o all_o or_o if_o he_o do_v not_o to_o tell_v i_o the_o truth_n for_o indeed_o say_v she_o to_o he_o i_o think_v there_o be_v nothing_o more_o troublesome_a than_o to_o be_v oblige_v to_o give_v a_o account_n of_o your_o travel_n to_o every_o one_o that_o you_o meet_v for_o be_v there_o any_o thing_n more_o tedious_a than_o to_o meet_v such_o people_n as_o desire_v to_o know_v even_o the_o least_o circumstance_n of_o the_o country_n which_o you_o have_v see_v who_o expect_v you_o shall_v know_v the_o difference_n between_o the_o pismire_n of_o egypt_n so_o fame_v for_o bigness_n and_o the_o pismire_n of_o italy_n and_o who_o raise_v question_n upon_o question_n know_v not_o wherefore_o they_o will_v know_v that_o which_o they_o inquire_v of_o but_o for_o my_o part_n who_o care_v neither_o for_o the_o elephant_n of_o asia_n the_o pismire_n of_o egypt_n nor_o the_o crocodile_n of_o nilus_n i_o will_v only_o ask_v celius_n whether_o the_o woman_n of_o italy_n be_v as_o lovely_a as_o those_o he_o have_v see_v elsewhere_o and_o whether_o the_o honest_a man_n of_o this_o country_n do_v not_o equal_v those_o of_o other_o be_v to_o speak_v to_o the_o two_o most_o charm_a person_n in_o the_o world_n answer_v celius_n i_o have_v not_o liberty_n to_o say_v there_o be_v any_o elsewhere_o that_o equal_a they_o but_o if_o i_o be_v to_o speak_v in_o another_o place_n have_v first_o except_v you_o i_o will_v free_o acknowledge_v that_o the_o greek_a lady_n have_v something_o very_o attractive_a and_o that_o their_o glance_n be_v so_o amiable_a that_o his_o heart_n can_v see_v they_o much_o without_o love_v they_o unless_o the_o heart_n be_v otherwise_o preengaged_a then_o you_o have_v love_v some_o greek_a beauty_n reply_v i._o have_v be_v so_o long_o absent_a answer_v he_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o imagine_v that_o i_o can_v but_o have_v love_v in_o some_o place_n of_o the_o world_n for_o certain_o people_n become_v amorous_a more_o easy_o in_o other_o country_n than_o in_o their_o own_o for_o such_o as_o be_v absent_a be_v always_o free_a from_o business_n and_o idleness_n be_v a_o great_a preparative_n to_o love_n yet_o i_o know_v some_o absent_v reply_v i_o look_v upon_o plotina_n who_o i_o dare_v swear_v be_v not_o amorous_a in_o the_o place_n of_o their_o banishment_n in_o truth_n say_v she_o blush_v that_o be_v not_o to_o be_v speak_v so_o affirmative_o for_o few_o know_v how_o to_o deport_v themselves_o in_o absence_n as_o they_o ought_v and_o yet_o i_o know_v nothing_o more_o oblige_v than_o to_o do_v as_o i_o mean_v but_o to_o speak_v truth_n i_o do_v not_o find_v many_o person_n but_o who_o accustom_v themselves_o to_o dispense_v with_o see_v such_o as_o they_o love_v best_a which_o nevertheless_o be_v that_o which_o will_v displease_v i_o most_o of_o any_o thing_n in_o the_o world_n add_v she_o for_o as_o many_o as_o i_o esteem_v i_o be_o confident_a time_n can_v not_o accustom_v i_o to_o want_v patient_o the_o sight_n of_o a_o person_n who_o i_o love_v much_o but_o i_o shall_v be_v always_o more_o sad_a and_o careless_o dress_v desire_v his_o presence_n every_o moment_n have_v no_o delight_n in_o those_o very_a place_n where_o other_o find_v most_o and_o every_o day_n will_v increase_v my_o melancholy_n for_o all_o this_o we_o usual_o see_v two_o day_n after_o a_o lover_n be_v out_o of_o his_o mistress_n sight_n he_o be_v comfort_v he_o deck_v himself_o as_o former_o he_o walk_v converse_v divert_v himself_o every_o day_n less_o remember_v the_o person_n he_o love_v and_o be_v no_o long_o afflict_v than_o while_o he_o be_v write_v to_o she_o i_o confess_v answer_v celius_n most_o man_n do_v thus_o but_o you_o must_v confess_v too_o that_o most_o woman_n comfort_v themselves_o as_o speedy_o as_o man_n i_o confess_v it_o sincere_o say_v plotina_n but_o according_a to_o the_o humour_n i_o be_o of_o if_o i_o be_v so_o unhappy_a as_o to_o love_v one_o of_o those_o content_v or_o comfort_v absent_v if_o i_o may_v so_o speak_v and_o know_v it_o i_o shall_v so_o well_o comfort_v myself_o with_o his_o loss_n that_o perhaps_o i_o shall_v in_o time_n render_v he_o incapable_a of_o consolation_n for_o most_o of_o such_o absent_a person_n speak_v at_o their_o return_n as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v all_o the_o while_n the_o most_o miserable_a man_n in_o the_o world_n it_o be_v true_a say_v nelanthus_n then_o continue_v his_o work_n too_o most_o part_n of_o traveller_n be_v great_a liar_n for_o one_o day_n i_o see_v a_o absent_a lover_n who_o oblige_v i_o to_o copy_n in_o little_a a_o great_a picture_n of_o his_o mistress_n who_o he_o leave_v at_o volaterra_n whence_o he_o be_v and_o be_v he_o take_v some_o pleasure_n in_o see_v i_o work_n he_o come_v very_o frequent_o to_o visit_v i_o and_o i_o remember_v one_o day_n among_o the_o rest_n i_o behold_v he_o very_o merry_a he_o relate_v sundry_a divertisement_n to_o i_o at_o which_o he_o have_v be_v present_a in_o the_o precede_a day_n he_o sing_v he_o make_v pleasant_a verse_n upon_o a_o picture_n which_o i_o have_v draw_v as_o i_o do_v also_o in_o my_o turn_n and_o feign_v myself_o a_o african_n to_o divert_v he_o
have_v contribute_v to_o embellish_v this_o place_n but_o the_o better_a to_o enjoy_v the_o sight_n and_o admire_v so_o many_o handsome_a object_n at_o once_o you_o must_v ascend_v up_o the_o mount_n by_o two_o stately_a perroon_n make_v like_o a_o amphitheatre_n which_o have_v also_o fix_v very_o goodly_a fountain_n of_o different_a form_n about_o the_o midst_n at_o the_o base_a of_o the_o balustrade_n be_v see_v two_o great_a lion_n which_o by_o meleander_n contrivance_n show_v after_o a_o particular_a manner_n the_o arm_n of_o cleonymus_n for_o the_o squirrel_n be_v see_v between_o the_o paw_n of_o the_o lion_n but_o so_o that_o it_o be_v manifest_a these_o cruel_a animal_n have_v nothing_o but_o gentleness_n and_o kindness_n for_o it_o when_o you_o come_v to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o mount_n a_o large_a green_a round_n of_o water_n surprise_v you_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o which_o arise_v as_o by_o miracle_n a_o jet_n of_o water_n fifty_o foot_n high_a of_o so_o prodigious_a and_o extraordinary_a a_o greatness_n that_o it_o will_v seem_v a_o thick_a pillar_n of_o crystal_n if_o the_o motion_n do_v not_o convince_v the_o eye_n and_o to_o denote_v that_o it_o be_v the_o last_o piece_n of_o this_o great_a and_o excellent_a workmanship_n there_o be_v place_v beyond_o it_o a_o handsome_a statue_n of_o hercules_n rest_v himself_o after_o all_o his_o labour_n which_o be_v represent_v in_o sculpture_n upon_o the_o pedestal_n in_o this_o place_n seat_n be_v build_v to_o behold_v so_o many_o rare_a thing_n the_o more_o commodious_o which_o appear_v so_o much_o the_o more_o excellent_a for_o that_o from_o thence_o also_o divers_a plain_a and_o rustic_a object_n be_v see_v for_o on_o both_o side_n you_o see_v two_o rude_a prospect_n and_o a_o little_a temple_n among_o the_o tree_n this_o mount_n have_v walk_n on_o each_o side_n and_o grass_n in_o the_o middle_n and_o from_o thence_o you_o have_v a_o fair_a sight_n of_o the_o building_n than_o from_o any_o other_o place_n with_o the_o two_o back-wing_n which_o belong_v to_o it_o the_o two_o garden-plat_n which_o be_v on_o both_o side_n the_o vast_a compass_n of_o the_o great_a garden_n between_o the_o two_o grove_n all_o the_o divers_a spirt_a fountain_n the_o channel_n the_o square_n of_o water_n the_o cascade_n and_o those_o too_o which_o be_v on_o the_o side_n of_o the_o garden_n for_o flower_n which_o be_v before_o one_o of_o the_o wing_n hence_o also_o be_v discover_v a_o thing_n which_o have_v be_v happy_o invent_v by_o the_o famous_a meleander_n for_o whereas_o cleonymus_n have_v several_a ancient_a rarity_n and_o especial_o two_o figure_n of_o stone_n which_o be_v say_v to_o have_v serve_v for_o the_o sepulture_n of_o the_o first_o king_n of_o libya_n in_o a_o little_a irregular_a corner_n of_o ground_n he_o have_v cause_v two_o pyramid_n to_o be_v build_v in_o imitation_n of_o those_o which_o be_v near_o memphis_n to_o the_o end_n to_o place_n in_o they_o all_o such_o kind_n of_o rarity_n as_o he_o possess_v so_o that_o the_o sight_n of_o these_o pyramid_n together_o with_o that_o of_o so_o many_o excellent_a and_o different_a object_n take_v away_o all_o thought_n of_o regret_v that_o this_o place_n have_v not_o one_o of_o those_o prospect_n in_o which_o river_n and_o sea_n be_v discover_v and_o in_o which_o the_o eye_n be_v often_o weary_v than_o divert_v for_o every_o thing_n that_o be_v see_v in_o this_o admirable_a desert_n be_v agreeable_a the_o eye_n can_v stray_v but_o with_o delight_n nevertheless_o you_o must_v not_o imagine_v that_o i_o have_v describe_v all_o the_o beauty_n of_o this_o place_n to_o you_o for_o i_o be_o confident_a i_o have_v omit_v very_o many_o and_o beside_o to_o speak_v truth_n valterra_n be_v but_o in_o its_o infancy_n if_o i_o may_v so_o speak_v and_o there_o will_v be_v so_o much_o difference_n between_o what_o it_o be_v now_o and_o what_o it_o will_v be_v one_o day_n as_o there_o be_v between_o a_o fair_a virgin_n when_o she_o be_v but_o twelve_o year_n old_a and_o when_o she_o be_v eighteen_o and_o yet_o it_o be_v hard_a to_o imagine_v that_o any_o thing_n can_v be_v add_v to_o it_o and_o when_o any_o one_o walk_n there_o he_o so_o forget_v himself_o that_o he_o can_v retire_v indeed_o as_o it_o be_v fit_a to_o return_v to_o the_o source_n of_o thing_n in_o this_o garden_n one_o can_v but_o think_v with_o pleasure_n on_o the_o worth_n and_o virtue_n of_o he_o that_o have_v render_v it_o such_o as_o it_o be_v who_o in_o his_o great_a employment_n have_v display_v all_o the_o grand_a quality_n of_o his_o wit_n and_o courage_n and_o who_o by_o his_o justice_n humanity_n and_o magnificence_n have_v find_v the_o art_n to_o oblige_v the_o happy_a and_o miserable_a and_o to_o be_v the_o protector_n of_o all_o virtuous_a person_n ill-treated_n by_o fortune_n as_o well_o as_o of_o the_o science_n and_o excellent_a arts._n ha_o theanor_n say_v amilcar_n perceive_v he_o have_v do_v speak_v i_o be_o infinite_o oblige_v to_o you_o for_o have_v so_o well_o describe_v valterra_fw-la i_o confess_v i_o be_o charm_v with_o it_o the_o beauty_n of_o the_o valley_n of_o tempe_n be_v not_o comparable_a to_o those_o you_o have_v describe_v the_o country_n of_o elis_n have_v nothing_o that_o approach_v they_o athens_n corinth_n thebes_n carthage_n babylon_n and_o rome_n have_v nothing_o so_o admirable_a nor_o do_v all_o the_o earth_n afford_v a_o more_o excellent_a place_n but_o how_o rare_a soever_o it_o be_v i_o shall_v rather_o choose_v to_o have_v the_o mind_n and_o capacity_n of_o cleonymus_n than_o his_o fair_a house_n after_o this_o aemilius_z have_v confirm_v that_o which_o theanor_n have_v relate_v they_o go_v to_o horse_n again_o but_o because_o they_o have_v stay_v a_o very_a long_a time_n in_o that_o place_n they_o be_v overtake_v by_o night_n so_o that_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o a_o thick_a wood_n amilcar_n unaware_o separate_v himself_o from_o theanor_n and_o aemilius_n he_o stray_v two_o or_o three_o mile_n but_o at_o length_n the_o moon_n rise_v he_o find_v the_o right_a way_n again_o and_o see_v he_o be_v not_o far_o from_o praeneste_n which_o he_o perceive_v upon_o the_o top_n of_o a_o hill_n which_o hill_n have_v this_o particularity_n that_o be_v environ_v with_o divers_a other_o less_o high_a all_o their_o top_n seem_v to_o form_v a_o kind_n of_o a_o crown_n which_o make_v a_o very_a handsome_a sight_n and_o therefore_o some_o affirm_v that_o this_o place_n be_v heretofore_o call_v stephano_n which_o signify_v a_o crown_n and_o other_o polystephane_n which_o signify_v in_o greek_a many_o crown_n for_o praeneste_n be_v of_o a_o greek_a foundation_n and_o build_v as_o the_o inhabitant_n pretend_v by_o a_o son_n of_o ulysses_n and_o circe_n but_o other_o ascribe_v its_o foundation_n to_o another_o cause_n but_o be_v it_o how_o it_o will_v amilcar_n arrive_v there_o observe_v the_o hope_n of_o peace_n begin_v to_o revive_v commerce_n for_o there_o be_v a_o infinite_a number_n of_o stranger_n there_o and_o all_o place_n appoint_v for_o the_o lodging_n of_o such_o as_o come_v to_o consult_v the_o lot_n be_v so_o full_a that_o he_o can_v not_o be_v entertain_v there_o so_o he_o go_v to_o the_o quarter_n of_o telantus_n who_o receive_v he_o very_o civil_o and_o there_o he_o find_v one_o of_o the_o most_o intimate_a friend_n of_o the_o illustrious_a amalthea_n who_o name_n be_v cleontus_n son_n of_o the_o sage_a timantus_n and_o who_o by_o his_o virtue_n and_o a_o thousand_o excellent_a quality_n deserve_v the_o esteem_n of_o all_o that_o know_v he_o and_o therefore_o amilcar_n be_v very_o joyful_a to_o see_v he_o and_o embrace_v he_o i_o do_v not_o think_v say_v telantus_n observe_v in_o what_o manner_n they_o converse_v together_o two_o person_n of_o so_o contrary_a humour_n can_v have_v be_v such_o pleasant_a company_n together_o no_o no_o answer_v amilcar_n do_v not_o deceive_v yourself_o by_o apparence_n cleontus_n have_v indeed_o a_o serious_a air_n a_o wise_a and_o sufficient_o melancholy_a deportment_n but_o for_o all_o this_o seem_a coldeness_n if_o you_o consider_v his_o eye_n well_o you_o will_v oftentimes_o see_v a_o judicious_a smile_n there_o which_o will_v convince_v you_o that_o he_o do_v not_o hate_v mirth_n in_o another_o so_o much_o as_o you_o believe_v i_o know_v well_o add_v he_o he_o be_v more_o philosopher_n than_o i_o he_o pass_v better_a with_o solitude_n he_o will_v sacrifice_v all_o the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o world_n for_o glory_n and_o will_v have_v reason_n be_v absolute_a mistress_n of_o his_o life_n but_o for_o all_o this_o he_o complye_v with_o such_o a_o friend_n as_o i_o and_o though_o he_o suffer_v not_o folly_n in_o his_o own_o heart_n yet_o he_o suffer_v it_o in_o that_o of_o a_o friend_n provide_v it_o be_v innocent_a and_o agreeable_a in_o a_o word_n it_o
the_o world_n to_o the_o most_o miserable_a slave_n all_o complain_n and_o murmur_v against_o fortune_n it_o be_v in_o vain_a that_o she_o make_v present_n to_o man_n they_o turn_v her_o favour_n into_o poison_n they_o have_v that_o within_o themselves_o which_o destroy_v their_o felicity_n and_o seek_v it_o always_o without_o they_o take_v no_o care_n to_o find_v it_o in_o their_o own_o heart_n yet_o methinks_v say_v amilcar_n all_o that_o be_v needful_a to_o make_v man_n happy_a be_v in_o the_o universe_n but_o it_o be_v certain_o add_v he_o their_o extravagant_a desire_n transpose_v the_o order_n of_o thing_n cause_v they_o to_o be_v disgu_v with_o what_o they_o enjoy_v and_o to_o wish_v that_o which_o they_o have_v not_o that_o which_o you_o see_v be_v true_a answer_v telantus_n but_o yet_o something_o further_o must_v be_v add_v to_o it_o for_o the_o cause_n that_o there_o be_v so_o few_o people_n happy_a be_v because_o man_n make_v desire_n to_o themselves_o which_o nature_n alone_o do_v not_o give_v they_o what_o i_o say_v to_o you_o add_v he_o i_o say_v to_o myself_o and_o against_o myself_o since_o it_o be_v true_a that_o almost_o all_o man_n do_v not_o busy_v themselves_o only_o in_o seek_v such_o thing_n as_o they_o have_v need_n of_o and_o be_v fit_a for_o they_o but_o chief_o such_o as_o they_o believe_v the_o opinion_n of_o the_o world_n require_v they_o to_o seek_v so_o that_o without_o confine_v themselves_o to_o follow_v reason_n alone_o they_o desire_v to_o content_v that_o famous_a chimaera_n call_v opinion_n and_o mind_n more_o what_o will_v be_v say_v of_o they_o if_o they_o do_v not_o advance_v themselves_o above_o their_o ancestor_n than_o their_o own_o quiet_a how_o many_o man_n be_v there_o which_o will_v be_v content_v with_o the_o patrimony_n of_o their_o father_n if_o they_o do_v not_o think_v that_o their_o relation_n their_o neighbour_n and_o all_o that_o know_v they_o will_v esteem_v they_o less_o in_o a_o indifferent_a than_o in_o a_o high_a fortune_n and_o nevertheless_o these_o people_n who_o seek_v so_o much_o to_o content_v the_o opinion_n of_o other_o desire_v a_o thing_n impossible_a for_o opinion_n be_v the_o most_o mutable_a thing_n in_o the_o world_n and_o if_o you_o will_v know_v how_o different_a the_o opinion_n of_o man_n be_v it_o need_v only_o to_o oblige_v all_o that_o be_v present_a to_o make_v wish_n and_o i_o be_o confident_a if_o all_o those_o that_o compose_v this_o company_n speak_v sincere_o you_o will_v observe_v so_o great_a a_o diversity_n of_o opinion_n among_o they_o that_o you_o know_v it_o be_v sufficient_o difficult_a to_o be_v capable_a of_o happiness_n but_o see_v there_o be_v so_o great_a a_o variety_n of_o sentiment_n say_v berelisa_n how_o then_o can_v there_o be_v any_o certain_a opinion_n which_o be_v establish_v in_o the_o world_n and_o thence_o forth_o hold_v the_o place_n of_o a_o law_n it_o be_v because_o the_o multitude_n of_o man_n answer_v amilcar_n be_v so_o great_a that_o there_o can_v be_v so_o great_a a_o number_n of_o contrary_a opinion_n as_o of_o man_n so_o that_o such_o as_o resemble_v one_o another_o be_v unite_v there_o result_v from_o they_o a_o certain_a general_a opinion_n in_o every_o nation_n which_o prevail_v over_o the_o rest_n but_o this_o do_v not_o hinder_v but_o that_o even_o they_o who_o compose_v this_o opinion_n have_v opinion_n in_o a_o manner_n peculiar_a to_o themselves_o for_o my_o part_n say_v clidamira_n i_o do_v not_o believe_v that_o if_o all_o the_o company_n be_v oblige_v to_o wish_v something_o you_o will_v find_v so_o great_a a_o diversity_n of_o wish_n as_o you_o imagine_v for_o i_o be_o persuade_v all_o the_o lady_n will_v wish_v for_o great_a beauty_n and_o almost_o all_o the_o man_n to_o reign_v in_o some_o part_n of_o the_o world_n and_o to_o be_v king_n i_o do_v not_o agree_v to_o what_o you_o say_v answer_v amilcar_n for_o as_o for_o my_o part_n i_o speak_v sincere_o i_o will_v not_o be_v a_o king_n and_o i_o shall_v account_v it_o more_o noble_a to_o wish_v to_o be_v worthy_a to_o be_v one_o beside_o i_o know_v royalty_n have_v a_o thousand_o consequence_n enemy_n to_o liberty_n which_o will_v strange_o disgust_v i_o for_o it_o must_v be_v have_v in_o mind_n that_o king_n can_v never_o do_v any_o thing_n but_o what_o will_v be_v know_v that_o the_o least_o of_o their_o action_n be_v public_a that_o they_o can_v scarce_o ever_o discern_v those_o who_o love_v their_o condition_n from_o such_o as_o love_v their_o person_n that_o they_o seldom_o know_v the_o truth_n unless_o they_o divine_v it_o that_o ceremony_n attend_v they_o every_o where_o that_o they_o be_v always_o encompass_v with_o self-interested_n flatterer_n that_o they_o never_o have_v any_o great_a pleasure_n but_o open_o which_o to_o prudent_a person_n be_v many_o time_n great_a trouble_n not_o to_o reckon_v the_o care_n require_v to_o the_o well-governing_a of_o a_o state_n or_o the_o shame_n there_o be_v in_o govern_v it_o ill_o but_o which_o chief_o make_v i_o averse_a to_o be_v a_o king_n be_v the_o thought_n that_o it_o will_v never_o be_v permit_v i_o to_o be_v idle_a and_o yet_o a_o idle_a life_n have_v something_o so_o sweet_a in_o it_o that_o i_o can_v never_o resolve_v to_o renounce_v idleness_n as_o i_o ought_v to_o do_v to_o reign_v with_o glory_n for_o if_o a_o idle_a gallant_a be_v a_o king_n and_o enjoy_v the_o same_o idleness_n he_o will_v be_v a_o good-for-nought_a unworthy_a of_o his_o dignity_n wonder_v not_o then_o amiable_a clidamira_n if_o i_o be_o not_o of_o your_o mind_n for_o my_o part_n say_v anacreon_n if_o i_o may_v advise_v every_o one_o of_o we_o shall_v wish_v something_o according_a to_o our_o inclination_n and_o we_o will_v leave_v amilcar_n the_o liberty_n to_o condemn_v or_o approve_v the_o wish_n we_o shall_v make_v and_o after_o every_o one_o have_v declare_v their_o wish_n he_o shall_v tell_v his_o own_o i_o account_v this_o proposal_n of_o anacreon_n a_o very_a agreeable_a motion_n say_v berelisa_n after_o which_o all_o the_o company_n have_v approve_v it_o amilcar_n say_v he_o will_v do_v as_o he_o be_v desire_v and_o turn_v himself_o towards_o a_o man_n of_o quality_n of_o tarquinia_n who_o be_v next_o he_o towards_o his_o right_a hand_n he_o ask_v he_o what_o he_o wish_v to_o be_v as_o rich_a as_o i_o will_v answer_v he_o for_o we_o have_v no_o desire_n but_o we_o may_v satisfy_v with_o riches_n you_o shall_v have_v add_v answer_v amilcar_n to_o be_v rich_a without_o be_v covetous_a for_o without_o this_o circumstance_n your_o wish_n in_o stead_n of_o render_v you_o happy_a will_v render_v you_o the_o slave_n of_o your_o treasure_n for_o my_o part_n say_v clidamira_n i_o be_o in_o haste_n to_o tell_v that_o i_o will_v wish_v to_o be_v without_o contradiction_n the_o handsome_a person_n in_o the_o world_n you_o ought_v withal_o to_o have_v wish_v to_o be_v always_o such_o answer_v amilcar_n for_o i_o think_v there_o be_v nothing_o more_o difficult_a than_o for_o a_o person_n that_o have_v be_v perfect_o a_o fair_a to_o inure_v herself_o to_o bear_v content_o the_o decay_n of_o her_o beauty_n and_o beside_o you_o wish_v a_o thing_n impossible_a when_o you_o wish_v to_o be_v without_o contradiction_n the_o handsome_a person_n in_o the_o world_n for_o every_o body_n judge_n of_o beauty_n according_a to_o their_o particular_a fancy_n so_o that_o none_o can_v be_v universal_o acknowledge_v for_o the_o handsome_a person_n in_o the_o world_n moreover_o amiable_a clidamira_n you_o will_v have_v a_o reign_n of_o too_o few_o year_n for_o the_o great_a beauty_n pass_v very_o swift_o away_o and_o i_o account_v you_o more_o happy_a to_o be_v infinite_o charm_v than_o to_o be_v infinite_o handsome_a you_o see_v add_v he_o smile_v i_o believe_v your_o word_n more_o than_o my_o own_o eye_n for_o if_o i_o give_v credit_n to_o they_o i_o shall_v tell_v you_o that_o you_o enjoy_v what_o you_o wish_v and_o be_v the_o handsome_a person_n in_o the_o world_n however_o it_o be_v say_v she_o if_o you_o please_v ask_v berelisa_n what_o she_o wish_v to_o be_v very_o well_o love_v and_o not_o to_o love_v at_o all_o or_o not_o much_o answer_v she_o behold_v clidamira_n ha_o charm_a berelisa_n answer_v amilcar_n you_o make_v the_o most_o unjust_a wish_v in_o the_o world_n for_o what_o pleasure_n will_v you_o have_v in_o be_v love_v if_o you_o do_v not_o love_n consider_v therefore_o i_o beseech_v you_o and_o make_v a_o more_o equitable_a wish_n for_o my_o part_n say_v a_o man_n of_o condition_n of_o valterra_n who_o have_v a_o pale_a countenance_n and_o a_o languish_a air_n i_o shall_v wish_v to_o be_v always_o in_o most_o perfect_a health_n your_o wish_n be_v assure_o very_a good_a answer_v amilcar_n for_o health_n be_v
the_o begin_n of_o all_o pleasure_n but_o when_o it_o be_v alone_o it_o be_v a_o benefit_n we_o be_v not_o too_o sensible_a of_o and_o sometime_o serve_v only_o to_o cause_v we_o more_o ardent_o to_o wish_v all_o the_o other_o pleasure_n which_o we_o can_v enjoy_v for_o my_o part_n say_v one_o of_o his_o friend_n who_o be_v next_o he_o and_o have_v the_o mien_n of_o a_o brave_a man_n i_o shall_v like_v well_o enough_o to_o be_v one_o of_o those_o subduers_a of_o monster_n like_o hercules_n who_o run_v through_o all_o the_o world_n with_o their_o sword_n in_o their_o hand_n destroy_v giant_n fight_v with_o lion_n deliver_v ravish_v lady_n conquer_v city_n relieve_v kingdom_n and_o who_o though_o they_o travel_v without_o train_n or_o equipage_n never_o have_v need_n of_o any_o thing_n this_o be_v no_o doubt_n sufficient_o pleasant_a answer_v amilcar_n and_o if_o herminius_n be_v here_o he_o will_v be_v of_o this_o sentiment_n for_o he_o love_v to_o do_v good_a to_o all_o the_o world_n and_o he_o hate_v injustice_n so_o much_o that_o he_o will_v take_v great_a delight_n in_o cause_v equity_n to_o reign_v every_o where_o without_o have_v need_n of_o any_o thing_n beside_o himself_o but_o have_v well_o think_v upon_o it_o i_o find_v it_o sufficient_o difficult_a and_o he_o be_v not_o a_o subduer_v of_o monster_n that_o desire_v it_o for_o all_o monster_n will_v not_o always_o suffer_v themselves_o to_o be_v subdue_v as_o for_o i_o say_v a_o lady_n who_o have_v a_o very_a agreeable_a countenance_n and_o a_o melancholy_a air_n i_o shall_v wish_v to_o be_v always_o with_o person_n who_o i_o love_v and_o never_o to_o see_v other_o i_o perceive_v madam_n say_v amilcar_n to_o she_o you_o can_v but_o have_v a_o tender_a heart_n and_o i_o assure_v myself_o you_o will_v not_o have_v be_v sorry_a that_o these_o verse_n have_v be_v make_v for_o you_o let_v i_o my_o lovely_a iris_n sigh_v but_o hear_v and_o circumscribe_v all_o my_o desire_n in_o she_o let_v i_o in_o gentle_a peace_n with_o she_o abide_v i_o care_v for_o nought_o the_o sun_n survey_v beside_o i_o confess_v it_o answer_v she_o for_o i_o know_v nothing_o so_o sweet_a as_o always_o to_o see_v what_o we_o love_v and_o nothing_o so_o troublesome_a as_o scarce_o ever_o to_o see_v those_o who_o sensible_o affect_v our_o heart_n i_o can_v say_v reply_v amilcar_n but_o your_o wish_n be_v very_o agreeable_a however_o a_o little_a variety_n do_v very_o well_o for_o my_o part_n say_v anacreon_n i_o will_v include_v a_o thousand_o wish_n in_o one_o and_o wish_v to_o be_v sensible_a of_o all_o pleasure_n without_o exception_n since_o without_o this_o life_n have_v no_o sweetness_n the_o source_n of_o all_o pleasure_n be_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o those_o that_o receive_v they_o for_o in_o vain_a shall_v a_o excellent_a musician_n sing_v if_o his_o hearer_n have_v not_o delicate_a ear_n to_o understand_v he_o well_o for_o my_o part_n say_v amilcar_n i_o think_v it_o will_v have_v be_v better_a to_o desire_v to_o enjoy_v all_o pleasure_n than_o to_o wish_v to_o be_v bare_o sensible_a or_o capable_a of_o they_o but_o every_o one_o wish_n according_a to_o his_o fancy_n as_o for_o i_o add_v telantus_n i_o be_o constrain_v to_o confess_v that_o i_o be_o sensible_a only_o of_o glory_n and_o pleasure_n and_o between_o the_o two_o if_o my_o reason_n be_v for_o one_o my_o heart_n be_v for_o the_o other_o therefore_o not_o be_v able_a to_o determine_v myself_o i_o will_v only_o desire_v nothing_o this_o wish_n be_v very_o philosophical_a answer_v amilcar_n and_o one_o will_v think_v it_o be_v the_o most_o reasonable_a in_o the_o world_n because_o he_o that_o desire_v nothing_o have_v need_v of_o nothing_o but_o after_o have_v well_o consider_v it_o i_o conclude_v that_o a_o man_n that_o shall_v desire_v nothing_o will_v pass_v his_o life_n in_o such_o excessive_a tranquillity_n that_o it_o something_o approach_v near_o insensibility_n therefore_o this_o wish_n shall_v never_o be_v i_o as_o for_o i_o say_v a_o person_n of_o the_o country_n rough_o who_o have_v a_o quick_a imagination_n and_o a_o rude_a briskness_n i_o shall_v wish_v to_o have_v the_o best_a wit_n in_o the_o world_n alas_o answer_v amilcar_n hasty_o you_o know_v not_o well_o what_o you_o desire_v when_o you_o wish_v to_o be_v a_o fine_a wit_n there_o be_v nothing_o more_o decry_v in_o the_o world_n at_o present_a and_o i_o have_v rather_o be_v a_o slave_n than_o a_o rare_a wit_n they_o that_o be_v such_o with_o judgement_n conceal_v it_o they_o who_o have_v not_o wherewith_o to_o support_v this_o quality_n be_v so_o impertinent_a in_o it_o that_o except_o such_o as_o laugh_v at_o they_o no_o body_n desire_v their_o conversation_n not_o but_o that_o i_o consent_v with_o all_o my_o heart_n thereto_o if_o you_o be_v desirous_a to_o be_v such_o add_v amilcar_n look_v upon_o he_o who_o make_v this_o wish_n and_o it_o be_v only_o requisite_a that_o you_o tell_v we_o what_o kind_n of_o fine_a wit_n you_o will_v be_v for_o there_o some_o of_o the_o first_o order_n other_o secundary_a some_o of_o the_o court_n other_o of_o the_o city_n and_o the_o country_n and_o some_o fine_a wit_n too_o among_o the_o mean_a people_n speak_v then_o if_o you_o please_v to_o the_o end_n i_o may_v understand_v your_o wish_n and_o know_v a_o little_a more_o precise_o whether_o i_o ought_v to_o approve_v or_o condemn_v it_o for_o be_v i_o be_o at_o this_o time_n censor_n of_o the_o wish_n of_o the_o company_n it_o behoove_v i_o to_o acquit_v myself_o punctual_o of_o the_o office_n amilcar_n speak_v this_o with_o a_o certain_a serious_a air_n which_o cause_v all_o that_o hear_v he_o to_o laugh_v and_o which_o so_o strike_v the_o poor_a wit_n out_o of_o countenance_n that_o he_o answer_v so_o soft_o as_o no_o body_n scarce_o hear_v his_o answer_n wherefore_o amilcar_n turn_v towards_o a_o man_n of_o perusia_n of_o a_o handsome_a personage_n ask_v he_o what_o he_o wish_v not_o to_o be_v in_o love_n answer_v he_o believe_v i_o reply_v amilcar_n rough_o you_o have_v better_o wish_v to_o be_v dead_a for_o to_o speak_v truth_n to_o live_v without_o love_n be_v a_o very_a uncomfortable_a life_n i_o believe_v that_o which_o you_o say_v answer_v another_o man_n of_o clusium_n and_o i_o know_v it_o by_o experience_n and_o therefore_o i_o will_v with_o all_o my_o heart_n be_v always_o amorous_a but_o i_o have_v endeavour_v it_o these_o four_o year_n unprofitable_o and_o i_o have_v sue_v above_o a_o hundred_o time_n to_o a_o person_n who_o i_o once_o love_v give_v i_o my_o love_n and_o my_o desire_n again_o and_o i_o therewith_o my_o pleasure_n shall_v regain_v but_o he_o that_o be_v amorous_a reply_v the_o other_o can_v spend_v one_o day_n without_o discontent_n but_o he_o that_o love_v nothing_o say_v the_o man_n of_o clusium_n be_v incapable_a of_o any_o sensible_a pleasure_n be_v it_o how_o it_o will_v say_v amilcar_n i_o account_v the_o last_o wish_v more_o reasonable_a than_o the_o other_o because_o the_o first_o over_o throw_v the_o order_n of_o the_o world_n and_o oppose_v nature_n which_o inspire_v love_n into_o all_o the_o universe_n but_o to_o proceed_v add_v amilcar_n address_v to_o a_o handsome_a lady_n of_o praeneste_n what_o be_v your_o wish_n to_o have_v many_o true_a friend_n answer_v she_o for_o i_o imagine_v there_o be_v nothing_o so_o sweet_a you_o shall_v have_v desire_v say_v amilcar_n that_o there_o be_v such_o and_o then_o that_o you_o have_v they_o therefore_o if_o you_o believe_v i_o desire_v rather_o to_o have_v many_o lover_n for_o with_o those_o eye_n of_o you_o it_o will_v be_v easy_a for_o you_o to_o have_v lover_n than_o friend_n but_o when_o we_o have_v lover_n answer_v she_o they_o forsake_v we_o but_o when_o we_o believe_v we_o have_v friend_n reply_v amilcar_n we_o find_v oftentimes_o that_o we_o have_v not_o but_o to_o speak_v truth_n add_v he_o there_o be_v deceit_n in_o every_o thing_n as_o for_o what_o concern_v i_o say_v another_o lady_n i_o will_v wish_v to_o see_v that_o which_o be_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o all_o the_o world_n no_o doubt_n there_o will_v be_v pleasure_n enough_o answer_v amilcar_n in_o penetrate_v into_o the_o heart_n of_o such_o as_o have_v a_o outside_n of_o wisdom_n and_o a_o thousand_o folly_n hide_v in_o their_o soul_n of_o those_o hypocrite_n who_o make_v semblance_n of_o have_v virtue_n and_o make_v use_n of_o it_o only_o to_o hide_v their_o vice_n of_o those_o coy_a gossip_n in_o appearance_n who_o be_v unfaithful_a to_o their_o husband_n of_o those_o deceitful_a friend_n who_o intend_v to_o destroy_v those_o they_o caress_n most_o and_o of_o those_o wanton_n who_o have_v a_o thousand_o little_a love_n at_o a_o time_n but_o withal_o you_o will_v see_v so_o many_o
appear_v so_o impossible_a that_o i_o have_v not_o the_o power_n to_o wish_v it_o and_o all_o that_o i_o can_v say_v be_v that_o this_o immortality_n be_v to_o be_v prefer_v to_o that_o of_o write_n you_o have_v reason_n reply_v a_o man_n who_o have_v the_o whole_a air_n of_o a_o profess_a scholar_n of_o which_o the_o world_n be_v full_a therefore_o without_o wish_v immortality_n which_o belong_v to_o the_o god_n alone_o i_o shall_v wish_v only_o to_o be_v very_o learned_a and_o to_o be_v able_a to_o understand_v all_o nature_n for_o there_o will_v be_v great_a pleasure_n in_o a_o perfect_a knowledge_n of_o the_o sun_n moon_n and_o star_n in_o penetrate_v into_o the_o centre_n of_o the_o earth_n there_o to_o the_o production_n of_o gold_n in_o know_v the_o quality_n and_o virtue_n of_o mineral_n plant_n herb_n and_o be_v skilled_a even_o in_o the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o least_o cockle_n in_o the_o sea_n and_o the_o least_o fly_n upon_o the_o earth_n great_a tree_n shrub_n monster_n domestic_a animal_n sea_n river_n brook_n and_o fountain_n and_o to_o be_v ignorant_a of_o none_o of_o all_o nature_n operation_n that_o which_o you_o say_v be_v admirable_a answer_v amilcar_n but_o though_o this_o wish_n be_v one_o of_o the_o best_a that_o can_v be_v make_v yet_o it_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v abuse_v for_o i_o once_o know_v a_o man_n who_o understand_v as_o well_o as_o possible_a the_o situation_n and_o course_n of_o the_o star_n who_o admirable_o know_v simple_n who_o discourse_v very_o well_o of_o the_o nature_n of_o wind_n who_o have_v observe_v that_o the_o salt_n of_o agrigentum_n contrary_a to_o the_o manner_n of_o all_o other_o salt_n of_o the_o world_n harden_v in_o the_o water_n and_o melt_v in_o the_o sun_n that_o there_o be_v pismire_n in_o certain_a country_n like_o elephant_n who_o discourse_v very_o well_o of_o the_o rainbow_n who_o know_v even_o the_o particularity_n of_o the_o love_n of_o crocodile_n and_o who_o for_o all_o this_o be_v a_o sottish_a man_n his_o mind_n be_v always_o in_o heaven_n or_o the_o abyss_n of_o the_o earth_n or_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o sea_n to_o find_v out_o the_o secret_n of_o nature_n and_o never_o be_v where_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v he_o know_v a_o hundred_o thousand_o thing_n which_o be_v not_o necessary_a but_o know_v not_o that_o his_o wife_n be_v a_o wanton_a and_o in_o fine_a he_o be_v ignorant_a in_o morality_n and_o the_o art_n of_o live_v decent_o in_o the_o world_n which_o be_v a_o thousand_o time_n more_o necessary_a to_o be_v know_v than_o the_o love_n of_o crocodile_n all_o the_o company_n have_v laugh_v at_o what_o amilcar_n say_v some_o time_n pass_v without_o any_o wish_v but_o at_o length_n a_o very_a accomplish_a man_n of_o ceres_n say_v his_o wish_n be_v more_o reasonable_a than_o that_o of_o all_o the_o rest_n since_o he_o wish_v nothing_o but_o to_o be_v love_v by_o that_o which_o he_o love_v this_o wish_n be_v very_o reasonable_a answer_v amilcar_n but_o be_v you_o seem_v sufficient_o worthy_a to_o be_v love_v you_o may_v rather_o have_v make_v another_o wish_n and_o leave_v it_o to_o your_o merit_n to_o cause_v you_o to_o obtain_v that_o which_o you_o desire_v as_o for_o i_o say_v a_o sprightly_a young_a person_n i_o will_v wish_v to_o be_v able_a to_o live_v without_o sleep_n for_o it_o be_v a_o great_a loss_n of_o time_n i_o confess_v it_o answer_v amilcar_n but_o however_o though_o all_o the_o world_n sleep_v every_o day_n yet_o they_o have_v time_n enough_o to_o be_v weary_a and_o therefore_o sleep_v if_o you_o will_v take_v my_o counsel_n but_o that_o you_o may_v sleep_v with_o pleasure_n add_v he_o smile_v and_o have_v delightful_a dream_n suffer_v a_o accomplish_a man_n who_o do_v not_o displease_v you_o to_o say_v to_o you_o every_o day_n i_o love_v you_o and_o no_o doubt_n you_o will_v find_v no_o cause_n to_o complain_v of_o sleep_n more_o for_o my_o part_n say_v a_o man_n of_o good_a year_n i_o shall_v great_o desire_v to_o be_v a_o wise_a lawgiver_n like_o solon_n lycurgus_n zamolxis_n and_o divers_a other_o this_o wish_n be_v something_o commendable_a answer_v amilcar_n but_o i_o confess_v if_o i_o be_v a_o great_a and_o illustrious_a maker_n of_o law_n i_o shall_v have_v great_a regret_n in_o foresee_v that_o infallible_o they_o will_v be_v ill_o observe_v for_o there_o be_v such_o a_o great_a perverseness_n among_o man_n that_o as_o soon_o as_o a_o law_n be_v make_v all_o that_o aught_o to_o follow_v it_o seek_v only_o how_o to_o infringe_v it_o with_o impunity_n and_o beside_o to_o speak_v truth_n i_o account_v it_o more_o glorious_a to_o obey_v the_o law_n than_o to_o have_v make_v it_o for_o it_o be_v much_o easy_a to_o command_v in_o such_o occasion_n than_o to_o obey_v and_o moreover_o it_o be_v a_o general_a maxim_n that_o good_a action_n be_v worth_a more_o than_o good_a word_n after_o this_o there_o remain_v only_a amilcar_n and_o the_o old_a tuscan_a soothsayer_n who_o have_v wish_n to_o make_v but_o this_o venerable_a old_a man_n will_v make_v no_o wish_n at_o all_o and_o say_v man_n be_v too_o blind_a to_o know_v what_o good_a be_v fit_a for_o they_o after_o which_o he_o continue_v to_o hear_v attentive_o what_o be_v say_v in_o the_o company_n it_o be_v then_o require_v of_o amilcar_n to_o make_v his_o wish_n as_o other_o have_v do_v i_o will_v answer_v he_o but_o i_o must_v first_o see_v whether_o all_o the_o company_n have_v wish_v and_o so_o he_o take_v writing-table_n he_o set_v down_o on_o one_o side_n all_o the_o wish_n of_o the_o lady_n and_o on_o the_o other_o all_o those_o of_o the_o man_n in_o this_o manner_n the_o wish_n of_o the_o lady_n to_o be_v the_o handsome_a person_n in_o the_o world_n to_o be_v extreme_o love_v and_o not_o love_v at_o all_o or_o very_o little_a to_o be_v always_o with_o person_n one_o love_n and_o to_o converse_v with_o no_o other_o to_o see_v what_o be_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o all_o the_o world_n to_o be_v invisible_a to_o be_v a_o accomplish_a man_n in_o stead_n of_o be_v a_o accomplish_a woman_n to_o be_v immortal_a to_o be_v able_a to_o live_v without_o sleep_n the_o wish_n of_o the_o men._n to_o be_v a_o king_n to_o be_v as_o rich_a as_o one_o will_v to_o be_v always_o in_o health_n to_o be_v a_o subduer_v of_o monster_n like_o hercules_n and_o a_o deliverer_n of_o kingdom_n and_o ravish_a lady_n to_o be_v sensible_a of_o all_o pleasure_n without_o exception_n to_o desire_v nothing_o to_o be_v the_o best_a wit_n in_o the_o world_n not_o to_o be_v amorous_a to_o be_v always_o in_o love_n to_o be_v the_o most_o valiant_a man_n in_o the_o world_n to_o be_v the_o most_o eloquent_a to_o be_v the_o author_n of_o ingenious_a composure_n which_o may_v descend_v to_o posterity_n to_o have_v no_o enviers_fw-mi to_o be_v very_o learned_a to_o be_v love_v by_o who_o we_o love_v to_o be_v a_o wise_a lawgiver_n when_o amilcar_n have_v write_v down_o all_o these_o wish_n he_o first_o count_v they_o and_o then_o the_o whole_a company_n and_o find_v there_o be_v none_o but_o himself_o to_o wish_v wherefore_o be_v much_o urge_v to_o speak_v he_o answer_v that_o it_o be_v not_o a_o thing_n to_o be_v do_v with_o precipitation_n for_o since_o say_v he_o the_o business_n be_v to_o make_v a_o wish_n i_o will_v make_v one_o so_o great_a that_o imagination_n can_v go_v beyond_o it_o for_o to_o think_v to_o desire_v one_o thing_n which_o may_v suffice_v to_o render_v a_o man_n happy_a be_v a_o strange_a mistake_n therefore_o to_o make_v a_o handsome_a wish_n i_o will_v make_v a_o handsome_a story_n and_o tell_v you_o in_o particular_a how_o i_o will_v be_v if_o i_o be_v master_n of_o my_o destiny_n and_o event_n assure_o say_v clidamira_n he_o be_v go_v to_o wish_v to_o be_v love_v by_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o fair_a person_n at_o once_o pardon_v i_o madam_n answer_v amilcar_n i_o be_o not_o and_o i_o declare_v to_o you_o that_o i_o renounce_v my_o debonair_a humour_n for_o a_o hour_n only_o and_o be_o go_v to_o speak_v sincere_o to_o you_o and_o in_o the_o great_a earnestness_n in_o the_o world_n know_v then_o that_o for_o a_o more_o noble_a reason_n than_o that_o i_o mention_v at_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o conversation_n though_o i_o can_v dispose_v my_o lot_n as_o i_o please_v i_o will_v not_o be_v bear_v a_o king_n for_o i_o account_v it_o no_o great_a glory_n to_o do_v no_o more_o but_o succeed_v a_o father_n and_o i_o think_v it_o be_v something_o more_o sweet_a for_o a_o man_n to_o be_v the_o builder_n of_o his_o own_o grandeur_n and_o to_o owe_v nothing_o but_o to_o himself_o you_o will_v then_o be_v a_o conqueror_n reply_v clidamira_n which_o many_o time_n signify_v
be_v so_o change_v both_o face_n and_o body_n there_o remain_v of_o both_o but_o one_o dire_a magazine_n of_o pain_n a_o thousand_o ill_n my_o vex_a limb_n distort_v but_o i_o unmoved_a sustain_v their_o rude_a effort_n and_o though_o confine_v in_o this_o sad_a place_n i_o lie_v yet_o round_o the_o spacious_a globe_n my_o name_n do_v fly_v the_o novelty_n of_o this_o machine_n have_v surprise_v all_o the_o assembly_n two_o priest_n at_o the_o gate_n of_o the_o temple_n will_v have_v hinder_v the_o slave_n that_o carry_v it_o from_o pass_v and_o require_v he_o that_o be_v within_o it_o to_o descend_v and_o enter_v into_o the_o temple_n but_o a_o moment_n after_o the_o curtain_n be_v see_v to_o open_v a_o little_a and_o a_o voice_n something_o shrill_a but_o impetuous_a be_v hear_v to_o speak_v thus_o no_o no_o say_v this_o unknown_a do_v not_o go_v about_o to_o cause_v i_o to_o descend_v for_o it_o be_v in_o vain_a and_o as_o people_n of_o high_a quality_n be_v see_v to_o enter_v in_o chariot_n into_o the_o court_n of_o king_n palace_n so_o i_o have_v the_o privilege_n to_o enter_v into_o the_o chamber_n of_o queen_n and_o temple_n for_o that_o you_o may_v know_v i_o well_o i_o be_o the_o prime_n sick_a person_n in_o the_o world_n and_o he_o alone_o that_o have_v be_v able_a to_o reconcile_v pain_n with_o joy_n the_o unknown_a speak_v this_o with_o so_o fierce_a a_o tone_n that_o he_o silence_v the_o priest_n and_o they_o suffer_v the_o machine_n to_o enter_v which_o draw_v the_o eye_n of_o the_o whole_a assembly_n but_o indeed_o a_o moment_n after_o it_o be_v mind_v no_o more_o because_o there_o appear_v a_o person_n so_o infinite_o fair_a that_o she_o attract_v the_o general_a view_n it_o be_v know_v by_o the_o livery_n of_o the_o slave_n who_o follow_v she_o that_o she_o be_v the_o wife_n of_o he_o that_o be_v in_o the_o machine_n she_o be_v young_a admirable_o fair_a and_o of_o a_o good_a stature_n her_o name_n be_v lyriana_n she_o be_v of_o very_o noble_a birth_n and_o fortune_n have_v be_v adverse_a to_o her_o parent_n she_o be_v in_o her_o infancy_n lead_v by_o they_o into_o the_o remote_a part_n of_o libya_n from_o whence_o she_o return_v so_o fair_a and_o charm_a that_o scarce_o any_o can_v be_v compare_v to_o she_o without_o do_v her_o injury_n lyriana_n be_v tall_a and_o well_o proportion_v but_o of_o that_o tallness_n which_o do_v not_o affright_v but_o only_o add_v to_o the_o grace_n of_o the_o person_n she_o have_v a_o very_a clear_a and_o smooth_a complexion_n her_o hair_n be_v of_o a_o bright_a and_o agreeable_a chestnut_n her_o nose_n be_v well_o shape_v and_o her_o mouth_n well_o cut_v she_o have_v a_o noble_a sweet_a sprightly_a and_o majestical_a air_n and_o to_o render_v her_o beauty_n more_o perfect_a and_o charm_a she_o have_v the_o handsome_a eye_n in_o the_o world_n for_o they_o be_v black_a sparkle_a sweet_a passionate_a and_o full_a of_o spirit_n their_o brightness_n have_v something_o i_o know_v not_o what_o which_o can_v be_v express_v a_o sweet_a melancholy_n sometime_o appear_v in_o they_o among_o all_o her_o charm_n yet_o mirth_n be_v visible_a in_o they_o at_o time_n with_o all_o the_o attractive_n which_o joy_n can_v inspire_v as_o for_o her_o mind_n it_o seem_v make_v correspondent_a to_o her_o beauty_n she_o speak_v with_o a_o good_a grace_n natural_o and_o without_o affection_n yet_o her_o beauty_n though_o transcendent_a make_v she_o not_o vain_a and_o proud_a but_o join_v the_o charm_n of_o her_o virtue_n to_o those_o of_o her_o beauty_n and_o wit_n it_o may_v be_v say_v she_o deserve_v all_o the_o admiration_n which_o be_v have_v of_o she_o when_o she_o enter_v into_o the_o temple_n of_o fortune_n amilcar_n be_v charm_v as_o soon_o as_o he_o behold_v she_o careful_o inquire_v of_o those_o next_o he_o the_o name_n of_o this_o fair_a person_n who_o be_v so_o advantageous_o speak_v of_o to_o he_o as_o for_o he_o that_o have_v marry_v she_o add_v he_o i_o ask_v ●●_o news_n of_o he_o for_o i_o do_v not_o doubt_v but_o he_o in_o the_o machine_n be_v the_o famous_a scaurus_n who_o from_o a_o very_a goodly_a person_n in_o his_o youth_n have_v be_v so_o change_v by_o sickness_n that_o he_o can_v be_v know_v for_o the_o same_o man_n and_o who_o by_o the_o pleasantness_n of_o his_o humour_n and_o the_o firmness_n of_o his_o mind_n make_v health_n to_o himself_o in_o spite_n of_o nature_n and_o preserve_v a_o joy_n which_o have_v render_v he_o capable_a of_o write_v a_o thousand_o sprightly_a and_o divertise_v composure_n which_o serve_v for_o the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o illustrious_a cleonymus_n and_o all_o accomplish_a person_n and_o last_o who_o conversation_n be_v seek_v by_o a_o great_a number_n of_o honourable_a people_n who_o frequent_a his_o house_n it_o be_v the_o very_a same_o answer_v one_o of_o those_o amilcar_n be_v talk_v to_o he_o live_v at_o clusium_n where_o all_o illustrious_a stranger_n go_v to_o visit_v he_o as_o well_o as_o all_o the_o person_n of_o quality_n of_o that_o court_n but_o which_o be_v remarkable_a he_o be_v never_o at_o a_o loss_n for_o subject_n to_o divert_v himself_o and_o other_o and_o whether_o he_o commend_v or_o blame_v he_o always_o do_v it_o pleasant_o and_o with_o as_o much_o facility_n as_o wit_n he_o confirm_v what_o you_o say_v of_o his_o merry_a humour_n reply_v amilcar_n by_o come_v in_o his_o machine_n into_o the_o temple_n of_o fortune_n but_o to_o speak_v truth_n i_o be_o very_o desirous_a to_o know_v what_o he_o will_v consult_v the_o lot_n about_o after_o this_o amilcar_n behold_v the_o slave_n who_o carry_v the_o machine_n set_v it_o down_o before_o the_o priest_n who_o write_v the_o name_n and_o then_o a_o slave_n draw_v a_o curtain_n which_o hide_v scaurus_n it_o be_v see_v that_o he_o do_v not_o at_o all_o resemble_v his_o picture_n and_o nevertheless_o through_o all_o the_o alteration_n that_o have_v befall_v he_o he_o seem_v still_o to_o have_v a_o certain_a laugh_a air_n which_o promise_v wit._n but_o in_o fine_a have_v cause_v his_o own_o name_n to_o be_v write_v and_o that_o of_o the_o fair_a lyriana_n he_o pull_v down_o his_o curtain_n and_o be_v carry_v away_o again_o in_o his_o machine_n for_o the_o two_o hour_n be_v just_a by_o this_o time_n expire_v so_o that_o it_o behove_v all_o the_o multitude_n to_o go_v forth_o of_o the_o temple_n to_o the_o end_n the_o answer_n may_v be_v render_v with_o more_o secrecy_n the_o name_n of_o those_o which_o be_v write_v be_v to_o be_v draw_v at_o a_o venture_n it_o happen_v that_o porsenna_n name_n be_v draw_v first_o to_o consult_v the_o lot_n and_o the_o order_n be_v so_o that_o the_o explication_n of_o the_o lot_n be_v deliver_v only_o to_o such_o as_o be_v concern_v in_o the_o business_n this_o explication_n be_v deliver_v seal_v to_o lucilius_n after_o all_o the_o tablet_n which_o the_o child_n draw_v and_o rank_v at_o a_o venture_n have_v be_v well_o consider_v next_o the_o name_n of_o berelisa_n and_o clidamira_n be_v draw_v and_o the_o old_a soothsayer_n who_o have_v be_v present_a at_o the_o conversation_n of_o wish_n and_o expound_v the_o lot_n of_o praeneste_n this_o year_n speak_v these_o very_a word_n to_o clidamira_n you_o shall_v be_v happy_a by_o your_o indifferent_a humour_n than_o any_o other_o thing_n for_o be_v you_o have_v never_o know_v how_o to_o love_v with_o steadfastness_n therefore_o you_o have_v no_o reason_n to_o expect_v to_o be_v love_v constant_o but_o such_o as_o determine_v themselves_o to_o none_o be_v always_o moderate_o afflict_v and_o never_o to_o be_v much_o pity_v clidamira_n have_v some_o indignation_n at_o this_o answer_n but_o a_o moment_n after_o her_o own_o humour_n appease_v she_o and_o cause_v she_o to_o say_v that_o it_o be_v all_o one_o to_o she_o whether_o she_o owe_v her_o contentment_n to_o her_o indifference_n or_o to_o any_o thing_n else_o as_o for_o berelisa_n the_o soothsayer_n speak_v to_o she_o after_o another_o sort_n i_o have_v scarce_o any_o thing_n to_o speak_v to_o you_o say_v he_o to_o she_o for_o it_o be_v easy_a for_o you_o to_o foresee_v your_o destiny_n your_o constancy_n be_v ready_a to_o be_v crown_v and_o you_o be_v go_v to_o reign_v in_o one_o of_o the_o most_o delightful_a city_n of_o the_o world_n and_o in_o one_o of_o the_o most_o generous_a heart_n that_o ever_o be_v in_o the_o next_o place_n theanor_n and_o aemilius_n who_o name_n be_v write_v together_o ask_v what_o their_o destiny_n be_v to_o be_v he_o who_o give_v answer_n say_v to_o they_o marry_v they_o who_o love_v you_o though_o you_o love_v not_o they_o and_o beware_v of_o marry_v they_o who_o you_o love_v be_v they_o do_v not_o love_v you_o for_o according_a to_o all_o apparence_n
hundred_o horse_n brutus_n take_v fifty_o of_o they_o and_o assign_v the_o rest_n to_o aronce_n but_o the_o difficulty_n be_v to_o get_v out_o of_o rome_n for_o the_o roman_n who_o then_o look_v on_o brutus_n as_o their_o tutelary_a deity_n oppose_v it_o with_o so_o much_o earnestness_n that_o it_o be_v like_a to_o cause_v a_o general_a disorder_n throughout_o the_o city_n and_o there_o be_v above_o two_o hour_n spend_v ere_o they_o can_v be_v persuade_v that_o it_o be_v for_o their_o interest_n that_o brutus_n go_v out_o of_o rome_n aronce_n on_o the_o other_o side_n have_v as_o much_o ado_n to_o get_v out_o as_o he_o and_o they_o be_v both_o encompass_v by_o such_o a_o multitude_n of_o people_n that_o though_o they_o be_v the_o deliverer_n of_o rome_n they_o be_v not_o master_n of_o themselves_o so_o that_o it_o be_v almost_o night_n ere_o brutus_n and_o aronce_n can_v get_v out_o of_o the_o city_n which_o be_v no_o small_a affliction_n to_o this_o disconsolate_a lover_n who_o business_n be_v to_o seek_v out_o his_o mistress_n but_o when_o these_o two_o unfortunate_a lover_n be_v get_v out_o of_o rome_n their_o friend_n be_v divide_v herminius_n and_o mutius_n stand_v for_o brutus_n conceive_v themselves_o more_o oblige_v to_o he_o as_o be_v roman_n and_o artemidorus_z amilcar_n zenocrates_n and_o celeres_fw-la be_v of_o aronce_n side_n but_o though_o they_o be_v divide_v as_o to_o interest_n yet_o do_v they_o joint_o wish_v the_o prosperity_n of_o their_o several_a design_n for_o aronce_n he_o take_v the_o way_n that_o he_o be_v tell_v tullia_n have_v take_v who_o he_o understand_v have_v take_v up_o two_o chariot_n at_o a_o house_n she_o have_v within_o two_o mile_n of_o rome_n for_o she_o go_v from_o the_o palace_n on_o horseback_n but_o for_o brutus_n he_o wheel_v about_o another_o way_n into_o the_o camp_n with_o out_o meet_v tarquin_n and_o he_o be_v so_o fortunate_a as_o to_o reach_v it_o just_a at_o the_o break_n of_o day_n nay_o it_o happen_v so_o critical_o that_o by_o the_o same_o time_n that_o tarquin_n have_v get_v to_o rome_n brutus_n come_v to_o the_o camp_n where_o he_o no_o soon_o arrive_v but_o he_o understand_v that_o sextus_n be_v go_v out_o of_o the_o way_n as_o soon_o as_o the_o report_n of_o the_o insurrection_n at_o rome_n be_v bring_v thither_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n how_o sensible_a soever_o brutus_n may_v be_v of_o the_o death_n of_o lucretia_n the_o design_n he_o have_v to_o revenge_v it_o be_v the_o reason_n that_o he_o speak_v of_o nothing_o but_o joy_n triumph_n and_o liberty_n in_o a_o word_n this_o illustrious_a roman_a go_v from_o tent_n to_o tent_n assemble_v all_o the_o officer_n but_o while_o he_o get_v they_o together_o he_o speak_v to_o all_o the_o soldier_n he_o meet_v he_o tell_v they_o all_o that_o rome_n be_v free_a that_o tullia_n have_v leave_v it_o that_o all_o the_o adherent_n of_o tyranny_n be_v send_v out_o of_o the_o city_n he_o assure_v they_o that_o tarquin_n shall_v find_v the_o gate_n shut_v against_o he_o and_o entertain_v they_o with_o peace_n reward_n glory_n and_o rest_n he_o represent_v to_o they_o the_o fruitless_a inconvenience_n they_o have_v suffer_v during_o the_o time_n of_o the_o siege_n of_o ardea_n he_o call_v they_o the_o true_a deliverer_n of_o their_o country_n if_o they_o have_v but_o the_o courage_n to_o declare_v themselves_o he_o entreat_v they_o he_o importune_v they_o nay_o sometime_o he_o threaten_v they_o he_o take_v herminius_n to_o witness_v of_o all_o he_o say_v who_o integrity_n he_o know_v be_v well_o know_v to_o their_o interest_n he_o add_v those_o of_o the_o god_n and_o he_o speak_v to_o they_o after_o so_o confident_a and_o heroic_a a_o manner_n that_o the_o prodigious_a change_n which_o they_o find_v in_o he_o produce_v the_o same_o effect_n in_o the_o camp_n as_o it_o have_v do_v in_o rome_n and_o collatia_n and_o raise_v in_o they_o admiration_n and_o respect_n for_o he_o so_o that_o the_o name_n of_o brutus_n and_o the_o word_n liberty_n pass_v from_o mouth_n to_o mouth_n the_o whole_a camp_n fall_v into_o disorder_n and_o both_o officer_n and_o soldier_n unanimous_o submit_v to_o brutus_n acknowledge_v he_o for_o their_o chief_n and_o the_o deliverer_n of_o their_o country_n whereupon_o send_v hasty_o to_o acquaint_v those_o of_o ardea_n that_o he_o restore_v they_o to_o that_o peace_n which_o tarquin_n will_v take_v away_o from_o they_o provide_v they_o will_v join_v with_o rome_n against_o tarquin_n he_o raise_v the_o siege_n and_o begin_v his_o march_n towards_o rome_n bestow_v the_o pillage_n of_o the_o tyrant_n tent_n upon_o the_o soldier_n so_o to_o engage_v they_o by_o that_o act_n of_o hostility_n to_o persist_v in_o their_o revolt_n but_o while_o brutus_n second_v by_o his_o friend_n manage_n the_o affair_n of_o the_o camp_n with_o so_o much_o success_n for_o the_o liberty_n of_o his_o country_n and_o the_o revenge_n of_o lucretia_n tarquin_n arrive_v at_o rome_n confident_a that_o his_o presence_n will_v establish_v his_o authority_n there_o but_o he_o be_v much_o mistake_v when_o he_o see_v the_o gate_n shut_v against_o he_o and_o that_o some_o tell_v he_o from_o the_o wall_n that_o the_o people_n of_o rome_n banish_v he_o for_o ever_o with_o all_o his_o family_n and_o declare_v he_o unworthy_a the_o name_n of_o a_o king_n which_o he_o have_v with_o so_o much_o injustice_n usurp_v tarquin_n have_v not_o with_o he_o at_o this_o time_n above_o four_o hundred_o horse_n be_v force_v to_o retreat_n but_o can_v not_o do_v it_o without_o horrid_a threat_n to_o those_o who_o have_v deny_v he_o entrance_n for_o he_o know_v nothing_o of_o what_o be_v happen_v in_o the_o camp_n and_o think_v he_o have_v no_o more_o to_o do_v to_o chastise_v rome_n than_o to_o raise_v the_o siege_n of_o ardea_n but_o when_o in_o his_o return_n he_o understand_v by_o the_o king_n of_o clusium_n envoy_n who_o he_o meet_v as_o also_o by_o some_o of_o his_o own_o creature_n that_o his_o army_n be_v come_v against_o he_o under_o the_o command_n of_o brutus_n who_o all_o obey_v and_o acknowledge_v for_o one_o of_o the_o great_a man_n in_o the_o world_n and_o by_o this_o mean_v find_v himself_o without_o any_o assistance_n between_o a_o city_n rise_v against_o he_o and_o a_o revolt_a army_n he_o have_v certain_o need_v to_o summon_v up_o all_o his_o courage_n to_o support_v so_o great_a and_o so_o sudden_a a_o revolution_n upon_o the_o first_o relation_n of_o this_o strange_a accident_n he_o make_v a_o halt_n then_o he_o ask_v whether_o they_o know_v where_o tullia_n be_v and_o what_o be_v become_v of_o the_o captive_n for_o those_o who_o come_v from_o the_o camp_n tell_v he_o they_o be_v go_v from_o rome_n but_o be_v tell_v that_o the_o captive_n be_v in_o tullia_n disposal_n and_o that_o she_o have_v take_v the_o way_n to_o tarquinia_n he_o also_o take_v the_o same_o and_o that_o with_o much_o diligence_n command_v secret_o two_o of_o his_o creature_n who_o he_o have_v employ_v in_o thousand_o of_o crime_n that_o if_o his_o enemy_n shall_v pursue_v he_o and_o set_v on_o he_o with_o a_o party_n strong_a than_o his_o own_o they_o shall_v keep_v close_o to_o his_o person_n and_o if_o they_o see_v he_o in_o any_o likelihood_n to_o be_v take_v kill_v he_o for_o though_o i_o have_v a_o heart_n great_a enough_o to_o hinder_v i_o from_o fall_v into_o the_o hand_n of_o my_o enemy_n say_v he_o to_o they_o with_o his_o eye_n full_a of_o fury_n yet_o i_o fear_v my_o arm_n will_v prove_v too_o weak_a to_o dispatch_v myself_o or_o shall_v miss_v the_o first_o attempt_n i_o shall_v make_v on_o myself_o if_o i_o be_o force_v to_o it_o hereupon_o he_o begin_v to_o march_v and_o this_o unjust_a prince_n who_o see_v himself_o overwhelm_v with_o all_o kind_n of_o misfortune_n in_o a_o instant_n and_o that_o through_o the_o crime_n of_o his_o son_n or_o wife_n or_o his_o own_o be_v so_o abominable_a as_o not_o to_o have_v the_o least_o remorse_n but_o employ_v his_o wit_n to_o be_v revenge_v of_o those_o who_o heaven_n use_v as_o instrument_n to_o punish_v he_o for_o usurp_a a_o kingdom_n and_o rule_v with_o so_o much_o cruelty_n and_o injustice_n brutus_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n though_o crown_v with_o the_o glory_n of_o free_v two_o city_n at_o the_o same_o time_n and_o be_v the_o deliverer_n of_o his_o country_n and_o the_o revenger_n of_o his_o dear_a lucretia_n be_v the_o most_o unfortunate_a man_n in_o the_o world_n when_o it_o come_v into_o his_o mind_n that_o lucretia_n be_v dead_a and_o sextus_n alive_a and_o indeed_o though_o brutus_n be_v of_o a_o nature_n gallant_a mild_a and_o the_o most_o oblige_v in_o the_o world_n yet_o after_o the_o death_n of_o lucretia_n he_o seem_v to_o have_v change_v his_o humour_n
and_o temperament_n and_o all_o his_o life_n after_o affect_v a_o certain_a austere_a virtue_n wherein_o there_o seem_v to_o be_v something_o of_o roughness_n nay_o sometime_o something_o of_o cruelty_n to_o those_o who_o be_v not_o inform_v of_o the_o secret_a of_o his_o heart_n and_o can_v not_o guess_v at_o the_o true_a cause_n of_o his_o melancholy_n and_o that_o insatiable_a ambition_n which_o though_o rome_n be_v deliver_v he_o have_v to_o root_v out_o the_o race_n of_o the_o tarquin_n yet_o have_v he_o withal_o a_o admirable_a command_n of_o himself_o in_o this_o great_a occurrence_n wherein_o it_o concern_v he_o to_o confirm_v his_o victory_n by_o his_o presence_n for_o when_o he_o have_v dispose_v his_o troop_n about_o the_o gate_n of_o rome_n he_o make_v his_o entrance_n which_o be_v with_o extraordinary_a acclamation_n and_o without_o any_o further_a delay_n have_v return_v the_o god_n thanks_o in_o janus_n temple_n which_o he_o cause_v to_o be_v shut_v the_o more_o to_o assure_v the_o people_n he_o call_v a_o council_n of_o all_o the_o person_n of_o quality_n in_o hostilius_n court_n as_o be_v the_o most_o convenient_a place_n of_o any_o for_o great_a assembly_n they_o be_v no_o soon_o get_v together_o but_o the_o people_n by_o a_o unanimous_a consent_n have_v no_o lawful_a king_n confer_v all_o authority_n on_o brutus_n with_o this_o title_n of_o consul_n only_o for_o one_o year_n which_o do_v this_o new_a consul_n ordain_v the_o senate_n to_o consist_v of_o three_o hundred_o which_o he_o choose_v with_o so_o little_a contestation_n that_o all_o the_o citizen_n be_v satisfy_v but_o while_o brutus_n collatine_n valerius_n lucretius_n herminius_n and_o mutius_n be_v busy_v about_o the_o regulation_n of_o their_o city_n so_o to_o perpetuate_v the_o liberty_n they_o have_v acquire_v aronce_n the_o unfortunate_a aronce_n meet_v with_o a_o contrary_a destiny_n for_o have_v part_v from_o brutus_n and_o be_v inform_v which_o way_n tullia_n take_v when_o she_o leave_v the_o house_n where_o she_o have_v take_v up_o the_o two_o chariot_n he_o follow_v it_o till_o he_o come_v to_o a_o place_n where_o he_o understand_v that_o the_o multitude_n of_o people_n that_o follow_v tullia_n be_v divide_v in_o this_o place_n be_v he_o at_o a_o great_a loss_n not_o know_v what_o resolution_n to_o take_v he_o imagine_v indeed_o that_o his_o business_n be_v only_o to_o find_v out_o clelia_n it_o be_v more_o likely_a she_o be_v rather_o in_o that_o party_n where_o there_o be_v chariot_n than_o where_o there_o be_v only_a horse_n and_o he_o be_v not_o much_o mistake_v for_o he_o conceive_v that_o tullia_n see_v herself_o far_o enough_o from_o rome_n have_v send_v the_o prince_n her_o son_n to_o the_o camp_n and_o keep_v on_o her_o way_n and_o indeed_o it_o happen_v so_o that_o this_o cruel_a princess_n see_v herself_o in_o that_o extremity_n will_v not_o take_v clelia_n with_o she_o to_o the_o camp_n but_o think_v better_a to_o carry_v she_o to_o tarquinia_n but_o she_o be_v in_o one_o chariot_n and_o have_v dispose_v the_o captive_n into_o another_o he_o who_o have_v the_o conduct_n of_o the_o latter_a be_v faithful_a to_o tarquin_n who_o misfortune_n he_o have_v not_o yet_o understand_v and_o make_v it_o his_o business_n to_o deliver_v clelia_n out_o of_o the_o power_n of_o that_o cruel_a princess_n carry_v his_o business_n so_o handsome_o that_o he_o cause_v he_o who_o conduct_v the_o chariot_n of_o the_o captive_n to_o go_v somewhat_o slow_o so_o to_o be_v at_o a_o distance_n from_o that_o of_o tullia_n who_o have_v her_o mind_n persecute_v with_o the_o memory_n of_o her_o crime_n and_o the_o representation_n of_o the_o misery_n will_v fall_v upon_o she_o think_v not_o on_o clelia_n as_o not_o suspect_v any_o can_v be_v guilty_a of_o so_o great_a a_o presumption_n as_o to_o offer_v to_o take_v she_o away_o from_o she_o she_o think_v indeed_o at_o first_o to_o have_v take_v she_o into_o her_o own_o chariot_n but_o the_o very_a sight_n of_o she_o be_v troublesome_a to_o she_o she_o dispose_v she_o into_o the_o other_o which_o go_v more_o slow_o stay_v somewhat_o behind_o this_o man_n therefore_o in_o order_n to_o his_o secret_a design_n have_v cause_v the_o axletree_n of_o the_o chariot_n of_o the_o captive_n to_o be_v break_v when_o it_o be_v take_v up_o at_o the_o house_n by_o which_o tullia_n have_v pass_v tell_v he_o who_o conduct_v it_o that_o he_o must_v overtake_v tullia_n and_o therefore_o must_v put_v on_o a_o little_a fast_o but_o he_o have_v scarce_o go_v a_o hundred_o pace_n ere_o the_o axletree_n fly_v asunder_o so_o that_o there_o be_v no_o go_v any_o further_o upon_o this_o accident_n he_o say_v they_o must_v needs_o leave_v the_o chariot_n there_o and_o that_o every_o one_o of_o his_o companion_n shall_v take_v one_o of_o the_o captive_n behind_o he_o so_o that_o these_o unfortunate_a beauty_n not_o know_v what_o to_o do_v and_o see_v that_o it_o be_v to_o no_o purpose_n to_o make_v any_o resistance_n submit_v think_v they_o be_v all_o to_o follow_v tullia_n he_o who_o be_v the_o author_n of_o the_o design_n take_v clelia_n into_o his_o charge_n one_o of_o his_o companion_n take_v plotina_n behind_o he_o another_o casonia_n another_o danae_n and_o so_o some_o or_o other_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o captive_n now_o while_o these_o captive_n be_v together_o they_o have_v resolve_v to_o endeavour_v each_o to_o persuade_v he_o who_o carry_v she_o to_o bring_v they_o to_o rome_n or_o ardea_n and_o the_o more_o to_o engage_v they_o to_o promise_v great_a reward_n according_o clelia_n be_v no_o soon_o on_o horseback_n but_o she_o begin_v to_o entreat_v he_o who_o carry_v she_o to_o do_v a_o act_n of_o virtue_n and_o carry_v she_o to_o rome_n promise_v he_o extraordinary_a reward_n if_o he_o do_v it_o she_o prevail_v so_o far_o that_o the_o fellow_n who_o as_o i_o tell_v you_o have_v his_o secret_a design_n in_o it_o seem_v to_o condescend_v and_o make_v a_o little_a halt_n he_o take_v the_o first_o way_n he_o come_v to_o on_o the_o right_a hand_n but_o clelia_n not_o desirous_a to_o be_v alone_o with_o he_o entreat_v he_o to_o persuade_v his_o companion_n who_o have_v the_o charge_n of_o her_o friend_n to_o follow_v they_o or_o at_o least_o that_o plotina_n may_v accompany_v they_o he_o answer_v that_o if_o the_o business_n be_v communicate_v to_o so_o many_o she_o will_v be_v discover_v but_o at_o length_n call_v to_o he_o who_o carry_v plotina_n pretend_v he_o have_v break_v something_o about_o his_o bridle_n he_o make_v he_o stay_v a_o little_a behind_o the_o rest_n so_o that_o turn_v out_o of_o the_o way_n and_o take_v advantage_n of_o a_o little_a hill_n they_o put_v on_o a_o good_a pace_n but_o come_v to_o a_o certain_a passage_n which_o plotina_n know_v as_o be_v of_o the_o country_n she_o perceive_v the_o fellow_n instead_o of_o carry_v they_o to_o rome_n drive_v towards_o ardea_n so_o that_o acquaint_v clelia_n with_o it_o that_o afflict_a beauty_n tell_v he_o that_o he_o be_v out_o of_o his_o way_n and_o that_o his_o design_n be_v to_o ruin_v they_o by_o no_o mean_n reply_v he_o for_o i_o deliver_v you_o out_o of_o the_o hand_n of_o a_o princess_n who_o hate_v you_o to_o put_v you_o into_o the_o power_n of_o a_o prince_n who_o love_v you_o at_o these_o word_n be_v clelia_n extreme_o disquiet_v for_o she_o choose_v much_o rather_o to_o be_v expose_v to_o the_o cruelty_n of_o tullia_n than_o the_o passion_n of_o tarquin_n and_o not_o know_v that_o that_o prince_n be_v go_v from_o before_o ardea_n and_o that_o he_o have_v neither_o kingdom_n nor_o army_n clelia_n be_v in_o a_o incredible_a disturbance_n insomuch_o that_o without_o any_o further_a deliberation_n she_o cast_v herself_o of_o the_o horse_n the_o fellow_n not_o be_v able_a to_o hinder_v she_o and_o call_v plotina_n to_o her_o assistance_n who_o can_v not_o do_v as_o much_o as_o be_v hold_v fast_o by_o he_o who_o carry_v she_o not_o that_o clelia_n have_v any_o hope_n to_o save_v herself_o but_o hope_v only_o by_o make_v a_o little_a stay_n there_o that_o the_o god_n who_o she_o invoke_v will_v send_v she_o some_o relief_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n tullia_n have_v observe_v that_o the_o chariot_n of_o the_o captive_n follow_v not_o cause_v she_o own_o to_o be_v stay_v to_o know_v whence_o the_o disorder_n happen_v but_o at_o last_o understanding_n that_o it_o be_v break_v she_o command_v 〈◊〉_d to_o be_v bring_v into_o she_o not_o out_o of_o any_o motive_n of_o goodness_n but_o out_o of_o a_o consideration_n of_o the_o most_o cruel_a jealousy_n in_o the_o world_n so_o that_o some_o that_o be_v about_o she_o put_v themselves_o in_o order_n to_o satisfy_v she_o they_o call_v he_o who_o be_v charge_v with_o the_o conduct_n of_o that_o beauty_n
paris_n a_o representation_n of_o disorderly_a love_n in_o which_o virtue_n have_v no_o part_n in_o hector_n and_o andromache_n a_o idea_n of_o virtuous_a love_n in_o patroclus_n and_o achilles_n one_o of_o heroical_a friendship_n and_o the_o better_a to_o understand_v this_o variety_n of_o character_n wherewith_o homer_n have_v adorn_v his_o work_n it_o need_v only_o to_o take_v notice_n in_o general_n of_o agamemnon_n nestor_z achilles_n ulysses_z ajax_z menelaus_n diomedes_z paris_n helen_n hector_n andromache_n priam_n penelope_n and_o of_o so_o many_o other_o even_o to_o the_o pleasant_a character_n as_o that_o of_o thirsites_n which_o be_v so_o particular_o excellent_a but_o it_o be_v moreover_o worth_a observation_n that_o the_o person_n which_o homer_n introduce_v be_v present_o know_v and_o familiar_a to_o the_o reader_n because_o they_o always_o act_v according_a to_o the_o temper_n he_o attribute_n to_o they_o wherefore_o heed_n must_v be_v take_v not_o to_o confound_v these_o different_a character_n but_o above_o all_o thing_n the_o nature_n of_o the_o passion_n ought_v necessary_o to_o be_v understand_v and_o what_o they_o work_v in_o the_o heart_n of_o those_o who_o be_v possess_v with_o they_o after_o have_v describe_v they_o for_o such_o and_o such_o person_n for_o every_o one_o have_v his_o manner_n of_o love_v according_a to_o his_o own_o humour_n you_o have_v reason_n answer_v plotina_n and_o i_o begin_v to_o conceive_v well_o what_o you_o say_v but_o since_o any_o one_o may_v invent_v a_o history_n why_o be_v it_o not_o lawful_a to_o invent_v all_o thing_n and_o to_o suppose_v such_o country_n as_o be_v no_o where_o in_o the_o world_n for_o it_o will_v spare_v much_o pain_n it_o be_v true_a reply_v anacreon_n but_o it_o will_v also_o diminish_v much_o of_o the_o pleasure_n for_o if_o such_o place_n and_o person_n only_o be_v use_v as_o be_v never_o hear_v of_o there_o will_v be_v the_o less_o curiosity_n in_o the_o mind_n of_o the_o reader_n to_o know_v they_o and_o the_o imagination_n find_v all_o thing_n new_a will_v be_v incline_v to_o doubt_v of_o all_o whereas_o on_o the_o contrary_a when_o a_o age_n be_v make_v choice_n of_o which_o be_v not_o so_o remote_a but_o that_o some_o particularity_n of_o it_o be_v know_v not_o so_o near_o as_o that_o all_o the_o passage_n of_o it_o be_v too_o well_o understand_v which_o notwithstanding_o be_v so_o between_o both_o that_o event_n may_v be_v introduce_v in_o it_o which_o a_o historian_n may_v probable_o have_v be_v ignorant_a of_o or_o ought_v not_o to_o have_v relate_v there_o be_v more_o conveniency_n to_o make_v handsome_a thing_n than_o if_o all_o be_v invent_v for_o when_o name_n of_o country_n be_v employ_v which_o all_o the_o world_n hear_v of_o and_o wherewith_o geography_n be_v exact_o acquaint_v and_o when_o great_a event_n be_v make_v use_n of_o which_o be_v sufficient_o know_v the_o mind_n be_v whole_o dispose_v to_o suffer_v itself_o to_o be_v seduce_v and_o to_o receive_v the_o fiction_n together_o with_o the_o truth_n provide_v it_o be_v handsome_o interweave_v and_o the_o writer_n take_v pain_n to_o study_v the_o age_n well_o he_o make_v choice_n of_o to_o improve_v all_o the_o rarity_n of_o it_o and_o to_o conform_v to_o the_o custom_n of_o place_n he_o treat_v of_o not_o to_o mention_v laurel_n in_o country_n where_o there_o be_v never_o any_o see_v not_o to_o confound_v the_o religion_n or_o custom_n of_o nation_n that_o be_v introduce_v though_o they_o may_v with_o judgement_n be_v a_o little_a draw_v to_o the_o usage_n of_o the_o present_a age_n to_o the_o end_n they_o may_v be_v the_o more_o delightful_a i_o be_o confident_a if_o this_o be_v observe_v and_o they_o which_o be_v introduce_v in_o a_o fable_n of_o this_o nature_n speak_v well_o the_o passion_n be_v well_o paint_v out_o the_o adventure_n be_v natural_a and_o prudent_o invent_v all_o the_o little_a matter_n which_o discover_v the_o bottom_n of_o man_n heart_n be_v pertinent_o place_v vice_n be_v blame_v virtue_n reward_v and_o variety_n disperse_v through_o the_o whole_a without_o confusion_n if_o the_o fancy_n be_v always_o subject_a to_o the_o judgement_n extraordinary_a event_n be_v rational_o ground_v if_o there_o be_v knowledge_n without_o affectation_n delight_n ornament_n and_o pleasantness_n wherever_o it_o be_v necessary_a if_o the_o style_n be_v neither_o too_o high_a nor_o too_o low_a and_o no_o violence_n offer_v to_o decency_n and_o good_a manner_n i_o be_o confident_a i_o say_v such_o a_o work_n will_v please_v all_o that_o read_v it_o be_v more_o delightful_a to_o they_o than_o a_o history_n and_o withal_o be_v more_o profitable_a for_o a_o person_n who_o write_v the_o history_n of_o a_o prince_n can_v blame_v only_o the_o vice_n of_o he_o who_o life_n he_o write_v but_o he_o that_o undertake_v to_o compose_v a_o ingenious_a fable_n may_v take_v occasion_n if_o he_o please_v to_o condemn_v all_o vice_n and_o teach_v all_o virtue_n and_o therefore_o i_o wish_v with_o all_o my_o heart_n herminius_n and_o amilcar_n will_v set_v about_o a_o composition_n of_o this_o nature_n as_o for_o amilcar_n answer_v clelia_n i_o must_v dissuade_v he_o from_o it_o for_o according_a to_o the_o humour_n he_o be_v of_o he_o will_v never_o be_v able_a to_o resolve_v to_o blame_v inconstancy_n but_o for_o herminius_n who_o make_v profession_n of_o be_v constant_a and_o know_v all_o virtue_n i_o wish_v he_o will_v take_v the_o pain_n to_o do_v it_o i_o assure_v you_o reply_v he_o i_o shall_v glad_o undertake_v it_o if_o i_o believe_v i_o can_v do_v it_o as_o well_o as_o i_o apprehend_v it_o may_v be_v do_v for_o i_o be_o persuade_v a_o map_n of_o the_o world_n and_o that_o a_o little_a embellish_v will_v be_v a_o very_a delightful_a thing_n and_o withal_o very_o profitable_a but_o to_o speak_v free_o the_o undertake_n be_v more_o difficult_a than_o it_o seem_v and_o i_o believe_v it_o be_v easy_a to_o write_v a_o handsome_a history_n than_o to_o compose_v a_o accurate_a fable_n after_o the_o manner_n i_o apprehend_v it_o may_v be_v make_v yet_o it_o be_v requisite_a a_o historian_n have_v great_a accomplishment_n he_o must_v have_v a_o wit_n of_o great_a extent_n which_o his_o fancy_n must_v adorn_v when_o it_o be_v needful_a both_o which_o his_o judgement_n must_v guide_v and_o restrain_v when_o it_o be_v convenient_a and_o his_o memory_n ought_v never_o to_o be_v unfaithful_a to_o he_o he_o must_v have_v a_o universal_a knowledge_n of_o the_o world_n of_o the_o interest_n of_o prince_n and_o the_o humour_n of_o nation_n policy_n must_v not_o be_v unknown_a to_o he_o nor_o the_o art_n of_o war_n he_o must_v understand_v to_o describe_v battle_n and_o which_o be_v most_o of_o all_o necessary_a he_o must_v be_v able_a perfect_o to_o represent_v those_o war_n of_o the_o closet_n which_o be_v meet_v with_o in_o all_o court_n which_o consist_v in_o intrigue_n delusion_n and_o negotiation_n true_a or_o feign_v and_o which_o notwithstanding_o be_v of_o such_o importance_n that_o it_o be_v in_o they_o the_o seed_n be_v sow_v of_o the_o most_o considerable_a war_n and_o on_o which_o the_o ruin_n or_o felicity_n of_o nation_n as_o well_o as_o the_o verity_n of_o history_n depend_v it_o be_v requisite_a also_o to_o be_v skilful_a how_o to_o represent_v the_o different_a passion_n of_o prince_n as_o those_o which_o govern_v not_o to_o say_v too_o much_o or_o too_o little_a of_o they_o and_o never_o to_o write_v any_o thing_n but_o what_o instruct_v or_o delight_n and_o be_v either_o good_a or_o pleasant_a however_o when_o a_o man_n be_v provide_v with_o faithful_a memorial_n have_v live_v himself_o in_o the_o world_n and_o have_v part_n of_o the_o quality_n necessary_a to_o a_o historian_n it_o be_v easy_a to_o make_v a_o history_n not_o whole_o bad_a but_o to_o compose_v a_o accurate_a fable_n adorn_v with_o all_o that_o can_v render_v it_o agreeable_a or_o profitable_a i_o conceive_v it_o necessary_a not_o only_o to_o have_v all_o that_o i_o say_v be_v requisite_a to_o a_o historian_n but_o to_o have_v a_o hundred_o knowledge_n more_o comprehensive_a and_o particular_a such_o a_o writer_n must_v be_v as_o i_o may_v so_o speak_v the_o creator_n of_o his_o work_n he_o must-understand_a the_o art_n of_o set_v forth_o virtue_n and_o exhibit_v it_o as_o a_o thing_n not_o difficult_a to_o be_v practise_v he_o must_v know_v the_o world_n not_o only_o as_o the_o author_n of_o a_o history_n ought_v but_o he_o must_v understand_v the_o handsome_a mode_n of_o the_o world_n perfect_o politeness_n of_o conversation_n the_o art_n of_o ingenious_a raillery_n and_o that_o of_o make_v innocent_a satyr_n nor_o must_v he_o be_v ignorant_a of_o that_o of_o compose_v of_o verse_n write_v letter_n and_o make_v oration_n he_o must_v also_o know_v as_o i_o may_v so_o speak_v the_o secret_n
of_o all_o heart_n and_o be_v ignorant_a of_o not_o one_o of_o all_o the_o commendable_a science_n of_o which_o occasion_n may_v be_v sometime_o offer_v to_o speak_v by_o the_o way_n but_o above_o all_o thing_n he_o must_v know_v how_o to_o take_v away_o plainness_n and_o dryness_n from_o morality_n and_o set_v it_o off_o in_o a_o dress_n so_o natural_a and_o so_o agreeable_a that_o it_o may_v divert_v all_o those_o to_o who_o it_o give_v instruction_n and_o as_o lady_n break_v not_o their_o looking-glass_n which_o show_v they_o the_o defect_n which_o they_o amend_v when_o they_o know_v so_o they_o may_v not_o hate_v a_o work_n wherein_o they_o oftentimes_o see_v thing_n which_o none_o dare_v speak_v to_o they_o of_o and_o which_o they_o will_v never_o speak_v of_o to_o themselves_o whence_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o judge_v that_o it_o be_v much_o more_o difficult_a to_o make_v a_o work_n of_o this_o nature_n than_o to_o write_v a_o history_n you_o discourse_v admirable_o well_o answer_v anacreon_n i_o be_o of_o your_o opinion_n add_v amilcar_n but_o that_o which_o seem_v strange_a to_o i_o be_v that_o if_o it_o be_v possible_a to_o find_v one_o that_o have_v compose_v a_o fable_n of_o this_o nature_n yet_o there_o will_v also_o be_v find_v a_o great_a number_n of_o people_n who_o will_v speak_v of_o it_o but_o as_o of_o a_o mere_a trifle_n and_o a_o unprofitable_a amusement_n and_o i_o know_v divers_a ancient_a senator_n here_o and_o also_o several_a roman_a matron_n who_o will_v be_v so_o affright_v with_o a_o love-story_n that_o they_o will_v absolute_o forbid_v their_o child_n from_o cast_v their_o eye_n upon_o any_o such_o that_o conceit_n answer_v herminius_n seem_v very_o unjust_a for_o love_n be_v not_o learn_v in_o book_n nature_n teach_v it_o all_o man_n and_o in_o all_o place_n through_o which_o i_o have_v travel_v i_o have_v find_v love_v every_o where_o but_o i_o have_v find_v it_o more_o gross_a brutish_a and_o criminal_a among_o people_n of_o no_o politeness_n and_o such_o as_o be_v whole_o ignorant_a of_o handsome_a gallantry_n than_o among_o person_n of_o worth_n and_o civil_a education_n and_o beside_o if_o it_o be_v unfit_a to_o read_v book_n wherein_o love_n be_v treat_v of_o we_o must_v forbear_v read_v of_o history_n in_o which_o we_o find_v example_n of_o all_o crime_n and_o wherein_o oftentimes_o the_o criminal_n be_v happy_a and_o cause_n desire_v in_o some_o to_o imitate_v they_o one_o day_n history_n will_v record_v the_o abominable_a action_n of_o sextus_n the_o miserable_a death_n of_o servius_n tullus_n the_o unjust_a love_n of_o tarquin_n and_o tullia_n and_o a_o thousand_o other_o thing_n of_o dangerous_a example_n which_o need_v not_o be_v in_o a_o fable_n according_a to_o the_o way_n i_o understand_v for_o therein_o modesty_n may_v always_o be_v join_v with_o love_n and_o no_o criminal_a love_n be_v ever_o relate_v which_o prove_v not_o in_o the_o end_n unhappy_a for_o my_o part_n say_v clelia_n i_o think_v it_o more_o important_a than_o be_v believe_v to_o show_v that_o there_o may_v be_v innocent_a love_n and_o delightful_a together_o for_o there_o be_v but_o too_o many_o who_o think_v this_o can_v never_o be_v no_o doubt_n madam_n you_o have_v reason_n answer_v herminius_n wherefore_o those_o good_a senator_n and_o severe_a matron_n be_v too_o blame_v for_o hinder_v their_o child_n from_o read_v a_o work_n wherein_o they_o may_v find_v wherewith_o to_o understand_v the_o practice_n of_o all_o virtue_n and_o by_o the_o advantage_n of_o which_o they_o may_v spare_v the_o pain_n of_o travel_v to_o become_v person_n of_o worth_n and_o accomplish_a since_o there_o may_v be_v make_v so_o handsome_a a_o map_n of_o the_o world_n that_o it_o may_v be_v see_v in_o epitome_n without_o go_v forth_o of_o their_o closet_n and_o as_o for_o lady_n i_o conceive_v likewise_o that_o the_o read_n of_o such_o a_o work_n as_o i_o be_o speak_v of_o will_v rather_o hinder_v they_o from_o admit_v of_o gallant_n than_o induce_v they_o to_o entertain_v they_o for_o if_o they_o will_v compare_v the_o love_n pretend_v to_o they_o with_o that_o they_o find_v describe_v in_o a_o book_n of_o this_o nature_n they_o will_v apprehend_v so_o much_o difference_n between_o they_o that_o they_o will_v never_o suffer_v themselves_o to_o be_v move_v with_o it_o i_o add_v moreover_o confident_o that_o such_o a_o book_n may_v not_o only_o teach_v all_o virtue_n blame_v all_o vice_n and_o reprove_v all_o the_o little_a defect_n the_o world_n be_v full_a of_o but_o it_o may_v also_o teach_v to_o reverence_v the_o god_n by_o the_o example_n give_v in_o the_o person_n of_o hero_n propose_v for_o a_o pattern_n and_o that_o of_o whatever_o nation_n or_o religion_n the_o reader_n be_v of_o he_o may_v be_v profit_v by_o it_o for_o when_o i_o behold_v a_o roman_a adore_v the_o god_n of_o his_o country_n i_o be_o not_o backward_o to_o improve_v by_o the_o example_n though_o i_o be_o a_o african_a and_o thereby_o to_o remember_v i_o ought_v to_o worship_v those_o of_o my_o own_o country_n therefore_o i_o do_v not_o weigh_v the_o morosity_n of_o some_o unreasonable_a people_n who_o blame_v a_o work_n of_o this_o nature_n but_o at_o the_o venture_n of_o undergo_a their_o injustice_n i_o wish_v i_o be_v the_o author_n of_o one_o for_o i_o be_v content_v with_o my_o own_o intention_n shall_v comfort_v myself_o against_o the_o severity_n of_o a_o few_o person_n with_o the_o general_a applauss_n of_o the_o world_n and_o the_o peculiar_a knowledge_n i_o have_v of_o the_o profitableness_n of_o this_o kind_n of_o work_n in_o which_o may_v be_v have_v experience_n without_o the_o assistance_n of_o old_a age_n precept_n without_o severity_n innocent_a satyr_n judgement_n which_o cost_v nothing_o and_o the_o mean_n to_o learn_v that_o art_n of_o the_o world_n without_o which_o it_o be_v unpossible_a ever_o to_o be_v acceptable_a if_o you_o make_v one_o say_v plotina_n i_o promise_v you_o to_o read_v it_o with_o pleasure_n for_o my_o part_n add_v clelia_n i_o promise_v my_o admiration_n to_o herminius_n i_o promise_v he_o more_o than_o you_o add_v valeria_n for_o i_o promise_v he_o to_o reform_v many_o defect_n which_o i_o have_v for_o what_o concern_v i_o say_v anacreon_n i_o engage_v myself_o to_o sing_v his_o glory_n and_o for_o my_o part_n answer_v amilcar_n i_o promise_v he_o to_o read_v it_o with_o delight_n to_o esteem_v it_o high_o to_o commend_v it_o in_o all_o place_n and_o to_o do_v nothing_o which_o he_o shall_v say_v for_o i_o never_o do_v any_o thing_n but_o what_o i_o say_v to_o myself_o and_o beside_o he_o have_v such_o a_o inclination_n to_o constant_a love_n that_o i_o shall_v never_o conform_v to_o it_o after_o this_o all_o the_o company_n unite_n again_o the_o music_n begin_v and_o then_o the_o collation_n be_v serve_v which_o be_v as_o magnificent_a as_o the_o harmony_n be_v melodious_a after_o which_o the_o conversation_n be_v extreme_o agreeable_a but_o it_o be_v sufficient_o late_a the_o company_n separate_v themselves_o with_o the_o sorrow_n of_o know_v they_o shall_v lose_v telanus_n the_o next_o morning_n because_o the_o figure_n which_o the_o veientines_n be_v to_o deliver_v be_v to_o arrive_v at_o rome_n the_o day_n follow_v clelia_n indeed_o be_v exempt_v from_o this_o discontent_n though_o she_o very_o high_o esteem_v telanus_n because_o think_v of_o nothing_o but_o what_o may_v have_v some_o correspondence_n with_o the_o passion_n she_o have_v in_o her_o soul_n she_o only_o muse_v upon_o the_o death_n of_o hesiode_n imagine_v what_o grief_n she_o shall_v resent_v if_o during_o the_o war_n which_o be_v beginning_n between_o porsenna_n and_o rome_n her_o dear_a aronce_n shall_v happen_v to_o perish_v in_o it_o the_o end_n of_o the_o second_o book_n of_o the_o four_o part._n clelia_n a_o new_a romance_n the_o four_o part_n the_o three_o book_n the_o people_n of_o rome_n understanding_n the_o figure_n make_v at_o veii_n by_o tarquin_n command_n be_v arrive_v testify_v a_o extreme_a joy_n thereupon_o nothing_o so_o easy_o communicate_v itself_o as_o superstition_n in_o the_o mind_n of_o the_o multitude_n the_o consul_n horatius_n in_o the_o absence_n of_o publicola_n cause_v the_o figure_n to_o be_v place_v in_o the_o temple_n of_o jupiter_n and_o give_v permission_n to_o telanus_n to_o return_v so_o that_o have_v no_o pretext_n to_o continue_v long_o at_o rome_n he_o be_v constrain_v to_o depart_v from_o thence_o and_o take_v leave_v of_o those_o illustrious_a person_n with_o who_o he_o have_v pass_v some_o day_n so_o delightful_o it_o be_v true_a he_o lest_o his_o heart_n with_o the_o aimiable_a plotina_n and_o return_v with_o his_o mind_n so_o fill_v with_o the_o excellency_n of_o his_o lady_n that_o as_o courageous_a as_o he_o be_v he_o hearty_o wish_v the_o war_n will_v
testimony_n of_o love_n towards_o artemidorus_n it_o produce_v in_o they_o very_o different_a effect_n the_o prince_n redouble_v his_o fury_n infamous_a sister_n cry_v he_o do_v you_o come_v to_o defend_v your_o unworthy_a lover_n in_o my_o sight_n i_o shall_v punish_v you_o for_o your_o wickedness_n at_o which_o he_o advance_v towards_o she_o with_o with_o his_o sword_n draw_v and_o have_v infallible_o kill_v she_o if_o the_o amorous_a zenocrates_n as_o jealous_a as_o he_o be_v have_v not_o out_o of_o a_o excess_n of_o love_n cast_v himself_o between_o the_o prince_n and_o lysimena_n artemidorus_z also_o offer_v to_o do_v the_o same_o but_o at_o the_o very_a moment_n meleontus_n who_o jealousy_n and_o fury_n be_v redouble_v by_o the_o generous_a action_n of_o the_o princess_n take_v a_o bow_n from_o the_o hand_n of_o a_o archer_n and_o shoot_v with_o precipitation_n but_o instead_o of_o kill_v artemidorus_n as_o he_o design_v he_o wound_v lysimena_n dangerous_o in_o the_o neck_n and_o the_o same_o arrow_n glance_v from_o she_o unhappy_o enter_v into_o the_o body_n of_o zenocrates_n for_o meleontus_n shoot_v from_o the_o right_a side_n to_o the_o left_a upon_o which_o both_o of_o they_o fall_v down_o lysimena_n resent_v the_o most_o violent_a grief_n that_o ever_o be_v for_o she_o see_v herself_o no_o long_o able_a to_o hinder_v artemidorus_z from_o perish_v by_o the_o hand_n of_o her_o brother_n she_o see_v her_o dear_a zenocrates_n wound_v for_o her_o sake_n and_o understand_v by_o some_o word_n which_o he_o speak_v as_o he_o fall_v that_o he_o suspect_v she_o of_o be_v unfaithful_a on_o the_o other_o side_n artemidorus_z be_v transport_v with_o grief_n to_o see_v lysimena_n wound_v without_o care_v to_o defend_v himself_o offer_v to_o lift_v up_o the_o princess_n but_o the_o jealous_a meleontus_n enrage_v for_o have_v wound_v his_o mistress_n and_o zenocrates_n who_o he_o now_o consider_v not_o as_o his_o rival_n instead_o of_o artemidorus_n do_v his_o endeavour_n to_o kill_v this_o valiant_a and_o generous_a prince_n but_o at_o the_o same_o instant_n the_o princess_n of_o leontium_n come_v back_o from_o the_o temple_n of_o diana_n on_o the_o one_o side_n with_o all_o her_o train_n and_o the_o wise_a cleanthus_n arrive_v on_o the_o other_o suppress_v the_o fury_n of_o the_o tumult_n you_o may_v judge_v how_o astonish_v the_o princess_n of_o leontium_n be_v to_o find_v the_o prince_n and_o meleontus_n with_o their_o sword_n draw_v so_o many_o people_n slay_v artemidorus_z wounded_z and_o zenocrates_n and_o lysimena_n at_o the_o point_n of_o death_n for_o the_o loss_n of_o blood_n deprive_v they_o both_o of_o speech_n as_o for_o cleanthus_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o appear_v and_o behold_v this_o strange_a spectacle_n he_o go_v direct_o to_o the_o prince_n and_o speak_v to_o he_o with_o the_o authority_n of_o one_o that_o have_v instruct_v he_o in_o his_o youth_n how_o come_v it_o my_o lord_n say_v he_o to_o he_o that_o i_o find_v you_o with_o your_o arm_n in_o your_o hand_n against_o the_o prince_n artemidorus_n your_o brother_n these_o word_n cause_v the_o prince_n to_o blush_v and_o meleontus_n to_o wax_v pale_a who_o be_v approach_v whilst_o artemidorus_n have_v break_v through_o the_o throng_n go_v to_o give_v the_o princess_n his_o mother_n a_o account_n of_o what_o have_v happen_v the_o speech_n of_o cleanthus_n who_o the_o prince_n know_v very_o well_o strange_o astonish_v he_o for_o he_o be_v conscious_a there_o be_v no_o ground_n to_o suspect_v his_o probity_n nevertheless_o not_o be_v able_a to_o resolve_v sudden_o to_o believe_v he_o how_o say_v he_o be_v he_o that_o i_o behold_v my_o brother_n and_o be_v that_o brother_n my_o sister_n lover_n no_o my_o lord_n answer_v artemidorus_n who_o lead_v the_o princess_n his_o mother_n and_o if_o you_o will_v have_v hear_v i_o you_o have_v not_o do_v as_o you_o have_v nor_o enforce_v i_o to_o kill_v those_o unhappy_a person_n who_o i_o i_o know_v not_o ah_o my_o son_n cry_v the_o princess_n of_o leontium_n speak_v to_o the_o prince_n i_o can_v but_o accuse_v you_o of_o a_o great_a crime_n and_o regret_n my_o own_o unhappiness_n however_o add_v she_o leave_v i_o in_o peace_n in_o this_o desert_n endeavour_v to_o save_v my_o daughter_n life_n and_o be_v assure_o persuade_v artemidorus_n be_v your_o brother_n he_o make_v himself_o know_v to_o i_o first_o of_o all_o your_o sister_n understand_v his_o quality_n from_o my_o mouth_n and_o have_v it_o not_o be_v that_o i_o wait_v for_o the_o arrival_n of_o cleanthus_n you_o have_v be_v inform_v of_o the_o truth_n before_o then_o cleanthus_n add_v many_o circumstance_n for_o the_o conformation_n of_o his_o be_v son_n to_o the_o princess_n of_o leontium_n the_o prince_n better_o consider_v he_o &_o acknowledge_v he_o to_o be_v his_o brother_n and_o thereupon_o be_v much_o ashamed_a of_o his_o action_n he_o desire_v pardon_n of_o he_o for_o it_o my_o lord_n answer_v artemidorus_n i_o be_o ready_a to_o forget_v the_o injury_n you_o have_v do_v i_o but_o i_o beseech_v you_o that_o he_o who_o wound_v the_o princess_n my_o sister_n may_v appear_v no_o long_o in_o my_o sight_n otherwise_o all_o the_o respect_n i_o bear_v you_o can_v hinder_v i_o from_o punish_v he_o for_o so_o detestable_a a_o action_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n i_o be_v descend_v approach_v to_o the_o princess_n and_o fall_v upon_o my_o knee_n by_o she_o endeavour_v to_o bring_v she_o to_o herself_o again_o meleontus_n be_v at_o his_o wit_n end_v for_o what_o he_o have_v do_v and_o come_v to_o help_v i_o to_o hold_v she_o up_o but_o as_o i_o be_v go_v to_o thrust_v he_o away_o he_o hear_v what_o artemidorus_n speak_v upon_o which_o his_o rage_n be_v redouble_v you_o have_v reason_n my_o lord_n say_v he_o to_o he_o you_o have_v reason_n and_o to_o testify_v to_o you_o that_o i_o judge_v myself_o as_o culpable_a as_o unhappy_a behold_v what_o a_o generous_a repentance_n shall_v lead_v i_o to_o in_o speak_v which_o he_o offer_v to_o strike_v a_o poniard_n into_o his_o own_o heart_n but_o the_o prince_n who_o love_v he_o much_o abate_v part_n of_o his_o impetuosity_n by_o seize_v upon_o his_o arm_n the_o poniard_n do_v not_o pierce_v so_o deep_a as_o he_o design_v it_o but_o yet_o it_o do_v enough_o to_o cause_v some_o compassion_n even_o in_o he_o who_o he_o have_v desire_v to_o kill_v the_o princess_n have_v cause_v lysimena_n to_o be_v carry_v to_o a_o bed_n and_o give_v order_n for_o care_n to_o be_v take_v of_o zenocrates_n and_o the_o dead_a to_o be_v remove_v out_o of_o the_o court_n the_o prince_n commit_v meleontus_n to_o the_o custody_n of_o three_o or_o four_o of_o his_o follower_n and_o cause_v he_o to_o be_v conduct_v into_o a_o back_n garden-house_n notwithstanding_o all_o his_o own_o resistance_n for_o he_o be_v resolve_v to_o die_v and_o will_v by_o no_o mean_n admit_v of_o any_o course_n to_o preserve_v his_o life_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n cleanthus_n discourse_v with_o the_o prince_n and_o employ_v all_o his_o prudence_n to_o persuade_v he_o that_o artemidorus_n will_v remember_v nothing_o that_o have_v pass_v reduce_v his_o mind_n to_o a_o good_a temper_n and_o counsel_v he_o to_o return_v that_o evening_n to_o leontium_n and_o to_o carry_v thither_o he_o that_o design_v to_o kill_v artemidorus_z wound_a lysimena_n till_o this_o first_o disorder_n be_v compose_v and_o it_o be_v see_v what_o will_v become_v of_o lysimena_n and_o zenocrates_n wound_n for_o as_o for_o the_o prince_n artemidorus_n that_o which_o he_o have_v receive_v in_o his_o left_a hand_n be_v very_o slight_a so_o the_o prince_n follow_v the_o counsel_n of_o the_o wise_a cleanthus_n for_o who_o he_o still_o retain_v much_o respect_n depart_v assoon_o as_o he_o understand_v lysimena_n be_v come_v again_o from_o her_o swoon_n and_o cause_v meleontus_n to_o be_v put_v into_o a_o chariot_n have_v first_o cause_v his_o wound_n to_o be_v dress_v by_o force_n leave_v cleanthus_n order_n to_o tell_v the_o princess_n his_o mother_n the_o prince_z artemidorus_z and_o lysimena_n all_o that_o he_o judge_v conducive_a to_o appease_v their_o mind_n though_o to_o speak_v truth_n this_o prince_n think_v himself_o guilty_a of_o nothing_o but_o precipitancy_n and_o as_o for_o the_o action_n of_o meleontus_n he_o consider_v it_o as_o a_o violence_n which_o love_n and_o jealousy_n may_v excuse_v but_o meleontus_n himself_o be_v more_o equitable_a for_o he_o accuse_v himself_o in_o good_a earnest_n how_o unhappy_a be_o i_o say_v he_o upon_o the_o way_n he_o return_v to_o one_o of_o his_o own_o and_o my_o friend_n who_o tell_v i_o this_o and_o how_o great_a a_o criminal_a i_o have_v commit_v all_o crime_n imaginable_a i_o have_v rash_o suspect_v the_o most_o virtuous_a princess_n in_o the_o world_n i_o have_v accuse_v she_o i_o have_v incense_v the_o
prince_n mind_n against_o she_o i_o have_v put_v fury_n into_o his_o heart_n and_o weapon_n in_o his_o hand_n against_o the_o prince_n his_o brother_n &_o the_o princess_n his_o sister_n and_o wretch_n that_o i_o be_o after_o that_o i_o have_v see_v artemidorus_n perform_v the_o great_a action_n in_o the_o world_n i_o go_v about_o to_o kill_v he_o with_o the_o shot_n of_o a_o arrow_n but_o moreover_o the_o god_n to_o punish_v i_o for_o it_o have_v permit_v that_o unfortunate_a arrow_n to_o wound_v mortal_o both_o a_o innocent_a friend_n and_o the_o only_a person_n for_o who_o sake_n life_n can_v be_v acceptable_a to_o i_o and_o nevertheless_o they_o will_v not_o let_v i_o die_v they_o force_v i_o to_o live_v they_o keep_v i_o too_o as_o if_o i_o still_o deserve_v that_o any_o care_n shall_v be_v take_v of_o my_o life_n but_o it_o be_v in_o vain_a add_v he_o that_o i_o be_o watch_v and_o that_o every_o thing_n which_o may_v procure_v my_o death_n be_v remove_v from_o i_o i_o need_v neither_o steel_n nor_o poison_n my_o grief_n alone_o will_v be_v sufficient_a to_o dispatch_v i_o for_o when_o i_o reflect_v that_o i_o be_o he_o who_o have_v bring_v my_o princess_n into_o danger_n and_o that_o in_o attempt_v to_o kill_v a_o man_n who_o i_o believe_v my_o rival_n perhaps_o i_o have_v slay_v my_o mistress_n i_o resent_v a_o torment_n a_o thousand_o time_n more_o cruel_a than_o death_n a_o torment_n great_a than_o can_v be_v apprehend_v and_o which_o i_o can_v whole_o conceive_v myself_o since_o at_o the_o same_o time_n i_o be_o overwhelm_v with_o shame_n repentance_n grief_n and_o abhorrence_n of_o myself_o as_o much_o love_n as_o be_v needful_a to_o render_v my_o fault_n for_o ever_o unpardonable_a and_o as_o much_o rage_n as_o be_v necessary_a to_o make_v life_n odious_a and_o death_n desirable_a every_o moment_n beside_o what_o have_v i_o to_o do_v long_o in_o the_o world_n the_o princess_n do_v not_o love_v i_o whilst_o i_o do_v nothing_o but_o study_v to_o serve_v she_o judge_v therefore_o what_o sentiment_n she_o will_v have_v if_o she_o escape_v for_o a_o man_n that_o will_v have_v blemish_v her_o honour_n take_v the_o prince_n artemidorus_n life_n away_o after_o a_o unworthy_a manner_n and_o who_o have_v endanger_v she_o own_o have_v i_o go_v about_o to_o kill_v this_o prince_n as_o a_o man_n of_o courage_n may_v kill_v a_o enemy_n it_o will_v be_v more_o pardonable_a but_o jealousy_n so_o transport_v i_o when_o i_o behold_v lysimena_n hazard_v her_o life_n to_o save_v that_o of_o a_o man_n who_o i_o believe_v my_o rival_n that_o in_o that_o accurse_a moment_n i_o abandon_v my_o reason_n and_o cast_v off_o all_o sense_n of_o virtue_n and_o honour_n to_o mind_n only_o a_o speedy_a revenge_n but_o alas_o the_o god_n have_v already_o revenge_v the_o cause_n of_o lysimena_n for_o i_o hate_v myself_o so_o horrible_o that_o i_o never_o have_v a_o more_o ardent_a affection_n for_o she_o than_o i_o have_v now_o detestation_n for_o myself_o in_o this_o manner_n reason_v the_o unfortunate_a meleontus_n whilst_o the_o wise_a cleanthus_n endeavour_v to_o pacify_v matter_n at_o the_o castle_n where_o he_o stay_v cleanthus_n say_v plotina_n interrupt_v amiclea_n have_v do_v i_o a_o pleasure_n in_o arrive_v and_o i_o shall_v be_v glad_a to_o know_v a_o person_n who_o have_v so_o excellent_o educate_v the_o prince_n artemidorus_n for_o my_o part_n say_v clelia_n i_o fancy_v he_o to_o be_v like_o one_o of_o the_o sage_n that_o be_v so_o much_o speak_v of_o for_o i_o have_v hear_v he_o so_o extol_v by_o merigenes_n the_o young_a king_n of_o phoenicia_n and_o the_o prince_n his_o brother_n who_o he_o instruct_v that_o i_o imagine_v he_o to_o be_v a_o very_a excellent_a person_n to_o testify_v the_o submission_n of_o my_o will_n to_o you_o answer_v amiclea_n i_o shall_v describe_v he_o to_o you_o and_o indeed_o i_o be_o something_o of_o such_o a_o humour_n that_o i_o be_o loath_a to_o pass_v over_o my_o friend_n without_o commend_v they_o a_o little_a when_o i_o speak_v to_o person_n that_o do_v not_o know_v they_o and_o i_o conceive_v generosity_n require_v as_o much_o from_o all_o people_n and_o that_o there_o be_v some_o pleasure_n when_o we_o be_v alone_o to_o remember_v we_o have_v do_v justice_n to_o our_o friend_n when_o they_o be_v mention_v i_o beseech_v you_o say_v plotina_n let_v we_o speak_v of_o cleanthus_n and_o leave_v the_o pleasure_n that_o we_o find_v in_o our_o selus_fw-la for_o as_o for_o my_o part_n i_o be_o persuade_v they_o be_v the_o sad_a pleasure_n in_o the_o world_n yet_o they_o be_v the_o most_o solid_a answer_v clelia_n believe_v i_o add_v plotina_n agreeable_o solidity_n be_v not_o to_o be_v require_v in_o pleasure_n it_o be_v sufficient_a if_o they_o be_v sprightly_a and_o jovial_a if_o they_o dazzle_v reason_n and_o follow_v one_o after_o another_o if_o they_o be_v various_a and_o deceive_v we_o and_o amuse_v we_o agreeable_o and_o to_o put_v the_o thing_n in_o practice_n after_o have_v have_v the_o pleasure_n to_o relieve_v myself_o from_o a_o long_a silence_n by_o what_o i_o have_v say_v tell_v we_o amiable_a amiclea_n what_o a_o person_n the_o wise_a cleanthus_n be_v know_v than_o reply_v amiclea_n he_o who_o description_n you_o desire_v be_v a_o man_n of_o transcendent_a merit_n and_o his_o eminent_a virtue_n have_v place_v he_o above_o envy_n and_o the_o envious_a his_o lineage_n be_v very_o good_a and_o it_o will_v be_v easy_a to_o find_v wherewith_o to_o commend_v he_o in_o many_o thing_n which_o be_v extrinsical_a to_o he_o but_o not_o to_o speak_v of_o aught_o but_o himself_o i_o shall_v content_v myself_o with_o tell_v you_o that_o though_o cleanthus_n be_v arrive_v to_o that_o age_n wherein_o time_n be_v wont_a to_o efface_v part_n of_o the_o lineament_n that_o compose_v handsomeness_n in_o a_o face_n yet_o he_o have_v still_o a_o serene_a aspect_n full_a of_o spirit_n and_o sweetness_n which_o please_v infinite_o his_o eye_n partly_o discover_v his_o wisdom_n and_o goodness_n and_o though_o he_o be_v not_o tall_a yet_o he_o have_v a_o good_a personage_n and_o the_o absolute_a air_n of_o a_o philosopher_n that_o practise_v more_o virtue_n than_o he_o teach_v there_o appear_v so_o modest_a a_o joy_n in_o his_o converse_n so_o prudent_a a_o complacency_n in_o all_o his_o discourse_n and_o a_o goodness_n so_o real_a in_o all_o his_o action_n that_o his_o conversation_n beget_v a_o love_n of_o virtue_n in_o all_o that_o be_v capable_a of_o it_o moreover_o he_o have_v be_v choose_v as_o i_o tell_v you_o before_o to_o instruct_v two_o of_o the_o greatest-prince_n in_o the_o world_n in_o several_a considerable_a kind_n of_o knowledge_n beside_o the_o prince_n of_o leontium_n and_o artemidorus_n he_o have_v all_o his_o life_n so_o passionate_o love_v study_v that_o it_o may_v be_v say_v he_o never_o spend_v day_n without_o learn_v something_o so_o that_o he_o have_v compose_v a_o infinite_a number_n of_o excellent_a work_n which_o be_v indubitable_a testimony_n of_o his_o knowledge_n and_o virtue_n for_o there_o be_v scarce_o any_o thing_n of_o which_o he_o have_v not_o write_v plausible_o with_o intention_n to_o profit_v the_o public_a and_o render_v the_o reader_n of_o his_o work_n either_o better_o or_o more_o know_v which_o in_o my_o judgement_n be_v a_o very_a great_a commendation_n but_o though_o cleanthus_n be_v very_o learned_a and_o his_o work_n deserve_v to_o live_v immortal_o yet_o i_o admire_v his_o virtue_n more_o than_o his_o knowledge_n especial_o have_v preserve_v it_o immaculate_a in_o the_o midst_n of_o a_o great_a court_n where_o for_o the_o most_o part_n such_o as_o be_v most_o virtuous_a find_v it_o something_o difficult_a to_o persist_v exact_o in_o the_o purity_n of_o their_o own_o sentiment_n but_o as_o for_o cleanthus_n nothing_o change_v he_o he_o be_v so_o solid_o virtuous_a but_o his_o virtue_n be_v sociable_a far_o from_o asperity_n or_o savageness_n which_o persuade_v rather_o by_o sweetness_n than_o impetuosity_n and_o which_o by_o the_o calmness_n of_o his_o mind_n render_v it_o sufficient_o manifest_v apparent_a that_o he_o have_v be_v a_o long_a and_o happy_a studier_n of_o wisdom_n for_o he_o be_v none_o of_o those_o who_o know_v virtue_n without_o follow_v it_o and_o teach_v the_o virtue_n which_o they_o never_o practise_v on_o the_o contrary_a cleanthus_n speak_v more_o morality_n by_o his_o action_n than_o his_o discourse_n and_o instruct_v no_o less_o by_o his_o manner_n than_o by_o work_n thus_o you_o see_v what_o a_o person_n the_o wise_a cleanthus_n be_v who_o presence_n calm_v so_o great_a a_o tempest_n but_o to_o proceed_v as_o soon_o as_o the_o princess_n come_v out_o of_o her_o swoon_n she_o think_v upon_o artemidorus_n &_o zenocrates_n and_o see_v i_o in_o her_o chamber_n with_o tear_n