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A71277 Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 2. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ... Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695. 1692 (1692) Wing W3383A; ESTC R200957 1,495,232 926

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come within the compass of a remedy in a short time and likewise the Tooth-ach infallibly Discourse concerning the Vegitation of Plants Lond. 1661. oct and 69. qu. Spoken on the 23 of Jan. 1660 in a large meeting of the Royal Society in Gresham Coll. Printed in Lat. at Amsterd 1663. and 69. in tw under this title Dissert de plantarum vegitatione Choice and experimental Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery Cordial and distilled Waters and Spirits Perfumes and other Curiosities These two last things were translated out of several Languages for so they were collected and written by George Hartman sometimes Steward to Sir Kenelme the Collector and by him published at Lond. 1668. oct The first was printed afterwards under this title Medicina experimentalis Franc. 1677. oct His Closet opened whereby is discovered several ways of making Metheglin Sider Cherry-wine c. Lond. 1669. 77. oct Excellent directions for Cookery c. Lond. 1669. 77. octavo Choice collection of rare chymical Secrets and Experiments in Philosophy As also rare and unheard of medicines Menstruums and Alkahests with the true secret of volatizing the fixt salt of Tartar c. Lond. 1682. oct c. Published by Hartman before mention'd who had operated for Sir Kenelme for many years These are all the things which he hath written that I yet know of except as some are pleased to say which I scarce believe the Letter to Dr. Sam. Turner concerning the Church and the Revenues thereof Lond. 1646. 47 which he published at the request of the Earl of Dorset See more in Rich. Steuart under the year 1651. He also translated into English A Treatise of adheering to God Lond. 1654. oct Written by Albert the great Bishop of Ratisbon To conclude he paid his last debt to nature in his house in Covent Garden on the eleventh day of June in sixteen hundred sixty and five and was buried in a Vault built at his own charge under the east end of the south Isle or Alley joyning the Choire of Ch. Ch. within Newgate in London by the body of Venetia his sometimes wife daughter and co-heir of Sir Edw. Stanley of Tongue-Castle in Shropshire to whose memory he had some years before his death erected over the said Vault a stately altar monument of black marble and thereon had caused her bust made of Copper gilt to be fastned with four inscriptions of Copper gilt to be affixed to the said monument Which being done he caused the draught or picture of the said monument with the several inscriptions to be entred in a large folio book of Vellam containing the history of the family of Digby which our Author caused to be made of all matters relating thereunto that could be found from record either remaining in the custody of his family or in the Tower or any office in London together with the pictures of their monuments that could be found in any Church whatsoever in which they had been buried Which book as his son John hath said did cost his father about 1000 l. The next year after our Author Sir Kenelme was buried the said monument with bust was spoiled and defaced when the Church it self was burnt in the dismal conflagration that then hapned in London His study of books being a most admirable collection which he had conveyed into France in the time of the Rebellion fell after his death for want of his being naturalized into the French Kings hands of whom being beg'd by a certain Gentleman it was sold as the report then went for ten thousand Crowns Sir Everard Digby father to Sir Kenelme was a most goodly Gentleman and the handsomest man of his time but much pitied for that it was his ill fate to suffer for the Powder-plot in 1605 aged 24 at which time when the Executioner pluck'd out his heart when his body was to be quartered and according to the manner held it up saying Here is the heart of a Traytor Sir Everard made answer Thou liest This a most famous Author mentions but tells us not his name in his Historia vitae mortis The said Sir Everard was son of Everard Digby of Dry stoke before mention'd sometimes Master of Arts and Fellow of S. John's Coll. in Cambridge an 1579 a Publisher then and after of several books as the Bodleian Catalogue will tell you among which is A Dissuasive from taking away the Goods and Livings of the Churchy c. Printed at Lond. in qu. This Everard the Writer died at Dry-stoke in 1592. or thereabouts Sir Ken. Digby had a younger brother called Sir Joh. Digby who very readily serv'd his Majesty K. Ch. 1. when his Parliament took up Arms against him was a Colonel and afterwards a Major Gen. in the western parts of England while Mr. Joh. Digby a younger son of John Earl of Bristow was a Gen. there for his Maj. as I have elsewhere told you JOHN LEWGAR was born of gentile parents in London admitted Commoner of Trin. Coll. in the beginning of the year 1616 and in that of his age 14 took the degrees in Arts holy Orders and in 1632 was admitted to the reading of the Sentences being about that time beneficed in Essex After Will. Chillingwrrth returned from beyond the seas he had several Conferences with him about matters of Religion wherein Chillingworth shewing himself a person of great dexterity Lewgar was at length meerly by the force of his Arguments induced to believe that the Roman Church was a true Church and that the Protestants were all in the wrong as he used often to tell his friends and withall to add that Chillingworth was of no meek and winning spirit but high and conceited and so consequently unfit for a Religion that required Humility and Obedience c. Afterwards our Author Lewgar left his Benefice and Religion and upon the invitation of Cecil Lord Calvert called Lord Baltimore who had been his intimate acquaintance while he was a Gent. Com. of Trin. Coll. travelled into Maryland belonging to the said Lord where after he had spent several years and had buried his wife he returned into England some years before the Restauration of K. Ch. 2. with Father Andrew White a Jesuit who had been sent thither to gain the Barbarians to his Religion After which time he lived in Wild-street near Lond. in the house of the said Lord Baltimore where he wrot Erastus junior a solid Demonstration by Principles forms of Ordination Common Laws Acts of Parliament that no Bishop Minister nor Presbyter hath any Authority to preach c. from Christ but from the Parliament Lond. 1659. 60. Erastus senior scholastically demonstrating this conclusion that admitting Lambeth Records to be true those called Bishops here in England are no Bishops either in Order or Jurisdiction or so much as legal c. Lond. 1662. oct He died of the Plague in the Parish of S. Giles in the Fields near to London in sixteen hundred sixty and five by too much exposing
Lat. and Greek and such books having too few buyers in England none yet are found that will be at the charge of printing the said book He gave up the Ghost in Novemb. in the year sixteen hundred sixty and eight and was buried in the Chancel of Taunton S. Magd. At which time Mr. G. Newton preached a Sermon before a large auditory mostly consisting of Dissenters wherein were many things said to the great honour of the person that then laid dead before him Over his grave was only this engraven on a stone Here Mr. Joseph Allein lies To God and you a sacrifice Not long after was published his life written by Mr. Rich. Baxter who wrot also the introduction Rich. Alleine Rich. Faireclough George Newton his Widow Theodosia Alleine and two conforming Ministers who conceal their names From which Sermon and canting farce or life especially that ridiculous discourse of Theodosia the reader may easily understand what a grand zealot for the cause this our author Jos Alleine was and how his life was spent in actions busie forward if not pragmatical and medling without intermission The said Theodosia a prating Gossip and a meer Zantippe finding Jos Alleine to be a meer Scholar and totally ignorant of Womens tricks did flatter sooth him up and woe and soon after married and brought him to her Luer After she had buried him and being not able to continue long without a consort she freely courted a lusty Chaundler of Taunton alienated his affections by false reports from a young Damsel that he was enamoured with and by three days courting they were the fourth day married as I have been credibly informed by several persons of Taunton and so obtained him meerly to supply her salacious humour In 1●91 our author Alleine had another book put out under his name entit A sure Guide to heaven c. printed in tw RICHARD GOVE a Gentlemans Son was born at South Tavistock in Devonsh became a Commoner of Magd. Hall in Lent term an 1604 aged 18 years where going through the courses of Logick and Philosophy he took the degree of M. of A. an 1611. Afterwards entring into holy Orders he became Chaplain to John Lord Paulet and in Aug. 1618 was by him presented to the rectory of Henton S. George in Somersetshire at which place much about the same time he taught a Grammar School In the time of the rebellion he was outed thence for his loyalty as some of his relations have said but I think false and afterwards retiring to the City of Exeter closed so much with the Presbyterians that he became Minister of S. Davids Church there and for several years was much frequented by them About the time of his Majesties restauration he went to East Coker in Somersetshire where he had lived for some time before he went to Exeter at which place he taught School for some time and afterwards was made Minister of it His works are The Saints hony-comb full of Divine truths touching both Christian belief and a Christian life in two cent Lond. 1652. oct The Communicants guide directing both the younger and elder sort how they may receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Lond. 1654. oct Pious thoughts vented in pithy ejaculations Lond. 1658. oct as also A Catechisme print in oct which I have not yet seen He died on the vigil of the Nativity of our Saviour in sixteen hundred sixty and eight and was buried in the Chancel of the Church of East Coker before mention'd but hath neither inscription or monumental stone over his grave JOHN DENHAM the only Son of Sir Joh. Denham Knight sometimes chief Baron of the Exchecquer in and one of the Lords Justices or Commissioners of Ireland by Eleanor his Wife one of the Daughters of Sir Garret More Kt sometimes Baron of Mellifont in that Kingdom was born within the City of Dublin but being brought thence very young at what time his Father was made one of the Barons of the Exchecquer in England an 1617 he was educated in Grammar learning either in London or Westminster and being made full ripe for the University was sent to Trinity Coll where he became a Gent. Com. in Michaelm term an 1631. aged 16 years But being looked upon as a slow and dreaming young man by his seniors and contemporaries and given more to cards and dice than his study they could never then in the least imagine that he could ever inrich the World with his fansie or issue of his brain as he afterwards did From Trin. Coll. where he continued about 3 years and had been examined in the publick Schools for the degree of Bach. of Arts he went to Lincolns inn where tho he followed his study very close to the appearance of all persons yet he would game much and frequent the company of the unsanctified crew of Gamesters who rook'd him sometimes of all he could wrap or get But his Father having received notice of these matters took him severely to task with many threatnings to cast him off if he did not forbear from so doing Whereupon he wrot a Little Essay against Gaming shewing the vanities and inconveniencies which he presented to his Father to let him know his detestation of it After his Fathers death who died 6. Jan. 1638 and was buried in Egham Church in Surrey he fell to gaming again and shortly after squandred away several thousands of pounds that were left him c. In the latter end of the year 1641 he published the Tragedy called The Sophy which took extremely much and was admired by all ingenious men particularly by Edm. Waller of Beaconsfield who then said of the author that he broke out like the Irish rebellion threescore thousand strong when no body was aware or in the least suspected it Shortly after he was prick'd High Sherriff for Surrey and made Governour of Farnham Castle for the King But he being an inexpert soldier soon after left that office and retired to his Maj. at Oxon where he printed his poem called Coopers hill which hill is in the Parish of Egham in Surrey above Runney mead hath a very noble prospect and the author of it from thence doth admirably well describe several places in his view there which he mentions in that most celebrated poem In 1648 he conveyed or stole away James Duke of York from S. James's in Westminster then under the tuition of Algernon Earl of Northumberland and carried him into France to the Prince of Wales and the Qu. Mother and not long after was sent with William afterwards Lord Crofts as Envoyes to the King of Poland by the said Prince then K. Ch. 2. In 1652 or thereabouts he return'd into England and being in some streights for by gaming and the War he had squandred away much of his Estate at Egham and elsewhere and the rest ordered to be sold by the Parliament 15 July 1651 he was kindly entertain'd by the Earl of Pembroke at Wilton where
sixteen hundred forty and two was buried in a Vault pertaining to his Family situated and being under part of the Church of S. Mildrid in Breadstreet wherein his Father E. Crisp Alderman who died in his Shrivalty of London 13. Nov. 1625. was buried Dr. Crisp left behind him many children begotten on the body of his wife the daugh●er of Rowl Wilson Alderman and Sheriff of London one of the Members of the Long Parliament and of the Council of State 1648-9 See more in Obad. Sedgwick THOMAS GODWIN second Son of Anthony Godw. of Wookey in Somersetshire and he the second Son of Will. Godw. of the City of Wells was born in that County became a Student in Magd. hall in the beginning of the year 1602. and in that of his age 15. Four years after he was made Demie of Magd. Coll where following the studies of Philology and the Tongues with unwearied industry became at length after he was Master of Arts chief Master of Abendon School in Berks Where by his sedulous endeavours were many educated that were afterwards eminent in the Church and State In the year 1616 being then and some years before Chaplain to Dr. Montague Bishop of Bathe and Wells he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences and in 1636 was licensed to proceed in Divinity Before which time he being as 't were broken or wearied out with the drudgery of a School had the Rectory of Brightwell near Wallingford in Berks. confer'd upon him which he kept to his dying day He was a person of a grave and reverend aspect was a grace to his Profession was most learned also in Latin Greek and Hebrew antiquity and admirably well versed in all those matters trequisite for the accomplishment of a Rector of an Academy He hath transmitted to Posterity Romanae Historiae Anthologia An English exposition of the Roman antiquities wherein many Roman and English offices are parallel'd and divers obscure phrases explained In 3 books Oxon 1613 c. qu. Synopsis Antiquitatum Hebraicarum ad explicationem utriusque Testamenti valde necessaria c. lib 3. Oxon. 1616. c. qu. Dedicated to Dr. Jam. Montague B. of B. and Wells and Dean of his Majesties Chappel Moses and Aaron Civil and Ecclesiastical rites used by the ancient Hebrews observed and at large opened for the clearing of many obscure texts throughout the whole Scripture in six books Printed 1625. in qu. Florilegium Phrasicon Or a Survey of the Latine Tongue When this book was first printed I know not for I do not remember that I ever yet have seen the first edition Three arguments to prove Election upon foresight of Faith which coming in Ms into the hands of Twisse of Newbury were by him answered Soon after that answer being sent to our Author Godwin he made a Reply which was confuted by the Rejoynder of Twisse The Presbyterian writers say that tho Dr. Godwin was a very learned Man in the antiquities of the Hebrews Greeks and Latines yet he was fitter to instruct Grammarians than deal with Logicians and had more power as Master of a School at Abendon than as a Doctor of Divinity They further add also that Twisse did by his writings and disputes whip this old Schoolmaster and wrested that Ferula out of his hands which he had enough used with pride and expos'd him to be derided by boyes Dr. Godwin after he had for some years enjoyed himself in great repose in requital of his many labours surrendred up his soul to God 20. March in sixteen hundred forty and two and was buried in the Chancel belonging to his Church of Brightwell before-mention'd He then left behind him a wife named Philippa Tesdale of Abendon who at her own charge caused a Marble stone to be laid over his grave the inscription on which you may read in Hist Antiq. Univ. Oxon lib. 2. p. 201. a. JAMES MABBE was born of gentile Parents in the County of Surrey and Dioc. of Winchester began to be conversant with the Muses in Magd. Coll. in Lent term an 1586 7 aged 16 years made Demie of that house in 87 perpetual Fellow in 95 Mast of Arts in 98 one of the Proctors of the University in 1606 and three years after supplicated the ven congreg of Regents that whereas he had studied the Civil Law for six years together he might have the favour to be admitted to the degree of Bach. of that faculty but whether he was really admitted it appears not At length he was taken into the service of Sir Joh. Digby Knight afterwards Earl of Bristow and was by him made his Secretary when he went Embassadour into Spaine where remaining with him several years improved himself in various sorts of Learning and in the Customs and Manners of that and other Countries After his return into England he was made one of the Lay-prebendaries of the Cath. Ch. of Wells being then in orders was esteemed a learned man good Orator and a facetious conceited Wit He hath translated from Spanish into English under the name of Don Diego Puede-Ser that is James may be 1 The Spanish bawd represented in Celestina or the tragick comedy of Calisto and Melibea c. Lond. 1631. fol. 2 The Rogue or the life of Guzman de Alfarache Lond. 1634. fol. 3d edit Written in Span. by Matth. Aleman 3 Devout contemplations expressd in 42 Sermons upon all the Quadragesimal Gospels Lond. 1629. fol. Originally written by Fr. Ch. de Fonseca 4 The Exemplarie Novels of Mich. de Cervantes Saavedra in six books Lond. 1640. fol. There was another book of the said Cervantes entit Delight in several Shapes c. in six pleasant Histories Lond. 1654. fol. but who translated that into English I cannot tell nor the name of him who translated his Second part of the History of Don Quixot Lond. 1620. qu. As for our Translator Mabbe he was living in sixteen hundred forty and two at Abbotsbury in Dorsetshire in the family of Sir John Strangewaies and dying about that time was buried in the Church belonging to that place as I have been informed by one of that name and family lately fellow of Wadham College in Oxon. DAVID PRIMEROSE second Son of Gilb. Primerose a Scot and D. D. mention'd in the Fasti an 1624. was born in the City of S. Jean d' Angely within the Province of Xantoigne in France educated in Philosophical learning in the University of Bordeaux made an Excursion to this University of Oxon in his younger years for the sake of the Bodleian Library and conversation of protestant Theologists returned to Bordeaux where he proceeded Master of Arts and visited other places of learning Afterwards he went to Oxon again to improve his knowledge and studies by the learning and doctrine of Dr. Prideaux the Kings Professor of Divinity entred himself a Sojourner of Exeter Coll. in 1623 was incorporated Mr. of Arts in the latter end of that year and soon after performed the
University He was another Tully and Virgil as being most excellent for Oratory and Poetry in which faculties as also in the Greek tongue he was so full and absolute that those that best knew him knew not in which he most excell'd So admirably well vers'd also was he in Metaphysicks that when he was Reader of them in the University the exposition of them was never better performed than by him and his Predecessor Th. Barlow of Qu. Coll. His preaching also was so graceful and profound withal that none of his time or age went beyond him So that if the Wits read his Poems Divines his Sermons and Philosophers his Lectures on Aristotles Metaphysicks they would scarce believe that he died at a little above thirty years of age But that which is most remarkable is that these his high parts and abilities were accompanied with so much candour and sweetness that they made him equally beloved and admired of all persons especially those of the Gown and Court who esteemed also his life a fair copy of practick piety a rare example of heroick worth and in whom Arts Learning and Language made up the true complement of perfection He hath written The Lady-errant Trag. Com. Royal Slave Trag. Com. Oxon. 1640. second edit Acted before the K. and Q. by the Students of Ch. Ch. 30 Aug. 1636. See in Hist Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. 1. p. 344. b. 345. a. The Ordinary Com. Siedge or Love's convert Trag. Com. Poems All which were gathered into one Vol. and printed at Lond. 1651. oct usher'd then into the world by many copies of Verses mostly written by Oxf. men among whom were Jasper Mayne D. D. Joh. Castilion B. D. afterwards Dean of Rochester Robert Waring Mart. Lluellin Joh. Fell Franc. Palmer Rich. Goodridge Tho. Severne c. all of Ch. Church Hen. Earl of Monmouth Sir Rob. Stapylton Edw. Sherbourn afterwards a Knight Jam. Howell Franc. Finch Joh. Finch of Ball. Coll. Brethren to Sir Heneage Finch sometimes Lord Chanc. of England Will. Creed of S. Joh. Coll. Joh. Birkenhead of All 's Coll. Hen. Vaughan the Silurist and Eugenius Philalethes his brother both of Jesus Coll. Josias How and Ralph Bathurst of Trin. Coll. Mathew Smallwood of Brasnose Hen. Bold of New and Will. Bell of S. Johns Coll. c. Our Author Cartwright also wrot Poemata Graeca Latina An Off-spring of mercy issuing out of the womb of crueltie Or a passion serm preached at Ch. Ch. in Oxon on Acts 2.23 Lond. 1652. oct Of the signal days in the month of Nov. in relation to the Crown and Royal Family A poem Lond. 1671. in one sh in qu. besides Poems and Verses which have Ayres for several Voices set to them by the incomparable Henry Lawes servant to K. Ch. 1. in his publick and private musick who outliving the tribulations which he endured for the royal cause was restored to his places after the return of K. Ch. 2. and for a short time lived happy and venerated by all lovers of musick He was buried by the title of Gentleman of his Majesties Chappel in the Cloister belonging to S. Peters Church within the City of Westminster 25 Octob. 1662. As for Cartwright who had the Succentors place in the Church of Salisbury confer'd on him by Bishop Duppa in the month of Octob. 1642 was untimely snatch'd away by a malignant fever call'd the Camp-disease that raged in Oxon. he being then one of the Proctors of the University to the great grief of all learned and vertuous men and to the resentment of the K. and Qu. then there who very anxiously enquired of his health in the time of his sickness on the 29 of Nov. in sixteen hundred forty and three and was buried on the first day of Dec. towards the upper end of the south isle joyning to the Choire of the Cathedral of Ch. Church In his Proctorship succeeded Joh. Maplet M. A. of the same house who served out the remaining part of the year and in his Succentorship Rob. Joyner of Oxford THOMAS MASTER son of Will. Master Rector of Cote near to a mercate town call'd Cirencester in Glocestershire was born at Cote but descended from the gentile family of the Masters living in the said town of Cirencester initiated in Grammar learning by Mr. Henry Topp a noted Master of that place afterward ripened for the University in Wykeham's school near Winchester admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll. after he had served two years of probation an 1624 took the degrees in Arts that of Master being compleated 1629 holy orders and at length in 1640 was admitted to the reading of the Sentences At which time he was arrived to great Learning was esteemed a vast scholar a general Artist and Linguist a noted Poet and a most florid preacher He hath written Mensa lubrica Montgom illustriss Domino D. Edwardo Baroni de Cherbury Oxon. 1658. qu. second edit the first having been printed on one side of a large sheet of paper 'T is a poem written in Lat. and Engl. describing the game call'd Shovel-board play published with Sir Henry Saviles Oration to Qu. Elizab. by Mr. Tho. Ba●low of Qu. Coll. in Oxon. an 1658. printed there again in Dec. 1690. in half a sh in qu. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This Greek Poem which is printed with Mensa lubrica was made by him on the Passion of Christ 19 Apr. 1633. rendred into excellent Lat. verse by Hen. Jacob of Merton Coll. and into English by Abr. Cowley the Prince of Poets of his time which Lat. and Engl. copies are printed with the Greek Oxon. 1●58 qu. Monarchia Britannica sub auspiciis Elizabethae Jacobi in oratione quam pro more habuit in capella Coll. Novi 6 Kal. Apr. 1642. Oxon. 1661. qu. 1681. oct published by his friend and acquaintance Joh. Lamphire Doct. of Phys sometimes Fellow of New Coll afterwards Comdens Prof. of History Iter boreale Oxon. 1675 in two sheets and an half in qu. written in prose and verse and dedicated to his Father Will. Master beforemention'd 25 Sept. 1637. published by George Ent of the Middle Temple son and heir of Sir George Ent Kt. then a sojourner and student in Oxon being about that time entred a Member of Wadh. Coll. Which George Ent. the son wrot and published The grounds of Unity in religion or an expedient for a general conformity and pacification printed in 1679 in one sheet in qu. In which year in Aug. or thereabouts he departing this mortal life was buried in the Church belonging to the Temples in London Our Author Master also hath written other Poems as 1 Carolas redux 1623. 2 Ad regem Carolum 1625. 3 On Bish Lake 1626. 4 On Ben. Johnson 1637. and 5 On Vaulx but these I think are not printed He was a drudge to and assisted much Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury when he was obtaining materials for the writing the Life of K. Hen. 8. Four thick Volumes in fol. of
all likelyhood in a certain possibility of rising higher if the times had not interrupted him In the beginning of 1640 he was elected Burgess for Q. Mynhead in Somersetshire to sit in that Parliament which began at Westminster 13 Apr. the same year and soon after siding with his Maj. in the rebellious times suffer'd much in his estate having 300 l. at one time given thence to one Serle a widdow In the month of Sept. in 1648 he and Dr. Ryves were sent for to Newport in the Isle of Wight by his Majesty to be assisting to him in his Treaty with the Commissioners sent from Parliament But that Treaty taking no effect he retired to his habitation at Chiswick near London where living to see his Master murdered before his own door he soon after ended his life He was a person of smooth Language was an excellent Civilian and a tolerable Poet especially in his younger days and well vers'd in Histories whether ecclesiastical or civil He hath extant Vita Henrici Chichele Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis sub Regibus Henric. V. VI. Oxon. 1617. qu. remitted into the Collection of Lives published by Dr. Bates an 1681. De usu authoritate Juris civilis Romanorum in Dominiis Principum Christianorum lib. 2. Lond. 1●53 and 79. oct Leyd●● 1654. Lips 1668. in tw c. In which book Dr. Gerard Langbaines labours were so much that he deserved the name of Co-author Dr. Duck paid his last debt to nature in the month of May in sixteen hundred forty and nine and was buried in the Church at Chiswick in Middlesex to the poor of which place he gave 10 l. He left considerable legacies to Exeter and All 's Colleges and 10 l. to the poor of North Cadbury in Somersetshire besides other gifts of charity elsewhere which for brevity sake I now pass by RICHARD ALLEN was born in or near to Abendon in Berks was originally of Ball. Coll. and as a member of that house he took one degree in Arts. Afterwards he was made one of the first Scholars of Pembr Coll proceeded in his faculty was made Fellow and at length beneficed near Ewelme in Oxfordshire He hath written An antidote against heresie or a preservative for Protestants against the poyson of Papists Anabaptists c. Lond. 1648. dedicated to his Uncles Sir Tho. Gainsford Kt and Humph. Huddleston Esq One of both his names but after in time was Pastor of Henfield in Sussex and Author of Englands Distemper their cause and cure according to the judgment of famous Princes Peers Parliaments c. occasion'd by a learned Frier accusing the whole Nation of Perjury for abjuring Transubstantiation and sent to the Author for a reply Lond. 1677. qu. in 3 sh and an half Whether this Rich. Allen was ever of Oxon I know not I shall make mention of Rich. Allein among these Writers under the year 1681. NICHOLAS DARTON a Cornish man born was entred into Exet. Coll. either in the condition of a Batler or Servitour in Mich. term 1618 aged 15 years took one degree in Arts afterwards holy orders and at length became Minister of Killesbye in Northamptonshire He hath extant Several sermons as 1 The true and absolute Bishop with the Converts return unto him on 1 Pet 2.25 Lond. 1641. qu. dedicated to Will Lord Say at which time the Author who was always before esteemed a Puritan closed with the Presbyterian Party He hath one or more extant which I have not yet seen Ecclesia Anglicana or his clear and protestant Manifesto as an evangelical key sent to the Governour of Oxford for the opening of the Church doors there that are shut up without prayers or preaching Printed 1649. qu. JOHN PRIDEAUX was born in an obscure town called Stowford near to Lyfton in Devon on the 17 of Sept. 1578 became a poor Scholar of Exeter Coll. under the tuition of Will. Helme Bach. of Div. in Act term 1596 and in 1602 was elected probat Fellow of that house being then Bach. of Arts. In the year after he proceeded in that Faculty and thereupon entred into holy Orders so that being soon after noted for his great Learning and profound Divinity he was elected Rector of his Coll. upon the death of Holland in 1612 he being then Bach. of Div. and the same year proceeded in the same faculty In 1615 he was upon the promotion of Dr. Abbot to the See of Sarum made the Kings Professor of Divinity by vertue of which he was made Canon of Ch. Ch. and Rector of Ewelme in Oxfordshire And afterwards did undergo the Office of Vicechancellour of this University for several years as I have elsewhere told you In the Rectorship of his College he carried himself so winning and pleasing by his gentle government and fatherly instruction that it flourished more than any house in the University with Scholars as well of great as of mean birth as also with many Foreigners that came purposely to set at his feet to gain instruction So zealous he was also in appointing industrious and careful Tutors that in short time many were fitted to do service in the Church and State In his Professorship he behaved himself very plausible to the generality especially for this reason that in his Lectures Disputes and Moderatings which were always frequented with many Auditors he shew'd himself a stout Champion against Socinus and Arminius Which being disrellish'd by some who were then rising and in authority at Court a faction thereupon grew up in the University between those called Puritans or Calvinists on the one side and the Remonstrants commonly called Arminians on the other which with other matters of the like nature being not only fomented in the University but throughout the Nation all things thereupon were brought into confusion to the sorrow of the Puritan who had with all his might opposed Canterbury in his generous designs of making the English Church glorious At length after he had sate 26 years Professor he was one of those persons of unblemished reputation that his Majesty tho late made a Bishop by the endeavours as some say of James Marq. of Hamilton his somtimes Pupil The See which he was design'd to govern was Worcester to which being elected 22. of Nov. was consecrated at Westminster on the 19. of Dec. following an 1641 but received little or no profit from it to his great impoverishment So that upon that account and for his adhering to his Maj. in the time of the Civil War wherein he pronounced all those of his diocess that took up arms against him excommunicated he became at length Verus Librorum helluo for having first by indefatigable studies digested his excellent Library into his mind was after forced again to devour all his books with his teeth turning them by a miraculous faith and patience into bread for himself and his children to whom he left no legacy but pious poverty Gods blessing and a Fathers prayers as it appears in
said elaborate Treatises and some conceive that the pains and travels of bringing forth the younger tho more spiritual manchild did cost him his life They are and have been both taken into the hands of learned men and by them often quoted The Author is stiled by the head of the Presbyterian Party A very learned and great Conformist and by others of moderate perswasion a most profound Clerk He died at Burton commonly called Burton place before mention'd on the second day of December in sixteen hundred fifty and two and was not buried according to his Will in the Chancel of the said Chap. or Church which Sir Will Goring denied because he left him not those Legacies he expected but in the body under the Readers seat Over his grave tho there be no monument with inscription on it which the Testator desir'd yet on the south Wall of the Chancel of Harwell Church before mention'd is fastned a Tablet of Free-stone with this written on it which shall now go for his Epitaph for want of a better Christopher Elderfield Clerk born in this Parish gave by his last will and testament three hundred and fifty pounds with two hundred fourscore and four pounds whereof was bought so much land in the Parish of South Moreton as is worth twenty pounds per an And the other sixty and six pounds thereof residue according to a Decree in his Majesties Court of Chancery remain in the hands of the Church-wardens and other Officers of Hagborne the benefit whereof he willed to be employed yearly in works of charity bounty or piety for the good of this Parish But he expresly forbid that it should be added to the making up of taxes or any other way perverted to the easing of able men upon any pretence particularly he willed every Spring two good milch Cows to be bought and given to two the poorest men or widdows burdned with many children toward their sustentation He died Decemb. 2. an dom 1652. Thus far the inscription He also beside several Legacies which he left to several people bequeathed to the University of Oxon his Manuscripts of Lyra on the Psalmes the History of Tobit in Hebrew with Rodolphus his Postills bound up with Lyra Clemens Romanus with the Tract of Purgatory bound up with it He left also six and thirty pounds to be bestowed upon godly poor Ministers cast down by these times meaning loyal Ministers ejected from their Livings JOHN DIGBY was born of an antient and gentile family living in the Parish of Coleshill in Warwickshire in the month of Febr. 1580 became a Commoner of Magd. Coll. in 1595 and the next year I find him to be one of the Poets of the University to bewail the death of Sir Hen. Unton of Wadley in Berks. Knight Afterwards he travelled into France and Italy and returned a well-qualified Gentleman So that his Abilities and Fidelity being occasionally discerned by K. James he was admitted Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and one of his Majesties Carvers in the year 1605 being then newly created Master of Arts of this University On the 16 of Feb. following he received the honor of Knighthood and in Apr. 1611 he was sent Ambassador into Spain as he was afterwards again in 1614. In the beginning of January about the third day 1615 Sir Franc. Cottington was sent into Spain to call him home and about the middle of March following he returned into England On the 3 of Apr. 1616 he was admitted one of the Kings Privy Council and Vicechamberlain of his Majesties Houshold in the place of Philip Lord Stanhope who was persuaded by the Kings Letters to give up that Office In July 1617 he was sent again into Spain and the next year upon his return he was advanced to the dignity of a Baron of this Realm 25 of Nov. by the Title of the Lord Digby of Shirebourne in Dorsetshire In 1620 he was sent Ambassador to the Archduke Albert and the next year following to Ferdinand the Emperor as also to the Duke of Bavaria Whence returning in Octob. 1621 he was again in 1622 employed Ambassador extraordinary to the Spaniard touching a Marriage between Prince Charles who followed him in few months after and Princess Maria Daughter to Philip 3. King of that Realm and on the 15 of Sept. the same year he was created Earl of Bristow After his return he shew'd himself right able to appear before the English Parliament where he worsted the greatest Minion Buckingham the Folly Love or Wisdom of any King since the Conquest ever bred in this Nation As thro a prodigious dexterity he became the Confident of K. James so likewise of his son K. Ch. 1. for a time tho they drove on if not contrary divers designs From that time till the beginning of the Long Parliament we find no great matter of him when then he being found guilty of concealing some say of promoting a Petition of the Gentry and Ministers of Kent which was to be delivered to the Parliament he with Thomas Mallet were committed for a time to the Tower 28 March 1642. Afterwards perceiving full well what destructive Courses the Members of that Parliament took he left them and became a zealous Adherer to the King and his Cause for which at length he suffer'd Exile and the loss of his Estate He hath extant these things following Several Speeches as 1 Speech in the High Court of Parliament 7 Dec. 1640. About which time he spake another upon the delivery of the Scottish Remonstrance and Schedule of their Charges 2 Sp. in the High Court of Parl. 20 May 1642. concerning an accommodation of Peace and Union to be had between the K. and his two Houses of Parliament Lond. 1642. qu. in one sh Reprinted at Caen in Normandy 1647. in fol. and qu. The speaking of which Speech giving displeasure to the H. of Lords he thereupon spake 3 Another Speech 11 June 1642 in vindication of the former and of accommodation Lond. 1642. in 1 sh in qu. Repr at Caen in 1647. in fol. and qu. 4 Sp. at the Council Table in favour of the continuation of the present War Oxon 1642. qu. It was spoken after Edghill Fight and was reprinted at Lond. the same year Other Speeches of his I have seen in MS. which for brevity sake I now pass by A Tract wherein is set down those motives and ties of Religion Oaths Laws Loyalty and Gratitude which obliged him to adhere unto the King in the late unhappy Wars in England Tract wherein he vindicateth his honor and innocency from having in any kind deserved that injurious and merciless censure of being excepted from pardon or mercy either in life or fortunes These two Tracts have the general Title of His Apologie Appendix containing many particulars specified in his first Tract meaning his Motives and tyes of Religion with the citations of the Chapters and Pages wherein they are cited The said two Tracts with the Appendix
the objects and office of faith as justifying c. Oxon 1657. oct and other things as 't is probable which I have not yet seen HENRY PARKER the fourth son of Sir Nich. Parker of Ratton in the Parish of Willington in Sussex Kt. by Catharine his wife dau of Joh. Temple of Stow in Bucks Esq was born in Sussex at Ratton I think became a Commoner of S. Edm. Hall in the latter end of 1621 aged 17 years or thereabouts took the degrees in Arts that of Master being compleated in 1628 he being then a Member of Lincolns Inn and about that time a Barrester When the grand Rebellion began he sided with the Presbyterians and became Secretary to the Army under Robert Earl of Essex in which office he continued some years to his enrichment Afterwards he turned and became an Independent went beyond the seas and lived for some time at Hamborough At length when Oliver Cromwell came to be General he was called thence to be a Brewers Clerk that is to be Secretary to the said Cromwell with whom he was in great esteem He hath written A discourse concerning Puritans Tending to a Vindication of those who unjustly suffer by the mistake abuse and misapplication of that name Lond. 1641. in 9 sh in qu. which is the second edit much enlarged Observations upon some of his Majesties late Answers and Expresses Lond. 1642. qu. Answer'd by Dudley Digges of All 's Coll. Of a free trade a discourse seriously recommending to our Nation the wonderful benefits of trade c. Lond. 1648. in 5 sh in qu. Answer to