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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01047 The chronicle historie of Perkin VVarbeck A strange truth. Acted (some-times) by the Queenes Maiesties Servants at the Phænix in Drurie lane.; Chronicle history of Perkin Warbeck Ford, John, 1586-ca. 1640. 1634 (1634) STC 11157; ESTC S102422 43,540 84

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your humblest servant Hunt: Enough wee are still friends and will continue A heartie loue oh Kate thou art mine owne No more my Lord of Crawford Enter Crawford Craw. From the King I come my Lord of Huntley Who in Counsaile requires your present ayde Hunt: Some weightie businesse Craw: A Secretarie from a Duke of Yorke The second sonne to the late English Edward Conceal'd I know not where these fourteen yeares Craues audience from our Maister and t is said The Duke himselfe is following to the Court Hunt: Duke vpon Duke t is well 't is well heere 's bustling For Majestie my Lord I will along with yee Craw: My service noble Lady Kat: Please yee walke sir Dal: Times haue their changes sorrow makes men wise The Sunne it selfe must sett as well as rise Then why not I faire Maddam I waite on yee Exeunt omnes Enter Durham Sir Robert Clifford and Vrswick Lights Dur: You finde Sir Robert Clifford how securely King Henry our great Maister doth commit His person to your loyaltie you taste His bountie and his mercy even in this That at a time of night so late a place So private as his Closet hee is pleasd To admit you to his favour doe not faulter In your Discovery but as you covet A liberall grace and pardon for your follies So labour to deserue it by laying open All plotts all persons that contriue against it Vrs: Remember not the witchcraft or the Magick The charmes and incantations which the Sorceresse Of Burgundie hath cast vpon your reason Sir Robert bee your owne friend now discharge Your conscience freely all of such as loue you Stand sureties for your honestie and truth Take heede you doe not dallie with the King He is wise as he is gentle Cliff: I am miserable If Henry be not mercifull Vrs: The King comes Enter King Henry K: H Clifford Cliff: Let my weake knees rot on the earth If I appeare as leap'rous in my treacheries Before your royall eyes as to mine owne I seeme a Monster by my breach of truth K: H Clifford stand vp for instance of thy safetie I offer thee my hand Cliff A soveraigne Balme For my bruis'd Soule I kisse it with a greedinesse Sir you are a just Master but I K: H Tell me is every circumstance thou hast set downe With thine owne hand within this paper true Is it a sure intelligence of all The progresse of our enemies intents Without corruption Cliff: True as I wish heaven Or my infected honor white againe K: H Wee know all Clifford fully since this meteor This ayrie apparition first discradled From Tournay into Portugall and thence Advanc'd his firie blaze for adoration Toth superstitious Irish since the beard Of this wilde Comet Conjurd'd into Fraunce Sparkled in antick flames in Charles his Court But shrunke againe from thence and hid in darknesse Stole into Flaunders flourishing the ragges Of painted power on the shore of Kent Whence hee was beaten backe with shame and scorne Contempt and slaughter of some naked out-lawes But tell me what new course now shapes Duke Perkin Cliff: For Ireland mightie Henrie so instructed By Stephen Frion sometimes Secretarie In the French tongue vnto your sacred Excellence But Perkins tutor now K: H A subtill villaine That Frion Frion you my Lord of Durham Knew well the man Dur. French both in heart and actions K: H Some Irish heads worke in this mine of treason Speake em Cliff Not any of the best your fortune Hath dulld their spleenes never had Counterfeit Such a confused rabble of lost Banquerouts For Counsellors first Heron a broken Mercer Then Iohn a Water sometimes Major of Corke Sketon a taylor aud a Scrivenor Calld Astley and what ere these list to treate of Perkin must harken to but Frion cunning Aboue these dull capacities still prompts him To flie to Scotland to young Iames the fourth And sue for ayde to him this is the latest Of all their resolutions K. H. Still more Frion Pestilent Adder hee will hisse out poyson As dang'rous as infections we must match 'em Clifford thou hast spoke home wee giue thee life But Clifford there are people of our owne Remaine behinde vntold who are they Clifford Name those and wee are friends and will to rest T is thy last taske Cliff Oh Sir here I must breake A most vnlawfull Oath to keepe a just one K. H. Well well be briefe be briefe Cliff The first in ranck Shall be Iohn Ratcliffe Lord Fitzwater then Sir Simon Mountford and Sir Thomas Thwaites With William Dawbegney Chessoner Astwood Worsley the Deane of Paules two other Fryars And Robert Ratcliffe K. H. Church-men are turn'd Divells These are the principall Cliff One more remaines Vn-nam'd whom I could willingly forget K.H. Ha Clifford one more Cliff Great Sir do not heare him For when Sir William Stanlie your Lord Chamberlaine Shall come into the list as he is chiefe I shall loose credit with yee yet this Lord Last nam'd is first against you K. H. Vrswick the light view well my face Sirs Is there bloud left in it Dur. You alter Strangely Sir K. H. Alter Lord Bishop Why Clifford stab'd mee or I dream'd a'stabd mee Sirra it is a custome with the guiltie To thinke they set their owne staines off by laying Aspersions on some nobler then themselues Lyes waite on treasons as I finde it here Thy life againe is forfeit I recall My word of mercy for I know thou dar'st Repeate the name no more Cliff I dare and once more Vpon my knowledge name Sir William Stanlie Both in his counsaile and his purse the chiefe Assistant to the fain'd Duke of Yorke Dur: Most strange Vrs: Most wicked K: H. Yet againe once more Cliff: Sir William Stanlie is your secret enemy And if time fit will openly professe it K. H. Sir William Stanlie Who Sir William Stanlie My Chamberlaine my Counsellor the loue The pleasure of my Court my bosome friend The Charge and the Controulement of my person The keyes and secrets of my treasurie The all of all I am I am vnhappie Miserie of confidence let mee turne traytor To mine owne person yeeld my Scepter vp To Edwards Sister and her bastard Duke Dur. You loose your constant temper K. H. Sir William Stanlie Oh doe not blame mee hee t was onely hee Who having rescu'd mee in Bosworth field From Richards bloudy sword snatch'd from his head The Kingly Crowne and plac'd it first on mine Hee never fail'd mee what haue I deserv'd To loose this good mans heart or hee his owne Vrs: The night doth waste this passion ill becomes yee Provide against your danger K. H. Let it be so Vrswick command streight Stanly to his chamber T is well wee are i th Tower set a guard on him Clifford to bed you must lodge here to night Wee l talke with you to morrow my sad soule Devines strange troubles Dawb: Ho the King the King I must haue entrance K. H. Dawbneys
fiftie thousand Of English Subiects haue in Ciuill Warres Beene sacrificd to an vnciuill thirst Of discord and ambition this hot vengeance Of the just powers aboue to vtter ruine And Desolation had raign'd on but that Mercie did gently sheath the sword of Iustice In lending to this bloud-shrunck Common-wealth A new too new birth in your Sacred person Daw: Edward the fourth after a doubtfull fortune Yeelded to nature leaving to his sonnes Edward and Richard the inheritance Of a most bloudy purchase these young Princes Richard the Tirant their vnnaturall Vncle Forc'd to a violent graue so just is Heauen Him hath your Majestie by your owne arme Divinely strengthen'd pulld from his Boares stie And strucke the black Vsurper to a Carkasse Nor doth the House of Yorke decay in Honors Tho Lancaster doth repossesse his right For Edwards daughter is King Henries Queene A blessed Vnion and a lasting blessing For this poore panting Iland if some shreds Some vselesse remnant of the House of Yorke Grudge not at this Content Ox: Margaret of Burgundy Blowes fresh Coales of Division Sur: Painted fires Without to heate or scortch or light to cheerish Daw: Yorkes headlesse trunck her Father Edwards fate Her brother King the smothering of her Nephewes By Tirant Gloster brother to her nature Nor Glosters owne confusion all decrees Sacred in Heauen Can moue this Woman-Monster But that shee still from the vnbottom'd myne Of Devilish policies doth vent the Ore Of troubles and sedition Ox: In her age Great Sir obserue the Wonder shee growes fruitfull Who in her strength of youth was alwayes barraine Nor are her birthes as other Mothers are At nine or ten moneths end shee has beene with childe Eight or seaven yeares at least whose twinnes being borne A prodegie in Nature even the youngest Is fifteene yeares of age at his first entrance As soone as knowne 'i th world tall striplings strong And able to giue battaile vnto Kings Idolls of Yorkish malice Ox: And but Idolls A steelie hammer Crushes 'em to peices K: Lambert the eldest Lords is in our service Prefer'd by an officious care of Dutie From the Scullery to a Faulkner strange example Which shewes the difference betweene noble natures And the base borne but for the vpstart Duke The new reviu'd Yorke Edwards second sonne Murder'd long since 'i th Towre he liues againe And vowes to be your King Stan: The throne is filld Sir K: True Stanlie and the lawfull heire sitts on it A guard of Angells and the holy prayers Of loyall Subjects are a sure defence Against all force and Counsaile of Intrusion But now my Lords put case some of our Nobles Our GREAT ONES should giue Countenance and Courage To trim Duke Perkin you will all confesse Our bounties haue vnthriftily beene scatter'd Amongst vnthankfull men Daw: Vnthankfull beasts Dogges villaines traytors K: Dawbney let the guiltie Keepe silence I accuse none tho I know Forraigne attempts against a State and Kingdome Are seldome without some great friends at home Stan: Sir if no other abler reasons else Of dutie or alegiance could divert A head-strong resolution yet the dangers So lately past by men of bloud and fortunes In Lambert Simnells partie must Command More than a feare a terror to Conspiracie The high-borne Lincolne sonne to De la Pole The Earle of Kildare Lord Geraldine Francis Lord Louell and the German Baron Bould Martin Swart with Broughton and the rest Most spectacles of ruine some of mercy Are presidents sufficient to forewarne The present times or any that liue in them What follie nay what madnesse 't were to lift A finger vp in all defence but yours Which can be but impostorous in a title K. Stanlie wee know thou lou'st Vs and thy heart Is figur'd on thy tongue nor thinke wee lesse Of anie 's here how closely wee haue hunted This Cubb since he vnlodg'd from hole to hole Your knowledge is our Chronicle first Ireland The common stage of Noveltie presented This gewgaw to oppose vs there the Geraldines And Butlers once againe stood in support Of this Colossicke statue Charles of Fraunce Thence call'd him into his protection Dissembled him the lawfull heire of England Yet this was all but French dissimulation Ayming at peace with vs which being granted On honorable termes on our part suddenly This smoake of straw was packt from Fraunce againe T' infect some grosser ayre and now wee learne Mauger the malice of the bastard Nevill Sir Talor and a hundred English Rebells Thei 'r all retir'd to Flaunders to the Dam That nurst this eager Wholpe Margaret of Burgundie But wee will hunt him there too wee will hunt him Hunt him to death euen in the Beldams Closet Tho the Arch-duke were his Buckler Sur: Shee has stil'd him The faire white rose of England Daw: Iollie Gentleman more fit to be a Swabber To the Flemish after a drunken surfet Enter Vrswick Vr: Gracious Soueraigne please you peruse this paper Dur: The Kings Countenance gathers a sprightly bloud Daw: Good newes beleeue it K: Vrswick thine eare Th' ast lodgd him Vr: Strongly safe Sir K: Enough is Barly come to Vr: No my Lord K: No matter phew hee 's but a running weede At pleasure to be pluck'd vp by the rootes But more of this anon I haue bethought mee My Lords for reasons which you shall pertake It is our pleasure to remoue our Court From Westminster to th' Tower Wee will lodge This very night there giue Lord Chamberlaine A present order for it Stan: The Tower I shall sir K: Come my true best fast friends these clouds will vanish The Sunne will shine at full the Heauens are clearing Exeunt Flourish Enter Huntley and Daliell Hun: You trifle time Sir Dal: Oh my noble Lord You conster my griefes to so hard a sence That where the text is argument of pittie Matter of earnest loue your glosse corrupts it With too much ill plac'd mirth Hunt: Much mirth Lord Daliell Not so I vow obserue mee sprightly gallant I know thou art a noble ladd a hansome Discended from an honorable Auncestrie Forward and actiue do'st resolue to wrestle And ruffle in the world by noble actions For a braue mention to posteritie I scorne not thy affection to my Daughter Not I by good St. Andrew but this bugg-beare This whoresome tale of honor honor Daliell So hourely chatts and tattles in mine eare The peece of royaltie that is stitch'd vp In my Kates bloud that 't is as dangerous For thee young Lord to pearch so neere an Eaglet As foolish for my gravitie to admit it I haue spoake all at once Dal: Sir with this truth You mix such Worme wood that you leaue no hope For my disorderd palate ere to rellish A wholesome taste againe alas I know Sir What an vnequall distance lies betweene Great Huntlies Daughters birth and Daliells fortunes Shee 's the Kings kinswoman plac'd neere the Crowne A Princesse of the bloud and I a Subject Hunt: Right
Edward Edwards Daughter is I thinke Mother to our Prince Arthur get a Messenger Exeunt Enter King Iames Warbecke Crawford Daliell Heron Astley Major Sketon and Souldiers K: Ia: Wee trifle time against these Castle walls The English Prelate will not yeelde once more Giue him a Summons Parley Enter aboue Durham armed a Truncheon in his hand and Souldiers Warb: See the jolly Clarke Appeares trimd like a ruffian K: Ia: Bishop yet Set ope the portes and to your lawfull Soveraigne Richard of Yorke surrender vp this Castle And he will take thee to his Grace else Tweede Shall overflow his banckes with English bloud And wash the sande that cements those hard stones From their foundation Dur: Warlike King of Scotland Vouchsafe a few words from a man inforc't To lay his Booke aside and clap on Armes Vnsutable to my age or my profession Couragious Prince consider on what grounds You rend the face of peace and breake a League With a confederate King that courts your amitie For whom too for a vagabond a straggler Not noted in the world by birth of name An obscure peasant by the rage of Hell Loosd from his chaynes to set great Kings at strife What Nobleman what common man of note What ordinary subject hath come in Since first you footed on our Territories To onely faine a wellcome children laugh at Your Proclamations and the wiser pittie So great a Potentates abuse by one Who juggles meerly with the fawnes and youth Of an instructed complement such spoyles Such slaughters as the rapine of your Souldiers Alreadie haue committed is enough To shew your zeale in a conceited Iustice Yet great King wake not yet my Maisters vengeance But shake that Viper off which gnawes your entrayles I and my fellow Subjects are resolv'd If you persist to stand your vtmost furie Till our last bloud drop from vs Warb: O Sir lend Me eare to this seducer of my honor What shall I call thee thou gray bearded Scandall That kickst against the Soveraigntie to which Thou owest alleagance Treason is bold-fac'd And eloquent in mischiefe sacred King Be deafe to his knowne malice Dur: Rather yeelde Vnto those holy motions which inspire The sacred heart of an annoynted bodie It is the surest pollicie in Princes To governe well their owne then seeke encroachment Vpon anothers right Crawf: The King is serious Deepe in his meditation Dal: Lift them vp To heaven his better genius Warb: Can you studie while such a Devill raues O Sir K: Ia. Well Bishopp You 'le not be drawne to mercie Dur: Conster me In like case by a Subject of your owne My resolutions fixt King Iames be counseld A greater fate waites on thee Exit Durham cum suis K: Ia: Forrage through The Countrey spare no prey of life or goods Warb: O Sir then giue me leaue to yeeld to nature I am most miserable had I beene Borne what this Clergie man would by defame Baffle beliefe with I had never sought The truth of mine inheritance with rapes Of women or of infants murthered Virgins Defloured olde men butchered dwellings fir'd My Land depopulated and my people Afflicted with a Kingdomes devastation Shew more remorse great King or I shall never Endure to see such havocke with drie eyes Spare spare my deare deare England K: Ia: You foole your pietie Ridiculously carefull of an interest Another man possesseth Where 's your faction Shrewdly the Bishop ghest of your adherents When not a pettie Burgesse of some Towne No not a Villager hath yet appear'd In your assistance that should make 'ee whine And not your Countryes sufferance as you tearme it Dal: The King is angrie Crawf: And the passionate Duke Effeminately dolent Warb: The experience In former tryalls Sir both of mine owne Or other Princes cast out of their thrones Haue so acquainted mee how miserie Is destitute of friends or of reliefe That I can easily submit to taste Lowest reproofe without contempt or words Enter Frion K: Ia: An humble minded man now what intelligence Speakes Maister Secretarie Frion Frion Henrie Of England hath in open field ore'throwne The Armies who opposd him in the right Of this young Prince K: Ia: His Subsidies you meane more if you haue it Frion Howard Earle of Surrey Backt by twelue Earles and Barons of the North An hundred Knights and Gentlemen of Name And twentie thousand Souldiers is at hand To raise your siege Brooke with a goodly Navie Is Admirall at Sea and Dawbney followes With an vnbroken Armie for a second Warb: 'T is false they come to side with vs K: Ia: Retreate Wee shall not finde them stones and walls to cope with Yet Duke of Yorke for such thou sayest thou art I le trie thy fortune to the height to Surrey By Marchmount I will send a braue Defiance For single Combate once a King will venter His person to an Earle with Condition Of spilling lesser bloud Surrey is bolde And Iames resolv'd Warb: O rather gracious Sir Create me to this glorie since my cause Doth interest this fayre quarrell valued least I am his equall K: I I will be the man March softly off where Victorie can reape A harvest crown'd with triumph toyle is cheape Exeunt omnes Actus Quartus Scaena prima Enter Surrey Durham Souldiers with Drummes and Collors Surrey ARe all our braving enemies shrunke backe Hid in the fogges of their distempered climate Not daring to behold our Colours wave In spight of this infected ayre Can they Looke on the strength of Cundrestine defac't The glorie of Heydonhall devasted that Of Edington cast downe the pile of Fulden Orethrowne And this the strongest of their Forts Olde Ayton Castle yeelded and demolished And yet not peepe abroad the Scots are bold Hardie in battayle but it seemes the cause They vndertake considered appeares Vnjoynted in the frame on t Dur: Noble Surrey Our Royall Masters wisedome is at all times His fortunes Harbinger for when he drawes His sword to threaten warre his providence Settles on peace the crowning of an Empire Trumpet Sur: Rancke all in order 't is a Heralds sound Some message from King Iames keepe a fixt station Enter March-mount and another Herald in their Coates March: From Scotlands awfull Majestie wee come Vnto the English Generall Surrey To me Say on March: Thus then the wast and prodigall Effusion of so much guiltlesse bloud As in two potent Armies of necessitie Must glut the earths drie wombe his sweet compassion Hath studied to prevent for which to thee Great Earle of Surrey in a single fight He offers his owne royall person fayrely Proposing these conditions onely that If Victorie conclude our Masters right The Earle shall deliver for his ransome The towne of Barwicke to him with the Fishgarths If Surrey shall prevaile the King will paie A thousand pounds downe present for his freedome And silence further Armes so speakes King Iames Surr So speakes King Iames so like a King a' speakes Heralds the English Generall