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england_n world_n write_v year_n 249 4 4.2508 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19946 Dauisons poems, or, A poeticall rapsodie Deuided into sixe bookes. The first, contayning poems and deuises. The second, sonets and canzonets. The third, pastoralls and elegies. The fourth, madrigalls and odes. The fift, epigrams and epitaphs. The sixt, epistles, and epithalamions. For variety and pleasure, the like neuer published.; Poetical rapsody Davison, Francis, 1575?-1619? 1621 (1621) STC 6376; ESTC S109387 98,578 288

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nature_n chief_a skill_n world_n choice_a gem_n wit_n rich_a cabinet_n virtue_n best_a array_n centre_n where_o line_n of_o all_o heart_n love_n do_v meet_v sweet_a ground_n whereon_o the_o muse_n love_n to_o play_v ripe_a in_o wit_n though_o green_a in_o year_n of_o form_n most_o sweet_a scotland_n fair_a fruit_n england_n great_a hope_n frances_n love_n ireland_n awe_n cambray_v joy_n great_a britain_n fame_n abridgement_n of_o all_o worth_n the_o mighty_a jove_n long_o lengthen_v your_o good_a day_n and_o still_o your_o name_n and_o when_o you_o shall_v have_v honour_v long_o this_o land_n grant_v you_o a_o glorious_a saint_n in_o heaven_n to_o stand_v lii_o sonnet_n to_o the_o excellent_a lady_n elizabeth_n her_o grace_n fair_a virtue_n gem_n set_v in_o most_o royal_a gold_n the_o worthy_a owner_n of_o the_o fair_a mansion_n rich_a prize_n for_o which_o nature_n and_o fortune_n hold_v with_o muse_n and_o grace_n great_a contention_n all_o which_o by_o agreement_n this_o partition_n make_v none_o of_o themselves_o worthy_a of_o all_o discern_a nature_n your_o beauty_n grace_n your_o virtue_n take_v fortune_n share_v your_o honour_n muse_n your_o learning_n map_n of_o perfection_n who_o deserve_v to_o be_v and_o be_v the_o worthy_a mark_n the_o world_n can_v yield_v for_o all_o great_a christian_a prince_n love_n they_o see_v such_o virtue_n wheat_n grow_v in_o beauty_n field_n long_o may_v you_o live_v a_o holy_a and_o happy_a life_n a_o royal_a maid_n first_o than_o a_o royal_a wife_n the_o end_n of_o the_o sonnet_n of_o canzonet_n i._o canzonet_n the_o lie_n go_v soul_n the_o body_n guest_n upon_o a_o thankless_a arrant_a fear_v not_o to_o touch_v the_o best_a the_o truth_n shall_v be_v thy_o warrant_n go_v since_o i_o needs_o must_v die_v and_o give_v the_o world_n the_o lie_n say_v to_o the_o court_n it_o glow_v and_o shine_v like_o rot_a wood_n say_v to_o the_o church_n it_o show_v what_o be_v good_a and_o do_v no_o good_a if_o church_n and_o court_n reply_v then_o give_v they_o both_o the_o lie_n tell_v potentate_n they_o live_v act_v by_o other_o action_n not_o love_v unless_o they_o give_v not_o strong_a but_o by_o affection_n if_o potentate_n reply_v give_v potentate_n the_o lie_n tell_v man_n of_o high_a condition_n that_o manage_v the_o estate_n their_o purpose_n be_v ambition_n their_o practice_n only_o hate_v and_o if_o they_o once_o reply_v then_o give_v they_o all_o the_o lie_n tell_v they_o that_o brave_a it_o most_o they_o beg_v for_o more_o by_o spend_v who_o in_o their_o great_a cost_n like_v nothing_o but_o commend_v and_o if_o they_o make_v reply_n then_o give_v they_o all_o the_o lie_n tell_v zeal_n it_o want_v devotion_n tell_v love_v it_o be_v but_o lust_n tell_v time_n it_o meet_v but_o motion_n tell_v flesh_n it_o be_v but_o dust_n and_o wish_v they_o not_o reply_v for_o thou_o must_v give_v the_o lie_n tell_v age_n it_o daily_o waste_v tell_v honour_n how_o it_o alter_v tell_v beauty_n how_o she_o blast_v tell_v favour_n how_o it_o falter_v and_o as_o they_o shall_v reply_v give_v every_o one_o the_o lie_n tell_v wit_n how_o much_o it_o wrangle_v in_o tickle_a point_n of_o niceness_n tell_v wisdom_n she_o entangle_v herself_o in_o over_o wisenesse_n and_o when_o they_o do_v reply_n straight_o give_v they_o both_o the_o lie_n tell_v physic_n of_o her_o boldness_n tell_v skill_n it_o be_v prevention_n tell_v charity_n of_o coldness_n tell_v law_n it_o be_v contention_n and_o as_o they_o do_v reply_n so_o give_v they_o still_o the_o lie_n tell_v fortune_n of_o her_o blindness_n tell_v nature_n of_o decay_n tell_v friendship_n of_o unkindness_n tell_v justice_n of_o delay_n and_o if_o they_o will_v reply_v then_o give_v they_o all_o the_o lie_n tell_v art_n they_o have_v no_o soundness_n but_o vary_v by_o esteem_v tell_v school_n they_o want_v profoundness_n and_o stand_v so_o much_o on_o seem_v if_o art_n and_o school_n reply_v give_v art_n and_o school_n the_o lie_n tell_v faith_n it_o be_v flee_v the_o city_n tell_v how_o the_o country_n err_v tell_v manhood_n shake_v of_o pity_n tell_v virtue_n least_o prefer_v and_o if_o they_o do_v reply_n spare_v not_o to_o give_v the_o lie_n so_o when_o thou_o have_v as_o i_o command_v thou_o do_v blab_v because_o to_o give_v the_o lie_n deserve_v no_o less_o than_o stab_a stab_v at_o thou_o he_o that_o will_v no_o stab_n thy_o soul_n can_v kill_v cuddy_n emblem_n questo_fw-la per_fw-la amar_n l'aquista_fw-la ii_o canzonet_n the_o christian_a stoic_a the_o virtuous_a man_n be_v free_a though_o bind_v in_o chain_n though_o poor_a content_a though_o banish_v yet_o no_o stranger_n though_o sick_a in_o health_n of_o mind_n secure_a in_o danger_n and_o over_o himself_o the_o world_n and_o fortune_n reign_v nor_o good_a hap_n proud_a nor_o bad_a deject_a make_v he_o to_o god_n not_o to_o man_n will_n he_o frame_v each_o action_n he_o seek_v no_o fame_n but_o inward_a satisfaction_n and_o firm_a stand_v the_o more_o bad_a fortune_n shake_v he_o iii_o canzonet_n upon_o see_v his_o face_n in_o her_o eye_n fair_o and_o kind_a of_o all_o womenkind_n since_o you_o do_v i_o the_o undeserued_a grace_n in_o your_o fair_a eye_n to_o show_v i_o my_o bad_a face_n with_o loan_n i_o will_v pay_v you_o in_o the_o self_n same_o kind_n look_v in_o my_o eye_n and_o i_o will_v show_v to_o you_o the_o fair_a face_n that_o heaven_n eye_n do_v view_v but_o the_o small_a worthless_a glass_n of_o my_o dim_a eye_n scarce_o show_v the_o picture_n of_o your_o heavenly_a face_n which_o yet_o each_o slight_a turn_n do_v straight_o deface_v but_o can_v o_o can_v you_o once_o my_o heart_n espy_v your_o form_n at_o large_a you_o there_o engrave_v shall_v see_v which_o not_o by_o time_n nor_o death_n can_v raze_v be_v four_o canzonet_n a_o dialogue_n between_o a_o lover_n flame_a heart_n and_o his_o lady_n freeze_a breast_n hart._n shun_v not_o sweet_a breast_n to_o see_v i_o all_o of_o fire_n breast_n fly_v not_o dear_a hart_n to_o find_v i_o all_o of_o snow_n hart._n thy_o snow_n inflame_v these_o flame_n of_o my_o desire_n breast_n and_o i_o desire_v desire_v sweet_a flame_n to_o know_v ha._n thy_o snown'il_n hurt_v i_o br._n nor_o thy_o fire_n will_v harm_v i_o ha._n this_o cold_a will_v cool_v i_o br._n and_o this_o heat_n will_v warm_v i_o hart._n take_v this_o chaste_a fire_n to_o that_o pure_a virgin_n snow_n breast_n be_v now_o thus_o warm_v i_o will_v never_o seek_v other_o fire_n hat_n thou_fw-mi give_v more_o bliss_n they_o mortal_a heart_n may_v know_v breast_n more_o bliss_n i_o take_v then_o angel_n can_v desire_v both_o together_o let_v one_o joy_n fill_v we_o as_o one_o grief_n do_v harm_v we_o let_v one_o death_n kill_v we_o as_o one_o love_n do_v warm_a us._n v._o canzonet_n or_o quatrain_n if_o you_o reward_v my_o love_n with_o love_n again_o my_o bliss_n my_o life_n my_o heaven_n i_o will_v deem_v you_o but_o if_o you_o proud_o quit_v i_o with_o disdain_n my_o curse_n my_o death_n my_o hell_n i_o must_v esteem_v you_o vi_o canzonet_n a_o inscription_n for_o the_o statue_n of_o dido_n o_o most_o unhappy_a dido_n unhappy_a wife_n and_o more_o unhappy_a widow_n unhappy_a in_o thy_o mate_n and_o in_o thy_o lover_n more_o unfortunate_a by_o treason_n the_o one_o be_v rest_v thou_o by_o treason_n tother_o leave_v thou_o that_o leave_v thou_o mean_n to_o fly_v with_o this_o leave_v thou_o mean_n to_o die_v with_o the_o former_a be_v dead_a from_o brother_n sword_n thou_o fly_v the_o latter_a be_v flee_v on_o lover_n sword_n thou_o die_v piu_fw-it meritare_fw-la i_o conseguire_v f._n d._n vii_o canzonet_n love_n hyperbole_n if_o love_n have_v lose_v his_o shaft_n and_o jove_n down_o throw_v his_o thunder_n bolt_n or_o spend_v his_o fork_a fire_n they_o only_a might_n recover_v be_v anew_o from_o out_o my_o heart_n crosse-wounded_n with_o desire_n or_o if_o debate_n by_o mars_n be_v lose_v a_o space_n it_o may_v be_v find_v within_o the_o selfsame_o place_n if_o neptune_n wave_n be_v all_o dry_a up_o and_o go_v my_o weep_a eye_n so_o many_o tear_n distil_v that_o great_a sea_n may_v grow_v by_o they_o alone_o or_o if_o no_o flame_n be_v yet_o remain_v still_o in_o vulcan_n forge_n he_o may_v from_o out_o my_o breast_n make_v choice_n of_o such_o as_o shall_v befit_v he_o best_o if_o aeole_n be_v deprive_v of_o his_o charge_n yet_o soon_o can_v i_o restore_v his_o wind_n again_o by_o sob_a sigh_n which_o forth_o i_o blow_v at_o large_a to_o move_v her_o mind_n that_o pleasure_n in_o my_o pain_n what_o man_n but_o i_o can_v thus_o incline_v his_o will_n to_o live_v in_o love_n that_o have_v no_o end_n of_o ill_a viii_o canzonet_n a_o invective_n against_o love._n love_n be_v a_o sour_a delight_n a_o sugar_a
of_o good_a nor_o fear_v of_o worse_a can_v affright_v we_o and_o can_v i_o then_o complain_v when_o no_o complaint_n can_v avail_v i_o how_o can_v i_o seem_v to_o be_v discontent_n or_o what_o can_v i_o weep_v for_o he_o live_v eternal_a with_o endless_a glory_n bedeck_v yea_o still_o on_o earth_n he_o live_v and_o still_o shall_v live_v by_o the_o muse_n another_o epigram_n upon_o the_o same_o what_o strange_a adventure_n what_o now_o unlooked_a for_o arrival_n have_v draw_v the_o muse_n from_o sweet_a boeotia_n mountain_n to_o choose_v our_o country_n to_o seek_v in_o london_n abide_v be_v fair_a castalian_a stream_n dry_v stand_v cyrrha_n no_o long_o or_o love_v the_o muse_n like_o wanton_n oft_o to_o be_v change_v scarce_o can_v i_o that_o suppose_v scarce_o think_v i_o those_o to_o be_v muse_n no_o sound_n of_o melody_n no_o voice_n but_o dreary_a lament_v yet_o well_o i_o wot_v too_o well_o muse_n most_o doleful_o weep_v see_v where_o melpomene_n fit_v hide_v for_o shame_n in_o a_o corner_n here_o you_o the_o careful_a sigh_n fetch_v from_o the_o depth_n of_o her_o entrail_n there_o weep_v calliope_n there_o sometime_o lusty_a thal●ia_n ay_o i_o alas_o now_o know_v i_o the_o cause_n now_o seek_v i_o no_o further_o here_o lie_v their_o glory_n their_o hope_n their_o only_a rejoice_v dead_a lie_v worthy_a philip_n the_o care_n and_o praise_n of_o apollo_n dead_n lie_v his_o carcase_n but_o fame_n shall_v live_v to_o the_o world_n end_n other_o epigram_n upon_o the_o same_o who_o can_v i_o first_o accuse_v who_o fault_n account_v i_o the_o great_a where_o keep_v the_o muse_n what_o country_v haunt_v apollo_n where_o loitred_a bloody_a mars_n where_o linger_v worthy_a minerva_n what_o can_v three_o sister_n do_v more_o than_o nine_o in_o a_o combat_n be_v force_n of_o no_o force_n be_v fair_a entreaty_n refuse_v where_o be_v the_o music_n that_o sometime_o move_v allecto_n that_o gain_v eurydice_n that_o leave_v proserpina_n weep_v choose_v whether_o of_o the_o two_o you_o listen_v your_o skill_n to_o be_v nothing_o or_o your_o most_o faithful_a servant_n unkind_o reward_v and_o thou_o that_o brag_v of_o skilful_a surgery_n knowledge_n that_o can_v of_o simple_n discern_v the_o quality_n secret_a and_o give_v fit_a plaster_n for_o wound_n that_o seem_v to_o be_v cureless_a whereto_o avail_v thy_o skill_n that_o can_v sidney_n recover_v and_o can_v thou_o whilom_o prevail_v with_o destiny_n fatal_a for_o king_n admetus_n against_o course_n of_o natural_a order_n as_o for_o mars_n well_o i_o wot_v cold_a frost_n of_o thracia_n kingdom_n have_v kill_v all_o kindness_n no_o ruth_n of_o they_o can_v be_v look_v for_o and_o dainty_a pallas_n disdain_v forsooth_o to_o be_v present_a envy_v perhaps_o nay_o grief_n as_o i_o guess_v be_v cause_n of_o her_o absence_n only_o we_o poor_a wretch_n who_o god_n and_o muse_n abandon_v lament_v thy_o timeless_a decay_n with_o sorrrwful_a outcry_n but_o yet_o if_o hap_n some_o muse_n will_v add_v new_a grace_n to_o my_o verse_n germany_n france_n italy_n spain_n denmark_n persia_n turkey_n india_n where_o phoebus_n mount_v up_o from_o sea_n to_o the_o skie-ward_n india_n where_o phoebus_n fall_v down_o from_o sky_n to_o the_o sea-warn'de_a tartary_n pole_n lettow_n muscovy_n bohemia_n norway_n all_o coast_n where_o rise_a or_o fall_v phoebus_n appear_v shall_v hear_v and_o wonder_v to_o hear_v thy_o glory_n resound_v armenian_a tiger_n enrage_v for_o theft_n of_o a_o youngling_n princely_a lion_n roar_v for_o want_v of_o prey_n to_o be_v starve_v fierce_a bear_n and_o grunt_v wild_a boar_n upon_o arcady_n mountain_n shall_v stand_v astonish_v forget_v natural_a of_o spring_n forget_v hunger_n forget_v slaughter_n appoint_v as_o when_o calliope_n dear_a son_n sweet_a harmony_n sing_v unto_o the_o true_a consent_n of_o his_o harp_n string_n tune_v in_o order_n draw_v from_o their_o place_n wild_a beast_n and_o tree_n by_o the_o music_n swift_a flow_a hebrus_n stay_v all_o his_o stream_n in_o a_o wonder_n as_o if_o chilcoldnesse_n frorne_v have_v they_o down_o to_o the_o bottom_n but_o for_o i_o wot_v to_o well_o my_o slender_a skill_n to_o be_v nothing_o here_o will_v i_o quite_o forswear_v both_o verse_n and_o muse_n in_o a_o anger_n lose_v hap_v my_o rudeness_n disgrace_v thy_o glory_n by_o praise_v dignum_fw-la laud_fw-la virum_fw-la musavetat_n mori_fw-la the_o end_n of_o the_o epigram_n to_o the_o epitaph_n upon_o the_o heart_n of_o henry_n the_o three_o late_a king_n of_o france_n and_o poland_n slay_v 1589._o by_o a_o jacobine_n friar_n upon_o the_o tomb_n of_o his_o heart_n in_o the_o church_n of_o s._n clou_n near_o paris_n adjoin_v to_o the_o house_n where_o he_o be_v slay_v adsta_fw-la viator_n &_o dole_n regum_fw-la vicem_fw-la cor_fw-la regis_fw-la isto_fw-la conditum_fw-la est_fw-la sub_fw-la marmore_fw-la qui_fw-la iura_fw-la gallis_fw-la iura_fw-la sarmatis_fw-la dedit_fw-la tectus_fw-la cucullo_fw-la hunc_fw-la sustulit_fw-la sicarius_fw-la abi_fw-la viator_n &_o dole_n regum_fw-la vicem_fw-la this_o paraphrastical_o english_v whether_o thy_o choice_n or_o chance_v thou_o hither_o bring_v stay_v passenger_n and_o wail_v the_o hap_n of_o king_n this_o little_a stone_n a_o great_a king_n heart_n do_v hold_v that_o rule_v the_o fickle_a french_a and_o polacke_v bold_a who_o with_o a_o mighty_a warlike_a host_n attend_v with_o traitorous_a knife_n a_o couled_a monster_n end_v so_o frail_a be_v even_o the_o high_a earthly_a thing_n go_v passenger_n and_o wail_v the_o hap_n of_o king_n f._n d._n a_o epitaph_n on_o henry_n the_o four_o the_o last_o king_n of_o france_n that_o we_o shall_v more_o bewail_v the_o hap_n of_o king_n great_a henry_n bourbon_n death_n occasion_n bring_v to_o henry_n valois_n next_o crown_v king_n of_o france_n next_o both_o in_o blood_n in_o name_n in_o reign_n in_o chance_n peril_n his_o youth_n war_n do_v his_o manhood_n spend_v his_o old_a age_n peace_n till_o murder_v his_o life_n do_v end_v his_o conquest_n glory_n his_o wisdom_n peace_n do_v win_v his_o faith_n heaven_n christ_n pardon_v for_o his_o sin_n a_o epitaph_n on_o queen_n elizabeth_n eliza_n that_o great_a maiden_n queen_n lie_v here_o who_o govern_v england_n four_o and_o forty_o year_n our_o coin_n refine_v in_o ireland_n tame_v belgia_n protect_v friend_v france_n foil_v spain_n and_o pope_n reject_v prince_n find_v she_o powerful_a the_o world_n virtuous_a her_o subject_n wise_a and_o just_a and_o god_n religious_a god_n have_v her_o soul_n the_o world_n her_o admiration_n subject_n her_o good_a deed_n prince_n her_o imitation_n cha._n best_o the_o sixth_z book_n of_o epistle_n or_o letter_n in_o verse_n my_o dear_a sweet_a if_o these_o sad_a line_n do_v hap_v the_o rage_a fury_n of_o the_o sea_n to_o escape_v o_o be_v not_o you_o more_o cruel_a than_o the_o sea_n let_v pity_v now_o your_o angry_a mind_n appease_v so_o that_o your_o hand_n may_v be_v their_o bless_a port_n from_o whence_o they_o may_v unto_o your_o eye_n resort_v and_o at_o that_o throne_n plead_v my_o wretched_a case_n may_v move_v your_o cruel_a heart_n to_o yield_v i_o grace_n so_o may_v no_o cloud_n of_o elder_a year_n obscure_v your_o sunlike_a eye_n but_o still_o as_o bright_a endure_v as_o than_o they_o shine_v when_o with_o one_o pierce_a ray_n they_o make_v myself_o their_o slave_n my_o heart_n they_o pray_v so_o may_v no_o sickness_n nip_v those_o flower_n sweet_a which_o ever_o flower_a on_o your_o cheek_n do_v meet_v nor_o all_o deface_a time_n have_v power_n to_o race_n the_o goodly_a build_n of_o that_o heavenly_a face_n another_o fountain_n of_o bliss_n yet_o wellspring_n of_o my_o woe_n o_o will_v i_o may_v not_o just_o term_v you_o so_o alas_o your_o cruel_a deal_n and_o my_o fate_n have_v now_o reduc'de_v i_o to_o that_o wretched_a state_n that_o i_o know_v not_o how_o i_o my_o stile_n may_v frame_v to_o thanks_n or_o grudge_v or_o to_o praise_v or_o blame_v and_o whereto_o write_v i_o all_o my_o power_n do_v bend_v there_o wot_v i_o not_o how_o to_o begin_v or_o end_v and_o now_o my_o drisling_a tear_n trill_v down_o apace_o as_o if_o the_o latter_a will_v the_o former_a chase_n whereof_o some_o few_o on_o my_o pale_a cheek_n remain_v like_o wither_a flower_n bedew_v with_o drop_n of_o rain_n the_o other_o fall_v in_o my_o paper_n sink_v or_o drop_v in_o my_o pen_n increase_v my_o ink_n which_o sudden_a passion_n cause_n if_o you_o will_v find_v a_o tremble_a fear_n do_v now_o possess_v my_o mind_n that_o you_o will_v not_o vouchsafe_v these_o line_n to_o read_v lest_o they_o some_o pity_n in_o your_o heart_n may_v breed_v but_o or_o with_o angry_a frown_n refuse_v to_o take_v they_o or_o take_v they_o the_o fire_n fuel_n make_v they_o or_o with_o those_o hand_n make_v to_o a_o mild_a end_n these_o guiltless_a leave_v all_o into_o piece_n rend_v o_o cruel_a
my_o sun_n eclipse_v send_v witness_v my_o throat_n make_v hoarse_a with_o thunder_a cry_n and_o heart_n with_o love_n hot_a flash_a lightning_n fire_v witness_v the_o shower_n which_o still_o fall_n from_o my_o eye_n and_o breast_n with_o sigh_n like_o stormy_a wind_n near_o rive_a o_o shine_v then_o once_o again_o sweet_a sun_n on_o i_o and_o with_o thy_o beam_n dissolve_v cloud_n of_o despair_n whereof_o these_o rage_a meteor_n frame_v be_v in_o my_o poor_a heart_n by_o absence_n of_o my_o fair_a so_o shall_v thou_o prove_v thy_o beam_n thy_o heat_n thy_o light_n to_o match_v the_o sun_n in_o glory_n grace_n and_o might_n xlii_o sonnet_n upon_o send_v she_o a_o gold_n ring_n with_o this_o poesy_n pure_a and_o endless_a if_o you_o will_v know_v the_o love_n which_o i_o you_v bear_v compare_v it_o to_o the_o ring_n which_o your_o fair_a hand_n shall_v make_v more_o precious_a when_o you_o shall_v it_o wear_v so_o my_o love_n nature_n you_o shall_v understand_v be_v it_o of_o mettle_n pure_a so_o you_o shall_v prove_v my_o love_n which_o never_o disloyal_a thought_n do_v stain_v have_v it_o no_o end_n so_o endless_a be_v my_o love_n unless_o you_o it_o destroy_v with_o your_o disdain_n do_v it_o the_o pure_a wax_n the_o more_o it_o be_v try_v so_o do_v my_o love_n yet_o herein_o they_o dissent_v that_o whereas_o gold_n the_o more_o it_o be_v purify_v by_o wax_v less_o do_v show_v some_o part_n be_v spend_v my_o love_n do_v wax_n more_o pure_a by_o your_o more_o try_v and_o yet_o increase_v in_o the_o purify_n xliii_o sonnet_n the_o heart_n captivity_n my_o cruel_a dear_a have_v captive_a my_o heart_n and_o bind_v it_o fast_o in_o chain_n of_o restless_a love_n require_v it_o out_o of_o bondage_n to_o depart_v yet_o be_v she_o sure_a from_o she_o it_o can_v move_v draw_v back_o say_v she_o your_o hopeless_a love_n from_o i_o your_o worth_n require_v a_o far_o more_o worthy_a place_n unto_o your_o suit_n though_o i_o can_v agree_v full_o many_o will_v it_o love_o embrace_v it_o may_v be_v so_o my_o dear_a but_o as_o the_o sun_n when_o it_o appear_v do_v make_v the_o star_n to_o vanish_v so_o when_o yourself_o into_o my_o thought_n do_v run_v all_o other_o quite_o out_o of_o my_o heart_n you_o banish_v the_o beam_n of_o your_o perfection_n shine_v so_o bright_a that_o straightway_o they_o dispel_v all_o other_o light_n i._o d._n xliiii_o sonnet_n for_o her_o heart_n only_o only_o sweet_a love_n afford_v i_o but_o thy_o heart_n then_o close_o thy_o eye_n within_o their_o ivory_n cover_v that_o they_o to_o i_o no_o beam_n of_o light_n impart_v although_o they_o shine_v on_o all_o thy_o other_o lover_n as_o for_o thy_o lip_n of_o ruby_n cheek_n of_o rose_n though_o i_o have_v kiss_v they_o oft_o with_o sweet_a content_n i_o be_o content_a that_o sweet_a content_n to_o lose_v if_o they_o sweet_a will_n will_v not_o bar_v i_o i_o assent_n let_v i_o not_o touch_v thy_o hand_n but_o through_o thy_o glove_n nor_o let_v it_o be_v the_o pledge_n of_o kindness_n more_o keep_v all_o thy_o beauty_n to_o thyself_o sweet_a love_n i_o ask_v not_o such_o bold_a favour_n as_o before_o i_o beg_v but_o this_o afford_v i_o but_o thy_o heart_n for_o than_o i_o know_v thou_o will_v the_o rest_n impart_v xlv_o sonnet_n best_o please_v she_o be_v when_o love_n be_v most_o express_v and_o sometime_o say_v that_o love_n shall_v be_v requite_v yet_o be_v she_o grieve_v my_o love_n shall_v now_o be_v right_v when_o that_o my_o faith_n have_v prove_v what_o i_o protest_v be_o i_o belove_v who_o heart_n be_v thus_o oppress_v or_o dear_a to_o she_o and_o not_o in_o she_o delight_v i_o live_v to_o see_v the_o sun_n yet_o still_o benight_a by_o her_o despair_n be_v blam'de_v and_o hope_v suppress_v she_o still_o deny_v yet_o still_o her_o heart_n consent_v she_o grant_v i_o all_o but_o that_o which_o i_o desire_v she_o fuel_n send_v but_o bid_v i_o leave_v the_o fire_n she_o let_v i_o die_v and_o yet_o my_o death_n lament_v o_o foolish_a love_n by_o reason_n of_o thy_o blindness_n i_o die_v for_o want_v of_o love_n yet_o kill_v with_o kindness_n xlvi_o sonnet_n when_o a_o weak_a child_n be_v sick_a and_o out_o of_o quiet_a and_o for_o his_o tenderness_n can_v sustain_v physic_n of_o equal_a strength_n unto_o his_o pain_n physician_n to_o the_o nurse_n prescribe_v a_o diet_n o_o i_o be_o sick_a and_o in_o my_o sickness_n weak_a and_o through_o my_o weakness_n dead_a if_o i_o but_o take_v the_o pleasant_a receipt_n that_o art_n can_v make_v or_o if_o i_o hear_v but_o my_o physician_n speak_v but_o ah_o fair_a god_n of_o physic_n it_o may_v be_v but_o physic_n to_o my_o nurse_n will_v i_o recover_v she_o who_o i_o love_v with_o beauty_n nurse_v i_o but_o with_o a_o bitter_a mixture_n kill_v her_o lover_n yet_o i_o assure_v myself_o i_o shall_v not_o die_v if_o she_o be_v purge_v of_o her_o cruelty_n xlvii_o sonnet_n be_v i_o as_o base_a as_o be_v the_o lowly_a plain_a and_o you_o my_o love_n as_o high_a as_o heaven_n above_o yet_o shall_v the_o thought_n of_o i_o your_o humble_a swain_n ascend_v to_o heaven_n in_o honour_n of_o my_o love_n be_v i_o as_o high_a as_o heaven_n above_o the_o plain_a and_o you_o my_o love_n as_o humble_v and_o as_o low_o as_o be_v the_o deep_a bottom_n of_o the_o main_n wheresoever_o you_o be_v with_o you_o my_o love_n shall_v go_v be_v you_o the_o earth_n dear_a love_n and_o i_o the_o sky_n my_o love_n shall_v shine_v on_o you_o like_v to_o the_o sun_n and_o look_v upon_o you_o with_o ten_o thousand_o eye_n till_o heaven_n wax_v blind_a and_o till_o the_o world_n be_v dun_a where_o soever_o i_o be_o below_z or_o else_o above_o you_o where_o soever_o you_o be_v my_o heart_n shall_v true_o love_v you_o xlviii_o sonnet_n the_o poet_n fain_o that_o when_o the_o world_n begin_v both_o sex_n in_o one_o body_n do_v remain_v till_o love_v offend_v with_o this_o double_a man_n cause_v vulcan_n to_o divide_v he_o into_o twain_o in_o this_o division_n he_o the_o heart_n do_v sever_v but_o cunning_o he_o do_v indent_v the_o heart_n that_o if_o there_o be_v a_o reunite_a ever_o each_o part_n may_v know_v which_o be_v his_o counterpart_n see_v then_o dear_a love_n the_o indenture_n of_o my_o heart_n and_o read_v the_o cou'nant_n write_v with_o holy_a fire_n see_v if_o your_o heart_n be_v not_o the_o counterpart_n of_o my_o true_a heart_n indent_v chaste_a desire_n and_o if_o it_o be_v so_o may_v it_o ever_o be_v two_o heart_n in_o one_o betwixt_o you_o my_o love_n and_o i_o i._o s._n xlix_o sonnet_n love_n seven_o deadly_a sin_n my_o eye_n with_o all_o the_o deadly_a sin_n be_v fraught_v 1._o first_o proud_a since_o it_o presume_v to_o look_v so_o high_a a_o watchman_n be_v make_v stand_v gaze_v by_o 2._o and_o idle_a take_v no_o heed_n till_o i_o be_v catch_v 3._o and_o envious_a bear_v envy_n that_o my_o thought_n shall_v in_o his_o absence_n be_v to_o she_o so_o nigh_o 4._o to_o kill_v my_o heart_n my_o eye_n let_v in_o her_o eye_n and_o so_o content_a give_v to_o a_o murder_n wrought_v 5._o and_o covetous_a it_o never_o will_v remove_v from_o her_o fair_a hair_n gold_n so_o do_v please_v his_o sight_n 6._o unchaste_a a_o bawd_n between_o my_o heart_n and_o love_n 7._o a_o glutton_n eye_n with_o tear_n drink_v every_o night_n these_o sin_n procure_v have_v a_o goddess_n ire_n wherefore_o my_o heart_n be_v damn_v in_o love_n sweet_a fire_n l._n sonnet_n to_o two_o most_o honour_n 〈◊〉_d and_o virtuous_a lady_n and_o sister_n the_o lady_n margaret_n countess_n of_o cumberland_n the_o lady_n anne_n countess_n of_o warwick_n you_o sister-muse_n do_v not_o you_o repine_v that_o i_o two_o sister_n do_v with_o nine_o compare_n since_o each_o of_o these_o be_v far_o more_o true_o rare_a then_o the_o whole_a troop_n of_o all_o the_o heavenly_a nine_o but_o if_o you_o ask_v i_o which_o be_v more_o divine_a i_o answer_v like_v to_o their_o twin_n eye_n they_o be_v of_o which_o each_o be_v more_o bright_a than_o bright_a star_n yet_o neither_o do_v more_o bright_a than_o other_o shine_n sister_n of_o spotless_a fame_n of_o who_o alone_o malicious_a tongue_n take_v pleasure_n to_o speak_v well_o how_o shall_v i_o you_o command_v sith_o either_o one_o all_o thing_n in_o heaven_n and_o earth_n so_o far_o excel_v the_o on_o lie_n praise_v i_o can_v you_o give_v be_v this_o that_o one_o of_o you_o like_v to_o the_o other_o be_v h._n c._n li._n sonnet_n to_o my_o lord_n the_o prince_n darling_n of_o these_o of_o future_a time_n the_o glory_n branch_n royal_a spring_v from_o many_o a_o regal_a stem_n on_o who_o fair_a structure_n write_v be_v the_o story_n of_o