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A relation of the Christians in the world
Pagitt, Ephraim, 1574 or 5-1647.
STC 19113; ESTC S5143
acknowledge_v herself_o a_o sister_n and_o not_o a_o mistress_n there_o be_v a_o time_n when_o as_o with_o a_o harmonious_a concord_n she_o suffer_v with_o the_o rest_n of_o her_o sister_n even_o when_o as_o arianism_n have_v in_o a_o manner_n overwhelm_v the_o world_n there_o be_v a_o time_n when_o she_o give_v her_o help_a hand_n as_o at_o the_o famous_a counsel_n of_o nice_a ephesus_n constantinople_n chalcedon_n and_o do_v not_o rule_v after_o a_o dictatory_n manner_n let_v none_o foster_v schism_n against_o conscience_n to_o maintain_v themselves_o in_o dignity_n wealth_n and_o promotion_n to_o the_o ruin_n of_o the_o christian_a world_n christ_n coat_n be_v rend_v his_o garment_n be_v tear_v in_o piece_n the_o world_n be_v distract_v and_o distemper_v with_o the_o rage_a wave_n of_o opinion_n by_o which_o mean_n the_o turk_n over-ruleth_a the_o flourish_a and_o most_o famous_a part_n of_o christendom_n and_o have_v erect_v the_o worship_n of_o mahumet_n even_o in_o the_o stately_a oriental_a basilisk_n constantinople_n the_o queen_n of_o beauty_n be_v become_v a_o mansion_n of_o mahumetan_n and_o if_o these_o devision_n continue_v still_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o christian_a world_n be_v likely_a to_o be_v in_o great_a danger_n the_o good_a god_n of_o peace_n make_v peace_n in_o christendom_n and_o grant_v that_o all_o that_o confess_v his_o holy_a name_n may_v agree_v in_o the_o truth_n of_o his_o holy_a word_n and_o live_v in_o unity_n and_o godly_a love_n amen_o finis_fw-la errata_fw-la page_n 5._o in_o marg_n read_v quod_fw-la habetur_fw-la p_o 9_o l._n 5._o r._n lazarus_n first_o bishop_n of_o massilia_n ibid._n l._n 18._o r._n cleve_n p._n 10._o l._n 11._o r._n wertzhurg_n l._n 13._o r._n voitland_n p._n 14._o tit._n r._n romanist_n l._n 14._o r._n barnabas_n p._n 15._o tit._n r._n romanist_n p._n 24._o l._n 11._o r._n account_v mar_v r._n sinas_fw-la p._n 30._o l._n 20._o r_o a_o jesus_n p._n 36._o l._n 16._o r._n to_o put_v p._n 38._o l._n 12._o r._n presbyteros_fw-la p._n 41._o tit._n r._n bishop_n in_o ancient_a time_n p._n 43._o l._n 7._o after_o continent_n r._n the_o spaniard_n have_v in_o west_n india_n some_o bishop_n p._n 53._o l._n 13._o r._n almost_o all_o p._n 59_o l._n 14._o r._n 801._o p._n 65._o mar_v r._n extra_fw-la mar_v r._n missae_fw-la p._n 73._o l._n â_o r._n lâte_n p._n 72._o l._n vit_n assassinate_v p._n 7â_n l._n 22._o r._n have_v mat._n 28._o 19_o mar._n 16._o 20._o mat._n 28._o 20._o the_o turk_n do_v not_o only_o permit_v but_o defend_v every_o man_n in_o the_o exercise_n of_o his_o religion_n the_o division_n of_o the_o world_n 1_o protestant_n england_n scotland_n cambdens_n brit._n pag._n 2._o ireland_n ann._n anno._n 35._o addit_fw-la mar_v manu_fw-la s._n quae_fw-la habetur_fw-la in_o bibliotheca_fw-la vaticana_fw-la dorotheus_n some_o write_v that_o the_o scot_n have_v a_o bishop_n call_v palladius_n about_o the_o year_n 196._o in_o the_o time_n of_o donald_n who_o first_o of_o all_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n stamp_v the_o cross_n upon_o his_o coin_n be_v the_o badge_n of_o christianity_n merm_n de_fw-fr conv_n p._n 60_o quorum_fw-la sanctâ_fw-la praedicatione_n rex_fw-la lucius_n &_o totius_fw-la britanniae_fw-la primate_fw-la baptismum_fw-la susceperunt_fw-la lib._n sa_o teilai_n ecclesiae_fw-la landaven_n archiep._n arles_fw-fr anno_fw-la 350._o as_o there_o have_v be_v of_o the_o clergy_n about_o 160._o lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n 80_o lord_n treasuror_n &_o all_o the_o lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n be_v general_o clergy_n man_n the_o master_n of_o roles_n be_v all_o clergy_n man_n until_o the_o 26._o year_n of_o k._n henry_n 8._o there_o have_v be_v 12._o clergyman_n lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o england_n the_o victorious_a k._n edward_n 3_o have_v a_o great_a care_n to_o advance_v such_o person_n in_o the_o great_a office_n of_o his_o kingdom_n and_o household_n as_o do_v excel_v other_o in_o innocency_n of_o life_n about_o the_o 39_o of_o his_o reign_n have_v these_o clergy_n man_n officer_n the_o lord_n chancellor_n the_o l._n treasurer_n the_o l._n privy_a seal_n the_o mr._n of_o the_o roll_n the_o chancellor_n of_o the_o exchequer_n the_o treasurer_n of_o the_o household_n the_o mr._n of_o his_o jewel_n house_n with_o many_o other_o vide_fw-la stow_n p_o 266._o moreover_o in_o the_o absence_n and_o minority_n of_o the_o king_n divers_a clergyman_n have_v be_v custoss_n or_o viceroy_n of_o the_o kingdom_n kingdom_n merm_fw-la theatrum_fw-la conver_n pag._n 83._o mirae_fw-la de_fw-fr stat_fw-la relig_n p._n 128._o transilvania_n poland_n brerw_n inquire_v pref_o matth._n a_o micou_n l._n 2._o france_n lazarus_n be_v the_o first_o bishop_n of_o masillea_n doroth._n in_o synop._n bed_n l._n 1._o c._n part_v of_o germany_n thesaur_n polit._n apot._n 6_o mirae_fw-la de_fw-la stat_fw-la relig._n lib._n 1._o cap._n 33._o mercat_n pa._n 134._o theat_v conver_n pag._n 57_o part_n of_o the_o netherlands_o switzerland_n grison_n hungary_n austria_n bohemia_n romanist_n spain_n damianus_n à _fw-fr go_v reckon_v eight_o archbishop_n and_o 48_o bishop_n eugenius_n be_v the_o first_o bishop_n of_o toledo_n damian_n à _fw-it go_v hispan_n pag._n 19_o dam._n p._n 21._o italy_n merm_n theat_v convers._n france_n doroth._n in_o synop._n relation_n of_o the_o most_o famous_a kingdom_n pag._n 174._o bodin_n poland_n imper._n mund_o catal._n p._n 40._o part_v of_o germany_n netherlands_o switzerland_n grison_n fletcher_n fabr._n relig_n moscov_n pag._n 170._o greek_n boter_fw-la relat_n par_fw-fr 2._o grand_fw-fr turco_n godin_n curiop_n pag._n 276._o doroth._n in_o synop._n rom._n 16._o doroth._n merman_n conver_n theatr._fw-la pag._n 41._o 42._o cedreu_n de_fw-fr stat_fw-la eccles_n pa._n 45._o he_o have_v yearly_a from_o they_o 500_o scute_v poss._n muscov_n p._n 1._o 1_o jerusalem_n tyrr_n histor_n bell_n sacri_fw-la lib._n 14._o c._n 12._o isaiah_n 2._o 3._o hist._n eccles._n âb_n 5._o cap._n 9_o 2_o antioch_n tyrr_n histor_n bell_n sacr_n lib._n 14._o pag._n 247._o 3_o georgian_o chyt_n de_fw-fr stat_fw-la eccles._n p._n 22._o 4_o circassian_n 5_o mengrellian_o 6_o asia_n the_o less_a merman_n theatrum_fw-la conver_n p._n 93._o 7._o christian_n of_o casan_n &_o astracan_n 8_o armenian_n annal._n tom._n 12._o p._n 319._o relatio_fw-la hist._n dvae_fw-la duar_fw-la legate_n colon._n an._n 1611._o p._n 5._o nicephor_n li._n 7._o cap._n 12._o herb._n relat_n 9_o jacobite_n thom_n à _fw-fr jesu._n conver_n l._n 7._o cap._n 14._o zonor_n annal_a tom._n 3._o in_o heraclio_n brer_n p._n 150._o chaldean_a under_o the_o p._n of_o mozul_a brerwood_n inquire_v hispan_n exp_v apud_fw-la sinab_n p._n 125._o hist._n orient_a c._n 77._o p._n 149._o hisp._n exp_v apud_fw-la silias_fw-la lib._n 1._o p._n 124._o 11._o maronites_n 12_o indian_n of_o st._n thome_n hisp._n exp_v apud_fw-la sina_n lib._n 7._o p._n 125._o inter_fw-la relat_n novi_fw-la orb_n p._n 145._o 13._o china_n imp._n mund_o catal_a p._n 159_o trigautius_n hisp._n exp_v apud_fw-la sinas_fw-la pag._n 125._o kirk_n prodro_fw-la pag._n 58._o idem_fw-la pat._n eman._n diaâ_n in_o epist._n 23._o aug._n 1625._o pa._n francis_n with_fw-mi kirk_n p._n 58._o de_fw-fr region_n orient_n lib._n 2._o cap._n 64._o 14_o cathaia_n africa_n 1_o alexandria_n evagr._fw-la li._n 2._o cap._n 8._o merman_n theat_n conver_n pa._n 30._o abassines_n alvar._n sect_n 14_o pa._n 1089._o purch_n damian_n à _fw-it go_v de_fw-fr aethiop_n morib_o pag._n 203._o de_fw-fr conver_n omnigent_a pa._n 373._o with_fw-mi gaulter_n jesuit_n in_o chronolog_n 3_o cephala_n cosmograp_v fol._n 99_o 4_o matacassians_n thevet_n ib._n 5_o northwest_n of_o africa_n miraeus_n de_fw-fr stat_fw-la relig._n lib._n 3._o p._n 196._o idem_fw-la ibid._n monomopata_n zocorara_n herbert_n relat_n epist._n 225._o bishop_n of_o hippo_n anno_fw-la 395._o cyp_n ep._n 60._o bishop_n of_o carthag_n a_o 250._o euseb._n lib._n 6._o cap._n 42._o cornel_n bishop_n of_o rome_n anno_fw-la 252._o read_v do._n saravia_n lib._n 2._o of_o honour_n due_a to_o prelate_n c._n 12._o 1_o sam._n 2._o 36._o lib._n honour_n due_a to_o prelate_n c._n 32._o lord_n coke_n 2_o part_n of_o his_o report_n breew_n p._n 20._o de_fw-fr conver_n omni_fw-la gent._n lib._n 1._o pag._n 4._o terr_n sanct._n descrip_n pag._n 325._o greek_n gal._n 4._o john_n 16._o in_o joan._n cap._n 15._o not_o 25._o pag._n 24._o 25._o possevine_n biblioth_v li._n 6._o cap._n 1._o convers._n omn._n gent._n l._n 7._o par_fw-fr 1_o c._n 33_o in_o vita_fw-la julij_fw-la 3._o p._n 389._o edit_fw-la col._n 1626._o reverence_n in_o church_n godig_n de_fw-fr abas_n rebus_fw-la pag._n 133._o religio_fw-la moscov_n pag._n 188._o chastity_n in_o epist._n apud_fw-la fra._n hesse_n in_o itinerario_fw-la godig_n lib._n 1._o cap._n 16._o de_fw-fr conver_n omn_fw-la gent._n p._n 284._o bane_n of_o the_o church_n rom._n 11._o 4_o gener._n coun_n at_o chalcedon_n can_v 9_o ibi_fw-la terminentur_fw-la allegation_n of_o the_o patriarch_n of_o antioch_n &_o germanus_n patriarch_n of_o constantinople_n excommunicate_v the_o pope_n math._n paris_n p._n 465_o irenaus_n rodoginus_n pag._n 18._o idem_fw-la ibidem_fw-la idem_fw-la p._n 23._o iren._n rodog_n pag._n 30._o anno._n 606._o annal._n li._n 5._o a._n 447._o in_o vit_fw-mi greg._n 7._o guichard_n lib._n 4._o epist._n 59_o epist._n 6._o epist._n 3._o in_o sexta_fw-la synod_n constant_n act_n 4._o epist._n 1._o 1._o pet._n 2._o 13._o to_o the_o k._n as_o unto_o the_o superior_a comp._n cosmog_n miraeus_n de_fw-fr stat_fw-la relig_n l._n 2._o cap._n 5._o narratio_fw-la card._n amulei_n ad_fw-la con-trident_n pa._n 195._o acta_fw-la conc_fw-fr trident_n cosm._n lib._n 12_o cap._n 2._o foe_n 421_o cypr._n ep._n 75._o p._n 204._o exttra_fw-mi de_fw-fr major_a &_o obedient_a cap._n unam_fw-la sanctam_fw-la sanctam_fw-la gregory_n the_o great_a the_o 62._o pope_n of_o rome_n write_v that_o none_o of_o his_o predecessor_n take_v that_o name_n upon_o they_o the_o word_n transubstantiation_n be_v not_o in_o our_o ancient_a writer_n find_v first_o in_o hovenden_n p._n 304._o who_o live_v about_o the_o year_n 1204._o biel_n canon_n missa_fw-la these_o saint_n we_o have_v in_o england_n inquire_v for_o st._n radegonds_n chapel_n in_o the_o temple_n london_n the_o barren_a woman_n be_v wont_a to_o knock_v at_o one_o of_o the_o knight_n templat_v chamber_n door_n by_o who_o she_o be_v bring_v to_o the_o saint_n for_o help_v st._n bartilmew_n be_v purveyor_n to_o st._n thomas_n becket_n they_o that_o will_v have_v a_o male-child_n offer_v to_o he_o a_o cock_n they_o that_o will_v have_v a_o female_a offer_v a_o hen_n vid._n lamber_n peramb._fw-la page_n 511._o inquire_v for_o st._n uncomber_v in_o st._n paul_n church_n in_o london_n to_o this_o saint_n they_o offer_v oat_n shrine_v at_o wilton_n adoration_n of_o image_n not_o use_v in_o england_n many_o 100_o of_o year_n after_o christ._n alcwine_v write_v a_o book_n against_o it_o subscribe_v by_o our_o bishop_n and_o prince_n read_v roger_n hovenden_n simon_n of_o durham_n flores_n hisstoriarum_fw-la histor_n of_o rochester_n in_o praefatione_fw-la ante_fw-la acta_fw-la theolog_fw-la witerberg_n &_o hieremiam_fw-la patriarcham_fw-la sacran_n ca._n 2._o error_n 3._o thevet_fw-la cos._n lib._n 9_o catho_fw-la trââ_n quae_fw-la 2._o thev_n cosm._n lib._n 10._o brerw_n enqu_n pag._n 159._o john_n 13._o 35._o damian_n a_o go_v de_fw-la aethiopum_fw-la morib_n pag._n 235._o