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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02616 The great bragge and challenge of M. Champion a Jesuite co[m]monlye called Edmunde Campion, latelye arriued in Englande, contayninge nyne articles here seuerallye laide downe, directed by him to the lordes of the Counsail, / co[n]futed & aunswered by Meredith Hanmer ... Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581.; Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. 1581 (1581) STC 12745; ESTC S3923 32,146 62

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THE GREAT bragge and challenge of M. Champion a Iesuite cōmonlye called Edmunde Campion latelye arriued in Englande contayninge nyne articles here seuerallye laide downe directed by him to the Lordes of the Counsail cōfuted aunswered by Meredith Hanmer M. of Art and Student in Diuinitie INPRINTED at London in Fletstreate nere vnto Sayncte Dunstons Church by Thomas Marsh. 1581. TO THE RIGHT HONORABL SIR THOMAS Bromley Knight lorde Chaunceler of Englande VVilliam L. Burleigh and Lord Treasorer Rob ert Earle of Leicester Edward Earle of Lyncolne with the rest of her Maiestyes most honourable Counsayle continuaunce of healthe encrease of honoure and all Heauenlye wisedome WHereas Right Honorable there came lately into my hands an insolēt bragge or challēge contayning nyne poyntes or articles and subscribed by M. Champion a Iesuite and as he calleth himselfe a Priest of the Catholike faith latelye arriued here in Englande and the same directed vnto-your Honours by waye of humble sute and petition I thought it my duety vnder your Lordships fauoure and correction to peruse the same to scanne his drift and to answeare his bragges and challenge as farre forth as it concernes my degree and the common weale of the Clergie of England His petition is to your honours for fauoure his quarell is to the Clergie for Religion and his drift as farforth as yet it may bee perceiued is to seduce her Maiestyes louing and faythfull Subiectes with showe of Catholike Priesthood and profession Vnto your honours he directed the Challenge to be receiued and vnto your honours with all humility I send it answered submitting my selfe and the whole to your wisedomes fauorable interpretations It is no new deuise but an old practice of Satan thus to send forth his wicked spirites to sow tares among the wheat who wayting all opportunity not daring in the clere light and broad day to work his feats doth it by stelth and in the night season when men sleepe in the security of Sinne wherfore the Kinge ruleth the Priest prayeth the husbandman ploweth euery one in his calling is to serue the Lord and that in watchfulnes My selfe as the simplest togeather with my bretherne of the Clergie we I say ioyntlye are greatlye bound to render vnto God harty thankes and praises for the vertuous peaceable and prosperous raigne of our soueraygne Lady the Quenes maiesty in whose blessednes we are blessed in whose peace we enioy quietnes and of whose vertue and piety we are partakers Her temperall swerd aduaunceth the swerd of the Spirite which is the worde of God and the messengers therof are shielded vnder her shadow and countenaunce As Daniell sayed of his Lorde and Mayster the Kinge so say wee dayly and hourely of our Lady and Mistres the Queene O noble Queene liue for euer Secondlye wee blesse God for your honours and instantly craue the continuance of your health with the encrease of all heauenly knowledge in your calling to countenaunce vnder her Maiesty the preaching of Gods worde to commaund the buildinge of his church and to roote out those that goe aboute to destroy the vineyarde of the Lord. And presently touching the challenge of this bragging Champion in the name of my fellow laborers and brethren of the Clergie I refer the determination therof vnto your Lordships so that if you graunt it either priuately or publiquely he shall bee disputed withall His bragge is but bumbast their religion is in showe not in substance they haue wordes and not truth I will not presume to craue licence for him but hartely wish with the Apostle that they were cut of which molest vs and the quiet state of the Church of England Thirdly in brotherly loue I am to desire of her Maiesties louing subiects not lightly to credite such insolēt brags not vnaduisedly to receiue such wandrers from Rome but in the feare of God to beholde what is and hath bene sayd for the truth and to cleaue fast vnto the word of God And so I ceasse further to trouble your Lordships but with remembraunce of my humble duty I pray vnto the lord long to blesse preserue your Honors From London the second of Ianuarie 1580. Your L. most humble at commaundemēt Meredith Hanmer TO M. CHAMPION THE Challenger Meredith Hanmer the Answerer sendeth greetinge YOur scroles of lesse credite in myne opinion thē sybilles leaues lately flowen abrode fell vppon an hollowe Reede and sounded the contentes and secrecy thereof Rex Midas habet aures Asininas We know you well ynough and your profession better We see by your methode how yee handle your matter we gather by your Pilgrimage your profite in studye Stultus populus quaerit Romam I woulde wish yee dealte playnlye cast of the Popes pelte discouer the sonne of Semiramis who was a naturall I would heare not a Romanist but an Englishman speake Your person in brotherly loue I am to embrace but the dregges of idolatrye you dranke at Rome I vtterlye deteste Leaue of that whiche your owne friendes wil mislyke in you put on modestye come not to confute but to be confirmed and when ye haue sayd all confesse Nihil est iam dictum quod non sit dictum prius Proceede not in wilfulnes it is hard to kicke agaynst the pricke the trueth is great and it preuayleth if yee will struggle in the limetwigge of follye you wil be the further from flying if ye swim agaynst the streame yee shal but labor in vayne if yee play the Champion and thus challenge all the Protestantes yt passeth your strength yee must nedes fall you know ne Hercules contra duos and yet Champion agaynst all if it would please ye to construe these few liues togeather with myne answeare in the better parte I shall haue the better cause to like of you if otherwyse well I may take thoughte but it shal greue me not a Iote if yee haue licence to dispute ye shalbe disputed withall if yee write yee shalbe answeared If ye recant ye shal be ioyfully receiued VALE M. Hanmer the aunswerer vnto the Christian Reader THe meanes that Satan vseth to deceaue Gods people are infinite good christian Reader his illusions are stronge his chaine hath manye linkes and runneth to greate length hee transformeth himselfe to an Angell of Light and al to delude the simple christians His power is ouer the children of vnbeliefe his kingdome wide and his subiectes many An Aegyptian Sorcerer drevv after him as Luke writeth foure thousande Iewes as Iosephus saith thirty thousand Barchochebas calling himselfe a stare had as Eusebius writeth fiftye thousand follovvers There are heathens and infidels that cannot be numbred The number of Turkes and Saracens is in finite the Arrians deceaued thousandes and the Church of Rome at this day with the goldē cup of idolatry and abhomination maketh drunk the inhabitants of the earrh And whereas these Romanistes of a long time hauinge receaued honor reuerence good opiniō because of their holy orders now