Selected quad for the lemma: fire_n

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fire_n boil_v little_a put_v 6,484 5 5.8153 4 true
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A53912 The compleat herbal of physical plants containing all such English and foreign herbs, shrubs and trees as are used in physick and surgery ... : the doses or quantities of such as are prescribed by the London-physicians and others are proportioned : also directions for making compound-waters, syrups simple and compound, electuaries ... : moreover the gums, balsams, oyls, juices, and the like, which are sold by apothecaries and druggists are added to this herbal, and their irtues and uses are fully described / by John Pechey ... Pechey, John, 1655-1716. 1694 (1694) Wing P1021; ESTC R19033 231,060 394

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last_n the_o lammas-plum_n the_o white_a pear-plum_n and_o damascens_n pompion_n in_o latin_a pepo_n it_o be_v cold_a and_o very_o moist_a it_o provoke_v urine_n the_o nourishment_n of_o it_o be_v very_o small_a the_o seed_n be_v one_o of_o the_o four_o great_a cold_a seed_n purflain_v in_o latin_a portulaca_n it_o be_v cold_a and_o moist_a it_o provoke_v appetite_n it_o cure_v heat_n of_o urine_n and_o run_v of_o the_o reins_o the_o juice_n mix_v with_o oil_n of_o rose_n cure_v burns_n and_o inflammation_n it_o be_v good_a for_o cough_n and_o shortness_n of_o breath_n q._n qvince-tree_n in_o latin_a malus_n cydonia_n the_o fruit_n be_v very_o agreeable_a to_o the_o stomach_n it_o be_v astringent_a and_o cure_v spit_v of_o blood_n the_o bloodyflux_n and_o all_o other_o flux_n the_o mucilage_n of_o the_o seed_n extract_v with_o spawn_n of_o frog's-water_n be_v a_o excellent_a gargarism_n in_o fever_n the_o syrup_n of_o quince_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o juice_n six_o pint_n boil_v half_a away_o add_v three_o pound_n of_o sugar_n and_o make_v a_o syrup_n the_o do_v be_v one_o ounce_n in_o some_o proper_a water_n marmalade_n of_o quince_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n pare_v the_o quince_n cut_v they_o and_o take_v out_o the_o core_n weigh_v they_o and_o put_v they_o into_o cold_a water_n take_v the_o same_o quantity_n of_o sugar_n and_o dissolve_v it_o with_o a_o little_a water_n boil_v it_o and_o take_v off_o the_o scum_n then_o put_v in_o the_o quince_n and_o set_v they_o on_o a_o gentle_a fire_n close_o cover_v till_o they_o be_v of_o a_o good_a colour_n then_o uncover_v they_o then_o increase_v the_o fire_n and_o boil_v they_o to_o a_o jelly_n r._n radish_n in_o latin_a raphanus_n sativus_fw-la it_o be_v often_o use_v in_o the_o kitchen_n than_o for_o medicine_n but_o it_o be_v good_a for_o the_o stone_n and_o to_o force_v urine_n it_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n and_o help_v concoction_n horse_n radish_n in_o latin_a raphanus_n rusticanus_fw-la it_o provoke_v appetite_n but_o it_o hurt_v the_o head_n it_o expel_v gravel_n and_o force_n urine_n and_o be_v commend_v for_o cough_n and_o be_v reckon_v a_o specific_a in_o the_o scurvy_a the_o compound_v water_n of_o it_o be_v much_o in_o use_n and_o be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o leave_n of_o garden_n and_o sea-scurvy-grass_n gather_v in_o the_o springtime_n each_o six_o pound_n beat_v they_o and_o press_v out_o the_o juice_n mingle_v with_o it_o the_o juice_n of_o water-cress_n and_o brook-lime_n each_o a_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o best_a white-wine_n four_o quart_n twelve_o lemon_n slice_v of_o the_o fresh_a root_n of_o briony_n four_o pound_n of_o horse-radish-root_n two_o pound_n of_o wake-robin-root_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o winteran_n bark_n and_o nutmeg_n each_o four_o ounce_n infuse_v they_o three_o day_n and_o then_o distil_v they_o the_o do_v be_v two_o ounce_n take_v one_o spoonful_n of_o the_o shave_n of_o horse-radish-root_n twelve_o leave_n of_o scurvygrass_n twenty_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n stone_v put_v they_o into_o a_o quart_n of_o beer_n let_v they_o stand_v close_o stop_v all_o night_n drink_v of_o it_o the_o next_o day_n at_o meal_n and_o at_o any_o other_o time_n this_o have_v do_v much_o good_a in_o the_o scurvy_a common_a rag-wort_n in_o latin_a jacobaea_n vulgaris_fw-la the_o root_n have_v many_o large_a white_a fibres_n that_o stick_v fast_o in_o the_o ground_n it_o have_v many_o time_n several_a stalk_n and_o sometime_o but_o one_o they_o be_v round_o channel_a sometime_o smooth_a sometime_o downy_a three_o foot_n high_a and_o sometime_o high_o divide_v at_o the_o top_n into_o branch_n it_o have_v many_o long_a and_o large_a green_a leave_n lie_v on_o the_o ground_n of_o a_o dark-green_a colour_n rend_v and_o tear_v in_o the_o side_n into_o many_o piece_n the_o leave_n on_o the_o stalk_n be_v the_o same_o the_o flower_n be_v yellow_a and_o consist_v of_o many_o leave_n when_o they_o be_v ripe_a they_o turn_v into_o down_o the_o seed_n be_v very_o small_a it_o cure_v ulcer_n inflammation_n and_o a_o fistula_n be_v apply_v hot_a to_o the_o belly_n in_o form_n of_o a_o cataplasm_n it_o cure_v the_o gripe_n raspberry-bush_n in_o latin_a rubus_fw-la idaeus_n the_o berry_n be_v very_o cordial_a and_o taste_v very_o well_o the_o syrup_n of_o it_o be_v very_o good_a in_o fever_n and_o be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o clarify_a juice_n and_o of_o sugar_n equal_a part_n make_v a_o syrup_n take_v of_o the_o syrup_n of_o rasp-berry_n and_o july_n flower_n each_o two_o ounce_n of_o the_o juice_n of_o kermes_n one_o ounce_n make_v a_o mixture_n take_v a_o spoonful_n every_o morning_n this_o be_v a_o cordial_n for_o woman_n before_o delivery_n restharrow_n or_o camock_n in_o latin_a anonis_n it_o spread_v its_o root_n far_o and_o near_o they_o be_v white_a and_o hard_o to_o break_v the_o stalk_n be_v woody_a and_o three_o or_o four_o foot_n high_a round_o hairy_a and_o red_a sometime_o it_o have_v prickle_n and_o sometime_o not_o the_o flower_n grow_v at_o the_o top_n like_a pease-blossom_n small_a round_a cod_n contain_v the_o seed_n the_o bark_n of_o the_o root_n and_o the_o root_n itself_o provoke_v urine_n and_o expel_v gravel_n and_o ease_v the_o pain_n of_o the_o tooth_n and_o open_v obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n be_v infuse_v in_o wine_n or_o boil_v in_o posset-drink_a and_o take_v inward_o for_o some_o time_n rye_n in_o latin_a secale_n it_o be_v the_o next_o corn_n in_o goodness_n to_o wheat_n bread_n make_v of_o it_o be_v black_a and_o heavy_a and_o hard_o to_o digest_v and_o it_o purge_v and_o gripe_v those_o that_o be_v not_o use_v to_o it_o but_o it_o keep_v moist_a long_o than_o wheaten_n bread_n the_o course_n flower_n of_o it_o put_v into_o a_o cloth_n and_o apply_v to_o the_o head_n cure_v inveterate_a headache_n and_o so_o apply_v be_v good_a for_o mad_a people_n rocket_n or_o winter-cress_n in_o latin_a barbarea_n it_o have_v a_o oblong_a white_a thick_a perennial_a root_n of_o a_o acrid_a taste_n the_o stalk_n be_v a_o cubit_n high_a channel_a strong_a and_o full_a of_o pith_n with_o many_o wing_n wherein_o the_o leave_n be_v lesser_a than_o those_o of_o radish_n and_o resemble_v the_o leaf_n of_o cress_n at_o the_o extremity_n of_o it_o by_o extreme_a jag_n they_o be_v of_o a_o dark-green_a colour_n and_o shine_v they_o do_v not_o taste_v so_o quick_a as_o the_o root_n from_o the_o wing_n of_o the_o leave_n towards_o the_o top-stalk_n come_v many_o small_a branch_n whereon_o as_o also_o on_o the_o top-stalk_n small_a yellow_a flower_n consist_v of_o four_o leave_n run_v up_o into_o long_a ear_n the_o cod_n be_v small_a round_o and_o about_o a_o inch_n long_o press_v to_o the_o stalk_n wherein_o be_v small_a seed_n of_o a_o brown_a colour_n the_o whole_a plant_n be_v smooth_a the_o flower_n be_v place_v on_o short_a foot-stalk_n it_o grow_v near_o ditch_n and_o river_n and_o running-water_n and_o sometime_o also_o on_o plowed_a ground_n it_o flower_n in_o may_n and_o june_n it_o be_v acrid_a and_o hot_a and_o much_o of_o the_o same_o virtue_n with_o cress_n it_o be_v mix_v with_o salad_n especial_o in_o the_o wintertime_n when_o cress_n be_v scarce_o wherefore_o it_o be_v call_v winter-cress_n it_o be_v good_a in_o the_o scurvy_a the_o juice_n of_o it_o be_v mix_v with_o ointment_n to_o cleanse_v sordid_a and_o impure_a ulcer_n the_o seed_n be_v lithontriptick_a and_o diuretic_n wild_n rocket_n in_o latin_a eruca_n sylvestris_fw-la the_o root_n be_v white_a thick_a and_o long_o and_o have_v many_o stalk_n with_o many_o wing_n they_o be_v channel_a and_o a_o little_a hairy_a the_o leave_n be_v cut_v in_o like_a dandelion_n they_o be_v smooth_a and_o of_o a_o deep_a green_a colour_n and_o taste_v hot_a the_o flower_n be_v yellow_a it_o have_v long_o angle_a upright_a cod_n the_o seed_n be_v like_o the_o seed_n of_o wild_a mustard_n they_o be_v acrid_a and_o bitterish_a it_o grow_v upon_o and_o about_o wall_n and_o among_o rubbish_n it_o be_v hot_a and_o dry_a it_o be_v chief_o use_v to_o stimulate_v venery_n and_o for_o preservation_n against_o apoplexy_n outward_o apply_v it_o extract_v splinter_n of_o bone_n the_o rose_n in_o latin_a rosa_n there_o be_v several_a sort_n of_o rose_n the_o red_a rose_n the_o damask-rose_n the_o damask-province-rose_n the_o dog-rose_n the_o pimpernel-rose_n the_o great_a apple-rose_n the_o single_a cinnamon-rose_n the_o double_a cinnamon-rose_n the_o wild_a briar_n or_o muscovy_n the_o virginian_a briar-rose_n the_o white_a rose_n the_o muskrose_n the_o ever-green_a rose_n the_o single_a yellow_a rose_n the_o double_a yellow_a rose_n the_o monthly_a rose_n the_o monday-rose_n the_o franc-fort-rose_n the_o hungarian_a rose_n the_o york_n and_o lancaster_n
they_o be_v best_a boil_v and_o when_o they_o be_v green_a as_o be_v pease_n and_o bean_n but_o they_o be_v windy_a they_o provoke_v venery_n they_o cleanse_v open_a incide_n digest_v provoke_v urine_n and_o lessen_v the_o stone_n but_o they_o hurt_v the_o bladder_n when_o it_o be_v ulcerate_v they_o gentle_o move_v the_o belly_n the_o broth_n of_o they_o do_v good_a in_o the_o jaundice_n a_o decoction_n of_o they_o kill_v worm_n move_v the_o course_n expel_v the_o child_n and_o breed_v milk_n in_o cataplasm_n they_o cure_v the_o swell_n under_o the_o ear_n call_v parotides_n and_o inflammation_n of_o the_o testicle_n and_o malignant_a ulcer_n we_o most_o common_o make_v use_n of_o they_o only_o in_o difficulty_n of_o urine_n but_o practitioner_n shall_v take_v care_n that_o they_o do_v not_o use_v they_o too_o often_o to_o those_o that_o have_v ulcer_n in_o those_o part_n they_o be_v sow_v every_o where_o in_o italy_n spain_n and_o france_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o liquorish_a four_o scruple_n of_o marsh-mallow_n grass_n and_o restharrow_n each_o half_n a_o ounce_n of_o the_o berry_n of_o winter-cherry_n number_n twenty_n of_o red_a chick-pease_n four_o ounce_n of_o currant_n one_o ounce_n of_o the_o four_o great_a cold_a seed_n one_o scruple_n of_o barley_n two_o handful_n boil_v they_o in_o the_o water_n of_o winter-cherry_n restharrow_n strawberry_n and_o flower_n of_o bean_n each_o one_o pint_n and_o on_o half_a to_o the_o strain_a liquor_n add_v four_o ounce_n of_o the_o syrup_n of_o marsh-mallow_n a_o person_n that_o be_v grievous_o afflict_v with_o the_o stone_n in_o the_o bladder_n be_v much_o relieve_v by_o take_v of_o this_o decoction_n daily_o for_o the_o space_n of_o seventeen_o week_n cinnamon_n in_o latin_a cinnamomum_fw-la the_o diversity_n of_o the_o nature_n of_o this_o tree_n be_v wonderful_a for_o from_o the_o bark_n of_o the_o root_n be_v distil_v camphir_n and_o its_o oil_n from_o the_o bark_n of_o the_o trunk_n oil_n of_o cinnamon_n from_o the_o leave_v '_o oil_n of_o clove_n from_o the_o fruit_n a_o oil_n like_o the_o oil_n of_o juniper_n mix_v with_o a_o little_a of_o cinnamon_n and_o clove_n of_o these_o be_v boil_v up_o a_o fat_a thick_a oil_n like_o wax_n fit_a to_o make_v plaster_n ointment_n and_o candle_n it_o be_v hard_a and_o clear_a and_o of_o a_o fragrant_a smell_n the_o inhabitant_n use_v it_o in_o ointment_n to_o ease_v pain_n but_o they_o dare_v not_o make_v candle_n of_o it_o for_o none_o be_v permit_v to_o use_v candle_n beside_o the_o king_n of_o the_o country_n the_o leave_n of_o it_o smell_v more_o like_a clove_n than_o cinnamon_n the_o bark_n of_o the_o root_n give_v in_o a_o decoction_n or_o the_o powder_n of_o it_o take_v with_o sugar_n and_o hony_n be_v good_a for_o a_o cough_n the_o bark_n of_o the_o twig_n use_v in_o a_o decoction_n be_v good_a for_o the_o wind._n the_o same_o give_v in_o powder_n with_o hot_a water_n ease_v the_o pain_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o stop_v a_o flux_n arise_v from_o cold._a our_o people_n use_v it_o successful_o boil_v in_o milk_n or_o posset-drink_a to_o stop_v a_o looseness_n a_o decoction_n of_o it_o in_o red_a wine_n stop_v a_o immoderate_a flux_n of_o the_o course_n the_o juice_n of_o the_o leave_v give_v with_o sugar_n and_o pepper_n do_v good_a for_o pain_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o the_o flatulent_a matter_n of_o the_o reins_o the_o powder_n of_o the_o leave_n with_o sugar_n be_v good_a for_o giddiness_n of_o the_o head_n as_o also_o be_v the_o flower_n take_v with_o sugar_n in_o cold_a water_n the_o oil_n which_o be_v draw_v from_o the_o bark_n of_o the_o root_n have_v many_o excellent_a virtue_n it_o be_v very_o good_a in_o all_o paralytic_a disease_n be_v use_v outward_o in_o time_n it_o be_v a_o present_a remedy_n for_o the_o gout_n present_o asswage_v the_o violent_a pain_n of_o the_o part_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v anoint_v with_o it_o it_o do_v also_o good_a take_v inward_o it_o be_v also_o of_o excellent_a use_n take_v inward_o for_o cure_v a_o asthma_n and_o other_o disease_n of_o the_o lung_n it_o be_v also_o good_a to_o correct_v the_o malignity_n of_o fever_n it_o force_n sweat_v and_o be_v very_o proper_a to_o be_v use_v in_o gangrene_n mortification_n and_o malignant_a ulcer_n for_o pain_n of_o the_o limb_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o of_o the_o eye_n and_o for_o tumour_n of_o the_o member_n proceed_v from_o cold_a and_o phlegmatic_a humour_n it_o restore_v the_o sense_n of_o part_n that_o be_v stupefy_v it_o be_v good_a for_o rheum_n the_o oil_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o the_o tree_n be_v good_a for_o disease_n of_o the_o stomach_n and_o for_o the_o gripe_v the_o water_n of_o cinnamon_n be_v count_v cordial_n the_o oil_n of_o the_o leave_n be_v good_a in_o the_o colic_n and_o very_o proper_a in_o the_o palsy_n cinnamon_n be_v good_a for_o all_o obstruction_n and_o for_o disease_n of_o the_o breast_n oil_n or_o essence_n of_o cinnamon_n and_o its_o aetherial-water_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n bruise_v four_o pound_n of_o good_a cinnamon_n and_o infuse_v it_o in_o six_o quart_n of_o hot_a water_n leave_v it_o in_o digestion_n in_o a_o earthen_a vessel_n well_o stop_v two_o day_n pour_v the_o infusion_n into_o a_o large_a copper_n limbeck_n and_o fit_v a_o receiver_n to_o it_o and_o lute_v close_o the_o juncture_n with_o a_o wet_a bladder_n distil_v with_o a_o pretty_a good_a fire_n three_o or_o four_o pint_n of_o the_o liquor_n then_o unlute_v the_o limbeck_n and_o pour_v into_o it_o by_o inclination_n the_o distil_a water_n you_o will_v find_v at_o bottom_n a_o little_a oil_n which_o you_o must_v pour_v into_o a_o viol_n and_o stop_v it_o close_o distil_v the_o liquor_n as_o before_o then_o return_v the_o water_n into_o the_o limbeck_n take_v the_o oil_n you_o find_v at_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o receiver_n and_o mix_v it_o with_o the_o first_o repeat_v this_o cohobation_n until_o there_o rise_v no_o more_o oil_n then_o take_v away_o the_o fire_n tincture_n of_o cinnamon_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v what_o quantity_n of_o bruise_a cinnamon_n you_o please_v put_v it_o into_o a_o matrass_n and_o pour_v upon_o it_o spirit_n of_o wine_n one_o fingure_n above_o it_o stop_v your_o matrass_n close_o and_o set_v it_o in_o digestion_n in_o horse-dung_n four_o or_o five_o day_n the_o spirit_n of_o wine_n will_v be_v impregnate_v with_o the_o tincture_n of_o cinnamon_n and_o become_v red_a separate_v it_o from_o the_o cinnamon_n and_o after_o it_o be_v filtrate_v keep_v the_o tincture_n in_o a_o viol_n well_o stop_v it_o be_v a_o admirable_a cardiack_n it_o fortify_v the_o stomach_n and_o rejoice_v all_o the_o vital_a part_n it_o may_v be_v use_v like_o cinnamon-water_n in_o a_o little_o small_a do_v cinnamon-water_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o bruise_a cinnamon_n a_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a spanish_a wine_n a_o quart_n infuse_v the_o cinnamon_n in_o the_o wine_n twenty_o four_o hour_n then_o distil_v they_o in_o a_o limbeck_n draw_v off_o three_o pint_n of_o strong-water_n sweeten_v with_o sugar_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n it_o be_v good_a in_o a_o weak_a stomach_n and_o be_v cordial_a syrup_n of_o cinnamon_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o best_a cinnamon_n beat_v a_o little_a three_o ounce_n infuse_v it_o three_o day_n in_o hot_a fountain-water_n afterward_o distil_v it_o in_o b._n m._n take_v a_o pint_n of_o this_o water_n of_o clarify_a sugar_n boil_v over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n to_o the_o consistence_n of_o tablet_n have_v a_o pound_n make_v a_o syrup_n the_o cinnamon-tree_n and_o the_o cassia-tree_n seem_v to_o be_v the_o same_o the_o cinnamon-tree_n grow_v as_o common_o in_o the_o island_n of_o zeiland_n in_o the_o hedge_n and_o wood_n as_o the_o hazel-tree_n do_v in_o our_o country_n and_o the_o inhabitant_n value_v it_o no_o more_o for_o they_o common_o make_v fire_n of_o it_o and_o cut_v it_o for_o any_o common_a use_n common_a cinque-foil_n or_o five-leaved_a grass_n in_o latin_a pentaphyllum_fw-la vulgatissimum_fw-la it_o be_v vulnerary_a and_o astringent_a it_o stop_v flux_n of_o the_o belly_n bleed_v at_o nose_n and_o the_o hemorrhoid_n it_o be_v good_a for_o spit_v of_o blood_n and_o a_o cough_n it_o be_v also_o commend_v for_o a_o palsy_n a_o consumption_n the_o gout_n and_o jaundice_n it_o be_v also_o reckon_v good_a for_o the_o stone_n and_o erosion_n of_o the_o kidney_n for_o rupture_n and_o fever_n it_o be_v use_v outward_o for_o the_o eye_n when_o they_o be_v inflame_v the_o juice_n of_o it_o be_v drop_v into_o they_o and_o also_o for_o looseness_n of_o the_o tooth_n and_o putrid_a gum_n it_o cleanse_v also_o malignant_a ulcer_n the_o astringent_a virtue_n of_o it_o be_v
most_o remarkable_a by_o mean_n whereof_o it_o do_v what_o it_o do_v one_o dram_n of_o the_o powder_n of_o the_o root_n take_v before_o the_o fit_a cure_v ague_n spon_n in_o his_o book_n of_o fever_n and_o febrifuge_n say_v that_o cinquefoil_n be_v a_o plant_n somewhat_o bitter_a and_o very_o astringent_a whereby_o it_o strengthen_v the_o fibre_n of_o the_o stomach_n relax_v by_o a_o fever_n and_o fix_v and_o sweeten_v its_o acid._n hypocrates_n use_v this_o plant_n to_o cure_v fever_n but_o without_o doubt_n it_o be_v more_o effectual_a in_o greece_n where_o hypocrates_n live_v than_o here_o for_o most_o plant_n have_v more_o virtue_n in_o hot_a country_n than_o in_o cold_a especial_o those_o that_o be_v somewhat_o aromatic_a it_o have_v also_o be_v find_v by_o experience_n that_o the_o root_n of_o it_o cure_v ulcer_n of_o the_o mouth_n citron_n in_o latin_a malus_n citria_n every_o part_n of_o the_o citron_n the_o outward_a and_o inward_a bark_n the_o juice_n and_o pulp_n and_o the_o seed_n be_v of_o great_a use_n in_o physic_n the_o outward_a yellow_a bark_n have_v a_o curious_a aromatic_a smell_n and_o bitter_a taste_n be_v dry_v it_o be_v very_o cordial_a and_o alexipharmick_n it_o heat_n and_o corroborate_v a_o cold_a and_o windy_a stomach_n it_o discuss_n wind_v powerful_o concoct_v and_o digest_v crude_a humour_n that_o be_v contain_v in_o the_o stomach_n or_o bowel_n be_v chew_v in_o the_o mouth_n it_o cure_v a_o stink_v breath_n promote_v concoction_n of_o the_o meat_n and_o be_v good_a for_o melancholy_n it_o be_v much_o commend_v for_o hypochondriacal_a disease_n for_o vapour_n wind_n the_o palpitation_n of_o the_o heart_n obstruction_n and_o weakness_n of_o the_o bowel_n the_o powder_n of_o the_o outward_a bark_n of_o orange_n and_o lemon_n be_v reckon_v good_a for_o the_o same_o be_v candy_v it_o be_v use_v for_o second_o course_n and_o mix_v with_o cordial_a electuary_n it_o be_v use_v against_o contagion_n it_o loosen_v the_o belly_n upon_o which_o account_n a_o electuary_n be_v make_v of_o it_o call_v the_o solutive_a electuary_n of_o citron_n good_a to_o evacuate_v phlegmatic_a and_o cold_a humour_n it_o may_v be_v also_o safe_o give_v when_o choler_n be_v mix_v with_o phlegm_n the_o pulp_n or_o juice_n though_o it_o be_v not_o so_o acid_a as_o the_o juice_n of_o lemon_n yet_o be_v it_o much_o more_o cool_a than_o that_o it_o be_v very_o proper_a in_o burn_v and_o pestilential_a fever_n to_o quench_v thirst_n to_o suppress_v too_o great_a a_o fermentation_n of_o the_o blood_n to_o recreate_v the_o spirit_n and_o quicken_v the_o appetite_n it_o be_v also_o reckon_v good_a for_o a_o giddiness_n in_o the_o head_n the_o seed_n be_v cord●●l_a and_o alexipharmick_n be_v good_a for_o the_o bite_a of_o scorpion_n and_o other_o venomous_a creature_n they_o strengthen_v the_o heart_n and_o defend_v it_o from_o the_o contagion_n of_o the_o plague_n and_o smallpox_n they_o kill_v the_o worm_n of_o the_o stomach_n and_o bowel_n provoke_v the_o course_n and_o cause_n abortion_n they_o digest_v crude_a and_o watery_a humour_n and_o dry_v they_o up_o both_o within_o and_o without_o there_o be_v a_o strange_a story_n of_o two_o that_o be_v condemn_v to_o be_v destroy_v by_o serpent_n and_o as_o they_o be_v pass_v to_o execution_n by_o chance_n a_o person_n that_o have_v a_o citron_n in_o his_o hand_n give_v it_o they_o to_o eat_v and_o soon_o after_o they_o be_v fling_v to_o the_o serpent_n and_o be_v much_o bit_n by_o they_o but_o their_o poison_n make_v no_o impression_n upon_o they_o and_o the_o man_n escape_v with_o their_o life_n upon_o this_o enquiry_n be_v make_v what_o they_o have_v eat_v or_o drink_v and_o a_o citron_n be_v the_o only_a thing_n that_o have_v be_v give_v they_o it_o be_v order_v one_o of_o they_o shall_v eat_v a_o citron_n the_o next_o day_n and_o that_o then_o they_o shall_v be_v expose_v again_o to_o the_o serpent_n he_o that_o have_v eat_v the_o citron_n escape_v as_o before_o the_o other_o soon_o perish_v and_o afterward_o it_o be_v find_v by_o many_o experiment_n that_o citron_n be_v good_a against_o poison_n the_o solutive_a electuary_n of_o citron_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o citron-peel_n candy_v of_o conserve_v of_o the_o flower_n of_o violet_n and_o bugloss_n of_o the_o species_n of_o diatragacanth_n frigid_a and_o of_o diagrydium_fw-la each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o turbith_n five_z dram_fw-la of_o ginger_n half_a a_o dram_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o sena_n six_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o seed_n of_o sweet-fennel_n one_o dram_n of_o white_a sugar_n dissolve_v in_o rose-water_n and_o boil_v up_o according_a to_o art_n ten_o ounce_n beat_v in_o a_o brass-mortar_n the_o turbith_n and_o ginger_n be_v first_o cut_v small_a the_o sena_n fennel_n and_o the_o diagrydium_fw-la must_v be_v pound_v apart_o and_o must_v be_v mix_v with_o a_o little_a of_o the_o powder_n of_o diatragacanth_n make_v fresh_a the_o bark_n of_o the_o citron_n must_v be_v pound_v in_o a_o marble-mortar_n then_o add_v the_o conserve_n pulp_v through_o a_o fine_a sieve_n and_o boil_v a_o little_a in_o the_o sugar_n dissolve_v take_v it_o off_o the_o fire_n and_o when_o it_o be_v just_a warm_a put_v in_o the_o powder_n and_o last_o of_o all_o the_o diagrydium_fw-la and_o the_o diatragacanth_n and_o of_o this_o paste_n make_v tablet_n syrup_n of_o the_o juice_n of_o citron_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o citron_n strain_v one_o pint_n let_v it_o stand_v till_o it_o be_v clear_a add_v to_o it_o of_o white_a sugar_n clarify_v and_o boil_v to_o the_o consistence_n of_o tablet_n two_o pound_n make_v a_o syrup_n by_o boil_v of_o it_o just_o up_o and_o no_o more_o syrup_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o citron_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o yellow_a peel_n of_o citron_n ripe_a and_o fresh_a five_o ounce_n of_o the_o grain_n of_o kerm_n or_o of_o their_o juice_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o fountain-water_n three_o pint_n infuse_v they_o all_o night_n in_o b._n m._n strain_v it_o add_v two_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o white_a sugar_n and_o boil_v it_o to_o a_o syrup_n according_a to_o art_n in_o b._n m._n half_a of_o it_o must_v be_v without_o musk_n the_o other_o half_o must_v be_v aromatise_v with_o three_o grain_n of_o musk_n tie_v up_o in_o a_o rag._n citrul_n in_o latin_a citrullus_n the_o fruit_n of_o it_o be_v cold_a and_o moist_a and_o very_o fit_a to_o quench_v the_o thirst_n wherefore_o the_o italian_n refresh_v themselves_o in_o summertime_n with_o the_o pulp_n of_o it_o it_o be_v good_a in_o burn_a fever_n and_o for_o a_o dry_a tongue_n the_o seed_n of_o it_o be_v one_o of_o the_o great_a cold_a seed_n clove_n in_o latin_a caryophyllus_n aromaticus_fw-la clove_n heat_n and_o dry_v the_o indian_n two_o day_n before_o they_o sell_v their_o clove_n place_v a_o large_a vessel_n of_o water_n in_o the_o room_n where_o the_o clove_n be_v and_o it_o all_o soon_o evaporate_v and_o go_v into_o the_o clove_n and_o so_o the_o weight_n of_o they_o be_v much_o increase_v clove_n perfume_v the_o breath_n for_o which_o reason_n the_o indian_a woman_n frequent_o chew_v they_o and_o such_o like_a thing_n they_o be_v say_v to_o clear_v the_o sight_n and_o to_o take_v off_o cloud_n from_o the_o eye_n they_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n and_o take_v off_o vomit_v and_o nauseousness_n they_o provoke_v venery_n and_o be_v good_a for_o all_o cold_a disease_n of_o the_o brain_n as_o apoplexy_n lethargy_n palsy_n or_o the_o like_a they_o be_v use_v to_o correct_v the_o air_n by_o be_v burn_v or_o eat_v but_o the_o chief_a use_n of_o they_o be_v in_o the_o kitchen_n for_o sauce_n and_o the_o like_a they_o be_v also_o use_v to_o perfume_v clothes_n a_o orange_n be_v stick_v full_a of_o they_o and_o put_v into_o the_o chest_n to_o the_o clothes_n some_o put_v they_o into_o wine_n or_o beer_n and_o they_o impart_v to_o it_o a_o pleasant_a smell_n and_o taste_n they_o be_v put_v into_o a_o bag_n or_o sow_v up_o in_o a_o cloth_n and_o wear_v upon_o the_o stomach_n to_o stop_v vomit_v and_o to_o take_v off_o pain_n of_o the_o stomach_n proceed_v from_o a_o cold_a cause_n some_o powder_n their_o head_n with_o the_o powder_n of_o they_o to_o take_v off_o dulness_n and_o pain_n of_o the_o head_n cloves_n candy_v taste_v very_o pleasant_o and_o be_v proper_a for_o a_o cold_a stomach_n oil_n of_o clove_n by_o distillation_n be_v good_a for_o inward_a and_o outward_a use_n oil_n of_o clove_n per_fw-la descensum_fw-la be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v several_a large_a drinking-glass_n cover_v they_o with_o a_o linen_n cloth_n and_o tie_v it_o round_o each_o of_o they_o leave_v a_o cavity_n
have_v treat_v large_o of_o it_o one_o be_v ask_v when_o he_o be_v above_o a_o hundred_o year_n old_a by_o what_o mean_v he_o keep_v up_o the_o vigour_n of_o his_o mind_n and_o body_n he_o answer_v by_o take_v wine_n inward_o and_o by_o use_v of_o oil_n outward_o cardan_n mention_n three_o thing_n which_o prolong_v life_n milk_n honey_n and_o oil_n but_o he_o do_v not_o mean_a that_o the_o oil_n shall_v be_v use_v outward_o but_o be_v take_v inward_o with_o meat_n aristotle_n say_v that_o oil_n and_o salt_n shall_v be_v always_o have_v in_o readiness_n for_o that_o they_o much_o conduce_v to_o a_o long_a life_n the_o best_a oil_n for_o the_o recovery_n of_o health_n be_v that_o which_o be_v make_v of_o olive_n before_o they_o be_v ripe_a and_o then_o it_o be_v call_v omphacinum_fw-la of_o this_o they_o make_v ointment_n and_o many_o other_o composition_n oil_n of_o ripe_a olive_n be_v hot_a and_o moisten_v moderate_o the_o old_a be_v hot_a than_o the_o new_a it_o mollify_v digest_v be_v vulnerary_n and_o loosen_v the_o belly_n a_o ounce_n of_o it_o be_v take_v in_o hot_a beer_n it_o take_v off_o the_o dryness_n of_o the_o breast_n cure_v the_o gripe_n open_v the_o urinary_a passage_n cleanse_v and_o heal_v they_o when_o they_o be_v sore_o it_o be_v outward_o use_v for_o clyster_n and_o hot_a tumor_n and_o the_o like_a mix_v with_o warm_a water_n and_o take_v inward_o it_o vomit_v and_o therefore_o be_v use_v against_o poison_n schroder_n say_v that_o in_o westphalia_n they_o usual_o give_v oil_n daily_o with_o hot_a beer_n to_o those_o that_o be_v wound_v and_o they_o take_v so_o much_o of_o it_o that_o their_o very_a sweat_n smell_v of_o it_o a_o toast_n dip_v in_o oil_n and_o well_o moisten_v with_o it_o and_o take_v daily_o in_o the_o morning_n keep_v the_o body_n open_a all_o sort_n of_o infect_v be_v besmear_v with_o oil_n die_v present_o the_o reason_n be_v plain_a for_o it_o stop_v the_o pore_n whereby_o they_o breath_n oil_n cleanse_v the_o hand_n from_o pitch_n and_o clothes_n when_o they_o be_v pitch_v opium-seed_n white_a of_o poppy_n in_o the_o first_o part_n this_o herbal_a opium_n be_v a_o tear_n which_o distil_v of_o itself_o or_o by_o incision_n of_o the_o head_n of_o the_o poppy_n it_o be_v find_v frequent_o in_o greece_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o cambaia_n and_o the_o territory_n of_o grand-cairo_n in_o egypt_n there_o be_v three_o sort_n of_o it_o the_o black_a the_o white_a and_o the_o yellow_a the_o inhabitant_n of_o those_o country_n keep_v this_o opium_n for_o their_o own_o use_n and_o send_v we_o only_o the_o meconium_n which_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o the_o juice_n of_o the_o poppy-head_n draw_v by_o expression_n which_o be_v not_o near_o so_o good_a as_o the_o true_a opium_n the_o best_a opium_n come_v from_o thebes_n or_o else_o from_o grand-cairo_n choose_v it_o black_a inflammable_a bitter_a and_o a_o little_a acrimonious_a it_o be_v smell_n be_v disagreeable_a and_o stupefactive_a extract_v of_o opium_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n cut_v into_o slice_n four_o ounce_n of_o good_a opium_n and_o put_v it_o into_o a_o boult-head_n pour_v upon_o it_o a_o quart_n of_o rain-water_n well_o filter_v stop_v the_o boult-head_n and_o set_v it_o in_o the_o sand_n give_v your_o fire_n by_o degree_n then_o increase_v it_o to_o make_v the_o liquor_n boil_v for_o two_o hour_n strain_v it_o warm_v and_o pour_v it_o into_o a_o bottle_n take_v the_o opium_n which_o remain_v undissolve_v in_o the_o rain-water_n dry_v it_o in_o a_o earthen_a pan_n over_o a_o small_a fire_n and_o put_v it_o into_o a_o matrass_n pour_v upon_o it_o spirit_n of_o wine_n to_o the_o height_n of_o four_o finger_n stop_v the_o matrass_n and_o digest_v the_o matter_n twelve_o hour_n in_o hot_a ash_n afterward_o strain_v the_o liquor_n and_o there_o will_v remain_v a_o glutinous_a earth_n which_o be_v to_o be_v fling_v away_o evaporate_v both_o these_o dissolution_n of_o opium_n separately_z in_o earthen_a or_o glass-vessel_n in_o a_o sand-heat_n to_o the_o consistence_n of_o honey_n then_o mix_v they_o and_o finish_v the_o dry_a this_o mixture_n with_o a_o very_a gentle_a heat_n to_o give_v it_o the_o consistence_n of_o pill_n or_o of_o a_o solid_a extract_n it_o be_v the_o most_o certain_a soporifick_a that_o we_o have_v in_o physic_n it_o allay_v all_o pain_n which_o proceed_v from_o too_o great_a a_o activity_n of_o the_o humour_n it_o be_v good_a for_o the_o toothache_n apply_v to_o the_o tooth_n or_o else_o to_o the_o temple-artery_n in_o a_o plaster_n it_o be_v use_v to_o stop_v spit_v of_o blood_n the_o bloodyflux_n the_o flux_n of_o the_o course_n and_o hemorrhoid_n for_o the_o colic_n for_o hot_a defluction_n of_o the_o eye_n and_o to_o quiet_a all_o sort_n of_o gripe_a pain_n the_o do_v of_o it_o be_v from_o half_a a_o grain_n to_o three_o grain_n in_o some_o convenient_a conserve_v or_o else_o dissolve_v in_o a_o julap_n those_o that_o accustom_v themselves_o to_o the_o use_n of_o opium_n must_v increase_v the_o do_v of_o it_o or_o else_o it_o will_v have_v no_o effect_n on_o they_o helmont_n liquid_a laudinum_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o opium_n four_o ounce_n cut_v it_o into_o slice_n dry_v it_o in_o a_o gentle_a heat_n then_o take_v a_o quart_n of_o the_o juice_n of_o quince_n mix_v one_o quarter_n of_o the_o juice_n with_o opium_n rub_v it_o very_o well_o in_o a_o glass-mortar_n let_v it_o dissolve_v as_o much_o of_o the_o opium_n as_o it_o will_v bear_v decant_v it_o off_o and_o pour_v on_o as_o much_o more_o fresh_a juice_n rub_v it_o as_o before_o continue_v so_o do_v till_o the_o opium_n be_v dissolve_v but_o keep_v out_o a_o little_a of_o the_o juice_n to_o mix_v with_o four_o spoonful_n of_o yeast_n then_o put_v it_o to_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o liquor_n and_o place_n it_o in_o a_o wide-mouthed_a glass_n cover_v with_o paper_n in_o the_o first_o degree_n of_o heat_n on_o a_o degestive_a furnace_n to_o ferment_n let_v it_o continue_v four_o day_n or_o so_o long_a as_o it_o ferment_n when_o it_o have_v do_v ferment_v take_v it_o off_o the_o furnace_n and_o decant_v it_o from_o the_o faeces_fw-la that_o which_o will_v not_o decant_v filter_n through_o paper_n then_o add_v to_o this_o tincture_n a_o ounce_n of_o saffron_n two_o ounce_n of_o cinnamon_n half_o a_o ounce_n of_o nutmeg_n and_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o clove_n the_o cinnamon_n and_o nutmeg_n must_v be_v powder_v gross_o set_v it_o on_o the_o degestive_a furnace_n again_o in_o the_o same_o degree_n of_o heat_n and_o let_v it_o stand_v three_o or_o four_o day_n then_o filter_n your_o tincture_n through_o paper_n and_o put_v it_o into_o a_o cucurbite_n put_v on_o a_o head_n and_o receiver_n draw_v off_o half_o that_o which_o remain_v in_o the_o cucurbite_n you_o must_v filter_n it_o again_o lest_o any_o dregs_o shall_v remain_v at_o the_o bottom_n put_v it_o up_o in_o a_o glass_n for_o use_v orange_n in_o latin_a malus_n aurantia_fw-la the_o nobility_n and_o gentry_n in_o england_n value_v the_o tree_n much_o and_o keep_v they_o in_o their_o garden_n for_o a_o fine_a show_n and_o some_o of_o they_o bring_v fruit_n to_o maturity_n but_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o coldness_n of_o our_o climate_n the_o product_n be_v no_o way_n suitable_a to_o the_o charge_n they_o be_v keep_v in_o house_n in_o the_o wintertime_n to_o defend_v they_o from_o the_o injury_n of_o the_o wether_n but_o they_o grow_v in_o great_a abundance_n in_o sicily_n italy_n and_o spain_n and_o in_o other_o place_n the_o flower_n be_v much_o esteem_v for_o their_o good_a smell_n which_o they_o retain_v a_o long_a while_n the_o distil_a water_n of_o they_o be_v also_o very_o fragrant_a and_o be_v not_o only_o pleasant_a but_o useful_a too_o against_o the_o plague_n and_o contagious_a disease_n the_o spaniard_n give_v it_o to_o woman_n in_o hard_a labour_n with_o a_o little_a penny-royal-water_n the_o bark_n be_v more_o bitter_a and_o therefore_o hot_a than_o the_o bark_n of_o citron_n be_v candy_v it_o kill_v the_o worm_n in_o child_n it_o also_o strengthen_v the_o heart_n and_o stomach_n and_o be_v good_a for_o those_o disease_n citron_n be_v prescribe_v for_o the_o juice_n be_v not_o so_o sharp_a as_o that_o of_o lemon_n or_o citron_n yet_o it_o be_v cool_v and_o taste_v pleasant_o it_o create_v a_o appetite_n and_o extinguish_v thirst_n and_o therefore_o be_v of_o good_a use_n in_o fever_n orange_n be_v excellent_a for_o cure_v the_o scurvy_a the_o oil_n press_v out_o of_o the_o bark_n be_v of_o a_o fiery_a quality_n as_o will_v appear_v to_o any_o one_o that_o shall_v press_v the_o fresh_a juice_n near_o a_o candle_n for_o the_o drop_n like_o dew_n that_o fly_v out_o will_v flame_n and_o crackle_v just_a
of_o a_o fungous_a pith._n the_o leave_n that_o come_v from_o the_o root_n and_o those_o that_o grow_v on_o the_o stalk_n be_v place_v alternate_o on_o long_a foot-stalk_n and_o sometime_o they_o have_v none_o at_o all_o or_o very_o short_a one_o those_o that_o be_v at_o bottom_n be_v almost_o a_o hand_n be_v breadth_n and_o about_o twice_o as_o long_o but_o here_o in_o england_n they_o be_v not_o so_o long_o nor_o so_o broad_a the_o uppermost_a be_v of_o a_o dark-green_a hairy_a on_o both_o side_n and_o indent_v about_o the_o edge_n the_o flower_n be_v many_o and_o grow_v on_o the_o top_n of_o the_o stalk_n and_o on_o peculiar_a foot-stalk_n arise_v from_o the_o wing_n of_o the_o leave_n they_o be_v yellow_a and_o at_o last_o turn_n into_o a_o kind_n of_o down_o it_o grow_v common_o upon_o heath_n and_o in_o hilly_a wood_n and_o grove_n it_o flower_n in_o august_n the_o flower_n sometime_o vary_v it_o be_v a_o excellent_a wound-herb_n either_o take_v inward_o or_o outward_o apply_v it_o be_v lithontriptick_a and_o diuretic_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o powder_n be_v take_v in_o white-wine_n hot_a every_o morning_n it_o be_v very_a cleanse_v and_o dry_v it_o be_v good_a in_o the_o obstruction_n of_o the_o bowel_n and_o for_o those_o that_o be_v incline_v to_o a_o dropsy_n and_o for_o stop_v all_o flux_n of_o the_o womb_n or_o belly_n and_o inward_a bleeding_n goos-berry-bush_n in_o latin_a grossularia_fw-la it_o love_v cold_a place_n it_o flower_n in_o april_n the_o fruit_n come_v forth_o in_o may_n and_o be_v ripe_a in_o june_n and_o july_n the_o fruit_n be_v very_o agreeable_a to_o the_o stomach_n be_v boil_v in_o broth_n before_o they_o be_v ripe_a they_o do_v good_a in_o a_o fever_n they_o provoke_v appetite_n and_o stop_v the_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n they_o also_o cure_v a_o gonorrhoea_n and_o the_o whites_n they_o be_v outward_o apply_v for_o inflammation_n and_o st._n anthony_n fire_n but_o before_o they_o be_v ripe_a many_o of_o they_o must_v not_o be_v eat_v for_o they_o occasion_v the_o colic_n and_o gripe_v wine_n be_v make_v of_o they_o when_o they_o be_v ripe_a in_o the_o follow_a manner_n the_o berry_n be_v put_v into_o a_o tub_n they_o pour_v upon_o they_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o hot_a water_n and_o then_o cover_v the_o vessel_n very_o close_o they_o let_v they_o stand_v three_o week_n or_o a_o month_n till_o the_o liquor_n be_v impregnate_v with_o the_o juice_n and_o spirit_n of_o the_o berry_n then_o they_o draw_v it_o out_o and_o put_v it_o into_o bottle_n with_o sugar_n which_o they_o keep_v close_o stop_v till_o the_o liquor_n be_v well_o mix_v and_o ferment_v with_o the_o sugar_n and_o so_o it_o become_v a_o generous_a wine_n goosegrass_n or_o cleaver_n in_o latin_a aparine_n this_o herb_n beat_v up_o with_o lard_n cure_v the_o king's-evil_a the_o distil_a water_n stop_v the_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o be_v good_a in_o the_o jaundice_n the_o distil_a water_n or_o the_o herb_n cut_v small_a and_o boil_v in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o wine_n and_o drink_v be_v a_o excellent_a remedy_n for_o the_o stone_n and_o gravel_n the_o herb_n dry_v with_o the_o spleen_n of_o a_o calf_n in_o a_o furnace_n be_v account_v very_o excellent_a for_o tumor_n of_o the_o spleen_n and_o hypochondriack_a wind_n take_v of_o the_o leave_n of_o cleaver_n plantain_n and_o brook-lime_n each_o four_o handful_n bruise_v they_o and_o pour_v upon_o they_o three_o ounce_n of_o aqua_fw-la lumbricorum_fw-la and_o three_o ounce_n of_o aqua_fw-la raphani_fw-la composit_n then_o strain_v they_o this_o be_v to_o be_v take_v twice_o a_o day_n at_o eight_o in_o the_o morning_n and_o five_o in_o the_o afternoon_n this_o be_v good_a in_o a_o dropsy_n groncil_n or_o grouncel_n in_o latin_a lithospermum_n the_o root_n be_v about_o the_o thickness_n of_o the_o thumb_n woody_a and_o perennial_a and_o have_v some_o fibre_n on_o the_o side_n it_o have_v many_o stalk_n two_o or_o three_o foot_n high_a straight_o firm_a round_o rough_a and_o branchy_a it_o have_v many_o leave_n place_v disorderly_o they_o be_v long_o narrow_a and_o end_n in_o a_o sharp_a point_n and_o have_v no_o foot-stalk_n those_o that_o be_v at_o the_o top_n of_o the_o stalk_n and_o branch_n be_v broad_a and_o short_a and_o of_o a_o deep_a green_n the_o little_a flower_n be_v place_v on_o short_a foot-stalk_n and_o come_v from_o the_o wing_n of_o the_o leave_n they_o be_v white_a and_o consist_v of_o one_o leaf_n divide_v into_o five_o blunt_a piece_n the_o cup_n be_v hairy_a and_o consist_v of_o five_o narrow_a jag_n four_o seed_n succeed_v each_o flower_n they_o be_v of_o a_o ash-colour_n very_o hard_o and_o look_v as_o if_o they_o be_v polish_a it_o grow_v near_o hedge_n in_o dry_a ground_n near_o highway_n and_o in_o bush_n it_o flower_n in_o may_n and_o june_n the_o seed_n of_o it_o cleanse_v the_o reins_o and_o provoke_v urine_n break_v the_o stone_n and_o expel_v it_o two_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o seed_n or_o more_o may_v be_v give_v at_o a_o time_n matthiolus_n prescribe_v it_o for_o woman_n in_o labour_n in_o a_o woman_n milk_n ground-pine_a in_o latin_a chamaepytis_n vulgaris_fw-la it_o be_v a_o small_a plant_n of_o the_o breadth_n of_o a_o hand_n and_o rare_o above_o a_o inch_n or_o two_o inch_n high_a the_o root_n be_v long_o woody_a and_o single_a the_o little_a stalk_v be_v round_o hairy_a and_o somewhat_o red_a near_o the_o earth_n in_o other_o place_n green_a incline_v to_o a_o yellow_a as_o also_o be_v the_o leave_n which_o be_v place_v at_o small_a distance_n at_o the_o knot_n by_o pair_n opposite_a to_o one_o another_o they_o be_v hairy_a and_o resemble_v the_o claw_n of_o a_o small_a bird_n they_o taste_v and_o smell_v like_o pitch_n and_o rosin_n the_o flower_n proceed_v from_o the_o wing_n of_o the_o leave_n be_v yellow_a and_o have_v a_o broad_a lip_n divide_v into_o two_o part_n the_o upper_a have_v red_a spot_n instead_o of_o a_o hood_n they_o have_v thread_n of_o a_o light_n purple_n the_o seed_n be_v place_v in_o little_a cup_n four_o and_o four_o in_o a_o rank_n and_o they_o be_v threesquare_a the_o tube_n of_o the_o flower_n belly_n out_o and_o serve_v instead_o of_o a_o seed-vessel_n it_o grow_v in_o tilled_a ground_n but_o be_v rare_a in_o england_n it_o strengthen_v the_o nerve_n incides_fw-la open_v and_o be_v diuretic_n and_o provoke_v the_o course_n it_o expel_v a_o dead_a child_n and_o the_o afterbirth_n and_o work_v so_o powerful_o that_o woman_n with_o child_n be_v whole_o forbid_v the_o use_n of_o it_o because_o it_o occasion_n miscarriage_n boil_a in_o wine_n or_o powder_v and_o make_v into_o pill_n with_o hermodactyl_n and_o venice-turpentine_n do_v much_o good_a in_o a_o dropsy_n outward_o use_v it_o cure_v ulcer_n by_o cleanse_v they_o and_o take_v off_o the_o hardness_n take_v of_o ground-pine_a and_o wormwood_n each_o two_o handful_n of_o scurvygrass_n ten_o handful_n of_o mountain-sage_a six_o handful_n six_o orange_n slice_v put_v all_o into_o a_o pie_n make_v of_o two_o part_n of_o barly-meal_n and_o one_o of_o rye_n bake_v it_o and_o after_o shred_v it_o all_o small_a then_o put_v it_o into_o a_o bag_n and_o hang_v it_o in_o five_o gallon_n of_o middling_a ale_n after_o six_o day_n drink_v of_o it_o for_o your_o ordinary_a drink_n this_o be_v use_v with_o excellent_a success_n to_o a_o person_n that_o be_v afflict_v with_o the_o gout_n and_o scurvy_a groundsel_n in_o latin_a erigeron_n this_o grow_v every_o where_o in_o the_o field_n and_o garden_n and_o in_o court_n too_o frequent_o all_o the_o year_n the_o juice_n of_o the_o herb_n take_v in_o beer_n or_o a_o decoction_n of_o it_o with_o honey_n vomit_v gentle_o outward_o apply_v it_o be_v good_a for_o the_o inflammation_n of_o the_o pap_n and_o for_o the_o king's-evil_a it_o be_v very_o probable_a that_o it_o may_v be_v useful_a against_o worm_n for_o farrier_n use_v it_o as_o a_o present_a remedy_n for_o the_o bots_n h._n hart's-tongue_n in_o latin_a phillitis_n it_o have_v many_o black_a capillary_a root_n it_o have_v six_o eight_o or_o ten_o long_a leave_n nine_o inch_n or_o a_o foot_n long_o and_o about_o two_o inch_n broad_a of_o a_o curious_a shine_a green_n above_o below_o streak_v with_o small_a and_o somewhat_o long_o brownish_a mark_n the_o bottom_n of_o the_o leave_n be_v a_o little_a bow_v on_o each_o side_n of_o the_o middle-rib_n it_o smell_v strong_a and_o taste_v rough_a it_o grow_v in_o moist_a stony_a and_o shady_a place_n especial_o on_o mountain_n and_o in_o wells_n and_o cave_n it_o grow_v in_o great_a abundance_n by_o walberton_n near_o arrundel_n in_o sussex_n it_o be_v use_v chief_o in_o swell_n of_o the_o spleen_n for_o the_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o for_o spit_v of_o blood_n outward_o
leave_n of_o ground-ivy_n colt's-foot_n oak_n of_o jerusalem_n each_o three_o pound_n hyssop_n rosemary_n pennyroyal_n horehound_n of_o each_o one_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o root_n of_o elecampane_n and_o liquorish_a each_o one_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o florentine-orris_n twelve_o ounce_n of_o fig_n slice_v three_o pound_n of_o the_o best_a saffron_n of_o the_o seed_n annise_v and_o sweet-fennel_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o spirit_n of_o wine_n five_o quart_n of_o fountain-water_n four_o and_o twenty_o quart_n infuse_v they_o and_o distil_v from_o a_o limbeck_n twelve_o quart_n take_v as_o i_o say_v one_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a of_o this_o pectoral-water_n and_o boil_v the_o ingredient_n abovementioned_a in_o it_o in_o a_o circulatory_a vessel_n well_o stop_v and_o place_v in_o hot_a sand_n for_o some_o hour_n strain_v it_o and_o add_v a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o white_a sugar_n to_o make_v a_o syrup_n this_o be_v excellent_a for_o cough_n and_o consumption_n and_o for_o the_o stone_n in_o the_o kidney_n and_o bladder_n balsamum_n de_fw-fr chili_n be_v good_a for_o pain_n that_o proceed_v from_o cold_a or_o wind._n it_o help_v digestion_n create_v a_o appetite_n and_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n it_o be_v good_a for_o ulcer_n in_o the_o kidney_n womb_n lung_n or_o breast_n it_o stop_v spit_v of_o blood_n be_v good_a for_o cough_n and_o a_o asthma_n and_o other_o disease_n of_o the_o lung_n it_o be_v useful_a in_o disease_n of_o the_o head_n and_o nerve_n as_o apoplexy_n lethargy_n palsy_n convulsion_n and_o the_o like_a it_o cure_v burst_a belly_n and_o kill_v worm_n and_o expel_v gravel_n it_o cure_v deafness_n be_v drop_v into_o the_o ear._n it_o be_v good_a for_o a_o fistula_n and_o ulcer_n for_o bruise_n and_o ache_n of_o the_o limb_n it_o open_v obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n and_o spleen_n and_o provoke_v woman_n course_n it_o grow_v in_o america_n in_o the_o province_n of_o chili_n balaustian_n in_o latin_a balaustia_fw-la they_o be_v the_o flower_n of_o the_o wild_a pomegranate_n some_o of_o they_o be_v as_o big_a as_o a_o damask-rose_n other_o much_o less_o they_o corroborate_v the_o stomach_n be_v dry_v bind_a cool_a and_o astringent_a they_o stop_v catarrh_n a_o looseness_n the_o bloodyflux_n a_o gonorrhaea_n and_o the_o like_a they_o settle_v the_o tooth_n when_o they_o be_v loose_a and_o cure_v burst_a belly_n they_o be_v bring_v from_o turkey_n and_o spain_n and_o some_o other_o place_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o bistort_v tormentil_n of_o pomegranate-peel_n each_o one_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o plantain_n knotgrass_n shepherd's-purse_n and_o horse-tail_n each_o one_o handful_n of_o cypress-nut_n balaustian_n pomegranate_n myrtle_n and_o shumach_n each_o one_o ounce_n boil_v they_o in_o smith_n water_n and_o rough_a wine_n strain_v it_o and_o make_v a_o fomentation_n this_o be_v a_o good_a astringent_a fomentation_n balaustian_n be_v also_o a_o ingredient_n of_o the_o syrup_n of_o myrtle_n in_o the_o london-dispensatory_a bdellium_fw-la it_o mollify_v discuss_n open_v and_o cleanse_v but_o it_o be_v to_o be_v note_v when_o it_o be_v fresh_a it_o mollify_v most_o powerful_o when_o it_o be_v old_a it_o discuss_n and_o cleanse_v best_a it_o be_v chief_o use_v inward_o for_o a_o cough_n and_o a_o ulcer_n of_o the_o lung_n and_o to_o expel_v gravel_n and_o to_o provoke_v urine_n and_o the_o like_a outward_o use_v it_o discuss_n hardness_n and_o knot_n of_o the_o nerve_n take_v of_o bdellium_n gum-ammoniacum_a and_o opoponax_n each_o two_o dram_fw-la dissolve_v they_o in_o white-wine_n strain_v they_o and_o boil_v they_o then_o add_v of_o the_o confection_n of_o hamech_v and_o diaphoenicon_fw-la each_o two_o ounce_n of_o the_o catholicon_fw-la duplicatum_fw-la half_a a_o ounce_n of_o fetid_a pill_n two_o dram_fw-la make_v a_o opiate_n of_o which_o take_v half_a a_o ounce_n add_v to_o it_o twenty_o grain_n of_o mercurius_n dulcis_fw-la continue_v the_o use_n of_o it_o several_a day_n together_o and_o it_o will_v take_v off_o the_o hardness_n and_o swell_v of_o the_o spleen_n bear's-breech_n in_o latin_a branca_n vrsina_fw-la it_o be_v one_o of_o the_o five_o emollient_a herb_n it_o be_v use_v chief_o in_o clyster_n and_o other_o paregorick_n of_o whatsoever_o kind_n they_o be_v and_o most_o common_o in_o poultice_n the_o root_n make_v into_o poultice_n and_o apply_v be_v good_a for_o burns_n and_o luxation_n be_v take_v inward_o they_o force_v urine_n and_o stop_v a_o looseness_n they_o be_v good_a for_o consumptive_a people_n and_o such_o as_o spit_v blood_n and_o for_o contusion_n it_o grow_v in_o italy_n and_o sicily_n it_o be_v one_o of_o the_o ingredient_n of_o the_o majesterial_a water_n of_o worm_n in_o the_o london-dispensatory_a which_o be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o worm_n well_o cleanse_v three_o pound_n of_o snail_n with_o their_o shell_n cleanse_v two_o gallon_n beat_v they_o in_o a_o mortar_n and_o put_v they_o into_o a_o convenient_a vessel_n add_v of_o the_o leave_n of_o sting_a nettle_n with_o their_o root_n six_o handful_n of_o wild_a angelica_n four_o handful_n of_o bears-breech_n seven_o handful_n of_o agrimony_n and_o betony_n each_o three_o handful_n of_o common_a wormwood_n two_o handful_n of_o the_o flower_n of_o rosemary_n six_o ounce_n of_o the_o root_n of_o sharppointed_n dock_n ten_o ounce_n of_o woodsorrel_n five_o ounce_n of_o turmerick_n of_o the_o inner_a bark_n of_o barberry_n each_o four_o ounce_n of_o fenugreekseed_n two_o ounce_n of_o clove_n powder_v three_o ounce_n of_o hart's-horn_n gross_o powder_v of_o ivory_n powder_v each_o four_o ounce_n of_o saffron_n three_o dram_fw-la of_o small_a spirit_n of_o wine_n four_o gallon_n and_o a_o half_a after_o they_o have_v be_v infuse_v four_o and_o twenty_o hour_n distil_v they_o in_o glass_n vessel_n in_o b._n m._n the_o first_o four_o pint_n that_o distil_v be_v to_o be_v keep_v by_o itself_o and_o be_v call_v the_o spirit_n the_o rest_n be_v call_v the_o majesterial_a water_n of_o worm_n benjamin_n in_o latin_a benzoinum_fw-la it_o attenuate_v it_o be_v hot_a and_o dry_a it_o be_v use_v for_o cough_n rheum_n and_o obstruction_n of_o the_o lung_n it_o come_v from_o sumatra_n surat_n and_o several_a other_o place_n flower_n and_o the_o oil_n of_o benjamin_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v a_o earthen_a pot_n high_a and_o narrow_a with_o a_o little_a border_n round_o it_o put_v into_o it_o three_o or_o four_o ounce_n of_o clear_a benjamin_n gross_o powder_v cover_v the_o pot_n with_o a_o coffin_n of_o paper_n and_o tie_v it_o round_o about_o under_o the_o border_n set_v the_o pot_n into_o hot_a ash_n and_o when_o the_o benjamin_n be_v heat_v the_o flower_n will_v sublime_a take_v off_o the_o coffin_n every_o two_o hour_n and_o fix_v another_o in_o its_o place_n stop_v up_o quick_o in_o a_o glass_n the_o flower_n you_o find_v in_o the_o coffin_n and_o when_o those_o which_o afterward_o sublime_a do_v begin_v to_o appear_v oily_a take_v the_o pot_n off_o the_o fire_n put_v that_o which_o remain_v into_o a_o little_a glass_n retort_n and_o fit_v a_o receiver_n to_o it_o distil_v in_o a_o sand-heat_n a_o thick_a and_o fragrant_a oil_n until_o no_o more_o come_v forth_o and_o there_o will_v remain_v in_o the_o retort_n nothing_o but_o a_o very_a spongy_a earth_n the_o flower_n be_v good_a for_o asthmatical_a person_n and_o to_o fortify_v the_o stomach_n the_o do_v be_v from_o two_o grain_n to_o five_o in_o a_o egg_n or_o in_o lozenge_n the_o oil_n be_v a_o balsam_n for_o wound_n and_o ulcer_n tincture_n of_o benjamin_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v three_o ounce_n of_o benjamin_n and_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o storax_n powder_n they_o gross_o and_o put_v they_o into_o a_o pottle-matrass_a half_a empty_a pour_v upon_o they_o a_o pint_n of_o spirit_n of_o wine_n stop_v your_o vessel_n close_o and_o set_v it_o in_o warm_a horse-dung_n leave_v it_o in_o digestion_n for_o a_o fortnight_n after_o which_o filtrate_a the_o liquor_n and_o keep_v it_o in_o a_o vessel_n well_o stop_v some_o do_v add_v to_o it_o five_o or_o six_o drop_n of_o balsam_n of_o peru_n to_o give_v it_o a_o better_a smell_n it_o be_v good_a to_o take_v away_o spot_n in_o the_o face_n a_o dram_n of_o it_o be_v put_v into_o four_o ounce_n of_o water_n and_o it_o whiten_n like_o milk_n this_o water_n serve_v for_o a_o wash_n and_o be_v call_v virgin_n be_v milk_n take_v of_o fat_a ammoniacum_n dissolve_v in_o vinegar_n of_o squill_n one_o ounce_n of_o extract_n of_o aloe_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o crystal_n of_o tartar_n one_o dram_n of_o myrrh_n and_o saffron_n each_o half_n a_o dram_n of_o mastic_n benjamin_n and_o salt_n of_o ash-tree_n and_o wormwood_n each_o one_o scruple_n with_o oxymel_n of_o squill_n make_v a_o mass_n for_o pill_n the_o do_v be_v half_o a_o dram_n
they_o be_v eat_v they_o intoxicate_a when_o they_o be_v dry_a they_o stop_v spit_v of_o blood_n and_o be_v good_a for_o the_o bloodyflux_n a_o decoction_n of_o they_o be_v a_o very_a astringent_a gargarism_n boil_a in_o wine_n they_o take_v off_o proud_a flesh_n and_o cicatrise_v ulcer_n a_o decoction_n of_o it_o make_v the_o hair_n black_a and_o be_v take_v inward_o it_o cure_v disease_n of_o the_o reins_o and_o bladder_n when_o they_o be_v ripe_a they_o be_v good_a for_o a_o hoarseness_n and_o cough_n difficulty_n of_o breathe_v a_o pleurisy_n and_o a_o peripneumonia_n they_o be_v a_o ingredient_n of_o the_o pectoral_a decoction_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a take_v of_o date_n cleanse_v number_n ten_o of_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n three_o ounce_n boil_v they_o in_o oxycrate_n afterward_o beat_v they_o and_o add_v of_o camomile-flower_n and_o of_o the_o flower_n of_o melilot_n and_o red_a rose_n each_o one_o pugil_n of_o spikenard_n and_o camel's-hay_a each_o one_o dram_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o smallage_n and_o parsley_n each_o half_a a_o dram_n of_o endive_n and_o purslain_a each_o one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o oil_n of_o wormwood_n and_o rose_n each_o one_o ounce_n of_o barly-meal_n two_o ounce_n make_v a_o pultis_fw-la this_o be_v use_v for_o inflammation_n and_o ulcer_n of_o the_o liver_n dittany_n of_o crete_n in_o latin_a dictamnus_n creticus_n it_o have_v all_o the_o virtue_n that_o pennyroyal_n have_v but_o it_o be_v much_o more_o effectual_a for_o it_o expel_v a_o dead_a child_n not_o only_o by_o take_v of_o it_o inward_o but_o also_o by_o outward_a application_n and_o by_o fume_v it_o be_v say_v that_o the_o goat_n in_o crete_n when_o they_o be_v wound_v by_o dart_n extract_v they_o and_o so_o be_v cure_v by_o feed_v on_o it_o it_o have_v moreover_o a_o purgative_n quality_n be_v apply_v to_o the_o sole_n of_o the_o foot_n or_o any_o other_o part_n of_o the_o body_n it_o draw_v out_o thorn_n it_o also_o ease_v the_o pain_n of_o the_o spleen_n the_o root_n of_o it_o taste_v hot_a and_o hasten_v delivery_n and_o so_o great_a be_v the_o virtue_n of_o this_o herb_n that_o the_o smell_v of_o it_o drive_v away_o venomous_a creature_n and_o kill_v they_o if_o they_o but_o touch_v it_o but_o this_o seem_v improbable_a the_o juice_n of_o it_o apply_v to_o wound_n make_v by_o a_o sword_n or_o by_o the_o bite_a of_o venomous_a creature_n be_v a_o present_a remedy_n if_o at_o the_o same_o time_n it_o be_v also_o take_v inward_o hypocrates_n count_v it_o the_o best_a remedy_n to_o expel_v the_o secundine_a and_o a_o false_a conception_n be_v take_v in_o wine_n it_o provoke_v the_o course_n and_o hasten_v delivery_n so_o powerful_o that_o it_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v keep_v in_o the_o chamber_n or_o near_o where_o big-bellyed_a woman_n be_v a_o woman_n that_o be_v in_o a_o desperate_a condition_n by_o reason_n of_o a_o dead_a child_n be_v soon_o deliver_v by_o take_v the_o powder_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o this_o herb._n take_v of_o dittany_n of_o crete_n one_o dram_n of_o saffron_n one_o scruple_n of_o gromwel_n aniseed_n and_o misleto_n of_o the_o oak_n each_o three_o dram_fw-la beat_v they_o and_o infuse_v they_o twenty_o four_o hour_n and_o then_o boil_v they_o a_o little_a in_o good_a white-wine_n give_v four_o ounce_n of_o this_o decoction_n at_o a_o time_n this_o be_v much_o commend_v by_o quercetan_n for_o a_o suppression_n of_o the_o course_n dragon's-blood_n in_o latin_a sanguis_fw-la draconis_fw-la it_o be_v a_o gum_n or_o rosin_n of_o a_o deep_a red_a colour_n be_v hold_v to_o the_o fire_n it_o soon_o melt_v and_o if_o it_o be_v cast_v upon_o the_o fire_n it_o flame_n if_o it_o be_v rub_v upon_o any_o thing_n it_o make_v it_o red_a but_o it_o mix_v difficulty_n with_o oil_n and_o water_n it_o be_v of_o a_o astringent_a virtue_n and_o be_v frequent_o use_v in_o the_o bloodyflux_n and_o for_o other_o flux_n for_o spit_v of_o blood_n and_o to_o settle_v the_o tooth_n when_o they_o be_v loose_a goldsmith_n and_o jeweller_n make_v use_v of_o it_o for_o foil_n for_o their_o precious_a stone_n and_o jewel_n and_o glasier_n paint_v glass_n red_a with_o it_o take_v of_o the_o water_n of_o orange-flower_n of_o plantain_n and_o of_o rose_n each_o one_o ounce_n of_o syrup_n of_o coral_n or_o for_o want_v of_o it_o of_o dry_a rose_n one_o ounce_n of_o sal_fw-la prunella_n one_o dram_n of_o dragon's-blood_n half_a a_o scruple_n make_v a_o potion_n this_o be_v use_v for_o a_o immoderate_a flux_n of_o the_o child-bed-purgation_n take_v of_o amber_n and_o mastic_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o dragon's-blood_n lapis_fw-la haematitis_fw-la and_o red_a coral_n each_o one_o dram_n of_o balaustian_n and_o the_o seed_n of_o plantain_n of_o crocus_n matis_n astringent_a one_o ounce_n powder_n they_o all_o and_o with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o peruvian_n balsam_n and_o syrup_n of_o quince_n make_v a_o mass_n for_o pill_n the_o do_v be_v half_a a_o dram_n or_o a_o dram_n morning_n and_o evening_n these_o pill_n be_v use_v for_o the_o virulent_a run_v of_o the_o reins_o but_o they_o must_v be_v give_v only_o at_o the_o declination_n of_o it_o when_o there_o only_o appear_v a_o little_a thin_a waterish_a humour_n which_o glue_n the_o entrance_n of_o the_o vrethra_n for_o if_o you_o give_v they_o soon_o you_o may_v stifle_v the_o matter_n and_o so_o cause_v a_o hernia_n humoralis_fw-la if_o after_o the_o gonorrhaea_n be_v cure_v you_o suspect_v you_o have_v not_o enough_o secure_v the_o patient_n from_o the_o malignity_n you_o must_v purge_v he_o dragon's-blood_n come_v from_o one_o of_o the_o canary-island_n call_v portus_n sanctus_n near_o the_o madera_n e._n ebony_n in_o latin_a ebenus_n the_o wood_n be_v as_o black_a as_o pitch_n and_o as_o smooth_a as_o polish_a ivory_n it_o be_v good_a for_o the_o disease_n of_o the_o eye_n many_o sort_n of_o thing_n be_v make_v of_o it_o as_o case_n chest_n comb_n frames_n for_o picture_n and_o looking-glass_n and_o the_o like_a a_o english_a man_n that_o be_v frequent_o seize_v with_o flatulent_a convulsion_n be_v cure_v by_o use_v a_o decoction_n of_o ebony_n for_o the_o space_n of_o forty_o day_n whereby_o he_o do_v sweat_n much_o white_a ellebore_n or_o hellebore_n in_o latin_a helleborus_fw-la albus_fw-la the_o root_n of_o white_a hellebore_n which_o be_v only_o in_o use_n in_o physic_n purge_v very_o violent_o upward_a and_o downward_o yet_o it_o may_v be_v use_v say_v tragus_n be_v infuse_v twenty_o four_o hour_n in_o wine_n or_o oxymel_n and_o afterward_o dry_v half_o a_o dram_n of_o it_o so_o prepare_v may_v be_v give_v in_o wine_n to_o mad_a and_o melancholy_a people_n but_o either_o of_o the_o hellebores_n say_v gesn●r_n may_v be_v use_v inoffensive_o be_v boil_v to_o a_o syrup_n with_o honey_n and_o vinegar_n and_o be_v very_o useful_a for_o many_o phlegmatic_a disease_n especial_o of_o the_o breast_n and_o head_n as_o a_o asthma_n difficulty_n of_o breathe_v and_o the_o falling-sickness_n they_o wonderful_o purge_v the_o belly_n the_o urine_n and_o all_o the_o passage_n in_o the_o use_n of_o white_a hellebore_n two_o thing_n be_v chief_o to_o be_v mind_v first_o that_o the_o disease_n be_v very_o obstinate_a and_o second_o that_o the_o patient_n have_v sufficient_a strength_n to_o bear_v the_o operation_n wherefore_o the_o root_n ought_v not_o to_o be_v give_v to_o old_a man_n woman_n or_o child_n or_o to_o such_o as_o be_v weak_o and_o costive_a in_o the_o body_n and_o the_o hellebore_n ought_v to_o be_v well_o prepare_v the_o old_a way_n of_o give_v of_o it_o be_v with_o horseradish_n which_o they_o use_v three_o way_n for_o either_o they_o stick_v the_o root_n into_o horseradish_n and_o continue_v they_o in_o it_o twenty_o four_o hour_n and_o afterward_o the_o root_n be_v take_v out_o they_o give_v the_o horseradish_n or_o they_o infuse_v the_o horseradish_n stick_v with_o the_o root_n in_o oxymel_n in_o b._n m._n and_o give_v only_o the_o oxymel_n or_o they_o leave_v the_o horseradish_n so_o prepare_v all_o night_n and_o in_o the_o morning_n infuse_v it_o in_o oxymel_n have_v first_o cast_v away_o the_o hellebore_n and_o then_o they_o give_v the_o oxymel_n but_o parkinson_n say_v the_o best_a way_n of_o prepare_v it_o be_v to_o infuse_v it_o in_o the_o juice_n of_o quince_n or_o to_o roast_v it_o under_o ash_n in_o a_o quince_n if_o upon_o take_v hellebore_n there_o be_v danger_n of_o suffocation_n the_o eat_n of_o quince_n or_o the_o take_n the_o juice_n or_o syrup_n of_o it_o be_v a_o present_a remedy_n the_o root_n boil_v in_o vinegar_n and_o retain_v a_o while_n in_o the_o mouth_n take_v off_o the_o pain_n of_o the_o tooth_n a_o decoction_n of_o it_o make_v in_o lee_n kill_v louse_n and_o cleanse_v the_o head_n from_o scurf_n it_o be_v wash_v with_o it_o
it_o into_o piece_n and_o boil_v it_o in_o broth._n it_o taste_v well_o and_o yield_v a_o laudable_a juice_n and_o we_o suppose_v it_o be_v a_o convenient_a diet_n for_o feverish_a people_n for_o it_o cool_v and_o mollify_v it_o be_v much_o of_o the_o same_o virtue_n with_o cucumber_n the_o fresh_a leave_n apply_v to_o the_o breast_n of_o woman_n in_o childbed_n lessen_v the_o milk_n the_o seed_n be_v reckon_v among_o the_o four_o great_a cold_a seed_n for_o redness_n of_o the_o face_n take_v of_o the_o kernel_n of_o peach_n four_o ounce_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o goard_n two_o ounce_n make_v a_o oil_n of_o they_o by_o expression_n wherewith_o anoint_v the_o face_n menstruous_a woman_n by_o only_o look_v on_o young_a goard_n kill_v they_o but_o this_o seem_v fabulous_a canary_n grass_n in_o latin_a phalaris_n it_o grow_v as_o well_o in_o spain_n and_o france_n as_o in_o the_o canary_n the_o seed_n and_o the_o juice_n of_o the_o herb_n and_o the_o leave_n take_v inward_o be_v commend_v for_o pain_n in_o the_o bladder_n common_a dog_n grass_n or_o couch-grass_n in_o latin_a gramen_fw-la caninum_fw-la it_o be_v a_o tall_a grass_n sometime_o four_o or_o five_o foot_n high_a it_o expel_v gravel_n silvius_z say_v that_o sheep_n and_o ox_n that_o be_v trouble_v with_o the_o stone_n in_o the_o wintertime_n be_v free_v from_o it_o in_o the_o spring_n by_o eat_v grass_n cotton_n grass_n in_o latin_a gramen_fw-la tomentosum_fw-la it_o grow_v in_o marshy_a and_o watery_a place_n and_o be_v easy_o know_v by_o the_o cotton_n on_o it_o it_o be_v very_o astringent_a and_o be_v use_v for_o make_v candle_n and_o the_o like_a oat_n grass_n in_o latin_a gramen_fw-la avenaceum_fw-la it_o be_v find_v in_o may_n in_o the_o hedge_n and_o narrow_a way_n tragus_n say_v a_o decoction_n of_o it_o in_o white-wine_n use_v for_o some_o day_n be_v a_o excellent_a remedy_n for_o the_o worm_n in_o child_n guaiacum_n in_o latin_a lignum_fw-la sanctum_fw-la in_o cure_v the_o french-pox_n there_o be_v no_o medicine_n better_o or_o sure_a than_o the_o decoction_n of_o guaiacum_n for_o if_o the_o cure_n be_v manage_v as_o it_o ought_v and_o the_o decoction_n be_v take_v in_o due_a time_n it_o be_v a_o certain_a cure_n for_o this_o disease_n it_o be_v also_o good_a in_o a_o dropsy_n for_o a_o asthma_n the_o falling-sickness_n for_o disease_n of_o the_o bladder_n and_o reins_o and_o for_o pain_n in_o the_o joint_n and_o for_o all_o disease_n proceed_v from_o cold_a tumour_n and_o wind._n the_o spaniard_n learn_v the_o use_n of_o it_o from_o the_o indian_n for_o a_o certain_a spaniard_n have_v take_v the_o disease_n from_o a_o indian_a woman_n be_v much_o afflict_v with_o venereal_a pain_n and_o have_v a_o indian_a servant_n who_o practise_v physic_n in_o that_o province_n he_o give_v his_o master_n the_o decoction_n of_o it_o whereby_o his_o pain_n be_v ease_v and_o his_o health_n restore_v and_o by_o his_o example_n many_o other_o sapniard_n be_v cure_v so_o that_o in_o a_o short_a time_n this_o way_n of_o cure_n be_v know_v all_o over_o spain_n and_o soon_o after_o every_o where_o else_o the_o pox_n that_o be_v the_o disease_n of_o the_o west-indians_a ininfected_a the_o european_n in_o the_o follow_a manner_n in_o the_o year_n 1493._o in_o that_o war_n of_o the_o spaniard_n at_o naples_n with_o the_o french_a columbus_n return_v from_o his_o first_o voyage_n which_o he_o have_v undertake_v for_o the_o discovery_n of_o the_o new_a world_n and_o have_v find_v some_o island_n he_o bring_v thence_o man_n and_o woman_n to_o naples_n where_o his_o catholic_n majesty_n be_v have_v then_o make_v peace_n with_o the_o french_a king_n both_o the_o army_n have_v free_a intercourse_n and_o ingress_n and_o egress_n at_o pleasure_n the_o spaniard_n have_v first_o conversation_n with_o the_o indian_a woman_n and_o the_o indian_a man_n with_o the_o spanish_a woman_n and_o then_o it_o creep_v afterward_o into_o italy_n and_o germany_n and_o last_o into_o france_n and_o so_o over_o all_o the_o world_n at_o first_o it_o have_v many_o name_n the_o spaniard_n think_v they_o be_v infect_v by_o the_o french_a call_v it_o the_o french-pox_n the_o french_a suppose_v they_o get_v it_o at_o naples_n call_v it_o the_o neopolitan_a disease_n and_o the_o german_n think_v they_o receive_v it_o from_o the_o spaniard_n call_v it_o the_o spanish_a disease_n but_o other_o more_o proper_o term_v it_o the_o indian_a malady_n for_o from_o thence_o it_o first_o come_v the_o way_n of_o prepare_v this_o decoction_n together_o with_o the_o method_n of_o take_v it_o be_v as_o follow_v take_v of_o the_o wood_n cut_v small_a twelve_o ounce_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o it_o beat_v two_o ounce_n infuse_v it_o in_o six_o sextary_n of_o water_n in_o a_o large_a earthen_a pot_n twenty_o four_o hour_n the_o pot_n must_v be_v close_o stop_v boil_v it_o with_o a_o gentle_a fire_n to_o the_o consumption_n of_o four_o sextary_n of_o the_o water_n when_o it_o be_v cold_a strain_n it_o then_o put_v upon_o the_o same_o wood_n eight_o sextary_n of_o water_n and_o boil_v it_o to_o the_o consumption_n of_o two_o keep_v it_o apart_o the_o way_n of_o give_v it_o be_v as_o follow_v the_o sick_a be_v purge_v according_a as_o his_o physician_n shall_v think_v fit_a he_o must_v be_v put_v into_o a_o warm_a chamber_n and_o let_v he_o go_v to_o bed_n in_o the_o morning_n and_o take_v ten_o ounce_n of_o the_o first_o water_n hot_a and_o be_v well_o cover_v he_o must_v sweat_v two_o hour_n then_o be_v well_o rub_v let_v he_o change_v his_o linen_n and_o put_v on_o his_o clothes_n well_o warm_v four_o hour_n after_o give_v he_o raisin_n and_o almond_n with_o bread_n twice_o bake_v whereof_o let_v he_o eat_v moderate_o and_o drink_v as_o much_o as_o be_v sufficient_a of_o the_o second_o water_n eight_o hour_n after_o he_o have_v eat_v let_v he_o take_v again_o ten_o ounce_n of_o the_o first_o water_n hot_a and_o let_v he_o sweat_v two_o hour_n and_o be_v cleanse_v from_o his_o sweat_n as_o before_o a_o hour_n after_o the_o sweat_n give_v he_o the_o almond_n and_o raisin_n and_o the_o bread_n twice_o bake_v for_o his_o supper_n and_o let_v he_o drink_v of_o the_o second_o water_n let_v he_o observe_v this_o method_n for_o the_o first_o fifteen_o day_n unless_o his_o strength_n be_v much_o impair_v for_o if_o so_o he_o must_v be_v allow_v a_o roast_a chicken_n beside_o the_o thing_n abovementioned_a those_o that_o be_v weak_o and_o can_v bear_v so_o strict_a a_o diet_n must_v be_v allow_v also_o a_o roast_a chicken_n after_o nine_o day_n but_o if_o the_o sick_a be_v so_o very_o weak_o that_o he_o can_v bear_v at_o all_o the_o forementioned_a diet_n he_o must_v eat_v chicken_n spare_o at_o the_o beginning_n increase_v his_o meal_n by_o degree_n after_o fifteen_o or_o sixteen_o day_n purge_v with_o ten_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o pulp_n of_o cassia_n or_o some_o such_o medicine_n and_o on_o the_o same_o day_n let_v he_o drink_v of_o the_o second_o decoction_n on_o the_o seventeen_o day_n let_v he_o return_v to_o the_o method_n above_o describe_v let_v he_o take_v morning_n and_o evening_n the_o water_n of_o the_o first_o decoction_n sweat_n and_o be_v diet_v as_o before_o only_o instead_o of_o a_o chicken_n let_v he_o eat_v half_o a_o pullet_n and_o towards_o the_o end_n somewhat_o more_o let_v he_o continue_v the_o same_o diet_n to_o the_o twenty_o day_n at_o which_o time_n be_v well_o clothe_v let_v he_o walk_v about_o his_o chamber_n afterward_o purge_v he_o again_o and_o let_v he_o continue_v the_o use_n of_o the_o decoction_n forty_o day_n more_o and_o let_v he_o observe_v a_o orderly_a diet_n and_o abstain_v from_o woman_n and_o wine_n but_o if_o he_o nauseate_a the_o decoction_n let_v he_o drink_v water_n wherein_o annise_v and_o fennel_n have_v be_v boil_v let_v he_o eat_v a_o small_a supper_n and_o to_o be_v sure_a let_v he_o forbear_v flesh_n then_o this_o method_n some_o think_v will_v eradicate_v the_o worst_a sort_n of_o pox_n but_o other_o hold_v there_o be_v no_o other_o way_n of_o cure_v it_o when_o it_o be_v deep_o root_v than_o by_o the_o use_n of_o mercury_n the_o incomparable_a chirurgeon_n mr._n wiseman_n mention_n it_o frequent_o in_o his_o excellent_a treatise_n of_o the_o french-pox_n take_v of_o guaiacum_n four_o ounce_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o the_o same_o two_o ounce_n of_o sarsaparilla_n eight_o ounce_n of_o the_o wood_n of_o saxifrage_n one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o shave_n of_o hart's-horn_n and_o ivory_n each_o six_o dram_fw-la infuse_v they_o all_o night_n in_o ten_o quart_n of_o fountain-water_n then_o boil_v they_o in_o a_o vessel_n close_o stop_v to_o the_o consumption_n of_o a_o three_o part_n add_v at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o leave_n and_o root_n of_o soap-wort_n
the_o alps_o which_o be_v a_o specific_a for_o this_o disease_n and_o therefore_o we_o need_v not_o charge_v child_n so_o strict_o not_o to_o eat_v they_o they_o do_v indeed_o occasion_n child_n head_n to_o be_v scabby_a but_o it_o be_v because_o they_o eat_v immoderate_o of_o they_o and_o so_o any_o other_o fruit_n will_v produce_v the_o same_o effect_n a_o pleasant_a and_o generous_a wine_n may_v be_v make_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o the_o berry_n press_v out_o and_o ferment_v with_o a_o little_a sugar_n a_o syrup_n make_v of_o the_o juice_n be_v very_o good_a for_o heat_n of_o urine_n it_o be_v most_o common_o prescribe_v in_o gargarism_n to_o cure_v sore_a mouth_n take_v of_o bramble-top_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o columbine_n cyprus_n and_o sage_n each_o one_o handful_n boil_v they_o in_o two_o quart_n of_o water_n wherein_o iron_n have_v be_v quench_v till_o one_o be_v consume_v add_v alum_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a honey_n of_o rose_n one_o ounce_n make_v a_o gargarism_n wherewith_o wash_v the_o mouth_n often_o in_o a_o day_n white_n briony_n in_o latin_a brionia_n alba_fw-la the_o root_n be_v as_o thick_a as_o one_o arm_n white_z and_o fungous_a of_o a_o bitter_a and_o acrid_a taste_n it_o send_v forth_o pliant_a twig_n channel_v and_o somewhat_o hairy_a which_o spread_v themselves_o far_o and_o wide_o by_o the_o help_n of_o their_o tendrel_n and_o climb_v up_o every_o thing_n that_o be_v near_o the_o leave_n be_v like_o ivy-leaves_a but_o large_a they_o be_v hairy_a and_o green_a the_o flower_n join_v together_o come_v out_o of_o the_o wing_n of_o the_o leave_n and_o be_v of_o a_o whitish_a colour_n it_o grow_v frequent_o in_o hedge_n it_o purge_v strong_o watery_a and_o phlegmatic_a humour_n it_o be_v proper_a for_o the_o disease_n of_o the_o spleen_n liver_n and_o womb_n for_o it_o open_v the_o obstruction_n of_o those_o part_n it_o drain_v the_o water_n of_o hydropical_a people_n by_o vomit_n and_o stool_n it_o provoke_v the_o course_n help_v delivery_n cure_v the_o suffocation_n of_o the_o womb_n and_o the_o asthma_n juggler_n and_o fortune-teller_n make_v wonderful_a monster_n of_o this_o root_n which_o when_o they_o have_v hide_v in_o the_o sand_n for_o some_o day_n they_o dig_v up_o for_o mandrake_n and_o by_o this_o imposture_n these_o knave_n impose_v on_o our_o common_a people_n conserve_v of_o white_a briony-root_n take_v twice_o a_o day_n to_o the_o quantity_n of_o a_o nutmeg_n for_o a_o long_a time_n cure_v the_o falling-sickness_n and_o mother-fits_a a_o piece_n of_o the_o root_n put_v into_o the_o pot_n the_o sick_a drink_v out_o of_o do_v the_o same_o the_o compound-water_n of_o briony_n be_v most_o in_o use_n i_o have_v use_v this_o composition_n that_o follow_v with_o excellent_a success_n in_o woman_n obstruction_n and_o it_o be_v undoubted_o much_o better_a in_o hysterick_n disease_n than_o the_o common_a compound-water_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a take_v of_o dry_a briony-root_n beat_v to_o a_o gross_a powder_n two_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o rue_n and_o dry_a mugwort_n each_o half_a a_o pound_n savine_n dry_v three_o quarter_n of_o a_o handful_n of_o featherfew_n cat-mint_n and_o pennyroyal_n dry_a each_o half_n a_o handful_n of_o the_o fresh_a yellow_a pill_n of_o one_o orange_n of_o myrrh_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o castor_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o best_a nants-brandy_n one_o quart_n put_v they_o into_o a_o glass_n and_o let_v they_o infuse_v six_o day_n in_o warm_a ash_n then_o strain_v the_o liquor_n off_o and_o keep_v it_o in_o a_o glass-bottle_n well_o stop_v the_o do_v be_v half_a a_o spoonful_n to_o be_v take_v in_o three_o ounce_n of_o penny-royal-water_n sweeten_v with_o sugar_n morning_n and_o evening_n the_o lees_n of_o briony_n call_v in_o latin_a foecula_fw-la brioniae_fw-la be_v make_v after_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v what_o quantity_n of_o the_o root_n of_o briony_n you_o please_v slice_v they_o and_o press_v out_o the_o juice_n this_o be_v keep_v in_o vessel_n unmoved_a will_v in_o a_o few_o hour_n depose_v the_o lees_n or_o foecula_fw-la which_o be_v separate_v by_o pour_v the_o water_n away_o gentle_o must_v be_v dry_v in_o a_o glass-vessel_n they_o be_v use_v in_o a_o dropsy_n common_n brook-lime_n in_o latin_a anagallis_n aquatica_fw-la it_o grow_v common_o in_o little_a brook_n it_o heat_n and_o moisten_v moderate_o it_o be_v chief_o use_v in_o the_o scurvy_a it_o powerful_o expel_v the_o stone_n of_o the_o kidney_n and_o bladder_n it_o provoke_v the_o course_n and_o expel_v a_o dead_a child_n outward_o apply_v it_o cure_v inflame_v tumor_n and_o st._n anthony_n fire_n it_o be_v much_o of_o the_o same_o virtue_n with_o water-cress_n only_o not_o so_o strong_a countrypeople_n cure_n wound_v with_o brook-lime_n mix_v with_o a_o little_a salt_n and_o a_o spider_n web_n and_o apply_v to_o the_o wound_n wrap_v about_o with_o a_o double_a cloth_n brook-lime_n boil_v in_o water_n apply_v to_o blind_a pile_n have_v present_o ease_v the_o pain_n when_o other_o medicine_n will_v do_v no_o good_a fabricius_n say_v he_o know_v a_o large_a ulcer_n that_o possess_v almost_o the_o whole_a leg_n and_o reach_v almost_o to_o the_o bone_n be_v cure_v in_o a_o scorbutical_a person_n only_o with_o brook-lime_n boil_v in_o beer_n and_o apply_v twice_o a_o day_n but_o it_o be_v most_o common_o use_v inward_o to_o cure_v the_o scurvy_a take_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o brook-lime_n water-cress_n and_o scurvygrass_n each_o half_n a_o pint_n of_o the_o juice_n of_o orange_n four_o ounce_n fine_a sugar_n two_o pound_n make_v a_o syrup_n over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n take_v one_o spoonful_n in_o your_o beer_n every_o time_n you_o drink_v broom_n in_o latin_a genista_fw-la it_o be_v common_a in_o sandy_a and_o barren_a ground_n it_o flower_n at_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o april_n it_o be_v splenetic_a nepthritick_n and_o hepatick_a it_o expel_v the_o stone_n and_o purge_v watery_a humour_n upward_o and_o downward_o by_o stool_n and_o urine_n wherefore_o it_o be_v of_o great_a use_n in_o obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n spleen_n and_o mesentery_n and_o in_o the_o dropsy_n and_o catarrh_n the_o flower_n the_o seed_n and_o top_n be_v in_o use_n the_o leave_n the_o branch_n and_o top_n boil_v in_o wine_n or_o water_n or_o the_o juice_n of_o they_o be_v good_a in_o a_o dropsy_n and_o all_o obstruction_n of_o the_o kidney_n and_o bladder_n for_o they_o partly_o purge_v watery_a and_o superflous_a humour_n by_o stool_n and_o partly_o by_o urine_n one_o dram_n of_o the_o seed_n do_v the_o same_o the_o flower_n when_o they_o be_v green_a be_v common_o pickle_v and_o make_v a_o agreeable_a sauce_n for_o they_o provoke_v appetite_n and_o force_v urine_n the_o ash_n be_v most_o in_o use_n and_o frequent_o commend_v in_o the_o dropsy_n take_v of_o the_o ash_n of_o broom_n one_o pound_n infuse_v they_o cold_a in_o two_o quart_n of_o rhenish-wine_n add_v to_o it_o half_o a_o handful_n of_o common_a wormwood_n take_v four_o ounce_n of_o the_o clear_a liquor_n in_o the_o morning_n at_o four_o in_o the_o afternoon_n and_o in_o the_o evening_n every_o day_n broom-rape_n in_o latin_a orobanche_n it_o be_v two_o foot_n high_a or_o more_o the_o stalk_v be_v straight_o round_o and_o hairy_a pale_a or_o yellowish_a or_o brownish_a whereon_o be_v leave_n that_o be_v narrow_a and_o longish_n if_o they_o may_v be_v call_v leave_n for_o they_o seem_v rather_o the_o beginning_n of_o leave_n they_o soon_o fade_v and_o flower_n succeed_v they_o which_o be_v on_o a_o spike_n like_o the_o flower_n of_o orchis_n but_o at_o a_o great_a distance_n they_o be_v of_o a_o dull_a yellow_a colour_n the_o root_n be_v round_o and_o scaly_a and_o taste_v very_o bitter_a the_o flower_n smell_v pretty_a well_o the_o herb_n candy_v or_o the_o root_n be_v of_o excellent_a use_n in_o disease_n of_o the_o spleen_n and_o for_o melancholy_a a_o ointment_n make_v of_o it_o with_o lard_n be_v good_a to_o discuss_v hard_a and_o scirrhous_n tumor_n butcher_n broom_n in_o latin_a ruscus_n or_o bruscus_n it_o be_v a_o foot_n and_o a_o half_a high_a and_o sometime_o three_o or_o four_o foot_n high_a it_o have_v many_o tough_a branch_n and_o be_v full_a of_o leave_n and_o they_o be_v like_o the_o leave_v of_o the_o myrtle_n they_o be_v ridge_v nervous_a and_o prickly_a they_o have_v no_o foot-stalk_n they_o be_v hard_a and_o strong_a and_o taste_v bitter_a at_o the_o middle_a of_o the_o leaf_n be_v place_v a_o small_a flower_n on_o a_o very_a short_a foot-stalk_n when_o first_o it_o rise_v it_o represent_v a_o little_a bunch_n of_o small_a needle_n but_o be_v open_v three_o little_a broadish_n leave_v appear_v a_o round_a fruit_n succeed_v the_o flower_n that_o be_v large_a than_o the_o berry_n of_o asparagus_n it_o be_v red_a and_o sweetish_a under_o the_o skin_n of_o it_o lie_v
excellent_a lithontripick_n be_v powder_v and_o take_v in_o small_a beer_n or_o posset-drink_a the_o leave_n be_v apply_v outward_o to_o old_a sore_n and_o to_o burns_n the_o seed_n powder_v and_o take_v forty_o day_n together_o cure_v the_o hip-gout_n it_o be_v say_v it_o provoke_v venery_n take_v of_o the_o seed_n of_o bur-dock_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o wild-carrot-seed_n one_o dram_n of_o salt_n of_o amber_n one_o dram_n of_o oil_n of_o nutmeg_n half_a a_o scruple_n balsamum_n capivii_fw-la a_o sufficient_a quantity_n make_v small_a pill_n take_v four_o morning_n and_o evening_n this_o be_v a_o good_a diuretic_n medicine_n but_o the_o root_n be_v chief_o use_v take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o bur-dock_n three_o ounce_n of_o sarsaparilla_n six_o ounce_n of_o the_o wood_n of_o guaiacum_n three_o ounce_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o the_o same_o one_o ounce_n of_o the_o root_n of_o notty_a china_n three_o ounce_n of_o sassaphras_n one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o hartshorn_n and_o ivory_n rasp_v each_o one_o ounce_n of_o red_a and_o white_a sander_n and_o of_o the_o sweet-smelling_a flag_n each_o six_o dram_fw-la of_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n stone_v one_o handful_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o anise_v and_o fennel_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n infuse_v they_o in_o eight_o quart_n of_o fountain-water_n for_o twenty_o four_o hour_n in_o b._n m._n and_o cover_v the_o vessel_n close_o then_o boil_v it_o with_o a_o gentle_a fire_n till_o a_o three_o part_n of_o the_o liquor_n be_v be_v consume_v towards_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o boil_a add_v of_o the_o top_n of_o eye-bright_a betony_n dry_a sage_n and_o of_o the_o cordial-flower_n each_o one_o pugil_n of_o woody_n cassia_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o nutmeg_n number_n two_o strain_v it_o for_o use_n take_v half_o a_o pint_n four_o time_n a_o day_n burnet_n in_o latin_a pimpinella_n vulgaris_fw-la sive_fw-la minor_fw-la it_o have_v a_o long_a slender_a brown_a root_n with_o some_o fibre_n the_o stalk_n be_v a_o foot_n or_o two_o foot_n high_a angled_a branchy_a and_o of_o a_o light_n red_a colour_n at_o the_o top_n of_o the_o branch_n be_v small_a head_n from_o whence_o arise_v small_a purplish_a flower_n the_o seed_n be_v short_a and_o foursquare_a it_o have_v many_o long_a wing_a leave_n that_o lie_v on_o the_o ground_n which_o consist_v of_o several_a small_a roundish_n leave_v green_a above_o and_o grayish_a underneath_o fine_o indent_v about_o the_o edge_n and_o set_v on_o each_o side_n of_o a_o middle-rib_n it_o grow_v common_o on_o chalky_a ground_n and_o in_o hilly_a pasture_n it_o be_v cordial_a and_o alexipharmick_n the_o green_a herb_n be_v put_v into_o wine_n to_o cheer_v the_o heart_n and_o it_o render_v it_o very_o pleasant_a by_o impart_v a_o aromatic_a smell_n and_o taste_n to_o it_o it_o be_v a_o good_a preservative_n against_o the_o plague_n and_o other_o contagious_a disease_n it_o be_v also_o astringent_a of_o excellent_a use_n in_o immoderate_a flux_n of_o the_o course_n and_o belly_n and_o in_o all_o hemorrhage_n and_o to_o dry_a and_o heal_v wound_n and_o ulcer_n and_o the_o bite_a of_o a_o mad_a dog_n the_o follow_a water_n be_v much_o use_v in_o the_o last_o london-plague_n take_v of_o the_o top_n of_o burnet_n rosemary_n wormwood_n sun-dew_n mugwort_n dragon_n scabious_a agrimony_n balm_n carduus_fw-la betony_n the_o lesser_a centory_n one_o handful_n each_o of_o the_o root_n of_o tormentil_n angelica_n peony_n zedoary_a liquorish_a and_o elecampane_n each_o half_n a_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o sage_n celandine_n and_o rue_n of_o the_o leave_n and_o flower_n of_o marigold_n each_o one_o handful_n cut_v they_o and_o infuse_v they_o three_o day_n in_o four_o quart_n of_o the_o best_a white-wine_n then_o distil_v they_o careful_o and_o keep_v the_o water_n for_o use_v the_o do_v be_v four_o spoonful_n butter-burr_n or_o pestilent-wort_n in_o latin_a petasitis_fw-la first_o it_o send_v forth_o a_o stalk_v about_o nine_o inch_n high_a that_o be_v concave_a and_o downy_a with_o narrow_a sharp_a leave_n on_o it_o at_o the_o top_n be_v a_o long_a spike_v head_n of_o flower_n of_o a_o purplish_a colour_n when_o the_o flower_n fade_v and_o the_o stalk_n die_v large_a leave_n succeed_v like_o the_o leave_v of_o colts-foot_n but_o twice_o or_o thrice_o as_o large_a or_o large_a hook_a near_o the_o foot-stalk_n they_o be_v almost_o round_o and_o indent_v about_o the_o edge_n the_o root_n be_v thick_a and_o bitter_a and_o creep_v much_o it_o grow_v in_o moist_a place_n and_o near_o the_o bank_n of_o rivers_n the_o spike_n and_o flower_n flourish_v in_o april_n it_o be_v much_o use_v in_o pestilential_a fever_n it_o be_v also_o reckon_v good_a in_o cough_n and_o for_o a_o asthma_n it_o expel_v the_o broad_a worm_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o provoke_v urine_n and_o the_o course_n it_o be_v outward_o apply_v to_o bubo_n and_o malignant_a ulcer_n it_o be_v use_v also_o to_o provoke_v sweat_n and_o to_o expel_v malignity_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o bur-dock_n virginian_a snake-weed_n and_o contrayerva_n each_o one_o dram_n of_o cochinell_n and_o saffron_n each_o half_n a_o dram_n make_v a_o powder_n the_o do_v be_v half_a a_o dram_n to_o be_v take_v in_o a_o proper_a water_n butterwort_fw-ge or_o yorkshire-sanicle_a in_o latin_a pinguicula_n the_o root_n have_v some_o white_a fibre_n that_o be_v pretty_a large_a consider_v the_o smallness_n of_o the_o plant._n it_o do_v not_o grow_v deep_a six_o or_o seven_o of_o the_o leave_n lie_v on_o the_o earth_n and_o sometime_o more_o of_o a_o pale_a yellow_a green_n they_o look_v greasy_a and_o shine_v as_o if_o they_o be_v besmear_v in_o length_n two_o inch_n and_o in_o breadth_n about_o one_o they_o be_v somewhat_o blunt_a at_o the_o end_n the_o edge_n be_v smooth_a the_o upper_a part_n of_o the_o leaf_n be_v cover_v with_o a_o very_a short_a down_n which_o be_v scarce_o see_v some_o foot-stalk_n about_o a_o hand_n high_a arise_v among_o the_o leave_n at_o the_o top_n of_o each_o be_v place_v one_o purplish_a flower_n of_o one_o leaf_n divide_v into_o five_o part_n it_o grow_v in_o marshy_a place_n and_o on_o moist_a hill_n the_o leave_v bruise_v and_o apply_v cure_v fresh_a wound_n countrypeople_n cure_n chap_n in_o cow_n dug_n and_o chap_n and_o swell_n on_o their_o hand_n by_o anoint_v they_o with_o the_o fat_a juice_n of_o this_o herb._n the_o welsh_a make_v a_o syrup_n of_o it_o wherewith_o they_o purge_v themselves_o they_o also_o boil_v the_o herb_n in_o broth_n for_o the_o same_o purpose_n for_o it_o purge_v phlegm_n very_o brisk_o they_o also_o make_v a_o ointment_n of_o it_o which_o be_v of_o excellent_a use_n for_o obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n the_o leave_v beat_v and_o apply_v to_o part_n affect_v with_o pain_n ease_v the_o pain_n it_o be_v reckon_v vulnerary_n and_o very_o good_a for_o rupture_n in_o child_n c._n cabbage_n in_o latin_a brasica_fw-la wart_n anoint_v with_o the_o juice_n of_o it_o be_v take_v off_o in_o the_o space_n of_o fourteen_o day_n the_o leave_v boil_v in_o wine_n and_o apply_v to_o ulcer_n and_o the_o leprosy_n do_v much_o good_a and_o so_o great_a be_v the_o virtue_n of_o it_o that_o the_o urine_n of_o those_o that_o feed_v on_o it_o be_v very_o useful_a and_o proper_a for_o cure_v the_o fistula_n cancer_n tetter_n and_o such_o like_a disease_n at_o the_o beginning_n of_o a_o inflammation_n of_o the_o jaw_n when_o we_o design_v to_o cool_v and_o repel_v we_o make_v use_v of_o the_o liquor_n of_o it_o a_o person_n so_o overrun_v with_o the_o scurvy_a that_o he_o can_v scarce_o go_v or_o stand_v and_o have_v spot_n all_o over_o his_o breast_n and_o leg_n be_v cure_v by_o drink_v daily_o three_o pint_n of_o wine_n wherein_o four_o handful_n of_o red_a cabbage_n have_v be_v infuse_v with_o half_a a_o dram_n of_o ginger_n and_o two_o dram_fw-la of_o cinnamon_n for_o a_o pain_n in_o the_o side_n apply_v a_o leaf_n of_o it_o besmear_v with_o butter_n hot_a to_o the_o part_n affect_v have_v first_o sprinkle_v powder_n of_o cuminseed_n upon_o it_o it_o be_v say_v cabbage_n prevent_v drunkenness_n sea_n cabbage_n or_o colewort_n in_o latin_a brasica_fw-la marina_n it_o grow_v every_o where_o almost_o on_o the_o seashore_n in_o england_n our_o people_n in_o such_o place_n eat_v it_o prefer_v it_o before_o garden-cabbage_n field_n calamint_n in_o latin_a calamintha_n it_o spring_v up_o yearly_a with_o many_o stalk_n which_o be_v two_o foot_n high_a small_a foursquare_a stiff_a and_o hairy_a they_o look_v red_a in_o sunny_a place_n they_o be_v branchy_a and_o bend_v downward_o the_o leave_n by_o interval_n be_v opposite_a one_o to_o the_o other_o small_a hairy_a with_o here_o and_o there_o a_o jag_n they_o smell_v as_o strong_a as_o pennyroyal_n and_o almost_o as_o strong_a as_o watermint_n they_o be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n triangular_a
diuretic_n it_o provoke_v the_o course_n and_o be_v lithontriprick_n it_o quicken_v the_o blood_n when_o coagulate_v and_o dispose_v to_o sleep_v it_o be_v use_v outward_o with_o great_a success_n for_o the_o colic_n and_o obstruction_n of_o urine_n use_v in_o caraplasm_n it_o discuss_n tumor_n and_o clod_v blood_n like_o solomon's-seal_n it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o swell_n and_o hardness_n of_o the_o pap_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o charvil_n kneeholm_n polypody_n of_o the_o oak_n of_o each_o one_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o water-hemp_n agrimony_n of_o the_o oak_n of_o jerusalem_n of_o maidenhair_n and_o ground-ivy_n each_o one_o handful_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o bastard-saffron_n one_o ounce_n of_o the_o root_n of_o florentine-flower-de-luce_n half_o a_o ounce_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o danewort_n five_z dram_fw-la of_o the_o root_n of_o the_o sweet-smelling_a flag_n half_a a_o ounce_n boil_v they_o in_o two_o quart_n of_o fountain-water_n to_o the_o consumption_n of_o a_o three_o part_n then_o strain_v it_o and_o add_v one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o sena_n and_o two_o dram_fw-la of_o agarick_n mechoacan_a and_o turbith_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o yellow-sander_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o root_n of_o lesser_n galanga_n one_o dram_n boil_v they_o in_o a_o close_a vessel_n two_o hour_n then_o strain_v the_o liquor_n and_o add_v two_o ounce_n of_o the_o best_a honey_n clarify_v with_o the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n make_v a_o purge_a mead_n the_o do_v be_v six_o or_o eight_o ounce_n twice_o or_o thrice_o a_o week_n this_o be_v proper_a in_o a_o dropsy_n of_o the_o breast_n cherry_n in_o latin_a cerasus_n cherry_n when_o they_o be_v fresh_a loosen_v the_o belly_n but_o when_o dry_a they_o bind_v those_o that_o be_v sweet_a purge_v but_o they_o be_v offensive_a to_o the_o stomach_n sharp_a and_o harsh_a cherry_n be_v bind_v the_o distil_a water_n of_o sharp_a cherry_n and_o the_o cherry_n themselves_o extinguish_v feverish_a heat_n and_o quench_v thirst_n and_o create_v a_o appetite_n and_o preserve_v with_o sugar_n they_o be_v very_o grateful_a to_o the_o stomach_n and_o reckon_v by_o the_o woman_n the_o best_a sweetmeat_n but_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o abundance_n of_o their_o moisture_n they_o can_v be_v keep_v long_o the_o decoction_n of_o dry_a cherry_n be_v excellent_a in_o hipocondriack_a disease_n and_o many_o have_v be_v cure_v by_o this_o remedy_n alone_o sweet_a cherry_n be_v peculiar_o good_a for_o disease_n in_o the_o head_n the_o falling-sickness_n apoplexy_n and_o palsy_n a_o lord_n that_o be_v seize_v with_o a_o apoplexy_n and_o be_v speechless_a three_o day_n recover_v his_o speech_n by_o take_v spirit_n of_o cherry_n in_o stammer_n and_o other_o vice_n of_o speech_n wash_v the_o mouth_n often_o with_o the_o spirit_n of_o black-cherry_n for_o they_o be_v very_a cephalick_n and_o do_v much_o strengthen_v the_o muscle_n of_o the_o tongue_n and_o the_o spirit_n design_v for_o their_o use_n the_o distil_a water_n of_o sweet_a black-cherry_n be_v much_o commend_v and_o use_v for_o child_n convulsion_n take_v a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o this_o water_n and_o the_o water_n of_o lime-tree-flower_n the_o do_v be_v a_o ounce_n or_o two_o ounce_n according_a to_o the_o age_n of_o the_o child_n wine_n and_o potion_n be_v prepare_v of_o cherry_n several_a way_n either_o by_o distillation_n or_o infusion_n or_o by_o mix_v sugar_n with_o the_o juice_n and_o ferment_v it_o in_o italy_n they_o prepare_v a_o potion_n with_o fresh_a cherry_n which_o they_o call_v marasco_n they_o drink_v it_o before_o it_o ferment_n it_o be_v sell_v there_o in_o tavern_n in_o the_o summertime_n and_o be_v count_v a_o good_a cool_a liquor_n the_o oil_n draw_v from_o the_o kernel_n in_o a_o press_n be_v say_v to_o take_v spot_n and_o pimple_n from_o the_o skin_n by_o anoint_v it_o and_o it_o be_v reckon_v good_a for_o the_o gout_n and_o stone_n in_o the_o kidney_n and_o bladder_n the_o gum_n of_o cherry_n dilute_v with_o wine_n cure_v inveterate_a cough_n quicken_v the_o sight_n and_o provoke_v appetite_n it_o be_v count_v also_o lithontriptick_a drink_v in_o wine_n some_o when_o they_o eat_v great_a quantity_n of_o cherry_n swallow_v the_o stone_n to_o prevent_v surfeit_n which_o be_v a_o vulgar_a error_n for_o many_o time_n they_o lie_v long_o in_o the_o stomach_n and_o do_v much_o hurt_n the_o liver_n of_o sparrow_n grow_v very_o big_a at_o cherry-time_n the_o follow_a sort_n of_o cherry_n be_v much_o esteem_v here_o in_o england_n viz._n the_o may-cherry_n the_o duke-cherry_n the_o arch-duke-cherry_n the_o flanders-cherry_n the_o red-heart-cherry_n the_o carnation_n and_o the_o amber-cherry_n the_o bleeding-heart_n and_o the_o naples_n the_o purple-cherry_n the_o black_a orleans_n and_o the_o common_a black-cherry_n luke_o ward_n be_v cherry_n the_o cluster-cherry_n the_o dwarf-cherry_n and_o the_o morello-cherry_n chesnut-tree_n in_o latin_a castanea_n it_o be_v a_o great_a and_o stately_a tree_n as_o thick_a as_o a_o old_a oak_n so_o very_o large_a sometime_o that_o three_o man_n with_o their_o arm_n extend_v can_v scarce_o encompass_v the_o trunk_n of_o it_o it_o have_v many_o branch_n the_o small_a twig_n be_v of_o a_o crimson_a colour_n it_o have_v a_o smooth_a bark_n spot_v and_o blackish_a and_o sometime_o of_o a_o ash-colour_n but_o chief_o the_o extremity_n of_o the_o branch_n and_o when_o the_o tree_n be_v young_a the_o wood_n of_o it_o be_v strong_a and_o last_a but_o yet_o it_o bend_v with_o a_o burden_n and_o crack_n much_o in_o the_o fire_n and_o its_o coal_n be_v soon_o extinguish_v it_o have_v large_a leave_n about_o two_o inch_n broad_a and_o in_o length_n about_o five_o they_o be_v thin_a wrink_o and_o indent_v like_o a_o saw_n with_o many_o transverse_a vein_n stick_v on_o the_o back_n extend_v from_o the_o middle-rib_n that_o be_v most_o remarkable_a long_o hang_v bud_n precede_v the_o fruit_n have_v yellow_a tuft_n the_o cup_n be_v prickly_a and_o like_o a_o burr_n within_o they_o be_v hairy_a and_o as_o soft_a as_o silk_n they_o contain_v two_o or_o three_o nut_n some_o but_o one_o end_v sharp_a from_o a_o broad_a basis_n they_o be_v about_o a_o inch_n long_o flat_a on_o one_o side_n and_o belly_v out_o on_o the_o other_o and_o be_v in_o shape_n something_o like_o the_o heart_n the_o nut_n be_v white_a solid_a and_o hard_a sweet_a and_o palatable_a especial_o when_o it_o be_v roast_v it_o chief_o grow_v on_o mountain_n and_o rise_v ground_n there_o be_v abundance_n of_o they_o in_o italy_n where_o the_o people_n that_o live_v on_o the_o mountain_n eat_v little_a else_o they_o bud_n at_o the_o beginning_n of_o spring_n and_o soon_o after_o flower_n the_o fruit_n be_v ripe_a about_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o september_n the_o good_a nut_n be_v know_v from_o the_o bad_a by_o put_v they_o in_o water_n for_o if_o they_o be_v sound_a and_o good_a they_o sink_v but_o if_o otherwise_o they_o swim_v we_o in_o england_n make_v of_o this_o wood_n bedstead_n chair_n table_n chest_n and_o other_o furniture_n for_o house_n in_o some_o place_n beyond_o sea_n they_o make_v bread_n and_o frumenty_n of_o the_o flower_n of_o the_o nut_n but_o such_o sort_n of_o coarse_a diet_n be_v no_o way_n please_v to_o the_o english_a who_o god_n be_v thank_v have_v plenty_n of_o wholesome_a food_n and_o great_a abundance_n of_o all_o thing_n necessary_a they_o be_v either_o boil_v whole_a in_o water_n or_o roast_v on_o the_o fire_n or_o fry_v in_o italy_n the_o gentry_n and_o citizen_n roast_v they_o under_o ash_n and_o have_v peel_v they_o mix_v a_o little_a sugar_n and_o juice_n of_o orange_n or_o lemon_n with_o they_o and_o so_o eat_v they_o for_o a_o second_o course_n but_o which_o way_n soever_o they_o be_v prepare_v they_o be_v windy_a and_o injurious_a to_o the_o stomach_n and_o head_n and_o to_o those_o that_o be_v subject_a to_o cholical_a pain_n and_o the_o stone_n the_o nut_n be_v astringent_a and_o consequent_o do_v good_a in_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o for_o spit_v of_o blood_n they_o be_v say_v to_o be_v good_a for_o cough_n be_v eat_v with_o hony_n fast_v as_o also_o be_v a_o electuary_n prepare_v with_o the_o flower_n of_o they_o and_o hony_n a_o emulsion_n of_o chestnut_n make_v with_o the_o decoction_n of_o liquorish_a and_o a_o few_o white_a poppy-seed_n be_v good_a for_o heat_n of_o urine_n chick-weed_n in_o latin_a alfine_n it_o cool_v and_o moisten_v moderate_o upon_o which_o account_n it_o be_v good_a for_o inflammation_n and_o against_o heat_n either_o take_v inward_o or_o outward_o apply_v as_o purslan_n and_o the_o lesser_a house-leek_n it_o be_v count_v good_a for_o such_o as_o be_v in_o consumption_n and_o waste_a condition_n bird_n that_o be_v keep_v in_o cage_n be_v much_o refresh_v by_o this_o herb_n when_o they_o loathe_v their_o meat_n
of_o a_o chesnut-colour_n it_o flower_n at_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o may_n or_o begin_v of_o june_n and_o grow_v frequent_o in_o sandy_n and_o gravelly_a pasture_n when_o the_o seed_n be_v ripe_a the_o superficies_n wither_v immediate_o the_o root_n remain_v in_o the_o ground_n our_o countrypeople_n eat_v the_o root_n raw_a but_o when_o it_o be_v peel_v and_o boil_v in_o fresh_a broth_n with_o a_o little_a pepper_n it_o be_v pleasant_a food_n and_o very_o nourish_v and_o stimulate_v venery_n be_v mix_v with_o medicine_n it_o help_v those_o that_o spit_v blood_n and_o void_a a_o bloody_a urine_n egglentine_n or_o sweet-bryer_n in_o latin_a rosa_fw-la silvestris_fw-la odora_fw-la it_o need_v no_o description_n its_o curious_a smell_n will_v not_o let_v it_o be_v unknown_a the_o virtue_n of_o the_o flower_n be_v much_o the_o same_o with_o garden-rose_n but_o more_o astringent_a wherefore_o they_o be_v of_o excellent_a use_n in_o flux_n of_o the_o womb._n the_o fruit_n of_o it_o be_v much_o commend_v for_o its_o lithontriptick_a virtue_n the_o head_n when_o they_o be_v ripe_a contain_v a_o pulp_n of_o a_o pleasant_a acid_a taste_n which_o without_o doubt_n be_v very_o useful_a in_o fever_n and_o to_o provoke_v appetite_n the_o conserve_v of_o it_o be_v common_o keep_v in_o the_o shop_n and_o be_v very_o good_a for_o the_o hot_a scurvy_a and_o for_o spit_v of_o blood_n the_o root_n be_v good_a for_o the_o bite_a of_o a_o mad_a dog_n a_o sort_n of_o a_o sponge_n grow_v from_o the_o branch_n when_o they_o be_v break_v or_o hurt_v which_o be_v of_o a_o red_a colour_n which_o lay_v on_o the_o pillow_n dispose_v to_o sleep_v the_o ash_n of_o it_o cure_v the_o heat_n of_o urine_n and_o kill_v worm_n take_v of_o the_o conserve_v of_o hip_n and_o woodsorrel_n each_o one_o ounce_n conserve_v of_o berbery_n half_a a_o ounce_n cream_n of_o tartar_n one_o dram_n make_v a_o electuary_n with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o syrup_n of_o lemon_n take_v the_o quantity_n of_o a_o nutmeg_n thrice_o a_o day_n this_o be_v good_a in_o fever_n elder_n in_o latin_a sambucus_n martin_n blockwitz_n write_v a_o whole_a book_n of_o the_o virtue_n and_o use_v of_o the_o elder_a the_o title_n of_o it_o be_v the_o anatomy_n of_o the_o elder_n the_o inner_a bark_n of_o the_o elder_a purge_n watery_a humour_n wherefore_o it_o be_v good_a in_o dropsy_n the_o tender_a leave_n boil_v in_o wine_n be_v likewise_o very_o good_a for_o the_o same_o purpose_n and_o more_o convenient_a for_o weak_o people_n the_o inner_a bark_n apply_v to_o burns_n take_v out_o the_o fire_n the_o flower_n discuss_v mollify_v and_o dissolve_v and_o be_v sudorific_a and_o anodine_n vinegar_n wherein_o the_o flower_n have_v be_v infuse_v be_v very_o agreeable_a to_o the_o stomach_n and_o excite_v appetite_n and_o it_o cut_v and_o attenuate_v gross_a and_o crude_a humour_n the_o berry_n be_v alexipharmick_n and_o sudorific_a the_o spirit_n draw_v from_o the_o berry_n provoke_v sweat_v and_o therefore_o good_a in_o fever_n the_o wine_n make_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o they_o or_o the_o juice_n mix_v with_o white_a or_o rhenish-wine_n do_v much_o good_a in_o dropsy_n the_o seed_n cleanse_v and_o purge_v violent_o by_o vomit_n and_o stool_n a_o decoction_n of_o the_o middle_a bark_n with_o syrup_n of_o poppy_n promote_v sweat_n but_o note_n that_o narcotick_v mix_v with_o sweat_v medicine_n do_v much_o provoke_v sweat_v for_o swell_n in_o the_o foot_n take_v of_o the_o leave_n as_o much_o as_o be_v sufficient_a boil_v they_o in_o oil_n with_o salt_n and_o foment_n they_o with_o it_o in_o st._n anthony_n fire_n a_o fomentation_n be_v frequent_o use_v make_v of_o two_o part_n of_o elder-water_n and_o one_o of_o spirit_n of_o wine_n this_o be_v common_o use_v in_o london_n with_o good_a success_n my_o father_n make_v a_o ointment_n of_o the_o red-lead-plaster_n and_o oil_n of_o elder_a which_o he_o frequent_o use_v for_o burns_n and_o i_o have_v find_v it_o very_o successful_a also_o in_o other_o inflammation_n elecampane_n in_o latin_a helenium_fw-la many_o leave_n long_a and_o broad_a come_v from_o the_o root_n and_o bend_v towards_o the_o earth_n they_o be_v acute_a at_o both_o end_n above_o of_o a_o pale_a green_n under_o hoary_a indent_v about_o the_o edge_n they_o have_v short_a foot-stalk_n from_o the_o centre_n whereof_o the_o stalk_n rise_v sometime_o one_o sometime_o more_o they_o be_v straight_o hairy_a and_o red_a five_o or_o six_o foot_n high_a with_o some_o leave_v thereon_o compass_v they_o about_o at_o the_o low_a end_n they_o be_v branch_v towards_o the_o top_n and_o bear_v great_a large_a flower_n like_o those_o of_o our_o marigold_n of_o a_o golden_a colour_n the_o root_n be_v very_o thick_a without_o brown_a within_o white_a and_o of_o a_o aromatic_a taste_n and_o smell_v sweet_a and_o pleasant_o especial_o when_o dry_v it_o grow_v in_o moist_a meadow_n and_o pasture_n but_o it_o be_v not_o common_a it_o flower_n in_o june_n and_o july_n the_o fresh_a root_n be_v candy_v or_o dry_v and_o powder_v mix_v with_o honey_n or_o sugar_n be_v very_o good_a in_o a_o difficulty_n of_o breathe_v a_o asthma_n and_o a_o old_a cough_n be_v take_v after_o supper_n it_o help_v concoction_n it_o be_v also_o commend_v as_o a_o excellent_a preservative_n against_o the_o plague_n be_v take_v in_o the_o morning_n it_o force_v urine_n and_o the_o course_n half_n a_o pint_n of_o white-wine_n wherein_o the_o slice_v root_n have_v be_v infuse_v three_o day_n take_v in_o the_o morning_n fast_v cure_v the_o green-sickness_n a_o decoction_n of_o the_o root_n take_v inward_o or_o outward_o apply_v be_v commend_v by_o some_o for_o convulsion_n contusion_n and_o the_o hip-gout_n the_o root_n boil_v in_o wine_n or_o the_o fresh_a juice_n infuse_v in_o it_o and_o drink_v kills_z and_o expel_v worm_n wine_n that_o be_v every_o where_o prepare_v with_o this_o root_n in_o germany_n and_o often_o drink_v wonderful_o quicken_v the_o sight_n elecampane_n distil_v in_o common_a water_n yield_v a_o volatile_a salt_n that_o smell_v and_o have_v the_o same_o virtue_n with_o salt_n of_o hartshorn_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o elecampane_n well_o cleanse_v from_o the_o fibres_fw-es as_o much_o as_o you_o please_v boil_v they_o in_o water_n till_o they_o be_v salt_n and_o pulp_v they_o through_o a_o sieve_n whereof_o take_v one_o part_n and_o of_o honey_n two_o part_n boil_v they_o to_o the_o consumption_n of_o the_o moisture_n this_o be_v a_o preservative_n against_o the_o plague_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o elecampane_n oris_n and_o liquorish_a each_o one_o dram_n of_o the_o flower_n of_o sulphur_n two_o dram_fw-la hony_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n to_o make_v a_o electuary_n oil_n of_o sulphur_n ten_o drop_n make_v a_o linctus_fw-la this_o be_v good_a for_o a_o inveterate_a cough_n elm_n in_o latin_a vlmus_fw-la the_o leave_n the_o branch_n and_o the_o bark_n be_v astringent_a the_o leave_v cure_v wound_n and_o rub_v with_o vinegar_n they_o be_v good_a for_o a_o leprosy_n the_o bark_n boil_v in_o fountain-water_n almost_o to_o the_o consistence_n of_o a_o syrup_n and_o the_o three_o part_n of_o aquavitae_n mix_v with_o it_o be_v a_o excellent_a remedy_n for_o the_o hip-gout_n if_o the_o part_n affect_v be_v foment_v with_o it_o before_o the_o fire_n the_o water_n in_o the_o bladder_n upon_o the_o leave_n clear_v the_o skin_n it_o be_v wash_v with_o it_o and_o it_o better_v the_o complexion_n it_o help_v burstenness_n in_o child_n clothes_n be_v wet_a in_o the_o water_n and_o apply_v but_o a_o truss_n must_v be_v keep_v on_o also_o take_v of_o the_o bark_n of_o elm_n six_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o root_n of_o liquorish_a half_n a_o dram_n of_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n stone_v number_n twenty_o of_o red_a rose_n two_o pugil_n boil_v they_o in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o water_n to_o a_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a dissolve_v in_o it_o of_o honey_n of_o rose_n and_o simple_a oxymel_n each_o two_o ounce_n make_v a_o gargarism_n endive_n in_o latin_a endivia_n the_o root_n be_v fibrous_a and_o full_a of_o milk_n the_o long_a broad_a leave_n like_v on_o the_o earth_n they_o be_v like_o the_o leave_v of_o lettuce_n sometime_o indent_v about_o the_o edge_n the_o stalk_v be_v two_o or_o three_o foot_n high_a smooth_a channel_a empty_a and_o have_v many_o branch_n and_o be_v crooked_a be_v cut_v it_o yield_v a_o milk_n the_o flower_n come_v from_o the_o wing_n of_o the_o leave_n they_o be_v sky-coloured_a and_o like_o the_o leave_v of_o wild-succory_n it_o grow_v in_o garden_n it_o be_v cooling_n and_o the_o water_n of_o it_o be_v use_v in_o fever_n and_o inflammation_n eringo_n or_o sea-hol_o in_o latin_a eringium_n marinum_fw-la the_o root_n be_v very_o long_o and_o spread_v much_o they_o have_v a_o aromatic_a taste_n the_o leave_n be_v place_v
god_n who_o have_v deal_v so_o bountiful_o with_o this_o nation_n in_o give_v the_o king_n of_o it_o at_o least_o from_o edward_n the_o confessor_n downward_o if_o not_o for_o a_o long_a time_n a_o extraordinary_a power_n in_o the_o miraculous_a cure_n thereof_o this_o our_o chronicle_n have_v all_o along_o testify_v and_o the_o personal_a experience_n of_o many_o thousand_o now_o live_v can_v witness_v the_o same_o it_o be_v also_o useful_a in_o cancer_n and_o eat_v ulcer_n the_o powder_n of_o the_o dry_a root_n apply_v to_o the_o pile_n dry_v they_o up_o a_o dram_n of_o it_o take_v inward_o expel_v worm_n the_o water_n distil_v from_o the_o root_n cure_v a_o red_a face_n a_o excellent_a ointment_n be_v make_v of_o this_o herb_n for_o cure_v the_o itch_n it_o be_v compose_v as_o follow_v in_o may_n take_v the_o herb_n with_o the_o root_n and_o well_o wash_v and_o cleanse_v beat_v they_o in_o a_o mortar_n keep_v the_o juice_n in_o a_o glass_n well_o stop_v for_o a_o year_n and_o when_o you_o will_v prepare_v the_o ointment_n take_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o wax_n and_o oil_n equal_a part_n and_o boil_v they_o to_o a_o ointment_n for_o the_o king's-evil_a make_v the_o follow_a plaster_n take_v one_o pound_n of_o lard_n melt_v over_o a_o moderate_a fire_n then_o take_v of_o the_o leave_n of_o fig-wort_n hound's-tongue_n the_o flower_n of_o white_a archangel_n and_o fox-glove_n cut_v they_o small_a and_o boil_v they_o in_o the_o lard_n do_v the_o same_o three_o or_o four_o time_n till_o the_o ointment_n be_v of_o a_o deep_a green_a colour_n then_o add_v two_o ounce_n of_o turpentine_n and_o a_o ounce_n of_o verdigrease_n and_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o wax_n and_o rosin_n strain_v it_o and_o make_v a_o plaster_n spread_v on_o leather_n and_o apply_v it_o to_o the_o part_n affect_v filberd_n in_o latin_a corylus_fw-la sativa_fw-la the_o nut_n be_v very_o pleasant_a but_o if_o many_o of_o they_o be_v eat_v they_o occasion_n the_o headache_n wind_n in_o the_o stomach_n looseness_n and_o the_o bloodyflux_n hoop_n be_v make_v of_o the_o branch_n and_o painter_n use_v the_o coal_n of_o it_o to_o delineate_v gunpowder_n be_v make_v of_o the_o coal_n before_o the_o coal_n of_o alder_n be_v find_v more_o commodious_a for_o that_o use_n firr-tree_n in_o latin_a aby_n they_o say_v it_o grow_v plentiful_o on_o the_o mountain_n in_o scotland_n but_o i_o suppose_v the_o tree_n that_o grow_v common_o there_o be_v that_o which_o be_v call_v by_o skilful_a botanist_n picea_n for_o that_o which_o we_o plant_v in_o our_o garden_n for_o the_o firr-tree_n be_v the_o picea_n as_o appear_v by_o the_o characteristic_a note_n of_o the_o picea_n for_o the_o cone_n be_v slender_a and_o long_a and_o hang_v downward_o and_o the_o rigid_a and_o prickly_a leave_n encompass_v the_o branch_n disorderly_a theophrastus_n say_v it_o be_v propagate_v only_o by_o the_o seed_n and_o that_o the_o cut_v off_o the_o top_n cause_v it_o to_o wither_v and_o die_v the_o same_o year_n but_o we_o find_v by_o experience_n that_o the_o branch_n do_v not_o only_o grow_v but_o take_v root_n and_o in_o time_n become_v tree_n the_o rosin_n of_o it_o be_v twofold_a first_o liquid_a which_o come_v from_o young_a firr-tree_n this_o the_o shop_n false_o call_v venice-turpentine_n second_o dry_v it_o be_v like_a frankincense_n thirty_o three_o stately_a tree_n of_o this_o kind_a make_v a_o fair_a appearance_n on_o a_o little_a hill_n near_o waryton_n in_o staffordshire_n two_o mile_n from_o newport_n the_o branch_n and_o top_n be_v infuse_v in_o diet-drinks_a for_o the_o scurvy_a with_o very_o good_a success_n sweet-smelling_a flag_n in_o latin_a calamus_fw-la aromaticus_fw-la officinarum_fw-la it_o be_v first_o observe_v by_o doctor_n thomas_n brown_n in_o the_o river_n yare_a near_a norwich_n it_o grow_v also_o spontaneous_o in_o other_o part_n of_o england_n viz._n near_o hedley_n in_o surrey_n and_o in_o cheshire_n it_o be_v easy_o know_v by_o its_o sweet_a smell_n it_o be_v hot_a and_o dry_a it_o be_v chief_o use_v in_o obstruction_n of_o the_o course_n liver_n and_o spleen_n and_o in_o the_o colic_n it_o also_o provoke_v urine_n the_o root_n of_o it_o candy_a taste_v very_o pleasant_o and_o be_v grateful_a to_o the_o stomach_n the_o turk_n usual_o chew_v it_o in_o a_o morning_n to_o prevent_v contagion_n of_o corrupt_a air._n the_o tartar_n carry_v it_o about_o with_o they_o and_o will_v not_o drink_v water_n unless_o this_o root_n have_v be_v infuse_v in_o it_o flax_n in_o latin_a linum_fw-la sativum_fw-la it_o be_v sow_v in_o the_o field_n the_o oil_n be_v chief_o in_o use_n for_o medicine_n it_o be_v take_v inward_o in_o a_o quinsy_n pleurisy_n consumption_n and_o colic_n outward_o use_v it_o mollify_v hard_a swell_n and_o ease_v pain_n it_o assuage_n the_o swell_n of_o the_o belly_n printer_n ink_n be_v make_v of_o this_o oil_n and_o lamb-black_a purge_v or_o wild_a dwarf_n flax_n or_o mill-mountain_n in_o latin_a linum_fw-la silvestre_fw-fr catharticum_fw-la it_o have_v a_o small_a white_z woody_a root_n and_o some_o fibre_n it_o send_v forth_o little_a stalk_n that_o creep_v a_o little_a and_o then_o rise_v a_o hand_n high_a or_o high_a they_o be_v small_a joint_v and_o red_a branchy_a at_o the_o top_n and_o bend_v downward_o the_o low_a leave_n be_v roundish_n and_o have_v a_o obtuse_a point_n the_o upper_a on_o the_o stalk_n be_v place_v by_o pair_n opposite_a to_o one_o another_o there_o be_v many_o of_o they_o they_o be_v small_a and_o half_a a_o inch_n long_o smooth_a and_o without_o foot-stalk_n the_o flower_n have_v five_o white_a leave_n and_o be_v place_v on_o small_a foot-stalk_n the_o taste_n of_o the_o whole_a plant_n be_v bitter_a and_o nauseous_a it_o flower_n at_o the_o beginning_n of_o june_n it_o grow_v common_o in_o dry_a and_o hilly_a pasture_n the_o whole_a herb_n infuse_v in_o whitewine_n for_o a_o whole_a night_n over_o hot_a ash_n purge_v strong_o watery_a humour_n take_v of_o purging-flax_n one_o handful_n of_o sweet-fennel-seed_n two_o dram_fw-la boil_v they_o in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o fountain-water_n to_o six_o ounce_n add_v two_o ounce_n of_o white-wine_n make_v a_o purge_a potion_n marsh-flea-bane_n or_o bird's-tongue_n in_o latin_a coniza_n palustris_fw-la the_o root_n be_v thick_a and_o spread_v much_o send_v forth_o hollow_a and_o crest_a stalk_n three_o foot_n high_a with_o many_o joint_n and_o branch_n bear_v two_o long_a leave_n at_o each_o joint_n which_o be_v indent_v about_o the_o edge_n green_a on_o the_o upper_a side_n and_o grey_a or_o woolly_a underneath_o at_o the_o top_n of_o the_o stalk_n and_o branch_n stand_v many_o small_a yellow_a flower_n together_o like_o those_o of_o rag-wort_n the_o seed_n when_o ripe_a fly_v away_o with_o the_o wind._n it_o grow_v in_o the_o fen-ditche_n and_o on_o the_o bank_n in_o the_o isle_n of_o ely_n but_o not_o very_o common_a it_o grow_v chief_o near_a stretbam-ferry_n the_o herb_n be_v spread_v underfoot_n or_o burn_v in_o any_o place_n will_n as_o it_o be_v believe_v drive_v away_o venomous_a creature_n and_o flea_n and_o kill_v gnat_n wherefore_o it_o be_v call_v flea-bane_n some_o prepare_v a_o ointment_n of_o the_o root_n and_o leave_n for_o the_o itch._n flixweed_n in_o latin_a sophia_n chirurgorum_n it_o be_v two_o or_o three_o foot_n high_a it_o have_v many_o hard_a woody_a branch_n they_o be_v round_o and_o a_o little_a hairy_a the_o leave_n be_v cut_v small_a like_a roman-wormwood_n it_o taste_v somewhat_o acrid_a the_o flower_n be_v many_o small_a and_o yellowish_a the_o pod_n succeed_v the_o flower_n they_o be_v about_o a_o inch_n long_o and_o very_o small_a the_o seed_n be_v very_o small_a and_o brown_a the_o root_n be_v white_a it_o grow_v in_o stony_a and_o gravelly_a place_n and_o on_o stonewall_n and_o in_o untilled_a ground_n a_o dram_n of_o the_o seed_n be_v very_o good_a for_o a_o looseness_n and_o not_o only_o the_o seed_n but_o the_o whole_a herb_n be_v commend_v for_o the_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o the_o bloody_a flux_n it_o be_v use_v in_o plaster_n for_o wound_n and_o sordid_a ulcer_n in_o yorkshire_n they_o use_v the_o seed_n to_o expel_v gravel_n with_o good_a success_n common_a purple_n flower-de-luce_n in_o latin_a iris_n vulgaris_fw-la the_o root_n hang_v in_o wine_n or_o beer_n preserve_v the_o beer_n sweet_a and_o impart_v a_o pleasant_a taste_n and_o smell_v to_o the_o wine_n like_o raspberry_n it_o be_v much_o use_v by_o baker_n to_o prepare_v leaven_n for_o wheaten_n bread_n many_o virtue_n be_v attribute_v to_o the_o root_n of_o this_o plant_n by_o the_o ancient_n and_o modern_a writer_n they_o be_v brief_o describe_v as_o follow_v by_o schroder_n it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o cough_n difficulty_n of_o breathe_v obstruction_n of_o the_o course_n and_o child_n gripe_v be_v outward_o apply_v it_o
and_o the_o reins_o it_o mitigate_v acrimony_n and_o help_v expectoration_n and_o gentle_o loosen_v child_n belly_n it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o cough_n hoarseness_n consumption_n pleurisy_n erosion_n of_o the_o bladder_n and_o sharpness_n of_o urine_n syrup_n of_o liquorish_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o green_a liquorish_a cleanse_v and_o bruise_v two_o ounce_n of_o white_a maidenhair_n one_o ounce_n of_o hyssop_n half_a a_o ounce_n pour_v on_o they_o three_o pint_n of_o hot_a fountain-water_n let_v they_o stand_v in_o infusion_n twenty_o four_o hour_n strain_v it_o and_o clarify_v it_o and_o with_o the_o best_a honey_n and_o fine_a sugar_n each_o ten_o ounce_n make_v a_o syrup_n according_a to_o art_n liverwort_fw-ge in_o latin_a hepatica_fw-la vulgaris_fw-la the_o root_n of_o it_o be_v as_o fine_a as_o silk_n the_o leave_n be_v a_o fingers-breadth_n and_o twice_o as_o long_o or_o long_o above_o they_o be_v green_a or_o a_o little_a yellowish_a they_o be_v scaly_a like_o the_o skin_n of_o a_o serpent_n they_o have_v no_o flower_n the_o stalk_v be_v white_a firm_a and_o juicy_a and_o about_o four_o inch_n long_o upon_o which_o there_o be_v as_o it_o be_v a_o small_a fungus_n it_o grow_v in_o shady_a wet_a place_n among_z stones_z it_o taste_v a_o little_a bitterish_a and_o astringent_a it_o be_v chief_o use_v in_o obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n and_o bladder_n it_o be_v good_a in_o the_o jaundice_n for_o the_o itch_n and_o a_o gonorrhaea_n outward_o apply_v it_o stop_v blood_n in_o wound_n lovage_a in_o latin_a levisticum_n the_o stalk_v be_v as_o high_a as_o a_o man_n thick-jointed_n hollow_a and_o channel_a the_o leave_n be_v large_a and_o divide_v into_o wing_n they_o be_v of_o a_o shine_a green_n and_o of_o a_o strong_a smell_n at_o the_o top_n of_o the_o stalk_n and_o branch_n be_v large_a tuft_n of_o yellow_a flower_n the_o seed_n be_v pretty_a large_a and_o flat_a the_o root_n be_v thick_a and_o woody_a it_o be_v alexipharmick_n diuretic_n and_o vulnerary_n it_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n and_o do_v good_a in_o a_o asthma_n it_o force_v the_o course_n and_o the_o monthly_a purgation_n and_o expel_v a_o dead_a child_n it_o open_v obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n and_o spleen_n and_o cure_v the_o jaundice_n it_o be_v use_v outward_o in_o bath_n and_o cataplasm_n for_o the_o womb._n the_o virtue_n of_o it_o be_v much_o the_o same_o with_o angelica_n and_o master-wort_n half_n a_o dram_n of_o the_o seed_n provoke_v the_o course_n the_o juice_n of_o the_o leave_n expel_v the_o afterbirth_n lung-wort_n in_o latin_a muscus_n arboreus_fw-la it_o grow_v on_o old_a oak_n and_o beech_n in_o dark_a shady_a old_a wood_n it_o have_v broad_a grayish_a rough_a leave_n various_o fold_v crumple_v and_o gash_a on_o the_o edge_n and_o sometime_o spot_v on_o the_o upper_a side_n it_o bear_v no_o stalk_v nor_o flower_n it_o be_v dry_n and_o astringent_a it_o stop_v bleed_v and_o cure_v fresh_a wound_n it_o stop_v the_o course_n and_o the_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n the_o powder_n the_o syrup_n and_o the_o distil_a water_n of_o it_o be_v common_o use_v for_o disease_n of_o the_o lung_n as_o cough_n short_a breath_n consumption_n and_o the_o like_a that_o which_o grow_v on_o a_o oak_n be_v excellent_a in_o cure_v the_o jaundice_n take_v one_o handful_n of_o it_o and_o boil_v it_o in_o a_o pint_n of_o small_a beer_n in_o a_o pot_n well_o stop_v till_o half_o be_v consume_v take_v thirteen_o spoonful_n of_o it_o warm_a morning_n and_o evening_n lupin_n in_o latin_a lupinus_n sativus_fw-la inward_o take_v it_o kill_v worm_n but_o it_o be_v chief_o use_v outward_o in_o cataplasm_n for_o gangrene_n and_o malignant_a ulcer_n and_o the_o like_a m._n mad_a in_o latin_a rubia_n tinctorum_fw-la it_o be_v use_v in_o vulnerary_a potion_n but_o whether_o it_o be_v astringent_a or_o open_v be_v dispute_v they_o that_o count_v it_o astringent_a prescribe_v it_o for_o the_o bloodyflux_n the_o flux_n of_o the_o course_n and_o of_o the_o hemorrhoid_n they_o that_o suppose_v it_o be_v open_v use_v it_o in_o the_o jaundice_n for_o the_o dropsy_n and_o obstruction_n of_o urine_n and_o perhaps_o it_o partake_v of_o both_o quality_n first_o open_v and_o then_o bind_v as_o be_v the_o nature_n of_o rhubarb_n white_a maidenhair_n or_o wall-rue_n in_o latin_a adian●um_fw-la album_fw-la '_o the_o root_n be_v very_o small_a consist_v of_o very_o small_a black_a fibres_n it_o grow_v upon_o old_a wall_n it_o have_v many_o foot-stalk_n that_o be_v small_a and_o about_o half_a a_o hand_n high_a and_o blackish_a about_o the_o root_n or_o brown_a they_o be_v elsewhere_o green_a and_o somewhat_o divide_v at_o top_n from_o the_o extremity_n and_o side_n of_o these_o the_o leave_v grow_v they_o be_v channel_a and_o somewhat_o stiff_a and_o indent_v about_o the_o edge_n the_o upper_a part_n be_v green_a the_o under_o sprinkle_v with_o red_a or_o brown_a powder_n that_o seem_v fine_a and_o taste_v somewhat_o sour_a and_o astringent_a with_o a_o little_a mixture_n of_o sweetness_n it_o grow_v in_o cambridgshire_n on_o the_o wall_n of_o cherry-hinton-church_n it_o remove_v the_o tartareous_a and_o viscous_a mucilage_n that_o be_v contain_v in_o the_o lung_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v good_a for_o those_o that_o have_v cough_n and_o short_a breath_n and_o for_o other_o that_o have_v pain_n in_o the_o side_n or_o in_o the_o kidney_n or_o bladder_n it_o gentle_o provoke_v urine_n and_o expel_v stone_n and_o gravel_n and_o be_v of_o great_a use_n in_o child_n rupture_n the_o powder_n of_o it_o be_v give_v four_o day_n together_o take_v of_o syrup_n of_o maidenhair_n and_o of_o jujube_n each_o three_o ounce_n of_o oil_n of_o flax_n fresh_a draw_v two_o ounce_n of_o fine_a sugar_n two_o dram_fw-la mingle_v they_o make_v a_o lohoch_n take_v half_o a_o spoonful_n every_o other_o hour_n this_o be_v good_a for_o cough_n and_o pain_n of_o the_o side_n common_a mallow_n in_o latin_a malva_n vulgaris_fw-la it_o mollify_v ease_v pain_n loosen_v the_o belly_n mitigate_v sharpness_n of_o urine_n it_o be_v use_v outward_o in_o cataplasm_n and_o fomentation_n to_o ripen_v tumor_n and_o to_o ease_v pain_n and_o in_o clyster_n to_o loosen_v the_o belly_n in_o nephritick_n pain_n three_o ounce_n of_o the_o decoction_n of_o the_o leave_n or_o the_o distil_a water_n of_o they_o with_o one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o syrup_n of_o violet_n cure_n heat_n of_o urine_n present_o marsh_n mallow_n in_o latin_a althaea_n it_o soften_v discuss_n ease_v pain_n bring_v tumor_n to_o suppuration_n and_o correct_v sharp_a humour_n the_o herb_n the_o root_n and_o seed_n be_v all_o good_a for_o the_o same_o purpose_n it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o disease_n of_o the_o bladder_n and_o the_o stone_n of_o the_o kidney_n and_o for_o a_o asthma_n and_o pleurisy_n it_o be_v also_o use_v in_o clyster_n and_o cataplasm_n the_o syrup_n of_o marsh-mallow_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o marsh-mallow_n two_o ounce_n of_o meadow-grass_n asparagus_n liquorish_a raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n and_o red_a chich-pease_n each_o one_o ounce_n top_n of_o marsh-mallow_n mallow_n pellitory_n of_o the_o wall_n pimpernel_n common_a maidenhair_n and_o mont_fw-fr pelier-maiden-hair_n of_o each_o of_o handful_n of_o the_o four_o lesser_n and_o great_a cold_a seed_n each_o two_o handful_n wash_v and_o cleanse_v the_o root_n from_o their_o dirt_n pith_n and_o string_n and_o slice_v they_o and_o have_v boil_v the_o grass-root_n a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n first_o in_o eight_o pint_n of_o fountain-water_n put_v into_o the_o decoction_n the_o root_n of_o marsh-mallow_n and_o asparagus_n and_o let_v they_o boil_v well_o for_o half_a a_o hour_n then_o add_v the_o raisin_n cut_v and_o the_o chich-pease_n whole_a when_o they_o have_v boil_v a_o little_a while_n put_v in_o the_o top_n of_o the_o mallow_n marsh-mallow_n pellitory_n and_o pimpernel_n shred_v and_o boil_v they_o about_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n among_o the_o rest_n after_o that_o add_v the_o liquorish_a slice_v and_o the_o maidenhair_n cut_v and_o when_o they_o begin_v to_o boil_v put_v in_o the_o cold_a seed_n thrust_v they_o down_o into_o the_o decoction_n and_o take_v the_o whole_a off_o the_o fire_n and_o strain_v they_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n afterward_o then_o clarify_v the_o liquor_n with_o the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n add_v four_o pound_n of_o sugar_n and_o boil_v it_o over_o a_o moderate_a fire_n to_o the_o consistence_n of_o a_o syrup_n ointment_n of_o marsh-mallow_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o fresh_a root_n of_o marsh-mallow_n two_o pound_n flax_n and_o fenugreek-seed_n of_o each_o one_o pound_n of_o fountain-water_n eight_o pint_n let_v they_o infuse_v three_o day_n then_o boil_v they_o gentle_o and_o press_v out_o the_o mucilage_n whereof_o take_v
be_v use_v outward_o in_o bath_n for_o the_o womb_n and_o the_o itch._n cat_n tear_v it_o to_o piece_n when_o it_o be_v first_o set_v in_o garden_n unless_o it_o be_v cover_v with_o thorn_n but_o when_o it_o have_v flourish_v a_o while_n they_o do_v not_o injure_v it_o nor_o that_o which_o be_v sow_v according_a to_o the_o follow_a rhyme_n if_o you_o set_v it_o the_o cat_n will_v eat_v it_o if_o you_o sow_v it_o the_o cat_n can_v know_v it_o nettle_n in_o latin_a urtica_fw-la it_o be_v diuretic_n and_o lithontriptick_a eat_v with_o potherb_n it_o loosen_v the_o belly_n expel_v gravel_n and_o promote_v expectoration_n the_o bud_n be_v use_v in_o broth_n in_o the_o sprin-time_n to_o purify_v the_o blood_n the_o bruise_a herb_n or_o the_o juice_n put_v up_o the_o nostril_n stop_v bleed_v at_o the_o nose_n it_o do_v good_a in_o putrid_a and_o malignant_a ulcer_n and_o discuss_n h●●d_v swell_n the_o seed_n be_v diuretic_n and_o provoke_v v●n●●y_a and_o be_v use_v in_o disease_n of_o the_o lung_n take_v of_o the_o clarify_a juice_n of_o nettle_n and_o plantain_n each_o six_o ounce_n of_o aqua_fw-la lactis_fw-la alexiteria_n four_o ounce_n of_o cinnamon-water_n hordeat_v three_o ounce_n of_o white_a sugar_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n mingle_v they_o make_v a_o julep_n take_v four_o ounce_n morning_n and_o evening_n daily_o for_o three_o day_n this_o be_v commend_v for_o bleed_v at_o the_o nose_n oil_n of_o rose_n or_o juice_n of_o nettle_n cure_v the_o sting_n of_o nettle_n present_o woody_n nightshade_n or_o bitter-sweet_a in_o latin_a solanum_fw-la lignosum_fw-la it_o send_v forth_o small_a woody_a brittle_a twig_n five_o or_o six_o foot_n long_o that_o encompass_v any_o thing_n that_o be_v near_o other_o lie_v on_o the_o ground_n the_o bark_n of_o the_o young_a twig_n be_v green_a but_o the_o bark_n of_o that_o which_o be_v old_a be_v rough_a and_o whitish_a without_o within_z it_o be_v very_o green_a have_v a_o pith_n in_o the_o middle_n the_o leave_n be_v place_v alternate_o they_o be_v somewhat_o broad_a long_o and_o point_v with_o two_o small_a leave_n or_o rather_o piece_n of_o leave_n at_o the_o bottom_n of_o most_o of_o they_o at_o the_o top_n and_o side_n of_o the_o branch_n come_v forth_o many_o flower_n they_o consist_v of_o fine_a narrow_a and_o long_a violet-purple_a colour_a leave_n the_o berry_n be_v red_a when_o they_o be_v ripe_a soft_a and_o full_a of_o juice_n of_o a_o bitter_a unpleasant_a taste_n the_o root_n be_v fibrous_a it_o grow_v in_o hedge_n near_o water_n common_o it_o be_v say_v to_o provoke_v urine_n and_o to_o be_v good_a in_o a_o dropsy_n and_o for_o the_o jaundice_n the_o juice_n of_o the_o leave_n say_v parkinson_n purge_v much_o the_o leave_n be_v use_v outward_o with_o good_a success_n in_o inflammation_n and_o itch_a tumor_n of_o the_o hand_n and_o foot_n take_v four_o handful_n of_o the_o leave_v cut_v and_o four_o ounce_n of_o flax-seed_n powder_v make_v a_o cataplasm_n with_o lard_n apply_v it_o hot_a this_o assuage_n tumor_n and_o cure_v great_a contusion_n nipple-wort_n in_o latin_a lampsana_n it_o have_v a_o white_a single_a root_n with_o twig_n and_o fibre_n the_o stalk_v be_v two_o or_o three_o foot_n high_a or_o high_o round_o hairy_a red_a concave_a and_o branchy_a the_o leaf_n be_v like_o the_o leaf_n of_o south-thistle_n the_o flower_n be_v small_a and_o yellow_a the_o seed_n be_v oblong_o blackish_a and_o a_o little_a crooked_a the_o whole_a plant_n be_v cut_v yield_v a_o bitter_a milk_n it_o flower_n in_o june_n and_o july_n and_o grow_v frequent_o in_o garden_n it_o be_v reckon_v good_a for_o the_o nipple_n when_o they_o be_v sore_o o._n oak-tree_n in_o lat._n quercus_fw-la the_o whole_a oak_n be_v astringent_a but_o especial_o the_o bark_n a_o decoction_n of_o it_o be_v give_v for_o the_o bloodyflux_n and_o for_o spit_v of_o blood_n the_o acorn_n be_v diuretic_n the_o water_n distil_v from_o the_o leave_v of_o a_o young_a oak_n cure_v the_o whites_n those_o that_o cut_v for_o the_o stone_n use_v a_o bath_n make_v of_o the_o bark_n to_o heal_v the_o wound_n gall_n grow_v on_o oak_n but_o not_o in_o england_n the_o best_a ink_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o gall_n four_o ounce_n of_o copperas_n two_o ounce_n of_o gum-arabeck_a one_o ounce_n beat_v the_o gall_n to_o a_o gross_a powder_n and_o infuse_v they_o nine_o day_n in_o a_o quart_n of_o claret_n set_v it_o near_o the_o fire_n and_o stir_v it_o daily_o then_o put_v in_o the_o copperas_n and_o the_o gum_n and_o when_o it_o have_v stand_v a_o day_n the_o ink_n will_v be_v fit_a for_o use_v take_v of_o the_o water_n of_o oak-bud_n and_o plantain_n each_o three_o ounce_n of_o cinnamon-water_n hordeat_v and_o syrup_n of_o dry_a rose_n each_o one_o ounce_n spirit_n of_o vitriol_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n to_o make_v it_o pleasant_o sharp_a take_v six_o spoonful_n morning_n and_o evening_n this_o be_v good_a for_o a_o immoderate_a flux_n of_o the_o course_n oat_n in_o latin_a avenae_fw-la they_o dry_v and_o be_v somewhat_o astringent_a when_o corn_n be_v dear_a poor_a people_n live_v chief_o on_o water-gruel_n and_o it_o be_v indeed_o very_o proper_a diet_n for_o sick_a and_o well_o and_o yield_v a_o good_a nourishment_n the_o common-people_n in_o the_o north_n and_o in_o wales_n make_v bread_n of_o oat_n and_o eat_v no_o other_o and_o no_o people_n in_o the_o world_n enjoy_v more_o health_n nor_o live_v long_o and_o without_o doubt_n this_o sort_n of_o bread_n be_v most_o wholesome_a though_o it_o be_v not_o pleasant_a beer_n be_v also_o make_v of_o it_o flummery_n be_v make_v of_o oatmeal_n boil_v in_o water_n to_o a_o jelly_n it_o be_v eat_v hot_a be_v cut_v into_o slice_n and_o put_v into_o milk_n or_o beer_n or_o into_o white-wine_n and_o sweeten_v with_o sugar_n it_o be_v a_o excellent_a diet_n for_o weak_o people_n our_o physician_n scarce_o order_v any_o diet_n but_o water-gruel_n in_o acute_a disease_n the_o meal_n be_v use_v outward_o in_o cataplasm_n for_o it_o dry_v and_o digest_v moderate_o in_o the_o colic_n oat_n fry_v with_o a_o little_a salt_n and_o apply_v hot_a in_o a_o bag_n to_o the_o belly_n give_v great_a ease_n if_o the_o gut_n be_v not_o stuff_v with_o excrement_n if_o they_o be_v a_o clyster_n must_v first_o be_v give_v a_o bath_n make_v of_o malt-flower_n hop_n and_o oat-straw_n be_v much_o commend_v for_o those_o that_o be_v afflict_v with_o the_o stone_n for_o it_o wonderful_o mitigate_v the_o pain_n and_o force_n away_o urine_n and_o many_o time_n the_o stone_n too_o onion_n in_o latin_a caepa_n onion_n be_v hot_a and_o flatulent_a they_o be_v proper_a for_o those_o that_o abound_v with_o cold_a viscid_a humour_n in_o who_o they_o procure_v sleep_n help_v concoction_n and_o prevent_v sour_a belching_n they_o open_a obstruction_n force_v the_o course_n and_o urine_n and_o promote_v insensible_a transpiration_n but_o they_o injure_v those_o that_o be_v choleric_a they_o especial_o disturb_v their_o head_n and_o cause_v troublesome_a dream_n and_o offend_v their_o eye_n old_a woman_n cut_v a_o raw_a onion_n and_o infuse_v it_o in_o water_n all_o night_n and_o the_o next_o morning_n give_v the_o water_n to_o child_n to_o kill_v the_o worm_n with_o good_a success_n a_o large_a onion_n hollow_v and_o fill_v with_o venice-treacle_n and_o cover_v and_o then_o roast_v under_o hot_a ash_n and_o apply_v the_o outward_a skin_n be_v pull_v off_o in_o the_o manner_n of_o a_o cataplasm_n mollify_v effectual_o hard_a swell_n and_o open_v they_o a_o raw_a onion_n peel_v and_o apply_v present_o with_o a_o little_a salt_n cure_v burns_n if_o the_o outward_a skin_n be_v not_o ulcer_v for_o it_o draw_v out_o the_o fire_n and_o prevent_v blister_n orpine_n in_o latin_a telephium_n it_o be_v vulnerary_a and_o astringent_a it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o heal_a ulcer_n of_o the_o bowel_n occasion_v by_o the_o bloodyflux_n for_o rupture_n and_o burn_v it_o be_v excellent_a for_o ease_v pain_n both_o in_o fresh_a wound_n and_o old_a ulcer_n the_o herb_n roast_v under_o ash_n and_o mix_v with_o lard_n cure_v felon_n p._n herb_n paris_n true-love_n or_o one-berry_n in_o latin_a herba_fw-la paris_n the_o root_n be_v small_a knot_a and_o creep_v the_o stalk_v be_v pretty_a thick_a round_o and_o solid_a and_o about_o half_a a_o foot_n high_a red_a near_o the_o earth_n green_a above_o it_o have_v four_o leave_n set_v direct_o one_o against_o another_o they_o shine_v under_o above_o they_o do_v not_o they_o be_v somewhat_o like_o the_o leaf_n of_o nightshade_n but_o broad_a it_o have_v one_o flower_n like_o a_o star_n compose_v of_o four_o small_a narrow_a long_a point_a leave_n of_o a_o yellowish_a green_a colour_n have_v four_o other_o lesser_a leave_n lie_v between_o they_o the_o berry_n be_v of_o a_o
half_a a_o ounce_n of_o dodder_n of_o thyme_n three_o dram_fw-la of_o sena_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o tamarind_v six_o dram_fw-la of_o corianderseed_n three_o dram_fw-la of_o yellow_a sander_n two_o dram_fw-la boil_v they_o in_o fourteen_o ounce_n of_o fountain-water_n till_o four_o ounce_n be_v consume_v add_v two_o dram_fw-la of_o agarick_n and_o one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o rhubarb_n strain_v it_o and_o clarify_v it_o and_o add_v two_o ounce_n of_o the_o purge_a syrup_n of_o apple_n take_v six_o ounce_n once_o in_o three_o or_o four_o day_n this_o be_v proper_a for_o melancholy_a people_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o polypody_n bugloss_n scorzonera_n bark_n of_o tamaris_n and_o root_n of_o cappars_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o spleen-wort_n one_o handful_n and_o a_o half_a of_o agrimony_n maidenhair_n balm_n dodder_n and_o top_n of_o hop_n each_o half_a a_o handful_n of_o flower_n of_o broom_n and_o borage_n each_o two_o pugil_n the_o paring_n of_o four_o pippin_n boil_v they_o with_o a_o chicken_n in_o spring-water_n for_o thin_a broth_n take_v a_o good_a draught_n morning_n and_o evening_n with_o fifteen_o grain_n of_o cream_n of_o tartar_n dissolve_v in_o it_o and_o fast_o two_o hour_n after_o this_o be_v good_a in_o hypochondriack_a disease_n the_o poplar-tree_n in_o latin_a populus_fw-la the_o bark_n of_o poplar_n especial_o of_o the_o white_a poplar_n or_o abele-tree_n be_v use_v inward_o and_o outward_o for_o the_o hip-gout_n for_o the_o strangury_n and_o burn_v woman_n use_v the_o bud_n of_o black_a poplar_n to_o beautify_v and_o thicken_v their_o hair_n they_o be_v good_a also_o to_o ease_v pain_n the_o ointment_n be_v good_a for_o hot_a swell_n to_o ease_v the_o pain_n of_o they_o and_o be_v apply_v to_o the_o nostril_n and_o temple_n it_o dispose_v to_o sleep_v it_o be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o fresh_a bud_n of_o the_o black_a poplar_n a_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o leave_n of_o violet_n and_o navelwort_n each_o three_o ounce_n of_o new_a and_o unsalted_a lard_n clear_v from_o the_o skin_n and_o wash_v two_o pound_n beat_v they_o and_o mingle_v they_o and_o infuse_v they_o together_o in_o may_n add_v the_o follow_a herb_n bruise_v of_o the_o tender_a top_n of_o bramble_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o black_a poppy_n mandrake_n hen-bane_n nightshade_n lettuce_n house-leek_n greater_n and_o lesser_a bur-dock_n each_o three_o ounce_n after_o the_o ten_o day_n pour_v on_o they_o a_o pint_n of_o rose-water_n boil_v they_o over_o a_o gentle_a fire_n stir_v they_o continual_o till_o all_o the_o superfluous_a moisture_n be_v consume_v then_o strain_v it_o and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n red_n poppy_n or_o corn-rose_n in_o latin_a papaver_fw-la rhea_n the_o flower_n cool_v and_o assuage_v pain_n and_o dispose_v to_o sleep_v they_o be_v chief_o use_v in_o fever_n for_o pleurisy_n and_o quinsy_n and_o other_o disease_n especial_o of_o the_o breast_n that_o need_n cooling_n medicine_n and_o for_o immoderate_a flux_n of_o the_o course_n the_o powder_n the_o distil_a water_n the_o syrup_n and_o the_o conserve_v of_o they_o be_v in_o use_n but_o the_o syrup_n be_v most_o in_o use_n and_o be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o fresh_a flower_n of_o red_a poppy_n two_o pound_n pour_v upon_o they_o two_o quart_n of_o hot_a fountain-water_n press_v they_o out_o the_o next_o day_n and_o infuse_v the_o same_o quantity_n of_o flower_n in_o the_o liquor_n as_o before_o strain_v it_o and_o with_o a_o quantity_n of_o sugar_n equal_a in_o weight_n to_o the_o liquor_n make_v a_o syrup_n according_a to_o art_n surfeit-water_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v what_o quantity_n of_o brandy_n you_o please_v steep_v a_o good_a quantity_n of_o red_a poppy_n therein_o the_o black_a bottom_n be_v first_o cut_v off_o when_o the_o colour_n be_v extract_v press_v they_o out_o and_o put_v in_o fresh_a and_o so_o do_v till_o the_o brandy_n have_v a_o very_a deep_a tincture_n then_o put_v in_o nutmeg_n clove_n ginger_n and_o cinnamon_n of_o each_o two_o dram_fw-la to_o a_o quart_n of_o the_o brandy_n you_o may_v add_v some_o fine_a sugar_n if_o you_o think_v fit_a keep_v it_o close_o stop_v it_o be_v good_a for_o surfeit_n for_o wind_n or_o illness_n of_o the_o stomach_n white_n poppy_n in_o latin_a papaver_fw-la album_fw-la the_o seed_n be_v use_v in_o emulsion_n the_o best_a diacodium_fw-la be_v make_v of_o the_o head_n and_o seed_n in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v fourteen_o ounce_n of_o the_o head_n of_o white-poppy_n well_o dry_v infuse_v they_o twenty_o four_o hour_n in_o eight_o pint_n of_o fountain-water_n boil_v they_o well_o then_o press_v they_o out_o and_o put_v a_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o sugar_n to_o the_o liquor_n then_o boil_v it_o to_o a_o syrup_n the_o juice_n of_o poppy_n thicken_v be_v call_v opium_n i_o mean_v that_o which_o flow_v out_o of_o itself_o the_o head_n be_v cut_v for_o the_o juice_n that_o be_v press_v '_o out_o be_v call_v meconium_n which_o be_v much_o weak_a than_o opium_n the_o turk_n sow_v white-poppy_n in_o field_n as_o we_o do_v wheat_n and_o every_o one_o carry_v some_o about_o he_o in_o war_n and_o peace_n a_o certain_a jew_n declare_v that_o forty_o camel_n lade_v with_o it_o come_v yearly_a from_o paphlagonia_n cappadocia_n galatia_n and_o cilicia_n a_o turk_n can_v take_v a_o dram_n at_o a_o time_n without_o any_o injury_n the_o best_a opium_n be_v bitter_a and_o hot_a and_o of_o a_o yellow_a colour_n it_o recreate_v the_o spirit_n and_o provoke_v venery_n liquid_a laudanum_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o spanish_a wine_n one_o pint_n of_o opium_n two_o ounce_n of_o saffron_n one_o ounce_n of_o cinnamon_n and_o clove_n powder_v each_o one_o dram_n infuse_v they_o together_o in_o b._n m._n for_o two_o or_o three_o day_n till_o the_o liquor_n have_v a_o deep_a tincture_n strain_v it_o and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_v the_o do_v be_v sixteen_o drop_n matthews_n pill_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o salt_n of_o tartar_n prepare_v with_o niter_n four_o ounce_n of_o oil_n of_o turpentine_n eight_o ounce_n mix_v they_o and_o let_v they_o stand_v in_o a_o moist_a and_o cold_a place_n eight_o nine_o or_o ten_o month_n or_o more_o till_o the_o salt_n have_v take_v up_o thrice_o its_o weight_n of_o oil_n and_o be_v become_v one_o thick_a mass_n like_o soap_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n you_o must_v stir_v it_o often_o and_o add_v the_o oil_n as_o it_o incorporate_v take_v of_o this_o soap_n six_o ounce_n of_o the_o best_a opium_n two_o ounce_n of_o black_a and_o white_a hellebore_n powder_v and_o of_o liquorish_a each_o two_o ounce_n mix_v they_o exact_o add_v as_o much_o oil_n of_o turpentine_n as_o be_v sufficient_a to_o make_v a_o mass_n for_o pill_n which_o must_v be_v keep_v moist_a with_o oil_n of_o turpentine_n the_o do_v be_v ten_o grain_n the_o opiat-plaster_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o great_a diachylon_n four_o ounce_n of_o quicksilver_n two_o ounce_n of_o opium_n one_o ounce_n mingle_v they_o according_a to_o art_n this_o be_v good_a to_o ease_v pain_n primrose_n in_o latin_a primula_n veris._n it_o be_v hot_a and_o dry_a and_o of_o a_o astringent_a taste_n it_o be_v very_o good_a for_o phlegmatic_a and_o melancholy_a disease_n and_o for_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o to_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n english_a prune_n or_o plum_n call_v bullace_n in_o latin_a prunus_fw-la the_o white_a and_o black_a be_v cooling_n and_o astringent_a they_o be_v good_a for_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n the_o flower_n be_v cathartick_n the_o gum_n dissolve_v in_o vinegar_n cure_v tetter_n ropy_n wine_n be_v cure_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v the_o fruit_n beat_v and_o dry_v it_o in_o the_o air_n put_v more_o or_o less_o of_o it_o into_o the_o vessel_n according_a to_o the_o quantity_n of_o wine_n it_o must_v be_v well_o stir_v about_o and_o then_o the_o vessel_n must_v be_v stop_v up_o for_o eight_o or_o ten_o day_n and_o you_o will_v find_v it_o soon_o recover_v the_o follow_a plum_n be_v most_o esteem_v the_o red_a blue_a and_o amber_n primordian_n the_o violet-plum_n red_a blue_a and_o amber_n the_o matchless_a the_o black_a and_o green_n damascene_fw-la the_o morocco_n the_o barbary_n the_o myrobolane-plum_n the_o apricock-plum_n the_o cinnamon-plum_n the_o great_a mogul_n and_o tawny-plum_n the_o white_a red_a and_o black_a pear-plum_n the_o green_a osterly-plum_n the_o muscle-plum_n the_o catalonia-plum_n the_o white_a and_o black_a prunella_n the_o bonum_fw-la magnum_fw-la the_o wheaten-plum_n the_o cluster-plum_n the_o queen-mother-plum_n the_o maiple-plum_n the_o imperial-plum_n the_o peach-plum_n the_o pease-cod-plum_n the_o date-plum_n white_a yellow_a and_o red_a the_o nutmeg-plum_n the_o turky-plum_n the_o prince-plum_n ripe_a
in_o each_o cloth_n to_o put_v the_o powder_a clove_n into_o set_v a_o small_a earthen_a cup_n upon_o each_o glass_n of_o these_o clove_n let_v it_o stop_v so_o ●●●ly_o that_o it_o may_v suffer_v no_o air_n to_o enter_v between_o its_o brim_n and_o that_o of_o the_o glass_n fill_v the_o cup_n with_o hot_a ash_n to_o warm_v the_o clove_n and_o distil_v down_o to_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o glass_n first_o a_o little_a phlegm_n and_o spirit_n and_o after_o that_o a_o clear_a and_o white_a oil_n continue_v the_o fire_n until_o there_o fall_v no_o more_o separate_z the_o oil_n in_o a_o tunnel_n line_v with_o a_o cornet_n of_o brown_a paper_n and_o keep_v it_o in_o a_o viol_n well_o stop_v some_o drop_n of_o it_o be_v with_o cotton_n put_v into_o ache_a tooth_n it_o be_v likewise_o good_a in_o malignant_a fever_n and_o the_o plague_n the_o do_v be_v two_o or_o three_o drop_n in_o balm-water_n or_o some_o appropriate_a liquor_n you_o must_v mix_v it_o with_o a_o little_a sugar-candy_n or_o a_o little_a yolk_n of_o a_o egg_n before_o you_o drop_v it_o into_o the_o water_n otherwise_o it_o will_v not_o dissolve_v in_o the_o water_n i_o have_v give_v you_o this_o preparation_n to_o serve_v upon_o a_o emergency_n when_o you_o want_v in_o haste_n the_o oil_n of_o cloves_n you_o must_v only_o use_v hot_a ash_n to_o warm_v the_o clove_n if_o you_o desire_v white_a oil_n for_o if_o you_o give_v a_o great_a heat_n the_o oil_n turn_v red_a and_o beside_o a_o great_a part_n of_o it_o will_v be_v lose_v you_o must_v also_o take_v care_n to_o lift_v up_o the_o cup_n from_o time_n to_o time_n to_o stir_v about_o the_o powder_n some_o do_v dissolve_v opium_n in_o oil_n of_o clove_n and_o use_v this_o dissolution_n for_o the_o toothache_n they_o put_v one_o drop_n of_o it_o into_o the_o ache_a tooth_n and_o it_o soon_o take_v off_o the_o pain_n the_o spirit_n of_o clove_n which_o be_v make_v at_o the_o same_o time_n the_o oil_n be_v make_v be_v a_o good_a stomachick_n it_o help_v concoction_n comfort_v the_o heart_n and_o increase_v seed_n the_o do_v be_v from_o six_o drop_n to_o twenty_o in_o some_o convenient_a liquor_n clove_n grow_v spontaneous_o in_o the_o moloca-island_n those_o that_o be_v good_a be_v black_a solid_a and_o weighty_a smell_v well_o be_v hard_a to_o break_v and_o bite_v the_o tongue_n much_o and_o when_o they_o be_v break_v their_o liquor_n sweat_v out_o they_o may_v be_v keep_v five_o year_n in_o a_o temperate_a place_n coccus_n baphica_n see_v kermes_n cockle_n in_o latin_a pseudomelanthium_fw-la it_o grow_v every_o where_o among_o corn_n and_o flower_n in_o june_n and_o july_n it_o cure_v the_o itch_n and_o heal_v wound_n ann_n fistula_n and_o stop_v blood_n but_o the_o virtue_n of_o it_o be_v doubt_v by_o some_o yet_o sennertus_n commend_v it_o in_o stop_v of_o bleed_v coco-nut-tree_n in_o latin_a palma_n coccifera_n a_o liquor_n be_v draw_v from_o this_o tree_n call_v suri_n which_o intoxicate_a like_a wine_n it_o have_v a_o pleasant_a sweet_a taste_n a_o hot_a water_n or_o spirit_n be_v draw_v from_o it_o by_o distillation_n sugar_n also_o and_o vinegar_n be_v make_v of_o it_o fine_a polish_a cup_n tip_v with_o silver_n be_v make_v of_o the_o bark_n of_o it_o the_o liquor_n or_o wine_n be_v very_o good_a for_o consumption_n and_o excellent_a for_o disease_n of_o the_o urine_n and_o reins_o a_o milk_n be_v draw_v from_o the_o kernel_n beat_v and_o press_v without_o the_o help_n of_o fire_n which_o be_v very_o good_a for_o kill_a worm_n eight_o ounce_n of_o it_o be_v take_v in_o a_o morning_n with_o a_o little_a salt_n the_o liquor_n contain_v in_o the_o kernel_n extinguish_v thirst_n cure_v fever_n cleanse_v the_o eye_n and_o the_o skin_n purify_v the_o blood_n purge_v the_o stomach_n and_o urinary_a passage_n relieve_v the_o breast_n taste_v pleasant_o and_o yield_v a_o great_a nourishment_n it_o be_v say_v of_o it_o that_o it_o be_v meat_n drink_v and_o cloth_n chocolet_n be_v make_v of_o it_o it_o grow_v in_o the_o spanish_a west-indies_n and_o last_o a_o hundred_o year_n coculus_n indus_n it_o be_v uncertain_a where_o these_o berry_n grow_v but_o the_o chief_a use_n of_o they_o be_v for_o catch_a fish_n a_o paste_n be_v make_v for_o they_o of_o white_a flower_n and_o the_o powder_n of_o the_o berry_n for_o the_o fish_n by_o eat_v of_o this_o paste_n become_v giddy_a and_o stupid_a and_o so_o be_v easy_o take_v but_o it_o be_v questionable_a whether_o fish_n so_o take_v may_v be_v safe_o eat_v perhaps_o if_o they_o be_v gutted_a as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v take_v and_o boil_v they_o may_v be_v eat_v without_o hurt_n a_o person_n who_o go_v to_o buy_v cubeb_n of_o a_o apothecary_n have_v these_o berry_n deliver_v to_o he_o by_o a_o mistake_n and_o when_o he_o have_v take_v not_o above_o four_o of_o they_o he_o be_v present_o seize_v with_o a_o vomit_v the_o hiccup_n and_o faintness_n but_o a_o vomit_n be_v present_o give_v he_o he_o recover_v within_o a_o hour_n coffee_n in_o latin_a caova_n the_o decoction_n of_o it_o strengthen_v a_o cold_a stomach_n help_v concoction_n and_o open_v obstruction_n of_o the_o bowel_n and_o be_v good_a for_o cold_a tumour_n of_o the_o liver_n and_o spleen_n it_o heat_v the_o womb_n and_o free_v it_o from_o obstruction_n upon_o which_o account_n the_o egyptian_a and_o arabian_a woman_n use_v it_o frequent_o but_o it_o be_v most_o take_v notice_n of_o for_o remove_v drowsiness_n but_o though_o it_o be_v so_o common_o use_v and_o so_o very_o proper_a and_o effectual_a in_o some_o case_n yet_o in_o other_o case_n perhaps_o it_o may_v be_v hurtful_a or_o at_o least_o not_o so_o beneficial_a for_o it_o be_v common_o observe_v that_o coffee-drinker_n be_v often_o very_o lean_a and_o become_v paralytic_a and_o impotent_a as_o to_o venery_n but_o indeed_o in_o most_o disease_n of_o the_o head_n as_o for_o giddiness_n headache_n lethargy_n catarrh_n and_o the_o like_a coffee_n be_v often_o use_v with_o good_a success_n by_o those_o that_o be_v of_o a_o gross_a habit_n of_o body_n and_o of_o a_o cold_a constitution_n and_o who_o blood_n be_v watery_a their_o brain_n moist_a and_o their_o animal_n spirit_n dull_a for_o be_v take_v daily_o it_o wonderful_o clear_v the_o spirit_n and_o dissipate_v those_o cloud_n of_o all_o the_o function_n but_o on_o the_o contrary_a they_o who_o be_v of_o a_o thin_a habit_n of_o body_n and_o a_o hot_a and_o melancholy_a constitution_n aught_o by_o all_o mean_n to_o forbear_v coffee_n and_o beside_o those_o that_o have_v but_o weak_a spirit_n or_o be_v subject_a to_o a_o tremble_v or_o numbness_n of_o the_o limb_n ought_v not_o to_o drink_v coffee_n though_o they_o be_v afflict_v with_o the_o headache_n nor_o ought_v they_o who_o be_v subject_a to_o the_o palpitation_n of_o the_o heart_n it_o be_v reckon_v good_a in_o a_o scorbutic_a gout_n and_o for_o the_o gravel_n the_o goodness_n of_o coffee_n chief_o depend_v on_o the_o exact_a roast_n of_o it_o bernier_n say_v there_o be_v only_o two_o man_n that_o know_v how_o to_o roast_v they_o right_o in_o grand_a cayro_fw-la for_o few_o know_v the_o manner_n and_o degree_n of_o torrifaction_n for_o if_o they_o be_v never_o so_o little_o over_o or_o under-roasted_n they_o be_v spoil_v coffee_n be_v adulterate_v with_o burn_a crust_n of_o bread_n roast_a bean_n and_o the_o like_a it_o be_v common_o boil_v in_o copper_n or_o tin-pot_n but_o earthen_a be_v best_a for_o it_o for_o it_o be_v probable_a that_o metal_n too_o often_o impart_v something_o of_o their_o substance_n to_o the_o liquor_n it_o have_v be_v observe_v that_o upon_o distillation_n a_o pound_n of_o good_a clean_a coffee_n the_o vessel_n be_v well_o lute_v have_v yield_v four_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o phlegm_n with_o a_o little_a volatile_a spirit_n mix_v with_o salt_n and_o two_o ounce_n and_o five_o dram_fw-la of_o a_o thick_a black_a oil_n which_o be_v rectify_v become_v yellow_a the_o caput_fw-la mortuum_fw-la weigh_v about_o four_o ounce_n so_o that_o about_o a_o four_o part_n evaporate_v notwithstanding_o the_o vessel_n be_v so_o close_o cement_v upon_o which_o we_o may_v reasonable_o conjecture_v that_o coffee_n contain_v many_o particle_n that_o be_v volatile_a and_o penetrative_a whereby_o it_o be_v probable_a it_o keep_v man_n wake_v many_o that_o have_v be_v very_o subject_a to_o nephritick_n pain_n have_v be_v cure_v by_o take_v coffee_n often_o woman_n use_v it_o to_o cleanse_v the_o tooth_n one_o that_o be_v seize_v with_o a_o violent_a cholera_fw-la and_o painful_a convulsion_n from_o a_o internal_a cause_n be_v cure_v in_o a_o short_a time_n by_o take_v a_o great_a quantity_n of_o coffee_n which_o be_v retain_v in_o the_o stomach_n when_o the_o tincture_n of_o opium_n mint-water_n and_o the_o like_a be_v
two_o handful_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o agrimony_n and_o both_o the_o speed-well_n each_o one_o handful_n of_o raisin_n stone_v six_o ounce_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o sweet_a fennel_n and_o coriander_n each_o six_o dram_fw-la of_o spanish_a liquorish_a two_o ounce_n strain_v the_o liquor_n and_o aromatize_v it_o with_o a_o little_a cinnamon_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_v the_o patient_n common_o take_v a_o quart_n or_o more_o of_o this_o drink_n in_o a_o day_n take_v of_o the_o leave_n of_o sena_n four_o ounce_n of_o gummy_a turbith_n and_o hermodactyl_n each_o two_o ounce_n of_o black_a hellebore_n and_o the_o pulp_n of_o colloquintida_n each_o six_o dram_fw-la of_o guaicum_fw-la and_o saxifrage_fw-la rasp_v each_o one_o ounce_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o guaiacum_n and_o the_o fresh_a berry_n of_o juniper_n and_o the_o outward_a bark_n of_o citron_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o cinnamon_n and_o clove_n each_o two_o dram_fw-la infuse_v they_o in_o equal_a part_n of_o the_o water_n of_o balm_n meadow-sweet_a and_o carduus_fw-la benedictus_fw-la for_o the_o space_n of_o forty_o eight_o hour_n then_o boil_v they_o gentle_o and_o strain_v out_o the_o liquor_n dissolve_v in_o it_o of_o aloes-rosat_a two_o ounce_n diagridium_n one_o ounce_n bring_v it_o to_o the_o consistence_n of_o a_o extract_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_v the_o do_v be_v from_o half_a a_o dram_n to_o one_o dram._n this_o be_v a_o proper_a purge_n in_o the_o french_a disease_n or_o take_v of_o the_o extract_v above_o describe_v two_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o gum_n of_o guaiacum_n half_a a_o scruple_n of_o mercurius_n dulcis_fw-la one_o scruple_n make_v pill_n with_o the_o syrup_n of_o buck-thorn_n these_o pill_n be_v also_o use_v for_o the_o same_o disease_n distillation_n of_o guaiacum_n be_v perform_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v the_o shave_n of_o guaiacum_n fill_v a_o large_a retort_n with_o they_o three_o quarter_n full_a place_v it_o in_o a_o rever-beratory_a furnace_n and_o join_v to_o it_o a_o great_a capacious_a receiver_n begin_v the_o distillation_n with_o a_o fire_n of_o the_o first_o degree_n to_o warm_v the_o retort_n gentle_o and_o to_o distil_v the_o water_n which_o be_v call_v phlegm_n continue_v it_o in_o this_o condition_n until_o there_o come_v no_o more_o drop_n which_o be_v a_o sign_n that_o all_o the_o phlegm_n be_v come_v throw_v away_o that_o which_o you_o find_v in_o the_o receiver_n and_o fit_v it_o again_o to_o the_o neck_n of_o the_o retort_n lute_n well_o the_o juncture_n you_o must_v afterward_o increase_v the_o fire_n by_o degree_n and_o the_o spirit_n and_o oil_n will_v come_v forth_o in_o white_a cloud_n continue_v the_o fire_n until_o there_o come_v no_o more_o let_v the_o vessel_n cool_v and_o unlute_v they_o pour_v that_o which_o be_v in_o the_o receiver_n into_o a_o tunnel_n line_v with_o brown_a paper_n and_o set_v upon_o a_o bottle_n or_o some_o other_o vessel_n the_o spirit_n will_v pass_v through_o and_o leave_v the_o black_a thick_a and_o very_o fettid_v oil_n in_o the_o tunnel_n pour_v it_o into_o a_o viol_n and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n it_o be_v a_o excellent_a remedy_n for_o rottenness_n of_o the_o bone_n for_o the_o toothache_n and_o to_o cleanse_v old_a ulcer_n it_o may_v be_v rectify_v and_o may_v be_v use_v inward_o for_o the_o falling-sickness_n and_o palsy_n and_o to_o drive_v forth_o the_o afterbirth_n the_o do_v be_v from_o two_o drop_n to_o six_o in_o some_o convenient_a liquor_n the_o spirit_n of_o guaicum_fw-la may_v be_v rectify_v in_o a_o limbeck_n to_o separate_v the_o impurity_n that_o pass_v with_o it_o it_o work_v by_o perspiration_n and_o by_o urine_n the_o do_v be_v from_o half_a a_o dram_n to_o a_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a it_o be_v likewise_o use_v mix_v with_o water_n of_o honey_n to_o cleanse_v inveterate_a ulcer_n you_o will_v find_v in_o the_o retort_n the_o coal_n of_o guaiacum_n which_o you_o may_v turn_v into_o ash_n by_o put_v fire_n to_o they_o calcine_v these_o ash_n some_o hour_n in_o a_o potter_n furnace_n then_o make_v a_o lee_n of_o they_o with_o water_n filtrate_a it_o and_o evaporate_v it_o in_o a_o glass_n or_o earthen_a vessel_n in_o sand_n there_o will_v remain_v the_o salt_n of_o guaiacum_n which_o you_o may_v make_v white_a by_o calcine_v it_o in_o a_o crucible_n in_o a_o strong_a fire_n this_o salt_n be_v aperitive_a and_o sudorific_a it_o may_v serve_v as_o all_o other_o alkaly_n to_o draw_v the_o tincture_n of_o vegetable_n the_o do_v be_v from_o ten_o grain_n to_o half_a a_o dram_n in_o some_o convenient_a liquor_n during_o the_o distillation_n you_o must_v not_o make_v the_o fire_n too_o strong_a for_o the_o spirit_n come_v forth_o with_o a_o great_a deal_n of_o violence_n will_v be_v apt_a to_o break_v either_o the_o retort_n or_o the_o receiver_n though_o guaiacum_n be_v a_o very_a dry_a body_n yet_o abundance_n of_o liquor_n be_v draw_v from_o it_o for_o if_o you_o put_v into_o the_o retort_n four_o pound_n of_o this_o wood_n sixteen_o ounce_n to_o the_o pound_n you_o will_v draw_v thirty_o nine_o ounce_n of_o spirit_n and_o phlegm_n and_o five_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o oil_n there_o will_v remain_v in_o the_o retort_n nineteen_o ounce_n of_o coal_n from_o which_o you_o may_v draw_v half_a a_o ounce_n or_o six_o dram_fw-la of_o a_o alkali-salt_n the_o oil_n of_o guaiacum_n be_v acrimonious_a by_o reason_n of_o the_o salt_n it_o have_v carry_v along_o with_o it_o and_o it_o be_v the_o gravity_n of_o the_o salt_n that_o do_v precipitate_v it_o to_o the_o bottom_n of_o the_o water_n this_o oil_n do_v good_a for_o the_o toothache_n because_o it_o stop_v the_o nerve_n with_o its_o ramous_a part_n hinder_v thereby_o the_o air_n from_o enter_v moreover_o by_o mean_n of_o the_o acrimonious_a salt_n which_o they_o contain_v they_o do_v dissipate_v a_o phlegm_n which_o use_v to_o get_v within_o the_o gum_n and_o cause_n pain_n take_v of_o guaiacum_n cut_v into_o small_a piece_n eight_o ounce_n of_o sarsaparilla_n six_o ounce_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o walnut-tree_n of_o the_o root_n of_o fig-wort_n and_o of_o saxifrage_n each_o two_o ounce_n herb_n robert_n three_o handful_n of_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n stone_v and_o of_o live_a millepedes_n each_o one_o pound_n make_v a_o bag_n for_o four_o gallon_n of_o new_a beer_n this_o be_v a_o diet-drink_a for_o the_o king_n be_v evil._n guaiacum_n grow_v in_o hispaniola_n jamaica_n and_o some_o other_o place_n gum-ammoniacum_a choose_v that_o which_o be_v without_o sand_n that_o be_v pure_a yellow_a without_o and_o clear_a within_o which_o burn_v clear_a when_o it_o be_v fire_v and_o soften_v and_o stick_v to_o the_o hand_n when_o handle_v and_o fly_v into_o many_o shine_a piece_n when_o it_o be_v knock_v with_o a_o hammer_n it_o will_v dissolve_v in_o water_n it_o smell_v strong_a than_o galbanum_fw-la and_o have_v a_o bitterish_a taste_n it_o attenuate_v and_o resolve_n and_o draw_v violent_o and_o move_v the_o belly_n it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o pain_n of_o the_o gout_n to_o resolve_v the_o viscid_n and_o thick_a mucilage_n of_o the_o lung_n and_o mesentery_n and_o for_o obstinate_a obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n spleen_n and_o womb_n and_o for_o the_o stone_n it_o be_v use_v outward_o for_o a_o scirrhus_n for_o the_o king's-evil_a and_o to_o dissolve_v other_o hard_a swell_n gum-ammoniack_a be_v distil_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n put_v a_o pound_n of_o gum-ammoniack_a into_o a_o earthen_a retort_n or_o a_o glass_n one_o lute_v big_a enough_o for_o two_o three_o to_o remain_v empty_a place_n this_o retort_n in_o a_o reverberatory_n furnace_n and_o fit_v to_o it_o a_o receiver_n begin_v the_o distillation_n with_o a_o very_a little_a fire_n to_o warm_v gentle_o the_o retort_n and_o drive_v forth_o drop_v by_o drop_n a_o little_a phlegmatic_a water_n when_o the_o vapour_n begin_v to_o appear_v throw_v out_o that_o which_o be_v in_o the_o receiver_n and_o re-fitting_a it_o and_o lute_v close_o the_o joint_n increase_v the_o fire_n by_o degree_n and_o continue_v it_o until_o all_o be_v come_v forth_o then_o let_v the_o vessel_n cool_v and_o unlute_v they_o pour_v out_o that_o which_o be_v in_o the_o receiver_n into_o a_o tunnel_n line_v with_o brown_a paper_n the_o spirit_n will_v pass_v through_o and_o leave_v the_o thick_a black_a oil_n in_o the_o filter_n keep_v it_o in_o a_o viol._n it_o be_v good_a for_o the_o palsy_n and_o hysterical_a disease_n the_o disease_a part_n be_v rub_v with_o it_o and_o it_o be_v give_v woman_n to_o smell_v to_o put_v the_o spirit_n into_o a_o glass-limbeck_n and_o rectify_v it_o by_o distil_v it_o in_o sand_n it_o be_v a_o good_a remedy_n against_o the_o plague_n and_o all_o sort_n of_o malignant_a disease_n it_o be_v use_v in_o the_o scurvy_a and_o all_o manner_n of_o obstruction_n the_o do_v be_v from_o eight_o to_o
half_a a_o gentlewoman_n cure_v several_a people_n of_o dropsy_n only_o by_o give_v the_o juice_n of_o this_o root_n she_o order_v they_o to_o take_v four_o spoonful_n every_o morning_n in_o six_o spoonful_n of_o white-wine_n a_o ounce_n of_o the_o fresh_a juice_n have_v be_v use_v with_o good_a success_n in_o a_o desperate_a obstruction_n of_o the_o belly_n it_o purge_v phlegm_n water_n and_o choler_n but_o it_o be_v nowadays_o only_o use_v for_o dropsy_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o florentine-iris_n and_o hermodactiles_n powder_v each_o six_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o plaster_n oxycroceum_fw-la and_o of_o the_o mucilage_n each_o two_o ounce_n of_o the_o resin_n of_o pine_n one_o ounce_n mix_v they_o and_o moisten_v they_o with_o oil_n of_o worm_n and_o make_v a_o plaster_n this_o be_v use_v for_o the_o gout_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o florentine-iris_n twelve_o ounce_n of_o the_o wood_n of_o rhodim_n two_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o marjoram_n three_o dram_fw-la of_o clove_n one_o ounce_n of_o limon-peel_n five_o dram_fw-la of_o cyperus-root_n one_o ounce_n of_o sweet-smelling_a flag_n six_o dram_fw-la of_o damask-rose_n four_o ounce_n of_o red_a rose_n two_o ounce_n of_o benzoyn_n styrax_n and_o calamit_n each_o one_o ounce_n of_o labdanum_n half_a a_o ounce_n make_v a_o gross_a powder_n this_o be_v a_o sweet_a powder_n and_o be_v very_o proper_a to_o sprinkle_v among_o clothes_n to_o preserve_v they_o from_o the_o moth._n if_o all_o the_o aforesaid_a ingredient_n be_v distil_v with_o strong_a beer_n in_o a_o common_a still_o six_o grain_n of_o musk_n be_v tie_v up_o in_o a_o rag_n and_o hang_v in_o the_o receiver_n you_o will_v have_v a_o perfume_a water_n that_o be_v very_o fit_a for_o funeral_n jujub_n in_o latin_a jujubae_n they_o be_v moderate_o hot_a and_o moist_a they_o attemperate_a the_o sharpness_n of_o the_o blood_n and_o be_v good_a for_o disease_n of_o the_o breast_n and_o lung_n for_o cough_n difficulty_n of_o breathe_v for_o disease_n of_o the_o reins_o and_o bladder_n and_o for_o heat_n of_o urine_n the_o syrup_n of_o jujub_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o jujubs_n number_n sixty_o of_o the_o flower_n of_o violet_n five_o dram_fw-la of_o liquorish_a rasp_v and_o bruise_v of_o the_o leave_n of_o maidenhair_n and_o of_o frenchbar_o each_o one_o ounce_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o mallow_n five_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o seed_n of_o white_a poppy_n melon_n lettuce_n and_o of_o quince_n and_o gum-tragacanth_a tie_v up_o in_o a_o rag_n by_o themselves_o each_o three_o dram_fw-la boil_v they_o in_o three_o quart_n of_o fountain-water_n till_o half_o be_v consume_v strain_v it_o and_o clarify_v the_o liquor_n and_o with_o two_o pound_n of_o white_a sugar_n make_v a_o syrup_n it_o be_v a_o good_a cool_a syrup_n and_o proper_a for_o cough_n pleurisy_n and_o for_o ulcer_n of_o the_o lung_n and_o bladder_n it_o be_v a_o ingredient_n in_o the_o lohoch_n sanans_fw-la of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a and_o of_o the_o pectoral_a decoction_n k._n kermes_n or_o the_o scarlet_a oak_n in_o latin_a ilex_fw-la coccigera_n this_o little_a tree_n grow_v on_o stony_a hill_n about_o monopeliar_a and_o in_o other_o part_n of_o france_n and_o in_o italy_n but_o clusius_n say_v it_o do_v not_o every_o where_o bear_v the_o grain_n of_o kermes_n for_o he_o say_v they_o be_v only_o to_o be_v find_v in_o those_o region_n which_o be_v near_o the_o mediterranean_a sea_n where_o the_o sun_n shine_v very_o hot_a and_o not_o always_o there_o neither_o for_o when_o the_o shrub_n grow_v so_o big_a as_o to_o bear_v acorn_n the_o kermes_n will_v not_o grow_v on_o it_o and_o therefore_o the_o inhabitant_n burn_v they_o up_o when_o they_o be_v about_o four_o year_n old_a that_o young_a one_o may_v come_v in_o their_o room_n which_o afterward_o yearly_o have_v the_o grain_n of_o kermes_n stick_v to_o they_o on_o the_o branch_n like_o small_a pea_n of_o a_o ash-colour_n these_o grain_n be_v count_v by_o philosopher_n and_o botanist_n the_o spurious_a or_o excrementitious_a fruit_n of_o the_o scarlet-oak_n only_o but_o the_o learned_a and_o ingenious_a dr._n martin_n lister_n find_v such_o kind_n of_o grain_n grow_v in_o england_n upon_o the_o tender_a branch_n of_o cherry-tree_n and_o suppose_n that_o they_o be_v not_o excrescency_n but_o the_o work_n of_o some_o insect_n for_o receive_v as_o in_o a_o nest_n its_o young_a one_o the_o grain_n serve_v for_o two_o uses_n for_o medicine_n and_o for_o die_v of_o a_o scarlet_a colour_n they_o be_v astringent_a and_o be_v use_v successful_o for_o wound_n and_o wound_a nerve_n they_o be_v also_o of_o good_a use_n to_o prevent_v miscarriage_n and_o use_v by_o the_o physician_n of_o montpeliar_a for_o sudden_a accident_n and_o acute_a disease_n as_o for_o a_o apoplexy_n palsy_n and_o the_o like_a they_o be_v also_o use_v for_o the_o palpitation_n of_o the_o heart_n for_o faint_v and_o for_o melancholy_a the_o confection_n of_o kermes_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o fragrant_a apple_n and_o of_o the_o sweet_a water_n of_o rose_n each_o one_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o syrup_n of_o the_o grain_n of_o kermes_n one_o quart_n of_o sugar_n one_o pound_n boil_v they_o almost_o to_o the_o consistence_n of_o honey_n then_o take_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n and_o while_o it_o be_v hot_a add_v two_o dram_fw-la of_o amber-grease_n cut_v small_a and_o dissolve_v with_o some_o drop_n of_o oil_n of_o cinnamon_n which_o be_v well_o mix_v add_v the_o follow_a thing_n powder_v of_o choice_a cinnamon_n and_o the_o best_a wood_n of_o aloe_n each_o six_o dram_fw-la of_o prepare_a pearl_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o leaf-gold_n one_o dram_n mix_v they_o according_a to_o art_n the_o syrup_n of_o kermes_n mention_v in_o make_v confection_n of_o kermes_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n they_o beat_v the_o grain_n in_o a_o marble_n mortar_n and_o pulp_v they_o through_o a_o sieve_n and_o mix_v they_o with_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o sugar_n this_o they_o call_v conserve_v and_o by_o add_v more_o sugar_n raw_a silk_n the_o juice_n of_o apple_n and_o rose-water_n they_o make_v a_o syrup_n l._n lark-spur_a in_o latin_a consolida_fw-la regalis_fw-la the_o juice_n of_o the_o flower_n and_o the_o distil_a water_n clear_v the_o sight_n and_o strengthen_v it_o and_o some_o say_v that_o look_v always_o upon_o it_o do_v the_o same_o wherefore_o they_o take_v care_n to_o hang_v it_o always_o in_o sight_n it_o be_v successful_o use_v in_o vulnerary_a potion_n a_o decoction_n of_o the_o flower_n in_o wine_n with_o a_o dram_n of_o saffron_n open_v obstruction_n lead-wort_n in_o latin_a plumbago_n plinii_n it_o cure_v horse_n when_o they_o be_v gall_v and_o prevent_v worm_n breed_v in_o the_o sore_n be_v bruise_v and_o apply_v lignum-aloe_n it_o heat_n and_o dry_v and_o comfort_v all_o the_o bowel_n especial_o the_o heart_n and_o womb._n it_o recreate_v the_o vital_a and_o animal_n spirit_n and_o therefore_o be_v good_a for_o faint_v it_o kill_v worm_n it_o be_v use_v frequent_o in_o cordial_a epithem_n be_v chew_v in_o the_o mouth_n and_o the_o mouth_n wash_v with_o a_o decoction_n of_o it_o it_o cure_v a_o stink_v breath_n it_o be_v use_v for_o perfume_n and_o be_v dry_v and_o powder_v and_o sprinkle_v upon_o the_o body_n it_o smell_v well_o a_o dram_n of_o the_o root_n take_v inward_o remove_v superfluous_a humour_n from_o the_o stomach_n strengthen_v it_o and_o mitigate_v the_o heat_n of_o it_o it_o ease_v the_o pain_n of_o the_o side_n and_o liver_n and_o do_v good_a in_o the_o bloodyflux_n and_o for_o the_o gripe_v a_o piece_n of_o this_o wood_n with_o the_o gum_n stick_v on_o it_o be_v present_v to_o the_o royal_a society_n by_o the_o honourable_a mr._n boyle_n it_o taste_v just_a like_o the_o wood_n and_o the_o colour_n of_o it_o be_v like_o pure_a succotrine-aloe_n it_o be_v say_v that_o a_o milk_n flow_v from_o this_o tree_n which_o be_v so_o virulent_a that_o if_o it_o chance_v to_o drop_v into_o the_o eye_n it_o occasion_n blindness_n and_o if_o it_o fall_v upon_o any_o other_o part_n of_o the_o body_n it_o cause_v blister_n and_o a_o inflammation_n the_o true_a lignum-aloe_n grow_v in_o malacca_n and_o in_o the_o island_n sumatra_n take_v of_o labdanum_n and_o mastic_n each_o two_o dram_fw-la of_o lignum-aloe_n storax-calamit_a cinnamon_n and_o turpentine_n each_o one_o dram_n of_o myrtle_n and_o the_o root_n of_o cyperus_n each_o half_a a_o dram_n of_o the_o juice_n of_o mint_n and_o horse-tail_n extract_v with_o red_a wine_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n make_v a_o plaster_n to_o be_v apply_v to_o the_o region_n of_o the_o pubis_fw-la and_o perinaeum_fw-la for_o a_o incontinence_n of_o urine_n lignum-colubrinum_a it_o be_v commend_v for_o expelling_a poison_n the_o
frequent_a and_o excessive_a use_n both_o of_o the_o nut_n and_o bark_n occasion_n sleepy_a disease_n for_o they_o be_v very_o narcotick_a upon_o which_o account_n what_o tavernier_n relate_v be_v not_o improbable_a namely_o that_o when_o these_o nut_n be_v ripe_a the_o bird_n of_o paradise_n flock_v together_o to_o the_o molucca-island_n to_o eat_v they_o just_o as_o thrush_n flock_v to_o france_n at_o the_o time_n of_o the_o vintage_n but_o they_o pay_v dear_o for_o their_o dainty_a food_n for_o when_o they_o have_v eat_v greedy_o of_o they_o they_o be_v seize_v with_o a_o giddiness_n and_o fall_v to_o the_o ground_n as_o if_o they_o be_v drink_v and_o when_o they_o lie_v on_o the_o ground_n the_o ant_n eat_v off_o their_o leg_n and_o lobelius_n mention_n a_o observation_n of_o a_o english_a lady_n with_o child_n that_o long_v for_o nutmeg_n and_o eat_v twelve_o of_o they_o upon_o which_o show_n grow_v delirious_a or_o be_v rather_o intoxicate_v but_o have_v sleep_v a_o good_a while_n and_o repel_v medicine_n be_v apply_v to_o her_o head_n she_o recover_v the_o wound_n of_o a_o soldier_n be_v soon_o cure_v by_o eat_a nutmeg_n wedelius_n also_o commend_v they_o for_o cure_v of_o wound_n john_n bauhinus_n have_v drink_v cold_a water_n too_o free_o on_o the_o apennine_a mountain_n be_v seize_v with_o violent_a pain_n in_o his_o bladder_n and_o his_o scrotum_fw-la be_v swell_v with_o the_o wind_n though_o he_o never_o be_v bursten_v before_o or_o after_o and_o when_o he_o think_v he_o shall_v have_v die_v by_o reason_n of_o the_o violence_n of_o the_o pain_n his_o fellow-traveller_n give_v he_o nutmeg_n and_o he_o eat_v four_o of_o they_o present_o and_o by_o the_o blessing_n of_o god_n be_v free_v of_o his_o pain_n nutmeg_n chew_v and_o swallow_v do_v much_o good_a for_o a_o palsy_n of_o the_o part_n that_o serve_v for_o swallow_v a_o oil_n express_v from_o the_o fresh_a nut_n beat_v and_o make_v hot_a in_o a_o frying-pan_n be_v good_a for_o the_o gripe_v and_o nephritick_n pain_n be_v take_v inward_o in_o some_o hot_a liquor_n child_n navel_n be_v anoint_v with_o it_o when_o they_o be_v gripe_v be_v ease_v thereby_o it_o be_v also_o good_a for_o pain_n of_o the_o nerve_n and_o joint_n proceed_v from_o cold._a the_o temple_n be_v anoint_v with_o it_o it_o dispose_v to_o rest_n the_o best_a nutmeg_n be_v that_o which_o be_v weighty_a oil_n of_o nutmeg_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v sixteen_o ounce_n of_o good_a nutmeg_n beat_v they_o in_o a_o mortar_n until_o they_o be_v almost_o in_o a_o paste_n and_o put_v they_o upon_o a_o boulter_n cover_v they_o with_o a_o piece_n of_o strong_a cloth_n and_o a_o earthen_a pan_n over_o that_o put_v your_o cloth_n over_o a_o kettle_n half_o fill_v with_o water_n and_o set_v the_o kettle_n upon_o the_o fire_n that_o the_o vapour_n of_o the_o water_n may_v gentle_o warm_v the_o nutmeg_n when_o you_o find_v upon_o touch_v the_o pan_n it_o be_v so_o hot_a that_o you_o can_v endure_v your_o hand_n upon_o it_o you_o must_v take_v off_o the_o boulter_n and_o put_v the_o matter_n into_o a_o linen_n cloth_n take_v its_o four_o corner_n and_o tie_v they_o quick_o together_o put_v they_o into_o a_o press_n between_o a_o couple_n of_o warm_a plate_n set_v the_o pan_n underneath_o and_o there_o will_v come_v forth_o a_o oil_n which_o congeal_v as_o it_o grow_v cold_a press_v the_o matter_n as_o strong_o as_o you_o be_v able_a to_o draw_v out_o all_o the_o oil_n then_o keep_v it_o in_o a_o pot_n well_o stop_v this_o oil_n be_v very_a stomachick_n be_v apply_v outward_o or_o else_o give_v inward_o the_o do_v be_v from_o four_o grain_n to_o ten_o in_o broth_n or_o some_o other_o convenient_a liquor_n this_o be_v call_v oil_n of_o nutmeg_n by_o expression_n which_o be_v a_o ingredient_n in_o the_o follow_a apoplectic_a balsam_n take_v of_o oil_n of_o nutmeg_n by_o expression_n two_o ounce_n oil_n of_o rosemary_n marjoram_n sage_n thyme_n hyssop_n and_o angelica_n each_o one_o dram_n oil_n of_o cinnamon_n half_a a_o dram_n of_o oil_n of_o amber_n half_a a_o scruple_n of_o oil_n of_o rhodium_n one_o dram_n of_o the_o oil_n of_o rue_n lemon_n orange_n and_o clove_n each_o one_o scruple_n of_o peruvian_n balsam_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o tincture_n of_o benzoin_n of_o civet_n chemical_a oil_n of_o nutmeg_n of_o tincture_n of_o clove_n each_o half_a a_o dram_n of_o amber-grease_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o musk_n one_o dram_n put_v all_o the_o oil_n together_o in_o a_o glass_n for_o use_v the_o long_o they_o have_v be_v mix_v the_o better_a they_o be_v then_o take_v ten_o or_o twenty_o drop_n and_o grind_v they_o with_o the_o oil_n of_o nutmeg_n half_a a_o hour_n then_o drop_v the_o same_o number_n of_o drop_n as_o before_o get_v up_o the_o mixture_n together_o with_o a_o piece_n of_o horn_n or_o with_o a_o knife_n then_o let_v it_o stand_v two_o hour_n to_o ferment_n than_o put_v thirty_o drop_n of_o the_o oil_n more_o to_o it_o and_o grind_v it_o with_o the_o mixture_n half_a a_o hour_n cover_v it_o with_o a_o paper_n and_o let_v it_o stand_v all_o night_n in_o the_o morning_n grind_v it_o with_o the_o balsam_n of_o peru_n for_o half_a a_o hour_n then_o warm_a a_o brass_n mortar_n and_o pestle_n and_o cut_v or_o scrape_v into_o it_o your_o amber-grease_n add_v to_o it_o thirty_o drop_n of_o your_o mixture_n of_o oil_n grind_v they_o together_o for_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n then_o add_v thirty_o drop_n more_o of_o the_o oil_n afterward_o put_v it_o out_o on_o one_o side_n of_o the_o stone_n and_o on_o the_o other_o side_n put_v the_o musk_n mix_v it_o by_o degree_n with_o the_o oil_n and_o amber-grease_n till_o it_o be_v all_o dissolve_v then_o put_v to_o it_o the_o civet_n and_o grind_v it_o with_o the_o musk_n and_o amber-grease_n for_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n mix_v all_o by_o degree_n with_o the_o former_a composition_n and_o ferment_n they_o two_o hour_n than_o put_v it_o up_o and_o keep_v it_o for_o use_n take_v of_o alabastrian_n ointment_n and_o of_o ointment_n of_o rose_n each_o two_o ounce_n of_o opium_n one_o dram_n of_o saffron_n one_o dram_n of_o oil_n of_o nutmeg_n one_o dram_n mingle_v they_o and_o make_v a_o ointment_n anoint_v the_o temple_n and_o forehead_n with_o it_o it_o be_v good_a for_o the_o headache_n take_v of_o saffron_n powder_v two_o scruple_n of_o the_o ointment_n of_o the_o flower_n of_o orange_n and_o of_o oil_n of_o sweet_a almond_n each_o one_o ounce_n of_o oil_n of_o nutmeg_n by_o expression_n half_a a_o dram_n mingle_v they_o and_o make_v a_o ointment_n anoint_v child_n breast_n in_o cold_n and_o other_o disease_n of_o the_o lung_n with_o this_o ointment_n nux_fw-la vomica_fw-la it_o be_v narcotick_a and_o virulent_a and_o worse_o than_o opium_n be_v powder_v and_o mix_v with_o meat_n it_o kill_v cat_n and_o dog_n o._n oak_n of_o jerusalem_n in_o latin_a botrys_n the_o herb_n powder_v and_o mix_v with_o honey_n be_v good_a for_o a_o ulcer_n of_o the_o lung_n it_o provoke_v the_o course_n and_o expel_v a_o dead_a child_n take_v of_o this_o herb_n of_o hedge-mustard_n and_o of_o nettle_n each_o two_o handful_n of_o colt's-foot_n one_o handful_n and_o a_o half_a boil_v they_o in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o fountain-water_n in_o b._n m._n to_o a_o quart_n of_o the_o clear_a liquor_n strain_v add_v the_o juice_n of_o turnip_n pare_v and_o boil_v in_o fountain-water_n change_v the_o water_n twice_o and_o when_o they_o be_v soft_a press_n out_o the_o juice_n gentle_o add_v of_o this_o juice_n have_v clear_v itself_o by_o stand_v one_o pint_n fine_a sugar_n three_o pound_n boil_v it_o to_o a_o syrup_n in_o b._n m._n when_o there_o be_v occasion_n to_o use_v it_o olive-tree_n it_o be_v a_o tree_n of_o a_o moderate_a bigness_n it_o grow_v slow_o and_o last_v long_o some_o say_v two_o hundred_o year_n it_o grow_v in_o italy_n and_o france_n and_o other_o place_n though_o olive_n when_o they_o be_v ripe_a be_v black_a and_o taste_v acrid_a bitter_a and_o nauseous_a yet_o the_o oil_n that_o be_v press_v from_o they_o be_v most_o common_o pellucid_a and_o a_o little_a yellowish_a it_o taste_v sweet_a and_o pleasant_a but_o that_o which_o be_v free_a from_o colour_n and_o taste_n be_v reckon_v the_o best_a the_o leave_n of_o olive_n cool_v dry_a and_o be_v astringent_a they_o be_v chief_o use_v outward_o for_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n of_o the_o course_n for_o a_o herpes_n and_o the_o like_a and_o with_o medicine_n for_o the_o eye_n so_o great_a be_v the_o use_n of_o the_o oil_n both_o for_o meat_n and_o medicine_n that_o it_o will_v take_v up_o too_o much_o time_n to_o mention_v all_o galen_n dioscorides_n pliny_n and_o other_o both_o ancient_a and_o modern_a
of_o venice-treacle_n and_o one_o dram_n of_o mithridate_n and_o four_o ounce_n of_o strong_a angelica-water_n mingle_v they_o the_o do_v be_v one_o spoonful_n at_o a_o time_n for_o preservation_n against_o the_o plague_n and_o three_o at_o a_o time_n to_o cure_v it_o pitch_n in_o latin_a pix_n it_o be_v the_o resin_n of_o the_o pine_n of_o the_o firr-tree_n and_o some_o other_o tree_n which_o be_v distil_v by_o fire_n and_o boil_v to_o a_o consistence_n pitch_n use_v in_o the_o manner_n of_o a_o plaster_n pull_v up_o hair_n by_o the_o root_n it_o mollify_v suppurate_n discuss_n swell_n and_o incarn_v ulcer_n tar_n cure_v the_o mange_n in_o cattle_n and_o their_o wound_n and_o ulcer_n and_o keep_v the_o fly_n from_o they_o in_o norway_n they_o use_v tar_n that_o be_v make_v of_o the_o fir_n with_o good_a success_n in_o malignant_a fever_n they_o mix_v it_o with_o beer_n and_o drink_v it_o and_o they_o count_v dry_a pitch_n a_o present_a remedy_n for_o the_o gout_n but_o the_o chief_a use_n of_o pitch_n be_v for_o ship_n lamb-black_a be_v nothing_o but_o the_o smoke_n of_o pitch_n they_o that_o make_v it_o have_v room_n that_o keep_v in_o all_o the_o smoke_n and_o so_o they_o collect_v it_o take_v of_o liquid_a pitch_n and_o of_o the_o balsam_n of_o tolu_fw-la each_o twenty_o six_o grain_n of_o chios-turpentine_n one_o scruple_n with_o powder_n of_o crab's-eye_n make_v a_o mass_n whereof_o make_v midling-pill_n take_v three_o in_o the_o morning_n and_o at_o bedtime_n drink_v upon_o they_o six_o spoonful_n of_o the_o follow_a julap_n take_v of_o hysop-water_n one_o pint_n of_o ground-ivy-water_n six_o ounce_n of_o the_o tincture_n of_o the_o balsam_n of_o tolu_fw-la one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o white_a sugar-candy_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n these_o pill_n be_v good_a in_o a_o consumption_n the_o planetree_n in_o latin_a platanus_n orientalis_n vera._n the_o tender_a leave_n boil_v in_o wine_n and_o use_v in_o the_o manner_n of_o a_o ointment_n stop_v fluxion_n on_o the_o eye_n the_o bark_n boil_v in_o vinegar_n be_v use_v for_o pain_n of_o the_o tooth_n but_o nowadays_o it_o be_v not_o use_v in_o physic_n the_o lord_n bacon_n that_o excellent_a man_n who_o all_o the_o world_n admire_v plant_v several_a of_o these_o tree_n near_o verulam_n poley-mountain_n in_o latin_a polium_fw-la montanum_fw-la it_o provoke_v urine_n and_o the_o course_n be_v good_a for_o dropsy_n and_o the_o jaundice_n and_o the_o bite_a of_o venomous_a creature_n it_o be_v a_o ingredient_n in_o treacle_n and_o mithridate_n silvius_n commend_v it_o much_o for_o the_o falling-sickness_n because_o it_o abound_v with_o a_o volatile_a salt_n pomegranate_n in_o latin_a malus_n punica_fw-la sive_fw-la granata_n it_o grow_v in_o france_n italy_n and_o spain_n the_o apple_n be_v reckon_v to_o contain_v a_o good_a juice_n that_o be_v agreeable_a to_o the_o stomach_n but_o it_o yield_v little_a nourishment_n pomegranate_n with_o respect_n to_o their_o taste_n be_v distinguish_v into_o sweet_a acid_n and_o vinous_a the_o sweet_a and_o the_o syrup_n of_o they_o be_v use_v for_o cronical_a cough_n and_o a_o pleurifie_v but_o it_o be_v not_o good_a in_o fever_n because_o it_o occasion_n wind_n and_o increase_v the_o heat_n the_o acid_n be_v cold_a and_o astringent_a and_o stomachick_n wherefore_o they_o and_o the_o syrup_n of_o they_o be_v use_v to_o quench_v thirst_n for_o fever_n the_o run_v of_o the_o reins_o for_o ulcer_n of_o the_o mouth_n and_o the_o like_a the_o vinous_a be_v of_o a_o middle_a nature_n betwixt_o acid_n and_o sweet_a they_o be_v cordial_a and_o cephalick_n and_o chief_o use_v for_o faint_v and_o giddiness_n and_o the_o like_a the_o juice_n be_v press_v out_o of_o these_o apple_n for_o the_o aforesaid_a uses_n and_o be_v ferment_v and_o clear_v be_v call_v wine_n the_o flower_n be_v very_o astringent_a wherefore_o they_o be_v frequent_o use_v for_o flux_n of_o all_o kind_n the_o powder_n of_o they_o be_v sprinkle_v upon_o ulcer_n soon_o cicatrise_n they_o and_o cure_n ulcer_n of_o the_o mouth_n the_o bark_n be_v of_o the_o same_o nature_n with_o the_o flower_n and_o be_v use_v to_o tan_o leather_n and_o to_o make_v ink_n instead_o of_o gall_n a_o decoction_n of_o it_o in_o wine_n take_v inward_o kill_v worm_n especial_o those_o which_o be_v call_v ascaride_n the_o kernel_n cool_v and_o bind_v especial_o those_o of_o the_o acid_n apple_n in_o short_a the_o flower_n the_o bark_n the_o kernel_n and_o the_o leave_n be_v proper_a where_o there_o be_v need_n of_o bind_v syrup_n of_o pomegranate_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o white_a sugar_n a_o pound_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o juice_n of_o pomegranate_n clarify_v a_o pint_n make_v a_o syrup_n in_o b._n m._n caesalpinus_n say_v that_o the_o juice_n press_v from_o the_o pomegranate_n and_o the_o peel_n of_o it_o purge_v yellow_a choler_n but_o this_o must_v be_v understand_v of_o the_o sweet_a apple_n take_v of_o pomegranate-peel_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o red_a rose_n two_o pugil_n boil_v they_o in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o cow_n milk_n in_o half_a a_o pint_n of_o the_o strain_a liquor_n dissolve_v half_o a_o ounce_n of_o diascordium_n make_v a_o clyster_n this_o dr._n sydenham_n commend_v much_o in_o a_o looseness_n to_o stop_v it_o potato_n in_o latin_a battata_fw-la they_o be_v boil_v or_o roast_v under_o ash_n and_o eat_v better_o than_o our_o turnip_n they_o grow_v in_o the_o new_a world_n and_o the_o neighbour_a island_n from_o whence_o they_o be_v bring_v to_o spain_n and_o from_o thence_o to_o other_o part_n of_o europe_n mock_n privet_fw-la in_o latin_a phillyrea_n the_o leave_n of_o it_o be_v astringent_a and_o a_o decoction_n of_o they_o cure_v ulcer_n of_o the_o mouth_n and_o be_v take_v inward_o it_o provoke_v urine_n and_o the_o course_n mock-privet_a be_v much_o use_v to_o make_v hedge_n in_o garden_n and_o be_v plant_v in_o walk_n psylium_fw-la in_o english_a flea-wort_n it_o grow_v common_o about_o montpeliar_a and_o in_o italy_n it_o evacuate_v yellow_a choler_n and_o by_o its_o mucilage_n blunt_v the_o acrimony_n of_o the_o humour_n and_o be_v therefore_o commend_v in_o a_o dysentery_n and_o the_o like_a but_o it_o be_v suppose_v to_o be_v offensive_a to_o the_o stomach_n and_o occasion_n faintness_n if_o it_o be_v take_v often_o for_o pain_n proceed_v from_o inflammation_n of_o the_o eye_n take_v of_o the_o mucilage_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o flea-wort_n and_o quince_n make_v in_o plantain_n and_o rose-water_n each_o one_o ounce_n and_o mix_v with_o five_o grain_n of_o camphire_n in_o the_o white_a of_o a_o egg_n drop_v it_o into_o the_o eye_n when_o the_o palate_n uuula_fw-la or_o tongue_n be_v excoriate_v purslain_a or_o flea-wort-water_n do_v good_a violent_a pain_n of_o the_o head_n proceed_v from_o a_o hot_a cause_n which_o other_o remedy_n can_v not_o mitigate_v have_v be_v happy_o ease_v with_o a_o epithem_n make_v of_o the_o mucilage_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o flea-wort_n extract_v in_o rose-water_n and_o mix_v with_o a_o little_a vinegar_n take_v of_o the_o mucilage_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o flea-wort_n or_o of_o quince_n extract_v with_o the_o water_n of_o lettuce_n or_o rose_n half_o a_o ounce_n of_o syrup_n of_o violet_n lemon_n or_o pomegranate_n one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a mingle_v they_o let_v the_o sick_a take_v a_o little_a by_o interval_n and_o hold_v it_o in_o his_o mouth_n this_o be_v good_a for_o a_o heat_n drought_n or_o foulness_n of_o the_o tongue_n or_o jaw_n pulsatilla_n it_o be_v a_o vulnerary_n herb._n the_o distil_a water_n of_o it_o be_v excellent_a for_o cleanse_v and_o cure_v wound_n the_o root_n of_o it_o be_v much_o commend_v by_o some_o for_o a_o preservative_n from_o the_o contagion_n of_o the_o plague_n and_o against_o poison_n and_o for_o the_o bite_a of_o venomous_a creature_n two_o dram_fw-la of_o it_o be_v take_v in_o wine_n it_o be_v also_o mix_v with_o antidote_n but_o tragus_n say_v that_o the_o root_n dry_v provoke_v sneeze_v and_o that_o be_v chew_v in_o the_o mouth_n raw_a it_o evacuate_v phlegm_n which_o argue_v that_o it_o be_v not_o gentle_a nor_o sweetish_a as_o matthiolus_n say_v r._n common_a reed_n in_o latin_a arundo_fw-la vallatoria_n the_o root_n of_o it_o boil_v in_o water_n or_o wine_n and_o take_v inward_o provoke_v the_o course_n and_o urine_n the_o decoction_n of_o it_o in_o wine_n take_v off_o the_o scurf_n from_o the_o head_n the_o head_n be_v wash_v therewith_o the_o green_a leave_n bruise_v and_o apply_v cure_v st._n anthony_n fire_n and_o other_o inflammation_n reed_n be_v strew_v in_o the_o chamber_n of_o those_o that_o have_v fever_n to_o keep_v they_o cool_v the_o juice_n of_o the_o root_n mix_v with_o a_o equal_a quantity_n of_o honey_n and_o goat_n suet_n take_v off_o the_o spot_n
occasion_v by_o the_o smallpox_n the_o pith_n apply_v to_o the_o before_o part_n of_o the_o head_n and_o the_o foot_n provoke_v sweat_v powerful_o if_o the_o party_n that_o use_v it_o keep_v his_o bed_n and_o be_v well_o cover_v the_o root_n beat_v and_o apply_v draw_v out_o thorn_n from_o the_o flesh_n rhubarb_n in_o latin_a rhabarbarum_n it_o grow_v in_o china_n it_o purge_v gentle_o yellow_a choler_n and_o clammy_a phlegm_n it_o be_v a_o specific_a for_o the_o liver_n it_o cure_v the_o jaundice_n a_o looseness_n and_o the_o bloodyflux_n it_o be_v reckon_v to_o purge_v first_o and_o bind_v afterward_o it_o be_v common_o order_v to_o be_v torrefy_v but_o it_o certain_o lessen_v the_o virtue_n of_o it_o for_o fever_n proceed_v from_o obstruction_n take_v two_o dram_fw-la of_o rhubarb_n or_o one_o for_o infant_n slice_v it_o and_o tie_v it_o up_o in_o a_o rag_n and_o infuse_v it_o in_o a_o pint_n of_o succory-water_n the_o do_v be_v four_o ounce_n you_o must_v pre●s_v the_o rag_n wherein_o the_o rhubarb_n be_v every_o morning_n montanus_n say_v he_o cure_v all_o sort_n of_o fever_n with_o this_o remedy_n for_o the_o hectic_a fever_n in_o child_n and_o to_o purge_v they_o upon_o other_o account_n take_v of_o choice_a rhubarb_n slice_v two_o dram_fw-la put_v it_o into_o a_o glass-bottle_n contain_v a_o quart_n of_o small_a beer_n or_o any_o other_o liquor_n the_o child_n usual_o drink_v of_o stop_v the_o bottle_n close_o this_o medicate_a beer_n must_v be_v use_v in_o the_o day_n and_o night_n and_o at_o meal_n when_o it_o be_v drink_v up_o a_o quart_n more_o must_v be_v put_v upon_o the_o same_o rhubarb_n which_o also_o be_v drink_v off_o a_o quart_n more_o must_v be_v put_v upon_o it_o as_o before_o after_o which_o the_o rhubarb_n common_o lose_v its_o virtue_n but_o lest_o the_o beer_n first_o put_v on_o shall_v be_v too_o much_o impregnate_v with_o the_o cathartick_a quality_n of_o the_o rhubarb_n and_o so_o purge_v too_o much_o it_o be_v best_o to_o add_v another_o pint_n present_o after_o the_o first_o be_v drink_v but_o afterward_o fresh_a beer_n must_v not_o be_v add_v till_o the_o whole_a bottle_n be_v take_v syrup_n of_o rhubarb_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o the_o best_a rhubarb_n and_o of_o the_o leave_n of_o sena_n each_o two_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o violet_n one_o handful_n of_o cinnamon_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o ginger_n half_a a_o dram_n of_o the_o water_n of_o bettony_n succory_n and_o bugloss_n each_o a_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a mix_v they_o and_o let_v they_o stand_v warm_a all_o night_n strain_v the_o liquor_n and_o boil_v it_o to_o a_o syrup_n with_o two_o pound_n of_o fine_a sugar_n add_v to_o it_o at_o last_o four_o ounce_n of_o syrup_n of_o rose_n solutive_a a_o ounce_n or_o more_o of_o it_o may_v be_v take_v at_o a_o time_n the_o troche_n of_o rhubarb_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o choice_a rhubarb_n ten_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o juice_n of_o maudlin_n thicken_v and_o of_o bitter_a almond_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o red_a rose_n three_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o root_n of_o asarabacca_n mad_a indian_a spike_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o wormwood_n annise_v and_o smallage_n each_o one_o dram_n make_v troche_n according_a to_o art_n with_o wine_n wherein_o wormwood_n have_v be_v boil_a or_o with_o the_o juice_n of_o maudlin_n clarify_v a_o dram_n of_o they_o may_v be_v take_v at_o a_o time_n extract_v of_o rhubarb_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n bruise_v six_o or_o eight_o ounce_n of_o good_a rhubarb_n and_o infuse_v it_o twelve_o hour_n warm_a in_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o succory-water_n so_o as_o the_o water_n may_v be_v four_o finger_n above_o the_o rhubarb_n let_v it_o just_o boil_v and_o pass_v the_o liquor_n through_o a_o cloth_n infuse_v the_o remainder_n in_o so_o much_o more_o succory-water_n as_o before_o then_o strain_v the_o infusion_n and_o express_v it_o strong_o mix_v your_o impregnation_n or_o tincture_n and_o let_v they_o settle_v filtrate_a they_o and_o evaporate_v the_o liquor_n in_o a_o glass-vessel_n over_o a_o very_a gentle_a fire_n until_o there_o remain_v a_o matter_n that_o have_v the_o consistence_n of_o thick_a honey_n this_o be_v call_v extract_n of_o rhubarb_n the_o do_v be_v from_o ten_o grain_n to_o two_o scruple_n in_o pill_n or_o dissolve_v in_o succory-water_n the_o best_a sort_n of_o rhubarb_n be_v that_o which_o be_v break_v appear_v of_o a_o nutmeg-colour_n within_o its_o virtue_n be_v so_o many_o and_o so_o great_a that_o if_o they_o be_v sufficient_o know_v and_o man_n can_v general_o use_v it_o without_o that_o nauseousness_n which_o too_o common_o attend_v it_o mankind_n will_v have_v infinite_o less_o need_n than_o they_o have_v of_o the_o art_n of_o physic_n in_o most_o case_n and_o man_n may_v perhaps_o preserve_v themselves_o from_o most_o disease_n without_o any_o other_o help_v ryce_n in_o latin_a oryza_fw-la it_o grow_v in_o east-india_n and_o be_v their_o chief_a corn._n it_o delight_v much_o in_o moist_a and_o wet_a ground_n and_o therefore_o they_o perpetual_o water_v it_o so_o that_o those_o that_o reap_v it_o be_v force_v to_o go_v up_o to_o the_o knee_n in_o water_n it_o be_v very_o much_o eat_v with_o meat_n so_o that_o all_o the_o oriental_a nation_n live_v upon_o it_o almost_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o concoct_v and_o taste_v very_o pleasant_o be_v boil_v in_o milk_n or_o in_o fat_a broth._n it_o be_v good_a food_n for_o those_o that_o be_v trouble_v with_o the_o bloodyflux_n a_o looseness_n and_o the_o like_a some_o think_v that_o the_o feed_n upon_o it_o often_o make_v they_o fat_a and_o therefore_o lean_a woman_n eat_v it_o often_o boil_v in_o milk_n s._n sage_a of_o jerusalem_n in_o latin_a pulmonaria_fw-la maculosa_fw-la it_o be_v common_o use_v with_o potherb_n it_o be_v cordial_a and_o good_a for_o the_o lung_n it_o be_v much_o of_o the_o heal_a nature_n of_o comfrey_n it_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o ulcer_n of_o the_o lung_n and_o for_o other_o disease_n of_o they_o as_o a_o consumption_n spit_v of_o blood_n and_o the_o like_a it_o be_v use_v outward_o for_o wound_n it_o be_v a_o ingredient_n in_o the_o magisterial-water_n of_o snail_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a sander_n in_o latin_a santalum_n there_o be_v three_o sort_n of_o it_o white_a yellow_a and_o red._n these_o wood_n be_v epatick_a and_o cordial_a they_o be_v chief_o use_v for_o faint_v palpitation_n of_o the_o heart_n and_o obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n they_o be_v use_v outward_o in_o epithem_n for_o catarrh_n headache_n vomit_v and_o for_o a_o hot_a intempery_n of_o the_o liver_n the_o arabian_n and_o most_o of_o the_o modern_a physician_n hold_v that_o sander_n be_v cold_a but_o john_n bauhinus_n and_o other_o judge_v they_o be_v hot_a by_o their_o effect_n and_o taste_n great_a quantity_n of_o the_o white_a and_o yellow_a sander_n be_v use_v in_o india_n for_o almost_o all_o the_o inhabitant_n wash_v their_o body_n with_o water_n wherein_o they_o have_v be_v infuse_v have_v be_v first_o pound_v in_o a_o stone-mortar_n and_o then_o they_o suffer_v it_o to_o dry_v on_o and_o this_o they_o do_v to_o cool_v their_o body_n and_o to_o perfume_v they_o for_o the_o indian_n be_v much_o delight_v with_o sweet_a smell_v red_a sanders_n cool_v and_o bind_v white_a sander_n powder_v and_o take_v in_o a_o egg_n or_o infuse_v all_o night_n upon_o hot_a ash_n in_o red_a wine_n and_o take_v inward_o stop_v the_o flux_n the_o species_n of_o the_o three_o sander_n of_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v of_o all_o the_o sort_n of_o the_o sander_n and_o red_a rose_n each_o three_o dram_fw-la rhubarb_n ivory_n juice_n of_o liquorish_a and_o pur●lain-seeds_n of_o each_o two_o dram_fw-la and_o fifteen_o grain_n of_o gum-arabic_n tragacanth_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o melon_n cucumber_n citrul_n goard_n and_o endive_n of_o each_o one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o camphyr_n one_o scruple_n make_v a_o powder_n according_a to_o art_n it_o be_v use_v for_o obstruction_n of_o the_o liver_n for_o the_o jaundice_n and_o for_o weakness_n of_o the_o stomach_n and_o bowel_n sarsaparilla_n it_o consist_v of_o fine_a part_n and_o be_v sudorific_a it_o be_v a_o specific_a for_o the_o french-pox_n for_o pain_n in_o the_o limb_n and_o for_o cure_v ulcer_n and_o cronical_a disease_n that_o proceed_v from_o gross_a and_o clammy_a humour_n and_o for_o such_o as_o depend_v on_o the_o nerve_n it_o be_v also_o use_v for_o the_o king's-evil_a and_o the_o like_a take_v of_o sarsaparilla_n ten_o ounce_n of_o the_o root_n of_o china_n four_o ounce_n of_o fresh_a root_n of_o female_a fern_n three_o ounce_n of_o white_a sander_n two_o ounce_n of_o hartshorn_n and_o ivory_n rasp_v
and_o the_o stone_n some_o report_n that_o these_o be_v the_o thorn_n our_o bless_a saviour_n be_v crown_v with_o in_o contempt_n by_o the_o unbelieve_a jew_n just_a before_o his_o crucifiction_n mastic_n thyme_n in_o latin_a marum_n it_o grow_v in_o many_o place_n in_o spain_n by_o reason_n of_o its_o curious_a smell_n it_o be_v keep_v in_o garden_n in_o england_n france_n and_o germany_n one_o dram_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o it_o be_v a_o present_a remedy_n for_o desperate_a obstruction_n of_o the_o course_n be_v take_v in_o rough_a wine_n every_o morning_n turbith_n it_o purge_v phlegm_n and_o clammy_a humour_n that_o fall_v on_o the_o joint_n it_o be_v good_a in_o the_o dropsy_n for_o it_o purge_v watery_a humour_n it_o be_v bring_v to_o we_o from_o guzaratta_n turmerick_n in_o latin_a curcuma_n the_o dutch_a boil_v it_o with_o fish_n for_o it_o give_v it_o a_o good_a taste_n and_o colour_n it_o yellow_a it_o be_v beside_o a_o excellent_a remedy_n for_o obstruction_n of_o the_o bowel_n viz._n of_o the_o lung_n liver_n and_o spleen_n and_o also_o of_o the_o mesaraick_n vein_n and_o for_o nephritick_n pain_n it_o be_v also_o very_o good_a for_o the_o stone_n in_o the_o kidney_n and_o bladder_n it_o also_o open_v woman_n obstruction_n and_o hasten_v delivery_n but_o it_o be_v peculiar_o good_a for_o cure_v of_o the_o jaundice_n in_o short_a this_o root_n be_v reckon_v the_o best_a of_o all_o medicine_n for_o open_v obstruction_n the_o people_n of_o china_n use_v it_o in_o sneezing-powder_n like_o the_o root_n of_o white_a hellebore_n and_o they_o make_v a_o ointment_n with_o this_o root_n and_o the_o powder_n of_o sanders_n and_o some_o sweet_a flower_n wherewith_o the_o man_n and_o woman_n anoint_v their_o body_n all_o over_o and_o though_o this_o may_v seem_v very_o odd_a to_o those_o that_o be_v unaccustomed_a to_o it_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o yellow_a colour_n yet_o it_o secure_v they_o very_o well_o from_o the_o heat_n of_o the_o sun_n and_o feverish_a heat_n and_o from_o the_o vexatious_a bite_a of_o fly_n and_o gnat_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o turmerick_n and_o mad_a each_o one_o ounce_n of_o the_o great_a celandine-root_n and_o herb_n of_o the_o top_n of_o the_o lesser_a centory_n each_o one_o handful_n boil_v they_o in_o equal_a part_n of_o rhenish-wine_n and_o fountain-water_n to_o a_o quart_n in_o the_o strain_a liquor_n dissolve_v two_o ounce_n of_o the_o syrup_n of_o the_o five_o open_v root_n give_v half_o a_o pint_n morning_n and_o evening_n hot_a till_o the_o patient_n recover_v of_o the_o jaundice_n but_o vomit_v or_o purge_v must_v be_v first_o use_v v._o vine_n in_o latin_a vitis_n it_o do_v not_o deserve_v the_o name_n of_o a_o tree_n because_o it_o can_v stand_v by_o itself_o there_o be_v as_o great_a variety_n of_o they_o as_o of_o pear_n and_o apple_n current_n that_o be_v call_v corinthian_n do_v not_o grow_v now_o about_o corinth_n for_o the_o inhabitant_n be_v not_o encourage_v to_o plant_v or_o to_o take_v care_n of_o they_o there_o be_v now_o no_o sale_n for_o they_o the_o turk_n have_v shut_v up_o the_o passage_n and_o not_o suffer_v any_o great_a ship_n to_o go_v thither_o they_o come_v now_o from_o zant_n and_o many_o other_o place_n the_o raisin_n of_o the_o sun_n be_v very_o large_a grape_n and_o in_o form_n like_o a_o spanish_a olive_n they_o dry_v they_o after_o this_o manner_n they_o cut_v cross-way_n to_o the_o middle_a the_o branch_n they_o design_v for_o this_o use_n and_o so_o they_o intercept_v a_o good_a part_n of_o the_o nutritious_a juice_n that_o shall_v come_v to_o the_o grape_n they_o let_v the_o branch_n hang_v half_o cut_v upon_o the_o vine_n till_o they_o be_v dry_v by_o degree_n partly_o by_o the_o heat_n of_o the_o sun_n and_o partly_o for_o want_v of_o nourishment_n vine_n grow_v best_a in_o a_o hot_a country_n and_o the_o hot_a the_o country_n be_v if_o it_o be_v not_o too_o hot_a the_o soon_o the_o grape_n be_v ripe_a there_o be_v great_a quantity_n of_o excellent_a wine_n in_o spain_n italy_n sicily_n and_o some_o part_n of_o france_n they_o usual_o climb_v up_o on_o tree_n as_o upon_o the_o elm_n and_o the_o poplar_n in_o lombardy_n they_o plant_v they_o in_o the_o cornfield_n so_o near_o tree_n that_o they_o may_v climb_v up_o on_o they_o and_o so_o they_o have_v corn_n wine_n and_o wood_n in_o the_o same_o field_n the_o leave_n and_o tendrel_n of_o the_o vine_n bruise_v and_o apply_v ease_v the_o pain_n of_o the_o head_n and_o take_v off_o inflammation_n and_o heat_v off_o the_o stomach_n the_o tear_n of_o the_o vine_n which_o be_v like_o a_o gum_n but_o it_o do_v not_o grow_v on_o our_o vine_n take_v in_o wine_n be_v good_a for_o the_o stone_n the_o ash_n of_o the_o tendrel_n mix_v with_o vinegar_n cure_v a_o condyloma_n and_o be_v good_a for_o the_o bite_a of_o viper_n and_o inflammation_n of_o the_o spleen_n it_o be_v to_o little_a purpose_n to_o mention_v the_o virtue_n of_o wine_n for_o there_o be_v scarce_o any_o one_o that_o be_v ignorant_a of_o they_o the_o wine_n call_v setinum_n be_v most_o esteem_v by_o the_o ancient_n the_o wine_n that_o be_v most_o esteem_v among_o we_o be_v the_o claret-wine_n burgundy-wine_n common_a white-wine_n frontiniack_a hermitage_n and_o champaign_n these_o come_v from_o france_n the_o follow_v from_o spain_n canary-sack_n malaga-sack_n sherry-sack_n alicant-wine_n and_o port-o-port_n from_o the_o island_n of_o crete_n be_v bring_v red_a muscadine_n from_o germany_n rhenish_n wine_n wine_n be_v wholesome_a than_o beer_n mead_n or_o cider_n and_o indeed_o than_o any_o other_o liquor_n nowadays_o rough_a wine_n though_o they_o be_v not_o so_o please_v to_o the_o palate_n be_v count_v better_o for_o the_o stomach_n and_o to_o help_v concoction_n as_o claret_n and_o florentine-wine_n baccius_n write_v a_o excellent_a book_n in_o the_o year_n 1596._o of_o the_o several_a sort_n of_o wine_n it_o be_v print_v at_o rome_n and_o be_v indeed_o worth_a peruse_n wherein_o be_v contain_v all_o that_o have_v be_v write_v of_o the_o grape_n by_o ancient_n and_o modern_a writer_n together_o with_o observation_n of_o his_o own_o about_o greek_a italian_a spanish_a french_a and_o rhenish-wine_n with_o the_o way_n of_o make_v they_o their_o disease_n and_o remedy_n omphaciun_n be_v the_o unripe_a juice_n of_o the_o grape_n strain_v and_o keep_v in_o a_o vessel_n close_o stop_v it_o cool_v and_o dry_v it_o be_v not_o only_o use_v in_o physic_n but_o also_o with_o food_n in_o sauce_n it_o take_v off_o nauseousness_n excite_v appetite_n stop_v the_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o mitigate_v the_o heat_n of_o the_o stomach_n and_o bowel_n be_v take_v inward_o and_o outward_o apply_v it_o clear_v the_o sight_n as_o also_o do_v wild_a apple_n and_o cleanse_v they_o from_o filth_n it_o be_v better_a for_o all_o hot_a disease_n than_o vinegar_n sapa_fw-la be_v new_a wine_n boil_v to_o the_o consumption_n of_o a_o three_o part_n defrutum_fw-la be_v new_a wine_n boil_v to_o the_o consumption_n of_o half_a distillation_n of_o wine_n into_o brandy_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n fill_v with_o wine_n half_a a_o large_a copper_n body_n cover_v it_o with_o its_o moor's-head_n border_v with_o its_o refrigeratory_n and_o fit_a to_o it_o a_o receiver_n lute_n well_o the_o juncture_n with_o a_o wet_a bladder_n and_o distil_v with_o a_o gentle_a fire_n about_o a_o quarter_n of_o the_o liquor_n or_o else_o until_o the_o liquor_n which_o distil_v do_v not_o burn_v when_o the_o fire_n be_v put_v to_o it_o that_o which_o be_v in_o the_o receiver_n be_v call_v brandy_n brandy_n may_v be_v draw_v from_o all_o sort_n of_o wine_n but_o more_o of_o it_o may_v be_v draw_v in_o some_o country_n than_o in_o other_o for_o example_n the_o wine_n that_o be_v make_v about_o orleans_n and_o paris_n do_v yield_v more_o brandy_n than_o many_o other_o which_o seem_v to_o be_v strong_a and_o the_o reason_n be_v because_o those_o wine_n that_o appear_v strong_a be_v load_v with_o a_o great_a deal_n of_o tartar_n which_o fix_v their_o spirit_n whereas_o the_o other_o contain_v but_o a_o convenient_a portion_n of_o this_o tartar_n do_v leave_v their_o spirit_n at_o great_a liberty_n when_o wine_n have_v be_v drink_v there_o be_v make_v a_o separation_n of_o spirit_n in_o the_o body_n much_o resemble_v that_o which_o be_v make_v by_o distillation_n for_o the_o heat_n of_o the_o bowel_n warm_v it_o cause_n the_o spirituous_a part_n to_o spread_v on_o all_o side_n through_o the_o pore_n and_o some_o part_n of_o they_o to_o mix_v with_o the_o blood_n and_o rarefie_v it_o from_o whence_o it_o come_v to_o rejoice_v the_o heart_n and_o increase_v the_o vigour_n of_o the_o whole_a body_n but_o because_o these_o spirit_n do_v always_o tend_v upward_o the_o great_a part_n fly_v
into_o the_o brain_n where_o it_o quicken_v its_o motion_n and_o produce_v a_o certain_a gaiety_n of_o mind_n but_o now_o though_o wine_n moderate_o take_v be_v so_o profitable_a for_o the_o function_n of_o the_o body_n yet_o it_o cause_v many_o mischief_n when_o it_o be_v use_v to_o excess_n for_o the_o spirit_n rise_v in_o great_a abundance_n do_v circulate_a in_o the_o brain_n with_o so_o much_o celerity_n that_o they_o soon_o confound_v the_o whole_a oeconomy_n and_o indeed_o every_o one_o know_v that_o a_o continuation_n of_o debauch_n do_v at_o last_o render_v a_o man_n dull_a and_o stupid_a that_o apoplexy_n palsy_n gout_n dropsy_n and_o a_o long_a train_n of_o many_o other_o disease_n be_v the_o usual_a consequence_n of_o intemperance_n spirit_n of_o wine_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n fill_v a_o large_a bolt-head_n with_o a_o long_a neck_n half_a full_a with_o brandy_n and_o fit_v a_o head_n and_o receiver_n lute_n close_o the_o juncture_n set_v your_o bold-head_n upon_o a_o pot_n fill_v half_o with_o water_n to_o distil_v in_o a_o vaporous_a bath_n the_o spirit_n which_o separate_v from_o the_o phlegm_n and_o rise_v pure_a continue_v this_o degree_n of_o fire_n until_o nothing_o more_o distil_v thus_o you_o will_v have_v a_o deflegmated_a spirit_n of_o wine_n at_o the_o first_o distillation_n it_o serve_v for_o a_o menstruum_fw-la to_o a_o great_a many_o thing_n in_o chemistry_n half_n a_o spoonful_n of_o it_o be_v give_v to_o apoplectical_a and_o lethargical_a person_n to_o make_v they_o come_v to_o themselves_o likewise_o their_o wrist_n breast_n and_o face_n be_v rub_v with_o it_o it_o be_v a_o good_a remedy_n for_o burns_n if_o apply_v so_o soon_o as_o they_o happen_v and_o it_o be_v good_a for_o cold_a pain_n for_o the_o palsy_n contusion_n and_o other_o malady_n wherein_o it_o be_v requisite_a to_o discuss_v and_o open_v the_o pore_n spirit_n of_o wine_n tartarize_v in_o make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n put_v a_o pound_n of_o salt_n of_o tartar_n into_o a_o long_a glass-body_n pour_v upon_o it_o four_o pint_n of_o spirit_n of_o wine_n prepare_v as_o above_o place_v your_o vessel_n in_o sand_n and_o cover_v it_o with_o a_o head_n to_o which_o fit_a a_o receiver_n lute_n well_o the_o juncture_n with_o a_o ●et_a bladder_n and_o give_v it_o a_o gradual_a fire_n which_o continue_v until_o three_o part_n of_o the_o spirit_n of_o wine_n be_v rise_v then_o remove_v the_o fire_n and_o keep_v this_o spirit_n in_o a_o viol_n well_o stop_v it_o have_v the_o same_o virtue_n as_o the_o other_o but_o be_v more_o subtle_a the_o liquor_n that_o remain_v in_o the_o body_n may_v be_v evaporate_v and_o a_o salt_n of_o tartar_n get_v as_o good_a as_o before_o the_o queen_n of_o hungary_n water_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n fill_v a_o glass_n or_o earthen_a cucurbite_n half_o full_a with_o rosemary-flower_n gather_v when_o they_o be_v at_o best_a pour_v upon_o they_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o spirit_n of_o wine_n to_o infuse_v they_o set_v the_o cucurbite_n in_o a_o bath_n and_o join_v its_o head_n and_o receiver_n lute_n close_o the_o juncture_n and_o give_v it_o a_o digest_v fire_n for_o three_o day_n after_o which_o unlute_v they_o and_o pour_v into_o the_o cucurbite_n that_o which_o may_v have_v be_v distil_v refit_a your_o limbeck_n and_o increase_v the_o fire_n so_o as_o to_o make_v the_o liquor_n to_o distil_v drop_n by_o drop_n when_o you_o have_v draw_v about_o two_o three_o of_o it_o put_v out_o the_o fire_n let_v the_o vessel_n cool_v and_o unlute_v they_o and_o put_v the_o water_n so_o distil_v into_o a_o vial_n well_o stop_v it_o be_v good_a in_o a_o palsy_n lethargy_n apoplexy_n and_o for_o hysterical_a disease_n the_o do_v be_v from_o one_o dram_n to_o two_o it_o be_v likewise_o use_v outward_o for_o burns_n tumor_n cold_a pain_n contusion_n palsy_n and_o in_o all_o other_o case_n wherein_o it_o be_v requisite_a to_o revive_v the_o spirit_n lady_n use_n to_o mix_v half_o a_o ounce_n of_o it_o with_o six_o ounce_n of_o lilly-water_n or_o bean-flower-water_n and_o wash_v their_o face_n with_o it_o wine_n like_o all_o other_o liquor_n that_o use_v to_o ferment_n grow_v sour_a by_o the_o dissolution_n of_o its_o tartar_n in_o a_o second_o fermentation_n this_o dissolution_n be_v common_o make_v when_o upon_o the_o wine_n be_v go_v to_o decay_n some_o of_o the_o more_o subtle_a spirit_n be_v lose_v for_o the_o tartar_n take_v their_o place_n fix_v the_o rest_n of_o the_o spirit_n which_o remain_v in_o the_o wine_n so_o that_o they_o can_v act_v no_o long_a vinegar_n be_v make_v by_o set_v wine_n in_o some_o hot_a place_n or_o by_o keep_v it_o too_o long_o or_o by_o expose_v it_o to_o the_o sun_n vinegar_n be_v frequent_o use_v in_o physic_n and_o food_n pickle_n and_o sauce_n be_v make_v of_o it_o it_o excite_v appetite_n and_o promote_v concoction_n it_o be_v use_v in_o physic_n to_o allay_v feverish_a heat_n and_o to_o prevent_v putrefaction_n to_o cut_v phlegm_n and_o glutinous_a humour_n that_o they_o may_v be_v render_v thereby_o fit_a to_o be_v expectorate_v outward_o use_v it_o cure_v the_o itch_n a_o herpes_n and_o the_o like_a but_o it_o be_v injurious_a to_o the_o nerve_n and_o nervous_a part_n it_o also_o make_v the_o body_n lean_a there_o be_v a_o memorable_a story_n of_o a_o general_n in_o the_o belgic_a war_n who_o about_o the_o middle_a of_o his_o age_n grow_v so_o very_o fat_a that_o he_o be_v force_v to_o have_v bandage_n for_o his_o belly_n and_o find_v himself_o grow_v more_o and_o more_o unwieldy_a every_o day_n and_o unfit_a for_o his_o business_n he_o leave_v off_o drink_v wine_n and_o drink_v vinegar_n the_o rest_n of_o his_o day_n by_o which_o mean_v his_o belly_n assuage_v and_o he_o be_v lessen_v in_o weight_n eighty_o seven_o pound_n christopher_n a_o vega_n say_v he_o see_v three_o people_n that_o be_v hang_v or_o suffocate_v so_o much_o that_o froth_n come_v out_o of_o their_o mouth_n restore_v to_o life_n by_o vinegar_n and_o the_o powder_n of_o pepper_n and_o pennyroyal_n for_o crusty_a stink_v ulcer_n of_o the_o head_n which_o child_n be_v common_o trouble_v withal_o and_o sometime_o grow_v people_n take_v of_o ginger_n three_o ounce_n boil_v it_o in_o sharp_a vinegar_n and_o butter_n of_o each_o half_n a_o pound_n till_o the_o vinegar_n be_v consume_v then_o beat_v it_o into_o a_o ointment_n with_o butter_n and_o anoint_v the_o sore_n with_o it_o morning_n and_o evening_n and_o it_o will_v cure_v they_o in_o four_o or_o five_o day_n in_o the_o london-dispensatory_a be_v the_o follow_a sort_n of_o vinegar_n rosemary-vinegar_n clove-vinegar_n rose-vinegar_n elder-flower-vinegar_n vinegar_n of_o squils_n and_o treacle-vinegar_n the_o vapour_n of_o vinegar_n be_v very_o proper_a in_o the_o plague_n vinegar_n be_v distil_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n put_v six_o quart_n of_o strong_a vinegar_n into_o a_o earthen_a pan_n evaporate_v in_o a_o bath_n about_o a_o quart_n and_o pour_v that_o which_o remain_v into_o a_o glass_n or_o earthen_a cucurbite_n and_o distil_v it_o in_o a_o strong_a sand-heat_n until_o there_o remain_v at_o bottom_n nothing_o but_o a_o substance_n like_o honey_n keep_v this_o vinegar_n well_o stop_v many_o call_v it_o spirit_n of_o vinegar_n it_o be_v principal_a use_n be_v to_o dissolve_v or_o precipitate_v body_n it_o be_v sometime_o mix_v in_o cordial-potion_n to_o resist_v putrefaction_n the_o do_v be_v half_a a_o spoonful_n it_o be_v mix_v with_o water_n and_o this_o oxyorate_a be_v use_v to_o stop_v hemorrhagy_n take_v inward_o and_o to_o assuage_v inflammation_n apply_v outward_o tartar_n be_v that_o which_o be_v find_v stick_v to_o cask_n of_o wine_n like_o a_o very_a hard_a stone_n sometime_o white_a sometime_o red_a according_a to_o the_o colour_n of_o the_o wine_n it_o come_v from_o white_a tartar_n be_v to_o be_v prefer_v before_o red_a because_o it_o be_v pure_a and_o contain_v less_o earth_n both_o one_o and_o the_o other_o be_v have_v in_o great_a abundance_n in_o languedoc_n and_o provence_n but_o the_o best_a white_a tartar_n of_o all_o be_v bring_v out_o of_o germany_n crystal_n of_o tartar_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n boyl_n in_o a_o great_a deal_n of_o water_n what_o quantity_n of_o white_a tartar_n you_o please_v until_o it_o be_v all_o dissolve_v pass_v the_o liquor_n hot_a through_o hippocrates_n sleeve_n into_o a_o earthen_a vessel_n and_o evaporate_v about_o half_a of_o it_o set_v the_o vessel_n in_o a_o cool_a place_n two_o or_o three_o day_n and_o you_o will_v find_v little_a crystal_n on_o the_o side_n which_o you_o be_v to_o separate_v evaporate_v again_o half_a the_o liquor_n that_o remain_v and_o remit_v the_o vessel_n to_o the_o cellar_n as_o before_o there_o will_v shoot_v out_o new_a crystal_n continue_v do_v thus_o until_o
you_o have_v get_v all_o the_o tartar_n dry_v the_o crystal_n in_o the_o sun_n and_o keep_v they_o for_o use_v the_o crystal_n of_o tartar_n be_v purgative_n and_o aperitive_a it_o be_v good_a for_o hydropical_a and_o asthmatical_a person_n and_o for_o tertian_n and_o quartan-ague_n the_o do_v be_v from_o half_a a_o dram_n to_o three_o dram_fw-la in_o broth_n or_o some_o other_o proper_a liquor_n salt_n of_o tartar_n be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n take_v four_o pound_n of_o good_a white-wine-tartar_n beat_v it_o fine_a make_v it_o up_o in_o half-pound_n in_o several_a sheet_n of_o brown_a paper_n dip_v they_o in_o water_n place_v they_o in_o the_o midst_n of_o a_o charcoal-fire_n cover_v they_o over_o therewith_o let_v the_o fire_n burn_v out_o you_o will_v find_v at_o the_o bottom_n tartar_n calcine_v in_o black_a lump_n take_v the_o tartar_n thus_o calcine_v beat_v it_o gross_o put_v it_o into_o a_o pipkin_n or_o iron_n pot_n full_a of_o water_n set_v it_o over_o the_o fire_n and_o let_v the_o water_n boil_v till_o half_o be_v consume_v then_o take_v it_o off_o and_o let_v it_o settle_v decant_v it_o as_o clear_a as_o you_o can_v pour_v on_o a_o little_a more_o water_n upon_o the_o faeces_fw-la and_o let_v it_o boil_v then_o decant_v it_o as_o before_o taste_v the_o water_n whether_o it_o be_v salt_n and_o proceed_v as_o before_o do_v so_o as_o long_o as_o you_o find_v the_o water_n taste_v salt_n afterward_o filter_n all_o the_o liquor_n pour_v off_o through_o paper_n and_o boil_v it_o up_o to_o a_o salt_n tartar_n vitriolate_v be_v make_v in_o the_o follow_a manner_n put_v into_o a_o glass-body_n what_o quantity_n you_o please_v of_o oil_n of_o tartar_n make_v per_fw-la deliquium_fw-la which_o be_v nothing_o but_o the_o expose_v salt_n of_o tartar_n for_o some_o day_n in_o a_o cellar_n in_o a_o wide_a glass-vessel_n till_o it_o turn_v to_o a_o liquor_n pour_v upon_o this_o dissolution_n of_o tartar_n by_o little_a and_o little_a rectify_a spirit_n of_o vitriol_n there_o will_v be_v a_o great_a effervescency_n continue_v to_o drop_v more_o in_o till_o there_o be_v no_o far_a ebullition_n then_o place_v your_o cucurbite_n in_o sand_n and_o evaporate_v the_o spirit_n with_o a_o little_a fire_n there_o will_v remain_v a_o very_a white_a salt_n keep_v it_o in_o a_o vial_n well_o stop_v it_o be_v a_o good_a aperitive_a and_o be_v also_o a_o little_a purgative_a it_o be_v give_v in_o hypochondriacal_a case_n in_o quartan-ague_n king's-evil_a and_o in_o all_o other_o disease_n wherein_o it_o be_v necessary_a to_o open_a obstruction_n and_o to_o force_v urine_n the_o do_v be_v from_o ten_o to_o thirty_o grain_n in_o some_o proper_a liquor_n w._n winteran-bark_n in_o latin_a cortex_fw-la winteranus_n it_o turn_v up_o in_o pipe_n like_o cinnamon_n but_o be_v large_a and_o thick_a of_o a_o light_n yellow_a colour_n and_o of_o a_o very_a hot_a bite_a taste_n it_o come_v from_o nevis_n antego_n montferrat_n and_o other_o place_n it_o be_v cephalick_n and_o stomachick_n but_o the_o chief_a use_n of_o it_o be_v for_o the_o scurvy_a take_v of_o the_o conserve_v of_o scurvygrass_n roman-wormwood_n and_o fumatory_n each_o two_o ounce_n of_o the_o powder_n of_o the_o winteran-bark_n and_o of_o the_o root_n of_o angelica_n and_o wake_n robin_n each_o two_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o species_n of_o the_o three_o sander_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o powder_n of_o crab's-eye_n one_o dram_n of_o salt_n of_o wormwood_n two_o dram_fw-la with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o the_o syrup_n of_o the_o bark_n of_o citron_n make_v a_o electuary_n this_o be_v good_a for_o the_o scurvy_a indian_a woad_n or_o indigo_n in_o latin_a glastum_fw-la indicum_fw-la the_o root_n be_v give_v in_o decoction_n for_o the_o stone_n and_o against_o poison_n it_o be_v suppose_v that_o indigo_n be_v proper_a for_o the_o jaundice_n z._n zedoary_a in_o latin_a zedoaria_fw-la it_o be_v a_o hot_a and_o dry_a root_n it_o discuss_n wind_n be_v good_a for_o the_o bite_a of_o venomous_a creature_n it_o stop_v a_o looseness_n suppress_v vomit_v and_o be_v good_a in_o a_o windy_a colic_n it_o be_v use_v nowadays_o by_o physician_n against_o the_o contagion_n of_o a_o pestilential_a air_n and_o for_o hysterick_n fi_n take_v of_o the_o root_n of_o zedoary_a of_o the_o seed_n of_o daucus_n of_o the_o root_n of_o lovage_a each_o two_o ounce_n of_o red_a myrrh_n and_o castor_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o the_o root_n of_o peony_n four_o ounce_n of_o misleto_n of_o the_o oak_n gather_v when_o the_o moon_n be_v pass_v the_o full_a three_o ounce_n pour_v upon_o they_o two_o quart_n of_o feverfew-water_n and_o half_a a_o pint_n of_o spirit_n of_o wine_n digest_v they_o three_o day_n and_o afterward_o distil_v they_o the_o do_v be_v one_o spoonful_n either_o by_o itself_o or_o with_o some_o proper_a water_n this_o be_v use_v for_o hysterick_n fi_n the_o english_a index_n a._n pag._n abele-tree_n see_v poplar_n acacia_n 195_o alcali_n 198_o adder's-tongue_n 1_o adder's-wort_n see_v bistort_v agarick_n 196_o agnus_n castus_n 197_o agrimony_n 2_o ague-tree_n see_v sassafras_n alco_v see_v costmary_n 52_o aldertree_n 3_o black_a alder_n ibid._n ale-hoof_n see_v ground-ivy_n alaxander's-foot_n see_v pellitory_n of_o spain_n alexander_n 4_o alleluya_n see_v woodsorrel_n all-good_a see_v english_a mercury_n almond-tree_n 198_o aloe_n 200_o amee_n see_v bishop's-weed_n amomum_fw-la 207_o anacardium_fw-la occidentale_n ib._n anacardium_n 208_o angelica_n 4_o animae_fw-la gummi_fw-la 208_o annise_v ibid._n appletree_n 5_o apricock-tree_n 8_o white_a archangel_n 8_o stink_v arrach_n 9_o arsmart_n 10_o artichoke_n 11_o asa-foetida_a 210_o asarabacca_n 11_o ash-tree_n 12_o aven_n ibid._n b._n balsam-tree_n 211_o peruvian_n balsam_n 212_o balsam_n copaiba_n 213_o balsam_n of_o tolu_fw-la ibid._n balam_n of_o chili_n 215_o balaustian_n ibid._n barbery-tree_n 13_o barley_n ibid._n gardan-basil_n 14_o wild_a basil_n ibid._n baulm_n 15_o bay-tree_n ibid._n bdellium_n 215_o bean_n 16_o bear's-breech_n 216_o bear's-foot_n 17_o beech-tree_n ibid._n white-beet_a ibid._n sea-beet_a ibid._n benjamin_n 217_o ben-nut_n 218_o wood-betony_a 18_o bil-berry_n ibid._n birch-tree_n 19_o birth-wort_n 219_o bishop's-weed_n ibid._n the_o great_a bistort_v 20_o bitter-sweet_a see_v woody_n nightshade_n bitter-vetch_n 221_o blackberry_n see_v bramble_n blackwort_n see_v comfrey_n upright_o blite_a 21_o may-blossom_n see_v lily_n of_o the_o valley_n blue-bottle_n 22_o borrage_n ibid._n box-tree_n 23_o brake_n see_v fern._n bramble_n 23_o brazile-wood_n 221_o white_a briony_n 24_o common_a brook-lime_n 25_o broom_n 26_o broom-rape_n 27_o butcher's-broom_n ibid._n buck-bean_n see_v marsh-trefoil_n buckram_n see_v cuckoe-pintle_a butter-flower_n see_v crowfoot_n buck-thorn_n 28_o bugle_n 29_o bugloss_n 30_o bur-dock_n 31_o burnet_n 32_o butter-burr_n 33_o butter-wort_n 34_o c._n cabbage_n 34_o sea-cabbage_n 35_o field-calamint_n ibid._n calf's-snout_n 36_o camel's-hay_a 222_o cammock_n see_v restharrow_n camomile_n 37_o camphir_n 222_o cancamum_fw-la see_v gum_n animae_fw-la canela_n see_v cinnamon_n caper_n 225_o caraway_n 38_o cardamon_n 226_o wild_a carrot_n 39_o carthamus_n 226_o cassia_n 227_o cassidony_n see_v staechas_n cassummuniar_n 230_o catmint_n see_v nep._n celandine_n 39_o the_o lesser_a celandine_n 40_o the_o lesser_a centory_n 41_o chaste-tree_n see_v agnus_n castus_n common_a wild_a chervil_n 42_o cherry_n 44_o cheese-renning_a see_v lady_n bad-straw_n chestnut_n 45_o chick-weed_n 47_o chiche_n 233_o china_n 232_o cinnamon_n 234_o cinquefoil_n 236_o citron_n 237_o cloud-berry_n 48_o clove_n 240_o coccus_n baphica_n see_v kermes_n cockle_n 242_o coco-nut-tree_n ibid._n coculus_n indus_n ibid._n coffee_n 243_o colly-flower_n 49_o coloquintida_n 245_o colt's-foot_n 49_o columbine_n 50_o comfrey_n 51_o contrayerva_n 246_o coral_n ibid._n coral-tree_n 249_o sea-coralline_a 52_o cork-tree_n 249_o cornel_n 52_o costmary_n ibid._n costus_n 249_o cotton_n ibid._n coubage_n 250_o cowslip_n 53_o indian-cress_n 250_o garden-cress_n 53_o water-cress_n 54_o cross-wort_n 55_o creep_v crowfoot_n ibid._n round-headed_n crowfoot_n 56_o water-crow-foot_n 57_o crown-imperial_a 250_o cubeb_n 251_o cuckow-pintle_a 57_o cucumber_n 58_o wild_a cucumber_n 59_o cudweed_n ibid._n cummin_n 250_o currant-bush_n 60_o sweet_a cyperus_n 251_o cypress-tree_n 60_o d._n english_a daffadil_n 61_o the_o great_a white_a daisy_n ibid._n the_o lesser_a daisy_n 62_o dandalyon_n ibid._n danewort_n 63_o darnel_n 64_o date-tree_n 252_o dill_n 64_o dittander_n 65_o dittany_n of_o crete_n 252_o sharppointed_n dock_n with_o curl_a leave_n 66_o sharppointed_n dock_n ibid._n the_o dock_n call_v monk_n rhubarb_n 67_o dodder_n ibid._n common_a dove's-foot_n 69_o dragon_n ibid._n dragon's-blood_n 253_o common_a drop-wort_n 68_o duck's-meat_n 70_o e._n earth-nut_n 70_o ebony_n 254_o egglentine_n 71_o eildber_n see_v jack_n by_o the_o hedge_n elder_n 72_o dwarf-elder_n see_v dane-wort_n elecampane_n 72_o ellebore_n 255_o black_a ellebore_n 256_o elm_n 74_o endive_n ibid._n eringo_n ibid._n euphorbium_n 257_o eye-bright_a 75_o f._n
the_o branch_n be_v of_o a_o brownish_a colour_n and_o spot_a and_o yellowish_a within_o and_o taste_v bitter_a and_o unpleasant_a the_o wood_n be_v white_a and_o full_a of_o pith_n the_o leave_n be_v broad_a round_o and_o nervous_a and_o somewhat_o like_o the_o leave_v of_o the_o hasel-tree_n they_o be_v indent_v green_a shine_a and_o clammy_a it_o bear_v short_a brown_a aglet_n like_o the_o beech_n or_o birch-tree_n it_o grow_v near_o water_n the_o green_a leave_n of_o this_o tree_n apply_v to_o tumor_n discuss_n they_o and_o take_v off_o inflammation_n be_v put_v into_o traveller_n shoe_n they_o ease_v pain_n and_o remove_v weariness_n a_o black_a colour_n like_o ink_n be_v make_v with_o the_o bark_n of_o alder_n rub_v off_o with_o a_o rusty_a iron_n and_o infuse_v in_o water_n for_o some_o day_n some_o use_v it_o to_o die_v black_a alder_n in_o latin_a alnus_fw-la nigra_fw-la baccifera_fw-la it_o be_v a_o small_a tree_n which_o send_v forth_o many_o straight_a twig_n from_o the_o root_n about_o three_o yard_n high_a of_o the_o thickness_n of_o the_o thumb_n divide_v into_o tender_a branch_n the_o outward_a bark_n be_v brown_a but_o sprinkle_v with_o sky-coloured_a spot_n which_o be_v take_v off_o another_o appear_v of_o a_o saffron-colour_n the_o substance_n of_o the_o wood_n be_v clear_a and_o easy_o break_v nigh_o the_o middle_a it_o be_v brownish_a and_o have_v a_o great_a deal_n of_o pith._n the_o leave_n be_v somewhat_o round_o and_o end_n in_o a_o obtuse_a point_n and_o be_v of_o a_o shine_a dark-green_a colour_n the_o flower_n be_v small_a and_o palish_a the_o berry_n be_v first_o green_a then_o red_a and_o at_o last_o black_a and_o of_o a_o unpleasant_a taste_n it_o be_v often_o find_v in_o moist_a woody_a place_n the_o yellow_a and_o middle_a bark_n beat_v with_o vinegar_n cure_v the_o itch_n in_o a_o few_o day_n the_o inward_a bark_n especial_o of_o the_o root_n purge_v watery_a humour_n for_o which_o reason_n it_o be_v good_a in_o a_o dropsy_n but_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v dry_v in_o the_o shade_n because_o when_o it_o be_v green_a it_o occasion_n vomit_v and_o the_o decoction_n of_o it_o ought_v to_o stand_v two_o or_o three_o day_n before_o it_o be_v use_v alexander_n in_o latin_a hippocelinum_n it_o have_v a_o thick_a root_n that_o be_v white_a within_o it_o smell_v sweet_a and_o taste_v acrid_a and_o somewhat_o bitter_a the_o stalk_v be_v above_o a_o yard_n high_a full_a branchy_a channel_v and_o somewhat_o red_a the_o leave_n be_v large_a than_o the_o leave_n of_o marsh-smallage_a and_o the_o piece_n round_a they_o be_v of_o a_o deep_a green_n they_o taste_v sweetish_a and_o like_o garden-smallage_a it_o have_v tuft_n or_o umbel_n of_o white_a flower_n the_o seed_n be_v thick_a black_a and_o channel_v it_o be_v frequent_o use_v in_o broth_n in_o the_o springtime_n to_o cleanse_v the_o blood_n and_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n the_o root_n pickle_v be_v a_o good_a sauce_n half_n a_o dram_n of_o the_o seed_n powder_v and_o take_v in_o white-wine_n provoke_v urine_n angelica_n in_o latin_a angelica_n the_o herb_n itself_o but_o especial_o the_o root_n and_o seed_n be_v hot_a and_o dry_a it_o open_v and_o attenuate_v and_o be_v sudorific_a and_o vulnerary_a it_o move_v the_o course_n hasten_v delivery_n be_v good_a for_o mother-fits_a and_o in_o malignant_a disease_n and_o for_o the_o plague_n and_o it_o expel_v poison_n the_o root_n of_o it_o be_v allow_v by_o all_o physician_n to_o be_v very_o cordial_a and_o alexipharmick_n for_o preservation_n against_o the_o plague_n the_o root_n infuse_v in_o vinegar_n be_v to_o be_v hold_v frequent_o to_o the_o nose_n or_o chew_v in_o the_o mouth_n for_o the_o cure_n take_v one_o dram_n of_o the_o powder_n of_o the_o root_n alone_o or_o half_o a_o dram_n mix_v with_o a_o dram_n of_o venice-treacle_n every_o six_o hour_n to_o provoke_v sweat_n the_o root_n or_o the_o stalk_v candy_v be_v reckon_v very_o good_a be_v eat_v in_o a_o morning_n to_o prevent_v infection_n they_o be_v also_o useful_a in_o cold_a disease_n of_o the_o lung_n and_o take_v off_o a_o stink_a breath_n lozenge_n to_o be_v hold_v in_o the_o mouth_n in_o the_o plague-time_n take_v of_o the_o extract_n of_o the_o root_n of_o angelica_n and_o contra-yerva_a each_o one_o ounce_n of_o extract_n of_o liquorish_a three_o dram_fw-la of_o flower_n of_o sulphur_n sublime_v with_o myrrh_n five_o dram_fw-la of_o oil_n of_o cinnamon_n eight_o drop_n of_o fine_a sugar_n twice_o the_o weight_n of_o all_o the_o ingredient_n with_o the_o mucilage_n of_o gum-tragacanth_a make_v in_o scordium_n water_n make_v lozenge_n see_v dr._n hodges_n for_o the_o prevention_n of_o the_o plague_n in_o his_o book_n of_o the_o london-pestilence_n p._n 231._o appletree_n in_o latin_a malus_n the_o english_a apple_n be_v account_v the_o best_a in_o europe_n i_o will_v mention_v particular_o those_o that_o be_v most_o esteem_v among_o we_o first_o those_o that_o be_v soon_o ripe_a and_o soon_o decay_v the_o ginete_v the_o margaret_n or_o magdalene_n the_o king-apple_n the_o aromatic_a or_o golden-russeting_n the_o flax-apple_n the_o spice-apple_n the_o summer-queening_a the_o gono-farth_a or_o cat's-head_n the_o good-housewife_n or_o bontradue_n the_o giant-apple_n the_o pome-water_n the_o summer-pearmain_n the_o kirton-pippin_n or_o holland-pippin_n it_o be_v call_v broad-eye_n in_o sussex_n the_o orange-apple_n the_o summer-belleboon_a the_o paradise-apple_n the_o famagusta_n the_o coddle_v the_o costard-apple_n the_o sops-in-wine_n second_o winter-apple_n and_o such_o as_o last_v long_o the_o winter-queening_a the_o quince-apple_n the_o winter-pearmain_n the_o nonesuch_n the_o the_o peal_n the_o leather-coat_n the_o winter-john_n the_o pome-roy_a the_o lording_n the_o julyflower-apple_n the_o pear-apple_n the_o greening_n lones-pearmain_n the_o green-russeting_n the_o red-russeting_n the_o winter-fillet_n or_o violet_n the_o winter-belle_a or_o bonne_fw-fr the_o oaken-pin_n the_o john-apple_n or_o deux_fw-fr ans_fw-fr the_o westbury_n the_o winter-reed_n the_o flower_n of_o kent_n the_o winter-chesnut_n the_o maligar-apple_n the_o short-tart_a the_o pelmell_n the_o thrift_n the_o winter-clary_n the_o fig-apple_n three_o the_o apple_n that_o be_v best_o for_o make_v cider_n the_o redstreak_n the_o bromsberry-crab_n the_o golden-pippin_n the_o gennet-moil_n the_o westbury-apple_n the_o white_a and_o red_a mast-apple_n the_o john-apple_n the_o vnder-leaf_n the_o winter-fillet_n elliot_n stocken-apple_n bitter-scale_n claret-wine-apple_n arrier-apple_n richards_n or_o grange-apple_n coling-apple_n olive-apple_n fox-whelp_n pippin_n and_o pearmains_n mix_v the_o gillyflower_n the_o virtue_n of_o apple_n be_v various_a according_a to_o the_o different_a taste_n of_o they_o those_o that_o be_v sour_a and_o harsh_a be_v astringent_a and_o therefore_o be_v good_a in_o flux_n of_o the_o belly_n and_o when_o they_o be_v roast_v they_o be_v proper_a food_n for_o those_o that_o have_v fever_n sweet_a apple_n be_v somewhat_o hot_a and_o loosen_a such_o as_o be_v a_o little_a acid_n be_v agreeable_a to_o the_o stomach_n and_o cheer_v the_o heart_n rot_a apple_n take_v off_o inflammation_n and_o swell_n of_o the_o eye_n the_o core_n of_o a_o apple_n cut_v out_o and_o a_o dram_n of_o frankincense_n put_v in_o and_o roast_v with_o the_o apple_n and_o eat_v open_v obstruction_n of_o the_o lung_n and_o be_v good_a for_o difficulty_n of_o breathe_v the_o same_o apply_v outward_o to_o the_o side_n ease_v the_o pain_n of_o it_o it_o be_v best_a to_o eat_v apple_n two_o or_o three_o hour_n after_o meal_n the_o alter_a syrup_n of_o apple_n take_v of_o the_o juice_n of_o fragrant_a pippin_n two_o quart_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o garden_n and_o wild-bugloss_a of_o the_o flower_n of_o violet_n each_o one_o pound_n boil_v they_o in_o b._n m._n and_o clarify_v they_o add_v seven_o pound_n of_o fine_a sugar_n and_o a_o pint_n of_o rose-water_n boil_v they_o to_o a_o syrup_n one_o ounce_n of_o this_o syrup_n take_v morning_n and_o evening_n be_v good_a for_o melancholy_a people_n the_o purge_v syrup_n of_o apple_n take_v of_o the_o juice_n and_o water_n of_o fragrant_a pippin_n each_o one_o pint_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o juice_n and_o water_n of_o borage_n and_o bugloss_n each_o nine_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o oriental_n sena_n half_a a_o pound_n of_o anise_v and_o fennel-seed_n each_o three_o dram_fw-la of_o dodder_n of_o crete_n two_o ounce_n of_o white_a agarick_n and_o the_o best_a rhubarb_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o ginger_n and_o mace_n each_o four_o scruple_n of_o cinnamon_n two_o scruple_n of_o saffron_n half_a a_o dram_n infuse_v the_o rhubarb_n with_o the_o cinnamon_n apart_o in_o white-wine_n and_o juice_n of_o apple_n each_o two_o ounce_n infuse_v the_o rest_n of_o the_o ingredient_n except_o the_o saffron_n in_o the_o water_n abovementioned_a the_o next_o day_n pour_v on_o the_o juice_n and_o put_v they_o on_o a_o gentle_a fire_n take_v off_o the_o scum_n and_o
strain_v it_o then_o add_v four_o pound_n of_o white_a sugar_n and_o boil_v it_o to_o a_o syrup_n the_o infusion_n of_o rhubarb_n be_v put_v to_o it_o and_o the_o saffron_n be_v tie_v up_o in_o a_o rag_n and_o dip_v often_o in_o it_o and_o squeeze_v out_o this_o syrup_n be_v a_o very_a proper_a purge_n for_o melancholy_a people_n but_o will_v scarce_o purge_v enough_o by_o itself_o wherefore_o take_v two_o ounce_n of_o it_o in_o three_o ounce_n of_o the_o decoction_n of_o dodder_n which_o see_v among_o the_o virtue_n of_o dodder_n the_o confection_n of_o alkermes_n be_v make_v with_o juice_n of_o apple_n and_o the_o ointment_n call_v pomatum_n cider_n be_v good_a for_o the_o scurvy_a apricock-tree_n in_o latin_a malus_n armeniaca_n the_o english_a apricock_n be_v better_a than_o the_o french_a or_o italian_a and_o more_o wholesome_a than_o the_o peach_n the_o oil_n of_o the_o kernel_n be_v excellent_a for_o inflammation_n and_o swell_n of_o the_o hemorrhoid_n and_o for_o pain_n of_o the_o ear_n the_o kernel_n eat_v cure_v the_o heartburning_a white_a archangel_n in_o latin_a laminum_fw-la album_fw-la it_o have_v many_o fibrous_a root_n it_o creep_v awry_o in_o the_o earth_n like_o mint_n the_o stalk_n be_v a_o foot_n or_o two_o foot_n high_a foursquare_a and_o pretty_a large_a but_o they_o be_v small_a near_o the_o earth_n and_o weak_a so_o that_o they_o can_v scarce_o stand_v alone_o they_o be_v empty_a pretty_a hairy_a and_o branchy_a and_o have_v a_o few_o joint_n and_o near_o the_o earth_n seem_v of_o a_o purple_a colour_n when_o the_o sun_n shine_v on_o they_o the_o leave_n be_v place_v by_o pair_n opposite_a to_o one_o another_o like_o nettle_n those_o on_o the_o bottom-stalk_n be_v place_v on_o long_a foot-stalk_n those_o on_o the_o top-stalk_n on_o short_a foot-stalk_n and_o have_v a_o short_a soft_a down_n the_o flower_n encompass_v the_o stalk_n at_o the_o joint_n they_o be_v white_a large_a and_o hood_v without_o rather_o pale_a than_o white_a it_o flower_n at_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o april_n or_o the_o beginning_n of_o may._n one_o handful_n of_o the_o herb_n beat_v up_o with_o hog_n lard_n and_o apply_v to_o king's-evil-swelling_n in_o the_o neck_n or_o throat_n discuss_n they_o a_o conserve_v of_o the_o flower_n be_v much_o commend_v in_o the_o whites_n but_o the_o cure_n of_o they_o by_o the_o follow_a method_n be_v much_o safe_a and_o sure_a bleed_v once_o and_o purge_v thrice_o with_o two_o scruple_n of_o pill_n coch._n major_n then_o take_v of_o venice-treacle_n one_o ounce_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o conserve_v of_o the_o yellow_a pill_n of_o orange_n one_o ounce_n of_o diascordium_n half_a a_o ounce_n of_o candy_a ginger_n and_o nutmeg_n each_o three_o dram_fw-la of_o the_o compound_v powder_n of_o crabs-eye_n one_o dram_n and_o a_o half_a of_o the_o outward_a bark_n of_o the_o pomegranate_n of_o the_o root_n of_o spanish_a angelica_n of_o red_a coral_n prepare_v of_o the_o trochisc_n de_fw-fr terra_fw-la lemnia_n each_o one_o dram_n of_o bolearmenick_a two_o scruple_n of_o gum-arabic_n half_n a_o dram_n with_o a_o sufficient_a quantity_n of_o syrup_n of_o dry_a rose_n make_v a_o electuary_n take_v the_o quantity_n of_o a_o large_a nutmeg_n in_o the_o morning_n at_o five_o in_o the_o afternoon_n and_o at_o bedtime_n drink_v upon_o it_o six_o spoonful_n of_o the_o follow_a infusion_n take_v of_o the_o root_n elecampane_n master-wort_n angelica_n and_o gentian_n each_o half_a a_o ounce_n of_o the_o leave_n of_o roman-wormwood_n of_o white_a archangel_n and_o the_o lesser_a centory_n and_o calamint_n each_o one_o handful_n of_o juniper-berry_n one_o ounce_n cut_v they_o small_a and_o infuse_v they_o in_o five_o pint_n of_o canary_n let_v they_o stand_v in_o infusion_n and_o strain_v it_o only_o as_o you_o use_v it_o stink_v arrach_n or_o orrach_n in_o latin_a atriplex_fw-la olida_fw-la it_o be_v easy_o know_v by_o its_o stink_a smell_n which_o be_v exact_o like_o old_a ling._n it_o grow_v in_o place_n where_o there_o be_v rubbish_n but_o it_o be_v not_o common_a a_o conserve_v of_o the_o leave_n or_o syrup_n make_v of_o the_o juice_n be_v good_a for_o mother-fits_a and_o woman_n obstruction_n the_o quantity_n of_o a_o nutmeg_n of_o the_o conserve_v be_v take_v morning_n and_o evening_n or_o two_o spoonful_n of_o the_o syrup_n at_o the_o same_o time_n but_o the_o follow_a plaster_n must_v be_v apply_v to_o the_o woman_n navel_n take_v of_o galbanum_fw-la dissolve_v in_o tincture_n of_o castor_n and_o strain_v three_o dram_fw-la of_o tacamahaca_n two_o dram_fw-la mingle_v they_o and_o make_v a_o plaster_n and_o spread_v it_o on_o leather_n have_v a_o hole_n cut_v in_o the_o middle_n the_o woman_n must_v be_v also_o purge_v three_o or_o four_o time_n with_o the_o pill_n coch._n major_n viz._n take_v of_o the_o pill_n coch._n major_n two_o scruple_n of_o castor_n powder_v two_o grain_n of_o the_o peruvian_n balsam_n four_o drop_n make_v four_o pill_n to_o be_v take_v at_o five_o in_o the_o morning_n and_o let_v she_o sleep_v after_o they_o after_o purge_v as_o above_o direct_v let_v the_o woman_n take_v of_o the_o conserve_v or_o syrup_n as_o before_o mention_v thirty_o day_n drink_v present_o after_o a_o draught_n of_o wormwood-beer_n or_o wine_n or_o if_o she_o do_v not_o like_o the_o conserve_v or_o syrup_n let_v she_o take_v the_o follow_a pill_n for_o the_o space_n of_o a_o month._n take_v of_o the_o file_n of_o steel_n eight_o grain_n of_o extract_n of_o wormwood_n a_o sufficient_a quantity_n make_v two_o pill_n let_v she_o take_v they_o in_o the_o morning_n and_o repeat_v they_o in_o the_o evening_n and_o so_o morning_n and_o evening_n drink_v a_o small_a draught_n of_o wormwood-beer_n present_o after_o common_a arsmart_n in_o latin_a persicaria_n it_o have_v a_o single_a small_a woody_a white_a root_n with_o many_o fibre_n it_o have_v many_o stalk_n a_o foot_n or_o two_o foot_n high_a solid_a round_a and_o smooth_a branchy_a and_o joint_v when_o the_o sun_n shine_v on_o they_o they_o be_v of_o a_o red_a colour_n otherwise_o of_o a_o yellow_a green_n the_o leave_v embrace_v the_o stalk_n at_o the_o joint_n and_o be_v place_v on_o short_a foot-stalk_n they_o be_v of_o a_o pale_a green_n not_o spot_v smooth_a they_o be_v like_o peach-leaves_a the_o flower_n grow_v upon_o the_o upper_a stalk_n and_o branch_n in_o spiky_a head_n and_o be_v very_o small_a some_o of_o they_o be_v useless_a no_o seed_n succeed_v they_o these_o consist_v of_o four_o leave_n other_o be_v always_o shut_v and_o contain_v a_o pretty_a large_a threesquare_a shine_a seed_n that_o be_v black_a when_o it_o be_v ripe_a and_o these_o be_v red_a without_o this_o plant_n have_v a_o acrid_a and_o bite_a taste_n it_o grow_v in_o watery_a place_n and_o ditch_n it_o be_v plain_o hot_a and_o dry_a it_o be_v chief_o use_v outward_o in_o wound_n hard_a swell_n and_o old_a sore_n the_o water_n of_o arsmart_n be_v of_o great_a use_n in_o the_o stone_n of_o the_o kidney_n or_o bladder_n a_o draught_n of_o it_o be_v take_v every_o morning_n for_o two_o or_o three_o month_n together_o a_o country-gentleman_n use_v a_o load_n of_o this_o herb_n in_o a_o year_n to_o make_v the_o water_n wherewith_o he_o cure_v many_o of_o the_o stone_n the_o root_n or_o seed_n put_v into_o a_o ache_a hollow_a tooth_n take_v off_o the_o pain_n there_o be_v scarce_o any_o thing_n more_o effectual_a to_o drive_v away_o fly_n for_o whatever_o wound_n or_o ulcer_n cattle_n have_v if_o they_o be_v anoint_v with_o the_o juice_n of_o arsmart_n the_o fly_n will_v not_o come_v near_o though_o it_o be_v the_o heat_n of_o summer_n artichoke_n in_o latin_a cinara_n the_o german_n and_o french_a eat_v the_o tender_a stalk_n boil_v with_o vinegar_n and_o butter_n and_o the_o italian_n seldom_o boil_v the_o head_n but_o eat_v they_o raw_a with_o salt_n oil_n and_o pepper_n they_o be_v say_v to_o provoke_v venery_n to_o restore_v nature_n and_o strengthen_v the_o stomach_n a_o decoction_n of_o the_o bud_n provoke_v urine_n asarabacca_n in_o latin_a asarum_fw-la it_o have_v many_o head_n shoot_v from_o the_o root_n whereon_o be_v many_o smooth_a leave_n every_o one_o upon_o a_o foot-stalk_n by_o itself_o they_o be_v round_a and_o big_a than_o the_o leave_n of_o violet_n and_o thick_a and_o of_o a_o dark_a green_a shine_a colour_n on_o the_o upper_a side_n and_o of_o a_o pale_a green_a underneath_o among_o the_o leave_n near_o the_o earth_n be_v sixangled_n purplish_a husk_n that_o be_v hairy_a and_o place_v on_o short_a foot-stalk_n these_o contain_v the_o seed_n that_o be_v like_o the_o stone_n of_o grape_n they_o have_v within_o a_o white_a marrow_n that_o taste_v somewhat_o acrid_a it_o purge_v violent_o upward_o and_o downward_o phlegm_n and_o choler_n it_o be_v diuretic_n also_o and_o force_v the_o course_n wherefore_o