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A29753 Quakerisme the path-way to paganisme, or, A vieu of the Quakers religion being an examination of the theses and apologie of Robert Barclay, one of their number, published lately in Latine, to discover to the world, what that is, which they hold and owne for the only true Christian religion / by John Brown ... Brown, John, 1610?-1679.; R. M. C. 1678 (1678) Wing B5033; ESTC R10085 718,829 590

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beza_n we_o regard_v not_o his_o repeat_n again_o pag_n 328._o and_o say_v that_o our_o practice_n justify_v papist_n for_o it_o be_v of●en_o answer_v already_o nor_o yet_o his_o say_n that_o we_o be_v more_o mahomet_n then_o christ_n disciple_n &_o be_v not_o the_o follower_n of_o the_o apostle_n doctrine_n 1_o thes._n 5_o 21._o phil._n 3_o 15._o because_o it_o be_v utter_o goundless_a and_o he_o have_v forget_v that_o this_o take_v away_o his_o own_o concession_n as_o to_o church-power_n for_o these_o say_n phil._n 3_o 15_o &_o 1_o thes._n 5_o 21._o will_n as_o much_o condemn_v that_o as_o our_o assertion_n but_o in_o truth_n neither_o as_o one_o with_o half_a a_o eye_n may_v see_v but_o our_o quaker_n have_v put_v out_o both_o his_o eye_n 18._o what_o he_o talk_v afterward_o §_o 6._o pag._n 328.329_o etc._n etc._n of_o their_o wonderful_a patience_n in_o endure_v wrong_n for_o their_o profession_n be_v but_o a_o open_a declaration_n of_o their_o pertinacy_n and_o no_o proof_n of_o their_o be_v martyr_n for_o it_o be_v not_o the_o suffering_n but_o the_o cause_n that_o make_v a_o martyr_n heathen_n and_o pagan_n can_v endure_v as_o much_o for_o their_o idolatry_n and_o devil_n worshipe_n shall_v we_o hence_o infer_v that_o their_o way_n be_v the_o truth_n yet_o i_o must_v confess_v the_o carriage_n of_o the_o quaker_n in_o this_o may_v shame_n christian_n who_o rather_o than_o suffer_v less_o than_o they_o will_v undergo_v will_v shameful_o deny_v the_o truth_n but_o i_o know_v suffer_v for_o the_o name_n of_o christ_n be_v the_o gift_n of_o god_n as_o well_o as_o faith_n and_o in_o some_o respect_n a_o gift_n above_o it_o phil._n 1_o 29._o for_o unto_o you_o it_o be_v give_v in_o the_o behalf_n of_o christ_n not_o only_o to_o believe_v on_o he_o but_o also_o to_o suffer_v for_o his_o sake_n i_o only_o take_v notice_n of_o what_o he_o say_v pag._n 331._o to_o wit_n that_o it_o be_v now_o twenty_o five_o year_n since_o they_o be_v a_o distinct_a and_o separate_a people_n i_o doubt_v it_o be_v so_o long_o since_o he_o adjoin_v himself_o unto_o they_o and_o if_o he_o speak_v of_o the_o whole_a generation_n of_o quaker_n we_o see_v by_o his_o confession_n that_o they_o be_v not_o a_o old_a sack_fw-mi and_o that_o if_o they_o be_v only_a christian_n christianity_n be_v but_o of_o yesterday_o and_o a_o new_a upstart_n opinion_n never_o hear_v of_o in_o the_o world_n before_o yet_o i_o ●ear_v that_o another_o quaker_n write_v an._n 1659._o and_o then_o say_v it_o be_v now_o about_o seven_o year_n since_o the_o lord_n raise_v we_o up_o in_o the_o north_n of_o england_n and_o open_v our_o mouth_n in_o this_o his_o spirit_n see_v the_o mystery_n of_o the_o whore_n epist._n but_o if_o we_o reckon_v back_o from_o the_o year_n 1676._o wherein_n this_o quaker_n apology_n come_v forth_o the_o quaker_n in_o his_o account_n appear_v first_o as_o a_o congregat_v people_n in_o the_o year_n 1651._o that_o be_v fifteen_o year_n late_a than_o the_o other_o account_n but_o it_o may_v be_v he_o will_v say_v that_o as_o that_o english_a quaker_n speak_v of_o the_o first_o rise_v of_o the_o quaker_n in_o the_o north_n of_o england_n so_o he_o speak_v only_o of_o the_o first_o rise_v of_o the_o quaker_n in_o the_o north_n of_o scotland_n and_o i_o shall_v not_o contend_v about_o this_o only_o observe_v according_a to_o the_o old_a proverb_n all_o evil_n come_v out_o of_o the_o north._n i_o see_v however_o their_o seck_fw-mi be_v not_o very_o old_a and_o so_o have_v less_o affinity_n with_o true_a christianity_n than_o they_o suppose_v for_o i_o be_o sure_a christianity_n be_v old_a than_o the_o elder_a of_o their_o seck_fw-mi and_o their_o sack_n be_v but_o new_a paganism_n or_o new_a paganish_a antichristianisme_n chap._n xxix_o of_o war_n 1._o we_o be_v now_o advance_v unto_o his_o last_o thesis_n in_o vindication_n whereof_o he_o handle_v several_a distinct_a thing_n which_o we_o must_v speak_v to_o several_o and_o shall_v begin_v with_o what_o he_o speak_v to_o in_o the_o last_o place_n because_o of_o its_o affinity_n with_o what_o be_v last_o speak_v to_o concern_v the_o power_n of_o the_o magistrate_n he_o as_o we_o hear_v deny_v power_n to_o the_o magistrate_n to_o punish_v heretic_n and_o seducer_n and_o though_o there_o he_o grant_v that_o the_o magistrate_n have_v power_n to_o judge_v in_o civil_a matter_n and_o to_o punish_v such_o as_o wrong_v their_o neighbour_n in_o life_n or_o good_n or_o do_v any_o thing_n hurtful_a unto_o humane_a society_n yet_o here_o he_o condemn_v all_o war_n join_v with_o anabaptist_n and_o socinian_o of_o late_a and_o with_o the_o marcionite_n and_o tertullianist_n of_o old_a and_o thus_o as_o their_o doctrine_n and_o principle_n tend_v to_o destroy_v christianity_n as_o have_v be_v abundant_o show_v so_o in_o this_o they_o will_v destroy_v all_o commonwealth_n and_o in_o a_o manner_n destroy_v the_o very_a office_n and_o use_n of_o magistracy_n and_o whether_o their_o intent_n in_o this_o may_v be_v to_o obtain_v the_o full_a freedom_n and_o liberty_n to_o rage_n over_o all_o according_a to_o their_o own_o mind_n i_o leave_v to_o themselves_o to_o judge_v this_o however_o be_v not_o our_o that_o though_o the_o anabaptiste_n cry_v out_o likewise_o against_o magistrate_n who_o be_v christian_n their_o use_v the_o power_n of_o the_o sword_n as_o incompatible_a with_o christianity_n yet_o no_o person_n do_v more_o cruel_o and_o barbarous_o use_v the_o power_n of_o the_o sword_n than_o they_o when_o they_o gote_v it_o once_o into_o their_o own_o hand_n i_o do_v not_o find_v this_o man_n with_o anabaptist_n deny_v that_o christian_n may_v be_v magistrate_n but_o both_o with_o they_o and_o with_o socinian_o he_o will_v take_v from_o they_o the_o use_n of_o the_o sword_n which_o they_o be_v to_o bear_v and_o that_o not_o in_o vain_a but_o to_o execute_v wrath_n upon_o he_o that_o do_v evil_a rom._n 13_o 4._o and_o though_o he_o speak_v particular_o against_o war_n yet_o when_o he_o add_v no_o limitation_n or_o restriction_n but_o oppose_v himself_o to_o all_o kind_n of_o war_n without_o any_o difference_n he_o take_v away_o in_o effect_n the_o power_n of_o the_o sword_n as_o his_o argument_n will_v clear_v and_o when_o the_o sword_n be_v take_v from_o the_o magistrate_n the_o magistrate_n be_v make_v no_o magistrate_n and_o thus_o magistracy_n be_v destroy_v but_o it_o may_v be_v he_o mean_v with_o socinian_o that_o magistrate_n may_v not_o shed_v blood_n how_o ever_o they_o may_v punish_v malefactor_n see_v socin_n epist._n 6._o ad_fw-la val._n smalcium_n and_o this_o will_v be_v acceptable_a doctrine_n to_o murderer_n parricide_n sodomite_n etc._n etc._n but_o i_o will_v suppose_v the_o sword_n import_v blood_n 2._o i_o shall_v willing_o grant_v that_o in_o nothing_o more_o than_o in_o war_n be_v the_o fruit_n of_o man_n rebellion_n against_o the_o lord_n to_o be_v see_v man_n appear_v against_o other_o as_o so_o many_o ravenous_a beast_n wolf_n tiger_n and_o lion_n tear_v devour_a and_o destroy_v one_o another_o when_o they_o know_v little_a wherefore_o i_o shall_v also_o grant_v that_o it_o be_v a_o most_o desirable_a sight_n to_o see_v that_o prophecy_n esai_n 11_o 6_o 7_o 8_o 9_o fulfil_v and_o all_o the_o professoures_n at_o least_o of_o the_o name_n of_o christ_n live_v together_o as_o brethren_n but_o while_o matter_n thus_o stand_v as_o they_o do_v this_o day_n in_o the_o world_n to_o deny_v the_o lawfulness_n of_o war_n even_o in_o self_n defence_n so_o that_o a_o traveler_n may_v not_o defend_v himself_o from_o robber_n nor_o merchant_n from_o pirate_n nor_o a_o magistrate_n defend_v his_o land_n and_o subject_n from_o the_o invasion_n of_o turk_n and_o pagan_n i_o think_v be_v so_o far_o from_o be_v a_o medium_n to_o prevent_v the_o effusion_n of_o blood_n and_o to_o procure_v peace_n and_o tranquillity_n that_o on_o the_o contrary_a it_o shall_v prove_v the_o strong_a encouragement_n imaginable_a unto_o bloody_a enemy_n to_o prosecute_v their_o bloody_a design_n and_o shed_v the_o blood_n of_o innocent_n like_o water_n for_o there_o be_v no_o such_o encouragement_n as_o this_o be_v to_o know_v and_o be_v assure_v of_o no_o resistance_n for_o such_o bird_n of_o prey_n as_o delight_v in_o rapine_n and_o violence_n yet_o this_o bloody_a design_n for_o i_o can_v call_v it_o no_o other_o thing_n let_v man_n cover_v it_o over_o with_o what_o pretext_n they_o will_v seem_v to_o i_o suitable_a enough_o to_o the_o genius_n and_o doctrine_n of_o these_o quaker_n who_o so_o far_o as_o i_o can_v discern_v drive_v at_o nothing_o else_o than_o the_o reduce_v of_o we_o to_o paganism_n and_o by_o this_o mean_n of_o disarm_v all_o christian_n by_o persuade_v they_o that_o it_o be_v not_o lawful_a to_o defend_v themselves_o by_o
perceive_v the_o truth_n of_o the_o most_o clear_a mathematic_a demonstration_n can_v he_o do_v the_o like_a as_o to_o his_o sensation_n 35._o the_o part_a argument_n which_o he_o seat_v down_o in_o the_o last_o paragraph_n be_v sufficient_a so_o he_o think_v to_o end_v the_o whole_a debate_n thus_o he_o frame_v it_o that_o unto_o which_o all_o professor_n of_o christianity_n of_o whatsoever_o kind_n do_v at_o last_o recurre_v and_o because_o of_o which_o all_o other_o ground_n be_v commend_v and_o account_v worthy_a to_o be_v believe_v must_v of_o necessity_n be_v the_o only_o most_o certane_v and_o immovable_a ground_n of_o all_o christian_a faith_n but_o the_o inward_a immediate_a objective_a revelation_n of_o the_o spirit_n be_v that_o therefore_o etc._n etc._n now_o not_o to_o carp_v at_o the_o eccentrickness_n of_o this_o conclusion_n for_o many_o such_o thing_n must_v be_v pass_v over_o this_o confirmation_n of_o the_o minor_a as_o to_o protestant_n with_o who_o he_o very_o charitable_o join_v socinian_n who_o i_o can_v account_v christian_n notwihstand_v of_o all_o the_o agreement_n betwixt_o he_o and_o they_o destroy_v the_o whole_a argument_n and_o render_v it_o useless_a as_o to_o his_o purpose_n and_o so_o conclude_v only_o his_o folly_n and_o ignorance_n if_o we_o inquire_v say_v he_o at_o they_o why_o they_o take_v the_o scripture_n for_o a_o rule_n they_o answer_v because_o in_o they_o be_v declare_v the_o will_n of_o god_n which_o be_v reveal_v immediate_o and_o objective_o by_o the_o spirit_n unto_o holy_a man_n can_v any_o man_n of_o common_a sense_n infer_v hence_o that_o protestant_n be_v for_o the_o uncertanty_n of_o all_o objective_n and_o immediate_a revelation_n even_o of_o that_o which_o holy_a man_n of_o god_n have_v when_o act_v by_o the_o infallible_a spirit_n to_o pen_n scripture_n as_o he_o insinuate_v in_o the_o follow_a word_n or_o can_v any_o man_n of_o common_a judgement_n see_v what_o this_o concession_n and_o necessary_a foundation_n of_o protestant_n can_v make_v for_o the_o false_o pretend_a immediat_n and_o objective_a revelation_n which_o quaker_n boast_v off_o nay_o do_v not_o protestant_n their_n owne_v of_o this_o solid_a and_o immovable_a foundation_n sufficient_o warrant_v their_o reject_v of_o his_o delusion_n yea_o and_o necessitate_v they_o thereunto_o if_o they_o will_v be_v true_a to_o their_o principle_n 36._o as_o for_o his_o monitory_a conclusion_n in_o the_o end_n of_o his_o vindication_n of_o this_o his_o second_o thesis_n wherein_o he_o give_v we_o a_o full_a foretaste_n of_o his_o pelagianism_n because_o we_o will_v have_v occasion_n sufficient_a to_o speak_v to_o this_o matter_n afterward_o we_o need_v only_o tell_v the_o reader_n what_o he_o say_v here_o his_o discourse_n in_o short_a be_v this_o if_o any_o man_n will_v assent_v to_o what_o he_o have_v say_v of_o divine_a revelation_n though_o at_o present_a he_o be_v a_o stranger_n to_o they_o himself_o yet_o he_o must_v know_v that_o this_o be_v the_o common_a privilege_n of_o all_o christian_n and_o at_o length_n shall_v come_v to_o know_v this_o secret_a light_n enlight_v his_o heart_n etc._n etc._n and_o when_o by_o relinquish_a of_o sin_n this_o divine_a voice_n in_o the_o heart_n shall_v become_v more_o know_v then_o shall_v he_o feel_v that_o as_o the_o old_a natural_a man_n be_v put_v off_o the_o new_a man_n and_o spiritual_a birth_n shall_v arise_v and_o this_o new_a birth_n have_v spiritual_a sense_n can_v discern_v the_o thing_n of_o the_o spirit_n and_o understand_v the_o mystery_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n and_o therefore_o let_v every_o man_n attend_v to_o this_o spirit_n in_o the_o little_a revelation_n of_o that_o pure_a light_n which_o at_o first_o reveal_v thing_n more_o notoure_n and_o afterward_o as_o he_o be_v fit_v he_o shall_v receive_v more_o and_o more_o and_o be_v in_o case_n at_o length_n by_o quick_a experience_n to_o refute_v they_o who_o shall_v inquire_v what_o way_n he_o know_v that_o he_o be_v lead_v by_o the_o spirit_n that_o be_v in_o short_a if_o one_o will_v firm_o believe_v that_o nature_n dim_a light_n be_v the_o spirit_n of_o god_n and_o the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o he_o and_o in_o the_o faith_n of_o this_o give_v up_o himself_o to_o the_o teach_n thereof_o and_o thereby_o shun_v outward_a act_n of_o sin_n and_o put_v on_o a_o form_n of_o godliness_n and_o more_o and_o more_o give_v up_o himself_o to_o this_o delusion_n he_o shall_v at_o length_n arrive_v at_o this_o perfection_n that_o he_o may_v burn_v the_o bible_n and_o with_o confidence_n assert_v that_o he_o be_v act_v by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n let_v scripture_n and_o common_a sense_n say_v to_o the_o contrary_n what_o they_o will_n what_o a_o extract_n of_o pelagianism_n enthusiasm_n and_o dreadful_a delusion_n be_v here_o every_o know_a person_n may_v see_v chap._n iu._n of_o the_o scripture_n 1._o his_o three_o thesis_n which_o i_o find_v in_o some_o thing_n alter_v and_o more_o clear_o express_v in_o the_o second_o edition_n set_v down_o in_o the_o apology_n than_o be_v in_o the_o single_a sheet_n contain_v his_o judgement_n of_o the_o scripture_n come_v now_o to_o be_v examine_v the_o scripture_n be_v own_v by_o we_o as_o a_o sure_a rule_n whereby_o we_o shall_v try_v the_o spirit_n and_o they_o give_v such_o clear_a and_o manifest_a testimony_n against_o the_o delusion_n and_o bold_a assertion_n of_o the_o quaker_n and_o afford_v we_o full_a and_o sufficient_a ground_n whereupon_o to_o reject_v their_o doctrine_n and_o to_o look_v upon_o they_o as_o impostor_n it_o be_v little_a wonder_n that_o we_o hear_v they_o speak_v so_o base_o of_o these_o scripture_n of_o truth_n as_o we_o do_v mr_n stalham_n in_o his_o reviler_n rebuke_v pag._n 1._o tell_v we_o that_o a_o quaker_n deny_v to_o his_o face_n the_o scripture_n to_o be_v the_o word_n of_o truth_n or_o at_o least_o not_o to_o all_o not_o to_o wicked_a man_n and_o unbeliever_n no_o not_o condemning_o he_o tell_v we_o also_o pag._n 4._o that_o some_o say_v to_o he_o that_o the_o scripture_n be_v not_o the_o word_n of_o truth_n but_o the_o witness_n of_o god_n power_n as_o if_o that_o can_v be_v the_o true_a witness_n of_o god_n power_n which_o be_v not_o true_a nor_o the_o word_n of_o truth_n he_o tell_v we_o also_o pag._n 18._o sect_n 2._o that_o francis_n howgil_n say_v the_o scripture_n be_v other_o man_n word_n that_o speak_v they_o free_o and_o pag._n 20._o that_o richard_n farnworth_n call_v they_o in_o a_o way_n of_o disparagement_n a_o print_a bible_n so_o pag._n 23._o sect_n 3._o that_o john_n lawson_n say_v we_o have_v nothing_o to_o try_v man_n by_o but_o the_o letter_n the_o bible_n or_o write_v word_n which_o be_v natural_a and_o carnal_a so_o pag._n 244._o he_o tell_v we_o that_o some_o of_o they_o in_o a_o book_n call_v a_o paper_z send_v into_o the_o world_n pag_n 2._o have_v these_o word_n they_o be_v such_o teacher_n as_o tell_v people_n that_o matthew_n mark_n luk_n and_o john_n be_v the_o gospel_n which_o be_v but_o the_o letter_n we_o therefore_o do_v deny_v they_o and_o pag._n 250._o he_o cit_v these_o word_n out_o of_o tho._n lawsons_n book_n call_v a_o untaught_a teacher_n pag._n 2._o to_o say_v that_o the_o word_n of_o truth_n be_v call_v the_o scripture_n or_o that_o the_o scripture_n be_v call_v the_o word_n of_o truth_n that_o be_v a_o lie_n if_o this_o man_n do_v not_o approve_v of_o these_o and_o the_o like_a expression_n of_o those_o call_v quaker_n he_o be_v concern_v to_o give_v testimony_n against_o they_o and_o that_o direct_o that_o the_o world_n may_v bear_v witness_n of_o his_o honesty_n but_o we_o know_v what_o account_v the_o old_a &_o n._n england_n libertine_n david_n george_n and_o the_o familist_n with_o who_o this_o man_n and_o the_o rest_n agree_v too_o well_o make_v of_o the_o scripture_n 2._o it_o be_v common_o affirm_v by_o the_o quaker_n that_o the_o scripture_n be_v not_o the_o word_n of_o god_n or_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v so_o call_v so_o fox_n and_o hubberthorn_n cite_v by_o mr_n hicks_n in_o his_o first_o dialogue_n pag._n 17._o where_o he_o tell_v we_o also_o that_o nailor_n in_o his_o answer_n to_o the_o jew_n p._n 22._o say_v that_o it_o be_v the_o devil_n that_o contend_v for_o the_o scripture_n to_o be_v the_o word_n of_o god_n and_o that_o this_o be_v their_o common_a assertion_n and_o that_o main_o upon_o this_o ground_n that_o christ_n be_v call_v the_o word_n of_o god_n d._n owen_n also_o witness_v this_o in_o his_o exercit_fw-la apol._n pro._n s._n script●r_n adv_n fanaticos_fw-la exerc._n 1_o sect._n 3._o which_o be_v no_o new_a thing_n for_o fanatic_n to_o allege_v for_o i_o find_v that_o it_o be_v one_o of_o swenckfeldius_n heterodoxy_n de_fw-fr sacris_fw-la libris_fw-la p._n 27_o 28._o and_o that_o upon_o the_o same_o