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glory_n body_n dishonour_n sow_v 2,464 5 10.8601 5 false
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A30200 The resurrection of the dead and eternall judgement, or, The truth of the resurrection of the bodies both of good and bad at the last day asserted and proved by Gods word : also, the manner and order of their coming forth of their graves, as also, with what bodies they do arise : together with a discourse of the last judgement, and the finall conclusion of the whole world / by John Bunyan. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1665 (1665) Wing B5590; ESTC R34391 88,686 200

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son_n of_o god_n if_o this_o body_n do_v not_o at_o all_o rise_v again_o but_o some_o other_o thing_n which_o be_v not_o in_o we_o and_o our_o nature_n but_o to_o be_v short_a the_o apostle_n here_o when_o he_o say_v flesh_n and_o blood_n shall_v not_o inherit_v etc._n etc._n speak_v proper_o of_o that_o mortality_n and_o weakness_n that_o now_o attend_v our_o whole_a man_n and_o not_o of_o our_o real_a substantial_a body_n itself_o for_o after_o he_o have_v say_v flesh_n and_o blood_n shall_v not_o inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n he_o add_v neither_o do_v corruption_n inherit_v in_o corruption_n which_o two_o saying_n be_v answerable_a to_o what_o he_o present_o add_v say_v behold_v i_o show_v you_o a_o mystery_n we_o shall_v not_o all_o sleep_n but_o we_o shall_v all_o be_v change_v in_o a_o moment_n in_o the_o twinkle_n of_o a_o eye_n at_o the_o last_o trump_n for_o the_o trumpet_n shall_v sound_v and_o the_o dead_a mark_v the_o dead_a shall_v be_v raise_v incorruptible_a that_o be_v the_o dead_a shall_v be_v so_o raise_v as_o that_o in_o their_o rise_n incorruption_n shall_v possess_v they_o in_o stead_n of_o corruption_n and_o immortality_n instead_o of_o that_o mortality_n that_o descend_v to_o the_o grave_a with_o they_o for_o this_o corruptible_a mark_v this_o corruptible_a shall_v put_v on_o incorruption_n and_o this_o mortal_a shall_v put_v on_o mortality_n mark_v i_o say_v it_o be_v this_o corruptible_a and_o this_o mortal_a that_o must_v be_v raise_v though_o not_o corruptible_a and_o mortal_a as_o it_o be_v bury_v but_o immortal_a and_o incorruptible_a it_o shall_v leave_v its_o grave-cloath_n of_o corruption_n and_o mortality_n behind_o it_o cor._n 15._o 50_o 51._o 52_o 53._o the_o manner_n of_o which_o their_o rise_n the_o apostle_n do_v more_o distinct_o branch_n out_o a_o little_a above_o in_o four_o particular_n which_o particular_n be_v these_o that_o follow_v 1._o it_o be_v sow_v in_o corruption_n it_o be_v raise_v in_o incorruption_n 2._o it_o be_v sow_v in_o dishonour_n it_o be_v raise_v in_o glory_n 3._o it_o be_v sow_v in_o weakness_n it_o be_v raise_v in_o power_n 4._o it_o be_v sow_v a_o natural_a body_n it_o be_v raise_v a_o spiritual_a body_n 1_o cor._n 15._o first_o it_o be_v raise_v in_o incorruption_n we_o be_v bring_v into_o this_o world_n by_o sin_n and_o corruption_n corruption_n be_v our_o father_n and_o in_o sin_n do_v our_o mother_n conceive_v we_o job_n 17._o 14._o psal._n 51._o 5._o and_o hence_o it_o be_v that_o we_o have_v our_o life_n nnt_n only_o like_o a_o span_n shadow_n or_o post_n for_o shortness_n but_o also_o that_o it_o be_v attend_v with_o so_o much_o vanity_n and_o vexation_n of_o spirit_n but_o now_o be_v raise_v from_o the_o dead_a incorruptible_a which_o be_v also_o call_v a_o beget_v and_o birth_n these_o thing_n that_o now_o in_o our_o life_n annoy_v we_o and_o at_o last_o take_v away_o our_o life_n be_v effectual_o destroy_v and_o therefore_o we_o live_v for_o ever_o as_o say_v the_o spirit_n and_o there_o shall_v be_v no_o more_o death_n nor_o sorrow_n nor_o cry_v neither_o shall_v there_o be_v any_o more_o pain_n for_o the_o former_a thing_n that_o be_v all_o our_o corruptibleness_n be_v pass_v away_o rev._n 21._o 4._o there_o shall_v be_v in_o our_o resurrection_n no_o corruption_n either_o of_o body_n of_o soul_n no_o weakness_n nor_o sickness_n nor_o any_o thing_n tend_v that_o way_n as_o he_o say_v he_o will_v present_v we_o to_o himself_o a_o glorious_a church_n not_o have_v spot_n or_o wrinkle_n or_o any_o such_o thing_n ephes._n 5._o 25_o 26_o 27._o therefore_o when_o he_o say_v it_o be_v raise_v in_o incorruption_n it_o be_v as_o if_o he_o have_v say_v it_o be_v impossible_a that_o they_o shall_v ever_o sin_v more_o be_v sick_a more_o sorrow_n more_o or_o die_v more_o they_o that_o shall_v be_v count_v worthy_a of_o that_o world_n and_o the_o resurrection_n from_o the_o dead_a neither_o marry_o nor_o be_v give_v in_o marriage_n though_o it_o be_v thus_o with_o they_o in_o this_o world_n neither_o can_v they_o die_v any_o more_o for_o they_o be_v equal_a unto_o the_o angel_n and_o be_v the_o child_n of_o god_n be_v the_o child_n of_o the_o resurrection_n luk._n 20._o 27_o 28_o 29_o 30_o 31_o 32_o 33_o 34_o 35_o 36._o second_o it_o be_v raise_v in_o glory_n the_o dishonour_n that_o do_v attend_v the_o saint_n at_o his_o depart_v this_o world_n it_o be_v very_o great_a he_o be_v sow_v in_o dishonour_n he_o be_v so_o loathsome_a at_o his_o death_n that_o his_o dear_a friend_n be_v weary_a of_o he_o stop_v their_o nose_n at_o he_o see_v no_o beauty_n in_o he_o nor_o set_v any_o price_n upon_o he_o i_o speak_v nothing_o here_o how_o some_o of_o they_o be_v bang_v starve_v banish_a and_o so_o die_v tear_v to_o piece_n and_o not_o suffer_v to_o be_v put_v into_o grave_n but_o it_o be_v raise_v in_o glory_n glory_n be_v the_o sweetness_n comeliness_n purity_n and_o perfection_n of_o a_o thing_n the_o light_n be_v the_o glory_n of_o the_o sun_n strength_n be_v the_o glory_n of_o youth_n and_o gray_a hair_n be_v the_o glory_n of_o old_a age._n that_o be_v it_o be_v the_o excellency_n of_o these_o thing_n and_o that_o which_o make_v they_o shine_v 1_o cor._n 15_o 40_o 41._o prov._n 20._o 29._o therefore_o to_o arise_v in_o glory_n it_o be_v first_o to_o arise_v in_o all_o the_o beauty_n and_o utmost_a compleatness_n that_o be_v possible_a to_o possess_v a_o humane_a creature_n i_o say_v in_o all_o its_o feature_n &_o member_n inconceivable_o beautiful_a sin_n and_o corruption_n have_v make_v mad_a work_n in_o our_o body_n as_o well_o as_o in_o our_o soul_n it_o be_v sin_n common_o that_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o all_o that_o deformity_n and_o ill-favouredness_a that_o now_o cleave_v to_o we_o and_o that_o also_o render_v we_o so_o dishonourable_a at_o our_o death_n but_o now_o at_o our_o rise_n we_o be_v raise_v incorruptible_a we_o shall_v appear_v in_o such_o perfection_n and_o that_o of_o all_o sort_n belong_v to_o the_o body_n that_o all_o the_o beauty_n and_o comeliness_n sweetness_n and_o amiableness_n that_o have_v at_o any_o time_n be_v in_o this_o world_n it_o shall_v be_v swallow_v up_o a_o thousand_o time_n tell_v with_o this_o glory_n the_o psalmist_n say_v of_o christ_n that_o he_o be_v fair_a than_o the_o child_n of_o man_n psal._n 45._o 2._o and_o that_o as_o i_o believe_v in_o his_o outward_a man_n as_o well_o as_o in_o his_o inward_a part_n he_o be_v the_o exact_a pure_a compleat_a and_o beautiful_a creature_n that_o ever_o god_n make_v isa._n 42._o 14._o col._n 1._o 18._o till_o his_o visage_n be_v so_o mar_v by_o his_o persecution_n for_o in_o all_o thing_n he_o have_v and_o shall_v have_v the_o pre-eminence_n why_o our_o body_n at_o our_o resurrection_n will_v not_o only_o be_v as_o free_v from_o sin_n as_o he_o be_v before_o he_o die_v but_o also_o as_o free_v from_o all_o other_o infirmity_n as_o he_o be_v after_o he_o be_v raise_v again_o in_o a_o word_n if_o incorruptibleness_n can_v put_v a_o beauty_n upon_o our_o body_n when_o they_o arise_v we_o shall_v have_v it_o there_o shall_v be_v no_o lame_a leg_n nor_o crump-shoulder_n no_o blare-eye_n nor_o yet_o wrinkle_a face_n phil._n 3._o 20_o 21._o he_o shall_v change_v our_o vile_a body_n that_o it_o may_v be_v fashion_v like_o unto_o his_o glorious_a body_n again_o all_o the_o glory_n that_o a_o glorify_a soul_n can_v help_v this_o body_n to_o it_o at_o this_o day_n shall_v enjoy_v that_o soul_n that_o have_v be_v these_o hundred_o or_o thousand_o of_o year_n in_o the_o heaven_n soak_v in_o the_o bosom_n of_o christ_n it_o shall_v in_o a_o moment_n come_v spangle_v into_o the_o body_n again_o and_o inhabit_v every_o member_n and_o vein_n of_o the_o body_n as_o it_o do_v before_o its_o departure_n that_o spirit_n of_o god_n also_o that_o take_v its_o leave_n of_o the_o body_n when_o it_o go_v to_o the_o grave_a shall_v now_o in_o all_o perfection_n dwell_v in_o this_o body_n again_o i_o tell_v you_o the_o body_n at_o this_o day_n will_v shine_v bright_a than_o the_o face_n of_o moses_n or_o stephen_n even_o as_o bright_a as_o the_o sun_n the_o star_n and_o angel_n when_o christ_n who_o be_v our_o life_n shall_v appear_v we_o shall_v appear_v with_o he_o in_o glory_n exod._n 34._o 29._o 35._o act_n 6._o 15._o dan._n 12._o 3._o mat._n 13._o 42_o 43._o luk._n 20._o 26._o col._n 3._o 3_o 4._o three_o it_o be_v raise_v in_o power_n while_o we_o be_v here_o we_o be_v attend_v with_o so_o many_o weakness_n and_o infirmity_n that_o in_o time_n the_o least_o sin_n or_o sickness_n be_v too_o hard_a for_o we_o and_o take_v away_o both_o our_o strength_n our_o beauty_n our_o day_n our_o breath_n
and_o life_n and_o all_o but_o behold_v we_o be_v raise_v in_o power_n in_o that_o power_n that_o all_o these_o thing_n be_v as_o far_o below_o we_o as_o a_o grasshopper_n be_v below_o a_o giant_n at_o the_o first_o appearance_n of_o we_o the_o world_n will_v tremble_v job_n 38._o 17._o judge_n 16._o 3._o behold_v the_o gate_n of_o death_n and_o the_o bar_n of_o the_o grave_n be_v now_o carry_v away_o on_o our_o shoulder_n as_o samson_n carry_v away_o the_o gate_n of_o the_o city_n death_n quake_v and_o destruction_n fall_v down_o dead_a at_o our_o foot_n what_o then_o can_v stand_v before_o we_o we_o shall_v then_o carry_v that_o grace_n majesty_n terror_n and_o command_a power_n in_o our_o soul_n that_o our_o countenance_n shall_v be_v like_o lightning_n compare_n luke_n 20._o 36._o with_o mat._n 28._o 2_o 3._o for_o this_o mortal_a must_v put_v on_o immortality_n and_o this_o corruptible_a must_v put_v on_o incorruption_n so_o when_o this_o corruptible_a shall_v have_v put_v on_o incorruption_n and_o this_o mortal_a shall_v have_v put_v on_o immortality_n then_o shall_v be_v bring_v to_o pass_v that_o say_n which_o be_v write_v death_n be_v swallow_v up_o of_o victory_n 1_o cor._n 15._o 53_o 54._o four_o it_o be_v raise_v a_o spiritual_a body_n this_o be_v the_o last_o particular_a and_o be_v indeed_o the_o reason_n of_o the_o other_o three_o it_o be_v a_o incorruptible_a body_n because_o it_o be_v a_o spiritual_a one_o it_o be_v a_o glorious_a body_n because_o it_o be_v a_o spiritual_a one_o it_o do_v rise_v in_o power_n because_o it_o be_v a_o spiritual_a body_n when_o the_o body_n be_v bury_v or_o sow_v in_o the_o earth_n it_o be_v a_o body_n corruptible_fw-fr dishonourable_a weak_a and_o natural_a but_o when_o it_o arise_v it_o do_v rise_v incorruptible_a glorious_a powerful_o and_o spiritual_a so_o that_o so_o far_o as_o incorruption_n be_v above_o corruption_n glory_n above_o dishonour_n powerful_a above_o weakness_n and_o spiritual_a above_o natural_a so_o great_a a_o alteration_n will_v there_o be_v in_o our_o body_n when_o raise_v again_o and_o yet_o it_o be_v this_o body_n and_o not_o another_o this_o in_o nature_n though_o change_v into_o a_o far_o more_o glorious_a state_n a_o thousand_o time_n further_o then_o if_o a_o hoggard_n be_v change_v to_o be_v a_o emperor_n mark_v it_o be_v sow_v a_o natural_a body_n a_o very_a fit_a word_n for_o though_o there_o dwell_v never_o so_o much_o of_o the_o spirit_n and_o grace_n of_o god_n in_o it_o while_o it_o live_v yet_o so_o soon_o as_o the_o soul_n be_v separate_v from_o it_o so_o soon_o also_o do_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n separate_v from_o it_o and_o so_o will_v continue_v while_o the_o day_n of_o its_o rise_n be_v come_v therefore_o it_o be_v lay_v into_o the_o earth_n a_o mere_a lump_n of_o man_n nature_n it_o be_v sow_v a_o natural_a body_n but_o now_o at_o the_o day_n when_o the_o heaven_n shall_v be_v no_o more_o as_o job_n say_v job_n 14._o 12._o then_o the_o trump_n shall_v sound_v even_o the_o trump_n of_o god_n and_o in_o a_o moment_n the_o dead_a shall_v be_v raise_v incorruptible_a glorious_a and_o spiritual_a 1_o cor._n 15._o 52._o 1_o thes._n 24._o 16_o 17._o so_o that_o i_o say_v the_o body_n when_o it_o arise_v will_v be_v so_o swallow_v up_o of_o life_n and_o immortality_n that_o it_o will_v be_v as_o if_o it_o have_v lose_v its_o own_o humane_a nature_n though_o in_o truth_n the_o same_o substantial_a real_a nature_n be_v every_o whit_n there_o still_o it_o be_v the_o same_o it_n that_o rise_v that_o be_v sow_v it_o be_v sow_v it_o be_v raise_v it_o be_v sow_v it_o be_v raise_v say_v the_o apostle_n you_o know_v that_o thing_n which_o be_v candy_v by_o the_o art_n of_o the_o apothecary_n they_o be_v so_o swallow_v up_o with_o the_o sweetness_n and_o virtue_n of_o that_o in_o which_o it_o be_v candy_v that_o they_o be_v now_o as_o though_o they_o have_v no_o other_o nature_n than_o that_o in_o which_o they_o be_v boil_v when_o yet_o in_o truth_n the_o thing_n candy_v do_v still_o retain_v its_o own_o proper_a nature_n and_o essence_n though_o by_o virtue_n of_o its_o be_v candy_v it_o lose_v its_o former_a sourness_n bitterness_n stink_a smell_v or_o the_o like_a just_o thus_o at_o the_o last_o day_n it_o will_v be_v with_o our_o body_n we_o shall_v be_v so_o candy_v by_o be_v swallow_v up_o of_o life_n as_o before_o be_v show_v that_o we_o shall_v be_v as_o if_o we_o be_v all_o spirit_n when_o in_o truth_n it_o be_v but_o this_o body_n that_o be_v swallow_v up_o of_o life_n and_o it_o must_v needs_o be_v that_o our_o nature_n still_o remain_v otherwise_o it_o can_v be_v we_o that_o sh●ll_v be_v in_o heaven_n but_o something_o beside_o us._n let_v we_o lose_v our_o proper_a humane_a nature_n and_o we_o lose_v absolute_o our_o be_v &_o so_o be_v annihalate_v into_o nothing_o wherefore_o it_o the_o same_o it_o that_o be_v sow_v a_o natural_a body_n it_o shall_v rise_v a_o spiritual_a body_n but_o again_o as_o i_o say_v concern_v thing_n that_o be_v candy_v our_o body_n when_o thus_o rise_v it_o shall_v lose_v all_o that_o sourness_n and_o stink_n that_o now_o by_o reason_n of_o sin_n and_o infirmity_n cleave_v to_o it_o neither_o shall_v its_o lumpishness_n or_o unweildiness_n be_v any_o impediment_n to_o its_o act_n after_o the_o manner_n of_o angel_n christ_n have_v show_v we_o what_o our_o body_n at_o our_o resurrection_n shall_v be_v by_o show_v of_o we_o in_o his_o word_n what_o his_o body_n be_v at_o and_o after_o his_o resurrection_n we_o read_v that_o his_o body_n after_o he_o be_v rise_v from_o the_o dead_a though_o it_o yet_o retain_v the_o very_a same_o flesh_n and_o bone_n that_o do_v hang_v upon_o the_o cross_n yet_o how_o angelical_a be_v it_o at_o all_o time_n upon_o all_o occasion_n he_o can_v come_v in_o to_o his_o disciple_n with_o that_o very_a body_n when_o the_o door_n be_v shut_v upon_o they_o he_o can_v at_o pleasure_n to_o their_o amazement_n appear_v in_o the_o twinkle_n of_o a_o eye_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o they_o he_o can_v be_v visible_a and_o invisible_a as_o he_o please_v when_o he_o sit_v at_o meat_n with_o they_o in_o a_o word_n he_o can_v pass_v and_o re-pass_a ascend_v and_o descend_v in_o that_o body_n with_o far_o more_o pleasure_n and_o ease_n than_o the_o bird_n by_o the_o art_n of_o her_o wing_n luk_n 24._o 38_o 39_o 40_o 41._o joh._n 20._o 24_o 25._o luk._n 24._o 31_o 32_o 50_o 51._o joh._n 20._o 19_o 26._o act._n 1._o 1_o 2_o 3_o 4_o 5_o 6_o 7_o 8_o 9_o 10_o 11._o mark_v 16._o 19_o eph._n 4._o 7_o 8_o 9_o now_o i_o say_v as_o we_o have_v in_o this_o world_n bear_v the_o image_n of_o our_o first_o father_n so_o at_o that_o day_n we_o shall_v have_v the_o image_n of_o jesus_n christ_n and_o be_v as_o he_o be_v as_o be_v the_o earthly_a such_o be_v they_o that_o be_v earthly_a and_o as_o be_v the_o heavenly_a such_o be_v they_o that_o be_v heavenly_a and_o as_o we_o have_v be_v the_o image_n of_o the_o earthly_a we_o shall_v at_o our_o resurrection_n bear_v the_o image_n of_o the_o heavenly_a it_o be_v so_o in_o part_n now_o but_o shall_v so_o be_v in_o perfection_n then_o 1_o cor._n 15._o 48_o 49._o to_o mount_v up_o to_o heaven_n and_o to_o descend_v again_o at_o pleasure_n shall_v with_o we_o in_o that_o day_n be_v ordinary_a if_o there_o be_v ten_o thousand_o bar_n of_o iron_n or_o wall_n of_o brass_n to_o separate_v between_o we_o and_o our_o pleasure_n and_o desire_n at_o that_o day_n they_o shall_v as_o easy_o be_v pierce_v by_o we_o as_o be_v the_o cobweb_n or_o air_n by_o the_o beam_n of_o the_o sun_n and_o the_o reason_n be_v because_o to_o the_o spirit_n wherewith_o we_o shall_v be_v unconceivable_o fill_v at_o that_o day_n nothing_o be_v unpossible_a mat._n 10._o 27._o and_o the_o work_n of_o it_o at_o that_o day_n shall_v be_v in_o that_o nature_n and_o measure_n as_o to_o swallow_v up_o all_o impossibility_n he_o shall_v change_v our_o vile_a body_n and_o fashion_v it_o like_v unto_o his_o glorious_a body_n now_o mark_v according_a to_o the_o work_n whereby_o he_o be_v able_a to_o subdue_v all_o thing_n unto_o himself_o phil._n 3._o 21._o as_o who_o shall_v say_v i_o know_v that_o there_o be_v many_o thing_n that_o in_o this_o world_n hinder_v we_o from_o have_v our_o body_n like_o the_o body_n of_o christ_n but_o when_o god_n shall_v raise_v we_o from_o the_o dead_a because_o he_o will_v then_o have_v our_o body_n like_o the_o body_n of_o his_o son_n he_o will_v stretch_v forth_o such_o a_o power_n to_o work_v upon_o and_o in_o our_o body_n that_o he_o will_v remove_v all_o impossibility_n and_o hindrance_n
continual_a communication_n of_o grace_n from_o christ_n into_o their_o soul_n 3._o they_o live_v also_o with_o respect_n to_o their_o rise_n again_o for_o god_n call_v those_o thing_n that_o be_v not_o as_o though_o they_o be_v rom._n 4._o 17._o to_o be_v bear_v dead_a bury_v rise_v and_o ascend_v be_v all_o present_a with_o god_n he_o live_v not_o by_o time_n as_o we_o do_v a_o thousand_o year_n to_o he_o be_v but_o as_o the_o day_n that_o be_v past_a 2_o pet._n 3._o 8._o heb._n 4._o 13._o isa._n 46._o 9_o 10._o rom._n 8._o 29_o 30_o 31_o 32_o 33._o and_o again_o one_o day_n be_v as_o a_o thousand_o year_n eternity_n which_o be_v god_n himself_o admit_v of_o no_o first_o second_o and_o three_o all_o thing_n be_v naked_a and_o bare_a before_o he_o and_o present_a with_o he_o all_o his_o live_v unto_o he_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a both_o of_o the_o just_a and_o unjust_a a_o resurrection_n of_o what_o of_o that_o which_o be_v sow_v or_o of_o that_o which_o be_v never_o sow_v if_o of_o that_o which_o be_v sow_v than_o it_o must_v be_v either_o of_o that_o nature_n that_o be_v sow_v or_o else_o of_o the_o corruption_n that_o cleave_v to_o it_o but_o it_o be_v the_o nature_n and_o not_o the_o corruption_n that_o cleave_v unto_o it_o that_o rise_v again_o and_o very_o the_o very_a term_n resurrection_n be_v a_o forcible_a argument_n to_o prove_v the_o dead_a shall_v come_v forth_o of_o their_o grave_n for_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v always_o speak_v more_o proper_o then_o to_o say_v there_o shall_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a both_o of_o the_o just_a and_o unjust_a when_o yet_o neither_o the_o good_a nor_o the_o bad_a shall_v come_v forth_o of_o their_o grave_n but_o rather_o something_o else_o to_o delude_v the_o world_n withal_o have_v thus_o in_o few_o word_n show_v you_o the_o truth_n of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a i_o now_o come_v to_o the_o manner_n of_o their_o rise_n the_o manner_n of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a and_o first_o of_o the_o just._n the_o apostle_n when_o he_o have_v in_o the_o fifteen_o of_o the_o first_o of_o the_o corinthian_n prove_v the_o truth_n and_o certainty_n of_o the_o resurrection_n he_o descend_v to_o the_o discovery_n of_o the_o manner_n of_o it_o and_o to_o the_o end_n he_o may_v remove_v those_o foolish_a scruple_n that_o attend_v the_o heart_n of_o the_o ignorant_a he_o begin_v with_o one_o of_o their_o question_n but_o some_o will_v say_v say_v he_o how_o be_v the_o dead_a raise_v and_o with_o what_o vers._n 35._o body_n do_v they_o come_v to_o which_o he_o answer_v first_o by_o a_o similitude_n of_o seed_n that_o be_v sow_v in_o the_o earth_n in_o which_o similitude_n he_o insert_v three_o thing_n first_o that_o our_o revive_n or_o rise_v must_v be_v after_o death_n that_o which_o thou_o sowe_v be_v not_o quicken_v except_o it_o die_v vers._n 36._o second_o that_o at_o our_o rise_n we_o shall_v not_o only_o revive_v and_o live_v but_o be_v change_v into_o a_o far_o more_o glorious_a state_n then_o when_o we_o be_v sow_v vers._n 37._o that_o which_o thou_o sowe_v thou_o sowe_v not_o that_o body_n that_o shall_v be_v etc._n etc._n but_o god_n give_v it_o a_o body_n as_o it_o please_v he_o that_o be_v he_o give_v the_o body_n more_o splendour_n lustre_n and_o beauty_n at_o its_o resurrection_n but_o three_o neither_o its_o quicken_a not_o yet_o transcendent_a splendour_n shall_v hinder_v it_o from_o be_v the_o same_o body_n as_o to_o the_o nature_n of_o it_o that_o be_v sow_v in_o the_o earth_n for_o as_o god_n give_v it_o a_o body_n for_o honour_n and_o splendour_n as_o it_o please_v he_o so_o vers._n 38._o to_o every_o seed_n his_o own_o body_n and_o indeed_o this_o similitude_n by_o which_o he_o here_o reason_v the_o manner_n of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o just_a be_v very_o natural_a and_o fit_o suit_v each_o particular_a for_o as_o to_o its_o burial_n first_o the_o corn_n of_o wheat_n be_v first_o dead_a and_o after_o sow_v and_o bury_v in_o the_o earth_n and_o so_o be_v the_o body_n of_o man._n second_o after_o the_o corn_n be_v thus_o dead_a and_o bury_v than_o it_o quicken_v and_o revive_v to_o life_n so_o also_o shall_v it_o be_v with_o our_o body_n for_o after_o it_o be_v lay_v in_o the_o grave_a and_o bury_v it_o shall_v then_o quicken_v rise_v and_o revive_v again_o as_o to_o the_o manner_n of_o its_o change_n in_o its_o rise_n this_o similitude_n also_o do_v fit_o suit_n as_o first_o it_o be_v sow_v a_o dead_a corn_n it_o be_v raise_v a_o live_a one_o second_o it_o be_v sow_v dry_a and_o without_o comeliness_n it_o rise_v green_a and_o beautiful_a three_o it_o be_v sow_v a_o single_a corn_n it_o rise_v a_o full_a ear._n four_o it_o be_v sow_v in_o its_o husk_n but_o in_o its_o rise_n it_o leave_v that_o husk_n behind_o it_o further_o though_o the_o curnel_n thus_o die_v be_v bury_v and_o meet_v with_o all_o this_o change_n and_o alteration_n in_o these_o thing_n yet_o none_o of_o they_o can_v cause_v the_o nature_n of_o the_o curnel_n to_o cease_v it_o be_v wheat_n still_o wheat_n be_v sow_v and_o wheat_n arise_v only_o it_o be_v sow_v dead_a dry_a and_o baren_a wheat_n and_o rise_v live_v beautiful_a and_o fruitful_a wheat_n it_o have_v this_o alteration_n then_o that_o it_o do_v great_o change_v its_o resemblance_n though_o yet_o it_o have_v this_o power_n as_o still_o to_o retain_v its_o own_o nature_n god_n give_v it_o a_o body_n as_o it_o please_v he_o but_o to_o every_o seed_n his_o own_o body_n the_o apostle_n have_v thus_o present_v the_o manner_n of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o saint_n by_o the_o nature_n of_o seed_n sow_v and_o rise_v again_o he_o proceed_v for_o further_a illustration_n to_o three_o more_o similitude_n the_o first_o be_v to_o show_v we_o the_o variety_n and_o glory_n of_o flesh_n the_o second_o be_v to_o show_v we_o the_o difference_n of_o glory_n that_o if_o between_o heavenly_a body_n and_o those_o that_o be_v earthy_a the_o three_o be_v to_o show_v we_o the_o difference_n that_o be_v between_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o light_n of_o the_o sun_n from_o that_o of_o the_o moon_n and_o also_o how_o one_o star_n differ_v from_o another_o in_o glory_n and_o then_o conclude_v so_o be_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a 1_o cor._n 15._o 39_o 40_o 41_o 42._o as_o who_o shall_v say_v at_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n they_o will_v be_v ab●●●●lantly_o more_o al●e●ed_a and_o change_v then_o if_o the_o flesh_n of_o beast_n and_o foul_n be_v make_v as_o noble_a as_o the_o flesh_n of_o man_n or_o the_o body_n of_o earth_n be_v make_v as_o excellent_a as_o the_o heavenly_a body_n or_o as_o if_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o moon_n shall_v be_v make_v as_o bright_a and_o as_o clear_a as_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o sun_n or_o as_o if_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o least_o star_n be_v as_o glorious_a and_o as_o shine_v as_o the_o big_a in_o the_o firmament_n of_o heaven_n it_o be_v a_o resurrection_n indeed_o a_o resurrection_n every_o way_n the_o body_n arise_v as_o to_o the_o nature_n of_o it_o the_o selfsame_a nature_n but_o as_o to_o the_o manner_n of_o it_o how_o far_o transcendent_a be_v it_o there_o be_v a_o poor_a dry_a wrinkle_a curnel_n cast_v into_o the_o ground_n and_o there_o it_o lie_v and_o swell_v breathe_v and_o one_o will_v think_v perish_v but_o behold_v it_o receive_v life_n it_o chit_v it_o put_v forth_o a_o blade_n and_o grow_v into_o a_o stalk_n there_o also_o appear_v a_o ear_n it_o also_o sweet_o blossom_n with_o a_o full_a curnel_n in_o the_o ear_n it_o be_v the_o same_o wheat_n yet_o behold_v how_o the_o form_n and_o fashion_n of_o that_o which_o now_o arise_v do_v differ_v from_o that_o which_o then_o be_v sow_v its_o glory_n also_o when_o it_o be_v sow_v be_v no_o glory_n when_o compare_v with_o that_o in_o which_o it_o rise_v and_o yet_o it_o be_v the_o same_o that_o rise_v that_o be_v sow_v and_o no_o other_o though_o the_o same_o after_o a_o far_o more_o glorious_a manner_n not_o the_o same_o with_o its_o husk_n but_o without_o it_o our_o brun_n shall_v be_v leave_v behind_o we_o when_o we_o rise_v again_o the_o comparison_n also_o between_o the_o body_n heavenly_a and_o body_n earthly_a hold_v forth_o the_o same_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o celestial_a be_v one_o and_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o terrestrial_a be_v another_o now_o mark_v it_o he_o do_v not_o speak_v here_o of_o the_o nature_n of_o each_o of_o these_o body_n but_o of_o the_o transcendent_a glory_n of_o one_o above_o another_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o heavenly_a be_v one_o and_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o earthly_a
because_o christ_n be_v rise_v from_o the_o dead_a christ_n be_v the_o head_n of_o the_o just_a and_o they_o be_v the_o member_n of_o his_o body_n and_o because_o of_o this_o union_n therefore_o the_o just_a must_v arise_v this_o be_v the_o apostle_n own_o argument_n if_o christ_n say_v he_o be_v preach_v that_o he_o rise_v from_o the_o dead_a how_o say_v some_o among_o you_o that_o there_o be_v no_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a but_o if_o there_o be_v no_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a then_o be_v not_o christ_n rise_v 1_o cor._n 15._o 12_o 13._o now_o i_o say_v the_o reason_n why_o the_o apostle_n thus_o argue_v the_o resurrection_n from_o the_o dead_a by_o the_o resurrection_n of_o christ._n it_o be_v because_o the_o saint_n of_o who_o resurrection_n he_o here_o chief_o discourse_v be_v in_o their_o body_n as_o well_o as_o in_o their_o soul_n the_o member_n of_o christ_n know_v you_o not_o say_v he_o that_o your_o body_n be_v the_o member_n of_o christ_n 1_o cor._n 6._o 15._o a_o very_a weighty_a argument_n for_o if_o a_o good_a man_n be_v a_o member_n of_o christ_n than_o he_o must_v either_o be_v raise_v out_o of_o his_o grave_n or_o else_o sin_n and_o death_n must_v have_v power_n over_o a_o member_n of_o christ._n i_o say_v again_o if_o if_o this_o body_n be_v not_o raise_v then_o also_o christ_n be_v not_o a_o complete_a conqueror_n over_o his_o enemy_n for_o as_o much_o as_o death_n and_o the_o grave_a have_v still_o power_n over_o his_o member_n the_o last_o enemy_n that_o shall_v be_v destroy_v be_v death_n now_o though_o christ_n in_o his_o own_o person_n have_v a_o complete_a conquest_n over_o death_n etc._n etc._n yet_o death_n have_v still_o power_n over_o the_o body_n of_o all_o that_o be_v in_o their_o grave_n now_o i_o say_v christ_n be_v consider_v with_o relation_n to_o his_o member_n than_o he_o have_v not_o yet_o a_o complete_a conquest_n over_o death_n neither_o will_v he_o until_o they_o every_o one_o be_v bring_v forth_o of_o their_o grave_n for_o then_o and_o not_o till_o then_o shall_v that_o say_n be_v every_o way_n fulfil_v death_n be_v swallow_v up_o of_o victory_n 1_o cor._n 15._o 26._o and_o 53_o 54._o second_o as_o there_o must_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o just_a because_o christ_n be_v their_o head_n and_o they_o his_o member_n so_o also_o because_o the_o body_n of_o the_o saint_n as_o well_o as_o their_o soul_n be_v the_o purchase_n of_o christ_n blood_n you_o be_v buy_v with_o a_o price_n say_v paul_n wherefore_o glorify_v god_n in_o your_o body_n and_o in_o your_o spirit_n which_o be_v go_n 1_o cor._n 6._o 20._o christ_n will_v not_o lose_v the_o purchase_n of_o his_o blood_n o_o death_n say_v christ_n i_o will_v have_v they_o o_o grave_a i_o will_v make_v thou_o let_v they_o go_v i_o will_v ransom_v they_o from_o the_o power_n of_o the_o grave_a i_o will_v redeem_v they_o from_o death_n i_o have_v buy_v they_o and_o they_o shall_v be_v i_o o_o death_n i_o will_v be_v thy_o plague_n o_o grave_a i_o will_v be_v thy_o destruction_n hos._n 13_o 14._o job_n 18._o 13_o 14._o revel_v 1._o 18._o i_o say_v though_o the_o power_n of_o the_o grave_n be_v invincible_a and_o death_n be_v the_o king_n of_o terror_n yet_o he_o who_o have_v the_o key_n of_o hell_n and_o of_o death_n at_o his_o girdle_n to_o he_o belong_v the_o issue_n from_o death_n he_o that_o be_v our_o god_n be_v the_o god_n of_o salvation_n and_o to_o god_n the_o lord_n belong_v the_o issue_n from_o death_n psal._n 68_o 20._o and_o we_o the_o price_n of_o his_o blood_n shall_v be_v deliver_v three_o as_o the_o body_n be_v the_o member_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o price_n of_o his_o blood_n so_o it_o be_v the_o temple_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o be_v in_o we_o what_o know_v you_o not_o that_o your_o body_n be_v the_o temple_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o be_v in_o you_o and_o you_o be_v not_o your_o own_o the_o body_n be_v no_o such_o ridiculous_a thing_n in_o the_o account_n of_o christ_n as_o it_o be_v in_o the_o account_n of_o the_o saducee_n the_o body_n be_v not_o for_o fornication_n but_o for_o the_o lord_n and_o the_o lord_n for_o the_o body_n and_o that_o no_o only_a in_o this_o world_n but_o that_o which_o be_v to_o come_v wherefore_o he_o say_v god_n have_v both_o raise_v up_o the_o lord_n jesus_n and_o will_v raise_v we_o up_o also_o by_o his_o power_n 1_o cor._n 6._o 13_o 14._o 19_o that_o be_v as_o he_o have_v raise_v up_o the_o body_n of_o christ_n so_o will_v he_o raise_v up_o we_o also_o by_o christ._n four_o the_o body_n of_o the_o just_a must_v arise_v again_o because_o of_o that_o similitude_n that_o must_v be_v betwixt_o the_o body_n of_o the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n and_o the_o body_n of_o the_o saint_n when_o he_o shall_v appear_v we_o shall_v be_v like_o he_o 1_o john_n 3._o 2._o now_o we_o have_v it_o abundant_o manifest_a in_o scripture_n that_o the_o body_n of_o the_o lord_n jesus_n be_v raise_v out_o of_o the_o grave_a catch_v up_o into_o heaven_n and_o that_o it_o ever_o remain_v in_o the_o holy_a of_o all_o a_o glorify_a body_n luk_n 24._o 3_o 4_o 5_o 6_o 7_o 8._o 35._o 36_o 37_o 38_o 39_o 40_o 41_o 42._o john_n 20._o 24_o 25_o 26_o 27._o act_n 1_o 2_o 3_o 4_o 5_o 6_o 7_o 8_o 9_o 10_o 11._o act_n 2._o 31._o act_n 17._o 30_o 31_o 32._o mar._n 16._o 6_o 7_o 19_o heb._n 7._o 24_o 25_o 26._o ebb_n 8._o 2_o 3._o heb._n 10._o 12._o now_o i_o say_v it_o will_v be_v very_o strange_a to_o i_o if_o christ_n shall_v be_v raise_v ascend_v and_o glorify_v in_o that_o body_n and_o yet_o that_o his_o people_n shall_v be_v with_o he_o no_o otherwise_o then_o in_o their_o spirit_n especial_o see_v that_o he_o in_o his_o resurrection_n be_v say_v to_o be_v but_o the_o first_o beget_v from_o the_o dead_a and_o the_o first_o fruit_n of_o they_o that_o sleep_n col._n 1._o 18._o 1_o cor._n 15._o 23._o for_o we_o know_v that_o a_o first_o beget_v do_v imply_v more_o son_n and_o that_o first-fruit_n do_v foreshow_v a_o after_o crop_n wherefore_o we_o conclude_v that_o as_o in_o adam_n all_o die_n so_o in_o christ_n shall_v all_o be_v make_v alive_a but_o every_o man_n in_o his_o own_o order_n christ_n the_o first_o fruit_n and_o afterward_o they_o that_o be_v he_o at_o ●is_n come_v 1_o cor._n 15._o 22_o 23._o and_o hence_o it_o be_v that_o the_o scripture_n say_v he_o shall_v change_v our_o vile_a body_n that_o it_o may_v be_v fashion_v like_o to_o his_o glorious_a body_n and_o hence_o it_o be_v again_o that_o the_o day_n of_o christ_n be_v say_v to_o be_v the_o day_n of_o the_o manifestation_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o of_o the_o redemption_n of_o our_o body_n for_o than_o shall_v the_o saint_n of_o god_n not_o only_o be_v but_o appear_v as_o their_o saviour_n be_v deliver_v from_o their_o grave_n as_o he_o be_v from_o he_o and_o glorify_v in_o their_o body_n as_o he_o be_v in_o he_o phil._n 3._o 20_o 21._o rom._n 8._o 21_o 22_o 23._o five_o there_o must_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n of_o the_o saint_n because_o the_o body_n as_o well_o as_o the_o mind_n have_v be_v a_o deep_a sharer_n in_o the_o affliction_n that_o we_o meet_v with_o for_o the_o gospel_n sake_n yea_o the_o body_n be_v ofttimes_o the_o great_a sufferer_n in_o all_o the_o calamity_n that_o for_o christ_n sake_n we_o here_o undergo_v it_o be_v the_o body_n that_o feel_v the_o stock_n the_o whip_n hunger_n and_o cold_a the_o fire_n and_o rack_n and_o a_o thousand_o calamity_n it_o be_v the_o body_n in_o which_o we_o have_v the_o die_a mark_n of_o the_o lord_n jesus_n that_o the_o life_n of_o jesus_n also_o may_v be_v make_v manifest_a in_o our_o mortal_a flesh_n gal._n 6._o 17._o 2_o cor._n 4._o 9_o 10_o 11_o 12_o 13_o 14._o god_n be_v so_o just_a a_o god_n and_o so_o merciful_a to_o his_o people_n that_o though_o the_o body_n of_o his_o saint_n shall_v through_o the_o malice_n of_o the_o enemy_n be_v never_o so_o dishonourable_o torture_v kill_v and_o sow_v in_o the_o grave_a yet_o he_o will_v as_o further_o will_v be_v show_v anon_o raise_v it_o again_o in_o incorruption_n glory_n and_o honour_n as_o he_o say_v also_o in_o another_o place_n that_o we_o who_o have_v continue_v with_o christ_n in_o his_o temptation_n that_o have_v for_o his_o sake_n undergo_v the_o reproach_n and_o malice_n of_o the_o world_n to_o you_o say_v christ_n i_o appoint_v a_o kingdom_n as_o my_o father_n have_v appoint_v unto_o i_o luk._n 22._o 28_o 29._o if_o we_o suffer_v with_o he_o we_o shall_v reign_v with_o he_o &_o he_o that_o hate_v his_o life_n
1_o cor._n 15_o 16._o he_o that_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o member_n deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o head_n for_o see_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o saint_n be_v prove_v by_o the_o resurrection_n of_o christ_n he_o that_o do_v deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o saint_n must_v needs_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o christ_n that_o prove_v it_o now_o this_o error_n as_o it_o be_v in_o itself_o destructive_a to_o all_o christian_a religion_n so_o it_o like_o a_o adder_n carry_v within_o its_o bowel_n many_o other_o alike_o devilish_a and_o filthy_a as_o 1._o he_o that_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o saint_n he_o conclude_v that_o to_o preach_v deliverance_n from_o sin_n and_o death_n it_o be_v vain_a preach_n for_o how_o can_v he_o be_v free_v of_o sin_n that_o be_v swallow_v up_o for_o ever_o of_o death_n &_o the_o grave_a as_o he_o most_o certain_o be_v that_o be_v always_o contain_v therein_o as_o paul_n say_v if_o christ_n be_v not_o rise_v who_o resurrection_n be_v the_o ground_n of_o we_o then_o our_o preach_n be_v vain_a and_o your_o faith_n be_v also_o vain_a then_o we_o preach_v fable_n and_o you_o receive_v they_o for_o truth_n 1_o cor._n 15._o 14._o 2._o this_o error_n cast_v the_o lie_n in_o the_o face_n of_o god_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o scripture_n you_o and_o we_o also_o say_v paul_n be_v find_v false_a witness_n of_o god_n because_o we_o have_v testify_v of_o god_n that_o he_o raise_v christ_n up_o if_o so_o be_v that_o the_o dead_a rise_v not_o 1_o cor._n 15._o 15._o mark_v before_o he_o say_v christ_n in_o his_o resurrection_n do_v prove_v our_o resurrection_n but_o now_o he_o say_v that_o our_o resurrection_n will_v prove_v the_o truth_n of_o he_o and_o indeed_o both_o be_v true_a for_o as_o by_o christ_n rise_n we_o be_v affirm_v so_o by_o we_o he_o be_v demonstrate_v o●_n 3_o the_o denial_n of_o the_o resurrection_n it_o also_o damn_v all_o those_o that_o have_v depart_v this_o world_n in_o the_o faith_n of_o this_o doctrine_n if_o christ_n be_v not_o raise_v as_o if_o he_o be_v not_o we_o rise_v not_o then_o be_v not_o only_o your_o faith_n vain_a and_o you_o be_v yet_o in_o your_o sin_n that_o be_v alive_a but_o then_o they_o also_o that_o be_v fall_v asleep_a in_o christ_n be_v perish_v 1_o cor._n 15._o 17_o 18._o 4_o he_o that_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o just_a he_o conclude_v that_o the_o christian_n be_v of_o all_o man_n the_o most_o miserable_a mark_v the_o word_n if_o in_o this_o life_n only_o we_o have_v hope_n in_o christ_n we_o be_v of_o all_o man_n the_o most_o miserable_a 1_o cor._n 15._o 19_o first_o of_o all_o man_n the_o most_o miserable_a because_o we_o let_v go_v present_a enjoyment_n of_o those_o that_o will_v never_o come_v if_o the_o dea●_n rise_v not_o of_o all_o man_n most_o miserable_a because_o our_o faith_n our_o hope_n our_o joy_n and_o peace_n be_v all_o but_o a_o lie_n if_o the_o dead_a rise_v not_o but_o you_o will_v say_v he_o that_o give_v up_o himself_o to_o god_n shall_v have_v comfort_n in_o this_o life_n ah_o but_o if_o the_o dead_a rise_v not_o all_o our_o comfort_n that_o now_o we_o think_v we_o have_v from_o god_n will_v then_o be_v find_v presumption_n and_o madness_n because_o we_o believe_v that_o god_n have_v so_o love_v we_o as_o to_o have_v we_o in_o his_o day_n in_o body_n and_o soul_n to_o heaven_n which_o will_v be_v nothing_o so_o if_o the_o dead_a rise_v not_o if_o in_o this_o 〈◊〉_d only_o we_o have_v hope_n in_o christ_n we_o be_v of_o all_o man_n most_o miserable_a poor_a christian_a thou_o that_o look_v for_o the_o bless_a hope_n of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n at_o the_o glorious_a appear_v of_o the_o great_a god_n and_o our_o saviour_n jesus_n christ_n how_o will_v thou_o be_v deceive_v if_o the_o dead_a rise_v not_o but_o now_o be_v christ_n rise_v and_o become_v he_o first_o fruit_n of_o they_o that_o sleep_n for_o since_o by_o man_n come_v death_n by_o man_n come_v also_o the_o resurrection_n from_o the_o dead_a 1_o cor._n 15._o 20_o 21._o 5._o but_o again_o he_o that_o 〈◊〉_d the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a he_o set_v open_v a_o ●●●udgate_n to_o all_o manner_n of_o impiety_n he_o cut_v ●he_n throat_n of_o a_o true_o holy_a life_n and_o lay_v the_o reins_o upon_o the_o neck_n of_o the_o most_o outrageous_a ●ust●_n for_o if_o the_o dead_a rise_v not_o let_v we_o eat_v and_o drink_v that_o be_v do_v anything_o though_o never_o so_o diabolical_a and_o hellish_a let_v we_o eat_v and_o drink_v for_o tomorrow_o we_o die_v and_o there_o be_v a_o end_n of_o we_o we_o shall_v not_o arise_v again_o to_o receive_v either_o evil_a or_o good_a 1_o cor._n 15._o 32._o 6._o to_o deny_v this_o resurrection_n nay_o if_o a_o man_n do_v but_o say_v it_o be_v past_a either_o with_o he_o or_o any_o christian_n his_o so_o say_v tend_v direct_o to_o the_o destruction_n and_o overthrow_n of_o the_o faith_n of_o they_o that_o hear_v he_o and_o be_v so_o far_o from_o be_v according_a to_o the_o doctrine_n of_o god_n that_o it_o eat_v out_o good_a and_o wholesome_a doctrine_n even_o as_o canker_n eat_v the_o face_n and_o flesh_n of_o a_o man_n how_o ill_o favoured_o do_v they_o look_v that_o have_v their_o nose_n and_o lip_n eat_v off_o with_o the_o canker_n even_o so_o bad_o do_v the_o doctrine_n of_o no_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a look_v in_o the_o eye_n of_o god_n christ_n saint_n and_o scripture_n 2_o tim._n 2._o 18._o last_o i_o conclude_v then_o that_o to_o deny_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n of_o the_o just_a it_o argue_v first_o great_a ignorance_n of_o god_n ignorant_a of_o his_o power_n to_o raise_v ignorant_a of_o his_o promise_n to_o raise_v ignorant_a of_o his_o faithfulness_n to_o raise_v and_o that_o both_o to_o himself_o son_n and_o saint_n as_o i_o show_v before_o therefore_o say_v paul_n to_o those_o that_o be_v thus_o delude_v awake_v to_o righteousness_n and_o sin_v not_o for_o some_o have_v not_o the_o knowledge_n of_o god_n i_o speak_v this_o to_o your_o shame_n 1_o cor._n 18._o 32_o 33_o 34._o as_o if_o he_o have_v say_v do_v you_o profess_v christianity_n and_o do_v you_o question_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n do_v you_o not_o know_v that_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o body_n and_o glory_n to_o follow_v be_v the_o very_a quintessence_n of_o the_o gospel_n of_o jesus_n christ_n be_v you_o ignorant_a of_o the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o lord_n jesus_n and_o do_v you_o question_v the_o power_n and_o faithfulness_n of_o god_n both_o to_o his_o son_n and_o his_o saint_n because_o you_o say_v there_o shall_v be_v no_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a you_o be_v ignorant_a of_o god_n of_o what_o he_o can_v do_v of_o what_o he_o will_v do_v and_o of_o what_o he_o will_v by_o do_v glorify_v himself_o second_o as_o it_o argue_v very_o great_a ignorance_n of_o god_n power_n faithfulness_n etc._n etc._n so_o it_o argue_v gross_a ignorance_n of_o the_o tenor_n and_o cur●ant_n of_o the_o scripture_n for_o as_o touch_v the_o dead_a that_o they_o be_v raise_v have_v you_o not_o read_v in_o the_o book_n of_o moses_n say_v christ_n how_o that_o god_n say_v unto_o he_o in_o the_o bush_n i_o be_o the_o god_n of_o abraham_n the_o god_n of_o isaac_n and_o the_o god_n of_o jacob_n god_n be_v not_o the_o god_n of_o the_o dead_a but_o of_o the_o live_n you_o do_v therefore_o great_o err_v mark_v 12._o 26_o 27._o to_o be_v the_o god_n of_o abraham_n isaac_n and_o jacob_n it_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o his_o be_v their_o god_n under_o a_o new_a covenant-consideration_n as_o he_o say_v i_o will_v be_v their_o god_n and_o they_o shall_v be_v my_o people_n heb._n 8._o 10_o 11._o john_n 8._o 44._o 1_o john_n 38._o 9_o 10._o hos._n 6._o 2._o col._n 3._o 4._o ephes._n 1._o 4._o now_o thus_o he_o be_v not_o the_o god_n of_o the_o dead_a that_o be_v of_o those_o that_o perish_v whether_o they_o be_v angel_n or_o man_n now_o i_o say_v they_o that_o be_v the_o child_n of_o god_n as_o abraham_n isaac_n and_o jacob_n they_o be_v count_v the_o live_n under_o a_o threefold_a consideration_n 1._o in_o their_o lord_n and_o head_n and_o thus_o all_o the_o elect_n may_v be_v say_v to_o live_v for_o they_o be_v from_o eternity_n choose_v in_o he_o who_o also_o be_v their_o life_n though_o possible_o many_o of_o they_o yet_o unconvert_v i_o say_v yet_o christ_n be_v their_o life_n by_o the_o eternal_a purpose_n of_o god_n 2._o the_o child_n of_o the_o new_a covenant_n do_v live_v both_o in_o their_o spirit_n in_o glory_n by_o open_a vision_n and_o here_o by_o faith_n gal._n 2._o 20._o and_o the_o
be_v another_o wherefore_o i_o say_v at_o our_o rise_n we_o shall_v not_o change_v our_o nature_n but_o our_o glory_n we_o shall_v be_v equal_a to_o the_o angel_n luke_n 20._o 36._o not_o with_o respect_n to_o their_o nature_n but_o glory_n the_o nature_n also_o of_o the_o moon_n be_v one_o thing_n and_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o moon_n be_v another_o and_o so_o one_o star_n also_o differ_v from_o another_o in_o glory_n a_o beggar_n have_v the_o same_o nature_n as_o a_o king_n and_o gold_n in_o the_o ore_n the_o same_o nature_n with_o that_o which_o be_v best_a refine_v but_o the_o beggar_n have_v not_o the_o same_o glory_n with_o the_o king_n nor_o yet_o the_o gold_n in_o ore_n the_o same_o glory_n with_o that_o which_o be_v refine_v but_o our_o state_n will_v be_v far_o more_o alter_v than_o any_o of_o these_o in_o the_o day_n when_o we_o like_v so_o many_o sun_n in_o the_o firmament_n of_o heaven_n arise_v out_o of_o the_o heart_n and_o bowel_n of_o the_o earth_n these_o thing_n thus_o consider_v do_v show_v you_o how_o vain_o they_o argue_v that_o say_v our_o humane_a nature_n consist_v of_o body_n and_o soul_n shall_v not_o inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n and_o also_o how_o far_o from_o their_o purpose_n that_o say_v of_o the_o apostle_n be_v which_o say_v that_o flesh_n and_o blood_n shall_v not_o inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n and_o now_o also_o because_o i_o be_o fall_v upon_o the_o objection_n itself_o i_o shall_v not_o pass_v it_o but_o with_o a_o short_a dash_n at_o it_o wherefore_o reader_n whoever_o thou_o be_v consider_v that_o frequent_o in_o scripture_n the_o word_n flesh_n and_o blood_n as_o also_o in_o the_o place_n allege_v be_v not_o to_o be_v understand_v of_o that_o matter_n which_o god_n make_v which_o flesh_n cleave_v to_o our_o bone_n and_o blood_n run_v in_o our_o vein_n but_o be_v take_v for_o that_o corruption_n weakness_n mortality_n and_o evil_a that_o cleave_v to_o it_o which_o weakness_n and_o corruption_n because_o it_o possess_v all_o man_n &_o also_o whole_o rule_v where_o the_o soul_n be_v unconvert_v therefore_o it_o bear_v the_o name_n of_o that_o which_o be_v rule_v and_o act_v by_o it_o to_o wit_n our_o whole_a man_n consist_v of_o body_n and_o soul_n yet_o i_o say_v be_v a_o thing_n distinct_a from_o that_o flesh_n and_o blood_n which_o be_v essential_a to_o our_o be_v and_o without_o which_o we_o be_v no_o man_n as_o for_o instance_n he_o that_o be_v christ_n say_v paul_n gal._n 5._o 24._o have_v crucify_a the_o flesh_n with_o the_o affection_n and_o lust_n who_o be_v so_o vain_a as_o to_o think_v that_o the_o apostle_n by_o these_o word_n shall_v mean_v our_o material_a flesh_n that_o hang_v on_o our_o bone_n and_o that_o be_v mix_v with_o our_o natural_a blood_n sinew_n and_o vein_n and_o not_o rather_o of_o that_o inward_a fountain_n of_o sin_n corruption_n and_o wickedness_n which_o in_o another_o place_n he_o call_v the_o old_a man_n with_o his_o deceitful_a lust_n ephes._n 4._o 22._o again_o the_o flesh_n lust_v against_o the_o spirit_n and_o the_o spirit_n against_o the_o flesh_n be_v it_o our_o flesh_n that_o hang_v on_o our_o bone_n which_o lust_v against_o the_o spirit_n and_o that_o also_o against_o which_o the_o spirit_n lust_v certain_o if_o the_o spirit_n lust_v against_o our_o material_a flesh_n than_o it_o be_v our_o duty_n not_o to_o nourish_v it_o at_o all_o because_o by_o nourish_v of_o it_o we_o nourish_v that_o against_o which_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n fight_v and_o war_v nay_o if_o the_o spirit_n lust_n against_o the_o flesh_n on_o our_o bone_n simple_o consider_v as_o flesh_n and_o if_o it_o be_v our_o duty_n to_o follow_v the_o spirit_n as_o it_o be_v than_o we_o must_v needs_o kill_v ourselves_o or_o cut_v our_o flesh_n from_o our_o bone_n for_o whatever_o the_o spirit_n of_o god_n lust_v against_o it_o must_v be_v destroy_v yea_o it_o be_v our_o duty_n with_o all_o speed_n to_o destroy_v it_o but_o will_v thou_o know_v o_o vain_a man_n that_o by_o flesh_n here_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v not_o the_o nature_n that_o god_n have_v make_v but_o the_o corrupt_a apprehension_n and_o wisdom_n with_o those_o inclination_n to_o evil_a that_o lodge_v within_o we_o which_o in_o another_o place_n be_v call_v the_o wisdom_n of_o the_o flesh_n yea_o in_o plain_a term_n flesh_n and_o blood_n where_o christ_n say_v flesh_n and_o blood_n have_v not_o reveal_v this_o unto_o thou_o but_o my_o father_n which_o be_v in_o heaven_n mat._n 16._o 16._o nay_o observe_v it_o all_o these_o place_n with_o many_o other_o do_v rather_o point_v at_o a_o corrupt_a soul_n than_o a_o corrupt_a body_n for_o indeed_o sin_n and_o all_o spiritual_a wickedness_n they_o have_v their_o seat_n in_o the_o heart_n and_o soul_n of_o a_o man_n and_o by_o their_o use_v this_o or_o that_o member_n of_o the_o body_n so_o defile_v the_o man_n the_o weakness_n of_o the_o body_n or_o that_o attend_v our_o material_a flesh_n and_o blood_n they_o be_v weakness_n of_o another_o kind_n as_o sickness_n ache_n pain_n soar_v wound_n defection_n of_o member_n etc._n etc._n wherefore_o where_o you_o read_v of_o flesh_n and_o blood_n as_o reject_v of_o god_n especial_o when_o it_o speak_v of_o the_o flesh_n and_o blood_n of_o saint_n you_o be_v not_o to_o understand_v it_o as_o me●nt_v of_o the_o flesh_n which_o be_v their_o proper_a humane_a nature_n but_o of_o that_o weakness_n which_o cleave_v to_o it_o paul_n in_o another_o place_n reckon_v up_o the_o work_n of_o the_o flesh_n in_o many_o thing_n as_o in_o witchcraft_n hatred_n variance_n strife_n emulation_n fornication_n and_o many_o other_o but_o can_v any_o imagine_v that_o he_o there_o shall_v strike_v at_o that_o flesh_n that_o hang_v on_o our_o bone_n or_o rather_o at_o that_o malignity_n and_o rebellion_n that_o be_v in_o the_o mind_n of_o man_n against_o the_o lord_n gal._n 17_o 18_o 19_o 20._o by_o reason_n of_o which_o the_o member_n of_o the_o body_n be_v use_v this_o way_n and_o also_o sometime_o that_o to_o accomplish_v its_o most_o filthy_a and_o abusive_a deed_n they_o be_v enemy_n in_o their_o mind_n by_o wicked_a work_n col._n 1._o 21._o thus_o you_o see_v that_o flesh_n and_o blood_n be_v not_o to_o be_v take_v always_o for_o the_o flesh_n that_o be_v upon_o our_o hand_n and_o foot_n and_o other_o part_n of_o our_o body_n but_o for_o that_o sin_n weakness_n and_o infirmity_n that_o cleave_v to_o our_o whole_a man_n further_o then_o touch_v our_o real_a substantial_a flesh_n it_o may_v be_v either_o consider_v as_o god_n creature_n pure_o or_o as_o corrupt_v with_o sin_n and_o infirmity_n now_o if_o you_o consider_v it_o as_o corrupt_v so_o it_o shall_v not_o inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n but_o yet_o consider_v it_o as_o god_n creature_n and_o so_o all_o that_o god_n have_v convert_v to_o himself_o through_o jesus_n christ_n shall_v even_o with_o that_o body_n when_o change_v inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n the_o woman_n who_o clothes_n be_v foul_a can_v yet_o distinguish_v between_o the_o dirt_n and_o the_o cloth_n on_o which_o it_o hang_v and_o so_o deal_v god_n with_o we_o it_o be_v true_a there_o be_v not_o one_o saint_n but_o while_o he_o live_v here_o his_o body_n be_v array_v and_o infect_v with_o many_o corrupt_a and_o filthy_a thing_n as_o touch_v bodily_a weakness_n yea_o and_o also_o with_o many_o sinful_a infirmity_n by_o reason_n of_o that_o body_n of_o sin_n and_o death_n that_o yet_o remain_v in_o we_o but_o yet_o god_n i_o say_v distinguish_v between_o our_o weakness_n and_o his_o workmanship_n and_o can_v tell_v how_o to_o save_v the_o whole_a man_n of_o his_o people_n while_o he_o be_v destroy_v the_o corruption_n and_o weakness_n that_o cleave_v to_o they_o and_o now_o to_o return_v to_o the_o place_n object_v flesh_n and_o blood_n shall_v not_o inherit_v the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n it_o can_v be_v true_o understand_v that_o that_o flesh_n which_o be_v man_n nature_n shall_v not_o enter_v the_o kingdom_n for_o then_o as_o i_o say_v before_o christ_n must_v lose_v his_o member_n the_o purchase_n of_o his_o blood_n the_o vessel_n and_o temple_n of_o his_o spirit_n for_o all_o this_o be_v our_o body_n again_o then_o christ_n also_o in_o that_o his_o body_n which_o be_v also_o our_o flesh_n and_o blood_n be_v not_o in_o glory_n contrary_a to_o the_o whole_a current_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n heb._n 2._o 14_o 15._o heb._n 7._o 24_o 25._o heb._n 8._o 3_o 4._o heb._n 10._o 10_o 11_o 12._o rev._n 1._o 18._o rev._n 2._o 8._o yea_o it_o will_v be_v nonsense_n to_o say_v there_o shall_v be_v a_o resurrection_n and_o that_o our_o vile_a body_n shall_v be_v change_v and_o make_v like_a to_o the_o glorious_a body_n of_o the_o
here_o much_o more_o then_o when_o we_o be_v with_o our_o saviour_n our_o jesus_n be_v pass_v from_o death_n to_o life_n john_n 5._o 24._o 1_o john_n 4._o 18._o second_o the_o saint_n at_o this_o day_n shall_v have_v their_o heart_n and_o soul_n so_o wrap_v up_o in_o the_o pleasure_n of_o god_n their_o saviour_n that_o it_o shall_v be_v their_o delight_n to_o see_v all_o thing_n though_o once_o never_o so_o near_o and_o dear_a unto_o they_o yet_o now_o to_o perish_v if_o not_o according_a to_o his_o word_n and_o will_n thy_o will_v be_v do_v be_v to_o be_v always_o our_o language_n here_o but_o to_o delight_v to_o see_v it_o do_v in_o all_o thing_n though_o it_o tend_v never_o so_o much_o to_o the_o destruction_n of_o what_o we_o love_v to_o delight_n i_o say_v to_o see_v it_o do_v in_o the_o height_n and_o perfection_n of_o delight_n it_o will_v be_v when_o we_o come_v to_o heaven_n or_o when_o the_o lord_n shall_v come_v to_o judge_v the_o world_n mat._n 6._o 10._o but_o three_o the_o sole_a end_n of_o the_o count_a of_o the_o saint_n at_o the_o day_n of_o god_n it_o will_v be_v not_o only_o for_o the_o vindication_n of_o the_o righteousness_n holiness_n and_o purity_n of_o the_o word_n neither_o will_v it_o centre_n only_o in_o the_o manifestation_n of_o the_o knowledge_n and_o heart-discerning_a nature_n of_o christ_n though_o both_o these_o will_v be_v in_o it_o revel_v 2._o 22_o 23._o but_o their_o very_a remembrance_n and_o sight_n of_o the_o sin_n and_o vanity_n that_o they_o have_v do_v while_o here_o it_o shall_v both_o set_v off_o and_o heighten_v the_o tender_a affection_n of_o their_o god_n unto_o they_o and_o also_o increase_v their_o joy_n and_o sweetness_n of_o soul_n and_o cling_v of_o heart_n to_o their_o god_n saint_n while_o here_o be_v sweet_o sensible_a that_o the_o sense_n of_o sin_n and_o the_o assurance_n of_o pardon_n will_v make_v famous_a work_n in_o their_o poor_a heart_n ah_o what_o melt_n without_o guilt_n what_o humility_n without_o cast_v down_o and_o what_o a_o sight_n of_o the_o creature_n nothingness_n yet_o without_o fear_n will_v this_o sense_n of_o sin_n work_n in_o the_o soul_n the_o sweet_a frame_n the_o most_o heart-indearing_a frame_n that_o possible_o a_o christian_a can_v get_v into_o while_o in_o this_o world_n be_v to_o have_v a_o warm_a sight_n of_o sin_n and_o of_o a_o saviour_n upon_o the_o heart_n at_o one_o time_n now_o it_o weep_v not_o for_o fear_n and_o through_o torment_n but_o by_o virtue_n of_o constrain_a grace_n and_o mercy_n and_o be_v at_o this_o very_a time_n so_o far_o off_o of_o disquietness_n of_o heart_n by_o reason_n of_o the_o fight_n of_o its_o wickedness_n that_o it_o be_v drive_v into_o a_o ecstasy_n by_o reason_n of_o the_o love_n and_o mercy_n that_o be_v mingle_v with_o the_o sense_n of_o sin_n in_o the_o soul_n the_o heart_n never_o see_v so_o much_o of_o the_o power_n of_o mercy_n as_o now_o nor_o of_o the_o virtue_n value_n and_o excellency_n of_o christ_n in_o all_o his_o office_n as_o now_o and_o the_o tongue_n so_o sweet_o enlarge_v to_o proclaim_v and_o cry_v up_o grace_n as_o now_o now_o will_v christ_n come_v to_o be_v glorify_v in_o his_o saint_n and_o admire_v in_o they_o that_o believe_v 2_o thes._n 1._o 10_o 11._o wherefore_o though_o the_o saint_n receive_v by_o faith_n the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n in_o this_o life_n and_o so_o be_v pass_v from_o death_n to_o life_n yet_o again_o christ_n jesus_n and_o god_n his_o father_n will_v have_v every_o one_o of_o these_o sin_n reckon_v up_o again_o and_o bring_v fresh_a upon_o the_o stage_n in_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n that_o they_o may_v see_v and_o be_v sensible_a for_o ever_o what_o grace_n and_o mercy_n have_v lay_v hold_n upon_o they_o and_o this_o i_o take_v to_o be_v the_o reason_n of_o that_o remarkable_a say_n of_o the_o apostle_n peter_n repent_v therefore_o and_o be_v convert_v that_o your_o sin_n may_v be_v blot_v out_o when_o the_o time_n of_o refresh_a shall_v come_v from_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o he_o shall_v send_v jesus_n christ_n who_o before_o be_v preach_v unto_o you_o who_o the_o heaven_n must_v receive_v till_o the_o restitution_n of_o all_o thing_n speak_v of_o by_o the_o mouth_n of_o all_o the_o holy_a prophet_n since_o the_o world_n begin_v act_n 3._o 19_o 20_o 21._o if_o a_o sense_n of_o some_o sin_n for_o who_o see_v all_o psa._n 19_o 12._o and_o a_o sight_n of_o the_o love_n of_o god_n will_v here_o so_o work_v upon_o the_o spirit_n of_o the_o godly_a what_o will_v a_o sight_n of_o all_o sin_n do_v when_o together_o with_o it_o they_o be_v personal_o present_a with_o their_o lord_n and_o saviour_n yea_o if_o a_o sight_n of_o some_o sin_n with_o a_o possibility_n of_o pardon_n will_v make_v the_o heart_n love_n reverence_n and_o fear_v with_o guiltless_a and_o heart-affecting_a fear_n what_o will_v a_o general_a sight_n of_o all_o sin_n and_o together_o with_o they_o a_o eternal_a acquittance_n from_o they_o work_n on_o the_o heart_n of_o the_o saint_n for_o ever_o yea_o i_o say_v again_o if_o a_o sight_n of_o sin_n and_o the_o love_n of_o god_n will_v make_v such_o work_n in_o that_o soul_n where_o yet_o there_o be_v unbelief_n blindness_n mistrust_n and_o forgetfulness_n what_o will_v a_o sight_n of_o sin_n do_v in_o that_o soul_n who_o be_v swallow_v up_o of_o love_n who_o be_v sinless_a and_o temptationless_a who_o have_v all_o the_o faculty_n of_o soul_n and_o body_n strain_v by_o love_n and_o grace_n to_o the_o high_a pin_n of_o perfection_n that_o be_v possible_a to_o be_v in_o glory_n enjoy_v and_o possess_v o_o the_o wisdom_n and_o goodness_n of_o god_n that_o he_o at_o this_o day_n shall_v so_o cast_v about_o the_o worst_a of_o our_o thing_n even_o those_o that_o natural_o tend_v to_o sink_v we_o and_o damnus_fw-la for_o our_o great_a advantage_n all_o thing_n that_o shall_v work_v together_o for_o good_a indeed_o to_o they_o that_o love_n god_n rom._n 8._o 28._o those_o sin_n that_o bring_v a_o curse_n upon_o the_o whole_a world_n that_o spill_v the_o heartblood_n of_o our_o dear_a saviour_n and_o that_o lay_v his_o tender_a soul_n under_o the_o flame_a wrath_n of_o god_n shall_v by_o his_o wisdom_n and_o love_n tend_v to_o the_o exaltation_n of_o his_o grace_n and_o the_o inflame_a of_o our_o affection_n to_o he_o for_o ever_o and_o ever_o revel_v 5._o 9_o 10_o 11_o 12_o 13_o 14._o it_o will_v not_o be_v thus_o with_o devil_n it_o will_v not_o be_v thus_o with_o reprobate_n the_o save_v only_o have_v this_o privilege_n peculiar_a to_o themselves_o wherefore_o to_o vary_v a_o little_a from_o the_o matter_n in_o hand_n will_v god_n make_v that_o use_n of_o sin_n even_o in_o our_o count_v for_o it_o that_o shall_v in_o this_o manner_n work_v for_o our_o advantage_n why_o then_o let_v saint_n also_o make_v that_o advantage_n of_o their_o sin_n as_o to_o glorify_v god_n thereby_o which_o be_v to_o be_v do_v not_o by_o say_v let_v we_o do_v evil_a that_o good_a may_v come_v or_o let_v we_o sin_v that_o grace_n may_v abound_v but_o by_o take_v occasion_n by_o the_o sin_n that_o be_v past_a to_o set_v the_o crown_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o the_o christ_n for_o our_o justification_n continual_o look_v upon_o it_o so_o as_o to_o press_v we_o to_o cleave_v close_o to_o the_o lord_n jesus_n to_o grace_n and_o mercy_n through_o he_o and_o to_o the_o keep_n of_o we_o humble_a for_o ever_o under_o all_o his_o dispensation_n and_o carriage_n to_o we_o now_o have_v count_v for_o all_o their_o evil_n and_o confess_v to_o god_n glory_n how_o they_o fall_v short_a and_o do_v not_o the_o truth_n in_o this_o or_o that_o or_o other_o particular_n and_o have_v receive_v their_o eternal_a acquittance_n from_o the_o lord_n and_o judge_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o both_o angel_n and_o saint_n forthwith_o the_o lord_n jesus_n will_v make_v inquiry_n into_o all_o the_o good_a and_o holy_a action_n and_o deed_n they_o do_v do_v in_o the_o world_n now_o there_o shall_v all_o thing_n be_v reckon_v up_o from_o the_o very_a first_o good_a thing_n that_o be_v do_v by_o adam_n or_o abel_n to_o the_o last_o that_o will_v fall_v out_o to_o be_v do_v in_o the_o world_n the_o good_a of_o all_o the_o holy_a prophet_n of_o all_o apostle_n pastor_n teacher_n and_o help_v in_o the_o church_n here_o also_o will_v be_v bring_v forth_o and_o to_o light_n all_o the_o good_a carriage_n of_o master_n of_o family_n of_o parent_n of_o child_n of_o servant_n of_o neighbour_n or_o what_o ever_o good_a thing_n any_o man_n do_v but_o to_o be_v general_a and_o short_a first_o here_o will_v be_v a_o recompense_n for_o all_o that_o have_v sincere_o labour_v in_o
for_o i_o this_o be_v the_o man_n that_o overcome_v the_o flattery_n and_o threat_n allurement_n and_o inticing_n of_o a_o whole_a world_n for_o i_o behold_v ●i●_n he_o be_v a_o israelite_n indeed_o the_o top_n man_n in_o his_o generation_n none_o like_o he_o in_o all_o the_o earth_n it_o be_v say_v that_o when_o king_n ahasuerus_n have_v understanding_n of_o how_o good_a service_n mordeeai_n the_o jew_n have_v do_v to_o and_o for_o he_o he_o command_v that_o the_o royal_a apparel_n and_o the_o crown_n with_o the_o horse_n that_o the_o king_n do_v ride_v on_o shall_v be_v give_v to_o he_o and_o that_o he_o shall_v with_o that_o crown_n apparel_n and_o horse_n be_v have_v through_o the_o city_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o all_o his_o noble_n and_o that_o proclamation_n shall_v be_v make_v before_o he_o thus_o shall_v it_o be_v do_v to_o the_o man_n who_o the_o king_n delight_v to_o honour_n esth._n 6._o 9_o 10_o 11._o ahasuerus_n in_o this_o be_v a_o type_n to_o hold_v forth_o to_o the_o child_n of_o god_n how_o kind_o he_o will_v take_v all_o their_o labour_n and_o service_n of_o love_n and_o how_o he_o will_v honour_v and_o dignify_v the_o same_o as_o christ_n say_v let_v your_o loin_n be_v gird_v about_o and_o your_o light_n burn_v and_o you_o yourselves_o like_a unto_o man_n that_o wait_v for_o their_o lord_n when_o he_o will_v return_v from_o the_o wedding_n that_o when_o he_o come_v and_o knock_v you_o may_v open_v to_o he_o immediate_o bless_a be_v those_o servant_n who_o their_o lord_n when_o he_o come_v shall_v find_v watch_v very_o i_o say_v unto_o you_o that_o he_o shall_v gird_v himself_o and_o shall_v make_v they_o sit_v down_o to_o meat_n and_o shall_v come_v forth_o and_o serve_v they_o luke_n 12._o 35_o 36_o 37._o the_o meaning_n be_v that_o those_o soul_n that_o shall_v make_v it_o their_o business_n to_o honour_v the_o lord_n jesus_n christ_n in_o the_o day_n of_o their_o temptation_n he_o will_v make_v it_o his_o business_n to_o honour_n and_o glotifie_v they_o in_o the_o day_n of_o his_o glorification_n very_o i_o say_v unto_o you_o that_o he_o will_v make_v they_o sit_v down_o to_o meat_n and_o shall_v come_v forth_o and_o serve_v they_o if_o any_o man_n will_v serve_v i_o say_v he_o he_o will_v my_o father_n honour_n joh._n 12._o 26._o job_n 1._o 8._o joh._n 1._o 47._o mark_v 14._o 9_o rev._n 3_o 4._o rev._n 14._o 12._o 3_o 4_o 5._o it_o have_v be_v god_n way_n in_o this_o world_n to_o proclaim_v the_o act_n and_o do_v of_o his_o saint_n in_o his_o word_n before_o all_o in_o this_o world_n and_o he_o will_v do_v it_o in_o that_o which_o be_v to_o come_v three_o another_o thing_n that_o shall_v be_v yet_o add_v to_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o saint_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o their_o saviour_n at_o his_o come_n be_v they_o shall_v every_o one_o of_o they_o then_o have_v his_o throne_n and_o place_n of_o degree_n on_o christ_n right_a hand_n and_o on_o his_o left_a in_o his_o glorious_a kingdom_n according_a to_o the_o relation_n they_o stand_v in_o to_o christ_n as_o the_o member_n of_o his_o body_n for_o as_o christ_n will_v have_v a_o special_a eye_n on_o we_o and_o a_o tender_a and_o affectionate_a heart_n to_o recompense_v to_o the_o full_a every_o good_a thing_n that_o any_o man_n do_v for_o his_o name_n in_o this_o world_n so_o also_o he_o will_v have_v as_o great_a regard_n that_o there_o be_v to_o every_o member_n of_o his_o body_n the_o place_n and_o state_n that_o be_v comely_a for_o every_o such_o member_n when_o the_o mother_n of_o zebedees_n child_n petition_v our_o saviour_n that_o he_o will_v grant_v to_o she_o that_o her_o two_o son_n may_v fit_v the_o one_o on_o his_o right_a hand_n and_o the_o other_o on_o his_o left_a in_o his_o kingdom_n though_o he_o do_v not_o grant_v to_o her_o the_o request_n for_o her_o child_n yet_o he_o affirm_v that_o there_o will_v be_v place_n of_o degree_n and_o honour_n in_o heaven_n say_v to_o sit_v on_o my_o right_a hand_n and_o on_o my_o left_a be_v not_o i_o to_o give_v but_o it_o shall_v be_v give_v to_o they_o for_o who_o it_o be_v prepare_v of_o my_o father_n see_v mat._n 20._o 20_o 21_o 22_o 23._o in_o the_o temple_n there_o be_v chamber_n big_a and_o lesser_a high_a and_o low_o more_o inward_a and_o more_o outward_a which_o chamber_n be_v type_n of_o the_o mansion_n that_o our_o lord_n when_o he_o go_v away_o tell_v we_o he_o go_v to_o prepare_v for_o we_o in_o my_o father_n house_n be_v many_o mansion_n if_o it_o be_v not_o so_o i_o will_v have_v tell_v you_o i_o go_v to_o prepare_v a_o place_n for_o you_o etc._n etc._n joh_n 14._o 1_o 2_o 3._o the_o foot_n here_o shall_v not_o have_v the_o place_n prepare_v for_o the_o eye_n nor_o yet_o the_o hand_n that_o which_o be_v prepare_v for_o the_o ear_n but_o every_o one_o shall_v have_v his_o own_o place_n in_o the_o body_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o glory_n also_o prepare_v for_o such_o a_o relation_n order_n as_o it_o be_v comely_a in_o earth_n so_o much_o more_o in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o the_o god_n of_o order_n in_o heaven_n where_o all_o thing_n shall_v be_v do_v in_o their_o utmost_a perfection_n here_o shall_v euoch_v noah_n abraham_n moses_n joshuah_n david_n with_o the_o prophet_n have_v every_o one_o his_o place_n according_a to_o the_o degree_n of_o old_a testament_n saint_n as_o god_n say_v to_o daniel_n go_v thy_o way_n till_o the_o end_n be_v for_o thou_o shall_v rest_v and_o stand_v in_o the_o lot_n at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o day_n dan._n 12._o 13._o and_o here_o also_o shall_v peter_n paul_n timothy_n and_o all_o other_o the_o church-officer_n have_v their_o place_n and_o heavenly_a state_n according_a as_o god_n have_v set_v they_o in_o the_o church_n in_o the_o new_a testament_n as_o paul_n say_v of_o the_o deacon_n they_o that_o use_v the_o office_n of_o a_o deacon_n well_o they_o purchase_v to_o themselves_o a_o good_a degree_n and_o great_a boldness_n in_o the_o faith_n which_o be_v in_o christ._n 1_o tim._n 3._o 13._o and_o so_o of_o all_o other_o saint_n be_v they_o here_o of_o what_o rank_n quality_n or_o place_n in_o the_o church_n soever_o they_o shall_v have_v every_o one_o his_o state_n his_o heavenly_a state_n according_a as_o he_o stand_v in_o the_o body_n as_o he_o say_v see_v those_o member_n that_o be_v most_o feeble_a be_v necessary_a to_o they_o shall_v be_v give_v more_o abundant_a honour_n 1_o cor._n 12._o 22_o 23._o of_o this_o heavenly_a order_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o christ_n when_o his_o saint_n be_v rise_v from_o the_o dead_a be_v solomon_n a_o notable_a type_n in_o his_o family_n and_o among_o his_o servant_n and_o officer_n who_o keep_v such_o exactness_n in_o the_o famous_a order_n in_o which_o he_o have_v place_v all_o about_o he_o that_o it_o do_v amaze_v and_o confound_v beholder_n for_o when_o the_o queen_n of_o sheba_n have_v see_v the_o wisdom_n of_o solomon_n and_o the_o house_n which_o he_o build_v and_o the_o meat_n of_o his_o table_n the_o sit_v of_o his_o servant_n and_o the_o attendance_n of_o his_o minister_n and_o their_o apparel_n his_o cupbearer_n also_o and_o their_o apparel_n and_o the_o ascent_n by_o which_o he_o go_v up_o into_o the_o house_n of_o the_o lord_n there_o be_v no_o more_o spirit_n in_o she_o 2_o chron._n 9_o 3_o 4._o glorious_a thing_n be_v speak_v of_o thou_o o_o thou_o city_n of_o god_n have_v go_v thus_o far_o i_o shall_v now_o come_v to_o the_o second_o part_n of_o the_o text_n to_o wit_n that_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o wicked_a there_o shall_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a both_o of_o the_o just_a and_o unjust_a for_o as_o the_o just_a go_v before_o the_o unjust_a in_o name_n and_o dignity_n and_o honour_n so_o they_o shall_v in_o the_o last_o day_n go_v before_o they_o in_o the_o resurrection_n now_o then_o when_o the_o saint_n have_v thus_o rise_v out_o of_o their_o grave_n give_v up_o their_o account_n receive_v their_o glory_n and_o be_v set_v upon_o the_o throne_n for_o there_o be_v set_v throne_n of_o judgement_n the_o throne_n of_o the_o house_n of_o david_n psal._n 122._o 5._o when_o i_o say_v they_o be_v all_o of_o they_o in_o their_o royal_a apparel_n with_o crown_n of_o glory_n every_o one_o present_v the_o person_n of_o a_o king_n then_o come_v the_o unjust_a out_o of_o their_o grave_n to_o receive_v their_o judgement_n for_o what_o they_o have_v do_v in_o the_o body_n as_o paul_n say_v we_o must_v all_o appear_v before_o the_o judgement_n seat_n of_o christ_n that_o every_o one_o both_o saint_n and_o sinner_n may_v receive_v the_o thing_n do_v in_o the_o body_n whether_o it_o be_v
good_a or_o whether_o it_o be_v bad_a but_o now_o because_o i_o will_v prove_v by_o the_o word_n whatever_o i_o will_v have_v other_o receive_v for_o a_o truth_n therefore_o i_o shall_v in_o few_o particular_n prove_v the_o resurrection_n of_o the_o wicked_a first_o then_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o the_o wicked_a shall_v rise_v from_o the_o very_a term_n and_o name_n that_o the_o raise_v shall_v then_o go_v under_o which_o be_v the_o very_a same_o name_n that_o they_o do_v go_v under_o when_o they_o live_v in_o this_o world_n they_o be_v call_v the_o heathen_a the_o nation_n the_o world_n the_o wicked_a and_o those_o that_o do_v iniquity_n they_o be_v call_v man_n woman_n sodom_n sidon_n bethsaida_n capernaum_n and_o tire_n the_o man_n of_o ninive_n shall_v rise_v up_o in_o judgement_n the_o queen_n of_o the_o south_n shall_v rise_v up_o in_o the_o judgement_n and_o it_o shall_v be_v more_o tolerable_a for_o sodom_n in_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n then_o for_o other_o sinner_n that_o have_v resist_v more_o light_n the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n that_o now_o be_v be_v keep_v in_o store_n reserve_v unto_o fire_n against_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n and_o perdition_n of_o ungodly_a man_n 2_o pet._n 3._o 7._o mat._n 12._o 41_o 42._o mat._n 11._o 21_o 22_o 23_o 24._o luk._n 10._o 12_o 13_o 14._o joel_n 3._o 12_o 13_o 14._o mat._n 25._o 32._o jud._n 14._o 15._o now_o these_o term_n or_o name_n be_v not_o give_v to_o the_o spirit_n of_o the_o wicked_a only_o but_o to_o they_o as_o consist_v of_o body_n and_o soul_n further_n christ_n tell_v his_o adversary_n when_o they_o have_v apprehend_v he_o and_o shameful_o entreat_v he_o that_o yet_o they_o shall_v see_v he_o sit_v on_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o power_n and_o come_v in_o the_o cloud_n of_o heaven_n as_o john_n also_o do_v testify_v say_v behold_v he_o come_v with_o cloud_n and_o every_o eye_n shall_v see_v he_o and_o they_o also_o that_o pierce_v he_o and_o all_o the_o kindred_n of_o the_o earth_n shall_v wail_v because_o of_o he_o mat._n 26._o 64._o revel_v 1._o 7._o now_o none_o of_o these_o say_n be_v yet_o fulfil_v neither_o shall_v they_o until_o his_o second_o come_v for_o though_o the_o jew_n do_v many_o of_o they_o see_v he_o when_o he_o do_v hang_v upon_o the_o cross_n yet_o than_o he_o be_v not_o come_v in_o the_o cloud_n of_o heaven_n neither_o do_v then_o all_o kindred_n of_o the_o earth_n wail_v because_o of_o he_o no_o this_o be_v reserve_v till_o he_o come_v to_o judge_v the_o world_n for_o than_o shall_v the_o ungodly_a be_v so_o put_v to_o it_o that_o glad_o they_o will_v creep_v into_o the_o most_o invincible_a rock_n or_o mountain_n under_o heaven_n to_o hide_v themselves_o from_o his_o face_n and_o the_o majesty_n of_o his_o heavenly_a presence_n rev._n 6._o 14_o 15_o 16_o 17._o there_o shall_v therefore_o that_o this_o may_v be_v bring_v to_o pass_v be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a both_o of_o the_o just_a and_o unjust_a for_o though_o a_o opinion_n of_o no_o resurrection_n may_v now_o lull_v man_n asleep_a in_o security_n and_o impiety_n yet_o the_o lord_n when_o he_o come_v will_v rouse_v they_o and_o cause_v they_o to_o awake_v not_o only_o out_o of_o their_o security_n but_o out_o of_o their_o grave_n to_o their_o doom_n that_o they_o may_v receive_v for_o their_o error_n the_o recompense_n that_o be_v meet_v second_o the_o body_n of_o the_o ungodly_a must_v at_o the_o last_o arise_v out_o of_o the_o grave_a because_o that_o body_n and_o their_o soul_n while_o they_o live_v in_o the_o world_n be_v copartner_n in_o their_o lust_n and_o wickedness_n god_n be_v a_o god_n of_o knowledge_n and_o by_o he_o action_n be_v weigh_v 1_o sam._n 2_o 3._o eccles._n 12._o 14._o he_o will_v therefore_o bring_v every_o work_n into_o judgement_n with_o every_o secret_a thing_n and_o as_o he_o will_v bring_v into_o judgement_n every_o work_n so_o will_v he_o also_o the_o worker_n thereof_o revel_v 20._o 12_o 13_o 14._o even_o the_o dead_a small_a and_o great_a it_o be_v not_o in_o god_n to_o lay_v the_o punishment_n where_o the_o fault_n be_v not_o neither_o to_o punish_v a_o part_n of_o the_o damn_a for_o the_o whole_a with_o righteousness_n shall_v be_v judge_v the_o world_n and_o the_o people_n with_o equity_n shall_v not_o the_o judge_n of_o all_o the_o earth_n do_v right_a psal._n 98._o 9_o gen._n 18._o 25._o as_o therefore_o the_o body_n be_v copartner_n with_o the_o soul_n in_o sin_v so_o shall_v every_o man_n receive_v the_o thing_n do_v in_o his_o body_n according_a to_o what_o he_o have_v do_v wherefore_o he_o say_v in_o another_o place_n behold_v i_o come_v quick_o and_o my_o reward_n be_v with_o i_o to_o give_v every_o man_n according_a as_o his_o work_n shall_v be_v rev._n 22._o 12._o there_o shall_v therefore_o be_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o dead_a both_o of_o the_o just_a and_o unjust_a 3._o the_o body_n of_o the_o wicked_a must_v rise_v again_o because_o as_o the_o whole_a man_n of_o the_o just_a also_o that_o be_v the_o vessel_n of_o mercy_n &_o glory_n so_o the_o whole_a man_n of_o the_o unjust_a be_v the_o vessel_n of_o wrath_n and_o destruction_n there_o be_v say_v paul_n in_o a_o great_a house_n not_o only_o vessel_n of_o gold_n and_o of_o silver_n but_o also_o of_o wood_n and_o of_o earth_n and_o some_o to_o honour_n and_o some_o to_o dishonour_v now_o as_o he_o show_v we_o these_o vessel_n to_o honour_n they_o be_v good_a man_n and_o the_o vessel_n to_o dishonour_n be_v the_o bad_a 2_o tim._n 2._o 20_o 21._o now_o as_o these_o vessel_n to_o dishonour_n be_v call_v the_o vessel_n of_o wrath_n so_o it_o be_v say_v that_o god_n with_o much_o long_a suffering_n do_v suffer_v they_o to_o be_v fit_v to_o destruction_n rom._n 9_o 22._o how_o they_o be_v thus_o fit_v he_o also_o further_o show_v where_o he_o say_v they_o do_v after_o their_o hardness_n and_o impenitent_a heart_n treasure_n up_o wrath_n against_o the_o day_n of_o wrath_n and_o the_o revelation_n of_o the_o righteous_a judgement_n of_o god_n rom._n 2._o 5._o which_o treasure_n of_o wickedness_n james_n say_v it_o be_v treasure_v up_o against_o the_o last_o day_n which_o be_v the_o time_n of_o judgement_n and_o observe_v it_o he_o say_v that_o then_o it_o shall_v eat_v their_o flesh_n as_o it_o be_v fire_n jam._n 5._o 12._o 3._o now_o than_o their_o body_n be_v the_o vessel_n of_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n and_o again_o see_v with_o this_o wrath_n they_o must_v be_v possess_v at_o the_o last_o day_n that_o their_o flesh_n must_v with_o it_o be_v eat_v it_o be_v evident_a that_o their_o body_n must_v rise_v again_o out_o of_o their_o grave_n and_o before_o the_o judgement_n seat_v appear_v for_o it_o be_v from_o thence_o that_o each_o of_o they_o must_v go_v with_o his_o full_a load_n to_o their_o long_a and_o eternal_a home_n where_o their_o worm_n die_v not_o and_o their_o fire_n be_v not_o quench_v mark_v 9_o 47_o 48._o four_o the_o severity_n of_o the_o hand_n of_o god_n towards_o his_o child_n with_o his_o forbearance_n of_o his_o enemy_n do_v clear_o bespeak_v a_o resurrection_n of_o the_o ungodly_a that_o they_o may_v receive_v the_o reward_n for_o their_o wickedness_n which_o they_o have_v commit_v in_o this_o world_n we_o know_v that_o while_o the_o eye_n of_o the_o wicked_a start_n out_o with_o fatness_n the_o godly_a be_v plague_v all_o the_o day_n long_o and_o chasten_v every_o morning_n psal._n 73._o 3_o 4_o 5_o 6_o 7_o 8_o 9_o 10_o 11_o 12_o 13_o 14._o wherefore_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o the_o place_n and_o time_n of_o the_o punishment_n of_o the_o ungodly_a it_o be_v another_o world_n if_o judgement_n begin_v at_o the_o house_n of_o god_n what_o will_v the_o end_n of_o they_o be_v that_o obey_v not_o the_o gospel_n of_o god_n and_o if_o the_o righteous_a scarce_o be_v save_v where_o shall_v the_o ungodly_a and_o sinner_n appear_v 1_o pet._n 4._o 17_o 18._o alas_o poor_a creature_n they_o now_o plot_v against_o the_o righteous_a and_o gnash_v upon_o they_o with_o their_o tooth_n but_o the_o lord_n laugh_v at_o they_o for_o he_o see_v their_o day_n be_v come_v for_o as_o he_o say_v the_o wicked_a be_v reserve_v or_o let_v alone_o in_o his_o wickedness_n to_o the_o day_n of_o destruction_n and_o shall_v then_o be_v bring_v forth_o to_o the_o day_n of_o wrath_n psal._n 37._o 12_o 13._o though_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n he_o may_v go_v to_o his_o grave_n in_o his_o banner_n and_o rest_n within_o his_o tomb._n as_o peter_n say_v again_o job_n 21._o 29_o 30_o 31_o 32._o the_o lord_n know_v how_o to_o deliver_v the_o godly_a out_o of_o temptation_n but_o to_o reserve_v the_o unjust_a to_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n