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A00700 A learned astronomical discourse, of the iudgement of natiuities Deuided into three bookes, and dedicated first to Katherin the French Queene, by Oger Ferrier her physition. Translated by Thomas Kelway Gentleman.; Jugemens astronomiques sur les nativités. English Ferrier, Auger, 1513-1588.; Kelway, Thomas. 1593 (1593) STC 10833; ESTC S102052 72,919 126

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or in merchandise or office The Sextiles aspects make the same effects which the trynes make except that the Sextiles bee not of so perfect vertue The Quadrate aspect of Saturne and Iupiter signifieth losse of patrimoniall goods great aduersities hinderaunces in all enterprises vaine cogitations principally when Saturne is eleuated ouer Iupiter without receiuing hym The quadrate of Saturne and Mars signifieth asmuch and further maketh knowne the death of brethren The quadrate of Saturne and the Sunne out of the sayd significations bringeth great damage to the honour and spoyleth the body with cold diseases and contractions of the sinowes and maketh the father die before the mother and yeeldeth the chyld not agreeable to his father The quadrate of Saturne with Venus denoteth losse of goods pouertie myserable fortune to women vnciuility when Saturne holdeth the right part of the aspect For when Venus holdeth it the chyld shall be shame faced and of good manners and hys wiues shall loue hym effectually although they dissemble theyr loue and wyll gouerne in the house The quadrate of Saturne Mercury maketh the man laborous a seruaunt of poore councell deafe or of ill hearing stutting or euill spoken pursued of enuie The quadrate of Saturne and of the Moone maketh the man slothfull sickly euill graced full of care without friendes a disperser of the goods of hys mother and of his wiues The quadrate of Iupiter and Mars if Iupiter be mightiest it signifieth that the chyld shall be esteemed praised and honoured of Princes Kings and that he shall haue perseueraunce in all hys enterprises with profit alwayes he shal lose and dysperse his inheritances and possessions and shall see the death or destruction of his children If Mars be most eleuate he signifieth sutes debates and losses by meanes of great Lords and a troublesome lyfe The quadrate of Iupiter with the Sunne if Iupiter bee the Superior honour profit and good fortune to the Father If the Sunne be Superior the child shal disperse his goods and shall not be beloued of hys neighbours and shall goe out of his Country The quadrate of Iupiter and Venus profit by women faithfulnes honesty ciuility when Iupiter is most highest When he is inferiour lust deceite by women inconstancie ioy incontinently turned into sadnes when Venus is not receiued by Iupiter The quadrate of Iupiter and Mercury signifieth the man skilfull a Mathematician a Sorcerer Sooth-sayer abounding in seruaunts very faythfull and very rich principally when Mercurie is receyued by Iupiter The quadrate of Iupiter and the Moone of good renowne great honours in knowledge and loue of great Lords with a little vnconstant of Fortune and of maners The quadrate of Mars with the Sunne signifieth many euils losse of goods darknes of the eyes and in great daunger of violent death or publique The quadrate of Mars with Venus great troubles tribulations by reason of women of base condition or impudent somewaies defamed when Mars is in a moueble signe The quadrate of Mars with Mercurie weakenes of all the body prysons pursutes accusations false nature of the chyld wyth malice and iniquitie The quadrate of Mars and the Moone signifieth the mother to be weake and of a very short lyfe and the child an euill boy prodigall vnconstant poore and which shal die myserably and of the which the wiues shalbe proud arrogant and terrible The quadrate of the Sunne and Venus signifieth that which the quadrate of Iupiter and Venus signifieth The quadrate of Sol Mercury signifieth that which the quadrate of Iupiter and Mercury signifieth The quadrate of the Sunne with the Moone augmenteth the dignities and the honors giueth enuiousnes The quadrate of Venus and Mercury maketh the man diligent industrious in his office well renowned but he shal receiue some infamy by reason of women The quadrate of Venus and Luna maketh him verie rich and happy in his profession eloquent gracious very happy in wiues chyldren but hee shal haue some losse of good and honour by reason of women The quadrate of Mercury with Luna maketh him skilfull ingenious vnconstant of manners and of fortunes which in a common sedition shall be taken or shal be accused by many of his conspirators The Opposition of Saturne Iupiter signifieth great troubles a thousande mischiefes and tribulations depriued of chyldren If Saturne be in the ascendant and Iupiter in the seauenth house the beginning of hys life shall bee with paynes trybulations and torments and the ende with repose profite and honour The opposition of Saturne and Mars without aspect of Iupiter and Venus denote great troubles common seditions and conspyrations against the sayd man many dyseases intollerable ruines falles perrils by water violent death or pestilence and a miserable father The opposition of Saturne and Sol without aspect of Iupiter maketh the man sickly sad full of thoughts full of tribulations with great losse of goods and daunger of violent death The opposition of Saturne and Venus maketh hym euill disposed depriued of beauty and of vertue lecherous infamous by reason of women The opposition of Saturne and Mercury an imperfect speech seperation of brethren knowledge and science The opposition of Saturne and Luna dispertion of hys mothers goods gryefes happening to the mother troubles and tribulations with great danger of violent death according to the nature of the signe wherein Luna is The opposition of Iupiter and Mars rashnes dispertion of goods enemy to them which haue beene friendes vnconstant fortune The opposition of Iupiter Sol maketh him disperse his fathers goods sell his offices and his honor The opposition of Iupiter and Venus signifieth vnconstant friendes vngratitude of them where hee hath doone good otherwise sufficient fortune The opposition of Iupiter and Mercurie common seditions enuies conspirations strifes sutes enmitie of brethren of the which he shall see the death The opposition of Iupiter with Luna sufficient fortune after long trauaile The opposition of Mars and of the Sunne spoyle of the eyes maketh him to be killed or fal from on high maketh him disperse his patrimony his father die quickly The opposition of Mars and Venus yeeldeth the man voluptuous an a little vicious weak vnconstant and maketh his wife and children to die in signes tropiques maketh him marry wiues of base condition or otherwise defamed The opposition of Mars and Mercury without aspect of Iupiter maketh the man a falsefyer of euill conscience accompanied with euil chyldren accused of many crimes for the which hee shall be a fugitiue or banished principally if Mercury be in the houses of Saturne The opposition of Mars and the Moone signifieth spoyle of the eyes and the body by blowes and hurts and other sicknesses and gyueth great aduersities maketh him hate marriage and causeth violent death and often Canon principally when the Moone increaseth in the angles wyth sufficient aspect of fortunes The opposition of the Sun of Venus and of Mercurie signifie that which
maketh him variable If the part of the spirite be in the signe of the Lyon at the byrth of a Christian hee shall be very constant in hys religion if the Sunne be fortunate if he be vnfortunate by Saturne to goe from his fayth and to addresse it to that of the Iewes If he be vnfortunate by Mars it maketh him more to encline to the lawe of the Turkes and Mahometists If the said part be in the houses of Saturne at the natiuitie of a Iewe or in the houses of Mars at the natiuitie of a Turke they shall denie theyr lawe if the sayd lords of the sayd part be retrogrades or otherwise ill disposed Saturne in the nynth at the natiuitie of a Iewe doth nothing diminish his faith Saturne in the said house when he is fortunate signifieth Dreames to be true Mars and the tayle of the Dragon signifie them vaine and false The other significators doe aslure them to be true CHAP. XXVII Of the action and profession HOW to knowe of what profession the childe shall be you must chiefely consider if any Planet be in the tenth house for he shal be Significator of the profession otherwise you must come to the part of Fortune and to his lord to the part of the profession and to his lord to the tenth house and to his lord and to the places of Mars Mercurie and Venus The Planet that vpon these places shal haue the most dignities shalbe Significator of the profession The which if it be Saturne it shall signifie a Husbandman a good house-keeper a Receiuer of rents and many times a Gouernour of Townes when he is in angles fortunate Iupiter denoteth the officers Iudges Benefices Prelates Byshops Gouernours of the goods of the Church Mars signifieth Captaines men of warre Coyners Forgeours and other that vse to worke with fire and yron and Phisitions when he is in the aspect of Venus Sol representeth Princes Lords Magistrates Hunters Treasurers and Archers Venus Players Dauncers Perfumers Appothecaries and in aspect of Mars Phisitions Mercurie Aduocates Notaries Registers Poets Rymers Phylosophers Mathematicians Diuiners wryters Messengers and traders The Moone Embassadors Counsellers Consuls Rulers of Common wealth Trauailers Hunters If there be many Significators or if the principall bee coupled with many Planets you must mingle the significations of the one and of the other and of the said mixture gather together the profession comming of the concurrence of the starres You must also consider in what house the sayde Significators be if they be within the second the profession shall be of feates of merchandize and traffiques if within the third or ninth of feates of religion or gathering the goods of the Church If in angles of Dominations gouernments If in the fift of Embassages legations and other things of pleasure If in the sixt of feates of diseases of seruaunts and of Cattell c. If the part of the honour comming of the profession be with his Lord fortunate the Infant shall obtayne great credite and honour because of his profession If they be vnfortunate if hee doe neuer so well he shall neuer gayne to himselfe honor in the feates of his profession CHAP. XXVIII Of dignities offices and honours FOR the dignities offices charges and honors you must haue respect to the tenth house to the luminaries temporall to the part of noblenes to the part of gouernment to the part of Magistrates others appertaining to the tenth house with theyr Lordes The Planet that in the sayde places shall haue most dignities shall be Significator of the sayd considerations in good or euill according to his good or euill disposition particulerly also you must follow the sayde places one after another to know of what side principally the sayde dignities offices and honours ought to come Saturne in the tenth house or in the ascendant in natiuities by day signifieth great aduauncement and honour after thirty yeeres when he is not euill disposed in natiuities by night it denoteth continuall feare to receiue damage of Princes and Kings Mars in the sayde places in natiuities by night signifieth also great aduauncement by day more then Saturne The part of gouernment and his Lorde within any of the angles witnes great fauour of Kings Likewise you must iudge of the other part that we haue deducted vpon the tenth house Mercurie in the tenth well disposed and fortunate promiseth dignities offices and honours by reason of knowledge Venus and the Moone because of women Iupiter for hys vertue The Sunne and the head of the Dragon in the same house denoteth as much The two luminaries in theyr houses or exaltations placed in the figure of Heauen doe denote great aduauncement honour That which Iupiter dooth also when hee receiueth the vertue of all the other Planets communicateth hys owne to Saturne and the Sunne and the fortunes and the luminaries when they be in the angles of Heauen Manie Planets in the fourth house denoteth great honour after death If in the poynts of the angles be any fixed starre of the first or second greatnes or other hauing the nature of lumynaries it is a great signe of incredible aduancement That which happeneth also when the sayd starres be ioyned to the lumynaries temporall or to the parte of Fortune or to his Lord or to the Planets and parts that bee in the angles They which haue Saturne in the tenth burnt or the Lord of the tenth burnt or be by Saturne oppressed or that haue the tayle of the Dragon in the tenth receiue commonly some forme of dishonour and often be depriued of theyr estate vvhen the Fortunes doe not intermingle theyr fauourable beames except when they be also vnfortunate in theyr proper houses or exaltations or in the signes of Aries and the Lyon You must note that Saturne Mars hinder greatly the good fortunes vntil that the man hath passed the number of yeres corrispondent to the number of the smal yeres of the said Planets and if they hinder any more time it shal bee vntill that the man shall accomplish the number of yeeres aunswering to the number of degrees of the ouerthwart ascentions of the Signe in the which they shall be at the natiuity CHAP. XXIX Of companions and Friendes YOV must for the Companions and Friendes haue respect to Iupiter the eleuenth house the parte of friendes the part of honourable companions The Planet hauing most dignities in the said places shal be principall Significator of friends the which after hys good or euill disposition shall denote honourable faythfull and profitable friendes or vnprofitable disloyal and of base condition Iupiter and the Sunne in the said house signifie honourable companies and profitable so dooth Venus the Moone and Mercurie also in the saide place Saturne in the eleuenth fortunat witnesseth graue friends auncient and honourable Mars men of warre Captaines and Lords Saturne or Mars in the eleuenth out of their principal dignities depriued of the beames of the fauourable Planets signifie
of the marriage of men by day and by night from the Sunne vnto Venus is from the ascendant The part of the marriage of women by day by night from Venus to Saturne is from the ascendant The part of marriage common to men to women by day and by night is from Venus vnto the poynt of the seauenth house accounting from the ascendant The part of kindred by day and by night from Saturne vnto Venus is from the ascendant The part of discord agreement by day is from Mars to Iupiter from the ascendant by night to the contrary Of the eight The part of death by day and by night from the Moone vnto the degree of the eyght house taken vpon the equalitie of the Eclipse accounting from the place o● Saturne The part of the mortall Planet by day is from the Lord of the ascendant vnto the Moone from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of the perrillous yeere of death or pouerty or of any other mis-fortune by day and by night is from Saturne vnto the Lord of the fore-said coniunction or opposition of the light from the ascendant The part of all enuies by day is from Saturne vnto Mars by night to the contrary accounting frō the place of Mercurie Of the ninth The part of fayth and of religion by day is from the Moone vnto Mercurie from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of waies by land by day and by night is from the Lord of the ninth vnto the ninth taken vpon the equalitie of the Eclipse from the ascendant The part of trauaile by water by day is from Saturne vnto the fifteenth degree of Cancer from the ascendant at night to the contrary If Saturne doe meete in the sayde fifteenth degree of Cancer he shall be signifier of this part with the ascendant Of the tenth The part of nobilitie by day is from the Sunne vnto the nineteenth degree of Aries accounting from the ascendant by night from the Moone vnto the third degree of Taurus If the Moone by night be in the said degree of Taurus or the Sunne by day in the said degree of Aries they shall be signifiers of the said part The part of gouernment by day is from Mars vnto the Moone from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of Magistrates as the part of the vnderstanding written vpon the first house The part of conquest victorie as the parte of father The part of suddaine aduauncement by day is from Saturne vnto the part of Fortune from the ascendant by night to the contrary If Saturne be burned take in hys place Iupiter The part of estimation by day and by night is from Mercurie vnto the Sunne accounting from the ascendant The part of gouernments and seates of warre by day is from Mars vnto Saturne from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of the profession and action by day and by night is from Saturne vnto the Moone frō the ascendant The part of honour proceeding of the profession by day and by night is from the degree of the Sunne vnto the degree of the tenth house from the ascendant The part of the industry of the hands by day is from Mercurie to Venus from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of the feare of Merchandize by day is from the part of the spirite vnto the part of Fortune from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of felicitie and profit by day is from the part of Fortune vnto Iupiter from the ascendant by night to the contrary The part of the mother by day is from Venus vnto the Moone from the ascendant by night to the contrary Of the eleuenth The part of friendes by day and by night is from Mercurie to the Moone from the ascendant The part of praise by day is from Iupiter vnto Venus from the ascendant by night to the contrarie The part of honourable companies by day is from the part of Fortune vnto the Sunne from the ascendant by night to the contrary Of the twelfth The part of enemies by day by night is from the lord of the xij house vnto the said xij taken vpon the equalitie of the Eclipse from the ascendant The second part of enemies as the part of diseases inseperable written in the sixt house The part of paine trauaile and affliction by day and by night is frō the part of the spirite vnto the part of fortune CHAP. V. Of the latitudes and aspects of the Planets HAuing applyed the Planets in the saide figure and ordained as we haue said in the former chapter the parts proceeding of the proportions of the said Planets you must consequently draw out of the Ephemerides theyr latitudes put apart all the aspects which is among them and towardes the said parts and xij houses also the radiations after the last proposition of the booke of Directions of Iohn de Regiomonte vpon the which note that the aspects opposites haue alwaies diuers latitudes to them of their Planets although they keepe the same number As if Saturne had two degrees of latitude septentrionall his opposition hath two degrees of latitudes meridionall The quadrant aspect hath no latitude for it falleth alwaies vpon the Eclipse The Trine aspect retaineth the halfe of the number of the latitude in contrary part for if a Planet haue one degree of latitude meridionall his trine shall haue thirtie minutes of latitude septentrionall The Sextile retaineth the same side with the halfe of the number You must also note that these aspects of Saturne and of Iupiter doe not extend but vnto nine degrees or for the most longest vnto twelue those of Mars vnto eyght or for the most part to tenne The Sunne extendeth his beames to xv degrees Venus and Mercurie almost to eyght The Moone vnto twelue the head taile of the Dragon likewise extend their forces vnto twelue degrees Moreouer it is to be noted that the opposition is a plaine aspect and perfect enmity the Quadrate of lesse enmity the Trine of perfect loue the Sextile of imperfect loue That which alwaies receiueth exception in Iupiter and Venus of the which opposites and quadrate aspects profit the Sunne the Moone with reception or without reception and to others also with reception CHAP. VI. Of the fortunes and infortunes of the Planets and parts of Heauen AFter this you must consider the forces weakenesse of the Planets parts and Houses and conferring the ones significations with the other you must collect the fortunes and infortunes of euerie place as followeth Heere followeth the infortunes The Planets and other places of the Heauen be called vnfortunate when they be burned vnder the beames of the Sunne Burnings are called Saturne and Iupiter when betweene them the Sunne they haue lesse then twelue degrees Mars when he is burned of the Sunne hath at the least xj degrees and a halfe Venus and Mercurie when they be neere
Rentes Of diseases scabbes gaules infirmyties of the skinne hinderaunces of the hearing of the voyce of the eyes issues of blood in the lower parts Of colours blacke and earthly Of sauours the bitter and astringent Of Regions Macedonia Thracia Indea Brandebourge Anchone Fauence Tortonne Ausburge Constans Gand Malnies Of particular places Gardens Fountaynes Riuers Fields tilled Land plowed Prisoners Caues Obscure places deepes and full of fewmes and vapours Aquarius gouerneth ouer the left parte of the Occident ouer the ayre ouer the blood ouer the legges ouer the middle of Winter And signifieth fayre men fayer somwhat long faced the face somwhat red the brest or the elbowes marked and men Curteous Scotiable Couetous Prudent giuen to the actes of Saturnins Of diseases quarterne feuers the blacke iaunders c. Of Colours the greene and darke yellow Sauours sweete Of Countries Arabia Ethiopia Sarinatia Oxione Tartaria Denmarke Picmount Mountferrat Pisaure Of particular places Lakes Pondes Close places Caues Sepulchers and infamous houses Pisces gouerneth ouer the right part of the Septentrion ouer the water phlegme aquisits and ouer the feete and ouer the end of winter And signifieth men of whitish colour delicate faire foreheaded fayre breasted faire bearded the eyes open and indifferent great and indifferent sickly Fishers and Nauigators Of diseases gaules vppon the skinne vlcers and deformed spottes vppon the skinne payne in the feete Of Colours the greene white mixtures Of sauors salt and fresh Of Regions Lydia Lycia Cicilia Pamphilia Calabria Normandie Rattisbone Roane Compostella Of particular places port of the Sea heades of Riuers Pondes and watrish places CHAP. III. Of that which the Plannets signifie in the sayde Signes SAturne in his signes of Capricorne and Aquarius in Natiuities by day giueth knowledge and loue of noble men and of credit and great riches principally in the Ascendant with the part of Fortune and maketh the man graue prudent proude and mellanchollie and first of all his bretheren or most aduaunced In Natiuities by night giueth great payne and trauayle and many diseases Iupiter in the sayd signe maketh the man of little courage vnfortunate in the goodes of the Church otherwise of small riches or alwayes poore Mars maketh him bolde a great enterpriser of matters and not in vayne and maketh him see the death of his bretheren The Sunne in the natiuities by day signifieth that hee shall be perfect and happie in all his enterprises In natiuities by night that he shall haue vnconstant fortune Venus maketh him an Adulterer and effeminate and denoteth that his wiues shall not liue long Mercurie causeth him to haue impeachment in his tongue and maketh the man euill spoken otherwise and which haunteth the companie of men of knowledge and of Religion The Moone maketh the man too slowthfull and one of euill estimation and his mother also and signifieth imbicillitie of the eyes and great coughes In the houses of Iupiter ♐ ♓ Saturne in the houses of Iupiter which bee Sagitarius Pisces maketh the man fayer rich mighty and faithfull in natiuities by day In natiuities by night strife against men of authoritie and neere the death of his Father Iupiter signifieth riches honour great creditte and offices Mars yeeldeth the men noble gouernours in warres friendes of Princes The Sunne maketh them beneficed men prelats officers and more aduaunced then any of their familie they shalbe alwayes greatly couetous Venus giueth them goodes of the Church or of the side of women and maketh them discreet honest among the which they shall haue great strife against theyr parents famylies and friendes Mercurie maketh them iust men of good estimation which by their proper vertue shall come to the knowledge loue of great Lordes and Kings The Moone yeeldeth them chiefe and most honored among their friendes maketh them also couetous sound and of long life In the house of Mars ♈ ♏ Saturne giueth great anger and cruell malice Iupiter maketh the man happie and afriende of great Lordes and a Conductor of warres principall in the signe of Aries Mars within his houses signifieth Captaines Gouernours in warres and great Lordes The Sunne hote diseases in the signe of Scorpio in the signe of Aries great aduauncement Venus denoteth luxurie and all voluptuous villanie but against nature and euill dealing to women Alwayes in the signe of Aries she maketh him hate women principally if the moone be in the same signe and if the sunne be in a masculine signe Mercurie maketh the man a lyer an euill person a deceiuer a babler and a demaunder of vniust thinges otherwise eloquent subtle in his affayres diligent suspicious a nigromancer a little false or a theefe The moone denoteth euill companions in perill of being drowned and short end by the sea In the houses of the Sunne ♌ Saturne in the signe of Leo being a house of the Sunne sygnifieth good Fortune and long life to the father Iupiter maketh the man wise of good spirite of good nature amiable which by vertue shall come to the knoweledge and loue of great Kinges and princes Mars denoteth violent death great sicknesses losse of goodes infirmyties of the eyes and of the Stomacke The Sunne in his sayde house signifieth great and incredible aduauncement in Angles or Houses succedant when the Natiuitie is by daye VVhen it is by night sygnifieth Sadnesse Enuies and a short ende of the Father Venus great loue great couetousnes and impudent life when Iupiter dooth not regard her Mercurie good writers men of knowledge good memorie and of great councell The moone honourable companions and viuacitie of the spirite In the houses of Venus ♉ ♎ Saturne denoteth impudent life loue of maydes women of small discretion diseases by reason of leacherie Iupiter honourable companions loue of great lordes profit by the side of women or Ecclesiasticall goodes or comming by the men of the Church Mars furious men raueshers of women shamelesse in their leacherie vnto the constraynings of their parents friendes In the signe of Taurus maketh the man false and trayterous In the signe of Libra denoteth some hurt by irō or fire The Sunne maketh him contēplatiue iust interperter of dreames curious in the secreets of nature and a louer of pilgrimages Venus signifieth ioyfulnes great prosperity happy in effecting his enteprises but he shal loue womē reprehended Mercurie giueth many good profitable friendes and yeeldeth the man pleasant ioyfull and a musitian The moone giueth profit by women In the houses of Mercurie ♊ ♍ Saturne maketh the man verye skilfull wise and of great iudgement which hath enuious menne pursuing him an impediment in his speach his anger violent Iupiter maketh him also skilfull or a marchant a man of good fayth and more rich then his parents Mars slowthfull prudent subtile men of warre Sagitarius busie fellowes counterfeytors of letters and forgers The sunne giueth aboundance of knowledge aswell in matters of iudgements as in mathematickes Venus companies loue of men of the Church otherwise
is the house of Mercurie or of other things answerable to the nature of the Lord of the ix house The head of the Dragon variable dreames honour and profit in trauayle Ecclesiasticall goods The tayle lacke of Fayth terrible Dreames perillous iorneys and full of enuie and little honour in his profession In the tenth house Saturne out of his principall dignities signifieth short life of the mother manye ill fortunes Sighes Playnts imprysonments If the tenth house be in the signe of Leo and any of the Lumynaries bee with Saturne hee shall die in pryson If Saturne be with Iupiter in the houses of Iupiter hee shall be condempned of wronge If hee be with Mars in the houses of Mars hee shalbe condemned according to his crime If hee be with Mercurie hee shall dye a verye shamefull death by false witnesses If with Venus and Mars he shalbe whipped racked condemned to dye Saturne in his house or exaltation in the tenth house dooth licence dignities preheminence and gouernment Iupiter great honor in his profession ecclesiasticall dignities and great renowne Mars out of his principall dignities maketh a man terrible cruell seditious quarelsome arrogant a despiser of his goodes vsurper of the goodes of other hated of Father mother bretheren and other and many tymes to be imprysoned and punished by iustice In his house or exaltation it maketh him valyant hardie couragious in feats of armes In the houses of Iupiter well disposed and regard of Fortunes maketh him a Presedent Councellor or soueraigne Iudge Sol giueth honour offices dignities preheminences rules gouernments great credit and fauour of many great Lords in estimation of the common people honour in profession with riches and great goodes principally if he be in fierie Signes and if the child be poore and of base condicion hee lifteth him vp to honour and great dignities Venus honour in his profession goodes of Princes and great Lordes great credit long life of the mother with prosperitie and honour Mercurie maketh him a Chauncellor Secretary Councellor President put in great dignities skilfull in Arithmaticke Geometrie and Astrologie well renowned rich and abounding in goodes If hee be vnfortunate by Mars hee shall come to an euill ende for hauing taken too much vppon him or for taking quarrells against his betters Luna signifieth prayse and honor of great Lordes shall be happy in all enterprises and esteemed in all the Worlde The head of the Dragon signifieth as Iupiter The tayle maketh him receiue dishonour and losse of his calling and falling from an highe and denoteth the shorte life of the Mother In the eleauenth house Saturne out of his principall dignities betokneth acquaintance and to be a companion with men defamed and of base condicion mischieuous sadnesse of friendes vaine hope to come to things vndertaken difficultie in affayres losse of frindes if hee bee in his house or exaltation he giueth loue of Saturnityes as by great ancient Lords Iupiter maketh him happy in all his deuoyres giueth fauour of great Lordes great creditte aboundaunce of friendes aduancement by friendes riches fayre children of the which the first shalbe a Maior Mars in his house or exaltation loue by men of warre fortunate in feats of armes out of those places signifieth dispayre vnhappy enterprises losse of friendes enmitie with his friends he shall not be loyall to his lords friendes by which shall ensue great damage Sol happy enterprises goods honor dignities by meanes of friends which shalbe men of authority great lordes Venus giueth good friends which shall bee honorable men and of good authoritie of good will signifying good fortune happy enterprises many children Mercurie knowledge and company loue of men of knowledge and vertue and good renowne amonge friends happy enterprises Luna giueth good riches honor good renowne good friends which shalbe great lordes happy enterprises The head of the Dragon that which Iupiter signifieth The tayle that which Saturne Mars signifieth In the twelfth Saturne out of his principall dignities maketh vnhappye in Horses and other great Beastes from the which hee shall fall and receaue hurte and signifieth feare of iustice imprysonment or exile In his House or Exaltation victorye agaynst his enemies good Fortune in Horses and other Beastes fitte for burthen and labour Iupiter out of his principall dignities mighty enemies and Aduersaries of men in authoritie imprysonment exile condemnation pouertie well dignified hee signifieth the contrary Mars the fall from Horses hurte or other damage by beastes aboundance of enemies imprisonment slaunders a thousand persecutions great euill in leggs feete Sol good fortune in Horses and other great Beastes great persecution by enemyes greate Lordes mighty confiscation and losse of goodes imprysonment exile slaunder false witnes euill reporte condemned to a great fine depriuation of his estate by peruerted trayterous and how should seruants Venus giueth good Fortune to Horse strife and enmytie to Women disprayse in marriage mischieuous and euill renowne because of Women principallye if they bee euill condicioned and defamed an impudent Louer of Women defamed for the which he shalbe imprysoned and suffer great dishonour If shee be in the signe of Virgo or Capricorne or of Aquarius ioyned with the Sunne and Saturne or to Mars signifieth great perill of death by loue Mercurie giueth great knowledge principally in sciences that shall bring small profit maketh a man a philosopher mathematician ready in al knowledge a litle foolish by reason of the lightnes of the spirite hauing manie enemies giuen to voluptuousnesse euill fortune hated by men of knowledge likely to be slaundered and imprisoned If Saturne be well disposed he giueth good fortune in horses and other beastes Luna giueth many enemies which dayly shall grow increase if she be vnfortunate signifieth imprisonment exile if she be burnt ioyned with Saturne or Mars the child shalbe euer miserable and of a short life which shall receiue hurt by beastes of like proportion and dyeth by plague to be killed or drowned If shee be fortunate it betokeneth escape from all these euills The head of the Dragō betokeneth that which Iupiter The tayle damage by beastes of like proportion and ruine by enemies And generally when a Planet is well dignified or otherwise well disposed and regarded of fortunes within the sayd houses it signifieth good lucke in all significations of the sayd houses but when it is vnfortunate it yeeldeth mischiefe in all the sayde significations CHAP. VIII The significations of the Lordes of the houses by the places of the figure THE Lord of the first house within the first Fortune betokneth long life health of bodye goodes and riches by his owne proper meanes honour of his parents In the second riches In the third often voiages agreement and concorde with his bretheren In the iiij inheritaunces houses and goodes vnmouable And it noteth that he shalbe a great builder a planter of vines and trees a medler with mines
the seauenth sicknesse by Women of strifes and suites and strife betweene his seruauntes and him In the eight death by reason of seruauntes In the ninth sicke out of his Countrey by trauayle In the tenth sicknesse by ouer-trauayle in his Profession or by ouer-labouringe for honour In the xi acquayntaunce of men vnknown and sicknes by meanes of friends In the xii sicknesse by meanes of enemies and of imprisonment and enemies of his owne Seruaunts The lorde of the vii in the first signifieth gavne by traffique peace and agreement by exercise of phisicke Astrologie and that he shalbe well loued of his wife and haue goodes with her but hee shalbe quarrelsome and haue suites In the ii short life of his wife suites for her goodes riches in the iij. strife suites against friends kinsfolkes and they shall loue his wife impudently In the iiij inheritaunce by women suites against parents In the v. a young Wife honest and vertuous beloued of her husband and suite against his children In the vi strife for cattell and seruaunts marriage with some woman of base condition or noted of some infamy proper to himselfe and parents In the vij suits for women housholdestrife profit and to agree and communicate his goodes In the viij strife for inheritaunce great goodes by women In the ix strife and accusations for matters of fayth marriage with a straunge woman In the x. trouble for offices and honour an honourable wife and dignitie by the wiues frindes In the xi suites against friends or by their meanes and shalbe married by his friends In the xii controuersie against enemies marriage with women of base condicion and not long loue together The Lord of the eight in the first signifieth ire sadnes angrie for that he cannot bring to passe and shall not bee of long life In the ii inheritaunce in the iij. death of bretheren in the iiij death in his house and shall see the death of his parents and shall haue inheritaunces in the v. death of children in the vi death of his familie before him and shall be vnfortunate in cattell in the vij death of wife by whome he shall haue iuheritaunce and thereby become rich in the viij that hee shall thinke sodenly to die and yet sounde of bodie trouble in spirite and shall haue dower by his wife inheritaunce and other goods In the ix that hee shall haue euill courage and shall dye out of his Countrie in the x. honorable death or othertherwise by the meanes of great Lordes and of iudges or because of his honour in the xi death amongest his friends in the xii death amongst his enemies or by reason of themselues The Lord of the ninth in the first signifieth prudence religious vertuous deuine a louer of Church-men and shall make many voyages in the ii that hee shall make many voyages by the which he shall become rich in the iij. marriage out of his Countrie or take a straunger and shall make iourneys because of his bretheren in the iiii death from home pilgrimage by perswasion of parents In the v. haue childrē from home out of his Countrie shall make iourneys for them in the vi marriage of a mayde or woman of base condicion sicknesse from home and shall trauell for his seruauntes cattell In the vii voyages and suites by reason of women and their goodes and signifieth the woman to be deuout moderate well mānered In the viii desire of riches trauell for his wiues goodes In the ix good vnderstanding a louer of vertue fearing God knowledge in deuine mysteries oracles secrete thinges and true dreames trauell for deuotion In the x. trauell for profession honour In the xi good friendes from home In the xii euill courage enemies out of his Countrie trauell by reason of enemies The Lord of the tenth in the first signifieth that by his industrie hee shall come to great honor and shall haue dignitie offices and gouernments In the second honour for his wealth In the iii. honour by his bretheren or by trauell In the iiii vnmouable goods sumptuous houses In the v. honour by his children In the vi little honour except of his houshould and seruants or in gouerning of the sicke In the vii honourable marriage In the eight goodes by marriage inheritaunce and perill of death to the mother at the time of her trauell and delyuetie In the ix Ecclesiasticall dignitie honour in straunge Countries and estimation by his trauell In the x. dignities offices and great honour by his owne meanes and fauour of Princes In the xi prosperitie honour and fauour of friendes In the xii honour by his enemies honour and estimation of men of euill condicion The Lord of the eleauenth in the first signifieth good fortune happy enterprises good friendes and many children In the second goodes and riches by friends In the third amitie of bretheren iorneys trauayles for friends In the fourth good fortune in vnmouable goods In the fift aboundance of children bankquets ioy and good fortune In the sixte fortune in good husbandrie In the seauenth rich and fortunate marriage and good friendes strifes and debates against friendes and that he shall bee poore in his youth and rich in his age In the eight inheritaunce death of friendes In the ninth profitable iorneyes friendes out of his Countrye and good fortune in straunge places In the tenth goodes and honour by meanes of men of authoritie and dignitie in youth In the eleauenth aboundance of friends children great goods and honour fauour of men in authoritie good renown and prosperitie In the twelfth small friendes few goods and debate with his friends The Lord of the twelfth in the first signifieth pouertie in youth sadnesse long trauell enmytie and conspiration against him In the seconde euill manners quarrells for goodes In the third quarrells with friendes and kyndred In the fourth strife and suites for inheritaunce and mouable goodes and discorde with the father In the fift rebellious children to the father and strife amonge themselues In the sixt strife and anger amonge the familie In the seauenth that hee shall take wiues of base condicion and not loue them long and by theyr meanes shall haue great paine and trauell and shall bee in griefe for them and his friendes shall conspire against him and his enemies shall take away part of his goodes and in the ende of his dayes bee poore and miserable In the eight hatred and treason for lyuelyhood and goodes of women death of enemies In the ninth quarrell with Church-men and mischiefes by the way In the tenth quarrell with great Lordes persecution by reason of his profession of his offices and honour The eleauenth signifieth that his friendes shalbe his enemies and shall haue great mischiefe for his friendes In the twelfth many enuies and enemies that shall imagine many mischiefes against him Likewise you must iudge of all the partes of the xii houses as the part of fortune in