constancy and so embracing the Fire she sweetly slept in the Lord. Thus near the space of three hundred years was the Church of Christ assaulted on every side had small rest no joy nor outward safety in this present World but in much bitterness of Heart in continual tears and mourning under the Cross passed over their days being spoiled imprisoned contemned reviled famished tormented and martyred every where by night assembling to sing Praises to God in all which their dreadful dangers and sorrowful afflictions notwithstanding the goodness of the Lord left them not desolate but the more their outward Tribulations did increase the more their inward Consolations did abound and the farther off they seemed from the joyes of this Life the more present was the Lord with them with Gracâ and fortitude to confirm and rejoyce their Souls and though their possessions and riches in this World were lost and spoiled yet were they inriched with heavenly Gifts and Treasures from above an hundredfold then was true Religion truely felt in the Heart then was Christianity not in outward appearance shewed only but in inward affection received then was the Name and Fear of God true in Heart not in Lips alone dwelling Faith then was fervent Zeal ardent Prayer not swiming in the Lips but groaned out to God from the bottom of the Spirit then was no Pride in the Church nor leisure to seek riches nor time to keep them contention for Trifles was then so far from Christians that well were they when they could meet to pray together against the Devil the author of all dissention But after this the Christians coming to be in favour with the Emperours and riches and worldly wealth crept into the Clergy and the Devil poured his venom into the Church so that true humility began to decay and Pride to set in his Foot and after the Church through favour of the Emperours was indued with Lands Donations Possessions and Patrimonies and the Bishops feeling the smack of Wealth ease and prosperity began to swell in pomp and pride and the more they flourished in this World the more Gods holy Spirit forsook them till at last the Bishops who were for a long time kept low and persecuted as before is related now of persecuted People began to be Persecutors of others and through their pride and riches were wholy degenerated from the true Religion and became Adversaties to God and persecuted and destroyed his living Witnesses and Members as any were raised up from time to time to bear a Testimony against their Apostacy as in this following History will appear Part III Containing an Account of the grievous Sufferings Persecutions and Martyrdom of the Servants of the Lord inflicted on them by the Papists after the Apostacy from the antient Primitive Gospel of Truth preached by Christ and his Apostles IOhn saw there would be an Apostacy from the blessed Faith in his daies Rev. 13. for he saw a Beast rise out of the Sea and the Dragon gave him his Power and his Seat and great Authority and all the World wondered after the Beast and they worshipped the Dragon which gave Power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying Who is like unto the Beast Who is aâle to make War with him And he opened his Mouth in Blasphemy against God to Blaspheme his Name and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven and it was given unto him to make War with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all Kindreds Tongues and Nations and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him whose Names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World After this great Darkness had spread over Nations and People for some years the Lord raised up some from time to time to bare Testimony according to their measures of light and knowledge they had received against the blindness and ignorance that the World was under as in the following instances the Reader may observe Robert Grosthead living in the year 1240 wrot sharply to the Pope especially for the evils he committed in England that he was opposite to Christ a Murderer of Souls and an Heretick and complained on his death-bed of the corruptions which were sprung up in the Church and inveighed bitterly against the manifold abominations of the Church and Court of Rome saying well may these verses be applied to them The whole World cannot suffice their greedy covetous mind Nor all their drabs and naughty pack their filthy lusting kind For his thundring against the Romish Church and for his publick reproving of the covetousness pride and manifold Tyrannies of the Pope he was excommunicated to the pit of Hell by Innocent the fourth and cited to come to his bloody Court but he appealed from the Popes Tyranny to the Eternal Tribunal of Jesus Christ and shortly after died Yea before this there were some found in England who testified against the corruptions of the Church of Rome and suffered for the same for in the year 884. John Patrick Erigena wrot a Book about the Lords Supper which was afterwards condemned by the Pope and he martyred for it In the year 960. some were braned in the Face at Oxford and banished for saying That the Church of Rome was the Whore of Babilon Monkery a stinking Carion their Vows nurses of sodomy Purgatory and Masses c. inventions of the Devil In the year 1126. there was one Arnold an English Preacher was cruelly butchered for preaching against Prelates pride and Priest wicked lives About the year 1160. about thirty Waldenses came into England one Gerrard being their Minister these People labouring to win Disciples to Christ were quickly smelt out by the Popish Clergy and great complaints were made against them to the King being Henry the Second who caused them to be brought before an Assembly of Bishops at Oxford where Gerrard speaking for them said to this effect we are Christians holding the Doctrine of the Apostles in their Examinations they would not admit of Salt Spittle and Exorcisms in Baptism and the Eucharist nor of binding with the stool in Marriage and being admonished to repent and return to the unity of the Church they despised that counsel and scorned threats saying Blessed are they which Suffer Persecution for Righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Then did the Bishops excomunicate them and so delivered them over to be corporally Punished by the King who caused them to be burnt as Hereticks in the forehead and to be whipt through Oxford they singing all the while Blessed are ye when men hate you and dispitefully use you and the King further commanded that none should persume to receive them to house nor to cherish them with any comfort whereby they miserably perished with hunger and cold none affording any comfort to them These Wâldenses are repâted the first Reformers after the darkness of Popery had overspread the
to shew further violence upon the poor flock of Christ calling them before his Tribunal Seat passing Judgment upon some and committing them to the Secular Arm to be burnt namely Thomas Bernard James Morden Robert Rave John Scrivener and others compelling Children to set Fire to their own Fathers and Example of such Cruelty as is contrary both to God and Nature The judicious Reader whose eyes are enlightned may see what darkness the World was drowned in at this time the purity of the Christian Religion being wholy lost and turned into outward Observations Ceremonies and Idolatry worshipping of Saints going Pilgrimages to see the Reliques which were as so many lying Miracles instead of worshipping the Living God worshipped dead Stocks and Stones how the People were led so the Priests were fed no care was taken the Popes Laws and Canons being more set by then Christs Testament or the Scriptures laying another Foundation then Christ and the Apostles laid upon which the Papists planted their infinite number of Masses Derriges Obsequies Mattens hours of singing Service Midnight-rising Bare-foot-going Fish-tasting Lent fast Ember-fast Stations Rogations Jubilees Advocation of Saints praying to Images Pilgrimage Walking Vows of Chastity wilful Poverty Pardons Indulgenââs Penance Auriculer Confession Shaving Powling Annointing saying Prayers by their Beads making Laws that none should wear Sumptions Garments or Rings or Ouches on their Fingers but Bishops only when they were saying Mass these with other such like filthy Stuff has been set up by the Popes Power in the night of Apostacy and People have been forced to Swollow it down though some did it against their Stomachs and Consciences and if the least Light appeared in any to testifie against their Trumpery the Beast and false Prophet made War with them and rather then they would fail in the extinguishing the Truth they would destroy the persons in whom the least appearance thereof manifested it self as in the Relation before and hereafter will appear about this time there were many eminent men raised up who were accounted Fathers of the Protestant Church as Zuinglius Occolempadius Melancton and Martin Lather this Martin Luther was a German born and being oppressed with the Popish Idolatry began to preach against the Authority of the Pope and to bring in a reformation of Religion for repressing of whom the Council of Trent was called by Pope Paul the third in the year 1542. which Council continued about forty years to no purpose for they made so many Decrees which caused a great confusion amongst the Papists themselves It is Recorded of Luther that he shined in the Church as a bright Star after a long Cloudy and Obscure Skie he preached expresly that Sins are freely remitted for the love of the Son of God and that we ought faith fully to imbrace this bountiful gift these good beginnings got him great authority especially seeing his life also was correspondent to his profession the consideration whereof took place in the hearts of his Hearers some of which were persons of note these things and his preaching against Indulgences and Pardons sticking in the Pope Stomack he put forth a new Edict wherein he declared this to be the Catholick Doctrine of the holy Mother Church of Rome Prince of all other Churches That Bishops of Rome which are Successors of Peter and Viccars of Christ have this Power and authority given to release and dispence also to grant Indulgences available both for the Living and for the Dead lying in the pains of Purgatory and this Doctrine he charged to be received of all faithful Christian men under pairs of the great Curse and utter Separation from all holy Church Whereupon Luther's Books were condemned as Heretical and the Popes Legat caused them to be burnt which Martin Luther hearing of got a Company together at Wittenberge and making a Fire burnt the Popes Decrees and Bull then lately sent out against him for which the Pope accurst him at Rome afterwards he was sent for by the Emperour to Wormes who though he was much perswaded not to go said As touching me since I am sent for I am resolved and certainly intend to enter Wormes in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and did appear who according to a promise made by the Emperour was safe conducted thither and home again before the Emperour he said I can affirm no other thing but only this that I have taught hitherto in simplicity of mind that which I have though to tend to Gods Glory being asked whether he owned these Books published in his name he said they were his Books but he could not submit his Books to the Judgments of men which he had fortified by the Authority of Scripture unless they could prove by the Scripture the contrary professing that except they could convince him by Testimonies of the Scriptures for he did not believe the Pope nor their general Councils which have erred many times and have contradicted them selves This opposition made by Luther much troubled the Pope especially seeing the Followers of Luther to encrease and therefore he earnestly desired some speedy Remedy against the same and to that end sent to the German Princes to move them thereunto but the German Princes instead of putting the Apostolick sentence in execution against Luther and his Followers exhibited at the Councel of Norenberge 100 Grievances and Oppressions against the Court of Rome as forbidding Marriage to some forbidding Meats times of Marriages restrained and after released again for money selling remission of sins for money the licentious Life of the Priests and their great number of Holy dayes and such like other things which would be too much to Mention This Martin Luther continued notwithstanding all the opposition against him twenty nine year a Preacher and at last dyed in peace in his own Country But there continued great Disputations and Reformations in divers parts of Europe abolishing the Mass and all Images and foolish Ceremonies making Decrees against them that they should be utterly abandoned After the preaching of Luther great Troubles and Persecutions followed in many parts of the World and many Laws and Decrees were made against sech as bore Testimony against the Ignorance and Error of those times whereby many good Christian men were cruelly handled and lamentable it is to read how many poor men were troubled both in Germany France and England some being Racked some Exiled some driven to Caves in Woods and some burnt to death with many other cruel Torments It will be too large to mention every particular that suffered in those dayes for Religion but some of the chief are as followeth In the year 1523. John Esch and Henry Voes two young men for owning the Doctrine of Luther were proceeded against as Hereticks being Examined by the Popes Inquisitors at Lovaine John Esch and Henry Voes Marâyred the greatest thing that they were accused of as error was That men ought to trust only in God inasmuch as men are Lyars and
wont to say that there was no more Miserable kind of Life than to be a Pope About this time William the first King of England years since Christ 1079 took down the Prelates in Temporallities in England for he ordained that they should exercise no Temporal Authority at all but in spirituallities he rather raised them as may be seen by a passage between Aldred Arch-bishop of York and the King for at a time upon the repulse of a certain suit the Arch bishop in great discontentment offered to depart when the King in awe of his displeasure fell down at his Feet desired pardon and promised to grant his Suit The King all this while being down at the Arch-Bishops feet the noble men that were present put him in mind that he should cause the King to rise nay said the Arch-Bishop let him alone let him find what it is to anger Saint Peter and as by this Story we see the insulting pride of a Prelate in those days so by another we may see the equivocating falsehood of a Prelate at that time for Stigand Arch-Bishop of Canterbury would often swear he had not one Penny upon the Earth when under the Earth it was afterward found he had hidden great Treasures About this time William the second King of England claimed the making of Bishops to be his right years since Christ 1098 and forbad Appeals and Enter-course to Rome For Appeals had been seldom used tell Anselm in this Kings raign Appealed to the Pope upon whose complaint the Pope was about to Excommunicate the King but having a little before Excommunicated the Emperor Henry the fourth he forbore at that time to do it least by making Excommunication common he should make it be slighted at this time great Contention arose between the King and Arch-Bishop Anselm and Anselm not yeilding to the King in any Point Perjudicial to the Popes Authority nor the King yeilding to Anselm in any point prejudicial to his own Prerogative the Contention continued long and hot Anselm often threatning his going to Rome the King told him plainly he would not thrust him out of the Realm but if he would go without his leave he would then keep him out during his pleasure and besides he should carry nothing out of the Realm with him yet Anselm ventured it and the King performed it for William Warlswast was sent to riffle him in his passage at Sea of all he had neither was he suffered to return as long as the King lived during all which time the King took all the profits of his Arch-Bishoprick to his own use At this time Henry the first being King of England at his first coming to the Crown he forbore his claim to the investitures of Bishops years since Christ 1112 but after he had been King some time he claimed that both to invest Bishops and to allow or hinder Appeals to Rome belonged to him In these Anselm Arch Bishop of Canterbury who was now returned into England opposed him affirming that both of them belonged to the Pope the contention at last was brought to the Pope to whom King Henry sent William Warlestwast Elect Bishop of Exeter who saying to the Pope that his Master would not for the Crown of his Realm loose the Authority of investing his Prelates The Pope started up and answered neither will I loose the disposing of spritual Promotions in England for the Kings head that wears the Crown before God I avow it so the Contention grew long and hot and many Messengers were sent to and fro about it the Conclusion was that the King should receive homage of the Bishop Elect but should not invest them by Staff and Ring to which the King said nothing for the present but forbore not to do it nevertheless for five years after the death of Anselm Ralph Bishop of Rochester was by the King made Arch-Bishop of Canterbury notwithstanding all the Popes threaânings At this time there being two Popes chosen at one time made a great Schism and Tumult years since Christ 1159 the Emperor to quiet them sent for them to appear before him Alexander being one that was chosen scorns the motion Victor doth appear him therefore the Emperor aids to the City and settles him to be Pope Alexander flyes to France and Venice and requires aid against the Emperor at last the Emperor was fain to submit to the Pope who putting his foot upon the Emperors Neck spake these words Thou shalt walk upon the Adders and Basilicks and shalt tread down the Lyon and Dragon mean while the Emperor speaking to the Pope from under his foot not to thee but to Peter the Pope answers both to me and to Peter Thus the Emperor having subjected himself promising to take Alexander for the true Pope and to restore all that he had taken from Rome departed Henry Emperor is crowned on condition of restoring many things to St Peter pretended by the Pope to have been taken away the Pope holding the Crown between his feet and so the Emperor stoops with his head to take it on the Pope immediately with his foot strikes it off again intimating his power to depose him as well as Crown him the Cardinals taking up the Crown thus kicked of puts it on again years since Christ 1216 About the year 1216. after the death of Habert Arch-Bishop of Canterbury the Moâks of that Covent secretly in the night elected one Reginald their Sub-prior to succeed him and caused him to go to Rome for confirmation but afterward doubting how the King would take it being done without his Knowledge they crave leave of King John to chose a fit man the King is content to allow them the Election but requires himself to have the nomination and thereupon commends unto them John Gray Bishop of Norwich whom he specially favoured and accordingly the Monks Elect him but the matter being afterward referred to the Pope which of these Elections should stand good after many Allegations on both sides the Pope to shew himself indifferent to both disallows them both and nominates a third man one Stephen Langton an English-man a Cardinal the Monks admit him but the King opposes it the Contest grew hot but at first the King gave the Pope as good as he brought for as the Pope threatned the King to Excommunicate him and to interdict the Kingdom so the King threatned the Pope to nullifie his Authority and to banish the Clergy men out of the Realm as the Pope acted as much as he threatned for he interdicted the Kingdom So the King performed as much as he had spoken for he drove the Monks out of the Cloysters yet at last when the Popes Legate came into England he told the King in what great danger he stood first of the King of France by invasion and then of his own Subjects by Rebellion forboth which there was no other help but reconcilement with the Pope this so touched him to the quick that he made him
in their Breast wrought upon their Habit in memorial of the Star that did appear at the time that Christ was born at Bethlchem There was saith the History so many Sects of Monks Fryars and Nuns Balaus in appendice at this time upon a suddain started up in England that the Common-wealth was so oppressed and exhausted by them that it was not able to satisfie their exorbitant and greedy desires The Monks years since Christ 1170 called Praemonstratenses descended down from Heaven as they themselves brag in the Bishopwrick of Lodan at a place which they call Praemonstratum Bruscius Polidor the Author of this order was Northbertus a Priest born in Lorrain who patcht up an order or rule for his New-begotten Monks out of Augustines rule which was afterwards approved and confirmed by Pope Calixtus the second they wear a long white Cloath Coat open before and a Lynnen Surplice over and over that along white Cloak a Corner Cap or Hat when they go abroad of the same colour and underneath all Dublets Breeches Linnen-Shirts Shoes and white Stokins these Monks have Lands and Revenues to maintain themselves and are Rich wheresoever they live this Sect began about the year 1170. and had Abbyes in England but at this time I hope there is not one English man of that Sect. About this time appeared first in England the Order of Crutched-Fryars years since Christ 2244 this order is more Antient then all the former Orders if the Reader will believe them for they say that Clitus Peters Disciple and the third Bishop of Rome after him was warned by an Angel to build for him an House to entertain all those that fled thither for the Christian Religion sake which he with all speed performed so that in a short time many godly men repaired thither and were entertained who for many years after bare a Cross in their hands in memorial of the Death of Christ A thing unlike to be true that Clitus should be warned by a Angel to build an House for a company of lazy Fryars to entertain all those that fled to Rome for the Christian Religion sake whereas the very names of Monks or Fryars was not then or many hundred years after either known or heard of in the Church of God and withal the Persecution was then so great in Rome that the Saints themselves were constrained to forsake the City Matth. West Monast Balaus and therefore it is not creditable that Christians should fly thither for relief Pope Pius commanded these Fryars to wear a Sky-coloured Habit but now this Order wears a Cross of red Cloath or Scarlet fixed to their Habit on their Breast and wear black these Fryars do likewise live by their Lands and Revenues they had a Monastery heretofore at Tower-hill which is now put to a better use being built up into Tenements In the time of Pope Innocent the third the Trinitarian Fryars began to shew themselves to the World one Johannes Matta and one Felix Anchorita who lived a Solitary life in France were warned in their sleep as they report to repair to Rome to the Pope and to seek for a place of him to build a Cloister and this Pope as they say was warned in a Vision to entertain them which he did and ordained that they should wear a white Habit with a red and Sky-coloured Cross wrought on their Breast in the same their charge was to go and gather Money to redeem Christians that were Captives under the Turks and were called Monks of the Redemption of Captives but instead of Redeeming Captives they purchased Lands with the Money they gathered so that the Captives if they had no reward from Christ for suffering for his sake they were like to have no Redemption from these Fryars Bridget of Sweethland being a Widdow did institute an Order of Fryars and Nuns and coming her self to Rome Sebellicus Enne 9. l. 4. Polydor l 7. c. 4. obtained of Pope Urban the fifth a Confirmation of the same Order or Institution that both Sex should live together in one Cloister having a Wall between them and that the Nuns should lie in the uppermost Chambers and the Fryars underneath them The next is the Minorite Fryars they wear a morish-coloured Habit and never eat Flesh Butter or Cheese but feed on the best Fish and Oyle the finest Bread and purest Wine the best Spices Fruit Herbs and Roots that they can buy for their Money they had a Cloister built for them at Barkhamsted in England in the Year 1257. The Mendicant or Begging Fryars do wear a long white Coat of Cloath down to their heels all loose with a Cowle or Hood of the same when they are in their Cloisters but when they go abroad they wear another black Coat over the other with another Cowle both their Coats are then bound close to their Bodies with a broad leather Girdle or Belt which Girdle is a very holy thing if they may be believed for they call it Saint Austins Girdle and many Lame people do wear it for pure devotion sake looking upon it to have some singular Virtue in it this leather Belt is given to none but those that are special good Benefactors and such as pay dearly for it which brings them in no small benefit The next is the Carmelite Fryars their first appearance in the word was in the year 1270. that is Fryars of the Order of the blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel at first they were ordained to wear a party-coloured Habit white and red made in the form of a man the which they then dreamed to be like unto that which Elias did use to wear but afterwards Pope Honorius forbid them to wear that Habit as being not well befitting their Profession and therefore a black long habit and a Cowle was given them and over that a long white Robe or Cloak as best agreeing with Virginity Another sort is the Franciscan or Gray Fryars of whom it is said They would not touch any Money and made a show as if they abstained from all Flesh and did eat nothing but raw Herbs and Roots and did wear Wooden Clogs instead of Shoes railing against other Fryars who Possessed Money and eat Meat wore Shoes and Stokings c. But these did not long persevere in this Austere life but their delight was to fare delitiously and to cram their Guts with the best Dainties There is a sort of these Franciscans called Penitentiarian these wear no Linnen as they say neither Doublet Breeches nor Hose but only a little pair of Linnen Drawers to save their skin from their course habit instead of Shoes they wear wooden Clogs which are under their Feet bound over with Leather Straps their habit is made of a very course Cloath and close before reaching down to their heels with a Cowle close to their head made of the same and also a gray Rope made of hair full of knots instead of a Girdle about
heard a Master of Divinity say That in such case it is all one to touch a Book as to swear by a Book Bishop There is no Master of Divinity in England but if he hold this opinion before me I shall punish him as I shall do thee except thou sware as I shall charge thee Thorp Is not Chrysostom and ententive Doctor Bishop Yea. Thorp If Chrysostom proveth him worthy of great blame that bringeth forth a Book to sware upon it must needs follow that he is more to blame that sweareth on that Book The Clark said lay thine Hand upon the Book touching the holy Gospel of God and take thy charge Thorp I understand that the holy Gospel of God may not be touched with mans Hand It was mentioned before that he was imprisoned by Thomas Arondell Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and it is recorded that he was by the said Bishop at last secretly put to death in the year 1407. John Purvey was imprisoned by Henry Chicheley Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the year 1421. John Purvey Mârty he writ a Book against the Pope wherein he calls him Antichrist and that his censures was like the blast of Lucifer He the said Purvey complained that many before him who had impugned the Romish errorrs had been imprisoned killed and their Books burnt and that none were suffered to preach but such as would swear obedience to the Pope For which he was imprisoned and secretly made away by the aforesaid Bishop In the year 1413. Roger Acton and other Persecuted Roger Acton John Brown John Beverly were persecuted and put to death for their Testimony to the Truth in Giles's in the field together with divers others to the number of thirty six all which were hanged with Fire made under them These godly persons in these dangerous times used to meet in the night in Giles's in the Fields to pray and preach which the Bishops having notice of they informed the King as if they intended to rebel whereupon the King going with many armed men at Midnight took these thirty six and caused them to be executed the number that were assembled was greater but they fled amongst whom was Wil. Murle of Dunstable Maultster who being afterwards apprehended was drawn hanged and burnt within few daies after their Execution Thomas Arundel Arch-bishop was so stricken by God in his tongue that he could neither swallow any food nor speak for diverse daies before his death A Judgment on a Persecutor whereby he died in much misery And this was thought to come upon him for that he so bound the Word of the Lord that it should not be preached in his daies About this time there began to spring forth some light in Bohemia the Bohemians having received some of Wickliffs Books began first to taste and savour Christs Gospel till at length by the preaching of John Hus they encreased more and more in knowledge insomuch that Pope Alexander the fifth hearing thereof began to stir Coals and directed his Bull to the Arch-bishop of Swinco requiring him to look to the matter that no persons should maintain that Doctrine and not long after this John Hus and Jerome of Prague were both condemned and burnt at Constance by the Council held there and yet their blood did not satisfie their Adversaries but they took further counsel for the destruction of these People in the whole Nation for when fifty eight of the cheif Nobles of Bohemia in the Name of all the Commons Anno 1416. had sent letters from Prague to the Council complaining that John Hus their Paster an innocent and holy man and faithful Teacher of the Truth was unjustly condemned the Council instead of answering them wrote Letters to some violent Papists who were in Authority to assist their Legate iâ oppressing the Hereticks and thereupoâââey persecuted them all manner of ways useing great violence towards them insomuch that they raised Tumults and one Zisca a noble man of that Country being sore grieved for the death of John Hus and Jerome of Prague minding to revenge the Injuries which the Council had done greatly to the dishonour of the Kingdom of Behemia upon their Complices and Adherents he gathered together a number of men of War subverted the Monasteries and Idolatrous Temples pulling down and breaking in pieces the Images and Idols driving away the Monks and Priests which he said were kept up in their Cloisters like Swine in their Styes to be fatted when this Zisca died in remembrance of him the Bohemians ingraved over his Tomb in the Greek Language this Epitaph John Zisca a Bohemian Enemy to all wicked and Covetuout Priests but with a godly Zeal Yet still as the Popish party prevailed they exercised all manner of Cruelty upon the poor Servants of Christ till they were utterly suppressed by force many of whom fled into the hilly Country neer to Silesia to inhabit where throwing off all superstitious practices they applyed themselves to the best form that they according to the best of their understandings judged to be nearest to the primitive Christians calling themselves Brethren and Sisters They were branded with the Name of Piccards a Name by which the Waldenses in Piccardy were called The purity that was amongst them much displeased the Devil for he raised a sudden and violent Tempest against them and an Edict was proclaimed threatning death to all that should administer to the Piccards whereupon they were brought into great extremity A second Edict came forth that none of them should be suffered either to live in Bohemia or Moravia hereupon they were dispersed amongst the Woods and Mountains dwelling in Caves where yet they were scarce safe so that they were forced to make no Fire nor dress any meat but in the night time least the smoak should betray them In the cold Winter nights sitting by the Fire they applyed themselves to the reading of the Bible and holy discourses when in the Snow they went abroad to provide them necessaries they went close together and lest their foot-steps should betray them the hindermost of them did draw after him a great bough to cover the prints which their feet had made But to return again to give a futher account of Sufferers in England John Claydon of London Curryer in the year 1415. being examined before Henry Chichly Arch-Bishop of Canturbury upon suspition of Heresie he confessed that for the same cause he had been formerly impââsoned by Robert Braybrock Bishop of London in Conway Prison two years and at another time three years in the Fleet and also that he had several English books that he took delight to hear read to him one of the books was entituled The Lanthorn of Light in which books were contained 1 Speaking or Treating of the Text how the Enemy did sow the Tears there is thus said That wicked Antichrist the Pope hath sowed his Popish and corrupt Decrees which are of no authority strength nor value and that the Bishops Licence for a man
lost the true Faith once delivered to the Saints and instead of being Sufferers which was once the portion of the true Christians were now became Persecutors and Destroyers of such as would not stoop to their Idolatry and to every foolish invention that the Popes from time to time did set up and commanded to be observed It is recorded that in the time of Pope Julius partly with his Wars and partly with his Cursings in the space of seven years about 200000. Christians were destroyed so addicted to Bloodshed was this Pope and as is written surpassed many other Popes in Iniquity that Wicelius wrot thus of him Marti illum quam Christo deditiorem fuisse that is that he was more given to War and Batail then to Christ which made Philip Melancton write an Epigram in Latine upon him the sence of which in English is as followeth When Julius Pope against the French determin'd to make War As fame reports he gathered up great Troops of men from far And to the Bridge of Tyber then marching as he were Wood His holy Keys he took and cast them down into the Flood And afterward into his hand he took a naked Sword And shaking it braks forth into this fierce and warlike word This Sword of Paul quoth he shall now defend us from our Foe Since that this Key of Peter doth nothing avail thereto In the year 1512. there was a fight between Lewis the French King and this Pope Julius at Ravenna upon Easter day where the Pope was vanquished and had of his Army slain to the number of Sixteen thousand and the next year this Apostolical Warriour which had resigned his Keys to the River of Tybris before made an end both of his fighting and living About this time began the reign of Henry the eighth King of England in whose reign great alterations and turns of Religion were wrought by the mighty operation of Gods Hand not only in England but in Germany and other parts of Europe such as had not been seen although much groaned for many hundred years before nevertheless many suffered great Persecutions and Martyrdom in this Kings reign both in England and elsewhere and many good men were raised up to bear witness to the Truth yet some were of opinion that it was not wholy the Kings fault that so much Blood was spilt in his time for the Bishops were the Draco to make the bloody Laws and it was the Bishops that were earnest to see the Laws put in Execution the King oftentimes scarce knowing what was done and but hearing of a Woman that was the second time put upon the Rack exceedingly condemned the party that was the cause of it for using such extreme Cruelty John Brown passing from London in a Gravesend-Barge in which Barge there was a Priest and Brown sate hard by him whereupon the Priest said dost thou know who I am Thou sittest too neer me Brown said no sir I know not who you are I tell thee said he I am a Priest What sir said Brown are you a Parson or a Viccar or a Ladies Chaplain I am said he a Soul Priest and sing for a Soul I pray you sir said Brown where find you the Soul when you go to Mass I know not said the Priest and where do you leave it when you have done Mass I cannot tell said the Priest Brown replyed if you neither know where the Soul is when you begin nor where you leave it when you have done how then do you save a soul Go thy ways said the Priest thou art an Heretick and I will be even with thee And accordingly when they came to Land the Priest taking two others with him that were present in the Boat went and complained to Arch-Bishop Warham who sent a Warrant presently to apprehend Brown and being apprehended the Messenger bound his feet under his horse belly and carried him away to the Arch-Bishop neither his wife nor friends knowing whether he went nor what they would do with him The Bishop cast him into Prison where he lay about six weeks then was carried to Ashford where he dwelt and there set in the flocks all night his wife hearing of it came and set by him all night to whom he shewed how cruelly he had been handled by the Arch-bishop telling her he could not set his feet to the ground for they had burnt them to the bones to make him deny Christ which said he I durst not do lest my Lord Christ should deny me hereafter Therefore good wife continue as thou hast begun and bring up my Children Virtuously and in the Fear of God And so the next day this Godly Martyr was burnt calling upon God and saying into thy hands I commend my Spirit thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of Truth At the fire the n = â Chilton by name Bailiff bid cast in his Children also for said he they will spring out of his Ashes And in Queen Maries time his son Richard Brown was sentenced to be burnt being a Prisoner at Canterbury but that the Queen dying he escaped suffering About this time many suffered very greatly for spaking against Worshipping of Saints against Pilgrimage for having Scripture books in English and a book called Wickliss wicket One of which Sufferers by name Elizabeth Stamford who being brought and examined before Fitz James Bishop of London Anno 1517. confessed that she was taught by one Thomas Beale of Henly these words Eleaven years before viz. That Christ faâdeth and nourisheth his Church with his own pretious Body that is the Bread of Life coming down from Heaven This is said she the Worthy Word that is Worthily received and joyned unto man to be in one body with him so it is that they be both one they may not be parted This is not received by chewing of Teeth but by hearing with Ears and understanding with the Soul and wisely working thereafter and as Paul saith I fear me amongst us Brethren that many of us be feeble and sick therefore my Counsel is Brethren to rise and watch that the great day of Doom come not suddenly upon us as the Thief doth upon the Merchant And she said further that the said Thomas Beale taught her that she should confess her sins to God and that the Popes Pardons and Indulgences were nothing worth John Stillman in the year 1518. was apprehended and brought before the Bishop of London and examined for speaking against Worshipping Praying and Offering unto Images and for saying Wicklifs Wicket was a good book and that when he was apprehended he hid the same in an old oak and did not bring it out to the Bishop he was sent to the Lollards Tower and being afterwards brought openly to the Consistory at Pauls it was further objected against him that he should say the Pope was Antichrist and not the true Successor of Peter or Christs Viccar on Earth and that his Pardons and Indulgences which he granted in the Sacrament
that behalf looking upon Christ the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him abode the Cross and dispised the shame nevertheless though we suffer the wrong after the example of our Master Christ yet we are not bound to suffer the wrong cause for Christ himself suffered it not but reproved him that smote him wrongfully likewise Paul Acts 23. saith we must not suffer the wrong but boldly reprove them that sit as Righteous Judges and act contrary to Righteousness therefore according both to God and mans Law you are not bound to make answer to any cause till your Accusers came before you which if you require and thereon do stick the false Brethren shall be known to the great comfort of those who now stand in doubt who they may trust and also it shall be a means that they shall not craftily by Questions take you in Snares and Acts 20. its written It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man that he should perish before he that is accused have his Accuser before him and have License to answer for himself as pertaining to the Crime whereof he is accused and also Christ said that in the mouth of two or three Witnesses all things shall stand wherefore seeing that in Accusations such Witnesses should be you may with a good Conscience require it and thus the God of Grace settle strengthen and establish you that to him may be the glory and praise for ever This is the Substance of