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A41556 Some observations on the fables of Æsop as commented upon by Sir Roger L'Estrange, kt. Yet not on all, for some need not any addition or review, and there be many of them which are coincident as to the individual scope, I mean the same moral instruction, which is couched in them. Illustrated with several pertinent stories of antient and modern history. By a divine of the Church of Scotland. Gordon, James, 1640?-1714. 1700 (1700) Wing G1284; ESTC R215162 66,798 60

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be excluded by the Canons of the Church and so would all of You replyed He i●… the election had run in the old Channel for the King had nominated them all FAB CCXCVIII Page 260. Here he might have hinted at the ridiculous luxurie of the Emperour Heliogabalus who as Lampridius reports in the historie of His infamous Life when he was nigh to the sea or any river or Lake of fresh waters he would eat no fith at all but would have his Table served with variety of the most delicate fleshes that could be found in the world but when he was farr from the sea then nothing could please him but the most delicious fishes of all sorts so that it is most just with providence to reduce such foolish voluptuous Brutes into such a starving condition as to be glad of the Mus●…y Crumbs which did sometimes fal from their own superfluous Tables FAB CCXCIX Page 260. There be too manie selfish Creatures in the world who resemble the Hedge-Hogg which roules it self in it's own soft Downe and turns out it's Bristles to all the world beside like to that fatt Abbot in the dayes of Henry VIII of England who hearing his Monks lamenting that they were about to be robbed both of their subsistence and religion by that Tyrannicall Prince The selfish Abbot stroaked down his own fatt belly and over-grown paunch then subjoyned Modo hic sit bene i. e. provyding it fared well with his own sensuall appetite he cared not whether religion did sink or swim for the reader must know that he had received assurance of a large pension dureing his own life therefore he was the less concerned with the livelyhoods of others FAB CCCI. Page 262 Fox in his volum●…nous Martyrology tells of a Black-smith in England who in the days of Edward VI. was verie zealous in promoting the Reformation according to his pith and having been instrumentall in proselyting a young man to the reformed religion the said youth being ha●…ed to prison in the dayes of Queen Marie he wondered when He heard that His Ghostly father was still working at liberty in his Forge Therefore he sent and expostulated with him why he was not become a Confessour in expectation of that glorious Crown of Martyrdome to whom he returned this unchristian answer that himselfe was as sincere a Protestant as ever but that he could not burn yet he who would not willingly suffer for the Truth was shortly after brunt alive against his will and that in his own house none knowing how that fire was kindled FAB CCCX Page 272. Here we have an expression of the judicious Commentator That It 's impious for any man to call for death in earnest which indefinit proposition as equivalent to an universall I cannot approve unless I should condemn S. Paul of impiety when he said I desire to be dissolved and to ●…e with Christ which is best of all neither find I anie man blaming Epiphanius a zealous Primitive Father for saying frequently that He was long agoe wearie of the fable of this world and no doubt whosoever is wearie of a heavie burden he desires to be ridd of it farr less do we find any reprehending S. Augustine who when he heard that Genseri●…k with his Vandalls was designing to lay siege to Hippo his Episcopall See prayed earnestly to the LORD of Hosts that either he would not suffer that Arrian Senacherib to raise a bank against his Citie or secondly that the Enemy should not prevail over it or thirdly that GOD would be pleased to close His Fyes that he might no●… see the the great calamities that were coming upon his people Now the Almighty having graciously granted the last petition we have good reason to conclude that his prayer was not in any part of it displeasing neither find I any taxing that excellent christian Philosopher and Poet nam'd Boethius Sever●…n ●…s for wishing frequently in imitation of Iob to be ridd of an evill world declaring that ●…e had death in desire and life but in patience Yea in that notable litle treatise De Consolatione Philosophiae He verie plainly insinuats that Death was distastfull unto him when he enjoyed his liberty and honour in the court of Rome but regrates that it fled from Him in his prison at Pavi●… tho' he had called for it more than once as we may perceive from the first Stanza of his excellent verses M●…rs hominum foelix quae nec se dulcibus an●…is Inserit n●…oestis saepe vocata venit Dum levibus male●…da bonis Fortuna faveret Paene caput tristis mors erat ●…ora meum Nun●… quia fallacem mutavit nubila vultum Protrahit ingratas impia vi●…a moras I never found any judicious Casuist condemning of Impiety any sincere Christian for praying frequently and seriously for Death yet always with a due submission to the Will of GOD that he might be totaly and finaly put without the reach of sin and temptation to sin especially those Foedae Tentationes as Divines call them which for many yeares have been forced in upon them by the Divell like to flashes of lightning violently and suddenly for such a prayer is equivalent to that Lamentation of S. Paul Ah wretched creature that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death This notable expression implying a vehement desire after a present communion with Christ which He knew would not be enjoyed so long as there was any remainder of sin or corruption in the Soul Yea when a true Christian from long and sad experience hath ground to compare his own leprous soul to some leprous houses under the Law which could never be throughly cleansed till they were pulled down and to conclude that till the clay tabernacle of the body be dissolved that he feares he shall never be throughly cleansed from that spirituall leprosy o●… sin and corruption I am so far from apprehending that a prayer meerly on such an account is displeasing to GOD that on the contrary it s very acceptable to Heaven because its motives directly aim at the Glorie of GOD. But finally I readily grant that to pray for death seriously allanarly to be ridd of miserie is not acceptable to GOD because it proceeds usually from those who would keep Heaven only as a reserve that they may injoy its Felicities when all worldly happiness is gone this is in effect nothing else but an efflux of a discontented mind with the providence of GOD because the Sun of prosperity hath ceased to shine upon their Earthly Tabernacle Yet when a good Man in conjunction with the former spirituall motives is prompted by vehement Arthriticall or Nephriticall pains to wish for death I cannot condemn such a prayer since the almighty hath commanded us to call upon him in the day of trouble which in my weak Judgement imports not only to pray for the divine assistance to support and comfort us and for a proportionable measure of patience but also