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A19849 A breefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres VVhereby euerye man maye with finall labour giue aunswere to any question demaunded. Written by Claudius Dariot Phisition, and translated by Fabian Wither. Hereunto is annexed a most necessarye, ready, and breefe table, for the speedie finding out of the planetary and vnequall houres of euery daye thorow the yere, exactly calculated by the sayd Fabian Wither.; Ad astrorum judicia facilis introductio. English Dariot, Claude, 1533-1594.; Withers, Fabian. 1583 (1583) STC 6275; ESTC S114070 53,177 106

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may be to declare the dignities they haue in the same signes It is therefore to be vnderstand that vnder the zodiack there be seuen Planets which moue cōtinually of their owne proper and continuall motion and finishe their courses in diuers spaces and tymes according to the swiftnesse or slownesse of their motion and according to the greatnesse or smalnesse of their Orbe or circle For Saturne which is the highest of them all and hath greatest circle finisheth not his course or reuolution but in 30 yeares Iupiter in 12 yeares Mars in 2 yeares the Sonne in 365 daies about 6 houres Venus and Mercury keepe their course like the Sunne the Moone maketh her reuolution in 27 dayes and about eyght houres Then according to the diuersitie of the qualities of the signes and the diuerse and sundrie motions and aspects of the Planets in them they worke their diuers effects here below on earth the which who so will perfitly vnderstande hee must first know the qualities of the Planets the which I wil here prsently declare beginning first with Saturne because he is the highest aboue all the other and so orderlye proceede with the rest as they stand Saturne is cold and drye Melancholick an enemy and destroyer of the nature and life of man of the day Masculine euill and the greatest misfortune Iupiter is hote and moyst sanguine a friend and preseruer of the lyfe and nature of man masculine of the day and is called the greatest fortune Mars is immoderately hote drie cholerike masculine and of the night euill and the lesse misfortune The Sunne is moderately hote and drye masculine and of the day fortunate by aspect infortunate by corporall coniunction Venus is cold and moyst temperate flegmatick feminine of the night of good nature and is called the lesse fortune Mercury in all things is common and mutable he is good with the good and euill with the euill with the Masculine masculine with the Feminines feminine hote with the hote and moyst with the moyst infortunate with the misfortunes and fortunate with the fortunes especially when he is ioyned or corporally applying vnto thē or beholdeth them with some good aspect The Mone is likewise cold and moyst and albeit shee doe heate a little yet she doth moysten more she doth chaunge her nature and qualitie according to the quarters like as the Sunne doth thorowout the signes of the Zodiack the quarters and parts of the yeare She is also feminine of the night and fleugmatick and sendeth vnto vs the vertue and impression of all the other Planets For al the influences of the higher bodyes passing through her Circle come finally vnto vs. And this may suffice for the nature of the Planets howbeit I thinke it necessary also in this place to declare the nature of the head and tayle of the Dragon The head of the Dragon is in all poyntes like to Mercury good with the good Planets and euill with the euill for being ioyned with the good Planets he doth increase their goodnesse and with the euill their malice The tayle of the Dragon is contrary to the head for he is euill with the good and good with the euill so that he doth diminish the malice of the euill Planets and in like maner doth hinder and let the goodnesse of the good All these Planets together with the heade and tayle of the Dragon are noted and marked by their certayne characters as appeareth Saturne ♄ Iupiter ♃ Mars ♂ Sunne ☉ Venus ♀ Mercury ☿ Mone ☽ the tayle of the dragō ☋ the head ☊ Of the essentiall dignities of the Planets CAP. 3. THe ancient Astronomers haue foūd out and tryed by experience that the Planets doe shewe and vtter their force and strength muche more in some certayne places of the Zodiack then in othersome and therefore are sayde to bee more strong and better fortuned in those places then in other the which thing happeneth because the nature of those places and of the starres whiche are in those places doe accord and agree better with the nature of the planets in so muche that there is a certayne sympathie or agreement between the nature of the one and the other And for this place also they are called the essential dignities of the planets These be in number fiue that is to wete the House the Exaltation the Triplicitie the Terme and the Face of the which we will speake in order Of the first essentiall dignitie that is to say of the House THe Sunne and the Moone whiche are created of God to be the two great lightes amongst the other planets the one for the day the other for the night and hauing the principall dominion and gouernement in the generation and corruption of bodyes and thinges here below vpō earth are alotted for that cause for their houses two signes agreeable to their natures and qualities that is to say the Lyon for the Sunne and the Crabbe for the Moone which two signes are moste neare vnto our Zenith or poynt ouer our heads and haue their course the greatest part of the sommer They do also accord and agree to their nature and qualities as is already sayd for the Crabbe is cold and moyst nocturne or of the night feminine and moueable as the Moone And the Lyon is hote and drye diurne or of the day masculine and fixed as the Sunne These two planets or lights haue ech of them but one signe for their house but the other fiue haue euery one two signes whereof the one is called the diurne or day house because it is in such a signe the other nocturne or of the nighte whiche shall be in such a signe That is to say the day house shal be in a diurne signe and the night house in a nocturne signe Then Saturne being the highest of the other fiue like as he is contrary vnto the two great Lights being enemy vnto nature and a corrupter of her workes so hath he obtayned for his houses the two signes which do behold the Crabbe and the Lyon with perfect enmitie that is to saye with an opposition or contrary aspect as Capricorne and Aquarius of the which Capricorne is the night house and Aquarius the daye house Contrariwise Iupiter which is the father and friende of Nature hath for his houses Sagittarius and Pisces whiche behold the Lyon and the Crabbe with a trine aspect whiche is the aspect of perfect amitie of the which Sagittarius is the day house and Pisces the night And because Iupiter doth follow next after Saturne the one of his houses are before the houses of Saturne and the other after Mars following after hath for his houses Aries and the Scorpion wherof Aries is the day house and the scorpion the night house These two signes doe behold the Crabbe and the Lyon with a quartile aspect which is the aspect of vnperfect enmitie because that Mars is not friend vnto Nature neither so great an enemye as Saturne Then
followeth Venus which being no enemye vnto Nature neither so great a friend as Iupiter hath for her houses two signes which beholde the houses of the sunne and Moone with an aspect of vnperfite amitie that is with a sextile aspect as Taurus and Lybra of the which Taurus is the night house and Lybra the day house Mercury being the last of all hath for his day house Gemini and Virgo for his night house the which do not behold the houses of the Lights with any aspect because that Mercury being alwayes mutable hee doeth alwayes accorde and agree with those Planets with whome he is corporally ioyned This dignitie is called the dignitie of the house because that when a Planet is in any one of them he is like a Prince in his palace commanding and is obeyd Alwayes it is to be noted that one diurnall or day planet is of greater force in his diurnal or day house then in his nocturnal or night house In like maner must you iudge of the nocturnall or night planet Vnto this dignitie because it is the first and chiefest is attributed the number of fiue and as this dignitie is the greatest amongst them euen so when any planet is in the opposite or contrarye signe he is moste vnfortunate in so muche that when hee is in the opposite of his house he is sayd to be in his detriment or decay ¶ Of the second essentiall dignitie that is of the Exaltation THe second Essentiall dignitie is called the Exaltation the which is a certayne place of the Zodiack in the which the vertue and force of any planet is by a certayne naturall excellency aduanced as it cōmeth to passe in the sunne who according to the iudgement of Ptolomey is exalted in Aries but chiefly according to the opiniō of others in the xix degree of the same And in that place hee is exalted because then hee beginneth to come toward the North and then the dayes beginne to encrease and to exceede the night But hee is abased and in his detriment or decay in the place where his enemye is exalted that is in the xix degree of Libra in the which place Saturne is exalted as likewise Saturne throwne downe and abased in the xix degree of Aries For as the sunne is the preseruer of Nature and Saturne the ruine and decay so are their eleuations and decayes cleane contrary In like sorte doth it happen betweene Iupiter and Mars for Iupiter is exalted in the xv degree of the Crabbe and abased in the lyke degree of Capricorne and Mars is exalted in the 28 degree of Capricorne and abased in the lyke degree of the Crabbe Venus hath her exaltation in the xxvii degree of Pisces and in the like degree of Virgo her fall Mercury hath his fall in the xv degree of Pisces and his exaltation in the like degree of Virgo Fynally the Moone is exalted in the thyrde degree of Taurus and abased in the lyke degree of Scorpio The head and tayle of the Dragon are lykewise exalted in certain places and abased in the contrary For as the head is exalted in the third degree of Geminy and the tayle in the thirde of Sagittary so is the head there abased and the tayle in Geminy Thus it is to be seene that the Planets haue their exaltations in such signes as doe beholde the signes of some one of their houses with an aspect of amitie whiche is partlye the cause that they are fortunate in those places as shall be hereafter declared And albeit the auncient Arabians haue placed the exaltation of the Planets in certayne perticuler degrees of the signes yet neuerthelesse following the minde of Ptolemey we will take the whole signes for the exaltation The Planets then being in those signes and degrees doe shewe their force in so muche that if any be borne they being in the like degrees they make him happy and fortunate working the contrary when they are in their fall and decay This essentiall dignitie succeeding and following the house hath giuen vnto him the number of foure Of the third essentiall dignitie that is of the Triplicitie AMongest the essentiall dignities of the Planets the Triplicitye hath the third place of the which as touching the diuision of the signes we haue already spoken where we intreated of their deuisions Now therefore we will speake of the planets and of their dominyon and gouernment which they haue ouer the triplicities as well by day as by night Euery triplicitie therefore is gouerned by three Planets whereof one gouerneth the day the other the night the third is common ayding and assisting both daye and night The first which is called the fiery Triplicitie is ruled and gouerned by the sunne by day by Iupiter by night and both day and night by Saturne and therefore is saturne called the common Dominator of that Triplicitie The second which is the earthly Triplicitie is likewyse ruled by Venus in the day by the Moone in the night both by day and night by Mars Saturne Mercury and Iupiter and Lordes of the thirde Triplicitie which is of the Ayre but the daye is subiect vnto Saturne the night to Mercury and both daye and nighte to Iupiter Fynally the Watry Triplicitie which is the fourth hath for their Lordes Venus Mars and the Moone Venus gouernour for the day Mars for the night and the Moone both for day and night This dignitie hath for his value three in number Of the fourth essentiall dignitie the termes or boundes of the Planets ALbeit that by a certayne orderly diuision euery signe is attributed vnto a proper house of some one Planet Neuerthelesse their partes and degrees are diuided agayne for the termes or boundes of the same Planets in the which diuision the Eg●ptians haue proceeded in this maner that is to say the first sixe degrees of Aries they giue vnto Iupiter for his terme or boūds the sixe degrees next following of the same signe vnto Venus and the eight degrees next ensuing vnto Mercury the other ten which remaine they diuide into two equal parts giuing the first fiue vnto Mars the other fiue vnto saturn in like maner the planets in all the other signs possesse certaine degree for their termes or bounds but for so much as it were too tedious to recite them presentlye they are drawne into a table heereunto anexed wherein is conteyned the other dignities also this may not bee let passe to bee noted that the two Lightes haue no certaine degrees for their termes or bounds but eche of them hath the one moytie or halfe of the Zodiacke the which doth serue them in place or steede of their termes or bounds the Sunne hath for his moytie or halfe that part which beginneth at the first degree of the Lyon vnto the last degree of Capricorne The other moytie which beginneth at the first degree of Aquarius and continueth to the end of the Crabbe is appoynted for the termes and boundes of the
touching brethren sisters cousines changes small iourneys Kindred fayth and religion Wherefore it is called the Goddesse And the Lordes of this triplicitie haue the same signification the first Lorde signifieth the greater or elder bretheren the seconde the middle the third the least or yongest Of the fourth called the house of parents By the fourth which is called the house of parēts we iudge of fathers houses landes and auntient heritages but not alwayes of those that are dead and of all thinges vnmoueable as of Castles and other like thinges by the same also wee doe gather a certayne and true iudgements of hidden treasures and all thinges hidden in the earth and finally of the end of all things By the Lordes of this triplicitie one shall know what will follow The first Lord giueth iudgement of the fathers By the second we know all thinges touching Castles and cities By the third the end of all thinges is determined Of the fifth house named the house of children The fyfth is named the house of children hath his signification of them of loue of Embassadors and messengers and of giftes The first Lord of that triplicity signifieth the children or their life The second loue The third Embassadors messengers or giftes Of the sixt house called the house of health or sickenesse The sixt house doth signifie infirmities and sicknesse seruauntes and maydes by the same also may be iudged all that shall happen before olde age also chaungings and remouings from place to place and all small beastes and cattell are signified By the first Lord of the triplicitie you shall knowe the maladies diseases and greefes that shall happen by them By the second you shall iudge of seruaunts And by the thirde of the profite and commoditie that shal come by them and of the small cattell with their multitude and store Of the seuenth house named Mariage or a Wife The seuenth house is the house of mariage women concentions warres publique enimies banishments robberies and it is the end of middle age It is also the house of buying and selling and of runawayes The firste Lorde of the Triplicitie giueth iudgemente of mariage and women the second of contentions the thirde of the lawfull or vnlawfull ioyning or coupling Of the eyghth called the house of death This house is the signifier of death labours sadnesse and heauinesse heritage of dead men and the end of the lyfe For which cause it is called the house of death The first Lorde of that triplicitie is Lorde of the death the seconde teacheth precepes and did auntient thinges and the thirde the heritages of the dea● Of the ninth called the house of Religion or God By the nynth house religion fayth visions wisedome the deitie the true worshipping rumours and tales dreames declarations of thinges to come Embassadors long iourneyes and the halfe of mans lyfe is foreknowne and it is called the house of Religion or God The firste Lorde of the triplicitye showeth the peregrinations or long iourneys with the accidents which shall happen in them The second Lord is the ruler of fayth and religiō with their accidents The third is the interpreter of dreames and the gouernour of wisedome Of the tenth house called the middle of the Heauen This tenth is a ryall house for by this we learne to iudge of empire and rule dignities offices arts mothers and of al thinges that are stolen and this is called the middle or angle of the heauen the first Lord of the triplicitie is moderator of the workes and aduauncements the seconde giueth dignitie and boldnesse the third signifieth the stabilitie or continuance of the dignities or aduauncements Of the eleuenth house which is called the good spirite The eleuenth house is the house of hope trust confidence of footemen of the ayde and helpe of the King of him which is most in fauour with the king Of this house also is iudgement taken for prayse and commendation The first Lorde of the triplicitie is the giuer of confidence and boldnesse The second of labours The third is the foundation of al the commodities and profites that comes of the laboures Of the twelfth house which is called the ill spirite This twelfth house which is called the euil spirite giueth a true and determinate iudgemente of priuie and secrete enenimies Deceyuers enuious persons imprisonmentes euill thoughts whisperinges greate beastes and cattell and of all thinges good and euill which happen in the trauell of women and of harlots The first Lord of the triplicitie is Lorde of the secrete enimies The second of the labours and sorrowes and the thirde of the bease and Cattell and these are the cheefe poyntes breefely touched diligently to be committed to memory touching the significations of the twelue houses By what meanes the other signification of the houses may be found out CAP. 14. NOW hauing thorowly considered and wayed the first and principall significations of the houses it is easie to finde the rest numbring them successiuely according to the natural order and progression of the signes the second house doth alwaies giue certaine iudgementes of the substance or riches of the house that goeth before him The third house of the brethren the fourth of the father and heritage and other significations pertinent vnto the fourth house The fifte house of Children the sixte of infirmities and seruauntes the seuenth of wiues and women the eyght of death the ninth of religion the tenth of rule and dominion the eleuenth of friends the twelfth giueth iudgement of secret enimies wherupon they are named with these names life hope goodes or brethren parentes children health wife death religion or God The middle of the heauen the good spirite and the euill spirite by these names and places as Julius Firmicus affirmeth iudgement is giuen vpon the whole byrth of man the which if they be diligently looked vpon and marked what dominion the Planets haue in them there is nothing whereof you shall not be able to giue true iudgement These significations are not onely gathered beginning at the assendent but also take their beginning at euery house whereby it comes to passe that the other houses haue more diuers and almost infinite significations wherfore that this doctrine may the better be vnderstanded we wil giue you an example of the first and second house Of the first house For so much as the first house is the second from the twelfth it giueth iudgement of the substance riches and seruantes of the secret enemies and forsomuch as it is the thirde house from the eleuenth it signifieth the brethren of friendes and other things which the third house doth signifie And bycause it is the fourth from the tenth house it ruleth the fathers of Kinges and their heritages and castles it signifieth also the children of religious parsons bycause it is the fifth from the ninth house it hath also rule ouer seruantes and sickenesse of familiars and open enimies and of women that doe not dwell with their
husbandes bycause it is the sixte house from the eyght and because it is the seuenth from the seuenth house it signifieth the wifes of open enimies Touching the death of seruants also it giueth iudgement bicause it is in the eyght place from the sixt house it sheweth also the religion and long iourneys of children being the ninth house from the fifth likewise beeing the fourth house from the tenth it sheweth the dignities and aduauncements of the fathers it declareth also the friendes of brethren being the eleuenth from the third house and finally it sheweth the secret enimies of the ministers or seruants bicause it is the twelfth from the second house Of the second house By like reason and order the seconde house giueth iudgement of the brethren and sistern of the open enimies also it representeth the fathers of friendes bicause it is the fourth house from the eleuenth it gouerneth likewise the children of Kinges beeing the fifth from the centh it giueth iudgemente also of seruauntes and sickenesse of religious persons as that which by naturall order hath the sixth place from the ninth by this the wife 's of our famylyars and enemies are knowne as being the house of mariage and the seuenth from the eyght but the eyght house hath not this signification of his owne proper nature but because it is the second succeeding the seuenth house which doth principally signifie wifes and enimies by the second the cause of the death of the wifes is knowne because it possesseth the eyght place from the seuenth house also the religion of seruants and their long iourneys are knowne by the second house because it is the nynth from sixt The dignitie or aduauncement of the children is gathered from it because it is the tenth from the fift house it signifieth also the friends and estate of fathers being the eleuenth from the fourth house Fynally it signifieth the secrete enemyes of brethren because it is the twelfth house from the third and in this sort we must iudge of the other houses notwithstanding these significations doe stretch it further as if any mā would axe in what house the substaunce or riches of the Vncles is to be placed Fyrst it is to be considered what house hath the dominyon or rule of Vncles That it may be the better knowne you muste looke whiche of the 12 houses is the thirde to the fourth house because the fourth house doth signifie the father and the third house from any other house doth signifie the brethren Therefore the sixt house which is the third house from the fourth doth signifie the Vncles on the fathers behalfe and the substaunce and riches of the Vncles is contained in the seuenth house because it is the seconde house to the sixt There may many other and diuers significations be founde in euerye house the which who so doth vnderstand rightlye that whiche already is spoken shal easily finde it out Wherefore for breuities sake wee will goe in hande to speake of other matters briefly How to finde out the Lord of any house which of the Arabians is called Almuten Cap. 15. HAuing declared as breefely as maye be the signification of the 12 houses we wil also according to the doctrine of the auncient astronomers showe you the meane and wayes to find out that Planet which shall rule in euery of them the which of the Arabians is called the Almuten in Latine Dominum and in English the Lord beginning therefore with the diffinition of the name this ●lmuten is as much to say as vanquishing or surmounting and therefore is called the Lord. The Lord therefore of the ascendent or of another house is the planet which hath most dignities or greatest strength in that place If then thou desire to know what planet is Lord of the ascendent looke what signe and what degree of the signe is in the beginning of the firste house If with that signe and that degree you doe enter into the table of the dignities of the planets and place your Index vpon the degree of the signe found out by and by vnder the index directlye vnder the lyne of the same shall appeare all the dignities of the planets as for example if a question be opposed whose ascendent is the fifte degree of Aries you woulde know the Lord therof placing your index vpon the fift degree of Aries in the table of the dignities of the Planets I doe see the Sunne to bee exalted in Aries and therfore to haue foure vertues Then you see that although the exaltation of the Sunne be in the 19 degree of Aries yet it stretcheth throughout the whole signe as the exaltations of the other Planetes doe hee hath also a dignitie of a triplicitie bycause the question is by daye and therfore hath three vertues but Mars bicause Aries is his house he hath there fiue dignities and one by a face Iupiter also Lorde of a terme hath there two dignities the Sunne therefore is Lorde or almuten of the ascendent bycause he doth excell with most dignities for he doth surmount by the dignities of the exaltation and triplicitie hauing foure giuen him for his exaltation and three for the triplicitie which are seuen Mars hath sixe dignities fiue for his house one for his face Iupiter hath onely two for his terme but if that two Planets be found hauing like dignitie in the same place then must it be marked if any of them be in the ascendent within 2. 3. or 4. degrees neere to the beginning of the first house for the planet although it had but two degrees shal be Lord and the other although he had all the dignities that he might haue in the same place yet bicause of his absence he shal not be Lord if none of them be in the ascendent then looke if they doe behold the ascendent for he which beholdeth it with the better or stronger aspect shal be Lord if none of them do behold the ascendent or be equall in aspects then which of them is strongest in the heauen that is if one of them be in an angle the other in a succeeding house or one in a succeeding the other in a falling house that which is in the angle or succeding house shal be adiudged the Almuten or Lord. If it stil happen that they be equall in dignities then looke whiche of them is in degree most agreeable to his nature as if it shoulde bee a masculine planet in a masculine degree a feminine in a feminine or in a light darke deepe voyd azemene or degrees that doth increase fortune then which of them shall appeare strongest shall be the Lord Fynally if they be in all poynts alike then the house is preferred before the other dignities and the exaltation before the triplicitie the Triplicitie before the tearme and the tearme before the face as for example A question being preposed for the daye time Whose ascendent is the two and twentith degree of Aries the Lord whereof you