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england_n world_n write_v year_n 249 4 4.2508 3 false
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A56127 The antipathie of the English lordly prelacie, both to regall monarchy, and civill unity: or, An historicall collection of the severall execrable treasons, conspiracies, rebellions, seditions, state-schismes, contumacies, oppressions, & anti-monarchicall practices, of our English, Brittish, French, Scottish, & Irish lordly prelates, against our kings, kingdomes, laws, liberties; and of the severall warres, and civill dissentions occasioned by them in, or against our realm, in former and latter ages Together with the judgement of our owne ancient writers, & most judicious authors, touching the pretended divine jurisdiction, the calling, lordlinesse, temporalities, wealth, secular imployments, trayterous practises, unprofitablenesse, and mischievousnesse of lordly prelates, both to King, state, Church; with an answer to the chiefe objections made for the divinity, or continuance of their lordly function. The first part. By William Prynne, late (and now againe) an utter-barester of Lincolnes Inne. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1641 (1641) Wing P3891A; Wing P3891_vol1; Wing P4074_vol2_CANCELLED; ESTC R18576 670,992 826

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and_o other_o to_o that_o archtraitor_n becket_n shrine_n at_o canterbury_n where_o they_o offer_v many_o rich_a gift_n afterward_o anno._n 1469._o the_o earl_n of_o warwick_n conspire_v with_o other_o to_o free_a king_n henry_n the_o six_o from_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n king_n edward_n hear_v of_o it_o go_v in_o pilgrimage_n to_o becket_n tomb_n to_o canterbury_n and_o there_o hold_v a_o council_n of_o five_o bishop_n and_o many_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n from_o which_o the_o archbishop_n be_v suspect_v as_o treacherous_a and_o unfaithful_a be_v whole_o exclude_v king_n edward_n decease_a this_o arch-prelate_n though_o he_o make_v a_o will_n sequester_v all_o his_o good_n as_o ordinary_a and_o seize_v the_o great_a seal_n the_o privy_a seal_n and_o the_o royal_a signer_n which_o he_o detain_v in_o his_o custody_n and_o whereas_o richard_n duke_n of_o gloucester_n have_v traytorous_o plot_v to_o murder_v his_o nephew_n edward_n the_o five_o and_o his_o brother_n this_o archbishop_n be_v employ_v by_o he_o to_o go_v to_o the_o queen_n to_o 912._o get_v the_o young_a duke_n of_o clarence_n from_o she_o out_o of_o the_o sanctuary_n at_o westminster_n who_o use_v many_o reason_n and_o flatter_a word_n to_o she_o in_o vain_a at_o last_o make_v this_o deep_a protestation_n that_o if_o she_o be_v content_a to_o deliver_v the_o duke_n to_o he_o and_o to_o the_o other_o lord_n present_a he_o dare_v lay_v his_o own_o body_n and_o soul_n both_o in_o pledge_n not_o only_o for_o his_o surety_n but_o also_o for_o his_o estate_n etc._n etc._n whereupon_o with_o much_o ado_n she_o deliver_v the_o duke_n into_o his_o treacherous_a hand_n who_o forthwith_o bring_v he_o into_o the_o star-chamber_n to_o his_o uncle_n the_o lord_n protector●_n he_o have_v both_o brother_n now_o in_o his_o power_n pretend_v they_o to_o be_v illegitimate_a proclaim_v himself_o right_a heir_n to_o the_o crown_n procure_v first_o pinker_n and_o then_o 918.919_o doctor_n shaw_n no_o doubt_n by_o the_o arch_a bishop_n help_n and_o privity_n in_o a_o sermon_n at_o paul_n cross_n by_o which_o sermon_n he_o lose_v his_o honesty_n and_o soon_o after_o his_o life_n for_o very_a shame_n of_o the_o world_n into_o which_o he_o never_o dare_v after_o to_o come_v abroad_o to_o publish_v to_o the_o people_n t●at_a edward_n the_o five_o and_o his_o brother_n be_v unlawful_o beget_v in_o adultery_n not_o by_o the_o duke_n of_o york_n but_o other_o that_o richard_n of_o gloucester_n be_v right_a heir_n to_o the_o crown_n extol_v he_o to_o the_o sky_n and_o slander_v king_n edward_n the_o four_o with_o his_o queen_n as_o never_o lawful_o marry_v to_o she_o then_o proceed_v treacherous_o to_o murder_v his_o poor_a young_a nephew_n and_o usurp_a their_o royal_a throne_n this_o 25.26_o archbishop_n ready_o crown_v he_o though_o a_o bloody_a and_o unnatural_a usurper_n as_o lawful_a king_n of_o england_n and_o his_o lady_n likewise_o queen_n the_o other_o bishop_n and_o abbot_n assist_v he_o in_o this_o action_n and_o accompany_v he_o in_o their_o pontificalibus_fw-la this_o usurper_n be_v afterward_o slay_v the_o archbishop_n ever_o turn_v with_o the_o side_n of_o thing_n crown_v henry_n the_o 7._o likewise_o king_n of_o england_n and_o short_o after_o depart_v this_o world_n anno_fw-la 1486._o i_o find_v not_o write_v 114._o godwin_n in_o his_o life_n that_o ever_o any_o english_a man_n connue_v so_o long_a a_o bishop_n or_o that_o any_o archbishop_n either_o before_o or_o after_o he_o in_o 800._o year_n enjoy_v that_o place_n so_o long_o for_o he_o continue_v archbishop_n 32_o year_n and_o live_v after_o the_o time_n of_o his_o first_o consecration_n and_o promotion_n to_o the_o bishopric_n of_o worcester_n 51._o year_n and_o i_o marvel_v much_o that_o in_o all_o that_o while_o he_o never_o endeavour_v to_o leave_v behind_o he_o any_o good_a deed_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o his_o memory_n sure_o i_o be_o that_o his_o treachery_n to_o the_o young_a duke_n of_o clarence_n and_o king_n henry_n who_o advance_v he_o and_o his_o treason_n in_o crown_v two_o usurper_n with_o his_o base_a temporize_v remain_v as_o so_o many_o survive_a monument_n of_o his_o infamy_n and_o disloyalty_n morton_z life_n john_n morton_n his_o successor_n while_o bishop_n of_o ely_n be_v accuse_v by_o richard_n the_o three_o of_o many_o great_a treason_n and_o commit_v by_o he_o to_o the_o tower_n from_o whence_o be_v remove_v and_o commit_v to_o the_o custody_n of_o henry_n duke_n of_o buckingham_n he_o by_o degree_n stir_v up_o the_o duke_n to_o plot_v the_o depose_n of_o king_n richard_n the_o usurper_n and_o se●ting_v up_o of_o the_o earl_n of_o richmond_n for_o which_o the_o duke_n not_o long_o after_o lose_v his_o head_n the_o bishop_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n disguise_v himself_o escape_v out_o of_o the_o duke_n custody_n flee_v first_o to_o ely_n next_o to_o flanders_n after_o which_o he_o go_v to_o rome_n never_o more_o intend_v to_o meddle_v with_o the_o world_n but_o king_n henry_n the_o seven_o have_v get_v the_o crown_n marry_a king_n edward_n the_o four_o his_o daughter_n and_o so_o unite_v the_o house_n of_o lancaster_n and_o york_n which_o marriage_n be_v first_o devise_v by_o this_o prelate_n call_v he_o home_o again_o make_v he_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n and_o chancellor_n of_o england_n whereunto_o the_o pope_n annex_v the_o honour_n of_o a_o cardinal_n translate_n he_o from_o ely_n to_o canterbury_n by_o no_o less_o than_o six_o several_a bull_n all_o against_o law_n to_o augment_v the_o fe_n in_o his_o seven_o time_n richard_n simon_n a_o priest_n a_o ambitious_a wretch_n on_o hope_n to_o make_v himself_o the_o principal_a bishop_n in_o england_n plot_v the_o advancement_n of_o lambert_n synmell_n be_v his_o pupil_n in_o the_o university_n of_o oxford_n to_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n under_o the_o name_n of_o edward_n earl_n of_o warwick_n and_o convey_v this_o imposter_n to_o dublin_n in_o ireland_n he_o there_o cause_v he_o to_o be_v proclaim_v king_n of_o england_n 117._o after_o this_o to_o land_n with_o a_o army_n in_o england_n where_o in_o a_o battle_n at_o stocke-field_n in_o which_o many_o be_v slay_v this_o priest_n and_o his_o sergeant_n be_v both_o take_v prisoner_n and_o attaint_v of_o high_a treason_n yet_o this_o simon_n or_o rather_o sinon_n out_o of_o the_o extraordinary_a reverence_n to_o his_o function_n be_v not_o execute_v but_o only_o commit_v to_o the_o archbishop_n who_o imprison_v he_o some_o space_n in_o his_o own_o prison_n deliver_v he_o over_o to_o the_o major_a of_o london_n condemn_v he_o to_o a_o dungeon_n and_o perpetual_a shackle_n after_o which_o this_o 117._o archbishop_n impose_v two_o great_a subsidy_n on_o the_o clergy_n of_o his_o province_n to_o their_o great_a oppression_n force_v ●hem_n by_o the_o pope_n authority_n to_o contribute_v so_o large_o towards_o the_o charge_n of_o his_o translation_n as_o of_o his_o own_o diocese_n only_o which_o be_v one_o of_o the_o least_o o●_n england_n he_o receive_v 354._o pound_n send_v pope_n innocents_n bull_n to_o all_o the_o suffragan_n of_o his_o province_n to_o publish_v and_o execute_v in_o open_a affront_n of_o the_o law_n of_o ●he_n realm_n the_o king_n prerogative_n royal_a and_o the_o subject_n libe●ties_n for_o which_o good_a service_n the_o pope_n by_o his_o bull_n appoint_v he_o to_o be_v visi●●r_n of_o all_o the_o monastery_n and_o other_o place_n exempt_v from_o archiepiscopall_a and_o ordinary_a jurisdiction_n throughout_o england_n and_o make_v he_o cardinal_n of_o saint_n anastasia_n he_o persuade_v the_o king_n to_o sue_v to_o the_o pope_n not_o only_o for_o the_o pope_n canonisation_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o six_o but_o likewise_o for_o the_o translation_n of_o his_o dead_a corpse_n from_o windsor_n to_o westminster_n abbey_n and_o that_o in_o a_o unworthy_a manner_n when_o as_o the_o king_n may_v have_v do_v it_o by_o his_o own_o mere_a royal_a authority_n only_o he_o procure_v his_o rebellious_a predecessor_n anselm_n with_o a_o great_a sum_n of_o money_n to_o be_v canonize_v at_o rome_n for_o a_o sa●nt_n and_o have_v many_o conflict_n and_o contestation_n with_o the_o bishop_n of_o london_n and_o other_o his_o suffragans_n abou●_n probate_a of_o will_n and_o jurisdiction_n of_o their_o eccl●●ia●●icall_a ●_z which_o cause_v appeal_v to_o rome_n whereupon_o ●he_v inferior_a priest_n with_o many_o other_o of_o his_o province_n ca●●_n for●h_v sundry_a public_a calumny_n to_o his_o disgrace_n against_o who_o pope_n alexander_n send_v forth_o a_o bull_n cruel_o fulminate_v excommunication_n against_o they_o and_o by_o this_o mean_v the_o privilege_n of_o the_o see_v of_o canterbury_n oft_o time_n call_v into_o dou●t_n and_o controversy_n in_o former_a time_n be_v at_o la●t_n e●●ablish●●_n it_o seem_v the_o bishop_n in_o his_o day_n be_v very_o much_o hate_v by_o the_o inferior_a clergy_n whereupon_o
thereof_o he_o term_v a_o sore_a law_n and_o much_o declaim_v against_o they_o chap._n 8._o though_o after_o the_o determination_n of_o doctor_n a_o man_n be_v not_o a_o heretic_n for_o that_o only_a that_o he_o err_v but_o for_o that_o he_o opinative_o defend_v his_o error_n and_o that_o nevertheless_o the_o spiritualty_n as_o a_o common_a voice_n go_v among_o the_o people_n have_v in_o time_n pass_v punish_v many_o for_o heresy_n upon_o light_a cause_n and_o offence_n whereupon_o many_o people_n have_v grudge_v and_o that_o grudge_n have_v be_v another_o occasion_n of_o this_o division_n chap._n 9_o that_o the_o partiality_n that_o have_v be_v show_v upon_o suit_n take_v in_o the_o spiritual_a court_n by_o spiritual_a man_n have_v be_v another_o cause_n of_o this_o division_n chap._n 10._o that_o the_o extreme_a and_o covetous_a demeanour_n of_o some_o curate_n with_o their_o parishioner_n have_v be_v another_o cause_n of_o this_o division_n chap._n 11._o that_o the_o grant_n of_o pardon_n for_o money_n as_o it_o be_v to_o some_o charitable_a use_n that_o have_v not_o after_o follow_v have_v raise_v another_o grudge_n among_o the_o people_n which_o have_v be_v another_o occasion_n of_o this_o division_n chap._n 12._o that_o make_v of_o law_n by_o the_o church_n which_o they_o have_v no_o authority_n to_o make_v have_v be_v another_o occasion_n of_o this_o division_n in_o which_o chapter_n he_o cite_v divers_a law_n make_v by_o the_o clergy_n and_o execute_v contrary_a to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o realm_n touch_v tithe_n of_o wood_n exemption_n of_o clerk_n from_o secular_a jurisdiction_n and_o the_o like_a which_o law_n while_o spiritual_a man_n stick_v fast_o to_o and_o stiff_o maintain_v temporal_a man_n by_o reason_n of_o common_a use_n and_o custom_n that_o they_o have_v see_v to_o the_o contrary_a have_v resist_v they_o whereupon_o have_v rise_v great_a strife_n and_o variance_n and_o expense_n in_o the_o spiritual_a law_n chap._n 13._o the_o lack_n of_o good_a visitation_n have_v be_v another_o occasion_n of_o this_o division_n wherein_o he_o show_v that_o bishop_n keep_v their_o visitation_n only_o to_o gain_v money_n and_o procuration_n not_o to_o refrain_v vice_n chap._n 14._o that_o the_o great_a multitude_n of_o licenses_fw-la and_o dispensation_n make_v by_o the_o spiritualty_n for_o money_n upon_o light_a suggestion_n have_v be_v another_o cause_n of_o this_o division_n chap._n 15._o that_o the_o great_a laxenesse_n and_o worldly_a pleasure_n of_o religious_a person_n whereby_o the_o people_n have_v be_v great_o offend_v have_v be_v another_o occasion_n of_o this_o division_n chap._n 16._o then_o for_o a_o conclusion_n of_o this_o treatise_n it_o be_v somewhat_o touch_v how_o good_a it_o be_v to_o have_v a_o zeal_n of_o soul_n and_o how_o perilous_a it_o be_v to_o do_v any_o thing_n whereby_o they_o may_v be_v hurt_v and_o that_o if_o zeal_n of_o soul_n pity_n good_a doctrine_n and_o devout_a prayer_n be_v abundant_o in_o this_o world_n miss_v special_o in_o prelate_n and_o spiritual_a ruler_n that_o then_o a_o new_a light_n of_o grace_n and_o tractability_n will_v short_o show_v and_o shine_v among_o the_o people_n the_o sum_n of_o the_o whole_a treatise_n be_v to_o prove_v that_o the_o bishop_n and_o prelate_n be_v the_o author_n of_o much_o division_n trouble_n and_o dissension_n both_o in_o church_n and_o state_n and_o that_o by_o their_o episcopal_a practice_n and_o unjust_a usurpation_n law_n and_o proceed_n william_n wraughton_n turne●_n who_o write_v about_o the_o same_o time_n in_o his_o rescue_v of_o the_o romish_a fox_n dedicate_v to_o king_n henry_n the_o 8._o write_v thus_o we_o have_v put_v down_o some_o of_o your_o order_n of_o the_o world_n there_o remain_v yet_o two_o order_n of_o the_o world_n in_o england_n that_o be_v the_o order_n of_o pompous_a and_o popish_a bishop_n and_o grey_a friar_n which_o if_o they_o be_v put_v down_o as_o well_o as_o the_o other_o put_v down_o before_o i_o reckon_v that_o there_o shall_v be_v no_o kingdom_n wherein_o christ_n shall_v more_o reign_n than_o in_o england_n and_o there_o he_o prove_v at_o large_a the_o canon_n law_n to_o be_v the_o pope_n law_n and_o that_o as_o long_o as_o the_o bishop_n maintain_v it_o in_o england_n they_o maintain_v the_o pope_n in_o his_o sovereignty_n and_o legislative_a power_n in_o england_n and_o that_o the_o read_n of_o this_o law_n make_v man_n papist_n roderick●●ors_n mors._n sometime_o a_o grey_a friar_n in_o his_o complaint_n to_o the_o parliament_n house_n of_o england_n about_o the_o 37._o year_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o chap._n 23_o 24._o write_v thus_o of_o our_o prelate_n no_o doubt_n one_o bishop_n one_o deane_n one_o college_n or_o house_n of_o canon_n have_v ever_o do_v more_o mischief_n against_o god_n word_n and_o seek_v more_o the_o hindrance_n of_o the_o same_o than_o ten_o house_n of_o monk_n friar_n canon_n or_o nun_n the_o king_n grace_n begin_v well_o to_o weed_v the_o garden_n of_o england_n but_o yet_o have_v he_o lest_o stand_v the_o more_o pity_n the_o most_o foul_a and_o stink_a weed_n which_o have_v most_o need_n to_o be_v first_o pluck_v up_o by_o the_o root_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o prick_a thistle_n and_o sting_a nettle_n which_o still_o stand_v what_o help_v the_o depose_n of_o the_o petty_a member_n of_o the_o pope_n and_o to_o leave_v his_o whole_a body_n behind_o which_o be_v the_o pompous_a bishop_n canon_n o●_n college_n dean_n and_o such_o other_o sure_o it_o help_v as_o much_o as_o to_o say_v i_o will_v go_v kill_v all_o the_o fox_n in_o saint_n johns_n wood_n because_o i_o will_v have_v no_o more_o fox_n breed_v in_o england_n which_o well_o ponder_v we_o may_v say_v and_o lie_v not_o that_o the_o pope_n remain_v whole_o still_o in_o england_n save_v only_o that_o his_o name_n be_v banish_v for_o why_o his_o body_n which_o be_v bishop_n and_o o●her_n shavel_v do●h_v not_o only_o remain_v but_o also_o his_o tail_n which_o be_v his_o filthy_a tradition_n wicked_a law_n and_o beggarly_a ceremony_n as_o saint_n paul_n call_v they_o yea_o and_o the_o whole_a body_n of_o his_o pestiferous_a canon_n law_n according_a to_o which_o judgement_n be_v give_v throughout_o the_o realm_n so_o that_o we_o be_v still_o in_o eg●pt_n and_o remain_v in_o captivity_n most_o grievous_o lade_v by_o observe_v and_o walk_v in_o his_o most_o ●ilhy_a dross_n aforesaid_a which_o be_v a_o misty_a and_o endless_a maze_n and_o so_o long_o as_o you_o walk_v in_o those_o wicked_a law_n of_o antichrist_n the_o pope_n and_o maintain_v his_o knight_n the_o bishop_n in_o such_o inordinate_a riches_n and_o unlawful_a authority_n so_o long_o say_v i_o ensu_v you_o shall_v never_o bani●●_n that_o monstrous_a beast_n the_o pope_n out_o of_o england●_n yea_o and_o it_o shall_v be_v a_o mean_n in_o process_n of_o time_n to_o bring_v we_o into_o temporal_a bondage_n also_o again_o to_o have_v he_o reign_v as_o he_o hat●_n do_v like_o a_o god_n and_o that_o know_v our_o fork_a cap_n right_o well_o which_o thing_n make_v ●hem_n so_o bold_o and_o shameless_o to_o right_v in_o their_o god_n quarrel_v against_o christ_n and_o his_o word_n etc._n etc._n the_o bishop_n by_o their_o subtil●es_n and_o most_o crafty_a wile_n make_v the_o people_n to_o abhor●e_v the_o name_n of_o the_o pope_n of_o rome_n for_o a_o face_n and_o compel_v they_o to_o walk_v in_o all_o his_o wicked_a law_n and_o the_o word_n of_o god_n which_o we_o say_v we_o have_v receive_v be_v not_o nor_o can_v be_v suffer_v to_o be_v preach_v astraught_v pure_o and_o sincere_o without_o mix_v it_o with_o their_o invented_a tradition_n and_o service_n wherefore_o to_o open_v the_o conclusion_n o●_n this_o little_a lamentation_n ●f_a ●ee_n will_v banish_v for_o ever_o the_o antichrist_n the_o pope_n out_o of_o this_o realm_n you_o must_v fell_v down_o to_o the_o ground_n those_o rot_a post_n the_o bishop_n which_o be_v cloud_n without_o moysture●_n and_o utter_o abandon_v all_o and_o every_o of_o his_o ungodly_a law_n tradition_n and_o ceremony_n now_o will_v i_o speak_v no_o further_o against_o the_o particular_a pope_n for_o as_o much_o as_o every_o bishop_n be_v now_o a_o pope_n and_o you_o may_v plain_o see_v by_o all_o the_o premise_n that_o the_o proud_a prelate_n the_o bishop_n i_o mean_v be_v very_a antichrist_n as_o be_v their_o father_n of_o rome_n so_o he_o and_o much_o more_o stalbridg_n henry_n stalbridge_n in_o his_o exhortatory_n epistle_n to_o his_o dear_o belove_a country_n of_o england_n against_o the_o pompous_a popish_a bishop_n thereof_o as_o yet_o the_o true_a member_n of_o their_o filthy_a father_n the_o great_a antichrist_n of_o rome_n print_a at_o basill_n in_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o his_o day_n thus_o second_v he_o i_o say_v yet_o once_o again_o and_o that_o in_o the_o seal_n of_o the_o
dwell_v demur_v inhabit_v or_o resiant_a within_o this_o realm_n or_o within_o any_o other_o the_o king_n dominion_n signiory_n or_o country_n or_o the_o march_n of_o the_o same_o or_o elsewhere_o within_o or_o under_o his_o obeisance_n and_o power_n of_o what_o estate_n dignity_n pre-eminence_n order_n degree_n or_o condition_n soever_o he_o or_o they_o be_v after_o the_o last_o day_n of_o july_n which_o shall_v be_v in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n god_n 1530●_n shall_v by_o write_v cypher_v print_v preach_a or_o teach_v deed_n or_o act_n obstinate_o or_o malicious_o hold_v or_o stand_v with_o to_o extol_v set_v forth_o maintain_v or_o defend_v the_o authority_n jurisdiction_n or_o power_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n or_o of_o his_o see_v heretofore_o claim_v use_v or_o usurp_v within_o this_o realm_n or_o in_o any_o dominion_n or_o county_n be_v of_o within_z or_o under_o the_o king_n power_n or_o obeisance_n or_o by_o any_o pretence_n obstinate_o or_o malicious_o invent_v any_o thing_n for_o the_o extol_n advance_v set_v forth_o maintenance_n or_o defence_n of_o the_o same_o or_o any_o part_n thereof●_n or_o by_o any_o pretence_n obstinate_o or_o malicious_o attribute_v any_o manner_n of_o jurisdiction_n authority_n or_o pre-eminence_n to_o the_o say_v see_v of_o rome_n or_o to_o any_o bishop_n of_o the_o same_o see_v for_o the_o time_n be_v within_o this_o realm_n or_o in_o any_o of_o the_o king_n dominion_n or_o county_n that_o then_o every_o such_o person_n or_o person_n so_o do_v or_o offend_v their_o aider_n assistant_n comforter_n abettor_n procurer_n maintainer_n factor_n counselor_n concealor_n and_o every_o of_o they_o be_v thereof_o lawful_o convict_v according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o this_o realm_n for_o every_o such_o default_n and_o offence_n shall_v incur_v and_o run_v into_o the_o danger_n penalty_n pain_n and_o forfeiture_n ordain_v and_o provide_v by_o the_o statute_n of_o provision_n and_o praemunire_n make_v in_o the_o ●6_n year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o the_o noble_a and_o valiant_a prince_n king_n richard_n the_o second_o against_o such_o as_o attempt_v procure_v or_o make_v provision_n to_o the_o see_v of_o rome_n or_o elsewhere_o for_o any_o thing_n or_o thing_n to_o the_o derogation_n or_o contrary_n to_o the_o prerogative_n royal_a or_o jurisdiction_n of_o the_o crown_n and_o dignity_n of_o this_o realm_n and_o for_o strong_a defence_n and_o maintenance_n of_o this_o act_n it_o be_v ordain_v and_o enact_v by_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o all_o &_o every_o ecclesiastical_a judge_n ordinary_a chancellor_n commissary_n official_a vicar-general_a and_o other_o ecclesiastical_a officer_n or_o minister_n of_o what_o dignity_n pre-eminence_n or_o degree_n soever_o they_o shall_v be_v and_o all_o and_o every_o temporal_a judge_n justicia●_n major_n bailiff_n sheriff_n undersheriff_n escheater_n alderman_n jurat_fw-la constable_n head-borough_n thirdborough_n borsholder_n &_o every_o other_o say_v officer_n &_o minister_n to_o be_v make_v create_v elect_a or_o admit_v within_o this_o realm_n or_o any_o other_o the_o king_n dominion_n of_o what_o state_n order_n degree_n or_o condition_n soever_o he_o shall_v be_v from_o and_o after_o the_o say_v last_o day_n of_o july_n shall_v before_o he_o take_v upon_o he_o the_o execution_n of_o such_o office_n make_v take_v and_o receive_v a_o corporal_a oath_n upon_o the_o evangelist_n before_o such_o person_n or_o person_n as_o have_v or_o shall_v have_v authority_n to_o admit_v he_o that_o he_o from_o henceforth_o shall_v utter_o renounce_v refuse_v relinquish_v or_o forsake_v the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n and_o his_o authority_n power_n and_o jurisdiction_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v never_o consent_v nor_o agree_v that_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n shall_v practice_v exercise_n or_o have_v any_o manner_n of_o authority_n jurisdiction_n or_o power_n within_o this_o realm_n or_o any_o other_o the_o king_n dominion_n but_o that_o he_o shall_v resi_v the_o same_o at_o all_o time_n to_o the_o uttermost_a of_o his_o power_n and_o that_o from_o henceforth_o he_o shall_v accept_v repute_n and_o take_v the_o king_n majesty_n to_o be_v the_o only_a supreme_a head_n in_o earth_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n and_o that_o to_o his_o cunning_n wit_n and_o uttermost_a of_o his_o power_n without_o guile_n fraud_n or_o other_o undue_a mean_n he_o shall_v observe_v keep_v maintain_v and_o defend_v the_o whole_a effect_n and_o content_n of_o all_o and_o singular_a act_n and_o statute_n make_v and_o to_o be_v make_v within_o this_o realm_n in_o derogation_n extirpation_n and_o extinguishment_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n and_o his_o authority_n and_o all_o other_o act_n and_o statute_n make_v and_o to_o be_v make_v in_o reformation_n and_o corroboration_n of_o the_o king_n power_n of_o supreme_a head_n in_o earth_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n and_o this_o he_o shall_v do_v against_o all_o manner_n of_o person_n of_o what_o estate_n dignity_n degree_n or_o condition_n they_o be_v and_o in_o no_o wise_n do_v nor_o attempt_n nor_o to_o his_o power_n suffer_v to_o be_v do_v or_o attempt_v direct_o or_o indirect_o any_o thing_n or_o thing_n privy_o or_o apert_o to_o the_o let_v hindrance_n damage_n or_o derogation_n thereof_o or_o of_o any_o part_n thereof_o by_o any_o manner_n of_o mean_n or_o for_o any_o manner_n of_o pretence_n and_o in_o case_n any_o o●th_n be_v make_v or_o have_v be_v make_v by_o he_o to_o any_o person_n or_o person_n in_o maintenance_n defence_n or_o favour_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n or_o his_o authority_n jurisdiction_n or_o power_n he_o repute_v the_o same_o as_o vain_a and_o adnihilate_v so_o help_v he_o god_n etc._n etc._n i_o can_v wi●h_v this_o obsolete_a oath_n be_v now_o again_o revive_v to_o hinder_v the_o further_a growth_n of_o popery_n this_o forementioned_a oath_n to_o the_o pope_n usual_o take_v by_o all_o our_o prelate_n be_v one_o main_a pillar_n to_o support_v the_o pope_n usurp_a monarchy_n both_o at_o home_n and_o abroad_o and_o a_o chief_a engine_n to_o undermine_v the_o royal_a prerogative_n of_o christian_a prince_n and_o perchance_o the_o groundwork_n of_o many_o of_o our_o own_o and_o foreign_a prelate_n treason_n treachery_n rebellion_n conspiracy_n and_o contempt_n against_o their_o sovereign_n it_o will_v not_o be_v amiss_o no●_n impertinent_a here_o to_o inser●_n that_o excellent_a discourse_n which_o our_o famous_a martyr_n 205._o doctor_n barnes_n have_v long_o since_o make_v upon_o it_o in_o his_o supplication_n to_o king_n henry_n the_o 8._o where_o he_o thus_o write_v i_o dare_v bold_o say_v that_o if_o we_o poor_a man_n which_o be_v now_o condemn_v for_o heretic_n and_o also_o for_o traitor_n against_o our_o king_n have_v not_o be_v the_o realm_n of_o england_n have_v not_o stand_v in_o ●o_o good_a a_o condition_n as_o it_o be_v for_o man_n have_v be_v bind_v still_o in_o their_o conscience_n to_o obey_v this_o wretched_a idol_n who_o dare_v have_v keep_v this_o innumerable_a sum_n of_o money_n within_o the_o realm_n that_o yearly_a be_v suck_v out_o by_o this_o adder_n if_o our_o godly_a learning_n have_v not_o instruct_v their_o conscience_n let_v all_o the_o library_n be_v seek_v in_o england_n and_o there_o shall_v not_o be_v one_o book_n write_v in_o 4._o c._n year_n and_o admit_v by_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n and_o by_o our_o spiritualty_n find_v that_o do_v teach_v this_o obedience_n and_o fidelity_n towards_o prince_n and_o deliver_v our_o realm_n from_o the_o bondage_n of_o this_o wicked_a satan_n the_o pope_n or_o else_o that_o be_v able_a to_o satisfy_v and_o to_o quie●_n any_o man_n conscience_n within_o this_o realm_n and_o yet_o i_o dare_v say_v he_o be_v no●_n in_o england_n that_o can_v reprove_v our_o learning_n by_o the_o doctrine_n of_o our_o master_n christ_n or_o else_o of_o his_o holy_a apostle_n yea_o man_n have_v study_v and_o devise_v how_o they_o may_v bring_v our_o mighty_a prince_n and_o his_o noble_a realm_n under_o the_o foot_n of_o this_o devil_n there_o can_v be_v nothing_o handle_v so_o secret_o within_o this_o realm_n but_o if_o it_o be_v either_o pleasant_a or_o profitable_a to_o the_o pope_n to_o know_v than_o be_v all_o the_o bishop_n in_o england_n swear_v to_o reveal_v tha●_n matter_n to_o he_o this_o may_v well_o be_v prove_v by_o their_o shameful_a and_o traitorous_a oath_n that_o they_o contrary_a to_o god_n law_n man_n law_n and_o order_n of_o nature_n have_v make_v to_o this_o false_a man_n the_o pope_n the_o word_n of_o their_o oath_n write_v in_o their_o episc●pus_fw-la own_o law_n be_v thesis_n ●_z there_o have_v be_v wondrous_a pack_v use_v and_o have_v cost_v many_o a_o thousand_o man_n life_n ere_o that_o the_o spiritualty_n bring_v it_o to_o pass_v that_o all_o they_o shall_v be_v swear_v to_o the_o pope_n and_o owe_v none_o obedience_n to_o any_o man_n but_o to_o he_o only_o this_o
if_o he_o have_v see_v our_o bishop_n that_o now_o be_v he_o will_v have_v say_v otherwise_o for_o now_o the_o pope_n claim_v a_o power_n above_o all_o the_o power_n in_o heaven_n and_o earth_n as_o it_o be_v write_v in_o the_o council_n of_o lateran_n again_o ●rasmus_fw-la in_o another_o place_n speak_v hereof_o say_v thus_o pium_fw-la this_o holy_a man_n saint_n jerome_n say_v plain_o and_o free_o and_o as_o he_o think_v that_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n be_v above_o other_o bishop_n not_o by_o bishopricke●_n but_o only_o by_o riches_n by_o riches_n only_o m._n harding_n erasmus_n say_v the_o pope_n be_v above_o other_o bishop_n by_o riches_n only_a he_o say_v not_o by_o right_a of_o god_n word_n not_o by_o virtue_n not_o by_o learning_n not_o by_o diligence_n in_o preach_v but_o only_o by_o riches_n now_o it_o may_v please_v you_o to_o follow_v your_o own_o rule_n and_o to_o lay_v the_o one_o say_v to_o the_o other_o but_o saint_n jeromes_n word_n be_v plain_a of_o themselves_o and_o have_v no_o need_n of_o other_o expositor_n thus_o he_o write_v euagrium_n what_o do_v a_o bishop_n save_v only_o the_o order_n of_o minister_n but_o a_o priest_n may_v do_v the_o same_o neither_o may_v we_o think_v that_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n be_v one●_n and_o the_o church_n of_o all_o the_o world_n beside_o be_v another_o france_n england_n africa_n persia_n levant_n india_n and_o all_o barbarous_a nation_n worship_v one_o christ_n and_o keep_v one_o rule_n of_o the_o truth_n if_o we_o seek_v for_o authority_n the_o whole_a world_n be_v great_a than_o the_o city_n of_o rome_n wheresoever_o there_o be_v a_o bishop_n be_v it_o at_o eugu●ium_n be_v it_o at_o rome_n be_v it_o at_o constantinople_n be_v it_o at_o rhegium_n be_v it_o at_o alexandria_n be_v it_o at_o tanais_n they_o be_v all_o of_o one_o worthiness_n they_o be_v all_o of_o one_o bishopric_n the_o power_n of_o riches_n and_o the_o baseness_n of_o poverty_n make_v not_o a_o bishop_n either_o high_a or_o low_o for_o they_o be_v all_o the_o apostle_n successor_n what_o bring_v you_o i_o the_o custom_n of_o rome_n be_v but_o one_o city_n here_o m._n harding_n find_v great_a fault_n for_o that_o i_o have_v translate_v these_o word_n of_o one_o bishopric_n and_o not_o as_o he_o will_v have_v it_o of_o one_o priesthood_n god_n wo●_n a_o very_a simple_a quarrel_n let_v he_o take_v whether_o he_o like_v best_o if_o either_o other_o of_o these_o word_n shall_v serve_v his_o turn_n erasmus_n say_v pighium_n bishop_n p●iest_n and_o presbyter_n at_o that_o time_n be_v all_o t●ree_a all_o one_o but_o m●_n harding_n say_v the_o primate_fw-la have_v authority_n over_o other_o in●eriour_a bishop_n i_o grant_v they_o have_v so_o howbeit_o they_o have_v it_o by_o agreement_n and_o custom_n but_o neither_o by_o christ_n nor_o by_o peter_n nor_o paul_n nor_o by_o any_o right_n of_o god_n word_n saint●_n jerome_n say_v 1._o let_v bishop_n understand_v that_o they_o be_v above_o priest_n rather_o of_o custom_n than_o of_o any_o truth_n or_o right_n of_o christ_n institution_n and_o that_o they_o ought_v to_o rule_v the_o church_n altogether_o and_o again_o loc●_n therefore_o a_o priest_n and_o a_o bishop_n be_v both_o one_o thing_n and_o before_o that_o by_o the_o inflame_a of_o the_o devil_n part_n be_v take_v in_o religion_n and_o these_o word_n be_v utter_v among_o the_o people_n i_o hold_v of_o paul_n i_o hold_v of_o apollo_n i_o hold_v of_o peter_n the_o church_n be_v govern_v by_o the_o common_a advice_n of_o the_o priest_n saint_n augustine_n say_v 9_o the_o office_n of_o a_o bishop_n be_v above_o the_o office_n of_o a_o priest_n not_o by_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o scripture_n but_o after_o the_o name_n of_o honour_n which_o the_o custom_n of_o the_o church_n have_v now_o obtain_v so_o part_n 2._o cap._n 9_o divis._n 1._o p._n 196_o he_o bring_v in_o m._n harding_n the_o papist_n writing_n thus_o even_o so_o they_o which_o deny_v the_o distinction_n of_o a_o bishop_n and_o a_o priest_n be_v condemn_v of_o heresy_n as_o we_o find_v in_o saint_n augustine_n in_o the_o book_n and_o chapter_n aforesaid_a and_o in_o epiphanius_n lib._n 3._o cap._n 75._o in_o the_o council_n of_o constance_n the_o same_o be_v to_o be_v find_v to_o who_o he_o answer_v in_o the_o margin_n untruth_n for_o hereby_o both_o saint_n paul_n and_o saint_n jerome_n and_o other_o good_a man_n be_v condemn_v of_o heresy_n and_o p._n 202._o he_o give_v this_o further_a answer_n but_o what_o mean_v m._n harding_n here_o to_o come_v in_o with_o the_o difference_n between_o priest_n and_o bishop_n think_v he_o that_o priest_n and_o bishop_n hold_v only_o by_o tradition_n or_o be_v it_o so_o horrible_a a_o heresy_n as_o he_o make_v it_o to_o say_v that_o by_o the_o scripture_n of_o god_n a_o bishop_n and_o a_o priest_n be_v all_o one_o or_o know_v he_o how_o far_o and_o unto_o who_o he_o reach_v the_o name_n of_o a_o heretic_n very_o chrysostome_n say_v euagrium_n between_o a_o bishop_n and_o a_o priest_n in_o a_o manner_n there_o be_v no_o difference_n saint_n hierome_n say_v somewhat_o in_o rough_a sort_n i_o hear_v say_v there_o be_v one_o become_v so_o peevish_a that_o he_o set_v deacon_n before_o priest_n that_o be_v to_o say_v before_z bishop_n whereas_o the_o apostle_n plain_o teach_v we_o that_o priest_n and_o bishop_n he_o all_o one_o saint_n augustine_n say_v 101._o what_o be_v a_o bishop_n but_o the_o first_o priest_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o high_a priest_n so_o say_v saint_n ambrose_n 3._o there_o be_v but_o one_o consecration_n of_o a_o priest_n and_o bishop_n for_o both_o of_o they_o be_v priest_n but_o the_o bishop_n be_v the_o first_o in_o his_o sermon_n upon_o haggai_n 1_o p._n 176._o he_o write_v thus_o against_o the_o temporal_a possession_n and_o secular_a office_n of_o clergy_n man_n when_o constantinus_n the_o emperor_n endow_v the_o church_n with_o land_n and_o possession_n silvestri_n they_o say_v there_o be_v a_o voice_n of_o angel_n hear_v in_o the_o air_n say_v this_o day_n poison_n be_v pour_v into_o the_o church_n if_o there_o be_v poison_v pour_v into_o church_n then_o i_o doubt_v there_o be_v nover_v treacle_n pour_v into_o it_o since_o this_o we_o see_v that_o from_o that_o time_n she_o have_v do_v worse_o and_o worse_o augustine_n find_v fault_n with_o the_o multitude_n of_o ceremony_n and_o say_v the_o church_n in_o ●his_fw-la time_n be_v in_o worse_a case_n by_o man_n devise_n than_o be_v the_o church_n of_o the_o jew_n bernard_n say_v there_o be_v no_o part_n sound_v in_o the_o clergy_n and_o again_o they_o which_o choose_v t●e_v first_o place_n in_o the_o church_n be_v chief_a in_o persecute_v christ._n and_o again_o they_o be_v not_o teacher_n but_o deceiver_n they_o be_v not_o feeder_n but_o beguiler_n they_o be_v not_o prelate_n but_o pilate_n which_o he_o thus_o further_o prosecute_v in_o his_o sermon_n on_o matthew_n 9_o p._n 198._o and_o what_o shall_v i_o speak_v of_o bishop_n their_o cleave_a mitre_n signify_v perfect_a knowledge_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n and_o the_o old_a their_o crosier_n staff_n signify_v diligence_n in_o attend_v the_o flock_n of_o christ_n their_o purple_a boot_n and_o sandal_n signify_v that_o they_o shall_v ever_o be_v boot_v and_o ready_a to_o go_v abroad_o through_o thick_a and_o thin_a to_o teach_v the_o gospel_n and_o thereto_o they_o apply_v the_o word_n of_o the_o prophet_n how_o beautiful_a be_v the_o foot_n of_o they_o which_o bring_v glad_a tiding_n of_o peace_n which_o bring_v glad_a tiding_n of_o good_a thing_n but_o alas_o in_o what_o kind_n of_o thing_n do_v they_o bear_v themselves_o for_o bishop_n these_o mystical_a title_n and_o show_n be_v not_o enough_o to_o ●e●ch_v in_o the_o lord_n harvest_n they_o be_v garment_n more_o meet_a ●or_a player_n than_o for_o good_a labourer_n saint_n bernard_n write_v thus_o to_o eugenius_n the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n who_o sometime_o have_v be_v his_o scholar_n ●_o thou_o which_o be_v the_o shepherd_n ●ettest_v up_o and_o down_o shine_v in_o gold_n and_o gorgeous_o attire_v but_o what_o get_v thy_o sheep_n if_o i_o dare_v speak_v it_o these_o thing_n be_v not_o the_o fodder_n for_o christ_n sheep_n but_o for_o devil_n whatsoever_o apparel_n they_o have_v upon_o they_o unless_o they_o will_v fall_v to_o work_v christ_n will_v not_o know_v they_o for_o labourer_n how_o then_o can_v the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n be_v take_v for_o the_o chief_a pastor_n of_o christ_n which_o these_o 900._o year_n have_v not_o open_v his_o mouth_n to_o feed_v the_o flock_n these_o 900._o year_n i_o say_v since_o gregory_n the_o first_o of_o that_o name_n it_o can_v hardly_o be_v find_v that_o ever_o any_o bishop_n of_o rome_n be_v see_v in_o a_o pulpit_n one_o of_o
other_o of_o they_o be_v so_o palliate_v and_o countenance_v by_o their_o own_o over-swaying_a greatness_n that_o none_o dare_v question_n nor_o record_v they_o though_o notorious●_n and_o some_o of_o they_o be_v questionless_a conceal_v by_o our_o histo●ians_n who_o be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n monk_n priest_n or_o the_o prelate_n own_o creature_n flatterer_n and_o dependent_n out_o of_o favour_n or_o affection_n do_v labour_v all_o they_o can_v to_o palliate_v not_o to_o record_v or_o lay_v open_a their_o ghostly_a father_n nakedness_n in_o this_o kinde●_n neither_o have_v i_o collect_v every_o particular_a of_o this_o nature_n which_o our_o historian_n relate_v bu●_n only_o select_v such_o precedent_n as_o i_o cursory_o observe_v in_o owe_v annal_n and_o hasty_o collect_v for_o the_o most_o part_n long_o since_o to_o which_o i_o presume_v ●he_v diligent_a reader_n may_v accumulate_v many_o more_o yet_o these_o i_o conceive_v be_v so_o many_o for_o number_n so_o prodigious_a for_o circumstance_n that_o they_o exceed_v both_o in_o multitude_n and_o heinousnesse_n all_o disloyal_a practice_n of_o like_a sort_n act_v against_o our_o english_a monarch_n by_o all_o other_o their_o subject_n of_o what_o quality_n soever_o the_o noble_n and_o other_o attaint_v former_o of_o treason_n rebellion_n and_o suffer_v for_o the_o same_o be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n but_o the_o prelate_n instrument_n the_o chief_a architect_n arch-plotter_n and_o inciter_n of_o all_o the_o conspiracy_n treason_n rebellion_n war_n and_o dissension_n that_o ever_o happen_v in_o our_o kingdom_n and_o yet_o these_o arch-traytor_n and_o incendiary_n common_o escape_v the_o hand_n of_o justice_n by_o reason_n of_o their_o unholy_a holy_a order_n and_o appeal_v to_o rome_n when_o as_o their_o underhand_o instrument_n though_o less_o culpable_a receive_v due_a execution_n if_o then_o we_o consider_v the_o paucity_n of_o our_o archprelate_n and_o lord_n bishop_n of_o england_n of_o which_o there_o be_v but_o one_o in_o each_o see_v at_o a_o time_n when_o full_a and_o sometime_o none_o for_o divers_a year_n in_o time_n of_o vacancy_n in_o comparison_n of_o the_o numerosity_n of_o the_o nobility_n gentry_n and_o commonalty_n of_o england_n on_o the_o one_o side_n and_o then_o on_o the_o other_o hand_n compare_v the_o multitude_n of_o the_o prelate_n notorious_a treason_n rebellion_n sedition_n and_o contumacy_n against_o their_o king_n with_o thos●_n of_o the_o nobility_n gentry_n commons_z which_o they_o far_o exceed_v in_o number_n and_o notorious_a circumstance_n or_o if_o we_o observe_v with_o what_o a_o high_a hand_n these_o prelate_n have_v act_v justify_v defend_v these_o their_o villainy_n not_o only_o by_o protect_v but_o canonise_a the_o author_n of_o they_o for_o holy_a saint_n and_o martyr_n as_o dunstane_n becket_n anselm_n hugh_n and_o other_o only_a because_o they_o be_v prelate_n when_o as_o in_o truth_n they_o ought_v so_o much_o the_o rather_o to_o have_v brand_v they_o for_o notorious_a traitor_n and_o rebel_n execrable_a both_o to_o god_n and_o man_n we_o must_v necessary_o conclude_v their_o no_o bishop_n no_z king_n to_z ●e_z a_o notorious_a bull_n and_o no_z king_n unless_o no_o bishop_n to_o be_v a_o more_o probable_a and_o most_o true_a position_n and_o that_o ou●_n english_a lord_n bp_v especial_o those_o of_o canterbury_n primate_fw-la of_o all_o england_n only_o in_o evil_a for_o the_o most_o part_n have_v be_v the_o most_o notorious_a traitor_n rebel_n conspirator_n incendiary_n viper_n pest_n grievance_n to_o the_o king_n and_o state_n of_o england_n of_o all_o ot●ers_n and_o so_o by_o consequence_n rather_o of_o antichristian_a and_o diabolical_a th●n_o divine_a or_o apostolical_a institution_n fit_a to_o be_v utter_o extirpated_a both_o by_o king_n and_o kingdom_n neither_o of_o which_o shall_v long_o flourish_v in_o happiness_n piety_n or_o tranquillity_n while_o lordly_a prelate_n bear_v the_o sway_n and_o manage_v the_o chief_a temp●rall_a office_n or_o affair_n contrary_a to_o christ_n own_o express_a inhibition_n mat._n 20.25_o 26_o 27_o luk_n 22.25.26_o act._n 6.4_o 2_o tim._n 2.4_o 1_o pet._n 5.1_o ●33_n rom._n 12.7_o 8._o 1_o joh●_n 3.9_o 10_o if_o any_o surmise_n i_o write_v thus_o sharp_o only_a out_o of_o malice_n against_o our_o prelate_n i_o shall_v desire_v but_o this_o favour_n from_o they_o to_o suspend_v their_o censure_n till_o they_o have_v impartial_o survey_v the_o ensue_a particular_n which_o i_o have_v sincere_o relate_v as_o i_o find_v they_o record_v without_o flattery_n on_o the_o one_o hand_n or_o malignity_n on_o the_o other_o and_o then_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o they_o will_v change_v their_o mind_n and_o ready_o subscribe_v to_o my_o conclusion_n ratify_v by_o so_o many_o ancient_a precedent_n of_o old_a and_o so_o many_o visible_a experiment_n fresh_a before_o our_o eye_n now_o because_o the_o archprelate_n of_o canterbury_n 29._o erect_v by_o gregory_n the_o first_o his_o bull_n than_o pope_n of_o rome_n which_o have_v engage_v they_o ever_o since_o to_o be_v pope_n swear_v vassal_n for_o the_o most_o part_n and_o to_o imitate_v pope_n in_o their_o most_o execrable_a treason_n and_o conspiracy_n have_v be_v the_o arche_v traitor_n rebel_n and_o opposite_n to_o the_o king_n ●f_n england_n in_o all_o age_n i_o shall_v for_o order_n and_o honour_n sake_n begin_v first_o with_o their_o contumacy_n treachery_n and_o rebellious_a practice_n and_o that_o in_o a_o chronological_a manner_n according_a to_o their_o several_a antiquity_n and_o from_o they_o i_o shall_v descend_v to_o the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n the_o great_a arch-traytor_n and_o rebel_n next_o to_o those_o of_o canterbury_n and_o then_o pass_v to_o ot●er_v of_o our_o prelate_n in_o their_o order_n with_o as_o much_o brevity_n and_o perspicuity_n as_o the_o subject_a matter_n will_v permit_v i_o conclude_v with_o such_o material_a observation_n against_o our_o lordly_a hierarchy_n as_o shall_v be_v infallible_o warrant_v by_o the_o ensue_a history_n and_o with_o such_o domestic_a authority_n against_o episcopacy_n the_o lordlinesse_n secularity_n wealth_n and_o temporal_a employment_n of_o our_o prelate_n and_o their_o mischievousnesse_n both_o in_o church_n and_o state_n as_o i_o trust_v will_v abundant_o satisfy_v the_o most_o episcopal_a man_n who_o argument_n both_o for_o the_o pretend_a divinity_n and_o perpetuity_n of_o episcopacy_n in_o our_o church_n i_o hope_v i_o shall_v satisfactory_o answer_v but_o not_o to_o detain_v you_o long_o with_o a_o prologue_n i_o shall_v address_v myself_o to_o the_o subject_a matter_n survey_v the_o bishop_n of_o canterbury_n action_n in_o the_o first_o place_n the_o antipathy_n of_o the_o english_a lordly_a prelacy_n both_o to_o regal_a monarchy_n and_o civil_a unity_n chap._n i._o contain_v the_o several_a treason_n conspiracy_n rebellion_n sedition_n contumacy_n disloyalty_n of_o the_o archbishop_n of_o canter●ury_n against_o their_o sovereign_n king_n of_o england_n the_o several_a war_n tumult_n dissension_n occasion_v and_o raise_v by_o they_o in_o or_o against_o our_o realm_n with_o their_o manifold_a practice_n and_o attempt_n to_o undermine_v our_o law_n in_o relate_v these_o disloyalty_n of_o our_o holy_a ar●h-prelates_n of_o canterbury_n i_o can_v sing_v as_o the_o poet_n once_o do_v 8._o ab_fw-la jove_n principium_fw-la musae_fw-la jovis_fw-la omne_fw-la plena_fw-la since_o there_o be_v little_a of_o god_n in_o any_o of_o their_o action_n i_o be_o now_o to_o relate_v unless_o i_o take_v jove_n here_o not_o for_o the_o true_a live_a god_n but_o for_o a_o mere_a he_o impious_a treacherous_a murder_a usurp_a devil_n incarnate_a who_o thrust_v his_o father_n saturn_n out_o of_o his_o royal_a throne_n and_o injurious_o possess_v h●mselfe_n of_o his_o kingdom_n against_o all_o right_a and_o equity_n and_o in_o this_o sense_n i_o may_v true_o chant_v ab_fw-la jove_n principium_fw-la etc._n etc._n since_o i_o must_v not_o only_o begin_v but_o proceed_v and_o end_v with_o devil_n incarnate_a mask_v under_o a_o p●●la●es_v white_a rocher_n rather_o than_o with_o holy_a father_n of_o the_o church_n odo_n one_o of_o the_o first_o man_n of_o this_o stamp_n that_o encounter_v i_o in_o the_o sea_n of_o canterbury_n be_v odo_n surname_v the_o severe_a possess_v this_o pon●●●call_a chair_n about_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 940._o this_o pragmatical_a turbulent_a arch-prelate_n as_o he_o be_v 65._o thrice_o in_o arm_n in_o the_o field_n after_o he_o be_v make_v a_o bishop_n where_o he_o ●ought_v like_o a_o valiant_a champion_n so_o he_o cause_v king_n edwin_n wi●h_v who_o he_o have_v very_o evil_a agreement_n to_o be_v divorce_v from_o his_o queen_n some_o say_v for_o consanguinity_n other_o for_o other_o reason_n whereupon_o the_o king_n betake_v himself_o ●o_o his_o concubine_n odo_n thereupon_o suspend_v the_o king_n from_o the_o church_n excommunicate_v his_o concubine_n cause_v one_o of_o they_o who_o the_o king_n unreasonable_o do●ed_v upon_o to_o be_v fetch_v out_o of_o the_o court_n
the_o worse_a for_o this_o precedent_n it_o be_v much_o insist_v on_o to_o justify_v the_o late_a tax_n of_o ship-money_n such_o perfidious_a and_o pernicious_a counsellor_n of_o state_n have_v these_o prelate_n be_v in_o teach_v prince_n in_o every_o land_n to_o lay_v new_a exaction_n on_o and_o tyrannize_v more_o and_o more_o over_o their_o subject_n woe_n say_v 116.152_o mr._n tyndall_n be_v to_o the_o realm_n where_o they_o be_v of_o the_o council_n as_o profitable_a be_v they_o to_o the_o realm_n with_o their_o counsel_n as_o the_o wolf_n unto_o the_o sheep_n or_o the_o fox_n unto_o the_o goose_n as_o be_v this_o arch-prelate_n who_o be_v much_o blame_v in_o our_o history_n for_o this_o his_o advice_n robert_n robert_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n lay_v the_o first_o foundation_n of_o the_o norman_n conquest_n in_o england_n persuade_v king_n edward_n to_o make_v duke_n william_n his_o heir_n 2.4_o whereunto_o when_o he_o have_v condescend_v himself_o become_v the_o messenger_n of_o this_o good_a tiding_n unto_o the_o duke_n take_v harold_n with_o he_o that_o he_o may_v hamper_v he_o with_o a_o oath_n as_o he_o do_v indeed_o and_o so_o bar_v he_o from_o all_o possibility_n of_o the_o kingdom_n which_o oath_n he_o break_v afterward_o lose_v both_o his_o li●e_z and_o kingdom_n together_o the_o archbishop_n now_o assure_v himself_o of_o the_o favour_n of_o the_o king_n not_o only_o present_v but_o he_o that_o be_v to_o succeed_v can_v not_o endure_v that_o any_o shall_v bea●e_v so_o great_a sway_n as_o himself_o in_o court_n and_o therefore_o fall_v to_o devise_v how_o he_o may_v overthrow_v mother_n emma_n the_o king_n mother_n who_o only_o serve_v to_o overtop_n he_o he_o begin_v therefore_o to_o bea●e_v into_o the_o king_n head_n how_o hard_o a_o hand_n his_o mother_n have_v hold_v upon_o he_o when_o he_o live_v in_o normandy_n how_o likely_a it_o be_v that_o his_o brother_n come_v by_o his_o death_n by_o the_o practice_n of_o she_o and_o earl_n godwyn_n and_o that_o she_o use_v the_o company_n of_o alwyn_n bishop_n of_o winchester_n somewhat_o more_o familiar_o than_o be_v for_o her_o honour_n the_o king_n somewhat_o too_o rash_o credit_v these_o tale_n without_o any_o further_a examination_n of_o this_o matter_n seize_v upon_o all_o his_o mother_n good_n and_o commit_v she_o to_o prison_n in_o the_o nunnery_n of_o warwell_n banish_a earl_n godwyn_n and_o his_o son_n and_o command_v alwyn_n upon_o pain_n of_o death_n not_o to_o come_v forth_o of_o the_o gate_n of_o winchester_n the_o queen_n make_v the_o best_a friend_n she_o can_v to_o be_v call_v to_o her_o answer_n but_o the_o archbishop_n so_o possess_v the_o king_n as_o other_o trial_n of_o her_o innocence_n may_v not_o be_v allow_v then_o this_o she_o must_v walk_v over_o nine_o ploughshare_n red_a hot_a in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o cathedral_n church_n of_o winchester_n if_o she_o perform_v not_o this_o purgation_n or_o be_v find_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o hurt_n she_o and_o the_o bishop_n both_o shall_v be_v esteem_v guilty_a if_o otherwise_o the_o archbishop_n be_v content_a to_o submit_v himself_o to_o such_o punishment_n as_o they_o shall_v have_v endure_v the_o arch-bishop_n authority_n be_v then_o so_o prevalent_a over_o the_o most_o powerful_a person_n that_o the_o queen_n herself_o neither_o by_o she_o own_o power_n nor_o of_o the_o king_n her_o son_n nor_o of_o the_o noble_n and_o bishop_n nor_o by_o any_o other_o mean_n than_o by_o her_o innocence_n can_v keep_v off_o this_o so_o notorious_a a_o injury_n and_o contumely_n the_o themselves_o king_n and_o bishop_n be_v force_v to_o approve_v this_o most_o severe_a edict_n of_o the_o archbishop_n against_o their_o will_n whereupon_o the_o queen_n lead_v by_o two_o bishop_n in_o the_o open_a sight_n of_o the_o people_n do_v this_o hard_a purgation_n and_o ●o_o acquit_v herself_o and_o alwyn_n of_o the_o crime_n object_v the_o king_n then_o great_o bewail_v the_o wrong_n do_v to_o his_o mother_n by_o the_o arch-bishop_n malicious_a false_a suggestion_n ask_v her_o forgiveness_n upon_o his_o knee_n restore_v she_o and_o the_o bishop_n to_o their_o good_n and_o place_n and_o to_o make_v satisfaction_n will_v needs_o be_v whip_v by_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o bishop_n there_o present_a and_o receive_v three_o stripe_n of_o his_o mother_n be_v by_o she_o clear_o forgive_v the_o archbishop_n the_o author_n and_o plotter_n of_o all_o this_o stir_n and_o mischief_n fear_v the_o success_n of_o this_o matter_n hold_v himself_o at_o dover_n under_o pretence_n of_o sickness_n and_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o hear_v how_o the_o world_n go_v know_v england_n to_o be_v too_o hot_a for_o he_o get_v he_o over_o to_o the_o abbey_n of_o gemmeticum_n where_o overcome_v with_o shame_n and_o sorrow_n he_o there_o short_o after_o end_v his_o day_n the_o king_n have_v pass_v a_o public_a sentence_n against_o he_o and_o his_o confederate_n 82._o quod_fw-la statum_n regni_fw-la conturbarant_a etc._n etc._n that_o they_o have_v disturb_v the_o state_n of_o the_o kingdom_n stir_v up_o the_o king_n mind_n against_o his_o mother_n and_o faithful_a subject_n whereupon_o he_o be_v deprive_v ●_o stigand_n stigand_n place_v in_o his_o sea_n before_o his_o death_n after_o william_n the_o conqueror_n have_v slay_v harold_n and_o vanquish_v his_o army_n in_o battlefield_n edwin_n and_o mercar_n endeavour_v to_o crown_n edgar_n etheling_n the_o rightful_a heir_n to_o whos●_n side_n most_o of_o the_o noble_n the_o citizen_n of_o london_n with_o the_o naval_a force_n adhere_v and_o so_o do_v aldred_n archbishop_n of_o york_n who_o present_o with_o the_o other_o prelate_n ●ell_o off_o to_o william_n the_o conqueror_n be_v the_o strong_a side_n to_o who_o the_o pope_n have_v send_v a_o consecrate_a banner_n a_o agnus_n dei_fw-la and_o one_o of_o saint_n peter_n hair_n in_o way_n of_o good_a speed_n refuse_v to_o side_n with_o the_o lord_n whereupon_o their_o designment_n be_v all_o sudden_o quash_v but_o archbishop_n s●igand_n and_o eglesigne_v abbot_n of_o saint_n augustine_n assemble_v all_o the_o kentish_a man_n together_o encourage_v they_o to_o stand_v for_o their_o liberty_n though_o with_o the_o loss_n of_o their_o life_n and_o march_v before_o they_o as_o their_o general_n enclose_v he_o and_o his_o army_n by_o a_o stratagem_n with_o branch_n of_o tree_n their_o banner_n display_v and_o bow_v bend_v and_o so_o purchase_v a_o confirmation_n of_o their_o freedom_n and_o custom_n from_o he_o by_o way_n of_o composition_n then_o come_v to_o london_n the_o conqueror_n refuse_v to_o be_v crown_v by_o stigana_n aldred_n arch●bishop_n of_o york_n perform_v this_o ceremony_n on_o ●he_n day_n of_o christ_n nativity_n anno._n 1066._o stigand_n not_o long_o after_o and_o alexander_n bishop_n of_o lincoln_n flee_v into_o scotland_n where_o they_o keep_v themselves_o close_o for_o a_o season_n and_o at_o last_o return_v king_n william_n departe●_n into_o normandy_n know_v stigand_n to_o be_v of_o a_o crafty_a pate_n and_o perfidious_a heart_n and_o of_o great_a power_n among_o his_o kentish_a man_n carry_v he_o over_o sea_n with_o he_o lest_o he_o ●hould_v raise_v new_a stir_n and_o cause_v a_o revolt_n from_o he_o in_o england_n during_o his_o absence_n and_o then_o return_v into_o england_n he_o cause_v he_o with_o other_o bishop_n that_o have_v be_v treacherous_a to_o he_o to_o be_v depose_v from_o his_o archbishopricke_n in_o a_o synod_n at_o winchester_n for_o hold_v the_o bishop_n of_o winchester_n in_o commendam_fw-la with_o his_o archbishopricke_n for_o invade_v the_o sea_n of_o canterbury_n while_o robert_n lived●_n for_o use_v his_o pa●l_n leave_v at_o canterbury_n for_o simony_n and_o to_o prevent_v he_o from_o raise_v any_o further_a tumult_n 9_o the_o king_n after_o his_o degradation_n spoil_v he_o of_o his_o good_n commit_v he_o to_o perpetual_a prison_n where_o at_o last_o he_o be_v starve_v with_o hunger_n refuse_v to_o reveal_v those_o infinite_a treasure_n which_o he_o have_v heap_v up_o in_o store_n to_o work_v some_o mischieve_n which_o be_v discover_v after_o his_o death_n not_o long_o after_o which_o plures_fw-la episcopi_fw-la &_o abba●es_n many_o bishop_n and_o abbot_n join_v in_o a_o conspiracy_n with_o ralph_n de_fw-fr ware_n and_o roger_n earl_n of_o hereford_n against_o the_o conqueror_n to_o thrust_v he_o out_o of_o his_o kingdom_n such_o faithful_a subject_n be_v they_o to_o their_o sovereign_n to_o who_o they_o have_v swear_v allegiance_n lanfrank_n william_n the_o conqueror_n die_v 18._o by_o the_o persuasion_n of_o lanfranke_a archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n who_o have_v bring_v up_o william_n rufus_n from_o his_o childhood_n he_o leave_v the_o crown_n of_o england_n to_o his_o young_a son_n william_n put_v the_o elder_a son_n robert_n from_o the_o crown_n which_o be_v due_a unto_o he_o in_o which_o action_n god_n bless_v not_o the_o archbishop_n for_o the_o
on_o saint_n stephen_n day_n by_o william_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n the_o most_o part_n of_o the_o nobility_n be_v present_a and_o swear_v fealty_n unto_o he_o as_o to_o their_o true_a and_o lawful_a sovereign_n howbeit_o there_o be_v diverse_a of_o the_o wise_a sort_n of_o estate_n which_o regard_v their_o former_a oath_n to_o be_v true_a unto_o the_o empress_n maude_n can_v have_v be_v content_v that_o the_o empress_n shall_v have_v govern_v till_o her_o son_n have_v come_v to_o lawful_a age_n notwithstanding_o they_o hold_v their_o peace_n as_o yet_o and_o consent_v unto_o stephen_n but_o the_o breach_n of_o their_o oath_n be_v worthy_o punish_v afterward_o insomuch_o that_o as_o well_o the_o bishop_n as_o the_o other_o noble_n either_o die_v a_o evil_a death_n or_o be_v afflict_v with_o divers_a kind_n of_o calamity_n and_o mischance_n and_o that_o even_o here_o in_o this_o life_n yet_o there_o be_v some_o of_o they_o