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ground_n work_n work_v workmanship_n 26 3 12.0706 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27157 An antidote against Arminianisme, or, A plain and brief discourse wherein the state of the question in all the five infamous articles of Arminius is set down, and the orthodox tenets confirmed by cleere scripturall grounds by R.B.K. R. B. K. 1641 (1641) Wing B156; ESTC R31267 24,771 136

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est qui in Christo non est Christianus non est haec sunt profunda submersionis vestrae ne quisquam putaret saltem parvum aliquem fructum posse à semetipso se ferre non ait quia sine me parum potestis facere fed nihil potestis facere sive ergo parum sive multum sine illo fieri non potest sine quo nihil fieri potest What say you why deceive you your selves not maintainers but easters downe of freewill from the heights of pride through the voids of presumption into drowning deeps men pleasing thēselvs of corrupt minds and concerning the faith reprobate for it is your sentence that man of himselfe does justice But the truth contradicts and says the branch cannot bring forth fruit of it selfe unlesse it abide in the vine If there be any sense in you bee amazed for who ever thinks hee can bring forth fruit of himself is not in the vine who is not in the vine is not in Christ who is not in Christ is not a Christian These are your drowning deeps and lest any should think that at lest he might of himselfe bring forth some little fruit hee sayes not without mee you can bring forth a little fruit but you can doe nothing Whether therefore it bee little or much it cannot bee done without him without whom nothing can be done This for our impotencie to all spirituall good For our perversnesse and proclivitie to all spirituall evill Mans will is perverse and bent to all evil see Gen. 6.5 God saw that every imagination of mans heart was only evill continually Jer. 7.5 The heart is deceitfull above all things and desperatly wicked who can know it Rom. 7.14.18 I know that in mee that is in my flesh dwelleth no good for I am sold under sin Ephes 2.5 Wee were dead in sins and 5.8 Yee were sometimes darknesse Ezek. 48.4 I know that thou art obstinate and thy neck is as an iron sinew and thy brow is brasse Zachary 7.12 They made their heart as an adamant stone lest they should heare the Law All good in man commeth only from grace The third ground that God alone works all our works in us that our Illumination Conversiō c. flows frō him alone see Ephes 2.10 Wee are his workmanship created in Christ Iesus to good works Psal 5.10 Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit with in me 2 Cor. 4.6 God who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse hath shined in our hearts Phil. 2.13 It is God who worketh in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure Ezek. 36.26 A new heart will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh and I wil put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes 1 Chron. 4.7 Who maketh thee to differ from another and what hast thou that thou hast not received Why doest thou glory as if thou hadst not received it We may see this doctrine of Scripture avowed often by all Christian Writers especially by Augustine and Bernard against the Pelagians Heare some few of their sayings The 1 tels us k Libero arbitrio male utens homo se perdidit ipsum nam cum libero peccaretur arbitrio amissum est liberum arbitrium Liberum arbitrium ad diligendum Deum primi peccati granditate perdidimus magnas liberi Arbitrii vi●es homo cum crearetur accepit sed peccando amisit per velle malum recte perdidit posse bonum qui per posse bonum libere elegit velle malum Peccato Adae liberum arbitrium de hominum natura periisse non dicimus sed ad peccandum valere in hominibus subditis diabolo ad bene autem pieque vivendum non valere nisi ipsa voluntas hominis Dei gratia fuerit liberata ut velimus sine nobis operatur cum volumus sic volumus ut faciamus nobiscum cooperatur tamen sine illo vel operante ut velimus vel cooperante cum volumus ad bona pietatis opera nihil valemus Certum esi nos velle cum volumus sed ille facit ut ve●imus de quo dictum est Deus in nobis operatur velle nos operamur sed Deus in nobis operatur operari hoc nobis expedit credere dicere hoc est pium hoc est verum ut sit humilis submissa confessio detur totum Deo Tutiores vivimus si demus totum Deo non autem nos illi ex parte nobis ex parte committimus Bernard Non partim gratia partim liberum arbitrium sed totum euidem hoc totum illa sed ut totum in illo sit totum ex illa Quid igitur ais agit liberum arbitrium Respondeo breviter salvatur tolle liberum arbitrium non erit quod salvetur tolle gratiam non erit unde salvetur opus hoc sine duobus esse non potest uno à quo sit altero in quo vel cui sit Deus autor est salut is liberum arbitrium tantum capax est dare illam nisi Deus nec capere vales nisi liberum arbitrium Man abusing free will lost both himselfe and it For when by free will sinne came free will was lost through the greatnesse of the first sin wee lost freedome of will to love God Man in his Creatiō received a great strength of free will but by sin did lose it by willing of evill justly have we lost power to good who by power to good freely did chuse to will evil We say not that by Adams sinne free will is lost but that in men subject to Satan it serves only for sinning and is not able to make any live well and holily except the will of man it self by the grace of God bee made free God without us makes us to will when we wil and will so that we doe hee works with us yet without him both making us to will and working with us when wee will we have no power to do any good or pious work It is certain we will when we will but hee makes us to will of whom it is said God works in us the will Wee worke but God in us works the work It is good for us both to believe and speak thus this is piety this is truth that there may be a humble and submissive confession and all be given to God Wee live more safely when wee give all to God and doe not commit our selves partly to him and partly to our selves Bernard Not partly grace and partly free will but both the one and the other is all But so that all is done in the one and all from the other What then wilt thou say does freewill I answer shortly it is saved take away free will