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england_n world_n write_v year_n 249 4 4.2508 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22076 The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe lately martyred in Smythfelde, by the Romysh popes vpholders, with the elucydacyon of Iohan Bale. Askew, Anne, 1521-1546.; Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1546 (1546) STC 848; ESTC S100286 39,105 120

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invyncyblenesse_n of_o faith_n and_o not_o in_o my_o racle_n and_o wonder_n as_o those_o waver_a wit_n suppose_v 1._o joan._n 5._o right_o wonderfullye_o will_v this_o apere_fw-la in_o the_o ij_o mighty_a conflycte_n here_o after_o askewe_n follow_v which_o the_o faithful_a servant_n of_o jesu_n anew_o askewe_n a_o gentylwoman_n very_o young_a dainty_a and_o tender_a have_v with_o that_o outrage_a synagoge_n in_o her_o ij_o examynacyon_n about_o the_o twenty-five_o year_n of_o her_o age_n who_o she_o send_v abroad_o by_o her_o own_o hand_n write_v the_o handelynge_v of_o she_o other_o iij._o companion_n shall_v be_v show_v in_o other_o several_a treatyse_n at_o layser_n for_o the_o glory_n and_o great_a power_n of_o the_o power_n lord_n so_o many_o festlye_o apere_v in_o his_o elect_a vessel_n may_v not_o now_o perish_v at_o all_o hand_n &_o be_v unthankefullye_o neglect_v but_o be_v spread_v the_o world_n over_o as_o we_o will_v in_o latin_a as_o english_a to_o the_o perpetual_a in_o famye_n of_o so_o will_v ful_o cruel_a and_o spite_n full_a tyrant_n nothing_o at_o all_o shall_v it_o terryfye_v we_o nor_o yet_o in_o any_o point_n let_v we_o of_o our_o purpose_n that_o our_o book_n be_v now_o in_o england_n condemn_v and_o burn_v by_o the_o byshoppe_n and_o preste_n with_o their_o dempn_v frantyck_a affynyte_n the_o great_a antichristes_n upholder_n which_o seek_v by_o all_o practyse_n possible_a to_o turn_v over_o the_o king_n most_o no_o ble_a and_o godly_a enterprise_n but_o it_o will_v from_o hen_n forth_o occasyon_n we_o to_o set_v four_o in_o the_o latin_a also_o that_o afore_o we_o write_v only_o in_o the_o english_a and_o so_o make_v latyne_n their_o spirytuall_a wyckednesse_n and_o treason_n know_v moche_n far_o of_o what_o avayl_v it_o joakim_n to_o burn_v bieremye_n proyhecye_v by_o the_o ungracyouse_a counsel_n of_o his_o prelate_n heir_n 36._o either_o yet_o a_o tiochus_fw-la to_o set_a fire_n on_o the_o other_o scripture_n 1._o macha_n 1._o after_o the_o apostle_n be_v bring_v afo_fw-la know_v re_fw-mi the_o counsel_n and_o strayghilye_o command_v to_o cease_v from_o preaching_n they_o preach_v moche_n more_o than_o afore_o acto_fw-la 4._o in_o most_o terryble_a persecucyon_n of_o the_o pryma_fw-la tyve_a church_n be_v the_o examynacyon_n &_o answer_n torment_n and_o death_n of_o the_o constant_a martyr_n write_v and_o send_v a_o broad_a all_o the_o whole_a world_n over_o as_o testyfy_v eusebius_n cesariensis_n in_o his_o ecclesyastyck_a history_n their_o copy_n habounde_v yet_o everye_o where_n great_a slaugh_v ter_z &_o burn_v have_v be_v here_o in_o england_n for_o johan_n wycleve_v book_n ever_o book_n since_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n m._n ccc_o lxxxii_o yet_o have_v not_o one_o of_o they_o thorough_o perysh_v i_o have_v at_o this_o hour_n the_o title_n of_o a_o c._n and_o xliiii_o of_o they_o which_o be_v many_o more_o in_o nombre_fw-fr for_o some_o of_o they_o undre_fw-fr one_o title_n come_v prehend_v two_o book_n some_o iij._o some_o iiij_o yea_o one_o of_o they_o contain_v xij_o i_o think_v not_o the_o contrary_n but_o ere_o the_o world_n be_v at_o a_o full_a end_n god_n will_v so_o gloryfye_v that_o twenty_o time_n condemn_v heretyke_a canonyse_n execrated_a curse_a spyt_v and_o spit_v lead_v at_o that_o all_o your_o popysh_a writer_n before_o his_o time_n and_o after_o will_v be_v reckon_v but_o vile_a swynehearde_n to_o he_o for_o the_o good_a faver_n he_o bear_v to_o christ_n holy_a gospel_n a_o very_a madness_n be_v it_o to_o stryve_v against_o god_n when_o he_o will_v have_v the_o lon_n ge_fw-mi hide_v inyquytee_n know_v as_o the_o godly_a wise_a man_n gamaliel_n say_v acto_fw-la 5._o if_o this_o enterprise_n that_o be_v now_o take_v gamaliel_fw-fr against_o you_o be_v of_o god_n you_o shall_v never_o be_v able_a with_o all_o your_o tyrannouse_a practyse_n to_o dyssolue_v it_o now_o concern_v that_o bless_a woman_n anne_n askewe_n which_o latelye_a suffer_v the_o tyranny_n of_o this_o world_n for_o right_a kewe_n wisnesse_n sake_n in_o lyncolne_n shire_n be_v she_o bear_v of_o a_o very_a ancient_a and_o noble_a stock_n sir_n william_n askewe_n a_o worthy_a knight_n be_v her_o father_n but_o no_o worthiness_n in_o the_o flesh_n neither_o yet_o any_o worldly_a nobleness_n anayl_v to_o god_n ward_n afore_o who_o be_v no_o acceptacyon_n of_o person_n actorum_fw-la 10._o only_o be_v it_o faith_n with_o his_o true_a love_n and_o fear_n which_o bylyte_n make_v we_o the_o accept_v noble_a and_o worthy_a child_n unto_o god_n joan._n 1._o whereof_o by_o his_o gift_n she_o have_v wonderful_a habundaunce_n soch_v a_o win_v be_v she_o as_o be_v lydia_n the_o purple_a cellar_n who_o har_z lydia_n te_o the_o lord_n open_v by_o the_o godly_a pray_fw-mi ching_n of_o paul_n at_o thyatira_n acto_fw-la 16._o for_o dylygent_a heed_n give_v she_o to_o his_o wor_n the_o when_o it_o be_v once_o teach_v without_o sum_z perstycyon_n &_o will_v not_o longar_n be_v a_o false_a worshypper_n orydolatour_n after_o the_o wycfed_a school_n of_o antichrist_n but_o become_v from_o thensfourth_o a_o true_a worshypper_n worship_n ping_v her_o lord_n god_n which_o be_v a_o spirit_n &_o not_o bread_n in_o spirit_n &_o in_o veryte_n accord_v to_o that_o word_n of_o he_o joan._n 4._o the_o gospel_n of_o christ_n bear_v she_o in_o her_o heart_n asd_v the_o holy_a maid_n cecilia_n &_o never_o after_o cease_v from_o the_o stodye_n thereof_o nor_o from_o ceciliae_fw-la godly_a communycacyon_n &_o prayer_n till_o she_o be_v clerlye_o by_o most_o cruel_a torment_n ta_o ken_n from_o this_o wretched_a world_n by_o she_o do_v there_o dear_a frynde_n in_o the_o lord_n as_o dead_a the_o faithful_a brother_n in_o france_n at_o the_o city_n of_o lion_n and_o vienna_n by_o a_o like_a faithful_a young_a woman_n call_v blandina_fw-la which_o be_v there_o put_v to_o death_n with_o in_o mighty_a bladina_fw-la companion_n more_o among_o other_o as_o this_o be_v for_o her_o christian_a believe_v about_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n c._n and_o lxx_o in_o the_o prymatyve_a spring_v of_o their_o christyanyte_n they_o write_v unto_o their_o brother_n in_o the_o land_n of_o asia_n &_o phrygia_n very_o far_o of_o her_o mighty_a strong_a suff_v rynge_n for_o christ_n faith_n which_o they_o kne_v we_o nothing_o of_o afore_o i_o write_v here_o unto_o in_o england_n the_o double_a process_n of_o thy●_n noble_a woman_n whereof_o you_o be_v not_o ignorant_a for_o so_o moche_n as_o it_o be_v there_o so_o manyfestlye_o do_v among_o you_o couple_v i_o askewe_n have_v these_o ij_o example_n together_o bycau_fw-mi se_fw-mi i_o find_v they_o in_o so_o many_o point_n agree_v blandina_fw-la be_v young_a and_o tender_a so_o be_v anne_n askewe_n also_o but_o that_o which_o be_v frail_a of_o nature_n in_o they_o both_o christ_n make_v most_o strong_a by_o his_o grace_n blandina_fw-la have_v iij._n earnest_a companion_n in_o christ_n maturus_n sancte_n and_o attalus_n companion_n so_o feruentlye_o faithful_a as_o herself_o so_o have_v anne_n askewe_n iij._n fire_n fellawe_n a_o gentylman_n call_v johan_n lassel_v her_o instructor_n a_o pres●e_n and_o a_o tailor_n call_v johan_n adlam_n man_n in_o christ_n veryte_n unto_o the_o end_n most_o constant_a with_o blan_n dina_fw-la be_v in_o preson_z to_o the_o nombre_fw-fr of_o x._o recanters_n which_o reny_v the_o truth_n and_o be_v clerelye_o forsake_v of_o god_n for_o it_o howmanye_n fall_v from_o christ_n besides_o crome_n and_o shaxton_n when_o anne_n askewe_n stand_v fast_o by_o he_o i_o be_o uncerteyne_a but_o i_o counsel_v they_o as_o saint_n johan_n counsel_v the_o laodycyanes_n in_o the_o miserable_a estate_n gold_n they_o be_v now_o in_o to_o buy_v they_o through_o try_a gold_n of_o christ_n lest_o they_o perish_v all_o together_o apoca._n 3_o if_o they_o have_v not_o still_o remain_v in_o that_o chancel_n who_o christ_n command_v johan_n in_o no_o wise_n to_o measure_n apoca._n 11._o they_o have_v chancel_n never_o so_o shameful_o blaspheme_v like_o as_o bedas_n also_o touch_v in_o his_o former_a propheeye_n prompt_a be_v blandina_fw-la and_o of_o most_o justye_a courage_n in_o render_v her_o life_n for_o the_o lyberte_fw-fr of_o her_o faith_n no_o less_o lyvelye_a corage_n and_o quick_a be_v anne_n askewe_n in_o all_o her_o enprysonynge_n and_o torment_n great_a be_v the_o love_n blandina_fw-la have_v to_o christ._n no_o less_o be_v the_o love_n of_o anne_n askewe_n blandina_fw-la never_n faint_v in_o torment_n no_o rack_v more_o dead_a anne_n askewe_n in_o spirit_n when_o she_o be_v so_o terryble_o rack_v of_o wrysleye_a the_o chaunceller_n and_o rich_a that_o the_o stryn_v ge_n of_o her_o arm_n and_o eye_n be_v perysh_v blandina_fw-la deryde_v the_o cruelty_n of_o the_o tyrant_n so_o dead_a anne_n askewe_n the_o mad_a nesse_n of_o the_o byshoppe_n and_o their_o speech_n man_n read_v burning_a plate_n of_o iron_n and_o of_o brass_n have_v
the_o first_o examinacyon_n of_o anne_n askewe_n latelye_a martyr_v in_o ginythfelde_n by_o the_o romish_a pope_n upholder_n with_o the_o elucydacyon_n of_o johan_n bale_n psalm_n 116._o the_o veryte_n of_o the_o lord_n endure_v for_o ever_o anne_n astewe_n stand_v 〈…〉_o god_n to_o the_o 〈◊〉_d johan_n bale_n to_o the_o christian_a reader_n among_o other_o most_o syngular_a office_n dylygent_a reader_n which_o the_o lord_n have_v appoint_v to_o be_v do_v in_o the_o earnest_a spirit_n of_o belyas_n by_o the_o foreron_fw-mi ner_z of_o his_o lastre_n aperaunce_n this_o be_v one_o very_o specyall_a to_o be_v note_v they_o shall_v turn_v the_o heart_n of_o their_o anncyent_a elder_n into_o the_o child_n mala._n 4._o and_o the_o unbe_n jever_v of_o their_o time_n to_o the_o wysdome_n of_o those_o ryghrouse_a father_n as_o dead_a johan_n baptyst_n afore_o his_o first_o come_n luce_n 1_o that_o be_v say_v bedas_n ca._n 68_o de_fw-la temporum_fw-la ▪_o ratione_fw-la the_o faith_n and_o fervent_a zele_n of_o the_o prophet_n and_o vpostle_n shall_v they_o plant_v in_o their_o heart_n which_o shall_v in_o though_o se_fw-la day_n line_n and_o be_v among_o man_n conver_n saunt_z &_o than_o will_v break_v four_o say_v he_o as_o a_o very_a true_a prophet_n soche_v horryble_a persecucyon_n as_o will_v first_o of_o all_o take_v from_o the_o world_n those_o mighty_a heliase_n by_o tryumphaunt_n martyrdom_n to_o the_o terryfyenge_a of_o other_o in_o the_o same_o faith_n of_o who_o some_o shall_v become_v through_o that_o occasyon_n most_o gloryouse_a martyr_n unto_o sort_n christ_n also_o &_o some_o very_a wicked_a aposta_fw-la tes_z for_o sake_v his_o lyvelye_a doctrine_n for_o by_o the_o seyd_a bedas_n testymonye_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o same_o chaptre_n two_o most_o certain_a sign_n shall_v we_o than_o have_v that_o the_o lattre_fw-fr judgement_n day_n be_v at_o hand_n the_o return_n of_o israel_n remnant_n unto_o their_o lord_n god_n and_o the_o horryble_a persecucyon_n of_o antichrist_n sign_n confer_v with_o this_o treat_v scripture_n and_o former_a prophesy_v of_o that_o virtuous_a man_n bedas_n the_o world_n alteracyon_n now_o with_o the_o terryble_n turmoylyng●s_v of_o our_o tyme._n and_o as_o in_o a_o most_o clear_a mirror_n you_o shall_v well_o perceyve_v they_o at_o this_o present_a to_o be_v in_o most_o quick_a work_n and_o as_o concerning_a the_o israelyte_n or_o israelyte_n jew_n i_o have_v both_o scene_n and_o know_v of_o they_o in_o germanye_n most_o faithful_a christian_a believer_n neither_o be_v it_o in_o the_o prophesy_v osee_n 3_o that_o they_o shall_v at_o that_o day_n be_v all_o convert_v no_o more_o than_o they_o be_v at_o johan_n baptystes_n preaching_n luce_n 1_o for_o as_o esaye_n report_v though_o the_o posteryte_n of_o jacob_n be_v as_o the_o see_v sand_n innumerable_a yet_o shall_v but_o a_o remnant_n of_o they_o convert_v than_o unto_o their_o lord_n god_n esaie_n 10._o and_o though_o the_o lord_n have_v sift_v that_o house_n of_o israel_n as_o brouse_v corn_n in_o a_o syffe_n among_o all_o other_o nacyon_n amos_n 9_o yet_o shall_v not_o that_o remnant_n of_o they_o perish_v but_o at_o that_o day_n be_v save_v through_o the_o only_o eleccyon_n of_o preacher_n grace_n romano_n 11._o now_o concern_v the_o afore_o seyd_v foreronner_n in_o this_o most_o wonderful_a change_n of_o the_o world_n before_o the_o lattre_fw-fr end_n thereof_o i_o think_v within_o this_o realm_n of_o england_n besides_o other_o barnes_n nacyon_n abroad_o the_o spirit_n of_o belyas_n be_v not_o all_o a_o sleep_v in_o good_a william_n tyndale_n robert_n barnes_n &_o soche_v other_o more_o who_o antichristes_n violence_n have_v send_v hen_n in_o fire_n to_o heaven_n as_o belyas_n go_v afore_o in_o the_o frerye_a charett_n 4._o regum_fw-la 2._o these_o turn_v the_o heart_n of_o the_o father_n into_o the_o child_n soche_n time_n as_o they_o take_v from_o a_o great_a nombre_fw-fr of_o our_o nacyon_n by_o their_o godly_a preachynge_n and_o writynge_n the_o corrupt_a believe_v of_o the_o pope_n &_o his_o mastrye_n worker_n which_o be_v no_o father_n but_o cruel_a robber_n &_o the_o stroyer_n joan_n 10._o reduce_v they_o again_o to_o the_o true_a faith_n of_o abraham_n and_o peter_n gene._n 15._o and_o math._n 16._o the_o pure_a believe_v in_o christ_n birth_n and_o passion_n wh●ch_n adam_n and_o no_n suck_v out_o of_o the_o father_n first_o promise_n of_o god_n jacob_n and_o moses_n out_o of_o the_o second_o david_n and_o the_o prophet_n out_o of_o the_o third_o and_o so_o four_o the_o apostle_n and_o father_n out_o of_o the_o other_o scripture_n so_o firmelye_o plant_v they_o in_o the_o conscience_n of_o many_o that_o no_o cruel_a kind_n of_o death_n can_v averte_v they_o from_o it_o as_o we_o have_v for_o example_n their_o constant_a dyscyple_n and_o now_o strong_a witness_n of_o jesus_n christ_n johan_n lassels_n and_o anne_n askewe_n with_o their_o other_o ij_o come_v martyr_n panyon_n very_o gloryouse_a martyr_n afore_o god_n what_o though_o they_o be_v not_o so_o afore_o the_o wrong_n judge_a eye_n of_o the_o world_n who_o the_o bloudye_a remnant_n of_o antichrist_n put_v unto_o most_o cruel_a death_n in_o smythfelde_n at_o london_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n m._n d._n xlvi_o in_o julye_o if_o they_o be_v only_o as_o be_v johan_n bapty_v great_a afore_o the_o lord_n by_o the_o holy_a scripture_n allowance_n which_o be_v strongelye_o adourn_v with_o the_o grace_n of_o his_o spirit_n as_o faith_n force_n understand_v wysdome_n pacyence_n love_n long_a susseraun_n ce_fw-fr and_o soche_v like_a i_o dare_v boldelye_o affirm_v these_o 4._o mighty_a witness_n also_o to_o be_v the_o same_o so_o well_o as_o the_o martyr_n of_o the_o prymatyve_a or_o apostle_n church_n for_o so_o martyr_n strongelye_o have_v these_o those_o virtue_n as_o they_o and_o so_o boldelye_o object_v their_o body_n to_o the_o death_n for_o the_o undefyled_a christian_a believe_v against_o the_o malygnannt_n synagoge_n of_o satan_n as_o ever_o dead_a they_o for_o no_o tyranny_n admytting_a any_o create_v or_o corruptyble_a substance_n for_o their_o eternal_a lyve_a god_n if_o their_o blind_a baby_n bread_n to_o prove_v they_o unlyke_a do_v object_n against_o i_o the_o miracle_n show_v at_o their_o death_n more_o than_o at_o these_o as_o that_o unfaythfull_a generation_n be_v ever_o desyerouse_a of_o wonder_n math._n 12._o i_o will_v but_o know_v of_o they_o what_o miracle_n be_v show_v when_o johan_n baptystes_n head_n be_v cut_v of_o in_o the_o preson_z marci_n 6._o and_o when_o jame_v miracle_n the_o apostle_n be_v byhead_v at_o jerusalem_n aero_fw-la 12._o these_o 2._o be_v excellent_a afore_o god_n what_o though_o they_o be_v but_o miserable_a wretch_n light_v fellawe_n sedycyouse_a heretic_n busy_a knave_n and_o lowsye_a beggar_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o noble_a king_n herode_fw-la and_o his_o honourable_a counsel_n of_o rochette_v prelate_n for_o have_v not_o rochette_n and_o side_n gown_n be_v at_o hand_n hap_o they_o have_v not_o so_o lyghtlye_o dye_v if_o they_o allege_v steven_n to_o maintain_v their_o purpose_n that_o he_o at_o his_o death_n behold_v beaven_n open_a i_o ask_v of_o they_o again_o steven_n what_o they_o be_v which_o see_v it_o more_o than_o his_o own_o person_n sure_o i_o be_o that_o their_o wicked_a predecessor_n there_o present_a see_v it_o not_o for_o they_o stop_v their_o care_n when_o he_o tell_v they_o thereof_o actorum_fw-la 7._o if_o they_o yet_o bring_v four_o the_o other_o hystorye_n legend_n of_o apostle_n and_o martyr_n i_o answer_v they_o that_o all_o they_o be_v of_o no_o soche_n autoryte_n as_o these_o here_o afore_o the_o pope_n martyr_n in_o deed_n be_v moche_n full_a of_o miracle_n than_o ever_o be_v christ_n as_o his_o self_n tell_v we_o they_o shall_v be_v so_o mathei_n 24._o yet_o wrought_v fryre_n forest_n johan_n fisher_n and_o thomas_n more_n no_o myra_n cle_z more_o what_o though_o many_o be_v now_o rege_fw-la stred_a in_o their_o lyve_n and_o legend_n by_o the_o fryre_n of_o france_n italye_n and_o spain_n beside_o that_o johan_n cochleus_n have_v write_v of_o they_o ad_fw-la paulum_fw-la pontificem_fw-la ad_fw-la regem_fw-la henricum_fw-la and_o also_o in_o their_o defence_n against_o doctor_n samson_n with_o that_o erasmus_n dead_a also_o ad_fw-la hutrenun_n p._n writer_n m._n ad_fw-la gasparem_fw-la agrippam_n albertus_n pighius_fw-la rivius_fw-la fichardus_fw-la &_o a_o great_a sort_n more_o and_o as_o for_o the_o holy_a maid_n of_o ●ent_n with_o doctor_n bock_v though_o they_o wrought_v great_a wonder_n by_o their_o life_n yet_o aperednon_o at_o their_o death_n of_o his_o own_o choose_a martyr_n christ_n look_v for_o martyr_n non_fw-la other_o miracle_n but_o that_o only_o they_o persevere_v faithful_a to_o the_o end_n math._n 10._o and_o never_o deny_v his_o veryte_n afore_o man_n luce_n 12._o for_o that_o worthy_a vyctorye_n of_o the_o synncfull_a world_n stand_v in_o the_o